part-1_sec3_Polyphase Representation




・综 述・多聚磷酸盐在原核和真核生物中的研究进展3魏 峥 聂琰晖 刘乐庭 卢 洁 于常海△(北京大学神经科学研究所/基础医学院神经生物学系,教育部神经科学重点实验室,卫生部神经科学重点实验室,北京100191)摘要 多聚磷酸盐(polyphos phate,poly P )广泛存在于自然界无机环境和生命有机体。

细菌学研究显示,poly P 可增强细胞抵抗外界恶劣环境的能力,促进严瑾反应(strigent res ponse )和孢子形成,促进生物被膜的形成,提高捕食能力,增强细菌毒力等。

对真核生物的研究发现,poly P 可以促进正常成骨细胞和成纤维细胞分化成熟,参与胞内钙的贮存与释放,刺激一些肿瘤细胞增殖等。

本文从现有的信息入手,推测poly P 在神经系统中的功能。

关键词 多聚磷酸盐;中枢神经系统;多聚磷酸盐激酶;外切聚磷酸酶中图分类号 Q42Progress i n Functi ona l Polyphospha te i n Prokaryoti c and Eukaryoti c L i v i n g O rgan is m s W E I Zheng ,N I E Yan 2Hui ,LAU Lok 2Ting ,LU J ie ,Y U A lbert Cheung 2Hoi (N euroscience R esearch Institu 2te,Peking U niversity,D epart m ent of N eu robiology,School of B asic M edical Sciences,Peking U niversity,Key L ab for N euroscience,theM inistry of Education,and Key L ab for N euroscience,theM in istry of Public Health,Beijing 100191,China )Abstract Polyphos phate (poly P )has been widely identified in both inorganic envir onment and living organis m s .Research sho ws that poly P in bacteria enhances their resistance t o severe envir on ment,trig 2gers their p r otective res ponses,increases bi ofil m f or mati on and involves in p redati on and bacterial viru 2lence .I n eukaryotes,poly P has been found t o enhance the p r oliferati on of fibr oblast and many tumor cell lines,induce the calcificati on of osteoblast and be involved in calcium i on release .Based on the existing infor mati on,we atte mp t t o discuss the possible functi ons of poly P in the nervous syste m.Key words polyphos phate;central nervous syste m;polyphos phate kinase;exopolyphos phatase 多聚磷酸盐(polyphos phate,poly P )作为一种广泛存在的线性多聚体,由几个至数百个磷酸盐残基(Pi )通过与ATP 磷酸酐键相同的高能磷酸键相互聚合形成(图1)。



第22卷第6期高分子材料科学与工程Vo l.22,N o.6 2006年11月POLYM ER M AT ERIALS SCIENCE AND EN GINEERING No v.2006三硫代碳酸酯引发的苯乙烯活性自由基光聚合冉 蓉,于 游,万 涛,王跃川(四川大学高分子科学与工程学院,高分子材料工程国家重点实验室,四川成都610065)摘要:合成了一种可逆加成-断裂链转移聚合(RA FT)链转移试剂S,S′-二( , ′-甲基- ″-乙酸)三硫代碳酸酯(T RIT),对以T RI T为链转移剂,苯乙烯(St)等单体室温下的紫外光引发聚合进行了研究。



用FT-IR、N M R等方法对所得聚合物的结构进行了研究,结果表明,聚合物分子链中含有三硫代碳酸酯基。

以合成的含有三硫代碳酸酯基的P St-S-C(=S)-S-P St为大分子引发剂,在相同的光聚合条件下引发丙烯酸丁酯(BA),得到了分子量分布窄的PSt-PBA-PSt三嵌段共聚物。

关键词:三硫代碳酸酯;可逆加成-断裂链转移聚合;活性聚合;U V光引发中图分类号:T Q316.31+2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-7555(2006)06-0075-04 相比其它的控制聚合方法,可逆加成-断裂链转移(RAFT)“活性”自由基聚合适用的单体范围更广泛,在聚合物产品中不残留金属催化剂杂质,聚合反应操作条件温和,可通过本体、溶液、乳液、悬浮等多种方法实施,还可以借助于活性末端引入功能基团,并可合成线性、嵌段、刷型、星型等多种具有精细结构的高分子,因此被认为是最有工业前景的活性聚合方法[1]。


LTC1232 精密电源监控模块说明书

LTC1232 精密电源监控模块说明书

123sn1232 1232fasSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMINTYP MAX UNITSV CC Supply Voltage● 4.555.5V V IH ST and PB RST Input High Level ●2V CC +0.3V V ILST and PB RST Input Low Level●–0.30.8VDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MINTYP MAX UNITS I IL Input Leakage (Note 3)●–11µA I OH Output Current at 2.4V (Note 5)●–1–13mA I OL Output Current at 0.4V (Note 5)●26mAI CC Supply Current (Note 4)●0.52mA V CCTP V CC Trip Point TOL = GND ● 4.5 4.62 4.74 V V CCTP V CC Trip PointTOL = V CC●4.254.37 4.49 V V HYS V CC Trip Point Hysteresis 40mV V RSTRST Output Voltage at V CC = 1VI SINK = 10µA4200mVThe ● denotes the specifications which applyover the full operating temperature. V CC = full operating range.The ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature. V CC = full operating range.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS t PB PB RST = V IL ●40ms t RST RESET Active Time ●2506101000ms t ST ST Pulse Width●20ns t RPD V CC Detect to RST and RST ●100ns t f V CC Slew Rate 4.75V–4.25V ●300µs t RPU V CC Detect to RST and RSTt R = 5µs●2506101000ms (Reset Active Time)t R V CC Slew Rate 4.25V–4.75V ●0nst TDST Pin Detect to RST and RST TD = GND ●60150250ms (Watchdog Time-Out Period)TD = Floating ●2506101000ms TD = V CC●50012002000ms C IN Input Capacitance 5pF C OUTOutput Capacitance5pFNote 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired.Note 2: All voltage values are with respect to GND.Note 3: The PB RST pin is internally pulled up to V CC with an internal impedance of 10k typical. The TD pin has internal bias current.Note 4: Measured with outputs open.Note 5: The RST pin is an open drain output.The ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature.V CC = full operating range.AC CHARACTERISTICSRECO E D ED OPERATI G CO DITIO SU U U U WW456Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.7Linear Technology Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● LW/TP 1002 1K REV A • PRINTED IN USA © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 19928。


te 1 一i l a d r g h e h oigA () t e eaeao edm nin l h i t c r i eA h , b gn s i eten i b r gI ao t gn rt n —i e s a c ans u t ewt t g 2 xi bd g n ms o o r u hh
赵 丽 娜 陈 浩 李欣 欣
( 环境 友 好材 料 制备 与应 用 省部 共 建教 育部 重 点 实验 室 , 吉林 师 范大 学化 学 学院 , 四平 16 0 ) 3 0 0
摘 要 :通 过 水 热 法 合 成 了 1个 一 维 配 位 聚 合 物 『 g1 .i) HL 并 对 该 化 合 物 进 行 了 元 素 分 析 、 外 和 单 晶 X 射 线 表 征 f, A (, b ] 2 x. , 红 一 1
Z HA0 L . a iN CHEN Ha L n Xi o IXi — n
(e aoao r aai n p l  ̄ os fE v o m na F e d K yL brtr o Pe r o a d pw in n i n e t d n @M ̄ n l yf p tn A o r l ea s
D p r etfC e sy Ji om l n es y S ig J i 1 6 0, hn) eat n hmir,inN r a i rt, i n, in 3 0 0 C i m o t l U v i p l a
Abtat A o pe,[ (,-i)・ L () ( L= , 一zd ezi cd n ,一i= ,-i( dzl一一 s c: cm l Ag1 bx]H 1 H2 44 aoi noc i ad 1 bx 1 bsi aoe1 r x 2 b a 2 2 mi



பைடு நூலகம்
1, 3-Alternate
硫杂杯芳烃是超分子化学与材料化学研究中的热点领域之一,在选择性离子 传输、超分子器件、化学传感和分子开关等领域具有广阔的应用前景,特别是装 配有光、电活性探针的硫杂杯[4]芳烃受体的研究备受关注。因此,本论文在全面 总结硫杂杯[4]芳烃光、电活性受体的设计、合成和功能研究的基础上,基于硫杂 杯[4]芳烃上沿修饰构筑新型光、电活性受体开展了研究工作,主要成果如下:
研究得到快速发展。Miyano等[14]还报道了以二对叔丁基苯酚硫醚为原料的合成方 法,虽然产率达到65%,但硫醚原料不易得到。
Patel等[15]系统研究了对叔丁基硫杂杯[4]芳烃的合成方法,提出了一种优化高 效的一步合成方法,使产率提高至74%。
4 OH
S8, NaOH, 230℃ CH3(OCH2CH2)4OCH3
In the first part, a 1,3-dialkylation derivative of thiacalix[4]arene was obtained by the selective O-alkylation reaction, and used as the key intermediate in the following synthesis. Seven novel thiacalix[4]arene derivatives, alternately attaching two same groups at the upper rim and two different pair units at the lower rim, were successfully synthesized via the selective electrophilic substitution at the upper rim directed by the hydroxy and alkoxy groups. Their structures were fully characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and elemental analysis, as well as the structures of five molecules being determined by X-ray diffraction techniques.



通过溶胶凝胶法合成Ba(Zr0.20Ti0.80)O3粉末及其形态收稿日期:2009年8月19日/接受日期:2010年9月13日在线/发布时间:2010年9月24日施普林格科学+商业媒体有限公司2010摘要采用溶胶- 凝胶法制备锆钛酸钡Ba(Zr0.20Ti0.80)O3(BZT )粉末。


前驱体的分解通过TG-DTA 监测。





三种多元醇被用于溶胶- 凝胶法表面活性剂:丁醇(BTOL ),聚乙二醇(PEG)和聚乙烯醇(PV A )。


关键词锆钛酸钡粉末溶胶凝胶纳米1.引言钛酸钡BaTiO3是最常见的钙钛矿ABO 3结构氧化物铁电体,由于其高介电常数[1-5]它被用作电容。

为了降低在低频时介电损耗,将氧化锆加入到钛酸钡形成锆钛酸钡,Ba(Zr x Ti1-x)O3(BZT)[6]。










Vo.l28高等学校化学学报No.4 2007年4月CHEM I CAL J OURNAL OF CH I NESE UN I VERSI T I E S747~7503-苯基-6-芳基-1,2,4-三唑并[3,4-b]-1,3,4-噻二唑的电子结构和光谱性质的含时密度泛函理论研究李会学1,萧泰2(1.天水师范学院生化学院,天水741000;2.西北师范大学化学化工学院,兰州730070)摘要对3-苯基-6-芳基-1,2,4-三唑并[3,4-b]-1,3,4-噻二唑(PATT)用量子化学密度泛函方法(DFT)在B3LYP/6-31G(d)水平上进行了几何构型的全优化,探讨了分子电荷转移、前线轨道能量和电子光谱等性质的变化规律,在此基础上采用含时密度泛函方法(TDDFT)计算了分子激发态的电子跃迁能.将其与实验所得激发态的电子跃迁能结果相比,理论计算最大相对偏差为01071,最小相对偏差为01041.关键词3-苯基-6-芳基-1,2,4-三唑并[3,4-b]-1,3,4-噻二唑(PATT);电子结构;含时密度泛函理论;前线轨道;电子光谱中图分类号O641文献标识码A文章编号0251-0790(2007)04-0747-043-苯基-6-芳基-1,2,4-三唑并[3,4-b]-1,3,4-噻二唑(P ATT)是一类具有抗菌、消炎、杀微生物、调节植物生长和除草[1~3]等广谱生物活性的稠杂环化合物,因而人们对其在生物活性方面的研究较多.同时这类化合物带有共轭杂环及各种生色基团,如芳香胺、噁二唑、噻唑、香豆素、吡嗪及1,3-丁二烯类的衍生物,因而该类化合物也是一类潜在的有机电致发光材料和电子传输材料[4,5],目前,关于PATT的理论研究尚未见报道.应用于激发态能量计算的理论方法有多种[6],近年来,用含时密度泛函方法(TDDFT)[7~9]处理电子激发态问题成为一个非常活跃的研究领域.本文采用B3LYP方法计算了体系的基态结构,以基态优化得到的稳定构型为基础进行了P ATT的TD-DFT的光谱性质计算(计算所用模型化合物的结构见图1),从理论上预测了PATT各构型对分子电荷转移、前线分子轨道能量和电子吸收光谱等性质的影响规律,进一步探讨了此类分子中第一激发态电子跃迁的本质,分析了该类化合物的结构与光谱性质之间的关系,以期为合成新型P ATT类有机电致发光材料提供理论依据.F i g.1Calculation models of four co mp ound s(a)d,H ato m s w ere o m itted)收稿日期:2006-05-28.基金项目:天水师范学院科研基金(批准号:TSB0502)资助.联系人简介:李会学(1968年出生),男,讲师,主要从事理论化学研究.E-m ai:l li_hx2001@s i m1计算模型和方法采用Guassian98量子化学程序包中的密度泛函(DFT)理论[10],在B3LYP/6-31G(d)水平上,对4种PATT(图1)进行全自由度几何优化,频率计算结果均无虚频,表明选用的目标化合物的优化结果确实为其稳定构型.以基态的优化构型为基础,应用含时密度泛函理论,在相同理论水平上,计算了化合物的电子吸收光谱,并与实验结果进行比较.所有计算均在PⅣ微机上进行.2结果与讨论2.1苯基、吡啶基和苯乙烯基对几何构型及部分原子净电荷布居的影响表1和表2分别为4种PATT的几何构型优化参数及部分原子的净电荷分布.从表1中数据可以看出,几何构型全优化后,化合物的主要骨架其二面角均为180b或-180b,说明PATT分子结构中主要原子和原子团基本能保持在同一平面上.R(C3,C12)的C)C键长、R(C14,C20)及R(C31,C32)的C)C键长均介于C)C单键(01154nm)和C C双键(01134n m)之间,表明具有部分双键性质. R(C13,N15),R(C14,N18)和R(C13,N16)的C)N键长均介于C)N单键(01147nm)和C N双键(01127nm)之间,也具有部分双键性质.R(S19,C13)的键长比C)S单键(01181n m)的稍短,故这些原子和苯环、吡啶环、三唑并[3,4-b]-1,3,4-噻二唑环一起构成了大的共轭体系.因此电子云在共轭链中自由运动,使PATT具有较高的光吸收作用[11].此外,由于分子链上D(H,C,C,H)均为180b,故化合物d关于31和32位的碳碳双键以稳定的反式构型存在.经查,由类似化合物3-(2-乙氧基苯基)-6-苯基-1,2,4-三唑并[3,4-b]-1,3,4-噻二唑的晶体结构数据[12]可知,化合物分子为平面分子,化合物a的二面角计算结果与实验数据吻合得很好,三唑环、噻二唑环及所连苯环的键角数据也符合得较好,各键长数值也基本吻合.Tab l e1Part op ti m ized stru ctural character istics of four PATT s*Para m eter a b c d Para m eter a b c dR(C3,C12)011464011463011463011463 R(C14,C20/31)011467011465011478011445 R(C1,C2)011395011395011395011395 R(S19,C13)011747011748011748011749 R(C21,N29)-011332--R(C31,C32)---011350 R(C20,N27/C32)--011344011461 R(C13,N15)011376011377011378011376 R(C13,N16)011306011313011305011306 R(C14,N18)011301011305011298011306 R(N16,N17)011385011386011388011386D(C2,C3,C12,N17)179199179199-180-179199 D(S19,C13,C14,C20)000-0101 D(C21,C20,C14,C19)-01011800-D(C24,C21,C20,C14)000-D(N18,C14,C31,C32)---179199 D(C14,C31,C32,C20)----180 A(C2,C3,C12)122152122132122138122145 A(C20/31,C14,C19)121154121154121131123105 A(S19,C14,C13)87150871418714087136 A(C14,C31,C32)---124198*Bond leugt h i n n m,bond angle i n degree and d i h edral angle in degree.T ab le2Part ato m s ne t charge popu lati ons of four PATT sAto m a b c d A to m a b c dC12201472502014749150147644101473882 C1301300109013024760130034001294674 C1401063395010599170107892301120591 N15-01367934-01367581-01366996-01368345 N16-01357770-01356204-01357425-01354299 N17-01373467-01372059-01374086-01374699 N18-01303479-01297863-01267330-01302545S1901282126012836140127686001276442 C2001134469011151630129338401172160 N27---01447235-N29--01405818--C31----01139705 C32----01189136从表2可以看出,化合物b,c和d与a相比发生了不同程度的电荷转移,化合物c由于用2-吡啶基取代了苯基,N原子的电负性比C原子的大,使得C14和C20的净电荷明显降低,分别减少010156和011589,化合物b虽然也是用吡啶基取代了苯,但N原子处于间位,对C14和C20的影响较小,化合物d与a相比增加了)C H C H)基团,增长了共轭链,电子云的形状发生了改变,使得C14的净748高等学校化学学报V o.l28电荷减少了010572,C20的净电荷减少了010377.从化合物d 的C31和C32带电荷数值可以看出,噻二唑环上的N 使C31的负电荷减少.2.2 苯基、吡啶基和苯乙烯基对前线轨道能量的影响PATT 分子的前线轨道能量与光电子能谱密切相关,而前线分子轨道能量差与紫外-可见光谱性质密切相关.从轨道布居分析可以发现,P ATT 分子的前线轨道都是P 型分子轨道,取代基对P 型轨道的影响较为显著,使其前线轨道能量发生了变化.计算结果表明(表3),化合物b 和c 的分子的前线轨道能量降低,这是由于化合物b 和c 分子中连有吡啶基,N 原子的吸电子性能所致,而化合物d 连有苯乙烯基,属于供电子基团,使得前线轨道能量升高.化合物d 的最高占据轨道的能量最高,最低空轨道的能量介于化合物b 和c 的之间,这是由于随着共轭链的增长,使得HOMO 能级升高,LUMO 能级下降的缘故[13].Tab le 3 Co mparison of calcu lated and exp eri m ental data of HOMO and LU M O (eV)for PATTPATT E HOMO exp.E HOM Oc alcd .Relati ve deviati onE LUM Oex p .E LUMO ca lcd .Rel ati ve deviati ona -6150-610901067-2196-21210133b -6151-611501058-3130-21370103c -6144-611001056-2192-21550114d-6139-610401058-2185-21520112从表3可发现,最高占据轨道的实验值E exp .[HOMO ][14]和理论值E calcd .[HOMO]较为接近,变化特点也与实验值相符,最大相对偏差为01067,最小相对偏差为01056,说明我们采用含时密度泛函方法(TD-DFT)对P ATT 的处理和计算是可靠的.最低空轨道的实验值[E exp .(LUMO )]和理论值[E calcd .(LUMO )]偏差较大,这是因为采用循环-伏安法测试P ATT 的氧化-还原电位时,电子要受到电极、双电层、溶剂分子等的影响[15].2.3 苯基、吡啶基和苯乙烯基对电子吸收光谱的影响在本文的计算体系中,PATT 的最大吸收波长(K ca lcd .max )与实验值(K exp .m ax )具有较好的一致性,计算结果表明,化合物a ,b 和c 的振子强度f 值在0128-0167之间,而化合物d 的f 值为1116.激发态跃迁能的实验值($E exp .)与其理论计算值($E calcd .)也保持良好的一致性,激发能最大相对偏差为01071,最小相对偏差为01041(表4).Tab le 4 Co m par ison of calcu lated and exp er i m en ta l data of K c alcd .m ax /K exp .m ax for PATT in the excited states *PATT C onfi gu ration K exp.m ax /nm$E exp./e V $E ca lcd ./eV K c alcd .m ax/nm f Relati ve deviati onT ran sition featurea 70→73(56116%)71→73(26151%)26841624141281016501048P →P*b 70→73(46194%)72→74(47101%)27141574139282012801041P →P*c 69→73(59172%)72→74(18190%)26341714144279016701061P →P *d 78→80(61189%)30241103183323111601071P →P**f m eans har m on ic i n tens i ty .化合物a 的最大吸收光谱主要是H O MO-2→LUMO 及HOMO-1→LUMO 的跃迁,其跃迁成分分别占56116%和26151%,化合物b ,c 和d 的跃迁组分及所占比例见表4.从表4可见,4种PATT 的最大吸收波长均位于近紫外区,最大吸收波长的计算值K calcd .max 按化合物c ,a ,b 和d 的顺序红移,这与实验结果一致.PATT 分子的K exp .max 实验值和计算值K calcd .max 存在约20nm 的误差,这可能在于程序计算是按理想气态分子处理的,而实验值是在氯仿溶液中获得的所致.参 考 文 献[1] K rits anidaM.,M ouroutsou A .,M arakos P .,et a l ..Il Far m aco ,2002,57:253)257[2] Awad L .F .,E l Sayed H..E lAshry ,C arbohydrate Research .[J],1998,312:9)22[3] Z HANG Y an(张艳),L I U Dong(刘东),DA I Chao -Feng(戴朝峰),e t al ..Che m.J .C h i nese Un i versiti es(高等学校化学学报)[J],2002,23(10):1882)1886749N o .4李会学等:3-苯基-6-芳基-1,2,4-三唑并[3,4-b]-1,3,4-噻二唑,,的含时密度泛函理论研究750高等学校化学学报V o.l28[4]CHEN M iao(陈淼),XI AO Tai(萧泰),LIH u-i xue(李会学),et a l..Che m.Res.Ch i neseUn ivers iti es[J],2004,20(6):810)812[5]XI AO T ai(萧泰),LIH u-i Xue(李会学),TAN Chun-Xia(谈春霞),et a l..Ch i n ese C he m.Lett.[J],2005,16(3):335)337[6]L i u S.F.,W ang S.N.,Se w ard C.,et a l..O rgano m etallics[J],2000,19:5709)5714[7]K otz i an M.,Rosch N.,Zerner M. 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EN61558-2-6 (english)

EN61558-2-6 (english)

INTERNATIONALSTANDARD 61558-2-6Première éditionFirst edition1997-02Numéro de référenceReference numberCEI/IEC 61558-2-6: 1997Sécurité des transformateurs, blocs d'alimentation et analogues –Partie 2:Règles particulières pour les transformateursde sécurité pour usage généralSafety of power transformers, power supply unitsand similar –Part 2:Particular requirements for safety isolatingtransformers for general usePUBLICATION GROUPÉE DE SÉCURITÉGROUP SAFETY PUBLICATIONINTERNATIONALSTANDARD 61558-2-6Première éditionFirst edition1997-02Sécurité des transformateurs, blocs d'alimentation et analogues –Partie 2:Règles particulières pour les transformateursde sécurité pour usage généralSafety of power transformers, power supply unitsand similar –Part 2:Particular requirements for safety isolatingtransformers for general useLPour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current catalogueCODE PRIX PRICE CODE © IEC 1997 Droits de reproduction réservés ⎯ Copyright - all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utiliséesous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électroniqueou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sansl'accord écrit de l'éditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission 3, rue de Varembé Geneva, Switzerland Telefax: +41 22 919 0300e-mail: IEC web site http: // International Electrotechnical Commission PUBLICATION GROUPÉE DE SÉCURITÉGROUP SAFETY PUBLICATIONINTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION_________SAFETY OF POWER TRANSFORMERS, POWER SUPPLY UNITSAND SIMILAR −Part 2: Particular requirements for safety isolating transformersfor general useFOREWORD1)The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.2)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested National Committees.3)The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formof standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.4)In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly indicated in the latter.5)The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6)Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard IEC 61558-2-6 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 96: Small power transformers, reactors and power supply units and special transformers, reactors and power supply units: Safety requirements.It has the status of a group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104: Guide for the drafting of safety standards, and the role of Committees with safety pilot functions and safety group functions (1984).The text of this standard is based on the following documents:FDIS Report on voting96/50/FDIS96/73/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.This part 2 is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 61558-1. It was established on the basis of the first edition (1997) of that standard.This part 2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 61558-1, so as to convert that publication into the IEC standard: Particular requirements for safety isolating transformers for general use.When a particular subclause of part 1 is not mentioned in this part 2, that subclause applies as far as is reasonable. Where this standard states "addition", "modification" or "replacement", the relevant text of part 1 is to be adapted accordingly.This Standard replaces Chapter III, Section 1 of IEC 742.In this standard, the following print types are used:–requirements proper: in roman type;–test specifications: in italic type;–explanatory matter: in smaller roman type.In the text of the standard the words in bold are defined in clause 3.Subclauses which are additional to those in part 1 are numbered starting from 101; supplementary annexes are entitled AA, BB, etc.SAFETY OF POWER TRANSFORMERS, POWER SUPPLY UNITSAND SIMILAR −Part 2: Particular requirements for safety isolating transformersfor general use1 ScopeReplacement:This part 2 of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable, single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled safety isolating transformers, associated or otherwise, having a rated supply voltage not exceeding 1000 V a.c. and rated frequency not exceeding 500 Hz, the rated output not exceeding:–10 kVA for single-phase transformers;–16 kVA for polyphase transformers.This standard is also applicable to safety isolating transformers without limitation of the rated output; however such transformers are considered as special transformers and are subjected to an agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.The no-load output voltage and the rated output voltage does not exceed:50 V a.c. r.m.s. and/or120 V ripple-free d.c.between conductors or between any conductor and earth.This standard is applicable to dry type transformers. The windings may be encapsulated or non-encapsulated.2 Normative referencesThis clause of part 1 is applicable.3 DefinitionsThis clause of part 1 is applicable.4 General requirementsThis clause of part 1 is applicable.5 General notes on testsThis clause of part 1 is applicable.6 RatingsThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Addition:6.101The rated output voltage shall not exceed 50 V a.c. and/or 120 V ripple-free d.c.For a.c. the preferred values for the rated output voltage are: 6 V, 12 V, 24 V, 42 V and 48 V.6.102The rated output shall not exceed 10 kVA for single-phase transformers and 16 kVA for polyphase transformers except for special safety isolating transformers.Preferred values for the rated output are:–25 VA, 40 VA, 63 VA, 100 VA, 160 VA, 250 VA, 400 VA, 630 VA, 1000 VA, 1600 VA, 2500 VA, 4000 VA, 6300 VA, 10 000 VA for single-phase transformers;–630 VA, 1000 VA, 1600 VA, 2500 VA, 4000 VA, 6300 VA, 10 000 VA and 16 000 VA for polyphase transformers.6.103The rated frequency shall not exceed 500 Hz.6.104The rated supply voltage shall not exceed 1000 V a.c.7 ClassificationThis clause of part 1 is applicable.8 Marking and other informationThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:8.11Addition:Addition:8.101For transformers intended for connection to the supply by means of a cable or cord anda plug, an instruction sheet or the like shall be delivered with the transformer, drawing the attention of the user to the fact that the output circuit(s) shall be installed and protected in accordance with national wiring rules.9 Protection against accessibility to hazardous live partsThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:9.2Addition before the first paragraph:Live parts at no-load output voltage not exceeding 35 V peak a.c. or 60 V ripple-free d.c. may be accessible.Addition of the following new text after the second dash:–parts giving access to live parts which are normally connected to an output circuit, which due to the nature of its use, is accessible, provided that, for no-load output voltages exceeding 35 V peak a.c. or 60 V ripple-free d.c. only one pole becomes accessible.10 Change of input voltage settingThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Addition:10.101Portable transformers shall have only one rated supply voltage unless the transformer is not capable of producing an output voltage in excess of the limits allowed in the scope if the higher marked voltage is accidentally connected to the lower voltage winding.NOTE – For the purpose of this requirement, a portable transformer provided with a device for adjusting the input connections to suit supply voltages over a range of not more than 10 % of the value corresponding with the midpoint of that range, is not considered to be a transformer with more than one supply voltage.11 Output voltage and output current under loadThis clause of part 1 is applicable.12 No-load output voltageThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Addition:12.101The no-load output voltage shall not exceed 50 V a.c. and on 120 V ripple-free d.c. under any circumstances even when independent output windings which are not intended to be connected in series are connected in series.12.102The difference between the output voltages at no-load and at rated output shall not be excessive.Compliance with the requirements of 12.101 and 12.102 is checked by measuring the no-load output voltage, when the transformer, at ambient temperature, is connected to the rated supply voltage at rated frequency.The difference between the value measured and the output voltage measured during the test of clause 11, expressed as a percentage of the latter voltage, shall not exceed the value shown in table 101.NOTE –The ratio is defined as follows:U U U no-load load load−×100Table 101 – Output voltage deviation Type of transformer Ratio between output voltage at no-loadand at rated output%Inherently short-circuit proof transformers:–up to and including 63 VA 100–over 63 VA up to and including 630 VA 50–over 630 VA 20Other transformers:–up to and including 10 VA 100–over 10 VA up to and including 25 VA 50–over 25 VA up to and including 63 VA 20–over 63 VA up to and including 250 VA 15–over 250 VA up to and including 630 VA 10–over 630 VA 513 Short-circuit voltageThis clause of part 1 is applicable.14 HeatingThis clause of part 1 is applicable.15 Short-circuit and overload protectionThis clause of part 1 is applicable.16 Mechanical strengthThis clause of part 1 is applicable.17 Protection against harmful ingress of dust, solid objects and moistureThis clause of part 1 is applicable.18 Insulation resistance and dielectric strengthThis clause of part 1 is applicable.19 ConstructionThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Replacement:19.1The input and output circuits shall be electrically separated from each other, and the construction shall be such that there is no possibility of any connection between these circuits, either directly or indirectly, through other metal parts.Compliance is checked by inspection, taking clauses 18, 19 and 26 into consideration.19.1.1The insulation between the input and output winding(s) shall consist of double or reinforced insulation, unless the requirements of 19.1.3 are complied with.In addition, the following applies:–for class I transformers, the insulation between the input windings and the body shall consist of basic insulation, and the insulation between the output windings and the body shall consist of supplementary insulation;–for class II transformers, the insulation between the input windings and the body, and between the output windings and the body, shall consist of double or reinforced insulation.19.1.2For class I transformers where an intermediate metal part (e.g. the iron core), not connected to the body, is located between the input and output windings, the insulation between the input and output windings via the intermediate metal part shall consist of double or reinforced insulation, and, for class II transformers, the insulation between the input windings and the body and between the output windings and the body via the intermediate metal part shall consist of double or reinforced insulation. The insulation between the intermediate metal part and the input or output windings shall in both cases consist of at least basic insulation.NOTE – An intermediate metal part which is separated from one of the input or output windings by double or reinforced insulation is considered as being connected to the other winding.19.1.3For class I transformers, the insulation between the input and output windings may consist of basic insulation plus protective screening instead of double or reinforced insulation, provided the following conditions are complied with:–the insulation between the input winding and the protective screen shall comply with the requirements for basic insulation (rated for the input voltage);–the insulation between the protective screen and the output winding shall comply with the requirements for basic insulation (rated for the output voltage);–the protective screen shall, unless otherwise specified, consist of a metal foil or of a wire wound screen extending at least to the full width of one of the windings adjacent to the screen; a wire wound screen shall be wound tight without space between the turns;–the lead-out wire of the protective screen shall have a cross-section at least corresponding to the rated current of the overload device to ensure that, if a breakdown of insulation should occur, the overload device will open the circuit before the lead-out is destroyed;–the lead-out wire shall be soldered to the protective screen or fixed in an equally reliable manner.NOTE – For the purpose of this subclause, the term "windings" does not include internal circuits.Examples of construction of windings are given in annex M of part transformers intended for connection to the mains by means of a plug, the alternative with basic insulation plus protective screening is not allowed.Addition:19.101Portable transformers having a rated output not exceeding 630 VA shall be of class II.19.102There shall be no connection between the output winding and the body or the protective earthing circuit, if any. However, such a connection is allowed for associated transformers provided that it is allowed by the relevant equipment standard.19.103Transformers shall not be provided with capacitors which electrically connect input and output circuits.Compliance is checked by inspection.19.104The input and output terminals for the connection of external wiring shall be so located that the distance, measured at the point of introduction of the conductor, from input to output clamping units of these terminals is not less than 25 mm. If that distance is achieved by a barrier, this barrier shall be of insulating material and be permanently fixed to the transformer.Compliance is checked by inspection and by measurement disregarding intermediate metal parts.20 ComponentsThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:20.3Addition:Plugs and socket-outlets on the output side shall comply with IEC 884-2-4 and IEC 906-3.21 Internal wiringThis clause of part 1 is applicable.22 Supply connection and other external flexible cable or cordsThis clause of part 1 is applicable.23 Terminals for external conductorsThis clause of part 1 is applicable.24 Provision for protective earthingThis clause of part 1 is applicable.25 Screw and connectionThis clause of part 1 is applicable.26 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through insulation This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Box 1 of table 13, table C.1 and table D.1 is not applicable.27 Resistance to heat, abnormal heat, fire and trackingThis clause of part 1 is applicable.28 Resistance to rustingThis clause of part 1 is applicable.AnnexesThe annexes of part 1 are applicable except as follows:Annex CMaterial group II This annex of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Box 1 of table C.1 is not applicable.Annex DMaterial group I This annex of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Box 1 of table D.1 is not applicable.___________Standards SurveyWe at the IEC want to know how our standards are used once they are published.The answers to this survey will help us to improve IEC standards and standard related information to meet your future needsWould you please take a minute to answer the survey on the other side and mail or fax to:Customer Service Centre (CSC)International Electrotechnical Commission 3, rue de VarembéCase postale 1311211 Geneva 20Switzerland orFax to: CSC at +41 22 919 03 00Thank you for your contribution to the standards making process.RÉPONSE PAYÉESUISSECustomer Service Centre (CSC)International Electrotechnical Commission 3, rue de VarembéCase postale 1311211 GENEVA 20SwitzerlandEnquête sur les normesLa CEI se préoccupe de savoir comment ses normes sont accueillies et utilisées.Les réponses que nous procurera cette enquête nous aideront tout à la fois à améliorer nos normes et les informations qui les concernent afin de toujours mieux répondre à votre attente.Nous aimerions que vous nous consacriez une petite minute pour remplir le questionnaire joint que nous vous invitons à retourner au:Centre du Service Clientèle (CSC)Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3, rue de VarembéCase postale 1311211 Genève 20SuisseTélécopie: IEC/CSC +41 22 919 03 00Nous vous remercions de la contribution que vous voudrez bien apporter ainsi à la Normalisation InternationaleRÉPONSE PAYÉESUISSECentre du Service Clientèle (CSC)Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3, rue de VarembéCase postale 1311211 GENÈVE 20SuissePublications de la CEI préparées IEC publications preparedpar le Comité d’Etudes n° 96by Technical Committee No. 9661558: — Sécurité des transformateurs, blocs d'alimentation et analogues.61558-1 (1997)Partie 1: Règles générales et essais.61558-2-1 (1997)Partie 2: Règles particulières pour les trans-formateurs d'isolement à enroulements séparéspour usage général.61558-2-4 (1997)Partie 2: Règles particulières pour les trans-formateurs de séparation des circuits pour usagegénéral.61558-2-6 (1997)Partie 2: Règles particulières pour les trans-formateurs de sécurité pour usage général.61558-2-7 (1997)Partie 2: Règles particulières pour les trans-formateurs pour jouets.61558-2-17 (1997)Partie 2: Règles particulières pour les trans-formateurs pour alimentation à découpage.61558: — Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar.61558-1 (1997)Part 1: General requirements and tests.61558-2-1 (1997)Part 2: Particular requirements for separatingtransformers for general use.61558-2-4 (1997)Part 2: Particular requirements for isolatingtransformers for general use.61558-2-6 (1997)Part 2: Particular requirements for safety isolatingtransformers for general use.61558-2-7 (1997)Part 2: Particular requirements for transformers fortoys.61558-2-17 (1997)Part 2: Particular requirements for transformers forswitch mode power supplies.Publication 61558-2-6。





1.用纠缠态表象导出复杂量子介观电路的特征频率 [J], 笪诚;范洪义
2.用纠缠态表象导出复杂量子介观电路的特征频率 [J], 笪诚;范洪义;;
3.异质量两粒子的纠缠态表象的特性分析与压缩态生成 [J], 杨阳;范洪义
4.利用cluster态实现任意两粒子纠缠态的概率隐形传态(英文) [J], 于立志;吴韬;何娟;倪致祥
5.基于(2m+1)粒子纠缠态的任意m粒子态量子可控离物传态(英文) [J], 李宏伟;龙柳蓉;周萍;尹彩流


(c) An archaeologist claims that he/she discovered a fossil plant with an age of 2 108 years using the method of radiocarbon dating. A scientist says that this result is nonsense. Which side will you stand on? Please explain your reasons. (1 point) 8 某考古学家声称,他/她利用放射性碳年龄测定法,发现年代为 2 10 年的化石植物。某科
2014 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛
Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 2014
(b) We can determine the age of the tomb if we know the number N of 14C atoms from the 50 grams of carbon. There is no way to directly count the number of 14C atoms, but we detect a total of 935 electrons emitted from the 50 grams of carbon in 10 minutes. How old is the tomb? (3 points) 要估算古墓的年代,我们需要知道该 50 克碳中 14C 原子的数目 N。我们无法直接数算 14C 原 子的数目,但我们发现 50 克碳在 10 分钟内放射了共 935 粒电子。古墓的年龄是多少?(3



a b s t r a c t
This review describes the fundamental aspects of laser–gold nanoparticle (Au NP) interaction that leads to nanoscale energy deposition to the surroundings through light amplification and heat generation. Besides the importance of the primary process in physics and chemistry, application of the light–NP interaction has attracted significant interest from various areas ranging from analytical chemistry to material chemistry and biomedicine. Here we consider both mechanistic and application aspects. Our attention is focused on pulsed-laser-induced fast processes that revealed the heating–cooling dynamics of electrons, lattice (particle), and particle’s environment. On the application side, we focus on material fabrication and processing that beat diffraction-limited resolution. Together, we will shed a light on the essence of research activities carried out in the past 10 years. In addition to an abundance of latest information obtained from currently available literature, this review includes figures obtained by our own calculations to provide readers with a better understanding of the basics of the optical properties and energy and heat-transfer processes of Au NPs, which are not familiar to photochemists. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




二氧化硅高阻隔薄膜制备的质谱诊断及性能研究张军峰,陈强,张跃飞,刘福平(北京印刷学院印刷包装材料与技术北京市重点实验室,北京102600)摘要:采用40k Hz 中频脉冲电源,利用电容耦合等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD )技术,以六甲基二硅氧烷(HMDSO )为单体、氧气为反应气体,氩气为辅助气体,在PET 薄膜表面沉积应用于透明高阻隔包装的氧化硅薄膜,并对其进行研究。

为了了解氧化硅的形成机理,通过四极杆质谱仪对等离子体放电的气相中间产物及活性粒子进行了原位检测;而通过傅立叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR )及原子力显微镜(A FM )对沉积薄膜进行化学组成及表面形貌分析表征,探讨了沉积过程中等离子体气相粒子的产生和反应对薄膜特性的影响。

关键词:氧化硅;质谱;透氧率;原子力显微镜中图分类号:TB43;TB484.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2008)10-0031-02Diagnosis a nd Cha racterizations of SiO x Gas Ba rrier Fil m by Mass Spect rometerZ H A N G J un 2f en g ,C H EN Qi ang ,Z H A N G Yue 2f ei ,L I U Fu 2pi ng(Beijing Key Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Materials ,Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication ,Beijing 102600,China )Abstract :With carrier gas O 2,diluted gas Ar ,and monomer hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO )thefilms were prepared in capacitively coupled plasma.The characterization of SiO x film deposited on PET substrates by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD )with 40k Hz mid 2f requency pulse power source as a transparent barrier layer was investigated.The intermediate precursor and reactive species or molecules were detected in 2situ by means of quadrupole mass spectrometer.The composition and surface topography of thin films were also investigated through Fourier transform inf rared spectroscopy (FTIR )and atomic force microscope (A FM ).The influence of the generation and reaction of plasma gas particles on characteristics of the SiO x film was discussed.Key words :SiO x ;mass spectrum ;O TR ,A FM 氧化硅薄膜具有良好的绝缘特性、耐磨性、较低的透湿透氧性、耐化学性以及良好的透光性,广泛应用在微电子、抗腐蚀和高阻隔包装等各个领域[1-4]。

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Polyphase Representation: Definition
H (z ) =
∞ −2n n=−∞ h[2n]z
+ z −1
பைடு நூலகம்
∞ n=−∞ h[2n
+ 1]z −2n
Define E0 (z ) and E1 (z ) as two polyphase components of H (z ): E0 ( z ) = E1 ( z ) = We have H ( z ) = E0 ( z 2 ) + z − 1 E1 ( z 2 ) These representations hold whether H (z ) is FIR or IIR, causal or non-causal. The polyphase decomposition can be applied to any sequence, not just impulse response.
Acknowledgment: ENEE630 slides were based on class notes developed by Profs. K.J. Ray Liu and Min Wu. The LaTeX slides were made by Prof. Min Wu and Mr. Wei-Hong Chuang. Contact: minwu@. Updated: September 16, 2012.
Decimation Filters: Question: Any wasteful effort in the direct implementation? The filtering is applied to all original signal samples, even though only every M filtering output is retained finally. Even if we let H (z ) operates only for time instants multiple of M and idle otherwise, all multipliers/adders have to produce results within one step of time. Can ↓ M be moved before H (z )?
FIR and IIR Example
FIR filter: H (z ) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 4z −3 ∵ H (z ) = (1 + 3z −2 ) + z −1 (2 + 4z −2 ), ∴ E0 (z ) = 1 + 3z −1 ; E1 (z ) = 2 + 4z −1
If we define R (z ) = EM −1− (z ), 0 ≤ ≤ M − 1, we arrive at the Type-2 polyphase representation H (z ) =
M −1 −(M −1− ) R =0 z
(z M )
Type-1: Ek (z ) is ordered consistently with the number of delays in the input
−n , by More generally: Given a filter H (z ) = ∞ n=−∞ h[n]z grouping the odd and even numbered coefficients, we can write
H (z ) =
∞ −2n n=−∞ h[2n]z
+ z −1
(M )
Note: 0 ≤ ≤ (M − 1); strictly we may denote as E
ENEE630 Lecture Part-1
(z ).
5 / 25
3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
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∞ −n , n=−∞ h[2n]z ∞ n=−∞ h[2n
+ 1]z −n ,
3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
∞ n=−∞ h[2n
+ 1]z −2n
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2 / 25
3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
Alternative Polyphase Representation
Type-2: reversely order the filter Rk (z ) with respect to the delays
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3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
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3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
Apply Type-1 polyphase representation:
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3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
Polyphase Representation: Basic Idea
Example: FIR filter H (z ) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 4z −3 Group even and odd indexed coefficients, respectively: ⇒ H (z ) = (1 + 3z −2 ) + z −1 (2 + 4z −2 ),
Extension to M Polyphase Components
For a given integer M and H (z ) =
∞ −n , n=−∞ h[n]z
we have:
∞ −nM + z −1 −nM H (z ) = ∞ n=−∞ h[nM ]z n=−∞ h[nM + 1]z −nM + . . . + z −(M −1) ∞ n=−∞ h[nM + M − 1]z
Computational Cost
Only when H (z ) is a function of z M , we can apply the noble identities to switch the order.
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3 The Polyphase Representation Appendix: Detailed Derivations
3.1 Basic Ideas 3.2 Efficient Structures 3.3 Commutator Model 3.4 Discussions: Multirate Building Blocks & Polyphase Concept
Issues with Direct Implementation of Decimation Filters