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videoconfere nce , Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baol ong stressed: this year is t he "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's departme nts at all levels must firmly establish t he "guanghui is gold and silver" gree n devel opme nt conce pt, convi nce d that Castle i s not relaxed, always maintai ning strategi c ability a nd strong determi nation to improve t he environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning the w ar, ever -higher levels of compre hensive well -of f society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year

we will "river water quality impr oved at the county level, up to five" this basic objective grasp of poll ution control that focus, with the focus on three thi ngs: a good job, "clear rivers" reaching t he County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" spe cial inspe ction, the County garbage River, black a nd od orous River is "Dragnet" investigati on, timely rectificati on of probl ems found in place firmly to prevent river polluti on re bound. In a ccorda nce wit h the "one-stop strategy", improving the i nferior five water quality monitori ng stations work t his year to e nsure t he Eliminati on of 1 provincial control , five water quality se ction 3 muni cipalities controll ed deterioration, ensure t he creati on thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special atte ntion t o pollution-cutti ng construction of na notubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basi s of pol lution of water source engi neering , engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sewage treatment, to im prove "effluent from sewage treatment rate, runni ng accura cy, complia nce" requireme nt, speed up the t own's support network construction, is focusi ng on nanotubes home "last

meters" questi on. Domesti c sewage treatment i n rural areas, this year is t he final year of the three-year a ction, determination t o fight and t he momentum around, ending the battle on whi ch fully t o ensure the reali zation of all County 648 formed village coverage. Al so, be sure to atta ch importance t o focus on rural domesti c wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up a nd r unning, role play, avoi d the "Sun" problem. Thir d, pay speci al attention to the River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Provi nce s now have focuse d on poll ution control of water go to "dig up m ud", as the dee pening water of this year's "plays". Nex t, to jump-start an investigati on li ne touche s work, implementation pla n accordi ng to the prioritie s and t he

programme of work, in a ccorda nce w ith the "one river one policy" requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, pla nni ng ahea d of time clea ning out mud "way out", accordi ng to local conditions to do sl udge, promote scie ntific resource utilization of silt a nd mud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heav ily polluting industries. Polluti on of water must gra b the source, wastewater is primarily the sour ce of ba ckward production capa city, i ncrea se the i ntensity of




reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal , and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of
