扩频通信系统的介绍 英文翻译
扩频通信技术采用远大于传输数据信息所需最小带 宽的传输频带来传送信号,该技术可以用于克服多 径干扰、多址干扰 和人为非 AWGN 干扰。这种调制、 解调技术所要求的信号设计准则不是尽可能地节省 带宽,而是克服干扰。
发射信号所占的带宽远大于信息比特率,并且与信息比特 率无关。
扩频通信最早始于军事通信,是随着在军事通信中的应用而 发展起来的。
Shannon在1949年提出了CDMA的理论基础 1991年Qualcomm发布了一套CDMA系统测试结果,是当时
AMPS容量的10倍 1993年IS-95标准制定 1997年IS-95B标准完成 CDMA2000,WCDMA, TD-SCDMA成了3G的三个主要标准 CDMA技术既是一种调制技术,也是一种多址接入技术
估计误差会造成开环功率控制的性能严重下 降
基站每隔一段时间(通常是1.25ms)测量收到的移动 台信号,得到SIR的估计值,将此估计值与设定的 门限值相比较
估计值大于门限值,基站发出降低功率指令 估计值小于门限值,基站发出提高功率指令
基站通过测量接收信号的SIR,不间断地向每个移 动台提供反馈信号,形成控制环路,控制移动台的 发射功率
一串“1”(或“0”)称为“1”(或“0”)的游程。串的长度称为游程长 度。
对于m序列来说,一个周期内共有 2 r 1 个游程,其中“0”的游程和“1”
的 游程各占一半;长度为r的游程只有一个,是“1”的游程;长度为(r-1) 的游程也只有一个,是“0”的游程;长度为k(k<r-1)的“0”游程和“1” 的
m序列的生成与 线性反馈移位寄 存器的初始状态 是无关的(全0序 列除外)。对于 每一种不同的初 始状态, m序列 以其周期中的不 同点为起始值, 但产生的序列都 是一样的。
对于任意大小的线性反馈移位寄存器,可 以生成不同的具有唯一性的m序列。
m序列易于生成,且对跳频和直接序列扩频 系统非常有用,但对于CDMA而言不是最佳 的。
的保密性 直接序列扩频又是如何抑制噪声的干扰呢?
sd (t) = d (t)c(t) d (t)c(t) Acos 2π fct + s j (t) Acos 2π fct + n(t)
信 息 源
直接 序列 扩频
sd(t) BPSK
信 道
直接 序列 解扩
受 信 者
直接 序列 扩频
s2d(t) BPSK
c2(t)扩频ຫໍສະໝຸດ 列直接受序列
(d1(t)c1(t) + d2 (t)c2 (t))c2 (t)
= d1(t)c1(t)c2 (t) + d2 (t)c2 (t)c2 (t)
≈ d2 (t)
在CDMA通信中,本质上是通过赋予每个用户不 同的特征波形或扩频波形来实现多用户检测的
接收器在接收消息的时候也和发送器同步的从一 个频率跳到另一个频率
这样,原本打算窃听的人由于不知道跳频序列, 听到的只是无法识别的声音,即使试图在某一频 率上干扰,也只能抹去很少的几个比特
对于单频或多频载波信号的干扰、其他伪随 机调制信号的干扰以及脉冲正弦信号的干扰 等,扩频系统都有抑制干扰、提高输出信噪 比的作用。 扩频通信系统抗干扰能力强是扩频通信系统 最突出的优点。
由于扩频信号在很宽的频带上被扩展了,单位频 带内的功率就很小,即信号的功率谱密度很低。 所以,应用扩频码序列扩展频谱的直接序列扩频 系统,可在信道噪声和热噪声的背景下,在很低 的信号功率谱密度上进行通信。信号既然被淹没 在噪声里,敌方就很不容易发现有信号存在,而 想进一步检测出信号的参数就更加困难了。这在 军事通信上是十分有用的,即可进行隐蔽通信。
扩频通信系统与普通的数字通信系统相较, 就是多了扩频调制和解扩部分。 正如在一般的窄带通信中,已调信号在接收 端都要进行解调来恢复发送端所传的信息。 在扩频通信中,接收端则要用与发送端完全 相同的扩频码序列与收到的扩频信号进行相 关解扩,以恢复所传输的原始信号。
扩频通信的基本特征就是扩展频谱,具体做法 是使用比发送的信息数据速率高许多倍的伪随 机码把载有信息数据的基带信号的频谱进行扩 展,形成宽带的低功率谱密度的信号来通信。 发射端,在天线之前某处链路注入扩频码,这 个过程称为扩频处理,经扩频处理后原数据信 息能量被扩散到一个很宽的频带内; 接收端,相应链路中移去扩频码,恢复数据, 此过程称为解扩。显然,收发两端需要预先知 道扩频码。
扩频通信的定义简述为: 扩频通信技术是一种信息传输方式,在 发送端采用扩频码调制,使信号所占的频带 宽度大于所传信息必需的带宽,在接收端采 用同样的扩频码进行解扩以恢复所传原始信 息数据。
需要说明的是:扩频技术所采用的扩频码序 列与所传信息数据时无关的,也就是说它与 一般的正弦载波信号是类似的,丝毫不影响 信息传输的透明性。扩频码序列仅仅起扩展 信号频谱的作用。
扩频通信(spread spectrum communication)是近几年内迅速发展起来的一种通信技术。
美国在20世纪50 年代中期,就开始了对扩频通信的研究,当时主要侧重在空间探测、卫星侦察和军用通信等方面。
An Introduction to Spread-Spectrum CommunicationsAbstract:This application note is a tutorial overview of spread-spectrum principles.The discussion covers both direct-sequence and fast-hopping methods.Theoretical equations are given to allow performance estimates.The following discussion of direct-sequence spread-spectrum(DSSS) and frequency-hopping spread-spectrum(FHSS) methods.As spread-spectrum techmiques become increasingly popular,electrical engineers outside the field are eager for understandable explanations of the technology.There are books and websites on the subject,but many are hard to understand or describe some aspects while ignoring others(e.g.,the DSSS technique with extensive focus on PRN-code generation).The following discussion covers the full spectrum.1.A Short HistorySpread-spectrum communications technology was first described on paper by an actress and a musician!In 1941 Hollywood actress Hedy Lamarr and pianist George Antheil described a secure radio link to control torpedos.They received U.S.Patent #2.292.387.The technology was not taken seriously at that time by the U.S.Army and was forgotten until the 1980s,when it became active.Since then the technology has become increasingly popular for application that involve radio links in hostile environments.Typical applications for the resulting short-range data transceivers include satellite-positioning systemsGPS,3G mobile telecommunications,W-LAN(IEEE®802.11a,IEEE 802.11b,IEEE 802.11g),and Bluetooth®.Spread-spectrum techniques also aid in the endless race between communication needs and radio-frequency availability-situations where the radio spectrum is limited and is,therefore,an expensive resource.2.Theoretical Justification for Spread SpectrumSpread-spectrum is apparent in the Shannon and Hartley channel-capacity theorem: C=B×log2(1+S/N) (Eq.1)I n this equation,C is the channel capacity in bits per second(bps),which is the maximum data rate for a theoretical bit-error rate(BER).B is the required channel bandwidth in Hz,and S/N is the signal-to-nosie power ratio.To be more explicit,one assumes that C,which represents the amount of information allowed by the communication channel,also represents the desired performance.Bandwidth (B) is the price to be paid,bacause frequency is a limited resource.The S/N ratio expresses the environmental conditions or the physical characteristics (i.e., obstacles ,presence of jammers ,interferences,etc.).There is an elegant interpretation of this equation,applicable for difficult environments,forexample,when a low S/N ratio is caused by noise and interference.This approach says that one can maintain or even increase communication performance (high C) by allowing or injecting more bandwidth (high B),even when signal power is below the noise floor. (The equation does not forbid that condition!)Modify Equation 1 by changing the log base from 2 to e (the Napierian number) and by noting that In=loge.Therefore:C/B=(1/ln2)×ln(1+S/N)=1.443×ln(1+S/N) (Eq.2)Applying the MacLaurin series development forln(1+x)=x-x2/2+x3/3-x4/4+…+(-1)k+1xk/k+…:C/B=1.443×(S/N-1/2×(S/N)2+1/3×(S/N)3-…) (Eq.3)S/N is usually low for spread-spectrum applications. (As just mentioned, the signal power density can even be below the noise level.) Assuming a noise level such that S/N <<1,Shannon's expression becomes simply:C/B≈1.443×S/N (Eq.4)Very roughly:C/N≈S/N (Eq.5)Or:N/S≈B/C (Eq.6)To send error-free information for a given noise-to-signal ratio in the channel,therefore,one need only perform the fundamental spread-spectrum signal-spreading operation:increase the transmitted bandwidth.That principle seems simple and evident.Nonetheless,implementation is complex,mainly because spreading the baseband (by a factor that can be several orders of magnitude) forces the electronics to act and react accordingly,which,in turn,makes the spreading and despreading operations necessary.3.Spread Spectrum definitionsDifferent spread-spectrum techniques are available,but all have one idea in common:the key (also called the code or sequence) attached to the communication channel.The manner of inserting this code defines precisely the spread-spectrum technique.The term "spread spectrum" refers to the expansion of signal bandwidth,by several orders of magnitude in some cases,which occurs when a key is attached to the communication channel.The formal definition of spread spectrum is more precise:an RF communications system in which the baseband signal bandwidth is intentionally spread over a larger bandwidth by injecting a higher frequency signal (Figure 1).As a direct consequence,energy used in transmitting the signal is spread over a wider bandwidth,and appears as noise.The ratio (in dB) between thespread baseband and the original signal is called processing gain.Typical spread-spectrum processing gains run from 10dB to 60dB.To apply a spread-spectrum technique,simply inject the corresponding spread-spectrum code somewhere in the transmitting chain before the antenna (receiver).Conversely,you can remove the spread-spectrum code (called a despreading operation) at a point in the receive chain before data retrieval.A despreading operation reconstitutes the information into its original bandwidth.Obviously,the same code must be known in advance at both ends of the transmission channel. (In some circumstances,the code should be known only by those two parties).Therefore, the impact caused by the bandwidth of the following:Figure 1.Spread-spectrum communication system(1)Bandwidth Effects of the Spreading OperationFigure 2 illustrates the evaluation of signal bandwidths in a communication link.Figure 2.Spreading operation spreads the signal energy over a wider frequency bandwidth.Spread-spectrum modulation is applies on top of a conventional modulation such as BPSK or direct conversion.One can demonstrate that all other signals not receiving the spread-spectrum code will remain ad they are,that is,unspread.(2)Bandwidth Effects of the Despreading OperationSimilarly,despreading can be seen in Figure 3.Figure 3. The despreading operation recovers the original signal.Here a spread-spectrum demodulation has been made on top of the normal demodulation operations.One can also demonstrate that signals such as an interferer or jammer added during the transmission will be spread during the despreading operation! (3)Waste of Bandwidth Due to Spreading Is Offset by Multiple UsersSpreading results directly in the use of a wider frequency band by a factor that corresponds exactly to the "processing gain" mentioned earlier.Therefore spreading does not spare the limited frequency resource.That overuse is well compensated,however,by the possibility that many users will share the enlarged frequency band (Figure 4).Figure 4. The same frequency band can be shared by multipleusers with spread-spectrum techniques.4.Spread Spectrum Is a Wideband TechnologyIn contrast to regular narrowband technology,the spread-spectrum process is a wideband technology.For example,W-CDMA and UMTS,are wideband technologies that require a relatively large frequency bandwidth, compared to narrowband radio.Benefits of Spread Spectrum:(1) Resistance to Interference and Antijamming EffectsThere are many benefits to spread-spectrum technology.Resistance to interference is the most important advantage.Intentional or unintentional interference and jamming signals are rejected because they do not contain the spread-spectrum key.Only the desired signal,which has the key, will be seen at the receiver when the despreading operation is exercised.See Figure 5.Figure 5. A spread-spectrum communication system.Note that the interferer’s energy is spread while the data signal is despread in the receive chain.You can practically ignore the interference,narrowband or wideband,if it does not include the key used in the dispreading operation.That rejection also applies to other spread-spectrum signals that do not have the right key.Thus different spread-spectrum communications can be active simultaneously in the same band,such as CDMA.Note that spread-spectrum is a wideband technology,but the reverse is not true:wideband techniques need not involve spread-spectrum technology.(2) Resistance to InterceptionResistance to interception is the second advantage provided by spread-spectrum techniques.Because nonauthorized listeners do not have the key used to spread the original signal,those listeners cannot decode it.Without the right key,the spread-spectrum signal appears as noise or as an interferer.(Scanning methods can break the code,however,if the key is short.) Even better,signal levels can be below the noise floor,because the spreading operation reduces the spectral density.See Figure 6.(Total energy is the same,but it is widely spread in frequency.) The message is thus made invisible,an effect that is particularly strong with the direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) technique.(DSSS is discussed in greater detail below.) Other receivers cannot “see” the transmission;they only register a slight increase in the overall noise level!Figure 6.Spread-spectrum signal is buried under noise level.The receiver cannot “see”the transmission without the right spread-spectrum keys.(3) Resistance to Fading (Multipath Effects)Wireless channels often include multiple-path propagation in which the signal has more than one path from the transmitter to the receiver (Figure 7).Such multipaths can be caused byatmospheric reflection or refraction, and by reflection from the ground or from objects such as buildings.Figure 7.Illustration of how the signal can reach the receiver over multiple paths.The reflected path (R) can interfere with the direct path (D) in a phenomenon called fading.Because the dispreading process synchronizes to signal D,signal R is rejected even though it contains the same key. Methods are available to use the reflected-path signals by dispreading them and adding the extracted results to the main one.5.Spread Spectrum Allows CDMANote that spread spectrum is not a modulation scheme,and should not be confused with other types of modulation.One can,for example,use spread-spectrum techniques to transmit a signal modulated by PSK or BPSK.Thanks to the coding basis,spread spectrum can also be used as another method for implementing multiple access (i.e.,the real or apparent coexistence of multiple and simultaneous communication links on the same physical media).So far,three main methods are available.a.FDMA-Frequency Division Multiple AccessFDMA allocates a specific carrier frequency to a communication channel.The number of different users is limited to the number of “slices” in the frequency spectrum (Figure 8).Of the three methods for enabling multiple access,FDMA is the least efficient in term of frequency-band usage.Methods of FDMA access include radio broadcasting,TV,AMPS,and TETRAPOLE.Figure 8.Carrier-frequency allocations among different users in a FDMA system.b.TDMA-Time Division Multiple AccessWith TDMA the different users speak and listen to each other according to a defined allocation of time slots (Figure 9).Different communication channels can then be established for a unique carrier frequency.Examples of TDMA are GSM,DECT,TETRA,and IS-136.Figure 9. Time-slot allocations among different users in a TDMA system.c.CDMA-Code Division Multiple AccessCDMA access to the air is determined by a key or code (Figure 10).In that sence,spread spectrum is a CDMA access.The key must be defined and known in advance at the transmitter and receiver ends.Growing examples are IS-95 (DS),IS-98,Bluetooth,and WLAN.Figure 10.CDMA systems access the same frequency band with unique keys or codes.One can,of course,combine the above access methods.GSM,for instance,combines TDMA and FDMA.GSM defines the topological areas (cells) with different carrier frequencies,and sets time slots within each cell.6.Spread Spectrum and coding “Keys”At this point,it is worth restating that the main characteristic of spread spectrum is the presence of a code or key,which must be known in advance by the transmitter and receiver (s).In modern communications the codes are digital sequences that must be as long and as random as possible to appear as “noise-like”as possible.But in any case,the codes must remain reproducible.or the receiver cannot extract the message that has been sent.Thus,the sequence is “nearly random”.Such a code is called a pseudo-random number (PRN) or sequence.The method most frequently used to generate pseudo-random codes is based on a feedback shift register.Many books are available on the generation of PRNs and their characteristics,but that development is outside the scope of this basic tutorial.Simply note that the construction orselection of proper sequences,or sets of sequences,is not trivial.To guarantee efficient spread-spectrum communications,the PRN sequences must respect certain rules,such as length, autocorrelation,cross-correlation,orthogonality,and bits balancing.The more popular PRN sequences have names:Barker,M-Sequence,Gold,Hadamard-Walsh,etc.Keep in mind that a more complex sequence set provides a more robust spread-spectrum link.But there is a cost to this: more complex electronics both in speed and behavior,mainly for the spread-spectrum despreading operations.Purely digital spread-spectrum despreading chips can contain more than several million equivalent 2-input NAND gates,switching at several tens of megahertz.。
扩展频谱通信(Spread Spectrum Communication),简称扩频通信,是一种信息传输方式,其信号所占有的频带宽度远大于所传信息必需的最小带宽;频带的扩展是通过一个独立的码序列(一般是伪随机码)来完成,用编码及调制的方法来实现的,与所传信息数据无关;在接收端则用同样的码进行相关同步接收、解扩及恢复所传信息数据。
2、可进行多址通信扩展频谱通信本身就是一种多址通信方式,称为扩频多址(SSMA-Spread Specrum Multiple Access),实际上是码分多址(CDMA)的一种,用不同的扩频码组成不同的网。
扩频通信系统的介绍 英文翻译
![扩频通信系统的介绍 英文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/401b84cd89eb172ded63b739.png)
以及讨论直接序列扩频(DSSS )和跳频(FHSS )这两种扩频方式。
扩频过程的处理增益大都在10dB 到60dB 之间。
图5:扩频通信系统(注意,解扩链路中数据信号被传输的同时干扰能源也被传输) 输电链扩频代接收链 扩频代码数据输入射频输出射频输入 RF IN 射频连接 数据输出 数据 干扰 数据扩展和干扰扩展数据扩展 数据扩展和干扰无论在窄带或宽带中,如果它不涉及解扩过程,你几乎可以忽略干扰。
中文2800字毕业设计英文翻译专业电子信息工程班级2010级学生姓名学号课题码分多址通信系统的建模、仿真和设计——初始化模块、基站接收模块指导教师2014 年06 月10 日译文原文1.1 The basic concept of spread-spectrum communicationSpread spectrum communication’s basic characteristics, is used to transmit information to the signal bandwidth(W) is far greater than practical required minimum(effective) bandwidth (F∆),as the radio of processing gain P G.=/G P∆FWAs we well know,the ordinary AM,FM,or pulse code modulation,GP value in the area more than 10 times,collectively,the “narrow-band communication”,and spread-spectrum communication GP values as hundred or even thousands of times, can be called “broadband communication”.Due to the spread-spectrum signal,it is very low power transmitters,transmission space mostly drowned in the noise,it is difficult to intercepted by the other receiver ,only spreading codes with the same (or random PN code) receiver, Gain can be dealt with ,and despreading resume the original signal.1.2 The technology superiority of spread-spectrum communication.Strong anti-interference, bit error rate is low. As noted above, the spread spectrum communication system due to the expansion of the transmitter signal spectrum, the receiver despreading reduction signal produced spreading gain, thereby greatly enhancing its interference tolerance. Under the spreading gain, or even negative in the signal-to-noise ratio conditions, can also signal from the noise drowned out Extraction, in the current business communications systems, spread spectrum communications systems, spread spectrum communication is only able to work in a negative signal-to-noise ratio under the conditions of communication .Anti-multi-path interference capability, increase the reliability of system. Spread-spectrum systems as used in the PN has a good correlation, correlation is very weak. Different paths to the transmission signal can easily be separated and may intime and re-alignment phase, formation of several superimposed signal power, thereby improving the system’s performance to receive increased reliability of the system.Easy to use the same frequency, improving the wireless spectrum utilization. Wireless spectrum is very valuable,although long-wave microwave have to be exploited, and still can not meet the needs of community. To this end, countries around the world are designed spectrum management, users can only use the frequency applications,rely on the channel to prevent the division between the channel interference.Due to the use of spread-spectrum communication related receive this high-tech,low signal output power(“a W,as a general-100mW),and will work in the channel noise and thermal noise in the background,easy to duplicate in the same area using the same frequency,can now all share the same narrow-band frequency communication resources.Spread-spectrum communication is digital communication,particularly for digital voice and data transmission with their own encryption, only in the same PN code communication between users, is good for hiding and confidential in nature, facilitating communication business. Easy to use spread-spectrum CDMA communications, voice compression and many other new technologies, more applicable to computer networks and digitization of voice,image information transmission.Communication in the most digital circuits, equipment, highly integrated, easy installation, easy maintenance, but also very compact and reliable. The average failure rate no time was very long.1.3 Spread spectrum communication systemSpread spectrum communication,namely, spread spectrum communications (Spread spectrum communication), with fiber-optic communications,satellite communications,with access to the information age as the three major high-tech communications transmission. Spread spectrum communication is to send the information to be pseudo-random data is coded(Spread spectrum sequence: spread sequence) modulation, spread spectrum and then the realization of transmission; thereceiving end is using the same modem code and related processing, the restoration of the original data. Spread spectrum communication system has three main characteristics.(1) Carrier is an unpredictable, or so-called pseudo-random broadband signal.(2) Carrier data bandwidth than the modulation bandwidth is much wilder.(3) Receiving process is generated by local broadband carrier signal and receiving a copy of the signal to the broadband signal to achieve.The main way of spread spectrum are as follows: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS) using high-speed pseudo-random code on to the low-speed data transmission spread spectrum modulation; Frequency-hopping system using pseudo-random code to control the carrier frequency in a wider band of the change; TH is the data transmission time slot is a pseudo-random; chirp frequency system is a linear extension of the process of change. Combination of a number of ways of hybrid systems are often applied.The most important measure pf spread-spectrum system is an indicator of spreading gain, also known as processing gain. It is precisely because of the spread spectrum system itself with its performance characteristics with a series of advantages.1.4 Code division multiple accessCode division multiple access (CDMA) is a channel access method used by various radio communication technologies. It should not be confused with the mobile phone standards called cdmaOne, CDMA2000(the 3G evolution of cdmaOne) and WCDMA (the 3Gstandard used by GSM carrier), which are often referred to as simply CDMA, and use CDMA as an underlying channel access method.One of the concepts in data communication is the idea of allowing several transmitters to send information simultaneously over a signal communication channel. This allows several users to share a band of frequencies (see bandwidth). This concept is called multiple access. CDMA employs spread-spectrum technology and a special coding scheme( where each transmitter is assigned a code) to allow multiple user to be multiplexed over the same physical channel. By contrast, time division multipleaccess (FDMA) divides it by frequency. CDMA is a form of spread-spectrum signaling, since the modulated coded signal has a much higher data bandwidth than the data being communicated.1.5 Spread-spectrum characteristic of CDMAMost modulation schemes try to minimize the bandwidth of this signal since bandwidth is a limited resource. However, spread spectrum use a transmission bandwidth that is several orders of magnitude greater than the minimum required signal bandwidth. One of the initial reasons for doing this was military applications including guidance and communication systems. These system were designed using spread spectrum because if its security and resistance to jamming. Asynchronous CDMA has some level of privacy built in because the signal is spread using a pseudo-random code; this code makes the spread spectrum signals appear random or have noise-like properties. A receiver cannot demodulate this transmission without knowledge of the pseudo-random sequence used to encode the data. CDMA also resistant to jamming. A jamming signal only has a finite amount of power available to jam the signal. The jammer can either spread its energy over the entire bandwidth of the signal or jam only part of the entire signal.CDMA can also effectively reject narrow band interference. Since narrow band interference affects only a small portion of the spread spectrum signal, it can easily be removed through notch filtering without much loss of information. Convolution encoding and interleaving can be used to assist in recovering this lost data. CDMA signal are also resistant to multipath fading. Since the spread spectrum signal occupies a large bandwidth only a small portion of this will undergo fading due to multipath at any give time. Like the narrow band interference this will result in only a small loss of data and can be overcome.Another reason CDMA is resistant to multipath interference is because the delayed versions of the transmitted pseudo-random code, and will thus appear as another user, which is ignored at the receiver. In other words, as long as the multipath channel induces at least one chip of delay, 天the multipath channel induces at least one chip of delay,the multipath signals will arrive at the receiver.in other words, as long as the multipath channel induces at least one chip of delay, the multipath signalswill arrive at the receiver such that they are shifted in time by at least one chip from the intended signal. The correlation properties of the pseudo-random codes are such that this slight delay causes the multipath to appear uncorrelated with the intended signal, and it is thus ignored.Some CDMA devices use a rake receiver, which exploits multipath delay components to improve the performance of the system. A rake receiver combines the information from several correlators, each one tuned to a different path delay, producing a stronger version of the signal than a simple receiver with a signal correlation tuned to the path delay of the strongest signal.Frequency reuse is the ability to reuse the same radio channel frequency at other cell sites within a cellular system. In the FDMA and TDMA systems frequency planning is and important consideration. The frequencies used in different cells must be planned carefully to ensure signals from different cells do not interfere with each other. In a CDMA system, the same frequency can be used in every cell, because channelization is done using the pseudo-random codes. Reusing the same frequency in every cell eliminates the need for frequency planning in a CDMA system; however, planning of the different pseudo-random sequences must be done to ensure that the received signal from one cell does not correlate with the signal from a nearby cell.Since adjacent cell use the same frequencies, CDMA systems have the ability to perform soft handoffs. Soft handoffs allow the mobile telephone to communication simultaneously with two or more cells. The best signal quality in selected until the handoff is complete. This is different from hard handoffs utilized in other cellular systems. In a hard handoff situation, as the mobile telephone approaches a handoff, signal strength may vary abruptly. In contrast, CDMA systems use the soft handoff, which is undetectable and provides a more reliable and higher quality signal.Concluding remarksspread-spectrum technology in the initial stages of development, it has become a theory and a major technological breakthrough. Later in the development process is the improvement and hardware performance improved. Development to thepresent,spread-spectrum technology and the theory has been almost perfect,mainly from the point of view of overall performance, and the other new technology applications. Therefore, the application has been driven by the development of spread-spectrum technology is a power driving force, the future wireless communication systems, such as mobile communication. Wireless LAN, global personal communications, spread-spectrum technology will certainly play an important role.译文正文1.扩频通信系统概述扩频通信,即扩展频谱通信(Spread spectrum communication),它与光纤通信、卫星通信,一同誉为进入信息时代的三大高技术通信传输方式,扩频通信是将待传送的信息数据被伪随机码调制,实现频谱扩展后再传输;接收端则采用相同的编码进行解调及相关处理,恢复原始信息数据。
1、扩频技术概述 2、扩频通信系统 3、扩频系统的伪随机码 4、扩频系统的相关接收 5、扩频系统的同步 6、扩频系统的应用
第1章 扩频技术概述
扩频通信,即扩展频谱通信(Spread Spectrum Communication),它 与光纤通信、卫星通信,一同被誉为进入信息时代的三大高技术通信 传输方式。
高度的对抗性 极端的机密性 应用的综合性 对实战环境的依赖性 采用新技术的超前性
通信侦察:使用通信侦察设备来探测、搜索、截获敌方 的无线通信信号,对信号进行测量、分析、识别、监视 以及测向和定位,以获取信号频率、电平、调制方式等 技术参数以及电台位置、通信方式、通信特点、网络结 构和属性等情报。
通信干扰:使用通信干扰设备发射专门的干扰信号,破 坏或扰乱敌方的无线通信,是通信对抗的进攻手段。
通信抗干扰:在军事通信设备及系统中采用的通信反侦 察、反干扰措施,是通信对抗的防御手段。本次讲座重 点讨论有关通信抗干扰问题。
通信中遇到的干扰 人为干扰和非人为干扰 军事通信中非敌意的人为干扰:
产生与发展基于两方面: •信息战-信息对抗-电子对抗-通信对抗 •提高频带利用率
电子对抗。如:电磁波 的侦测与隐蔽、通信干 扰与抗干扰、雷达干扰 与抗干扰等。
网络对抗。如:计算机 病毒、软件攻击等。
消息对抗。如:加密与 解密、消息的收集与欺 骗等。
3、理论研究紧跟其上,1950年Basore首先提出把这种扩频 系统称作NOMACS(Noise Modulation And Correlation Detection System)这个名称被使用相当长的时间。
第2章 扩频通信系统概述
![第2章 扩频通信系统概述](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ba4519cfda38376baf1fae2c.png)
慢跳频:指跳频速率低于信息比特速率,即连续几个信息 比特跳频一次; 快跳频:指跳频速率高于信息比特速率,即每个信息比特 跳频一次以上;
2.5 跳时扩频通信系统
该系统可看作是使用一定码序列进行选择的多时片的时 移键控系统,该系统使发射信号在分片的时间轴上跳变,即 用扩频码序列去控制发射信号在不同时段所使用的不同时片。 由于采用了窄得很多的时片去发送信号,相对来说,信号的 频谱也就展宽了。
式中,C为信道容量,指单位时间内信道中无差错传输 的最大信息量,其单位为b/s;W为信号频带宽度,单位为 Hz;S为信号功率,单位为W;N为噪声功率,单位为W; S/N为输入功率与噪声功率之比,称为信噪功率比,简称信 噪比。
2.潜在抗干扰理论 潜在抗干扰理论 潜在抗干扰理论 柯捷尔尼可夫在其潜在抗干扰性理论中得到如下关于信 息传输差错概率的公式:
码分多址主要与直接序列扩频技术相结合,构成码分多 址直接序列扩频通信系统,该系统主要有下列两种方式:
2.4 跳频扩频系统
指用一定码序列进行按一 定规律随机地跳变。
跳频信号的 频谱是一个 在很宽频带 上随机跳变 的不等间隔 的频率信道。
扩频通信系统的种类 直接序列(DS)系统 跳频(FH)系统 脉冲线性调频(Chirp)系统 跳时(TH)系统
一、无线扩频通信技术简介1、无线扩频通信技术简介扩展频谱通信(SPRead Spectrum Communication)技术(以下简称扩频通信),早在第二次世界大战期间就已提出,其发展也基本上是在军事领域随着电子对抗发展起来的。
2、扩频通信技术基本原理扩频通信的理论基础是仙农定理:C=W Log 2 (1+S / N )式中: C---信道容量,W---传输带宽,S / N ---信号功率/噪声功率由此可得:在信息速率一定时,可以用不同的信号带宽和相应的信噪比来实现传输,即信号带宽越宽则传信噪比可以越低,甚至在信号被噪声淹没的情况下也可以实现可靠通信。
目前常用的扩频通信实现方法主要有: 直接序列扩频( Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)、跳频(Frequency Hopping)、跳时(Time Hopping)、宽带线性调频(Chip Modulation)等方式。
直接序列扩频技术直序扩频使用伪随机码(PN Code)对信息比特进行模2加得到扩频序列,然后扩频序列去调制载波发射,由于PN码往往比较长,因此发射信号在比较低的功率上可以占用很宽的功率谱,即宽带低信噪比传输。
扩展频谱通信(Spread Spectrum Communication)简称扩频通信,其特点是传输信息所用的带宽远大于信息本身带宽。
2.扩频技术分类1、直扩系统(DS)就是采用高码速率的直接序列(Direct Sequence)伪随机码在发端进行扩频,在收端采用相同的伪码(PN)进行相关解扩。
扩频通信结课作业姓名:刘德福班级:通信101学号:10426052扩频技术【摘要】扩频通信,即扩展频谱通信(Spread Spectrum Communication),它与光纤通信、卫星通信一同被誉为进入信息时代的三大高技术通信传输方式。
no requirement of the phase synchronization.
Interference Rejection: Narrowband Interference : - the fixed frequency of does not hop, and just interferes one of the frequencies in the hop band. The , that is . probability of being interfered is Multi-access Interference : the hopping pattern to each user is different and near orthogonal. At time t, the probability of collision of the hopping frequency is little. :By the synchronized mixer in receiver, the noise excluded from the desired signal is filtered.
transmitted in one hop duration. Example: By setting the frequencies in a hopset, where , the frequency-hopping pattern that represents the time-frequency relationship of the FH signal is shown below. The bandwidth in the hop duration is obtained as: (∵ , is determined by )
外文资料Pseudorandom Noise SequencesDirect sequence(DS). Direct-sequence spread spectrum(DS-SS) is produced when a bipolar data-modulated signal is linearly multiplied by the spreading signal in a special balanced modulator called a spreading correlator .The spreading code rate R cw=1/T c,where T c is the duration of a single bipolar pulse(i,e., the chip). Chip rates are 100 to 1000 times faster than the data message,therefore,chip times are 100 to 1000 times shorter in duration than the time of a single data bit. As a result, the transmitted output frequency spectrum using spread spectrum is 100 to 1000 times wider than the bandwidth of the initial PSK data-modulated signal.The spreading codes used in spread-spectrum systems are either maximal-length sequence codes, sometimes called m-sequence codes, or Gold codes. Gold codes are combinations of maximal-length codes invented by Magnavox Corporation in 1967 especially for multiple-access CDMA applications .There is a relatively large set of Glod codes available with minimal correlation between chip codes.For a reasonable number of satellite users,it is impossible to achieve perfectly orthogonal codes.You can only design for a minimum cross correlation among chips.One of the advantages of CDMA was that the entire bandwidth of a satellite channel or system may be used for each transmission from every earth station. For our example, the chip rate was six times the original bit rate. Consequently, the actual transmission rate of information was one-sixth of the PSK modulation rate,and the bandwidth required is six times that required to simply transmit the original data as binary. Because of the coding inefficiency resulting from transmitting chips for bits, the advantage of more bandwidth is partially offset and is, thus, less of an advantage. Also, if the transmission of chips from various earth station must be synchronized, precise timing is required for the system to work. Therefore, the disadvantage of requiring time synchronization in TDMA systems is also present with CDMA. In short, CDMA is not all that it is cracked up to be.The most significant advantage of CDMA is immunity to interference, which makes CDMA ideally suited for military applicationsPseudorandom Noise SequencesPN squences are not random; they are deterministic, periodic sequences. The following are the three key properties of an ideal PN sequence:1.The relative frequencies of 0 and 1 are each 1/2.2.The run length(of 0s or 1s)are: 1/2 of all run lengths are of length 1; 1/4are of length 2;1/8 are of length 3; and so on.3.If a PN sequence is shifted by any nonzero number of elements, theresulting sequence will have an equal number of agreements and disagreements with respect to the original sequence.PN sequence are generated by combining the outputs of feedback shift registers. A feedback shift register consists of consecutive two-stage memory or storage stages and feedback lobic. Binary sequences are shifted register in response to clock pulses. The contents of the stages are olgically combined to produce the input to the first stage. The initial contents of the stages and feedback olgic determine the successive contents of the stages. A feedback shift register and its output are called linear when the feedback logic consists entirely of modulo-2 adders.To demonstrate the properties of a PN a binary sequence, we consider a linear feedback shift register(see Fig. 1) that has a four-stage register for storage and shifting, a modulo-2 adder, and a feedback path from adder to the input of the register.The operation of the shift register is controlled by a sequence of clock pulses. At each clock pulse the contents of each stage in the register is shifted by one stage to the right. Also, at each clock pulse the contents of stages x3 and x4 are modulo-2 added, and the result is fed back to stage x1. The shift register sequence is defined to be the output of stage x4. W assume that stage x1 is initially filled with a 0 and the other remaining stages are filled with 0, 0, and 1; i.e., the initial state of the register is 0 0 0 1. Next, we perform the shifting, adding , and feeding operations, where we obtain the results after each cycle that is shown in Table 1.We notice that the contents of the registers repeat after 24-1=15 cycles. The output sequence is given as 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 ,where the left-most bit is the earliest bie. In the output sequence, the total number of 0s is 7 and total number of 1s is 8; the numbers differ by 1.If a linear feedback shift register reached the 0 state an some time, it would always remain in the 0 state and the output sequence would subsequently be all 0s. Since there are exactly 2n-1 nonzero states, the period of a linear n-stage shift register output sequence can not exceed 2n-1.The output sequences are classified as either maximal length ornonmaximal length. Maximal-length sequences are the longest sequences that can be generated by a given shift register of a given length. In the binary shift register sequence generators, the maximal length sequence is 2n-1 chips, where n is the number of stages in the shift registers. Maximal-length sequences have this property for an n-stage linear feedback shift register: the sequence repetition period in clock pulses is T0=2n-1. If a linear feedback shift register generates a maximal sequence, then all of its nonzero output sequences are maximal, regardless of the initial stage. A maximal sequence contains(2n-1-1) 0s and (2n-1) 1s per period.Figure1 Four-Stage Linear Feedback Shift Register二、译文伪随机序列直接序列(DS)。
第一讲扩频通信系统概述扩频通信,即扩展频谱通信(Spread Spectrum Communication),它与光纤通信、卫星通信,一同被誉为进入信息时代的三大高技术通信传输方式。
扩频通信是将待传送的信息数据被伪随机编码(扩频序列:Spread Sequence)调制,实现频谱扩展后再传输;接收端则采用相同的编码进行解调及相关处理,恢复原始信息数据。
第二讲扩展频谱通信的基本概念2.1 扩展频谱通信的定义所谓扩展频谱通信,可简单表述如下:“扩频通信技术是一种信息传输方式,其信号所占有的频带宽度远大于所传信息必需的最小带宽;频带的扩展是通过一个独立的码序列来完成,用编码及调制的方法来实现的,与所传信息数据无关;在接收端则用同样的码进行相关同步接收、解扩及恢复所传信息数据”。
例如人类的语音的信息带宽为300Hz --- 3400Hz,电视图像信息带宽为数MHz。
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以及讨论直接序列扩频(DSSS )和跳频(FHSS )这两种扩频方式。
扩频过程的处理增益大都在10dB 到60dB 之间。
图5:扩频通信系统(注意,解扩链路中数据信号被传输的同时干扰能源也被传输) 输电链扩频代接收链 扩频代码数据输入射频输出射频输入 RF IN 射频连接 数据输出 数据 干扰 数据扩展和干扰扩展数据扩展 数据扩展和干扰无论在窄带或宽带中,如果它不涉及解扩过程,你几乎可以忽略干扰。
因此不同的扩频通信系统可以工作在同一频段,例如CDMA 。
)因此信息是无形的,这一影响在直接序列扩频(DSSS )技术上有充分的体现。
(在下文的DSSS 作更详细说明。
图7:信号是如何通过多个路径到达接收器的 这种反射路径(R )可干扰直接路径(D )的现象称为解扩过程的同步衰落。
因为解扩过程使信号D 与信号R 的同步被拒绝,即使它们包含了相同的密钥。
扩频和(的)编码密钥现代通讯的代码是数字序列必须长期存在和随机出现的,尽可能地显示为噪声基准 扩展后的数据噪声基准数据传播之前 RxRDTx“噪音像”。
比较受欢迎伪随机序列有Barker码,M序列码,Gold码,Walsh 码等。
An Introduction to Spread-Spectrum CommunicationsAbstract:This application note is a tutorial overview of spread-spectrum principles.The discussion covers both direct-sequence and fast-hopping methods.Theoretical equations are given to allow performance estimates.Relation direct-sequence spread-spectrum(DSSS) and frequency-hopping spread-spectrum(FHSS) methods.IntroductionAs spread-spectrum techmiques become increasingly popular,electrical engineers outside the field are eager for understandable explanations of the technology.There are books and websites on the subject,but many are hard to understand or describe some aspects while ignoring others(e.g.,the DSSS technique with extensive focus on PRN-code generation).The following discussion covers the full spectrum(pun intended).DefinitionsDifferent spread-spectrum techniques are available,but all have one idea in common:the key (also called the code or sequence) attached to the communication channel.The manner of inserting this code defines precisely the spread-spectrum technique.The term "spread spectrum" refers to the expansion of signal bandwidth,by several orders of magnitude in some cases,which occurs when a key is attached to the communication channel.Benefits of Spread SpectrumResistance to Interference and Antijamming EffectsThere are many benefits to spread-spectrum technology.Resistance to interference is the most important advantage.Intentional or unintentional interference and jamming signals are rejected because they do not contain the spread-spectrum key.Only the desired signal,which has the key, will be seen at the receiver when the despreading operation is exercised.See Figure 5.Figure 5:A spread-spectrum communication syste m.Note that the interferer’s energy is spread while the data signal is despread in the receive chain.You can practically ignore the interference,narrowband or wideband,if it does not include the key used in the dispreading operation.That rejection also applies to other spread-spectrum signals that do not have the right key.Thus different spread-spectrum communications can be active simultaneously in the same band,such as CDMA.Note that spread-spectrum is a wideband technology,but the reverse is not true:wideband techniques need not involve spread-spectrum technology.Resistance to InterceptionResistance to interception is the second advantage provided by spread-spectrum techniques.Because nonauthorized listeners do not have the key used to spread the original signal,those listeners cannot decode it.Without the right key,the spread-spectrum signal appears as noise or as an interferer.(Scanning methods can break the code,however,if the key is short.) Even better,signal levels can be below the noise floor,because the spreading operation reduces the spectral density.See Figure 6.(Total energy is the same,but it is widely spread in frequency.) The message is thus made invisible,an effect that is particularly strong with the direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) technique.(DSSS is discussed in greater detail below.) Other receivers cannot “see” the transmission;they only register a slight increase in the overall noise level.Figure 6:Spread-spectrum signal is buried under noise level.The receiver cannot “see”the transmission without the right spread-spectrum keys.Resistance to Fading (Multipath Effects)Wireless channels often include multiple-path propagation in which the signal has more that one path from the transmitter to the receiver (Figure 7).Such multipaths can be caused by atmospheric reflection or refraction, and by reflection from the ground or from objects such as buildings.Figure 7:Illustration of how the signal can reach the receiver over multiple paths.The reflected path (R) can interfere with the direct path (D) in a phenomenon called fading.Because the dispreading process synchronizes to signal D,signal R is rejected even though it contains the same key. Methods are available to use the reflected-path signals by dispreading them and adding the extracted results to the main one.Spread Spectrum and (De) coding “Keys”In modern communications the codes are digital sequences that must be as long and as random as possible to appear as “noise-like” as possible.But in any case,the codes must remain reproducible.or the receiver cannot extract the message that has been sent.Thus,the sequence is “nearly random”.Such a code is called a pseudo-random number (PRN) or sequence.The method most frequently used to generate pseudo-random codes is based on a feedback shift register.Many books are available on the generation of PRNs and their characteristics,but that development is outside the scope of this basic tutorial.Simply note that the construction or selection of proper sequences,or sets of sequences,is not trivial.To guarantee efficient spread-spectrum communications,the PRN sequences must respect certain rules,such as length, autocorrelation,cross-correlation,orthogonality,and bits balancing.The more popular PRN sequences have names:Barker,M-Sequence,Gold,Hadamard-Walsh,etc.Keep in mind that a more complex sequence set provides a more robust spread-spectrum link.But there is a cost to this: more complex electronics both in speed and behavior,mainly for the spread-spectrum despreading operations.Purely digital spread-spectrum despreading chips can contain more than several million equivalent 2-input NAND gates,switching at several tens of megahertz.。