
Unit 7 The Sea写作园地-如何写景点观光(报告)[感悟范文]假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Sarah打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。
参考词汇:步行街pedestrian street 当当车trolley car 地铁subway注意:(1)词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Sarah,Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street. Here is something about it.___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua [范文]Dear_Sarah,Thank_you_for_your_letter_asking_about_the_rebuilt_Qianmen_Street._Here_is_ something_about_it.Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years. ①Along this 800meter street, there are more than 300 shops. ②As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tian'anmen Square, it's very convenient to get there by bus. You may take Buses No. 17,69 or 59. Subway Line 2 has a stop there too.③Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to theatres and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way oflife. I'm sure you'll like it.Yours,Li_Hua [技法讨论]景点观光报告的写作可按以下步骤进行:1.依照报告的题头格式,写出报告的收件人和发件人,报告日期和写作主题。

海上观光的作文英语Title: Exploring the Wonders of Sea Tourism。
Sea tourism, a captivating blend of adventure and relaxation, offers travelers a unique opportunity to explore the beauty of the ocean while indulging in leisure activities. From picturesque cruises to thrilling water sports, sea tourism presents a plethora of experiences for enthusiasts of all ages. In this essay, we delve into the enchanting realm of sea tourism, exploring its various facets and highlighting its significance in the realm of travel.First and foremost, sea tourism provides unparalleled opportunities for exploration and discovery. Setting sail on a cruise ship allows travelers to visit multiple destinations in a single journey, offering a diverse range of experiences along the way. From idyllic tropical islands to historic port cities, each stop presents a new adventure waiting to be uncovered. Whether it's exploring ancientruins, sampling local cuisine, or simply lounging onpristine beaches, sea tourism caters to a myriad of interests, ensuring that every traveler finds something to delight in.Moreover, sea tourism offers a unique perspective on marine life and ecosystems. Through activities such as snorkeling and scuba diving, travelers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant underwater world teeming with colorful coral reefs and exotic marine species. These encounters not only foster a deeper appreciation for the importance of ocean conservation but also create unforgettable memories that last a lifetime. Additionally, eco-friendly cruise initiatives and responsible tourism practices help minimize the environmental impact of sea travel, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the wonders of the sea.In addition to exploration and conservation, seatourism provides ample opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation. Picture yourself lounging on the deck of a luxurious cruise ship, the gentle sea breeze caressing yourskin as you soak in panoramic views of the ocean stretching to the horizon. With onboard amenities ranging from spas and gourmet restaurants to live entertainment and recreational activities, sea tourism offers a truly indulgent escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you're seeking tranquility amidst the waves or seeking adventure on the high seas, there's somethingfor everyone to enjoy.Furthermore, sea tourism plays a significant role in promoting cultural exchange and fostering global understanding. As travelers embark on sea voyages todistant shores, they have the opportunity to engage with people from diverse backgrounds, learning about different cultures, traditions, and customs along the way. From participating in traditional dance performances to sampling exotic cuisine, these interactions enrich the travel experience and promote cross-cultural appreciation. By bridging divides and fostering connections between people from around the world, sea tourism serves as a catalyst for building bridges of understanding and promoting peace and harmony.In conclusion, sea tourism offers a myriad of opportunities for exploration, relaxation, and cultural enrichment. From the thrill of setting sail on a cruise ship to the tranquility of lounging on pristine beaches, the wonders of the sea beckon travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys of discovery. As we continue to embrace the beauty and diversity of our oceans, let us cherish and protect these precious treasures for generations to come. So, pack your bags, set sail, and embark on an adventure of a lifetime – the sea awaits!。

参考词汇:步行街pedestrian street当当车trolley car地铁subway注意:(1)词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Sarah,Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street. Here is something about it._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua [范文]Dear_Sarah,Thank_you_for_your_letter_asking_about_the_rebuilt_Qianmen_Street._Here_is_something_about_ it.Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years. ①Along this 800meter street, there are more than 300 shops. ②As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tian'anmen Square, it's very convenient to get there by bus. You may take Buses No. 17,69 or 59. Subway Line 2 has a stop there too.③Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to theatres and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. I'm sure you'll like it.Yours,Li_Hua [技法讨论]景点观光报告的写作可按以下步骤进行:1.依照报告的题头格式,写出报告的收件人和发件人,报告日期和写作主题。

英语旅游景点作文7篇英语旅游景点作文篇1gulangyuisasmallislandofxiamen.itslikeagardenonthewater .carsandbusesarenotallowedtodrivethere,whichmakestheislands oquietthatmusicplayedonthepianoandviolincanbeheard.heretheskyandtheseaclearlymeetonthehorizon.whenstanding atthetopofthesunshinerock,youcanseemuchofthelandscapeofxiam en,andwhenstandingatitsfoot,youcangazeatthebeautifulgardent hatsurroundsit.gulangyuproducesbananas,coconuts,sugarcaneandsoon.thepe oplehere,warm,simpleandhardworking,aremakingeveryefforttoma ketheislandmorebeautifulandtheyhopetowelcomemorevisitorsint hefuture.suchisgulangyu,abeautifulandinvitingisland,whereawarmwe lcomeawaits.英语旅游景点作文篇2lastsummeriwenttovietnamwithmyparents.westayedatasmallv illageoutsidesaigon.theairandwaterwasverycleanandthereweremanykidsplayingin themudalongwithwaterbuffalos.thoughitsaverypoorcountry,thekidsseemtobehappy.theylivewiththeirfarmerparentsinlittlehous esbuiltwithdirtandstrawandhelpoutalotinthericefieldduringth eday.theydonthavetvsorinternet,buttheyenjoyalotplayingoutsi de.itwasaverymemorabletripthatiwillneverforget.英语旅游景点作文篇3ifeelitagreathonourtobeyourtourguidetoday.first,onbehal fofmycompany,iwarmlywelcomeallmydistinguishedguestsfromaust raliatoshanghaiandtheorientalpearltvtower.locatedonthehuangpuriver,theorientalpearltvtowerisnowth esymbolofthecity.builtin1994andopenedtothepublicin1995,itis nowthehighestbuildinginshanghaiandthethirdhighestinasia.the towerhasaquiteuniquestructureandconsistsof3largeand5smallba lls.insidetheballs,youcanhaveabirdseyeviewofthecity.ourscheduleforthetriptothetvtowerisasfollows:youhaveanhourform9:3010:30amtoexperiencethehistoryofshanghaionthefirstfloor.thenwel lassembleinthemiddleofthehallat10:30andhaveanotherhourtooverlookthebeautifulcitysceneriesinth emiddleball.finallypleasedoremembertogotothetopballat11:30toenjoyyourlunch.thanksforlistening.haveagoodtime!英语旅游景点作文篇4thefieldshisstudy,naturewashisbook.travelerscanchoosedifferentmodesoftransportationwhichha veadvantagesanddisadvantages.airplanesarethefastestbutalsot hemostexpensive.busesandtrainsarelessexpensive,buttheysoonmakeyoufeelcrampedanduncomfortable.shipsprovidey ouwithcomfortunlessyougetseasick.mostpeoplecanaffordtraveli ngbybicycle,which,althoughslow,canlimberupyourmusclesandgetyouclosertonature.英语旅游景点作文篇5onsummerholidaymyparentstookmetobeijing.westayedathuabe ihotel.onthefirstday,wewenttothegreatwall.thegreatwallisver ylongandold.ithasmillionsofbricks.eachbrickisverybigandheav y.lotsofpeoplefromdifferentcountrieslikeclimbingthegreatwal l.wefeltverytiredwhenweclimbedtothetopofthegreatwall.wealsowenttothepalacemuseum.thepalacemuseumhas9999palac es.ithasaverylonghistory.iboughtalotofsouvenirsofthepalacem useum.whatnicepalacestheseare!ivisitedthepalacemuseumandfel texcited.ifyouwanttoknowmoreaboutthepalacemuseum,youcangoto beijingandhavealook.thefollowingdays,wewenttothesummerpalace,tiantan,northl akeandxianghill.inowknowmoreaboutthehistoryofchina.ialsolik emodernbeijing.the2023olympicgameswillbeheldinbeijing.later,iwentbackwithmyparentsbytrain.ireallyenjoyedthetr iptobeijing.ilikethistrip!英语旅游景点作文篇6onthegreengrass,aplasticbottlerollswiththewind.willyoup ickitupandthrowitintothetrashcannearby?clearcreek,acanisparticularlyeyecatching,youkickeditintothe riverorpickitup?intheelevengoldenweek,iencounteredthesetwothingsinqiandaola keandtaishan.theresultwasreallydistressing,andthequalityoft hechinesepeopleshouldbeseenhere.onthetrailofthethousandislandlake,ayounggirlthrewakunlu nmountainsmineralwaterbottleintothelawn.ipickeditupandranto thelittlegirl."children,itsnotrighttolitter."."atthismoment ,herfather,amiddleagedmanwithsunglasses,gavemeacontemptuous lookandwalkedawaywiththelittlegirlshand.obviously,hewantedt oescapethequestion.or,inhiseyes,"thisisnotmyhome"thesondoes notteach,thefatherofthepast,yousaidthatthispersonisinsignificant?ifeveryonethrowsadrinkbottleonthelawn,theconsequenceswillal waysbeimagined.theartillerytaishanfarmhousenearthegurglingstreamswithr ollinghills,goodscenery!suddenly,abottlefellintothewaterabo ywaskickingacan.iwassilent,andigotthecansoutofthewater.notl ongafter,hekickedthecansdownthewateragain.imangry:"natureis ourown.whydoyoudestroytheenvironment?""hedidntsayangrily:"doyouwanttobe?"thistone,ihatenotabrickknockhimtodeath!whatabadupbringing!althoughtheatmosphereofcivilizedtourisminchinaismuchbet terthanthatofthepasttwoyears,thereisstillmuchroomforimprove ment.thegovernmentshouldstepuppublicitysoastomakepeoplebeha vemorecivilizedandmorecompetent.isincerelyhopethatiwillneve rseelitteringagain,whichiscontrarytocivilization!英语旅游景点作文篇7theformerimperialpalace,knowntowesternersastheforbidden city,rectangularinshapeand720thousandsquaremetersinsize,iss urroundedbywallstenmetershighandamoat52meterswide.前皇宫,被西方人称为紫禁城,形为矩形的状和规模为72万平方米,四周是十米高的城墙和宽52米的护城河。

景点观光心得体会英语Traveling to different tourist attractions can be a unique and thrilling experience. It gives us the opportunity to explore new cultures, meet different people, and create memories that last a lifetime. In this essay, I will share my personal insights and reflections on my various sightseeing journeys, highlighting the positive impact they had on my life.One of the most important lessons I learned from visiting tourist attractions is the significance of diversity and interconnectedness. As I traveled to different countries and encountered people from various backgrounds, I realized that despite our differences, we are all part of a larger global community. It made me appreciate the beauty of cultural diversity and the importance of embracing different perspectives. Each tourist attraction I visited had its own unique charm and taught me something new about the world we live in.Furthermore, sightseeing allows us to step out of our comfort zones and experience personal growth. When we explore new places and engage with different cultures, we are often confronted with unfamiliar situations and challenges. Overcoming these challenges not only builds our confidence but also broadens our horizons. For example, during a trip to a remote village in Africa, I had the opportunity to learn about the struggles of the local community and volunteer my time to help improve their living conditions. This experience made me more aware of the social inequalities that exist in the world and motivated me to take action to make a positive difference.Another vital aspect of sightseeing is the chance to connect with nature and appreciate its wonders. From pristine beaches to majestic mountains, our planet is filled with awe-inspiring landscapes that leave us in awe of its beauty. During my visit to the Grand Canyon, I was left speechless by the sheer magnitude and grandeur of this natural wonder. Witnessing such breathtaking scenes made me realize the importance of preserving our environment for future generations. It made me more conscious of the impact humans have on nature and inspired me to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.Additionally, sightseeing offers an opportunity for personal reflection and self-discovery. When we immerse ourselves in new surroundings, away from our daily routines, we are better able to understand ourselves and our place in the world. The serene atmosphere of a Buddhist temple in Thailand, for instance, allowed me to reflect on the importance of inner peace and tranquility. It made me realize that self-care and mindfulness are vital aspects of leading a fulfilling life. Through such introspection, I developed a deeper understanding of my own values and priorities.Lastly, sightseeing has the power to foster connections and create lifelong memories. Whether it's exploring ancient ruins with friends or embarking on a solo adventure, the shared experiences we have during our travels create strong bonds and lifelong friendships. These memories become cherished moments that we can look back on with nostalgia. One such memory for me was witnessing the sunrise over Angkor Wat in Cambodia. The colorful sky and the majestic temple created a mesmerizing sight that will forever remain etched in my mind.In conclusion, sightseeing offers a multitude of benefits that go beyond mere enjoyment. It expands our knowledge, challenges our perspectives, and awakens our sense of wonder. Through immersing ourselves in different cultures, connecting with nature, and reflecting on our own lives, we grow as individuals and gain a deeper appreciation for the world we live in. So next time you plan a vacation, consider visiting a popular tourist attraction, and let the experience broaden your horizons.。

写一篇关于游览名胜古迹的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Visiting famous historical sites is a popular activity for people of all ages. Not only do these sites provide a glimpse into the past, but they also offer a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of visiting famous historical sites and share my own experiences of exploring some of the world's most renowned landmarks.One of the main benefits of visiting historical sites is the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of a particular place. By visiting these sites, we can gain a deeper understanding of the events and people that have shaped the world as we know it today. For example, visiting the Great Wall of China can provide insights into the construction methods used by ancient civilizations, as well as the strategic importance of the wall in defending the country from invaders.In addition to learning about history, visiting historical sites can also be a spiritual experience. Many of these sites areconsidered sacred by the local population, and visiting them can be a way to connect with the spiritual beliefs and traditions of a particular culture. For example, visiting the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia can be a deeply moving experience, as you witness the intricate carvings and architecture that were created in dedication to the Hindu gods.Furthermore, visiting historical sites can also be a source of inspiration. The sheer scale and beauty of many of these sites can leave a lasting impression on visitors, motivating them to learn more about the history and culture of the place they are visiting. For example, visiting the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt can inspire a sense of awe and wonder at the achievements of ancient civilizations, driving visitors to learn more about the culture and beliefs of the people who built the pyramids.In my own experiences of visiting historical sites, I have been fortunate enough to explore some of the world's most famous landmarks. One of the most memorable experiences was visiting the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. As I walked through the ancient ruins, I could almost hear the roar of the crowds and the clash of swords as gladiators battled for their lives. The sheer size and scale of the Colosseum was breathtaking, and I was amazed bythe engineering prowess of the Romans who built such a magnificent structure.Another unforgettable experience was visiting the Taj Mahal in Agra, India. As I stood before the gleaming white marble monument, I was struck by the beauty and symmetry of the building. The intricate carvings and inlays were a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the artisans who created the Taj Mahal, and I was moved by the love and dedication that inspired its construction.Overall, visiting famous historical sites is a rewarding and enriching experience that allows us to learn about the history, culture, and traditions of different civilizations. By exploring these sites, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and appreciate the achievements of those who came before us. I would highly recommend visiting historical sites to anyone who wants to learn more about the rich tapestry of human history.篇2Visiting famous historical and cultural sites is an enriching and rewarding experience for travelers. These ancient landmarksoffer a glimpse into the past, allowing visitors to learn about the history, art, and culture of a particular region.One of the most renowned historical sites in the world is the Great Wall of China. This ancient fortification spans over 13,000 miles and was built over several centuries to protect China from invading forces. Walking along the Great Wall, one can marvel at the architectural ingenuity and sheer magnitude of this structure. The wall's picturesque location, winding through rugged mountain terrain and lush green forests, provides a stunning backdrop for photos and contemplation on the skill and dedication of the workers who built it.Another iconic historical site is the Pyramids of Egypt. These ancient structures, built as tombs for pharaohs, stand as a testament to the sophistication and grandeur of ancient Egyptian civilization. Visiting the pyramids, one cannot help but be awed by the sheer size and precision of their construction. The Sphinx, a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, guards the pyramids and adds to the air of mystery and intrigue surrounding these ancient monuments.In Europe, the Colosseum in Rome is a must-see for history enthusiasts. This ancient amphitheater, built in the first century, was used for gladiatorial contests and other public spectacles.Walking through the ruins of the Colosseum, one can almost hear the roar of the crowds and imagine the excitement of the games that took place here centuries ago. The Colosseum's elliptical shape and towering walls are a testament to Roman engineering prowess and remain a symbol of Rome's rich history and cultural heritage.Further east, in India, the Taj Mahal stands as a shining example of Mughal architecture and craftsmanship. This white marble mausoleum, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of eternal love. The intricate marble carvings, inlaid with precious stones, and the symmetrical gardens and reflecting pools surrounding the Taj Mahal create a sense of serenity and beauty that is truly awe-inspiring.In conclusion, visiting famous historical and cultural sites around the world is a transformative experience that allows travelers to connect with the past and appreciate the beauty and creativity of ancient civilizations. Whether walking along the Great Wall of China, exploring the Pyramids of Egypt, marveling at the Colosseum in Rome, or admiring the Taj Mahal in India, these iconic landmarks offer a unique glimpse into the history and culture of our world. Travelers who take the time to visitthese sites will be rewarded with memories that will last a lifetime.篇3Visiting Historical Sites and Scenic SpotsTraveling to famous historical sites and scenic spots is a rewarding experience that provides insight into the culture, history, and natural beauty of a destination. Whether exploring ancient ruins, admiring breathtaking landscapes, or learning about local traditions, visiting these attractions can be both educational and enjoyable.One of the most popular historical sites in the world is the Great Wall of China. Stretching over 13,000 miles, this ancient fortification offers a glimpse into China's rich history and impressive architectural feats. Walking along the wall, visitors can imagine the soldiers who once stood guard, protecting their homeland from invaders. The views from the Great Wall are also stunning, with panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains and valleys.Another must-visit historical site is the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. The ancient citadel is home to several significant ruins, including the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddessAthena. Walking through the ruins, visitors can appreciate the craftsmanship and artistry of the ancient Greeks, who created these magnificent structures thousands of years ago. The views of Athens from the Acropolis are also worth the climb, offering a bird's-eye view of the city below.In addition to historical sites, exploring scenic spots can also be a memorable experience. One such destination is the Grand Canyon in the United States. Carved by the Colorado River over millions of years, the Grand Canyon is a natural wonder that showcases the power of nature. Hiking along the rim or rafting down the river, visitors can appreciate the vastness and beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.Another scenic spot worth visiting is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. This marine wonderland is home to an incredible diversity of marine life, including colorful coral reefs, tropical fish, and sea turtles. Snorkeling or diving in the crystal-clear waters, visitors can explore the underwater world and witness the beauty and fragile ecosystem of the reef.Overall, traveling to historical sites and scenic spots can provide a deeper appreciation for the world around us. Whether exploring ancient ruins, admiring natural wonders, or learning about local cultures, these experiences can enrich our lives andbroaden our perspectives. So next time you plan a trip, consider visiting a famous historical site or scenic spot – you won't be disappointed!。

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英文观光报告高中作文英文:As a high school student, I had the opportunity to go on a sightseeing trip to a nearby city. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I visited many famous attractions and learned a lot about the local culture.One of the most interesting places I visited was the local museum. It was filled with artifacts and exhibitsthat showcased the history of the city. I was especially fascinated by the ancient pottery and artwork on display. It was incredible to see how the people of the past lived and created beautiful things.Another highlight of the trip was visiting a famous temple. The architecture was stunning, and the atmosphere was peaceful. I learned about the customs and traditions of the local religion and was able to participate in some of the rituals. It was a truly enlightening experience.Overall, the trip was a great way to learn about a new place and culture. I was able to try new foods, meet new people, and see things that I had never seen before. It was a wonderful adventure that I will always cherish.中文:作为一名高中生,我有机会去一个附近的城市参观旅游。

三亚旅游英语作文高中Sanya is a wonderful tourist destination located in the southern part of China. It is known for its beautiful beaches, clear water, and warm climate. Every year, thousands of tourists from all over the world visit Sanya to enjoy its natural beauty and experience its unique culture.Sanya has a wide variety of attractions that cater to all types of visitors. For those who love the beach, there are many beautiful beaches to choose from, such as Yalong Bay, Dadonghai, and Sanya Bay. These beaches offer a range of activities, including swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. Visitors can also take a boat ride to explore the nearby islands and enjoy the stunning scenery.Apart from the beaches, Sanya also has many other attractions that are worth visiting. One of the most popular is the Nanshan Temple, which is a Buddhist temple located in the Nanshan Mountains. This temple is famous forits huge statue of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy, which is the tallest statue of its kind in the world. Visitors can also enjoy the beautiful gardens and scenic views of the mountains.Another must-see attraction in Sanya is the Tianya Haijiao, which is a famous scenic spot located on the southern coast of Hainan Island. It is known for its breathtaking views of the sea and the unique rock formations. Visitors can also learn about the legend of Tianya Haijiao, which tells the story of two lovers who were separated by the sea and turned into two rocks.In addition to its natural beauty, Sanya is also known for its rich culture and history. Visitors can explore the local markets and taste the delicious Hainan cuisine, which is famous for its seafood and tropical fruits. They can also learn about the traditional Li and Miao cultures, which have been preserved in Sanya for centuries.Overall, Sanya is a wonderful tourist destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you are looking fora relaxing beach vacation, an adventure in the mountains, or a cultural experience, Sanya has it all. So if you are planning a trip to China, don't miss the opportunity to visit this beautiful city and experience its unique charm.。

观光旅游景点英语作文As the sun rises over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the ancient ruins, I am reminded of the timeless allure of travel. The world is a vast tapestry of cultures, landscapes, and histories, each waiting to be explored and appreciated. Inthis essay, I will delve into the essence of what makes atravel destination truly remarkable and the impact it canhave on an individual's life.The Natural MarvelsNature has a way of captivating our hearts and minds with its breathtaking beauty. From the majestic peaks of the Himalayas to the serene beaches of the Maldives, natural wonders offera sense of awe and tranquility. The Great Barrier Reef, withits vibrant coral and diverse marine life, is a testament to the splendor of the underwater world. These destinations not only provide a visual feast but also serve as a reminder ofthe delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems.Cultural Heritage SitesHistory comes alive in the form of ancient cities and monuments that have stood the test of time. The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Great Wall of China are not just structures; they are stories ofcivilizations past. These sites are a window into the livesof those who built them and the societies they inhabited.They inspire us to learn more about our shared human history and the lessons it holds for the present.Urban LandscapesThe heartbeat of a city can be as captivating as its landmarks. The bustling streets of Tokyo, the romantic canals of Venice, and the vibrant energy of New York City are experiences in themselves. Urban travel offers a glimpse into the modern world's pulse, with its diverse cultures, art, and culinary delights. Each city has its own unique character, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the local way of life.Adventure and ExplorationFor the thrill-seekers, travel is about pushing boundariesand experiencing the unknown. The Amazon rainforest, the Sahara Desert, and the Antarctic ice fields are just a few examples of destinations that offer adventure and exploration. These places challenge us to step out of our comfort zonesand discover our own resilience and adaptability.The Journey of Self-DiscoveryUltimately, travel is a journey of self-discovery. It isabout stepping away from the familiar and embracing the new. Whether it's learning a new language, trying exotic cuisine,or simply observing the daily rituals of a foreign land,travel enriches our lives in ways that cannot be replicatedat home.In conclusion, travel is a multifaceted experience that offers a wealth of opportunities for growth, learning, and enjoyment. It is a chance to connect with the world on a deeper level, to appreciate the diversity of life, and to return home with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for the world we live in.。

旅游景点英语作文高中Traveling to different tourist attractions is always an exciting and enriching experience. You get to see new places, meet new people, and immerse yourself in different cultures. It's a great way to broaden your horizons and create lasting memories.One of the best things about visiting tourist attractions is the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of the place. Whether it's a famous landmark, a museum, or a historical site, you can gain a deeper understanding of the local heritage and traditions. It's like taking a journey through time and getting a glimpse of what life was like in the past.Another great aspect of visiting tourist attractions is the chance to appreciate the natural beauty of the world. From stunning landscapes to breathtaking views, there's something awe-inspiring about being in the presence of nature's wonders. Whether it's a majestic mountain, atranquil lake, or a lush forest, you can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the world around you.Traveling to tourist attractions also allows you to indulge in new experiences and activities. Whether it's trying local cuisine, participating in cultural events, or engaging in outdoor adventures, there's always somethingnew and exciting to do. It's a great way to step out ofyour comfort zone and embrace new and thrilling experiences.One of the most rewarding aspects of visiting tourist attractions is the opportunity to connect with people from different backgrounds. Whether it's fellow travelers or locals, you can engage in meaningful conversations, share stories, and learn from each other. It's a great way to break down barriers and foster a sense of global community.In conclusion, traveling to tourist attractions offersa wealth of benefits, from learning about history andculture to appreciating natural beauty, indulging in new experiences, and connecting with people from differentbackgrounds. It's a truly enriching and fulfilling experience that can leave a lasting impact on your life. So, next time you have the opportunity to visit a tourist attraction, go for it and make the most of the experience!。

参观著名旅游胜地:一次难忘的经历英文作文:Visiting a Famous Tourist Destination: An Unforgettable ExperienceTraveling to famous tourist destinations is always an exciting and rewarding experience. The opportunity to explore new places, cultures, and landscapes is what makes travel so appealing. Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting one of the world's most renowned tourist attractions, and it was an unforgettable journey.My destination was the Grand Canyon, a natural wonder located in Arizona, United States. The Grand Canyon is known for its immense size, stunning views, and rich geological history. As I stood on the edge of the canyon, looking down into its depths, I was overwhelmed by its vastness and beauty. The colors of the rocks and the patterns formed by years of erosion were truly breathtaking.The tour began with a guided bus ride through the canyon. Our guide provided us with interesting insights into the geology and ecology of the area, explaining how the canyon was formed over millions of years by the forces of nature. As we drove through the canyon, we passed by various viewpoints where we could stop and take in the breathtaking scenery.One of the highlights of the tour was a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. Flying over the canyon gave me a completely different perspective of its size and scale. It was truly an awe-inspiring experience to see the canyon's vastness and the intricate details of its landscape from above.After the helicopter ride, we continued our tour by hiking along one of the canyon's trails. The hike was challenging but rewarding, as it allowed us to get closer to nature and appreciate the beauty of the canyon even more. We encountered various plant and animal species, some of which were unique to the area.As the day came to an end, we gathered at a scenic overlook for a sunset viewing. The sunset over the Grand Canyon was nothing short of spectacular. The colors of the sky changed from orange to purple to pink, and the entire canyon seemed to come alive with the beauty of the moment.Reflecting on my visit to the Grand Canyon, I realized that it was not just a trip to a famous tourist destination, but a journey of discovery and appreciation. I learned about the power of nature, the beauty of diversity, and the importance of preserving our planet's natural wonders. The Grand Canyon left me with a sense of awe, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the world we live in.中文作文:参观著名旅游胜地:一次难忘的经历参观著名旅游胜地总是令人兴奋和充实的经历。

高中旅游观光的英语作文范文Navigating the labyrinth of high school and the allure of exploration intertwine in the realm of teenage wanderlust. Embarking on journeys beyond the confines of the classroom, high school students often find themselves amidst the vibrant tapestry of global tourism. From the verdant hills of Ireland to the bustling streets of Tokyo, the world becomes their classroom, and each destination a lesson in culture, history, and adventure.In the realm of high school tourism, every journey is a symphony of discovery. Imagine wandering through the cobbled streets of Prague, where history whispers secrets of empires past. The towering spires of Gothic cathedrals reach towards the heavens, a testament to the ingenuity of human craftsmanship. Here, amidst the charm of Old Town Square, students delve into the annals of European history, tracing the footsteps of kings and revolutionaries.Yet, the allure of high school tourism extends far beyond the cobblestones of Europe. Picture the sun-kissed shoresof Bali, where azure waters lap gently against golden sands. In this tropical paradise, students immerse themselves in the vibrant tapestry of Balinese culture, from traditional dance performances to the intricate art of batik. Here, amidst the lush greenery of rice terraces and the tranquil serenade of waves, learning transcends the confines of textbooks, offering a firsthand glimpse into the rich tapestry of global diversity.High school tourism is not merely about sightseeing; it isa journey of self-discovery. As students navigate the bustling streets of foreign cities, they are confrontedwith the unfamiliar and the unknown. From ordering a mealin a foreign language to navigating public transportation systems, each challenge is an opportunity for growth and personal development. In the midst of unfamiliarity, students learn resilience, adaptability, and the invaluable art of communication.Moreover, high school tourism fosters a sense of global citizenship and cultural appreciation. As students interact with locals, sample traditional cuisine, and partake incultural rituals, they gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of our world. Preconceived notions are challenged, stereotypes dismantled, and bridges of empathy and understanding are built. In the mosaic of humanity, students discover that despite our differences, we are bound together by our shared humanity.However, high school tourism is not without its challenges and considerations. From the ecological impact of mass tourism to the ethical dilemmas surrounding cultural appropriation, students are confronted with complex issues that demand critical reflection and responsible action. As stewards of the future, it is imperative that youngtravelers approach tourism with mindfulness and respect, striving to minimize their footprint while maximizing their positive impact on local communities.In conclusion, high school tourism is a transformative journey that transcends the boundaries of the classroom, offering students the opportunity to explore the world and discover themselves in the process. From the cobblestone streets of Europe to the sun-drenched shores of the tropics,each destination becomes a classroom, and every encounter a lesson in empathy, understanding, and global citizenship. As students navigate the labyrinth of high school and the adventure of travel, they emerge not only with memories to cherish but also with a newfound appreciation for the rich tapestry of our world and their place within it.。

旅游观光的魅力与意义High school is a time of discovery and exploration, both academically and personally. One of the most enriching experiences during this phase of life is the opportunity to embark on a trip for educational purposes. Educational tours, often referred to as field trips, not only provide students with an opportunity to break the monotony of the classroom but also offer a chance to learn beyond the confines of textbooks.旅游观光的魅力与意义高中时期是发现和探索的时期,无论是在学术上还是在个人层面。
An educational tour to a place of historical significance, for instance, allows students to connect with the past and appreciate the efforts of their ancestors. Visiting museums, monuments, and historical sites can provide insights into the development and evolution of aculture or civilization. This hands-on experience is invaluable in complementing the theoretical knowledgegained in the classroom.例如,到具有历史意义的地方进行教育之旅,可以让学生与过去建立联系,欣赏祖先的努力。

英语观光报告作文模板英文回答:Sightseeing Report of Beijing, China。
Beijing, the capital city of China, is a vibrant metropolis with a rich history and a plethora of cultural attractions. From ancient temples and imperial palaces to modern skyscrapers and bustling markets, Beijing offers a captivating blend of the past and present.Historical and Cultural Landmarks。
Forbidden City (Gùgōng): The former imperial palaceof the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Forbidden City is avast complex of halls, pavilions, and gardens that showcases the grandeur and splendor of Chinese architecture.Temple of Heaven (Tiāntán): Built as a place of worship and sacrifice for the emperors, the Temple of Heaven is a serene park with majestic altars and intricate designs.Summer Palace (Yíhéyuán): Escape the hustle and bustle of the city at the Summer Palace, a picturesque garden complex with serene lakes, elegant bridges, and traditional Chinese architecture.Modern Landmarks。

记第七单元下册英语作文写三亚英语Title: Exploring Sanya - A Paradise in ChinaSanya, a city located in the southern province of Hainan in China, is often referred to as the "Hawaii of China" due to its beautiful beaches and tropical climate. In the seventh unit of our English textbook, we learned about different tourist destinations around the world, and Sanya is definitely one of the must-visit places for anyone looking for a tropical paradise.Sanya is known for its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and lush greenery. One of the most popular beaches in Sanya is Yalong Bay, a long stretch of coastline lined with luxury resorts and water sports activities. Visitors can relax on the beach, go snorkeling, or even try their hand at surfing. Anothermust-visit beach in Sanya is Dadonghai Beach, which is famous for its lively atmosphere and bustling night market.Apart from its stunning beaches, Sanya also offers a range of cultural and historical attractions. The Nanshan Temple, located on the Nanshan Mountain, is a must-visit for those interested in Chinese Buddhism. The temple is home to a 108-meter-tall statue of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy, which is one of the tallest statues in the world. Visitors can also explore the TianyaHaijiao scenic area, known for its unique rock formations and stunning views of the ocean.Food lovers will also be delighted by the variety of cuisines available in Sanya. Visitors can sample fresh seafood at the local markets, try authentic Hainanese dishes such as Wenchang chicken and Hainanese noodles, or indulge in international cuisine at the many restaurants and cafes scattered throughout the city.In conclusion, Sanya is a tropical paradise that offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking to relax on the beach, explore cultural attractions, or indulge in delicious food, Sanya has it all. So why not pack your bags and head to this beautiful city for an unforgettable holiday experience?。

去海边旅游英语作文高三The Joy of a Beach Vacation.As the summer sun cast its warm glow over the horizon, I found myself standing on the soft, white sand of a distant beach, embracing the freedom and adventure of a long-awaited beach vacation. The sea breeze carried the salty tang of the ocean, mingling with the scent of sun-warmed sand and the subtle fragrance of nearby flowers. It was a perfume unique to this place, one that instantly transported me to a different world, far removed from the hustle and bustle of daily life.The sound of waves crashing against the shore was a constant refrain, a rhythmic melody that soothed the soul. It was a sound that spoke of the unending cycle of life, the constant flux of the tide, and the vastness of the ocean that lay beyond. As I looked out towards the expanse of blue, my heart expanded with the horizons, feeling limitless and free.Walking along the beach, I encountered fellow travelers, each with their own unique stories and adventures. There were families building sand castles, teenagers flying kites, and couples strolling hand in hand, lost in each other's gaze. These moments of pure joy and unbridled happinesswere a reminder of the simplicity of life and the pure pleasure of being present in such a beautiful setting.The evenings were particularly enchanting. As the sun slowly dipped into the horizon, casting a golden hue over everything, I found myself sitting by the bonfire, lost in the crackling of wood and the warmth of the flame. The sky above was a canvas of deep blues and purples, dotted with sparkling stars that seemed to twinkle back at me. It wasas if the universe was opening up to me, revealing its secrets and wonders.On these nights, I often found myself sitting with newfound friends, sharing stories, laughing, and making memories that would last a lifetime. We talked about our dreams, our aspirations, and the challenges we faced inlife. And in the openness of this shared space, we found solace, comfort, and a sense of belonging that was deeper than anything we had ever experienced before.The days were filled with activities that were both thrilling and relaxing. I tried my hand at surfing, feeling the rush of adrenaline as I rode the waves, and the sense of accomplishment when I managed to stand up on the board.I also spent lazy afternoons lounging on the beach, reading books, and soaking up the sun. The balance of adventure and relaxation was perfect, and it left me feeling invigorated and refreshed.But it was not just the activities that made this vacation so memorable. It was the little moments, the simple pleasures, that truly mattered. The feeling of the sand beneath my feet, the taste of salt on my lips, the sound of seagulls crying out in the distance. These were the things that I would carry with me, the memories that would forever be etched in my heart.As my vacation came to an end, I realized that thisbeach trip had not just been a vacation, but a journey of self-discovery and growth. It had taught me to appreciate the simple moments, to cherish the people I met, and to embrace the unknown with open arms. It had been a reminder of the beauty that awaited us if we only took the time to pause, to breathe, and to appreciate the world around us.As I boarded the plane back home, I carried with me not just memories, but also a newfound sense of peace and contentment. I knew that no matter where life took me, I would always have this place in my heart, this beach vacation that had taught me so much about life and love. And for that, I was eternally grateful.。

临海景点旅游英文作文英文:As a tourist, I have visited many scenic spots in Linhai. Linhai is a beautiful city with numerous tourist attractions. In this article, I will introduce some of the most popular scenic spots in Linhai.Firstly, there is the Linhai Ancient City Wall. The ancient city wall is a well-preserved cultural relic in Linhai, which was built in the Ming Dynasty. Walking on the ancient city wall, you can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery but also experience the long history and culture of Linhai.Secondly, there is the Linhai Confucian Temple. The Confucian Temple is a famous historical and cultural sitein Linhai. It is a place where people come to worship Confucius and learn about Chinese culture. The temple is well-preserved and has a unique architectural style.Thirdly, there is the Linhai West Lake. The West Lake is a beautiful scenic spot in Linhai. It has clear water and lush green trees. You can take a boat ride on the lake or walk around the lake to enjoy the beautiful scenery.In addition to these three scenic spots, there are many other tourist attractions in Linhai, such as the Taizhou Bay Wetland Park, the Shanghu Scenic Area, and the Qianhu Fishing Village. These places are also worth visiting.中文:作为一名游客,我去过临海的许多景点。

景点观光英文作文I visited the Grand Canyon last summer and it was absolutely breathtaking. The sheer size and beauty of the canyon is something that you can't fully appreciate until you see it in person. It's definitely a must-see for anyone who loves nature and stunning landscapes.The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an iconic landmark that I had the chance to visit a few years ago. The views from the top are incredible and it's a great way to see the city from a different perspective. Plus, the history and architecture of the tower are really fascinating.I also went to the Great Wall of China and it was an amazing experience. The sheer scale of the wall is mind-blowing and the history behind it is really interesting.It's definitely a must-see for anyone visiting China.Machu Picchu in Peru is another incredible sight that I had the chance to visit. The ancient ruins are reallyimpressive and the surrounding mountains make for some stunning views. It's definitely worth the hike to get there.The Taj Mahal in India is one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen. The intricate details and the marble architecture are really something to behold. It's definitely a must-see for anyone visiting India.The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is another amazing sight that I had the chance to visit. The vibrant colors of the coral and the diverse marine life are really somethingto see. It's a must-see for anyone who loves snorkeling or diving.I also had the chance to visit the Colosseum in Romeand it was really impressive. The history behind theancient amphitheater is really fascinating and the architecture is incredible. It's definitely a must-see for anyone visiting Italy.。

高中英语海边旅游作文A Trip to the Beach。
Last summer, I had the opportunity to go on a trip to the beach with my family. It was an unforgettable experience that I will cherish forever. The beach, with its golden sands and crystal-clear waters, provided the perfect backdrop for a relaxing and enjoyable vacation.As we arrived at the beach, the salty sea breeze instantly hit our faces, filling our lungs with freshness. The sound of the crashing waves was music to our ears, creating a soothing and peaceful atmosphere. The beach was bustling with activity, with families and friends enjoying various water sports and games. The sight of children building sandcastles and flying kites added to the lively atmosphere.One of the highlights of our trip was the opportunity to try out different water activities. We decided to go kayaking, which allowed us to explore the coastline and admire the beauty of the surrounding nature. As we paddled through the calm waters, we were amazed by the vibrant marine life beneath us. Colorful fish swam gracefully, and we even spotted a few dolphins in the distance. It was a truly magical experience that left us in awe of the wonders of the ocean.In addition to water activities, we also took long walks along the beach, enjoying the breathtaking views and collecting seashells. The sand felt warm and soft beneath our feet, and the gentle waves lapping against the shore provided a soothing rhythm. We spent hours walking hand in hand, taking in the beauty of nature and creating memories that will last a lifetime.As the sun began to set, we gathered around a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. The crackling sound of the fire and the sweet smell of toasted marshmallows created a cozy and intimate atmosphere. We sat together, sharing stories and laughter, feeling the warmth of the fire against the cool evening breeze. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.The beach trip not only provided us with relaxation and fun but also allowed us to appreciate the beauty of nature. The vastness of the ocean and the tranquility of the beach reminded us of the importance of preserving our environment. We made a promise to ourselves to be more conscious of our actions and to contribute towards protecting our oceans and beaches.In conclusion, my trip to the beach was a truly memorable experience. The beauty of the beach, the excitement of water activities, and the tranquility of the surroundings made it a perfect getaway. It served as a reminder of the importance of taking time to appreciate nature and to create lasting memories with loved ones. I am grateful for the opportunity to have experienced such a wonderful vacation and look forward to more adventures in the future.。
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2019年高中英语Unit7The-Sea--写作园地-如何写景点观光(报告)北师大版必修3(含答案)[范文]Dear_Sarah,Thank_you_for_your_letter_asking_abou t_the_rebuilt_Qianmen_Street._Here_is_som ething_about_it.Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years. ①Along this 800meter street, there are more than 300 shops. ②As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tian'anmen Square, it's very convenient to get there by bus. You may take Buses No. 17,69 or 59. Subway Line 2 has a stop there too.③Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to theatres and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. I'm sure you'll like it.Yours,Li_Hua [技法讨论]景点观光报告的写作可按以下步骤进行:1.依照报告的题头格式,写出报告的收件人和发件人,报告日期和写作主题。
[黄金表达]1. 总体方面①...is situated/located in/on/at...②...belongs to the first classpreserved area.2. 优点方面①It has convenient transportation and beautiful views.②...a wonderful and splendid landscape with a cultural heritage.③...a feast for your eyes and takes your breath away.3. 存在方面①...heavy traffic and crowded people in peak season with long queues and little parking lot...②...restau rant or café offers expensive and terrible food.4. 总结概括①It is a great place to go and you are sure to end up enjoying yourself.②Please go to..., especially to see...;however don't go to...[亮点分析]亮点一:本文作者行文流畅,表达地道,词汇丰富,句式多变,衔接自然,语气亲切可信,语言准确而有依据。
亮点二:本文使用了①there be句型;③定语从句,简单句与复合句交替使用,使文章显得错落有致,这点不仅使文章在形式上增加了美感,而且使文章读起来朗朗上口。
亮点三:本文恰当使用了②in the center of, to the south of, be convenient,③not only...but also, a truly Chinese way of life 等短语,提升了文章档次。
Here is the Great Wall. ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ ____________________________________ [联想词汇]1. 众所周知_________________________________________ __答案:it is known to us that/as is known to us all2. 世界新七大奇迹之一_________________________________答案:one of the New Seven Wonders of the World3. 到目前为止________________________________________ 答案:so far/up to now4. 数以百万的_________________________________________ 答案:millions of5. 两个半小时_________________________________________ 答案:two hours and a half/two and a half hours6. 也就是说________________________________________ 答案:that is to say/in other words7. 下车_________________________________________ ____答案:get off8. 玩得愉快_________________________________________ 答案:have a good time[连词成句]1. 众所周知,八达岭是长城最著名的一段,长城已成为世界新七大奇迹之一。
____________,Badaling is the most famous part of the Great Wall, which has become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.____________ Badaling is the most famous part of the Great Wall, which has become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.____________ Badaling is the most famous part of the Great Wall, which has become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.答案:As is known to us all; It is known to us all that; What is known to us all is that2. 到目前为止,已经有数百万的游客游览了长城。
____________,millions of visitors have visited the Great Wall.____________,tens of thousands of visitors have visited the Great Wall.答案:So far; Up to now3. 也就是说,我们要在17:50离开。
____________, we'll leave at 17:50.____________, we'll leave at 17:50.答案:That is to say; In other words4. 请随身携带贵重物品,在下车前关闭所有的窗户。
Please take your valuables with you and ________________.Please take your valuables with you and ________________.答案:close all the windows before getting off; make sure all the windows areclosed before you get off[连句成章]_____________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____________答案:Here is the Great Wall.As is known to us all, Badaling is the most famous part of it, which has become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. So far, millions of visitors have visited it. We'll stay here for two hours and a half. That is to say, we'll leave at 17:50. The bus will be waiting for us at the foot of the Great Wall. Please remember our bus number and be back on time. Please take your valuables with you and close all the windows before getting off.Have a good time!。