
Hand dryer
electronic thermometer
Electronic timer
Hair ball trim
家居辅助小家电 Home furnishing aid of small household electrical appliances
电脑 computer
desktop computer
All-in-one desktops
Panel computer
电脑配件 computer components
cooking machine
Dish-washing machine
Foodwaste processor
disinfection cabinet
Microwave oven
electric oven
Байду номын сангаас毛孔清洁器
nose hair trimmer
electric manicure
eyelash pen
取暖类 Heating
Heating apparatus

1. 电视(Television)电视是我们日常生活中必不可少的娱乐工具。
2. 冰箱(Refrigerator)冰箱是用来冷藏食物和保持它们新鲜的电器。
3. 洗衣机(Washing Machine)洗衣机是用来洗涤衣物的电器。
在英文中,洗衣机可以用Washing Machine来表达。
4. 空调(Air Conditioner)空调是用来调节室内温度的电器。
在英文中,空调的正确表达是Air Conditioner,简称AC。
5. 微波炉(Microwave Oven)微波炉是一种用微波辐射原理来加热食物的电器。
在英文中,微波炉可以用Microwave Oven来表达,简称Microwave。
6. 烤箱(Oven)烤箱是用来烹饪、烘烤食物的电器。
7. 咖啡机(Coffee Maker)咖啡机是用来煮制咖啡的电器。
在英文中,咖啡机可以用Coffee Maker来表达。
8. 吸尘器(Vacuum Cleaner)吸尘器是用来清理地面、地毯等灰尘的电器。
在英文中,吸尘器可以用Vacuum Cleaner来表达,简称Vacuum。
9. 电风扇(Electric Fan)电风扇是用来制造风的电器,可以降低室内温度。
在英文中,电风扇可以用Electric Fan来表达。
10. 投影仪(Projector)投影仪是一种用来放大图像并在墙壁或幕布上显示的电器。

The Convection Oven
Electric frying pan
Electric steamer
The soup pot
厨房辅助小家电 assistant small kitchen appliance
Sweeping machine
Oxygen machine
Oxygen bar
moisture extractor
humidity regulator
steam clean machine
perfuming machine
perfuming device
Shaving device
electric eyebrow shaving device
electric eyelash curler
beauty device
crimping iron/curler
pore cleaner
Hotplate/ Gascooker
Electric cooker

型号种类一.厨房小家电Small kitchen appliance1. 吸油烟机Range Hood2. 燃气灶Hotplate, Gas Cooker3. 砂锅Casserole4. 电灶具Electric cooker5. 电磁炉Electromagnetic Oven, induction cooker6. 电饭煲Electric (rice) Cooker7. 电压力锅Electric pressure Cooker8. 电火锅Electric chafing dish10. 光波炉The Convection Oven11. 电炸锅Electric frying pan12. 电蒸锅Electric steamer13. 粥汤煲The soup pot14. 电炖锅Electric Cooker二.厨房辅助小家电assistant small kitchenappliance1. 搅拌机agitator, amalgamator2. 料理机cooking machine3. 洗碗机Dish-washing machine4. 食物垃圾处理器Food waste processor5. 消毒柜disinfection cabinet6. 微波炉Microwave oven7. 电烤箱electric oven8. 早餐吧Breakfast9. 芝士炉Cheese furnace10. 煎药器、煎药壶decoction vessel11. 刨冰机,block shaving machine 碎冰机,ice crusher 炒冰机Fry ice machine家居小家电Homef urnishing small household electrical appliances脱水机spin drier, dehydrator [di: ?haidreit ?]; 干衣机clothes drier洗衣机washer电水壶(electric) Kettle, 电热壶electric kettle 电热杯electric cup电冰箱refrigerator, fridge 电烫斗electric iron 干鞋器shoes dryer 擦鞋器shoe polisher 干手器Hand dryer 电子温度计electronic thermometer 电子定时器Electronic timer ,提醒器Reminder 毛球修剪器Hair ball trim四.家居辅助小家电Home furnishing aid of small household electrical appliances面包机Bread machine 多士炉toaster煮蛋器egg boiler 、蒸蛋器steamed egg 三明治机Sandwich machine 电饼铛electric baking pan ,烤饼机Bread machine 豆浆机soybean milk machine 冰激凌机Ice cream machine 咖啡机Coffee machine 饮水机water dispenser 爆米花机、Popcorn machine 榨汁机mill, winepress, juicer 果蔬清洗机Fruit and vegetable cleaning machine五.净化类Purification 空气净化器air cleaner 净水机water purifying machine 吸尘器Vacuum cleaner ,扫地机Sweeping machine 氧气机Oxygenmachine ,氧吧Oxygen bar 加湿器humidifier 、抽湿器moisture extractor ,湿度调节器humidity regulator 加香机perfuming machine ,加香器perfumingdevice蒸汽清洁机steam clean machine电子垃圾桶electronic trash六.个人生活小家电Personal life small household electrical appliances剃须刀shaver电风吹Hair dryer足浴器Foot bath洁耳器ear cleaner焗油帽Hair cap辫子机电动按摩器electric massager理发器Barber脂肪测量仪the fat meter助听器deaf-aid血压计hemomanometer, sphygmomanometer 计步器pedometer七.美容小家电The beauty of small household electrical appliances除毛器Hair removal device ,脱毛器,depilator剃毛器shaving device电动修眉器electric eyebrow shaving device 电动睫毛器electric eyelash curler 美容器beauty device卷发器,crimping iron, curler 直发器straighener 毛孔清洁器,pore cleaner 鼻毛修剪器nose hair trimmer 电动美甲器,电动指甲修electric manicure, 睫毛笔eyelash pen 八.取暖类Heating 取暖器,Heating apparatus 电暖器electric heater 电热毯electric blanket 暖风扇warm fan 暖手器Hand warmer ,暖宝宝,暖手宝保温碟heat insulation plate ,保温垫Insulating pad ,保温箱Insulation chests, incubator 九.驱虫类Anthelmintic 灭蚊器mosquito killer 灭蚊拍,电蚊拍electric mosquito swatter 电热驱蚊器electric mosquito repellent 电热蚊香electro-thermal mosquito-repellent incense 十。

1 GB/T 998-1982 低压电器基本试验方法Basic testing method of low voltage apparatus2 GB/T 1003-1980 三相插头插座型式、基本参数与尺寸Types, basic parameters and dimensions of three phase plugs and sockets3 GB 1444-1987 防爆灯具专用螺口式灯座Edison screw lampholders specially used for explosion-proof luminaires4 GB/T 1497-1985 低压电器基本标准The basic standard for low-voltage apparatus5 GB 2099-1980 单相、三相插头插座技术条件Technical requirements for single-phase and three- phase plugs and sockets6 GB/T 2900.18-1992 电工术语低压电器Electrotechnical terminology—Low voltage apparatus7 GB/T 3783-1994 船用低压电器基本要求General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships8 GB/T 3797-1989 电控设备第二部分: 装有电子器件的电控设备Electric-driving controlgear—Part 2: Electric-driving controlgear incorporating electronic devices9 GB 3836.1-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备通用要求Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--General requirements10 GB 3836.2-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备隔爆型电气设备"d" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Flameproof electrical apparatus "d"11 GB 3836.3-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备增安型电气设备"e" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Increased safety electrical apparatus "e"12 GB 3836.4-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备本质安全型电路和电气设备"i" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Intrinsically safe circuits and electrical apparatus"i"13 GB 3836.5-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备正压型电气设备"p" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Pressurized electrical apparatus "p"14 GB 3836.6-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备充油型电气设备"o" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Oil immersed electrical apparatus "o" 15 GB 3836.7-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备充砂型电气设备"q" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Sand filled electrical apparatus"q"16 GB 3836.8-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备无火花型电气设备"n" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Non-sparking electrical apparatus "n"17 GB 3836.9-1990 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备浇封型电气设备"m" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres—Encapsulated electrical apparatus "m"18 GB 3836.10-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备气密型电气设备"h" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres—Hermetically sealed electrical apparatus "h"19 GB 3836.11-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电器设备最大试验安全间隙测定方法Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres—Method of test for ascertainment of maximum experimental safe gap20 GB 3836.12-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电器设备气体或蒸汽混合物按照其最大试验安全间隙和最小点燃电流的分级Electrical apparatus for explosiveatmospheres—Classification of gases or vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents21 GB/T 4205-1984 控制电气设备的操作件标准运动方向Standard directions of movement for actuators which control the operation of electrical apparatus22 GB/T 4720-1984 电控设备第一部分: 低压电器电控设备Electric-driving controlgear--Part 1: Electric driving controlgear composed of low-voltage apparatus23 GB 5590-1985 矿用隔爆型电磁起动器Mining type flameproof electric magnetic starters24 GB 6829-1995 剩余电流动作保护器的一般要求General requirements for residual current operated protective devices25 GB/T 7061-1986 船用低压开关设备和控制设备装置通用技术条件General specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies in ships 26 GB/T 7261-1987 继电器及继电保护装置基本试验方法Basic testing method of relay and protective equipment27 GB/T 7417-1987 AX 系列继电器AX series relays28 GB/T 7957-1987 矿用安全帽灯Safety cap lamp for mines29 GB/T 7958-1987 煤矿用电容式发爆器Capacitor discharge type exploders for coal mines30 GB/T 9393-1988 STZ3型电子测量仪器用连接器STZ3 type connector for electronic measurement instrument31 GB/T 9466-1988 低压成套开关设备基本试验方法Basic testing method of low-voltage switchgear assembly32 GB/T 10217-1988 电工控制设备造型设计导则The design guide of the outline and structure for the electric control equipment33 GB/T 10231-1988 保护继电器的结构型式与基本尺寸系列Structural type and series of basic dimensions of protective relay34 GB/T 10962-1989 机床电器可靠性通则General rules of reliability for machine tool electrical components35 GB/T 10964-1989 电器附件、控制器和保护器术语Electrotechnical terminology of electrical accessories, controls and protectors36 GB/T 11918-1989 工业用插头插座和耦合器一般要求Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes—General requirement37 GB/T 11919-1989 工业用插头插座和耦合器插销和插套尺寸互换性的要求Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes—Dimensional interchangeability requiements for pin and contact-tube accessories38 GB/T 12173-1990 矿用一般型电气设备Mining electrical apparatus for non hazardous area39 GB 12476.1-1990 爆炸性粉尘环境用防爆电气设备粉尘防爆电气设备Electrical apparatus for explosive dust atmosphere— Dust ignition-proof apparatus40 GB/T 12944.1-1991 高压穿墙瓷套管技术条件High-voltage ceramic wall bushings—Technical specifi cations41 GB/T 12944.2-1991 高压穿墙瓷套管尺寸与特性High-voltage ceramic wall bushings—Dimensions and characteristics42 GB/T 13539.1-1992 低压熔断器基本要求General requirements for low-voltage fuses43 GB 13539.2-1992 低压熔断器专职人员使用的熔断器的补充要求Low-voltage fuses—Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons44 GB 13539.4-1992 低压熔断器半导体器件保护用熔断体的补充要求Low-voltage fuses—Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices45 GB/T 14048.1-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备总则General rules for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear46 GB 14048.2-1994 低压开关设备和控制设备低压断路器Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear--Low-voltage circuit breakers47 GB 14048.3-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备低压开关、隔离器、隔离开关及熔断器组合电器Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear--Low-voltage switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units48 GB 14048.4-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备低压机电式接触器和电动机起动器Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear--Low-voltage electromechanical contactors and motor starters49 GB 14048.5-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备控制电路电器和开关元件第一部分机电式控制电路电器Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear--Control circuit devices and switching elements--section 1--Electromechanical control circuit devices50 GB/T 15510-1995 控制用电磁继电器可靠性试验通则General rules for reliability test of electromagnetic relay for control circuits51 GB 15934-1996 电线组件Cord sets52 GB 16837-1997 家用和类似用途移动式,无联锁、带开关及熔断器组合插座的安全要求Safety requirements for switched and fused portable multiple socket-outlet without interlock for household and similar purposes53 GB 13140.1-1997 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第1部分:通用要求Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes--Part 1: General requirements54 GB 16916.1-1997 家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB) 第1部分:一般规则Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household similar uses(RCCB)--Part 1: Genaral rules 55 GB 16916.21-1997 家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB) 第2.1部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压无关的RCCB的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses(RCCB)--Part 2.1: Applicability of the general rules to RCCB functionally independent of line voltage56 GB 16916.22-1997 家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB) 第2.2部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压有关的RCCB的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB)--Part 2.2: Applicability of the general rules to RCCB functionally dependent on line voltage57 GB 16917.1-1997 家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCBO)第1部分:一般规则Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO)--Part 1: General rules58 GB 16917.21-1997 家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCB0) 第2.1部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压无关的RCBO的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO) Part 2.1: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO functionally independent of line voltage59 GB 16917.22-1997 家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第2.2部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压有关的RCBO的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses(RCBO) Part 2.2: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO functionally dependent on line voltage60 GB/T 16935.1-1997 低压系统内设备的绝缘配合第一部分: 原理、要求和试验Insulation coordination for eguipment within low-voltage systems--Part 1: Principles、requirements and tests61 GB 9364.1-1997 小型熔断器第1部分: 小型熔断器定义和小型熔断体通用要求Miniature fuses Part 1: Definitions for miniature fuses and general requirement for miniature fuse-links62 GB 9364.2-1997 小型熔断器第2部分: 管状熔断体Miniature fuses Part 2: Cartridge fuse-links63 GB 9364.3-1997 小型熔断器第3部分; 超小型熔断体Miniature fuses Part 3: Sub-miniature fuse-links64 GB 7251.1-1997 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第一部分: 型式试验和部分型式试验成套设备Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies--Part 1; Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies65 GB 7251.2-1997 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第二部分: 对母线干线系统(母线槽)的特殊要求Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies--Part 2: Particular requirements for busbar trunking systems(busways)66 GB 7251.3-1997 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第三部分: 对非专业人员可进入场地的低压成套开关设备和控制设备--配电板的特殊要求Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 3: Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies intended to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use--Distribution boards67 GB 3836.13-1997 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第13部分: 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备的检修Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres--Part 13: Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in explosive gas atmospheres68 GB/T 17193-1997 电气安装用超重荷型刚性钢导管Extra-heavy duty rigid steel conduits for electrical installations69 GB/T 17194-1997 电气导管电气安装用导管的外径和导管与配件的螺纹Conduits for electrical purposes--Outside diameters of conduits for electrical installations and threads of conduits and fittings70 GB 17196-1997 连接器件连接铜导线用的扁形快速连接端头安全要求Connecting devices--Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical copperconductors--Safety requirements71 GB/T 9815-1998 家用及类似用途的熔断器Fuses for domestic and similar purposes72 GB 13140.2-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 作为独立部件的带螺纹型夹紧件的连接器件的特殊要求Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes Part 2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with screw-type clamping units73 GB 13140.3-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 作为独立单元的带无螺纹型夹紧件的连接器件的特殊要求Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes Part 2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with screwless-type clamping units74 GB 13140.4-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 作为独立单元的带剌穿绝缘型夹紧件的连接器件的特殊要求Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes Part 2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with insulation piercing clamping units 75 GB 17464-1998 连接器件连接铜导线用的螺纹型和无螺纹型夹紧件的安全要求Connecting devices--Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units for electrical copper conductors76 GB 9816-1998 热熔断体的要求和应用导则Thermal-Links-Requirements and application guide77 GB 14536.1-1998 家用和类似用途电自动控制器第1部分: 通用要求Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use Part 1: General requirements 78 GB/T 17499-1998 家用洗衣机电脑程序控制器Microcomputer controller for household washing machine79 GB 14048.7-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备辅助电器第1部分: 铜导体的接线端子排low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Ancillary equipment Section 1-Terminal blocks for copper conductors80 GB 14048.8-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备辅助电器第2部分: 铜导体的保护导体接线端子排Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Ancillary equipment Section 2: Protective conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors81 GB 14048.6-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备接触器和电动机起动器第2部分: 交流半导体电动机控制器和起动器Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Contactors and motor-starters Section 2: AC Semiconductor motor controllers and starters82 GB 14048.9-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备多功能电器(设备) 第2部分: 控制与保护开关电器(设备) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Multiple function equipment Section 2: Control and protective switching devices(or equipment)(CPS)83 GB 7251.4-1998 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第四部分: 对建筑工地用成套设备(ACS)的特殊要求Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 4: Particular requirements for assemblies for construction sites(ACS)84 GB 7251.5-1998 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第五部分: 对户外公共场所的成套设备动力配电网用电缆分线箱(CDCs)的特殊要求Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 5: Particular requirements for assemblies intendedto be installed outdoors in public places--Cable distribution cabinets (CDCs)for power distribution in networks85 GB 13140.5-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 扭接式连接器件的特殊要求Connecitng devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes Part 2: Particular requirements for twist-on connecting devices86 GB 17701-1999 设备用断路器Circuit-breaker for equipment87 GB 10963-1999 家用及类似场所用过电流保护断路器Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installation。

小家电一.厨房小家电 Small kitchen appliance1.吸油烟机 Range Hood2.燃气灶 Hotplate, Gas Cooker3.砂锅 Casserole4.电灶具 Electric cooker5.电磁炉 Electromagnetic Oven, induction cooker6.电饭煲 Electric (rice) Cooker7.电压力锅 Electric pressure Cooker8.电火锅 Electric chafing dish10.光波炉 The Convection Oven11.电炸锅 Electric frying pan12.电蒸锅 Electric steamer13.粥汤煲 The soup pot14.电炖锅 Electric Cooker二.厨房辅助小家电assistant small kitchen appliance1.搅拌机 agitator, amalgamator2.料理机 cooking machine3.洗碗机 Dish-washing machine4.食物垃圾处理器 Food waste processor5.消毒柜 disinfection cabinet6.微波炉 Microwave oven7.电烤箱 electric oven8.早餐吧 Breakfast9.芝士炉 Cheese furnace10.煎药器、煎药壶 decoction vessel11.刨冰机,block shaving machine碎冰机, ice crusher炒冰机 Fry ice machine三.家居小家电Home furnishing small household electrical appliances脱水机 spin drier, dehydrator[di:?haidreit?];干衣机 clothes drier洗衣机 washer电水壶 (electric) Kettle, 电热壶 electric kettle电热杯 electric cup电冰箱 refrigerator, fridge电烫斗 electric iron干鞋器 shoes dryer擦鞋器 shoe polisher干手器 Hand dryer电子温度计 electronic thermometer电子定时器 Electronic timer,提醒器 Reminder毛球修剪器 Hair ball trim四.家居辅助小家电Home furnishing aid of small household electrical appliances面包机 Bread machine,多士炉 toaster煮蛋器 egg boiler、蒸蛋器 steamed egg三明治机 Sandwich machine电饼铛 electric baking pan,烤饼机 Bread machine豆浆机 soybean milk machine冰激凌机 Ice cream machine咖啡机 Coffee machine饮水机 water dispenser爆米花机、Popcorn machine榨汁机 mill, winepress, juicer果蔬清洗机 Fruit and vegetable cleaning machine五.净化类 Purification空气净化器 air cleaner净水机 water purifying machine吸尘器 Vacuum cleaner,扫地机 Sweeping machine氧气机 Oxygen machine,氧吧 Oxygen bar加湿器 humidifier、抽湿器 moisture extractor,湿度调节器 humidity regulator加香机 perfuming machine,加香器 perfuming device蒸汽清洁机 steam clean machine电子垃圾桶 electronic trash六.个人生活小家电Personal life small household electrical appliances剃须刀 shaver电风吹 Hair dryer足浴器 Foot bath洁耳器 ear cleaner焗油帽 Hair cap辫子机电动按摩器 electric massager理发器 Barber脂肪测量仪 the fat meter助听器 deaf-aid血压计 hemomanometer, sphygmomanometer计步器 pedometer七.美容小家电The beauty of small household electrical appliances除毛器 Hair removal device,脱毛器,depilator剃毛器 shaving device电动修眉器 electric eyebrow shaving device,电动睫毛器 electric eyelash curler美容器 beauty device卷发器,crimping iron, curler直发器 straighener毛孔清洁器,pore cleaner鼻毛修剪器 nose hair trimmer电动美甲器,电动指甲修 electric manicure,睫毛笔 eyelash pen八.取暖类 Heating取暖器,Heating apparatus电暖器 electric heater电热毯 electric blanket暖风扇 warm fan暖手器 Hand warmer,暖宝宝,暖手宝保温碟 heat insulation plate,保温垫 Insulating pad,保温箱 Insulation chests, incubator九.驱虫类 Anthelmintic灭蚊器 mosquito killer灭蚊拍,电蚊拍 electric mosquito swatter电热驱蚊器 electric mosquito repellent电热蚊香 electro-thermal mosquito-repellent incense十。

Insulation sheet
Rear frame
Lamp cover
Wire tie
Transparent Plate
Cable clip
Closed terminal
Back frame
All-direction wheel holder
Silk ribbon support
Cable fixing sheet
Silk fixture
Terminal block
Silk ribbon
Single wire
Air out –lit grill
Propeller support(left)
Front enclosure
Propeller assembly
Back enclosure
Thermal fuse
23 PVC管
PVC tube
Front grill
Cord clip

家电分类及英语词汇 YKK standardization office【 YKK5AB- YKK08- YKK2C- YKK18】小家电一.厨房小家电 Small kitchen appliance1.吸油烟机 Range Hood2.燃气灶 Hotplate, Gas Cooker3.砂锅 Casserole4.电灶具 Electric cooker5.电磁炉 Electromagnetic Oven, induction cooker6.电饭煲 Electric (rice) Cooker7.电压力锅 Electric pressure Cooker8.电火锅 Electric chafing dish10.光波炉 The Convection Oven11.电炸锅 Electric frying pan12.电蒸锅 Electric steamer13.粥汤煲 The soup pot14.电炖锅 Electric Cooker二.厨房辅助小家电assistant small kitchen appliance1.搅拌机 agitator, amalgamator2.料理机 cooking machine3.洗碗机 Dish-washing machine4.食物垃圾处理器 Food waste processor5.消毒柜 disinfection cabinet6.微波炉 Microwave oven7.电烤箱 electric oven8.早餐吧 Breakfast9.芝士炉 Cheese furnace10.煎药器、煎药壶 decoction vessel11.刨冰机,block shaving machine碎冰机, ice crusher炒冰机 Fry ice machine三.家居小家电Home furnishing small household electrical appliances脱水机 spin drier, dehydrator[di:?haidreit?];干衣机c lothes drier洗衣机 washer电水壶 (electric) Kettle, 电热壶 electric kettle电热杯 electric cup电冰箱 refrigerator, fridge电烫斗 electric iron干鞋器 shoes dryer擦鞋器 shoe polisher干手器 Hand dryer电子温度计 electronic thermometer电子定时器 Electronic timer,提醒器 Reminder毛球修剪器 Hair ball trim四.家居辅助小家电Home furnishing aid of small household electrical appliances面包机 Bread machine,多士炉 toaster煮蛋器 egg boiler、蒸蛋器 steamed egg三明治机 Sandwich machine电饼铛 electric baking pan,烤饼机 Bread machine豆浆机 soybean milk machine冰激凌机 Ice cream machine咖啡机 Coffee machine饮水机 water dispenser爆米花机、Popcorn machine榨汁机 mill, winepress, juicerFruit and vegetable cleaning machine五.净化类 Purification空气净化器 air cleaner净水机 water purifying machine吸尘器 Vacuum cleaner,扫地机 Sweeping machine氧气机 Oxygen machine,氧吧 Oxygen bar加湿器 humidifier、抽湿器 moisture extractor,湿度调节器 humidity regulator加香机 perfuming machine,加香器 perfuming device蒸汽清洁机 steam clean machine电子垃圾桶 electronic trash六.个人生活小家电Personal life small household electrical appliances剃须刀 shaver电风吹 Hair dryer足浴器 Foot bath洁耳器 ear cleaner焗油帽 Hair cap辫子机电动按摩器 electric massager理发器 Barber脂肪测量仪 the fat meter助听器 deaf-aid血压计 hemomanometer, sphygmomanometer计步器 pedometer七.美容小家电The beauty of small household electrical appliances 除毛器 Hair removal device,脱毛器,depilator剃毛器 shaving device电动修眉器 electric eyebrow shaving device,电动睫毛器 electric eyelash curler美容器 beauty device卷发器,crimping iron, curler直发器 straighener毛孔清洁器,pore cleaner鼻毛修剪器 nose hair trimmer电动美甲器,电动指甲修 electric manicure,睫毛笔 eyelash pen八.取暖类 Heating取暖器,Heating apparatus电暖器 electric heater电热毯 electric blanket暖风扇 warm fan暖手器 Hand warmer,暖宝宝,暖手宝保温碟 heat insulation plate,保温垫 Insulating pad,保温箱 Insulation chests, incubator九.驱虫类 Anthelmintic灭蚊器 mosquito killer灭蚊拍,电蚊拍 electric mosquito swatter电热驱蚊器 electric mosquito repellent电热蚊香 electro-thermal mosquito-repellent incense 十。

1. television [ˈtelɪvɪʒn] n. 电视。
- 例句:I like to watch the news on television.(我喜欢在电视上看新闻。
)2. refrigerator [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r)] n. 冰箱。
- 例句:Put the milk in the refrigerator.(把牛奶放进冰箱里。
)3. washing machine [ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn] n. 洗衣机。
- 例句:The washing machine is broken.(洗衣机坏了。
)4. air conditioner [eə(r) kənˈdɪʃənə(r)] n. 空调。
- 例句:Turn on the air conditioner. It's too hot.(打开空调。
)5. microwave oven [ˈmaɪkrəweɪv ˈʌvn] n. 微波炉。
- 例句:You can heat the pizza in the microwave oven.(你可以在微波炉里加热披萨。
)6. electric fan [ɪˈlektrɪk fæn] n. 电扇。
- 例句:An electric fan can make you feel cool in summer.(电扇能让你在夏天感觉凉爽。
)7. dishwasher [ˈdɪʃwɒʃə(r)] n. 洗碗机。
- 例句:The dishwasher saves a lot of time for washing dishes.(洗碗机节省了很多洗碗的时间。
)8. vacuum cleaner [ˈvækjuəm ˈkliːnə(r)] n. 吸尘器。
- 例句:Use the vacuum cleaner to clean the floor.(用吸尘器清洁地板。

家用电器类的英语单词有哪些家用电器类的英语单词有哪些家用电器是我们的生活必备,那么他们的英文名字你知道吗?以下是店铺为大家整理的家用电器类的英语单词,供大家参阅!家用电器类的英语单词flashlight 手电筒fluorescent lamp 日光灯electric calculator 计算器tube 真空管electric fan 电风扇dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机tape recorder 磁带television 电视机electric iron 电熨斗electric foot warmer 暖脚器electric shaver 电动剃须刀tap 电线搭接处electric heater 电暖气electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器bulb 电灯泡electronic oven 电烤箱radio 收音机microphone 麦克风refrigerator 冰箱air conditioning 空调microwave oven 微波炉dry cell 干电池electric cooker 电饭锅loud-speaker 扩音机相关知识扩展:家庭电器英语短语1. It is a furnished apartment with necessary home appliances.这单位是否备有家具及家庭电器.2. It a furnished apartment with niece ary home a liances.这单位是否备有家具及一般家庭电器.3. Finally, we extend the power management and measurement to electric home appliances.最后, 我们延伸电源管理和测量到家庭电器设备.4. A: Is lt a furnished apartment with necessary home appliances.这单位是备有家具及一般家庭电器.5. Products wanted: All kinds of home appliances, health products and plastic housewares.需要货品: 各种类别的家庭电器、保健用品及塑胶的.家庭用品.6. A: It is apartment with necessary home appliances.这个单位是备有家具及一般家庭电器.7. His house is replete with domestic appliances , like air - conditioner, washing machine, refrigerator, dish washer, etc.他的房子家庭电器一应俱全:冷气、衣机、箱、碗机等应有尽有.8. The appliances include refrigerator micro - wave oven, dish - washer and are included in the price.而所有家庭电器包括雪柜、微波炉、洗碗碟机都是随楼附送.9. The company was set up primarily as a trade company, selling kitchen and household appliances.该公司成立之初为一家贸易商, 专售厨房和家庭电器用品.10. Featured high quality houseware includes home appliances, utensils, household items and decoration.搜罗各式新颖实用的家庭用品,包括电器、厨具、居室用品及装饰等等.11. Home appliance furniture is all ready, carry a bag to be entered.家庭用电器家俱完美齐全, 拎包进住.12. Furniture home appliance is all ready, clothbound, character grace.家俱家庭用电器完美齐全, 精美装修, 品质优雅.13. Qiqi and her family insisted that Qiqi had bought some electric equipment for the house.而奇奇和她家庭坚持认为奇奇为该房子买了很多电器.14. Complete new clothes is repaired, deserve to have heating, furniture home appliance is all ready.极新装修, 配有暖气, 家俱家庭用电器完美齐全.15. Furniture of indoor home appliance is all ready and direct carrybag to be entered!屋内家庭用电器家俱完美齐全直接拎包进住!。
UL IEC and GB 编号对照

(1st edition)
IEC60342-1, 2nd Ed +Amd 1
IEC 60384-14,2nd ed.(93)+Amd.1(95)
家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的开关 第2部分:特殊要求 第2节:遥控开关
IEC60691 (2nd edition: 93 )
IEC60730-1 (2nd edition 93 + amendment 1 94)
《家用和类似用途电自动控制器 第一部分:通用要求》
IEC60598-2-2 1st ed. (1979)
IEC60598-2-2 1st ed. (1979) Amd1(87)+Amd2(1991)
IEC60598-2-2 2.1ed. (1997)
IEC60598-2-4 1st ed.(1979)
常用的电器 产品的标准名称 中英文

常用的电器附件产品的标准名称GB2099.1-1996 家用和类似用途插头插座第一部分:通用要求插头类:单相两极可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Rewirable Plug单相两极不可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug单相两极带接地可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact单相两极带接地不可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact三相四极可拆线插头 Three-phase Rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact三相四极不可拆线插头 Three-phase Non-rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact插座类:单相两极双用明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet单相两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact 单相两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact三相四极明装插座 Three-phase Surface-type Socket-outlet Earthing-contact三相四极暗装插座 Three-phase Flush-type Socket-outlet Earthing-contact带保护门单相两极双用明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Shutter带保护门单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Shutter带保护门单相两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact带保护门单相两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact带开关单相两极双用明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极带接地明装插座Single-phase Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact with Switch带开关单相两极带接地暗装插座Single-phase Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact with Switch单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet with Shutter带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing- contact Socket-outlet with Shutter带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing- contact Socket-outlet with Switch可拆线移动式插座 Rewirable Portable Socket-outlet不可拆线移动式插座 Non-rewirable Portable Socket-outlet可拆线移动式多位插座 Rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet不可拆线移动式多位插座 Non-rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet加长电线组件 Cord Extension Set等(尚有其它组合方式)。

英语单词常用电器词汇带翻译常用电器英语单词flashlight 手电筒fluorescent l 日光灯electric calculator 计算器tube 真空管electric fan 电风扇dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机electric heater 电暖气electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器bulb 电灯泡electronic oven 电烤箱radio 收音机microphone 麦克风refrigerator 冰箱air conditioning 空调microwave oven 微波炉dry cell 干电池electric cooker 电饭锅 loud-speaker 扩音机tape recorder 磁带television 电视机electric iron 电熨斗electric foot warmer 暖脚器electric shaver 电动剃须刀tap 电线搭接处television 电视phone 电话puter 电脑fridge 冰箱telegram 电报l 电灯copier 复印机geyser 热水器torch 手电筒recorder 录音机calculator 计算器toaster 烤面包机transparency 幻灯片facsimile machine 传真机washing machine 洗衣机air conditioning 空调microwave oven 微波炉mobile telephone 手机sofa 沙发bed 床desk 书桌table 饭桌(等其它桌子) chair 椅子tea table 茶几bookcase 书柜drawer 抽屉bo_ 箱子stool 小板凳cupboard 碗柜cabi 储藏柜airchair 扶手椅rocking chair 摇椅magazine rack 杂志架购买家电的英语对话:Need a humidifier 加湿器Amy: The weather in Beijing is so bad! My skin is dry to dehiscent.埃米:北京的天气太糟糕了!我的皮肤都干到开裂了。

家电分类及英语词汇Newly compiled on November 23, 2020小家电一.厨房小家电 Small kitchen appliance1.吸油烟机 Range Hood2.燃气灶 Hotplate, Gas Cooker3.砂锅 Casserole4.电灶具 Electric cooker5.电磁炉 Electromagnetic Oven, induction cooker6.电饭煲 Electric (rice) Cooker7.电压力锅 Electric pressure Cooker8.电火锅 Electric chafing dish10.光波炉 The Convection Oven11.电炸锅 Electric frying pan12.电蒸锅 Electric steamer13.粥汤煲 The soup pot14.电炖锅 Electric Cooker二.厨房辅助小家电assistant small kitchen appliance1.搅拌机 agitator, amalgamator2.料理机 cooking machine3.洗碗机 Dish-washing machine4.食物垃圾处理器 Food waste processor5.消毒柜 disinfection cabinet6.微波炉 Microwave oven7.电烤箱 electric oven8.早餐吧 Breakfast9.芝士炉 Cheese furnace10.煎药器、煎药壶 decoction vessel11.刨冰机,block shaving machine碎冰机, ice crusher炒冰机 Fry ice machine三.家居小家电Home furnishing small household electrical appliances脱水机 spin drier, dehydrator[di:haidreit];干衣机c lothes drier洗衣机 washer电水壶 (electric) Kettle, 电热壶 electric kettle电热杯 electric cup电冰箱 refrigerator, fridge电烫斗 electric iron干鞋器 shoes dryer擦鞋器 shoe polisher干手器 Hand dryer电子温度计 electronic thermometer电子定时器 Electronic timer,提醒器 Reminder毛球修剪器 Hair ball trim四.家居辅助小家电Home furnishing aid of small household electrical appliances面包机 Bread machine,多士炉 toaster煮蛋器 egg boiler、蒸蛋器 steamed egg三明治机 Sandwich machine电饼铛 electric baking pan,烤饼机 Bread machine豆浆机 soybean milk machine冰激凌机 Ice cream machine咖啡机 Coffee machine饮水机 water dispenser爆米花机、Popcorn machine榨汁机 mill, winepress, juicerFruit and vegetable cleaning machine五.净化类 Purification空气净化器 air cleaner净水机 water purifying machine吸尘器 Vacuum cleaner,扫地机 Sweeping machine氧气机 Oxygen machine,氧吧 Oxygen bar加湿器 humidifier、抽湿器 moisture extractor,湿度调节器 humidity regulator加香机 perfuming machine,加香器 perfuming device蒸汽清洁机 steam clean machine电子垃圾桶 electronic trash六.个人生活小家电Personal life small household electrical appliances 剃须刀 shaver电风吹 Hair dryer足浴器 Foot bath洁耳器 ear cleaner焗油帽 Hair cap辫子机电动按摩器 electric massager理发器 Barber脂肪测量仪 the fat meter助听器 deaf-aid血压计 hemomanometer, sphygmomanometer计步器 pedometer七.美容小家电The beauty of small household electrical appliances 除毛器 Hair removal device,脱毛器,depilator剃毛器 shaving device电动修眉器 electric eyebrow shaving device,电动睫毛器 electric eyelash curler美容器 beauty device卷发器,crimping iron, curler直发器 straighener毛孔清洁器,pore cleaner鼻毛修剪器 nose hair trimmer电动美甲器,电动指甲修 electric manicure,睫毛笔 eyelash pen八.取暖类 Heating取暖器,Heating apparatus电暖器 electric heater电热毯 electric blanket暖风扇 warm fan暖手器 Hand warmer,暖宝宝,暖手宝保温碟 heat insulation plate,保温垫 Insulating pad,保温箱 Insulation chests, incubator九.驱虫类 Anthelmintic灭蚊器 mosquito killer灭蚊拍,电蚊拍 electric mosquito swatter电热驱蚊器 electric mosquito repellent电热蚊香 electro-thermal mosquito-repellent incense十。

小家电一.厨房小家电 Small kitchen appliance1.吸油烟机 Range Hood2.燃气灶 Hotplate; Gas Cooker3.砂锅 Casserole4.电灶具 Electric cooker5.电磁炉 Electromagnetic Oven; induction cooker6.电饭煲 Electric rice Cooker7.电压力锅 Electric pressure Cooker8.电火锅 Electric chafing dish10.光波炉 The Convection Oven11.电炸锅 Electric frying pan12.电蒸锅 Electric steamer13.粥汤煲 The soup pot14.电炖锅 Electric Cooker二.厨房辅助小家电 assistant small kitchen appliance1.搅拌机 agitator; amalgamator2.料理机 cooking machine3.洗碗机 Dish-washing machine4.食物垃圾处理器 Food waste processor5.消毒柜 disinfection cabinet6.微波炉 Microwave oven7.电烤箱 electric oven8.早餐吧 Breakfast9.芝士炉 Cheese furnace10.煎药器、煎药壶 decoction vessel11.刨冰机;block shaving machine碎冰机; ice crusher炒冰机 Fry ice machine三.家居小家电Home furnishing small household electrical appliances脱水机 spin drier; dehydrator di: haidreit ;干衣机 clothes drier洗衣机 washer电水壶 electric Kettle; 电热壶 electric kettle电热杯 electric cup电冰箱 refrigerator; fridge电烫斗 electric iron干鞋器 shoes dryer擦鞋器 shoe polisher干手器 Hand dryer电子温度计 electronic thermometer电子定时器 Electronic timer;提醒器 Reminder毛球修剪器 Hair ball trim四.家居辅助小家电Home furnishing aid of small household electrical appliances面包机 Bread machine;多士炉 toaster煮蛋器 egg boiler、蒸蛋器 steamed egg三明治机 Sandwich machine电饼铛 electric baking pan;烤饼机 Bread machine豆浆机 soybean milk machine冰激凌机 Ice cream machine咖啡机 Coffee machine饮水机 water dispenser爆米花机、Popcorn machine榨汁机 mill; winepress; juicerFruit and vegetable cleaning machine五.净化类 Purification空气净化器 air cleaner净水机 water purifying machine吸尘器 Vacuum cleaner;扫地机 Sweeping machine氧气机 Oxygen machine;氧吧 Oxygen bar加湿器 humidifier、抽湿器 moisture extractor;湿度调节器 humidity regulator加香机 perfuming machine;加香器 perfuming device蒸汽清洁机 steam clean machine电子垃圾桶 electronic trash六.个人生活小家电Personal life small household electrical appliances剃须刀 shaver电风吹 Hair dryer足浴器 Foot bath洁耳器 ear cleaner焗油帽 Hair cap辫子机电动按摩器 electric massager理发器 Barber脂肪测量仪 the fat meter助听器 deaf-aid血压计 hemomanometer; sphygmomanometer计步器 pedometer七.美容小家电The beauty of small household electrical appliances 除毛器 Hair removal device;脱毛器;depilator剃毛器 shaving device电动修眉器 electric eyebrow shaving device;电动睫毛器 electric eyelash curler美容器 beauty device卷发器;crimping iron; curler直发器 straighener毛孔清洁器;pore cleaner鼻毛修剪器 nose hair trimmer电动美甲器;电动指甲修 electric manicure;睫毛笔 eyelash pen八.取暖类 Heating取暖器;Heating apparatus电暖器 electric heater电热毯 electric blanket暖风扇 warm fan暖手器 Hand warmer;暖宝宝;暖手宝保温碟 heat insulation plate;保温垫 Insulating pad;保温箱 Insulation chests; incubator九.驱虫类 Anthelmintic灭蚊器 mosquito killer灭蚊拍;电蚊拍 electric mosquito swatter电热驱蚊器 electric mosquito repellent电热蚊香 electro-thermal mosquito-repellent incense 十..热水器类 Water Heater燃气热水器 gas water heater电热水器 electric water heater太阳能热水器 Solar heater空气源热碽热水器 Air source heat Gong water heater其它热水器 other water heater十一..电风扇类 electric fan台式风扇 bracker fan; desk fan落地风扇 Floor fan吊扇 Ceiling fan壁扇 Wall Fan空调扇 Air conditioning fan其它电风扇 other electric fan十二..卫浴小家电Small household electrical appliances; sanitary ware干手机 Do mobile phone电动牙刷 electric toothbrush浴霸 bath heater皂液机;皂液器 Soap dispenser电视机 television set;电冰箱 refrigerator;洗衣机 washer;投影仪projector;空调 air-condition十三..数码产品 Digital production电脑 computer台式机 desktop computer台式一体机 All-in-one desktops工作站 workstation笔记本 jotter; notebook上网本 netbooks平板电脑 IPHONE Panel computer电脑配件 computer components鼠标 Mouse液晶显示器 liquid crystal display音响;音箱 loudspeaker box; voice box手机 cell phone; mobile phoneGPS对讲机 walkie-talkie; intercom电话机 telephone电话会议 teleconference; dial conference; conference call. 数码 DigitalCD掌上电脑PDA相机 camera数码摄像机 Digital Video DV镜头 camera lensMP3MP4U盘 U disk电子书 E-book; electric book录音笔 digital voice recorder耳机 earphone电子词典 electric dictionary数码相框 digital phone frameUsb复读机 repeater点读机 point reading machineMultimedia hard disk recodingportable source数码伴侣 Digital companion摄像头 Camera; pick-up head汽车电子产品 Automobile electric products教育电子产品 the education electric products Office printingLaser printerBubble jet printerMultifunctional integrated machineLarge format printerScannerThe fax machinecopier; copying machineDye sublimation printerProjected displayprojectorProjection lampProjection boothProjection screenElectronic whiteboardCommercial displayLarge screen splicingprofessional displayIndustry displayPlasma panel displayDigital signageLED displayTouch one machineTouch screen游戏机 Recreational machine掌上游戏机 psp nds Handheld game machine游戏机 recreational machine白色家电; white Household electrical appliance黑色家电; Black Household electrical appliance米色家电; Beige Household electrical appliance绿色加电; Green home appliance1.Brisk market sales were concentrated in food; householdelectrical appliances; beverage and clothing.市场销售旺点主要集中在食品、家电、饮料和服装类..2.Household electrical appliances; kitchen equipment; coffeepot; electric heating device.家用电器、厨房设备、咖啡壶、电暖器..3.Hair dryer is one of small household electrical appliances.电吹风是小家电产品之一..ponent: cell phone casing and related products; mp3; mp4envelope; computer peripheral products; the gear; telephone;household electrical appliances; medical equipment.产品涉及:手机外壳及部品、mp3、mp4外壳;电脑周边产品、齿轮、电话机、日用电器、医疗器材等..5.There are places with warm spaces; a new decoration; furniture;household electrical appliances are welcome showings有地暖带车位;装修全新;家具家电都有欢迎看房。

常用的电器附件产品的标准名称家用和类似用途插头插座第一部分:通用要求插头类:单相两极可拆线插头 Sin gle-phase Two-pole Rewirable Plug单相两极不可拆线插头 Sin gle-phase Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug单相两极带接地可拆线插头 Sin gle-phase Two-pole Rewirable Plug with Earthi ng-co ntact单相两极带接地不可拆线插头 Sin gle-phase Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug with Earthi ng-co ntact 三相四极可拆线插头 Three-phase Rewirable Plug with Earthi ng-co ntact三相四极不可拆线插头 Three-phase Non-rewirable Plug with Earth in g-co ntactSin gle-phase Surface-type Flat-a nd-round Two-pole Socket-outlet Sin gle-phase Flush-type Flat-a nd-round Two-pole Socket-outlet Sin gle-phase Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthin g-c on tact Sin gle-phase Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthin g-c on tact三相四极明装插座 Three-phase Surface-type Socket-outlet Earthin g-c on tact 三相四极暗装插座 Three-phase Flush-type Socket-outlet Earthi ng-co ntactSingle-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet Sin gle-phase Flush-type Flat-a nd-round Two-pole Socket-outlet Sin gle-phase Surface-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet Single-phase Flush-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet with带开关单相两极双用明装插座Sin gle-phase Surface-type Flat-a nd-rou nd Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极双用暗装插座Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch 带开关单相两极带接地 明装插座 Sin gle-phase Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthin g-c on tact with Switch带开关单相两极带接地暗装插 座 Sin gle-phase Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthin g-c on tact with Switch单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Sin gle-phase Surface-typeFlat-a nd-rou nd Two-pole,Two-pole-a nd-earth in g-c on tact Socket-outlet 插座类:单相两极双用明装插座单相两极双用暗装插座单相两极带接地明装插座单相两极带接地暗装插座 带保护门单相两极双用明装插座with Shutter带保护门单相两极双用暗装插座with Shutter带保护门单相两极带接地明装插座with Earthin g-c on tact带保护门单相两极带接地暗装插座Earthin g-c on tact单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座Sin gle-phase Flush-type Flat-a nd-rou nd Two-pole, Two-pole-a nd-earth in g-c on tact Socket-outlet带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座Sin gle-phase Surface-type Flat-a nd-rou ndTwo-pole-a nd-earth in g-c on tact Socket-outlet with Shutter带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座Sin gle-phase Flush-type Flat-a nd-rou nd Two-pole Two-pole-a nd-earth ing- con tact Socket-outlet with Shutter带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座Sin gle-phase Surface-type Flat-a nd-rou nd Two-pole ,Two-pole-a nd-earth in g-c on tact Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座Sin gle-phase Flush-type Flat-a nd-ro und Two-pole ,Two-pole-a nd-earthi ng- con tact Socket-outlet with Switch可拆线移动式插座Rewirable Portable Socket-outlet不可拆线移动式插座No n-rewirable Portable Socket-outlet可拆线移动式多位插座Rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet不可拆线移动式多位插座Non-rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet加长电线组件Cord Exte nsion Set等(尚有其它组合方式)。

SHARE (DIGITAL) 分享(数码)MOBILE PHONE 手机mobile accessories 手机配件battery 电池memory stick 存贮卡sticking membrane手机屏幕保护膜hang decorations 挂装饰品bluetooth earphone 蓝牙耳机phone leather case 手机皮套car charger 汽车充电器charger 充电器converter 转换器Scandisk 磁盘扫描bluetooth 蓝牙earphone 耳机other ACC. 其他配件DIGITAL APPLIANCE 数字家电camera 照相机Digital Camera 数码相机DLSR 单反相机DV 摄像机DVC数码摄像机HDD(Hard Disk Drive)硬盘coruscant memory 闪存high def. 高画质MAC shop 苹果店ipod shop苹果店ipod accessories 配件cover 保护套loudspeaker 喇叭vehicle charger & power车载充电器和电源wire 线材other brand (acc.) 其他品牌配件developing 发展kodak 柯达single len camera 单个镜头common accessories 普通配件memory stick 存储卡card reader 读卡器bag 袋子album/frame/mount相册/相框/底座record pen 录音笔mini sound box 迷你音响common battery 普通电池other acc.其他配件membrane sticker手机屏幕保护膜professional accessories专业配件filtrating lens 滤镜gobo 图案flashlamp 闪光灯lens 镜头lens lid 镜头盖spider/one leg stand 三脚架/单脚支架professional battery 专业电池camera printer 相机打印机handle of DSRL手动单反tripod 三脚架Elect. EDU 电教产品Elect. Album (Digital Photo Frame) 数码相框photo printer 照片打印机radio cassette/radio 收录机/收音机digital reading book 电子书walkman 随身听mobile TV 移动电视equipment 设备outside 外置car 车载COMPUTER 电脑desktop 台式机laptop 笔记本net book 上网本notebook 笔记本computer accessories 电脑配件mouse 鼠标keyboard 键盘camera 摄像头active speaker 有源音箱mobile hard stick 移动硬盘game equipment 游戏设备writing CD CD刻录机router / HAVE / wireless路由器/有/无线net card 上网卡socket 插座notebook bag 上网本包U disk U盘comsuptive (ink box) 墨水盒mouse pad 鼠标垫notebook hard radiationPC cleaning & ent. Set电脑清洁剂card reader 读卡器USB equipment 设备PC membrane stick 电脑贴膜copy right software 版权软件network device 网络设备promotion 促销fax machine 传真机printer 打印机scanner 扫描仪copier 复印机electronic office equipment电子办公设备integrator一体机safe case保险箱ink for printer & laser打印机和墨水cooling pad 散热垫microphone 麦克风paper shredder 碎纸机money counter 点钞机time card machine 打卡机safety-deposite box 保险箱OA peripheral 办公外设Multifunction Device 多功能设备currency detector 验钞机system software 系统软件application software 应用软件INTERNET PROVIDER 网络供应商SERVICE PROVIDER 服务供应商All-in-one PC 一体机notebook 上网本SERVICE AREA 服务区testing area测试区experience体验区PC anti virus 计算机反病毒system back up 系统备份hard ware upgrade 硬件升级training培训brand after sale 品牌售后OPERATION AREA 作业区BRAND AREA 品牌区EXPERIENCE ZONE 体验区ENJOY (HOME ENTERTAINMENT) 享受区(家庭娱乐)TV SET 电视机LCD 液晶电视Plasma 等离子电视HIFI 高保真home theater / projector and amplifier家庭影院/投影机和放大器projector 投影机mini hifi 迷你音响projector acc. 投影机配件high def / blue ray 高清/蓝光portable 便携式Cable Accessories 电缆配件LIVE (LIVING APPLIANCE) 生活(生活电器)LARGE APPLIANCE 大家电refrigerator 冰箱single door 单开门double door 双开门three door 三开门opposite doors 对开门multi-doors 多开门ice bar 冰柜upright refrigerator 立式冰柜washing machine 洗衣机wave wheel (top load)波轮式(上载式)cylinder (front load) 气缸(前负荷)dryer 干衣机air con 空调hanging machine 挂式空调standard machine立式空调seasonal product 季节性产品summer electric fan 夏季电风扇tower fan 排风机common electric fan普通电风扇air-conditioner fan 空调扇winter warmer 冬季保暖Related Products 相关产品air freshener 空气清新器plugboard 拖线板universal remote control万能遥控器bamboo charcoal package竹炭包SMALL APPLIANCE 小家电kitchen 厨房kitchen hardware (oil kitchen)厨房烟灶lame back 燃气灶dinner ware 晚餐洁具disinfection cabinet 消毒柜oven 烤箱dish washer 洗碗机single app (kitchen elect. App) 单个厨房电器electric cooker 电饭煲microwave oven 微波炉induction cooker 电磁炉electric pressure cooker 电压力锅juice extractor 榨汁机soya-bean milk maker 豆浆机water dispenser 饮水机electric kettle 电水壶electronic oven 电烤箱coffee machine (kettle) 咖啡机bread machine 面包机breakfast machine 早餐机egg timer 煮蛋器icecream machine冰激凌器electric chafing dish pot 电火锅blender 混合器electric deep fryer 电炸炉food waste collector 食物垃圾收集器water purifier 净水器electric bottle 电暖壶other water devices 其他水设备new arrival & promotion 新产品和促销kitchen cooking ware 厨房炊具cooking ware炊具stir frying pan 炒锅boiling pan 煮锅milk pan 奶锅deep frying pan 油炸锅braising pan 可倾式炒锅pressure cooker 高压锅cutter 刀具bathroom app. 浴室配件water heater 热水器electric water heater 电热水器gas water heater 燃气热水器instant electric water heater 即热式电热水器bath warmer (Beijing) 浴暖(北京)ventilator 换气扇self cleaning device 自动清洗装置personal care 个人护理shaver 剃须刀hair dryer 吹风机electric toothbrush 电动牙刷beautification,hair and dressing美容美发roller 卷发棒eyelash curler 睫毛夹ion steamer 离子蒸汽home appliance 家庭护理health care measurment 保健测量health scale 健康秤sphygmomanometer 血压计glucometer 血糖仪massage & health care 按摩与保健massage chair 按摩椅running mech 跑步机massage 按摩massage rod 按摩棒massager cushion 按摩垫leg massage 腿部按摩fit massage 保健按摩foot bathtub 洗脚盆home cleaning 家居清洁vacuum cleaner 吸尘器air filter 空气过滤器dehumidifier 除湿机cloth care 衣服护理elect. Iron 电熨斗steam iron 蒸汽熨斗steam ironing board 蒸汽熨板hardware 五金power supply 电源electrical material 电子材料water purifing equipment 水净化设备electric shaver 电动剃须刀toaster 烤面包机baker 轻便烤箱sandwich machine 三明治机gas water heater 燃气热水器vacuum 真空机humidifier 加湿器winter small appliance 冬季小家电electric rice cooker 电饭锅electric braising cooker 电炖锅electric bottle 电暖壶EXPERIENCE ZONE 体验区SERVICE AREA 服务区MEMBER SERVICE 会员服务CASHIER 收银PICK UP AREA 提货区RETURN EXCHANGE 退换货WAITING AREA 等待区BOH 后区digital & mobile stock 数码/机动仓库TOTAL SERVICE AREA 总服务区TOTAL SALE AREA 总销售区TOTAL GROSS AREA 总面积。

目录contents一、断路器类Circuit Breaker二、接触器Contactor三、继电器类Relays四、电源电器类Power Supply Apparatus五、开关电器类Switches Apparatus六、电机驱动类Motor Drive七、仪表及智能家居类Meter, Intelligent Home八、照明器类Lighting九、熔断器类Fuse十、插座Socket十一、电器附件Electric Accessories十二、常用电工电气术语Terms of Electrics一、断路器类Circuit BreakerDefinition: A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit.主要涉及词汇、短语Related words and phasesElectrical life 电气寿命Mechanical life 机械寿命Dielectric strength 介电强度,绝缘强度rated coil voltage 额定线圈电压Contact form 触点形式Contact material 触点材料contact rating 触点容量Coil power 线圈功率Pulse width 脉冲宽度,脉冲持续时间Pick-up voltage 接触电压,起始电压Drop-out voltage 开断电压Contact resistance 接触(接点)电阻,瞬变电阻Insulation resistance 绝缘电阻Operation temperature 工作温度Input voltage 输入电压Input current 输入电流Isolating power 隔离能力Rated voltage 额定电压Rated current 额定电流rated operational current 额定工作电流rated operational voltage 额定工作电压arc extinction 灭弧nominal insulation voltage 额定绝缘电压rated insultating voltage 额定绝缘电压Short-circuit delay protection 短路延时保护Short-circuit protection 短路保护Overload protection 过载保护lack voltage protection 欠电压保护Thermal relay 热继电器thermal overload relay 热过载继电器intermediate relay 中间继电器contactor relay 接触器式继电器 time relay 时间继电器short-circuit current 短路电流(SCC) low voltage circuit breaker 低压断路器high voltage circuit breaker 高压断路器magnetic circuit breaker 磁断路器trip breaker 行程断路器standards and certification 执行标准以及证书alternating current(AC) 交流电direct current(DC) 直流电pollution grade 污染等级IP code 防护等级Protecting class 防护等级Sea level elevation 海拔高度Ambient air temperature 周围空气温度Relative air humidity(RH) 空气相对湿度Transportation and storage condition 运输及存储条件 Impact and vibration 冲击与振动Economic principle 经济原则Safety principle 安全原则Breaking ability 分断能力Injection 注塑Punching 冲压Operation principle figure 工作原理图Technical parameter 技术参数Dimension and mounting 外型及安装Type and specification 型号规格Mechanical data 机械参数Installation mode 安装方式Terminal connection capacity 端子接线能力Case width 外壳宽度Two-pole 两极Single pole 单极Pole No. 极数Installation dimensions 安装尺寸Case grade rated current 壳架等级电流Characteristic curve 特征曲线万能式断路器Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)Rated words and phasesPower distribution 配电Small volume 体积小Single-phase earthing/ground protection 单相接地保护Modularization 模块化Intelligentize 智能化Instantaneous release 瞬时脱扣Environment friendly 环境友好型Environmental 环保的Release type 脱扣类型Characteristic curve 曲线特性(同前面翻译都存在) Power Frequency Voltage-Withstand Test 工频耐压试验Leakage acting current 漏电动作电流Range of break-off 动作电流范围Pure electromagnetic type 纯电磁式Rated short circuit broken capability 额定短路分断能力Power factor 功率因数Tripping curre 脱扣曲线塑料外壳式断路器Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(MCCB)Operation performance 运行特性Operational current of magnetic release 运行电流的磁释放Arcing-over distance 飞弧距离Design code 设计序号Breaking capacity grade code 分断能力等级代号Rated current of frame 壳架等级电流(此种翻译也存在)Small volume, high breaking capacity and short flash-over distance 小体积,高分断能力,飞弧距离小More convenient and easier to mount function accessories.更方便以及容易安装功能附件(翻译仅供参考)Can be mounted with hand-operating device or motor-operating device for remote control.可以与hand-operating(手动)设备或motor-operating(自动)装置同时安装用于远程控制。
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常用的电器附件产品的标准名称GB2099.1-1996 家用和类似用途插头插座第一部分:通用要求插头类:单相两极可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Rewirable Plug单相两极不可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug单相两极带接地可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact单相两极带接地不可拆线插头 Single-phase Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact三相四极可拆线插头 Three-phase Rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact三相四极不可拆线插头 Three-phase Non-rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact插座类:单相两极双用明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet单相两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact 单相两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact三相四极明装插座 Three-phase Surface-type Socket-outlet Earthing-contact三相四极暗装插座 Three-phase Flush-type Socket-outlet Earthing-contact带保护门单相两极双用明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Shutter带保护门单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Shutter带保护门单相两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact带保护门单相两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact带开关单相两极双用明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极带接地明装插座Single-phase Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact with Switch带开关单相两极带接地暗装插座Single-phase Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact with Switch单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet with Shutter带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing- contact Socket-outlet with Shutter带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Single-phase Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet with Switch带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座 Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing- contact Socket-outlet with Switch可拆线移动式插座 Rewirable Portable Socket-outlet不可拆线移动式插座 Non-rewirable Portable Socket-outlet可拆线移动式多位插座 Rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet不可拆线移动式多位插座 Non-rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet加长电线组件 Cord Extension Set等(尚有其它组合方式)。
单相两极双用、两极带接地地板暗装插座Single-phase Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Floor-recessed Socket-outletGB2099.2-1997 家用和类似用途插头插座第二部分:器具插座的特殊要求器具插座 Socket-outlet for AppliancesGB15934-1996 电线组件电线组件 Cord set功能件 (Functional Module) 指示灯 with indicate lightGB16915.1-1997 家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的开关第一部分:通用要求明装按钮开关 Surface-type Push-button Switch暗装按钮开关 Flush-type Push-button Switch明装拉线开关 Surface-type Cord-operated Switch暗装拉线开关 Flush-type Cord-operated Switch明装旋转开关 Surface-type Rotary Switch暗装旋转开关 Flush-type Rotary Switch暗装跷板式单极开关 Flush-type Rocker Single-pole Switch明装跷板式单极开关 Surface-type Rocker Single-pole Switch暗装跷板式两极开关 Flush-type Rocker Double-pole Switch明装跷板式两极开关 Surface-type Rocker Double-pole Switch暗装跷板式三极开关 Flush-type Rocker Three-pole Switch明装跷板式三极开关 Surface-type Rocker Three-pole Switch暗装跷板式三极加中线开关 Flush-type Rocker Three-pole plus Switched Neutral Switch明装跷板式三极加中线开关 Surface-type Rocker Three-pole plus Switched Neutral Switch暗装跷板式双控开关 Flush-type Rocker Two-way Switch明装跷板式双控开关 Surface-type Rocker Two-way Switch暗装跷板式有公共进入线的双控开关 Flush-type Rocker Two-circuit Switch with a Common Incoming Line Switch明装跷板式有公共进入线的双控开关 Surface-type Rocker Two-circuit Switch with a Common Incoming Line Switch暗装跷板式有一个断开位置的双控开关 Flush-type Rocker Two-way Switch with One Off-position 明装跷板式有一个断开位置的双控开关 Surface-type Rocker Two-way Switch with One Off-position暗装跷板式两极双控开关 Flush-type Rocker Two-way Double-pole Switch明装跷板式两极双控开关 Surface-type Rocker Two-way Double-pole Switch暗装跷板式双控换向开关(或中间开关) Flush-type Rocker Two-way Reversing Switch (or Intermediate Switch)明装跷板式双控换向开关(或中间开关) Surface-type Rocker Two-way Reversing Switch (or Intermediate Switch)暗装倒扳式单极开关 Flush-type Tumbler Single-pole Switch明装倒扳式单极开关 Surface-type Tumbler Single-pole Switch暗装倒扳式两极开关 Flush-type Tumbler Double-pole Switch明装倒扳式两极开关 Surface-type Tumbler Double-pole Switch暗装倒扳式三极开关 Flush-type Tumbler Three-pole Switch明装倒扳式三极开关 Surface-type Tumbler Three-pole Switch暗装倒扳式三极加中线开关 Flush-type Tumbler Three-pole plus Switched Neutral Switch明装倒扳式三极加中线开关 Surface-type Tumbler Three-pole plus Switched Neutral Switch暗装倒扳式双控开关 Flush-type Tumbler Two-way Switch明装倒扳式双控开关 Surface-type Tumbler Two-way Switch暗装倒扳式有公共进入线的双控开关 Flush-type Tumbler Two-circuit Switch with a Common Incoming Line Switch明装倒扳式有公共进入线的双控开关 Surface-type Tumbler Two-circuit Switch with a Common Incoming Line Switch暗装倒扳式有一个断开位置的双控开关 Flush-type Tumbler Two-way Switch with One Off-position 明装倒扳式有一个断开位置的双控开关 Surface-type Tumbler Two-way Switch with One Off-position暗装倒扳式两极双控开关 Flush-type Tumbler Two-way Double-pole Switch明装倒扳式两极双控开关 Surface-type Tumbler Two-way Double-pole Switch暗装倒扳式双控换向开关(或中间开关) Flush-type Tumbler Two-way Reversing Switch (or Intermediate Switch)明装倒扳式双控换向开关(或中间开关) Surface-type Tumbler Two-way Reversing Switch (or Intermediate Switch)等(尚有其它组合方式)。