新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 B篇练习答案及课文翻译(ppt课件)

Background information
➢ Emotional Intelligence is a book written by Daniel Goleman and published in 1995. The theory of emotional quotient (EQ) was based on earlier work done by other psychologists in the 1970s and 1980s – a quotient is the number that is the result of dividing one number by another, so EQ is a score for behaviour involving emotions. The EQ concept claims that emotional intelligence is as important as the traditionally recognized intellectual intelligence. A high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) does not represent all the elements for a successful career or life.
Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman’s brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our “two minds” — the rational and the emotional —and how they together shape our destiny.

Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementaryschools in Nanjing.2.Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key intothe slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3.They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how todo it properly.4.Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assignedtasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5.Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6.He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that oncan solve a problem effectively by oneself.7.He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educationaland artistic practices between China and the USA.8.The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child byguiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9.One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish andanimals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work onperfecting their craft for several hours a day.10.Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may neveremerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11.This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12.The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balancebetween the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1)The text begins with an anecdote.2)His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in Chinaand the West.3)He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2.Chinese1)Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2)Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing thatcreativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1)Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions toproblems2)Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinkingskills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense Enhancement(1)Summarizing(2)value originalityand independence (3)contrast between (4)in terms of(5)harbor(6)fearful(7)comparable(8)promote creativity(9)emerge(10)p icked upLanguage Focus VocabularyI1.1)insert2)on occasion3)investigate4)In retrospect 5)initial6)phenomena7)attached8)make up for9)is awaiting10)not; in the least11)promote12)emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of thecountry and the south.2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3)as a financial center has evolved slowly.4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way intosome English magazines.3.1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1)continual2)continuous 3)continual4)continuous2.1)principal2)principal3)principle 4)principles5)principalIII1.themselves2.himself/herself3.herself/by herself/on her own4.itself5.ourselves6.yourself/by yourself/on your ownComprehensive Exercises I.cloze1.(1)contrast(2)exaggerating(3)priority(4)on the otherhand (5)promoting(6)pick up(7)assist(8)accomplish(9)occasion(10)n eglecting(11)w orthwhile(12)s uperior2.(1)end(2)perform(3)facing(4)competent (5)equipped(6)designed(7)approach(8)rest(9)definitely(10)q ualityII.translation1.(1)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from thetradition.(2)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give aperformance in front of a large audience.(3)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the childat an early age.(4)Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’sworthwhile to buy it?(5)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we areinvestigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing inyour head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Armybell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2.The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion andcuriosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3.He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.”Thismeans that he was neither poor nor rich.4.The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate,especially to a person who looked poor.5.Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. Hedoesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6.No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good healthand creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7.He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in materialthings.8.She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he tookher to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely. 9.It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goodsrather than what she had claimed before.mercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is reallynecessary.11.Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bellringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12.The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack ofexpensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankfulfor that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2)the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3)That one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys lifein many other ways.Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1)attain(2)wear and tear(3)dependable(4)modest (5)primarily(6)minimal(7)exceptionally(8)illness-free(9)spirited(10)e nergizingLanguage Focus VocabularyI1.1)abrupt2)emotional3)bless4)wear and tear 5)dated6)consequences7)seemingly8)in contrast to9)Curiosity10)genuine11)primarily12)sentiments2.1)confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2)vital to the existence of all forms of life.3)some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on thesubject.4)nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5)tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2)fill out; every item; vital; consequences3)be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1.It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2.She arrived early and took a front row seat.3.Don’t take me for a fool.4.It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5.My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6.He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7.Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8.If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III1.hanging2.to give3.to return4.being praised5.not having written6.to say7.to open8.being helpedComprehensive Exercises I.cloze1.(1)well-off/affluent(2)dated(3)falling into(4)bracket (5)deny(6)tangible(7)pursuit(8)cherishes(9)out of place(10)a brupt(11)f ocus(12)d onations2.(1)consume(2)fueled(3)annual(4)plain (5)physically(6)security(7)indicates(8)equally(9)traditional(10)f ollowIII. Translation1.1)The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2)Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3)Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why myparents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me tothe best private school.4)Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus hadto go through another difficult phase of his life.5)In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, butthey have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the mostimportant task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, RestaurantManager, and Mrs. Higgins.2.No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3.To buy a guitar.4.To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5.He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6.It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7.He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8.He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9.She felt humiliated.10.Because the Thompson had just moved.11.He tried to let her know how exceptionally talented a young woman Heidiwas.12.Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2.The Thompson family dining room3.An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her newschool about how talented she was. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1)once in a while(2)for(3)the problem(4)he thinks (5)humiliated(6)class president(7)have(8)Actually(9)stop to think(10)i nterferenceLanguage Focus VocabularyI1.1)typical2)dumb3)junior4)glorious 5)welfare6)came over7)interference8)fading9)narrowed down10)frank11)schemes12)at any rate2.1)consists of five generals and four police officers.2)will be in a location overlooking the lake.3)was humiliated by her comments about my family background in frontof so many people.4)have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5)was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1)hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2)twisted; over and over; talented son3)patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedlyII.Collocation1.adequate2.anxious3.certain4.content5.crazy6.likely7.fortunate8.keenage1.be admitted2.live3.be postponed4.buy5.be banned6.beComprehensive Exercises I.cloze1.(1)typical(2)welfare(3)constant(4)frank(5)talent(6)dumb (7)know better than that(8)repeatedly(9)dread(10)i nterference(11)b et(12)a ssure2.(1)despite(2)really(3)same(4)contact (5)admitted(6)attempt(7)not(8)tend(9)different(10)m annerII.Translation1.(1)Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2)The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations forthe nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3)Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare forthe rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5)Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2.She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, andcommunicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3.She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail,newspapers and groceries.4.They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to beunreal.5.That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel an aversion to outsideforms of socializing.6.She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7.She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, allbecause she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8.She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack ofemotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9.Because we rely on co-works for company.10.She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City,gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11.No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12.She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to thecomputer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again. Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1.2-32.1,4-10,133.114.122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1)routine(2)for company(3)unemployment(4)externally (5)drug abuse(6)restore(7)fled(8)gym(9)set apart(10)a ppointmentsVocabularyI 1.1)conversely2)but then3)symptom4)spitting 5)abusing6)tone7)took; in8)editing9)have arranged10)in sight11)stretched12)data2.1)smoking cigarettes jars on me.2)find themselves getting sucked in.3)has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check andrepair it.4)fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries toavoid military service.5)restore people’s confidence in it.3.1)the virtual; on line; via2)nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3)cue; remarks; his tuneII.Collocation1.We came here all the way on foot.2.Private cars are not allowed on campus.3.They are on vacation in Florida.4.Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5.Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6.Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.age1.hard2.difficult3.impossible4.tough5.hard6.easyComprehensive ExercisesI.cloze1.(1)Internet(2)click(3)virtual(4)routines (5)arrange(6)nightmare(7)annoying(8)connection(9)crawls(10)t ake in(11)s pit(12)d ata(13)s ucked into(14)A t times (15)f lee(16)o n line2.(1)companion(2)deliver(3)access(4)enables (5)customers(6)delights(7)provides(8)small(9)remote(10)i nformationII.Translation1.1)Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.3)As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4)In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completelydifferent angle.5)Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from herclassmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than hispersonal best.2.Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of abody builder.3.His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories aboutflying when he was growing up.4.Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you wantsomething, work for it!5.Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "freedreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6.He began a very careful training program.7.He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best bythree inches. He was very calm.8.He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than hispersonal best.9.What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxietyhelped him overcome his nervousness.10.The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jumpwith his childhood dream.11.He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father wasprobably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12.Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training. Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1)It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as atwo-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2)All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1)startled(2)bale of hay(3)off(4)intensity (5)shaking thetension(6)tense(7)description(8)out of nowhere(9)pictured(10)s caredVocabulary I1.1)startled2)mere3)motion4)sweating5)stretched out 6)vain7)On the occasion8)anxiety9)emotions10)ashamed of11)In my mind’seye12)recurring2.1)coincides with her husband’s.2)sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3)of alternate sunshine and rain.4)have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics atuniversity.5)Tension came over her3.1)media; dedication to; grace2)his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3)emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII.Collocation1.Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near thecommunity.2.In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should)continue her education to acquire still another degree.3.There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moralresponsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4.Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwiseto give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5.Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6.Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III.Words with Multiple Meanings1.I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2.Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3.The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4.The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5.It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6.To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new productsdoesn’t work at all.7.The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t knowhow to learn.8.The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it. Comprehensive ExercisesI.cloze 1.(1)In my mind’s eye(2)groan(3)competitor(4)intensity(5)anxiety(6)tense(7)sweat(8)tension (9)soaring(10)r ecurring(11)b rought me back to earth(12)f antasy(13)s weat(14)c ongratulate(15)n umber(16)m edia2.(1)engineer(2)forget(3)convinced(4)how (5)build(6)accident(7)thought(8)only(9)sharp(10)t ouched(11)i nstructions(12)f inallyII.Translation1.1)It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives thatturned the company into a profitable business.2)The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3)We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4)His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5)I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed andgroaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2.To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.3.Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of beingcheated by the mechanic.4.She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for sometime.5.It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier forher to become an engineering major.6.Five years.7.In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’renot good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8.Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have donebetter if she had studied more.9.No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that asa woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10.She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11.It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12.What she means is not to accept other s’ opinions blindly but to use one’s ownjudgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1)she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering.because she craved independence from her parents.already earned her six credits in engineering.2)math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert an SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1)limit(2)denying(3)favor(4)others(5)relevant (6)translating(7)hard and fast conclusions(8)focus(9)incredibly flexible(10)c onsider the possibilityVocabulary I1.1)cultural/culture2)indication3)miniature4)ironic 5)stumbled into6)decent7)buzzing8)abnormal9)mechanical10)Shuddering11)implied12)leap2.1)convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at theairport.2)didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as tohow to cook rice with the rice cooker.3)their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very usefulwork.4)allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day.5)couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3.1)will not panic/feel panic; ’ll be at a disadvantage2)hybrid; transmissions3)crave; One indication; to distinguishII.Synonyms in Context1.also2.as well/too3.too4.also5.as well/too6.too7.also8.Alsoage1.I’ve had enough2.When I was old enough to work and earn money3.can’t got enough sleep at night4.has so far collected enough of them。
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 B篇练习答案及课文翻译 ppt课件

5. collecting money to help the victims of a natural disaster
6. crying at the end of a film e
How empathy unfolds
The author
Background information
that the roots of empathy can be traced to infancy. Virtually from
the day they are born infants are upset when they hear another
infant crying – a response some see as the earliest precursor of
This confusion is seen too when one-year-olds imitate the distress of someone else, possibly to better comprehend what they are feeling; for example, if another baby hurts her fingers, a one-year-old might put her own fingers in her mouth to see if she hurts, too. On seeing his mother cry, one baby wiped his own eyes, though they had no tears.
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 3 A篇练习答案及课文翻译ppt课件

1 What are the most popular sports in China? Well, I believe it has been a tradition that sports like basketball, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, martial arts and t’ai chi are the most popular sports in China. However, in recent years, football has certainly become very popular, along with some other sports like golf, tennis, skiing, car racing and snooker.
3. Watch the video clip and discuss the cruelty and wildness of sports.
Warming Up
American football is a ball game with complex rules and intricate strategies, played in a number of countries but mainly in the US. Each team has 11 players on the field at a time (out of 46 in a whole team who are divided into offence, defence and specialized teams) and each player has a specialized role or task for each specific play. Players carry the egg-shaped ball and pass or hand it backwards to others (a “running play”) or throw it forwards to teammates (a “passing play”). Opposing players may “tackle” a player running with ball (by pushing, grasping or pulling) or block other players.
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程 精读2 课后练习答案

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程1课后练习答案Unit1ar12. 2,3,4,6,7,10,123.campus, protests, establishment, prospects, employment, launch, opportunity4.clashes, alliance (formed an alliance), liberal (as a liberal), governor, economy, characterized (were characterized by), liberating(a liberating experience)5.gave rise to, keep...off, was brought about, dropping out/to drop out, set up, was brought to its knees6.b a b b b, b a a b7.Unit1-language in useernment, Postmodernism, development, individualism, agreement, investment, romanticism, post-war2.Starting out at college means meeting lots of interesting people.Going to bed too late means not being able to concentrate the next day.Doing a course in Literary Theory means spending a lot of time on difficult subjects.Being interested in literature means having an open mind about other ways of life.Going to college today means spending a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.3.peaceful protests, caused...frustration, critical/ decisive/ important/ key/ major factor, golden/ unique opportunity, close/powerful alliance, complete/total destruction, complete/total destruction4.篮球运动是一个名叫詹姆斯·奈史密斯的体育老师发明的。

全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程2课后练习答案(含翻译题)Key to Exercises of College En glish Book 2Unit 1★ Text AVocabulary1.I. 1) in sert 2) on occasi on 3) in vestigate 4) In retrospect 5)in itial 6) phe nomena7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not …in the least 11) promote 12) emerged2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living inthe n orth of the country and the south.2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to syn thetic fiber.3) The city ' importance as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) His n ati on ality is not releva nt to whether he is a good lawyer.5) The poems by a little-k nown sixtee nth-ce ntury Italia n poet havefound their way into some En glish magaz in es.3. 1) be picked up, can 'accomplish, am exaggerati ng2) somewhat, performa nce, have n eglected, they apply to3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superiorII.1. 1) continual 2) con ti nu ous 3) continual 4) continu ous2. 1) principal 2) principal 3) principle 4) principles5)prin cipalIII.1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on herown 4. itself6. yourself/ by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExerciseI. Clozeother hand 5) promoti ngoccasi on 10) n eglect ing11) worthwhile 12) superiordefi nitely 10) quality II. Translation1. 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departurefrom the traditi on.2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold eno ugh togive a performa nee in front of a large audie nee.3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in5. ourselves 1. 1) con trast2) exaggerating 3) priority 4) on the6) pick up7) assist 8) accomplish 9) on2. 1) end2) perform 3) facing compete nt 5) equipped6) designed7) approach 8) rest 4) 9)the child at an early age.4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it ' worthwhile to buy/purchase it?5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problemwe are in vestigati ng.2. To improve our En glish, it is critical to do more read ing,writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart asmany well-written essays as possible is also very important.Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experie nee as we go along, for in so doing, wecan figure out which way of learning is more effective and willproduce the most desirable result. As long as we keep workinghard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering En glish.★ Text BComprehe nsion check: c c d a c bLan guage Practice1. g h e c f a b d2. 1) adopt 2) acco unt 3) from your point of view 4) en ded up5) furthermore 6) fund 7) annual 8) keeping track of全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程2课后练习答案9) pace 10) intends11) perspective 12) deviseUnit 2★ Text AVocabularyI. 1. 1) abrupt 2) emoti onal 3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated6) con seque nces 7 ) seem in gly 8) in con trast to 9)Curiosity 10) genuine 11) primarily 12) sen time nts2. 1) When you are confron ted with more tha n one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) There is still some con fusi on among the stude nts about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) As a person of simple living habits, he needs nothing more than a job and an apartme nt to be happy.5) It tickled him to think that she ' come to as his advice.3. 1) a lin geri ng, fabricati ng, sen time nts2) fill out, every item, vital, con seque nces3) be deni ed, tan gible, cherish, atta in1. It' a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don 'take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don 'take my advice, you will regret it.III.1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. nothaving written7. to ope n8. being helpedComprehensive ExerciseI.1.1) well-off/affluent 2) dated 3) falling into 4) bracket5) deny6) tan gible 7) pursuit 8) cherishes 9) out of place10) abrupt11) focus 12) don ati ons2. 1) con sume 2) fueled 3) annual 4) pla in 5) physically6) security7) in dicates 8) equally 9) traditio nal 10) followsII. Translation1. 1) The company denied that its donations had a commercialpurpose.2) Whe never he was an gry, he would beg in to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That 'why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job andthus had to go through ano ther difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are ratherpoor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.2. With more and more donations coming in, our university will bemuch better off financially next year. W e will thus be able to focus on the most importa nt task that we, educators, must take on: to en courage stude nts to attai n their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to preparethem for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit ofspiritual as well as material satisfacti on.★ Text BComprehe nsion Check: b b d c d dLan guage Practice1. f c g e b a h d2. 1) stunned 2) hold (fast) to 3) folks 4) generosity 5) disco unt 6)7) ra nks 8) on the run 9) make up 10) ble nds in 11) by all acco unts 12) comes into con tact withUnit 3★ Text AVocabulary1.1 . 1) typical 2)dumb 3) junior 4) glorious 5) welfare6) came over 7) interferenee 8)fading 9) narrowed down 10)frank 11)schemes 12) at any rate2. 1) The Security council consists of five generals and four police officers.2) The new hotel will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) I was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) Do you have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) the boy was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3. 1) hysterical; was han ded dow n; should have known better tha n2) twisted, over and over, tale nted son3) patie nee, not to keep him in suspe nse, assured, repeatedly II.1. adequate2. anxious3. eertain4. content5. crazy6.likely 7. fortun ate 8. kee nIII.1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. bebanned 6. beComprehensive ExerciseI. 1. 1) typical 2) welfare 3) eon sta nt 4) frank 5) tale nt6) dumb7) know better than that 8) repeatedly 9) dread 10)in terfere nee 11) bet 12) assure2. 1) despite 2) really 3) same 4) con tact 5)admitted 6) attempt7) not 8) tend 9) differe nt 10) mannerII. Translation1. 1) Have scie ntists found proof of water on Mars?2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possiblelocati ons for the nu clear power pla nt to two coastal tow ns.3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.4) A jury con sisti ng of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.5) Sean felt humiliated ti hear his tale nt being questi on ed.2. George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metalmusic in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patienee and decided on direct interferenee. They called Mr.Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr.Joh nson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement” In the end George traded his CD ' for computer games software from his classmates.★ Text BComprehe nsion Check: b a b c d aLan guage Practice1. defgabhc2. 1) and he like 2) popularity 3) had bee n kept in the dark 4) define5) was aware of 6)relate 7) were up to 8) trend9)opport un ity 10)mobile 11)comme nts12) in terviewedUnit 4★ Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) con versely 2). but then 3) symptom 4)spitt ing5) abusing6) tone7) took …in 8) edit ing 9) have arranged 10) insight 11) stretched 12) data2. 1) The sight of teenagers smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) A lot of American teenagers don 'like street gangs, but theyfind themselves gett ing sucked in.3) Jeffrey 'computer crashed aga in this morning. The man agerhas arranged for a technician from the computer store tocheck and repair it.4) During the Viet nam War, many young America ns fled theircountry to avoid military service/fled to other countries toavoid military service.5) The new gover nment is pla nning an an ti-corrupti on campaig nso as to restore peoples con fide nee in it.3. 1) the virtual, on line, via 2) nightmare, routine, any appo in tme nt, arrange for 3) cue, remarks, his tuneII. 1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vocati on in Florida.4. Mary has bee n talk ing to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don 'worry, Lucy is always on time.6. In dustrial dema nd on fuel is on the rise.III. 1. hard 2. difficult 3. impossible 4. tough 5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) in ternet 2) click 3) virtual 4) rout in es 5) arrange 6) ni ghtmare7) annoying 8) conn ecti on 9) crawls 10) take in 11) spit 12) data13) sucked into 14) At times 15) flee 16) on line2. 1) companion 2) deliver 3) access4) enables 5) customers6) delights 7) provides 8) small 9) remote 10) in formatio nII. Translation1. 1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health ben efits.2) A slow Internet conn ect ing speed is really annoying.3) As the law sta nds, helpi ng some one commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely differe nt an gle.5) Sue is a girl of great tale nt. Her amaz ing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2. Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on thecomputer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write , submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I n eed and keep up with thelatest n ews. But the n, com muni cati ng through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emoti onal cues of face-to-face com muni cati on, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to in terpret.★ Text BComprehe nsion Check: c a a b d cLan guage Practice1. d e a c b f g h2 . 1) vehicle 2) hooked on 3)intense 4)worldwide5)over ni ght 6)slipped7) on the whole 8) called forth 9) outwards 10)Needless全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程2课后练习答案to say 11) to my kno wledge 12) On top of thatUnit 5★ Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) startled 2) mere 3) motion 4) sweating 5) stretched6) vain 7) On one occasi on8) an xiety 9) emoti ons 10) ashamed 11) In my mind 'eye12) recurri ng2. 1) Mrs. White ' birthday coincides with her husband'.2) They make big profits on the stuff they sell by creating anartificial shortage, which send s the prices soaring/results in the soari ng of prices.3) It has been a week of alternate sunshine and rain.4) Politics and philosophy have been his lifelong passions,although he studied econo mics at uni versity.5) Tension came over her, as she waited for her first TV in terview.3. 1) media, dedication to, grace 2) his competitors, in excitement, hug him, con gratulate him on3) emoti ons, nu merous, i nten sity, passi on for1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built nearthe com mun ity.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she(should) continue her educati on to acquire still ano ther degree. 3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no directmoral resp on sibility to safeguard the welfare of an imals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it isunwise to give them the idea that everything they come into con tact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III.1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his handsand kn ees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twen ty-fivetons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager' plan of promoting the newproducts doesntwork at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experienee of working with children whodon 'k now how to lear n.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after youtook it.Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) In my mi nd' eye 2) groan 3) competitor 4)inten sity 5) an xiety 6) tense7) sweat 8) tension 9) soari ng 10) recurri ng 11)brought me back to earth12) fantasy 13) sweat 14) con gratulate 15) numerous16) media2. 1) engineer 2) forget 3) convin ced 4) how 5) build 6) accide nt7) thought 8)only 9) sharp 10) touched 11) in structi ons 12) fin allyII. Translation1. 1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executivesthat turned the compa ny into a profitable bus in ess.2) The prices of food and medic ine have soared in the past three mon ths.3) We pla n to repa int the upper floors of he office build ing.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimescoin cide.5) I don' want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groa ning pain fully.2. Numerous facts bear out the argume nt/stateme nt/claim that inorder to recover speedily from n egative emoti on, you shouldallow yourself to cry. You needn't/don ' have to be ashamed of cryi ng. An xiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along withtears.Consider the case of/Take Donna, Her son unfortunately died in a car accide nt. The inten sity of the blow made her un able to cry. She said, It was not until two weeks later that I began tocry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from myshoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth andhelped me survive the crisis.”★ Text BComprehension Check: b c b b c aLanguage Practice1. aedcbhfg2. 1) aid 2) in cli ned 3) in good health 4) shortco mings 5)pen etrated6) dismiss 7)has suffered from 8)progressive 9)optimistic10) to a degree 11)hold on to 12) in stallUnit 6★ Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) culture/cultural 2) indication 3) miniature 4) ironic 5) stumbled into 6) dece nt7) buzzing 8) abnormal 9) mechanical 10) Shuddering11) implied 12) leap2. 1) You can con vert RMB into US dollars in the foreig n excha nge office a the airport.2) I figured she didn ' know the first thing about cooking as shelooked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) The manager glowed with pleasure upon hearing that in spite oftheir faulty equipment the team had accomplished some veryuseful work.4) I'm grateful to my companyfor allowing me to work flexiblehours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) On seeing the comments made in the margins by previousreaders, Tom couldn' help thinking the book must be quitefasc in ati ng.3. 1) will not panic/feel panic, ' be at a disadvantage 2) hybrid, tran smissi on3) crave, One in dicati on, to dist in guishII. 1. also 2. as well/too 3. too 4. also 5. as well/too 6. too 7. also 8. AlsoIII. 1. I 'e had eno ugh 2. Whe n I was old eno ugh to work and earn money3. can't get eno ugh sleep at ni ght4. has so far collected eno ugh of them5. have strong eno ugh arms6. have just eno ugh money to live onComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) stumbled into 2) not know the first thing about 3) mecha ni cal 4) whe n it comes to 5) hybrid 6) gritted her teeth 7) premise 8) at a disadvantage 9) panic 10) cultural 11) flexible 12) imply2. 1) chair 2) force 3) secrets 4) painstaking 5) recognized6) steered 7) essentially8) observati on 9)。

最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案课后练习答案Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided. 9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1) Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense Enhancement(1) Summarizing(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for9) is awaiting10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual4) continuous2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as manywell-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization.A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.” This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement 1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizingLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice 3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionally talented a young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father. Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interferenceLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedly II. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars(2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over youYou should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer.I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jump with his childhood dream.11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms. 12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) startled(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business. 2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’ opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering. Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering.because she craved independence from her parents.already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert an SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibility VocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3.1) will not panic/feel panic; ’ll be at a disadvantage2) hybrid; transmissions3) crave; One indication; to distinguishII. Synonyms in Context1. also2. as well/too3. too4. also。

最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案课后练习答案Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively byoneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we shouldstrike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1) Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later Language Sense Enhancement(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.”This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches withoutbeing rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizingLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it. III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helped Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, helost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends upembarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionally talenteda young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interferenceLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnsonassured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.”In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life wouldfeel an aversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easy Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jump with his childhood dream.11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) startled(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent. III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it workedinstantly after you took it. Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybridelectric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering. because she craved independence from her parents. already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert an SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibilityVocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3.1) will not panic/feel panic; ’ll be at a disadvantage。
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 A篇练习答案及课文翻译

Active Reading 1
Warming Up
Listen to a passage and answer questions. New words
Okinawa (日本)冲绳 curator n. (博物馆、美术馆、图书馆等)管理者;馆长 morale n. 士气 sue for peace 求和;议和 preserve v. 保留 pacifist n. 和平爱好者 Nagasaki (日本)长崎 Hiroshima (日本)广岛
Warming Up
A small museum on a US Marine base in Okinawa shows pictures and historical objects from the battle. Mark Waycaster is the curator of the museum’s Battle of Okinawa area. He says Japanese General Mitsuru Ushijima’s plan was to hurt the morale and strength of the Americans. His goal was not to win. “His intentions is to bleed the American forces so bad that the United States sues for peace.” Many American and Japanese troops were killed or injured in Okinawa. Japanese forces fought fiercely. Some fought to the death, refusing to surrender even when they knew they could not win. This was one reason US officials gave for their decision to drop atomic bombs on the city of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

After twenty years
After twenty years
1 The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely ten o’clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh de-peopled the streets.
Warming Up
➢The Gift of the Magi is about a young couple who are short of money but desperately want to buy each other Christmas gifts. Unbeknownst to Jim, Della sells her most valuable possession, her beautiful hair, in order to buy a platinum fob chain for Jim’s watch; while unbeknownst to Della, Jim sells his own most valuable possession, his watch, to buy jeweled combs for Della’s hair. The essential premise of this story has been copied, re-worked, parodied, and otherwise re-told countless times in the century since it was written.

最全的全新版年夜学英语第二版综合教程2谜底之欧侯瑞魂创作课后练习谜底Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude asthe staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hoursa day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there isno hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1) Teach children that they should rely onthemselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later Language Sense Enhancement(1) Summarizing(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for9) is awaiting10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; asuperiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual4) continuous2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpfulto summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.” This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he isrich in many other ways and should be thankful for that. Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways. Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizing Language Focus VocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricatesuch a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare themfor the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionallytalented a young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interference Language Focus VocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.”In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of moderntechnology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typedwords sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had justbeaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jump with his childhood dream. 11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won thechampionship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) startled(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent. III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow canflow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits,which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’ opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled intoengineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering. because she craved independence from her parents.already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert an SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibility VocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long asI work eight hours a day.5) couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3.1) will not panic/feel panic; ’ll be at a disadvantage2) hybrid; transmissions3) crave; One indication; to distinguishII. Synonyms in Context1. also。

全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2最全的课后练习答案最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案课后练习答案Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively byoneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we shouldstrike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1) Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later Language Sense Enhancement(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.”This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches withoutbeing rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizingLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it. III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helped Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionally talenteda young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interferenceLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in afrank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.”In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computerstore to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easy Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growingup.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jump with his childhood dream.11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) startled(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard thewelfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent. III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artisticmerit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering. because she craved independence from her parents. already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert anSUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibilityVocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite。
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 A篇练习答案及课文翻译

1 The passengers had had to stop at a small station in order to continue their journey by the small oldfashioned local train. 2 At dawn, a bulky woman in deep mourning was hoisted in – almost like a shapeless bundle. Behind her, puffing and moaning, followed her husband – a tiny man, thin and weakly, looking shy and uneasy. 3 Having at last taken a seat he politely thanked the passengers who had helped his wife and made room for her. The wife pulled up her collar again to her eyes, so as to hide her face.
2. What were the intentions of the Japanese general in this battle? He planned to hurt the morale and strength of the Americans. / His intention was to bleed the American forces so bad that the US sued for peace.
on Nagasaki and Hiroshima? 4. What do today’s Okinawans (冲绳人) think of war?
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 5 B篇练习答案及课文翻译(ppt课件)

Warming Up
Now do you want to start a new hobby?
Painting as a pastime
About the author Outline of the text
Go to the text
Warming Up
It is a non-competitive, physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible, using only their bodies. Skills such as jumping, climbing, vaulting, rolling, swinging and wall scaling are employed. Parkour can be practiced anywhere, but areas dense with obstacles are preferable and it is most commonly practiced in urban areas.
Now, watch the video clip and have some further knowledge about parkour. Maybe, someday, it will become your hobby. Who knows?
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 6 B篇练习答案及课文翻译(ppt课件)

Warming Up
2. Where did you learn most about science? 3. How much do you remember about your science
lessons at school? 4. Who was your best science teacher? Why do you
sums would show that such a blast, as well as killing every single
inhabitant of the earth, would only shift the Earth about a quarter
5 So the film is fiction without the science. The same could be said of the 1986 film Aliens. In this film the crew saunter around the spaceship as if they were at home on earth – whereas they should be floating, in a gravity-free environment. The producers of Aliens would fail a first year physics exam, but Stanley Kubrick and Arthur Clarke, the brains behind 2001: A Space Odyssey, would pass the same exam with flying colours. On board the spaceship a giant wheel rotates, generating centripetal force and giving the astronauts on board a sense of “up” and “down”.
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 6 B篇练习答案及课文翻译(ppt课件)

Warming Up
ecology: studying organisms and their environment genetics: studying genes and variation meteorology: studying weather microbiology: studying viruses etc nutrition: studying food oceanography: studying the seas pharmacology: studying medical drugs radiology: studying radiant energy such as X-rays
2 So how do you get them to learn about science? Well, if you go into a campus bookstore you can find out. There are songbooks for biochemists, with chemical formulae set to music to make them easier to remember. Relativity is explained in a video game which is a simulation of a rocket journey through space: You can play tennis on board as the rocket speeds up or slows down. And there are cartoons to make even the most obscure scientific subjects accessible, and fun as well.
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 3 B篇练习答案及课文翻译 (课堂PPT)

5 The British supporters were cheering so loudly it seemed as if they were the only fans there. I could hear my name being called. I could hear the shouts of encouragement and the cries of hope. Union Jacks fluttered all around the vast, beautiful stadium. I felt unified with the crowd – we all had the same vision and the same dream.
The heptathlon consists of seven events (“hepta” means “seven” in Greek): Three are track events – the 100m hurdles, 200m and 800m events, and four are field events – the high jump, shot put, long jump and javelin. On the first day, athletes participate in the 100m hurdles, high jump, shot put and 200m events. The other events are on the second day. The winner is the woman who achieves the highest number of points collected in all the events. She does not need the top score in any single event, but competitors must take part in all the events. Points are calculated for each event by measuring distance and speed. The equivalent event for men is the decathlon (“deka” means “ten” in Greek) with ten events (100m, 400m, 110m hurdles, 1500m, long jump, high jump, shot, discus, pole vault and javelin).
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新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程1课后练习答案Unit1ar12. 2,3,4,6,7,10,123. campus, protests, establishment, prospects, employment, launch, opportunity4. clashes, alliance (formed an alliance), liberal (as a liberal), governor, economy, characterized (were characterized by), liberating(a liberating experience)5. gave rise to, keep...off, was brought about, dropping out/to drop out, set up, was brought to its knees6. b a b b b, b a a b7.Unit1-language in use1. government, Postmodernism, development, individualism, agreement, investment, romanticism, post-war2. Starting out at college means meeting lots of interesting people.Going to bed too late means not being able to concentrate the next day.Doing a course in Literary Theory means spending a lot of time on difficult subjects.Being interested in literature means having an open mind about other ways of life.Going to college today means spending a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.3. peaceful protests, caused...frustration, critical/ decisive/ important/ key/ major factor, golden/ unique opportunity, close/powerful alliance, complete/total destruction,complete/total destruction4. 篮球运动是一个名叫詹姆斯·奈史密斯的体育老师发明的。
5. Volunteering has now become the norm for college students in China. The volunteers may provide community services for senior citizens, support students in mountain areas in education, organize fund-raising activities to help those in need, or work for major international projects such as the World Expo and the Olympic Games. Doing volunteer work is a useful way for students to enhance their professional skills and social experience as well as promoting their moral development. The majority of college students believe that it is their duty and obligation to participate in volunteer activities. They hope that they can do something meaningful and promote the development of social harmony.Active reading 21. Sympathy, empathy, Sympathy, empathy, Sympathy, Sympathy/empathy2. 3,64. distract, Sensitivity, evokes, retrieve, confused, sympathetic, trace, disciplined5. stroke, crawl, imitate, pat, patted, imitating, crawl, stroking6. a a a b a, b a b b7. 1, 3, 5, 7Language in use1. acceptance, endurance, vacancies, performance, tolerance, hesitance, assistance, pregnancy, reassurance2. You misunderstand it.You have misplaced it.MisfortuneYou have made a misjudgment.You have been misinformed about it.3. considerable/great/total/widespread/general confusion, add to...confusion, angry response, evoked responses, distinct advantage, direct/ immediate/ positive/ quick response, distinct impression, adds to...confusion4. 目前这种形式的“抱抱团”运动是澳大利亚人胡安·曼恩发起的。
2004 年6 月,他开始在悉尼市中心的皮特街购物中心给人送去拥抱。
于是,他找到一块硬纸板和一只马克笔,做了一个指示牌,在牌子的两面写上“免费拥抱” 。
他等了15 分钟才有一个老太太走上前来,给了他一个拥抱。
5. Be not pleased by external gains, nor saddened by personal losses is a statement from the essay “Remarks of Yueyang Tower” by Fan Zhongyan, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty. The statement means one should look at and accept things as they are, and remain unbothered by external matters or personal gains or losses. It is a mental outlook that reflects the traditional Taoist ideas of China, instructing people to become calm and detached. Even today, when we have a highly developed material civilization, keeping such a state of mind is still important. When you possess such a state of mind, you will be able to live a brighter and more joyous life.Unit 3active reading 2Page 494. exhausted, roar, ensured, boost, strain, fatigue, composed5. leading up to, shut out, keep up with, counting/to count down, missed out, set off, fight6. a a b b b m a a a bPage 52-531. A c b d2. B a a a a, a b b3. 尽管极限运动本身很危险,任何闪失都会造成伤害甚至死亡,但这种运动在西方国家却非常流行,吸引的“运动员”比一些传统的团队体育项目还要多。
4. There are three reasons why table tennis is called China’s nat ional game. First, up tonow China has won more than 200 world titles in table tennis, which has earned great honour for the country. Second, table tennis is widely enjoyed by the general public, and is one of the most popular amateur recreational sports in China. Finally, table tennis helps promote China’s friendly exchanges with foreign countries. The friendly table tennis match between China and the US, which took place in Beijing in 1971, is an event known to history as “ping-pong diplomacy”, and helped resume Sino-US diplomatic relations. Today, while developing its own table tennis, China also has top table-tennis players playing the game in other countries. This plays a positive role in promoting the global development of the game of table tennis.Unit 4Page 693. c d a b c4. precaution, fraud, trash, cancel, deceived, Household5. log off, commonplace, forge, anonymous, fictional6. b b a a a, a aPage 72-732. b3. b a b b b a4. b b a b a, b b a b b5. 近年来涌现了许多重大技术发明,其中包括互联网、个人电脑系统及掌上设备。