
2019中考英语同义句转换专项练习90题及解析注意事项:认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解!PartOne1.Shedoesn’twanttodrinkmilknow.Shedoesn’t______________________________milknow.2.FlorenceNightingalewasanurse.Shecamefromarichfamily. FlorenceNightingalewasanurse____________________________________.3. Theytoldtheboynottopickflowers.They_________theboy__________________flowers.4. It’stimeforourlunch.It’stimefor__________________________lunch.5. Don’tworry.I’lllookafteryourbabycarefully.Don’tworry.I’ll___________________________________yourbaby.6. PeopleinJapaneatalotoffish.Weeatalotoffish,too.PeopleinJapaneatalotoffish.___________________________.7. Itmayhavedifferenttastes._________it_________differenttastes.8. Alltheothergirlsarestandingbehindthetallestone.Thetallestgirlisstanding____________________________________theline.9. Ittakesaboutfifteenminutesonfoot.Itisabout___________________________.10.Ididn’thavearest.Iwentonwriting.Iwentonwriting_________arest.11.Howsweethervoiceis!____________________________________shehas!12. Beethovendidn’tsayanymore.Beethovensaid___________________.13. Themanupstairsalwaysdroppedhisshoesonthefloor,sothemandownstairscouldn’tgettosleep.Themandownstairs_____________________________gettosleep_________ themanupstairsdidn’tputhisshoes_________onthefloor.14. Iwokeupverylatethismorning,soIwaslateforschool.I__________________up____________________________gettoschoolontime.15. Ifyoudon’tstudyharder,youwon’tcatchupwiththeothers.Ifyoudon’tstudyharder,___________________________theothers.16. LinTaorunsfasterthantheothertwoboys.LinTaoruns_________ofthe__________boys.17. Hewassurprisedtofindthegirlwasblind._____________________________,he_________thegirlwasblind.18. Thiskindofmedicineismuchtooexpensiveforpoorpeople.Thepoorpeople________________________________________thiskindofmedicine. 19. Heissuretobeontime.I’msure___________________________ontime.20. Iboughtthisdictionaryfor58yuan.I_________58yuan_________thisdictionary.21. MarkTwainwrotethebook.MarkTwain___________________________ofthebook.22. Sheisn’tfreenow.She’satwork.Sheis__________________.23. What’sthematterwithhim?What’s__________________?24. Everyoneishealthy._________oneis_________.25.Mathsismoredifficultthanphysics.Physicsis_________difficultthanmaths.Physicsisn’t___________________________maths.26. Doyouhaveafavouriteband?__________________aband___________________________?27. HisfirstvisittoChinawasin2000.He_________China____________________________________in20000.28. Icanhelpmyfatherwiththefarmwork,ormybrothercanhelphimwithit._________mybrother_________I__________________myfatherwiththefarmwork.29. Whatotherthingswouldyoulike?__________________wouldyoulike?30. Weareallbeforeyou.You___________________________all.31. Shesatnearesttothedoctor’sdoor.__________________sat_________tothedoctor’sdoor_________shedid.32. Pleasestandinline.Please__________________your_________.Don’t___________________________,please.33. Youmustn’tputtheplasticbagshereandthere.Youmustn’t_________theplasticbags_________.34. Ifyouplayfootballhere,youmaybreakthewindows._________playfootballhere,_________youmaybreakthewindows.35. Itseemsthatourclassisgoingtowin.Ourclass___________________________.36. Myfatherisworkinghere.Myuncleisalsoworkinghere._________myfather_________myuncle___________________________.37. Jimdoesn’tknowhowhecanswim.Jimdoesn’tknow___________________________.38. Hangzhouisveryfamous,becauseofitsbeautifulWestLake.Hangzhouis___________________________beautifulWestLake.39. TheweatherinEnglandisnevertoocoldortoohot.TheweatherinEnglishis______________________________________________________.40.Hisjobistobeanassistantinashop.He____________________________________inashop.改写句子参考答案1.feellikedrinking2.fromarichfamily3.stopped,frompickingtohave5.takegoodcareof6.Sodowe7.Maybe,has8.attheh eadof9.fifteenminutes’walk 10.without 11.whatasweetvoice 12.nomore 13.wasn’tableto,because,quietly 14.didn’tget,earlyenoughto 15.you’llfallbehind 16.fastest,three 17.Tohissurprise,found 18.can’taffordtobuy 19.hewillbe 20.spent,on 21.wasthewriter 22.bus yworking 23.histrouble 24.No,sick/ill 25.less, as/sodifficultas26.Isthere,youlikebest 27.visited,forthefirsttime 28.Either,or, canhelp 29.Whatelse 30.areafterus 31.Noone,nearer,than 32.w aitfor,turn,jumpthequeue 33.throw,about 34.Don’t,or 35.seemstowin 36.Both,and,areworkinghere 37howtoswim 3 8.famousforits 39.neithertoocoldnortoohot 40.worksasaassistantPartTwo1.Doremembertolockthedoorwhenyouleave._____________youlockthedoorwhenyouleave.2.ThelittlegirlwantedtoknowwhenherfathercouldtakehertoParis. Thelittlegirlwantedtoknow____________betakentoParis.3.Frenchisnotthefirstlanguageinanyofthesecountries.Frenchisthefirstlanguagein_____________thesecountries.4.Myunclelefttheroom.hesaidnothingtous.Myunclelefttheroom_____________anythingtous.5.Hewasn'tgoodatEnglish.Ithought.I_______________hewasgoodatenglish.6.BothMikeandMaryhavebeentoBeijing.(否定句)______Mike______Mary______beentoBeijing.7.Ittookhimanhourtowritetheletter.He_______anhour_______theletter.8.Weshouldknockalongstickintotheearth.Alongstick______________________intotheearth.9.Shepaid400yuanforthenewbike.Thenewbike_____________400yuan.10.Howaboutplayingbasketballwithus?__________playfootballwithus?11.“WillWangFengcomehereinaminute?”sheasked.Sheasked______WangFeng______comehereinaminute?12.Jimdidn'tvisitthemuseumyesterday.Hestayedathome. Jimstayedathomeyesterday_____________visitingthemuseum.13.TherearemorepeopleinChinathaninIndia.The________ofChinais________thanthatofIndia.14.Thetalkisveryimportant.Thetalkis_____great______.15.Hecan'tcatchthebusifhedoesn'trunfast.Hecan'tcatchthebus______he______fast.16.YoushouldletsomeonerepairtheTVset.Youshould______theTVset__________.17.Jimwantstogoboatingandhisparentswanttogoboating,too. Jimwantstogoboatingand_______________hisparents.18.Theiceonthelakewassothinthatpeoplecouldn'tskateonit. Theiceonthelakewasnot______enough______peopleto_________.19.HowmanypeoplearethereinFrance.___________thepopulationofFrance?20.WeholdtheInternationalKiteFestivalinWeifangeveryyear. TheInternationalKiteFestival___________inWeifangeveryyear. 21.TheysaythatMrliucanspeakGerman.____________thatMrLiucanspeakGerman.22.Mysisterprefersreadingtogoingshopping.Mysisterlikes_____________thangoingshopping.Mysisterprefers_________ratherthan______shopping.23.IfeellikegoingtothezoowithmyfriendsthisSaturday.I_______liketo____tothezoowithmyfriendsthisSaturday.24.Hedoesn'tdoanyotherthings.Heisonlyoninternet. Heisalwaysoninternet___________doingotherthings.25.Thepicturewasusuallyputupintheparkneartheplayground. Thepicturewasputupinthepark____totheplaygroundas_______.26.Itseemsthathehashadacold.Heseems___________hadacold.27.Thetreeissotallthatwecan'treachit.Thetreeis______tall______us___________.28.I'minterestedintheoldmuseuminthiscity. Theoldmuseuminthiscity_________________me.29.Theykneweverythingonlyafteryoutoldhim.Theyknew_____________youtoldhim.30.Therearemanytreesaroundthehouse.It'smyhouse.Thehouse______manytreesaroundis_______.31.Iwon'tpasstheexamifyoudon'thelp.Iwon'tpasstheexam______your_______.32.FatherChristmascomesfromarealpersoninhistory. FatherChristmasis____________arealpersoninhistory.33.Hedoesn'tknowmuchJapanese.He______onlya______Japanese.34.Ifyouaskhim,hewillyoutellyouthetruth._______him,______hewilltellyouthetruth.35.Shelikestomakeherownclothes.Shedoesn'tliketobuytheminshops. Sheprefersmakingherownclothes__________buyingtheminshops.36.NeitherTomnorJackreadyesterday'snewspaper.Tomdidn'treadyesterday'snewspaper,_______________Jack.37.Iheardhewassinginginthenextroom.Iheard_____________inthenextroom.38.Peteris150centimeterstall,soisMike.Mikeisthesame_____________Peter.39.Thedoctortoldhimtostopsmoking.Thedoctortoldhimto____________smoking.40.Pleasedon'tmakeourroomdirty.Please_____ourclassroom____.41.Theheavyrainstoppedthemfromleavinghome.Theheavyrain_______them_______athome.42.Thisbookisn'tasinterestingasthatone.Thisbookis_______interestingthanthatone.43.Therearemorepeopleinthiscitythaninthatcity.The_____ofthiscityis_______than_____ofthatone.44.ThisbookhasnothingtodowithEnglish.Thisbookis____________English.45.Bobhadnoteacher,buthelearnedEnglishwellathisyoungage.Bob______________Englishwhenhewasyoung.46.There'snobodybutapassengerinthebus.There's______onepassengerinthebus.47.Bob'slonelybecauseit'sdifficultforhimtomakefriends.Bob'slonelybecausehe______________atmakingfriends.48.Plantmoretreeseveryyearandthedesertwillbecomegreeninafewyears'time. Ifyouplantmoretreeseveryyear,thedesertwill____________withgreentreesinafewyears 'time.49.Thejacketcostsolittlethatheboughtit.Thejacket_________________forhimtobuy.50.Hisfatherisworking.Hisfatheris_____________答案:1.Makesure2.whento3.noneof4.withoutsaying5.didn'tthinkthat6.Neithernorhas7.spentwriting(on)8.shouldbeknocked9.costher10.Whynot11.if/whetherwould12.insteadof 13.populationlarger14.ofimportance15.unlessruns16.haverepaired17.sodo18.thickforskateon19.Whatis20.isheld21.It'ssaid22.readingbetter23.wouldgo24.insteadof25.nextusu al26.tohave27.toofortoreach28.isinterestingto29.nothingbefore/until30withmine31.withouthelp32.basedon33.knowslittle34.Askand35.insteadof36.neither /nordid37.himsinging38.heithtas39.giveup40.keepclean41.keptstaying42.less43.populat ionlargerthat44.notabout45.taughthimself46.only47.isbad48.becovered49.wascheapenou gh50.atwork。

中考英语同义句改写练习含答案初中英语同义句改写1. My parents prefer jazz to classical music.My parents think jazz than classical music.2. My parents only go swimming at the weekend.On weekdays, my parents aren’t go swimming.3. If I finish my homework, I can go out at the weekend.I can’t go out at the weekend I finish my homework.4. My sister watches more TV than me.I don’t watch TV my sister does.5. My parents suggested going out for a meal.My parents said, “Why we go out for a meal?”6. When she has to walk to the supermarket she finds it tiring.She gets when she has to walk to the supermarket.7. She is often driven to the supermarket by her neighbor.Her neighbor often a lift to the supermarket.8. There are many types of coffee there.You can buy a types of coffee there.9. She asked an assistant how much the Colombian coffee cost.She asked: “How the Colombian coffee cost?”10. The Colombian coffee cost less than the Kenyan coffee. The Colombian coffee wasn’t as the Kenyan coffee.11. Nearly every seat was taken in the cinema.There weren’t in the cinema.12. Jane had a worse seat than Dave.Dave had than Jane.13. Jane couldn’t see the screen very well.Jane found to see the screen.14. Dave said that he had seen the film before.Dave said: “I this film before.”15. They spent two hours watching the film.The film for two hours.16. My appointment with Dr. Gibson is at ten o’clock.At ten o’clock I am an appointment with Dr. Gibson.17. This office is Dr. Gibson’s.This office to Dr. Gibson.18. Dr. Gibson’s told me to take off my shoes and socks.Dr. Gibson’s said: “Please take and socks off.”19. “It would be a good idea to take more exercise.”“You really take more exercise.”20. I was given some information about a local gym.The hospital some information about a local gym.21. Theatre tickets are more expensive than last year.Last year, theatre tickets than they are now. 22. The booking office telephone is often engaged.It is often phone the booking office.23. Peter said, “Why don’t you go to the booking office yourself?”Peter said, “How to the booking office yourself?”24. Many theatres accept credit cards.At many theatres you credit card.25. You can’t smoke in the theatre.Smoking in the theatre.26. My sister has borrowed the novel from me.I have lent .27. She hasn’t read a novel by Joan Brady before.This is novel by Joan Brady that she has read. 28. The novel is longer than Joan Brady’s other books. Joan Brady’s other books are not as this one. 29. How much does the novel cost?What is the novel?30. I hope my sister returns the novel to me soon.I hope my sister back the novel soon.31. Last year wasn’t as cold as this year.This year is last year was.32. How much is it to go skiing?What to go skiing?33. Do you know who these skis belong to?Do you know these skis are?34. James can ski well.James is skiing.35. Driving in heavy snow isn’t easy.Heavy snow makes it drive.36. A family ticket costs $ 10.The cost of a family ticket $ 10.37. Entrance at weekends is more expensive than on weekdays.Entrance on weekday is than at weekends.38. You don’t have to pay to visit the zoo on Thursdays.You can visit the zoo paying on Thursdays. 39. There aren’t any elephants at the zoo now. The zoo doesn’t any more.40. The new zoo restaurant has been open for a week.The new zoo restaurant last week.41. My friend told me that I could stay in his flat.My friend said: “You my flat.”42. I started living here two months ago.I have lived here two months ago.43. This is the first time I’ve lived in a city.I’ve never lived .44. The flat has two bedrooms.There in the flat.45. My bedroom is too small for all my books.My bedroom is not for all my books.46. Maria lives a long way from her office.Maria’s office isn’t her home.47. It is a forty-minute bus journey to her office.The bus journey to her office forty minutes.48. Maria sometimes takes a taxi although it is expensive.Maria doesn’t often take a taxi it is expensive.49. Driving a car in the town center is not allowed.You are not allowed cars in the town center.50. Yesterday she got up too late to catch the bus.Yesterday she got up so late that she the bus.51. Large cars use more petrol than small cars.Small cars don’t use as large cars.52. Check your tyres before a long journey.Before a long journey, remember your tyres.53. When I was young, I drove a small car.I used to a small car when I was young.54. My car windscreen was broken by a stone.A stone my car windscreen.55. Who does this van belong to?Whose this?56. We had a map but it was difficult to find the zoo.Although we had a map, we the zoo easily.57. The car park was outside the main entrance.There was somewhere outside the main entrance.58. We wore sun hats because it was very hot.It was that we wore sun hats.59. Maria suggested going to see the monkeys.Maria said, “Why don’t we the monkeys?”60. The elephants were my favorite animals.I liked the elephants any other animal.61. Sarah asked me if I was still a member of the sports center. Sarah asked me, “ still a member of the sports center?”62. Non-members cannot enter the sports center without a ticket. Non-members aren’t to enter the sports center without a ticket.63. Trainers must be worn in the sports center at all times.You must trainers in the sports center at all times.64. Football is the most popular sport at he center.Football is than any other sport at the sports center.65. Sarah thinks the sports center is too small for the town. Sarah thinks the sports center is not for the town.66. None of my friends enjoy reading as much as I do.I enjoy reading any of my friends.67. I borrowed a very good book from my teacher.My teacher me a very good book.68. It doesn’t matter to me if a book is long or short.I don’t if a book is long or short.69. My mother finished War and Peace in only 3 weeks.It only my mother 3 weeks to finish War and Peace.70. I am often give books as presents.People often my books as presents.71. The park entrance ticket was cheaper than I’d expected. The part entrance ticket wasn’t as I’d expected.72. A lot of people were there in spite of the rain.Even though it , a lot of people were there.73. I liked the water slide best, and my brother did too.I liked the water slide best, and did my brother.74. “Who does this towel belong to?” my mother asked.My mother asked, “ is this towel?”75. We stayed until the activity park closed.We leave until the activity park closed.76. The campsite was not far from the sea.The campsite was quite the sea.77. Sebastrian asked the manager where the showers were.Sevastrian asked the manager, “Where showers?”78. Sebastian succeeded in putting up the tent on his own.Sebastian was able up the tent on his own.79. Sebastian and his friends went swimming every day.Every day Sebastian went swimming and did his friends.80. The sea was warmer than they had expected.The sea was not as they had expected.81. After seeing an advertisement for Italian lessons, Daniel decided to go.Daniel an advertisement for Italian lessons and then decided to go.82. There are 15 other students in his Italian class.His Italian class 15 other students in it.83. Daniel thinks that speaking Italian is easier than writing it.Daniel doesn’t think that speaking is as writing Italian.84. Daniel’s teacher is Italian and her name’s Chiara Paolozzi.Daniel’s teacher is Italian and she’s Chiara Paolozzi.85. The students are given 2 hours of homework each week.Each week Chiara the students 2 hours of homework.86. It’s 6 months since I last went swimming.I been swimming for 6 months.87. The new pool is near to my home.It’s not the new pool to my home.88. If you can’t swim, you’re not allowed in the deep end.You’re not allowed in the deep end you can swim. 89. My friend Sam wanted me to go swimming with him.“Why come swimming with me?” suggested Sam.90. I didn’t go swimming with Sam because I was very busy.I was busy to go swimming with Sam.91. Probably, no other painting is as famous as La Gioconda.La Gioconda is probably painting in the world. 92. Nobody is sure of the identity of the woman in the painting.Nobody is sure the woman in the painting is.93. People find the smile of the woman in the painting interesting.People are in the smile of the woman in the painitng.94. It took Leonardo a long time to paint this picture.Leonardo spent a long time this picture.95. Does anyone know what this picture is worth today?Does anyone know how this picture is worth today?96. The museum was near the school.The museum was not the school.97. It cost $3 to visit the museum.They had to $3 to visit the museum.98. The class was taken around the museum by a guide.A museum guide around the museum.99. They did not leave until 4 o’clock.It was 4 o’clock they left the museum.100. Everybody thought that the museum visit was boring.Everybody was by the museum visit.Keys:1. is better2. able to3. unless4. as/so much/often as5. don’t6. tired7. gives her8. lot of/variety/range of9. much does 10. as/so expensive/ dear11. many seats left 12. a better seat 13. it difficult/ hard 14. have already seen 15. lasted16. going to have 17. belongs 18. your shoes 19. ought/need to 20. gave me21. were cheaper/ less expensive 22. difficult to /impossible to /hard to / a problem to 23. about going 24. can use a / can pay by 25. is not allowed / permitted / is forbidden26. my sister the novel 27. the first 28. long as 29. the price of 30. gives / sends / hands me31. colder than 32. does it cost 33. whose 34. good / brilliant / fantastic at 35. difficult / hard / less easy to 36. is 37. cheaper / less expensive 38. without 39. have / keep / own any elephants 40. (was) opened 41. can stay in / at 42. since 43. in a city before 44. are two bedrooms 45. large / big enough46. (situated / located) close to / near (to) 47. takes (her) / lasts / is (about) 48. as / since / because 49. to drive 50. missed / didn’t / couldn’t / failed to catch / take / get51. much petrol as 52. to check 53. drive 54. broke 55. van is56. couldn’t / could not / didn’t / did not find 57. to park 58. so (very) hot / sunny 59. go to / and see 60. more / better than 61. Are you 62. permitted / allowed / able /authorized 63. wear (your) / be waring (your)64. more popular 65. big / large enough66. (much) more than 67. (has) lent 68. mind / care / worry 69. took 70. give71. expensive / much / dear as 72. was raining / rainy / wet (weather) / rained 73. so 74. Whose 75. didn’t 76. near / close to 77. are the 78. to put 79. so 80. cold as81. (first) saw / had seen 82. has / has got 83. as / so difficult / hard 84. called 85. gives86. have not / haven’t / I’ve not 87. (very/too/that/so) far (away) from 88. unless/except if/until/till/before 89. don’t you /not 90. (really/much/far/unfortunately) too91. the most famous/the best known 92. (about) who 93. interested 94. painting/finishing/doing/working on/on 95.much (money)/many pounds/dollars/euros96. far (away) from 97. pay 98. took/showed the class 99. when/before 100. bored。

1. Mr Brown went to Australia by air just now.Mr Brown ______ ______Australia just now.2. It took Jenny two days to prepare the travel.Jenny ______ two days ______the travel.3. Remember to give me a ring as soon as you get to Shanghai.Make ______ to telephone me as soon as you ______ Shanghai.4. His father has been away from home for three weeks.His father ______ home three weeks ______. He hasn’t come back home yet.5. We often play basketball after school.We often play basketball when school______ ______.6. Jenny had a terrible cough, so her mother took her to hospital yesterday.Yesterday Jenny’s mother took her to hospital ______ she coughed ______7. Wang Lin decided to move to America when he was twenty.Wang Lin made a ______ to move to America at the ______ of twenty.8. She quickly left to look after the sick people when she heard the news.When she heard the news, she ______ ______to look after the sick people.9. I couldn’t catch the plane because of the heavy traffic.The heavy traffic ______ me from ______ the plane,10. John’s parents made him not watch TV from Monday to Friday last term.John ______ made not ______ watch TV by his parents from Monday to Friday last term.【答案与解析】1. fly, to。

32.bearsb=______ ______tosb=sb____________
97.befullof=be ________ ________
98.infuture=________ ________ on
100.begrateful/thankful___ sbfor/doingsth
76.dressoneself=________ ________
77.eachother=________ ________
79.enjoydoing=have ________ indoing=take ________ indoing
80.enter=________ ________
112.immediately=at ________=rightaway=rightnow

第一组1. This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house _____ _____ Zunyi Meeting was held.2. There are shops on both sides of the street.There are shops on _____ _____ of the street.3. If there were no water, there would be no life._____ _____, there would be no life.4. Shall we begin our meeting?_____ _____ our meeting, shall we?5. The church standing on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.The church _____ _____ on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.6. Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework _____ _____ _____ Peter.7. The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl _____ _____ _____ touch the dog.8. All the answers are right._____ _____ _____ answers is wrong.9. They made him sell his house contrary to his will.He _____ _____ _____ sell his house contrary to his will.10. She seldom goes out in the evening._____ _____ _____ go out in the evening.11. He has been away from his home town for five years._____ _____ five years _____ he left his home town.12. He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up hisroommates._____ _____ _____ wake up his roommates, he took off his shoes.13. "Will you please speak louder?" she said to him.She _____ _____ _____ speak louder.14. We put off the outing because of the weather._____ _____ because of the weather _____ we put off the outing.15. He insisted that she join us in the game.He insisted _____ _____ _____ us in the game.16. While he was running downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher._____ _____ ________ , Li Ming knocked into his teacher.17. Isn't he clever?_____ _____ _____ man he is.18. I regretted having told her the news.I wish I _____ _____ _____ her the news.19. The article needs shortening.The article needs _____ _____ ________.20. As she was tired with walking, the old woman sat down to have a rest._____ _____ _____, the old woman sat down to have a rest答案:1. in which2. each side3. Without water4. Let's begin5. that stands6. as carefully as7. doesn't dare to8. None of the9. was made to 10. Seldom does she 11. It is ... since 12. Not wanting to 13. asked him to 14. It was ... that 15. on her joining 16. While running downstairs17. What a clever 18. had not told 19. to be shortened 20. Tired with walking第二组1. We all know that the earth is round._____ _____ _____ to all, the earth is round.2. Being a learned man, Professor Lin is respected by all his students._____ _____ _____ a learned man, all the students respect him.3. I didn't know his address, so I didn't write to him.If I had known his address, I _____ _____ _____ to him.4. I want to see the play too._____ _____ _____ see the play too.5. I had never seen him before , so I did not recognize him._____ _____ _____ him before, I did not recognize him.6. Shall we have a break?_____ _____ _____ a break?7. She is too young to understand all this.She _____ _____ _____ to understand all this.8. He must have passed the exam.He could _____ _____ _____ in the exam.9. Her mother is famous singer, and she is proud of it.She is proud of _____ _____ _____ a famous singer.10. This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one.This piece of cloth is three times _____ _____ _____ that one.11. He passed by, but he didn't notice me.He passed by _____ _____ _____ .12. I had hardly come in when the telephone rang._____ _____ _____ I come in _____ the telephone rang.13. He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger _____ _____ _____ _____ in the class.14. Be careful, or you'll get hurt._____ _____ _____ _____ , you will get hurt.15. New York is more modern than London.London _____ _____ _____ _____ New York.16. This story isn't interesting. Nor is that one.This story is _____ _____ ______ _____ that one.17. Both his parents are from Guangdong.His father is from Guangdong and _____ _____ _____ _____.18. It is said that he has invented a new machine.He _____ _____ _____ _____ invented a new machine.19. We didn't stop talking until he returned.We _____ _____ _____ until he returned.20. He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.He was _____ _____ ______ to lift the box.答案:1. As is known2. Professor Lin being3. would have written4. I'd like to5. Never having seen6. What about having7. isn't old enough8. not have failed9. her mother being 10. the length of 11. without noticing me 12. No sooner had...than13. than any other boy 14. If you aren't careful / Unless you are careful15. is less modern than / isn't as modern as 16. no more interesting than 17. so is his mother 18. is said to have 19. kept on talking / went on talking20. not strong enough第三组1. She is a lovely girl. They all like to play with her.She is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ they all like to play with her.2. When did Marx get to London?When did Marx _____ _____ London?3. In the months that followed, they worked much harder at English.In the _____ _____ , they worked much harder at English.4. Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.Our teacher began to write articles _____ _____ _____.5. I feel that it is important to do so.I feel _____ ________ to do so.6. His maths has improved greatly.He _____ _____ _____ ______ in maths.7. In the year from 1930 to 1939, he wrote hundreds of short stories._____ _____ _____ , he wrote hundreds of short shories.8. Pick out what you like from these.______ what you like from these.9. Take it easy. Everything will get on well._____ _____ _____ it. Everything will get on well.10. I spent two weeks in writing the article._____ _____ _____ two weeks _____ _____ the articles.11. Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.Tom couldn't work out the problem. _____ _____ _____.12. Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school._____ _____ at the gate of the school _____ Jenny picked up the wallet.13. I know nothing about the matter.I don't know the matter _____ _____.14. He wanted to see the words clearly, so he stood on the bench.He stood on the bench _____ _____ _____ see the words clearly.15. We have made up our minds to work harder this year.We have _______ to work harder this year.16. The two balls hit the ground together.The two balls hit the ground _____ _____ _____ _____.17. Did you have a good time at the ball?Did you _____ ______ at the ball?18. You had better break away from smoking.You had better _____ _____ smoking.19. His whole school education added up to only two years.His whole school education added up to _____ _____ _____ two years.20. The group was set up in 1980.The group was _______ in 1980.答案:1. such a lovely girl that / so lovely a girl that2. arrive in3. following months4. in his twenties5. it important6. has made great progress7. In the 1930's8. Choose 9. Don't worry about10. It took me...to write 11. Nor / Neither could Jack.12. It was ... that 13. at all14. in order to / so as to 15. decided16. at the same time 17. enjoy yourself18. give up 19. No more than20. founded第四组1. What do you usually do when you are free?What do you usually do _____ _____ _____ _____?2. He took an active part in sports when he was a child.He _____ _____ _____ sports _____ _____ ______.3. I have ten yuan with me in all.All my money with me _____ _____ _____ ten yuan.4. The war lasted four years before the North won.The war didn't _____ _____ the North won four years later.5. I like music most in my spare time.I like music _____ than _____ _____ in my spare time.6. Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.The work is ______ _____ Mr Zhang.7. Wind is invisible to us.Wind can't ______ _____ by us.8. I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I _____ _____ _____ know who won the final game.9. I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.I will _____ the windows _____ this afternoon.10. After he undressed himself, we dressed him in a new suit.After he _____ _____ his old clothes, we _____ _____ a new suit for him.11. She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.The book was so _____ that she read it _____ _____ _____.12. My aunt wears a new skirt today.My aunt _____ a new skirt _____ today.13. The boss treated the workers cruelly.The boss _____ _____ _____ the workers.14. He read and read without stopping till he went to sleep.He _____ _____ _____ till he went to sleep.15. What pleased her was that she found the lost money._____ _____ _____, she found the lost money.16. The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.The girl _____ _____ is a nurse.17. The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.The nurse is feeding _____ _____ the baby.18. She has been away from home for ten years.It _____ _____ _____ since she _____ home.19. The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.It _____ _____ _____ that the foreign friend _____ _____ to our school tomorrow.20. He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.He couldn't help crying _____ _____ _____ the photo答案:1. in your spare time2. was active in ... in his childhood.3. adds up to4. end until/stop until5. better ... anything else / other things6. unfit for7. be seen8. was eager to 9. have ... cleaned10. took off ... put on11. interesting ... all the night / throughout the night / all night long12. has ... on 13. was cruel to14. went on reading / kept on reading / didn't stop reading15. To her pleasure 16. in red17. milk to 18. is ten years ... left19. is said ... will come/is coming20. when he saw第五组1. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.Crusoe stared at the footprint, _____ _____ fear.2. The dog died. This made him very sad._____ the dog died made him very sad.3. All the doctors can not perform such an operation._____ _____ the doctors can perform such an operation.4. Both of them are not good students._____ of the two is a good student.5. They are mostly teachers._____ _____ _____ are teachers.6. Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.Fujian is _____ _____ Zhejiang on the north.7. Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.Suddenly she _____ _____ _____.8. All the boys don't like football._____ _____ _____ _____ like football.9. Shanghai is the largest city in China.Shanghai is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in China. 10. Mary was late, which made her teacher very angry.Mary was late _____ _____ _____ her teacher very angry.11. Paper is made from wood.Wood _____ _____ _____ _____ paper.12. Li Wei is shorter than Tom.Tom is _____ _____ _____ the two.13. He did what he could do to calm her.He _____ _____ _____ to _____ her calm.14. "I don't want to be examined." he answered.He answered that he _____ want any ______.15. We did the experiment in this lab yesterday._____ _____ in this lab _____ we did the experiment yesterday.16. The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.The accident ______ me _____ _____ there in time.17. She has nothing to do with the matter.She is _____ _____ _____ the matter.18. The old woman lived happily.The old woman _____ _____ _____ life.19. The only thing I could do was to apologize to her.I could do _____ _____ _____ to her.20. It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.It is _____ _____ _____ that animal hibernates in winter.答案:1. filled with2. That3. Not all4. One5. Most of them6. joined to7. cried out angrily8. Not all the boys/Some of the boys9. larger than any other city 10. and it made11. can be made into 12. the taller of13. tried/did his best ... make14. didn't ... examination 15. It was ... that16. prevented/kept/stopped ... from arriving17. not connected with 18. led a happy19. nothing but apologize 20. in this way第六组1. After graduation, he went to work on a farm.After _____ _____ , he went to work on a farm.2. When he was a child of eight, he learned to write poems._____ _____ _____ of eight, he learned to write poems.3. I have mastered English by learning it all by myself._____ _____ _____ English I have mastered it.4. He has the habit of running in the morning.He is _____ _____ running in the morning.5. Why did she lose interest in music?Why was she _____ _____ in music?6. The secret was disclosed only in 1975.Only in 1975 _____ the secret _____.7. Einstein cared little for money, so he was poor.Einstein could _____ _____ _____ if he _____ _____ much for money.8. Walking early in the morning will benefit you.Walking early in the morning will _____ _____ _____.9. The farm is his.The farm _____ _____ _____.10. The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed.The teacher _____ _____ _____ our noble deed.11. The imposter seemed anxious to leave.____ _____ _____ the imposter _____ _____ to leave.12. They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.They would like to watch TV at home _____ _____ goingto the cinema.13. People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man._____ _____ people act as foolishly as a blind man.14. The meeting is very important.The meeting _____ _____ _____.15. He is given practice in playing tennis every day.He _____ _____ tennis every day.16. He was afraid that his father would punish him.He was afraid of _____ _____ _____ his father.17. The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.The teacher would _____ _____ _____ on the text.18. Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?Why did Tom _____ _____ yesterday?19. I found the lost child while I was walking home.I found the lost child _____ _____ _____ _____.20. I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.I was thinking of this when I heard _____ _____ my name.答案:1. he graduated2. At the age3. By teaching myself4. used to5. not interested6. was ... disclosed7. have been rich ... had cared8. do you good9. belongs to him 10. thought highly of 11. It seemed that ... was anxious 12. instead of 13. At times 14. of great importance 15. practices playing 16. being punished by17. question the boys 18. play truant 19. on my way home 20. someone call第七组1. I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.I stood at my bench and _____ _____ _____ my head.2. There is something wrong with your machine. Have you asked somebodyto repair it for you?There is something wrong with your machine. Have you _____ _____ _____ ?3. I want to start the machine. Please show me the way.Please show me _____ to _____ the machine.4. The huge stone is very heavy. We can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ we can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ _____ _____ lift.5. She bought an old bike from Mary.Mary _____ an old bike _____ her.6. Stone will not catch fire.Stone will not ______.7. May I give it back later?May I _____ it later?8. I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way _____ _____ to _____ _____ school on time.9. It began to rain as soon as I got home._____ _____ I got home, it began to rain.10. I want to speak to you for a short while.I want to _____ _____ _____ _____ you.11. The teacher asked me to say it again.The teacher asked me to _____ it.12. John's workmates were all friendly to him.John's workmates all _____ _____ _____ _____ him.13. There is no water or air on the moon.There is _____ water on the moon, and there is no air,_____.14. You are not wrong. I am not wrong, either._____ you _____ I _____ wrong.15. If he had hurried, he would have caught the train.He _____ _____ _____, so he _____ the train.16. The child filled the bag with apples.The bag _____ _____ of apples.17. He didn't need to worry about his life.It _____ unnecessary _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ his life.18. What rapid progress Marx made.How rapidly _____ _____ _____.19. They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.They insisted _____ _____ _____ _____ the hands at the time.20. But for your help, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.If you _____ _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon._____ you _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.答案:1. dare not lift2. had it repaired3. how ... start4. so ... that // too ... for us to5. sold ... to6. Burn7. return8. so as ... get to9. The moment 10. have a word with 11. repeat 12. got along well with13. no ... either 14. Neither ... nor ... am 15. did not hurry ... missed 16. was full 17. was...for him to worry about 18. Marx made progress19. on our holding out 20. hadn't helped // Hadn't ... helped第八组1. He joined the army ten years ago._____ _____ ten years ago _____ he joined the army._____ _____ ten years _____ he joined the army.He _____ _____ in the army for ten years.Ten years ______ _____ _____ he joined the army.2. We study not only Chinese but also English.We study English _____ _____ _____ Chinese.We study English and Chinese _____ _____._____ Chinese, we also study English.We study _____ Chinese _____ English.We study Chinese, and English,______.3. Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.Would you mind _____ _____ _____ to a place of safety?4. Once I hear from him, I'll let you know._____ _____ _____ I hear from him, I'll let you know.5. It's time to do our homework.It's time _____ our homework.It's time we _____ our homework.6. Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ _____ until you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ till you came.7. The announcement is worthy of being studied.The announcement is worthy _____ _____ _____.The announcement is worth _____.8. Though he is a child, he knows a lot._____ as _____ _____ , he knows a lot.9. I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.I suggested that _____ _____ _____ the picnic on Sunday.10. Our professor came into the room with a book under his arm._____ _____ _____ , our professor came into the room.11. If you heat water to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C _____ you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually.12. Though it rained heavily, the students still ran round the playground._____ _____ _____ the heavy rain, the students still ran round the playground.No matter _____ _____ it rained, the students still ran round the playground. 13. We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing._____ _____ we _____ him to do such a stupid thing.14. Jane is an eight-year-old girl.Jane is a girl of _____ _____ _____.15. This is the cheapest one.This is the least _____ one.16. If you drive the car fast, you'll probably meet with an accident.The _____ you drive the car, _____ _____ _____ you'll meet with an accident.17. He may come and help you this evening.He _____ _____ _____ come and help you this evening.It _____ _____ he will come and help you this evening. 18. Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.Mum left her _____ _____ a little needle thread bag.19. You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now._____ _____ ,_____ you will miss the plane._____ you _____ hurry up, you won't _____ the plane. 20. It is said that John is a very honest man.John _____ _____ _____ _____ a very honest man答案:1. It was ... that // It is ... since // has been // have passed since2. as well as // as well // Besides // both ...and // too3. my taking it4. As soon as5. for // did6. didn't stop talking // kept talking7. to be studied // studying 8. Child ... he is9. we call off 10. Book under arm11. Heat water // Heating water12. In spite of // how heavily13. Never have ... permitted 14. eight years old15. expensive 16. faster ... the more probably17. is likely to // seems that 18. nothing but19. Hurry up ... or // If ... don't ... catch20. is said to be“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。
中考英语句型转换专项练习(11页 100题)(含答案)Word

中考英语句型转换专项练习(100题)1.Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.(同义句)It’s bad for your eyes _________ _______ in bed.2.I have a stomachache.(就画线部分提问)_____ the ____ with you?3.Long long ago, there was a small village near the mountain. (改为同义句)_________ _________ _________ _________, there was a small village near the mountain. 4.He was too busy to visit you yesterday evening. (改为同义句)He was _________ busy _________ he couldn’t visit yo u yesterday evening.5.Bill has already written an article for the magazine. (改为否定句)Bill ________ ________ an article for the magazine ________.6.Last night I learned ten English words. (用so far替换last night改写句子)So far I ________ ________ ten English words.7.Ms. Tao left Beijing three months ago.Ms. Tao _________ _________ _________ _________ Beijing for three months.8.Mom bought that dog ten days ago.Mom _________ _________ that dog for ten days.9.The children are taken good care of.(改为同义句)The children are well _______.10.I know the place. Trees grow well there.(合并为一句)I know the place _____ trees grow well.11.Mr. Green comes to Beijing once a year.(对画线部分提问)_____ _____ ______ Mr. Green ______to Beijing?12.他说他真的爱上了这座城市。

初中英语同义句改写1.My parents prefer jazz to classical music.My parents think jazz than classical music.2.My parents only go swimming at the weekend.On weekdays, my parents aren,t go swimming.3.If I finish my homework, I can go out at the weekend.I can,t go out at the weekend I finish my homework.4.My sister watches more TV than me.I don,t watch TV my sister does.5.My parents suggested going out for a meal.My parents said, “Why we go out for a meal?”6.When she has to walk to the supermarket she finds it tiring.She gets when she has to walk to the supermarket.7.She is often driven to the supermarket by her neighbor.Her neighbor often a lift to the supermarket.8.There are many types of coffee there.You can buy a types of coffee there.9.She asked an assistant how much the Colombian coffee cost.She asked: “How the Colombian coffee cost?”10.The Colombian coffee cost less than the Kenyan coffee.The Colombian coffee wasn,t as the Kenyan coffee.11.Nearly every seat was taken in the cinema.There weren,t in the cinema.12.Jane had a worse seat than Dave.Dave had than Jane.13.Jane couldn't see the screen very well.Jane found to see the screen.14.Dave said that he had seen the film before.Dave said: “I this film before.”15.They spent two hours watching the film.The film for two hours.16.My appointment with Dr. Gibson is at ten o,clock.At ten o,clock I am an appointment with Dr. Gibson. 17. This office is Dr. Gibson,s.This office to Dr. Gibson.18.Dr. Gibson,s told me to take off my shoes and socks.Dr. Gibson,s said: “Please take and socks off.”19.“It would be a good idea to take more exercise.”“You really take more exercise.”20.I was given some information about a local gym.The hospital some information about a local gym.21.Theatre tickets are more expensive than last year.Last year, theatre tickets than they are now.22.The booking office telephone is often engaged.It is often phone the booking office.23.Peter said, “Why don,t you go to the booking office yourself?”Peter said, “How to the booking office yourself?24.Many theatres accept credit cards.At many theatres you credit card.25.You can,t smoke in the theatre.Smoking in the theatre.26.My sister has borrowed the novel from me.I have lent .27.She hasn,t read a novel by Joan Brady before.This is novel by Joan Brady that she has read.28.The novel is longer than Joan Brady,s other books.Joan Brady,s other books are not as this one.29.How much does the novel cost?What is the novel?30.I hope my sister returns the novel to me soon.I hope my sister back the novel soon.st year wasn't as cold as this year.This year is last year was.32.How much is it to go skiing?What to go skiing?33.Do you know who these skis belong to?Do you know these skis are?34.James can ski well.James is skiing.35.Driving in heavy snow isn,t easy.Heavy snow makes it drive.36. A family ticket costs $ 10.The cost of a family ticket $ 10.37.Entrance at weekends is more expensive than on weekdays.Entrance on weekday is than at weekends.38.You don,t have to pay to visit the zoo on Thursdays.You can visit the zoo paying on Thursdays.39.There aren,t any elephants at the zoo now.The zoo doesn,t any more.40.The new zoo restaurant has been open for a week.The new zoo restaurant last week.41.My friend told me that I could stay in his flat.My friend said: “You my flat.”42.I started living here two months ago.I have lived here two months ago.43.This is the first time I,ve lived in a city.I,ve never lived .44.The flat has two bedrooms.There in the flat.45.My bedroom is too small for all my books.My bedroom is not for all my books.46.Maria lives a long way from her office.Maria,s office isn,t her home.47.It is a forty-minute bus journey to her office.The bus journey to her office forty minutes.48.Maria sometimes takes a taxi although it is expensive.Maria doesn,t often take a taxi it is expensive.49.Driving a car in the town center is not allowed.You are not allowed cars in the town center.50.Yesterday she got up too late to catch the bus.Yesterday she got up so late that she the bus.rge cars use more petrol than small cars.Small cars don't use as large cars.52.Check your tyres before a long journey.Before a long journey, remember your tyres.53.When I was young, I drove a small car.I used to a small car when I was young.54.My car windscreen was broken by a stone.A stone my car windscreen.55.Who does this van belong to?Whose this?56.We had a map but it was difficult to find the zoo.Although we had a map, we the zoo easily.57.The car park was outside the main entrance.There was somewhere outside the main entrance.58.We wore sun hats because it was very hot.It was that we wore sun hats.59.Maria suggested going to see the monkeys.Maria said, “Why don,t we the monkeys?”60.The elephants were my favorite animals.I liked the elephants any other animal.61.Sarah asked me if I was still a member of the sports center.Sarah asked me, “ still a member of the sports center?”62.Non-members cannot enter the sports center without a ticket.Non-members aren,t to enter the sports center without a ticket.63.Trainers must be worn in the sports center at all times.You must trainers in the sports center at all times.64.Football is the most popular sport at he center.Football is than any other sport at the sports center.65.Sarah thinks the sports center is too small for the town.Sarah thinks the sports center is not for the town.66.None of my friends enjoy reading as much as I do.I enjoy reading any of my friends.67.I borrowed a very good book from my teacher.My teacher me a very good book.68.It doesn,t matter to me if a book is long or short.I don,t if a book is long or short.69.My mother finished War and Peace in only 3 weeks.It only my mother 3 weeks to finish War and Peace.70.I am often give books as presents.People often my books as presents.71.The park entrance ticket was cheaper than I,d expected.The part entrance ticket wasn,t as I,d expected.72. A lot of people were there in spite of the rain.Even though it , a lot of people were there.73.I liked the water slide best, and my brother did too.I liked the water slide best, and did my brother.74.“Who does this towel belong to?” my mother asked.My mother asked, “ is this towel?”75.We stayed until the activity park closed.We leave until the activity park closed.76.The campsite was not far from the sea.The campsite was quite the sea.77.Sebastrian asked the manager where the showers were.Sevastrian asked the manager, “Where showers?”78.Sebastian succeeded in putting up the tent on his own.Sebastian was able up the tent on his own.79.Sebastian and his friends went swimming every day.Every day Sebastian went swimming and did his friends.80.The sea was warmer than they had expected.The sea was not as they had expected.81.After seeing an advertisement for Italian lessons, Daniel decided to go.Daniel an advertisement for Italian lessons and then decided to go. 82.There are 15 other students in his Italian class.His Italian class 15 other students in it.83.Daniel thinks that speaking Italian is easier than writing it.Daniel doesn't think that speaking is as writing Italian.84.Daniel,s teacher is Italian and her name,s Chiara Paolozzi.Daniel,s teacher is Italian and she,s Chiara Paolozzi.85.The students are given 2 hours of homework each week.Each week Chiara the students 2 hours of homework.86.It,s 6 months since I last went swimming.I been swimming for 6 months.87.The new pool is near to my home.It's not the new pool to my home.88.If you can,t swim, you,re not allowed in the deep end.You,re not allowed in the deep end you can swim.89.My friend Sam wanted me to go swimming with him.“Why come swimming with me?” suggested Sam.90.I didn,t go swimming with Sam because I was very busy.I was busy to go swimming with Sam.91.Probably, no other painting is as famous as La Gioconda.La Gioconda is probably painting in the world.92.Nobody is sure of the identity of the woman in the painting.Nobody is sure the woman in the painting is.93.People find the smile of the woman in the painting interesting.People are in the smile of the woman in the painitng.94.It took Leonardo a long time to paint this picture.Leonardo spent a long time this picture.95.Does anyone know what this picture is worth today?Does anyone know how this picture is worth today?96.The museum was near the school.The museum was not the school.97.It cost $3 to visit the museum.They had to $3 to visit the museum.98.The class was taken around the museum by a guide.A museum guide around the museum.99.They did not leave until 4 o,clock.It was 4 o,clock they left the museum.100.Everybody thought that the museum visit was boring.Everybody was by the museum visit.Keys:1. is better2. able to3. unless4. as/so much/often as5. don,t6. tired7. gives her8. lot of/variety/range of9. much does 10. as/so expensive/ dear11. many seats left 12. a better seat 13. it difficult/ hard 14. have already seen 15, lasted16. going to have 17. belongs 18. your shoes 19. ought/need to 20. gave me21. were cheaper/ less expensive 22. difficult to /impossible to /hard to / a problem to 23. about going24. can use a / can pay by 25. is not allowed / permitted / is forbidden26. my sister the novel 27. the first 28. long as 29. the price of 30. gives / sends / hands me31. colder than 32. does it cost 33. whose 34. good / brilliant / fantastic at 35. difficult / hard / less easy to 36. is 37. cheaper / less expensive 38. without 39. have / keep / own any elephants 40. (was) opened41.can stay in / at 42. since 43. in a city before 44. are two bedrooms 45. large / big enough46.(situated / located) close to / near (to) 47. takes (her) / lasts / is (about) 48. as / since / because 49. to drive 50. missed / didn,t / couldn,t / failed to catch / take / get51.much petrol as 52. to check 53. drive 54. broke 55. van is56. couldn,t / could not / didn,t / did not find 57. to park 58. so (very) hot / sunny 59. go to / and see 60. more / better than61. Are you 62. permitted / allowed / able /authorized 63. wear (your) / be waring (your)64. more popular 65. big / large enough66. (much) more than 67. (has) lent 68. mind / care / worry 69. took 70. give71. expensive / much / dear as 72. was raining / rainy / wet (weather) / rained 73. so 74. Whose 75. didn't76. near / close to 77. are the 78. to put 79. so 80. cold as81. (first) saw / had seen 82. has / has got 83. as / so difficult / hard 84. called 85. gives86. have not / haven,t / I,ve not 87. (very/too/that/so) far (away) from 88. unless/except if/until/till/before89. don,t you /not 90. (really/much/far/unfortunately) too91. the most famous/the best known 92. (about) who 93. interested 94. painting/finishing/doing/working on/on 95.much (money)/many pounds/dollars/euros96. far (away) from 97. pay 98. took/showed the class 99. when/before 100. bored。

中考英语同义词替换深化练习题40题含答案解析1.She is very happy.A.gladB.sadC.angryD.tired答案解析:A。
2.I like playing basketball.A.hateB.enjoyC.dislikeD.worry答案解析:B。
“like doing sth”表示喜欢做某事,“enjoy doing sth”也有喜欢做某事之意。
3.He has a lot of books.A.manyB.fewC.littleD.much答案解析:A。
“a lot of”既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,这里修饰可数名词“books”。
4.She is a beautiful girl.A.handsomeB.uglyC.prettyD.bad答案解析:C。
5.My mother is a teacher.A.doctorB.nurseC.workerD.student答案解析:A、B、C、D 选项分别是医生、护士、工人和学生。
6.I have a new pen.A.oldB.badC.goodD.beautiful答案解析:A。
7.He is a tall boy.A.shortB.fatC.thinD.small答案解析:A。

第一组1. This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house _____ _____ Zunyi Meeting was held。
There are shops on both sides of the street。
There are shops on _____ _____ of the street.3。
If there were no water, there would be no life._____ _____, there would be no life.4. Shall we begin our meeting?_____ _____ our meeting,shall we?5. The church standing on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.The church _____ _____ on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.6. Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework _____ _____ _____ Peter。
7. The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl _____ _____ _____ touch the dog.8. All the answers are right。
_____ _____ _____ answers is wrong.9. They made him sell his house contrary to his will。
He _____ _____ _____ sell his house contrary to his will.10。

第一组1.This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house__________Zunyi Meeting was held.2.There are shops on both sides of the street.There are shops on__________of the street.3.If there were no water,there would be no life.__________,there would be no life.4.Shall we begin our meeting?__________our meeting,shall we?5.The church standing on the top of hill was built100years ago.The church__________on the top of hill was built100years ago.6.Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework_______________Peter.7.The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl_______________touch the dog.8.All the answers are right._______________answers is wrong.9.They made him sell his house contrary to his will.He_______________sell his house contrary to his will.10.She seldom goes out in the evening._______________go out in the evening.11.He has been away from his home town for five years.__________five years_____he left his home town.12.He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up hisroommates._______________wake up his roommates,he took off his shoes.13."Will you please speak louder?"she said to him.She_______________speak louder.14.We put off the outing because of the weather.__________because of the weather_____we put off the outing.15.He insisted that she join us in the game.He insisted_______________us in the game.16.While he was running downstairs,Li Ming knocked into his teacher.__________________,Li Ming knocked into his teacher.17.Isn't he clever?_______________man he is.18.I regretted having told her the news.I wish I_______________her the news.19.The article needs shortening.The article needs__________________.20.As she was tired with walking,the old woman sat down to have a rest._______________,the old woman sat down to have a rest答案:1.in which2.each side3.Without water4.Let's begin5.that stands6.as carefully as7.doesn't dare to8.None of the9.was made to 10.Seldom does she11.It is...since12.Not wanting to13.asked him to 14.It was...that15.on her joining16.While running downstairs17.What a clever18.had not told19.to be shortened20.Tired with walking第二组1.We all know that the earth is round._______________to all,the earth is round.2.Being a learned man,Professor Lin is respected by all his students._______________a learned man,all the students respect him.3.I didn't know his address,so I didn't write to him.If I had known his address,I_______________to him.4.I want to see the play too._______________see the play too.5.I had never seen him before,so I did not recognize him._______________him before,I did not recognize him.6.Shall we have a break?_______________a break?7.She is too young to understand all this.She_______________to understand all this.8.He must have passed the exam.He could_______________in the exam.9.Her mother is famous singer,and she is proud of it.She is proud of_______________a famous singer.10.This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one.This piece of cloth is three times_______________that one.11.He passed by,but he didn't notice me.He passed by_______________.12.I had hardly come in when the telephone rang._______________I come in_____the telephone rang.13.He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger____________________in the class.14.Be careful,or you'll get hurt.____________________,you will get hurt.15.New York is more modern than London.London____________________New York.16.This story isn't interesting.Nor is that one.This story is_____________________that one.17.Both his parents are from Guangdong.His father is from Guangdong and____________________.18.It is said that he has invented a new machine.He____________________invented a new machine.19.We didn't stop talking until he returned.We_______________until he returned.20.He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.He was________________to lift the box.答案:1.As is known2.Professor Lin being3.would have written4.I'd like to5.Never having seen6.What about having7.isn't old enough8.not have failed9.her mother being10.the length of11.without noticing me12.No sooner had...than13.than any other boy14.If you aren't careful/Unless you are careful 15.is less modern than/isn't as modern as16.no more interesting than 17.so is his mother18.is said to have19.kept on talking/went on talking 20.not strong enough第三组1.She is a lovely girl.They all like to play with her.She is_________________________they all like to play with her.2.When did Marx get to London?When did Marx__________London?3.In the months that followed,they worked much harder at English.In the__________,they worked much harder at English.4.Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.Our teacher began to write articles_______________.5.I feel that it is important to do so.I feel_____________to do so.6.His maths has improved greatly.He_____________________in maths.7.In the year from1930to1939,he wrote hundreds of short stories._______________,he wrote hundreds of short shories.8.Pick out what you like from these.______what you like from these.9.Take it easy.Everything will get on well._______________it.Everything will get on well.10.I spent two weeks in writing the article._______________two weeks__________the articles.11.Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.Tom couldn't work out the problem._______________.12.Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school.__________at the gate of the school_____Jenny picked up the wallet.13.I know nothing about the matter.I don't know the matter__________.14.He wanted to see the words clearly,so he stood on the bench.He stood on the bench_______________see the words clearly.15.We have made up our minds to work harder this year.We have_______to work harder this year.16.The two balls hit the ground together.The two balls hit the ground____________________.17.Did you have a good time at the ball?Did you___________at the ball?18.You had better break away from smoking.You had better__________smoking.19.His whole school education added up to only two years.His whole school education added up to_______________two years.20.The group was set up in1980.The group was_______in1980.答案:1.such a lovely girl that/so lovely a girl that2.arrive in3.following months4.in his twenties5.it important6.has made great progress7.In the1930's8.Choose9.Don't worry about10.It took me...to write11.Nor/Neither could Jack.12.It was...that13.at all14.in order to/so as to15.decided16.at the same time17.enjoy yourself18.give up19.No more than20.founded第四组1.What do you usually do when you are free?What do you usually do____________________?2.He took an active part in sports when he was a child.He_______________sports________________.3.I have ten yuan with me in all.All my money with me_______________ten yuan.4.The war lasted four years before the North won.The war didn't__________the North won four years later.5.I like music most in my spare time.I like music_____than__________in my spare time.6.Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.The work is___________Mr Zhang.7.Wind is invisible to us.Wind can't___________by us.8.I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I_______________know who won the final game.9.I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.I will_____the windows_____this afternoon.10.After he undressed himself,we dressed him in a new suit.After he__________his old clothes,we__________a new suit for him.11.She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.The book was so_____that she read it_______________.12.My aunt wears a new skirt today.My aunt_____a new skirt_____today.13.The boss treated the workers cruelly.The boss_______________the workers.14.He read and read without stopping till he went to sleep.He_______________till he went to sleep.15.What pleased her was that she found the lost money._______________,she found the lost money.16.The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.The girl__________is a nurse.17.The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.The nurse is feeding__________the baby.18.She has been away from home for ten years.It_______________since she_____home.19.The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.It_______________that the foreign friend__________to our school tomorrow.20.He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.He couldn't help crying_______________the photo答案:1.in your spare time2.was active in...in his childhood.3.adds up to4.end until/stop until5.better...anything else/other things6.unfit for7.be seen8.was eager to9.have...cleaned10.took off...put on11.interesting...all the night/throughout the night/all night long12.has...on13.was cruel to14.went on reading/kept on reading/didn't stop reading15.To her pleasure16.in redk to18.is ten years...left19.is said...will come/is coming20.when he saw第五组1.Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.Crusoe stared at the footprint,__________fear.2.The dog died.This made him very sad._____the dog died made him very sad.3.All the doctors can not perform such an operation.__________the doctors can perform such an operation.4.Both of them are not good students._____of the two is a good student.5.They are mostly teachers._______________are teachers.6.Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.Fujian is__________Zhejiang on the north.7.Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.Suddenly she_______________.8.All the boys don't like football.____________________like football.9.Shanghai is the largest city in China.Shanghai is_________________________in China. 10.Mary was late,which made her teacher very angry.Mary was late_______________her teacher very angry. 11.Paper is made from wood.Wood____________________paper.12.Li Wei is shorter than Tom.Tom is_______________the two.13.He did what he could do to calm her.He_______________to_____her calm.14."I don't want to be examined."he answered.He answered that he_____want any______.15.We did the experiment in this lab yesterday.__________in this lab_____we did the experiment yesterday.16.The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.The accident______me__________there in time.17.She has nothing to do with the matter.She is_______________the matter.18.The old woman lived happily.The old woman_______________life.19.The only thing I could do was to apologize to her.I could do_______________to her.20.It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.It is_______________that animal hibernates in winter.答案:1.filled with2.That3.Not all4.One5.Most of them6.joined to7.cried out angrily8.Not all the boys/Some of the boysrger than any other city10.and it made11.can be made into12.the taller of13.tried/did his best...make14.didn't...examination15.It was...that16.prevented/kept/stopped...from arriving17.not connected with18.led a happy19.nothing but apologize20.in this way第六组1.After graduation,he went to work on a farm.After__________,he went to work on a farm.2.When he was a child of eight,he learned to write poems._______________of eight,he learned to write poems.3.I have mastered English by learning it all by myself._______________English I have mastered it.4.He has the habit of running in the morning.He is__________running in the morning.5.Why did she lose interest in music?Why was she__________in music?6.The secret was disclosed only in1975.Only in1975_____the secret_____.7.Einstein cared little for money,so he was poor.Einstein could_______________if he__________ much for money.8.Walking early in the morning will benefit you.Walking early in the morning will_______________.9.The farm is his.The farm_______________.10.The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed.The teacher_______________our noble deed.11.The imposter seemed anxious to leave.______________the imposter__________to leave.12.They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.They would like to watch TV at home__________goingto the cinema.13.People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man.__________people act as foolishly as a blind man.14.The meeting is very important.The meeting_______________.15.He is given practice in playing tennis every day.He__________tennis every day.16.He was afraid that his father would punish him.He was afraid of_______________his father.17.The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.The teacher would_______________on the text.18.Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?Why did Tom__________yesterday?19.I found the lost child while I was walking home.I found the lost child____________________.20.I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.I was thinking of this when I heard__________my name.答案:1.he graduated2.At the age3.By teaching myselfed to5.not interested6.was...disclosed7.have been rich...had cared8.do you good9.belongs to him10.thought highly of11.It seemed that...was anxious12.instead of 13.At times14.of great importance15.practices playing16.being punished by 17.question the boys18.play truant19.on my way home20.someone call第七组1.I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.I stood at my bench and_______________my head.2.There is something wrong with your machine.Have you asked somebodyto repair it for you?There is something wrong with your machine.Have you__________ _____?3.I want to start the machine.Please show me the way.Please show me_____to_____the machine.4.The huge stone is very heavy.We can not lift it.The huge stone is_____heavy_____we can not lift it.The huge stone is_____heavy_______________lift.5.She bought an old bike from Mary.Mary_____an old bike_____her.6.Stone will not catch fire.Stone will not______.7.May I give it back later?May I_____it later?8.I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way__________to__________school on time.9.It began to rain as soon as I got home.__________I got home,it began to rain.10.I want to speak to you for a short while.I want to____________________you.11.The teacher asked me to say it again.The teacher asked me to_____it.12.John's workmates were all friendly to him.John's workmates all____________________him.13.There is no water or air on the moon.There is_____water on the moon,and there is no air,_____.14.You are not wrong.I am not wrong,either._____you_____I_____wrong.15.If he had hurried,he would have caught the train.He_______________,so he_____the train.16.The child filled the bag with apples.The bag__________of apples.17.He didn't need to worry about his life.It_____unnecessary_________________________his life.18.What rapid progress Marx made.How rapidly_______________.19.They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.They insisted____________________the hands at the time.20.But for your help,we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.If you__________us,we wouldn't have succeeded so soon._____you_____us,we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.答案:1.dare not lift2.had it repaired3.how...start4.so...that//too...for us to5.sold...to6.Burn7.return8.so as...get to9.The moment10.have a word with11.repeat12.got along well with 13.no...either14.Neither...nor...am15.did not hurry...missed16.was full 17.was...for him to worry about18.Marx made progress19.on our holding out20.hadn't helped//Hadn't...helped第八组1.He joined the army ten years ago.__________ten years ago_____he joined the army.__________ten years_____he joined the army.He__________in the army for ten years.Ten years________________he joined the army.2.We study not only Chinese but also English.We study English_______________Chinese.We study English and Chinese__________._____Chinese,we also study English.We study_____Chinese_____English.We study Chinese,and English,______.3.Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.Would you mind_______________to a place of safety?4.Once I hear from him,I'll let you know._______________I hear from him,I'll let you know.5.It's time to do our homework.It's time_____our homework.It's time we_____our homework.6.Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.Mr Wang_______________until you came in.Mr Wang__________till you came.7.The announcement is worthy of being studied.The announcement is worthy_______________.The announcement is worth_____.8.Though he is a child,he knows a lot._____as__________,he knows a lot.9.I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.I suggested that_______________the picnic on Sunday.10.Our professor came into the room with a book under his arm._______________,our professor came into the room.11.If you heat water to100°C,you'll find it changes into steam gradually.__________to100°C_____you'll find it changes into steam gradually.__________to100°C,you'll find it changes into steam gradually.12.Though it rained heavily,the students still ran round the playground._______________the heavy rain,the students still ran round the playground.No matter__________it rained,the students still ran round the playground.13.We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing.__________we_____him to do such a stupid thing.14.Jane is an eight-year-old girl.Jane is a girl of_______________.15.This is the cheapest one.This is the least_____one.16.If you drive the car fast,you'll probably meet with an accident.The_____you drive the car,_______________you'll meet with an accident.17.He may come and help you this evening.He_______________come and help you this evening.It__________he will come and help you this evening. 18.Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.Mum left her__________a little needle thread bag.19.You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now.__________,_____you will miss the plane._____you_____hurry up,you won't_____the plane. 20.It is said that John is a very honest man.John____________________a very honest man答案:1.It was...that//It is...since//has been//have passed since2.as well as//as well//Besides//both...and//too3.my taking it4.As soon as5.for//did6.didn't stop talking//kept talking7.to be studied//studying8.Child...he is9.we call off10.Book under arm11.Heat water//Heating water12.In spite of//how heavily13.Never have...permitted14.eight years old15.expensive16.faster...the more probably17.is likely to//seems that18.nothing but19.Hurry up...or//If...don't...catch20.is said to be。

下面本人整理了九年级英语句型转换专题练习及答案,希望对你的学习有帮助!考点一、同义句转换85.There is only a chair in the room.(同义句转换)There is _________ _________a chair in the room.【答案】 nothing but2. Mrs.Smith is busy. She is doing her housework now.Mrs.Smith isher housework now.5.The teacher said,“Don’t cheat in exams,children!”The teacher told the childrencheat in exams.A.同义句改写66.Nick was so tired that he c ouldn’t walk any further.Nick was _____________________________ any further.67.We can’t finish the project on time unless you support us.The project can’t be finished on time______________________________.68.Shall we watch the exciting ping-pong match together?______________________________watch theexciting ping-pong match together?【答案】66.too tired to walk 67. if you don’t support us/ without your support68.Why not/ Why don’t weMy cousin usually walks to school every morning. (改为同义句)My cousin usually goes to school __________________ every morning.答案69. on foot考点二、句式转换按要求完成下列各句。

高频考点1.表结果so….that +句子= too …(adj) to do= not …(adj反义词) enough to do He is so weak that he can’t play football.= He is___ weak ____play football.= He is not _____ ____ to play football.2. so that….=in order to do /in order that= so as to do=to do =for doingHe got up early so that he could catch the early bus.=He got up early to catch the early bus.=He got up early so as to catch the early bus.3. if not =unlessShe won’t improve her handwriting if she doesn’t have enough practice.=She won’t improve her handwriting unless she has enough practice.4. did sth… after/when=didn’t do untilThey left the place after they were 8.=They didn’t leave the place until they were 8.5. 四个花费人+ spend + 钱/ 时+ (in)doing sth /on sth。
It + takes + (人)+ 时间 + to do sth物+ cost + (人)+ 钱 + to do sth人+ pay + 钱 + to sb/ for sth6. be held= take place举办7. 现在完成时中瞬间动词转换为延续性动词,如:join ---- have been inbecame a lawyer--- have been a lawyer---have worked as a lawyer8. used to do sth = often/usually did sth = did sth … in the past9.high=in height EG: It is 10 meters in height. (wide= in width ; long= in length)10. remove = take away11.600 square meters in size == have/cover an area of 600 square meters12. you mustn’t do sth == be not allowed to do = Don’t do sth13. be good at 擅长于= do well in 【反义】be poor at 拙劣于= do badly in14. care for =look after= take care of 关爱,照顾10. stop…from = keep…from = prevent…form 阻止某事发生11. set out = set off = start/leave12.五个成功做某事do sth. successfully,succeed in doing sth.;be successful in sth.manage to do sth. ;be able to do sth.以及失败fail to do sth.(fail in a test)13.in my opinion = I think14.be responsible for =be in charge of = take charge of 对…负责15. make an apology to sb. for doing=say sorry to sb. for sth 想某人道歉16. purchase sth. for money=buy sth. for money(注意和cost、spend的区别17. be made up of= consist(s) of 由…组成18. prefer(red)A to B= like(d) A better than B 喜欢A胜过Bprefer to do A rather than do B=prefer to doing A to doing B 宁愿做A事情而不做B事情19. besides A= in addition to A =What more, …除A以外(还有)20. do harm to…= be bad for…对…有害21. improve a lot … = make progress … 在…有进步22. run(be) out of= use up 用完23. consider doing = think about doing 考虑24. decide to do= make a decision to do25. escape from= run away from逃跑;26. immediately= at once=right away=in no time 立即27be held= take place举办28. when he was over sixty= in his sixties★案例分析1. John always keeps calm and knows what he should do when in trouble. (保持句意基本不变)John always keeps calm and knows ________ ________ do when in trouble. 【正确答案】what to【题目解析】宾语从句改为简单句用疑问词+to do2. My friend Peter looked after my pet dog while I was on holiday last month. (保持句意不变)My friend Peter_______ _______ my pet dog while I was on holiday last month. 【正确答案】……cared for【题目解析】……同义词的转换,look after = care for 照顾,注意过去时态。

中考英语同义句转换专练160题附答案第一组1.This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house __________Zunyi Meeting was held.2.There are shops on both sides of the street.There are shops on __________of the street.3.If there were no water,there would be no life.__________,there would be no life.4.Shall we begin our meeting?__________our meeting,shall we?5.The church standing on the top of hill was built 100years ago. The church __________on the top of hill was built 100years ago.6.Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework _______________Peter.7.The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl _______________touch the dog.8.All the answers are right._______________answers is wrong.9.They made him sell his house contrary to his will.He _______________sell his house contrary to his will.10.She seldom goes out in the evening._______________go out in the evening.11.He has been away from his home town for five years.__________five years _____he left his home town.12.He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up hisroommates._______________wake up his roommates,he took off his shoes.13."Willyou please speak louder?"she said to him.She _______________speak louder.14.We put off the outing because of the weather.__________because of the weather _____we put off the outing.15.He insisted that she join us in the game.He insisted _______________us in the game.16.While he was running downstairs,Li Ming knocked into his teacher.__________________,Li Ming knocked into his teacher.17.Isn't he clever?_______________man he is.18.I regretted having told her the news.I wish I _______________her the news.19.The article needs shortening.The article needs __________________.20.As she was tired with walking,the old woman sat down to have a rest._______________,the old woman sat down to have a rest参考答案1.in which2.each side3.Without water4.Let's begin5.that stands6.as carefully as7.doesn't dare to8.None of the9.was made to 10.Seldom does she11.It is ...since12.Not wanting to 13.asked him to 14.It was ...that15.on her joining 16.While running downstairs 17.What a clever18.had not told 19.to be shortened 20.Tired with walking第二组1.We all know that the earth is round._______________to all,the earth is round.2.Being a learned man,Professor Lin is respected by all his students._______________a learned man,all the students respect him.3.I didn't know his address,so I didn't write to him.If I had known his address,I _______________to him.4.I want to see the play too._______________see the play too.5.I had never seen him before ,so I did not recognize him._______________him before,I did not recognize him.6.Shall we have a break?_______________a break?7.She is too young to understand all this.She _______________to understand all this.8.He must have passed the exam.He could _______________in the exam.9.Her mother is famous singer,and she is proud of it.She is proud of _______________a famous singer.10.This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one. This piece of cloth is three times _______________that one.11.He passed by,but he didn't notice me.He passed by _______________.12.I had hardly come in when the telephone rang._______________I come in _____the telephone rang. 13.He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger ____________________in the class.14.Be careful,or you'll get hurt.____________________,you will get hurt.15.New York is more modern than London.London ____________________New York.16.This story isn't interesting.Nor is that one.This story is _____________________that one.17.Both his parents are from Guangdong.His father is from Guangdong and ____________________.18.It is said that he has invented a new machine.He ____________________invented a new machine.19.We didn't stop talking until he returned.We _______________until he returned.20.He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.He was ________________to lift the box.参考答案1.As is known2.Professor Lin being3.would have written4.I'd like to5.Never having seen6.What about having7.isn't old enough8.not have failed9.her mother being 10.the length of11.without noticing me 12.No sooner had...than13.than any other boy 14.If you aren't careful /Unless you are careful15.is less modern than /isn't as modern as 16.no more interesting than17.so is his mother 18.is said to have19.kept on talking /went on talkingnot strong enough 20.第三组1.She is a lovely girl.They all like to play with her.She is _________________________they all like to play with her.2.When did Marx get to London?When did Marx __________London?3.In the months that followed,they worked much harder at English.In the __________,they worked much harder at English.4.Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.Our teacher began to write articles _______________.5.I feel that it is important to do so.I feel _____________to do so.6.His maths has improved greatly.He _____________________in maths.7.In the year from 1930to 1939,he wrote hundreds of short stories._______________,he wrote hundreds of short shories.8.Pick out what you like from these.______what you like from these.9.Take it easy.Everything will get on well._______________it.Everything will get on well.10.I spent two weeks in writing the article._______________two weeks __________the articles.11.Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.Tom couldn't work out the problem._______________.12.Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school.__________at the gate of the school _____Jenny picked up the wallet.13.I know nothing about the matter.I don't know the matter __________.14.He wanted to see the words clearly,so he stood on the bench.He stood on the bench _______________see the words clearly.15.We have made up our minds to work harder this year.We have _______to work harder this year.16.The two balls hit the ground together.The two balls hit the ground ____________________.17.Did you have a good time at the ball?Did you ___________at the ball?18.You had better break away from smoking.You had better __________smoking.19.His whole school education added up to only two years.His whole school education added up to _______________two years.20.The group was set up in 1980.The group was _______in 1980.参考答案1.such a lovely girl that /so lovely a girl that2.arrive in3.following months4.in his twenties5.it important6.has made great progress7.In the1930's8.Choose9.Don't worry about10.It took me...to write 11.Nor /Neither could Jack.12.It was ...that 13.at all14.inorder to /so as to 15.decided16.at the same time 17.enjoy yourself18.give up 19.no more than20.founded第四组1.What do you usually do when you are free?What do you usually do ____________________?2.He took an active part in sports when he was a child.He _______________sports ________________.3.I have ten yuan with me in all.All my money with me _______________ten yuan.4.The war lasted four years before the North won.The war didn't __________the North won four years later.5.I like music most in my spare time.I like music _____than __________in my spare time.6.Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.The work is ___________Mr Zhang.7.Wind is invisible to us.Wind can't ___________by us.8.I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I _______________know who won the final game.9.I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.I will _____the windows _____this afternoon.10.After he undressed himself,we dressed him in a new suit.After he __________his old clothes,we __________a new suit for him.11.She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.The book was so _____that she read it _______________.12.My aunt wears a new skirt today.My aunt _____a new skirt _____today.13.The boss treated the workers cruelly.The boss _______________the workers.14.He read and read without stopping till he went to sleep.He _______________till he went to sleep.15.What pleased her was that she found the lost money._______________,she found the lost money.16.The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.The girl __________is a nurse.17.The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.The nurse is feeding __________the baby.18.She has been away from home for ten years.It _______________since she _____home.19.The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.It _______________that the foreign friend __________to our school tomorrow.20.He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.He couldn't help crying _______________the photo参考答案1.in your spare time2.was active in ...in his childhood.3.adds up to4.end until/stop until5.better ...anything else /other things6.unfit for7.be seen8.was eager to9.have ...cleaned10.took off ...put on 11.interesting ...all the night /throughout the night /all night long12.has ...on 13.was cruel to14.went on reading /kept on reading /didn't stop reading15.To her pleasure 16.in k to 18.is ten years ...left19.is said ...will come/is coming20.when he saw第五组1.Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.Crusoe stared at the footprint,__________fear.2.The dog died.This made him very sad._____the dog died made him very sad.3.All the doctors can not perform such an operation.__________the doctors can perform such an operation.4.Both of them are not good students._____of the two is a good student.5.They are mostly teachers._______________are teachers.6.Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.Fujian is __________Zhejiang on the north.7.Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.Suddenly she _______________.8.All the boys don't like football.____________________like football.9.Shanghai is the largest city in China.Shanghai is _________________________in China.10.Mary was late,which made her teacher very angry.Mary was late _______________her teacher very angry. 11.Paper is made from wood.Wood ____________________paper.12.Li Wei is shorter than Tom.Tom is _______________the two.13.He did what he could do to calm her.He _______________to _____her calm.14."Idon't want to be examined."he answered.He answered that he _____want any ______.15.We did the experiment in this lab yesterday.__________in this lab _____we did the experiment yesterday.16.The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.The accident ______me __________there in time.17.She has nothing to do with the matter.She is _______________the matter.18.The old woman lived happily.The old woman _______________life.19.The only thing I could do was to apologize to her.I could do _______________to her.20.It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.It is _______________that animal hibernates in winter.参考答案1.filled with2.That3.Not all4.One5.Most of them6.joined to7.cried out angrily 8.Not all the boys/Some of the rger than any other city 10.and itmade11.can be made into 12.the taller of13.tried/did hisbest ...make14.didn't ...examination15.It was ...that16.prevented/kept/stopped ...from arriving17.not connected with 18.led a happy19.nothing butapologize 20.in this way第六组1.After graduation,he went to work on a farm.After __________,he went to work on a farm.2.When he was a child of eight,he learned to write poems._______________of eight,he learned to write poems.3.I have mastered English by learning it all by myself._______________English I have mastered it.4.He has the habit of running in the morning.He is __________running in the morning.5.Why did she lose interest in music?Why was she __________in music?6.The secret was disclosed only in 1975.Only in 1975_____the secret _____.7.Einstein cared little for money,so he was poor.Einstein could _______________if he __________much for money.8.Walking early in the morning will benefit you.Walking early in the morning will _______________.9.The farm is his.The farm _______________.10.The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed.The teacher _______________our noble deed.11.The imposter seemed anxious to leave.______________the imposter __________to leave.12.They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. They would like to watch TV at home __________goingto the cinema.13.People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man.__________people act as foolishly as a blind man.14.The meeting is very important.The meeting _______________.15.He is given practice in playing tennis every day.He __________tennis every day.16.He was afraid that his father would punish him.He was afraid of _______________his father.17.The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.The teacher would _______________on the text.18.Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?Why did Tom __________yesterday?19.I found the lost child while I was walking home.I found the lost child ____________________.20.I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.I was thinking of this when I heard __________my name.参考答案1.he graduated2.At the age3.By teaching myselfed to5.not interested6.was ...disclosed7.have been rich ...had cared 8.do you good9.belongs to him 10.thought highly of11.It seemed that ...was anxious 12.instead of13.At times 14.of great importance15.practices playing 16.being punished by17.question the boys18.play truant19.on my way home 20.someone call第七组1.I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.I stood at my bench and _______________my head.2.There is something wrong with your machine.Have you asked somebody to repair it for you?There is something wrong with your machine.Have you _______________?3.I want to start the machine.Please show me the way.Please show me _____to _____the machine.4.The huge stone is very heavy.We can not lift it.The huge stone is _____heavy _____we can not lift it.The huge stone is _____heavy _______________lift.5.She bought an old bike from Mary.Mary _____an old bike _____her.6.Stone will not catch fire.Stone will not ______.7.May I give it back later?May I _____it later?8.I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way __________to __________school on time.9.It began to rain as soon as I got home.__________I got home,it began to rain.10.I want to speak to you for a short while.I want to ____________________you.11.The teacher asked me to say it again.The teacher asked me to _____it.12.John's workmates were all friendly to him.John's workmates all ____________________him.13.There is no water or air on the moon.There is _____water on the moon,and there is no air,_____.14.You are not wrong.I am not wrong,either._____you _____I _____wrong.15.If he had hurried,he would have caught the train.He _______________,so he _____the train.16.The child filled the bag with apples.The bag __________of apples.17.He didn't need to worry about his life.It _____unnecessary _________________________his life. 18.What rapid progress Marx made.How rapidly _______________.19.They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.They insisted ____________________the hands at the time.20.But for your help,we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.If you __________us,we wouldn't have succeeded so soon._____you _____us,we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.参考答案1.dare not lift2.had it repaired3.how ...start4.so ...that //too ...for us to5.sold ...to6.burn7.return 8.so as ...get to9.The moment 10.have a word with11.repeat12.got along well with13.no ...either 14.Neither ...nor ...am15.did not hurry ...missed 16.was full17.was...for him to worry about18.Marx made progress19.on our holding out20.hadn't helped//Hadn't ...helped第八组1.He joined the army ten years ago.__________ten years ago _____he joined the army.__________ten years _____he joined the army.He __________in the army for ten years.Ten years ________________he joined the army.2.We study not only Chinese but also English.We study English _______________Chinese.We study English and Chinese __________._____Chinese,we also study English.We study _____Chinese _____English.We study Chinese,and English,______.3.Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.Would you mind _______________to a place of safety?4.Once I hear from him,I'll let you know._______________I hear from him,I'll let you know.5.It's time to do our homework.It's time _____our homework.It's time we _____our homework.6.Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.Mr Wang _______________until you came in.Mr Wang __________till you came.7.The announcement is worthy of being studied.The announcement is worthy _______________.The announcement is worth _____.8.Though he is a child,he knows a lot._____as __________,he knows a lot.9.I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.I suggested that _______________the picnic on Sunday.10.Our professor came into the room with a book under his arm. _______________,our professor came into the room.11.If you heat water to 100°C,you'll find it changes into steam gradually.__________to 100°C _____you'll find it changes into steam gradually.__________to 100°C,you'll find it changes into steam gradually.12.Though it rained heavily,the students still ran round the playground._______________the heavy rain,the students still ran round the playground.No matter __________it rained,the students still ran round the playground.13.We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing.__________we _____him to do such a stupid thing.14.Jane is an eight-year-old girl.Jane is a girl of _______________.15.This is the cheapest one.This is the least _____one.16.If you drive the car fast,you'll probably meet with an accident.The _____you drive the car,_______________you'llmeet with an accident.17.He may come and help you this evening.He _______________come and help you this evening.It __________he will come and help you this evening.18.Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.Mum left her __________a little needle thread bag.19.You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now.__________,_____you will miss the plane._____you _____hurry up,you won't _____the plane.20.It is said that John is a very honest man.John ____________________a very honest man参考答案1.It was ...that //It is ...since //has been //have passed since2.as well as //as well //Besides //both ...and//too3.my taking it4.As soon as5.for //did6.didn't stop talking //kept talking7.to be studied //studying 8.Child ...he is9.we call off 10.Book under arm11.Heat water //Heating water12.In spite of //how heavily13.Neverhave ...permitted 14.eight years old15.expensive 16.faster ...the more probably17.is likely to //seems that 18.nothing but19.Hurry up ...or //If ...don't ...catch20.is said to be(以下为赠品)同义句改写专项训练根据(A)句意思完成(B)句,使句意基本相同或相近,每空一词,缩写词算一词。

同义句转换He always gets to school early.= He never gets to school late.Maybe the kid is healthy.= The kid may be healthy.Although I have healthy habits, I am not very healthy.= I have a healthy habits, but I’m not very healthy.What’s wrong with him?= What’s the matter with him?= What’s the trouble with him?There’s something wrong with his bike.= Something is wrong with his bike.= His bike is broken.Studying math is difficult.= It’s difficult to study math.She got to school by bus.= She takes a bus to get to school.We went home on foot.= We walked home.It took me 25 minutes to go there by bus.= I spent 25 minutes going there by bus.= It’s 25 minutes’ bus ride .Nancy spent 8 dollars on the sweater.= Nancy bought the sweater for 8 dollars.= Nancy paid 8 dollars for the sweater.= The sweater cost Nancy 8 dollarsLily and Lucy look the same.= Lily looks like Luy.Both girls go to lot of parties.= Each of the girls goes to lots of parties.He is too young to go to school.= He is so young that he can’t go to school.= He isn’t old enough to go to school.My sister began to sing when she was 2 years old.= My sister began to sing t the age of 2.They need two more books.= They need another two books.Not all the students enjoy listening to the music.= All the students don’t enjoy listening to the music.= Some of the students enjoy listening to the music.They are going to Shanghai tomorrow.= They are leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.Why don’t you make him a card.= Why not make him a card?= Let us make him a card.= How about making him a card?= Shall we make him a card?They went to school and didn’t have breakfast yesterday morning. = They went to school without having breakfast.I’m more athletic than my best friend.= My best friend is not as athletic as me.He is the most clever boy in the class.= He is more clever than any other boy in the class.= Nobody else is more clever than him in the class.I think English is more useful than math.=I think math is less useful than English.He stayed in china for 9 years.= He came to China 9 years ago.I dislike doing housework.= I hate to do the chores.I will leave after my mother comes back.= I won’t leave until my mother comes back.I hope to see you next year.= I hope I can see you next year.I borrowed a camera from my friend.- My friend lent a camera to me.1. once a week= every week2. look after = babysit = take care of3. be different from = not the same as4. show sb sth = show sth to sb5. around = all over6. over = more than7. at last = finally = in the end8. close to = not far from9. sometimes= at times10. no = not a/ any nothing = not anything11. needn’t = not have to12. what else= what other things13. why = what……for14. have fun = enjoy oneself = have a good time15. be busy = have time16. want = would like英语同义句转换专练一1. This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house _____ _____ Zunyi Meeting was held.2. There are shops on both sides of the street.There are shops on _____ _____ of the street.3. If there were no water, there would be no life._____ _____, there would be no life.4. Shall we begin our meeting?_____ _____ our meeting, shall we?5. The church standing on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.The church _____ _____ on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.6. Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework _____ _____ _____ Peter.7. The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl _____ _____ _____ touch the dog.8. All the answers are right._____ _____ _____ answers is wrong.9. They made him sell his house contrary to his will.He _____ _____ _____ sell his house contrary to his will.10. She seldom goes out in the evening._____ _____ _____ go out in the evening.11. He has been away from his home town for five years._____ _____ five years _____ he left his home town.12. He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up hisroommates._____ _____ _____ wake up his roommates, he took off his shoes.13. "Will you please speak louder?" she said to him.She _____ _____ _____ speak louder.14. We put off the outing because of the weather._____ _____ because of the weather _____ we put off the outing.15. He insisted that she join us in the game.He insisted _____ _____ _____ us in the game.16. While he was running downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher._____ _____ ________ , Li Ming knocked into his teacher. 17. Isn't he clever?_____ _____ _____ man he is.18. I regretted having told her the news.I wish I _____ _____ _____ her the news.19. The article needs shortening.The article needs _____ _____ ________.20. As she was tired with walking, the old woman sat down to have a rest._____ _____ _____, the old woman sat down to have a rest答案:1. in which2. each side3. Without water4. Let's begin5. that stands6. as carefully as7. doesn't dare to 8. None of the9. was made to 10. Seldom does she11. It is ... since 12. Not wanting to13. asked him to 14. It was ... that15. on her joining 16. While running downstairs17. What a clever 18. had not told19. to be shortened 20. Tired with walking英语同义句转换专练二1. We all know that the earth is round._____ _____ _____ to all, the earth is round.2. Being a learned man, Professor Lin is respected by all his students._____ _____ _____ a learned man, all the students respect him.3. I didn't know his address, so I didn't write to him.If I had known his address, I _____ _____ _____ to him.4. I want to see the play too._____ _____ _____ see the play too.5. I had never seen him before , so I did not recognize him._____ _____ _____ him before, I did not recognize him.6. Shall we have a break?_____ _____ _____ a break?7. She is too young to understand all this.She _____ _____ _____ to understand all this.8. He must have passed the exam.He could _____ _____ _____ in the exam.9. Her mother is famous singer, and she is proud of it.She is proud of _____ _____ _____ a famous singer.10. This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one.This piece of cloth is three times _____ _____ _____ that one.11. He passed by, but he didn't notice me.He passed by _____ _____ _____ .12. I had hardly come in when the telephone rang._____ _____ _____ I come in _____ the telephone rang.13. He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger _____ _____ _____ _____ in the class.14. Be careful, or you'll get hurt._____ _____ _____ _____ , you will get hurt.15. New York is more modern than London.London _____ _____ _____ _____ New York.16. This story isn't interesting. Nor is that one.This story is _____ _____ ______ _____ that one.17. Both his parents are from Guangdong.His father is from Guangdong and _____ _____ _____ _____.18. It is said that he has invented a new machine.He _____ _____ _____ _____ invented a new machine.19. We didn't stop talking until he returned.We _____ _____ _____ until he returned.20. He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.He was _____ _____ ______ to lift the box.答案:1. As is known2. Professor Lin being3. would have written4. I'd like to5. Never having seen6. What about having7. isn't old enough 8. not have failed9. her mother being 10. the length of11. without noticing me 12. No sooner had...than13. than any other boy14. If you aren't careful / Unless you are careful15. is less modern than / isn't as modernas16. no more interesting than 17. so is hismother18. is said to have 19. kept on talking / went on talking 20. not strong enough英语同义句转换1. She is a lovely girl. They all like to play with her.She is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ they all like to playwith her.2. When did Marx get to London?When did Marx _____ _____ London?3. In the months that followed, they worked much harder at English.In the _____ _____ , they worked much harder at English.4. Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.Our teacher began to write articles _____ _____ _____.5. I feel that it is important to do so.I feel _____ ________ to do so.6. His maths has improved greatly.He _____ _____ _____ ______ in maths.7. In the year from 1930 to 1939, he wrote hundreds of short stories._____ _____ _____ , he wrote hundreds of short shories.8. Pick out what you like from these.______ what you like from these.9. Take it easy. Everything will get on well._____ _____ _____ it. Everything will get on well.10. I spent two weeks in writing the article._____ _____ _____ two weeks _____ _____ the articles.11. Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.Tom couldn't work out the problem. _____ _____ _____.12. Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school._____ _____ at the gate of the school _____ Jenny picked up the wallet.13. I know nothing about the matter.I don't know the matter _____ _____.14. He wanted to see the words clearly, so he stood on the bench.He stood on the bench _____ _____ _____ see the words clearly.15. We have made up our minds to work harder this year.We have _______ to work harder this year.16. The two balls hit the ground together.The two balls hit the ground _____ _____ _____ _____.17. Did you have a good time at the ball?Did you _____ ______ at the ball?18. You had better break away from smoking.You had better _____ _____ smoking.19. His whole school education added up to only two years.His whole school education added up to _____ _____ _____ two years.20. The group was set up in 1980.The group was _______ in 1980.答案:1. such a lovely girl that / so lovely a girl that2. arrive in3. following months4. in his twenties5. it important6. has made great progress7. In the 1930's8. Choose 9. Don't worry about10. It took me...to write 11. Nor / Neither could Jack. 12. It was ... that 13. at all14. in order to / so as to 15. decided16. at the same time 17. enjoy yourself18. give up 19. no more than 20. founded英语同义句转换1. What do you usually do when you are free?What do you usually do _____ _____ _____ _____?2. He took an active part in sports when he was a child.He _____ _____ _____ sports _____ _____ ______.3. I have ten yuan with me in all.All my money with me _____ _____ _____ ten yuan.4. The war lasted four years before the North won.The war didn't _____ _____ the North won four years later.5. I like music most in my spare time.I like music _____ than _____ _____ in my spare time.6. Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.The work is ______ _____ Mr Zhang.7. Wind is invisible to us.Wind can't ______ _____ by us.8. I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I _____ _____ _____ know who won the final game.9. I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.I will _____ the windows _____ this afternoon.10. After he undressed himself, we dressed him in a new suit.After he _____ _____ his old clothes, we_____ _____ a new suit for him.11. She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.The book was so _____ that she read it _____ _____ _____.12. My aunt wears a new skirt today.My aunt _____ a new skirt _____ today.13. The boss treated the workers cruelly.The boss _____ _____ _____ the workers.14. He read and read without stopping till he went to sleep.He _____ _____ _____ till he went to sleep.15. What pleased her was that she found the lost money._____ _____ _____, she found the lost money.16. The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.The girl _____ _____ is a nurse.17. The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.The nurse is feeding _____ _____ the baby.18. She has been away from home for ten years.It _____ _____ _____ since she _____ home.19. The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.It _____ _____ _____ that the foreign friend _____ _____ to our school tomorrow.20. He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.He couldn't help crying _____ _____ _____ the photo答案:1. in your spare time2. was active in ... in hischildhood.3. adds up to4. end until/stopuntil5. better ... anything else / other things6. unfit for7. be seen8. was eager to 9. have ... cleaned10. took off ... put on11. interesting ... all the night / throughout the night / all night long12. has ... on 13. was cruel to14. went on reading / kept on reading / didn't stop reading15. To her pleasure 16. in red17. milk to 18. is ten years ... left19. is said ... will come/is coming20. when he saw英语同义句转换1. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.Crusoe stared at the footprint, _____ _____ fear.2. The dog died. This made him very sad._____ the dog died made him very sad.3. All the doctors can not perform such an operation._____ _____ the doctors can perform such an operation.4. Both of them are not good students._____ of the two is a good student.5. They are mostly teachers._____ _____ _____ are teachers.6. Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.Fujian is _____ _____ Zhejiang on the north.7. Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.Suddenly she _____ _____ _____.8. All the boys don't like football._____ _____ _____ _____ like football.9. Shanghai is the largest city in China.Shanghai is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in China.10. Mary was late, which made her teacher very angry.Mary was late _____ _____ _____ her teacher very angry.11. Paper is made from wood.Wood _____ _____ _____ _____ paper.12. Li Wei is shorter than Tom.Tom is _____ _____ _____ the two.13. He did what he could do to calm her.He _____ _____ _____ to _____ her calm.14. "I don't want to be examined." he answered.He answered that he _____ want any ______.15. We did the experiment in this lab yesterday._____ _____ in this lab _____ we did the experiment yesterday.16. The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.The accident ______ me _____ _____ there in time.17. She has nothing to do with the matter.She is _____ _____ _____ the matter.18. The old woman lived happily.The old woman _____ _____ _____ life.19. The only thing I could do was to apologize to her.I could do _____ _____ _____ to her.20. It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.It is _____ _____ _____ that animal hibernates in winter.答案:1. filled with2. That3. Not all4. One5. Most of them6. joined to7. cried out angrily8. Not all the boys/Some of the boys9. larger than any other city 10. and it made11. can be made into 12. the taller of13. tried/did his best ... make14. didn't ... examination 15. It was ... that16. prevented/kept/stopped ... from arriving17. not connected with 18. led a happy19. nothing but apologize 20. in this way英语同义句转换1. After graduation, he went to work on a farm.After _____ _____ , he went to work on a farm.2. When he was a child of eight, he learned to write poems._____ _____ _____ of eight, he learned to write poems.3. I have mastered English by learning it all by myself._____ _____ _____ English I have mastered it.4. He has the habit of running in the morning.He is _____ _____ running in the morning.5. Why did she lose interest in music?Why was she _____ _____ in music?6. The secret was disclosed only in 1975.Only in 1975 _____ the secret _____.7. Einstein cared little for money, so he was poor.Einstein could _____ _____ _____ if he _____ _____much for money.8. Walking early in the morning will benefit you.Walking early in the morning will _____ _____ _____.9. The farm is his.The farm _____ _____ _____.10. The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed.The teacher _____ _____ _____ our noble deed.11. The imposter seemed anxious to leave.____ _____ _____ the imposter _____ _____ to leave.12. They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.They would like to watch TV at home _____ _____ goingto the cinema.13. People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man._____ _____ people act as foolishly as a blind man.14. The meeting is very important.The meeting _____ _____ _____.15. He is given practice in playing tennis every day.He _____ _____ tennis every day.16. He was afraid that his father would punish him.He was afraid of _____ _____ _____ his father.17. The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.The teacher would _____ _____ _____ on the text.18. Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?Why did Tom _____ _____ yesterday?19. I found the lost child while I was walking home.I found the lost child _____ _____ _____ _____.20. I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.I was thinking of this when I heard _____ _____ my name.答案:1. he graduated2. At the age3. By teaching myself4. used to5. not interested6. was ... disclosed7. have been rich ... had cared8. do you good9. belongs to him 10. thought highly of 11. It seemed that ... was anxious 12. instead of13. At times 14. of great importance15. practices playing 16. being punished by17. question the boys 18. play truant19. on my way home 20. someone call英语同义句转换1. I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.I stood at my bench and _____ _____ _____ my head.2. There is something wrong with your machine. Have you asked somebodyto repair it for you?There is something wrong with your machine. Have you _____ _____ _____ ?3. I want to start the machine. Please show me the way.Please show me _____ to _____ the machine.4. The huge stone is very heavy. We can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ we can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ _____ _____ lift.5. She bought an old bike from Mary.Mary _____ an old bike _____ her.6. Stone will not catch fire.Stone will not ______.7. May I give it back later?May I _____ it later?8. I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way _____ _____ to _____ _____ school on time.9. It began to rain as soon as I got home._____ _____ I got home, it began to rain.10. I want to speak to you for a short while.I want to _____ _____ _____ _____ you.11. The teacher asked me to say it again.The teacher asked me to _____ it.12. John's workmates were all friendly to him.John's workmates all _____ _____ _____ _____ him.13. There is no water or air on the moon.There is _____ water on the moon, and there is no air,_____.14. You are not wrong. I am not wrong, either._____ you _____ I _____ wrong.15. If he had hurried, he would have caught the train.He _____ _____ _____, so he _____ the train.16. The child filled the bag with apples.The bag _____ _____ of apples.17. He didn't need to worry about his life.It _____ unnecessary _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ his life.18. What rapid progress Marx made.How rapidly _____ _____ _____.19. They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.They insisted _____ _____ _____ _____ the hands at the time.20. But for your help, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.If you _____ _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon._____ you _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.答案:1. dare not lift2. had it repaired3. how ... start4. so ... that // too ... for us to5. sold ... to6. burn7. return 8. so as ... get to9. The moment 10. have a word with11. repeat 12. got along well with13. no ... either 14. Neither ... nor ... am15. did not hurry ... missed 16. was full17. was...for him to worry about18. Marx made progress 19. on our holding out20. hadn't helped // Hadn't ... helped英语同义句转换1. He joined the army ten years ago._____ _____ ten years ago _____ he joined the army._____ _____ ten years _____ he joined the army.He _____ _____ in the army for ten years.Ten years ______ _____ _____ he joined the army.2. We study not only Chinese but also English.We study English _____ _____ _____ Chinese.We study English and Chinese _____ _____._____ Chinese, we also study English.We study _____ Chinese _____ English.We study Chinese, and English,______.3. Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.Would you mind _____ _____ _____ to a place of safety?4. Once I hear from him, I'll let you know._____ _____ _____ I hear from him, I'll let you know.5. It's time to do our homework.It's time _____ our homework.It's time we _____ our homework.6. Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ _____ until you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ till you came.7. The announcement is worthy of being studied.The announcement is worthy _____ _____ _____.The announcement is worth _____.8. Though he is a child, he knows a lot._____ as _____ _____ , he knows a lot.9. I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.I suggested that _____ _____ _____ the picnic on Sunday.10. Our professor came into the room with a book under his arm._____ _____ _____ , our professor came into the room.11. If you heat water to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C _____ you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C, you'll find it changes intosteam gradually.12. Though it rained heavily, the students still ran round the playground._____ _____ _____ the heavy rain, the students still ran roundthe playground.No matter _____ _____ it rained, the students still ran round the playground.13. We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing._____ _____ we _____ him to do such a stupid thing.14. Jane is an eight-year-old girl.Jane is a girl of _____ _____ _____.15. This is the cheapest one.This is the least _____ one.16. If you drive the car fast, you'll probably meet with an accident.The _____ you drive the car, _____ _____ _____ you'llmeet with an accident.17. He may come and help you this evening.He _____ _____ _____ come and help you this evening.It _____ _____ he will come and help you this evening.18. Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.Mum left her _____ _____ a little needle thread bag.19. You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now._____ _____ ,_____ you will miss the plane._____ you _____ hurry up, you won't _____ the plane.20. It is said that John is a very honest man.John _____ _____ _____ _____ a very honest man答案:1. It was ... that // It is ... since // has been // have passed since2. as well as // as well // Besides // both ...and // too3. my taking it4. As soon as5. for // did6. didn't stop talking // kept talking7. to be studied // studying 8. Child ... he is9. we call off 10. Book under arm11. Heat water // Heating water12. In spite of // how heavily13. Never have ... permitted 14. eight years old15. expensive 16. faster ... the more probably 17. is likely to // seems that18. nothing but19. Hurry up ... or // If ... don't ... catch20. is said to be。

第一组1. This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house _____ _____ Zunyi Meeting was held.2. There are shops on both sides of the street.There are shops on _____ _____ of the street.3. If there were no water, there would be no life._____ _____, there would be no life.4. Shall we begin our meeting?_____ _____ our meeting, shall we?5. The church standing on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.The church _____ _____ on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.6. Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework _____ _____ _____ Peter.7. The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl _____ _____ _____ touch the dog.8. All the answers are right._____ _____ _____ answers is wrong.9. They made him sell his house contrary to his will.He _____ _____ _____ sell his house contrary to his will.10. She seldom goes out in the evening._____ _____ _____ go out in the evening.11. He has been away from his home town for five years._____ _____ five years _____ he left his home town.12. He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up hisroommates._____ _____ _____ wake up his roommates, he took off his shoes.13. "Will you please speak louder?" she said to him.She _____ _____ _____ speak louder.14. We put off the outing because of the weather._____ _____ because of the weather _____ we put off the outing.15. He insisted that she join us in the game.He insisted _____ _____ _____ us in the game.16. While he was running downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher._____ _____ ________ , Li Ming knocked into his teacher.17. Isn't he clever?_____ _____ _____ man he is.18. I regretted having told her the news.I wish I _____ _____ _____ her the news.19. The article needs shortening.The article needs _____ _____ ________.20. As she was tired with walking, the old woman sat down to have a rest._____ _____ _____, the old woman sat down to have a rest答案:1. in which2. each side3. Without water4. Let's begin5. that stands6. as carefully as7. doesn't dare to8. None of the9. was made to 10. Seldom does she 11. It is ... since 12. Not wanting to 13. asked him to 14. It was ... that 15. on her joining 16. While running downstairs17. What a clever 18. had not told 19. to be shortened 20. Tired with walking第二组1. We all know that the earth is round._____ _____ _____ to all, the earth is round.2. Being a learned man, Professor Lin is respected by all his students._____ _____ _____ a learned man, all the students respect him.3. I didn't know his address, so I didn't write to him.If I had known his address, I _____ _____ _____ to him.4. I want to see the play too._____ _____ _____ see the play too.5. I had never seen him before , so I did not recognize him._____ _____ _____ him before, I did not recognize him.6. Shall we have a break?_____ _____ _____ a break?7. She is too young to understand all this.She _____ _____ _____ to understand all this.8. He must have passed the exam.He could _____ _____ _____ in the exam.9. Her mother is famous singer, and she is proud of it.She is proud of _____ _____ _____ a famous singer.10. This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one.This piece of cloth is three times _____ _____ _____ that one.11. He passed by, but he didn't notice me.He passed by _____ _____ _____ .12. I had hardly come in when the telephone rang._____ _____ _____ I come in _____ the telephone rang.13. He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger _____ _____ _____ _____ in the class.14. Be careful, or you'll get hurt._____ _____ _____ _____ , you will get hurt.15. New York is more modern than London.London _____ _____ _____ _____ New York.16. This story isn't interesting. Nor is that one.This story is _____ _____ ______ _____ that one.17. Both his parents are from Guangdong.His father is from Guangdong and _____ _____ _____ _____.18. It is said that he has invented a new machine.He _____ _____ _____ _____ invented a new machine.19. We didn't stop talking until he returned.We _____ _____ _____ until he returned.20. He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.He was _____ _____ ______ to lift the box.答案:1. As is known2. Professor Lin being3. would have written4. I'd like to5. Never having seen6. What about having7. isn't old enough8. not have failed9. her mother being 10. the length of 11. without noticing me 12. No sooner had...than13. than any other boy 14. If you aren't careful / Unless you are careful 15. is less modern than / isn't as modern as 16. no more interesting than 17. so is his mother 18. is said to have 19. kept on talking / went on talking 20. not strong enough第三组1. She is a lovely girl. They all like to play with her.She is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ they all like to play with her.2. When did Marx get to London?When did Marx _____ _____ London?3. In the months that followed, they worked much harder at English.In the _____ _____ , they worked much harder at English.4. Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.Our teacher began to write articles _____ _____ _____.5. I feel that it is important to do so.I feel _____ ________ to do so.6. His maths has improved greatly.He _____ _____ _____ ______ in maths.7. In the year from 1930 to 1939, he wrote hundreds of short stories._____ _____ _____ , he wrote hundreds of short shories.8. Pick out what you like from these.______ what you like from these.9. Take it easy. Everything will get on well._____ _____ _____ it. Everything will get on well.10. I spent two weeks in writing the article._____ _____ _____ two weeks _____ _____ the articles.11. Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.Tom couldn't work out the problem. _____ _____ _____.12. Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school._____ _____ at the gate of the school _____ Jenny picked up the wallet.13. I know nothing about the matter.I don't know the matter _____ _____.14. He wanted to see the words clearly, so he stood on the bench.He stood on the bench _____ _____ _____ see the words clearly.15. We have made up our minds to work harder this year.We have _______ to work harder this year.16. The two balls hit the ground together.The two balls hit the ground _____ _____ _____ _____.17. Did you have a good time at the ball?Did you _____ ______ at the ball?18. You had better break away from smoking.You had better _____ _____ smoking.19. His whole school education added up to only two years.His whole school education added up to _____ _____ _____ two years.20. The group was set up in 1980.The group was _______ in 1980.答案:1. such a lovely girl that / so lovely a girl that2. arrive in3. following months4. in his twenties5. it important6. has made great progress7. In the 1930's8. Choose 9. Don't worry about10. It took me...to write 11. Nor / Neither could Jack.12. It was ... that 13. at all14. in order to / so as to 15. decided16. at the same time 17. enjoy yourself18. give up 19. No more than20. founded第四组1. What do you usually do when you are free?What do you usually do _____ _____ _____ _____?2. He took an active part in sports when he was a child.He _____ _____ _____ sports _____ _____ ______.3. I have ten yuan with me in all.All my money with me _____ _____ _____ ten yuan.4. The war lasted four years before the North won.The war didn't _____ _____ the North won four years later.5. I like music most in my spare time.I like music _____ than _____ _____ in my spare time.6. Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.The work is ______ _____ Mr Zhang.7. Wind is invisible to us.Wind can't ______ _____ by us.8. I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I _____ _____ _____ know who won the final game.9. I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.I will _____ the windows _____ this afternoon.10. After he undressed himself, we dressed him in a new suit.After he _____ _____ his old clothes, we _____ _____ a new suit for him.11. She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.The book was so _____ that she read it _____ _____ _____.12. My aunt wears a new skirt today.My aunt _____ a new skirt _____ today.13. The boss treated the workers cruelly.The boss _____ _____ _____ the workers.14. He read and read without stopping till he went to sleep.He _____ _____ _____ till he went to sleep.15. What pleased her was that she found the lost money._____ _____ _____, she found the lost money.16. The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.The girl _____ _____ is a nurse.17. The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.The nurse is feeding _____ _____ the baby.18. She has been away from home for ten years.It _____ _____ _____ since she _____ home.19. The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.It _____ _____ _____ that the foreign friend _____ _____ to our school tomorrow.20. He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.He couldn't help crying _____ _____ _____ the photo答案:1. in your spare time2. was active in ... in his childhood.3. adds up to4. end until/stop until5. better ... anything else / other things6. unfit for7. be seen8. was eager to 9. have ... cleaned10. took off ... put on11. interesting ... all the night / throughout the night / all night long12. has ... on 13. was cruel to14. went on reading / kept on reading / didn't stop reading15. To her pleasure 16. in red17. milk to 18. is ten years ... left19. is said ... will come/is coming20. when he saw第五组1. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.Crusoe stared at the footprint, _____ _____ fear.2. The dog died. This made him very sad._____ the dog died made him very sad.3. All the doctors can not perform such an operation._____ _____ the doctors can perform such an operation.4. Both of them are not good students._____ of the two is a good student.5. They are mostly teachers._____ _____ _____ are teachers.6. Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.Fujian is _____ _____ Zhejiang on the north.7. Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.Suddenly she _____ _____ _____.8. All the boys don't like football._____ _____ _____ _____ like football.9. Shanghai is the largest city in China.Shanghai is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in China. 10. Mary was late, which made her teacher very angry.Mary was late _____ _____ _____ her teacher very angry. 11. Paper is made from wood.Wood _____ _____ _____ _____ paper.12. Li Wei is shorter than Tom.Tom is _____ _____ _____ the two.13. He did what he could do to calm her.He _____ _____ _____ to _____ her calm.14. "I don't want to be examined." he answered.He answered that he _____ want any ______.15. We did the experiment in this lab yesterday._____ _____ in this lab _____ we did the experiment yesterday.16. The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.The accident ______ me _____ _____ there in time.17. She has nothing to do with the matter.She is _____ _____ _____ the matter.18. The old woman lived happily.The old woman _____ _____ _____ life.19. The only thing I could do was to apologize to her.I could do _____ _____ _____ to her.20. It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.It is _____ _____ _____ that animal hibernates in winter.答案:1. filled with2. That3. Not all4. One5. Most of them6. joined to7. cried out angrily8. Not all the boys/Some of the boys9. larger than any other city 10. and it made11. can be made into 12. the taller of13. tried/did his best ... make14. didn't ... examination 15. It was ... that16. prevented/kept/stopped ... from arriving17. not connected with 18. led a happy19. nothing but apologize 20. in this way第六组1. After graduation, he went to work on a farm.After _____ _____ , he went to work on a farm.2. When he was a child of eight, he learned to write poems._____ _____ _____ of eight, he learned to write poems.3. I have mastered English by learning it all by myself._____ _____ _____ English I have mastered it.4. He has the habit of running in the morning.He is _____ _____ running in the morning.5. Why did she lose interest in music?Why was she _____ _____ in music?6. The secret was disclosed only in 1975.Only in 1975 _____ the secret _____.7. Einstein cared little for money, so he was poor.Einstein could _____ _____ _____ if he _____ _____ much for money.8. Walking early in the morning will benefit you.Walking early in the morning will _____ _____ _____.9. The farm is his.The farm _____ _____ _____.10. The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed.The teacher _____ _____ _____ our noble deed.11. The imposter seemed anxious to leave.____ _____ _____ the imposter _____ _____ to leave.12. They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.They would like to watch TV at home _____ _____ goingto the cinema.13. People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man._____ _____ people act as foolishly as a blind man.14. The meeting is very important.The meeting _____ _____ _____.15. He is given practice in playing tennis every day.He _____ _____ tennis every day.16. He was afraid that his father would punish him.He was afraid of _____ _____ _____ his father.17. The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.The teacher would _____ _____ _____ on the text.18. Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?Why did Tom _____ _____ yesterday?19. I found the lost child while I was walking home.I found the lost child _____ _____ _____ _____.20. I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.I was thinking of this when I heard _____ _____ my name.答案:1. he graduated2. At the age3. By teaching myself4. used to5. not interested6. was ... disclosed7. have been rich ... had cared8. do you good9. belongs to him 10. thought highly of 11. It seemed that ... was anxious 12. instead of 13. At times 14. of great importance 15. practices playing 16. being punished by17. question the boys 18. play truant 19. on my way home 20. someone call第七组1. I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.I stood at my bench and _____ _____ _____ my head.2. There is something wrong with your machine. Have you asked somebodyto repair it for you?There is something wrong with your machine. Have you _____ _____ _____ ?3. I want to start the machine. Please show me the way.Please show me _____ to _____ the machine.4. The huge stone is very heavy. We can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ we can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ _____ _____ lift.5. She bought an old bike from Mary.Mary _____ an old bike _____ her.6. Stone will not catch fire.Stone will not ______.7. May I give it back later?May I _____ it later?8. I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way _____ _____ to _____ _____ school on time.9. It began to rain as soon as I got home._____ _____ I got home, it began to rain.10. I want to speak to you for a short while.I want to _____ _____ _____ _____ you.11. The teacher asked me to say it again.The teacher asked me to _____ it.12. John's workmates were all friendly to him.John's workmates all _____ _____ _____ _____ him.13. There is no water or air on the moon.There is _____ water on the moon, and there is no air,_____.14. You are not wrong. I am not wrong, either._____ you _____ I _____ wrong.15. If he had hurried, he would have caught the train.He _____ _____ _____, so he _____ the train.16. The child filled the bag with apples.The bag _____ _____ of apples.17. He didn't need to worry about his life.It _____ unnecessary _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ his life.18. What rapid progress Marx made.How rapidly _____ _____ _____.19. They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.They insisted _____ _____ _____ _____ the hands at the time.20. But for your help, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.If you _____ _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon._____ you _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.答案:1. dare not lift2. had it repaired3. how ... start4. so ... that // too ... for us to5. sold ... to6. Burn7. return8. so as ... get to9. The moment 10. have a word with 11. repeat 12. got along well with 13. no ... either 14. Neither ... nor ... am 15. did not hurry ... missed 16. was full 17. was...for him to worry about 18. Marx made progress19. on our holding out 20. hadn't helped // Hadn't ... helped第八组1. He joined the army ten years ago._____ _____ ten years ago _____ he joined the army._____ _____ ten years _____ he joined the army.He _____ _____ in the army for ten years.Ten years ______ _____ _____ he joined the army.2. We study not only Chinese but also English.We study English _____ _____ _____ Chinese.We study English and Chinese _____ _____._____ Chinese, we also study English.We study _____ Chinese _____ English.We study Chinese, and English,______.3. Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.Would you mind _____ _____ _____ to a place of safety?4. Once I hear from him, I'll let you know._____ _____ _____ I hear from him, I'll let you know.5. It's time to do our homework.It's time _____ our homework.It's time we _____ our homework.6. Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ _____ until you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ till you came.7. The announcement is worthy of being studied.The announcement is worthy _____ _____ _____.The announcement is worth _____.8. Though he is a child, he knows a lot._____ as _____ _____ , he knows a lot.9. I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.I suggested that _____ _____ _____ the picnic on Sunday.10. Our professor came into the room with a book under his arm._____ _____ _____ , our professor came into the room.11. If you heat water to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C _____ you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually.12. Though it rained heavily, the students still ran round the playground._____ _____ _____ the heavy rain, the students still ran round the playground.No matter _____ _____ it rained, the students still ran round the playground.13. We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing._____ _____ we _____ him to do such a stupid thing.14. Jane is an eight-year-old girl.Jane is a girl of _____ _____ _____.15. This is the cheapest one.This is the least _____ one.16. If you drive the car fast, you'll probably meet with an accident.The _____ you drive the car, _____ _____ _____ you'll meet with an accident.17. He may come and help you this evening.He _____ _____ _____ come and help you this evening.It _____ _____ he will come and help you this evening. 18. Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.Mum left her _____ _____ a little needle thread bag.19. You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now._____ _____ ,_____ you will miss the plane._____ you _____ hurry up, you won't _____ the plane. 20. It is said that John is a very honest man.John _____ _____ _____ _____ a very honest man答案:1. It was ... that // It is ... since // has been // have passed since2. as well as // as well // Besides // both ...and // too3. my taking it4. As soon as5. for // did6. didn't stop talking // kept talking7. to be studied // studying 8. Child ... he is9. we call off 10. Book under arm11. Heat water // Heating water12. In spite of // how heavily13. Never have ... permitted 14. eight years old15. expensive 16. faster ... the more probably17. is likely to // seems that 18. nothing but19. Hurry up ... or // If ... don't ... catch20. is said to be。
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中考英语同义句转换专练附答案HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】第一组1. This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house _____ _____ Zunyi Meeting was held.2. There are shops on both sides of the street.There are shops on _____ _____ of the street.3. If there were no water, there would be no life._____ _____, there would be no life.4. Shall we begin our meeting?_____ _____ our meeting, shall we?5. The church standing on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.The church _____ _____ on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.6. Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework _____ _____ _____ Peter.7. The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl _____ _____ _____ touch the dog.8. All the answers are right._____ _____ _____ answers is wrong.9. They made him sell his house contrary to his will.He _____ _____ _____ sell his house contrary to his will.10. She seldom goes out in the evening._____ _____ _____ go out in the evening.11. He has been away from his home town for five years._____ _____ five years _____ he left his home town.12. He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up hisroommates._____ _____ _____ wake up his roommates, he took off his shoes. 13. "Will you please speak louder" she said to him.She _____ _____ _____ speak louder.14. We put off the outing because of the weather._____ _____ because of the weather _____ we put off the outing.15. He insisted that she join us in the game.He insisted _____ _____ _____ us in the game.16. While he was running downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher._____ _____ ________ , Li Ming knocked into his teacher.17. Isn't he clever?_____ _____ _____ man he is.18. I regretted having told her the news.I wish I _____ _____ _____ her the news.19. The article needs shortening.The article needs _____ _____ ________.20. As she was tired with walking, the old woman sat down to have a rest. _____ _____ _____, the old woman sat down to have a rest答案:1. in which2. each side3. Without water4. Let's begin5.that stands 6. as carefully as 7. doesn't dare to 8. None of the 9. was made to 10. Seldom does she 11. Itis ... since 12. Not wanting to 13. asked him to 14. It was ... that 15. on her joining 16. While running downstairs17. What a clever 18. had not told 19. to be shortened20. Tired with walking第二组1. We all know that the earth is round._____ _____ _____ to all, the earth is round.2. Being a learned man, Professor Lin is respected by all his students._____ _____ _____ a learned man, all the students respect him.3. I didn't know his address, so I didn't write to him.If I had known his address, I _____ _____ _____ to him.4. I want to see the play too._____ _____ _____ see the play too.5. I had never seen him before , so I did not recognize him._____ _____ _____ him before, I did not recognize him.6. Shall we have a break?_____ _____ _____ a break?7. She is too young to understand all this.She _____ _____ _____ to understand all this.8. He must have passed the exam.He could _____ _____ _____ in the exam.9. Her mother is famous singer, and she is proud of it.She is proud of _____ _____ _____ a famous singer.10. This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one.This piece of cloth is three times _____ _____ _____ that one.11. He passed by, but he didn't notice me.He passed by _____ _____ _____ .12. I had hardly come in when the telephone rang._____ _____ _____ I come in _____ the telephone rang.13. He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger _____ _____ _____ _____ in the class.14. Be careful, or you'll get hurt._____ _____ _____ _____ , you will get hurt.15. New York is more modern than London.London _____ _____ _____ _____ New York.16. This story isn't interesting. Nor is that one.This story is _____ _____ ______ _____ that one.17. Both his parents are from Guangdong.His father is from Guangdong and _____ _____ _____ _____. 18. It is said that he has invented a new machine.He _____ _____ _____ _____ invented a new machine.19. We didn't stop talking until he returned.We _____ _____ _____ until he returned.20. He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.He was _____ _____ ______ to lift the box.答案:1. As is known2. Professor Lin being3. would have written4. I'd like to5. Never having seen6. What about having7. isn't old enough8. not have failed9. her mother being 10. the length of 11. without noticing me 12. No sooner had...than13. than any other boy 14. If you aren't careful / Unless you are careful15. is less modern than / isn't as modern as 16. no more interesting than17. so is his mother 18. is said to have 19. kept on talking / went on talking20. not strong enough第三组1. She is a lovely girl. They all like to play with her.She is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ they all like to play with her.2. When did Marx get to London?When did Marx _____ _____ London?3. In the months that followed, they worked much harder at English.In the _____ _____ , they worked much harder at English.4. Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.Our teacher began to write articles _____ _____ _____.5. I feel that it is important to do so.I feel _____ ________ to do so.6. His maths has improved greatly.He _____ _____ _____ ______ in maths.7. In the year from 1930 to 1939, he wrote hundreds of short stories._____ _____ _____ , he wrote hundreds of short shories.8. Pick out what you like from these.______ what you like from these.9. Take it easy. Everything will get on well._____ _____ _____ it. Everything will get on well.10. I spent two weeks in writing the article._____ _____ _____ two weeks _____ _____ the articles.11. Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.Tom couldn't work out the problem. _____ _____ _____.12. Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school._____ _____ at the gate of the school _____ Jenny picked up the wallet.13. I know nothing about the matter.I don't know the matter _____ _____.14. He wanted to see the words clearly, so he stood on the bench.He stood on the bench _____ _____ _____ see the words clearly.15. We have made up our minds to work harder this year.We have _______ to work harder this year.16. The two balls hit the ground together.The two balls hit the ground _____ _____ _____ _____.17. Did you have a good time at the ball?Did you _____ ______ at the ball?18. You had better break away from smoking.You had better _____ _____ smoking.19. His whole school education added up to only two years.His whole school education added up to _____ _____ _____ two years.20. The group was set up in 1980.The group was _______ in 1980.答案:1. such a lovely girl that / so lovely a girl that2. arrive in3. following months4. in his twenties5. it important6. has made great progress7. In the 1930's8. Choose 9. Don't worry about10. It took me...to write 11. Nor / Neither could Jack.12. It was ... that 13. at all14. in order to / so as to 15. decided16. at the same time 17. enjoy yourself18. give up 19. No more than20. founded第四组1. What do you usually do when you are free?What do you usually do _____ _____ _____ _____2. He took an active part in sports when he was a child.He _____ _____ _____ sports _____ _____ ______.3. I have ten yuan with me in all.All my money with me _____ _____ _____ ten yuan.4. The war lasted four years before the North won.The war didn't _____ _____ the North won four years later.5. I like music most in my spare time.I like music _____ than _____ _____ in my spare time.6. Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.The work is ______ _____ Mr Zhang.7. Wind is invisible to us.Wind can't ______ _____ by us.8. I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I _____ _____ _____ know who won the final game.9. I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.I will _____ the windows _____ this afternoon.10. After he undressed himself, we dressed him in a new suit.After he _____ _____ his old clothes, we _____ _____ a new suit for him.11. She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.The book was so _____ that she read it _____ _____ _____.12. My aunt wears a new skirt today.My aunt _____ a new skirt _____ today.13. The boss treated the workers cruelly.The boss _____ _____ _____ the workers.14. He read and read without stopping till he went to sleep.He _____ _____ _____ till he went to sleep.15. What pleased her was that she found the lost money._____ _____ _____, she found the lost money.16. The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.The girl _____ _____ is a nurse.17. The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.The nurse is feeding _____ _____ the baby.18. She has been away from home for ten years.It _____ _____ _____ since she _____ home.19. The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.It _____ _____ _____ that the foreign friend _____ _____ to our school tomorrow.20. He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.He couldn't help crying _____ _____ _____ the photo答案:1. in your spare time2. was active in ... in his childhood.3. adds up to4. end until/stop until5. better ... anything else / other things6. unfit for7. be seen8. was eager to 9. have ... cleaned10. took off ... put on11. interesting ... all the night / throughout the night / all night long12. has ... on 13. was cruel to14. went on reading / kept on reading / didn't stop reading15. To her pleasure 16. in red17. milk to 18. is ten years ... left19. is said ... will come/is coming20. when he saw第五组1. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.Crusoe stared at the footprint, _____ _____ fear.2. The dog died. This made him very sad._____ the dog died made him very sad.3. All the doctors can not perform such an operation._____ _____ the doctors can perform such an operation.4. Both of them are not good students._____ of the two is a good student.5. They are mostly teachers._____ _____ _____ are teachers.6. Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.Fujian is _____ _____ Zhejiang on the north.7. Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.Suddenly she _____ _____ _____.8. All the boys don't like football._____ _____ _____ _____ like football.9. Shanghai is the largest city in China.Shanghai is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in China.10. Mary was late, which made her teacher very angry.Mary was late _____ _____ _____ her teacher very angry.11. Paper is made from wood.Wood _____ _____ _____ _____ paper.12. Li Wei is shorter than Tom.Tom is _____ _____ _____ the two.13. He did what he could do to calm her.He _____ _____ _____ to _____ her calm.14. "I don't want to be examined." he answered.He answered that he _____ want any ______.15. We did the experiment in this lab yesterday._____ _____ in this lab _____ we did the experiment yesterday.16. The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.The accident ______ me _____ _____ there in time.17. She has nothing to do with the matter.She is _____ _____ _____ the matter.18. The old woman lived happily.The old woman _____ _____ _____ life.19. The only thing I could do was to apologize to her.I could do _____ _____ _____ to her.20. It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.It is _____ _____ _____ that animal hibernates in winter.答案:1. filled with2. That3. Not all4. One5. Most of them6. joined to7. cried out angrily8. Not all the boys/Some of the boys9. larger than any other city 10. and it made11. can be made into 12. the taller of13. tried/did his best ... make14. didn't ... examination 15. It was ... that16. prevented/kept/stopped ... from arriving17. not connected with 18. led a happy19. nothing but apologize 20. in this way第六组1. After graduation, he went to work on a farm.After _____ _____ , he went to work on a farm.2. When he was a child of eight, he learned to write poems. _____ _____ _____ of eight, he learned to write poems.3. I have mastered English by learning it all by myself._____ _____ _____ English I have mastered it.4. He has the habit of running in the morning.He is _____ _____ running in the morning.5. Why did she lose interest in music?Why was she _____ _____ in music?6. The secret was disclosed only in 1975.Only in 1975 _____ the secret _____.7. Einstein cared little for money, so he was poor.Einstein could _____ _____ _____ if he _____ _____ much for money.8. Walking early in the morning will benefit you.Walking early in the morning will _____ _____ _____.9. The farm is his.The farm _____ _____ _____.10. The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed.The teacher _____ _____ _____ our noble deed.11. The imposter seemed anxious to leave.____ _____ _____ the imposter _____ _____ to leave.12. They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. They would like to watch TV at home _____ _____ goingto the cinema.13. People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man._____ _____ people act as foolishly as a blind man.14. The meeting is very important.The meeting _____ _____ _____.15. He is given practice in playing tennis every day.He _____ _____ tennis every day.16. He was afraid that his father would punish him.He was afraid of _____ _____ _____ his father.17. The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.The teacher would _____ _____ _____ on the text.18. Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?Why did Tom _____ _____ yesterday?19. I found the lost child while I was walking home.I found the lost child _____ _____ _____ _____.20. I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.I was thinking of this when I heard _____ _____ my name.答案:1. he graduated2. At the age3. By teaching myself4. used to5. not interested6. was ... disclosed7. have been rich ... had cared8. do you good9. belongs to him 10. thought highly of 11. It seemed that ... was anxious 12. instead of13. At times 14. of great importance 15. practices playing 16. being punished by17. question the boys 18. play truant 19. on my way home 20. someone call第七组1. I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.I stood at my bench and _____ _____ _____ my head.2. There is something wrong with your machine. Have you asked somebodyto repair it for you?There is something wrong with your machine. Have you _____ _____ _____3. I want to start the machine. Please show me the way.Please show me _____ to _____ the machine.4. The huge stone is very heavy. We can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ we can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ _____ _____ lift.5. She bought an old bike from Mary.Mary _____ an old bike _____ her.6. Stone will not catch fire.Stone will not ______.7. May I give it back later?May I _____ it later?8. I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way _____ _____ to _____ _____ school on time.9. It began to rain as soon as I got home._____ _____ I got home, it began to rain.10. I want to speak to you for a short while.I want to _____ _____ _____ _____ you.11. The teacher asked me to say it again.The teacher asked me to _____ it.12. John's workmates were all friendly to him.John's workmates all _____ _____ _____ _____ him.13. There is no water or air on the moon.There is _____ water on the moon, and there is no air,_____.14. You are not wrong. I am not wrong, either._____ you _____ I _____ wrong.15. If he had hurried, he would have caught the train.He _____ _____ _____, so he _____ the train.16. The child filled the bag with apples.The bag _____ _____ of apples.17. He didn't need to worry about his life.It _____ unnecessary _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ his life. 18. What rapid progress Marx made.How rapidly _____ _____ _____.19. They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.They insisted _____ _____ _____ _____ the hands at the time. 20. But for your help, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.If you _____ _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon._____ you _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.答案:1. dare not lift2. had it repaired3. how ... start4. so ... that . for us to5. sold ... to6. Burn7. return8. so as ... get to9. The moment 10. have a word with 11. repeat 12. got along well with13. no ... either 14. Neither ... nor ... am 15. did not hurry ... missed 16. was full17. was...for him to worry about 18. Marx made progress19. on our holding out 20. hadn't helped . helped第八组1. He joined the army ten years ago._____ _____ ten years ago _____ he joined the army._____ _____ ten years _____ he joined the army.He _____ _____ in the army for ten years.Ten years ______ _____ _____ he joined the army.2. We study not only Chinese but also English.We study English _____ _____ _____ Chinese.We study English and Chinese _____ _____._____ Chinese, we also study English.We study _____ Chinese _____ English.We study Chinese, and English,______.3. Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.Would you mind _____ _____ _____ to a place of safety?4. Once I hear from him, I'll let you know._____ _____ _____ I hear from him, I'll let you know.5. It's time to do our homework.It's time _____ our homework.It's time we _____ our homework.6. Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ _____ until you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ till you came.7. The announcement is worthy of being studied.The announcement is worthy _____ _____ _____.The announcement is worth _____.8. Though he is a child, he knows a lot._____ as _____ _____ , he knows a lot.9. I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.I suggested that _____ _____ _____ the picnic on Sunday.10. Our professor came into the room with a book under his arm._____ _____ _____ , our professor came into the room.11. If you heat water to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C _____ you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually.12. Though it rained heavily, the students still ran round the playground._____ _____ _____ the heavy rain, the students still ran round the playground.No matter _____ _____ it rained, the students still ran round the playground.13. We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing._____ _____ we _____ him to do such a stupid thing.14. Jane is an eight-year-old girl.Jane is a girl of _____ _____ _____.15. This is the cheapest one.This is the least _____ one.16. If you drive the car fast, you'll probably meet with an accident.The _____ you drive the car, _____ _____ _____ you'llmeet with an accident.17. He may come and help you this evening.He _____ _____ _____ come and help you this evening.It _____ _____ he will come and help you this evening.18. Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.Mum left her _____ _____ a little needle thread bag.19. You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now._____ _____ ,_____ you will miss the plane._____ you _____ hurry up, you won't _____ the plane.20. It is said that John is a very honest man.John _____ _____ _____ _____ a very honest man答案:1. It was ... that . since as well as .and my taking it 4. As soon as5. for didn't stop talking to be studied Child ... he is9. we call off 10. Book under arm11. Heat water In spite of Never have ... permitted 14. eight years old 15. expensive 16. faster ... the more probably17. is likely to nothing but19. Hurry up ... or . don't ... catch20. is said to be。