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摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

引言 (3)

第一章绪论 (4)

1.1 本设计的基本内容 (4)

1.1.1 工程概况 (4)

1.1.2 设计依据 (4)

1.1.3 设计原则 (4)

1.1.4 主要设计内容 (4)

1.2 设计目的 (5)

1.3 设计意义 (5)

第二章负荷计算 (6)

2.1 基本气象参数 (6)

2.1.1 夏季参数 (6)

2.1.2 冬季参数 (6)

2.2 室内设计参数 (6)

2.3 建筑结构组成及传热系数 (6)

2.4 负荷计算 (7)

2.4.1 冷、湿负荷的概念 (7)

2.4.2 冷负荷的计算方法 (7)

2.4.3 湿负荷计算 (10)

2.4.4 计算实例 (11)

2.4.5 其余各层负荷计算结果 (17)

2.4.6 冬季热负荷估算 (26)

第三章空调系统计算 (28)

3.1 空调系统的分类 (28)

3.2 空调系统的划分 (28)

3.3 空调系统的选择 (29)

3.4 空调系统计算 (29)

3.4.1 计算实例 (29)

3.4.2 其余各房间计算结果 (30)

3.5 空气处理设备的选择 (31)

3.5.1 风机盘管的选择 (31)

3.5.2 新风机组的选择 (32)

3.6 排风方式的确定 (33)

3.7 送风方式的确定 (33)

第四章空调风系统的设计 (35)

4.1 风管管径的确定 (35)

4.2 最不利管路校核 (37)

第五章空调水系统的设计 (38)

5.1 水系统方案的确定 (38)

5.2 水系统计算 (38)

5.3 水环路水利平衡计算 (43)

第六章冷冻机房设计 (45)

6.1 空调冷源的确定 (45)

6.2 冷冻水泵的配置与选择 (45)

6.3 冷却水泵的配置与选择 (46)

6.3.1 冷却水系统水力计算 (46)

6.3.2 冷却水泵选型 (47)

6.4 冷却塔选型 (47)

6.5 补水系统设计 (48)

6.6 其它设备、附件选择 (48)

6.6.1 膨胀水箱 (48)

6.6.2 分水器、集水器 (49)

6.6.3 除污器、Y 型过滤器 (49)

6.6.4 阀门 (49)

6.6.5 压力表、温度计、软接头 (50)

第七章管道保温与系统消声减震设计 (51)

7.1 管道保温 (51)

7.2 消声设计 (51)

7.3 减震设计 (51)

结论 (53)

致谢 (54)

参考文献 (55)





关键词: 宾馆空调系统风管水管

The design of air-conditioning system of a hotel in Beijing

Abstract In recent years China's economy is booming, yet environment has been serious problem. Consumers expect better indoor temperature, cleanliness, moderate, etc. In this context, the relevant departments are paying more attention to whether energy is made efficiently use of and whether equipments are reasonably arranged. In recent years, the related fields gradually implement national energy conservation policy. Therefore, design of the air conditioning system becomes particularly important. The design is a central air-conditioning system in Beijing. The main content of the design are: cooling load calculation, heat load calculation, calculation of fresh air, duct pipe layout and select and computing of related equipment. Finally, the air-conditioning system needs a design of equipment silencer, shock, and thermal insulation. Graduation can let we know relevant manuals and master the basic steps of air conditioning system design and related formulas and tables. Concepts of design have been strengthened, and it lays a solid foundation for future work. Therefore, the air- conditioning system design for comfort, environmental protection has huge significance and far-reaching impact.

Keywords: Hotel air-conditioning system air tube water tube
