


























本文将介绍几种常见的WiFi认证方案,包括预共享密钥(PSK)认证、802.1X认证和Captive Portal(通知门户)认证。







802.1X认证802.1X认证是一种基于IEEE 802.1X标准的WiFi认证方式。







Captive Portal认证Captive Portal(通知门户)认证是一种常见的WiFi认证方式,常用于公共场所和商业场所。

在Captive Portal认证中,用户首先通过无线网络连接到一个特定的门户页面,然后需要提供身份信息或进行其他认证操作,才能获得网络访问权限。

Captive Portal通过重定向用户的网络流量到认证页面,实现了对用户的认证和限制。


cisco meraki 产品介绍与技术原理 PPT

cisco meraki 产品介绍与技术原理 PPT

技术原理 与其他AP对比
R2, 2012 Windows Phone 8.1
云管理平台对所接入AP的数量无限制,每新增一台AP,只需将AP连接至云管理平台, 无需另外配置
客户的数据至少在三个数据中心备份 meraki的云管理平台是大规模的分布式架构,提供冗余链路 即便断开与网络的连接,meraki所管理的无线网络仍然能够连接上网
技术原理—CMX(Connected Mobile Experences)
cmx api
利用cmx 位置分析能够为管理者提供wifi用户的实时位置统计信息和报告
1 通过扫描probe request和802.11数据包来检测开启wifi的设备
iphone设备, 没有连接到互 联网
可以看到: 使用者名称 使用的应用类型 使用者的操作系统或者设备 使用者所使用的流量
• meraki根据ip地址,主机名以及端口号范围来确定应用类型 • 对于p2p类型应用流量的分类,采用的方法是:识别到在一系列浮动的ip地址中
的简短的tcp会话( recognizes short TCP sessions across a fleeting range of IP addresses),就可以识别p2p应用 • 可以使用dscp或者pcp协议给不同应用的流量打标签,从而可以使用qos对用户 使用不同的应用进行限制或者限速 • 用户所使用应用的流量分析和配置信息等将会和网络管理数据一起上传到云管 理中心
技术原理—Air Marshal
2 预防机制:air marshal ap具备识别非授权ap的功能,这样可以使 得网络管理者在客户连接上这些非授权ap前,采用物理措施移除这些非 授权ap。具体实现如下:










三、常用认证技术1. WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)WEP是最早被广泛应用的无线网络加密标准。



2. WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access)WPA是WEP的升级版,通过动态密钥生成和分发的方式,增强了网络的安全性。

WPA可以使用预共享密钥(PSK)或802.1X/EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)进行认证。


3. WPA2(Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)WPA2是WPA的改进版,采用更加安全的加密算法来保护数据传输的安全性。

WPA2使用更强大的加密算法,如AES(Advanced Encryption Standard),对无线网络进行加密和身份验证。

四、部署方案1. 认证服务器搭建无线认证解决方案需要建立一个认证服务器来处理用户认证请求。


2. 用户身份认证用户可以通过多种方式进行身份认证,如用户名和密码、数字证书、一次性密码等。



Cisco Systems, Inc. |
应用优化 安全连接
MX64W 和 MX65W 紧密集成了 Cisco Meraki 屡获大奖的无线技术和 强大的MX网络安全特性,是分支机构或小型企业的理想选择。
• 双频段 802.11n/ac,2x2 双重空间串流 MIMO • 统一管理网络安全和无线技术 • 内置企业安全性和访客访问
Z系列 Telecommuter Gateway
Z系列 Telecommuter Gateway(远程办公网关)Cisco Meraki 控制面 板和基于远端的集中管理延伸至在家办公的IT员工和管理人员。 借助 Cisco Meraki Auto VPN 专利技术,管理员可一键将 VoIP、 远程 桌面(RDP)等网络服务延伸至远端员工,提供有线和无线访问,并通 过7层流量整形和优先级划分提高最终用户的生产力。 • 2 x 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2.4GHz or 5GHz) 射频,2x2 双重空间串
• 内置DHCP、NAT、QoS和VLAN管理服务。
• Web缓存:加快常用内容的访问速度。
• 负载均衡:将多条WAN链路整合为一个高速接口,并提供QoS、流 量整形和故障切换策略。
• 智能连接监测:自动检测2层和3层中断,并进行快速故障切换,包 括3G/4G USB调制解调器。
MX65 和 MX65W 包含两个 802.3at(PoE+)端口。此项内置供电能力 无需额外硬件即可为重要的分支机构设备供电。 • 两个 802.3at(PoE+)端口共可提供60W电力 • 可为 AP、话机、摄像头以及其它支持 PoE 的设备供电,不需要






一、无线WiFi的身份认证1. 基本概念与原理身份认证是指验证用户身份的过程,无线WiFi的身份认证主要通过以下几种方式实现:- 密码认证:用户需输入预先设定的密码才能连接无线网络,通常用于家庭和小型企业网络。

- MAC位置区域过滤:路由器通过筛选设备的MAC位置区域来确认合法连接,但该方法相对容易被绕过。

- 802.1X认证:采用EAP-TLS、EAP-TTLS等协议进行身份验证,保障了数据传输的安全性。

2. 安全风险及解决办法密码泄露、MAC位置区域伪造等风险可能导致未授权用户接入网络,因此需要采取一些措施加强身份认证的安全性:- 强化密码策略,使用复杂密码并定期更换。

- 定期更新路由器固件,以修复已知的漏洞。

- 配置访客网络,将来访者与内部网络隔离,降低风险。

二、日志审计措施1. 日志审计的重要性日志审计是网络安全的重要组成部分,通过记录网络活动,可以及时发现异常行为并追踪安全事件的发生和演变过程。


2. 实施日志审计的方法- 收集日志信息:无线路由器、接入点等设备可以记录用户的连接情况、数据传输情况等信息。

- 日志存储和备份:将日志信息存储在安全的地方,并定期进行备份,以防止数据的丢失和篡改。

- 日志分析和报告:通过日志分析软件对日志信息进行分析,及时发现异常情况并生成报告。









二、无线网络接入认证的方式1. 密码认证:用户通过输入预设的密码来进行身份验证。


2. MAC地址认证:基于设备物理地址进行认证,只允许预先设定的特定设备接入网络。


3. 证书认证:基于安装在设备上的数字证书进行身份验证,提高了认证的可靠性和安全性。


4. EAP认证:使用扩展认证协议(EAP)进行认证,支持多种认证方法,如EAP-TLS、EAP-PEAP等。


三、权限管理1. 角色分配:根据用户职责和身份,分配不同的角色,如管理员、普通用户等,为每个角色分配相应的权限。

2. 权限控制:确定不同用户所能进行的操作和访问的资源范围。


3. 安全策略:设置安全策略以控制用户的访问行为,如限制访问时间、限制流量、禁止某些特定操作等。

4. 审计与日志管理:记录用户的网络访问行为和活动,对异常行为进行监控和审计,并保留相应的日志用于溯源和追责。

四、无线网络接入认证与权限管理技术的安全性1. 防止未经授权的接入:通过认证和权限管理技术,只允许合法用户接入网络,有效减少了未经授权的接入风险。






1. 前端用户界面:用户界面可以通过手机、电脑等终端进行访问,提供用户注册、登录、密码找回、认证状态查看等功能。


2. 后台认证服务器:后台认证服务器是整个系统的核心部分,主要负责用户认证、用户信息管理、接入控制、流量计费等功能。


3. 接入设备:接入设备是WiFi热点的核心组成部分,如路由器、交换机等。


二、系统功能设计1. 用户认证:用户首次使用WiFi时,需要进行认证才能获得网络访问权限。



2. 用户信息管理:后台认证服务器应能够对用户信息进行管理,包括用户注册信息、设备信息、认证记录等。


3. 接入控制:后台认证服务器可以根据用户身份和权限进行接入控制,包括黑白名单控制、时段控制、流量控制等。


4. 认证状态查看:用户可以通过用户界面查看自己的认证状态,包括认证剩余时间、认证流量、消费记录等。


5. 流量计费:后台认证服务器可以实现用户流量计费功能,根据用户的网络使用情况对其进行计费。



cisco meraki 产品介绍
—by 梁晓宇
技术原理 与其他AP对比
ap自动从云管理 中心下载配置文 件
管理者只需登录meraki的管理界面,即可在云端配置AP,可以在多种平台管理无线 网络,目前支持的平台有: Apple iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone (iOS 5 or higher) Android (2.2 or higher), including Amazon’s Kindle Fire Mac OS X (10.5 or higher) Windows Pro 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Vista, XP (Service Pack 3 or higher), Server 2008,
技术原理—Air Marshal
2 预防机制:air marshal ap具备识别非授权ap的功能,这样可以使 得网络管理者在客户连接上这些非授权ap前,采用物理措施移除这些非 授权ap。具体实现如下:
产生大量这 三种类型的 数据包,用 来冒充非授 权ap,从而 迫使已经连 接上非授权 ap的客户 断开与其连 接
可以看到: 使用者名称 使用的应用类型 使用者的操作系统或者设备 使用者所使用的流量
• meraki根据ip地址,主机名以及端口号范围来确定应用类型 • 对于p2p类型应用流量的分类,采用的方法是:识别到在一系列浮动的ip地址中
的简短的tcp会话( recognizes short TCP sessions across a fleeting range of IP addresses),就可以识别p2p应用 • 可以使用dscp或者pcp协议给不同应用的流量打标签,从而可以使用qos对用户 使用不同的应用进行限制或者限速 • 用户所使用应用的流量分析和配置信息等将会和网络管理数据一起上传到云管理 中心

Meraki MR66户外云管理无线局域网说明书

Meraki MR66户外云管理无线局域网说明书

The Meraki MR66 is an enterprise class, dual-concurrent 802.11n cloud managed accesspoint designed for high-density deployments in harsh outdoor locations and industrialindoor environments. The MR66 features dual-concurrent, dual-band operation andadvanced 802.11n technologies such as MIMO and beamforming, delivering the highcapacity, throughput and reliable coverage required by the most demanding businessapplications, even in harsh environments.MR66 and Meraki Cloud Management: A Powerful CombinationThe MR66 is managed via the Meraki cloud, with an intuitive browser-based interfacethat lets you get up and running quickly without training or certifications. Since theMR66 is self-configuring and managed over the web, it can even be deployed at aremote location without on-site IT staff.The MR66 is monitored 24x7 via the cloud, which delivers real-time alerts if your networkencounters problems. Remote diagnostics tools also enable real-time troubleshootingover the web.The MR66’s firmware is always kept up to date from the cloud. New features, bugfixes, and enhancements are delivered seamlessly over the web, so you never haveto manually download software updates or worry about missing security patches. Product Highlights• Ideal for outdoor and industrial indoor environments• Dual-concurrent 802.11n radios with up to 600 Mbps throughput • Point-to-point links with optional panel antennas • High performance multi-radiomesh routing• Layer 7 application fingerprintingand QoS• Built-in enterprise security, guestaccess, and NAC• Self-configuring, plug-and-playdeployment• Automatic cloud-based RF optimizationwith spectrum analysis• Real-time WIPS with Air Marshal802.11n Access PointRecommended Use CasesOutdoor coverage for high client density corporate campuses, educational institutions, and parks • Provide high-speed access to a large number of clients• Point-to-multi-point mesh Indoor coverage for industrial areas(e.g., warehouses, manufacturingfacilities)• Reliable coverage for scanner guns,security cameras, and POS devices• High speed-access for iPads, tabletsand laptopsZero-touch point-to-point• Build a long-distance bridge betweentwo networks• Extend hotspot networks via mesh whilesimultaneously serving clientsFeaturesDual enterprise class 802.11n radios, up to 600 MbpsThe MR66 features two powerful radios and advanced RF design for enhanced receive sensitivity. Combined with 802.11n technolo-gies including MIMO and beamforming, the MR66 delivers up to 600 Mbps throughput and up to 50% increased capacity compared to typical rugged enterprise-class 802.11g access points, meaning fewer access points are required for a given deployment. In addition, dual-concurrent 802.11n radios and band steering technology allow the MR66 to automatically serve legacy 802.11b/g clients using the 2.4 GHz radio and newer 802.11n clients using the 5 GHz radio, thus providing maximum speed to all clients.Rugged industrial designThe MR66 is designed and tested for salt spray, vibration, extreme thermal conditions, shock and dust and is IP67-rated, making it ideal for extreme environments. Despite its rugged design, MR66 has a low profile and is easy to deploy.Application-aware traffic shapingThe MR66 includes an integrated layer 7 packet inspection, classification, and control engine, enabling you to set QoS policies based on traffic type. Prioritize your mission critical applications, while setting limits on recreational traffic, e.g. peer-to-peer and video streaming.Automatic cloud-based RF optimization with spectrum analysisThe MR66’s sophisticated, automated RF optimization meansthat there is no need for the dedicated hardware or RF expertise typically required to tune a wireless network. An integrated spectrum analyzer monitors the airspace for neighboring WiFi devices as well as non-802.11 interference – microwave ovens, Bluetooth headsets, etc. The Meraki cloud then automatically optimizes the MR66’s chan-nel selection, transmit power, and client connection settings, provid-ing optimal performance even under challenging RF conditions. Integrated enterprise security and guest accessThe MR66 features integrated, easy-to-configure security technologies to provide secure connectivity for employees and guests alike. Advanced security features such as AES hardware-based encryption and WPA2-Enterprise authentication with 802.1X and Active Directory integration provide wire-like security with the convenience of wireless mobility. One-click guest isolation provides secure, Internet-only access for visitors. Our policy firewall (Identity Policy Manager) enables group or device-based, granular access policy control. PCI compliance reports check network settings against PCI requirements to simplify secure retail deployments. Secure wireless environments using Air MarshalMeraki wireless comes equipped with Air Marshal, a built-in wireless intrusion prevention system (WIPS) for threat detection and attack remediation. APs will scan their environment opportunistically or in real-time based on intuitive user-defined preferences. Alarms and auto-containment of malicious rogue APs are configured via flexible remediation policies, ensuring optimal security and performance in even the most challenging wireless environments.High performance meshThe MR66’s advanced mesh technologies like multi-channel routing protocols and multiple gateway support enable scalable, high throughput coverage of hard-to-wire areas with zero configuration. Mesh also improves network reliability - in the eventof a switch or cable failure, the MR66 will automatically revert to mesh mode, providing continued gateway connectivity to clients. Self-configuring, self-optimizing, self-healingWhen plugged in, the MR66 automatically connects to the Meraki cloud, downloads its configuration, and joins your network. It self optimizes, determining the ideal channel, transmit power, and client connection parameters. It also self heals, responding automatically to switch failures and other errors.Low profile, environmentally friendly designIn addition to eliminating excess packaging and documentation, 90% of the access point materials are recyclable. A maximum power draw of only 10.5 watts and a cloud-managed architecture mean that pollution, material utilization and your electric bill arekept to a minimum.SpecificationsRadioOne 802.11b/g/n and one 802.11a/n radioDual concurrent operation in 2.4 and 5 GHz bandsMax throughput rate 600 Mbit/s2.4 GHz 26 dBm peak transmission power5 GHz 24 dBm peak transmission powerMax transmission power is decreased for certain geographies to comply with local regulatory requirementsOperating bands:FCC (US) EU (Europe)2.412-2.484 GHz 2.412-2.484 GHz5.150-5.250 GHz (UNII-1) 5.470-5.600, 5.660-5.725 GHz (UNII-2)5.725 -5.825 GHz (UNII-3)802.11n Capabilities2 x 2 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) with two spatial streamsMaximal ratio combining (MRC)BeamformingPacket aggregationCyclic shift diversity (CSD) supportPowerPower over Ethernet: 24 - 57 V (802.3af compatible)Power consumption: 10.5 W maxPower over Ethernet injector sold separatelyMountingMounts to walls and horizontal and vertical polesMounting hardware includedPhysical SecuritySecurity screw includedEnvironmentOperating temperature: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)IP67 environmental ratingPhysical Dimensions10.5” x 7.6” x 2.2” (267mm x 192mm x 57mm)Weight: 1.9 lb (862g)Interfaces1x 100/1000 Base-T Ethernet (RJ45) with 48V DC 802.3af PoEFour external N-type antenna connectorsSecurityIntegrated policy firewall (Identity Policy Manager)Mobile device policiesAir Marshal: Real-time WIPS (wireless intrusion prevention system) with alarmsRogue AP containmentGuest isolationTeleworker VPN with IPsecPCI compliance reportingWEP, WPA, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-Enterprise with 802.1XTKIP and AES encryptionVLAN tagging (802.1q)Quality of ServiceWireless Quality of Service (WMM/802.11e)DSCP (802.1p)Layer 7 application traffic shaping and firewallMobilityPMK and OKC credential support for fast Layer 2 roamingL3 roamingLED Indicators4 signal strength1 Ethernet connectivity1 power/booting/firmware upgrade statusRegulatoryFCC (US), IC (Canada), CE (Europe), C-Tick (Australia/New Zealand)Cofetel (Mexico), TK (Turkey)RoHSMean Time Between Failure (MTBF)450,000 hoursWarranty1 year hardware warranty with advanced replacement includedOrdering InformationMR66-HW: Meraki MR66 Cloud-Managed Dual-Radio 802.11n Ruggedized Access Point POE-INJ-3-XX: Meraki 802.3af Power over Ethernet Injector (XX = US, EU, UK or AU) ANT-10: Meraki 5/7 dBi Omni Antenna, Dual-band, N-type, Set of 2ANT-11: Meraki 14 dBi Sector Antenna, 5 GHz MIMO, N-typeANT-13: Meraki 11 dBi Sector Antenna, 2.4 GHz MIMO, N-typeNote: Meraki Enterprise license required.。



产品说明产品说明:Meraki 云网络本产品说明(“产品说明”)介绍了上列出的思科 Meraki 云网络产品。



1.说明思科 Meraki 云网络产品套件包括网络硬件设备(无线接入点、交换机和安全设备/防火墙)、监控摄像头、传感器、终端管理软件以及网络应用和 WAN 性能软件。

所有思科 Meraki 产品都通过一个云托管软件平台进行管理,该平台被称为 Meraki “控制板”。

控制板允许客户通过单个面板来配置、管理和监控部署在其全球网络中的 Meraki 设备。

2.补充条款和条件2.1.许可证和使用权条件要为您购买的每项硬件获得软件许可证,您需要购买和维持相关的 Meraki 云服务,否则硬件将无法运行。

您使用 Meraki 云服务的软件许可证和权利不可转让。

2.2.期限和许可模式2.2.1.在共同终止许可模式下,思科技术使用期限的开始日期是相关思科技术交付给您的日期,结束日期为以下两个日期中的较早者:(a) 共同终止日期或 (b) 使用权终止日期。

2.2.2.在按设备许可模式下,思科技术使用期限的开始日期为以下两个日期中的较早者:(a) 您通过Meraki 云服务分配相关硬件的日期或 (b) 相关思科技术交付给您之日后的第 91 天。

此类使用期限的结束日期为以下两个日期中的较早者:(1) 开始日期加上相应采购订单中规定的 Meraki云服务使用期限或 (2) 使用权终止日期。

2.3.其他使用条件您同意仅根据思科 Meraki 网站上提供的规范使用硬件和思科技术,并且您(而不是思科 Meraki)全权负责对您的 Meraki 云服务帐户实施管理控制。

2.4.遵守法律如果思科 Meraki 检测到您以违反法律的方式使用硬件或思科技术,在通过电子邮件向您发出书面通知后,该硬件和/或思科技术可能会从您的 Meraki 云服务帐户中删除。



网络设备动态口令身份认证处理方案北京集联网络技术有限企业.com目录1、概述..................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1、网络设备安全旳技术手段——终端准入控制 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2、动态口令认证技术...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.1、基本原理.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.2、工作过程.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.3、动态密码特点...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2、集联OTP(一次性密码)方案........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.1、方案概述...................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。





在大型连锁商业机构中,如联合办公、Shopping Mall、银行网点、多分支连锁门店,过去分布式无线网络架构互相协调能力差、用户难以做统一的身份认证及访问权限控制,所带来的管理和安全上的缺陷越来越明显。

而无线网络用户却期待在各种场景下,包括办公室、生产线、仓库、园区、联合办公空间、连锁商超、跨区域网点等中都能获得便捷的访问体验,实现SSO 单点登录及全网漫游。


二、解决方案1. 锐捷无线网络身份认证解决方案概述宁盾锐捷无线网络身份认证方案是一个轻量级、中心化的无线Portal接入认证服务平台。














1. 密码认证密码认证是无线网络中最常见的身份认证技术之一。




2. RADIUS认证RADIUS(Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)认证是一种广泛应用于无线网络中的身份认证技术。



3. EAP认证EAP(Extensible Authentication Protocol)认证是一种在无线网络中常用的身份认证协议。



4. 无线接入控制列表无线接入控制列表(Wireless Access Control List,简称ACL)是一种基于MAC地址的身份认证技术。



5. 802.1X认证802.1X认证是一种使用端口级别身份认证的技术。

思科Meraki MR36 802.11ax无线接入点说明书

思科Meraki MR36 802.11ax无线接入点说明书

MR36 DatasheetHigh Performance 802.11ax WirelessThe Cisco Meraki MR36 is a cloud-managed 2x2:2 802.11ax access point that raises the bar for wireless performance and efficiency. Designed for next-generation deployments in offices, schools, hospitals, shops, and hotels, the MR36 offers high throughput, enterprise-grade security, and simple management.The MR36 provides a maximum of 1.7 Gbps* aggregate frame rate with concurrent 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios. A dedicated third radio provides real-time WIDS/ WIPS with automated RF optimization, and a fourth integrated radio delivers Bluetooth scanning and beaconing.With the combination of cloud management, high performance hardware, multiple radios, and advanced software features, the MR36 makes an outstanding platform for the most demanding of uses—including high-density deployments and bandwidth or performance-intensive applications like voice and high-definition video.MR36 and Meraki Cloud ManagementManagement of the MR36 is performed through the Meraki cloud, with an intuitive browser-based interface that enables rapid deployment without time-consuming training or costly certifications. Because the MR36 is self-configuring and managed over the web, it can be deployed at a remote location in a matter of minutes, even without on-site IT staff.24x7 monitoring via the Meraki cloud delivers real-time alerts if a network encounters problems. Remote diagnostic tools enable immediate troubleshooting over the web so that distributed networks can be managed with a minimum of hassle.The MR36’s firmware is automatically kept up to date via the cloud. New features, bug fixes, and enhancements are delivered seamlessly over the web. This means no manual software updates to download or missing security patches to worry about.Product Highlights•2x2:2 MU-MIMO 802.11ax• 1.7* Gbps dual-radio aggregate frame rate•24x7 real-time WIDS/WIPS and spectrum analytics via dedicated third radio•Integrated Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon•Integrated scanning radio•Enhanced transmit power and receive sensitivity •Integrated enterprise security and guest access •Application-aware traffic shaping•Optimized for voice and video•Self-configuring, plug-and-play deployment•Sleek design blends into office environments•Full-time Wi-Fi location tracking via dedicated 3rd radioFeaturesDual–radio aggregate frame rate of up to 1.7 Gbps*5 GHz 2x2:2 radio and 2.4 GHz 2x2:2 radio offer a combined dual–radio aggregate frame rate of 1.7 Gbps*, with up to 1,201 Mbps in the 5 GHz band and 573 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band. Technologies like transmit beamforming and enhanced receive sensitivity allow the MR36 to support a higher client density than typical enterprise-class access points, resulting in better performance for more clients, from each AP.Multi User Multiple Input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO)With support for features of 802.11ax, the MR36 offers MU-MIMO and OFDMA for more efficient transmission to multiple clients. Especially suited to environments with numerous mobile devices, MU-MIMO enables multiple clients to receive data simultaneously. This increases the total network performance and improves the end user experience.Dedicated third radio delivers 24x7 wireless security and RF analyticsThe MR36’s dedicated dual-band scanning and security radio continually assesses the environment, characterizing RF interference and containing wireless threats like rogue access points. There’s no need to choose between wireless security, advanced RF analysis, and serving client data - a dedicated third radio means that all functions occur in real-time, without any impact to client traffic or AP throughput.Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon and scanning radioAn integrated fourth Bluetooth radio provides seamless deployment of BLE Beacon functionality and effortless visibility of Bluetooth devices. The MR36 enables * Refers to maximum over-the-air data frame rate capability of the radio chipset, and may exceed data rates allowed by IEEE 802.11ax operation.the next generation of location-aware applications while future proofing deployments, ensuring it’s ready for any new customer engagement strategies.Automatic cloud-based RF optimizationThe MR36’s sophisticated and automated RF optimization means that there is no need for the dedicated hardware and RF expertise typically required to tune a wireless network. The RF data collected by the dedicated third radio is continuously fed back to the Meraki cloud. This data is then used to automatically tune the channel selection, transmit power, and client connection settings for optimal performance under even the most challenging RF conditions.Integrated enterprise security and guest accessThe MR36 features integrated, easy-to-use security technologies to provide secure connectivity for employees and guests alike. Advanced security features such as AES hardware-based encryption and Enterprise authentication with 802.1X and Active Directory integration provide wired-like security while still being easy to configure. One-click guest isolation provides secure, Internet-only access for visitors. PCI compliance reports check network settings against PCI requirements to simplify secure retail deployments.Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) & Mobile Device Management (MDM) integrationMeraki Systems Manager natively integrates with the MR36 to offer automatic, context-aware security. Systems Manager’s self-service enrollment helps to rapidly deploy MDM without installing additional equipment, and then dynamically tie firewall and traffic shaping policies to client posture.Application-aware traffic shapingThe MR36 includes an integrated layer 7 packet inspection, classification, and control engine, enabling the configuration of QoS policies based on traffic type, helping to prioritize mission-critical applications while setting limits on recreational traffic like peer-to-peer and video streaming. Policies can be implemented per network, per SSID, per user group, or per individual user for maximum flexibility and control.Voice and video optimizationsIndustry standard QoS features are built-in and easy to configure. Wireless MultiMedia (WMM) access categories, 802.1p, and DSCP standards support all ensure important applications get prioritized correctly, not only on the MR36, but on other devices in the network. Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD) and new Target Wait Time features in 802.11ax clients ensure minimal battery drain on wireless VoIP phones.Self-configuring, self-maintaining, always up-to-dateWhen plugged in, the MR36 automatically connects to the Meraki cloud, downloads its configuration, and joins the appropriate network. If new firmware is required, this is retrieved by the AP and updated automatically. This ensures the network is kept up-to-date with bug fixes, security updates, and new features.Advanced analyticsDrilling down into the details of network usage provides highly granular traffic analytics. Visibility into the physical world can be enhanced with journey tracking through location analytics. Visitor numbers, dwell time, repeat visit rates, and track trends can all be easily monitored in the dashboard and deeper analysis is enabled with raw data available via simple APIs.SpecificationsCategory SpecificationsRadios • 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n/ax client access radio• 5 GHz 802.11a/n/ac/ax client access radio• 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz dual-band WIDS/WIPS, spectrum analysis, & location analytics radio • 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio with Beacon and BLE scanning support •Concurrent operation of all four radios•Supported frequency bands (country-specific restrictions apply)•Supported frequency bands (country-specific restrictions apply):◦ 2.412-2.484 GHz◦ 5.150-5.250 GHz (UNII-1)◦ 5.250-5.350 GHZ (UNII-2)◦ 5.470-5.600, 5.660-5.725 GHz (UNII-2e)◦ 5.725 -5.825 GHz (UNII-3)Antenna•Internal Antenna (5.4 dBi gain at 2.4 GHz, 6 dBi gain at 5 GHz)802.11ax, 802.11ac Wave 2 and 802.11n Capabilities •DL-OFDMA**, UL-OFDMA**, TWT support**, BSS Coloring**• 2 x 2 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) with two spatial streams•SU-MIMO, UL MU-MIMO** and DL MU-MIMO support•Maximal ratio combining (MRC) & beamforming•20 and 40 MHz channels (802.11n); 20, 40, and 80 MHz channels (802.11ac Wave 2); 20, 40 and 80 MHz channels (802.11ax)•Up to 1024-QAM on both 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz bands•Packet aggregationPower •Power over Ethernet: 37 - 57 V ( compatible)•Alternative: 12 V DC input•Power consumption: 15W max (802.3af)•Power over Ethernet injector and DC adapter sold separatelyInterfaces •1x 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet (RJ45)•1x DC power connector (5.5 mm x 2.5 mm, center positive)Mounting •All standard mounting hardware included•Desktop, ceiling, and wall mount capable•Ceiling tile rail (9/16, 15/16 or 1 1⁄2” flush or recessed rails), assorted cable junction boxes •Bubble level on mounting cradle for accurate horizontal wall mountingPhysical Security •Two security screw options (included) (10 mm long and 2.5 mm diameter and 4.7 mm head)•Kensington lock hard point•Concealed mount plate with anti-tamper cable bayEnvironment •Operating temperature: 32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C)•Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingPhysical Dimensions •9.84” x 4.72” x 1.42” (25 cm x 12 cm x 3.6 cm), not including desk mount feet or mount plate •Weight: 492 gSecurity •Integrated Layer 7 firewall with mobile device policy management•Real-time WIDS/WIPS with alerting and automatic rogue AP containment with Air Marshal•Flexible guest access with device isolation•VLAN tagging (802.1q) and tunneling with IPsec VPN•PCI compliance reporting•WEP***, WPA, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-Enterprise with 802.1X, WPA3 - Personal**, WPA3 - Enterprise**, WPA3 - Enhanced Open (OWE)**•EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-MSCHAPv2, EAP-SIM•TKIP and AES encryption•Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) & Mobile Device Management (MDM) integration•Cisco ISE integration for Guest access and BYOD PosturingQuality of Service •Advanced Power Save (U-APSD)•WMM Access Categories with DSCP and 802.1p support •Layer 7 application traffic identification and shapingMobility •PMK, OKC, & 802.11r for fast Layer 2 roaming •Distributed or centralized layer 3 roamingAnalytics •Embedded location analytics reporting and device tracking•Global L7 traffic analytics reporting per network, per device, & per applicationLED Indicators• 1 power/booting/firmware upgrade statusRegulatory •RoHS•For additional country-specific regulatory information, please contact Meraki salesWarranty•Lifetime hardware warranty with advanced replacement includedOrdering Information •MR36-HW: Meraki MR36 Cloud Managed 802.11ax AP•MA-PWR-30W-XX: Meraki AC Adapter for MR Series (XX = US/EU/UK/AU)•MA-INJ-4-XX: Meraki Gigabit 802.3at Power over Ethernet Injector (XX = US/EU/UK/AU)•MA-INJ-5-XX: Meraki Multigigabit 802.3at Power over Ethernet Injector (XX = US/EU/UK/AU)•Note: Meraki access point license required.Compliance and StandardsCategory Standards ** software features can be enabled via firmware updatesIEEE Standards•802.11a, 802.11ac, 802.11ax, 802.11b, 802.11e, 802.11g, 802.11h, 802.11i, 802.11k, 802.11n, 802.11r, and 802.11u***Safety Approvals •CSA and CB 60950 & 62368•Conforms to UL 2043 (Plenum Rating)Radio Approvals •Canada: FCC Part 15C, 15E, RSS-247•Europe: EN 300 328, EN 301 893•Australia/NZ: AS/NZS 4268•Mexico: IFT, NOM-208•Taiwan: NCC LP0002•For additional country-specific regulatory information, please contact Meraki SalesEMI Approvals (Class B)•Canada: FCC Part 15B, ICES-003•Europe: EN 301 489-1-17, EN 55032, EN 55024•Australia/NZ: CISPR 22•Japan: VCCIExposure Approvals •Canada: FCC Part 2, RSS-102•Europe: EN 50385, EN 62311, EN 62479•Australia/NZ: AS/NZS 2772Context and Comparisons802.11ax, 802.11ac Wave 2 and 802.11n CapabilitiesMR36MR46MR56DL-OFDMA**, UL-OFDMA**, TWT support**,BSS coloring**DL-OFDMA**, UL-OFDMA**, TWT support**,BSS coloring**DL-OFDMA**, UL-OFDMA**, TWT support**,BSS coloring**2 x 2 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) withtwo spatial streams 4 x 4 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) withfour spatial streams8 x 8 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) witheight spatial streams on 5 GHz4 x 4 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) witheight spatial streams on 2.4 GHzMaximal ratio combining (MRC) & beamforming Maximal ratio combining (MRC) & beamforming Maximal ratio combining (MRC) & beamforming *** feature can be enabled for required networksSU-MIMO, UL MU-MIMO** and DL MU-MIMOsupport SU-MIMO, UL MU-MIMO**and DL MU-MIMOsupportSU-MIMO, UL MU-MIMO**and DL MU-MIMOsupport20 and 40 MHz channels (802.11n); 20, 40, and 80 MHz channels (802.11ac Wave 2); 20, 40 and80 MHz channels (802.11ax)20 and 40 MHz channels (802.11n); 20, 40, and80 MHz channels (802.11ac Wave 2); 20, 40 and80 MHz channels (802.11ax)20 and 40 MHz channels (802.11n); 20, 40, and80 MHz channels (802.11ac Wave 2); 20, 40 and80MHz channels (802.11ax)Up to 1024-QAM on both 2.4 GHz & 5 GHzbands Up to 1024-QAM on both 2.4 GHz & 5 GHzbandsUp to 1024-QAM on both 2.4 GHz & 5 GHzbandsPacket aggregation Packet aggregation Packet aggregation PowerMR36MR46MR56Power over Ethernet: 37 - 57 V (802.afcompliant)Power over Ethernet: 42.5 - 57 V (802.3atcompliant)Power over Ethernet: 42.5 - 57 V (802.3atcompliant)Alternative: 12 V DC input Alternative: 12 V DC input Alternative: 12 V DC input Power consumption: 15W max (802.3af)Power consumption: 22W max Power consumption: 22W maxPower over Ethernet injector and DC adaptersold separately Power over Ethernet injector and DC adaptersold separatelyPower over Ethernet injector and DC adaptersold separatelyInterfacesMR36MR46MR561x 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet (RJ45)1x 10/100/1000/2.5G BASE-T Ethernet (RJ45)1x 10/100/1000/2.5G/5G BASE-T Ethernet(RJ45)1x DC power connector (5.5 mm x 2.5 mm,center positive)1x DC power connector (5.5 mm x 2.5 mm,center positive)1x DC power connector (5.5 mm x 2.5 mm,center positive)Physical DimensionsMR36MR46MR569.84” x 4.72” x 1.42” (25 cm x 12 cm x 3.6 cm), not including desk mount feet or mountplate 12.05” x 5.06” x 1.74” (30.6 cm x 12.84 cm x 4.426cm), not including desk mount feet or mount plate12.83” x 5.54” x 1.76” (32.6 cm x 14.079 cm x4.47 cm), not including deskmount feet or mountplateWeight: 492 g Weight: 800 g Weight: 1 kgRF Performance Table2.4 GHzOperating Band Operating Mode Data Rate TX Power (conducted)RX Sensitivity2.4 GHz802.11b 1 Mb/s20-1002 Mb/s20-90 5.5 Mb/s20-90 11 Mb/s20-902.4 GHz802.11g 6 Mb/s19-94 9 Mb/s19-93 12 Mb/s19-91 18 Mb/s19-89 24 Mb/s16-86 36 Mb/s16-82 48 Mb/s16-78 54 Mb/s16-772.4 GHz802.11n (HT20)MCS018.5-95 MCS118.5-92 MCS218.5-90 MCS318.5-87MCS418.5-83 MCS514.5-79 MCS614.5-78 MCS714.5-762.4 GHz802.11ac (VHT20)MCS018.5-95 MCS118.5-92 MCS218.5-90 MCS318.5-87 MCS418.5-83 MCS514.5-79 MCS614.5-78 MCS714.5-77 MCS814-722.4 GHz802.11ax (HE20)MCS019-93 MCS119-90 MCS219-88 MCS319-85 MCS419-81MCS514.5-77 MCS614.5-76 MCS714.5-75 MCS814-70 MCS914-68 MCS1013.5-65 MCS1113.5-632.4 GHz802.11n (HT40)MCS017-92 MCS117-89 MCS217-87 MCS317-84 MCS417-80 MCS514.5-76 MCS614.5-75 MCS714.5-742.4 GHz802.11ac (VHT40)MCS017-91 MCS117-88 MCS217-86MCS317-83 MCS417-79 MCS514.5-75 MCS614.5-74 MCS714.5-73 MCS814-69 MCS914-692.4 GHz802.11ax (HE40)MCS018.5-90 MCS118.5-87 MCS218.5-85 MCS318.5-82 MCS418.5-78 MCS514.5-74 MCS614.5-73 MCS714.5-72 MCS814-67 MCS914-65 MCS1013.5-65MCS1113.5-635 GHzOperating Band Operating Mode Data Rate TX Power (conducted)RX Sensitivity5 GHz802.11a 6 Mb/s17.5-92 9 Mb/s17.5-91 12 Mb/s17.5-89 18 Mb/s17.5-87 24 Mb/s15-83 36 Mb/s15-80 48 Mb/s15-76 54 Mb/s15-765 GHz802.11n (HT20)MCS017.5-93 MCS117.5-90 MCS217.5-88 MCS317.5-85 MCS417.5-81 MCS513.5-77MCS613.5-76 MCS713.5-755 GHz802.11n (HT40)MCS017.5-91 MCS117.5-88 MCS217.5-86 MCS317.5-83 MCS417.5-79 MCS513.5-75 MCS613.5-74 MCS713.5-735 GHz802.11ac (VHT20)MCS017.5-94 MCS117.5-91 MCS217.5-89 MCS317.5-86 MCS417.5-82 MCS513.5-78 MCS613.5-77 MCS713.5-76MCS813.5-705 GHz802.11ac (VHT40)MCS017.5-91 MCS117.5-88 MCS217.5-86 MCS317.5-83 MCS417.5-79 MCS513.5-75 MCS613.5-74 MCS713.5-73 MCS813.5-68 MCS913.5-675 GHz802.11ac (VHT80)MCS017.5-88 MCS117.5-85 MCS217.5-83 MCS317.5-80 MCS417.5-76 MCS513.5-72 MCS613.5-71MCS713.5-70 MCS813.5-65 MCS913.5-645 GHz802.11ax (HE20)MCS017.5-93 MCS117.5-92 MCS217.5-88 MCS317.5-85 MCS417.5-81 MCS513.5-77 MCS613.5-76 MCS713.5-75 MCS813.5-70 MCS913.5-68 MCS1012-65 MCS1112-605 GHz802.11ax (HE40)MCS017-91 MCS117-88 MCS217-86MCS317-83 MCS417-79 MCS513.5-75 MCS613.5-74 MCS713.5-73 MCS813.5-68 MCS913.5-66 MCS1012-63 MCS1112-625 GHz802.11ax (HE80)MCS017-88 MCS117-85 MCS217-83 MCS317-80 MCS417-76 MCS513.5-72 MCS613.5-71 MCS713.5-70 MCS813.5-65MCS913.5-63MCS1012-60MCS1112-59 Signal Coverage Patterns5 GHz - Wireless2.4 GHz - Wireless2.4GHz - Bluetooth2.4 GHz - Scanning5 GHz - ScanningInstallation GuideFor instructions on how to install and configure MR36 access points please refer the MR36 Installation Guide。

cisco meraki 产品介绍与技术原理

cisco meraki 产品介绍与技术原理

技术原理 与其他AP对比
断开与控制器 连接是否可以
管理、部署方 法
是否具有第七 层应用可视化

meraki设备插上电源, 联网,即可在web端 需要实地部署,通过中 通过云端控制器管理、 央控制器管理网络 部署
R2, 2012 Windows Phone 8.1
云管理平台对所接入AP的数量无限制,每新增一台AP,只需将AP连接至云管理平台, 无需另外配置
客户的数据至少在三个数据中心备份 meraki的云管理平台是大规模的分布式架构,提供冗余链路 即便断开与网络的连接,meraki所管理的无线网络仍然能够连接上网
可以看到: 使用者名称 使用的应用类型 使用者的操作系统或者设备 使用者所使用的流量
• meraki根据ip地址,主机名以及端口号范围来确定应用类型 • 对于p2p类型应用流量的分类,采用的方法是:识别到在一系列浮动的ip地址中
的简短的tcp会话( recognizes short TCP sessions across a fleeting range of IP addresses),就可以识别p2p应用 • 可以使用dscp或者pcp协议给不同应用的流量打标签,从而可以使用qos对用户 使用不同的应用进行限制或者限速 • 用户所使用应用的流量分析和配置信息等将会和网络管理数据一起上传到云管 理中心
技术原理—CMX(Connected Mobile Experences)
cmx api



1.移动IPv6网络中基于身份签名的快速认证方法研究 [J], 宋俊珂;
2.基于身份盲签名的无线Mesh网络匿名切换认证方案 [J], 许力;王栋城;苏彬庭;王峰
3.基于身份盲签名的无线Mesh网络匿名切换认证方案 [J], 许力;王栋城;苏彬庭;王峰;;;;;
4.身份签名技术在无线Mesh网络的接入应用 [J], 王琦;王赜
5.一种基于AAA证书和身份签名的混合认证方法 [J], 蒲志强;冯山

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1. 思科Meraki无线网络身份认证解决方案概述

联动Meraki 云端控制器,对合法接入的用户基于其身份做访问权限控制,实现所有类型无线用户集中化认证及管理。


2. 宁盾一体化无线认证方式

