



大明湖英文导游词篇一:天生三桥英语导游词ThreenaturalbridgesTheWulongKarstsoutheastofWulongCountytown,thearealiesontheb orderofBaiguoandHetaovillages.TheThreeNaturalBridgesareaseriesofnaturallimestone石灰岩bridgeslocatedinfairymountainTownQinglongconservationarea.G iventhatthedistancebetweentheupperendoftheTianlongBridgeand thelowerendoftheHeilongBridgeisonly1,500metresisoneofthelar gestgeologicalparksinChongqing.Withamazingtopographymarkedb yawe-inspiringkarstlandscapesunderground.Thekarstbridgesare themainattractionsofthepark.Threearchedbridgesareformedconsecutivelyinthe1.2km,200metersTourGuide’sCommentariesPrimevalCraterForestsLadiesandGentlemen,NowwearegoingtovisitPrimevalCraterForests.ItislocatedatZhan gguangcailingMountaintothenortheastofJingpoLakeandfromthemo untainpeakafantasticviewofmanylargecraterscanbeseen.Intotal ,thereare10craterssituatedthroughoutthecraterforests.Theare aofthecraterforestsis40kilometerslongand5kilometerswide.Bec auseofnaturalformationofbeauty,theUndergroundForests,anther nameofthecraterforests,isaplaceyoujusthavetoseebyyourself.Onthecliffofonespecialcratermanytreesgrowandyoumaywonderwhy treesgrowonthecliff.Well,long,longtimeago,therockinthecratermixedwithvolcanicashwhichformedfertilesoil.Withanaveragete mperatureoffourdegreescentigrade,conditionsareverydampthere ,justperfectfortreestogrow.Alsoexcrementleftbyanimalsisgood forthesoil.Anotherfactisthatmanykindsofbirdsinhabitthefores t,andscattermanydifferentkindsofseedsinandaroundthecraters. Among10craters,Crater3isthelargest.Itis550metersindiametera nd200metersindepth.Astrangefactisthatduetoabnormaltemperatu reatthebottomofthecraters,thinicecanbefoundinsummerandsprin gwaterinwinter.Weappreciatethesecratersbecausethereareabundantnaturalresou rcesandmanykindsofwildlife.Eachcraterisananimalkingdom.Noww ehavereachedthehighestspotoftheundergroundforests,called “QiYun”meaningashighascloudsintheskyintheChineselanguage.Herewecanseeaspectacularviewofallthecraters.ABriefIntroductiontoMudanjiangMudanjiangislocatedinthesoutheastofHeilongjiaingProvince.If Heilongjiangwereaflyingswan,Mudanjiangwouldbeitsbelly.Ithas beautifulmountains,largelakes,clearriversandotherabundantna turalresources.Itisayoungcitybuthasalonghistory.Now,Mudanji angisthecenterofculture,economicandtrafficinthesoutheastofH eilongjiangProvince.Theancientpeoplelivingtherecalledit “MuDanWuLaLadiesandgentlemen:WelcometoWudalianchi,alsonamedFiveGreatC hainLakes.Thisisanationalnaturereserveandalsoknownasthehome ofmineralwater.Iamverygladtobeyourtourguidehereandtrymybest tomakeyourstaypleasant.Wudalianchiisoneofthefirstgroupofscenicspotsunderthenationa lprotectionissuedbythestatecouncilin1983.In1991,itwasdesign atedbyChina’sstatecouncilasoneofthefirst4Astate-levelkeyspotsofnaturals ceneryandculturalrelics.In1996,itwaselectedasthehomeofminer alwaterinChina.Wudalianchicoversanareaof1,060squarekilometers.Thereare14no n-activevolcanoesand5barrierlakes.Sothatistheoriginofthenam eofWudalianchi.Underthecoverofbasalt,thereexistrichresource sofmineralwater.Althoughthewateriscold,itisofgreatvalueforc uringvariousdiseases.Now,ithasbecomeafamousspa.Amongthe14volcanoes,12volcanoeseruptedovertensofthousandyearsago.Theothertwoeruptedin1719-1721.Theeruptionscreatedfive barriersandthenfivelakeswereformed.Theylooklikefiveindepend entlakes,butinfact,theyarelinkedbyundergroundtunnels.Thelakesstretch20kilometers,covering40squaremeters.Whatisuniqu eisthateachlakeappearsindifferentshadesofcolors.Besidesscen iclakes,youwillseescenichills.Theywereformedbyvolcanicerupt ions.OnehilliscalledBlackDragonHill,515.9metershigh,standin g165.9metersoveritssurroundings.ItoverlooksSeaofRocks.Thebl acksurfaceofthesealookslikewaves,sothatiswhyitiscalledSeaof Rocks.Streamsoflavafromeruptionsspreadoveraverylargearea,co oledandbecomehardenedrocks,leavingspectacularscenery.Thatis whyWudalianchiisalsoknownasVolcanicMuseum.Accordingtorecentstudies,allthevolcanoesherearedead.Theyarenothreattoresidentsandvisitors.OnefantasticrecentfindingisC rystalPalace,anundergroundtunnelsituated8metersdeepunderthe ground.Itmeasures150meterslong,covering2,500squaremeters.Th etemperaturedifferenceisover50degreescentigrade.Itisanatura lfridge.Nowpeoplemakeicesculptureinsidesothatwecanenjoythis particularartformeveninsummertime.Ladiesandgentlemen:wehavereachedourhotel.TomorrowIwillshowy ouaroundthesebeautifulattractions.Ihopethatyouwillhaveagood rest.Seeyoutomorrow.ABriefIntroductiontoHeilongjiangProvinceDearfriends,WelcometoHeilongjiangProvince.Weareonthewaytothehotelnow.Du ringthetime,Iwouldliketotakethisopportunitytogiveyousomemoreinformation.Asyouknow,HarbinisthecapitalofHeilongjiangProv inceanditcoversanareaof454,000squarekilometerswithapopulati onof37million.TheprovincebordersRussiainthenorthandtheeastw ithaborderlineof3,000kilometers.Heilongjiangisendowedwithrichnaturalresources.TheGreaterXin g’anMountainsandtheLesserXing’anMountainsarewellcoveredwithforests.Underitsvastland,there are114kindsofminerals.Daqingoilfield,200kilometerseastofHar bin,claimstobethelargestoilfieldinChinaandproduceshalfofChi na’spetroleum.AlongtheHeilongjiangRiver,aborderriverbetweenChi naandRussia,therearemanygoldmines.Asyousee,alltheseresource sofferHeilongjianggreatpotentialforfurthereconomicdevelopme nt.AgriculturehereplaysanimportantroleinChina’seconomy.Therearevastplainswithfertilesoil.Becauseofitscomm ercialgrainproduction,itbecomesaleadingprovinceinChina.Heilongjiangisalsorichinwaterresources.Therearealtogether1, 918riversintheprovince.TheHeilongjiangRiveris6,500kilometer slong.ItisthethirdlongestriverinChinaandtheeighthintheworld .Therearesomelargelakes,suchasJingpoLake,FiveGreatChainLake s.Therearealsowetlands.Zhalongisawell-knownbirdsanctuary,kn ownastheHomeofCranes.Asyouknow,manyresourcesgiverisetogreattouristattractions.Th at’swhyourtravelagencycanorganizeavarietyofspecialtours: IceSculptureTourinHarbin’swinterismagnificentandfamousforitsincredibleicesculpturesh ow.HarbinIceandSnowFestivalstartsonJanuary5thandendsinlateFebruary.TheSonghuaRiveraddsafurtherdimensiontothewinteracti vitieswithicesailing,sledging,icehockeyandskiing.Winterswim mingisanamazinglocalsportthatoftengreatlysurprisesvisitors.EthnicCustomsTour:Heilongjiangisaprovincewithaltogether50na tionalities,includingHan,Man,Korean,Hui,Mongolian,etc.SteamEngineTour:AsChinagraduallychangesitsrailsystemfromste amtodiesel,allofitssteamlocomotivesarebeingconcentratedinto Heilongjiang.SoHeilongjiangisproudofitsunofficialnameofthelivingmuseumofsteamlocomotives.BirdWatchingTour:theZhalongReserveinQiqihaercityisoneofthel argestnaturalreservesforwaterfowlsinChina.Over230speciesofb irdsinhabitanareaofmarshlandthatmeasures21,000hectares,suchasred-crownedcrane,white-napedcraneandsoon.SnowVillageLadiesandgentlemen,Iwouldliketointroducethesnowvillage.Itlookslikeabrightpearl lyinginZhangguangcailingMountain.Thereareicemountains,fores ts,riverheads,andotherresources.SnowVillageisnotactuallyanofficialnamebutiscalledShuangfeng ForestFarm.ItislocatedinChangtingTown,HailinCity.Thebeautif ulsceneryhereismysterious.Amongtheecotourism,snowandice,for estandwaterarethreefamousattractions.WhenyouvisitSnowVillag e,youwillfindthesnowmushroom,snowcakeandsnowicecreamasifyou werewalkinginthesnowcastle.Butdoyouknowwhy?ThespecialspotisblownbythewindfromtheJapaneseSeaandBaikal,s othereisagreatamountofraininsummerandalotofsnowinwinter.Ith asthelargestamountofsnowinourcountry.InOctober,whenitisautu mninotherplaces,twomountainshavealreadystartedtosnow.Thedep thofthesnowisusuallyabouttwometers,andthesnowfalllasts7mont hs.Long,longtimeago,theresidentsherelivedintheforest,butsincem anytreeshavebeencutdown,nowpeoplemustgooutoftheforesttofind otherwaysforaliving.Thebeautifulplacealwaysattractsnotonlys omephotographersbutalsoinnumerabletouristsfromallpartsofChi na.。





篇一:天生三桥英语导游词Three natural bridgesThe Wulong Karst (Chinese: 武隆喀斯特) is a natural karst landscape located within the borders of Wulong County, Chongqing Municipality.It is divided into three areas containing the Three Natural Bridges, the Qingkou Tiankeng (箐口天坑) and Furong Cave respectively. It is a part of the Wulong Karst National Geology Park as well as part of the South China Karst, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 20 kilometres (12 mi) southeast of Wulong County town, the area lies on the border of Baiguo and Hetao villages.The Three Natural Bridges are a series of natural limestone 石灰岩 bridges located in fairy mountain Town (仙女山镇), Wulong County.They lie within the Wulong Karst National Geology Park, itself a part of the South China Karst-Wulong Karst UNESCO World Heritage Site.In Chinese, the bridges are all named after dragons, namely the Tianglong (literally Sky Dragon) Qinglong (literally Azure蔚蓝的 Dragon) and Heilong (literally Black Dragon) bridges. Spanning the Yangshui River, a tributary支流 of the Wu River, the bridges are at the centre of a 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) conservation area. Given that the distance between the upper end of the Tianlong Bridge and the lower end of the Heilong Bridge is only 1,500 metres (4,900 ft), these are not the longest natural bridges. However, they are the only such groupof karst structures in the world. Between the bridges lie the Qinglong and Shenying tiankengs which have a depth of 276–285 meters and a circumference圆周of 300–522 meters. Wulong Karst Landscapes National Geological Park (武隆天坑地缝国家地质公园) is one of the largest geological parks in Chongqing. With amazing topography marked by awe-inspiring karst landscapes (landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrocks), the park features a series of dolines, sinkholes, bridges, springs and cascading waters. The park includes three famous attraction spots: Wulong dolines, three karst bridges and Wulong sinkholes/chasms. Wulong boasts the world's largest scale karst bridges and the second largest series of dolines; the underground sinkholes/chasms are equally amazing.Visitors can ride the elevators zooming down from the cliff tops and witness the three karst bridges in all its grandeur, 100 meters (328 feet) underground. The karst bridges are the main attractions of the park. Three arched bridges are formed consecutively in the 1.2 km (0.75 miles) distance –they are named Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge. The height, width and spanning distance of all three bridges are above 150 meters (492 feet), 200 meters (656 feet) and 300 meters (984 feet) respectively; presently they are the largest karst bridges in the world. There are also two dolines formed by dissolution of bedrocks: the Tianlong Sinkhole and Shenying Sinkhole. They are perfectly situated in 1between the bridges –making for a spectacular sight with dolines interlacing amongst the three karst bridges.At the park, there is also a remnant of a building that was built for use in a movie directed by Zhang Yimou, Curse of the Golden Flower. Constructed amidst towering cliffs, thebuildin g’s walls and bricks have been created to appear worn and cracked, the roofs are overgrown with moss and weeds and the gray pillars and window frames are made to look like the structure originated eons ago –which fits perfectly with the surrounding land formations. After the movie production crew left, the building stayed behind, serving an eerie reminder that humans were once here amidst naturally formed lands.Visitors can then continue riding the sightseeing elevators to the bottom attractions at the park, passing through a long, cavernous tunnel to arrive at the chasms underground. Here the scenes are distinctly different from where the dolines are located; the walls and stairs are all wet and with water droplets falling from the ceiling. There are numerous disappearing creeks which supply the cavern with an ample amount of water. Visitors are advised to wear non-slippery shoes and bring an umbrella or raincoat when visiting the caves. As you stand at the bottom of the sinkhole, looking up at the towering cliffs above, with trees and vines branching out all around as springs and cascades of water reflect the sunlight, you are bound to gasp in amazement at the wonders of nature.篇二:重庆天生三桥英语导游词he three natural bridgesGood morning, ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to chongqing! I am very glad to be your local tour guide for today’s visit! And now we are on the way to the 3 natural bridges and it will take us about 2 hours to get there, so first let me introduce my team and give you an overview of our today’s s cenic spot! My name is zhang jingying. You can just call me Angela if that is easier for you to remember. This is our driver Mr. Wang. You can just call him laowang. He has about 10 yearsdriving and working experience in the travel industry. So you are in very safe and competent hands. We are from china youth travel service, chongqing branch. On behalf of our company, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to you. Welcome to china. Welcome to chongqing! And we will try our best to make your visit a very pleasant and enjoyable one! During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out or just tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you. And let me give you a brief introduction of wulong karst, where the 3 natural bridges locates! Wulong Karst, an important part of South China Karst, is situated at the lower reaches of the Wujiang River southeast of Chongqing. It was named as a world natural heritage by UNESCO in 2007. Wulong Karst features spectacular karst landscapes,including the three main parts of Furong Cave, Three Natural Bridges and Houping Tiankeng (Houping Giant Doline).Wulong Karst is a valuable treasure that nature created. It is a cluster of several karst landscapes, consisting of gorges, natural bridges, caves, eroded dolines, shafts and underground streams. These karst landforms developed in the carbonate rocks, vividly recording the development and evolution of karst terrain in the Three Gorges area since Pleistocene Era. Furong Cave, Three Natural Bridges and Houping Tiankeng are the three representative karst landforms, developing under the condition of intermittent uplifting movement of the earth. And our destination today The three natural bridges constitute the largest natural bridge cluster in Asia, and the natural karst bridges are quite high and grand, a sight rarely seen anywhere in the world.Three Natural Bridges is located 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of Chongqing City in Wulong County. It is a rare geological wonder and an eco-tourist's delight. It features threenatural karst bridges: Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge. The three natural karst stone arch bridges, with an average height of over 200 meters (656 feet), and an average span of over 200 meters (656 feet), constitute the largest natural bridge cluster in Asia.The three natural bridges are situated in a 1.5 kilometer (12 mile) - long gorge. They evolved due to tectonic uplift and the erosion by underground water. Some parts uplifted forming the bridges, and others collapsed to form karst pits. Therefore, the unique landscape of 'Three Natural Bridges enclosed with Two Pits' is solely nature's creation.So next let me! give you a brief introduction of the 3 bridges respectivelyThe first one is Tianlong Bridge. It is about 235 meters (656 feet) in height, 147 meters (328 feet) in width. It spans 450 meters (1,476 feet), and has two arches from south to north. The south arch was also called Mihun Cave. The northern arch is a passage. The buildings at the bottom of the stairways (photo below) were built as a movie set for the 2006 film Curse of the Golden Flower starring Chow-Yun Fat and Gong Li. In the movie Curse of the Golden Flower, ninjas were filmed sliding down ropes to attack the compound, as can be seen in the movie still below. The second bridge, Green Dragon (Qin Long), is a short walk downstream from the larger bridge. Qinglong Bridge is about 350 meters (1,148 feet) high, 150 meters (492 feet) wide, and spans over 400 meters (1,312 meters). After the rains, a waterfall pours over the bridge and forms a mist. When the sunset reflects.On the mist, a colorful rainbow emerges like a dragon ascending to the heaven. Heilong Bridge has a deep and long arch passage, like a black dragon winding its way out from thepassage. The third bridge, Black Dragon (Hei Long) is a waterfall natural bridge eroded through Wulong Karst. It is the easternmost of a cluster of three large waterfall natural bridges. There are weeping waterfalls within the opening. The span is estimated at 60 feet and the height is estimated at 380 feet. To get back to the car park, you have a choice of ascending 1000 stairs past the third bridge, or go back the way you came, up through the first bridge to the glass elevator. In 2010 a new road has allowed for van service to pick you up in the gorge and take you back to the car park for a fee. There is also a fee for the elevator but the other entrance is free and is used by vendors who sell food and souvenirs to the tourists. Heilong Bridge is also renowned for its four springs with tortuous trickles of stream. The Three Natural Bridges is a karst stone arch bridge cluster unrivalled elsewhere of Asia in terms of height and the thickness of the bridge surface. It is magnificent.。




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The three natural bridgesGood morning, ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to chongqing! I am very glad to be your local tour guide for today’s visit! And now we are on the way to the 3 natural bridges and it will take us about 2 hours to get there, so first let me introduce my team and give you an overview of our today’s scenic spot! My name is zhang jingying. You can just call me Angela if that is easier for you to remember. This is our driver Mr. Wang. You can just call him laowang. He has about 10 years driving and working experience in the travel industry. So you are in very safe and competent hands. We are from china youth travel service, chongqing branch. On behalf of our company, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to you. Welcome to china. Welcome to chongqing! And we will try our best to make your visit a very pleasant and enjoyable one! During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out or just tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you. And let me give you a brief introduction of wulong karst, where the 3 natural bridges locates! Wulong Karst, an important part of South China Karst, is situated at the lower reaches of the Wujiang River southeast of Chongqing. It was named as a world natural heritage by UNESCO in 2007. Wulong Karst features spectacular karst landscapes,including the three main parts of Furong Cave, Three Natural Bridges and Houping Tiankeng (Houping Giant Doline).Wulong Karst is a valuable treasure that nature created. It is a cluster of several karst landscapes, consisting of gorges, natural bridges, caves, eroded dolines, shafts and underground streams. These karst landforms developed in the carbonate rocks, vividly recording the development and evolution of karst terrain in the Three Gorges area since Pleistocene Era. Furong Cave, Three Natural Bridges and Houping Tiankeng are the three representative karst landforms, developing under the condition of intermittent uplifting movement of the earth. And our destination today The three natural bridges constitute the largest natural bridge cluster in Asia, and the natural karst bridges are quite high and grand, a sight rarely seen anywhere in the world.Three Natural Bridges is located 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of Chongqing City in Wulong County. It is a rare geological wonder and an eco-tourist's delight. It features three natural karst bridges: Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge. The three natural karst stone arch bridges, with an average height of over 200 meters (656 feet), and an average span of over 200 meters (656 feet), constitute the largest natural bridge cluster in Asia.The three natural bridges are situated in a 1.5 kilometer (12 mile) - long gorge. They evolved due to tectonic uplift and the erosion by underground water. Some parts uplifted forming the bridges, and others collapsed to form karst pits. Therefore, the unique landscape of 'Three Natural Bridges enclosed with Two Pits' is solely nature's creation.So next let me! give you a brief introduction of the 3 bridges respectivelyThe first one is Tianlong Bridge. It is about 235 meters (656 feet) in height, 147 meters (328 feet) in width. It spans 450 meters (1,476 feet), and has two arches from south to north. The south arch was also called Mihun Cave. The northern arch is a passage. The buildings at the bottom of the stairways (photo below) were built as a movie set for the 2006 film Curse of the Golden Flower starring Chow-Yun Fat and Gong Li. In the movie Curse of the Golden Flower, ninjas were filmed sliding down ropes to attack the compound, as can be seen in the movie still below. The second bridge, Green Dragon (Qin Long), is a short walk downstream from the larger bridge. Qinglong Bridge is about 350 meters (1,148 feet) high, 150 meters (492 feet) wide, and spans over 400 meters (1,312 meters). After the rains, a waterfall pours over the bridge and forms a mist. When the sunset reflectson the mist, a colorful rainbow emerges like a dragon ascending to the heaven. Heilong Bridge has a deep and long arch passage, like a black dragon winding its way out from the passage.The third bridge, Black Dragon (Hei Long)is a waterfall natural bridge eroded through Wulong Karst. It is the easternmost of a cluster of three large waterfall natural bridges.There are weeping waterfalls within the opening. The span is estimated at 60 feet and the height is estimated at 380 feet. To get back to the car park, you have a choice of ascending 1000 stairs past the third bridge, or go back the way you came, up through the first bridge to the glass elevator. In 2010 a new road has allowed for van service to pick you up in the gorge and take you back to the car park for a fee. There is also a fee for the elevator but the other entrance is free and is used by vendors who sell food and souvenirs to the tourists.Heilong Bridge is also renowned for its four springs with tortuous trickles of stream. The Three Natural Bridges is a karst stone arch bridge cluster unrivalled elsewhere of Asia in terms of height and the thickness of the bridge surface. It is magnificent.。



重庆英文导游词【篇一:重庆英语导游词总结】engraved in the rock are 163 inscriptions and pictures, which include 114 hydrologic annotations, which give detailed records of water levels in the river over 1200 years, since the first year of the tang dynasty guangde era, 763; the assembled inscriptions and fish carvings, taken together, formed the longest such sequence in the world. one fish carving originally carved in the tang dynasty was re-carved at a moment of lowest water in 1685: modern measurements recorded the elevation of their eyes, 137.91 metres, almost the same as that of the zero point of the modern water level gauge.the fish carvings and hydrological inscriptions were virtually unknown in the west until the 1970s, when chinese experts presented photos of these two fish and hydrological data of fuling for the past 1,200 years at an international hydrological symposium held in the uk. the best-known of the fish carvings was a 2.8-metre carp, carved from a section of freestone. hundreds of poetical homages to the place were inscribed in rock faces, which have disappeared beneath the rising waters as the dam has been completed. in 2003, xinhua news agency, the peoples republics official press agency, headlined the on-line story, june 10, accident-maker reef no longer threatens yangtze navigation.the inscriptions on the white crane ridge are on display in an underwater museum, which opened to the public on may 18, 2009chongqing, china). the highlights of the rock grotto are found on mount baoding and mount beishan.the earliest carvings were begun in 650 ad during the early tang dynasty, but the main period of their creation began in the late 9th century, when wei junjing, prefect of changzhou, pioneered the carvings on mount beishan, and his example was followed after the collapse of the tang dynasty by local and gentry, monks and nuns, and ordinary people during the five dynasties and ten kingdoms period (907-65). in the 12th century, during the song dynasty, a buddhist monk named zhao zhifeng began work on the elaborate sculptures andcarvings on mount baoding, dedicating 70 years of his life to the project.world.[citation needed] between the bridges lie the qinglong and shenying tiankengs which have a depth of 276–285 metres and a circumference of 300–522 metres.three-storied hall dedicated to manjusri built during the reign of the xianfeng emperor (1850–1861), called the purple rain pavilion. in the year 1819, the nine-story pavilion was constructed adjacent to the cliff to aid people in getting to the top of the hill. prior to the construction of the pavilion, visitors to the temple were hoisted to the top using a system of chains. in 1956, three more stories were added at the top of the structure。



武隆天生三桥导游词文档2篇Wulong tianshengsanqiao tour guide编订:JinTai College武隆天生三桥导游词文档2篇前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。


















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大明湖英文导游词【篇一:天生三桥英语导游词】three natural bridgesthe wulong karst (chinese: 武隆喀斯特) is a natural karst landscape located within the borders of wulong county, chongqing municipality.it is divided into three areas containing the three natural bridges, the qingkou tiankeng (箐口天坑) and furong cave respectively. it is a part of the wulong karst national geology park as well as part of the south china karst, a unesco world heritage site. 20 kilometres (12 mi) southeastof wulong county town, the area lies on the border of baiguo and hetao villages.the three natural bridges are a series of natural limestone石灰岩 bridges located in fairy mountain town (仙女山镇), wulong county.they lie within the wulong karst national geology park, itself a part of the south china karst-wulong karst unesco world heritage site.in chinese, the bridges are all named after dragons, namely the tianglong (literally sky dragon) qinglong (literally azure蔚蓝的 dragon) and heilong (literally black dragon) bridges. spanning the yangshui river, a tributary支流of the wu river, the bridges are at the centre of a 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) conservation area. given that the distance between the upper end of the tianlong bridge and the lower end of the heilong bridge is only 1,500 metres (4,900 ft), these are not the longest natural bridges. however, they are the only such group of karst structures in the world. between the bridges lie the qinglong and shenying tiankengs which have a depth of 276–285 meters and a circumference圆周of 300–522 meters. wulong karst landscapes national geological park (武隆天坑地缝国家地质公园) is one of the largest geological parks in chongqing. with amazing topography marked by awe-inspiring karst landscapes (landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrocks), the park features a series of dolines, sinkholes, bridges, springs and cascading waters. the park includes three famous attraction spots: wulong dolines, three karst bridges and wulong sinkholes/chasms. wulong boasts the worlds largest scalekarst bridges and the second largest series of dolines; the underground sinkholes/chasms are equally amazing.visitors can ride the elevators zooming down from the cliff tops and witness the three karst bridges in all its grandeur, 100 meters (328 feet) underground. the karst bridges are the main attractions of the park. three arched bridges are formed consecutively in the 1.2 km (0.75 miles) distance – they are named tianlong bridge, qinglong bridge and heilong bridge. the height, width and spanning distance of all three bridges are above 150 meters (492 feet), 200 meters (656 feet) and 300 meters (984 feet) respectively; presently they are the largest karst bridges in the world. there are also two dolines formedby dissolution of bedrocks: the tianlong sinkhole and shenying sinkhole. they are perfectly situated in 1between the bridges – making for a spectacular sight with dolines interlacing amongst the three karst bridges.at the park, there is also a remnant of a building that was built for use in a movie directed by zhang yimou, curse of the golden flower. constructed amidst towering cliffs, the building’s walls and bricks have been created to appear worn and cracked, the roofs are overgrown with moss and weeds and the gray pillars and window frames are made to look like the structure originated eons ago – which fits perfectly with the surrounding land formations. after the movie production crew left, the building stayed behind, serving an eerie reminder that humans were once here amidst naturally formed lands.visitors can then continue riding the sightseeing elevators to the bottom attractions at the park, passing through a long, cavernous tunnel to arrive at the chasms underground. here the scenes are distinctly different from where the dolines are located; the walls and stairs are all wet and with water droplets falling from the ceiling. there are numerous disappearing creeks which supply the cavern with an ampleamount of water. visitors are advised to wear non-slippery shoes and bring an umbrella or raincoat when visiting the caves. as you stand at the bottom of the sinkhole, looking up at the towering cliffs above, with trees and vines branching out all around as springs and cascades of water reflect the sunlight, you are bound to gasp in amazement at the wonders of nature2【篇二:英语导游词】永定土楼(yongding hakka earth building complex) good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! please allow me on behalf of xixi travel service to extend our sincere welcome to you! my name is linxi,and i will be your guide during your stay in longyan.this is the driver mr.zhang,he is a veteran.his bus number is f-12345,if you have any question or special interests, please don’t hesitate to let us kown,we’ll try to do our verybest to make your stay of longyan pleasant and enjoyable .i’m sure most of you will be imperssed by longyan .we really ask for your understanding and cooperation,and we hope yourvisit to our city will be a happy experience.各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是f-12345。



重庆天生三桥英语导游词The three natural bridgesGood morning, ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to chongqing! I am very glad to be your local tour guide for today’s visit! And now we are on the way to the 3 natural bridges and it will take us about 2 hours to get there, so first let me introduce my team and give you an overview of our today’s scenic spot! My name is zhang jingying. You can just call me Angela if that is easier for you to remember. This is our driver Mr. Wang. You can just call him laowang. He has about 10 years driving and working experience in the travel industry. So you are in very safe and competent hands. We are from china youth travel service, chongqing branch. On behalf of our c ompany, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to you. Welcome to china. Welcome to chongqing! And we will try our best to make your visit a very pleasant and enjoyable one! During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out or just tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you. And let me give you a brief introduction of wulong karst, where the 3 natural bridges locates! Wulong Karst, an important part of South China Karst, is situated at the lower reaches of the Wujiang River southeast of Chongqing. It was named as a world natural heritage by UNESCO in 2007. Wulong Karst features spectacular karst landscapes, including the three main parts of Furong Cave, Three Natural Bridges and Houping Tiankeng (Houping Giant Doline).Wulong Karst is a valuable treasure that nature created. It is a cluster of several karst landscapes, consisting of gorges, natural bridges, caves, eroded dolines, shafts and underground streams. These karst landforms developed in the carbonate rocks, vividlyrecording the development and evolution of karst terrain in the Three Gorges area since Pleistocene Era. Furong Cave, Three Natural Bridges and Houping Tiankeng are the three representative karst landforms, developing under the condition of intermittent uplifting movement of the earth. And our destination today The three natural bridges constitute the largest natural bridge cluster in Asia, and the natural karst bridges are quite high and grand, a sight rarely seen anywhere in the world.Three Natural Bridges is located 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of Chongqing City in Wulong County. It is a rare geological wonder and an eco-tourist's delight. It features three natural karst bridges: Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge. The three natural karst stone arch bridges, with an average height of over 200 meters (656 feet), and an average span of over 200 meters (656 feet), constitute the largest natural bridge cluster in Asia.The three natural bridges are situated in a 1.5 kilometer (12 mile) - long gorge. They evolved due to tectonic uplift and the erosion by underground water. Some parts uplifted forming the bridges, and others collapsed to form karst pits. Therefore, the unique landscape of 'Three Natural Bridges enclosed with Two Pits' is solely nature's creation.So next let me! give you a brief introduction of the 3 bridges respectivelyThe first one is Tianlong Bridge. It is about 235 meters (656 feet) in height, 147 meters (328 feet) in width. It spans 450 meters (1,476 feet), and has two arches from south to north. The south arch was also called Mihun Cave. The northern arch is a passage. The buildings at the bottom of the stairways (photo below) were built as a movie set for the 2006 film Curse of the Golden Flowerstarring Chow-Yun Fat and Gong Li. In the movie Curse of the Golden Flower, ninjas were filmed sliding down ropes to attack the compound, as can be seen in the movie still below. The second bridge, Green Dragon (Qin Long), is a short walk downstream from the larger bridge. Qinglong Bridge is about 350 meters (1,148 feet) high, 150 meters (492 feet) wide, and spans over 400 meters (1,312 meters). After the rains, a waterfall pours over the bridge and forms a mist. When the sunset reflects on the mist, a colorful rainbow emerges like a dragon ascending to the heaven. Heilong Bridge has a deep and long arch passage, like a black dragon winding its way out from the passage.The third bridge, Black Dragon (Hei Long)is a waterfall natural bridge eroded through Wulong Karst. It is the easternmost of a cluster of three large waterfall natural bridges.There are weeping waterfalls within the opening. The span is estimated at 60 feet and the height is estimated at 380 feet. To get back to the car park, you have a choice of ascending 1000 stairs past the third bridge, or go back the way you came, up through the first bridge to the glass elevator. In 2010 a new road has allowed for van service to pick you up in the gorge and take you back to the car park for a fee. There is also a fee for the elevator but the other entrance is free and is used by vendors who sell food and souvenirs to the tourists.Heilong Bridge is also renowned for its four springs with tortuous trickles of stream. The Three Natural Bridges is a karst stone arch bridge cluster unrivalled elsewhere of Asia in terms of height and the thickness of the bridge surface. It is magnificent.。

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Three natural bridges
The Wulong Karst (Chinese: 武隆喀斯特) is a natural karst landscape located within the borders of Wulong County, Chongqing Municipality.It is divided into three areas containing the Three Natural Bridges, the Qingkou Tiankeng (箐口天坑) and Furong Cave respectively. It is a part of the Wulong Karst National Geology Park as well as part of the South China Karst, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 20 kilometres (12 mi) southeast of Wulong County town, the area lies on the border of Baiguo and Hetao villages.
The Three Natural Bridges are a series of natural limestone石灰岩bridges located in fairy mountain Town (仙女山镇), Wulong County.They lie within the Wulong Karst National Geology Park, itself a part of the South China Karst-Wulong Karst UNESCO World Heritage Site.In Chinese, the bridges are all named after dragons, namely the Tianglong (literally Sky Dragon) Qinglong (literally Azure蔚蓝的Dragon) and Heilong (literally Black Dragon) bridges. Spanning the Yangshui River, a tributary支流of the Wu River, the bridges are at the centre of a 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) conservation area. Given that the distance between the upper end of the Tianlong Bridge and the lower end of the Heilong Bridge is only 1,500 metres (4,900 ft), these are not the longest natural bridges. However, they are the only such group of karst structures in the world. Between the bridges lie the Qinglong and Shenying tiankengs which have a depth of 276–285 meters and a circumference圆周of 300–522 meters.
Wulong Karst Landscapes National Geological Park (武隆天坑地缝国家地质公园) is one of the largest geological parks in Chongqing. With amazing topography marked by awe-inspiring karst landscapes (landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrocks), the park features a series of dolines, sinkholes, bridges, springs and cascading waters. The park includes three famous attraction spots: Wulong dolines, three karst bridges and Wulong sinkholes/chasms. Wulong boasts the world's largest scale karst bridges and the second largest series of dolines; the underground sinkholes/chasms are equally amazing.
Visitors can ride the elevators zooming down from the cliff tops and witness the three karst bridges in all its grandeur, 100 meters (328 feet) underground. The karst bridges are the main attractions of the park. Three arched bridges are formed consecutively in the 1.2 km (0.75 miles) distance – they are named Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge. The height, width and spanning distance of all three bridges are above 150 meters (492 feet), 200 meters (656 feet) and 300 meters (984 feet) respectively; presently they are the largest karst bridges in the world. There are also two dolines formed by dissolution of bedrocks: the Tianlong Sinkhole and Shenying Sinkhole. They are perfectly situated in
between the bridges – making for a spectacular sight with dolines interlacing amongst the three karst bridges.
At the park, there is also a remnant of a building that was built for use in a movie directed by Zhang Yimou, Curse of the Golden Flower. Constructed amidst towering cliffs, the building’s walls and bricks have been created to appear worn and cracked, the roofs are overgrown with moss and weeds and the gray pillars and window frames are made to look like the structure originated eons ago – which fits perfectly with the surrounding land formations. After the movie production crew left, the building stayed behind, serving an eerie reminder that humans were once here amidst naturally formed lands.
Visitors can then continue riding the sightseeing elevators to the bottom attractions at the park, passing through a long, cavernous tunnel to arrive at the chasms underground. Here the scenes are distinctly different from where the dolines are located; the walls and stairs are all wet and with water droplets falling from the ceiling. There are numerous disappearing creeks which supply the cavern with an ample amount of water. Visitors are advised to wear non-slippery shoes and bring an umbrella or raincoat when visiting the caves. As you stand at the bottom of the sinkhole, looking up at the towering cliffs above, with trees and vines branching out all around as springs and cascades of water reflect the sunlight, you are bound to gasp in amazement at the wonders of nature。
