
A、True or False (2’x10=20)1.The marginal effect of advertising on sales is always same throughout differentstages of new product diffusion。
F2.Frequent price promotion hurts brand equity。
T3.Cooperation between channel members leads to higher profit for both retailerand manufacturer, given there are only two channel members。
T4.New product development involves very high cost and risks of failure。
Therefore, companies should not develop new product. F 5.Maximizing consumer's time spent in stores is one of the retailer’s objectives。
T6.Brand equity is more important for goods than services。
F7.Advertising is a more efficient way to increase consumer’s new productawareness level than personal communication. T8.Exclusive distributor only manages one brand in the channel。
F9.Bundled products are always priced lower than non-bundled products。

Section 1: Multiple Choices (75%)This section has 30 questions, each worth 2.5%. For each question, you must choose ONLY one choice which you think best fits in. Please transfer the code of your choice into the attached Answer Sheet.1.Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationshipsby delivering ________ to customers.petitive pricesb.superior valuec.superior serviced.superior promotione.product assortment2.Customer satisfaction depends on the product’s perceived valuerelative to the buyer’s ________.a.cost of obtaining the productb.expectationsc.cost of competing productsd.cost of the lost experiencee.all of the above3.To reduce demand for space on congested expressways in Washington, D.C.,the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has attempted to engage in ________.a.target marketingb.deregulationc.demarketingd.gray marketinge.integration4. Your firm is attempting to divide up the total market to determine the bestsegments it can serve. Which is the correct order of doing so?a.market segmentation, target marketing, market positioningb.target marketing, market positioning, market segmentationc.market positioning, market segmentation, target marketingd.market segmentation, market positioning, target marketinge.mass marketing, demographic segmentation, psychographicsegmentation5. A company with limited resources might enter a new market by serving ________ segment(s).a.the largestb.the most profitablec.duald.one or a fewe.three or more6.Today the four Ps are compared to the four Cs. Product and place are called________ and ________, respectively.a.convenience; customer solutionb.customer cost; conveniencemunication; customer solutiond.customer solution; conveniencemunication; convenience7.This systematic collection and analysis of publicly availableinformation about competitors and developments in the marketing environment is very useful. What is it called?a. marketing datab. marketing intelligencec. Web masterd. sales and sales managemente. secondary data8.Survey research is best suited for gathering ________ information.a. personalb. preferencec. attituded. descriptivee. exploratory9.Which form of data can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lowercost?a. primaryb. censusc. secondaryd. syndicatede. tertiary10. ________ are people within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert influence on others.a. Opinion leadersb. Habitual buyersc. Charismatic personalitiesd. Perceptionistse. Wild ducks11. ________ are defined as smaller cultural groups of people with sharedvalue systems based on common life experiences and situations.a. Alternative evaluationsb. Cognitive dissonancesc. Subculturesd. Motivese. Attitudes12. To marketers, more important than reality is ________, the processby which people select, organize, and interpret information to forma meaningful picture of the world.a. personalityb. perceptionc. selective groupd. habitual behaviore. assessment13. Markets can be segmented into groups of nonusers, ex-users, potentialusers, first-time users, and regular users of a product. This method of segmentation is called ________.er statusage ratec.benefitd.behaviore.product frequency14. Mass marketers, such as Target and Venture Stores, ignore marketsegment differences and target the whole market with one offer. What is their approach to segmenting?a.undifferentiated marketingb.differentiated marketingc.target marketingd.blanket marketinge.intelligent marketing15. A segmenting approach that has been around for a long time that canbe very effective—________— tailors brands and promotions to the needs and wants of specific cities, neighborhoods, and even specific stores.a.micromarketingb.differentiated marketingc.niche marketingd.local marketinge. A or D16. ________ are consumer products and services with uniquecharacteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.a.Shopping productsb.Unsought productsc.Specialty productsd.Industrial productse.Line extensions17. A(n) ________ is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combinationof these, that identifies that maker or seller of a product or service.a.serviceb.brandc.co-brandd.internal markete.external market18.Product mix ________ refers to the number of different product linesthe company carries. Procter & Gamble markets 250 brands organized into many product lines.a.lengthb.heightc.widthd.perimetere.depth19.General Electric worked with Culligan to develop its Water byCulligan Profile Performance refrigerator with a built-in Culligan water filtration system. This is an example of ________.a.brand extensionb.brand equityc.co-brandingd.internal marketinge.cannibalization20. Which of the stages in the product life cycle is characterized byrapid market acceptance, increasing sales, and increasing profits?a.introductionb.maturityc.growthd.declinee.development21.What actually leads to greater competition in the maturity stage ofthe PLC?a.overcapacityb.many competitorsc.poor managementd.inadequate promotione. a lack of money22. Some companies have adopted a ________ strategy, offering just theright combination of quality and good service at a fair price.a.value-based pricingb.good-value pricingc.cost-plus pricingd.low-price imagee.none of the abovewyers, accountants, and other professionals typically price byadding a standard markup for profit. This is known as ________.a.variable costsb.cost-plus pricingc.value-based pricingd.break-even pricee.penetration pricing24.Consumer perceptions of the product’s val ue set the ________.a.demand curveb.floorc.ceilingd.variable coste.image25. By definition, a conventional distribution channel consists of oneor more independent producers, wholesalers, and ________.a.productsb.retailersc.contractsd.strangerse.merchants26.The most common type of contractual agreement in business is the________.a.franchise organizationb.vertical marketing systemc.conventional marketing channeld.corporate VMSe.scrambled system27. A recent major trend, whereby producers are bypassing intermediariesand going directly to final buyers, or radically new types of channel intermediaries are emerging to displace traditional ones is referred to as ________.a.the vertical marketing systemb.the corporate marketing systemc.disintermediationd.the corporate mergere. a hostile takeover28. The communication tools a company uses to pursue its advertisingand marketing objectives is often referred to as the company’s ________.a.direct marketingb.integrated marketingc.promotion mixpetitive marketinge.target marketing29.The major promotion tool that includes catalogs, telephone marketing,kiosks, the Internet, and more is called ________.a.sales promotionb.direct marketingc.affordable methodd.public relationse.advertising30. A message showing a product’s quality, economy, value, orperformance is called a ________ appeal.a.structuralb.rationalc.emotionald.morale.linguisticSection 2 Short Answer Questions (25%)Answer each question with adequate knowledge you have learned in this course. You need to present your answer and the question number in the Attached Answer Sheet.1.Outline the four major steps in designing a customer-drivenmarketing strategy. (7%)Answer KeysThe first step is market segmentation: dividing a market into smaller groups of buyers with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors, who might require separate products or marketing mixes. The company then identifies different ways to segment the market and develops profiles of the resulting market segment. The third step is differentiating the firm’s market offering to create superior customer value. The final step is market positioning: arranging for a market offering to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers..2.Discuss the importance of consumer perceptions of value and coststo setting prices. (8%)Answer KeysCustomer perceptions of value set the upper limit for prices, and costs set the lower limit. However, in setting prices within these limits the company must then consider other internal and external factors. Internal factors affecting pricing include the c ompany’s overall marketing strategy, objectives, and marketing mix, as well as other organizational considerations. External factors include the nature of the market and demand, competitors’ strategies and prices, and other environmental factors.3.What advantages do multichannel distribution systems offer intoday’s markets? (8%)Answer KeysWhat is the principle advantage of using a multichannel distribution system? With each new channel in a multichannel distribution system the company expands its sales and market coverage and gains opportunities to tailor its products and services to the specific needs of diverse customer segments.。

一、 T r a n s l a t e t h e f o l l o w i n g p h r a s es i n t o C h i n e s e ( 1 5分)1. Distribution channel2. Marketing environment3. Target customer4. Natural resource5. Sustainable development6. Annual report7. Well-recognized8.Company’s image9. New alternative10. Target market11. Respondent12. Brand positioning13. Product origin14. Final consumer15. On-line shopping二、 Translate the words into English(15 分)1.市场细分2.检盘问卷3.年度收入4.生产线5.品牌忠诚度6.第一手数据7.周年特卖8.绿色营销9.销售时机10.主流购置者11.成本订价12.市场据有率13.实体产品14.销售促使15.公共关系三、 Translate the sentences into Chinese(40 分)1、 Advertising objectives should be realistic, precise, measurable and consistent withthe organization ’ s overall marketing objectives.2、 The core beliefs and values people hold in a given society are hard to change.3、 Marketing is a process of finding out the needs and wants of the market then designing products or services to satisfy these needs and wants.4、 The marketing environment refers to any outside factors and conditions related to themarketing activities of an organization.5、 Market research is the systematic collection,analysis and reporting of data to aid marketing decision making.6、 The segments you choose to serve are your Target Markets.7、G reen marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs and wants..8、 Direct channel means that you sell your products or services directly to the final userswithout involving any wholesaler, retailer, broker or agent.四、 Choose the suitable words to complete the sentences and fill the word in the blank.(10 分 )order, cost, enquire, free, dimensions, charge, guarantee1.Good morning. I'm phoning to ____about your personal computers.2.You asked about the ___. They are meters wide, and...3.You're in our _ __ delivery area, so there'll be no extra __ for delivery.4.We ___ delivery within two weeks after you place an ___.5.It __ us $ to make one unit, but we only ___you $6.五、 Reading comprehension (20 分)The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the lastten years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use.But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses. Computers have been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficult for human beings to work out. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers tokeep records of theinventories(库存货物 ) and to send bills to their customers. Offices usecomputers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with other offices. Peoplehave been using computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend.One important new use for computers is for entertainment . Many new games have been des igned to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these games, People also have been buying home computers to play computer games, watch movies and listen to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed.puters used to _____.A. work rapidlyB. be large and expensiveC. be easy to useD. be used for fun2.In recent years, computers are being made ______.A. larger and more expensiveB. smaller and cheaperC. more difficult to useD. to work more slowly3.Home computers can be used for ______.A.writing lettersB. playing gamesC. doing businessD. all of the above4.Salesmen use computers mainly to ______.A.check the list of goods and materials that are kept in the store houseB.play games for pleasureC.talk with their friendsD.write letters5.The best title for the passage would be _______.A. New Uses For ComputersB. The Popularity of Home ComputersC.The Home Computer Industry D. Computers At Home6、Please match the English words in Column A with its means in Column BABpopularity compute records entertainment tracka diversion that holds the attentionthe quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after a line or route along which something travels or movescalculateanything providing permanent evidence of or information about pastevents。

市场营销专业英语AB卷期末考试题及答案2套L Put the following from Chinese into English or vice versa.(每题1 分,共20 分)1.东道国3.全球公司5.特许经营7.关税同盟9.价值链11. purchasing power parity13. non-tariff barriers15. customization17.Joint Venturespot exchange rate2.灰色市场4.套期保值6.战略联盟8.本土化10.经销商12. FDI14. market penetration16. global sourcing18. strategic business units 20. dumpingII. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English.(每题 3 分,共 15 分)licensing1.direct selling channeltransnational transfer pricing2.economic unionOEM111.Answer the following questions in English :(每题 5 分,共 20 分)What are gray market products? Are they legal? Do gray marketers serve useful marketing functions—for consumers and manufacturers?1.Some retailers (e.g., Sears) and manufacturers (e.g., General Motors) place their trademarks on products actually made by foreign suppliers. Discuss the rationale for these actions by these firmsDefine leverage, explain the different types of leverage utilized by companies with global operations.However, the above assessment is incomplete. Although one probably should not say that certain marketing methods are domestic or international, it still does not mean that the international dimension should be neglected. The shortfall with the discipline-based approach is that the disciplined-based courses as designed and taught in American business schools at the present time are ethnocentric.V. Open question (共 25 分)When desirable, there is nothing wrong with using expatriate personnel who are well qualified and knowledgeable of the company's product, technology, history, and policies. The difficulties, however, are many. Some expatriate personnel find it difficult to cope with a new and unfamiliar businessenvironment. Also the expatriate's family must also share in the burden of makingsocial adjustments related to shopping, schooling, and the limited entertainment opportunities. Also the expatriate may fear that the distance from the headquarters may eliminate chances for promotion.To minimize the problems, the personnel for overseas assignments must be selected carefully. Their families should also be interviewed to determine the suitability of their temperament for an overseas assignment.I. Put the following from Chinese into English or vice versa.(每题 1 分,共 20 分)1.母国.跨国公司5 .特许经营.关税同盟9 .原产国11. hedging13. non-tariff barriers15. foreign-related enterprise17.penertration pricing19.segmentationII. Make brief explanations ofthe following terms in English.(每题 3 分,共 15 分)dumping11. ethnocentricorientationOEM12. economic uniondirectselling channelIQ. Answer the followingquestions in English :(每题 5 分,共 20 分)What is meant by global localization? Is Coca-Cola a global product? Explain.5. What is licensing? Why do firms sometimes choose it as a means of entering a foreign market?3. What are the characteristics of a good international brand name?4. Define leverage, explain the different types of leverage utilized by companies with globaloperations.IV. Minicases:(每题 10 分,共 20 分)Compared to Americans, are Asians: (1) more group-oriented, (b) more family-oriented, and (c) more concerned with social status? How might such orientations affect the way Americans market their products to Asian consumers? Give examples to demonstrate your opinions. 1. Many consumers consider direct mail as junk mail, a term that is offensive to the direct marketingindustry. What is your assessment of the future of direct mail overseas?V. Open question (共 25 分)As a researcher, you have just been asked to do marketing research in order to make recommendations on how to market coffee in a number ofAsian, European, and South American countries. What questions do you need to ask in order to understand the varying buying motives, consumption habits, and uses of this 2.政府没收 4.市场开发 6.营销组合 8.标准化 10.竞争优势 12. secondary data 14. IPLC 16. global sourcing 18. business units 20. strategic allianceparticular product?参考答案:I. Put the following from Chinese into English or vice versa.(每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. home country2confiscation3. global company or transnational company4. market development5. franchising6.marketing mix7. custom union8.standardizationlO petitive advantage12.二手资料 13 .非关税壁垒14国际产品生命周期.外企16全球采购 17 .渗透价格18业务单元.市场细分20战略联盟II. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English.(每题 3 分,共 15 分)1.. Dumping is defined as the practice of selling a product abroad at a price below the cost of production, (2 分)or below its normal price in the domestic market. (1 分)Opportunities outside the home market are pursued by extending various elements of the marketing mix. (2 分)Home country is superior. The management sees similarities in foreign countries. The products that succeed in the home country- are superior, so can be sold everywhere without adaptation. (1 分)2. OEM is known as contract manufacturing. Its full name is original equipment manufacturing. (1 分) Under an OEM agreement, the MNE provides the know-how and sometimes equipment to a supplier that must provide the product according to the standards of authorized technology. (2 分)The full evolution of an economic union would involve the creation of a unified central bank, (1 分) the use of a single currency, (1 分)and common policies on agriculture, social services and welfare, regional development, transport, taxation, competition and mergers, construction and building, and so on. (1 分)3. Direct selling is employed when a manufacturer develops an overseas channel so that it deals directly with a foreign party without going through an intermediary in the home country. (3 分)□I. Answer the following questions in English :(每题 5 分,共 20 分)1. Products and marketing activities are standardized wherever possible (1 分),but adapted where necessary within a uniform format to meet local needs. (2 分)Yes, it is. (2 分)2. Under an international licensing contract, a licensor grants a foreign licensee the rights to use the licensor , s intangible asset such as its patent, trade mark, or know-how. In exchange, the licensee will pay a fee or royalty. (3 分)Licensing will cost little for the licensor, (1 分)and it can generate immediate return without new investment. (1 分)An international brand name should reflect the desired product image. It should be unique or distinctive while rendering itself to graphic design possibilities. Special attention must be given to pronunciation, making sure that the languages have the brand's alphabets. Furthermore, the name must be capable of gaining registration and protection.3. Leverage is some type of advantage that a company enjoys by virtue of the fact that it conducts business in more than one country. (1 分)Experience transfers, scale economies, resource utilization, global strategy. It can draw on management practices, 9. country of origin 11 .套期保值9. country of origin 11 .套期保值strategies, products, advertising appeals, or sales or promotional ideas that have been tested in actual markets and apply them in other comparable markets. (1 分)The global company can take advantage of its greater manufacturing volume to obtain traditional scale advantages within a single factory. (1 分)A major strength of the global company is its ability to scan the entire world to identify people, money, and raw materials that will enable it to compete most effectively in world market. (1 分) A global strategy is built on an information system that scans the world business environment to identify opportunities, trends, threats, and resources. (1 分)Minicases:(每题10 分,共20 分)pared to Americans, Asians are more group- oriented, more family-oriented, and more status-oriented. As such, a marketer of an American product needs to be careful in utilizing such appeals as individualism, independence, and equality. Instead, the emphasis should be on groups, families, and status.2.Direct mail is largely undeveloped in many countries. This is especially true where illiteracy is high and where labor is cheap, making it easy to use a salesperson to make sales calls. Still despite the small volume, the use of direct mail is growing rapidly in many countries. It can be expected that list owners may develop more confidence in the rental process of their lists and that government regulations may permit companies to have more flexibility in collecting personal information and developing lists on a more sophisticated basis. It is thus not unreasonable to expect growth in the use and popularity of direct mail.IV.Open question (共 25 分)The purpose of this question is to get students to recognize the varying usage and buying motives of a relatively simple product一一coffee. At first, the students may be at a loss to see why any questioning is even necessary, and they probably do not know how to ask questions. Not until after talking to foreign students or other foreign-born persons will they realize that there are many different kinds of coffee coupled with varying buying motives.The questions would be as follows.How is coffee used-in bean form, ground, or powdered? If it is ground, how is it brewed? Which coffee is preferred-- Brazilian Santos blended with Colombian coffee, or robusta from the Ivory Coast? Is it roasted? Do the people prefer dark roasted or blond coffee? The color of Nestle,s soluble coffee must resemble as closely as possible the color of the coffee consumed in the country. Do the Germans drink coffee after lunch or with their breakfast? Do they take it black or with cream or milk? Do they drink coffee in the evening? Do they sweeten it? In France, the answer is clear: in the morning, coffee with milk; at noon, black coffee一一i.e., two utterly different coffees. At what age do people begin drinking coffee? Is it a traditional beverage, as in France, or is it a form of rebellion, as in England and Japan, where the younger generation has taken up coffee drinking in order to defy their tea-drinking parents?4.By marketing in a foreign country, must a firm automatically utilize geographic segmentation or other segmentation bases?IV.Minicases:(每题 10 分,共 20 分). Many consumers consider direct mail as junk mail, a term that is offensive to the direct marketing industry. What is your assessment of the future of direct mail overseas?1.Befbre becoming IBM's chairman and chief executive officer, Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. was a vice-chairman of American Express. While at American Express, he stated that “the split between international and domestic is very artificial-and at times dangerous." Do you agree with the statement? Offer your rationale.V.Open question (共 25 分)Sony Corp, of America, in an effort to include retailing in its operations, runs its own licensed stores in Japan and Europe. In the United States, Sony has opened Sony Gallery of Consumer Electronics in Chicago. Inside the store, n boom boxes" and camcorders are displayed on pedestals as if they were art objects, and the Walkman is displayed on trendy mannequins. The gallery includes alife-size mock-up of an apartment with a built-in Sony home theater system. Some retailers are concerned that Sony might turn out to be both their supplier and competitor. How should Sony deal with this concern?参考答案:I. Put the following from Chinese into English or vice versa.(每题1 分,共20 分)1. host country2 grey market3. global company or transnational company4. hedging5. franchising6. strategic alliances7. custom union8. localization9. value chainlO.distributor11 .购买力平价12.对外直接投资.非关税壁垒14市场渗透15.定制化16全球采购.合资企业18战略业务单元19.即期汇率20倾销Make brief explanations of the following terms in English.(每题3 分,共15 分)1.Under an international licensing contract, a licensor grants a foreign licenseethe rights to use the licensor' s intangible asset such as its patent, trade mark, or know-how. (2 分)In exchange, the licensee will pay a fee or royalty. (1 分)2.Direct selling is employed when a manufacturer develops an overseas channel so that it deals directly with a foreign party without going through an intermediary in the home country. (3 分)Transfer pricing is to set a price on goods or services transferred between subsidiaries or divisions of the same enterprise. (2 分)It is the pricing strategy of a MNE. (1 分)3.The full evolution of an economic union would involve the creation of a unified central bank, (1 分)the use of a single currency, (1 分)and common policies on agriculture, social services and welfare, regional development, transport, taxation, competition and mergers, construction and building, and so on. (1 分)4.OEM is known as contract manufacturing. Its full name is original equipment manufacturing. (1 分)Under an OEM agreement, the MNE provides the know-how and sometimes equipment to a supplier that must provide the product according to the standards of authorized technology. (2 分)IH. Answer the following questions in English :(每题 5 分,共20 分)1.Gray market products are those imported by an unauthorized party. Gray marketing may be illegal in the case that the protection is granted to an independent American trademark owner. In general, however, it is legal to import and sell gray market goods.In spite of all the criticisms, gray marketers do serve usefulmarketing functions. For manufacturers, gray marketers help distributing surplus goods and perform some of the service functions. As a matter of fact, many manufacturers tolerate or even encourage the practice of gray marketing. For consumers, gray marketers provide an alternative-- essentially the same product for a lower price. They promote the free enterprise system. The discrepancy of prices in two countries for the same product causes gray marketing to exist which in turn narrows the price differential. Gray marketers thus bring about more uniform prices.2.There are several reasons why MNEs place their trademarks on products made by foreign firms. First, they may be able to create a unique product by bundling or unbundling product attributes. Second, the strategy guarantees that MNEs cannot be bypassed by theirsuppliers. Third, they can avoid fixed production costs. Finally, the strategy offers these firms brand loyalty, bargaining power, and price. Foreign manufacturers also have their own reasons for agreeing to place other firms,brands on the products. One benefi t is the ease in gaining market entry and dealers,acceptance which may allow a larger market share overall while contributing to offset fixed costs. Another advantage is that there are no promotional headaches and expenses. Finally, the strategy prevents other competitors from making this same product for these customers.3.Leverage is some type of advantage that a company enjoys by virtue of the fact that it conducts business in more than one country. (1 分)Experience transfers, scale economies, resource utilization, global strategy. It can draw on management practices, strategies, products, advertising appeals, or sales or promotional ideas that have been tested in actual markets and apply them in other comparable markets. (1 分)The global company can take advantage of its greater manufacturing volume to obtain traditional scale advantages within a single factory. (1 分)A major strength of the global company is its ability to scan the entire world to identify people, money, and raw materials that will enable it to compete most effectively in world market. (1 分)A global strategy is built on an information system that scans the world business environment to identify opportunities, trends, threats, and resources. (1 分)It must be stressed that the introduction of a product to a foreign market does not mean that market segmentation (geographic or otherwise) has been automatically employed. If consumers in a number of countries have the same desire, their nationality and geographic locations are irrelevant and do not require these countries to be treated as separate markets or segments.IV.M inicases:(每题10 分,共20 分)Direct mail is largely undeveloped in many countries. This is especially true where illiteracy is high and where labor is cheap, making it easy to use a salesperson to make sales calls. Still despite the small volume, the use of direct mail is growing rapidly in many countries. It can be expected that list owners may develop more confidence in the rental process of their lists and that government regulations may permit companies to have more flexibility in collecting personal information and developing lists on a more sophisticated basis. It is thus not unreasonable to expect growth in the use and popularity of direct mail.1.This of course is an indication of ethnocentricity. Citizens and corporations of many countries however do not see any need to make this split. To them, international business is a natural occurrence. International marketing complements domestic marketing, one being the natural extension of the other. As such, smart marketers look at domestic marketing and international marketing as being highly interrelated--both of which they must encounter everyday in conducting business. It is thus dangerous to believe that there is a certain point which domestic marketing ends and international marketing starts.V.Open question (共 15 分)Sony,s effort is a good illustration of the benefits and problems derived from having multiple or parallel channels. On the one hand, it employs middlemen in its regular, long channel. On the other hand, it has begun to add thesecond and direct channel From manufacturers ,standpoint, it is only natural that they all want to utilize all channels that can contribute to corporate sales and image. In the case of Sony, such a goal becomes even more critical because the consumer-electronics business is maturing. Sony claims that the purpose of the Chicago Gallery is to further strengthen its positive image by offering in-depth product information, demonstrations, and services. The Gallery showcases Sony ,s full product line, including new Sony technologies that many retailers have yet to carry (e. g., Data Discman-books on compact discs ). Because retailers, as a rule, emphasize price rather than product features, Sony wants to make the demand for its product less price elastic. According to the president of Sony Consumer Products Group, Sony must explain why its products deserve to be ''higher-value purchases.,z The Gallery allows the firm to explain its premium technology for image building. In other words, the new channel is more of a promotional tool than a distribution tool. From the perspective of Sony's retailers, it is hardly surprising that they have a cause for concern: their own supplier may take sales away from them and may create price war which hurts profit margin. To allay such fears, Sony has stated that the goal of the Gallery is not to make money but rather to make consumers comfortable with Sony ,s products, making them want to buy Sony ,s products regardless of the retail outlets. If this goal is accomplished, it will benefit both Sony and its retailers. To assure retailers that Sony is not a competitor, Sony's Gallery sells products at full retail price and even steers shoppers toward local Sony dealers who usually have lower prices. This strategy, if executed properly, should allow Sony to bolster its positive image, keep its premium price, minimize dealer conflict, and maintain dealer loyalty. I. Put the following from Chinese into English or vice versa.(每题 1 分,共 20 分) 1.东道国3.跨国公司5.许可7.新兴市场9.利基者11. joint venture13. exchange rate15. value chain17. hedging 19. turnkey operation2 .全球采购.价格歧视 6 .促销.产品调整 10.经销商12. transnational strategy 14. primary data16. country of origin 18. global business units20. market development II. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English.(每题3 分,共 15 分)OEM6. economic unionglocalization7. dumpinginternational transfer pricing III. Answer the following questions in English :(每题 5 分,共 20 分). Are domestic marketing and international marketing different only in scope but not in nature?2. Can standard marketing techniques (e.g., market segmentation and product positioning) be used tomarket services locally and internationally?3. What is licensing? Why do firms sometimes choose it as a means of entering a foreign market?4. Some retailers (c.g., Scars) and manufacturers (c.g., General Motors) place their trademarks on products actually made by foreign suppliers. Discuss the rationale for these actions by these firmsMinicases:(每题 10 分,共 20 分)1. Do demographic variables have universal meanings? Is there a likelihood that they may beinterpreted differently in different cultures?2. Some of the best-known business schools in the United States want to emphasize discipline-based courses and eliminate international courses, based on the rationale that marketing and management principles are applicable everywhere. Is there a need to study international marketing? Discuss the pros and cons of the discipline-based approach as compared to the international approach.V. Open question (共 25 分)Should expatriate personnel be used? What are some of the difficulties that they may encounter overseas? What can be done to minimize these problems?参考答案:1.东道国3.跨国公司5.许可7.新兴市场9.利基者11. joint venture13. exchange rate 15. value chain17. hedging19. turnkey operation1. host country3. multinational company5. licensing7. emerging market9. nicherI.Put the following from Chinese into English or vice versa.(每题1 分,共20 分)Make brief explanations of the following terms in English.(每题 3 分,共15 分) 1. OEM is known as contract manufacturing. Its full name is original equipment manufacturing. (1 分)Under an OEM agreement, the MNE provides the know-how and sometimes equipment to a supplier that must provide the product according to the standards of authorized technology. (2 分)The full evolution of an economic union would involve the creation of a unified central bank, (1 分) the use of a single currency, (1 分)and common policies on agriculture, social services and welfare, regional development, transport, taxation, competition and mergers, construction and building, and so on. (1 分)2. Products and marketing activities are standardized wherever possible (1 分),but adapted where necessary within a uniform format to meet local needs. (2 分)Dumping is defined as the practice of selling a product abroad at a price below the cost of production, (2 分)or below its normal price in the domestic market. (1分)Transfer pricing is to set a price on goods or services transferred between subsidiaries or divisions of the same enterprise. (2 分)It is the pricing strategy of a MNE. (1 分)IQ. Answer the following questions in English :(每题 5 分,共 20 分)It is erroneous to state that domestic marketing and international marketing are similar in nature but not in scope. This is not unlike stating that national marketing and local marketing, except for the scope, are similar.International marketing is not domestic marketing on a larger scale. Whereas domestic marketinginvolves one set of uncontrollable variables, international marketing has at least two sets which interact with each other. Furthermore, the variables in each set are not identical in terms of number, degree, or kind.1. Such standard marketing techniques as market segmentation and product positioning are universal in the sense that they can be used locally as well as internationally, and they can be applied to both products and services.As in the case of international banking, except for the very large banks, most banks simply cannot be everywhere and may not offer all banking products for everyone. Therefore, some kind of market segmentation is necessary in order to satisfy certain customers very well instead of trying to be all things to all people. At the least, these banks wi11 use geographic segmentation by selecting the countries they want to be in. Furthermore, they may use demographic segmentation in order to cater to a certain kind of banking clientele. Banks also use product positioning. Some position themselves as experts in raising a certain kind of capital in a certain part of the world; others position themselves as multinational banks which can offer all kinds of global banking services. 1. host country3. multinational company5. licensing7. emerging market9. nicher2 global sourcing 4. price discrimination 6. promotion 8. product adaptation lO.distributor 11 .合资企业 13. 15. 17. 19. 汇率 价值链 套期保值 交钥匙协议 12.全球扩张战略14 一手资料16原产国18全球业务单元20市场开发2.Under an international licensing contract, a licensor grants a foreign licensee the rights to use the licensor s intangible asset such as its patent, trade mark, or know-how. In exchange, the licensee will pay a fee or royalty. (3 分)Licensing will cost little for the licensor, (1 分)and it can generate immediate return without new investment. (1 分)There are several reasons why MNEs place their trademarks on products made by foreign firms. First, they may be able to create a unique product by bundling or unbundling product attributes. Second, the strategy guarantees that MNEs cannot be bypassed by their suppliers. Third, they can avoid fixed production costs. Finally, the strategy offers these firms brand loyalty, bargaining power, and price. Foreign manufacturers also have their own reasons for agreeing to place other firms,brands on the products. One benefit is the ease in gaining market entry and dealers,acceptance which may allow a larger market share overall while contributing to offset fixed costs. Another advantage is that there are no promotional headaches and expenses. Finally, the strategy prevents other competitors from making this same product for these customers.IV. Minicases:(每题 10 分,共 20 分)Even demographics may have problems in terms of conceptual equivalence because of the varying frames of reference. A demographic variable such as sex is universal. Age, however, is not always considered in the same way--the Chinese include the time during pregnancy in their age. Education level, likewise, does not have the same meaning everywhere. The meaning of primary school, grade school, secondary school, high school, college, and university vary greatly. It is thus wise in many instances to ask about the number of years of schooling attended by the respondent. 1.This case is challenging in two aspects--whether it is desirable to split domestic from international and whether a certain educational approach is geocentric or ethnocentric. The subject matter covered here is highly related to the first assignment. Several well-known business schools see no need to offer international courses, with the rationale that the basic disciplines and principles of marketing, management, and so on are universal. As such, they argue that marketing is marketing, and there should be nothing which is domestic or international about it. The discipline-based approach may appear to be appropriate on this count.。

英文版市场营销学期末试卷7(五篇)第一篇:英文版市场营销学期末试卷7Part One:please choose the best one answer for each questions(2*15=30)1.Which of the following is included in the marketing mix?a)developing productb)pricing productc)promoting productd)placing producte)all of the abovepanies selling mass consumer goods and services such as soft drinks,cosmetics, air travel, and athletic shoes and equipment spend a great deal of time trying to establish a superior brand image in markets called ________.a)business marketsb)global marketsc)consumer marketsd)nonprofit and governmental marketse)service markets3.Marketers often use the term ________ to cover various groupings ofcustomers.a)peopleb)buying powerc)demographic segmentd)social class positione)market4.Mega Computers has decided to promote its new line of computers by offeringwholesalers and retailers an additional 5 percent off list prices.This strategy isa)placeb)productc)pushd)pull5.________ is pricing a product at a lower price in a foreign market than in itshome market.a)Dumpingb)Price discountingc)Price liningd)Psychological pricing6.In response to giant retailers and category killers, entrepreneurial retailers are buildingentertainment into stores with coffee bars, lectures, demonstrations, and performances.They are marketing a(n)________ rather than a product assortment.a)b)c)d)experience customer value customer delight total service solutione)intangible benefit(s)7.The ________ concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, willordinarily not buy enough of the organization’s products.a)productionb)sellingc)marketingd)product8.Bill Jones is looking for a good car at an affordable price.Car is a ________.a)shopping goodb)specialty goodc)convenience serviced)convenience good9.________on consumer behavior include family, opinion leaders, and reference groups, such as friends, co-workers, and professional associates.a)Personal influencesb)Social influencesd)Psychological influencesd)Cultural influences10.The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a _________.a).productb).an advertisement for the productc).a salesperson from a previous visitd).problem or need11.Variables from countries to neighborhoods that may be considered in developing a segmentation strategy are called ________variables.a)psychographicb)geographicc)product used)demographic12.As a brand manager you have decided to use the full market coverage approachin marketing to your customers.Within the full market coverage approach,you have selected a(n)________ strategy whereby your firm will operate inseveral market segments and design different products for each segment.a)Undifferentiatedb)differentiatedc)concentratedd)introverted13.________is a market research technique in which a group of people is gathered,presented with an issue, and asked to discuss it in depth.a).Surveyb).Observationc).Focus groupsd).Experimentation14.Positioning is.a).a marketing strategy that emphasizes long lasting relationships withcustomers.b)the process of dividing a market into categories of customer types.c)the study of consumer needs and wants, and the ways in which sellers canbest meet them.d)the process of collecting, storing, and retrieving data in electronic files.15.GM purchases brakes, dashboards, and other components for its vehicles from manufacturers inside and outside the U.S.In this capacity, GM is a member of themarket.a)reseller marketsb)industrialc)institutionald)governmentPart Two:False/ Truth(2*10=20)1.Consumers buy products that offer the best value when it comes to meeting their needs and wants.2.Most marketers satisfy everyone in a market—that’s how they stay in business.3.Products used by companies to produce other products are called consumergoods.4.A good pricing strategy to use in the introduction stage of the product life cycle isto charge cost-plus.5.A company may have multiple product mixes but only one product line.6.Co-branding is when two or more well-known existing brands are combined intoa joint product and/or marketed together in some fashion.7.Advertising, sales promotion, and direct marketing are all part of what is calledthe offering mix.8.Direct channels of distribution deliver products to the home of buyer.9.Value-based pricing is low price.10.A push promotional strategy is designed to appeal directly to consumers who will demand the product from retailers.Part Three: Short-Answer(20)1.Identify the five stages in the buyer decision process.(5)2.Identify the marketing goals in each stage of the product life cycle.(4)3.Explain how companies identify attractive market segments and choose amarket-targeting strategy(6).4.Describe the major strategies for pricing new products(5).Part Four:Application(15*2=30)1.Energizer is introducing a new line of batteries that providea longer life than its existing models.The brand manager for new line believes most of the promotion budget should be spent on consumer and trade promotions, but the assistant brand manager thinks the promotion mix should emphasize televisionadvertising.Who do you agree with? Please explain your answer.2.Select a retailer and calculate how much you are worth to that retailer if you continue to shop there for the rest of your life(your customer lifetime value).What factors should you consider when deriving an estimate of your lifetime value to a retailer? How can a retailer increase your lifetime value?第二篇:市场营销学期末试卷《市场营销》模拟试卷5一、单项选择题1.在市场营销实践中,希望从别人那里去得到所需资源并愿意以某种有价之物作为交换的人是()。

True / False Questions (1 point for each question)1. It is probably best for those firms with limited financial and personnel resources to avoid concentrated or niche marketing until resources can be built up。
Social class is determined only by a n individual’s income.3。
Target costing involves designing a new product,determining its cost, and then asking, “Can we sell it for that?"4。
A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time.5。
The costs of obtaining,processing, storing and delivering information is relatively inexpensive。
6. For simplicity’s sake,and to keep their costs under control most marketers generally limit their segmentation analysis to one variable。
7. Only tangible goods are considered products。
8.The core product is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits,or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything。

A,True or False (2’X10=20’)1.Items sold in the convenience stores are usually more expensive thansimilar items sold in the supermarket。
2.The marginal effect of advertising on sales is always same throughoutdifferent stages of new product diffusion.3.S trategy guru Michael Porter’s three “generic” strategies are:cost leadership,diversification, and focus.4.The sales quantity of a new product is evenly distributed in different timeperiods.5.Post—purchase satisfaction is a function of the consumer’s produ ct expectations andthe product’s perceived performance。
6.Personal communication is a more efficient way to increase consumer’snew product awareness level than advertising7.New product development involves very high cost and risks of failure.Therefore,companies should not develop new product。
8.The higher the price,the lower the demand, given others constant.9.Product line extension could possibly damage the reputation of the motherbrand。

SECTION 1: True and False 〈TOTAL20 marks>For each of the following, place a “T" if the statement is “true”,“F” if the statement is false。
(20 marks,2 marks/ Question)___F___ 1。
“Marketing” is best described as “selling”.____F__ 2。
Market share can be defined in both currency as well as in units sold。
Because both ratios calculate market share, market share will be the same for a firm regardless which measurement is used.____F___3. A “high—involvement purchase" usually involves a considerable amount of time researching the product and the product is a routine purchase。
____F___4. A cohesive marketing mix consists of the product,promotion,price,and personnel.____F___ 5。
The first step in the purchase decision process is information search。
When the price setter stresses the supply or cost side of the pricing problem, they are using demand—oriented approach.____F___7。

A、True or False (2’x10=20)1.The marginal effect of advertising on sales is always same throughout differentstages of new product diffusion。
F2.Frequent price promotion hurts brand equity。
T3.Cooperation between channel members leads to higher profit for both retailerand manufacturer, given there are only two channel members。
T4.New product development involves very high cost and risks of failure。
Therefore, companies should not develop new product. F 5.Maximizing consumer's time spent in stores is one of the retailer’s objectives。
T6.Brand equity is more important for goods than services。
F7.Advertising is a more efficient way to increase consumer’s new productawareness level than personal communication. T8.Exclusive distributor only manages one brand in the channel。
F9.Bundled products are always priced lower than non-bundled products。

I. True / False Questions (1 point for each question)1.It is probably best for those firms with limited financial and personnel resources to avoid concentrated or niche marketing until resources can be built up.2.Social class is determined only by an individual’s ine.3.Target costing involves designing a new product, determining its cost, and then asking, “Can we sell it for that?”4.A pany should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time.5.The costs of obtaining, processing, storing and delivering information is relatively inexpensive.6.For simplicity’s sake, and to keep their costs under control most marketers generally limit their segmentation analysis to one variable.7.Only tangible goods are considered products.8.The core product is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything. Examples are banking, hotels, airlines, retail, tax preparation, and home repair..9.The purpose of idea screening is to reduce the number of new ideas.10.Value-based pricing uses the buyer’s perception of value to set prices.11.Reference prices are prices that buyers carry around in their minds and refer to when looking at a product.12. The term disintermediation refers to the displacement of traditional resellers from a marketing channel by radical new types of intermediaries.13.Department stores carry narrow product lines with deep assortments within those lines.14.A pany’s total marketing munications mix is also called its marketing mix.15.Unlike mass production, which eliminates the need for human interaction, one-to-onemarketing has made relationships with customers more important than ever.16.Because customers differ, munications programs need not be developed for specificsegments, niches, and even individuals.17.Awareness, knowledge, and preparation are buyer-readiness stages.18.The difference between human needs and wants is that needs are states of felt deprivation.19.This strategy calls for offering modified or new products to current markets. We term itproduct development.20.When faced with price petition cutting prices is often not the best answer.FFFTF FFFTT TTFFT FFTTTII. Multiple Choice Questions (2 points for each question)1.2.21.The four P’s in marketing refer to_____, _____, _____ and _____.A.product; place; price; promotionB.product; property; price; promotionC.production; property; people; promotionD.product; place; promotion; people22.Press releases, public affairs, and lobbying are all forms of _____.A.advertisingB.public relationsC.direct marketingD.sales promotion23. What are the four steps (in order) of the marketing research process?A.Define the problem, develop the research plan, implement the research plan, survey the participants.B.Define the problem, develop the research plan, implement the research plan, report the findings.C.Define the problem, develop the research plan, survey the participants, report the findings.D.Develop the research plan, implement the research plan, survey the participants, report the findings.24.The three types of research approaches a marketer may use are _____, _____ and _____.A.surveys; observations; historic reviewsB.observations; surveys; databasesC.observations; experiments; surveysD.experiments; databases; surveys25.Which type of research is best suited for gathering causal information?A.survey researchB.ethnographic researchC.observational researchD.experimental research26.The VALS classification system measures a person’s _____.A.ineB.occupationC.lifestyleD.personality27.A consumer purchasing fine furniture (which is expensive and for which a brand’s namematters) would probably result in _____ buying behavior.A.dissonance-reducingB.variety-seekingC.plexD.habitual28.Which of the following is not one of the major types of buying situations faced by businessbuyers?A.straight rebuyB.new task buyC.online rebuyD.modified rebuy29.Which of the following is a powerful value proposition because it offers consumers a “gooddeal”?A.more for moreB.more for the sameC.the same for lessD.less for much less30.Which of the following steps of target marketing takes into account petitors’ offerings to themarket?A.market positioningB.market segmentationC.market targetingD.all of the above31.Which of the following structural factors is not related to a segment’s attractiveness?A.the presence of strong petitors in the segmentB.the existence of potential substitute productsC.the lack of raw materialsD.a number of powerful suppliers32.A pany can lengthen its product line by _____ it or by _____ it.A.modifying; stretchingB.stretching; switchingC.filling; stretchingD.brushing; bing33.Consumer products include convenience products, shopping products, specialty products, and_____ products.A.uniqueB.luxuryC.unsoughtD.all of the above34.The two dimensions of product quality are _____ and _____.A.value; featuresB.style; designC.level; consistencyD.style; value35.Which of the following is not a special characteristic of service?A.tangibilityB.inseparabilityC.variabilityD.perishability36.Which of the following is not a reason that a new product might fail?A.The product is priced too high.B.The product is poorly designed.C.The estimated market for the product is too large.D.All of the above are reasons that a new product might fail.37.Once the new product ideas have been screened, the next step in the new productdevelopment process is _____.A.marketing strategyB.concept development and testingC.product developmentD.none of the above38._____ tend to grow slowly, remain popular for a while, and then decline slowly.A.FadsB.StylesC.FashionsD.Designs39.What is the break-even volume for a pany with fixed costs of $50k, variable costs of $20 and aprice of $30/unit?A.500B.1000C.5000D.250040.panies have two choices when setting prices for a product during the introductory stage.These choices are _____ and _____.A.market-skimming pricing; fixed pricingB.market-skimming pricing; value pricingC.value pricing; cost pricingD.market-penetration pricing; market-skimming pricingABBCD CCCCA CCCCA DBCCDIII. Essay (10 points for each question)41.How might the BCG matrix represent a life cycle?AnswerMany SBUs start out as question mark, then move into the star category if they succeed; stars eventually bee cash cows, then perhaps, dogs.42.Demonstrate by example the three strategies of intensive, exclusive, and selectivedistribution.AnswerProducers of convenience products and mon raw materials typically seek intensive distribution as a strategy to stock their products in as many outlets as possible. The goods are available where and when consumers want them, such as chewing gum.Exclusive distribution is used when the producer wants to stock its products with only one or a few dealers in an area. Examples are expensive cars and prestige clothing.Selective distribution is used when selling to more than one, but fewer than all of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a pany’s products in a given market. Examples are name-brand blue jeans and puters.IV. Business Case (10 points for each question)The objective of the not-for-profit organization, disAbled for Access & Justice, is toadvance the cause of disabled individuals in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania munity. These efforts had met with both success and failure in recent years. Through the use of thethreat of a suit under the Americans with Disability Act, Lancaster had recently beenforced to install curb cuts at a cost of close to $3 million. Bringing this suit had burned some valuable social capital with the city’s officials who were under constant pressure to control real estate taxes. The organization’s leaders had also met privately with several new businesses in the downtown business district and convinced them to install access ramps. The group’s eventual goal, is to make Lancaster’s downtown business district totally accessible to individuals in wheelchairs. This would require extensive marketing efforts targeting many different individuals and groups. They now need to convince their target “customers,” the city and the local businesses to buy their idea and spend the money needed to make total accessibility a reality rather than a dream.43.The non-profit organization, disAbled for Access & Justice must determine an appeal ortheme that will produce the desired response. There are three types of appeals: rational, emotional, and moral. Which would you suggest they use?AnswerdisAbled for Access & Justice could use any of the three types of appeals. A rational appeal would include a cost-benefit analysis of access improvements being offset bygains in new revenues or elimination of lost revenues. Another element of a rational appeal would be the implied threat of legal action for nonpliance with the law. The emotional appeal is probably the easiest to visualize. Finally, a moral appeal is justified by the appealing to the local business owner’s sense of what is “right” and “proper”.44.How might the buyer-readiness stages model guide the promotion planning atdisAbled for Access & Justice?AnswerThe first issue with disAbled for Access & Justice is to make local businesses more aware of the problem. After awareness es knowledge of what can and must be done to provide access to those who presently do not have it. It is necessary to acplish a sense of buy-in to the concept of accessibility among the retail business munity. Remember, the product here is more an idea than a physical product.。

A、True or False(2’x10=20)1.Inter-organizational relationship is a unique phenomenon in China2.The sales of a new product is evenly distributed in different time frames.3.Developing one-to-one marketing through a CRM program might includenot pursuing all customers.4.Post-purchase satisfaction is a function of the consumer’s productexpectations and the product’s perceived performance.5.Product line extension could possibly damage the reputation of the motherbrand.6.Trust and commitment are two key components in relationship marketing7.Personal communication is a more efficient way to increase consumer’snew product awareness level than advertising8.Part of a market leader’s strategy to defend market share is to considerwhich segments to defend (even at a loss) and what segments to surrender.9.Price is a signal of product quality when consumers lack of productknowledge.10.Economical activities are embedded within social network.Answer: F, F, T, T, T, T, F, T, T, TB. Multiple Choices (3’x10=30’)1, Which of the following is NOT a way of price discrimination? Ca, two part tariffsb, quantity discountc, price skimmingd, bundling2, Which of the following characteristics does not differ the business customer from the individual consumer? CA, inelastic demandB, expertise in product knowledgeC, emotionalD, long duration3, The characteristics of services include the following components EXCEPT: A a, distinctivenessb, intangibilityc, perishabilityd, inseparability4, Which form of marketing communications is least likely to be used by retailers? Ca. Print advertising.b. Point of purchase promotions.c. Personal selling.d. Broadcast advertising.5, All of the following are part of an attractive niche EXCEPT: Da. the niche has variety-seeking consumers.b. consumers in the niche have distinct needs.c. the niche is not likely to attract heavy competition.d. the niche can specialize and therefore realize certain economies.6, If you go to a national electronic appliance chain store in China, you will find more air conditioners but fewer heaters in southern China where it is hot. A chain store in northeastern China where it is cold, however, sells more heaters but fewer air conditioners. The Chinese chain store realizes that the people in each of these areas do not have the same needs and should therefore not be offered the same products. This is an example of __________.Ba. benefits segmentationb. geoclusteringc. demographic segmentationd. behavioral segmentation7, Best Buy will often try to sell a buyer of a high-end television monitor an extended warranty. This is an example of selling a __________. Ba. pure tangible goodb. tangible good with accompanying servicesc. hybridd. pure service8, What are the two solutions to unprofitable customers? Da. Lower fees; reduce service.b. Lower fees; increase service.c. Raise fees; increase service.d. Raise fees; reduce service.9, According to the work of Frederick Herzberg _______________. Ca. a person moves from stated instrumental motivation to terminal onesb. people are driven by particular needs at particular timesc. polite store clerks will not necessarily be a satisfier for a consumer, but impolite ones would be a dissatisfierd. a bottle of Estee Lauder perfume arouses a different set of motives in consumers than an Avon perfume10, Which of the following is NOT a benefit of brand loyalty? Da. Loyalty provides predictability.b. Loyalty allows for company security of demand.c. Loyalty can translate into consumer willingness to pay a higher price.d. Loyalty is easily matched by competitors.C. Short Essay Questions (15’+15’=30’)1, An automobile manufacturer would like to introduce a new model with extremely powerful engine. It would like to market this new model to one of the 3 target consumer groups. They randomly sample research the female consumers and get the following results of cluster analysis. The leftmost column represents the product attributes. And the entries under the labels of cluster 1, cluster 2 and cluster 3 represent the mean values of importance of attributes to each group of consumers. Cluster CentersCluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3SPEEDY 5.48 5.40 5.34COMFORT 3.68 6.50 3.16SAFETY 5.86 4.30 4.32EASY TO CONTROL 2.38 3.50 4.28ROOMY 2.08 4.30 2.98FASHION 6.58 5.60 4.70ECONOMIC 2.90 4.50 4.16Moreover, some of the demographic profiles of the three consumer groups are provided as follows:Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3Age 27 35 55Monthly Income 8000 15000 55000.2 0.7 0.8Likelihood of getting productinformation from TVLikelihood of getting product0.5 0.5 0.2information from newspaper0.8 0.4 0.6Likelihood of getting productinformation from friendsLikelihood of being a manager 0.1 0.6 0.4Likelihood of being a professional 0.6 0.2 0.2Likelihood of being a blue collars 0.2 0.2 0.4Questions:a, Please identify which group of consumers the manufacturer should target? And explain why? (5’)cluster1. powerful engine can provide speedy cars that cluster 1 consumers need mostb, Please identify which method should the manufacturer communicate with the target consumers? And why? (5’)cluster 1 most likely get information from friends.c, Please specify the pricing strategy the manufacturer should use to market this product. (5’)high price as they care less of economy of automobiles. Relatively high income2, Happy Days seafood restaurant in Sanya of Hainan Province has just been boughtby a young and rich Chinese businessman. The new owner wants to make Happy Days stand out among the many competitors by being the highest quality restaurant. Explain at least five ways Happy Days quality could be improved. (15’)•Reliability: keep consistently high quality•Assurance•Tangibles: some tangible goods•Empathy, think in customer’s way•Responsiveness: arrange helpers to respond to customer’s needD. Long Essay Questions (20’)China Premium League Football Match is a popular TV program in China. Please choose to answer 1 out of 2 questions as below.1)Please discuss the marketing efforts of China Premium League Football Matchitself, in terms of traditional marketing mix: price, product, promotion and place.What is doing right and what is left to be improved in future?Answer keys:Price: OK. Not too expensive.Product: really bad. Corruption everywhere. If the product quality is too bad, it may drive audience away.Promotion: OK. With some new features.Place: OK covering all major cities in China.2)Please answer whether a company should or should not take advantage of ChinaPremium League Football Match to market its products. If you choose yes, please explain how to market the product by China Premium League Football Match. If you choose no, please explain why you would not like to market the product by China Premium League Football Match.Answer keys:Yes. High exposure rate so far. Sporty goods, goods purchased by male are more appropriate than products purchased usually by female.No. The League match is really too bad and destroys the reputation of products advertised with them.。

A, True or False (2’X10=20’)1.Items sold in the convenience stores are usually more expensive thansimilar items sold in the supermarket.2.The marginal effect of advertising on sales is always same throughoutdifferent stages of new product diffusion。
3.Strate gy guru Michael Porter’s three “generic" strategies are: cost leadership,diversification, and focus。
4.The sales quantity of a new product is evenly distributed in different timeperiods.5.Post-purchase satisfaction is a function of the consumer’s product ex pectations andthe product’s perceived performance。
6.Personal communication is a more efficient way to increase consumer’snew product awareness level than advertising7.New product development involves very high cost and risks of failure.Therefore,companies should not develop new product。
8.The higher the price,the lower the demand, given others constant。

市场营销英语试题及答案1. What is the term used to describe the process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements efficiently and profitably?A. Market ResearchB. MarketingC. SalesD. AdvertisingAnswer: B2. Which of the following is not a component of the marketing mix?A. ProductB. PlaceC. PriceD. ProcessAnswer: D3. What does the acronym SWOT stand for in marketing?A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ThreatsB. Systems, Work, Opportunities, ThreatsC. Strategies, Weaknesses, Opportunities, TacticsD. Strengths, Worth, Opportunities, ThreatsAnswer: A4. In marketing, what is the term for the first step in the buying decision process?A. Problem RecognitionB. Information SearchC. Evaluation of AlternativesD. Purchase DecisionAnswer: A5. What is the purpose of segmentation in marketing?A. To increase the price of the productB. To target specific groups of customersC. To reduce the number of competitorsD. To decrease the quality of the productAnswer: B6. Which of the following is not a type of market research method?A. SurveysB. Focus GroupsC. ExperimentsD. Historical AnalysisAnswer: D7. What is the term used to describe the process of creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value?A. Customer Relationship ManagementB. Brand ManagementC. Value PropositionD. Customer ServiceAnswer: C8. What is the main objective of promotional activities in marketing?A. To increase brand awarenessB. To reduce production costsC. To improve employee moraleD. To decrease competitionAnswer: A9. What is the term used to describe the process of exchanging goods and services for money?A. BarterB. TradeC. CommerceD. TransactionAnswer: D10. In marketing, what is the term for the final step in the buying decision process?A. Post-Purchase EvaluationB. Purchase DecisionC. DisposalD. Problem RecognitionAnswer: A。

I. True / False Questions (1 point for each question)1. It is probably best for those firms with limited financial and personnel resources to avoid concentrated or niche marketing until resources can be built up.2. Social class is determined only by a n individual’s income.3。
Target costing involves designing a new product, determining its cost, and then asking,“Can we sell it for that?”4。
A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time.5。
The costs of obtaining,processing,storing and delivering information is relatively inexpensive.6。
For simplicity's sake, and to keep their costs under control most marketers generally limit their segmentation analysis to one variable.7。
Only tangible goods are considered products.8。
The core product is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything。

A,True or False (2'X10=20’)1.Items sold in the convenience stores are usually more expensive thansimilar items sold in the supermarket。
2.The marginal effect of advertising on sales is always same throughoutdifferent stages of new product diffusion。
3.Strat egy guru Michael Porter's three “generic” strategies are:cost leadership,diversification,and focus.4.The sales quantity of a new product is evenly distributed in different timeperiods.5.Post—purchase satisfaction is a function of the consumer's product expectations andthe product's perceived performance。
6.Personal communication is a more efficient way to increase consumer’snew product awareness level than advertising7.New product development involves very high cost and risks of failure。
Therefore, companies should not develop new product。

A, True or False (2’X10=20’)1.Items sold in the convenience stores are usually more expensive thansimilar items sold in the supermarket。
2.The marginal effect of advertising on sales is always same throughoutdifferent stages of new product diffusion.3.S trategy guru Michael Porter’s three “generic” strategies are: cost leadership,diversification, and focus.4.The sales quantity of a new product is evenly distributed in different timeperiods.5.Post-purchase satisfaction is a function of the consumer’s produ ct expectations andthe product’s perceived performance。
6.Personal communication is a more efficient way to increase consumer’snew product awareness level than advertising7.New product development involves very high cost and risks of failure.Therefore, companies should not develop new product。
8.The higher the price, the lower the demand, given others constant.9.Product line extension could possibly damage the reputation of the motherbrand。

英文版市场营销学期末试卷5如文档对你有用,请下载支持!I. True / False Questions (1 point for each question)1. It is probably best for those firms with limited financial and personnel resources to avoid concentrated or niche marketing until resources can be built up.2. Social class is determined only by a n individual’s income.3. Target costing involves designing a new product, determining its cost, and then asking, “Can we sell it for that?”4.A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time.5. The costs of obtaining, processing, storing and delivering information is relatively inexpensive.6. For simplicity’s sake, and to keep th eir costs under control most marketers generally limit their segmentation analysis to one variable.7. Only tangible goods are considered products.8.The core product is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything. Examples are banking, hotels, airlines, retail, tax preparation, and home repair..9.The purpose of idea screening is to reduce the number of new ideas.10.Value-based pr icing uses the buyer’s perception of value to set prices.11.Reference prices are prices that buyers carry around intheir minds and refer to when looking at a product.12. The term disintermediation refers to the displacement of traditional resellers from a marketing channel by radical new types of intermediaries.13.Department stores carry narrow product lines with deep assortments within those lines.14.A company’s total marketing communications mix is also called its marketing mix.15.Unlike mass production, which eliminates the need for human interaction, one-to-one marketing has made relationships with customers more important than ever.16.Because customers differ, communications programs need not be developed for specific segments, niches, and even individuals.17. Awareness, knowledge, and preparation are buyer-readiness stages.18. The difference between human needs and wants is that needs are states of felt deprivation.19. This strategy calls for offering modified or new products to current markets. We term it product development.20. When faced with price competition cutting prices is often not the best answer.FFFTF FFFTT TTFFT FFTTTII. Multiple Choice Questions (2 points for each question)21. The four P’s in marketing refer to_____, _____, _____ and _____.A.product; place; price; promotionB.product; property; price; promotionC.production; property; people; promotionD.product; place; promotion; people22.Press releases, public affairs, and lobbying are all forms of _____.A.advertisingB.public relationsC.direct marketingD.sales promotion23. What are the four steps (in order) of the marketing research process?A.Define the problem, develop the research plan, implement the research plan, survey the participants.B.Define the problem, develop the research plan, implement the research plan, report the findings.C.Define the problem, develop the research plan, survey the participants, report the findings.D.Develop the research plan, implement the research plan, survey the participants, report the findings.24.The three types of research approaches a marketer may use are _____, _____ and _____.A.surveys; observations; historic reviewsB.observations; surveys; databasesC.observations; experiments; surveysD.experiments; databases; surveys25.Which type of research is best suited for gathering causal information?A.survey researchB.ethnographic researchC.observational researchD.experimental research26.The V ALS classification system measures a person’s _____.A.incomeB.occupationC.lifestyleD.personality27.A consumer purchasing fine furniture (which is expensive and for which a brand’s namematters) would probably result in _____ buying behavior.A.dissonance-reducingB.variety-seeking/doc/3e9052999.html,plexD.habitual28.Which of the following is not one of the major types of buying situations faced by businessbuyers?A.straight rebuyB.new task buyC.online rebuyD.modified rebuy29.Which of the fol lowing is a powerful value proposition because it offers consumers a “gooddeal”?A.more for moreB.more for the sameC.the same for lessD.less for much less30.Which of the following steps of target marketing takes into account competitors’ offerings tothe market?A.market positioningB.market segmentationC.market targetingD.all of the above31.Which of the following structural factors is not related toa segment’s attractiveness?A.the presence of strong competitors in the segmentB.the existence of potential substitute productsC.the lack of raw materialsD.a number of powerful suppliers32.A company can lengthen its product line by _____ it or by _____ it.。

一、T r a n s l a t e t h e f o l l o w i n g p h r a s e s i n t o C h i n e s e(15分)1.Distribution channel2.Marketing environment3.Target customer4.Natural resource5.Sustainable development6.Annual report7.Well-recognized8.Company’s image9.New alternative10.Target market11.Respondent12.Brand positioning13.Product origin14.Final consumer15.On-line shopping二、Translate the words into English(15分)1.市场细分2.调查问卷3.年度收入4.生产线5.品牌忠诚度6.第一手数据7.周年特卖8.绿色营销9.销售机会10.主流购买者11.成本定价12.市场占有率13.实体产品14.销售促进15.公共关系三、Translate the sentences into Chinese(40分)1、Advertising objectives should be realistic, precise, measurable and consistent with the organization’s overall marketing objectives.2、The core beliefs and values people hold in a given society are hard to change.3、Marketing is a process of finding out the needs and wants of the market then designing products or services to satisfy these needs and wants.4、The marketing environment refers to any outside factors and conditions related to the marketing activities of an organization.5、Market research is the systematic collection, analysis and reporting of data to aid marketing decision making.6、The segments you choose to serve are your Target Markets.7、Green marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs and wants..8、Direct channel means that you sell your products or services directly to the final users without involving any wholesaler, retailer, broker or agent.四、Choose the suitable words to complete the sentences and fill the word in the blank.(10 分)order, cost, enquire, free, dimensions, charge, guarantee1. Good morning. I'm phoning to __ __about your personal computers.2. You asked about the _ __. They are3.5 meters wide, and...3. You're in our _ __ delivery area, so there'll be no extra _ _ for delivery.4. We _ __ delivery within two weeks after you place an __ _.5. It _ _ us $5.8 to make one unit, but we only __ _you $6.五、Reading comprehension(20分)The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use. But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the sa me time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been increasi ng as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses. Computers ha ve been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficult for human be ings to work out. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of theinventories(库存货物) and to send bills to their customers. Offices use computers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with other offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend.One important new use for computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been des igned to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these game s, People also have been buying home computers to play computer games, watch movies and li sten to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed.1. Computers used to _____.A. work rapidlyB. be large and expensiveC. be easy to useD. be used for fun2. In recent years, computers are being made ______.A. larger and more expensiveB. smaller and cheaperC. more difficult to useD. to work more slowly3. Home computers can be used for ______.A. writing lettersB. playing gamesC. doing businessD. all of the above4. Salesmen use computers mainly to ______.A. check the list of goods and materials that are kept in the store houseB. play games for pleasureC. talk with their friendsD. write letters5. The best title for the passage would be _______.A. New Uses For ComputersB. The Popularity of Home ComputersC. The Home Computer IndustryD. Computers At Home6、Please match the English words in Column A with its means in Column BABpopularity a diversion that holds the attentioncompute the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after records a line or route along which something travels or movesentertainment calculatetrack anything providing permanent evidence of or information about pastevents。
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Section 1: Multiple Choices (75%)This section has 30 questions, each worth 2.5%. For each question, you must choose ONLY one choice which you think best fits in. Please transfer the code of your choice into the attached Answer Sheet.1. Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationships bydelivering ________ to customers.a. competitive pricesb. superior valuec. superior serviced. superior promotione. product assortment2. Customer satisfaction depends on the product’s perceived value relative tothe buyer’s ________.a. cost of obtaining the productb. expectationsc. cost of competing productsd. cost of the lost experiencee. all of the above3. To reduce demand for space on congested expressways in Washington,D.C., the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has attemptedto engage in ________.a. target marketingb. deregulationc. demarketingd. gray marketinge. integration4. Your firm is attempting to divide up the total market to determine the bestsegments it can serve. Which is the correct order of doing so?a. market segmentation, target marketing, market positioningb. target marketing, market positioning, market segmentationc. market positioning, market segmentation, target marketingd. market segmentation, market positioning, target marketinge. mass marketing, demographic segmentation, psychographicsegmentation5. A company with limited resources might enter a new market by serving ________ segment(s).a. the largestb. the most profitablec. duald. one or a fewe. three or more6. Today the four Ps are compared to the four Cs. Product and place are called________ and ________, respectively.a. convenience; customer solutionb. customer cost; conveniencec. communication; customer solutiond. customer solution; conveniencee. communication; convenience7. This systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information aboutcompetitors and developments in the marketing environment is very useful.What is it called?a. marketing datab. marketing intelligencec. Web masterd. sales and sales managemente. secondary data8. Survey research is best suited for gathering ________ information.a. personalb. preferencec. attituded. descriptivee. exploratory9. Which form of data can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost?a. primaryb. censusc. secondaryd. syndicatede. tertiary10. ________ are people within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert influence on others.a. Opinion leadersb. Habitual buyersc. Charismatic personalitiesd. Perceptionistse. Wild ducks11. ________ are defined as smaller cultural groups of people with sharedvalue systems based on common life experiences and situations.a. Alternative evaluationsb. Cognitive dissonancesc. Subculturesd. Motivese. Attitudes12. To marketers, more important than reality is ________, the process bywhich people select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.a. personalityb. perceptionc. selective groupd. habitual behaviore. assessment13. Markets can be segmented into groups of nonusers, ex-users, potentialusers, first-time users, and regular users of a product. This method of segmentation is called ________.a. user statusb. usage ratec. benefitd. behaviore. product frequency14. Mass marketers, such as Target and Venture Stores, ignore marketsegment differences and target the whole market with one offer. What is their approach to segmenting?a. undifferentiated marketingb. differentiated marketingc. target marketingd. blanket marketinge. intelligent marketing15. A segmenting approach that has been around for a long time that can bevery effective—________—tailors brands and promotions to the needs and wants of specific cities, neighborhoods, and even specific stores.a. micromarketingb. differentiated marketingc. niche marketingd. local marketinge. A or D16. ________ are consumer products and services with uniquecharacteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.a. Shopping productsb. Unsought productsc. Specialty productsd. Industrial productse. Line extensions17. A(n) ________ is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combinationof these, that identifies that maker or seller of a product or service.a. serviceb. brandc. co-brandd. internal markete. external market18. Product mix ________ refers to the number of different product lines thecompany carries. Procter & Gamble markets 250 brands organized into many product lines.a. lengthb. heightc. widthd. perimetere. depth19. General Electric worked with Culligan to develop its Water by CulliganProfile Performance refrigerator with a built-in Culligan water filtration system. This is an example of ________.a. brand extensionb. brand equityc. co-brandingd. internal marketinge. cannibalization20. Which of the stages in the product life cycle is characterized by rapidmarket acceptance, increasing sales, and increasing profits?a. introductionb. maturityc. growthd. declinee. development21. What actually leads to greater competition in the maturity stage of thePLC?a. overcapacityb. many competitorsc. poor managementd. inadequate promotione. a lack of money22. Some companies have adopted a ________ strategy, offering just theright combination of quality and good service at a fair price.a. value-based pricingb. good-value pricingc. cost-plus pricingd. low-price imagee. none of the above23. Lawyers, accountants, and other professionals typically price by adding astandard markup for profit. This is known as ________.a. variable costsb. cost-plus pricingc. value-based pricingd. break-even pricee. penetration pricing24. Consumer perceptions of the product’s val ue set the ________.a. demand curveb. floorc. ceilingd. variable coste. image25. By definition, a conventional distribution channel consists of one or moreindependent producers, wholesalers, and ________.a. productsb. retailersc. contractsd. strangerse. merchants26. The most common type of contractual agreement in business is the________.a. franchise organizationb. vertical marketing systemc. conventional marketing channeld. corporate VMSe. scrambled system27. A recent major trend, whereby producers are bypassing intermediariesand going directly to final buyers, or radically new types of channel intermediaries are emerging to displace traditional ones is referred to as ________.a. the vertical marketing systemb. the corporate marketing systemc. disintermediationd. the corporate mergere. a hostile takeover28. The communication tools a company uses to pursue its advertising andmarketing objectives is often referred to as the company’s ________.a. direct marketingb. integrated marketingc. promotion mixd. competitive marketinge. target marketing29. The major promotion tool that includes catalogs, telephone marketing,kiosks, the Internet, and more is called ________.a. sales promotionb. direct marketingc. affordable methodd. public relationse. advertising30. A message showing a product’s quality, economy, value, or perf ormanceis called a ________ appeal.a. structuralb. rationalc. emotionald. morale. linguisticSection 2 Short Answer Questions (25%)Answer each question with adequate knowledge you have learned in this course. You need to present your answer and the question number in the Attached Answer Sheet.1. Outline the four major steps in designing a customer-driven marketingstrategy. (7%)Answer KeysThe first step is market segmentation: dividing a market into smaller groups of buyers with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors, who might require separate products or marketing mixes. The company then identifies different ways to segment the market and develops profiles of the resulting market segment. The third step is differentiating the firm’s market offering to create superior customer value. The final step is market positioning: arranging for a market offering to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers..2. Discuss the importance of consumer perceptions of value and costs tosetting prices. (8%)Answer KeysCustomer perceptions of value set the upper limit for prices, and costs set the lower limit.However, in setting prices within these limits the company must then consider other internal and external factors. Internal factors affecting pricing include the c ompany’soverall marketing strategy, objectives, and marketing mix, as well as other organizational considerations. External factors include the nature of the market and demand, competitors’ strategies and prices, and other environmental factors.3. What adv antages do multichannel distribution systems offer in today’smarkets? (8%)Answer KeysWhat is the principle advantage of using a multichannel distribution system?With each new channel in a multichannel distribution system the company expands its sales and market coverage and gains opportunities to tailor its products and services to the specific needs of diverse customer segments.。