




























真题部分1.✔Not only are celebrities the protagonists of our news, the subjects of our daily discourse, and therepositories of our values, but they have also embedded themselves so deeply in our consciousness that many individuals profess feeling closer to, and more passionate about, them than about their own primary relationships: witness the fervent public to interest in the life of Britain's Princess Diana, or the fans who told television interviewers that her wedding was the happiest day of their lives.难句类型:倒装+并列+复杂修饰难词注解:protagonist n.主角, 支持者repository n.容器, 仓库, 贮藏室, 智囊fervent a.热情的参考译文:名人不仅是新闻的主角、日常谈论的话题、价值观的源泉,而且他们把自己牢固树立在我们意识当中,许多人承认,他们对名人更有兴趣,更有激情,胜过关心自己的私人事务。


2.✔―No, I won't ride with servicemen,‖ said my casually seditious father, as he slowed down and peered ata soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I, patriotically offended, watched the stunneddefender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.难句类型:复杂修饰+修辞方法(明喻/simile)+幽默的语气难词注解:seditious a.煽动性的stunned a. 震惊的,惊讶的duffle bag 帆布行李袋Pontiac 庞帝克,美国产轿车fuming 冒烟的参考译文:我爸爸减缓了车速,瞥见了士兵,又重新加足马力,带着一丝若无其事的煽动性语气说:―不,我才不要和军人共车呢!‖。



天道最精辟的句子摘抄(天道400句经典语录)天道最精辟的句子摘抄【一】1 . 每个人的性格中,都有某些无法让人接受的部分,再美好的人也一样。


2 . .幸福如人饮水,冷暖自知。


3 . 国家怎么没拿你的脸皮去研究仿弹衣呢!4 . 他们说网络很假,我笑了,好像现实很真一样。

5 . .喜欢文字的人,大多敏感且心软,忽然不快乐,忽然被回忆揪住心脏,忽然沉默到泪流。


6 . 世界上,唯独骗不了的,是自己的心,它总在你最没提防时,暴露你的欢喜忧愁。

7 . 你的后悔,你的道歉,你的痛改前非,那是你自己的修行,与他人无关。

8 . 我还爱着你,只不过少了非要在一起的执着。

9 . .“你喜欢什么样的女人”“我喜欢闷骚的女人”“为什么?”“在别的男人面前闷,在我面前骚。

”10 . .你在意什么什么就会折磨你。

天道最精辟的句子摘抄【二】1 . .起初,我们揣着糊涂装明白。


2 . 人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。

3 . 寂寞确实跟孤单不一样,孤单只表示身边没有别人,但寂寞是一种你无法将感受跟别人沟通或分享的心理状态。


4 . 人,最好的心态是平静;最好的状态是简单;最好的感觉是自由;最好的心情是童心。

5 . 在一个聪明人满街乱窜年代,稀缺的恰恰不是聪明,而是一心一意,孤注一掷,一条心,一根筋。

6 . 天气冷了,连起床都需要莫大的勇气啊!7 . 别说我很坏,我曾比你们任何人都傻。

8 . 我们都是没有安全感的人。


9 . .对一个朋友信任的深浅,不是看你会不会对他笑,而是看你愿不愿意当着他的面哭。

10 . 像你这种人,在我导演的连续剧里,我最多能让你活两集。












一、(12分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是A. 颀长(qí)悚然(sù)彰善瘅恶(dàn)韬光养晦(huì)B. 人寰(huán)攫取(juã)寻瑕伺隙(xì)啮臂为盟(niâ)C.抵牾(y ǔ)横亘(gân)造福桑梓(zǐ)筋疲力尽(jīn)D.鞭挞(tà)骨骼(gã)辗转反侧(niǎn)蜚声中外(fēi)答案B解析:A悚然C牾D辗注意错误均排除2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是A.该产品的试用效果非常好,相信它大量投产后将不孚众望,公司一定会凭借产品的优异品质在激烈的市场竞争中取得骄人业绩。







2012.01175. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowto be trustworthy?BernardMadoffPublic WifiAll that is needed for us to be spared the damage caused by the evil force is for us to be suspicious of/alert against any individuals, including those appearing trustworthy.Malicious/vicious /ill-intentioned 恶意的Avoid/be immune to /be spared the damage caused byVoid of=没有a room void of furnitureArbitrary 武断的Groundless 毫无根据的Threaten/jeopardizeIntimidate 恐吓Intimate 亲密的176. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowOji-CreeBostonHeighten the risk of doing sthAstray名言代出improvement progress的重要性(Comfort-seeking missiles, we spare no efforts to maximize pleasure and minimize pain)adage名言All that is needed for the sustainable development of a civilization is for continuous and constant improvement totake place. Or in other words, only when… such an adage demonstrates itself best through the case in which labor-saving machines have, ever since their advent, revolutionized the way we communicate, the way we do business and overall the way we live.Comfort-seeking missiles, humans spare no efforts to improve their life quality. This is exactly the reason/the intention of inventors of revolutionary technological products, including…Accompanied by ..In companion with sth伴随着Drawbacks that we cannot afford to ignore 不能被忽略177. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowInduce /tempt辩论赛——-反对reward:impress the representatives是rewardinitiative主动性/internal motivation: Bethany Hamilton178. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowactually done?2012.03179. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below180. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below181. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below2012.05182. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below183. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowEmmaMalala184. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below认真看小时代的电影BernardmadoffWatergate scandal185. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowSubmissiveMasculine leading position no expression of vulnerabilityCash in挣钱Indispensable 不可或缺的formulate peer effect fast-fashion industry2012.06186. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belownew ones?Oji-CreeFilter bubble187. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowHelp the elderlyEmma坚持原来的做法Ben & JerryAkio Morita188. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowAssignment: Are people more likely to achieve their goals by being flexible or by refusing to compromise? 189. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowopinions they consider to be wrong?EmmaDuncan2012.10190. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowcountry?191. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below192. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below历史的参考作用the Great Depression Watergate scandal the world wars Bernard Madoff 193. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below2012.11194. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowKenneth ShinozukaBethany Hamilton195. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowAmbitious vsrealisticAmbitiousJack andrakaEmma WatsonKenneth Shinozuka196. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowDuncanJack AndrakaEmma197. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowBethany HamiltonDuncanJack AndrakaKenneth Shinozuka2012.12198. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowInflexibilityDo not submit to public opinion199. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowBethanyEmma200. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below谎言201. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment belowKenneth ShinozukaJack andraka。



美籍顾问Christopher:你能跟招生官合理解释空档年吗?美籍顾问Christopher KoontzMy first thought: why do you need 2 years to study for the SAT and TOEFL exams? Based on my initial reaction, I feel confident that most American university admissions officers would wonder the same question.I’m going to go off on a bit of a tangent to get to my point, so bear with me.As you may or may not know, universities want to see all of your SAT scores, but most will consider only your highest score in each individual section or test date. So, let’s say you take the SAT twice during your gap year. In China, school ends in June, and the first SAT exam is offered in October, giving you four months to prepare. This is heaps of time. I’ve heard it recommended that 30 minutes of study every ot her day for 4-5 months is sufficient, and this assumes you are still a regular student. Four months of preparation with no distractions is a lifetime.Come October, you earn a 700 Math, 610 Critical Reading, and 580 Writing for a cumulative score of 1890. Based on your scores, you now know that your biggest areas of weakness are Critical Reading and Writing. Therefore, when preparing for your next sitting of the exam, you can focus your studies on these two areas. You sign up for the January test date, providing you with an additional three months to prepare for round two.Let’s assume your focus pays off, and your score on the second exam is 620 Math, 660 Critical Reading, and 640 Writing for a cumulative score of 1920. You neglected studying for the Math section, so you’re tempted to be upset that your Ma th score has taken a bit of a dive. However, you have improved in CR and Writing so your overall score is slightly better. When submitting your scores, you may be tempted to withhold your October score of 1890 despite the higher Math score, but this would be a mistake. For schools which consider your highest scores in each individual section, you now have a cumulative score of 2000 (700 Math, 660 Critical Reading, 640 Writing), and for schools which only consider your highest test date, you still show 1920. In this example, submitting your scores from each test date can boost your application.One point of this hypothetical situation is that if you begin your test prep in June, you will have almost seven months to prepare for two sittings of the SAT. Assum ing that you’re happy with your SAT scores, you can begin thinking more about your upcoming university applications. The application process doesn’t start to heat up until July or August, but now is the time to start researching universities and narrowing down your potential suitors. Moreover, you’ve got 5-6 months of time to be productive outside of your college search. What should you do with this abundance of time? Study for TOEFL? Okay, fine, prepare to study for TOEFL. But ask yourself, what area do most students struggle with when it comes to TOEFL?Speaking.Here’s a personal confession. My spoken Chinese is horrible. Do you know why?I don’t find opportunities to speak. It’s not because I’m not enrolled in a class. It’s because I don’t put myself in situations where I must speak Chinese. The same rule applies in English. You’re not going to learn how to speak from a book, regardless of how much you believe it will help you. I spent four months at Tsinghua University learning Chinese full-time: 20 hours per week for 17 weeks. My reading and writing improved tremendously. My spoken Chinese, however, is barely that of a 3-year old. In other words, don’t waste your time by simply sitting in a classroom. Instead, build upon your classroom experience by getting out there and speaking. You have almost six months to find activities which allow you to be both productive and increase your English capacity. Find group activities which align with your interests on sites such as (used by many a foreigner I know in Beijing). For example, if reading is one of your hobbies, get involved with an English book club. You’ll build vocabulary as well as contribute to group discussions. Or, join a speaking group such as Toastmasters, which, aside from boosting your English, willhelp you build confidence in public speaking. If you have the means to travel, go to an English speaking country and refuse to speak Chinese. Travel alone so you won’t be eased into Chinese conversations with your travel partner. If you live in a major city like Beijing, do some online research and find out what projects English speaking expats are involved in. If any of these projects fit with your interests, ask if you can get involved. You’ll develop your speaking ability while also wor king on a project you can enjoy. You may hear “no” a few times, but keep trying until you find something.The initial question wants to know how to explain a 2-year study gap for SAT and TOEFL. However, a better question is, what additional activities can I be doing that will further enhance my application while also helping to improve my SAT and TOEFL scores?本文由天道美籍顾问Christopher Koontz原创,转载请注明作者和出处,违者必究。






















正 错 放 答 分析 确误弃案
第二空格and表并列,故空格和carried out同向,排除
A C D E,BC候选,句首Due to表明逗号前后是因果关
系,故选B.由于Benjamin Banneker的坚持,最近被遗
B 弃的华盛顿卓越的街道修建计划得到了恢复,并且被执
行和实施。 A 艺术,拒绝 B 坚持,恢复 C 悲观主
considering all available details 对第一个空格做 出了解释,CE候选,rather than 前后反义故选C,前 面是都包括,后面就是只选一个。 A 直截了当,相关 C B 犬儒的,牵连 C 全部包括的,选择 D 诽谤 歧视 E 全面的, 单调的
since表因果对空格作出解释,since后面说预见了技术 的进步,故选C, prescient表示预见。 A天真 B 固执 的 C 有预见性的 D 有影响的 E 清楚易懂的 C
LINE 1指的是生物机制无法像现代钟表那样准确稳定的 工作(work)。与work意义最相近的是A A 操作 B 胜 利 C 奋斗 D 生产,制作 E 影响 A
破折号前面说which turned out to have the most profound effect on all later time-measuring devices(结果是对于后来所有测量时间的仪器产生了最 C 深刻的影响)与if legend can be believed (如果传 奇是可以被相信的)形成对应,故选C A 提出了一个假 设 B 解释了一个断言、宣称 C 支持一个陈述 D 重申 一LI段NE历1史3 讲E的提是供即必使要长证距据离飞行如很跨太平洋或大西 洋,人类(的生物钟)也可以和当地的时间同步,故选 A A 人类可以适应周围环境的节奏 B 人类应该避免不 A 必要的远距离行程 C 对于大多数人,坐飞机很累 D 跨 太平洋飞行比跨大西洋飞行所用时间更长 E 不是所有 人都可以和当地时间同步



2012年10月Section 51. William Dalrymple's book is not only a gripping tale of politic and power and also evidence of the complexity of cross-cultural relationships.(A) and also(B) but also(C) as well as(D) in addition(E) and2. Walking out of the theater, it was agreed by my sister and me that the movie was vastly overrated.(A) it was agreed by my sister and me(B) it was agreed by my sister and I(C) my sister and me, we agreed(D) my sister and me agreed(E) my sister and I agreed3. When packing for a trip, you should follow the advice offered in many magazine articles: choose wrinkle-free clothing in black and in neutral colors.(A) you should follow the advice offered in many magazine articles(B) you would follow the advice offered from many magazine articles(C) follow the advice with many magazine articles(D) the advice in many magazine articles is offered and one should follow it(E) many magazine articles would offer advice to be followed4. Home fuel cells, already available in Japan, which is a compact, pollution-free device that produce electricity at a fraction of the regular cost.(A) which is a compact pollution-free device(B) a compact, pollution-free device(C) these devices are compact, pollution-free.(D) is a compact, pollution-free device(E) are compact, pollution-free devices5. Because writers in colonial America had to pay their own printing costs, authorship was largelya profession with those who were relatively wealthy.(A) authorship was largely a profession with those who were(B) authorship was largely a profession of the(C)authorship, largely a profession of the(D)authorship having largely been a profession for those who were(E)therefore authorship was largely a profession for the6. The program is one of many projects included in the ambitious Copenhagen Climate Plan, itaims to make the Danish capital carbon neutral by 2025.(A) it aims(B) its aim is(C) where they aim(D) which aims(E) which is aimed7. In a Zen rock garden, stones are positioned to represent islands, and the surrounding gravel is raked to form patterns that suggests ocean waves.(A)patterns that suggests(B)patterns suggesting(C)patterns, they suggest(D)patterns; which suggest(E)patterns; this suggesting8. Until relatively recently humans were thought to be uniquely self-aware, scientists now know that most chimpanzees and orangutans can recognize their own reflections.(A)scientists now know(B)but scientists now know(C)but scientists who now know(D)however, scientists now know(E)but with scientists now knowing9. Evidence of the prehistoric hunter-gatherers who once occupied the Grand Canyon includes animal figurines made out of split and woven twigs as well as rock-art panels and stone tools.(A)who once occupied the Grand Canyon includes(B) that once occupied the Grand Canyon include(C)when they occupied the Grand Canyon include(D)once occupying the Grand Canyon including(E)what at one time occupied the Grand Canyon, including10. After scheduling it for demolition, the hundred-year-old building was instead moved to a new location.(A) After scheduling it for demolition, the hundred-year-old building was instead moved(B) After scheduling the hundred-year-old building for demolition, it was instead moved(C)After being scheduled for demolition, they instead moved the hundred-year-old building(D)Having been scheduled for demolition, they instead moved the hundred-year-old building(E) Having been scheduled for demolition, the hundred-year-old building was instead moved11. Beca use Earth’s gravity is greater than the Moon’s, the energy expended in traveling from Earth to the Moon is greater than the opposite direction.(A)the opposite(B)traveling in the opposite(C)if one travels in the opposite(D)that of traveling in the opposite(E)that expanded in traveling in the opposite12. A passion fruit, which is(A) about the size(B) of an egg, has(C) a brittle outer shell that became(D) slightly wrinkled when the fruit is ripe. No error(E)13. Across the street(A) from the new bookstore and coffee shop were(B) an old, dilapidated playground whose(C) broken equipment and over grown weeds attested to long neglect(D). No error(E)14. Because perspiration does not(A) evaporate efficient(B) at high humidity, humid air often feels warmer(C) to us(D) than would dry air at the same temperature. No error(E)15. Hull House was founded by(A) Jane Addams as a community project in which(B) people of the neighborhood joined trained social workers to provide(C) day care, schooling, meals, and they offer many(D) other services. No error(E)16. Although Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was far from being(A) the only(B) eighteenth-century scientist to propose(C) a temperature scale, but his(D) was one of the few that were widely used. No error(E)17. Often used interchangeable(A) in recipes, the nectarine and the peach share(B) many characteristics, but the skin of a nectarine is smoother(C) than that of a peach(D). No error(E)18. Speed-reading was once promoted mainly(A) to people who were eager(B) to catch up on recreational reading, but now the method appeals to(C) busy executives coping about(D) information overload. No error(E)19. Like former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who studied chemistry in college, German chancellor Angela Merkel was initially drawn to the sciences, earning a doctorate in physics. No error(E)20. When the first department stores opened in the late nineteenth century, they(A) were cavernous, no-frills storerooms that stock(B) a hodgepodge of items previously available(C) only from(D) specialty merchants. No error(E)21. Although the author has presented (A) her book to the publisher as a (B) fact-based memoir, she later confessed that it had been entirely (C) fabricated (D). No error(E)22. Because oysters eat by filtering(A) nutrients through their gills, their health is affected by(B) the quality of the water passing (C)through it(D). No error(E)23. All morning long (A) my friend and I waited patiently(B) in the courtroom to hear (C) whether we would be selected as a juror(D) in the upcoming trial. No error(E)24. Researchers recognize that (A) the cuttlefish has an extraordinary ability (B) to camouflage itself, but they (C) have only a rough understanding of how (D) it does so. No error(E)25. The plunging cost of genome-sequencing technologies are (A) expelled to give people unprecedented (B) opportunities to examine (C) their own (D) genetic profiles. No error(E)26. It was not until 1982, the year two major supermarket chains began (A) replacing paper bags with (B) plastic ones, when(C) the use of plastic shopping bags became(D) widespread. No error (E)27. Because (A) the high-altitude regions where it lives (B) have (C) cold temperatures, dry soil, and growing seasons are (D) short, the bristlecone pine grows very slowly. No error(E)28. Country-and-western musicians, who (A) in the past were thought to lack (B) market consciousness are (C) now seen as one of (D) the most commercially savvy performers in show business. No error (E)29. New Jersey's Atlantic City still uses wooden planks for their (A) boardwalk, even though (B) other towns have begun using (C) plastic planks, which last far longer (D). No error (E)Questions 30-35 refer to the following passage.(1) In 1902 an engineer named Willis Carrier designs an air-cooling system for a Brooklyn printing company. (2) Little did Carrier suspect that his “Apparatus for Treating Air," the first modem air conditioner, had changed the way people in the United States worked and lived. (3) At first, they used such devices exclusively in private industry. (4) Their ability to cool indoor environments improved worker productivity and protected products as various as chocolate, film, and leather from heat damage. (5) Likewise, starting in the 1920s, air-conditioning increasingly appeared in public settings-most dramatically in the modern movie house, which it transformed. (6) Before air-conditioning, theater owners typically lost money in the summer when the heat and poor ventilation made theaters unappealing. (7) In 1925 Carrier persuaded Adolph Zukor of Paramount Pictures install air-conditioning in the Rivoli Theater in Manhattan. (8)The experiment was an enormous success. (9) Crowds flocked to the Rivoli. (10) Over the next five years, more than 300 movie theaters in the United States would follow the Rivoli’s example.(11) Movie theaters were just the beginning. (12)The introduction of air-conditioning into public areas, such as stores and restaurants, not only made those areas more comfortable but also created a demand for the same level of comfort in the home. (13) As the cost of the new technology came down, air-conditioned houses became a fixture of modem American life. (14) For example, porches became less common as the need to take adventage of breezes disappeared, a trend that prompted some social critics to voice concerns about the loss of contact with nature and neighbors. (15) Still, Zukor was right when he said of air-conditioning, "The people are going to like it.”30. Where in the passage would the following sentence best be placed?Air-conditioning even altered the way those houses were designed.(A) Immediately before sentence 3(B) Immediately before sentence 6(C) Immediately before sentence 9(D) Immediately before sentence 12(E) Immediately before sentence 1431. In context, which of the following revisions to sentence 2 (reproduced below) is most needed? Little did Carrier suspect that his “Apparatus for Treating Air," the first modem air conditioner, had changed the way people in the United States worked and lived.(A) Change "Little did Carrier suspect " to “Carrier did not suspect.(B) Change "his" to "this''.(C) Insert "which was" before "the first modem air conditioner”.(D) Change "had changed" to "would change".(E) Change "people" to "individuals".32. In context, which is the best way to revise and combine the underlined portion of sentences 3 and 4 (reproduced below)?At first, they used such devices exclusively in private industry. Their ability to cool indoor environments improved worker productivity and protected products as various as chocolate, film, and leather from heat damage.(A) they used such devices exclusively in private industry and their(B) they used Carrier’s devices exclusively in private industry, as its(C) these devices were used exclusively in private industry because their(D) when these devices were used exclusively in private industry, their(E) Carrier’s device was used exclusively in private industry, where its33. In context, which of the following expressions would best be inserted at the beginning of sentence 7(reproduced below)?In 1925 Carrier persuaded Adolph Zukor of Paramount Pictures install air-conditioning in the Rivoli Theater in Manhattan.(A) Nevertheless,(B) Similarly,(C) More importantly,(D) Rejecting this argument,(E) Responding to this problem,34. In context, which revision of the underlined portion of sentence 9 (reproduced below) adds information that is most relevant'?Crowds flocked to the Rivoli.(A) Rivoli, eager to be present at the theater's widely advertised reopening(B) Rivoli, which was named after a famous street in Paris(C) Rivoli, as much to escape the heat as to see the movies(D) Rivoli, which was a Greek Revival building designed by Thomas W. Lamb(E) Rivoli, which previously had not had air-conditioning35. Which sentence is best placed after sentence 15 to conclude the passage?(A) The price of air-conditioning units, however, has held steady, even though they are now globally produced.(B) Of course, the popularity of something is no guarantee that its creator will benefit financially from it.(C) Nowadays, air-conditioning is no common in the United States that most people don't give it a second thought-except when it's not working.(D) Zukor himself progressed from exhibiting movies to producing them, eventually becoming the head of the Paramount Pictures Corporation.(E) On the contrary, air-conditioning is sure to be supplanted by more efficient cooling systems that have less of an impact on the environment.Section 101. Lorena Ochoa has been recognized not only as a champion golfer but also being a humanitarian, having created a foundation to support young people in Mexico.(A) but also being(B) but also as(C) she also is(D) also that she is(E) and also as2. Relation between the United States and China began to thaw in 1971, when the Chinese table-tennis team invited its American counterpart Lo play in a series of exhibition matches.(A) when the Chinese cable-tennis team invited(B) where the Chinese table-tennis team had invited(C) as the Chinese table-tennis team invites(D) that was when the Chinese table-tennis team invited(E) the Chinese table-tennis team invited3. Crows and their relatives--which include ravens, magpies, and jays-- are renowned for their intelligence and the capability to flourish in landscapes dominated by humans.(A) the capability(B) are capable(C) how they are able(D) their ability(E) to be able4. Leaders of programs that promote gender equity frequently point to the role that parents and educators play in promoting young women's interest in science, technology, and math.(A) play in promoting(B ) plays in promoting(C) is playing to promote(D) plays to promote(E) having played in promoting5. Although all primates use vocal and facial expressions to communicate, only the great apes--chimpanzees, bonohos, orangutans, and gorillas--use gestures as well, they share this behavior with humans.(A) they share this behavior(B) this behavior is shared(C) sharing which behavior(D) a behavior shared by them(E) a behavior they share6. When boarding a train, one should stand to the side and allow other travelers to disembark before you attempt to enter.(A) you attempt to enter(B) you attempted to enter(C) you enter(D) attempting to enter(E) one attempted entering7. Medieval Icelandic sagas, which range from epic tales about legendary figures to factual accounts of Icelandic history.(A) sagas, which range(B) sagas, they range(C) sagas, ranging(D) sagas ranges(E) sagas range8. Distinguished by its highly repetitive rhyme scheme, many poets have used the villanelle, a poetic form, including Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath.(A) many poets have used the villanelle, a poetic form, including Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath.(B) many poets, including Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath, have used the villanelle, a poetic form.(C) the villanelle is a poetic form that has been used by many poets, including Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath.(D) the villanelle, a poetic form that many poets, including Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath, have used.(E) Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath were among the many poets who have used the villanelle, a poetic form.9. Maize, like millet and sorghum, is a kind of grass, but being distinguished by its large seed heads and matures more quickly than they do.(A) but being distinguished by its large seed heads and matures more quickly than they do(B) but it is distinguished from them by its large seed heads and quicker maturation(C) but its large seed heads distinguish it from them and matures more quickly than they do(D) and is distinguished by having large seed heads and also because it mature more quickly than them(E) which is distinguished by its large seed heads, and by a maturation that is quicker than they have10. Before he was elected governor of New Mexico in1918, Octaviano Larrazolo had helped to ensure that the constitution of this new state guaranteed equal rights for Hispanic Americans.(A) Larrazolo had helped(B) Larrazolo has helped(C) Larrazolo, helped(D) Larrazolo, he helped(E) Larrazolo, helping11. The 1922 silent film The Toll of the Sea is notable both for being the first commercial movie shot entirely in Technicolor and Chinese American actor Anna May Wong was staring in it.(A) Chinese American actor Anna May Wong was staring in it(B) Chinese American actor Anna May Wong starred in the film as well(C) for starring Anna May Wong, a Chinese American actor(D) its star was Chinese American actor Anna May Wong(E) it starred Anna May Wong, a Chinese American actor12. The inventor studied the tiny hooks on cocklehurs that had stuck tightly to his clothing and then created a fabric fastener that operated similarly in much the same way.(A) clothing and then created a fabric fastener that operated similarly in much the same way(B) clothing and then created a fabric fastener that operated similarly(C) clothing, then creating a fabric fastener operating similarly in much the same way(D) clothing, then a fabric fastener that operated similarly was created by him(E) clothing, he then created a fabric fastener that operated similarly13. In the United States, the legal systems of 49 of the states were modeled after English law, but Louisiana was based on the Napoleonic Code and Roman law.(A) but Louisiana(B) although Louisiana(C) that of Louisiana(D) whereas Louisiana's(E) however Louisiana's14. Our tour guide requested that, while hiking through the national park, our garbage not be thrown on the trails.(A) our garbage not be thrown(B) our garbage should not be thrown(C) not to throw our garbage(D) we did not throw our garbage(E) we not throw our garbage。



(一)段首句1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。

一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。



Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。


Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。



冠词1. (2012课标.全国I ,22) Sarah looked at ___________ finished painting with ____________satisfaction.A./;aB.a;theC.the;/D.the;a1.C句意:Sarah满意地看着那幅已经完成的绘画。


根据句意可知第一空后的名词painting在此处表示特指,故用定冠词the;satisfaction为不可数名词,with satisfaction在句中作状语,意为“满意地”。

2. (2012全国11 ,7) He missed __________ gold in the high jump, but will get ___________second chance in the long jump.A.the;theB./;aC.the;aD.a;/2.C句意:他没得到跳高的金牌,但是在跳远项目上还有一次机会。



3. (2012 山东,29) Being able to afford __________ drink would be comfort in those tough times.A.the;theB.a;aC.a,/D./;a3.B句意:在困难时期能够买得起一份饮品将会是一件令人感到欣慰的事。


a drink泛指一份饮品,a comfort是抽象名词具体化,指一件令人感到欣慰的事,故选B。

4. (. 2012江西,21) The Smiths don't usually like staying at__________ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by __________ sea.A./;aB.the; theC./,theD.the; a4.C句意:史密斯一家通常不喜欢住旅馆,但是去年夏天他们在海边一家不错的旅馆住了几天。





















但是,传统和习俗得过过客观规律的筛子二、男女2011-12-15 11:13:41 君生我未生,我生君已娶,恨不生同时,日日与君好,既然不能与心属之人到老,那么跟谁都一样1.我还没有装腔作势到可以无视可能发生的事情,但是你看到的东西不一定是个东西。



2012年高考完成句子训练题第一套71.______________________he called back.(about)我正要给Tom再次打电话时,他回电话了。

72. He is _____________________that all of us like him.(so)他是这么聪明的孩子以致于我们大家都喜欢他。

73.____________________ across the Changjiang River will be the first one for four trains to pass at the same time.(build) 正在长江大桥上面修建的那座桥将是第一座供列车通过的桥梁。

74._________________ when the accident happened. (spot)当事故发生时我碰巧在现场75.__________________, he behaves like an adult. ( as)尽管他是个孩子他行动起来像个大人。

76.Do you know ____________________before they got married? (know)你知道他们结婚前已经认识多久了?77. Do you wash the clothes yourself or ___________________?(have)你是自己洗衣服还是请人洗衣服?78._____________________,there is life.(there)哪儿有水哪儿就有生命。

79. _____________________we know the result of the examination.(before)要不了多久我们就知道考试成绩了。

80.The police are searching for the murder ____________________.(with;lead)由狗在前带路,警方正在搜索那起杀人案件。



2012年5月SAT真题句子填空全文翻译精讲2012.5真题1. Alarmed that land-clearing practices are rapidly ___ crucial habitat, the government of Madagascar is working hard to _______ in its citizens a sense of pride in the nation’s diverse animal and plant species.A. depleting .. deterB. restoring .. inspireC. destroying .. instillD. enhancing .. prolongE. isolating .. curtail中文释义:由于马达加斯加政府已经警惕到开荒的做法正在迅速摧毁至关重要的栖息地,他们正在努力地向其公民灌输本国动植物物种多样化的自豪感。


词汇解析:deplete:1. 耗尽,用尽;to empty of a principle substance;2. 使衰竭;to lessen markedly in quantity, content, power, or valuedeter:制止,阻止;inhibit;使打消念头;to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting instill:1. 徐徐滴入;to cause to enter drop by drop;2. 逐渐灌输;to impart gradually curtail:缩减,剪短;to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part2. Not even a microscope is sufficiently powerful to view the _______ molecules that chemist Jacqueline Barton designs.A. trivialB. grandiloquentC. infinitesimalD. distendedE. figurative中文释义:没有任何一个显微镜能强大到可以观察化学家杰奎琳·巴顿设计的极微小的分子。























OAB is equilateral? The radius of the circle is 9.
(a) ¶ (b) 2 ·¶ (c) 3 ·¶ (d) 4 ·¶ (e) ¶/2
o Answer: OAB equilateral so angleAOB is equal to 60o. The ratio between the AOB angle and 360o is equal to the ratio between the length of the arc AB and the circumference of the circle. 60o/360o = arcAB / (2 ¶·9) arcAB = 3 ·¶
更多 SAT 考试资料,请访问 Question #2: What is the length of the arc AB, if O is the center of the circle and triangle
Question #6: If 2x < 100 and x is an integer, how many of the 2x + 2 integers will be divisible by 3 and by 2?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(d) 5 o Answer: 26 = 64 and 27 = 128. If 2x < 100, then the highest value of x is 6. Possible values for x: 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, , 5 , 6. 2x + 2 can take the values 3 , 4 , 6 , 10 , 18 , 34 , 66. Out of these values, only 6 , 18 and 66 are divisible by 3 and by 2. The correct answer is (c).









目录1月题目 (3)1月答案解析 (5)1月题目1月3日答案解析A(Except for)the phonograph,the performances B(of great musicians)and the voices of famous people C(would have been)lost D(to history).E(No error) Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月9日答案解析A(Long been)isolated B(from)the outside world and perched C(high in)the Tibetan Himalayas,Lhasa is the capital of Tibet,D(an autonomous region)of the People’s Republic of China.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月15日答案解析Although the number of books A(written in)African languages B(are growing),many African writers C(find)a larger audience D(for works)written in Portuguese or English.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月21日答案解析A(Aside from)Shakespeare,B(perhaps)no writer in English C(have)engaged the public’s imagination D(more thoroughly than)Charles Dickens.E(No error) Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月27日答案解析A(An)abundant supply of milk B(from)dairy farms nearby C(make)the Bern region of Switzerland D(a leading producer)of condensed milk and milk chocolate.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月答案解析1月3日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is inappropriate word choice.In this context,“Except for”doesn't make sense.Instead,“Without”is needed. 1月9日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is awkward and wordy phrasing. The awkward“Long been”should simply be“Long”(“Long isolated...”).1月15日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is subject-verb disagreement. The singular verb“is”is needed to agree with the singular noun“the number.”1月21日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at C.The plural verb“have”does not agree with the singular subject“writer”and should be replaced with the singular verb“has.”1月27日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where there is subject-verb disagreement. The plural verb“make”does not agree with its singular subject,“An abundant supply.”天道培训SAT课程推荐一对一课程A、SATI&SATII一对一课程B、SAT辅导课程全程托管计划A、上午班B、下午班SAT精品小班课程A、春季SAT5人班B、暑假SAT5人班课程特色:自由安排上课时间,网络课堂克服地理限制课程介绍:A、SAT资深教师针对考点重点点拨,从基础到强化全面提高;SATII多科辅导--物理、化学、生物、数学—中英文细致讲解做题思路B、细致讲解各科题目,克服学员惰性,帮助学员更有效消化课程知识课程教材:SAT官方指南,SAT历年考试真题集,天道名师内部讲义课程特色:教学专家强化授课,学员导师无缝衔接,确保学员消化课上内容,保障学习效果;全天8小时的浸泡式学习,一对一教学和小组学习相结合,调动最佳学习状态;适合人群:自学能力不强,希望得到个性化和适当学习氛围的学员;课程设置:每天09:00-18:00全程托管,含2小时一对一课程、6小时辅导课程及1小时午休(含午餐时间)课程特色:SAT2000分尊贵5人班基础+全真考题,老师逐个点拨适合人群:高一、高二及或同等水平的学员;有意申请或转入美国名校本科的学生课程设置:五科资深教师授课,5人小班教学,老师逐个点拨,赠送全真模拟考试+名师点评10课时。

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目录1月题目 (9)1月答案解析 (15)2月题目 (19)2月答案解析 (25)3月题目 (29)3月答案解析 (35)4月题目 (39)4月答案解析 (45)5月题目 (48)5月答案解析 (55)6月题目 (59)6月答案解析 (65)7月题目 (69)7月答案解析 (75)8月题目 (79)8月答案解析 (85)9月题目 (89)9月答案解析 (95)10月题目 (98)10月答案解析 (104)11月题目 (108)11月答案解析 (114)12月题目 (118)12月答案解析 (124)1月题目(E)integrity1月5日答案解析Although Rolf is usually quite-------,he was so-------by the salesman’s ruderemarks that he insisted on complaining to the manager.Answer Choices(A)tractable..reassured(B)timorous..angered(C)plucky..offendedto(C)numerous(D)ornate(E)functional1月11日答案解析The new administrator was-------;he considered new ideas worthy of consideration but ultimately-------the old ways.Answer Choices(A)an iconoclast..undermined byhis(A)intriguing..skill with(B)interesting..abuses of(C)humble..mastery of(D)shallow..errors in(E)misguided..style of1月17日答案解析The notoriously temperamental American actor Edwin Forrest was known for his-------both on stage and off.the mayor considered her opponent's sudden popularity less a threat than-------.Answer Choices(A)falter..a boon(B)strengthen..a calamity(C)prevail..a distraction(D)alter..an error(E)waver..a diversion1月23日答案解析Harold,far from being a-------,was not-------to take a person holding opposing political views into his household.Answer Choices(A)convert..accustomed(B)bigot..loath(C)fanatic..susceptible(D)recluse..sympathetic(E)persecutor..inclinedher (E)valuable1月答案解析1月2日The correct answer is DThe sentence implies that Kelly,in light of her neighbor’s previous behavior, found his actions to be audacious,which means bold or daring.1月5日The correct answer is BChoice B is correct.The term“Although”in the first clause suggests that Rolf’s response to the“salesman’s rude remarks”differed from his usual behavior.If Rolf is usually“timorous,”or timid,complaining to the salesman’s manager would be an uncharacteristic response.1月8日The correct answer is EChoice(E)is correct.Facilitating meditation is a function—something valuable about tantra paintings in addition to their beauty.The correct answer is DA“traditionalist”is someone who adheres to a time-honored set of practices or beliefs.“Inferior to”describes something that is of lesser quality or value than something else.An administrator certainly could be a traditionalist,or adhere to time-honored practices.If the new administrator prefers older,established ways of doing things,it makes sense to say that he might consider newer ideas but ultimately,or in the end,decide that they are inferior to,or lesser in value than, older ideas.1月14日The correct answer is BThe key words are“sufficiently,”which indicates a positive response to the writer’s ideas,and“bear with,”which conveys negative feelings toward the writer’s language.Only“interesting...abuses of”provides a corresponding positive-negative relationship.1月17日The correct answer is DThe term“histrionics”in this context refers to Forrest’s theatrical performances as well as to the emotional outbursts that likely accompanied his temper.The correct answer is CChoice(C)is correct.The mayor was confident about her campaign,so it makes sense to suggest that she felt her political platform would“prevail,”or triumph. The phrase“less...than”indicates that as a result of her confidence,the mayor found her opponent's popularity to be less than a threat;she considered it a mere “distraction.”1月23日The correct answer is CChoice(C)is correct.A rumor that spreads slowly and subtly can be described as“insidious.”1月26日The correct answer is BOnly“bigot...loath”logically completes the sentence.Someone who is not bigoted,or prejudiced,would not be“loath,”or unwilling,to accept someone with different opinions.1月29日The correct answer is BChoice(B)is correct.It is logical that the owner of a five-year-old computerwould be concerned that her machine would soon be“obsolete,”or no longer useful,given the recent changes in computing.2月题目but he(E)vivacious..ambition2月4日答案解析Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is surprisingly-------, capable of distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.Answer Choices(A)rigid(B)inert(C)erratic(D)keenplans(C)impulsive..approved(D)tardy..designed(E)provocative..mislaid2月10日According to Burgess,a novelist should not-------,for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.Answer Choices(A)invent(A)a seamless..debacle(B)an ungainly..hodgepodge(C)an unfortunate..masterpiece(D)an inappropriate..success(E)a harmonious..Failure答案解析The editor denied any knowledge of the reporter’s alleged unethical interview techniques,claiming he had been-------her finished work but not of her journalistic practices.to -------sharply because they can live only where the forest is most dense.Answer Choices(A)planting..decline(B)destruction..grow(C)felling..decrease(D)abundance..dip(E)protection..drop2月22日detailsany2月25日答案解析Numerous illnesses that were once difficult to-------may now be diagnosed through-------blood tests.Answer Choices(A)detect..perfunctory(B)facilitate..tedious(C)administer..pre-emptive(D)treat..gruelingto bed(D)hyperbole(E)understatement2月答案解析2月1日The correct answer is CIt is logically consistent to say that someone who is“dynamic,”or energetic, would feel restless,or agitated,when faced with a boring task.2月4日The correct answer is DOne of the meanings of“keen”is“acutely sensitive.”Therefore,if our sense of smell is keen or acutely sensitive,it is capable of“distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.”2月7日The correct answer is C“Impulsive”means acting suddenly,abruptly,or without premeditation.To approve something is to consent to or confirm it.The sentence suggests that the department head was concerned about how her actions would be viewed.If shewere concerned about the possibility of being considered too abrupt or thoughtless in her plans,or about thinking them through insufficiently before acting on them,she certainly might have wanted to have her plans"approved"by others before she implemented them,or carried them out.It makes sense to say that the department head had the advisory committee members confirm or sanction her plans so that she would not be considered impulsive.2月10日The correct answer is DBurgess believes that preaching or sermonizing is not appropriate in good fiction.2月13日The correct answer is BChoice(B)is correct.If the play is an“ungainly,”or clumsy,mixture of different elements,an honest critic would justifiably describe it as a“hodgepodge,”or a disorganized jumble.2月16日The correct answer is ATo be“cognizant of”something is to be informed about or aware of it.The sentence indicates that the reporter’s interview techniques were allegedlyunethical—that is,the reporter was accused of using techniques that do not conform to approved standards.If the editor was unaware of the reporter’s journalistic practices,he could plausibly deny any knowledge of—and responsibility for—her techniques,whether ethical or unethical.Therefore,it makes sense to suggest that the editor would claim that he was cognizant of only the reporter’s finished work and not her journalistic practices.2月19日The correct answer is CThis sentence asks you to recognize a cause and effect relationship:a decreasing number of trees causes antelope populations to decrease.The only option in which both terms have a logical cause and effect relationship is“felling.. decrease.”2月22日The correct answer is BChoice(B)is correct.Since the reviewer is openly favoring the discussion of “details of the author’s life,”or“biographical matters,”she is clearly“in open defiance of”current practice,which“eschews,”or shuns,speaking of such things. 2月25日The correct answer is AIt makes sense to say that certain diseases are no longer difficult to“detect,”or discover,now that doctors can diagnose them through routine,or “perfunctory,”tests.2月28日The correct answer is D“Hyperbole”is extravagant exaggeration,often not intended to be taken literally.If Marisol is prone,or has a tendency or inclination,to greatly exaggerate things or make extravagantly exaggerated statements,Enrique would know not to take seriously her statement that she was going to sleep for a week.3月题目bogus(D)embarrassing..contented(E)warranted..Wise3月5日答案解析Her vague sense of-------grew into anxiety and then alarm when she discovered that her initial doubts about the success of the undertaking were well founded.Answer Choices(A)foreboding(A)a puzzling..untarnished(B)a realistic..unsupervised(C)an intricate..overlooked(D)an erroneous..ignored(E)a flawed..unattended3月11日答案解析The test of truth is not-------,for we have often felt firmly convinced of many things that were not so.must supply the invisible-------binding such apparently-------parts.Answer Choices(A)emotions..impersonal(B)interpretations..somber(C)descriptions..related(D)connections..independent(E)categories..cohesive3月17日human3月20日答案解析Despite their-------proportions,the murals of Diego Rivera give his Mexican compatriots the sense that their history is-------and human in scale,not remote and larger than life.Answer Choices(A)monumental..accessible(B)focused..prolonged(C)vast..ancient(D)realistic..extraneous(E)problematical3月26日答案解析Although the acreage involved in a national boundary dispute may seeminsignificant,even the slightest-------in a country’s alleged border appears-------to that nation,a threat to its security.Answer Choices(A)inconsistency..felicitous(B)variation..trivialof(B)insouciance..experience(C)whimsy..depth(D)gravitas..dignity(E)animosity..Warmth3月答案解析3月2日The correct answer is BChoice(B)is correct.For the company spokesman to describe the lawsuits as “bogus claims”implies that the company views these lawsuits as“frivolous,”or as having no sound basis.Moreover,as is indicated by the phrase“hoping to strike it rich,”the spokesman would likely want to characterize the claimants of these suits as“greedy,”or motivated by a selfish desire for wealth,rather than as people seeking fairness or justice.3月5日The correct answer is AThe sentence asks you to find the mildest word in a logical progress leading to anxiety and finally culminating in alarm.Of the choices given,only“foreboding”is a word that describes a feeling related to,but less than,anxiety.3月8日The correct answer is CChoice(C)is correct.If these terms were inserted into the sentence,the sentence would read“The success of the Norman Invasion depended on an intricate logistical operation:in planning it,William the Conqueror wisely left no detail overlooked.”The sentence indicates that the Norman Invasion was an overall “success”and that William the Conqueror behaved“wisely,”so we can infer that the“logistical operation”was well-planned.It is likely,then,that William the Conqueror did not overlook,or neglect,any of the numerous logistical details involved in an“intricate,”or complex,operation.3月11日The correct answer is BTo be firmly convinced of something,whether it is true or not,is to be certain, or to possess“certitude.”3月14日The correct answer is DThe word“so”indicates that the sentence is a cause-and-effect statement:the second half of the sentence must describe the way readers must respond to a novel that“consists of discrete vignettes.”Inserting the terms in choice(D)into the sentence creates a logical cause-and-effect statement.If the novel is composed of “discrete,”or unconnected,episodes,then the reader must supply the “connections”that bind these apparently“independent”parts.3月17日The correct answer is EThe sentence focuses on one aspect of the platforms—extreme heaviness. Therefore,“immense”makes a logically consistent sentence.3月20日The correct answer is AThe keys to this sentence are the word“Despite,”the words“human in scale,”and the words“not remote and larger than life.”The word filling the first blank has to be one that would relate closely to something that seems“larger than life.”The word filling the second blank has to fit with“human in scale.”If you focus on just one of the two blanks,you will be able to eliminate several choices before you even think about the other blank.3月23日The correct answer is ATry filling in the blank without reading the answer choices.What kinds of words would fit?Words like complete,thorough,or extensive could all fit.Now look at the answer choices.“Comprehensive”is very similar to the words suggested,and none of the other choices fits at all.3月26日The correct answer is EWhile“ominous”comes closest to conveying threat,“traumatic”makes some sense;only“breach,”however,fits logically in the first blank3月29日The correct answer is DA“veteran,”or seasoned,actor should be able to carry himself with “gravitas,”or seriousness.A serious performer,in turn,is capable of playing a variety of roles with“dignity,”or a seriousness of manner.4月题目origin,(E)graciously4月4日答案解析The architect wanted to-------his own initial vision and design but recognizedthe importance of-------requests from his client;in the end,he had to make several concessions.Answer Choices(A)maintain..accommodating(B)develop..submitting(B)antiquated(C)rejuvenated(D)superlative(E)esoteric4月10日答案解析Understandably,it is the-------among theater critics who become most incensed when producers insist on-------celebrated classic plays.Answer ChoicesAnswer Choices(A)virile(B)heedless(C)dauntless(E)timorous4月16日答案解析Since the explanations offered are-------to the exposition,it would be unfairMrs.Williams found it ironic that her twelve-year-old son,who made all A’s on his report card,was so-------at home,apparently unable to follow her most basic instructions concerning such commonsense matters as tidiness.Answer Choices(B)astute(C)candid(D)obtuse(E)sullenfossil(D)fabrication..obsolete(E)recapitulation..exhausted4月25日答案解析Although the scientist claimed to have made a major breakthrough in his research,the evidence he offered as proof of his assertion was-------at best.Answer Choices(A)conclusive(B)indubitableas it(B)fickle..unlikely(C)volatile..liable(D)unprecedented..intended(E)inactive..Designed4月答案解析4月1日The correct answer is BThe market“seems”to have been opened long ago,but the term“Although”indicates that it was not.The market must have opened“recently.”4月4日The correct answer is AThe word“but”along with the word“concessions,”which refers to yielding to something,suggests that there is some contrast in the first part of the sentence. An architect certainly might want to“maintain”his initial vision and design,but as a result of needing to accommodate,or consider and allow for,requests from the client,he might have to change them.It makes sense to suggest that the architect made concessions and accommodated the client’s requests even though he wanted to keep his initial vision and design unchanged.4月7日The correct answer is BIf the impoverished city needs to update its electrical infrastructure,the system is very likely“antiquated,”or outdated.4月10日The correct answer is EIt is logical to conclude that critics who are“purists”would be devoted to traditional ways of staging classic plays,and would get angry when these plays are presented in new ways.4月13日The correct answer is CChoice(C)is correct.Someone who was“dauntless,”or fearless,when faced with danger might very well earn an award for bravery4月16日The correct answer is DThe words filling the blanks are opposites,since if the“explanations”are one thing,it is“unfair to treat them”as the opposite.They are“incidental”and cannot be treated as the opposite of incidental,namely,“essential.”4月19日The correct answer is DChoice(D)is correct.It is logical that a mother would see irony in the contrastbetween her son’s success at school and his obtuseness,or apparent inability to comprehend,at home.4月22日The correct answer is AA“modicum”is a small amount.Since the artist did not have even a small amount of evidence,the image must have been“speculative”.4月25日The correct answer is C“Paltry,”or meager,fits within the context of this sentence because it questions or qualifies the scientist’s claim of achieving a“major breakthrough.”4月28日The correct answer is CChoice(C)is correct.It makes sense to say that when his factory exploded, Nobel discovered how“volatile,”or unpredictable,nitroglycerin could be;in fact, it was“liable”to,or prone to,detonate unexpectedly.5月题目(E)distraction5月4日答案解析Refuting the claim that the surest way to reduce anger is to express it,theauthor asserts that-------anger can actually increase its-------.Answer Choices(A)denying..impact(B)understanding..importance(C)overcoming..likelihoodso low(C)ebullient(D)inscrutable(E)tenacious5月10日答案解析Andrew Jackson’s ideal vision of an American nation composed of farmers and artisans had become increasingly-------by the1860s,when the new-------economy was turning craftspersons and planters into factory laborers.Answer Choices(A)a serene(B)an impetuous(C)an insipid(D)a malleable。
