



C.人际技能 D.概念技能 .任何组织的经营目标都是多元化的,可以包括(BCD)。 A.增加高学历者的比例 B.高利润 C.提高市场占有率 D.提高员工福利待遇 .某公司从生产饲料起家,后来又进入了房地产,旅游等行业。这种发展战略属于(CD)。 A.关联多元化 B.同心多元化 C.无关联多元化 D.复合多元化 14.定性决策方法是决策者根据所掌握的信息,通过对事物运动规律的分析,进行决策的方法,主要的定性方法 有()。 A.德尔非法
2024年1月国开电大专科《管理学基础》 期末考试试题及答案
2024年1月国开电大专科《管理学基础》期末考试 试题及答案
一■单项选择(本题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。请在给出的选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项) 1.下列哪位专家被誉为"经营管理之父〃?(B) A.弗雷德里克・泰罗 B.亨利•法约尔 C.赫伯特•西蒙 D.马克斯•韦伯 .在组织中存在着正式组织与非正式组织,正式组织与非正式组织之间的一个重大的区别就是,非正式组织是以 (八)为重要标准。 A.感情的逻辑 B.正规的程序 C.科学的理念 D.效率的逻辑 .计划工作有广义和狭义之分,狭义的计划工作主要是指(D)。 A.执行计划
[答案]错 .目标管理是职工参与管理的一种很好的形式。 [答案]对 .控制和计划密不可分,控制就是要保证计划的实现,因此,控制的标准主要来自计划。 [答案]对 四、配伍题体题共5小题Байду номын сангаас每小题2分,共10分。请将下列代名词解释的英文字母填在与其相对应名词后的括号 中) .技术技能(C) .人际技能(八) .概念技能(E) .正式沟通(B) .非正式沟通(D) A.又称人际关系技能,是指成功地与人打交道并与别人沟通的能力。 B.是指按照组织明文规定的原则、方式进行的信息传递与交流。 C.是指管理者从事自己管理范围内的工作所需要的技术和能力。





















国开(中心电大)专科《办公室管理》网上形考(任务2至5)试题及答案通过整理的国开(中心电大)专科《办公室管理》网上形考(任务2至5)试题及答案相关文档,渴望对大家有所扶植,感谢观看!国开(中心电大)专科《办公室管理》网上形考(任务2至5)试题及答案(国开平台形考必备资料) 说明:资料整理于2021年4月27日适用专业及层次:行政管理专科。

形考任务二一、单项选择题(每小题5分,共50分) 1.级别高的办公室一般称为( )。

[答案]办公厅2.中心机关分别接受分理制和综理制设置下属机构,其办公厅(室)属于分理制的是( )。

[答案]*** 3.办公室的核心功能是( )。

[答案]办文4.办公室的本质属性是( )。

[答案]服务性5.办公室管理的第一要义是( )。

[答案]服务6.常用办公用品中属于办公文具的是( )。

[答案]中性笔7.发放办公用品的人员要求是( )。

[答案]发放人员要提示运用部门和人员节约办公用品8.办公用品库存管理中的再订货量是指( )。

[答案]判定须要订购新的办公用品的库存余额9.正确选择办公设备和易耗品供应商不必考虑的因素是( )。

[答案]名牌和高档10.有权对政府选购合同进行监督和管理的是( )。

[答案]国家级或省部级财政部门二、推断题(每小题5分,共50分) 11.办公室是组织内部办文、办公、办事、办会的主要平台。












2020年1月国开(中央电大)专科《办公室管理》期末考试试题及答案20XX年1月中央电大专科《办公室管理》期末考试试题及答案一、单项选择题1.文员传达上司的指示时,哪一项做法是不适宜的(B)A.必要时可形成文字材料,照本宣科 B.传达可以根据上司主要意思,溶入自己对问题的意见C.不可在普通电话、普通函里传达有秘密内容的指示D.重要的指示,应该要求被传达者复述一遍,以免漏听或漏记2.以下关于文员管理好时间的说法,哪一个是不正确的(D) A.定好目标,把想做或需要做的事情写下来B.想办法加快处理邮、信和其他反复出现的事务C.开始工作之前要做好准备工作,就不会因遗忘某事而中途停顿D.把零散工作安排在安静、有效的时间段里去做3.有时应上司要求,文员参与会见或会谈,以下哪些内容不是文员的任务(B)A.准备资料B.发表意见C.现场服务D.会议或会谈记录4.传真机最好用来传送以下哪种邮?(A)A.一般的图纸B.机密文C.很长的文D.感谢信5.文员打印寄往欧美国家的信封,收信人内容的打印顺序应该是(C)A.国名、地址、部门、姓名B.姓名、地址、部门、国名C姓名、部门、地址、国名D.姓名、国名、部门、地址6.下列接受名片时唯一正确的做法是(A)A.接受名片时要用双手B.大声念出名片上的头衔C.接过名片马上放人兜内D.传递名片将正面朝向自己7.以下哪一种类型适合自由谈话,或是收集创意的会议。

(B)A.口字型 B.圆桌型C.教室型D.U字型8.按照美国人类学家爱德华·霍尔博士对交往空间距离的划分理论,45CM~120CM,应该是(A)A.个人区B.社交区C. 亲密区 D.公众区9.文员协助举行宴会时,不用考虑(B)A.宴会的形式与气氛B.有无休息室C有无停车场 D.交通是否方便10.上司参加各种应酬和会议,有时需要更换服装,文员应(A)A.通知上司家人把衣服送达B.自己到上司家里去拿C让上司自己去家里更换 D.去买新的服装二、判断题 11.文员应避免不必要的通信和邮寄,尽可能把频繁的联系集中起来分批进行。



















[答案]错9.为了提高会议效率,即使远超过1 个小时的会议,也不应安排中场休息。


例如,英语应用“How do you do?”(你好)等。






























A.管理五项职能B.官僚制组织理论C.14条管理原则D.POSDCORB,即七项管理职能 3.高斯发表于1936年,提出了公共行政和公共行政环境之间的关系问题并予以研究的行政学论著是(B)。

A.《比较公共行政模式》B.《美国社会与公共行政》C.《政府生态学》D.《公共行政生态学》 4.政府为公众服务的服务性特点首先表现在其(D)上。

A.公平性B.平等性C.普遍性D.非营利性 5.由立法机关或其他任免机关经过考察而直接任命产生行政领导者的制度是(D)。

A.选任制B.考任制C.聘任制D.委任制 6.行政决策体制的核心是(B)。

A.专家咨询系统B.领导决策系统C.信息支持系统D.公民磋商与参与系统 7.现代意义上第一个独立的、职能化的人事行政机关是(C)于1855年成立的文官委员会。

A.日本B.美国C.英国D.法国 8.对具有公务员身份的中国共产党党员的案,需要给予处分的,由(B)给予处分。

A.检察机关B.党的纪律检查机关和行政监察机关C.党的纪律检查机关D.行政监察机关 9.根据《立法法》,行政法规和规章应当在公布后的(A)天内报有关部门备案。





2021年1月国开(中央电大)专科《办公室管理》期末考试试题及答案2021年1月国开(中央电大)专科《办公室管理》期末考试试题及答案一、单项选择题 1.传真机最好用来传送以下(A)类邮件? A.-般的图纸 B. C.很长的文件 D.感谢信 2.文员在进行办公室布置时,以下哪种行为是不适宜的。

(B) A.准备一些敞开的文件夹,贴上相应的标识条 B.较大的物品放在稍高于眼光平行的层面上,用标签贴在各种物品的下方C.办公桌抽屉物品要摆放整齐,不要放得太满且要经常清理 D.下班前要整理好自己的办公桌,把文件、资料好以免丢失和泄密 3.对新情况、新问题,无章可循时,上司又没有明确的指示,文员可参照有关政策,作出合乎情理的处理。


A.进言 B.受意 C.变通 D.挡驾 4.为了防止办公室出现“瓶颈现象”,下列做法中,哪项工作应该改进(A) A.工作人员工作尽可能专门化、单一化 B.尽可能定量控制办公室工作 C.重复性的工作尽量由机器完成D.合理设计办公室的工作流程 5.文员在为上司筛选电话时,以下做法不正确的是(D) A.文员在说了迎接词,对方发出声音之后,就能迅速辨听出对方 B.了解单位每个人的工作和职务,提醒正要接听转接电话的人,说明情况及转接理由C.有时需要文员编织一些“美丽的谎言”以应付那些上司不想接待的人D.来电者寻找你的上司,应弄清对方的身份再通报上司 6.在公务专用信件书写礼仪方面,一般在收函单位或个人称呼后习惯用(D) A.“顷悉”、“际此” B.“谨启”、“钧启” C“台鉴”、“惠鉴” D.“台安”、“钧安” 7.按照美国人类学家爱德华·霍尔博士对交往空间距离的划分理论,45CM—120CM,应该是(A) A.个人区 B.社交区 C.亲密区 D.公众区 8.以下哪一种类型适合自由谈话,或是收集创意的会议。

(C) A.口字型 B.教室型C.圆桌型 D.U字型 9.上司决定参加某个会议时,文员不应该(D) A.和上司先充分沟通,避免在会议进行中临时以电话联系的不便 B.除了送来的资料外,也必须收集其他上司有必要的资料 C.如果是第一次前往的公司外的地点,要先了解场地情况和交通所耗费的时间 D.只在便笺上写好会议名称 10.值班人员不应该做以下哪类事情(A) A.签发文件 B.分发会议通知 C.询问情况 D.传达指示二、判断题 11.办公室桌、椅,特别是客人的椅子应放在直对光的地方。











































国开(中央电大)行管专科《公共行政学》十年期末考试简答题题库(排序版)国开(中央电大)行管专科《公共行政学》十年期末考试简答题题库(排序版) (电大期末纸质考试必备资料) 说明:试卷号码:2202。



[内部资料] 答:(1)内部标杆瞄准;(2)外部竞争对手标杆瞄准;(3)行业内标杆瞄准;(4)跨行业标杆瞄准;(5)内外部综合标杆瞄准。

法制监督具有哪些特征?[20__年7月试题] 答:(1)法制监督是权力分配的均衡;(2)监督的对象是行使行政权力的主体;(3)监督的范围具有广泛性;(4)监督方式和手段具有多样性;(5)以权力制约权力。

非营利组织的特点主要有哪些?[内部资料] 答:(1)组织性;(2)非政府性;(3)非营利性;(4)自治性;(5)志愿性。

非营利组织在提供公共服务中的作用主要表现在哪些方面?[内部资料] 答:(1)在制度建设方面有倡导作用;(2)监督市场;(3)中介作用;(4)维护良好的社会价值;(5)监督政府。

公共财政具有的主要特点是什么?[内部资料] 答:(1)政府是公共财政的分配主体;(2)公共财政分配的目的,是为了满足公共需要;(3)公共财政具有强制性和补偿性。

公共服务绩效评价的一般性指标包括哪些内容?[内部资料] 答:(1)经济指标;(2)效率指标;(3)公平指标;(4)效能指标。

公共行政环境的特殊性主要表现在哪些方面?[内部资料] 答:公共行政环境的特殊性首先表现在各种公共行政环境之间的差异性上。


行政法规具有哪些基本特征?[内部资料] 答:(1)行政法规的制定主体是国务院;(2)行政法规根据宪法和法律的授权制定;(3)行政法规必须经过法定程序制定;(4)行政法规具有法的效力。




3938国开电大管理英语2历年期末考试(第三题阅读理解选择题)题库「排序版」>3938国开电大管理英语2历年期末考试(第三题阅读理解选择题)题库[排序版] [试题]Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you,you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company and not about you as an individual. But if you wish to be successful in any business,then you have to learn how to handle angry customers. Listed below area few guidelines to help you develop your own personal strategy for dealing with angry customers:[2018年1月试题] Never argue back. You must stay calm and aim to satisfy the customer even in the most difficult situations. It is only by agreeing with their viewpoint and suggesting a possible solution that you will resolve the situation and send the customer away happy. Use your ears more than your mouth. Make sure you listen more than you speak. By listening carefully,you will be able to understand why the customer is complaining,so that satisfactory steps can be taken. Show that you care:Use every opportunity to express your apology and understanding. You have to show that you will do everything within your power to try and resolve the situation. This exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will be a significant change in their behaviour. Control your anger and be patient. Learn to relax and calm yourself.Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go along way in winning over hostile customers. The above guidelines are very useful in every situation in life and you can successfully tackle hostile circumstances by following them. If you follow the above tips,you are on your way to succeeding in your career. 21. At whom do angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints? A. Staff members. B. Company managers. C. Those who accompany them. [答案]A 22.When a customer shouts rudely at you,you should A. argue back and protect yourself B. keep quiet and leave the customer alone C. keep calm and listen carefully to the customer [答案]C 23.The underlined sentence“Use your ears more than your mouth”means A. Your mouth is not more important for you than your ears B. You should listen more than you speak C. You should talk more than you listen [答案]B 24. When dealing with an angry customer,which is NOT the right attitude? A. Be concerned. B. Be patient. C. Be am used. [答案]C 25. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. When the customers complain,you needn't listen care fully. B. You needn't say sorry to those angry customers. C. You should relax yourself and try to understand the angry customers. [答案]C [试题]Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you,you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company and not about you as anindividual. But if you wish to be successful in any business,then you have to learn how to handle angry customers. Listed below area few guidelines to help you develop your own personal strategy for dealing with angry customers:[2021年1月试题] Never argue back. You must stay calm and aim to satisfy the customer even in the most difficult situations. It is only by agreeing with their viewpoint and suggesting a possible solution that you will resolve the situation and send the customer away happy. Use your ears more than your mouth. Make sure you listen more than you speak. By listening carefully,you will be able to understand why the customer is complaining,so that satisfactory steps can be taken. Show that you care:Use every opportunity to express your apology and understanding. You have to show that you will do everything within your power to try and resolve the situation. This exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will be a significant change in their behaviour. Control your anger and be patient. Learn to relax and calm yourself. Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go along way in winning over hostile customers. The above guidelines are very useful in every situation in life and you can successfully tackle hostile circumstances by following them. If you follow the above tips,you are on your way to succeeding in your career.21. Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at A. staff members B. company managers C. those who accompany them [答案]A 22. When a customer shouts rudely at you,you should A. argue back and protect yourself B. keep quiet and leave the customer alone C. keep calm and listen carefully to the customer [答案]C 23. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means A. your mouth is not more important for you than your ears. B. you should listen more than you speak. C. you should talk more than you listen. [答案]B 24. When dealing with an angry customer,which is NOT the right attitude? A. Be concerned. B. Be patient. C. Beam used. [答案]C 25. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. When the customers complain,you needn't listen carefully. B. You needn't say sorry to those angry customers. C. You should relax yourself and try to understand the angry customers. [答案]C [试题]Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you,you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company and not about you as an individual. But if you wish to be successful in any business,then you have to learn how to handle angry customers. Listed below area few guidelines to help you develop your own personal strategy for dealing with angry customers:[2021年7月试题] Never argue back. You must stay calm and aim to satisfy the customer even in the most difficult situations. It is only by agreeing with their viewpoint and suggesting a possible solution that you will resolve the situation and send the customeraway happy. Use your ears more than your mouth. Make sure you listen more than you speak. By listening carefully,you will be able to understand why the customer is complaining,so that satisfactory steps can be taken. Show that you care:Use every opportunity to express your apology and understanding. You have to show that you will do everything within your power to try and resolve the situation. This exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will be a significant change in their behaviour. Control your anger and be patient. Learn to relax and calm yourself. Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go along way in winning over hostile customers. The above guidelines are very useful in every situation in life and you can successfully tackle hostile circumstances by following them. If you follow the above tips,you are on your way to succeeding in your career.21.At whom do angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints? A. Staff members. B. Company managers. C. Those who accompany them. [答案]A 22.When a customer shouts rudely at you,you should_______. A. argue back and protect yourself B. keep quiet and leave the customer alone C. keep calm and listen carefully to the customer [答案]C 23.The underlined sentence“Use your ears more than your mouth”means_______. A. Your mouth is not more important for you than your ears B. You should listen more than you speak C. You should talk more than you listen [答案]B 24.When dealing with an angrycustomer,which is NOT the right attitude? A. Be concerned. B. Be patient. C. Beam used [答案]C 25. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. When the customers complain,you needn't listen carefully. B. You needn't say sorry to those angry customers. C. You should relax yourself and try to understand the angry customers. [答案]C [试题]PPHC and Goose neck are two organizations that do similar community work. Each has hired a new staff member to make contact with and provide services to new parents. [202_年1月试题] Elaine has accepted a job with PP HC. She has a degree in psychology but has never done this type of work before. On her first day,after showing her to her desk and introducing her to colleagues,the director gives her a town map and a list of the names of the families she will be responsible for,and wishes her luck. After lunch,Elaine sets out to contact the families,worried about what she'll door say when she meets them. Mark has a degree similar to Elaine's,and has just been hired by Goose neck. On his first day,he learns that his job will consist of training for the next week. Mark spends two days going on family visits with experienced staff members,and discusses with them what they did and why. He role-plays some situations with other staff members,and gets some direct instruction from them. By the following week,when he's on his own,he feel she has a pretty good idea of what he needs to do,and how to go about it. And'he knows that his training willcontinue. Which situation would you rather be in,being thrown into the thick of things with no training or being trained to prepare for the work you're going to do? 21. What are PP HC and Goose neck? A. They are two companies that do similar business. B. They are two organizations that do different community work. C. They are two organizations that do similar community work. [答案]C 22. Which degree does Elaine have? A. Psychology degree. B. Physiology degree. C. Sociology degree. [答案]A 23. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Elaine has done this type of community work so her organization doesn't provide staff training. B. Mark has a clear idea of his job after the training. C. Mark knows his training comes to an end. [答案]B 24. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work? A. Mark spends two days on family visits with experienced staff members and discuss with them. B. Mark role-plays some situations with other staff members and gets some direct instruction from them. C. Both A and B. [答案]A 25. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The importance of training. B. Different training ways. C. Elaine'sand Mark's work experience. [答案]C [试题]PPHC and Gooseneck are two organizations that do similar community work. Each has hired a new staff member to make contact with and provide services to new parents. [2021年9月试题] Elaine has accepted a job with PP HC. She has a degree in psychology but has never done this type of workbefore. On her first day,after showing her to her desk and intro due ing her to colleagues,the director gives her a town map and a list of the names of the families she will be responsible for,and wishes her luck. After lunch,Elaine sets out to contact the families,worried about what she'll door say when she meets them. Mark has a degree similar to Elaine's,and has just been hired by Gooseneck. On his first day,he learns that his job will consist of training for the next week. Mark spends two days going on family visits with experienced staff members,and discusses with them what they did and why. He role-plays some situations with other staff members,and gets some direct instruction from them. By the following week,when he's on his own,he feel she has a pretty good idea of what he needs to do,and how to go about it. And he knows that his training will continue. Which situation would you rather be in,being thrown into the thick of things with no training or being trained to prepare for the work you're going to do? 21. What are PPHC and Gooseneck? A. They are two companies that do similar business. B. They are two organizations that do different community work. C. They are two organizations that do similar community work. [答案]C 22. Which degree does Elaine have? A. Psychology degree. B. Physiology degree. C. Sociology degree. [答案]A 23. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Elaine has done this type of community work so her organization doesn't provide stafftraining. B. Mark has a clear idea of his job after the training. C. Mark knows his training comes to an end. [答案]B 24. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work? A. Mark spends two days on family visits with experienced staff members and discuss with them. B. Mark role-plays some situations with other staff members and gets some direct instruction from them. C. Both A and B. [答案]C 25. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The importance of training. B. Different training ways. C. Elaine's and Mark's work experience [答案]A [试题]Stress around interviews is often influenced by our assumptions we make to ourselves about the process. Countering anxiety-provoking thoughts can help to lower levels of anxiety. “I just messed up that answer,and there's no hope.”One poor answer normally does not knock a candidate out of consideration. An interview is like a test,getting an85or 90 might be good enough to get the job. [202_年7月试题] Visualizing success can improve performance and help ease anxiety. Always try imagining positive interactions with your interviewer,particularly in the hours just before your interview. To some extent,relaxation techniques,such as progressive muscle relaxation or breathing exercises,can manage anxiety. If your anxiety around interview is excessive,you might consider seeing a doctor to develop effective countermeasures. 21._______often influences the stress around interviews according to the passage. A. Interview process B.Anxiety-provoking thoughts C. Interviewers'assumptions [答案]B 22. Does one poor answer in an interview influence a candidate to _______get a job? A. Yes. B. No. C. Not given. [答案]B 23. Imagining success help a candidate to levels of anxiety? A. lower B. raise C. equal [答案]A 24. How can we reduce our stress around interviews? A. Breathe deeply. B. Meet friends. C. Have a big meal. [答案]A 25. When should we go to see a doctor according the author? A. When we lose confidence in an interview. B. When we find effective measures against anxiety round interview. C. When we have too much stress around interview. [答案]C [试题]Successful and memorable events don't just happen,Organizing and holding an event takes planning. Whether it's an anniversary,a sporting event or a retirement party,and no matter how much time you have,your event's success is in the details. [2018年7月试题] There are some suggestions for you to hold a successful event. Decide upon your target audience. The first thing is you should know who your target audience is. From this all the other decisions will fall into place in terms of format,content,prices,location etc. Make a list of details. When you hold an event,you need to consider everything,from program content,lighting,food serving,transportation to parking and safety. Making a list will ensure you don't overlook things. Have a clear purpose. When you plan an event,you should clearly define its purpose,because the following decision should support it. Do notclash. Check the calendar. Don't clash with holidays or popular vacation times. Know your limitations. You should be aware of your weakness such as budget or time. If you decide to hold an event in a week's time,plan for a more familiar affair. If it's a big event,prepare several months ahead. If the budget is small,you may have to a lot of do-it-yourself work. 21. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage? A. To know your target audience first helps you plan your event better. B. To check the calendar carefully will avoid time conflict. C. Know the limitation means you should know the audience's limitation. [答案]C 22. Which is not the factor of holding a successful event?. A. A clear purpose. B. A list of details. C. A invitation. [答案]C 23.According to the passage,what is the key factor to make your event successful? A. Leadership. B. Details. C. Plenty of planning time. [答案]B 24. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Details―the key to the success of an event. B. Successful and memorable events don't just happen. C. How to plan successful events. [答案]C 25. What is the purpose of making list of details? A. Make sure not overlook things. B. To follow decisions. C. To have a clear purpose. [答案]A。

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试试题及答案说明:1.试卷号:2180; 2.课程代码:00048 3.适用专业:行政管理和现代文员专科; 4.该

一、单项选择题 1.办公室调查研究的选题原则不包括下列

D.适量原则 2.办公室信息工作的要求不包括(C)。

D.完整 3.在组织中当一个人工作量不多的时候,个体行为符合

会故作忙碌状 C.他会因为工作量不大而很快完成任务 D.
他会抓紧时间休息 4.向上级行文就有关问题进行请示时,下

先斩后奏 C.地级市政府经常越过省政府直接向国务院行文
请示 D.请示理由要充分,要求和建议要具体 5.电子公文的

D.可以印制成纸质文件分发处理二、判断题(正确划“√”,错误划“×”,每小题2分,共10分) 6.我国古代的谋士、谏官和幕僚,以及当今各国的智囊团、思想库等,都是决策的重要辅助力量。

(√) 7.举办开业典礼,要遵循热烈、隆重、不计费

(×) 8.印章必须有专人负责保管和使用,保管者

(√) 9.涉外礼仪中以右为尊。

(√) 10.公文行

(×) 三、简答题(每小题10分,共20分) 11.简述办公环境的含义并按照由远及近的顺序列举环境类别。






