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The Gap of Ingenuity2 创新的空白2


1. C 【Ingenuity, as I define it here, consists not only of ideas for new technologies like computers or drought-resistant crops but, more fundamentally, of ideas for better institutions and social arrangements, like efficient markets and competent governments.】

2. A 【How much and what kinds of ingenuity a society requires depends on a range of factors, including……, an easy climate or a pushing one, whatever the case may be.】

3. D 【We know that the creation of wealth, for example, depends not only on an adequate supply of useful ideas but also on the availability of other, more conventional factors of production, like capital and labor. conventional factors = traditional resources】

4. B 【Similarly, prosperity, stability and justice usually depend on the resolution, or

at least the containment, of major political struggles over wealth and power.】


5. B 【根据"incremental change of the last 100 years"定位到E段第一行,然后往后看可找到答案。"Because these changes have accumulated slowly, it's often hard for us to recognize how profound and sweeping they've.】

6. B 【In combination, these changes have sharply increased the density, intensity, and

pace of our inter actions with each other…】

7. C【…, because they are often very sensitive to the smallest of changes and perturbations, and their behavior can flip from one mode to another suddenly and dramatically.】


8. YES 【The good news, though, is that the last century’s stunning changes in our societies and technologies have not just increased our need for ingenuity;… 】

9. YES 【…we can't always rely on the right kind of ingenuity appearing when and where we need it. 我们不能总指望在我们有需要的时候,恰好就有相应的创造产生。】

10. YES 【Very few of us have more than a rudimentary understanding of how these systems work.】

11. NO 【explore a wide range of other factors that will limit our ability to supply the ingenuity required in the coming century.】

12. NOT GIVEN 【文章并没有提到说下一代对政府管理的责备的问题】

13.YES 【题干说科学在某些领域会发展得比其他领域快,本意是科学各个方面分支发展快慢不一的现实。原文见L 段的第6行, and science's rate of advance ...意思是有些现象或领域就是比其他的现象或领域难,那么这些领域中的知识进步会非常缓慢。】

14.NO 【Progress in the social sciences is especially slow, for reasons we don't yet understand. 文章中说的是由于某些未知的原因,社会科学的进步尤其缓慢,而不是题干中说的,社会科学不如自然科学重要。】

Density and Crowding 拥挤和人口密度

1. iv Problems that result in crowding 【.., there are three significant trends ...All of these trends are producing increased crowding and perception of crowding.】

2. vii definitions of crowding and density【...crowding and density are no necessarily the same. Density is ...Crowding is ...】

3. x Nature and results of Calhoun’s experiment 【A classic crowding study was done by Calhoun,.......B段讲述了Calhoun的一个关于拥挤的研究,当受到空间限制的时候,出现的一些列负面影响。】

4. i Other experiments on the base of Calhoun’s experiment【D段首句有说other research啊~主要是D段首句就明确提及"Calhoun的result使得后面进行了其他研究"这就体现了选项中的"on the base of Calhoun's experiment"】

5. vi What cause the upset feel of crowding【There are several reasons why crowding makes us feel uncomfortable.】

6. ii The effects of crowding in the social scope on people 【F 段中监狱的性别(male and female)的举例子这是本段几个支持细节中的一个,所以选择ix (明显迷惑选项),因为无法概括第1句中心句和后面低个例子offered helping diffusion(提供帮助减少)例子就没有性别概念;F段首句即说了social density is associated with negative effects on human beings。讲density对人类的影响,段落接下来具体举了很多了例子进行支持。与选项ii意思相符。B段区分的是纯粹的"density"的概念。而F段用的是"social density"】

7. viii Advice for crowded work environment【Facing all these problems, what are we going to do with them?....The ability to cope with crowding is also influenced by the relationship the individual has with the other people in the situation.面临问题该怎么办,体现了选项中的advice】

8. privacy 【There are strong feelings of a lack of privacy-being unable to pay attention to what you want without being repeatedly interrupted or observed by
