
考生需根据给出的图表或数据,分 析并阐述一个相关主题,字数不少 于250字。
本次写作真题关注的是环境保护和 可持续发展领域,要求考生针对全 球气候变化问题,提出自己的观点 和解决方案。
该题目要求考生就“是否应该限 制青少年使用社交媒体”进行论 述。高分范文在逻辑上非常严密,
范文采用了总分总的结构,先提 出总论点,然后分别从不同角度 进行论述,最后再总结全文。每 个分论点都有相应的论据支持,
部分考生可能过于关注图表或数据本身,而 忽略了题目要求的分析和阐述主题。
在讨论环境保护和气候变化问题时,考生可 能不自觉地偏离主题,过多涉及其他不相关 的话题。
部分考生可能只是简单地描述图表或数据, 而没有进行深入的分析和讨论,导致文章内 容空洞。

雅思大作文真题2024Please provide me with the specific essay title from the "IELTS Writing Task 2 Real Exam Questions 2024" so I can write a 3000-word essay for you. For example, your prompt could look like this: "Prompt Problem: Please write a 3000-word essay for me based on the following title from the IELTS Writing Task 2 Real Exam Questions 2024: Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation,such as an unsatisfactory job or a shortage of money. Others argue that it isbetter to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion." Once you provide me with the specific essay title, I will generatea high-quality essay that fulfills all your requirements, including: English language only: The essay will be written entirely in English, with no other languages present. IELTS requirements: The essay will adhere to IELTS standards, featuring rich vocabulary, at least six paragraphs, and high-quality content. No headings or extraneous content: The essay will consist solely of the body paragraphs, without any headings or additional elements. Human-like writing style: The essay will be written in a natural, human-like style that avoids anyindication of authorship. Complete content: The essay will be a comprehensiveand complete response to the provided essay prompt.。
剑桥雅思真题7-写作(Test 3 附高分范文)

剑桥雅思真题7—写作(Test 3 附高分范文)Writing Task 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.Write at least 150 words.参考范文1:The chart gives information about the percentage change in average house prices in five different cities located in five different countries over 12 year period between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.According to the chart, during the period from 1990 to 1995 the average prices of houses in three cities decreased significantly by five percent in New York (USA) and about 7.5 percent in both Tokyo (Japan) and London (UK). While the average house prices increased slightly in two cities Madrid(Spain) and Frankfurt(Germany) by about 1.5 percent respectively.As far as the next period (1996-2002) is concerned, it is clear that the average house prices decreased only in Tokyo (Japan) by 5 percent. In contrast the average house prices increased in the rest of cities. In New York it increased consideraply by 5 percent, in Madrid it increased slightly by 4 percent, in Frankfurt it increased by 2 percent.London has the largest increase in the average house price over the 6-year period from 1996-2002 as it increased dramatically by 11 percent.All in all, there are a wide differences in house prices between the five cities which illustrated in this chart. These differences may be a result of the number of population or the number of houses required in a certain city.本文得分6.5。
雅思 写作 真题

雅思写作真题题目:Some people believe that spending money on developing technology for space exploration is not justified, there are more beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?首先陈述反对者的观点,然后用两个段落指出太空探索带来的好处,最后总结观点,认为处理好国内问题固然重要,但太空探索带来的便利和好处也证明其自身的价值。
(背景句)Since the early years of the Space Race, space exploration has been synonymous with overt displays of geopolitical power, with nations from the USA, the USSR and more recently India viewing space technology as an assertion of national prowess and strength.(改写题目)However, critics contend that the cost of such extravagant displays of political power is needless, particularly in the current time of economic slowdown and rising inequality.(立场和个人观点)In my opinion, the profits and convenience we enjoyed by the development of space exploration can even go beyond our imaginations.自早期太空竞赛以来,太空探索一直是公开彰显地缘政治实力的代名词,美国、苏联以及最近的印度等国家,都将太空技术视为判定国家实力的一种方法。

教育类话题1.Many people say teachers should be responsible forteaching students to judge what is right andwrong. Others say teachers should only teachstudents academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2.According to some prediction, the typical teachingsituation of a teacher and students in a room willdisappear around the year of 2050. To what extentdo you agree or disagree?3.Some parents spend time on reading or tellingstories to children, while others think children canread through various kinds of resources like books, TV programs, but not by their parents. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.4.Schools should concentrate on teaching students theacademic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are notuseful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?5.Some people think educate children of differentabilities together will benefit them. Others thinkintelligent children should be taught separately and give special courses. Discuss both side and giveyour opinion.6.Some people think the main purpose of schools isto turn children to a good citizen or worker ratherthan to benefit them as individuals. To what extentdo you agree or disagree?7.In some countries, schools aim to provide a generaleducation across a range of subjects. In some other countries, children focus on a narrow range ofsubjects related to a particular care er. For today’sworld, which system do you think is moreappropriate?8.In the past, lectures were used as way of teachinglarge number of students. But some people believethat with the development of technology, usinglectures is no longer justified. To what extent doyou agree or disagree?9.Higher education can be funded in several ways. 1.All costs by the government. 2. All costs by thestudents 3. Government loan (Repaid by thestudents after graduation). What are the benefits of each method? Which one is the best from yourpoint of view?10.Some experts believe that it is better for students tolearn a foreign language in primary schools ratherthan in secondary schools. Do you think theadvantages outweigh the disadvantages?11.Some people believe that the aim of universityeducation is to help graduates find better jobs,while some others hold that there are wider benefits for the individual and the society. Discuss bothviewpoints and give your own opinion.12.Teachers used to convey information, but now withwide resources of information, there is no role forteachers to play in modern education. Do you agree or disagree?13.Some people think that children should obey rulesor do what their parents and teachers want them to do, but others think that children controlled toomuch cannot deal with problems well bythemselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.。

雅思(写作)历年真题试卷汇编4(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. WRITING TASK 1WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.1.The charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.正确答案:The pie charts describe the changes of percentages of different age groups’ population in Yemen and Italy. In Yemen, the population of 15-59 age group is expected to reach 57.3% in 2050, outpacing children and becoming the majority of the total population. Accordingly, the percentage of children population is predicted to fall to 37% from more than half in 2000. In addition, the population of senior people was and is projected to be the minority of the country with 3.6% in 2000 and estimated 5.7% in 2050. In Italy, the significant change would happen on the percentage of senior people, which is predicted to reach 42.3%. Compared with the proportion of 2000 (24.1%), it is nearly doubled. Correspondingly, the percentages of children and 15-59 year olds would decrease from 14.3% to 11.5% and 61.6% to 46.2% respectively to make room for the increase of proportion of senior people. To sum up, it can be concluded that Yemen is expected to be a young and middle-aged people dominated country, while Italy is on the way to be an aging society. 涉及知识点:小作文(看图作文)2.The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.正确答案:The line graph describes how US energy consumption by six different fuels changed since 1980 and projections to 2030. It is clear to see that the energy derived from petrol and oil was and is projected to be the major consumption source in the US. The developing trend of such energy consumption is, generally speaking, increasing and predicted to reach a little under 50 quadrillion in 2030 from 35 quadrillion in 1980, though there were some fluctuations in the first 15 years. The energy consumption produced by coal and natural gas nearly follows the same developing trend in this 50-year period. From 1980 till the present day, the energy consumptions based on these two fuels both fluctuated with a rising trend and reached 25 quadrillion in 2015. From this point onwards, the energy produced by coal is predicted to continue growing and hit over 30 quadrillion in 2030, while that of natural gas should remain stable at 25 quadrillion. The energy generated by nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower plays a much less significant role in Americanpeople’s life. They all started at 4 quadrillion in the beginning and small fluctuations are the main feature for all of them throughout the time period. Till 2030, the energy consumptions from nuclear and solar/wind power are expected to reach 6 and 5 quadrillion respectively, whilst that of hydropower should be stabilised at 4. Overall, the energy consumption in the US is projected to increase for most of these six fuels with petrol and oil always performing the most significant part. 涉及知识点:小作文(看图作文)3.The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.正确答案:There are two figures: the line graph illustrates how the water consumption in three different sectors developed in the 20th century, while the table compares the difference of water use of 2000 in two countries. From the line graph it is clear that the water used in agriculture, industry and household all increased throughout the 20th century. Starting from about 500 km3 in 1900, the agricultural water use went up slowly to above 1000 km3 around 1950; then a steep rise was witnessed hitting 3000 km3 in 2000. For industrial and domestic water use, they both increased minutely till 1950; afterwards, one climbed mildly and the other rose marginally reaching about 300 km3 and 1000 km3 respectively. Water use climbed in different sectors; however, it was consumed off-balanced in different counties. In 2000, the water consumption per person in Brazil with 26,500 km2 irrigated land was as high as 359 m3, compared with only 8m3 in D. R. C, which has just 100 km2 irrigated land. If the water consumption per person is multiplied by the population (176 million and 5.2 million individually), we can find out how great the difference can be. Overall, in the last century worldwide water use kept rising no matter in which domains, while Brazil consumed much more water than Congo in 2000. 涉及知识点:小作文(看图作文)4.The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australia’s share of the Japanese tourist market. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.正确答案:The bar chart illustrates the number of Japanese tourists who took international travels and the graph indicates the percentage they accounted for in Australia’s market between 1985 and 1995. Generally speaking, from 1985 to 1995 the number of Japanese tourists increased sharply except a transient dip between 1990 and 1991. It is clear to see that the number in 1995 (over 15 million) was three times that of 1985’s (5 million). It is also worth mentioning that between 1992 and 1993 the rise was very minimal. Similarly, the proportions of Japanese people in Australia’s tourist market also showed an overall growing trend except two falls. The increase was even more evident in the first four years during which the percentage more than doubled from 2% to slightly less than 5%. After one year drop to slightlyover 4%, it resumed the climbing tendency, and finally hit the highest point of over 6% in 1993 before it dipped again in the following year. To conclude, both the numbers of Japanese tourists and the percentages in Australia’s market kept growing, though, with occasional fluctuations. 涉及知识点:小作文(看图作文)。

2023年6月10日雅思大作文真题全解,附高分范文6.10雅思大作文真题解析+高分范文话题:社会话题—人们是否应该交税题目:Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay taxes to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?写作思路:公民纳税是合理合法的事情。
雅思写作真题范文Taxes play a vital role in funding public services andensuring societal well-being. While some people arguefor keeping all the money earned and question thenecessity of paying taxes to the state, I disagree with thisopinion.Admittedly,individuals with low ines can retain allthe money they earn, which is a mon policy adoptedby many countries worldwide. This is to ensure everymember of society has the money to meet their basicsurvival needs.However, when a person s inesurpasses a certain threshold, they should fulfill theirobligation of paying taxes to the state.One primary reason for paying taxes is that governmentsneed money to maintain criticalinfrastructure andprovide public services. Education, healthcare.transportation, and public safety are all supported by taxrevenue. Without adequate funds, these essentialservices would suffer, affecting people' s lives andhindering societal progress. By contributing a portion oftheir earnings through taxes, individuals activelyparticipate in building a well-functioning society.真题范文Moreover, taxation serves as a mechanism forredistribution of wealth and the promotion of socialstability.In most tax systems, individuals with higherines contribute a larger proportion of their earningsThis policy can help address socioeconomic disparitiesand provide a safety net for the vulnerable members ofsociety. lf people were allowed to keep all the moneythey earn, it would widen the gap between the rich andthe poor, leading to various social problems, such asresentment towards the wealthy or even an increase inviolent crimes.In conclusion,I disagree with the idea of keeping all themoney people earn without paying taxes, as it fails toacknowledge the crucial role that taxation plays insustaining and advancing society重点词汇与语料fund提供资金necessity必要性retain保留surpass超过threshold门槛obligation义务infrastructure基础设施revenue收入adequate足够的hinder阻碍well-functioning 运转良好的mechanism机制重点词汇与语料redistribution重新分配disparity差距safety net安全保障vulnerable弱势的resentment憎恨sustain维持以上就是关于《2023年6月10日雅思大作文真题全解,附高分范文》介绍。

2023年12月雅思写作考试真题及范文解析英文回答:The topic for the December 2023 IELTS writing task is as follows: "Discuss the impact of technology on education."Technology has revolutionized the field of education, bringing about significant changes in how students learn and teachers teach. One major impact of technology on education is the accessibility of information. With the internet and various digital platforms, students now have access to a vast amount of knowledge at their fingertips. They can easily research and explore different subjects, enhancing their understanding and critical thinking skills.Additionally, technology has made learning more interactive and engaging. Multimedia tools such as videos, simulations, and virtual reality allow students to visualize complex concepts and make learning more enjoyable. This not only increases student motivation but also improves retention and comprehension.Furthermore, technology has facilitated distance learning and online education. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, online classes became the norm, enabling students to continue theireducation remotely. This flexibility in learning has made education more accessible to individuals who may have geographical or physical limitations.However, it is important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks of technology in education. Excessive use of technology can lead to distractions and reduced face-to-face interactions, affecting social skills and emotional development. Moreover, not all students have equal access to technology, creating a digital divide that may exacerbate existing educational inequalities.In conclusion, the impact of technology on education has been profound. It has opened up new possibilities for learning, making information more accessible and engaging. However, it is crucial to strike a balance and ensure that technology is used mindfully to maximize its benefits while addressing its potential drawbacks.中文回答:2023年12月雅思写作任务的主题是:“讨论科技对教育的影响”。
剑桥雅思真题4-写作(Test2 附高分范文)

剑桥雅思真题4—写作(Test2 附范文)Writing Task 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.参考范文1:The given graphs show the electricity demand in England in a typical day of winter and summer and also show how people used this electricity. According to the first line graph, we can see that, the electricity demand in winter is much higher than the demand in summer in England.In a typical day the electricity demand in winter season is around 35000 units and it is around 18000 units in summer season. Again the demand of the electricity varies on several hours of the day and the demand from 6:00 to 9:00 am is lesser than the demand in other hours of the day.During the winter the demand is highest from 21:00 to 23:00 and during summer the demand is highest from 13:00 to 14:00 hours.Based on the pie chart we can infer that, the room heating and water heating is the main purpose people consume the electricity in England. The demand for washing machine, kettle and ovens consumes around 18% of total electricity consumed and two other categories consume 15% electricity each. These two other categories which consume 30% of total electricity include light, TV, Radio, vacuum cleaner, food mixer and other electric told and devices.参考范文2:The information given by the line chart is about electricity demand in England in a typical winter and summer day. The pie chart compares how the electricity is used in an ordinary English household.According to the two-line chart, the demand for electricity in winter is constantly higher than that in summer. Precisely, the demand drops from 40,000 units at 3.00 to the bottom at 20,000 units at 8.00 before it soars to the highest point at 45,000 units at about 22.00. It is followed by a sharp increase to nearly 35,000 units at 24.00. In contrast, the time period between 0.00 and 9.00 witnesses a gentle decrease in the demand for electricity in summer, which is followed by a rise to the peak at 20,000 units, 25,000 units less than that in winter.As for the pie chart, the purpose of electricity use involves four parts. Heating rooms and water occupies the largest percentage (52.5%). The second largest component is ovens, kettles and washing machines which is 35% lower than the former one. It is followed by lighting, TV, radio and vacuum cleaners, food mixers, electric tools which represents 15% respectively.Overall, there is an apparent difference in the demand for electricity in winter and summer. The electricity distribution for different purpose is also various.参考范文3:The graph above illustrates the typical daily demanding amount of electricity in England in summer and winter, while the pie chart reveals the specific various ways of using electricity in every family of Britain in average.Firstly, for the graph, the demanding units of electricity in winter always almost double that in summer through all the daytime. During the first 9hours, the units of electricity in summer decline steadily, while the winter figure fluctuates from approximately 40000 to 30000. After that, bath figures rise almost with a same extent from 9.00 to about 15.00after which the data of summer just varies in a very small range. However, the units of electricity in winter continue increasing to a peak of approximately 45000 at 21 o’clock after which there is a dramatic decrease.In terms of the pie chart, more than half of the demanding for electricity is occupied by heating rooms and water, while the amount of electricity used in ovens, kettles or washing machines is just one third of the heating figure. However, lighting, TV, radio and vacuum cleaners, food mixers, electric tools both have the same data which is the smallest proportion in the pie chart. Overall, typical daily demand for electricity varies from that in summer, while the percentages of different ways of using electricity are also various.Writing Task 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Happiness is considered very important in life.Why is it difficult to define?What factors are important in achieving happiness?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.参考范文1:A job provides the worker with the necessary means to remain satisfied in almost every aspect of life such as leisure, health, and social life. Consequently, finding a satisfying and motivating job is essential for improving an individual’s overall quality of life, and several key factors are thought to be critical for an employee to achieve job satisfaction.A reasonable salary is of course the most likely contributor to job satisfaction. In many people’s minds, an ideal job is first of all a well-paid one, which makes the employee feel that he is fairly rewarded for what he has done for the company. Another important element of job satisfaction is the nature of the job itself. Job satisfaction can never be achieved if the work is boring, or if the work is ill-suited to the employee’s education, skills and interests. Finally, job satisfaction is closely associated with being part of the decision-making process in the company as well as having opportunities for promotion.However, it is very difficult for a company to ensure that all its employees are satisfied with their job. The main reason is that different people have different definitions of job satisfaction. Some people may care salary more than opportunities for promotion. Others may never tolerate a boring task. Also, in the wild chase for quicker and higher profits, ensuring workers’ job satisfaction has become only a secondary or even non-existent goal for many employers.In conclusion, increasing workers’ job satisfaction can be a challenge for an employer, but for an individual employee, finding the right job and trying to stay positive might be the first step towards achieving job fulfillment and satisfaction.参考范文2:Happiness is very difficult to define, because it means so many different things to different people. While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness.Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. However, if there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the first step in achieving it would be to have a degree of self-knowledge.A person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know what it is that makes him or her happy.Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy.Overall, I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives (the welfare of our families, the quality of our relationships, making other people happy, etc.) and what is not (a problem at work, getting annoyed about trivial things, etc.).Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be the most important for achieving happiness.参考范文3(9分):It is no doubt true that the majority of people would like to be happy in their lives. While the personal nature of happiness makes it difficult to describe, there do seem to be some common needs that we all share with regard to experiencing or achieving happiness.Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each individual person. Nobody can fully understand or experience another person’s feelings, and we all have our own particular passions from which we take pleasure. Some people, for example, derive a sense of satisfaction from earning money or achieving success, whereas for others, health and family are much more important. At the same time, a range of other feelings, from excitement to peacefulness, may be associated with the idea of happiness, and the same person may therefore feel happy in a variety of different ways.Although it seems almost impossible to give a precise definition of happiness, most people would agree that there are some basic preconditions to achieving it. Firstly, it is hard for a person to be happy if he or she does not have a safe place to live and enough food to eat. Our basic survival needs must surely be met before we can lead a pleasant life. Secondly, the greatest joy in life is usually found in shared experiences with family and friends, and it is rare to find a person who is content to live in complete isolation. Other key factors could be individual freedom and a sense of purpose in life.In conclusion, happiness is difficult to define because it is particular to each individual, but I believe that our basic needs for shelter, food and company need to be fulfilled before we can experience it.。

雅思作文真题及范文10篇第1篇Task:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important as other subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsory subject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample answer:Schools are places where students acquire knowledge and skills needed for further achievements. Given the pressure that students are facing, some cannot help wondering whether art classes should still be compulsory.Those holding the view that art classes should not be compulsory might think that art consumes too much of students\' time. Fierce competitions students will face When applying for universities necessitate total devotion to academic subjects. College students who intend to take science as their major are even expected to be fluent in foreign languages now so that essays written by foreign scholars are not barriers in their academic pursuit. In other words, high school students are supposed to show higher levels of academic competence,which seemingly makes art unessential.However, art classes are by no means only intended for entertainment. Children even dabbling in art tend to be more creative in mind. Those skilled in music or painting can interpret the world in a way that wecannot expect from a layman. This kind of ingenuity is also a rare quality constantly found in great scientists, whose contributions have served to create a totally new field for the latter generations. In his reply to a question about death, Albert Einstein considered his departure from the mortal world to be forever farewell to another great musician. With a sigh he answered ^v^I cannot listen to Mozart anymore^v^. Thus, can we simply regard art classes to be selective?In conclusion, although stricter academic requirements are imposed on students, this cannot be an excuse for excluding art subjects from their curricula. Whatever kind of art can stimulate and inspire students, paving way for their future academic attainment.第2篇题目:Some people believe that job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe that people cannot always enjoy their jobs and that a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.It is true that seeking for a decent job is not as easy as decades ago due to the economic recession and competitive job market. Although some may argue that a sense of satisfaction towards their jobs is crucial, personally, I believe that a permanent job is more meaningful.On the one hand, a permanent job can guarantee to meet employee’s basic needs. This is because almost no one can escape from the reality.Everyday, we are facing with a variety of expenses, such as food, shelter, transport, bill and even education tuition for children. With a relatively stable job, people, especially those in middle aged can cover most expenses. In addition, those who stay in the same company or institute are more likely to get a promotion as they show the loyalty towards their company. However, those who change their jobs frequently may meet unintended outcomes. For example, they may find difficult to support themselves and raise their family members.On the other hand, those advocates for pursuing a job they love might regard job satisfaction as the priority when finding an employment. They believe only working with friendly colleagues and employers and under a flexible working time schedule, can they fulfill their potential and accomplish all tasks well. However, this idea is unrealistic. For example, dozens of young graduateshave the bitter result because of their immature thought, that is unemployment.In my opinion, there is no perfect job in the world. The only thing we can do is to find a suitable job rather than a perfect one. There is a 10,000 hours theory in psychology thatpeople who devotethemselves to jobs and spend more than 10,000 hours constantly can become experts in that field. This theory tells us a plain fact that no one can achieve a sense of job satisfaction without years of efforts and persistence.In conclusion, people having a constant job are more likely to have apromising job career and wellbeing.第3篇In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or travailing to other places, have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with thechallenges of student life.However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at the important age. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think that itis better to continue in a particular job, or to do something completely different from a university course. But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.第4篇The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015.It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies shown on the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.In 2000, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell byapproximately 1 tonne.From 2005 to 2015, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes. By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. By 2015, company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes and only 3 tonnes.第5篇题目:When designing a building, the most important factor is inside use of the building rather than its outside appearance. Do you agree or disagree?Which is more important, function or appearance? This has always been a hot topic for so many years.As people are becoming more and more practical, they pay great emphasis on functions of things. But when people are satisfied with material life, they have spiritual requirement. And aesthetics is one of their pursuits.The basic requirement of a building is its inside use. No one buys a house that he cannot live in only to appreciate its appearance.As I have said, modern people are practical, so we never do things that cannot benefit us. But with the new techniques and advanced tools, upuntil now, human beings have no problem to construct a building to satisfy our practical use, thus in this sense, on the basis of usefulness, we have a higher requirement of beautifulness.That’s why our world has become more and more beautiful.But it also depends on different cases. Buildings used for exhibition should not be the same with those used for residence. Great buildings for exhibitions or used as museums are art works themselves and worthy of our appreciating.The most famous is Sydney Theatre. Many people visit it for its great beauty rather than enjoying concerts.If the building is only for us to live in, then there is no necessity to invite a famous architect do design such an elegant house. Such buildings are also out of our purchasing power.To sum up, the inside use and the appearance are both very important. But it doesn’t mean that we should always give the same weight to the two. It should depend on concrete occasions.第6篇Media should report crimes in details.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Nowadays the media often cover news of crimes such as murder, rape and armed robbery in great details. While such information may warn the public of the potential danger and help reduce crimes, providing toomuch information about crimes might lead to certain negative side effects. In my opinion, the information about crimes should be made accessible to the public but the media should refrain from reporting crimes in an irresponsible manner.To begin with, there is no doubt that people should have the right to information about crimes committed in a community. If someone in the neighborhood were murdered, the chance of other people being killed would also increase. The people should be notified of the event as well as any actions the authorities had taken immediately. Any attempts to block the news about the crimes would violate people\'s right to know the truth. Yet, the necessity of informing the public does not mean full details have to be disclosed.Admittedly, the best way to alert the public about a recent crime being committed is through the reporting by the media. Most of us read newspaper and watch TV news everyday. But there are a number of reasons why the media should only report the crimes briefly and let any interested parties follow up with the events by themselves. To begin with, the details of the crimes may cause discomfort and even panic among the members of the public. This is particularly true for the young children in the society. In addition, the time on TV and the space on the newspaper are scarce resources that can be utilized in many different ways. Therefore, the detailed reporting of the crimes would incur highopportunity costs as the public attention would have been directed to other important issues such as education and environment. Finally, the full information about crimes may be made available through the police or other government agencies so that anyone interested in the events may consult the records. Such arrangement would be less costly compared to reporting the details via the media.In conclusion, since crimes are relevant to each and every member of the society, the media should report the events as soon as possible to alert the public and to help prevent more crimes. Nevertheless, the reports of crimes should be relatively brief in order to avoid public panic and to save the precious TV time and newspaper space. Furthermore, anyone who wants to know more about certain events should be allowed to consult the government agencies for such第7篇Task:People believe that using mobile phones and computers to communicate make us lose the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Sample answer:When it comes to the issue about the influence brought by the pervasive use of technologies, some people argue that devices like mobile phones and computers do not damage the ability to communicate face to face, but I cannot agree with this opinion.To begin with, the presence of mobile devices and computers trap their users in a virtual world. In the past, the public might be accustomed to having parties together where they could interact with peers. However, social platforms on the Internet allows people, especially the young generation, to talk with anyone they want, because of which individuals may not attend offline activities. Naturally, people will be nervous to converse with others face to face without regular exercise.In addition, the rise of cellphone and social websites will also dampen the enthusiasm for face-to-face communication. Currently, what do people do when they have a meal together? A lot of people, although they sit closely, attempt to post their pictures online and they hardly talk to people near them. Current technology renders it possible for users to talk to others with great distances, but it is also a double-edge sword since users may prefer to chat online rather than talk directly.But the refuting voice may come from opponents that computers and mobile phones facilitate face-to-face communication with the function of video chat. However, they may ignore some deficiencies of video chat. It is true that people could see each other on the screen, but the fact is that people cannot observe and interpret body language of others. In face-to-face conversation, gestures and emotions could be observed clearly while online communication makes it too difficult to identify the real emotions of a person if s/he intends to hide his/her feeling.In sum, the capacity of face-to-face communication does drop, considering that the obsession with mobile phones and computers not only lowers the frequency of face-to-face communication but also makes people lose passion for talking face to face.第8篇题目:It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about the other culture. We can learn as much as from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?In recent years, people have been interested in making a long journey to some unfamiliar cities which are far from their hometown. One of their tourism purposes is mainly to experience the local culture and learn the traditions. However, someone doubts that people can obtain culture-related information through books, films and internet instead of travel. I disagree on this view to a certain degree, although books, films and internet are useful resources for providing valuable cultural information.It is a time-saving way to search comprehensive cultural information concerning tourism destinations by using books and the internet. Many published travel guide books have summarized helpful strategies and explored cultural landscape in detail for tourists like Lonely Planet and National Geographic. People nowadays also tend to record their journey on some online travel websites such as Trip Advisor, which offer aconvenient platform for worldwide travelers to share their own cultural experiences. Also, general public may not get an insight into local customs and traditions when they are traveling, due to some objective limiting factors like holiday length, tourism budget and language barrier. As primary travelling information sources, books, films and internet all have their obvious drawbacks. Travel records on travel notes may have been out of date when tourists are reading them as everything is changing in a country in the age of globalization, including cultural sector. For example, Spanish women have no longer used a fan as a kind of body language. Besides, information from films and internet seems to show a lack of reliability. Film is a kind of art which is exaggerated and dramatic in the respect of content description. On the internet, every net user can express their opinions to a same cultural phenomenon or traditional event so that the word-of mouth is not authoritative and objective to a high degree.To summarise, relying on books, films and the internet to obtain cultural information is not enough because lacks trust and authority, even though these resources are sufficient and accessible. The combination of travel and knowledge would be the best choice.第9篇It's generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, are others are not. However, it is sometimesclaimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music.Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art or music. So from our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practice.However, some people believe that innate talent is what differentiates a person who has been trained to play a sport or an instrument, from those who become good players. In other words, there is more to the skill than to a learned technique, and this extra talent cannot be taught, no matter how good the teacher or how frequent a child practices.I personally think that some people do have talents that are probably inherited via their genes. Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-wokring students never manage to reach a comparable level. But, as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports star have probably succeeded becauseof both good training and natural talent. With the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training, the child would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent.In conclusion, I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required.第10篇Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?It is said that countries are becoming similar to each other because of the global spread of the same products, which are now available for purchase almost anywhere. I strongly believe that this modern development is largely detrimental to culture and traditions worldwide.A country’s history, language and ethos are all inextricably bound up in its manufactured artefacts. If the relentless advance of international brands into every corner of the world continues, these bland packages might one day completely oust the traditional objects of a nation, which would be a loss of richness and diversity in the world, as well as the sad disappearance of the manifestations of a place’s character. What would a Japanese tea ceremony be without its specially crafted teapot, or aFijian kava ritual without its bowl made from a certain type of tree bark? Let us not forget either that traditional products, whether these be medicines, cosmetics, toy, clothes, utensils or food, provide employment for local people. The spread of multinational products can often bring in its wake a loss of jobs, as people urn to buying the new brand, perhaps thinking it more glamorous than the one they are used to. This eventually puts old-school craftspeople out of work.Finally, tourism numbers may also be affected, as travelers become disillusioned with finding every place just the same as the one they visited previously. To see the same products in shops the world over is boring, and does not impel visitors to open their wallets in the same way that trinkets or souvenirs unique to the particular area too.Some may argue that all people are entitled to have access to the same products, but I say that local objects suit local conditions best, and that faceless uniformity worldwide is an unwelcome and dreary prospect.。

1. 图表描述类。
题目,The chart below shows the number of hours per week that children of different age groups spend on selected activities. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown.范文,The chart gives information about the amount of time children of different age groups spend on various activities in a typical week. It is clear that the amount of time spent on activities varies greatly with age.Overall, younger children spend more time on activities such as watching TV and playing computer games, while older children spend more time on homework and reading.2. 流程图描述类。
题目,The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.范文,The diagrams illustrate the life cycle of the silkworm and the process of producing silk cloth. It is clear that the production of silk cloth involves a number of stages, from the laying of the silkworm eggs to the weaving of the silk threads into cloth.Overall, the production of silk cloth begins with the laying of silkworm eggs, which hatch into silkworm larvae. These larvae then spin cocoons, from which the silk threads are extracted. These threads are then dyed and woven into cloth.3. 表格描述类。

雅思G类写作真题大全Version 11(G)Task 1: Write a reference letter for your friend to work with foreign teenagers. Describe his or her character and why you recommend him or her.Task 2: In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.Version 14(G)=Version 71(G)Task 1: Write a letter to apply for a position in a local department store. In the description you should include the following items: 1) what is the position? 2) your experience and related ability.Task 2: Someone think that the Olympic Games will not play an important role in the 21st century, thus the 2004 Olympic Game should be the last one. Do you agree or disagree?Version 20(G)Task1: Write a letter to the boss of a restaurant to reserve a room for a friend to celebrate his birthday. The letter should include the reason to write the letter, the requirement of flat and your specific service.Task2: The adolescents spend 14 hours watching TV every weekwhile only 6 hours with their family members, which will affect pure relationship in the family. Do you agree or disagree?Version 25(G)=Version 72(G)Task 1: Your organized travel has been cancelled. Write a letter to explain the reason that you want to ask for the insurance fee for travel.Task 2: Some think the middle school students should learn as many general subjects as possible before they are 17 years old, others are confident that specific subjects should be learnt during the period. Which opinion do you prefer?Version 42(G)Task 1: Write a letter to apply for a job in a piece of advertisement.Task 2: In some countries, children go to school at the age of seven, but in other countries they will go to school at the age of four. Which idea do you prefer?Version 46(G)Task 1:You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task and write at least 150 words.You stayed with a local family when you attended a training program in New Zealand. You returned to your home country in a hurry and foundthat you had left your laptop computer in the family. Write a letter to the family, thanking them for their hospitality. Describe your computer and where it is and ask the host to send it back to you.You do NOT need to write your own address.Begin your letter as follows:Dear ____________,Task 2: You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task and write at least 250 words. Some say that it is good for children to stay away from their families and go to a boarding school. Others say that children had better live with their families and attend a day school. What do you think about it?Version 50(G)Task 1: A new international hotel can supply varieties of working opportunities, writing a letter to apply for a certain sort of job.Write about: 1.the reason you are writing.2.why are you suit for a certain job3.show some certification about it.Task 2: In some country children starting their school at the age of seven in order to strengthen their relation with their parents, but in other countries, children can begin their school at the age of four.Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of starting school at an earlyage.Version 52(G)Task 1: Write a recommendation letter to the public library to improve the service and facility. In the letter you should include: 1. what are you satisfied; 2. what are you unsatisfied; 3. your suggestionTask 2: some people think that it is more important for a single language as an international official language. Others think that it will make it difficult to identify countries and loss culture. What’s your opinion? Show your reason and example.Version 53(G)Task 1: You have a job during the summer vacation, but the payment you received is not guaranteed, write to the manager to state the following:Write about: 1.describe what has happened2.the length and the work you done3.what you would like to doTask 2: In some countries if parents hit or punish their children physically, it is not allowed by the law and will be arrested. Some people think it is necessary to discipline and correct their behavior, and other people think it the matter of their own.Version 63(G)=82(G)Task 1: There is something wrong with your telephone bill. Write a letter to the telephone company to 1) explain what’s wrong 2) complain about the problem 3) suggest how you want to solve the problem.Task 2: Many young people leave their home before they are 20 years old to study or start to work. Do you think this is positive? What would be the disadvantages in the matter?Version 64(G)Task 1: Write a complain letter to the restaurant that you just went to. In the letter you should:1. describe the whole event2. complain about their expensive dishes and poor service3. give them some advice to improve.Task 2: People began to be engaged in some dangerous activities. Should the life guards take their lives’risk in saving people who are in danger?Version 66(G)Task 1: You want to celebrate the birthday of a friend at work. Write a letter to the restaurant to book a private room.4. Tell them why you want to book that restaurant5. Tell them the time and the number of people to attend6. Order things that meet your personal demandTask 2: As the figure given by a census shows that children spend 14 hours per week to watch TV, and they spend only 6 hours on conversation to their family members. A conclusion is to be made that watching TV will reduce children’s ability of maintaining real human relationships.Do you agree with the above comment?Version 67(G)Task 1: Write a letter to complain the situation that some adolescents let their dogs run widely, which is very dangerous.Task 2: As a youth, how to choose his own career and whom to refer to and what kind of information to listen to?Version 68(G)Task 1: You took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant. Write a letter to the newspaper to tell about it, describe the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit.Task 2: Choose an invention, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life. Are the changes all positive or negative?Version 70(G)Task 1: You have booked a holiday for you and your brother, but unfortuna te ly your brother can’t go. Write a letter to your friend to invite him to go with you. You should1) explain what has happened 2) explain the details of the holiday. 3) tell him what he should do.Task 2: Now there are more and more television cameras in shops and homes to monitor customers and visitors. Some people think this is unhappy and not trustworthy. Others think security is more important than privacy. What is your opinion? Explain your reasons and use your own experience.Version 71(G)Task 1: Apply for a job to make clear your objective, qualifications and working experiences.Task 2: Some claim Olympic Games will not be popular again and 2004 will be the last year to have the game. Do you agree or disagree?Version 73(G):Task 1: You cannot go to a company where you have got an offer. Write a letter to the HR supervisor to 1) explain the reason why you decline the offer 2) express your gratitude 3)explain you like your currentjob very much.Task 2: A test reports recently that children are becoming lazy, fat and unsociable. Give your possible reasons and suggestions to prevent it.Version 74(G)Task 1: Write a letter to apply for the scholarship, state where u decide to go and the effect on your work.Task 2: There is a large amount of violence in television pr ograms we should reduce. Do you agree or disagree?Version 75(G)Task 1: You are looking for a part time job. You found a piece of advertisement about a restaurant wanting a waitress or waiter. Write a letter to explain:1. you are the right person for the position2. the reason why you write the letter3. Why do you need the jobTask2: Some people believe that if we give children a small amount of money every week and let them use it by themselves, children will have less financial problem in the future. How far do you agree with the opinion?Version 76(G)Task 1: Your car is hired from a company and when you are driving in holiday, there’s a small accident on it, you will have to write a report to the company to explain it.You need to explain the following statement1、When and where you hired it?2、Describe how the accident happened3、What kind of action did you have after the accident?Don’t use your own address. Write about 150 wordsTask 2: Fashion is difficult to follow, some people say fashion is just for selling clothes, we should not follow it and we should dress what we like and feel comfortable in it. Agree or disagree? Use any relevant example to support your idea. Write 250 wordsVersion 78(G)Task 1: You are going to London to take a training course for a month. Write a letter to the local accommodation agent to prepare a flat for you. You should tell him your information, your requirement and when you would arrive.Task 2: Today’s parents append too little time with their children and use television to make their children quiet. Explain the reasons and results by using your relevant experience and example.Version 79(G)Task1: You had a small fire in your room. Write a letter to your landlord, and tell him the situation of what has happened, what property you have lost, the recommendations you provide.Task2: Nowadays some people send their children go to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? What do you think the best ages are? Give your reasons and better with examples to explain the problem.Version 80(G)Task 1: Your British friends have just indented to go to the place you have come back from. Write a letter to describe the scenery, what were you doing and remind him what he has to carry with.Task 2: There are different vacations for people of different jobs. Should all employees enjoy the same vacation no matter what kind of job they take? Present your opinion and give reasons and examples to illustrate.Version 81(G)Task 1: Write a letter to introduce yourself and ask for learning a course in Britain. In the letter you should also try to rent a decent housethere.Task 2: Why is it difficult to stay fit and healthy nowadays? Can you think of some solutions to deal with the problem?Version 82(G)=63(G)Task 1: You received a telephone bill andn bsp;found there were some problems on it. Write a letter to explain it a nd complain their service. At last you should tell them w hat you hope them to do.Task 2: Many young people leave their home before they are 20 years old to study or start to work. Do you think this is positive? What would be the disadvantages in this matter?Version 83(G)Task1: You are in a local company and you want to have a training course in another city. Write a letter to your company manager.1)give the details of the course.2)explain the reason why you need to attend the course.3)tell him how much time you need to take off from your work.Task2: In the past, we have no computers, Internet, and mobile-phones. What are positive and negative effects of these developments?Task 1: There is often something wrong with the lift and escalator when you go to the big store. Write a complain letter to the manager of the store to1) ask them to explain the situation2) express your satisfaction and complaint3) ask for improvementTask 2: Some young students like to see violent films nowadays. What do you think of the effects of violent films to people, especially children? Give your suggestion and your experience.Version 86(G)Task 1: You lived in a Canadian family when you were in Canada. Now you are on vacation and won’t live in that family any more. But you find you have left something there and have to come back. Write a letter to tell the family 1) your decision 2) the reasons of your decision 3) how to take care of your belongings.Task 2: Some think mother will not be a good mother if she goes out to work, therefore the government should give mother a salary to raise her family. Do you agree or disagree? Use relevant examples and your experience.Task 1: Write a complain letter. One of your neighbors burns rubbish close to your house. Complain about it to him, tell him the bad effect to your family and give him some suggestions.Task 2: Parents should limit the hours of their watching TV and playing computer games and insist using time for reading. Do you agree or disagree?Version 90(G)Task 1:You want to begin your own business, write a letter to your friend to ask him for some help. You should write your business plan, explain why it is a good idea and ask him for some advice or help.Task 2:“Your character is strongly influenced by the place where you grew up.” In what ways can growing up in a city or growing up in the countryside influence people’s character? Give you relative experience.Version 91(G)Task1: You have kept a bicycle in the entrance hall of the building. Many neighbors have complained it to you. Write an article to your gatekeeper.1) You will describe you situation2) explain why you have to keep a bicycle there3) provide a solution to the problemTask 2: Nowadays, cultures of different countries have been coming into so similarity that there is no point of view to traveling abroad. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Version 92(G)Task 1: Write a letter to invite one of your friends to join the walking holiday with you. Explain the time, place and the whole process.Task 2: Today some people have to work away from their families. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the situation? Give your opinion and some examples of your experience.Version 94(G)Task 1: You and your future husband/wife will hold a wedding. You plan to ask an English-speaking friend to join. The requirement is as follows:1) Describe your future husband/wife2) Tell detailed activities to him3) Why do you like him to visitTask 2: Some people think that children’s lives will be different from their own. What’s your opinion?Version 96(G)Task 1: You live in a flat in the UK. But you always find there are some problems with your furniture in your rented house. Write a complain letter to your landlord to1) explain who you are2) explain what are the problems and complain3) offer your solution to the problemTask 2: Books, films and Internet all belong to the information resources. What do you think of the merits and demerits of the media? Give your opinion and your personal experience.Version 97(G)Task 1: Invite your friend to have a short time for walking on holiday. In the letter you should say who you are and the benefits of walking on holiday.Task 2: People spend long periodnb sp;of time to work away from h ome. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages by using some examples.Version 98 (G)Task 1: Apply for a job to be a tourist guide for local tourists. In the application letter you should state your strong points and week points for the position and express your eager for the job.Task 2: Some people say it is a good way to spend a lot of money on the costumes and hair beauty while others say it is waste of money and time. Use your experience to illustrate which idea you prefer.Version 103(G)Task 1: Your friend plans to come and spend holidays with you but you are unavailable at that time. Write a letter to apologize it and offer some alternatives.Task 2: In many countries, people don’t wear their national costume any longer. Many people think the citizens will forget their history and tradition. So people should be encouraged to wear national costume every day. Do you agree or disagree?。

雅思作文真题及范文雅思作文真题及范文雅思写作部分共分为两部分,第一部分为任务型写作(Task 1),第二部分为议论型写作(Task 2)。
下面是一篇范文:题目:Some people think it is important to spend a lot of money on a wedding ceremony, while others believe the money should be spent on a better cause. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.范文:Wedding ceremonies are celebrated by people all around the world, and the traditions and customs vary from culture to culture. Some people believe that it is important to spend a lot of money on a wedding ceremony, while others argue that the money should be spent on a better cause. In my opinion, I believe that it is more important to prioritize spending on more meaningful purposes.On one hand, those who support spending a large amount of money on a wedding ceremony argue that it is a once-in-a-lifetime event that should be celebrated and cherished. They believe that a grand wedding ceremony not only honors the couple and their families but also brings joy and happiness to the guests. Furthermore, some people see the wedding ceremony as an opportunity to showcase their social status by organizing a lavish event. These people believe that spending money on a wedding ceremony is a way to demonstrate their wealth and success toothers.On the other hand, there are people who believe that the money spent on a wedding ceremony could be put to better use. They argue that there are more important things in life than a one-time event. For example, the money could be used to invest in one's future, such as purchasing a house or starting a business. Additionally, some people argue that the money could be donated to charitable causes in order to make a positive impact on society. By diverting the funds from a lavish wedding ceremony to a better cause, individuals can contribute to making the world a better place.In my opinion, I believe that it is more important to spend money on a better cause rather than on a lavish wedding ceremony. While a wedding is an important event in one's life, it is only a single day. In contrast, investing in one's future or contributing to charitable causes can have a long-lasting impact. Furthermore, focusing too much on the material aspects of a wedding can lead to unnecessary stress and financial burden. Therefore, I believe that it is more meaningful to spend money on things that have long-term significance.In conclusion, while some people believe that it is important to spend a large sum of money on a wedding ceremony, others argue that the money should be put to better use. Personally, I believe that it is more important to prioritize spending on more meaningful purposes, such as investing in one's future or making a positive impact on society.。

雅思写作真题原题:Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspaper and TV has bad influences, so this kind of information should be restricted on the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?一些人认为报纸和电视上具体的犯罪描述有不良影响,所以这类信息应当在媒体上受到限制。
你在多大程度上同意或不同意?解析:这算是一篇出现多次,常年会考的经典题了,曾经在15,17和19年都有常见的出现;在想观点的时候可以考虑一下几点:公布详情对于受害者的二次损害;对于当事人隐私的侵害;可能会引起仿照犯罪(copycat); 媒体是否会为了收视率夸大其词; 公众的知情权,是否有权了解案件的详情,以此更好预防和爱惜自己。
雅思写作真题范文Many aver giving detailed information about crimes committed via TV and printed media has an adverse impact on the public. Thus, this practice ought to be prohibited. I disagree with this prospect and below the reasons on which my stance is based will be discussed in details.On the other hand, publishing detailed criminal description leads to some disadvantageous consequences. Firstly, people who routinely and regularly watch programs and read articles in magazines that are full of bloody details and horrible nuances of crimes have become accustomed to this after a while. So, violence in its many forms becomes a new norm of life. Secondly, those who were involved in the gory events such as victims, survivors and their relatives may be hurt by unwanted public attention drawn to them by the publications. For instance, TV reporters and writers often pursue those who somehow suffered from violence and illegal actions and a young victim of a rape or a father of a killed daughter will be repeatedly asked to give interviews on the painful topics. Those are main disadvantages of the discussed trend.On the other hand, demonstration and description of crimes on the screen and paper have some positive effects. Primarily, rising people’s awareness about actions and circumstances that provoke violence may tremendously help people to avoid being involved in such horrible events. To exemplify, if people knew that robbers usually break into houses that do not have a dog in the backyard or inside the home, the informed public would likely buy a dog to deter criminals. Furthermore, the publishing detailed info about committed crimes will likely attract people’s attention to the problematic situation and this wave of discontent will probably force politicians, government officials and police officers to take some actions to tackle the problem. Thus, the number of violent crimes committed will decrease. In other words, thediscussed trend has some advantageous aftermaths.In conclusion, although a detailed description of law violations has some shortages, the merits of this practice definitely outweigh them.雅思写作真题原题:要不要放国外电影Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to broadcast foreign films and TV shows. Others, however, think it is best to produce local films and shows. Discuss both views and give your own opinion解析:是否应当引进外国电影还是制作本地电影。

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A类Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. The former group are more likely to develop creative imagi nati ons and have a much better grasp of Ian guage skills. Do you agree or disagree?Reading books and watching TV are two main channels to cultivate imagination and develop Ianguage skills during people 'whole lives. Nowadays, a con troversial issue about whether individuals reading books for enjoyment are more capable of practicing their vision and taking a comma nd of Ian guages has bee n into fierce discussi on. In my opinion, reading can better people ' s imagination and Ianguage abilities.To beg in with , from books, readers are able to grasp the author ' s concepts and ideas, This can be illustrated by Harry Porte which plays a pivotal role in capturing readers ' Anaghnatinerit ofreading is that people can hone their Ianguage abilities, especially in expa nding vocabulary and impro ving writi ng skills. For instanee,******** The master piece reflects the author ' sAdmittedly, watching television programs helps to practice viewers ' imagination as well as speaking and listening capabilities, which can be illustrated by the authenticity and the vividness of such TV shows, intensifying people ' appreciation abilities and encouraging the audie nee ' s imitatio n. Accord in gly, in dividuals ' visio n can be in spiredtheir spoke n Ian guage can be furthered. However, TV programs, mostly TV episodes, are mai nly origi nated from books and tend to just represe nt the ideas of the directors. Con seque ntly, watchi ng such shows may stifle televiewers ' creativity and imag in ati on.To sum up, although watching TV may have certain positive impacts on viewers imagination and Ianguage skills, reading books are able to develop individuals such capacities better, I believe, due to the diversity and detailed ness of books. The point is that people are supposed to read more, not regard ing study ing as a burde n, but readi ng for pleasure, which is the most importa nt factor readers should con sider.A类It is said that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without the success of career,life will become mea nin gless. To what exte nt do you agree or disagree withthe opinion?Many of people in moder n society devote a lot of time to work ing, since they regard career success as the most significant part in life. However, has it come to a point that it has taken over our life? This is the question that requires a close exam in atio n.No one can deny the importanee of work to a person. Obviously ,employment not only supports us and our families economically, but also helps us establish our self-esteem and pride whe n we see our job as an opport unity to make a con tributio n to our com munity. In other words, we fulfill our social value through a job.However, the belief that occupati onal en deavor makes our lifemeaningful and rewarding does not n ecessarily lead to the assumption that without a satisfying career, life is meaningless. Life is not only about work. In stead, there are many other factors that in flue nce our well-be ing. Family life, personal hobbies, religious pursuit, friendship and even rest and recreati on also con tribute to our happ in ess. If these aspects are n ot in balance with working life, there can be little chance to embrace a successful career. Those who overly focus on career tend to suffer from some problems, such as health issues, fear of failure, bad interpersonal relationship, materialism and so forth .(也可例举拓展)All in all, while work is an importa nt part of life, it is not the only thing we have to do in our life. There are other things we can enjoy. The key is the bala nce betwee n worki ng and pers on al life which helps us take the most adva ntage of our mundane life. A类In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or n egative effects on childre n and the society?Nowadays, parents pay closer attention to children 'a6ademic performance. As a result, some teenagers are ordered to continue acquiring knowledge from course books, even during their spare time. Pers on ally, it has more n egative effects on childre n and the society. Admittedly, acquiring knowledge as much as possible would be high on today ' students afgenda, especially in this competitive world. Higher educational resource is always limited; as a consequenee, it is absolutely justified to allocate the opportunities of sharing advaneed learning resources to those who perform well in academic study. However, on no account should we ignore its drawbacks. Firstly, it should be taken into consideration that students will suffer stifling academic stress. Most importantly, if their free time were occupied for further knowledge acquisition, then they would have no time to relax their bodies and ease their min ds. I n the long run, some adolesce nts tend to totally collapse, seeking some unfavorable approaches to releasing pressure, such as gambli ng, gett ing drunk and eve n committi ng suicide. Secon dly, we should by no means overly emphasize the improveme nt of academic performanee.Realistically, the cultivation of team spirit and interpersonal skills are also supposed to attract parents and educators attention. Otherwise, the youn gsters are more likely to encoun ter difficulties whe n they collaborate with colleagues for any group assig nment. Words fail to express how importa nt com muni cati onal skills are in this rapidly cha nging world. So, it is far from eno ugh if the stude nts only predo min ate in the field of study.Overall, there is no denying that parents and teachers are supposed to join forces to help childre n become well-r oun ded adults in the n ear future, which is not only reflected in their academic performanee, but also on their skills when they cooperate with others.A类Childcare is an important task for nations. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare training courses. To what exte nt do you agree or disagree with the stateme nt?Childcare skills, which used to pass from generation to generation, nowadays have been developed into some formal courses in many coun tries and young pare nts are en couraged to register in these programs. I pers on ally support such acti on.The development in one's early stage of life is so vital that free access to professional childcare programs, which are not only about nutrition, for all parents should be available. It is proved by many researchs that young parents equipped with sufficient childcare knowledge about childcare can better protect their infants or toddlersfrom various risks, detect possible warning sig ns of developme nt delay, better un dersta nd a child's emoti onal n eeds and help establish healthy eati ng habits. Overall, these pare nts tend to help childre n grow to their fullest potential physically, emotionally and intellectually and these advantages would affect the future life of their children for long term.It is certainly true that our grandparents never attended any parenting classes and they raised our pare nts with no major regret. It seems that we could keep this tradition, learning from our parents. However, this is impractical in modern society. The decreasing birth rate and smaller scale of families means that the young gen erati on have no cha nee to help mum take care of their little siblings or little chance to witness the process and learn from other adults how to raise a baby properly.It is also understandablethat working parents are sometimes not in a position to get invoIved in formal parenting courses, especially fathers who usually dedicate most of their time to their work and leave little time to their families. Nevertheless, such obstacles can be removed by flexible ways of delivering childcare courses, such as the Internet, TV or radio. Or the courses can last for a few years since young couples con sider start ing a family. In addition, research findings suggest that the increasing invo lveme nt of fathers in in teractive activities with childre n helps with healthy developme nt of a baby.To sum up , childcare training courses should be compulsory, because they make eligible/qualified parents and a happy family and a strong nation by promoting healthy development of a person in early stage of life.A类考试测试Some people say watching television is bad for Children in all ways, others say it is good for childre n to get kno wledge.范文:Watch ing TV has always bee n an importa nt part of after school life for children, and some of them even become TV addicts. Therefore some people advocate ‘ no TV for children '.Of course this is understandable.Firstly, children sitting too much time in front of a scree n tend to have poor eyesight and weak body due to lack of physical exercise. They can also be lost in the virtual world and be insensitive to people around them, including their parents, and this is detrime ntal to their family relati on ship and their emoti onal developme nt. Ano ther concern is about their men tal developme nt which n eeds various types of i nteractive activities, but obviously excessive TV viewi ng cannot meet such requireme nt. The worst part can be some programs which are not proper for children to watch. Too many advertisements and news focusing on emergency and disasters on the screen are also a disadvantageous point for immature people who are prone to be in flue need n egatively.However watching TV in moderation with proper parental supervision can be good for children. There are plenty of educational programs which can expand children 'nowledge and spark their in terest in explor ing the world where they may not have the opport unity to visit in real life, such as the nature and wild life. TV is not only an educational source, but is also a recreational activity. It can help enrich their after class activities. For example, children are always excited to watch carto ons and they would experie nee the adve nture together with the characters in the show. The positive effectswould be enlarged if children are able to share their TV time with their parents or peers, because they would have topics in com mon and more com muni cati on can be followed.In general, I ' dke to conclude that whether TV is good or bad is determ ined by how pare nts man age it. If pare nts limit TV hours and desig nate some educati onal and in terest ing programs and they keep their children accompanied, healthy viewing habit would be established and positive effects would be maximized. Otherwise, watch ing TV can be a worry ing situati on.A类Some people thi nk young people should be free to choose his or her job but other people thi nk they should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.范文:In today ' s labour market, what kind of jobs do young people favor?While some mai nly con sider about some realistic issues such as in itiative salary or work ing con diti ons, others may choose one simply because they like it.Of course it is very justified for job seekers to be realistic when facing the severe competition in employment. College graduates have little chance to be romantic ,for they have to think about the starting payme nt, security, work ing hours and future promoti on opport uni ty. For instance, in my country, many parents encourage their children to compete for a civil servant position as it is permanent for life. Other things such as personal interest or feelings have to come second. However, many young workers compla in about their job of a high level of security. They tend to suffer from tedious ness and in differe nce.I pers on ally support young people to have freedom to choose their career in the hope of enhan cedjob satisfacti on. They should be allowed to choose what they have in terest in and feel in spired to be better each day. When a worker feel satisfied with his or her job, he or she would be self-motivated and dedicated to their career. They tend to spare little effort to achieve their work in ggoal which is set clear and ambitious. Eve n if some jobs are not perma nent, those who outperformtheir colleagues in these workplaces can also gain high degree of security.To con clude my argume nt, it is ideal to land on a job positi on which not only is stable but alsoignites one ' s passion for work. However, there is nothing perfect in this world and especial in the employme nt sector. My suggestion is to give priority to personal inclination to a particular job whe n one is seek ing for a job.A类Some people think all lawbreakers should be take n in to pris on, others believe that there are better alter natives, (for example, being work to do which is ben eficial for local com muni ty). Discuss both views and give your own opinion.范文:To handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face. Traditi on ally, the approach has bee n to punish them by plac ing them in prisons to pay for what they have done. Some, however, advocate fortrying to make them better with training and education and it seems they may have a good point.First of all, consider all the money that we have to spend to lock people up in jail. It doesn ' t seem like a good use of public money if the people don' actually get any better. Becausemost crim in als eve ntually are let out of pris on, our focus should be on making them better citize ns.In fact, the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because they didn ' t have a good education or happy family. So if they can learn job skills they perhaps can find work and feel they can con tribute in a positive way. If they do this, they won' need crime. Surly every one deserves a sec ond cha nce.Of course this does not mean that we should be too lenient on criminals. Those who commit crime should still be puni shed, but duri ng their puni shme nt they should also be treated. If we make an investment in them and show compassion, most will be able to make a new start.To summarize, we must make more of an effort to go to the root of the problem. We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medic ine they n eed: educati on and training. By giving people the skills for a sec ond cha nee we can make our society safer and healthier. A类Not eno ugh stude nts choose scie nee subjects in uni versity in many coun tries. What's the reas ons for this problem? What's the effects to the society?范文:In some rapidly develop ing coun tries, in creas ing uni versity stude nts major in bus in ess, acco un ti ng, com muni cati on or computer program ing rather tha n scie nee. I pers on ally believe that this is an in evitable tran siti on in the era of information and globalization when capital flows worldwide and com muni cati on tech no logy play a role in almost every field. The cha ngesi n tech no logy and social evolveme nt are being reflected in the uni versity subject prefere nee.The first reason that science loses its popularity to other disciplines relates to theemployment rate and starting salaries upon graduation. Science undergraduatesrisk higher unemployment and earn less than computer programmers or bus in essme n and the gap may be wider in Master degree. During the economic recession, some students with interest in scienee may give in to the pressure in reality. Another contributor is the difficulty of scienee subjects that prevent many pote ntial stude nts from en rolli ng in this faculty. Picturi ng on eself as a scientist is not easy for a high school leaver. On top of the difficulty of this discipli ne itself, the applicati on in practice and tran sformi ng in to profit is harder.However, scie nee is so crucial to our huma n society that no country can afford the con seque nces of ignoring it. Scie nee is the basis of many practical discipli nes such as en vir onment scie nee, medical scie nee, space scienee, engineering, genetic scienee and so forth. Without the support of general scienee, many other fields would find it very challenging to get further developed. What' sworse, scienee is directly related to our material life. We live on scientific research findings and products, ranging from energy supply, aircraft to numerous eonsumergoods. It is hard to imagine living a life without these scientific advancements.To sum up this report, scienee is less popular than before because the society dema nds more professi on als in other fields such as bus in ess and com muni cati on. However I ' nconvin ced that the pote ntial implicatio ns are n egative to the health of society, hence requiri ng releva nt soluti ons to reverse the trend.A类Uni versities and colleges are now offer ing qualificati ons through dista nee learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the adva ntages of this developme nt overweight the disadava ntages? 范文:Compared to dista nee lear ning, physically atte nding a school has somein tri nsic adva ntages for the stude nts can'overall dev&teph e rnt. Alsoadjust their teachi ng styles and their in structions to best suit the characteristics of their students. In addition to academic pursuits, students ' emotional and social development can be significantly improved in school due to students participation in extra-curricular activities and eve nts. The emoti onal conn ecti on that often helps to gen erate in spiratio n, creativity and emoti onal wellbe ing is vital for young stude nts. In esse nee the experienee in the non-virtual world cannot be substituted by simply receivi ng lectures electro nically and submitt ing essays.Admittedly distance learning programs offer a valuable option for people with special needs, such as the disabled, full time workers or those who have families to take care of and are not able to attend class at regular hours. Another advantage is therelatively less expensive tuition fees of distance programs due to the exclusion of financial cost of campus facilities. But this way of education is restricted to knowledge delivery and requires sufficient self-discipline and time-managing abilities; therefore it is not suitable for young students except as a complimentary source, as it can act as a virtual tutor or a tool for review or reinforcement of what is learned in regular schools.Overall, I would like to conclude that remote learning programs are making a contribution to wider education receivers by supplying more chances for the acquisition of knowledge. But they cannot be expected to surpass the overall quality of education available at a college which provides both knowledge and an environment for students o'verall development. This is the key factor in education.A 类Some think that people should go to college or university to prepare for a successful career. Others believe that they should get a job immediately after they leave school to get more work experience. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.范文:School leavers always have to make such decision whether to go to university or an occupational college so as to start working as soon as possible. Which road is more likely to lead to a brightprospect of career?Most people would favor higher education, with some undeniable arguments. Firstly university students are equipped with both practical and theoretical knowledge and skills which areconsidered to better prepare them for their future career. The reason is that degree holders tend to see things in a bigger picture due to the systematic thinking trained in theoretical subjectswhich are basically what differentiates higher education from vocational one. Theory learning also gives university students a competitive edge in adapting to the rapid technologicaladvancein modern world. This flexibility and thinking abilities may explain why undergraduatesare generally better paid at work. It seems that a decent academic qualification can guarantee a decent job.However, this does not mean (that) tertiary education is the only way to a successful career. Occupational education is believed to better satisfy the variety of needs in a society. When most people choose to be professionals, leaving fewer to be car mechanics or builders, technical workers are in increasing demand. As a result,they are now paid well, in some cases even better than a professional. In addition, starting working early means accumulated working and social experience, which are highly valued by many employers who would expect cost saving of job training, effective communication and high working efficiency. Other qualities possessed by a skilled worker such as a mature manner to deal with complex issues can mainly be achieved in adynamic working condition.My own opinion is that in any society there is demand for workers at different levels from professional to technical to non-skilled, and therefore anyone can find his or her position. In other words, either going to university or attending a vocational college can be a wise choicedepending on one'isnterest or personal traits. Only when one is doing a job he or she has passion for, can he or she achieve the best performance. As an old Chinese saying goes, ‘ every profession produces its own topmost master '.A 类It is more important for a building to serve a purpose than to look beautiful. Architects shouldn ' t worry about producing buildrinkg as a woof art. Do you agree or disagree ?范文:I agree with the view presented above that function should come first in architecture, although I have no intention to deny that beauty is also an important element.In essence,any building is constructed to serve a purpose, which might be accommodating, storing, recreating, entertaining, manufacturing and so forth. Therefore utility is widely recognized by most architects andthe general public as well. It is especially practical today to consider such characteristics asspatial grammar, convenience, firmness, material cost and construction speed in the residential construction due to the stress on house access from the increasing population and the development of urbanization. Focusing on function is also a cost saving practice as various ornaments which serve no obvious function would be simplified at the greatest extent or even eliminated.However, artistic structures can be seen in many places around the world. Human has the nature to pursue beauty and express their feelings through art worksand architecture definitely is one of them by which this goal can be achieved. Over emphasis on architectural function tends to global similarity asinternational touristshave witnessed. In contrast, a building with certainaesthetic value is always unique and therefore adorned by local people or even foreigners and cherished as a cultural treasure, such as the Bird 'Nsest and theWater Cube in Beijing which have been not only an ordinary Olympic stadium or a swimming pool but also a hot tourist spot due to their unique splendid exterior. However, the external appearance should not be the most important consideration as a good looking but less useful building is just a waste of substantial resources such as wood, steel, cement, energy sources and labor force, all of which have to be invested in construction.In my personal view, it would be ideal that a building satisfies both functional and aesthetic aspects. If these two cannot be achieved simultaneously, then function should be taken as the priority instead of the outward look.A 类Scientific progress influences our daily life greatly. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?范文:It is undeniable that technological advancement has made an unprecedented change in our human life in the last century. Nonetheless, its destructive impact on our society has also to be recognized.In the 20th century, some significant inventions including jet planes, TV, cars, computers and telephones have shaped our modern life fundamentally. Long distance transportation becomes easier and increasing international communication in many aspects such as trade, cultures and technology expands our activity sphere and broadens our horizons. Our life expectancy is longer than ever before thanks to medical progress and some fatal diseases such as heart disease and breast cancer can be cured. Boosted productivity in industry and agriculture by automation has solved famine in many regions and improved our living standard dramatically. TV and the internet provide entertainments and information as well.However, it has been widely realized that the benefits produced by technology do not come at no cost. The environment deterioration makes the earth less livable largely due to the overuse of fuel sources for energy production and traffic exhaust. Another contributor is the high efficiency of production which makes consumer goods so cheap that people throw away food or anything out of date or broken with little hesitation, but unfortunately it is this throw-away lifestyle that is responsible for the large amount of waste and meanwhile escalates the commodity production in turn. Overpopulation, as one consequence of the improved medical condition and better material life, hassavagely deprived animals and plants of their habitats, damaging the balance of the nature and eco-sustainability. In spite of the medical progress, the public health ironically is not getting enhanced and the reason for this is modern sedentary lifestyle which features the addiction to TV, the computer and the internet.In conclusion, I personally assume that science and technology has changed our life in both positive and negative ways. While we enjoy more material affluence and convenience, we have to tolerate the contaminated environment and poor health. Maybe we should not be too optimistic about science and technology development. A 类100 years ago, human race believed we would make continue progress in all areas of life. Today, some people feel less certain about this. what areas of progress human race has made? What else areas we haven't developed? 范文:It is undeniable that technological advancement has made an unprecedented change in our human life in the last century. Nonetheless, we are not quite satisfied with some other areas, such as the environment, public health and relationship.In the 20th century, some significant inventions including jet planes, TV, cars, computers and telephones have shaped our modern life fundamentally. Long distance transportation becomes easier and increasing international communication in many aspects such as trade, cultures and technology expands our activity sphere and broadens our horizons. Our life expectancy is longer than ever before thanks to medical progress and some fatal diseases such as heart disease and breast cancer can be cured. Boosted productivity in industry and agriculture by automation has solved famine in many regions and improved our living standard dramatically. TV and the internet provide entertainments and information as well.However, it has been gradually realized that progress is needed to make in many domains of human race and the most urgent one is the environment. The earth is less livable with decreasing amount of clean water, air or arable land. Overpopulation, as a root cause of many human issues such as energy crisis, environment deterioration, animal extinction and traffic congestion, should be effectively controlled. In spite of the medical progress, the public health ironically is not getting enhanced due to modern sedentary lifestyle which features the addiction to TV, the computer and the internet. Healthy lifestyle should be encouraged with the combined efforts by the local government and education system.In conclusion, I personally assume that human race has made significant progress in technology. However, we are confronted with the contaminated environment and。