
中学英语易错题训练选择题1.—Haveyoufoundthebook?——.A.No,notevenonceB.NotyetC.No,alreadyD.Yes,Idid2.Ididn’tquiteunderstandhowtheygotthebooksbackso.A.quickB.morequicklyC.quickerD.quickly3.Iusedonmyown.A.toliveB.liveC.livingD.toliving4.—youevertoBeijing?—Yes,once.A.Have;goneB.Did;goC.Do;goD.Have;been5.Sorry,butyouraddressagain,please.Icatchit.A.didn’tB.don’tC.won’tD.wouldn’t6.——IsawKateagreendressatthemeeting.——Ithinkshelooksbetterred.A.dressed;inB.puton;wearC.wearing;inD.wear;puton7.Whatyouangrywith?A.haveB.willC.areD.do8.Thedirtyriver.A.issmeltbadB.smellsbadlyC.issmeltbadlyD.smellsbad9.Theradioistoonoisy.Willyouplease?A.turnoffitB.turnitonC.turnitupD.turnitdown10.There’sgoingtoafilmshowmodernartinthelibrary.A.be;atB.have;ofC.have;onD.be;about11.Wouldyoupleaseyourshoesonthefloor?A.nottodropB.notdropC.don’tdropD.notdropping12.Wheredoesyoursisterhermeals?A.hasB.haveC.havingD.had13.Mikeandhissisterhereamomentago.A.isB.areC.wereD.be14.ItwasNewYear’sEve.XiaoMingwasbusysomenewpicturesonthewall.A.putupB.putsupC.puttingupD.puttingon15.Ioftenporridgeforbreakfastthosedays.A.havingB.haveC.hasD.had16.TeaisinthesouthofChina.A.growB.growsC.growingD.grown17.Howaboutoutforawalk?A.goB.togoC.goingD.goes18.Iheardherthatshewastoofat.A.saysB.tosayC.saidD.say19.Shallweattheschoolgate?A.meetB.tomeetC.metD.meeting20.It’smuchbetterthanTVathome.A.watchB.watchesC.watchingD.watched21.Look!LiLeiandLinFengkiteoverthere.A.isflyingB.areflyingC.fliesD.flew22.YouthehouseatonceorIthepolice.A.leave;callB.leave;willcallC.willleave;callD.willleave;will23.Thetrainfortenminuteswhenwereachedthestation.A.hadgoneB.hadleftC.wentawayD.hadbeenaway24.TheKingsTVwhenItoseethem.A.werewatching;wentB.waswatching;wentC.arewatching;aregoingD.watched;wasgoing25.MyuncleforHong Kongnextweek.A.isgoingB.isleavingC.willgoD.left26.Howmanymachinesinthelastfewweeks?A.didtheymakeB.willtheymakeC.havetheymadeD.aretheymaking27.Whathedoassoonashefreetomorrow?A.does;isB.will;willbeC.will;isD.does;willbe28.IthoughtheussomethinginterestingaboutFrancebecausehethere.A.wouldtell;hadbeenB.hadtold;wouldgoC.willtell;wentD.wouldtell;hadgone29.Wewillhaveasportsmeetingifitraintomorrow.A.won’tB.isn’tC.doesn’tD.has30.—WherewereyouinJulylastyear?—ThistimelastyearmyfamilyandIgrandparentsinNewYork.A.wasvisitingB.visitedC.hadvisitedD.werevisiting31.Couldyoutellmeifsheatalktomorrow?A.wouldgiveB.hasgivenC.willgiveD.gives32.Hehardlyhurthimselfintheaccident,he?A.doesn’tB.didn’tC.didD.does33.HowlongtheTVplay?A.has;beganB.did;openC.did;lastD.has;watched34.MrSmithwithhisparentsChinasincetwoyearsago.A.havebeeninB.havegonetoC.hasbeentoD.hasbeenin35.ofthetwogirlsisfromBeijing.A.AllB.BothC.NoneD.Neither36.Wewenttotravelwithsomefriendsof. Bours C.our D.ourselves37.Whynotlookupthenewwordinadictionary youdon’tknowit?A.ifB.thatC.thoughD.whether38.allthepassengersarehere,whydon’twestartatonce?A.AssoonasB.AfterC.NowthatD.When39.—I’mgoingtoHangzhouforaholidaythisweekend.—youarethere,canyoubuymesomegreentea?A.BecauseB.WhileC.IfD.Though40.I can’tunderstandthispassagetherearenonewwordsinit.A.ifB.becauseC.thoughD.and41.thenightbeforeChristmasDay,parentsfilltheirchildren’sstockingwit hsmallpresents.A.InB.AtC.ToD.On42.ThebookwaswrittenEnglish.A.inB.withC.fromD.by43.—Sorry,MissZhang.I’mlateagain.—Ohno,Meimei.You’rejustintimeclass.A.forB.atC.ofD.on44.Youdon’tneedtolookeverynewwordinyourdictionarywhilereading.A.forB.atC.afterD.up45.Thecoatboughtlastweekistoobigforme.I’dliketochangeitforaone.A.smallrgeC.nicerD.smaller46.Ofallthesesubjects,IlikeChinese.A.moreB.betterC.wellD.best47.Thingsareonthemoonontheearth.A.muchlighter;thanB.muchheavier;thanC.asheavy;asD.notsolight;as48.—I’vehadenoughbread.Wouldyoulike?—No,thanks.A.afewmoreB.onemoreC.anothermoreD.somemore49.Theiceinthelakeisaboutonemeter .It’sstrongenoughtoskateon.A.longB.highC.thickD.wide50.—willMrGreengobacktoLondon?—Intwoweeks.A.Howoften BHowlong C.Howsoon D.Howfar51.—Wearegoingtoseeafilmthisevening.Whynotgowithus?—Ihavetodomanythingsthisevening.I’m,yousee.A.freeB.gladC.sorryD.busy52.Look!beautifulthatlakeis!A.WhatB.HowC.HowaD.Whata53.I’mstillhungry.CouldIhavetwopiecesofbread,please?A.muchB.manyC.moreD.most54.—Whodiditbetter,BillorHenry?—IthinkBilldidjustHenry.A.aswellasB.asgoodasC.asbetterasD.morebadlythan55.MrSmith’splane.Let’swaitforhimhere.A.hasn’tarrivedB.didn’tarriveC.doesn’tarriveD.couldn’tarrive56.Almostallthewater gone.Pleasesavewater!A.areB.isC.haveD.were57.MrLiisout.Butheheretenminutesago.A.wasB.isC.willbeD.wouldbe58.—Look!Thebusiscoming.—Butit’sfullofpeople.We can’tit.A.getoffB.getdownC.getonwithD.geton59.JaneanewdresseverymonthwhenshewasinShanghai.A.buysB.isbuyingC.boughtD.willbuy60.A.talkonChinesehistoryintheschoolhallnextweek.A.isgivenB.hasbeengivenC.willbegivenD.willgive61.Iwilltellyouhowtogettotheplace,you’dbetterit.A.try;onB.get;offC.take;downD.pick;up62.GermanyandGreat Britainarecountries,butChinaandIndiaareones.A.developing;developedB.developed;todevelopC.developed;developingD.todevelop;developing63.—MustIfinishmyhomeworknow?—No,you.Youdoitthisevening.A.mustn’t;canB.needn’t;mayC.can’t;mustD.needn’t;must64.TheVIPS(VeryImportantPersons)from21countrieswilltheAPECinShanghaithisautumn.A.holdB.takepartinC.joinD.attend65.Thegovernmentwillsomenewcollegesformorestudent’storeceivehighereducation.A.setupB.setoutC.putdownD.puton66.—Excuseme.Willyoupleasetellmethewaytotherailwaystation?—Oh,sorry,butIdon’tknow.Yougoandaskthatpoliceman.A.mayB.mustC.wouldD.should67.—It’salovelyday,it?—Yes.Let’sgooutforawalk.A.doesn’tB.haven’tC.aren’tD.isn’t68.—WecanuseMSNtowitheachotheronthenet.—Really?Willyoushowmehowtouseit?A.speakB.talkC.sayD.tell69.—Whatdoesthe sentence“Don’ttroubletilltroubleyou”mean? —Sorry,Ihavenoidea.A.troubleB.troublesC.troubledD.willtrouble70.—Didyouworkouttheproblem,Tom?—Yes,ofcourse.Itotheteacher’s.A.havejustbeenB.havejustgotC.havejustcomeD.havejustgone71.—doyouaboutspring?—Theflowersandthegreentrees.A.How;likeB.How;thinkC.What;thinkD.What;like72.—Mikewantstoknowifapicnictomorrow.—Yes.Butifit,we’llvisitthemuseuminstead.A.youhave;willrainB.youwillhave;willrainC.youwillhave;rainsD.willyouhave;rains73.Weusuallyhavesixlessonsaday,andeachofthem45minutes.ststsC.haveD.need74.IttenyearssincetheytoFrance.A.was;movedB.was;havemovedC.is;havemovedD.is;moved75.Today,theforestshavealmostgone.Peoplemustdowntoomanytrees.A.stoptocutB.stopfromcuttingC.bestoppedtocutD.bestoppedfromcutting76.Thedoctordidwhathecouldthatchild.A.saveB.tosaveC.savedD.saving77.Mothersaidthatcookingmuchtimeeveryday.A.paidB.spentC.madeD.took78.I can’tunderstandtheboyalone.A.whysheleftB.whydidsheleaveC.whyhadsheleftD.whydidsheleave79.You’dbetteryourshoesonthefloor?A.nottodropB.notdropC.don’tdropD.notdropping80.—Yourcoatlooksnice.Isitcotton?—Yes.It’sShanghai.A.madeof;madebyB.madeof;madeinC.madefor;madebyD.madefrom;madein81.—SoyouwenttoseethefilmwithTom.—Yes.Bobwithme.A.won’tgoB.isn’tgoingC.doesn’tgoD.wouldn’tgo82.—Excuseme.WhereistheScience Museum?—TakeNo.3busandatthefourthstop.A.getonB.getoffC.getupD.getto83.—Yournameagain?Iquitecatchit.—FedericoMacAdam.A.didn’tB.don’tC.wouldn’tD.won’t84.ThisisanoldphotoofminewhenI.A.haveshorthairsB.hadshorthairsC.haveshorthairD.hadshorthair85.—CanIthisbook?—Yes,butyoumustn’tittoothers.A.lend;borrowB.borrow;keepC.borrow;lendD.lend;keep86.—WhichofShanghaidoyoucomefrom?—Letmeshowyouonthemap.A.cityB.villageC.countryD.part87.Canyoutellus?A.wherehaveyougoneB.whereyouhavegoneC.wherehaveyoubeenD.whereyouhavebeen88.Therearefewpeopleontheplayground,?A.arethereB.aretheyC.aren’tthereD.aren’t they89.—Theyhaven’tpaidfortheirtickets,havethey?—.Theydidn’tpayanymoney.A.Yes,theyhaveB.No,theyhaven’tC.Yes,theydidD.No,theydidn’t90.—Ihaven’tseenyouforalongtime.Howiseverything,Kate?—.ANottoobad B.Verywell C.Notatall D.I’mallright 91.—Ihopeyoudon’tmindmypointingoutyourmistakes.—.A.NotatallB.You’rewelcomeC.OfcourseD.It’s apleasure92.—DoyoumindifIopenthedoor?—.A.No,ofcoursenotB.Yes,pleaseC.Yes,youcanD.No,you can’topenit93.—Mike,I’llgoforthefootballmatch.—Ihopeyouwinthegame.A.Verywell.B.Seeyou.C.Goodluck!D.congratulations!94.—Ilostmynewbikeyesterday.—.A.Don’tworry.Youcanbuyanotherone.B.I’msorrytohearthat.C.Nevermind.D.Whodidit?95.“Let’sgoforalongwalkintothecountrythismorning.”“,butIthink I’mcatchingacold.”A.IcertainlycouldusetheexerciseB.Yes,let’sgoC.Sure.I’dliketogoforalongwalkD.No,Iwon’t96.,butIcan’ttellyouaboutthat.A.ExcusemeB.I’msorryC.AllrightD.Bytheway97.—?—It’seight.A.WhatdayisitB.What’sfiveandthreeC.HowoldareyouD.What’syourtelephonenumber98.—Whatanicemeal!Thankyouforhavingus.—.A.Itdoesn’tmatterB.ItwasapleasureC.NotniceenoughD.Withpleasure99.—.—Yes,please.I’dlikehalfakiloofmeat.A.WouldyoulikesomemeatorfishB.WhataboutsomethingtoeatC.HowdoyoulikethisD.CanIhelpyou100.Howlonghashe?A.diedB.beendeathC.beendeadD.dead 参考答案:1-5 BDADA6-10CCDDD11-15BBCCD16-20DCDAC21-25BBDAB26-30CCACD31-35CCCDD36-40BACBC41-45DAADD46-50DADCC 51-55DBCAA56-60BADCC61-65CCBDA66-70ADBBA71-75DCBDD 76-80BDABB81-85DBADC86-90DDABB91-95AACBA96-100ABBDC。

中考英语语法易错点总结练习题20题(带答案)1. There are many ____ in our school library.A. bookB. booksC. bookesD. a book答案解析:B。
“many”后接可数名词复数形式,“book”的复数形式是“books”,选项A是单数形式,选项C“bookes”拼写错误,选项D“a book”也是单数形式。
2. My sister ____ English very well.A. studyB. studiesC. is studyD. are study答案解析:B。
句子的主语“my sister”是第三人称单数,在一般现在时中,动词要用第三人称单数形式,“study”的第三人称单数形式是“studies”。
选项A是原形,选项C 和D的结构“is/are study”是错误的。
3. This park is ____ than that one.A. beautifulB. more beautifulC. most beautifulD. the most beautiful答案解析:B。
“beautiful”是多音节形容词,其比较级是“more beautiful”。
4. There ____ a lot of students in the classroom.A. isB. areC. hasD. have答案解析:B。
考查“there be”句型中的主谓一致。
“a lot of students”是复数形式,在“there be”句型中,be动词要根据后面的名词复数形式用“are”。
选项A“is”用于单数或不可数名词,选项C和D“has/have”表示“有”时,主语是人,而这里是“there be”句型。

九年级英语语法易错点总结练习题50题(带答案)1.My mother bought some________.A.appleB.applesC.appleesD.appleses答案:B。
解析:some 后面跟可数名词复数形式,apple 的复数是apples。
A 选项是单数形式;C、D 选项拼写错误。
2.There is________milk in the bottle.A.manyB.a lotC.a lot ofD.lot of答案:C。
解析:milk 是不可数名词,many 修饰可数名词复数,a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词复数也可以修饰不可数名词。
B 选项a lot 后面不能直接跟名词;D 选项lot of 表达错误。
3.I have two________.A.pencil boxB.pencil boxesC.pencils boxD.pencils boxes答案:B。
解析:two 后面跟可数名词复数形式,pencil box 的复数是pencil boxes。
A 选项是单数形式;C、D 选项拼写错误。
4.There are a lot of________in the park.A.peopleB.peoplesC.peopleesD.peopleses答案:A。
解析:people 本身就是复数形式,表示“人们”,没有peoples、peoplees、peopleses 这样的形式。
5.My father has a lot of________.A.work to doB.works to doC.workes to doD.workses to do答案:A。
解析:work 表示“工作”时是不可数名词,没有复数形式。
B、C、D 选项拼写错误。
6.There are some________on the desk.A.bookB.booksC.bookesD.bookses答案:B。

D. Yes,选择题中学英语易错题训练1. — Have you found the book? ------------A. No, not even onceB. Not yetI did 2. I didn ' t quite understand how they got the books back so C. quicker C. No, alreadyA. quick 3. I used on my ow n. A. to liveB. more quickly D. quickly B. liveC. livi ngD.toliving4.—you ever to Beijing ?B. Did; go A. Have; gone Have; bee n 5. Sorry, but your address aga in, please. I A. didn ' t B. don ' t wouldn ' t —Yes, on ce.C. Do; go catch it. C. won ' t 6. ---- I saw Kate a green dress at the meeting. ---- I think she looks better red. __________ A. dressed; in B. put on; wear C. weari ng; inD. D.D.wear;put on7. What you an gry with? A. have B. will C. are D. do8. The dirty river A. is smelt bad B. smells badly C. is smelt badly D.smells bad 9. The radio is too no isy. Will you please A. turn off it B. tur n it on C. turn it up D.turn it dow n 10. There ' s going toA. be; at about a film show modern art in the library. C. have; onB. have; of D. be;11. Would you please A. not to drop dropp ing 12. Where does your sister A. has your shoes on the floor? B. not drop C. don ' t drop D. nother meals? B. have C. havi ng D. had13. Mike and his sister here a mome nt ago. B. are A. is C. wereD. beD. putti ng14. It was New Year ' s Eve. Xiao Mi ng was busy some new pictures on the wall.B.puts up C. putt ing upon 21. Look! Li Lei and Lin Feng kite over there.22. You the house at once or I the police.26. How many machi nesin the last few weeks?A. did they makeB. will they make they making 27. What he do as soon as he free tomorrow?does; will be28. I thought he ___________ us something interestingabout France because hethere.A. would tell; had bee nA. put upA. havi ngB. haveC. h as16.Tea is in the south of China.A. growB. growsC. g row ing17. How about out for a walk?A. goB. to goC. going18.I heard her that she was too fat.A. saysB. to sayC. said19. Shall we at the school gate?A. meetB. to meetC. met20.It ' s much better than TV at home.D. had D. grow nD.goes D. say D. meet ingC. watch ingD. watched A. is flying B. are flying C. flies D. flewA. leave; callB. leave; will callC. will leave; callD.will leave; will23. The train for ten minu tes whe n we reached the stati on.A. had goneB. had leftC. went awayD. had bee naway24. The Kings TV when I to see them. A. were watchi ng; went C. are watch ing; are going 25. My un cle for Hong Kong next week.A. is goi ngB. is leavi ng leftB. was watchi ng; went D. watched; was goingC. will goD.C. have they madeD. areA. does; isB. will; will beC. will; isD.B. had told; would go15.1 ofte nporridge for breakfast those days.A. watchB. watchesD. hasC. will tell; wentD. would tell; had gone29. We will have a sports meet ing if it rai n tomorrow.A. won ' tB. isn 'C. doesn ' t30. — Where were you in July last year? —This time last year my family and I A. was visit ing were visit ing 31. Could you tell me if she A. would give B. visited gran dparents in New York. C. had visited a talk tomorrow? 32. He hardly hurt himself in the accide nt, A. doesn ' t B. didn ' t B. has give n C. will give he? C. did D.D. givesD.does 33. How long the TV play A. has; bega nwatched B. did; ope n C. did; last D.has;34. Mr Smith with his pare nts A. have bee n in bee n inChina since two years ago. C. has bee n to B. have gone toD. has35.of the two girls is from Beiji ng. A. All B. Both C. None D. Neither36. We went to travel with some friends ofA. us B oursC. our 37. Why not look up the new word in a dictionary A. if B. that you don __ C. though 't we start at once?D. ourselves 't know it? D. whether 38. all the passe ngers are here, why donA. As soon asB. After 39. — I ' m going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend. — you are there, can you buy me some gree n tea? A. Because B. WhileC. If 40. I can ' t un dersta nd this passage there are no new words in it. A. if B. because C. Now thatD. When D. Though C. though 41. the night before Christmas Day, pare nts fill their childre n stock ing with small prese nts. A. In D. and'sB. AtC. ToD. On English. B. with 42. The book was writte n A. in 43. — Sorry, Miss Zhang. I ' m late again. class.C. from —Oh no, Meimei. You'D. by re just in timeA. forB. atC. ofD. on44. You don ' t need to look every new word in your dictio nary while readi ng. A. for B. at C. after 45. The coat bought last week is too big for me. D. upI ' d like to change it for a one. A. small B. large 46. Of all these subjects, I like Chi nese C. nicer D. smaller A. more B. better C. well D. best47. Things are on the moon on the earth. A. much lighter; tha n C. as heavy; as 48. — I ' ve had eno ugh bread. Would you like A. a few more B. one more B. much heavier; tha n D. not so light; as —No, tha nks. C. ano ther more D. some more 49. The ice in the lake is about one meter It ' s strong eno ugh to skate on. A. lo ng B. high C. thick D. wide 50. A. How ofte nwill Mr Gree n go back to London? B How long —In two weeks. C. How soon D. How far 51. —We are going to see a film this evening. Why not go with us? —I have to do many things this eve ning. A. free B. glad beautiful that lake is! 52. Look! A. What B. How 53. I ' m still hungry. Could I have two A. much B. many 54. — Who did it better, Bill or Henry? A. as well as more badly tha n 55. Mr Smith ' s plane A. hasn ' t arrived .LetD. couldn ' t arrive 56. Almost all the water A. are 57. Mr Li is out. But he A. was be 58. — Look! The bus is C. sorry C. How a ,you see. D. busy D. What a pieces of bread, please? C. more —I think Bill did just D. most Henry B. as good as C. as better as D. B. didn 'gone. B. iss wait for him here. t arrivePlease save water! here ten minutes ago. B. is coming.C. doesn ' t arriveC. haveC. will be—But it ' s full of people. Wecan ' tD. D. werewouldit.69.70.A. have just beenB. have just gotC. have just comeD.haveA. get offB. get dow nC. get on withD. get on 59. Jane a new dress every month whe n she was in Shan ghai.A. buysB. is buyingC. boughtD. willbuy60. A. talk on Chin ese historyin the school hall next week. A. is give n B. has bee n give nC. will be give nD. will give61.1 will tell you how to get to the place, you' d better Jt ________ .______A. try; o nB. get; offC. take; dow nD.pick; up62. Germany and Great Britain are countries, but China and India areon es.A. develop ing; developedB. developed; to developC. developed; develop ingD. to develop; develop ing63. — Must I fin ish my homework now? — No, you . You do it thisevening.A. mustn ' t; canB. needn ' t ; mayC. can ' t; mustD. needn' t; must64. The VIPS (Very Importa nt Perso ns) from 21 cou ntries will the APEC i _____Shan ghaithis autu mn. 65. The gover nment will highereducati on.A. holdB. take part inC. joi n some new colleges for more studentD. atte nd's to receive66. A. set up—Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station? 't know. You B. set out C. put dow n D. put on67. —Oh, sorry, but I donA. may—It ' s a lovely day, A. doesn ' t B. mustit?B. haven ' 68. —We can use MSN togo and ask that policeman. D. shouldC. would —Yes. Lett C. arens go out for a walk.'tD. isn ' twith each other on the n et. —Really? Will you show me how to use it? A. speakB. talkC. say—What does the sentence “ Don' t trouble till troubleD. tellyou” mean?—Sorry, I have no idea.A. troubleB. troublesC. troubled—Did you work out the problem, Tom? —Yes, of course. I to the teacher D. will trouble's.just gone71. — do you about spring?— The flowers and the gree n trees.A. How; likeB. How; thi nkC. What; thi nkD.What; like72. — Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow.—Yes. But if it , we' ll visit the museum in stead.A. you have; will rainB. you will have; will rainC. you will have; rainsD. will you have; rains73. We usually have six less ons a day, and each of them B.lastsC. haveD. n eed 74. It ten years since they to France ______________A. was; movedB. was; have movedmoved76. The doctor did what he could that child.A. saveB. to saveC. savedD. savi ng 77. Mother said that cook ing much time every day. A. paidB. spe ntC. madeD. took78.1 can ' t understandthe boy alone.A. why she leftB. why did she leaveC. why had she leftD. why didshe leave79. You ' d betteryour shoes on the floor?A. not to dropB. n ot drop C .don ' t drop D. not dropp ing80. —Your coat looks n ice. Is it cott on?—Yes. It 's Shanghai.A. made of; made byB. made of; made inC. made for; made byD .made from; made in81. —So you went to see the film with Tom.—Yes. Bob with me.A. won ' t goB. isn ' t goingC.doesn ' t goD. would ngo82. —Excuse me. Where is the Science Museum?—Take No. 3 bus andat the fourth stop.A. get onB. get offC. get upD. get to83. —Your n ame aga in?1 quite catch it. —Federico MacAdam.A. didn ' tB.don ' tC. wouldn ' tD. won ' t84. This is an old photo of mine whe n 1A. have short hairsB. had short hairsC. have short hairD. had shorthair45 minu tes. A. last C. is; have movedD. is;75. Today, the forests have almost gone.A. stop to cutC. be stopped to cutPeople must down too many trees. B. stop from cutt ing D. be stopped from cutti ng—Yes, but you mustn ' t it to others.A. le nd; borrowB. borrow; keepC. borrow; lend86. — Which of Shan ghai do you come from?—Let me show you on the map.85.— Can I this book? D. le nd; keepA. cityB. village87. Can you tell us ? __________A. where have you goneC. where have you bee nC. countryD. partB. where you have gone D. where you have bee n88. There are few people on the playgro und,A. are thereB. are theyC. aren ' t thereD. aren 't they89. — They haven ' t paid for their tickets, have they?— _____ idn' t pay any money.A. Yes, they haveB. No, they haven ' tC. Yes, they didthey didn ' t90. — I haven ' t seen you for a long time. How is everything, Kate?D. No,A Not too bad right91. — I hope you donB. Very wellC. Not at allD. I ' m allA. Not at all t mind my pointing out your mistakes.B. You ' re welcomeC. Of courseD. It ' s apleasure92. — Do you mind if I ope n the door?A. No, of course notB. Yes, pleasecan ' t ope n it93. — Mike, I ' ll go for the football match.— I hope you win the game.A. Very well.B. See you.con gratulati ons!C. Yes, you canD. No, youC. Good luck!D.94. — I lost my new bike yesterday. A. Don' t worry. You can buy ano ther one. B. I ' m sorry to hear that. C. Never mind. D. Who did it? 95.“ Let ' s go for a long walk into the country this morning. “ ,but I think I ' m catching a cold.A. I certa inly could use the exerciseB. Yes, lets goA. It doesn ' t matter C. Not nice eno ugh99.——Yes, please. I ' d like half a kilo of meat.A. Would you like some meat or fishB. What about someth ing to eatC. How do you like this 100. How long has he_? _____ A. diedB. bee n death参考答案:1-5 BDADA 6-10 CCDDD 11-15 BBCCD 16-20 DCDAC 21-25 BBDAB 26-30 CCACD 31-35 CCCDD 36-40 BACBC 41-45 DAADD 46-50 DADCC 51-55 DBCAA 56-60 BADCC 61-65 CCBDA 66-70 ADBBA 71-75 DCBDD 76-80 BDABB 81-85 DBADC 86-90 DDABB 91-95 AACBA 96-100 ABBDC96.,but I can 't tell you about that.A. Excuse meB. I ' m sorryC. All rightD. Bythe way 97. ——It ' s eight.A. What day is itB. What ' s five and threeC. How old are youD. What ' s your teleph one nu mber98. —What a nice meal! Thank you for havi ng us.tC. Sure. I ' d like to go for a long walkD. No, I won B. It was a pleasure D. With pleasureD. Can I help you C. bee n deadD.dead。

九年级英语语法易错点总结练习题50题1.There are a lot of _____ in the park.A.peopleB.peoplesC.personD.persons答案解析:A。
2.I need some _____ to make bread.A.flourB.floursC.powderD.powders答案解析:A。
3.There are many different _____ of fish in the sea.A.kindB.kindsC.sortD.sorts答案解析:B。
“kind”和“sort”都有“种类”的意思,都是可数名词,many 修饰可数名词复数,所以用“kinds”或“sorts”,“different kinds/sorts of”表示“不同种类的”。
4.My mother bought two _____ of apples.A.pieceB.piecesC.kiloD.kilos答案解析:D。
“piece”表示“片,块”;“kilo”表示“千克”,买苹果常用“kilos”,two kilos of apples 表示“两千克苹果”。
5.There is little _____ in the bottle.A.waterB.watersC.juiceD.juices答案解析:A。
“water”和“juice”都是不可数名词,没有复数形式,little 修饰不可数名词,瓶子里几乎没有水,所以选“water”。

九年级英语语法易错辨析练习题50题(带答案)1. I don't know ______ he will come tomorrow.A. thatB. ifC. whatD. which答案:B解析:本题考查宾语从句的引导词。
2. The book ______ I bought yesterday is very interesting.A. whoB. whichC. whenD. where答案:B解析:这是一个定语从句。
3. She told me ______ she would go to the park.A. thatB. whereC. whetherD. which答案:A解析:本题考查宾语从句。
4. Do you know the man ______ is standing over there?A. whoB. whichC. whatD. when答案:A解析:这是一个定语从句,先行词是man,是人。
B选项which 用于先行词是物的情况,B错误。

九年级英语语法易错辨析练习题50题1.She saw ______ beautiful bird in the park.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:A。
不定冠词a/an 表示泛指,定冠词the 表示特指。
此处表示“一只美丽的鸟”,是泛指,且beautiful 首字母发音是辅音,所以用a。
2.There are many ______ in the zoo.A.deersB.deerC.deeresD.deeries答案:B。
deer 的单复数形式相同。
3.He bought ______ umbrella yesterday.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:B。
umbrella 首字母发音是元音,用an。
4.There are some ______ on the table.A.knifesB.knivesC.kniveD.knivs答案:B。
knife 的复数形式是knives。
5.She has ______ interesting book.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:B。
interesting 首字母发音是元音,用an。
6.There are a lot of ______ in the library.A.booksB.bookesC.bookD.bookies答案:A。
book 的复数形式是books。
7.He has ______ new pen.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:A。
new 首字母发音是辅音,用a。
8.There are three ______ in the room.A.mansB.menC.manD.mens答案:B。
man 的复数形式是men。
9.She has ______ old bike.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:B。
old 首字母发音是元音,用an。
10.There are two ______ in the picture.A.womansB.womenC.womanD.womenes答案:B。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、Be careful when the streetA. to crossB. crossC. you crossD. you’ll cross【解析】当你通过马路时要当心。
2、The book ______ you want is on the desk Which of the following isn’t right?A.thatB.whichC./D.it【解析】请注意,是让你选哪个不正确。
3、 Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroomA. to sitB. satC. sitingD. sitting see【解析】sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。
see sb. do sth.看见某人做过某事。
sit 现在分词形式为sitting.故答案选D4、----Don’t play the dangerous game any more ----Sorry! I _____ do it againA.can’tB.don’tC.won’tD. mustn’t【解析】表示将来用will,否定形式为won’t,答案为C。
5、 ---The rain came to a stop the night before The fields are still full of water ---It_____ for nearly a weekA. has rainedB. had rainedC. would rainD. was raining【解析】came to a stop“停止”the night before"前一个晚上"for+一段时间用于完成时,而came 表明是过去时,所以后面用过去完成时。

九年级英语语法易错点总结练习题50题含答案解析1.She has two_____.A.watchsB.watchesC.watchD.watchies答案解析:B。
“watch”的复数形式是“watches”,A 选项拼写错误,C 选项是单数形式,D 选项不存在这种复数形式。
2.This is_____book.A.TomB.TomsC.Tom'sD.Toms'答案解析:C。
表示“某人的”要用名词所有格形式,Tom 的所有格是“Tom's”,B 和D 选项形式错误,A 选项只是人名不是所有格。
3.There are many_____on the desk.A.penB.pensC.penesD.penns答案解析:B。
“pen”的复数是“pens”,C 和D 选项拼写错误,A 选项是单数形式。
4.That is_____hat.A.MaryB.MarysC.Mary'sD.Marys'答案解析:C。
表示“某人的”要用名词所有格形式,Mary 的所有格是“Mary's”,B 和D 选项形式错误,A 选项只是人名不是所有格。
5.I have three_____.A.boxsB.boxiesC.boxesD.boxs'答案解析:C。
“box”的复数是“boxes”,A、B、D 选项拼写错误。
6.This is_____room.A.Lily and LucyB.Lily's and LucyC.Lily and Lucy'sD.Lily's and Lucy's答案解析:C。
表示两人共有的房间,只在最后一个人名后加's,A 选项不是所有格形式,B 选项表示两人分别拥有,D 选项也表示两人分别拥有。

中学英语易错题训练选择题1. —Have you found the book —— .A. No, not even onceB. Not yetC. No, alreadyD. Yes, I did2. I didn’t quite understand how they got the books back so .A. quickB. more quicklyC. quickerD. quickly3. I used on my own.A. to liveB. liveC. livingD. to living4. — you ever to Beijing — Yes, once.A. Have; goneB. Did; goC. Do; goD. Have; been5. Sorry, but your address again, please. I catch it.A. didn’tB. don’tC. won’tD. wouldn’t6. ——I saw Kate a green dress at the meeting.——I think she looks better red.A. dressed; inB. put on; wearC. wearing; inD. wear; put on7. What you angry withA. haveB. willC. areD. do8. The dirty river .A. is smelt badB. smells badlyC. is smelt badlyD. smells bad9. The radio is too noisy. Will you pleaseA. turn off itB. turn it onC. turn it upD. turn it down10. There’s going to a film show modern art in the library.A. be; atB. have; ofC. have; onD. be; about11. Would you please your shoes on the floorA. not to dropB. not dropC. don’t dropD. not dropping12. Where does your sister her mealsA. hasB. haveC. havingD.had13. Mike and his sister here a moment ago.A. isB. areC. wereD. be14. It was New Year’s Eve. Xiao Ming was busy some new pictures on the wall.A. put upB. puts upC. putting upD. putting on15. I often porridge for breakfast those days.A. havingB. haveC. hasD. had16. Tea is in the south of China.A. growB. growsC. growingD. grown17. How about out for a walkA. goB. to goC. goingD. goes18. I heard her that she was too fat.A. saysB. to sayC. saidD. say19. Shall we at the school gateA. meetB. to meetC. metD. meeting20. It’s much better than TV at home.A. watchB. watchesC. watchingD. watched21. Look! Li Lei and Lin Feng kite over there.A. is flyingB. are flyingC. fliesD. flew22. You the house at once or I the police.A. leave; callB. leave; will callC. will leave; callD. will leave; will23. The train for ten minutes when we reached the station.A. had goneB. had leftC. went awayD. had been away24. The Kings TV when I to see them.A. were watching; wentB. was watching; wentC. are watching; are goingD. watched; wasgoing25. My uncle for Hong Kong next week.A. is goingB. is leavingC. will goD. left26. How many machines in the last few weeksA. did they makeB. will they makeC. have theymade D. are they making27. What he do as soon as he free tomorrowA. does; isB. will; will beC. will; isD. does; will be28. I thought he us something interesting about France because he there.A. would tell; had beenB. had told; would goC. will tell; wentD. would tell; hadgone29. We will have a sports meeting if it rain tomorrow.A. won’tB. isn’tC. doesn’tD. has30. —Where were you in July last year—This time last year my family and Igrandparents in New York.A. was visitingB. visitedC. had visitedD. were visiting31. Could you tell me if she a talk tomorrowA. would giveB. has givenC. will giveD. gives32. He hardly hurt himself in the accident, heA. doesn’tB. didn’tC. didD. does33. How long the TV playA. has; beganB. did; openC. did; lastD. has; watched34. Mr Smith with his parents China since two years ago.A. have been inB. have gone toC. has been toD. has been in35. of the two girls is from Beijing.A. AllB. BothC. NoneD. Neither36. We went to travel with some friends of .A. us B ours C. our D. ourselves37. Why not look up the new word in a dictionaryyou don’t know itA. ifB. thatC. thoughD. whether38. all the passengers are here, why don’t we start at onceA. As soon asB. AfterC. Now thatD. When39. —I’m going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend.— you are there, can you buy me some green teaA. BecauseB. WhileC. IfD. Though40. I can’t understand this passage there are no new words in it.A. ifB. becauseC. thoughD. and41. the night before Christmas Day, parents filltheir children’s stocking with smallpresents.A. InB. AtC. ToD. On42. The book was written English.A. inB. withC. fromD. by43. —Sorry, Miss Zhang. I’m late again. —Oh no, Meimei. You’re just in time class.A. forB. atC. ofD. on44. You don’t need to look every new word in your dictionary while reading.A. forB. atC. afterD. up45. The coat bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a one.A. smallB. largeC. nicerD. smaller46. Of all these subjects, I like Chinese .A. moreB. betterC. wellD. best47. Things are on the moon on the earth.A. much lighter; thanB. much heavier;thanC. as heavy; asD. not so light; as48. —I’ve had enough bread. Would you like —No, thanks.A. a few moreB. one moreC. another moreD. some more49. The ice in the lake is about one meter . It’s strong enough to skate on.A. longB. highC. thickD. wide50. — will Mr Green go back to London —In two weeks.A. How often B How long C. How soon D. How far51. —We are going to see a film this evening. Why not go with us—I have to do many things this evening. I’m , you see.A. freeB. gladC. sorryD. busy52. Look! beautiful that lake is!A. WhatB. HowC. How aD. What a53. I’m still hungry. Could I have two pieces of bread, pleaseA. muchB. manyC. moreD. most54. —Who did it better, Bill or Henry —I think Bill did just Henry.A. as well asB. as good asC. as better asD. more badly than55. Mr Smith’s plane . Let’s wait for him here.A. hasn’t arrivedB. didn’t arriveC.doesn’t arrive D. couldn’t arrive56. Almost all the water gone. Please save water!A. areB. isC. haveD. were57. Mr Li is out. But he here ten minutes ago.A. wasB. isC. will beD.would be58. —Look! The bus is coming. —But it’s full of people.We can’t it.A. get offB. get downC. get on withD. get on59. Jane a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.A. buysB. is buyingC. boughtD. will buy60. A. talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week.A. is givenB. has been givenC. will begiven D. will give61. I will tell you how to get to the place, you’d better it .A. try; onB. get; offC. take; downD. pick; up62. Germany and Great Britain are countries, but Chinaand India are ones.A. developing; developedB. developed; to developC. developed; developingD. to develop;developing63. —Must I finish my homework now —No, you . You do it this evening.A. mustn’t; canB. needn’t ; mayC. can’t;must D. needn’t; must64. The VIPS (Very Important Persons) from 21 countries will the APEC in Shanghaithis autumn.A. holdB. take part inC. joinD. attend65. The government will some new colleges for more student’s to receive highereducation.A. set upB. set outC. put downD. put on66. —Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railwaystation—Oh, sorry, but I don’t know. You go and ask that policeman.A. mayB. mustC. wouldD.should67. —It’s a lovely day, it —Yes. Let’s go out fora walk.A. doesn’tB. haven’tC. aren’tD. isn’t68. —We can use MSN to with each other on the net.—Really Will you show me how to use itA. speakB. talkC. sayD.tell69. —What does the sentence “Don’t trouble till trouble you” mean—Sorry, I have no idea.A. troubleB. troublesC. troubledD. willtrouble70. —Did you work out the problem, Tom—Yes, of course. I to the teacher’s.A. have just beenB. have just gotC. have justcome D. have just gone71. — do you about spring —The flowers andthe green trees.A. How; likeB. How; thinkC. What; thinkD. What; like72. —Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow.—Yes. But if it , we’ll visit the museum instead.A. you have; will rainB. you will have;will rainC. you will have; rainsD. will you have;rains73. We usually have six lessons a day, and each of them45 minutes.A. lastB. lastsC. haveD. need74. It ten years since they to France.A. was; movedB. was; have movedC. is; havemoved D. is; moved75. Today, the forests have almost gone. People mustdown too many trees.A. stop to cutB. stop from cuttingC. be stopped to cutD. be stopped fromcutting76. The doctor did what he could that child.A. saveB. to saveC. savedD.saving77. Mother said that cooking much time every day.A. paidB. spentC. madeD. took78. I can’t understand the boy alone.A. why she leftB. why did she leaveC. why had sheleft D. why did she leave79. You’d better your shoes on the floorA. not to dropB. not dropC. don’t dropD.not dropping80. —Your coat looks nice. Is it cotton —Yes. It’s Shanghai.A. made of; made byB. made of; made inC. made for; made byD. made from; made in81. —So you went to see the film with Tom. —Yes. Bobwith me.A. won’t goB. isn’t goingC. doesn’t goD. wouldn’t go82. —Excuse me. Where is the Science Museum—Take No. 3 bus and at the fourth stop.A. get onB. get offC. get upD.get to83. —Your name again I quite catch it. —Federico MacAdam.A. didn’tB. don’tC. wouldn’tD.won’t84. This is an old photo of mine when I .A. have short hairsB. had short hairsC. have shorthair D. had short hair85. —Can I this book —Yes, but you mustn’t it to others.A. lend; borrowB. borrow; keepC. borrow;lend D. lend; keep86. —Which of Shanghai do you come from—Let me show you on the map.A. cityB. villageC. countryD. part87. Can you tell usA. where have you goneB. where you have goneC. where have you beenD. where you have been88. There are few people on the playground,A. are thereB. are theyC. aren’t thereD. aren’t they89. —They haven’t paid for their tickets, have they— . They didn’t pay any money.A. Yes, they haveB. No, they haven’tC. Yes, theydid D. No, they didn’t90. —I haven’t seen you for a long time. How is everything, Kate— .A Not too bad B. Very well C. Not at allD. I’m all right91. —I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes.— .A. Not at allB. You’re welcomeC. Ofcourse D. It’s a pleasure92. —Do you mind if I open the door— .A. No, of course notB. Yes, pleaseC. Yes, you canD. No, you can’t open it93. —Mike, I’ll go for the football match.— I hope you win the game.A. Very well.B. See you.C. Good luck!D. congratulations!94. —I lost my new bike yesterday.— .A.Don’t worry. You can buy another one.B.I’m sorry to hear that.C.Never mind.D.Who did it95. “Let’s go for a long walk into the country this morning.”“ , but I think I’m catching a cold.”A. I certainly could use the exerciseB. Yes, let’s goC. Sure. I’d like to go for a long walkD. No, I won’t96. , but I can’t tell you about that.A. Excuse meB. I’m sorryC. All rightD. By the way97. —?—It’s eight.A. What day is itB. What’s five and threeC. How old are youD. What’s your telephone number98. —What a nice meal! Thank you for having us.— .A. It doesn’t matterB. It was a pleasureC. Not nice enoughD. With pleasure99. — .—Yes, please. I’d like half a kilo of meat.A. Would you like some meat or fishB. What about something to eatC. How do you like thisD. Can I help you 100. How long has heA. diedB. been deathC. been deadD. dead参考答案:1-5 BDADA 6-10 CCDDD 11-15 BBCCD 16-20 DCDAC 21-25 BBDAB26-30 CCACD 31-35 CCCDD 36-40 BACBC 41-45 DAADD 46-50 DADCC51-55 DBCAA 56-60 BADCC 61-65 CCBDA 66-70 ADBBA 71-75 DCBDD76-80 BDABB 81-85 DBADC 86-90 DDABB 91-95 AACBA 96-100 ABBDC。

九年级英语语法易错点总结练习题50题1.There are a lot of ______ in the park.A.peopleB.peoplesC.personD.persons答案:A。
2.I ate two ______ of bread this morning.A.pieceB.piecesC.pieceesD.piecess答案:B。
“piece”表示“片”“块”等,是可数名词,two 后面要用复数形式“pieces”。
3.Can you give me some ______?A.advicesB.adviceC.adviseD.advises答案:B。
“advice”是不可数名词,不能加s 变为复数形式;“advise”是动词。
4.There are many different ______ of animals in the zoo.A.kindB.kindsC.kindesD.kindss答案:B。
“kind”表示“种类”,是可数名词,many 后面要用复数形式“kinds”。
5.I need a few ______ of paper to write on.A.sheetB.sheetsC.sheeteD.sheetes答案:B。
“sheet”表示“纸张”,是可数名词,a few 后面要用复数形式“sheets”。
6.There are different ______ of fruits in the market.A.sortB.sortsC.sortesD.sortss答案:B。

人教版2024-2025学年九年级全一册单元重难点易错题精练:单词100题(单元重点单词)1 / 153 / 15答案:1.smoke【详解】句意:你父亲经常吸烟吗?句中有助动词,此处动词应用原形,故填smoke。
根据汉语提示可知本题考查单词hero“英雄”,可数名词,而one of“……之一”后续可数名词复数,所以此处应填其复数形式,故填heroes。

1. It’s very warm-hearted ______ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup.A. for, ofB. of, forC. of, toD. to, for2. How many teachers are there in your school?______, I think. But I don’t know the exact number.A. hundredB. HundredsC. Hundreds ofD. Hundreds or thousands3. Will you stay for lunch?Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me.A.I mustn’tB.I can’tC.I needn’tD.I won’t4. When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A. wouldB. shouldC. had betterD. might5. There ______ no hurry, need there?A. need beB. need to beC. doesn’tD. needs6.______ the sports meeting might be put off.Y es, it all depends on the weather.A. I’ve been toldB. I’ve toldC. I’m toldD.I told7. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing8. We don’t allow ______ in this room.A. smokingB. to smokeC. people smokingD. people to smoking9. I haven’t got a chair ______. Will you make room for me?A. to sitB. to sit inC. for sittingD. sitting on10. It was so cold that the travelers had the fire ______ all the night.A. burningB. to burnC. burnD. burnt11. She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A. looked forB. looked upC. looked afterD. looked like12. Every morning, WE are asked ______ taken our temperatures.A .if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we13. I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA. the other; other fiveB. the other; another fiveC. other; five moreD. other; more five14. I called you just now, but you weren’t inSorry, I ______ the reading room.A. was inB. have gone toC. studiedD. had been to15. The family ______ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at _ _____.A. were sitting; Mr BrownB. were sitting; Mr Brown’sC. was sitting; Mr BrownD. was sitting; Mr Brown’s16. Have you ______ your father recently?No. He doesn’t often write to me.A. heard aboutB. heard ofC. heard fromD. got from17. ______did you sleep last night?I was reading too late to fall asleep.A. How longB. was doingC. How soonD. How18. Has Jack finished his homework yet?I’ve no idea, But he ______ it the whole afternoon.A. would doB. was doingC. didD. had done19. He’s never stolen anything before, ______ he?______. It’s his third time to be taken to police station.A. hasn’t; Y esB. is; Y esC. has; Y esD. has; No20. I will spend as much time as I ______ the lesson.A. can go overB. can to go overC. can going overD. go over21. ______ you the truth, she knows nothing about it.A. To tellB. TellingC. To tellD. Told22. The old man walked in the street, ______.A. followed by his sonB. followed his sonC. and following his sonD. and followed by his son23. Jim’s family went to visit ______ family last night.A. Miss Sun’sB. the Suns’C. the WhiteD. Miss Suns’24. They stopped ______ and ______ out to play when they ______the bell ring or rest.A. working; went; heardB. work; to go; hearC. working; go; hearingD. working; going; heard25. I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.______ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?A. IfB. WhileC. SinceD. As soon as26. That woman has a bag in her right hand. What’s in her ______ hand?A. anotherB. otherC. oneD. The other27. Could you give me ______ second chance please?A. anB./C. theD. a28. Black, ______ father of ______ Tom, lost his new watch.A./,/B. the, theC. the,/D. /,the29. Do you know Susan’s address?Y es. She live Dongchang Road, Dalian City.A. inB. atC. alongD. on30. What do you think of the report on the UFO?Great! Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing ______ the end of the meetingA. untilB. inC. onD. about31. The book ______ you want is on the desk.Which of the following isn’t right?A. thatB. whichC./D. it32.I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country.A. whichB. on whichC. when D, on that33. Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday?A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. who34. The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.A. hasB. haveC. there isD. there are35. The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here.A. thatB. whichC. to whichD. where36. I have the same pen ______.A. which you haveB. as yoursC. that you areD. as you37. The train ______ she was traveling was five minutes late.A. thatB. on thatC. by whichD. on which38. The teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00,A. those whoB. thatC. whoD. which39. ______ has questions is welcome to ask.A. WhoB. AnyoneC. ThoseD. Anyone who40. Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now.A. fromB. likeC. withD. as41. The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.A. theB. hisC. someD. us42. ______ either you or I good at drawing?A. AmB. AreC. IsD. Do43. The room ______ as a meeting room.A. used to being usedB. was used to being usedC. used to be usedD. was used to be used44. The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.A. to playB. playC. playingD. played45. Last month Miss Han ______ a doctor.A. married withB. married toC. was married withD. got married to46. It’s time for Meimei and ______ to the Palace Museum.A.I goingB.I to goC. me goingD. me to go47. ______ a year does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.A .How often B. How soon C. How longD. How many times48. There are four pairs of socks to ______, but the woman doesn’t know ______ to buy.A. choose from; whichB. choose from; whatC. choose; whichD. choose ;what49. It is in 1960 ______ Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. in which50. The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday’s meeting.A. spokeB. spokenC. was spokenD. were spoken51. I’m afraid I won’t come ______ 7 and 9. I will be at work then.A. untilB. betweenC. duringD. for52. Butter and cheese ______ in price.A. has gone upB. is gone upC. have gone upD. are gone up53. ______ neither you nor he enjoy fast food?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are54. In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are55. A man of words and not of deeds ______ a garden full of weed.A. likeB. likesC. is likeD. are like56. Would you like some coffee?Y es, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee ______ milk.A. fromB. withC. toD. for57.These Germans want to have some ______ for supper, so they decide to catch ______ now.A. fish; manyB. fishes; muchC. fish; muchD. fishes; many58. What do you think of his surfing?Oh, no one does ______.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best59. Aren’t you tired, Kate?______. I like going shopping.A. Not at allB. I’m so sorryC. Y ou’re welcomeD. Y es, of course60. Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.______A.I don’tB.I won’tC.I can’tD.I haven’t61. John plays football ______, if not better than David.A. as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so well as62. Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter ______go and do the opposite!A. mayB. canC. mustD. should63._____ Y ancheng today is more beautiful now. Mr.Jackson said he would visit it ______ fourth time.A. The;/B. The;theC./;aD. The;a64. To tell you the truth, I became a college student at 15.______.A. Y ou must beB. Thank goodnessC. Y ou don’t say soD.It doesn’t matter65. Excuse me, can you show me ______ to run the machine?A. whatB. ifC. whetherD. where66. Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures______ a camera.A. asB. forC. likeD. of67. I felt it is right ______ you should know.A. whetherB. andC. thatD. how68. A fool has gained nothing from the time ______, for he ______ nothing.A. passing; has paidB. passed; has been paidC. passing; has been paidD. passed; has paid69. This kind of T-shirt is ______.A. easily worn outB. easy worn outC. easy to worn outD. easily to be worn out70. Jim’s father said to him, “I hope you ______ what I ______you to buy.A. didn’t forget, toldB. not to forget, have toldC. won’t forget, have toldD. haven’t forgotten, will tell71. English people ______ use Mr before a man’s first name.A. neverB. usuallyC. oftenD. sometimes72. I enjoy learning English ______ it takes me a lot of time.A. unlessB. thoughC. becauseD. for73. I wonder ______ you would like to come to my birthday party.A. thatB. whetherC. that if D .that whether74. All the teachers thought _______ of the hard-working student.A. highlyB. manyC. goodD. more75. A third of the population of the city _______ their own cars.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. is76. His bag is nicer than _______ in his class.A. any other studentB. the other students’C. any other studentsD. any student’s77. He _______ a good plan which we all agree.A. thought hardB. thought outC. thought more ofD. thought about78. I think swimming can make me very _______.A. goodB. healthC. comfortableD. well79. The buses _______ over 2 thousand people a day.A. takeB. bringC. carryD. sent80. The conductor kept _______ hot water to us.A. giveB. bringC. takingD. giving81. It’s your turn to be on duty. _______A. So am IB. So it isC. So I amD. So it is82. The TV needs .A. to repairB. repairedC. being repairedD. to be repaired83. They are _______ there.A. nearB. to nearC. near toD. nearly84. The boy said he wouldn’t eat _______.A. any longerB. no longerC. any moreD. no more85. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______.A. put outB. turn out a C .give out D. go out86. The days are short, _______ it is now December.A. becauseB. forC. goesD. want87. The education in China has developed _______ these days.A. quickB. highC. highlyD. wildly88. Will you tell me a story?OK. Shall I _______ it in English or in Chinese?A. tell, tellB. speak, tellC. tell, speakD. tell, say89. The lady is always _______ in white at the party.A. wearingB. dressingC. wornD. dressed90. They _______ 3000 English words by the end of next month.A. learnedB. had learnedC. will learnD. have learned91. Mr.Black, some boys are going to flight.Y ou’d better _______ the police.A. send forB. send toC. look forD. look over92. Many trees must be planted every year.A. thousandB. thousand ofC. thousands ofD. thousand93. The post office is not far from here. It’s only ten by bike.A. minuteB. minutesC. minute’sD. minutes’94. She doesn’t know the school, but it’s to be quite a good one.A. toldB. spokenC. talkedD. said95. Y ou must leave here now your mother can get some more rest.A. becameB. thoughC. so thatD. so96. Lucy, all your things on the desk.A. puts awayB. put awayC. takes awayD. take away97. (At the doctor’s)It’s nothing serious, doctor?No, .A. you’ll be all right soonB. Y ou won’t be all right soonB. There’s some trouble with you D. It’s very serious98. We can’t buy much mutton with little money.A. so, muchB. such, soC. so, soD. such, such99. There is W in the word woman ,and M is the third letter of the word.A. a; anB. an; /C. an; the D .a; the 100. Need he come a little earlier?Y es, he .A. canB. mustC. needD. needn’t参考答案1~10 C C B A A A D A B A 11~20 B A A A B C D B C A 21~30 A A A A B B D A B A 31~40 D A C B A D D A D D 41~50 D B C C D D D A B D 51~60 B C A A C B A C A B 61~70 B C D C D C B D A C 71~80 A A B A B B B D C D 81~90 B D D C D B C A D C 91~100 C C B D C D A C D B。

(完整版)初三英语易错题(带答案版)易错题整理(15 年9 月23 日)1.breathebreathsteakcreateareabeautifultheatre2.Whenever we have the P.E lesson, our teacher always asks us to stand.(straight) straight3.My father is a manger. He is in charge of . (sell) sales4.I often hear her next door all night long.(sing) singI often hear she next door all night long.(sing) sings5.The vase is made of glass.Glass is the vase.Glass is the vase.used to make/used for making6.The old man must politely.A. be spokenB. be spoken withC. speakD. be spoken at7.The young flowers need every day. (water) water, watering, to be watered8.If I name a place as my second hometown, I would certainly say Atlanta. I still remember what Georgia Tech(佐治亚理工)looked like ten years ago, when I was studying for my masterdegree. When I was studying at Tech, I took a presentation( 讲演)course at business school with MBA students. The course aimed at making students better p speakers and involved( 包含)a lot of speaking practice. The lecturer, Ms. Spring Asher very kind and patient. A Turkish student in our class always added “Err…” when he spoke. All students laughed at him. Ms. Asher always c him with an encouraging smile on her face. In the final presentation, after he presented, Ms. Asher asked:” Do you know how many ‘errs’ you said?”public, corrected9.The old man is quite weak after the accident, so he .A must take care ofB must be taken care ofC must look afterD must be look after10.What did Mr Jones do before the moved here?He a city bus for over twenty-five years.A is drivingB droveC has drivenD drives11.The hotel beside the sea is than those in the city center.A cheap and comfortableB cheap and comfortableC cheaper and more comfortableD more cheap and comfortable12.The magazine beside the TV is about how to protect the environment.(对划线部分提问)is about how to protect the environment. Which magazine 13.The boy was so generous that he shared all his snacks with hisclassmates.(同义词转换)The boy was to share all his snacks with his classmates.generous enough14.We can see many old people on the playground every morning. Some are walking andare dancing.A otherB the other C. others D. the others15.Grandma us stories when we were very young.A used to tell B. is used tell C was used tell D is used to telling16.He made some toys his little son happy.A.makeB. to makeC. makingD. made17.He goes to university his father’s money.A.fromB. toC. byD. through18.You can see trees on sides of the street.A. eachB. bothC. eitherD. allYou can see trees on side of the street.A. eachB. bothC. eitherD. all19.I have one or two things .A.to lookB. to see toC. to look toD. to see20.Mr Watson won’t be here next week, and .A.neither his wife willB. neither his wife won’tC. his wife won’t neitherD. his wife won’t either21.B y midnight, the square was empty, the giant horse.A.besidesB. besideC. exceptD. except for22.Mary was disappointed when she found out they had gone to the ball her.A.exceptB. besidesC. forD. without23.We don’t have enough nurses to look after the patients. At least are needed.A.ten another nursesB. more ten nursesC. other ten nursesD. another ten nurses24.It is a problem that doesn’t need right now.A.to solveB. solvingC. being solvedD. to be solving25.Who broke a window in the woman’s house?(同义句装换)a window in the woman’s house ?By whom was broken26.Tom will go to different places in California by car this winter.(同义句转换)Tom will different places in California by car this winter.drive to27.--- These farmers have been to the United States.--- Really? When there?A.will they goB. did they goC. do they goD. have they gone28.--- Our country--- Yes. I hope it will be even a lot so far..A.has changed; wellB. changed; goodC. has changed; betterD. changed; better29.Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he us English.A.teachesB. taughtC. has taughtD. will teach30.In the past few years, thousands of films all over the world.A.have producedB. have been producedC. are producingD. are being produced31.--- the sports meeting might be put off.--- Yes, it all depends on the weather.A.I’ve been toldB. I’ve toldC. I’m toldD. I told32.--- Hi, guys. Where are you heading now?--- Home. We all our money, so we have to walk home now.A.spendB. spentC. have spentD. are spending33.Where is Mr zhou? --He together with his students the park.A.have gone toB. have been toC. has gone to D has been to34.He died five years ago.since he died.since five years ago.for five years.since five years ago.It is five yearsHe has been deadHe has been deadHe has been away from here。

中考英语易错题汇总30 练中考英语易错题练习( 1 )与答案1.Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _______ April 29 to work for theWorld Expo.A. onB. atC. ofD. to2. Tom will call me as soon as he ______home.A. getsB. has gotC. gotD. will get3. The road _____last year.A. buildsB. builtC. was builtD.is built4.--- Do you know _____ the Capital Museum?---Next Friday.A. when will they visitB. when they will visitC. when did they visitD. when they visited5. The teacher said that the earth _____ the sun.A. move aroundB. moved aroundC. moves aroundD. had moved around答案分析:1. A. 考点:观察时间介词。
On 表示详细日期; at 表示时间观点的某时辰 ,如 at nine o ’clock ,时间如 at noon ,阶段 at the present stage 等。
April 29 有日期,所以用 on。
2. A. 考点:时间状语从句。
在时间状语从句里,假如主句用一般未来时,由as soon as指引的从句用一般此刻时表未来时,即“主将从现”。
3. C.考点:被动语态。
road 是 build 的承受着,存在被动关系。
last year 表过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。

初三1—4单元错题、易错题精选1、There are more and more tall (建筑物)in this city2、Do you want to make a p about your life in 10 years?3、She will be better after taking a few days’ restA、moreB、veryC、greatD、a lot4、She will be a teacher two months。
A、on B、after C、in D、at5、Please pass me two 。
A、pieces of paperB、pieces of papersC、pieces paperD、piece papers6、will the world be different in 100 years?A、What B、How C、Where’7、There are many children (放)kites on the grass8、My btother wants to buy the T-shirt ,but my mother (agree)9、(electric)is very important in our everyday life。
10、Listen!I hear someone the guitar in the roomA、playingB、to playC、playD、plays11、I often see them football on the playground 。
A、playingB、to playC、playD、plays12、---How many birds can you see in the tree?---I can see birds in them。
A、hundreds ofB、five hundredsC、hundred ofD、five hundreds of13、这间房子将比那一间亮许多。

九年级英语语法易错辨析练习题50题1.There are a lot of _____ in the park.A.peopleB.peoplesC.personD.persons答案:A。
2.I need some _____ to make a cake.A.flourB.floursC.flouryD.flourish答案:A。
3.There are many different _____ of animals in the zoo.A.kindB.kindsC.kindesD.kinding答案:B。
语法规则:many 修饰可数名词复数。
4.We have a lot of _____ to do today.A.workB.worksC.workingD.workings答案:A。

初三英语易错题(含答案)单选题初三英语易错题(含答案)D. for; XXX good ______ our ______.A. at; XXX; XXX; healthy2. Bob has booked a business seat on Flight BA806, ______ Pudong Airport at 10:00 a.m. on Friday.A. leaveB. to leaveC. leavesD. leaving3. Henry got on the train with three ______.A. XXX luggage4. XXX needs a ______ return.A. two dayB. two daysC. two-dayD. two-days5. I’d rather______ swimming.A. goB. to goC. goesD. going6.—______ does your mother go to the supermarket?—About once a week.A. How longB. How oftenC. How farD. How fast7. You must apologize for ______ late.A. XXX8. Help ______ to some coffee and biscuits, and make ______ at home, everybody.A. yourself; yourselfB. yourselves; yourselfC. yourselves; yourselvesD. yourself; yourselves9. John has ______ XXX.A. XXX in10.______ are all in Class Four.A. Alice, you and IB. You, Alice and IC. Alice, I and youD. I, you and Alice11. The meeting was ______ because of the heavy storm.A. XXX out12A. instead ofB. insteadC. take placeD. take the place of13. You’d better ______ swim in the river.A. XXX’t14.This is my bike, and that one is ______.A. XXX’sC. XXX15. Nancy ______ live in Oxford. Now she ______ the life in Washington.A. used to; is used toB. is used to; used toC. used to; used toD. is used to; is used to1 / 8D. Lindas’16. You’d better put on your coat ______ get cold.A. toB. so as toC. in order toD. so as not to17. My little brother is bright ______ cute.A. as soon asB. as good asC. as well asD. as nice as18. ______ it is snowy, ______ the farmers are still working in the field.XXX; but C. Through; /19. Li Ding has entered for the _____ race.A) four---hundred---XXXC) four---XXX20. Do you know ______?A. who the girl isB. who is the girlC. who the girl wasD. who was the girlB)four hundred metersD)four hundreds---metersD. XXX; but21. XXX XXX“______”.A. in factB. at the endC. in the endD. for sure22. I found the hall was XXX large number of people. The XXX “______”.A. XXXsatisfi ed with23.—Would you please pass the salt to me, Tom?—______A. Give you.B. Yes, please.C. Here you are.D. Not at all.24.—Kitty speaks Japanese very well. Who taught ______?—Nobody! She taught ______.A. it; XXX; XXX; XXX; himself25. My father told me ______ stay up too late at night.A) don'tB) not toC) notD) to not26. --- Does Mrs. Li live by herself?--- Yes. She has two daughters, but _____ of them are studying in the US.A) neitherB) allC) noneD) both27.I like to read ______ book. It’s better than reading on the Internet.A) /B) aC) anD) the28. Can you lend me a hand? The box is _____ heavy for me _____ carry upstairs.A)too…toB)XXX) so... as to29. It’s a good habit to keep the classroom ______ all the time.A) cleanlyB) clearlyC) clearD) clean30. A special cake was ______ XXX December 7 last year.A) in troubleB) at workC) on showD) on business2 / 831.The XXX 2005 ______ from Nov. 12 to 19 in Busan, South Korea last year.A) happenedB) takes placeC) was heldD) was taken place32.Help _______ to some ice-cream, and make _____ at home, Mary.A)yourself…yourselfC)herself…herselfB)herself…yourselfD)yourself…herself33.Now that you have got so many books, can you lend me _____ to read?A)somethingB)anythingC)someD)any34.I have many hobbies ,______, XXX pop music.A)likeB)such asC)for exampleD)my goodness35._____ 1998, we had learned about 1:500 English words.A)InB)SinceC)AfterD)By36. You have a sports meeting every year,___?A. have youB. do youC. XXX37.They have to work at once,______ they?A. haveB. XXX't38. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, ________ they?A. XXX't C. were D. have39.There isn't any bread on the table, ______?A. XXX. has there D. is it40. Mr King can not speak Chinese,____ he?A.doesn'tB. doesC. can'tD. can41---____. She was ill in bed.A.No ,she didB. Yes , she did.C. No ,she didn't.D. Yes ,she didn't42.---She isn't a teacher, is she?---_____. She works in a hospital.A.No ,she isB. Yes , she is.C. No ,she isn't.D. Yes ,she isn't43.Tom often has lunch at school,_____?A. XXX't heC. does Tom D. doesn't he44. We are now planning _______________ two-day trip toWuxi for a nice spring outing.A. aB. an C. the D. /45. I’ve got two magazines. You can h ave ______________of them, but you cant have them both.A. neitherB. eitherC. noneD. all46. Bendoesn’tdo his homework so ____________as his sister.He often makes mistakes.3 / 8A. carefullyB. carefulC. more carefulD. more carefully47. In winter the _____________ the snow is, the happier the children are.A. heavyB. heavierC. heavilyD. the heaviest48. Tomorrow we’ll hold our school sports meeting. So you___________ bring your school bags here.A. ca n’t B. don’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t49. When you’re learning English, use it, __________ you’lllose it.A. butB. thenC. orD. and50. -_____________ did the captain of the guards go upstairs?-XXX.A. Hoe manyB. How fastC. How farD. How long51. I______________ that Miss Lin would give us a lecture on English history this afternoon.A. told B. have told C. am toldD. was told52. The suspect, Brown, ____________ fifty thousandfake notes(假币) for the diamond ring.A. took B. XXX53. XXX what was going on until XXX”to him. The underlined partmeans“____________________”.A. admitB. XXX54. At that time most of the people went to California to look for gold. The underlined part mean“________”.A. look up B. look afterC. try to findD. look out55. The river is _____________ deep.A. eight and half metresB. eight and a half metresC. eight and a half metreD. eight metre and a half56.–Which room do you stay in this hotel?-_________________.A. Room 302.B. 302 RoomC. Room the 302D. The 302 Room.57. I was born on _______________.A. XXX, XXX XXX sevenB. XXX, XXX XXX-XXX, XXX XXX-XXX, XXX _______________ than that one.A. three times bigB. three times biggerC. about three time biggerD. three times bigger59. The People’s Republic of China will celebrate its _________ birthday this year.A. the sixtiethB. sixtiethC. sixtiesD. sixty60. ---- How old is your son?4 / 8----___________. We had a special party for his ___________ birthday last Sunday.A. Nine; nine B. Nine; nineth C. Ninth; ninthD. Nine; ninth61. ___________ ago, our country was XXX.A. Several million of yearB. Several million yearC. Several million yearsD. Several million of years62. Shanghai has opened its ________ TV channel that XXX. one C. the first D. once63. ________ of the students in our class __________ girls.A. Two-fifths; isB. Two-fifth; XXX-fifths; areD. Two fifth; are64. Flight XXX from Tokyo to Shanghai is now arriving at ___________.A. XXX two C. second gate D. gate second65. We only have _____ to finish the work. Let’s make full use of the time.A. one and a half monthB. one month and a halfC. one and half monthsD. one and a half monthes66. We have got four interesting books. One is written by Han Han, ________ are written by Guo Jinming.A. the other threeB. another three C. other three D. rest three67. He’ll have to spend __________ writing this report here.A. one day or two daysB. one day or twoC. a day or two daysD. a day or two68. Idon’tthink three days ________ XXX.A. isB. areC. should beD. has69. ----How often do you go to see a film?----- ___________________. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.A. Every dayB. Every three daysC. Every few daysD. Every other day70. ---- Mike is six and he is ___________ his sister Mary. How old is Mary?----- Three.A. twice as old asB. two years older thanC. three years younger thanD. as old as单词的恰当方式填空1. Paris is a _____________ XXX(wonder)2. In _____________, Lucy has a large collection of coins. (add)5 / 83. Mr Smith is showing a ______________ friend around our city. (France)4. They visited many world-famous tourist ______________. (attract)5. Italy is a ______________ country. (Europe)6. Mr Smith has received an ______________to Mr Brown’s birthday party. (invite)7. Mr Williams started his business in his ______________. (eighty)8.—May I ask you a question, Miss Green?—Yes, please go ______________. (head)9. It’s really ____________ for a child of five to take care of himself. (possible)10. XXX China’XXX ________________ disaster since 1949. (nature)11. WHO is the short form of World Health _________________________. (organize)12. Our classroom is not as big as __________________, but it’s very clean. (they)13. Work today is very _______________ from they way it was XXX(difference)14. The electric light is one of the greatest _____________ in the world. (invent)15. Nobody will help her with her work, so she will have to continue it by ______________. (she)16. Every student should take an ______________ XXX)17. It is ___________ for such a small boy to get first prize in the long jump. (usual)18. These five _________________ XXX(Germany)19. We don’t want to make friends with any ________________ person. (honest)20. Mike received an ________________ to his XXX party last week. (invite)21. We’d better not ______________ XXX(pollution)22. It’XXX ______________ XXX(freeze)23. We all agree that _________________ is XXX itself. (able)24. Young children should know how to _____________ XXX(protection)25. The manager tried to deal _____________ with angry workers. (polite)26. I was late, so I missed the ______________ of the movie. (begin)27. XXX _____________________ have made him President of the United States. (wise)28. Youshouldn’tdepend on your parents any more. You must be ________________. (depend)29. The scientists have just discovered a new kind of _____________. (ill)30. When you sit out here, you really can feel the ____________________ of the sun. (powerful)31. Sue promised that she would read the story book ___________________. (two)32. Mr. Brown was ______________ XXX(real)33. John is a new _________________ of Shanghai. He says she’ll live here for the rest of his life. (city)34. They were all _________________when they XXX(frighten)35. As we all know, hard work will bring us great ______________. (succeed)6 / 836. I’m sure the engineers can ________________many XXX)1.wonderful 2. addition 3. French 4. attractions 5. XXX.impossible 10. natural 11. Organization 12. theirs 13. different 14. inventions 15. herself 16. active17. XXX25. politely 26. beginning 27. wisdom 28. independent 29. illness 30. power 31. twice, 32. really, 33.citizen, 34. frightened, 35. success, 36. invent改写句子1. I will XXX(保持句意基本不变)It will ______________ me about three hours ______________ get from Paris to London.2. The accident happened three miles from the village. (保持句意基本不变) The accident ______________ ______________ three miles from the village.3. Alice has XXX.(改成否认句)Alice ______________ ______________ XXX.4. They went to Moscow by air.(对划线部分提问)______________ ______________ they go to Moscow?5. XXX(改写成反意疑问句)My parents could hardly believe the news, ______________ ______________?6. These flowers XXX(改写成感叹句)______________ ______________ these flowers smell!7. Both of them XXX(改成否认句)_____________ of them _______________ XXX.8. The box on the floor weighs about 50 kilograms. (对划线部分提问)___________ ______________ is the box on the floor?(改为感叹句)10. They have built a new bridge over the XXX(改为被动语态)A new bridge ____________ _______________ built over the Changjiang River.7 / 811. I went to the XXX(合并为一句)I went to the cinema ____________ _______________ XXX. Jack is the tallest boy in our class.Jack is taller than _____________ other _____________ in our class.13. Mrs Smith is busy now. She is doing her XXX.Mrs Smith is ___________ _____________ XXX.14. "Did you have a good sleep last night?" David asked Jim.David asked Jim _____________ he _____________ well last night.15. Most children begin school when they are seven.。

九年级英语语法易错辨析练习题50题1.There is _____ “h” in the word “hour”.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:B。
本题考查不定冠词a/an 的用法。
A 选项a 用于辅音音素开头的单词前;C 选项the 是定冠词,表特指;D 选项用于零冠词的情况。
2.My mother bought me _____ new book yesterday.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:A。
new book 是泛指一本新书,且new 以辅音音素开头,所以用a。
B 选项an 用于元音音素开头的单词前;C 选项the 表特指;D 选项用于零冠词的情况。
3.There are many _____ on the desk.A.bookB.booksC.a bookD.the book答案:B。
many 后接可数名词复数,book 的复数是books。
A 选项是单数形式;C 选项是单数形式且多了一个a;D 选项是单数形式且有定冠词the。
4.I have two _____ and three pencils.A.penB.pensC.a penD.the pen答案:B。
two 后接可数名词复数,pen 的复数是pens。
A 选项是单数形式;C 选项是单数形式且多了一个a;D 选项是单数形式且有定冠词the。
5.There is _____ water in the bottle.A.aB.anC.someD.any答案:C。
water 是不可数名词,A 和B 选项用于可数名词,D 选项any 用于否定句和疑问句,some 可以修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数,用于肯定句。
6.I ate _____ apple and _____ orange for breakfast.A.an,aB.a,anD./,/答案:A。
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中学英语易错题训练选择题1. —Have you found the book? ——.A. No, not even onceB. Not yetC. No, alreadyD. Yes, I did2. I didn’t quite understand how they got the books back so .A. quickB. more quicklyC. quickerD. quickly3. I used on my own.A. to liveB. liveC. livingD. to living4. —you ever to Beijing ? —Yes, once.A. Have; goneB. Did; goC. Do; goD. Have; been5. Sorry, but your address again, please. I catch it.A. didn’tB. don’tC. won’tD. wouldn’t6. ——I saw Kate a green dress at the meeting.——I think she looks better red.A. dressed; inB. put on; wearC. wearing; inD. wear; put on7. What you angry with?A. haveB. willC. areD. do8. The dirty river .A. is smelt badB. smells badlyC. is smelt badlyD. smells bad9. The radio is too noisy. Will you please ?A. turn off itB. turn it onC. turn it upD. turn it down10. There’s going to a film show modern art in the library.A. be; atB. have; ofC. have; onD. be; about11. Would you please your shoes on the floor?A. not to dropB. not dropC. don’t dropD. not dropping12. Where does your sister her meals?A. hasB. haveC. havingD. had13. Mike and his sister here a moment ago.A. isB. areC. wereD. be14. It was New Year’s Eve. Xiao Ming was busy some new pictures on the wall.A. put upB. puts upC. putting upD. putting on15. I often porridge for breakfast those days.A. havingB. haveC. hasD. had16. Tea is in the south of China.A. growB. growsC. growingD. grown17. How about out for a walk?A. goB. to goC. goingD. goes18. I heard her that she was too fat.A. saysB. to sayC. saidD. say19. Shall we at the school gate?A. meetB. to meetC. metD. meeting20. It’s much better than TV at home.A. watchB. watchesC. watchingD. watched21. Look! Li Lei and Lin Feng kite over there.A. is flyingB. are flyingC. fliesD. flew22. You the house at once or I the police.A. leave; callB. leave; will callC. will leave; callD. will leave; will23. The train for ten minutes when we reached the station.A. had goneB. had leftC. went awayD. had been away24. The Kings TV when I to see them.A. were watching; wentB. was watching; wentC. are watching; are goingD. watched; was going25. My uncle for Hong Kong next week.A. is goingB. is leavingC. will goD. left26. How many machines in the last few weeks?A. did they makeB. will they makeC. have they madeD. are they making27. What he do as soon as he free tomorrow?A. does; isB. will; will beC. will; isD. does; will be28. I thought he us something interesting about France because he there.A. would tell; had beenB. had told; would goC. will tell; wentD. would tell; had gone29. We will have a sports meeting if it rain tomorrow.A. won’tB. isn’tC. doesn’tD. has30. —Where were you in July last year?—This time last year my family and I grandparents in New York.A. was visitingB. visitedC. had visitedD. were visiting31. Could you tell me if she a talk tomorrow?A. would giveB. has givenC. will giveD. gives32. He hardly hurt himself in the accident, he?A. doesn’tB. didn’tC. didD. does33. How long the TV play ?A. has; beganB. did; openC. did; lastD. has; watched34. Mr Smith with his parents China since two years ago.A. have been inB. have gone toC. has been toD. has been in35. of the two girls is from Beijing.A. AllB. BothC. NoneD. Neither36. We went to travel with some friends of .A. us B ours C. our D. ourselves37. Why not look up the new word in a dictionary you don’t know it?A. ifB. thatC. thoughD. whether38. all the passengers are here, why don’t we start at once?A. As soon asB. AfterC. Now thatD. When39. —I’m going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend.—you are there, can you buy me some green tea?A. BecauseB. WhileC. IfD. Though40. I can’t understand this passage there are no new words in it.A. ifB. becauseC. thoughD. and41. the night before Christmas Day, parents fill their children’s stocking with smallpresents.A. InB. AtC. ToD. On42. The book was written English.A. inB. withC. fromD. by43. —Sorry, Miss Zhang. I’m late again. —Oh no, Meimei. You’re just in time class.A. forB. atC. ofD. on44. You don’t need to look every new word in your dictionary while reading.A. forB. atC. afterD. up45. The coat bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a one.A. smallB. largeC. nicerD. smaller46. Of all these subjects, I like Chinese .A. moreB. betterC. wellD. best47. Things are on the moon on the earth.A. much lighter; thanB. much heavier; thanC. as heavy; asD. not so light; as48. —I’ve had enough bread. Would you like ? —No, thanks.A. a few moreB. one moreC. another moreD. some more49. The ice in the lake is about one meter . It’s strong enough to skate on.A. longB. highC. thickD. wide50. —will Mr Green go back to London? —In two weeks.A. How often B How long C. How soon D. How far51. —We are going to see a film this evening. Why not go with us?—I have to do many things this evening. I’m , you see.A. freeB. gladC. sorryD. busy52. Look! beautiful that lake is!A. WhatB. HowC. How aD. What a53. I’m still hungry. Could I have two pieces of bread, please?A. muchB. manyC. moreD. most54. —Who did it better, Bill or Henry? —I think Bill did just Henry.A. as well asB. as good asC. as better asD. more badly than55. Mr Smith’s plane . Let’s wait for him here.A. hasn’t arrivedB. didn’t arriveC. doesn’t arriveD. couldn’t arrive56. Almost all the water gone. Please save water!A. areB. isC. haveD. were57. Mr Li is out. But he here ten minutes ago.A. wasB. isC. will beD. would be58. —Look! The bus is coming. —But it’s full of people. We can’t it.A. get offB. get downC. get on withD. get on59. Jane a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.A. buysB. is buyingC. boughtD. will buy60. A. talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week.A. is givenB. has been givenC. will be givenD. will give61. I will tell you how to get to the place, you’d better it .A. try; onB. get; offC. take; downD. pick; up62. Germany and Great Britain are countries, but China and India are ones.A. developing; developedB. developed; to developC. developed; developingD. to develop; developing63. —Must I finish my homework now? —No, you . You do it this evening.A. mustn’t; canB. needn’t ; mayC. can’t; mustD. needn’t; must64. The VIPS (Very Important Persons) from 21 countries will the APEC in Shanghaithis autumn.A. holdB. take part inC. joinD. attend65. The government will some new colleges for more student’s to receive highereducation.A. set upB. set outC. put downD. put on66. —Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?—Oh, sorry, but I don’t know. You go and ask that policeman.A. mayB. mustC. wouldD. should67. —It’s a lovely day, it? —Yes. Let’s go out for a walk.A. doesn’tB. haven’tC. aren’tD. isn’t68. —We can use MSN to with each other on the net.—Really? Will you show me how to use it?A. speakB. talkC. sayD. tell69. —What does the sentence “Don’t trouble till trouble you” mean?—Sorry, I have no idea.A. troubleB. troublesC. troubledD. will trouble70. —Did you work out the problem, Tom?—Yes, of course. I to the teacher’s.A. have just beenB. have just gotC. have just comeD. have just gone71. —do you about spring? —The flowers and the green trees.A. How; likeB. How; thinkC. What; thinkD. What; like72. —Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow.—Yes. But if it , we’ll visit the museum instead.A. you have; will rainB. you will have; will rainC. you will have; rainsD. will you have; rains73. We usually have six lessons a day, and each of them 45 minutes.A. lastB. lastsC. haveD. need74. It ten years since they to France.A. was; movedB. was; have movedC. is; have movedD. is; moved75. Today, the forests have almost gone. People must down too many trees.A. stop to cutB. stop from cuttingC. be stopped to cutD. be stopped from cutting76. The doctor did what he could that child.A. saveB. to saveC. savedD. saving77. Mother said that cooking much time every day.A. paidB. spentC. madeD. took78. I can’t understand the boy alone.A. why she leftB. why did she leaveC. why had she leftD. why did she leave79. You’d better your shoes on the floor?A. not to dropB. not dropC. don’t dropD. not dropping80. —Your coat looks nice. Is it cotton? —Yes. It’s Shanghai.A. made of; made byB. made of; made inC. made for; made byD. made from; made in81. —So you went to see the film with Tom. —Yes. Bob with me.A. won’t goB. isn’t goingC. doesn’t goD. wouldn’t go82. —Excuse me. Where is the Science Museum?—Take No. 3 bus and at the fourth stop.A. get onB. get offC. get upD. get to83. —Your name again? I quite catch it. —Federico MacAdam.A. didn’tB. don’tC. wouldn’tD. won’t84. This is an old photo of mine when I .A. have short hairsB. had short hairsC. have short hairD. had short hair85. —Can I this book? —Yes, but you mustn’t it to others.A. lend; borrowB. borrow; keepC. borrow; lendD. lend; keep86. —Which of Shanghai do you come from?—Let me show you on the map.A. cityB. villageC. countryD. part87. Can you tell us ?A. where have you goneB. where you have goneC. where have you beenD. where you have been88. There are few people on the playground, ?A. are thereB. are theyC. aren’t thereD. aren’t they89. —They haven’t paid for their tickets, have they?—. They didn’t pay any money.A. Yes, they haveB. No, they haven’tC. Yes, they didD. No, they didn’t90. —I haven’t seen you for a long time. How is everything, Kate?— .A Not too bad B. Very well C. Not at all D. I’m all right91. —I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes.—.A. Not at allB. You’re welcomeC. Of courseD. It’s a pleasure92. —Do you mind if I open the door?—.A. No, of course notB. Yes, pleaseC. Yes, you canD. No, you can’t open it93. —Mike, I’ll go for the football match.—I hope you win the game.A. Very well.B. See you.C. Good luck!D. congratulations!94. —I lost my new bike yesterday.—.A.Don’t worry. You can buy another one.B.I’m sorry to hear that.C.Never mind.D.Who did it?95. “Let’s go for a long walk into the country this morning.”“, but I think I’m catching a cold.”A. I certainly could use the exerciseB. Yes, let’s goC. Sure. I’d like to go for a long walkD. No, I won’t96. , but I can’t tell you about that.A. Excuse meB. I’m sorryC. All rightD. By the way97. —?—It’s eight.A. What day is itB. What’s five and threeC. How old are youD. What’s your telephone number98. —What a nice meal! Thank you for having us.—.A. It doesn’t matterB. It was a pleasureC. Not nice enoughD. With pleasure99. —.—Yes, please. I’d like half a kilo of meat.A. Would you like some meat or fishB. What about something to eatC. How do you like thisD. Can I help you100. How long has he ?A. diedB. been deathC. been deadD. dead参考答案:1-5 BDADA 6-10 CCDDD 11-15 BBCCD 16-20 DCDAC 21-25 BBDAB 26-30 CCACD 31-35 CCCDD 36-40 BACBC 41-45 DAADD 46-50 DADCC 51-55 DBCAA 56-60 BADCC 61-65 CCBDA 66-70 ADBBA 71-75 DCBDD 76-80 BDABB 81-85 DBADC 86-90 DDABB 91-95 AACBA 96-100 ABBDC。