
2022 年度校园英文歌曲大赛主持稿开场白闫: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Welcome to our English Singing Competition! Thank you for being here!安: 各位领导、老师、同学们大家上午好!欢迎来到2022 年度校园英文歌曲大赛的比赛现场。
闫:This competition gives us a chance to present ourselves.安:This competition gives us a chance to challenge ourselves.闫:下面,请允许我隆重的为大家介绍莅临本次英文歌曲大赛的各位领导和老师,他们是:东北育才实验学校小学部程校长、周校长、施校长、鲍校长。
安:第一届英文歌曲大赛的画面仍然记忆犹心,就让我们将回顾定格,将梦想延续!闫:We believe we are the most outstanding.安:We believe we are the best!安:Hello, everyone. I’m Mabel from Class 4,Grad e 3.闫:Hello, I’m Victor from Class One, Gra de 4.闫:Now, let’s welcome all the contestants to come to the stage.安:欢迎选手,闪亮登场!比赛开始①闫:Mabel, do you like Christmas?安:Yes, I do! When Christmas comes, all the children are very happy.闫:Ok, now let’s enjoy a song about Christmas. First, let’s look at the VCR.安:请看大屏幕。

大学英文歌曲大赛主持词大学英文歌曲大赛主持词男: ladies and gentlemen,女:Boys and girls ,合:Welcome to 20xx the sport- art-culture festival of Dadiji middle school ---English Songs Competition.女:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好,欢迎来到大地基中学20xx年体育艺术文化节--英语歌曲比赛晚会。
男: I’m the hoster of tonight, I’m....女I’m...男: Firstly, let's introduce today's judges and guests.女;:首先,我们非常荣幸的介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。
(介绍评委)男: Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students.女:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。
(2分)本次大赛为十分制,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,所得平均分就是节目最后得分男: Ok,let’s begin our party.女: Alright,so everybody clear on what’s going to happen today? Then, Are you ready? let’s get started.男:我们都非常期待今天这场精彩的比赛,亲爱的各位同学们,你们准备好了吗?现在我宣布,20xx年大地基中学体育艺术文化周英语歌曲比赛晚会现在开始。

英文歌曲主持词英文歌曲主持词英文歌曲比赛主持词【1】Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the “First Foreign Language Songs Contest of FuYang Teachers’ College”In may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bring the silent wishes; In may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.The youth is also spraying in such days.To set a stage for showing the youth, we welcome the First Foreign Language Songs Contest.First in order to boom the college culture and actively promote the construction of a spiritual civilization in culture and art; the second is to motivate the students’ interests in learning foreign languages; the third is to show our college stud ents’ qualities of foreign languages; the last is to show the spiritual look of endeavoring actively and healthily.This contest is hosted by the Foreign Language Department and undertaken by the students’ union of the Foreign Language Department.First of all, please let me introduce the judges and teachers present in this contest.They are …Let’s welcome them with a round of applause and also this applause is for every student here tonight.Now please let me introduce the standards of the Marks and the arrangements of the Prizes.The full marks for this contest are 100.The following are the standards:1.The requirements of healthy contents, vivid subjects and graceful melodies of the songs.2.The requirements of singing thoroughly and fluently with an accurate pronunciation and harmonious temper.3.The requirements of singing clearly with deep affections going with the songs.4.The requirements of neat costume, elegant appearance and generous behaviors.For this contest, we have arranged several prizes and next are the distributions of them:Two people are supposed to get the First-class prize, four people for the Second-class prize’, six people for the third-class prize, and several people are supposed to get the excellent prize.In addition to this, we also have arranged the prize for those who organize the contest excellently.1.Ok, we have said so much.Let’s come to the contest.First, let’s wear the musical wings to fly in the sky.Different people have different tastes in music.Next, let’s enjoy the song “I Believe I Can Fly” from No 1 player.2 “I believe I can fly”.Yes, the young people all need such confidence and courage.I think this song was written for Mike Jodon, but for NBA, Yao Ming must be beloved by most Chinese basketball fans.And no w let’s welcome No.2 player and see what she brings to us.3 Oh, I see, it should be “pretty girl”.Just as every boy has his Snowwhite, so every girl has herpretty boy.Next let’s see what is No.3 player’s “pretty boy”4 If the “pretty boy” shows us th e internal beauty, then the “skater boy” shows us the external beauty.Since we have seen the “pretty boy”, let’s appreciate the “skater boy” from No.4 player.5 I think no matter what the “pretty boy” or “skater boy” is, they both are shinny.Right, the sunshine is for us, the seasons are for us, then let’s enjoy the song “seasons in the sun” from No 5 player.6 The song “seasons in the sun” reminds me of the sunshine, warmness and our great mother----the greatest women in the world.So next, let’s feel the song “women’s hearts” from No .6 player.7 People often say that “women are fragile” except for their affections.I think the best thing to express it is tear.Now let’s enjoy the song “tears’ words” from No 7 player.8 We can see these songs are all melodious.So if we combine the most romantic language with music, what can we deduce from it.Now, let’s welcome the French song “ma normalelie”.9 We have heard many talks about the “super girl”.What they sing are the youth’s dreams and on one’s way to pursue the dreams there are happiness, bitterness and cooperation.Next let’s enjoy the song “super girl” from No 9 player.10 Good songs are always melodious, and let alone the songs about the young.We should love others as well as love ourselves.Next l et’s enjoy the song “ my love”.From No 10 player.11 For now, maybe we have appreciated the English songs thoroughly, as well as the French and Japanese songs.But next you can feel the Moscow’s customs, and so let’s enjoy a Russian song “ Moscow’s outskirt’s evening” from No 11 players.12 As a proverb says that it is natural to let things come and go.Next let’s enjoy the song “the day you went away” from No 12 player.13 Different people can sing different “pretty boy”, but with different feelings and the same happiness.Next let’s feel the beauty of the song “pretty boy” from No .13 player.14 Usually we get nothing after hard work when we pursue some perfect things.But when we look back we will find they are here.A song “there you will be” from No.14 player is for you.15 During the process of pursuing, it is very hard.Sometimes we may feel lonely, but we know keep the loneliness means welcome the spring.Now let’s appreciate the song “lonely” from No.15 player.16 In fact, I think leave the loneliness to oneself is not a good thing.We can make good use of our world.Open the heaven’s door to enjoy the sunshine and you will find another world.Now let’s enjoy the song “knocking on the heaven’s door” from No 16 player.17 It is natural to feel lonely and it is essential to comfort ourselves through the sunshine from the paradise.But usually we need our friends’ comfort and so we need each other’ help.Next let’s welcome the song “I need you tonight” from No .17 player.18 Just because your company the biggest bitterness will be shared between us and the smallest happiness will be filled with the whole world.So the world become a big amusement and now let’s enjoy the song” happy amusement” from No 18 player.19 Since we have played in the happy amusement, what about tasting the delicious fruits? Then let’s enjoy the song “fruit basket” from No 19 player.20 The following song is my favourite song and I can’t help myself singing a piece of it .can you guess what is it? Oh.That’s it and next let’s enjoy the song “hey jude” from No 20 player.21 Having just said goodbye to the English boy and let’s enter the French girls’ world.So let’s enjoy the song “ yilian” from No 21 player.22 Judge is for the old and yilian is for the girl herself.Then n ext what we are going to hear is for each other’s.different songs have different stories and finally let’s feel the story from No 22 player.The last is always the most melodious.Our contest is over going with the songs.Many players have made deep impressions on this contest with different feelings.Because this we will leave the rights of judgment for the judges and next let’s welcome the judges to make their judgments on this contest.尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎大家来到阜阳师范学院首届外国语歌曲大赛的现场。

乙:请允许我说明一下本次比赛的评分细则评分细则(满分100分)A) 语音语调40 B) 音准音质10 C)台风10 D)整体造型10E) 表演创意10 F)对乐谱的忠实程度,表现技巧和真实性20甲:一号选手为我们带来一首旋律优美的英文歌曲,这首歌是加拿大电影《最后一支舞》的主题曲,表达了恋人即将永别的深深的痛苦和无奈,歌曲前段如同恋人的丝丝低语,温婉而浪漫,以一个回忆作为开头,用一种仿如异国情缘的浪漫道来。
乙:请欣赏来自XXX带来的歌曲《Just one last dance》。
为我们带来一首Someone watching over me,掌声有请。

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)F: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of Xi'an Conservatory of Music 2010 English Songs Competition. M: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
F: I’m the hostess of tonight, I’m ZHANGSHAN.M: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……F: In today's Grand Final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). These contestants have given very impressive performances So we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.M: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!F: Firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests.I have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this English Song Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. xxx from...M: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。

脉动新声决赛主持稿J:Ladies and gentlemenV:Respected leaders and teachers and dear studentsT:大家晚上好V:that was a wonderful performance where all 10 finalists came together to sing 《say something》and《we will rock you》J:刚刚开场的第一part精彩的表演是由进入本场决赛的10名选手共同合唱的《say something》and《we will rock you》V:Thank you 林如妹who came from the art department especially to accompany our finalists on the piano,J:感谢林如妹的钢琴伴奏,我们还要感谢的是英语系舞蹈队活力四射的精彩伴舞V:让我们再一次以热烈的掌声感谢他们。
J:I’m your host Jason, and the beautiful British girl standing next to me is Vienna Crystal Rose Backer AshworthV:其实你们可以叫我Vee,这样简单多了对吧J: 的确简单多了,vee is beautiful girl yes?Tall girl yes?But i’m still very honoured to have you as our competitions co’hostV: thank you Jason, it's my pleasure to be here with you this evening. in tonight's grand final ,there are 10 finalists who were all winners in the semi-final. these contestants have given very impressive performances so we know that tonight will be a very grueling competition.J:他们经历了初赛、复赛,直至晋级今晚的总决赛,一路走来,他们的表现都非常出色。

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)F: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of Xi'an Conservatory of Music 2010 English Songs Competition. M: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
F: I’m the hostess of tonight, I’m ZHANGSHAN.M: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……F: In today's Grand Final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). These contestants have given very impressive performances So we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.M: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!F: Firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests.I have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this English Song Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. xxx from...M: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: my friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)f: good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of xi'an conservatory of music XX english songs competition.m: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院XX年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
f: i’m the hostess of tonight, i’m zhangshan.m: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……f: in today's grand final(决赛) there are 18 finalists (决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). these contestants have given very impressive performances so we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.m: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!f: firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests. i have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this english song contest. ladies and gentlemen, mr. xxx from...m: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。
第一篇:英语歌唱比赛英文主持稿English Song Contest Hosts Contribution W: Good evening, my honored teachers. X: Good evening, my fellow students. W: We will be the hosts today. X: I’m Xiong Xinya. W: I’m Wang Zhiying.X: This is a happy day full of flowers day. W: This is a day full of hope for the future day. X: In this beautiful day, we gathered together. W: In this wonderful day, we burst into songs. X: Class 3’s English Song Contest XW: starts now!W: The purpose of the contest is to arouse students’interest in English learning and motivate them to practice their English. X: First of all, please allow us to introduce our distinguished guests here who are: W: the foreign teacher Mrs. Moore, X: and our head teacher Mr. Ye. W: Today, there will be 11 students to sing for us. X: And all of you will be the judges of the contest. W: Thank you very much for joining us.X: Now, ladies and gentleman, let’s welcome the first contestant Peng Kailun with warm applause! W: I can’t wait! Now please enjoy her song Tik Tok. Please make a good start!W: I couldn’t imagine a cute girl had a voice with strong rhythm before her singing. X: Yes. What an amazing performance! And I love it very much.X: Life is like a show, we should show our best. Let’s welcome Qin Ye. Her song is The show.X: Her voice is really beautiful. Don’t you think so? W: I approve of you. X: And I have strong desire to see next show. W: We know, music is created for expressing our spirit. Just sing a song for who you love and who love you. My Love, hope you will like it.W: Thanks for her nice performance. My Love is really classical! I love it. X: I also enjoy it. Next one is Mao Yangbo. His song is My Love, too. W: Let’s listen to him.X: His voice gives us another feeling. His singing is quite different from Zhou Yu’s. W: I think so. However, their shows both are very nice. X: Let’s enjoy Zhou Bo’s Beautiful in White.X: If I remember correctly, Beautiful in White was originality sung by Westlife. The group is really popular! So Zhou Bo, why did you choose this song? X: (Free Play) W: Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, love should be kept in our heart. Next song is Jar of Love, it will be sung by Huang Zhe.X: Her voice made me feel a little distressed. I reveled in the beautiful song just now. W: Me too. I want to enjoy it once more. X: I hope you will. We often wish we can turn back time, though it’s impossible. Please welcome Liu Fuhan and her song Back to December. W: Let’s enjoy.X: I love her voice, it’s different from others. It’s simple but real. W: I agree with you. I think she is a little nervous. I once said that love is the most beautiful things, and somebody even against the world in order to love. Let’s enjoy Us Against the World, which will be sung by Huang Yuqing.W: How great her performance is! I still remember the beautiful lyrics. X: You are right. The lyrics are like the beautiful poem! W: In our life, we usually pray for wealth, health and everything we want, because we believe the God will help us. Let’s enjoy Zhu Rui’s Pray.X: The song is really beautiful. I fell in love with it. It makes me forget the unhappy things and trouble in life. W: Yes, I love this kind of songs very much. When I am at a loss, those songs will help me find the right direction.X: After a peaceful song, we will enjoy a pop song. Then let’s enjoy Dynamite, it will be sung by Zhang Jiacheng.W: When I heard the melody, I can’t help feeling like dancing! It’s really rhythmed. X: His performance is really nice. In our life, we should have a clear direction showing us where to go. So we need holding our heart in our hands. Then it’s my turn. My song is Holding a Heart.W: You voice is really nice. I have never known you could sing well before today. X: Thank you very much. W: Everybody knows that time is really valuable, especially when you spend your time with someone who is important to you. So never close our eyes, cause we got no time to lose. Please enjoy the song Never Close Our Eyes which will be sung by the last contestant, Ye Yihang!W: Thank you. From now on, I will try to make good use of every minutes of myself because of your song. X: Me too. Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance. You really did a good job! The most exciting part of the contest is coming! Now let’s welcome our English teacher Ms. Lan. And she will choose some student to give an extra show for us!(After the extra show)W: Now please all of you to choose the best contestant today. (……) X: Oh! Congratulations! XXX, you are the best contestant! What do you want to say to our classmates and our teachers?W: Our voice is like the singing bird today X: Our smile is like the bright sunshine today. W: I hope we can always smile happily like this. X: I hope we can always singing beautifully like this. W: Thank you! Congratulations everybody, you are really excellent, thank you for you outstanding performance. X: Thanks our distinguished guests. You are the best guests! W: Now, ladies and gentleman, thank you for your watching! X: Class 3’s English Song Contest XW: is ended!第二篇:歌唱比赛主持稿男:登上和美龙山的舞台女;唱响龙山人民的风采男:这里是由日日升超市、立白洗衣粉和栗子园饮品赞助的第二届唱响龙山的决赛现场,尊敬的各位来宾女:亲爱的朋友们,大家合:晚上好男:今晚,让我们的歌声在夜空中飘扬女:今晚,让我们的笑容在掌声中绽放男:经过了激烈的初赛,我们评出了17名选手参加本次决赛。

储: my friends this competition is upcoming, please adjust your cellphonesto vibrate or silent,, thanks for your cooperation.骆:谢谢同学们带来的精彩开场舞蹈储: thank you for their excellent performance. 骆:尊敬的各位领导琴:各位老师储:亲爱的同学们骆:大家合:晚上好!骆:欢迎大家来到2013新航道唱响英文歌手大赛的现场。
我是主持人---(男女)储: good eveningladies and gentlemen,distinguished guests and honorable judges.welcometo the new channel made english the singing compe -tition.i am the host chuyier.琴:五月,初夏的阳光和细雨送来无言的贺喜;骆:五月,芬飞的花枝和彩蝶献上满校园的灿烂。
储: in may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bringthe silent wishes;in may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.琴:这是一个充满鲜花和快乐的日子骆:这是一个充满未来与希望的日子储: this is a happy day full of flowers ;this is a day full of hope .琴:在这个美好的日子里,我们放声歌唱骆:在这个美好的日子里,我们欢聚一堂,欢聚在这个充满欢笑与歌声的殿堂,共度由新航道英语带给我们的美好时光储: in this beautiful day,we burst into song.inthis beautiful day,we gather in this place with joy and singings,sharing the happy time new channel bring us. 琴:新航道“唱响英文”歌手大赛秉承着推进大学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性的宗旨,为我们提供了一个展现自己的机会。


外文歌曲大赛主持词【篇一:外国语学院第一届英语歌曲大赛主持人串词】外国语学院第一届英语歌曲大赛主持人串词合:good afternoon, honorable teachers, ladies and gentlemen,刘:女士们朱:先生们合:大家下午好(鞠躬)张:welcome to the first song singing contest held by college of foreign language literature.刘:欢迎来到河西学院外国语学院第一届英语歌曲大赛的比赛现场四人依次介绍:i’m mao zhongchao; i’m zhu sifan; i’m zhang shiyi; i’m liu yan张:in today’s contest there are 25 contestants, we think the competition will be wonderful and grueling.刘:在今天的比赛中共有25名参赛选手,我们相信今天的比赛一定会非常精彩和激烈。
毛:the p urpose of singing contest is to arouse students’ interest in english learning and motivate them to practice their english.朱:此次大赛的目的旨在提高学生英语学习的兴趣并且激发他们语言学习的积极性张:once again let’s welcome all the teachers and students.刘:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来毛:now, allow me to introduce the criteria of judgment. the total score will be 100. the singing skills and content is 50 points; the pronunciation and intonation is 30 points; the stage performance is 20 points.朱: 现在,请允许我为大家介绍此次大赛的比赛规则:演唱技巧和内容占50分;语音语调占30分;舞台表现力占20分张:now, i can’t wait to have the singing contest. let’s get started.刘:现在我已经有点迫不及待了,我宣布:河西学院外国语学院第一届英语歌曲大赛现在开始张:now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome the contestant no.1 with warm applause, contestant no.2 please get ready.刘:女士们先生们,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎1号选手,请2号参赛选手做好准备1. the day you went away—赵薇毛:thanks contestant no.1, let’s welcome contestant no.2, contestant no.3 please get ready.朱:感谢1号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎2号选手,请3号参赛选手做好准备2. big big world—刘春张:thanks contestant no.2, let’s welcome contesta nt no.3, contestant no.4 please get ready.刘:感谢2号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎3号选手,请4号参赛选手做好准备3. edelweiss—刘兴梅毛:thanks contestant no.3;jimmy, we know the next contestant will present a songnamed god is a girl, why do you think god is a girl, not a boy?朱:girl is beautiful, kind and elegant, just like the god毛:yeah! now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcomecontestant no.4, contestant no.5 please get ready.朱:女士们先生们,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎4号选手,请5号参赛选手做好准备4. god is a girl—刘晓玲张:thanks contestant no.4, let’s we lcome contestant no.5, contestant no.6 please get ready.刘:感谢4号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎5号选手,请6号参赛选手做好准备5. my love—张国寿毛:thanks contestant no.5, let’s welcome contestant no.6, contestant no.7 please get ready.朱:感谢5号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎6号选手,请7号参赛选手做好准备6. china girl—3人组合张:thanks contestant no.6, betray is an unfriendly thing, let’s welcome contestant no.7, contestant no.8 please get ready.朱:感谢6号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎7号选手,请8号参赛选手做好准备7. betrayal—张树杉张:thanks contestant no.7, in my view, friendship means someone who has true friends, when they get trouble, their friends will help them, shining friend from contestant no.8, contestant no.9 please get ready.刘:感谢7号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎8号选手,请9号参赛选手做好准备8. shining friend—黄洁金润玉毛:thanks contestant no.8, let’s welcome contestant no.9, contestant no.10 please get ready.朱:感谢8号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎9号选手,请10号参赛选手做好准备9. only love—张婷婷张:thanks contestant no.9, let’s welcome contestant no.10, contestant no.11 please get ready.刘:感谢9号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎10号选手,请11号参赛选手做好准备10. when you believe—陈凌毛:thanks contestant no.10朱:sir,if a girl said she has a little love to you, what will you do?毛:it is impossible, i’m dull in that case. let’s welcome contestant no.11, contestant no.12 please get ready.朱:感谢10号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎11号选手,请12号参赛选手做好准备 11. a little love—杨银花张:thanks contestant no.11, let’s welcome contestant no.12, contestant no.13 please get ready.刘:感谢10号选手的精彩表现,仕义,你知道哪首歌唱过两遍了?张:i don’t know.刘:do you like it?张:no, of course not, i know it. god is a girl. let welcome contestant no.13, contestant no.14 please get ready.12. god is a girl—付亚楠李晶晶毛:thanks contestant no.12, le t’s welcome contestant no.13, contestant no.14 please get ready.朱:感谢12号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎13号选手,请14号参赛选手做好准备13. red river valley—安纪洁曹婷婷等毛:thanks contestant no.13, let’s welcome contestant no.14, contestant no.15 please get ready.刘:感谢13号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎14号选手,请15号参赛选手做好准备14. forever friend—6人组合毛:it’s really an outstanding performance. thanks contestant no.14, let’s welcome contestant no.15, contestant no.16 please get ready.朱:感谢14号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎15号选手,请16号参赛选手做好准备15. pretty boy—赵阳阳贾云燕王鑫张:thanks contestant no.15 刘艳,when you are sad what do you want to do? 刘:那时我想找一个人倾诉张:sorry, i am so sorry to hear that. but don’t worry, my shoulder is waiting for you. 刘:thank you very much.张:let’s welcome contestant no.16, contestant no.17 please get ready.刘:让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎16号选手,请17号参赛选手做好准备16. cry on my shoulder—张珍院卫丽张晓尚张惠梅毛:thanks contestant no.16, let’s welcome contestant no.17, contestant no.18 please get ready.朱:感谢16号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎17号选手,请18号参赛选手做好准备17. heartbeats—杨旭张:thanks co ntestant no.17, let’s welcome contestant no.18, contestant no.19 please get ready.刘:感谢17号选手的精彩表现,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎18号选手,请19号参赛选手做好准备18. lemon tree—陈彤毛:thanks contestant no.18. sometimes in our life, we have to wait, wait someone, wait success, even wait a good job.朱:是啊,人生就是充满了各种等待,我们只有耐心去等待才有可能会收获成功。

英语歌曲比赛主持人稿第一篇:英语歌曲比赛主持人稿英语歌曲比赛主持人稿甲:尊敬的老师们、同学们甲、乙:大家下午好!丙:Good afternoon, My dear teachers ,boys and girls!甲:送走金黄的秋季,迎来寒冷的冬季乙:寒冷的季节孕育希望,到处都是欢乐祥和的海洋丙:蓝天白云,放飞着同学们驰骋的心灵甲:碧波大海,映衬出同学们宽阔的胸怀乙:今天,是喜悦让我们相聚在一起甲:今天,是共同的畅想让我们手拉手来到这里,让我们用歌声唱出自己的心声。
丙:today, we get together ,and enjoy our festival.甲:十堰市外国语学校第七届英语文化节歌唱比赛现在开始!丙:···你们班是不是也要参加这次比赛啊?是啊!并且我们准备的很充分呢!看样子一定是准备很长时间了!同学们一定也很辛苦吧!有位uncle也很辛苦,你知道是谁吗?请欣赏由一年级3班和4班同学为我们带来的《Old macdolnd》丙:Welcome!2.甲:我们是新世纪的雏鹰,乙:今天,我们磨练羽翼;明天,我们将搏击长空!甲:人生的一瞬,就在这一瞬,我们所付出的,必将收获源源不断的学识。
乙:唱着快乐的歌,奔向明天,奔向未来丙:请欣赏二年级3和4班同学为我们带来的《Brush my teeth day and night》Welcome!3.甲:歌唱祖国,是我们永恒的旋律;乙:歌唱祖国,是我们义不容辞的责任;丙:五星红旗迎风飘扬,胜利歌声多么嘹亮。
甲:我们在幸福的大家庭里,一起《歌唱祖国》丙:we live in a big family, I love my family, I love my country , I love my people 乙:下面,请欣赏六年级3班和4班的同学们给我们带来的《You are my sunshine》丙:welcome!4.甲:向前,向前进,奔向锦绣前程;乙:唱着快乐的歌,奔向明天,奔向未来。

英文歌曲主持词英文歌曲比赛主持词【1】Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the “First Foreign Language Songs Contest of FuYang Teachers’ College”In may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bring the silent wishes; In may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.The youth is also spraying in such days.To set a stage for showing the youth, we welcome the First Foreign Language Songs Contest.First in order to boom the college culture and actively promote the construction of a spiritual civilization in culture and art; the second is to motivate the students’ interests in learning foreign languages; the third is to show our college students’ qualities of foreign languages; the last is to show the spiritual look of endeavoring actively and healthily.This contest is hosted by the Foreign Language Department and undertaken by the students’ union of the Foreign Language Department.First of all, please let me introduce the judges and teachers present in this contest.They are …Let’s welcome them with a round of applause and also this applause is for every student here tonight.Now please let me introduce the standards of the Marks and the arrangements of the Prizes.The full marks for this contest are 100.The following are the standards:1.The requirements of healthy contents, vivid subjects and graceful melodies of the songs.2.The requirements of singing thoroughly and fluently with an accurate pronunciation and harmonious temper.3.The requirements of singing clearly with deep affections going with the songs.4.The requirements of neat costume, elegant appearance and generous behaviors.For this contest, we have arranged several prizes and next are the distributions of them:Two people are supposed to get the First-class prize, four people for the Second-class prize’, six people for the third-class prize, and several people are supposed to get the excellent prize.In addition to this, we also have arranged the prize for those who organize the contest excellently.1.Ok, we have said so much.Let’s come to the contest.First, let’s wear the musical wings to fly in the sky.Different people have different tastes in music.Next, let’s enjoy the song “I Believe I Can Fly” from No 1 player.2 “I believe I can fly”.Yes, the young people all need such confidence and courage.I think this song was written for Mike Jodon, but for NBA, Yao Ming must be beloved by most Chinese basketball fans.And now let’s welcome No.2 player and see what she brings to us.3 Oh, I see, it should be “pretty girl”.Just as every boy has his Snowwhite, so every girl has her pretty boy.Next let’s see what is No.3 player’s “pretty boy”4 If the “pretty boy” shows us the internal beauty, then the “skater boy” shows us the external beauty.Since we have seen the “pretty boy”, let’s appreciate the “skater boy” from No.4 player.5 I think no matter what the “pretty boy” or “skater boy” is, they both are shinny.Right, the sunshine is for us, the seasons are for us, then let’s enjoy the song “seasons in the sun” from No 5 player.6 The song “seasons in the sun” reminds me of the sunshine, warmness and our great mother----the greatest women in the world.So next, let’s feel the song “women’s hearts” from No .6 player.7 People often say that “women are fragile” except for their affections.I think the best thing to express it is tear.Now let’s enjoy the song “tears’ words” from No 7 player.8 We can see these songs are all melodious.So if we combine the most romantic language with music, what can we deduce from it.Now, let’s welcome the French song “ma normalelie”.9 We have heard many talks about the “super girl”.What they sing are the youth’s dreams and on one’s way to pursue the dreams there are happiness, bitterness and cooperation.Next let’s enjoy the song “super girl” from No 9 player.10 Good songs are always melodious, and let alone the songs about the young.We should love others as well as love ourselves.Next let’s enjoy the song “ my love”.From No 10 player.11 For now, maybe we have appreciated the English songs thoroughly, as well as the French and Japanese songs.But next you can feel the Moscow’s customs, and so let’s enjoy a Russian song “ Moscow’s outskirt’s evening” from No 11 players.12 As a proverb says that it is natural to let things come and go.Next let’s enjoy the song “the day you went away” from No 12 player.13 Different people can sing different “pretty boy”, but with different feelings and the same happiness.Next let’s feel the beauty of the song “pretty boy” from No .13 player.14 Usually we get nothing after hard work when we pursue some perfect things.But when we look back we will find they are here.A song “there you will be” from No.14 player is for you.15 During the process of pursuing, it is very hard.Sometimes we may feel lonely, but we know keep the loneliness means welcome the spring.Now let’s appreciate the song “lonely” from No.15 player.16 In fact, I think leave the loneliness to oneself is not a good thing.We can make good use of our world.Open the heaven’s door to enjoy the sunshine and you will find another world.Now let’s enjoy the song “knocking on the heaven’s door” from No 16 player.17 It is natural to feel lonely and it is essential to comfort ourselves through the sunshine from the paradise.But usually we need our friends’ comfort and so we need each other’help.Next let’s welcome the song “I need you tonight” from No .17 player.18 Just because your company the biggest bitterness will be shared between us and the smallest happiness will be filled with the whole world.So the world become a big amusement and now let’s enjoy the song”happy amusement” from No 18 player.19 Since we have played in the happy amusement, what about tasting the delicious fruits? Then let’s enjoy the song “fruit basket” from No 19 player.20 The following song is my favourite song and I can’t help myself singing a piece of it .can you guess what is it? Oh.That’s it and next let’s enjoy the song “hey jude” from No 20 player.21 Having just said goodbye to the English boy and let’s enter the French girls’ world.So let’s enjoy the song “ yilian” from No 21 player.22 Judge is for the old and yilian is for the girl herself.Then next what we are going to hear is for each other’s.different songs have different stories and finally let’s feel the story from No 22 player.The last is always the most melodious.Our contest is over going with the songs.Many players have made deep impressions on this contest with different feelings.Because this we will leave the rights of judgment for the judges and next let’s welcome the judges to make their judgments on this contest.尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎大家来到阜阳师范学院首届外国语歌曲大赛的现场。

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: my friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)f: good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of xi'an conservatory of music XX english songs competition.m: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院XX年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
f: i’m the hostess of tonight, i’m zhangshan.m: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……f: in today's grand final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). these contestants have given very impressive performances so we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.m: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!f: firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests.i have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this english song contest. ladies and gentlemen, mr. from...m: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: my friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)f: good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of xi’an conservatory of music XX english songs competition.m: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院XX年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
f: i’m the hostess of tonight, i’m zhangshan.m: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……f: in today’s grand final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). these contestants have given very impressive performances so we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.m: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!f: firstly, let’s introduce today’s honorable judges and guests.i have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today’s judges for this english song contest. ladies and gentlemen, mr. xxx from...m: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。
主持词 英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:my friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)f: good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of xi'an conservatory of music xx english songs competition.m: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院xx年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
f: i’m the hostess of tonight, i’m zhangshan.m: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……f: in today's grand final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). these contestants have given very impressive performances so we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.m: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!f: firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests. i have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this english song contest. ladies and gentlemen, mr. xx from...m: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。

小学英文歌曲大赛主持词第一篇:小学英文歌曲大赛主持词xx小学英文歌曲大赛主持词2014.5.21 A:尊敬的各位老师。
B:首先请允许我介绍今天到场的评委老师,他们有:A:你知道什么是“嘟、来、咪”吗?B:“嘟、来、咪”不就是音符吗?A:答对了,不过我还要告诉你,“嘟、来、米”也是一首英文歌曲的名字,下面请欣赏由今天第一个出场的三(3)班表演的英文歌曲“Do Re Mi”。
(看一下出场的小女孩)原来是印第安小女孩呀!A:接下来请欣赏三(1)班女孩们为您献上的歌曲“Ten little Indian girls”(十个印第安小女孩)。
B:你我的心中都有一个大大的世界,请欣赏六(2)班范汝君同学为我们带来的“大世界”--“Big big world”A:快乐人人都想要。
一曲“If you are happy”(如果感到快乐,你就拍拍手)由四(2)班的同学为您献上,请欣赏。
B:我们小学生可喜欢唱Do Re Mi啦,下面再请欣赏三(2)班小朋友们带来的“Do Re Mi”(嘟、来、米)。
A:这些男孩是谁?B:是印第安男孩,下面请欣赏五(2)班的同学给我们献上“Ten little Indian boys”(十个印第安小男孩)A:一首经典的歌曲,一支优美的旋律,请欣赏小合唱“Edelweiss雪绒花”,有五(1)班的同学演唱。
五(1)班的同学给我们献上一首“If you are happy”(如果感到快乐,你就拍拍手),请欣赏。
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1.歌曲《Mocking Bird》柳博仁,高英恺
骏:下面欢迎柳博仁,高英恺为我们带来这首《Mocking Bird》
2.歌曲《There You'll Be》高玮临
亮:Everywhere I'm there you'll be. Your love made me make it through. 无论你到哪里,我都会形影相随,你的爱让我坚持到底,下面有请高玮临为我们带来《There You`ll Be》
5.歌曲《Take Me To Your Heart》李洋
玫:没错,下面我们继续欣赏精彩的节目,有请李洋带来《Take Me To Your Heart》
6.《Start Of Something New》高嗣慧,张艾萌
骏:接下来有请高嗣慧,张艾萌《Start Of Something New》
8.歌曲《Straw Hat》王晓娜等
骏:下面掌声欢迎英语组的老师们为我们带来歌曲《Straw Hat》
10.歌曲《Cry On My Shoulder》朱育瑶,王传文
亮:请听朱育瑶,王传文为我们带来《Cry On My Shoulder》
11.歌曲《Anything But Ordinary》金轶林
玫:请欣赏金轶林为我们带来《Anything But Ordinary》
13.歌曲《Don't Cry For Me,Argentina》张梦奇
亮:请欣赏张梦奇为我们带来的《Don't Cry For Me,Argentina》