
三十四团中学第一届英文歌曲大赛主持词男:Ladies and gentlemen,the competition will beginning,please keep quiet,thanks for your cooperation。
Our song is the hopes and dreams。
Our song is the fertile soil and sun。
女:我们的歌声像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋!男: 我们的歌声像翱翔的雄鹰,炫起淼淼的苍穹!女:我宣布男:三十四团中学“Morden English,Perfect life”英语歌手大赛,合:现在开始!女:首先请允许我们为大家介绍今天到场的各位嘉宾,他们是:First of all, please allow us to introduce our distinguished guests here who are:男:现在由我们为大家宣布本次大赛的评分细则女:下面有请来自八(一)班的选手吴琦、刘婷婷为我们带来的《onlylove》。
男:Really, that's something only love can do!再一次感谢他们的精彩演绎,让我们再一次感悟爱的伟大。
下面有请来自九(三)班的选手邹宇航、万一媛为我们带来的《a little love》。
女:I love you,not because you are a kind of person, but because I like the feeling with you。

小学英语歌曲比赛主持稿篇一:大辛店中心小学英文歌曲比赛主持词下杨小学英文歌曲比赛主持词女:Good afternoon, dear teachers!男:Good afternoon, dear boys and girls!女:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们~下午好~男:You know, English is very useful and important. So we must learn it well. 大家都知道,英语非常有用,并且非常重要。
During the past two years, we learned a lot of English.在过去的两年里,我们学了很多英语We sang songs. We played games. We had a lot of fun.我们唱歌,我们玩游戏. 我们真快乐~______In order to show ourselves, we hold an English Competition here.______为了给同学们提供展示英语才能的机会,我们在这里举行讲英语比赛。
______Welcome. Thank you for your coming.1______欢迎参加今天的英语比赛, 感谢各位的光临_______First, let me introduce our honorable judges._______首先介绍本次比赛的评委_______They are Miss Zheng, Miss Fu, Miss Liu, Miss Zhang and Miss Mao ______她们是郑老师,傅老师,刘老师,张老师和毛老师_____ Welcome.______欢迎你们______Second, let me say something about the competition.______下面宣布比赛的有关事项______The total score of the song and chant is 10.______英语歌曲歌谣比赛总分为10分。

英文歌曲主持词英文歌曲主持词英文歌曲比赛主持词【1】Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the “First Foreign Language Songs Contest of FuYang Teachers’ College”In may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bring the silent wishes; In may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.The youth is also spraying in such days.To set a stage for showing the youth, we welcome the First Foreign Language Songs Contest.First in order to boom the college culture and actively promote the construction of a spiritual civilization in culture and art; the second is to motivate the students’ interests in learning foreign languages; the third is to show our college stud ents’ qualities of foreign languages; the last is to show the spiritual look of endeavoring actively and healthily.This contest is hosted by the Foreign Language Department and undertaken by the students’ union of the Foreign Language Department.First of all, please let me introduce the judges and teachers present in this contest.They are …Let’s welcome them with a round of applause and also this applause is for every student here tonight.Now please let me introduce the standards of the Marks and the arrangements of the Prizes.The full marks for this contest are 100.The following are the standards:1.The requirements of healthy contents, vivid subjects and graceful melodies of the songs.2.The requirements of singing thoroughly and fluently with an accurate pronunciation and harmonious temper.3.The requirements of singing clearly with deep affections going with the songs.4.The requirements of neat costume, elegant appearance and generous behaviors.For this contest, we have arranged several prizes and next are the distributions of them:Two people are supposed to get the First-class prize, four people for the Second-class prize’, six people for the third-class prize, and several people are supposed to get the excellent prize.In addition to this, we also have arranged the prize for those who organize the contest excellently.1.Ok, we have said so much.Let’s come to the contest.First, let’s wear the musical wings to fly in the sky.Different people have different tastes in music.Next, let’s enjoy the song “I Believe I Can Fly” from No 1 player.2 “I believe I can fly”.Yes, the young people all need such confidence and courage.I think this song was written for Mike Jodon, but for NBA, Yao Ming must be beloved by most Chinese basketball fans.And no w let’s welcome No.2 player and see what she brings to us.3 Oh, I see, it should be “pretty girl”.Just as every boy has his Snowwhite, so every girl has herpretty boy.Next let’s see what is No.3 player’s “pretty boy”4 If the “pretty boy” shows us th e internal beauty, then the “skater boy” shows us the external beauty.Since we have seen the “pretty boy”, let’s appreciate the “skater boy” from No.4 player.5 I think no matter what the “pretty boy” or “skater boy” is, they both are shinny.Right, the sunshine is for us, the seasons are for us, then let’s enjoy the song “seasons in the sun” from No 5 player.6 The song “seasons in the sun” reminds me of the sunshine, warmness and our great mother----the greatest women in the world.So next, let’s feel the song “women’s hearts” from No .6 player.7 People often say that “women are fragile” except for their affections.I think the best thing to express it is tear.Now let’s enjoy the song “tears’ words” from No 7 player.8 We can see these songs are all melodious.So if we combine the most romantic language with music, what can we deduce from it.Now, let’s welcome the French song “ma normalelie”.9 We have heard many talks about the “super girl”.What they sing are the youth’s dreams and on one’s way to pursue the dreams there are happiness, bitterness and cooperation.Next let’s enjoy the song “super girl” from No 9 player.10 Good songs are always melodious, and let alone the songs about the young.We should love others as well as love ourselves.Next l et’s enjoy the song “ my love”.From No 10 player.11 For now, maybe we have appreciated the English songs thoroughly, as well as the French and Japanese songs.But next you can feel the Moscow’s customs, and so let’s enjoy a Russian song “ Moscow’s outskirt’s evening” from No 11 players.12 As a proverb says that it is natural to let things come and go.Next let’s enjoy the song “the day you went away” from No 12 player.13 Different people can sing different “pretty boy”, but with different feelings and the same happiness.Next let’s feel the beauty of the song “pretty boy” from No .13 player.14 Usually we get nothing after hard work when we pursue some perfect things.But when we look back we will find they are here.A song “there you will be” from No.14 player is for you.15 During the process of pursuing, it is very hard.Sometimes we may feel lonely, but we know keep the loneliness means welcome the spring.Now let’s appreciate the song “lonely” from No.15 player.16 In fact, I think leave the loneliness to oneself is not a good thing.We can make good use of our world.Open the heaven’s door to enjoy the sunshine and you will find another world.Now let’s enjoy the song “knocking on the heaven’s door” from No 16 player.17 It is natural to feel lonely and it is essential to comfort ourselves through the sunshine from the paradise.But usually we need our friends’ comfort and so we need each other’ help.Next let’s welcome the song “I need you tonight” from No .17 player.18 Just because your company the biggest bitterness will be shared between us and the smallest happiness will be filled with the whole world.So the world become a big amusement and now let’s enjoy the song” happy amusement” from No 18 player.19 Since we have played in the happy amusement, what about tasting the delicious fruits? Then let’s enjoy the song “fruit basket” from No 19 player.20 The following song is my favourite song and I can’t help myself singing a piece of it .can you guess what is it? Oh.That’s it and next let’s enjoy the song “hey jude” from No 20 player.21 Having just said goodbye to the English boy and let’s enter the French girls’ world.So let’s enjoy the song “ yilian” from No 21 player.22 Judge is for the old and yilian is for the girl herself.Then n ext what we are going to hear is for each other’s.different songs have different stories and finally let’s feel the story from No 22 player.The last is always the most melodious.Our contest is over going with the songs.Many players have made deep impressions on this contest with different feelings.Because this we will leave the rights of judgment for the judges and next let’s welcome the judges to make their judgments on this contest.尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎大家来到阜阳师范学院首届外国语歌曲大赛的现场。

2 四月,初夏的阳光和细雨送来无言的贺喜;四月,芬飞的花枝和彩蝶献上满校园的灿烂。
2 首先,请允许我在这里向大家隆重介绍出席本次大赛的各位评委老师和嘉宾1他们分别是()2 请大家再次以热烈的掌声感谢各位嘉宾的到来,同时把这热烈的掌声送给在座的每一位热情的同学!1 现在由我来为大家介绍一下本次大赛的具体评分标准及奖项设置:本次大赛分为初赛和决赛!今天举行的是初赛。
1有请一号选手()为我们带来歌曲()2谢谢()的精彩表演,2号选手()的最爱又是什么哪?有请()演唱歌曲()1感谢2号选手精彩表演,接下来由3号选手()为我们带来歌曲()让我们细细品味2听完3号的演唱,下面有请4号选手为我们带来歌曲()1接下来有请5号选手()为我们送上歌曲,()2 好的。

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)F: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of Xi'an Conservatory of Music 2010 English Songs Competition. M: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
F: I’m the hostess of tonight, I’m ZHANGSHAN.M: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……F: In today's Grand Final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). These contestants have given very impressive performances So we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.M: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!F: Firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests.I have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this English Song Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. xxx from...M: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。

英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: my friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)f: good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of xi'an conservatory of music XX english songs competition.m: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院XX年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。
f: i’m the hostess of tonight, i’m zhangshan.m: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……f: in today's grand final(决赛) there are 18 finalists (决赛选手), they are all the winners of thepreliminaries(初赛). these contestants have given very impressive performances so we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.m: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!f: firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests. i have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today's judges for this english song contest. ladies and gentlemen, mr. xxx from...m: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。

先锋实验学校英语脱口秀比赛中英文双语主持词女: Good afternoon, my honored teachers. Good afternoon, my fellow students.welcome to The Pioneer[ paiə'niə] Experimental 【ek,speri'mentəl】School‘s Happy English talk shows Competition. 男: 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢迎来到先锋实验学校快乐英语脱口秀比赛现场男:This is a day full of hope for the future day女:这是一个充满未来与希望的日子男:In this beautiful day, we gathered together女:这个美好的日子里,我们欢聚一堂女:With the Christmas carols['kærəl] resounding around our ears 。
Let’s burst into song s。
女: Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students. 男: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。
男: Okay, so everybody clear on what’s going to happen today? Then, let’s get started.女:亲爱的各位同学们,你们准备好了吗?现在我宣布,先锋实验学校英语脱口秀大赛,现在开始。
女: Now, Ladies and gentlemen, let’s put our hands together for Contestant No.1。
Contestant NO.2 please get ready.男: 女士们先生们,首先出场是一号选手……,二号选手请做好准备,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一号选手。

H: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Thanks for coming here! We finally have the most exciting moment.W: Now I can even smell the happiness in the air. Cause we will hold a “ English songs singing game”.H: “Singing English songs game” can give us impetus(动力) in learning English. So we hope you can enjoy this game!1.W: What time do you think is the best time of a year? May be the Eve.《》by class 4. Welcome them!(song singing)2.H: Now, let us have a good time listening a popular song 《》it is brought by(song singing)3.W:What do you want to be in the future?If you haven't made divisions ,please listen to 《》by .(song singing)4.H:when you are sad ,do you want to cry?If you do, just《》.Welcome the .(song singing)5.W:I have listened a classic(古典的) song called 《》.Today students of class 1 will sing for us this song. let 's welcome them!(song singing)6.H:Do you think the things happen in fictions(小说)are true? I don't believe that all .So we should listen to 《》(song singing)7.W:Girls has always been a friend of mine.How about you?But some people are this.Let's class 1 sing for us 《as long as you love me》. (song singing)8.W:Peace is the rarest thing in world. The class 1 sings for us the classic song 《》.Welcome them!(song singing)9.W:Did you see the first leaf falling in autumn? students in class 1 tell us by 《》.(song singing)10.D: I enjoy the sunshine full of the sky.My partner(伙伴)will sing the 《》with his friends.Give them fives!(song singing)11.W:Did you see anyone that he is very handsome?the class 1 sings forus 《》to discuss about it.(song singing)W&H: We wish all of you could have fun today.We hope that you can enjoy all the songs here,and foster interest in learning English.Good bye!。

储: my friends this competition is upcoming, please adjust your cellphonesto vibrate or silent,, thanks for your cooperation.骆:谢谢同学们带来的精彩开场舞蹈储: thank you for their excellent performance. 骆:尊敬的各位领导琴:各位老师储:亲爱的同学们骆:大家合:晚上好!骆:欢迎大家来到2013新航道唱响英文歌手大赛的现场。
我是主持人---(男女)储: good eveningladies and gentlemen,distinguished guests and honorable judges.welcometo the new channel made english the singing compe -tition.i am the host chuyier.琴:五月,初夏的阳光和细雨送来无言的贺喜;骆:五月,芬飞的花枝和彩蝶献上满校园的灿烂。
储: in may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bringthe silent wishes;in may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.琴:这是一个充满鲜花和快乐的日子骆:这是一个充满未来与希望的日子储: this is a happy day full of flowers ;this is a day full of hope .琴:在这个美好的日子里,我们放声歌唱骆:在这个美好的日子里,我们欢聚一堂,欢聚在这个充满欢笑与歌声的殿堂,共度由新航道英语带给我们的美好时光储: in this beautiful day,we burst into song.inthis beautiful day,we gather in this place with joy and singings,sharing the happy time new channel bring us. 琴:新航道“唱响英文”歌手大赛秉承着推进大学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性的宗旨,为我们提供了一个展现自己的机会。

篇二:英语活动主持词-中英英语组活动主持稿男(毛):Distinguishedleaders女(张):尊敬的各位领导男:Dearteachersandstudents女:亲爱的老师们、同学们合:Goodafternoon毛:Todayweareveryhappythatwewillholdthethird〝HappyEnglishGameCompetition〞ofTianxingHemingwaySchool.Welcometothecompetition.AndWeareh onoredtobetoday’sEnglishpartyhostandhostess.I’mthehostMark.张:I’mhostessLulu男:I’mhost.女:I’mhostess.毛:Beforeouractivity,let’swarmlywelcomeMissXuemakeaspeech.张:欢迎薛老师致辞。
男:Toimprovestudents’EnglishabilityandtheirenthusiasmforEnglishisthefinalpurpose ofthiscompetition.WehopethatstudentscanenjoylearningEnglish andteamworkinthegames.ThesloganofthiscompetitionislearningE nglishwithhappiness,findingthedistanceincompetition.女:本次竞赛活动旨在通过一系列的英语游戏竞赛,使学生在欢声笑语中体验英语的乐趣以及团队作战的默契,从而激发同学们的热情和动力,起到提高全校学生英语素质的作用。

男:决赛的战火已经点燃,让我们共同期待!下面我宣布:“温莎ktv杯”首届英文歌曲大赛的决赛女:现在开始!男:首先请允许我介绍出席决赛的领导和评委老师,他们是……请大家用热烈的掌声欢迎和感谢他们的到来!女:有请1号选手杨瀚为我们带来《swear it again》……男:感谢1号选手精彩的演唱,下面有请2号选手田梦,演唱曲目:《journey》……女:感谢2号选手精彩的演唱,下面有请3号选手李旻为大家带来《big big world》……男:感谢3号选手精彩的演唱,下面有请4号选手侯荻青为大家带来《should’ve say no》……女:真是太美妙的音乐了,谢谢4号选手。
下面请欣赏由带来的舞蹈表演《three》……男:在余音绕梁的思绪中,让我们继续欣赏由5号选手杜倩雯带来歌曲《china girl》……女:感谢5号选手精彩的演唱,下面有请6号选手宋越为大家带来《i just can’t stop loving you》……男:好美妙的音乐啊,虽然我们听不懂,开个玩笑,下面有请7号选手陆子宇为大家演唱《toxic》……女:看了这么久的节目,你有什么想法呀?男:没看见我正陶醉么,欣赏要用心,懂吗?女:没看出来呀,你还很醉心音乐呢,都欣赏这么久了,我想说的是,今晚不光是英文歌曲狂欢之夜,同时也是个抽奖盛典…… (抽奖环节)男:下面有请8号选手刘晶沁,演唱曲目《halo》……女:几年前一部电影震惊全球,里面的经典镜头耐人寻味,它的主题曲更是荡气回肠,下面有请9号选手张蓝月给我们带来《my heart will go on》……男:听完这首歌又让我们想起了当时的精彩画面,谢谢张蓝月,接下来有请10号选手张钧给我们带来一首《tonight i feel close to you》……女:感谢张钧给我们带来的优美旋律,下面有请11号选手张钰聆将我们再一次带进电影《泰坦尼克号》的意境中,《my heart will go on》……男:感谢8到11号选手的精彩演唱,下面进入第二轮抽奖环节…… (抽奖环节)女:下面有请12号选手李昱霖为我们带来经典的歌曲《because of you》……男:感谢12号选手精彩的演唱,下面有请13号选手张琪为大家带来《cozon de melao》……女:谢谢张琪同学为我们带来如此欢快的音乐,下面有请最后一位选手14号李艾咛为我们带来《i love you》……男:评委正在进行紧张激烈的讨论……下面进入游戏环节…… (游戏环节)女:下面有请…………………为获奖选手颁奖(颁奖环节)男:美好的时光总是短暂,我们怀着对音乐的执着和对外语的热爱站在了这里女:虽然短暂,但音乐打开了你我的心扉,唱响了你我心中共同的旋律男:下面我宣布:“温莎ktv杯”首届英文歌曲大赛决赛到此结束,感谢各位老师和同学的参与合:晚安!【篇二:英文歌曲比赛主持词】(比赛前)my friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation.比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!(开场)f: good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of xian conservatory of music 2010 english songs competition.m: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。

英语歌曲比赛主持人稿第一篇:英语歌曲比赛主持人稿英语歌曲比赛主持人稿甲:尊敬的老师们、同学们甲、乙:大家下午好!丙:Good afternoon, My dear teachers ,boys and girls!甲:送走金黄的秋季,迎来寒冷的冬季乙:寒冷的季节孕育希望,到处都是欢乐祥和的海洋丙:蓝天白云,放飞着同学们驰骋的心灵甲:碧波大海,映衬出同学们宽阔的胸怀乙:今天,是喜悦让我们相聚在一起甲:今天,是共同的畅想让我们手拉手来到这里,让我们用歌声唱出自己的心声。
丙:today, we get together ,and enjoy our festival.甲:十堰市外国语学校第七届英语文化节歌唱比赛现在开始!丙:···你们班是不是也要参加这次比赛啊?是啊!并且我们准备的很充分呢!看样子一定是准备很长时间了!同学们一定也很辛苦吧!有位uncle也很辛苦,你知道是谁吗?请欣赏由一年级3班和4班同学为我们带来的《Old macdolnd》丙:Welcome!2.甲:我们是新世纪的雏鹰,乙:今天,我们磨练羽翼;明天,我们将搏击长空!甲:人生的一瞬,就在这一瞬,我们所付出的,必将收获源源不断的学识。
乙:唱着快乐的歌,奔向明天,奔向未来丙:请欣赏二年级3和4班同学为我们带来的《Brush my teeth day and night》Welcome!3.甲:歌唱祖国,是我们永恒的旋律;乙:歌唱祖国,是我们义不容辞的责任;丙:五星红旗迎风飘扬,胜利歌声多么嘹亮。
甲:我们在幸福的大家庭里,一起《歌唱祖国》丙:we live in a big family, I love my family, I love my country , I love my people 乙:下面,请欣赏六年级3班和4班的同学们给我们带来的《You are my sunshine》丙:welcome!4.甲:向前,向前进,奔向锦绣前程;乙:唱着快乐的歌,奔向明天,奔向未来。

幼儿园英文歌曲演唱比赛节目主持词Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the Kindergarten English Song Singing Competition! Today, we gather here to celebrate the talent and creativity of our little stars. It is an honor to be your host for this exciting event. Let's get ready to be amazed by their performances!First up, we have our enthusiastic and adorable kindergarten children performing a classic English song, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." This well-known nursery rhyme never fails to captivate our hearts. So, without further ado, let's welcome our young shining stars onto the stage!As the performers take their positions, we can feel the anticipation in the air. The lights dim, and the piano softly starts playing the familiar tune. Each child sings with innocence and joy, their voices blending harmoniously.We're all reminded of the magic of childhood and the wonder of the cosmos.Next, we have a lively rendition of "The Wheels on the Bus." Our little ones have put their hearts and souls into this performance, turning the stage into a vibrant and bustling scene. They sing with pure bliss, depicting the exciting journey on a colorful bus. Their energy and enthusiasm are contagious, making everyone in the audience want to get up and dance along!Now, prepare to be amazed by our budding stars' rendition of "If You're Happy and You Know It." With choreographed movements and spirited voices, these young performers showcase their enthusiasm and happiness. The audience can't help but smile and clap along, feeling the positive energy brought by these talented kids.Moving on, we have a special group performance of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." Our little farmers take us on a journey through different animal sounds. With their adorable costumes and spirited moves, they bring the farm to life. This performance is not just entertaining but also educational, teaching the children about animals and their sounds.In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we have a bilingual performance of "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." Our students proudly showcase their language skills by singing in both English and their mother tongue. It's heartwarming to witness the cultural richness and linguistic diversity within our kindergarten. Let's give them a round of applause for their efforts!To wrap up this fantastic event, we have a grand finale where all the performers come together to sing "We Are the World." This iconic song reminds us of the importance of unity and compassion. The children's voices blend beautifully, representing their hope for a better world. They leave us with a powerful message that even at such a young age, they can make a difference.As our English Song Singing Competition comes to an end, let's take a moment to appreciate the hard work, dedication, and talent showcased by our kindergarten children. Their performances have not only entertained us but also touched our hearts. We hope that this experience will encourage them to continue exploring their passion for music and language.Thank you, everyone, for being a part of this incredible event. Let's give a big round of applause to all the participants, their teachers, and their parents for their unwavering support. Remember, the world is their stage,and with their limitless potential, they are destined for greatness. Keep singing, keep shining, and keep making us proud!This concludes our Kindergarten English Song Singing Competition. Until next time, stay tuned for more amazing performances from our little stars. Goodbye!。

英文歌曲主持词Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to tonight's incredible musical journey! Get ready to be transported to a world of rhythm and melodies as we bring you a collection of mesmerizing tunes. Our talented performers have poured their heart and soul into every note and lyric, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience for all.Tonight, we aim to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from heartwarming ballads to upbeat, infectious beats that will make you want to dance along. Let the music wash over you and let your worries fade away as we embark on this sonic adventure together.We have carefully curated a diverse lineup that spans across different genres, ensuring there's something for everyone's taste. From soul-stirring love songs to energizing rock anthems, this evening promises an array of musical flavors that will captivate your senses.So sit back, relax, and allow yourself to be fully immersed in the magic of live music. Prepare to be moved, inspired, and entertained by the sheer talent and passion radiating from the stage. Let the music speak to your soul and let it take you to placesyou've never been before.Remember, tonight is about celebrating the universal language of music that transcends boundaries and unites us all. Let go of any preconceived notions and let the melodies guide you on a transformative experience that will leave you wanting more.So without further ado, let's dim the lights, raise the curtain, and immerse ourselves in the enchanting world of music! Sit tight, hold on tight, as we embark on this musical expedition together. Now, let the show begin!。

幼儿园英文歌曲演唱展示节目主持词Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,Welcome to our enchanting showcase of English songs performed by the talented students of our kindergarten. Today, we are delighted to present to you an array of cheerful melodies that will surely bring joy to your hearts. Without further ado, let us dive into the world of music and celebrate the beauty of language through song.Section 1: IntroductionIn this section, we will introduce the purpose of the event, the performers, and set the stage for the wonderful performances that are about to unfold.Good afternoon, everyone! We are gathered here today for a special event that showcases the hard work and creativity of our little stars from the kindergarten. These lovely children have been diligently practicing their English songs for weeks, and now it's their time to shine. Let us give them a round of applause for their dedication and commitment to learning.Section 2: Opening ActThis section serves as an opening act to captivate the audience and establish a vibrant atmosphere for the rest of the performances.To kickstart our show, we have a delightful ensemble of voices singing the popular nursery rhyme, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." This timeless melody always holds a special place in our hearts, reminding us of the innocence and wonder of childhood. So, sit back, relax, and let these young voices take you on a journey to the sparkling night sky.Section 3: Friendship and TogethernessIn this section, we will showcase songs that emphasize the importance of friendship, unity, and warmth in our lives.Next up, we have a heartwarming rendition of "You've Got a Friend In Me." This song, from the beloved movie Toy Story, reminds us that true friendship knows no boundaries and brings joy to our lives. Let the children's voices remind you of the power of connection and support we find in our dearest friends.Section 4: Colors of the WorldIn this section, we will explore the diversity of cultures and the beauty of different colors through energetic and vibrant performances.Our next song takes us on a journey to different countries with "It's a Small World." This enchanting melody celebrates the colors and customs that make each nation unique. So, let the rhythmic beats and catchy tune transport you around the globe, reminding us of the unity that lies within our diversity.Section 5: Dreams and ImaginationThe last section of our showcase will emphasize the power of dreams and the limitless possibilities of the imagination.In this final performance, our talented young singers will take you to the imaginary world of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." With their innocent voices, they invite you to dream big, chase your aspirations, and believe in the magic that lies beyond the ordinary.Conclusion:And thus concludes our magnificent showcase of English songs performed by the remarkable students of our kindergarten. We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed this uplifting and delightful journey through music and language. Please join me in applauding these young stars for their hard work, dedication, and outstanding performances. Thank you for being here with us today, and may the power of music continue to inspire and unite us all.Remember, the world becomes a brighter place when we sing together. Thank you!。

小学英语比赛主持词小学英语比赛主持词篇一:小学英语大赛主持词小学英语大赛主持词1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.早上好女士们,先生们。
2: Good morning, we honored teachers.早上好我们敬爱的老师 1: Good morning, boys and girls.早上好同学们2: Good morning, my dear parents.1:Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Shiyan Primary School English speaking contest .今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
2: English is such a beautiful language. We can useit to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界1: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking?有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?2:This is our exciting day and happily day !这是一个振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。
1It means we can speak English ,bravely ,easily . 意味着我们实验小学的孩子们大胆流畅的说英语了。
2:In today's show, there are 20 studends .今天的比赛总共有20名同学。

三十四团中学第一届英文歌曲大赛主持词男:Ladies and gentlemen,the competition will beginning,please keep quiet,thanks for your cooperation。
Our song is the hopes and dreams。
Our song is the fertile soil and sun。
女:我们的歌声像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋!男: 我们的歌声像翱翔的雄鹰,炫起淼淼的苍穹!女:我宣布男:三十四团中学“Morden English,Perfect life”英语歌手大赛,合:现在开始!女:首先请允许我们为大家介绍今天到场的各位嘉宾,他们是:First of all, please allow us to introduce our distinguished guests here who are:男:现在由我们为大家宣布本次大赛的评分细则女:下面有请来自八(一)班的选手吴琦、刘婷婷为我们带来的《onlylove》。
男:Really, that's something only love can do!再一次感谢他们的精彩演绎,让我们再一次感悟爱的伟大。
下面有请来自九(三)班的选手邹宇航、万一媛为我们带来的《a little love》。
女:I love you,not because you are a kind of person, but because I like the feeling with you。
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三十四团中学第一届英文歌曲大赛主持词男:Ladies and gentlemen , the competition will beginning , please keep quiet , thanks for your cooperation 。
女: Thanks。
Our song is the hopes and dreams。
Our song is the fertile soil and sun。
女:我们的歌声像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋!男:我们的歌声像翱翔的雄鹰,炫起淼淼的苍穹!女:我宣布男:三十四团中学“ MordenEnglish ,Perfect life ”英语歌手大赛,合:现在开始!女:首先请允许我们为大家介绍今天到场的各位嘉宾,他们是:First of all, please allow us to in troduce our disti nguished guestshere who are:男:现在由我们为大家宣布本次大赛的评分细则女:下面有请来自八(一)班的选手吴琦、刘婷婷为我们带来的《only love 》。
男:Really, that's something only love can do !再一次感谢他们的精彩演绎,让我们再一次感悟爱的伟大。
下面有请来自九(三)班的选手邹宇航、万一媛为我们带来的《 a little love 》。
女:I love you,not because you are a kind of person, but because I like the feeling with you 。
下面有请四年级选手为我们带来的《We Wish Merry Christmas 》。
男:What I want is not a life ,Friendship or love 。
也祝福在场的每一位嘉宾Merry Christmas !九(三)班选手邹宇航、万一媛最后得分。
下面有请来自九(1)班的选手陈敏滔、包杰军、范强为我们带来的《melt the snow 》。
女:But you should know 。
When it gets too cold 。
You're not alone 。
下面有请来自八( 1 )班的选手王芯怡、何彦君为我们带来的《I Could Be the One 》。
男:I could be ordinary 。
I could be the one 。
I could be your blue eyed angel 。
I could be the storm beforethe calm 。
九(1)班选手陈敏们带来《Ten Little Candles Dance 》。
下面有请来自六年级的选手为我们带来《take me to your heart 》。
男:Tell me where do I find someone like you girl ?All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing 。
下面有请来自七(3)班的选手陈泽民为我们带来的《The More We Get Together 》。
女:My world only allow your presenee! 如果非要做出选择,我只选择现在。
下面有请来自七(1)班选手富凯文为我们带来的《beauty and abeat 》。
男:It's all by you ,when the musie makes you move 。
下面有请来自八(3)班的母欣沂、马思源、雷敏为大家来的《Proud of You 》。
女:I ean fly ,I'm proud that I ean fly ,To give the bestof mine 。
下面有请来自七(2)班的选手欧珈宏、李泷双为大家带来的《Big Big World 》男:奥斯卡的魅力就是这样,优美的旋律总是经得起时间的久藏。
我相信在座的每一位都已经深深陶醉其中,再一次感谢《Big BigWorld》。
下面有请来自八(1)班的选手周晶、黄梦寒为大家带来的《 A littlelove 》。
下面有请来自九(3)班的选手史国昊、施林、韩政文为我们带来的《my love 》。
男:I wonder how ,I wonder why ,I wonder where they are ,The days we had ,The songs we sang together 。
再次感谢他们精彩的演出,谢谢!下面有请来自八(3)班的母欣沂为我们带来的《Pretty Boy 》。
女:Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you。
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do 。
Let me inside make me stay right beside you 。
再一次感谢《Pretty Boy 》,感谢母欣沂,谢谢!九(3)班选手史国昊、施林、韩政文最后得分。
下面有请来自七3)班的选手蒲慧玲、任玉倩、张宇为我们带来的《Twikle Twikle Little Star 》男:闪闪的星光,的确蕴藏着不少的神秘。
下面有请来自九(1)班选手彭佳乐为大家带来的《my love 》。
女:It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world 。
再一次感谢《my love 》。
下面有请来自六年级的选手为大家带来的《fairy tale 》。
下面有请来自九(2)班的选手张瑞、赵怡萌、康君为我们带来的《god is a girl 》。
女:记住我的声音,然后尽力去找寻,走遍整个世界不论你在何方,你是否能相信?你是否在倾听?God is a girl !再次感谢九(2)班选手们的精彩表演,谢谢!六年级选手最后得分。
下面有请来自九(1)班的选手赵天依、高竹春为我们带来的《I was a fool 》。
男:I was a fool ?真是匪夷所思,没错,我们听到的的确是I was a fool !(呵呵),爱情的世界里,可能就是这样吧。
下面有请来自五年级的选手为我们带来的《Twikle Twikle Little Star 》。
下面有请八(2)班选手熊锐、张奉斌、李梦蝶、王思维、张云欣为我们带来的《cry on my shoulder》。
男:If the hero n ever comes to you。
If you n eed some on eyou're feeling blue。
If you wait for love and you're alone。
If you call your friends and nobody's home !But if you wanna cry ,Cry on my shoulder ! 一首温情的《cry on my shoulder》,谢谢他们精彩的表演。
下面有请来自九(3)班的选手周嘉慧、张晓琴、万一媛为我们带来的《you're my sun shi ne》女:你是阳光,我唯一的阳光,当天空是灰色的时候,你让我快乐…… 我相信,我们在场的每一位听众都已然感受到了这份快乐!八(2)班选手熊锐、张奉斌、李梦蝶、王思维、张云欣最后得分。
下面有请来自九(1)班的选手钟丽、李媛媛、蒲思洁为我们带来的《take me to your heart 》。
女: They say nothing lasts forever , We're only here today 。
Love is now or n ever , Bring me far away 。
欢快的节奏再一次将我们撼动,谢谢《take meto your heart》。
下面有请来自八(2)班的选手熊锐、张奉斌、李梦蝶、王思维为我们带来的《we are the world》。
男: There are people dying , Oh when it ' s time to lend a hand to life。
虽然,歌王已逝,但迈克尔杰克逊依旧驻足在我们每一位听众的内心深处,只因为we are the world 。
下面有请来自八(3)班的选手杨娟、文燕为我们带来的《Me and You》女:I have been give you a promise ,and will to do so ,and I love you ,loving you all day !感人肺腑的许诺,即便是轻狂,也让人回味无穷!九(1)班选手钟丽、李媛媛、蒲思洁最后得分。