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Cement Nomenclature and Categories


水泥牌号cement brand

水泥标号cement mark, cement grade

袋装水泥bagged cement, sacking (sacked) cement

散装水泥bulk cement

桶装水泥barreled cement

硅酸盐水泥Portland cement

普通硅酸盐水泥ordinary Portland cement

矿渣硅酸盐水泥Portland slag cement

火山灰质硅酸盐水泥Portland pozzolana cement

粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥Portland fly-ash cement

抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥sulphate resistant Portland cement 混合硅酸盐水泥mixed Portland cement

防潮硅酸盐水泥hydrophobic Portland cement

塑化硅酸盐水泥plasticized Portland cement

加气硅酸盐水泥air-entraining Portland cement

白色硅酸盐水泥white Portland cement

彩色硅酸盐水泥colored Portland cement

高强硅酸盐水泥high-strength Portland cement

高镁硅酸盐水泥high magnesia Portland cement

无熟料水泥cement without clinker

钢渣水泥steel furnace slag cement

钢渣矿渣水泥steel and iron slag cement

沸石水泥zeolite cement

硬石膏水泥anhydrite cement

石膏矿渣水泥,过硫化水泥supersulphated cement

石灰矿渣水泥lime pozzolanic cement

石灰火山灰质水泥lime pozzolanic cement

石膏化铁炉渣水泥cupola slag sulphated cement

赤泥硫酸盐水泥red-mud sulphated cement

[钠]明矾石高强水泥alunite high strength cement

高钙粉煤灰水泥high calcium fly-ash cement

喷射水泥jet cement

灌浆水泥grout-cement, cement for grouting or injection

型砂水泥sand casting cement

浇注水泥cement for joints

低热硅酸盐水泥low heat Portland cement

低热水泥low heat of hydration cement

中热硅酸盐水泥moderate heat Portland cement

钙镁铝酸盐水泥calcium magnesium aluminate cement

高碱度水泥high pH value cement

低碱度水泥low pH value cement

含硼水泥boron containing cement

钡[硅化]水泥barium silicate cement

锶[硅化]水泥strontium silicate cement

矿渣锶水泥slag strontium cement

抗菌水泥antibiosis cement, anti-bacteria cement

防藻水泥anti-weeds cement

砌筑水泥masonry cement

聚醋酸乙烯水泥polyvinyl acetate cement

橡胶水泥rubber cement

快凝水泥rapid hardening cement, quick setting cement

快硬硅酸盐水泥rapid hardening Portland cement

快凝快硬硅酸盐水泥quick setting and rapid hardening Portland cement 特快硬硅酸盐水泥super-high early strength Portland cement

高铝(矾土)水泥high alumina cement

特快硬高铝水泥super aluminous cement

快硬硫铝酸盐水泥sulphoaluminate early strength cement

膨胀水泥expansive cement

低热微膨胀水泥low heat slag expansive cement

明矾石膨胀水泥alunite expansive cement

抗渗性膨胀水泥permeability resisting expansive cement

抗渗性无收缩水泥permeability resisting non-shrinkage cement 硅酸盐膨胀水泥silicate expansive cement

矿渣膨胀水泥slag expansive cement

硫铝酸盐膨胀水泥sulphoaluminate expansive cement

石膏矾土膨胀水泥gypsum aluminate expansive cement

氧化铁膨胀水泥ferric-type expansive cement

自应力水泥self-stressing cement

硅酸盐自应力水泥silicate self-stressing cement

铝酸盐自应力水泥alumina self-stressing cement

硫[代]铝酸盐自应力水泥sulphoaluminate self-stressing cement 铝酸盐耐火水泥aluminate refractory cement

低钙铝酸盐耐火水泥low lime aluminate refractory cement

防潮水泥waterproof cement

火山灰水泥trass cement

火山灰硅酸盐水泥trass Portland cement

含铁水泥ferreous cement

改性树脂水泥resin-modified cement

石灰渣水泥grappier cement


正常凝结水泥normal setting cement

无收缩水泥non-shrinking cement

气硬性水泥hydraulic cement

水硬性水泥hydraulic cement
