



深圳大学期末考试试卷闭卷B 卷 课程编号课程名称国际贸易学分命题人(签字) 审题人(签字) 年 月 日 1个正确答案,,将答案填涂在答题卡上。

每题1分,共计50分)1、下列国家中关境大于国境的是( )A 、中国B 、美国C 、法国D 、日本2、若一个国家的出口商品价格指数相对于进口商品价格指数上升,则该国的贸易条 )。

A 、恶化B 、改善C 、不变D 、不确定3、当最终产品的名义关税税率一定时,对所需原材料所征收的名义关税税率越低, )。

A 、不确定B 、不变C 、越小D 、越大4、通过对包装标识进行特殊的强制性规定来限制进口属于( )。

A 、传统的非关税壁垒 B 、社会壁垒 C 、技术壁垒 D 、绿色壁垒5、政府鼓励研究活动的补贴属于( )。

A 、禁止性补贴B 、可申诉补贴C 、不可申诉补贴D 、进口替代补贴 6、下列关于专有技术(know-how )的说法正确的是( )。

A 、专有技术的有效性有一定时间限制B 、专有技术必须在保密的基础上存在 、专有技术不能进行贸易 D 、专有技术属于工业产权7、判断产品原产地的加工标准指进口的原材料或零部件在一国加工后,其( )A 、价格B 、形态C 、税号D 、品名8、具有内部规模经济的行业的市场结构一般是( )。

A、完全垄断 B完全竞争 C、寡头垄断 D 、不完全竞争 9、从服务贸易角度看,美国游客到中国旅游属于( )。

A、跨境交付 B、境外消费 C、商业存在 D 、自然人流动10、在规定的期限和地域,被许可方和许可方可以使用转让的技术,第三方不能使用 )。

A 、独占许可B 、排他许可C 、交叉许可D 、普通许可 11、与服务贸易有关的国际条约或协定是( )。

A 、《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》 B 、GATS C 、《国际贸易术语解释通则》 、GATT12、要素禀赋是( )。

A 、一国拥有的资本总量B 、一国拥有的劳动力总量C 、一国拥有的生产要D 、一国的资源总量13、从需求角度解释产业内贸易的理论是( )。




























2007 年深圳大学硕士研究生入学考试初试试题及参考答案专业:区域经济学、金融学、国际贸易学、统计学、考试科目:西方经济学一、名词解释(每题5 分,共20 分)1. 生产可能性边界答:生产可能性边界是指在技术知识和可投入品数量既定的条件下,一个经济体所能得到的最大产量。




(标准答案,准确率97%)2. 价格歧视答:价格歧视是指垄断厂商对同一商品在不同的市场上收取不同的价格,或者对不同的人收取不同的价格,使得每一市场上出售产品的边际收益相等,从而获得最大利润。










(标准答案,准确率97%)3. 摩擦性失业答:摩擦性失业指劳动力市场运行机制不完善或者因为经济变动过程中的工作转换而产生的失业。











第1页(共3页)2014深圳大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题招生专业:管理科学与工程 考试科目:运筹学一、(26分)某厂生产三种产品,设生产量分别为123,,x x x ,已知收益最大化模型如下:123max 324Z x x x =++s t ⋅⋅1232340x x x ++≤(第一种资源)12322348x x x ++≤(第二种资源)10x ≤ (产品1的生产能力限制)1230x x x ≥,,(1)以456,,x x x 表示三个约束的不足变量,写出标准型。




(6分) (4)写出本规划的对偶规划,并求出它的最优解。

(4分)(5)若产品1的单位利润从3变为4,问最优方案是什么?此时的最大收益是多少?(4分)(6)若资源常数列向量404810b ⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭变为466010b ⎛⎫⎪'= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,问原最优性是否改变?求出此时的最优方案和最大收益。

(4分)第2页(共3页)二、(24分)有123,,A A A 三个工厂,要把生产的产品运往123,,B B B 三个需求点。

若123,,B B B 三个需求点需求量没有得到满足,则单位罚款费用为6,3,4。


问应如何组织调运才能使总费用(运输费用和罚款费用之和)最小?(1)请将此问题化为供需平衡的运输问题; (2)用最小元素法求(1)的一个初始调运方案; (3)判断(2)中的方案是否最优,并说明原因。





(4分) (2)在货站排队等候卸货的平均货车数。

(4分) (3)每辆车在货站的平均逗留时间。








根据智力的反应范围模型(reaction range model),他的智商应该:()。

A.接近其潜在智商范围的顶部B.在儿童期智商有一种稳步上升的趋势C.比他的大多数同伴在标准化智力测验中要好D.与缺少知识氛围环境中长大的孩子相比,他具有更广的智力反应范围(reaction ran)4.在马斯洛的需要层次理论中,属于成长性需要的是()。





A.理解性 B选择性C.整体性D.恒常性8.一个人在看某一事物时,把它描述为“红的、方的、硬的”等属性,此时该个体的心理活动是()。



6.单位换算:1GPа=MPа= Pа= N/m2



A/B 卷
课程编号 12201304024
学分 2
命题人(签字) 审题人(签字) 年 月 日 课堂演示占30%,课程报告占70%。

1. 人工神经网络
2. 模糊集原理
3. 遗传算法
4. 粒子群算法
5. Memetic 算法
6. 模糊集系统
7. 蚂蚁算法
8. 其他计算智能相关的技术










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各高校国际关系与国际政治考研真题汇编[ 考研资料 ] 各高校工程经济学历年考研真题汇编[ 考研资料 ] 各高校经济学考研真题试卷分析与答案汇编(共六册)[ 考研资料 ] 各高校运筹学考研真题与答案解析[ 考研资料 ] 《政治学原理》考试重难点与名校真题详解(王惠岩第二版)[ 考研资料 ] 199管理类联考综合能力考研真题详解及核心讲义[ 考研资料 ] 199管理类联考综合能力考研真题与典型题详解:写作分册[ 考研资料 ] 199管理类联考综合能力考研真题与典型题详解:数学分册[ 考研资料 ] 199管理类联考综合能力考研真题与典型题详解:逻辑分册[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学711艺术概论考研真题试卷(2012-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学928艺术评论写作考研真题试卷(2012-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学712美术史论考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学929创作考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学721专业造型基础考研真题试卷(2012-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学713现代设计史、论考研真题试卷(2007-2018年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学948专业设计二考研真题试卷(2012-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学930专业设计一考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学910生物医学工程综合考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学727医学细胞生物学考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学944数字电子技术基础考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学943电子系统综合考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学909数字电路与专业综合考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学718量子力学考研真题试卷(2011-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学710中国文学史考研真题与答案(2009-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学阅读与评论考研真题试卷(2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学709中国哲学史考研真题试卷(2007-2013年,不含10)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学926西方哲学史考研真题试卷(2007-2013年)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学726体育理论综合考研真题试卷(2007-2013年,不含10)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学716数学分析考研真题试卷(2004-2013年,不含10)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学932高等代数考研真题试卷(2004-2013年,不含10)[ 考研资料 ] 深圳大学戏剧表演与语言传播艺术通识考研真题试卷(2012-2013年)【】【】。



深大师院考试试卷考试时间:120分钟一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据题目所给的情境,选择最合适的动词填空。

A. 阅读B. 浏览C. 研究D. 观察例句:在图书馆,他____了一整天的书籍。

答案:C2. 以下哪项不是深大师院的课程特点?A. 理论与实践相结合B. 重视创新能力的培养C. 只注重学术研究D. 强调跨学科学习答案:C3. 如果你想要了解深大师院的校园文化,你应该:A. 参加学术讲座B. 参加社团活动C. 只在图书馆学习D. 只关注课程成绩答案:B4. 深大师院的教育理念是:A. 培养具有国际视野的人才B. 只注重学生的成绩C. 只强调专业技能的培养D. 培养单一领域的专家答案:A5. 深大师院的校训是:A. 求实创新B. 勤奋严谨C. 团结互助D. 诚信守法答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)请根据题目所给的中文句子,填写相应的英文单词或短语。

6. 深大师院的教师团队由多位____(教授)组成。

答案:professors7. 学生在深大师院可以接触到____(多样化的)课程。

答案:diverse8. 学院鼓励学生参与____(社会实践)活动。

答案:social practice9. 学院的课程设计旨在培养学生的____(批判性思维)。

答案:critical thinking10. 学院的学术氛围鼓励学生进行____(自由探索)。

答案:free exploration三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 请简述深大师院的学术资源有哪些?答案:深大师院拥有丰富的学术资源,包括图书馆藏书、在线数据库、学术期刊、研究实验室等。


12. 描述一下深大师院的校园生活。






Shenzhen UniversityGraduate English Examination(基础综合英语期末考试时间为2小时30分钟)Part I Listening Comprehension (35 points)(说明: 听力共考四篇, 前三篇内容出自听力题库每部分一篇, 第四篇是题库之外的VOA 慢速)Section A 每题1分Directions: In this section you will hear a passage twice. During the first reading, you should listen carefully for a general idea of the whole passage.During the second reading, you should fill in the blanks with the exactwords you hear to make the sentences complete. Be sure to write youranswers on the Answer Sheet.American Mosaic has been broadcasting a series of reports for foreign students who want to attend college in the United States. This is the _____1_____ program in this series.We hope these reports helped students think about their _____2_____ and provided ways to reach them.We explained the kinds of colleges and universities in the United States, how to get information about them and how to ____3______ for admission. We discussed admissions tests and how to prepare for them. We reported about the high cost of attending an American university and told about possible places to seek __________4 __________. We talked about the legal documents that are needed before a student can travel to the United States to attend college. We also discussed the ____5______ of using the computer to take classes at an American college without leaving home.In other programs, we told about some American colleges that are not so well known. Landmark College, for example, teaches students with __________6 __________. Johnson and Wales University offers __________7 __________. We also provided information about _____8_____ colleges and the Masters of Business Administration degree.We would like to thank everyone who wrote to us asking questions that were used in this series. They helped us explain subjects we had not considered. For example, we explained about the need for student __________9 __________. We discussed dormitory life. And we told the difference between an American college and a university.All these reports can be found on the computer by going to the Special English web site. The address is _____10_______. We hope you will continue to listen to American Mosaic for reports about American life and other information about American colleges. In about two years, we will broadcast this series again to provide new information. By then, another group of students will be looking for information about attending college in the United States.Section B 每题1.5分Directions: In this section you will hear a passage twice. Then you should give brief answers to the questions printed on the examination paper. Be sure to write your answers on the Answer sheet.11. Where did most people live fifty years ago and how many people live in citiesnow?12. Why do many experts worry about the process of urbanization?13. What report did the environmental research group release last week?14. What are unplanned settlements?15. According to Molly O’Meara Sheehan, what should policymakers do?16. Why did Freetown, Sierra Leone establish farming within city limits?17. Why is the bus system created by engineers in Bogota successful?18. What are the reasons forcing people to move out of rural areas?19. What are the two issues that have existed side by side according toOlav Kjorven?20.略Section C 每题1分Directions: In this section you will hear two passages. Each passage will be read twice. After each passage there will be some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet.Questions for passage one of section C21.Who agrees that foods from healthy cloned animals are safe?A.U.S. Center for Food SafetyB.A news conferenceC.U.S. Agriculture DepartmentD.B ruce Knight22.According to the FDA assessment, meat and milk from cattle, swine and goat clones _________________________.A. are different from traditionally-bred animalsB. are as safe as food from traditionally-bred animalsC.pose safety concernD.are better than ordinary animals23.Which of the following is true about meat or milk from cloned sheep?A. The FDA has proved the safety of products from cloned sheep.B. Meat and milk from cloned sheep are harmful.C. The FDA is not sure if meat or milk from cloned sheep is safe.D. There are not enough cloned sheep for research.24.According to the FDA, labeling is only required ____________________.A. for products that pose a safety threatB. when people want to know what they are buyingC. for the cloned animal productsD. for meat and milk from cloned sheep25. According to the center for Food Safety, ________________________.A. the FDA should apologize for having made the announcementB. the FDA’s risk assessment relies on complete and correct researchC. the FDA’s risk assessment was based on studies that are supplied bycloning companies.D. the FDA did an adequate job before making the announcement Questions for passage two of section C26. Which of the following factors doesn’t top the lis t of heart attack risks?A. bad habitsB. fatty diets C . stress D. smoking27. Most of what we know about the causes of heart disease comes fromstudies among people ___________________________.A.in developing countries, mainly old aged white men.B.in western countries, mainly middle aged white women.C.in western countries, mainly middle aged white men.D.in industrial nations, mainly old aged white men28. _______________ account for 90 percent of heart attacks internationally.A. No simply measured risk factorsB. The same factorsC. Three risk factorsD. Nine simply measured risk factors29. Dr. Anand says ______________ is responsible for __________ of heart attacks.A. weight gain ……one fifthB. emotional stress …… one fifthC. smoking …… one fourt hD. high blood pressure …… one sixth30. What is Dr. Anand’s description of the relationship between stress andhaving heart attack?A.DependentB.AdverseC.IndependentD.UnpredictablePart II Reading Comprehension (20 points)(说明: 阅读内容均为课本之外的文章)Directions: There are Three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C or D. Decide on the best choice,and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One[1] Rubbish may be universal, but it is little studied and poorly understood. Nobody knows how much of it the world generates or what it does with it. In many rich countries, and most poor ones, only the patchiest of records are kept. That may be understandable: by definition, waste is something its owner no longer wants or takes much interest in.[2] Ignorance spawns scares, such as the fuss surrounding New York’s infamous garbage barge, which in 1987 sailed the Atlantic for six months in search of a place to dump its load, giving many Americans the false impression that their country’s landfills had run out of space. It also makes it hard to draw up sensible policies: just think of the endless debate about whether recycling is the only way to save the planet—or an expensive waste of time.[3] Rubbish can cause all sorts of problems. It often stinks, attracts vermin and creates eyesores. More seriously, it can release harmful chemicals into the soil and water when dumped, or into the air when burned. It is the source of almost 4% of the world’s greenhouse gases, mostly in the form of methane from rotting food—and that does not include all the methane generated by animal slurry and other farm waste. And then there are some really nasty forms of industrial waste, such as spent nuclear fuel, for which no universally accepted disposal methods have thus far been developed.[4] Yet many also see waste as an opportunity. Getting rid of it all has become a huge global business. Rich countries spend some $120 billion a year disposing of their municipal waste alone and another $150 billion on industrial waste, according to CyclOpe, a French research institute. The amount of waste that countries produce tends to grow in tandem with their economies, and especially with the rate of urbanization. So, waste firms see a rich future in places such as China, India and Brazil, which at present spend only about $5 billion a year collecting and treating their municipal waste.[5] Waste also presents an opportunity in a grander sense: as a potential resource. Much of it is already burned to generate energy. Clever new technologies to turn it into fertiliser or chemicals or fuel are being developed all the time. Visionaries see a future in which things like household rubbish and pig slurry will provide the fuel for cars and homes, doing away with the need for dirty fossil fuels. Others imagine a world without waste, with rubbish being routinely recycled. As Bruce Parker, the head of the National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA), an American industry group, puts it, “Why fish bodies out of the river when you can stop them jumping off the bridge?”[6] Until last summer such views were spreading quickly. Entrepreneurs were queuing up to scour rubbish for anything that could be recycled. There was even talk of mining old landfills to extract steel and aluminium cans. And waste that could not be recycled should at least be used to generate energy, the evangelists argued. A brave new wasteless world seemed nigh.[7] But since then plummeting prices for virgin paper, plastic and fuels, and hence also for the waste that substitutes for them, have put an end to such visions. Many of the recycling firms that had argued rubbish was on the way out now say that unless they are given financial help, they themselves will disappear.[8] Subsidies are a bad idea. Governments have a role to play in the business of waste management, but it is a regulatory and supervisory one. They should oblige people who create waste to clean up after themselves and ideally ensure that the price of any product reflects the cost of disposing of it safely. That would help to signal which items are hardest to get rid of, giving consumers an incentive to buy goods that create less waste in the first place.[9] That may sound simple enough, but governments seldom get the rules right. In poorer countries they often have no rules at all, or if they have them they fail to enforce them. In rich countries they are often inconsistent: too strict about some sorts of waste and worryingly lax aboutothers. They are also prone to imposing arbitrary targets and taxes. California, for example, wants to recycle all its trash not because it necessarily makes environmental or economic sense butbe cause the goal of “zero waste” sounds politically attractive. Britain, meanwhile, has started taxing landfills so heavily that local officials, desperate to find an alternative, are investing in all manner of unproven waste-processing technologies.[10] As for recycling, it is useless to urge people to salvage stuff for which there are no buyers. If firms are passing up easy opportunities to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by re-using waste, then governments have set the price of emissions too low. They would do better to deal with that problem directly than to try to regulate away the repercussions. At the very least, governments should make sure there are markets for the materials they want collected. (844 words)31. Which of the following is True according to the first two paragraphs?A.The author thinks it is a good idea to dump the garbage in the Atlantic.B.The United States’ landfills have already run out of space.C.People are scared of not knowing where to dump the garbage.D.What the New York garbage barge did in 1987 is notorious.32.Almost 4% of the world’s greenhouse gases comes from ___________.a)animal slurryb)farm wastec)municipal wasted)industrial waste33.We can infer from paragraph [4] that _______________________.a)collecting and treating rubbish stimulates a country’s economyb)the higher the rate of urbanization, the less waste the country producesc)the poorer a country is, the more rubbish it producesd)China, India and Brazil will probably spend more money disposing of their municipalwaste34.According to paragraphs [5] and [6], ___________________________.a)Bruce Parker thinks that waste should be routinely recycledb) a large amount of steel and aluminium cans have been extracted from old landfillsc)we no longer need dirty fossil fuels to provide fuel for cars and homesd)waste is a potential natural resource35.The word “plummeting” in paragraph [7] most probably means ______________.a)disappointingb)dropping downc)rocketingd)unexpectedPassage TwoThere were strangers on our beach yesterday, for the first time in a month. A new footprint on our sand is nearly as rare as in Robinson Crusoe. We are at the very edge of the Atlantic; half a mile out in front of us is a coral reef (珊瑚礁), and then nothing but 3000 miles of ocean to West Africa. It is a wild and lonely beach, with the same surf beating on it as when Columbus came by. And yet the beach is polluted.Oil tankers over the horizon have fouled it more than legions of picnickers could. The oil comes ashore in floating patches that stain the coral black and gray. It has blighted the rock crabs and the crayfish and has coated the delicate whorls of the conch shells with black goo(黏质物质). And it has congealed(凝结)upon itself, littering the beach with globes of tar that resemble the cannonballs of a deserted battlefield. The islanders, as they go beachcombing for the treasures the sea has washed up for centuries, now wear old shoes to protect their feet from the oil that washes up too.You have to try to get away from pollution to realize how bad it really is. We have known for the last few years how bad our cities are. Now there is no longer an escape. If there is oil on this island far out in the Atlantic, there is oil on nearly every other island.It is still early here. The air is still clear over the island, but it won’t be when they build the airstrip they are talking about. The water out over the reef is still blue and green, but it is dirtier than it was a few years ago. And if the land is not despoiled, it is only because there are not yet enough people here to despoil it. There will be. And so for the moment on this island we are witnesses to the beginning, as it were, of the pollution of our environment.Until the pollution of our deserted beach, it seemed simple to blame everything on the “population explosion.”If the population of this island, for example, could be stabilized at a couple of hundred, there would be very little problem with the environment in this secluded(与世隔绝的)area. There would be no pollution of the environment if there were not too many people using it, and so if we concentrate on winning the war against overpopulation, we can save the earth for mankind.But the oil on the beach belies this too-easy assumption. Those tankers are not out there because too many Chinese and Indians are being born every minute. They are not even out there because there are too many Americans and Europeans. They are delivering their oil, and cleaning their tanks at see and sending the residue up onto the beaches of the Atlantic and Pacific, in order to fuel the technology of mankind --- and the factories and the power plants, the vehicles and the engines that have enabled mankind to survive on his planet are now spoiling the planet for life.The fishermen on this island are perfectly right in preferring the outboard motor to the sail. Their livelihood is involved, and the motor, for all its fouling smell, has helped increase the fisherman’s catch so that he can now afford to dispense with the far more obnoxious(讨厌的)outdoor privy. But the danger of technology is in its escalation, and there has already been a small amount of escalation here. You can see the motor oil slicks around the town dock. Electric generators can be heard over the sound of the surf. And while there are only about two dozen automobiles for the ten miles of road, already there is a wrecked jeep rusting in the harbor waters where is was dumped and abandoned. The escalation of technological pollution is coming here just as surely as it came to the mainland cities that are now shrouded(笼罩)by fly ash.If the oil is killing the life along the coral heads, what must it not be doing to thephytoplankton(浮游植物群落)at sea which provide 70% of the oxygen we breathe? The lesson of our fouled beach is that we may not even have realized how late it is already. Mankind, because of his technology, may require far more space per person on this globe than we had ever thought, but it is more than a matter of a certain number of square yards per person. There is instead a delicate balance of nature in which many square miles of ocean and vegetation and clean air are needed to sustain only a relatively few human beings. We may find, as soon as the end of this century, that the final despoliation of our environment has been signaled not by starvation but by people choking to death. The technology --- the machine --- will then indeed have had its ultimate, mindless, all-unintended triumph over man, by destroying the atmosphere he lives in just as surely as you can pinch off a diver’s breathing tube.Sitting on a lonely but spoiled beach, it is hard to imagine but possible to believe.36. Which of the following is the best summary of this essay?A.Pollution has reached even the remotest areas of the globe and will only worsen.B.The solution to pollution problems lies in controlling population growth.C.Outboard motors are the major culprits(元凶)in the pollution of our ocean.D.We can solve pollution problems only when we stop all oil production.37. Before the pollution on the beach, the main environmental problems of the island were beingcaused by __________.A.overpopulationB. factoriesC. wood stovesD. commercial fishing38. The word “despoliation” as used here means _____________.A.destructionB. definitionC. desperationD. destination39. The pollution in our oceans may be causing phytoplankton to _________.A.increase to a dangerous levelB. be eaten by fish in place of their usual foodC. gradually be destroyedD. poison important species of fish40. The tone expressed throughout this essay is one of ________.A.panic and confusionB. gloom and despairC. enthusiasm and hopeD. humor and lightheartednessPassage Three(略)Passage Four(略)Part III Translation (25 points)(说明: 英译汉全部出自本学期所讲单元2至7单元Lesson B中的TextA和Text B共12篇文章。
















A.中央军委主席 B. 国家主席 C. 国务院总理 D. 全国人大常委会副委员长2、有权决定特别行政区设立及其制度的机关是()。

A.中共中央 B. 全国人民代表大会 C. 全国人大常委会 D. 国务院3、“坚持四项基本原则”的内容规定于我国宪法的()中。

A.序言 B. 总纲 C. 国家机构 D. 公民的基本权利和义务4、1982年宪法中,没有被明确规定为公民基本权利的是()。

A.结社权 B. 劳动权 C. 迁徙自由权 D. 出版自由权5、以宪法赖以存在的经济基础和阶级本质为标准,宪法可以分为()。

A.古代宪法、近代宪法与现代宪法 B. 刚性宪法和柔性宪法C. 钦定宪法、协定宪法和民定宪法 D. 资本主义宪法和社会主义宪法6、将“国家尊重和保障人权”写入宪法的是()。




A.公司层战略 B.事业层战略 C.职能层战略 D.技术运作层战略2、当态度之间以及态度与行为之间存在任何不协调或不一致时,我们称之为()。

A.态度紊乱 B.认知失调C.知觉混乱D.晕轮效应3、依据情景领导理论,当下属有能力但无意愿干领导希望他们干的工作时,以下哪种领导风格最为合适?()A.告知 B.推销 C.参与 D.授权4、公司产品设计部接受了一项紧急任务,该任务的完成需要进行严密的控制,同时又要争取时间和速度。

在这种情况下,最适合采用哪种沟通网络?()A.Y式沟通网络 B.全通道式沟通网络C.轮式沟通网络 D.环式沟通网络5、钱德勒是最早对战略和结构的关系进行研究的管理学家,他研究的结论是()。


A.组织中人们的心理状况B.人们的行为在工作中的表现C.人们在工作中的活动D.活动所创造的组织绩效7、下列选项中哪个不属于“组织”(organization)所共同具有的三个特性?()A.明确的目的或目标 B.精细的结构C.文化 D.人员8、20世纪以前,有两个重要的事件促进了管理研究的发展,其中一个是()。

A.亚当·斯密出版《国富论》B.泰勒出版《科学管理原理》C.文艺复兴 D.霍桑实验9、企业选择产业中的一个或者一组细分市场,制定专门的战略向此市场提供产品或者服务,这是典型的()。

A.增长型战略 B.别具一格战略 C.专一化战略 D.公司层战略10、竞争优势是使组织别具一格和有与众不同的特色,这种与众不同的特色来自组织的()。

A.战略 B.结构 C.文化 D.核心能力二、名词解释11、领导者(leader)与管理者(manager)12、程序化决策13、强文化14、组织发展15、路径—目标理论16、工作专门化与部门化17、SWOT分析18、无边界组织三、简答题19、简述群体决策的优点和缺点。














在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一(每道选择题选对满分,选0分)事件表达式A B 的意思是 ( ) 事件A 与事件B 同时发生 (B) 事件A 发生但事件B 不发生 事件B 发生但事件A 不发生 (D) 事件A 与事件B 至少有一件发生 D ,根据A B 的定义可知。

假设事件A 与事件B 互为对立,则事件A B ( ) 是不可能事件 (B) 是可能事件 发生的概率为1 (D) 是必然事件 A ,这是因为对立事件的积事件是不可能事件。

已知随机变量X ,Y 相互独立,且都服从标准正态分布,则X 2+Y 2服从 ( ) 自由度为1的χ2分布 (B) 自由度为2的χ2分布 自由度为1的F 分布 (D) 自由度为2的F 分布选B ,因为n 个相互独立的服从标准正态分布的随机变量的平方和服从自由度为n 的2分布。

已知随机变量X ,Y 相互独立,X ~N (2,4),Y ~N (-2,1), 则( ) X +Y ~P (4) (B) X +Y ~U (2,4) (C) X +Y ~N (0,5) (D) X +Y ~N (0,3) 选C ,因为相互独立的正态变量相加仍然服从正态分布,而E (X +Y )=E (X )+E (Y )=2-2=0, (X +Y )=D (X )+D (Y )=4+1=5, 所以有X +Y ~N (0,5)。

样本(X 1,X 2,X 3)取自总体X ,E (X )=μ, D (X )=σ2, 则有( ) X 1+X 2+X 3是μ的无偏估计(B)1233X X X ++是μ的无偏估计22X 是σ2的无偏估计(D)21233X X X ++⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭是σ2的无偏估计B ,因为样本均值是总体期望的无偏估计,其它三项都不成立。

随机变量X 服从在区间(2,5)上的均匀分布,则X 的数学期望E (X )的值为( ) (B) 3 (C) 3.5 (D) 4 C ,因为在(a ,b )区间上的均匀分布的数学期望为(a +b )/2。





以下是一些可能包含在“深圳大学哲学考研题库”中的内容:哲学基础理论1. 哲学史:考生需要了解不同哲学流派的发展历程,包括但不限于古希腊哲学、中世纪哲学、启蒙时代哲学、现代哲学以及当代哲学。

2. 逻辑学:逻辑学是哲学的一个重要分支,考生需要掌握基本的逻辑推理规则和论证技巧。

3. 伦理学:考生需要理解伦理学的基本问题,如善与恶、正义与不正义、个人道德与社会道德等。

4. 认识论:认识论探讨知识的本质和起源,考生需要掌握知识论的核心概念和理论。

中国哲学1. 儒家哲学:儒家思想是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,考生需要了解儒家的核心价值观和哲学思想。

2. 道家哲学:道家哲学强调自然和无为,考生需要掌握道家的基本理念和哲学体系。

3. 佛学:佛学在中国哲学中占有重要地位,考生需要了解佛教的基本教义和哲学思想。

西方哲学1. 存在主义:考生需要理解存在主义的核心观点,如个人自由、存在先于本质等。

2. 分析哲学:分析哲学注重语言分析和概念清晰,考生需要掌握其主要理论和方法。

3. 现象学:现象学强调直接经验的重要性,考生需要了解其基本方法和哲学观点。

哲学方法论1. 哲学研究方法:考生需要了解哲学研究的基本方法,如概念分析、历史研究、比较研究等。

2. 跨学科研究:哲学与其他学科的交叉研究越来越受到重视,考生需要掌握跨学科研究的方法和技巧。

哲学实践应用1. 哲学在现代社会中的应用:考生需要理解哲学如何影响现代社会,包括伦理决策、社会政策、教育等领域。

2. 哲学与科技:随着科技的发展,哲学在科技伦理、人工智能等领域的应用越来越广泛,考生需要掌握相关哲学问题。


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