
同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度, 服从实习安排, 完成实习任务。
(实习单位盖章)20XX年4月25日internship certificatexxx, student from xxx, started her internship in planning department of xxx on xx, xxxx and ended onxx, xxxx.during the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. she had been proficient atthinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. this student never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. the student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. at the same time, the student adheres to the xxpany's rules. respecting and getting along with others well, co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the xxpany.now the student in my xxpany has already concluded, this is to certify that.(valid with a stamp)xx,xxxx。

中英文版实习证明中英文版实习证明精选3篇(一)Internship CertificateThis is to certify that [Intern's Full Name] has successfully completed an internship at [Company/Organization Name] from [Start Date] to [End Date].During the internship period, [Intern's Full Name] actively participated in various tasks and assignments assigned by the organization. [He/She] demonstrated a high level of dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm towards learning and contributing to the organization's objectives.The key responsibilities undertaken by [Intern's Full Name] during the internship include:- Assisting in [specific tasks or projects]- Conducting research and analysis on [relevant topics]- Supporting [department/team] with day-to-day operations- Collaborating with team members on [specific initiatives]- Contributing to [specific deliverables][Intern's Full Name] consistently displayed excellent communication and teamwork skills while working with colleagues. [He/She] showed a strong ability to adapt to new environments, handle pressure, and work independently to achieve desired outcomes.This internship has provided [Intern's Full Name] with valuable insights into [industry/field] and enhanced [his/her] knowledge in areas such as [specific skills or knowledge gained]. [He/She] exhibits great potential for future success in this field and has undoubtedly made a positive impact during [his/her] time at[Company/Organization Name].We express our sincere appreciation to [Intern's Full Name] for [his/her] contributions and dedication throughout the internship period. We wish [him/her] the very best in [his/her] future endeavors.[Company/Organization Name][Signature/Stamp][Date]中英文版实习证明精选3篇(二)[公司名称][公司地址][日期]致:[实习单位名称][单位地址]尊敬的实习单位负责人:兹证明[姓名]同学在本公司自[开始日期]至[结束日期]期间担任[职位]实习生/实习专员。

第一篇:实习证明中英文实习证明模板中英文实习证明除了中文还有英文的,你们见过多少英文的实习证明呢?下面是一篇中英双文的实习证明,来看看吧!实习证明Practice Certification***,于2015年2月起至今在寒暑假和课余时间在本事务所进行实习。
It is hereby certified that *** has, since February 2015, practiced in the Law Firm in winter and summer vacations, and outside school hours.在此期间她在本所律师***的指导下,以助手身份参与了很多民事、刑事、行政案件(包括北京******有限公司诉北京北方****销售有限公司买卖合同纠纷案件的代理、***行贿罪案件的辩护、***诉北*****人民政府行政诉讼案件的代理等案件)诉讼的实际工作。
In the practicing term, she, under the instructions of the Lawyer ***, has participated as an assistant in actual work of lawsuits of many civil, criminal and administrative cases (including the agency of the sales contract dispute case in whichBeijing ****** Co., Ltd. sues Beijing Beifang **** Sales Co., Ltd., the defense of *** bribe case, and the agency of the administrative proceedings in which *** sues ***** People’s Government, and so forth). Relying on the practice in the Law Firm, she becomes competent for the analysis of materials of court cases, and the compilation of legal documents, etc., and is able to apply legal knowledge she has acquired to actual court cases. Moreover, through the said exercises, she has, to a great extent, enriched the legal knowledge she acquired from books during school, and gotten sufficient trainings and improvements in actual law affairs. In a word, she has accurately and skillfully mastered the knowledge of legal theory, and been good at combining theories with practices, and thereby possessing due subjective and objective conditions with which a legal professional should be equipped.第二篇:实习证明中英文实习证明中英文模板每个人毕业都要去实习,下面就由小编为大家整理实习证明中英文模板,欢迎大家查看!实习证明兹有 xxxxxx 学校土木工程专业 xx 同学于XX年7月2日至 XX 年8月30日在 xxxx总公司实习该同学的实习职位是 ____该学生实习期间工作认真,在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够虚心向富有经验的前辈请教,善于思考,能够举一反三。

中英文版实习证明五篇篇一:中英文实习证明实习证明Internship Certificate兹有XX同学于XX年XX月XX日至XXXX年XX月XX日在XX实习。
XXX, student from XXX, started her internship in planning department of XXX on XX, XXXX and ended onXX, XXXX.该学生实习期间工作认真,善于思考,能够举一反三,能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保质保量完成工作任务。
同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度, 服从实习安排, 完成实习任务。
During the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. This student never hesitated asking senior coworkers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality andquantity of the work done. At the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. Respecting and getting along with others well, coworkers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.现在该学生在我公司已经实习结束,特此证明。

中英文对照版实习证明中英文对照版实习证明范本中英文对照版证明范本(一)实习证明The practice certificate兹有**学校**于**年**月**日至**年**月**日在__________ 公司__________部门实习。
It is a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * school students in years * * * * to * * years * * * * in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department practice. During the period, work actively, outstanding performance.该同学不断加强知识和理论知识的.,工作中,严格要求自己,关心集体,较好地完成了各项工作,现已结束。
The students continue to enhance professional knowledge and theoretical knowledge of learning, work, strict demands on themselves, concerned about the collective, well done all the work has now ended.特此证明。
Hereby certify that.实习单位The practice unit(实习单位盖章)( the practice unit seal)中英文对照版实习证明范本(二)实习证明The practice certificate谨证明______先生/小姐在____年__月__日至____年__月__日期间于本公司担任_____职位.We certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ Sir / madam in _ _ _ _ years _ _ month_ _ to _ _ _ _ years _ ______先生/小姐在本公司负责______工作.______先生/女士在本公司服务期间,(请简述实习生在实习期间的培训内容及其工作表现)._ _ _ _ _ Sir / madam in the company responsible for _ _ _ _ _ _ work. _ _ _ _ _ _ Sir / madam in the company during the service, ( please describe the intern in practice during training and job performance).公司负责人姓名_____及公司盖印Responsible person _ _ _ _ _ & Company Chop日期Date中英文对照版实习证明范本(三)实习证明The practice certificate兹有______学校______班________同学现在我公司进行工作实习,期间担任_________,情况属实,特此证明.It is _ _ _ _ _ _ school _ _ _ _ _ _ cla_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ classmates. Now my company internship, served as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, true, hereby certify that.公司地址:Company address:联系人:Contact person:联系电话:Contact telephone number:公司落款,盖章The company signed, stamped【中英文对照版实习证明范本】。

实习证明英文模板(附中文)实习证明英文模板一Practice CertificateIt is certified that *** finished her/his one-month practice from *** to *** in our 办(是什么?)。
During the time, he/she worked hard and had a good performance.He/She kept improving his/her study in specialty and theory.On dealing with his/her work, he/she was strict with himself/herself, concerned about all the others and doing well in all his/her work. Now the practice is over.This is our Practice Certificate**province**办 ( stamp)实习证明兹有学校同学于年月日至年月日在在我办为期一月的寒假实习。
xx省xx办(实习单位盖章)实习证明英文模板二Internship Certificate exampleHuman Resource OperationsDate: April 21, 2008TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThis is to certify that Miss XXX has completed her Internship in (organizational Name)’s Finance Department starting from January 28, 2011 to March 28, 2011.Her duties includedChecking the Credit Files and preparation of disbursementcheques for different DepartmentsMonthly Bank Reconciliations of Loan AccountsVouchers entry in MIS.During her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly. She possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player.We wish her best of luck for future endeavors.XXXManager HR & Administration。

一般大学生实习,学校都会要求学生将实习证明带来学校,实习证明由企业开,如下就是为大家带来的大学生实习证明中英文版,供大家参考!大学生实习证明中文版一实习证明兹有_________学校_________专业_________同学于_________年_________月_________日至_________年_________月_________日在_________实习 .该同学的实习职位是_________大学生实习证明英文版二Practice CertificateIt is certified that *** finished her/hisone-month practice from *** to *** in our 办(是什么?)。
During the time, he/she worked hard and had a good performance.He/She kept improving his/her study in specialty and theory.On dealing withhis/her work, he/she was strict with himself/herself, concerned about all the others and doing well in all his/her work. Now the practice is over.This is our Practice Certificate**province**办 ( stamp)大学生实习证明英文版三Internship Certificate exampleHuman Resource OperationsDate: April 21, 2008TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThis is to certify that Miss XXX has completed her Internship in (organizational Name)s Finance Department starting from January 28, 2011 to March 28, 2011.Her duties includedChecking the Credit Files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different Departments Monthly Bank Reconciliations of Loan Accounts Vouchers entry in MIS.During her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly. She possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player.We wish her best of luck for future endeavors.XXXManager HR Administration。
实习证明(中英对照)[共五篇]第一篇:实习证明(中英对照)实习证明兹有XXX同学于2011年7月2日至2012年6月21日在XXX 实习。
此证明(实习单位盖章)2012年6月24日Internship CertificateThis is to certify that XXX started her internship on July 2nd, 2011 and ended on June 21th, 2012 in XXX.During her internship, XXX performed as an assistant to business manager.She was modest, prudent and industrious.She paid attention to integrating theory with practice and applied all the knowledge learned at school to the actual work effectively.She not only worked in a constructive and independent way but also followed senior co-workers’ instructions earne stly, displaying strong intellectual curiosity.At the same time, by observing carefully, getting firsthand experience, thinking independently and analyzing comprehensively, she was able to apply her own knowledge to solve the difficulties at work effectively.Hereby certified.XXXJune 24th, 2012第二篇:在校证明(中英对照)证明成匡,学号2009051230,系我校生命科学技术学院生物医学工程2009级在读学生。

实习证明中英文通用实习证明中英文通用模板InternshipQualificationXXXX,studentfromXXXXUniversity,majoredinCivilEngineering,st artedhistwomonthsinternshipatourcompanyfromJuly2,20**toAugu st30,20**.Duringthestudent'sinternship,undertheguidanceofourcompany’sengineer,hehasapreliminaryunderstandingofthedevelopmentpro cessofconductingaproject,andismorefamiliarwiththeengineerin gsystemanditsrelatedequipmentfunctionsandimplementationmeth odology,aswellassalesanddistributionsmodule.Inaddition,hepu tsmucheffortintohisworkandstudy.Thestudentneverhesitatestoa skseniorco-workerswhenmeetingdifficulties.Atthesametime,herespectsandg etsalongverywellwithothersandshowsusaverygoodteamspiritanda bilityofcommunicationandcooperation.Co-workershaveallgiventheirapprovaltothestudentwhonowleavesane xcellentimpressiontothecompany.XXXXCorporationofChina(Validwithastamp)September5th,20**实习证明兹有XXXXXX学校土木工程专业XX同学于20xx年xx月x日至20xx年x月xx日在XXXX总公司实习该同学的实习职位是____该学生实习期间工作认真,在工作中遇到不懂的`地方,能够虚心向富有经验的前辈请教,善于思考,能够举一反三。

---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------中英文版实习证明Internship QualificationXX XX, student from XXXX University, majored in Civil Engineering, started his two months internship at our company from July 2,2018 to August 30,2018.During the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s engineer, he has a preliminary understanding of the development process of conducting a project, and is more familiar with the engineering system and its related equipment functions and implementation methodology, as well as sales and distributions module. In addition, he puts much effort into his work and study. The student never hesitates to ask senior co-workers when meeting difficulties. At the same time, he respects and gets along very well with others and shows us a very good team spirit and ability of communication and cooperation. Co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.XXXXCorporation of China(Valid with a stamp)September 5th, 20181 / 4兹有 XXXXXX 学校土木工程专业 XX 同学于2018年7月2日至 2018年8月30日在 XXXX总公司实习该同学的实习职位是 ____该学生实习期间工作认真,在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够虚心向富有经验的前辈请教,善于思考,能够举一反三。

中英文版实习证明Internship QualificationXX XX, student from XXXX University, majored in Civil Engineering, started his two months internship at our company from July 2,2019 to August 30,2019.During the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s engineer, he has a preliminary understanding of the development process of conducting a project, and is more familiar with the engineering system and its related equipment functions and implementation methodology, as well as sales and distributions module. In addition, he puts much effort into his work and study. The student never hesitates to ask senior co-workers when meeting difficulties. At the same time, he respects and gets along very well with others and shows us a very good team spirit and ability of communication and cooperation. Co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.XXXXCorporation of China(Valid with a stamp)September 5th, 2019兹有 XXXXXX 学校土木工程专业 XX 同砚于2019年7月2日至 2019年8月30日在 XXXX总公司实习该同砚的实习职位是 ____该学生实习时期劳动认真,在劳动中遇到不懂的地方,能够虚心向宽裕阅历的先辈讨教,善于思考,能够举一反三。

实习证明中英文实习证明中英文范文Internship Certificate兹有XX同学于XX年XX月XX日至XXXX年XX月XX日在XX 实习。
在XXX, student from XXX, started her internship in planning department of XXX on XX, XXXX and ended onXX, XXXX.该学生实习期间工作认真,善于思考,能够举一反三,能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保质保量完成工作任务。
同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度, 服从实习安排, 完成实习任务。
During the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. This student never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. At the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. Respecting and getting along with others well, co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.现在该学生在我公司已经实习结束,特此证明。

中英文版实习证明五篇篇一:中英文实习证明实习证明Internship Certificate兹有XX同学于XX年XX月XX日至XXXX年XX月XX日在XX实习。
XXX, student from XXX, started her internship in planning department of XXX on XX, XXXX and ended onXX, XXXX.该学生实习期间工作认真,善于思考,能够举一反三,能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保质保量完成工作任务。
同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度, 服从实习安排, 完成实习任务。
During the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. This student never hesitated asking senior coworkers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality andquantity of the work done. At the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. Respecting and getting along with others well, coworkers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.现在该学生在我公司已经实习结束,特此证明。
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Internship Certificate
XXX, student from XXX, started her internship in planning department of XXX on XX, XXXX and ended onXX, XXXX.
同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度, 服从实习安排, 完成实习任务。
During the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. This student never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. At the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. Respecting and getting along with others well, co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.
Now the student in my company has already concluded,this is to certify that.
(Valid with a stamp)
Certificate of Internship
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify , from University, majored in , started his three weeks internship at our company from Aug 2nd, 2019 to Aug 30th, 2019.
During the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and was familiar with the project-assessment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. In addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. The student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior co-workers for help. He got along very well with others, which in term proved his team-spirit and excellent skills of communication. Also, he was willing to take suggestions from others, and he could work overtime to ensure his work is fulfilled before due. His diligence, attitude and cooperation left all his co-workers and our company a very good impression.
Corporation, Limited
Human Resources Director,
(Valid with a stamp)
September 1st, 2019
人力资源总监 (实习单位盖章)