烽火交换机配置常用命令一、连接方式:1.超级连接:开始——程序——附件——通讯——超级链接——命名——还原默认——回车2.Eth网口链接:设置为192.168.2.*地址段——开始——运行——telnet二、登陆:Username:admin ------------ 使用着名称:adminPassword :12345 ------------密码:12345三、查看:S200mfb#show run ------------------查看系统运行★会看设备情况很重要四、查看交换机端口情况:S200mfb#show interface-----------查看端口网速,在线情况。
五、进入配置模式:S200mfb#configure------------进入命令模式可以更改系统数据六、给交换机命名:S200mfb(config)#hostname dianwuduan ---------给交换机命名电务段七、创建vlan:并把端口加入vlanDianwuduan(config)#interface vlan 301--------------------创建VLAN301Dianwuduan(config-vlan-301)#member 16 tagged -------------将端口16加入vlan301设为上联口Dianwuduan(config-vlan-301)#q --------------- 退出VLAN301Dianwuduan(config)#interface vlan 2005 ----------------创建VLAN2005Dianwuduan(config-vlan-2005)#member 16 tagged----------------将端口16加入vlan2005设为上联口Dianwuduan(config-vlan-2005)#member 1-15 untagged--------将端口1-15加入vlan2005并不标记Dianwuduan(config-vlan-2005)#q -------------------------退出VLAN2005八、端口隔离:Dianwuduan(config)#pvlan 1 --------------------进入本地固定隔离vlan1Dianwuduan(config-pvlan-1)#isolate-ports 1-15------将端口1-15相互隔离★注意上联口不能隔离Dianwuduan(config-pvlan-1)#q-------------------退出pvlan1九、上网出口:★Dianwuduan(config)#port 1-15 pvid 2005 ------------指定端口1-15通vlan2005进行业务通讯十、指定管理:Dianwuduan(config)#system ---------------------进入系统配置Dianwuduan(config-system)#management vlan 301 ----------------指定管理vlan301Dianwuduan(config-system)#ip address指定ip地址,子网掩码Dianwuduan(config-system)#gateway -------------------指定网关Dianwuduan(config-system)#q ----------------退出系统配置十一、设置端口网速:Dianwuduan(config)#int e 16 -----------------------进入端口16Dianwuduan(config-e-16)#duplex full speed 100 ----------------强制端口16网速为100M全双工Dianwuduan(config-e-16)#q-------------------退出端口16Duanwuduan(config)#q ----------------------------------退出命令模式十二、保存数据:Dianwuduan#write file-------------------写保存This will recover the configuration in the flash memory,Are you sure ? (y/n) ---------------------------------------是否保存y/nY ------------------------------------------Y 保存N 不保存十三、删除系统配置:Duanwuduan(config)#eraser starup-congfig-------删除系统配置★重启生效十四、把端口1设为上联口:Duanwuduan(config)# int e 1 ------------------进入端1Dianwuduan(config-e-1)#join vlan 2005 tagged ---------- 将端口1设为vlan2005上联口Dianwuduan(config-e-1)#join vlan 301 tagged ---------- 将端口1设为vlan301上联口Dianwuduan(config-e-1)#pvid 1 ----------------------- 取消端口1的pvid 出口。
port 1-8 pvid 1668
interface vlan 1699
member 9-16 untagged
member 17-18 tagged
port 9-16 pvid 1699
sh run
write file
erase startup-config
y 开光口,duplex f Nhomakorabeall speed 100处开百兆口时填100,千兆口时填1000
interface vlan 1699
member 17-18 tagged
下挂AP的VLAN不同时,下挂口1-16改成不同VLAN,如1-8口VLAN 1668,9-16口VLAN1699
interface vlan 1668
member 1-8 untagged
member 17-18 tagged
hostname jdxintiandi 热点名称信息
interface vlan 1668 管理VLAN,模板中所有的1668处都要修改
ip address 交换机的ip地址
gateway 网关
interface ethernet 17
duplex full speed 100
何日君再来沈华词苑宏昭曲邓丽君演唱好花不常开好景不常在愁堆解笑眉泪洒相思带今宵离别后何日君再来喝完了这杯请进点小菜人生能得几回醉不欢更何待[白]来, 喝完这杯再说吧! 今宵离别后何日君再来停唱阳关叠重擎白玉杯殷勤频致语牢牢抚君怀今宵离别后何日君再来喝完了这杯请进点小菜人生能得几回醉不欢更何待[白]哎! 再喝一杯,干了吧! 今宵离别后何日君再来系统启动成功后,出现提示符“login:”,要求输入登录用户名和密码,缺省用户名admin,密码zhongxing。
使能/关闭VLANset vlan <vlanlist> {enable|disable}在VLAN 中加入指定的端口set vlan <vlanlist> add port <portlist> [tag|untag]VLAN加入端口set vlan <vlanlist> add port <portlist> [tag|untag]删除VLAN 中指定的端口set vlan <vlanlist> delete port <portlist>设置PVIDset port <portlist> pvid <1-4094>显示VLAN 的信息show vlan [<vlanlist>]VLAN 的FIDset vlan <vlanlist> fid <1-256>相同FID 的VLAN 可以共享转发表的条目,大多数厂家不提供FID 的设置,而是缺省的让FID=VID。
环路set loopdetect port <portlist> {enable|disable}此时检测端口的PVID 所在的vlan 中是否有自环路存在,端口的环路检测功能缺省状态是关闭的。
show loopdetect命令功能:显示端口环路信息。
一.缺省用户名和密码admin12345二.创建VLANconfig //进入配置模式后vlan 10,12,17,20,30-416,579,601-700,801,921,1000-1050,1201-1224,1301-1324,1401-1424,3999 //批量创建VLANinterface vlan 4000 //单独创建VLANip address //给vlan添加IPip route-static //config模式下缺省路由配置write file //保存当前所有配置三.端口配置Interface gi 1/0/1 to gi 1/0/48 批量进入端口S7800-08(config-eth1)#no shutdown //启用端口S7800-08(config)#interface gigaethernet 6/0/1 //进入端口gigaethernet 6/0/1 S7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#alias huangtan8220 //设置端口描述1)access 模式:port link-type access;port default vlan 10 // access 模式2)trunk 模式:port link-type trunk;port trunk allow-pass vlan 10,12 //trunk模式3)hybrid 模式:port link-type hybrid;port hybrid vlan 30-416,1000-1050 tagged;port hybrid vlan 3999untagged //hybird模式,内层标为tag,外层标untag(解标) 建议端口使用hybrid模式,端口默认为hybrid模式。
1.Port hybrid vlan 400 tag //更改端口为tag模式2.Port hybrid vlan 399 untag //更改端口为untag模式,并在下一条中配置pvidPort hybrid pvid 399四.启用QinQS7800-08(config)#translation-vlan 1 outer-vlan 30/524 add outer 2008 //规则1:如果是内标为30-524的数据,添加外标2008 ,前提是端口必须先透传30/524VLAN,下行口S7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#join translation-vlan 1 in //在端口下应用S7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#port hybrid vlan 2008 untagS7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#exit //退出至上一层配置界面上行口:S7800-08(config-ge8/0/1)#port hybrid vlan 2008 tag //只透传2008VLAN--------------------------------------------------------------➢基于接口的QinQ配置,对比中兴设备的配置比较案例:vlan qinq session-no 1 customer-port fei_1/13 uplink-port gei_2/1 in-vlan 2013 untag helper-vlan 3999----- translation-vlan 1 outer-vlan 2013 add outer 3999 //中兴设备和烽火设备的vlan翻译规则命令比较interface fei_1/13 --------- interface gigaethernet 6/0/1 //进入端口下join translation-vlan 1 in //在端口下应用之前建立的翻译规则description XSX_ShuiYueSi_DSLAM2_MA5600 ------- alias XSX_ShuiYueSi_DSLAM2_MA5600 //端口描述switchport mode hybrid --------- port link-type hybridswitchport hybrid native vlan 254 -------- port hybrid pvid 254switchport hybrid vlan 2013 tag --------- port hybrid vlan 2013 tagswitchport hybrid vlan 254 untag -------- port hybrid vlan 254 untagswitchport hybrid vlan 3999 untag ---------port hybrid vlan 3999 untagswitchport qinq customer ---------- dot1q tunnel enable上联口中兴设备需要定义uplink,烽火设备无需该配置,将外层标签定义为untag即可。
一,烽火交换机登陆方式:烽火交换机的登陆配置方式有两种,具体是:1,通过交换机上COS口进入烽火交换机搭配配置环境:图1-1 通过串口建立本地配置环境第一步:如图1-1所示,建立本地配置环境,只需要将电脑的串口通过串口电缆与S2000交换机的Console口相连;第二步:在电脑上运行超级终端,设备终端参数为9600bps,8位数据位、1位停止位、无校验和无流控,并选择终端类型为VT100,二进制传输协议为CRC;第三步:S2000第一次上电,自动执行setup命令,设备按照缺省的参数自动启动,直到用户看到Fengine;2,通过交换机上ETH口进人烽火交换机搭配配置环境:图1-2 通过直连网线建立本地配置环境第一步:如图1-2所示,用直连网线将电脑网卡接至交换机的带外网管口(带外网管口位与状态指示灯的左侧,接口旁边有“ETH”字样);第二步:启用超级终端登陆交换机:a,烽火交换机外带网关为192.168.2.1需要将电脑IP地址与交换机外带网关设置为同一网段。
鼠标右键单击桌面上“网上邻居:点击属性,在网上邻居菜单中点击属性,如图1-3;图1-3 本地连接属性b,单击internet 协议(TCP/IP),将IP地址设置为192.168.2.2 (与烽火外带网关设置为同一网段),子网掩码设置为255.255.255.0 ,如图1-4;图1-4 interface 协议(TCP/IP)属性c,点击桌面“开始”-“程序“-“附件”-“通讯”-“超级终端”,进入到超级终端的“连接描述”在名称对话框中随便输个名称列如:123,进入到“连接到”,如图1-5 ;图1-5:连接描述选项框d,进入“连接到”后,点击“连接时使用”选现中的“TCP/IP(winsock),在主机地址中输入: 点击确定直到用户看到Fengine,如图1-6。
1.烽火交换机最常用的基本配置命令用户名:admin 默认密码:12345Fire#configFire(config)#interface vlan 70 //创建vlan 332Fire(config-vlan-70)#ip address 配置交换机管理地址Fire(config-vlan-70)#exitFire(config)#ip route // 配置路由Fire(config)#interface vlan 338,440 //创建vlan338,440Fire(config-vlan)#exitFire(config)#interface ethernet 1 //进入1端口Fire(config-eth-1)#join vlan 338 untagged // 1端口加入到vlan332 非标记端口Fire(config-eth-1)#pvid 338 //1端口标记pvid 338Fire(config-eth-1)#exitFire(config)#interface ethernet 2Fire(config-eth-2)#join vlan 440 untagged // 2端口加入到vlan440非标记端口Fire(config-eth-2)#pvid 440 //2端口标记pvid 440Fire(config-eth-2)#exitFire(config)#interface ethernet 6Fire(config-eth-6)#join vlan 70,338,440 tag // 6端口加入到vlan70,338,440 标记端口Fire(config-eth-6)#exitFire(config)#exitFire#write file // 保存2.烽火交换机常用命令Fire#show interface 1 // 查看1端口状态Fire#show interface staistics 1 // 查看端口流量(realtime rate)Fire#show vlan all // 查看所有VLANFire#show vlan 338 // 查看VLAN信息Fire(config)#no vlan 338 // 删除vlan 332Fire(config-eth-9)#shutdown // 关闭9号端口Fire(config-eth-9)#no shutdown // 开启9号端口Fire(config-vlan-338)#description yewu // vlan描述Fire(config-eth-1)#description yewu // 端口描述Fire(config-eth-1)#rate-limit rx 1024 //限速收为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20MFire(config-eth-1)#rate-limit tx 1024 //限速发为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20M。
创建VLANconfig //进入配置模式后vlan 10,12,17,20,30-416,579,601—700,801,921,1000—1050,1201—1224,1301-1324,1401—1424,3999 //批量创建VLANinterface vlan 4000 //单独创建VLANip address 172。
237/24 //给vlan添加IPip route—static 0.0。
0.0 0。
0.0 172。
254 //config模式下缺省路由配置write file //保存当前所有配置三。
端口配置Interface gi 1/0/1 to gi 1/0/48 批量进入端口S7800—08(config-eth1)#no shutdown //启用端口S7800—08(config)#interface gigaethernet 6/0/1 //进入端口gigaethernet 6/0/1 S7800-08(config—ge6/0/1)#alias huangtan8220 //设置端口描述1)access 模式:port link—type access;port default vlan 10 // access 模式2)trunk 模式:port link—type trunk;port trunk allow—pass vlan 10,12 //trunk模式3)hybrid 模式:port link—type hybrid;port hybrid vlan 30—416,1000—1050 tagged;port hybrid vlan 3999untagged //hybird模式,内层标为tag,外层标untag(解标)建议端口使用hybrid模式,端口默认为hybrid模式。
烽⽕交换机常⽤的基本配置命令配置案例最常⽤的基本配置命令⽤户名:admin默认密码:123453528#show interface 1 查看端⼝状态3528#show interface staistics 1 查看端⼝流量(realtime rate)3528#show vlan all 查看所以VLAN3528#show vlan 151 查看VLAN信息3528#config3528(config)#interface vlan 332 创建vlan 3323528(config)#no vlan 332 删除vlan 3323528(config)#interface ethernet 9 进⼊某个端⼝3528(config-eth-9)#join vlan 332 untagged 9端⼝加⼊到vlan332 ⾮标记端⼝3528(config-eth-9)#pvid 332 9端⼝标记pvid 3323528(config-eth-9)#rate-limit rx 1024 收为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20M 3528(config-eth-9)#rate-limit tx 1024 发为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20M 3528(config-eth-9)#description ...... 端⼝描述3528(config-eth-9)#shutdown 关闭9号端⼝no shutdown 开启9号端⼝3528(config-vlan-332)#description ...... vlan描述3528#write file 保存配置案例:城域⽹ v66(管理vlan) 4/业务1/ /业务2/ /拨号⽤户/(DSLAM) /固定IP⽤户/V100 V200 V300 V400(打标的原则:A.设备接设备tag,设备接⽤户untag;B.端⼝对端打标状态始终与本端⼝⼀致,即对端tag,则端⼝tag,对端untag,则端⼝untag.C.untag的端⼝⼀定要打相应的pvid值)1 在config模式下创建vlan,更改⽤户名和密码,更改主机名称S3500(config)#hostname HostA更改主机名称HostA (config)#S3500(config)#adduser aaa group administrators password 111增加⼀个名为“aaa”,密码为111管理员⽤户S3500(config)#interface vlan 100创建vlan100并进⼊S3500(config-vlan-100)# interface vlan 200创建vlan200并进⼊S3500(config-vlan-200)#quit退出vlan200S3500(config)# interface vlan 66,300,400创建vlan300和400,在config模式下创建vlan如果只带1个参数则表⽰创建这个vlan 并进⼊,如果跟2个参数,则代表创建连续的多个vlan,vlan号为第1个参数到第2个参数,使⽤no命令删除,命令⾏定义跟创建vlan⼀样2 在vlan配置模式下,绑定vlan的IP地址S3500(config-vlan-66)#ip address在vlan内绑定IP地址S3500(config-vlan-66)#quit退出vlan配置模式S3500(config)#3 配置⽹管使⽤的ACL配置了VLAN IP在以后属于这个VLAN的任意⼀个端⼝是不能ping通交换机的,必须要配置ACL并将ACL应⽤到端⼝以后才可以在此端⼝PING通交换机以及telnetS3500(config)# access-list 1创建access-list 1并进⼊(ACL)S3500(config-acl-1)# rule 1 arp any此处IP地址为绑定的IP地址S3500(config- acl-1)#rule 1 action traptocpu onlyS3500(config- acl-1)#quit退出S3500(config)#4 在端⼝配置模式下配置端⼝信息在举例中交换机,需要在端⼝上启⽤ACL,透传vlanS3500(config)#interface ethernet 1进⼊端⼝1S3500(config-eth-1)#join vlan 66,100,200,300 tag端⼝1加⼊vlan100,200,300,400,为打标端⼝,此命令格式为join vlan 1,3,5-7,不连续vlan之间⽤“,”号隔开,连续vlan间⽤“-”隔开(1,3,5-7表⽰加⼊1,3,5,6,7)后⾯跟tagged或者untagged,定义端⼝为打标端⼝(tagged),或者为不打标端⼝(untagged)。
一.缺省用户名和密码admin12345二.创建VLANconfig //进入配置模式后vlan10,12,17,20,30-416,579,601-700,801,921,1000-1050,1201-1224,1301-1324,1401-1424,3999 //批量创建VLANinterface vlan 4000 //单独创建VLANip address //给vlan添加IPip route-static //config模式下缺省路由配置write file//保存当前所有配置三.端口配置Interface gi 1/0/1 to gi 1/0/48 批量进入端口S7800-08(config-eth1)#no shutdown //启用端口S7800-08(config)#interface gigaethernet 6/0/1 //进入端口gigaethernet 6/0/1 S7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#alias huangtan8220 //设置端口描述1)access 模式:port link-type access;port default vlan 10 //access 模式2)trunk 模式:port link-type trunk;port trunk allow-pass vlan 10,12 //trunk模式3)hybrid 模式:port link-type hybrid;port hybrid vlan30-416,1000-1050tagged;port hybrid vlan 3999untagged//hybird模式,内层标为tag,外层标untag(解标)建议端口使用hybrid模式,端口默认为hybrid模式。
1.Port hybrid vlan 400 tag //更改端口为tag模式2.Port hybrid vlan 399 untag //更改端口为untag模式,并在下一条中配置pvidPort hybrid pvid 399四.启用QinQS7800-08(config)#translation-vlan 1 outer-vlan 30/524 add outer 2008 //规则1:如果是内标为30-524的数据,添加外标2008 ,前提是端口必须先透传30/524VLAN,下行口S7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#join translation-vlan 1 in //在端口下应用S7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#port hybrid vlan 2008 untagS7800-08(config-ge6/0/1)#exit //退出至上一层配置界面上行口:S7800-08(config-ge8/0/1)#port hybrid vlan 2008 tag//只透传2008VLAN--------------------------------------------------------------基于接口的QinQ配置,对比中兴设备的配置比较案例:vlan qinq session-no 1 customer-port fei_1/13 uplink-port gei_2/1 in-vlan 2013 untag helper-vlan 3999-----translation-vlan 1 outer-vlan 2013 add outer 3999 //中兴设备和烽火设备的vlan翻译规则命令比较interface fei_1/13 --------- interface gigaethernet 6/0/1//进入端口下join translation-vlan 1 in//在端口下应用之前建立的翻译规则description XSX_ShuiYueSi_DSLAM2_MA5600 -------aliasXSX_ShuiYueSi_DSLAM2_MA5600//端口描述switchport mode hybrid --------- port link-type hybridswitchport hybrid native vlan 254 --------port hybrid pvid 254switchport hybrid vlan 2013 tag ---------port hybrid vlan 2013 tagswitchport hybrid vlan 254 untag --------port hybrid vlan 254 untagswitchport hybrid vlan 3999 untag ---------port hybrid vlan 3999 untagswitchport qinq customer ----------dot1q tunnel enable上联口中兴设备需要定义uplink,烽火设备无需该配置,将外层标签定义为untag即可。
烽火交换机基本配置Console口配置交换机(同HW2016一样)1.烽火交换机基本配置所在视图依次键入以下命令命令说明Username: admin 用户名Password: 12345 密码S2000MFB# configure 进入config模式S2000MFB(config)# interface vlan 2 创建vlan 2S2000MFB(config-vlan-2)# qu 退出到上一级S2000MFB(config)# system 进入系统模式下S2000MFB(config-system)# management vlan 2 配置管理vlan 2 S2000MFB(config-system)# ip address 192.168.x.x q 退到上一级S2000MFB(config)# interface vlan 2S2000MFB(config-vlan-2)# member 1 taggedS2000MFB# write fileAre you sure?(y/n) [y]……………………………………………….是的IP地址范围使用192.168.x.2-254各县规化配置) 2.烽火交换机常用命令interface ethernet 1join vlan 2 taggedS2000MFB(config)#anti-arp trust ip 192.168.x.1 加信任主机S2000MFB(config-system)#gateway 192.168.x1 加网管地址的网关S2000MFB(config-system)#anti-attack disable 关闭防攻击S2000MFB#config 进入配置模式S2000MFB(config)#hostname liujiazhuangS2000MFB(config)#interface vlan 2097S2000MFB(config-vlan-2097)#member 1 taggedS2000MFB(config)#member 5 untaggedS2000MFB(config)#quit 退到配置模式S2000MFB(config)#interface vlan 1300S2000MFB(config-vlan-1300)#member 1 tagged(同批注9)S2000MFB(config-vlan-1300)#quit 退到上级模式S2000MFB(config)#interface eth 5进入5端口S2000MFB(config-eth-5)#pvid 2097配置5口的PVID为2097S2000MFB(config)#interface eth 4进入4端口S2000MFB(config-eth-4)#pvid 1300配置4口的PVID为1300 S2000MFB(config)#S2000MFB(config)#pvlan 1进入条目1的端口隔离S2000MFB(config-pvlan-1)#isolate-ports 1-8配置1-8端口隔离IGMP协议启用方法S2008MFB(config)#igmp-snoopingS2008MFB(config-igmp-snoop)#igmp-snooping en 全局启用igmp 对于开igmp业务的端口单个宽带用户端口配置S2008MFB(config)#in vlan 1000S2008MFB(config-vlan-1000)#mem 1 tagS2008MFB(config-vlan-1000)#mem 3-4 unS2008MFB(config)#int e 3S2008MFB(config-eth-3)#pvid 1000S2008MFB(config)#int e 4S2008MFB(config-eth-4)#pvid 1000多媒体宽带用户端口配置S2008MFB(config)#in vlan 1000S2008MFB(config-vlan-1000)#mem 1 tagS2008MFB(config-vlan-1000)#mem 3-4 unS2008MFB(config-vlan-2103)#quS2008MFB(config)#in vlan 2103S2008MFB(config-vlan-2103)#mem 1 tagS2008MFB(config-vlan-2103)#mem 3-4 tagS2008MFB(config-vlan-2103)#quS2008MFB(config)#in vlan 2104S2008MFB(config-vlan-2104)#mem 1 tagS2008MFB(config-vlan-2104)#mem 3-4 tagS2008MFB(config-vlan-2104)#quS2008MFB(config)#int e 3S2008MFB(config-eth-3)#pvid 1000S2008MFB(config)#int e 4S2008MFB(config-eth-4)#pvid 1000in eth 3 进入端口3packet-limit broadcast 0 去除广播限制packet-limit dlf 0 去除dlf限制packet-limit multicast 0 去除组播限制in eth 4 进入端口4packet-limit broadcast 0 去除广播限制packet-limit dlf 0 去除dlf限制packet-limit multicast 0 去除组播限制烽火交换机举例:S2000MFB#show run 查看交换机配置信息!Vlan Configurationinterface vlan 1member 1-18 untaggedinterface vlan 2member 1,6-8,13 taggedinterface vlan 1428member 1,6-8,13 taggedmember 2-4,12,14 untaggedinterface vlan 2103member 1-4.6-8,11-14 taggedmember 5,9-10,15-16 untaggedinterface vlan 2104member 1-4,6-8,12-14 taggedsystemmanagement vlan 2ip address ip address timer 0anti-attack disabledot1q ingress-filter disable!!Igmp Snooping Configurationigmp-snoopingigmp-snooping enableigmp-snooping fast-leave enableigmp-snooping drop-filtered enableigmp-snooping proxy disableigmp-snooping proxy igmpv3-support disable igmp-snooping proxy vlan 1igmp-snooping max multicast-group 256 spnm password switchspnm send-access-mac disablespnm community NETMAN!Rmon configuration!!Anti-arp Configurationanti-arp disableanti-arp trust ip!ftpd configurationno ftpd!!ESR Configurationesresr disable!!Ethernet Configurationinterface ethernet 1join vlan 2,1428,2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1 untaggedauto-neg 10M half enableauto-neg 10M full enableauto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepacket-limit broadcast 0packet-limit multicast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0interface ethernet 2join vlan 2103-2104 taggedjoin vlan 1,1428 untaggedauto-neg 10M half enableauto-neg 10M full enableauto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 1428packet-limit broadcast 0packet-limit multicast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 3join vlan 2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1,1428 untagged auto-neg 10M half enable auto-neg 10M full enable auto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 1428packet-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 4join vlan 2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1,1428 untagged auto-neg 10M half enable auto-neg 10M full enable auto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 1428packet-limit broadcast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0interface ethernet 5join vlan 1,2103 untaggedauto-neg 10M half enableauto-neg 10M full enableauto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 2103packet-limit broadcast 0packet-limit multicast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0interface ethernet 6join vlan 2,1428,2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1 untagged description 10M half enableauto-neg 10M full enableauto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepacket-limit multicast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0interface ethernet 7join vlan 2,1428,2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1 untagged description 10M half enableauto-neg 10M full enableauto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 1428packet-limit broadcast 0packet-limit multicast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0interface ethernet 8join vlan 2,1428,2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1 untagged description 10M half enableauto-neg 10M full enableauto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepacket-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 9join vlan 1,2103 untagged auto-neg 10M half enable auto-neg 10M full enable auto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 2103packet-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 10join vlan 1,2103 untagged auto-neg 10M half enable auto-neg 10M full enable auto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 2103packet-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 11join vlan 2103 taggedjoin vlan 1 untaggedauto-neg 10M half enable auto-neg 10M full enable auto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 2103packet-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 12join vlan 2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1,1428 untagged auto-neg 10M half enable auto-neg 10M full enable auto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 1428packet-limit broadcast 0packet-limit multicast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0interface ethernet 13join vlan 2,1428,2103-2104 tagged join vlan 1 untagged description to_192.168.13.30 auto-neg 10M half enableauto-neg 10M full enableauto-neg 100M half enableauto-neg 100M full enableauto-neg pause disableduplex autoflow-ctrl disablepacket-limit broadcast 0packet-limit multicast 0packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0interface ethernet 14join vlan 2103-2104 taggedjoin vlan 1,1428 untaggedauto-neg 10M half enableauto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 1428packet-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 15join vlan 1,2103 untagged auto-neg 10M half enable auto-neg 10M full enable auto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 2103packet-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 16join vlan 1,2103 untagged auto-neg 10M half enableauto-neg 100M half enable auto-neg 100M full enable auto-neg pause disable duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepvid 2103packet-limit broadcast 0 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 0stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 17join vlan 1 untagged duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepacket-limit broadcast 64 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 64stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enableloop-check vlan 1dtag disablesecurity-mac disableuser-limit number 0 interface ethernet 18join vlan 1 untagged duplex autoflow-ctrl disablepacket-limit broadcast 64 packet-limit multicast 0 packet-limit dlf 64stp disablestp priority 0no shutdownloop-check enable loop-check vlan 1 dtag disable security-mac disable user-limit number 0!!endS2000MFB#查看交换机mac 命令1.2根据已知mac地址,查看mac地址所在端口2端口3查看某端口下所有mac地址例如:查看此交换机第2端口的所有MAC地址运城IT部2009-9-2。
求烽火交换机常用命令大全q 接入方式通过Console口进行本地配置带内/带外的telnet或sshWEB页面q 部分有关管理的缺省设置带内ip:带外ip:本机登陆用户名、密码:admin,12345或guest,12345SNMP的只读集合:publicSNMP的读写集合:NETMANq Web页面配置根据交换机配置的默认web管理地址通过IE浏览器进行配置以烽火2008mfb为例q 设备缺省的web网管IP地址为192.168.2.1;q 设备缺省的用户名为:adminq 密码为:12345q 选择成员及类型时,可以通过单击代表相应端口类型的字符,选择合适的配置。
q 查看及保存配置(特权模式下#)q showrunning-config 显示当前系统配置q showstartup-config 显示当前配置文件信息q show version 显示当前设备的版本信息q show system 显示系统配置q show interface [<1-64>] 显示端口信息q show vlan [<1-4094>] 显示vlan信息q show dynamic-mac AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF已知某一mac地址,查找交换机连接端口号q show logginghistory 显示历史记录q show history 显示之前的输入命令q ls显示文件系统q writefile 保存配置文件q show cpustatistic 显示CPU统计信息。
q 1、设置时间q clock set HH:MM:SS <1-31> <1-12> <2000-2100>q 例:Fengine#clock set 14:28:30 10 9 2009q 2、显示文件系统q dirq 例: Fengine#dirq size datetime nameq -------- ------------ --------q 11387 JAN-01-2000 00:01:16 sta rtcfgq 1 files, total space: 11387 bytesq 0 directorys,available space: 2011136 bytesq 3、清空交换机的配置文件erase startup-config用于清空flash上保存的配置文件,但是以前的配置在系统上仍然生效,因此如果希望系统恢复到出厂状态,除了需要清空flash 上的配置文件外,还需要重启设备例: Fengine(config)#erase startup-configThis will erase the configuration in the flash memory.Are you sure?(y/n) [y]Erasing configuration.......[OK]q 4、配置交换机系统的名字。
烽火5006-20 配置命令大全
![烽火5006-20 配置命令大全](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9c7467d7b14e852458fb57ac.png)
Config# list0. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]1. clear2. clear system log3. download ftp [system|config|boot] <A.B.C.D> <username> <password> <filename>4. erase {startup-config}*15. exit6. help7. list8. quit9. reboot10. reboot slot <slotNo>11. save {configuration}*112. set auto upload config [enable|disable] {<A.B.C.D> <username> <password> period<1-1440>}*113. set clilog [enable|disable]14. show auto upload config15. show history16. show log {[flash]}*1 {[reverse]}*117. show running-config18. show startup-config19. system reboot20. upload ftp [system|config|clilog] <A.B.C.D> <username> <password> <filename>Config#Config\alarm# list0. add alarmthresh alarmtype[ac_over|ac_down|dc_over|dc_down|temp_over|temp_down|hum_over|hum_down|rect_dc_over|re ct_dc_down|rect_cur_over|rect_temp_over|bat_temp_over] [on|off] reportthresh <value> clearthresh <value>1. attach alarmthresh profile <name> slot <slotno> {port <portlist>}*12. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]3. clear4. create alarmthresh profile <name> type [hcuslot|hcuport] {profileid <1-64>}*15. del alarmthresh alarmtype[ac_over|ac_down|dc_over|dc_down|temp_over|temp_down|hum_over|hum_down|rect_dc_over|re ct_dc_down|rect_cur_over|rect_temp_over|bat_temp_over]6. destroy alarmthresh profile <name>7. detach alarmthresh profile slot <slotno> {port <portlist>}*18. enter alarmthresh profile <name>9. exit10. help11. list12. set alarm ReportTime <0-10080>13. set alarm threshold <0-65534>14. set alarmthresh alarmtype[ac_over|ac_down|dc_over|dc_down|temp_over|temp_down|hum_over|hum_down|rect_dc_over|re ct_dc_down|rect_cur_over|rect_temp_over|bat_temp_over] [on|off] reportthresh <value> clearthresh <value>15. show ReservedInformation16. show alarm all17. show alarm count18. show alarm delayreporttime19. show alarm threshold20. show alarmthresh profile [<name>|all]21. show alarmthresh profile attaching slot <slotno> {port <portlist>}*122. show current alarm23. show current alarmthresh profile24. show current event25. show current event reverse26. show current status27. show history28. show history Alarm29. show start-up [current|history] alarm30. show start-up current event31. show trapBasisInformationConfig\alarm#Config\device# list0. add manage acl [enable|disable] ip <A.B.C.D> mask <A.B.C.D>1. add static route destination <A.B.C.D> gateway <A.B.C.D> {mask <A.B.C.D>}*12. auto auth card [<cardNo>|all]3. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]4. clear5. config card <cardNo> type [POTS|ETH|ADSL|VDSL|E1|POTS32]6. delete TrapReceiver ip <ip>7. delete manage acl [<index>|all]8. delete static route destination <A.B.C.D> gateway <A.B.C.D>9. delete static route destination <A.B.C.D> mask <A.B.C.D>10. erase except manage11. exit12. help13. hostname <hostname>14. list15. remove card [<cardNo>|all]16. restart auto negotiation slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]17. rms register ok slot <1-4>18. send olt info19. set Snmp Community read <readCommunity> write <writeCommunity>20. set TrapReceiver ip <ip> community <community>21. set system name <readCommunity>22. set aging time <0-65535>23. set alarmDebug [enable|disable]24. set auto save [enable|disable] {interval <minutes>}*125. set cpu thresh <value> memory thresh <value> {slot <slotNo> }*126. set dhcp client [enable|disable]27. set dhcp option60 [enable|disable]28. set dhcp option60 base [<baseString>|null] extension [<extString>|null]29. set dns server primary <A.B.C.D> {secondary <A.B.C.D>}*130. set environment temperature threshold min <0-100> max <0-100>31. set eth [ingress|egress] policy disable slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]32. set eth auto-neg disable speed [10m|100m] duplex [half|full] slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]33. set eth auto-neg enable slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]34. set eth egress policy enable cir <0-100000> pir <0-100000> slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]35. set eth flow control [enable|disable] slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]36. set eth ingress policy enable cir <1-100000> cbs <cbs> ebs <ebs> slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]37. set eth loopback [enable|disable] slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]38. set fan_control_auto <0-1>39. set fan_speed_force <1-4>40. set fan_start_run_temperature <20-40> fan_step <5-20> speed_degree <1-4>41. set ge1 [enable|disable]42. set hardware_debug_enable <0-1>43. set hcu [enable|disable]44. set heartbeat slot [<slotNo>|all] [enable|disable]45. set isolation [enable|disable] slot <slotNo>46. set low_consumption_enable <0-1>47. set mcu port [<1-3>|all] ingress [enable|disable] {cir <0-1000000> cbs <cbs> ebs <ebs>}*1 egress [enable|disable] {cir <cir> pir <pir>}*148. set mcu port ge1 auto-negotiation [enable|disable] {speed [10M|100M|1000M] duplex[half|full]}*149. set msc alive check slot [<1-4>|all] [enable|disable] {time <300-86400>}*150. set mtu <mtuSize>51. set optical_compensation Rxpower <value> Txpower <value>52. set power_supply_mode <0-1> backup_battery <0-1>53. set rms [enable|disable]54. set rms manual join slot <1-4>55. set slot <1-4> port <portlist> [enable|disable]56. set snmpDebug [enable|disable] printModule <1-100>57. set stdSnmpDebug [enable|disable]58. set syscontact <.contact>59. set syslocation <.location>60. show Snmp Community61. show std portEnable status slot <slot> port <port>62. show system name63. show TrapReceiver64. show [cpu|memory] usage65. show aging time66. show auth card [<cardNo>|all]67. show auto save info68. show boot version69. show cpu memory thresh {slot <slotNo> }*170. show dhcp config71. show dhcp state72. show environment73. show environment alarm threshold74. show environment temperature threshold75. show eth loopback slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]76. show eth port config slot <1-4> port [<1-16>|all]77. show ge1 port state78. show hardware info79. show hcu para80. show heartbeat {slot <slotNo>}*181. show history82. show hostname83. show ip84. show isolation {slot <slotNo>}*185. show line card info86. show line card status87. show line card time88. show linecard port state slot <1-4> port <portlist>89. show manage acl {<index>}*190. show mcu port config91. show mcu port rate info92. show msc alive check {slot <1-4>}*193. show olt info94. show rms enable95. show rms register info {slot <1-4>}*196. show running time97. show slot <1-4> [cpu|mem] usage98. show snmp cmd counter99. show static route100. show syscontact101. show syslocation102. show system info103. show upgrade status slot [<slotNo>|all]104. show usr_define_alarm105. show version {slot <slotNo>}*1106. upgrade slot <slotlist> boottype [ADSL|VDSL|ETH|POTS|E1|POTS32] server <A.B.C.D> user <user> password <pwd> filename <filename>107. upgrade slot <slotlist> filetype [ADSL|VDSL|ETH|POTS|E1|POTS32] server <A.B.C.D> user <user> password <pwd> filename <filename>108. verity rms olt ip <A.B.C.D> slot <oltSlotNo> pon <ponNo> onu mac <onuMac> ip<A.B.C.D>Config\device#Config\dsl# list0. [create|destroy] adsl line profile <name>1. [create|destroy] alarm profile <name>2. [create|destroy] pvc profile <name>3. [create|destroy] vdsl line profile <name>4. [create|destroy] vdsl pbo profile <name>5. [create|destroy] vdsl psd profile <name>6. [create|destroy] vdsl service profile <name>7. [create|destroy] vdsl vn profile <name>8. attach adsl line profile <name> slot <slotNo> port <portlist>9. attach alarm profile <name> slot <slotNo> port <portlist>10. attach pvc profile <name> slot <slotNo> port <portlist>11. attach vdsl line profile <name> slot <slotNo> port <portlist>12. attach vdsl pbo profile <name> slot <slotNo> port <portlist>13. attach vdsl psd profile <name> slot <slotNo> port <portlist>14. attach vdsl service profile <name> slot <slotNo> port <portlist>15. attach vdsl vn profile <name> slot <slotno> port <portlist>16. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]17. clear18. detach adsl line profile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>19. detach alarm profile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>20. detach pvc prifile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>21. detach vdsl line profile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>22. detach vdsl pbo profile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>23. detach vdsl psd profile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>24. detach vdsl service profile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>25. detach vn noise profile slot <slotNo> port <portlist>26. enter adsl profile <name>27. enter alarm profile <name>28. enter pvc profile <name>29. enter vdsl line profile <name>30. enter vdsl pbo profile <name>31. enter vdsl psd profile <name>32. enter vdsl service profile <name>33. enter vdsl vn profile <name>34. exit35. help36. list37. set adsl egress max-snrm <0-31> min-snrm <0-31>38. set adsl ingress max-snrm <0-31> min-snrm <0-31>39. set adsl interleave delay up <0-63> down <0-63>40. set adsl line transmode [all|gdmt|adsl2|adsl2+|t1413]41. set adsl min inp up <1-18> down <1-18>42. set adsl min rate ingress <0-100000> egress <0-100000>43. set adsl snrm up <value> down <value>44. set adsl toneblackout {start <0-511> end <0-511>}*8 {start <0-511> end <0-511>}*845. set alarm fe_param lossthres <0-900> lofsthres <0-900> esthres <0-900> sesthres <0-900> uasthres <0-900> lprsthres <0-900>46. set alarm ne_param lossthres <0-900> lofsthres <0-900> esthres <0-900> sesthres <0-900> uasthres <0-900> lolsthres <0-900>47. set bit swap up [enable|disable] down [enable|disable]48. set dpbo electron length <value> scalara <value> scalarb <value> scalarc <value> mus<value>49. set dpbo frequency min freq <0-2048> max freq <32-6956>50. set dsl profile print [debug|msg] [enable|disable]51. set egress psd index <1-40> tone <value> value <value>52. set egress vn index <1-32> tone [<33-859>|<1216-1961>|<2793-4081>] level <value>53. set ingress psd index <1-16> tone [<7-32>|<880-1196>|<1981-2773>] value <value>54. set ingress vn index <1-16> tone [<7-32>|<880-1196>|<1981-2773>] level <value>55. set line type [nochannel|fast|interleave|fastorinterleave|fastandinterleave]56. set perf cal [device|anms]57. set perf print [debug|msg|msc] [enable|disable]58. set port loopback slot <1-4> port <portlist> [enable|disable] mode[local|remote|reserved|analog|digital|atm]59. set port test slot <1-4> port <portlist> mode [selftest|delttest] action [start|end]60. set powermode [l0mode|l3mode|l2mode|l2andl3mode] l0time <0-65535> l2time <0-65535> l2atprt <0-15> l2rate <0-1024>61. set psd shape <0-42>62. set pst slot <1-5> port <1-32> up <value> down <value>63. set pvc [enable|disable] interface <interface>64. set rate ingress mode [fixed|adaptatstart|adaptatruntime] egress mode[fixed|adaptatstart|adaptatruntime] ingress max rate <64-200000> ingress min rate <0-200000> egress max rate <64-200000> egress min rate <0-200000>65. set rate up mode [fixed|adaptatstart|adaptatruntime] down mode[fixed|adaptatstart|adaptatruntime] up rate <64-100000> down rate <64-100000>66. set rfi {start <0-4095> end <0-4095>}*8 {start <0-4095> end <0-4095>}*867. set service interleave delay up <0-63> down <0-63>68. set service min inp up <1-18> down <1-18>69. set service snrm egress target snrm <value> snrm mode [userdefine|infinity] {max snrm<value> min snrm <value>}*170. set service snrm ingress target snrm <value> snrm mode [userdefine|infinity] {max snrm<value> min snrm <value>}*171. set slot <1-5> [perf|envir|cpumem] [enable|disable]72. set standard profile [8a|8b|8c|8d|12a|12b|17a|30a|all]73. set tx power up <value> down <value>74. set upbo mode [manual|auto|disable] electron length <value> us0a <value> us0b <value> us1a <value> us1b <value> us2a <value> us2b <value> us3a <value> us3b <value>75. set vdsl mode [ptm|atm|adapt]76. set vdsl toneblackout {start <0-4095> end <0-4095>}*877. set vpi <value> vci <value> {vpi <value> vci <value>}*778. show adsl line attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>79. show adsl line profile {<name>}*180. show alarm attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>81. show alarm profile {<name>}*182. show current adsl line profile name83. show current alarm profile name84. show current pvc profile name85. show current vdsl line profile name86. show current vdsl pbo profile name87. show current vdsl psd profile name88. show current vdsl service profile name89. show current vdsl vn profile name90. show dsl port status slot <1-4> port <portlist>91. show dsl profile running-config92. show history93. show perf cal94. show perf slot <1-5>95. show pst slot <1-5> port <1-32>96. show pvc attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>97. show pvc profile {<name>}*198. show pvc status interface <interface>99. show vdsl line attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>100. show vdsl line profile {<name>}*1101. show vdsl pbo attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>102. show vdsl pbo profile {<name>}*1103. show vdsl psd attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>104. show vdsl psd profile {<name>}*1105. show vdsl service attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>106. show vdsl service profile {<name>}*1107. show vdsl vn attaching slot <slotNo> port <portlist>108. show vdsl vn profile {<name>}*1Config\dsl#Config\e1# list0. add slot <1-4> e1 <1-4> stmno <1-18> stme1no <1-63> jitterbuf <4-64>1. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]2. clear3. debug snmp [on|off]4. delete slot <1-4> e1 <1-4>5. exit6. help7. list8. set slot <1-4> e1 <1-4> loop_status [enable|disable] loop_type <1-2>9. show e1 running-config10. show e1loop slot <1-4> e1 <1-4>11. show e1service slot <1-4> e1 <1-4>12. show historyConfig\e1#Config\enet# list0. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]1. clear2. exit3. help4. list5. show historyConfig\enet#Config\igmp# list0. [create|destroy] igmp profile <name>1. add prejoin group <groupaddress>2. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]3. clear4. debug [on|off] {[snmp]}*15. delete prejoin group {<A.B.C.D>}*16. exit7. help8. list9. set auto_upload ftp [enable|disable] {<A.B.C.D> <username> <password> period<1-1440>}*110. set clear igmp debug info11. set clear record12. set force_leave slot <slot> port <portlist> group <A.B.C.D>13. set group <A.B.C.D> bandwidth <0-30000> delay <0-300>14. set group <A.B.C.D> svlan [<1-4085>|null] stpid [<1-65534>|null] scos [<0-7>|null] cvlan [<1-4085>|null] ctpid [<1-65534>|null] ccos [<0-7>|null]15. set group <A.B.C.D> vlan <vid> {cvlan [<vid>|null]}*116. set group default vlan <vid> {cvlan [<vid>|null]}*117. set igmp [enable|disable]18. set igmp agetime <0-65535>19. set igmp error [on|off]20. set igmp max bandwidth <0-1000000>21. set igmp mode [control|proxy|snooping|disable]22. set igmp parameters[robustness|gen_query_interval|gen_query_respons|last_query_interval|last_query_count|last_quer y_respons|agetime|leavemode] <0-65535>23. set igmp preview count <1-16> during <1-254> interval <1-254> reset <1-254> total <1-254> {<gruoupaddress>}*124. set igmp profile <name> [add|delete] {<GroupAddress> [preview|normal]}25. set igmp proxy debug [enable|disable]26. set igmp proxy ip <A.B.C.D>27. set igmp record [enable|disable]28. set igmp record ignore_time <0-60> generate_interval <1-60>29. set igmp slot <slot> port <port> {[control] [enable|disable]}*1 {[bandwidth] <0-100000>}*1 {[max_group] <0-256>}*1 {[leave_mode] <0-1>}*1 {[profile] <porifle>}*130. set igmp uplink vlan [enable|disable]31. set ipv6 multicast [enable|disable] slot <1-4>32. set linecard igmp mode [disable|snooping|control] slot <1-4>33. set mcu leavemode [enable|disable]34. set signal_svlan <value> stpid <value> scos <value> cvlan <value> ctpid <value> ccos<value> slot <slot> port <port>35. show auto_upload parameter36. show group default vlan37. show history38. show igmp auth group {<A.B.C.D>}*139. show igmp debug info port <1-8>40. show igmp group bandwidth {<A.B.C.D>}*141. show igmp mode42. show igmp parameters43. show igmp portinfo slot <slot> port <portlist>44. show igmp portvlan slot <slot> port <portlist>45. show igmp preview46. show igmp profile {<name>}*147. show igmp proxy ip48. show igmp record state49. show igmp record time50. show igmp record {<1-128>}*151. show igmp running-config52. show igmp status53. show ipv6 multicast state slot <1-4>54. show linecard igmp mode slot <1-4>55. show marl56. show online group {<A.B.C.D>}*157. show prejoin groupConfig\igmp#Config\lineId# list0. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]1. clear2. exit3. help4. list5. set circuit_id accessNodeIdentifier <identifier> ani_rack <0-15> ani_frame <0-31>6. set circuit_id format [<format_str>|ctc|cnc]7. set ipv6 line-identify [enable|disable]8. set option82 [enable|disable]9. set pppoeplus [enable|disable]10. show circuit_id format11. show circuit_id value12. show history13. show option82 status14. show pppoeplus statusConfig\lineId#Config\ngn# list0. [inline|outline] test type [force|no-force] slot <1-4> port [<1-64>|all]1. attach profile <pfname> to slot <1-4> port <1-64> usernumber <1-256>2. cd [..|device|service|switch|vlan|qos|dsl|enet|ngn|oam|igmp|rstp|lineid|alarm|e1]3. clear4. clear discard offhook5. clear test info6. create profile <pfname>7. delete [mgcp|h248] mgc <IpAddrOrDNS> {<IpAddrOrDNS>}*28. delete ipt number [all|<phonenumber>]9. delete pos number [all|<phonenumber>]10. delete profile <pfname>11. exit12. help13. list14. modify mgc <IpAddressOrDNS> to <IpAddressOrDNS> {port <DestPortNum>}*115. reboot ngn-stack16. register MG to <IpAddrOrDNS>17. register port all18. register slot <1-4> port <1-64> {[-] <1-64>}*119. restore ngn param20. set MG_AUTH [enable|disable] {[mg_id] <inputsomething>} {[key] <inputsomething>} {[g_value] <inputsomething>} {[p_value] [default|<inputsomething>]}21. set MWD <0-254>22. set ans {[notify] [yes|no]}*1 {[timeout] <100-1000>}*1 {[am_timeout] <100-1000>}*123. set callerId {[delay] <0-999999>}*1 {[standard] [fsk|dtmf]}*124. set cmd version <version>25. set debug port [none|all]26. set debug slot <1-4> port <1-64>27. set debug_level {<1-9>}*2 {<1-9>}*728. set digitmap timeout {[start|short|long] <1-3600>}*329. set digitmap update [enable|disable] number <1-10>30. set digitmap_matched {[unambiguous] [enable|disable]}*1 {[timeoutDuration]<0-999999>}*131. set ec control [enable|disable]32. set ephemeral name first <firstname> start <0-65535> end <0-65535> step <0-65535> fill [on|off]33. set fax {[t38] [enable|disable]}*1 {[notifyFaxEvent] [enable|disable]}*1 {[event_mode] [normal|onlyV21|allV21]}*1 {[vbd_mode] [enable|disable]}*1 {[encoder_interval] <0-255>}*1 {[decoder_interval] <0-255>}*1 {[codec] [0|4|8|9|15|18|255]}*134. set fmtp {[dtmfAN] [enable|disable]}*1 {[redAN] [enable|disable]}*135. set force {[notifyoffhook] [yes|no]}*1 {[reqid] <0-65535>}*1 {[initphymedia] [yes|no]}*136. set heart word <heartword>37. set hold [yes|no]38. set hotline {[stopdial] [yes|no]}*1 {[notify] [space|nospace|t]}*139. set ipt number <phonenumber> {[type] [A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H]}*1 {[gain] <gainvalue>}*1 {[ec] [enable|disable]}*140. set ipt timer <1-65535>41. set keepAlive [enable|disable] {[interval] <1-86400>}*1 {[max_times] <1-120>}*1 {[send_mode] [time|optimize]}*142. set local port <0-65535>43. set media control {[single_code] [yes|no]}*1 {[single_stream] [yes|no]}*1 {[reply_locdesc] [yes|no]}*144. set mg local_name type [MAC|IP|DOMAIN] {[force_device] [yes|no]}*1 {[mid_have_port] [yes|no]}*1 {<domain_name>}*145. set mgc <IpAddressOrDNS> {port <0-65535>}*146. set mgc back [enable|disable]47. set ngn [signal|rtp] ip <A.B.C.D> mask <A.B.C.D> {gateway <A.B.C.D>}*148. set ngn [signal|rtp] servicename <servicename> svlan tpid <tpidvalue> cos <cosvalue> vid <vid> {cvlan tpid <tpidvalue> cos <cosvalue> vid <vid>}*149. set notify {[initpara] [yes|no]}*1 {[strictpara] [yes|no]}*1 {[minOffHookInterval]<0-65535>}*150. set port reg [enable|disable]51. set pos number <phonenumber> {[type] [A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H]}*152. set pots billing type [16kc|12kc|reverse] pulse voltage <4-26>53. set pots check time offhook <10-400> onhook <200-1000>54. set pots codec gain send <txGain> receive <rxGain>55. set pots impedance mode [600ohm|cplx560ohm|cplx680ohm]56. set pots pulse width <30-2500> interval <30-2500> flash width <30-2500>57. set pots_reg [enable|disable] slot <1-4> port <1-64> {number <1-256>}*158. set profile <pfname> {[silence_mode] [compress|uncompress]}*1 {[soft_noise][enable|disable]}*1 {[second_dial] [normal|2833|outband|2833red]}*1 {[echo_cancel] [enable|disable]}*1 {[gain] <gainvalue>}*1 {[input] <inputGainValue>}*1 {[jitter_Buffer]<0-255>}*1 {[fax_jitter_Buffer] <0-255>}*1 {[packet_interval] [5|10|20|30|40|50|60]}*1 {[fax_rate] [14400|12000|9600|7200|4800|2400]}*1 {[codec_mode] [g711u|g711a|g723|g729]}*159. set reRegMg count <0-999999> maxInterval <0-999999> initInterval <0-999999>60. set reRegUser count <0-999999> maxInterval <0-999999> initInterval <0-999999>61. set reply errno <400-581>62. set retrans {[initial] <100~20000ms>}*1 {[min] <1~1000ms>}*1 {[max]<1000~20000ms>}*1 {[t_max] <1000~60000ms>}*163. set ring {[onMax] <0-999999>}*1 {[offMin] <0-999999>}*164. set roh {[auto_play] [enable|disable]}*1 {[timeout_release] [enable|disable]}*1 {[timeout_setoutofsv] [enable|disable]}*165. set rtp_port start <0-65535> end <0-65535> {step <0-65535>}*166. set screason safechar [yes|no]67. set secDigit {[RFC2833PT] <0-255>}*1 {[RFC2198PT] <0-255>}*168. set send compact [on|off]69. set send delay <0-1000>70. set signal mode {[dt|bt|cw|wt|rdt|spec] on <0-65535> off <0-65535>}*671. set signal timeout {[dt|rt|ri|cw|bt|roh|wt] <1-3600000>}*672. set singleport_username slot <1-4> port <1-64> <username>73. set special ring temp <1-15> {[ring|stop|initRing|initStop] <0-65535>}*474. set task_mutex [enable|disable]75. set transport type [tcp|udp]76. set username slot <1-4> port <1-64> first <prefixname> start <0-65535> number <1-256> {step <1-65535>}*177. set voice_codec default [on|off] {[G711A|G711MU|G723High|G728|G729]}*178. show update digitmap79. show ans_parm80. show reRegMg81. show reRegUser82. show roh_parm83. show task_mutex84. show MG_AUTH85. show MWD86. show RetransportTime87. show backmgc88. show callerId89. show context90. show debug port91. show debug_level92. show default code93. show digitmap_matched94. show discard offhook all95. show discard offhook slot <1-4> port <1-64> {[-] <1-64>}*196. show dsp status97. show ec control98. show ephemeral name_rule99. show ephemeral term100. show errno101. show fax102. show fmtp103. show force104. show heart word105. show history106. show hold107. show hotline108. show inline test result slot <1-4> port [<1-64>|all]109. show ipt110. show ipt timer111. show keepAlive112. show media control113. show mg local_name114. show mgcList115. show ngn ip116. show ngn vlan117. show ngnstatics118. show notify119. show onhook state slot <1-4> {port <1-64>}*1120. show outline test result slot <1-4> port [<1-64>|all]121. show physical term122. show port alloc {[clear]}*1123. show port reg124. show pos125. show pots parameters126. show pots_reg slot <1-4> port <1-64> {number <1-256>}*1 127. show profile [<0-10>|all]128. show protocol type129. show ring130. show rtp information all131. show rtp information slot <1-4> port <1-64> {[-] <1-64>}*1 132. show rtp used。
烽火交换机配置常用命令1. Eth 网口链接:设置为192.1682*地址段——开始——运行—— tel net 192.16821 2. 带内 ip : Password : 12345 ----------- show system 显示系统配置show dynamic-mac AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF 已知某一 mac 地址,查找交换机连接端口号 show logg ing history 显示历史记录 show history 显示之前的输入命令 保存配置文件显示CPU 统计信息 1、设置时间 clock set HH:MM:SS <1-31> <1-12> <2000-2100〉 例:Fengine#clock set 14:28:30 109 20092、显示文件系统 dir11387 JAN-01-2000 00:01:16 startcfg1 files, total space: 11387 bytes0 directorys,available space: 2011136 bytes3、清空交换机的配置文件 erase startup-config ------------ 用于清空flash 上保存的配置文件,但是以前的配置在系统上仍然生效,因此如果希望系统恢复到出厂状态,除了需要清空flash 上的配置文件外,还需要重启设备例: Fengin e(c on fig)#erase startup-c onfigThis will erase the configuration in the flash memory. Are you sure?( y/n) [y] Erasing configuration ...... S200mfb#show in terface ----------- 查看端口网速,在线情况。
求烽火交换机常用命令大全q 接入方式通过Console口进行本地配置带/带外的telnet或sshWEB页面q 部分有关管理的缺省设置带ip:带外ip:本机登陆用户名、密码:admin,12345或guest,12345SNMP的只读集合:publicSNMP的读写集合:NETMANq Web页面配置根据交换机配置的默认web管理地址通过IE浏览器进行配置以烽火2008mfb为例q 设备缺省的web网管IP地址为192.168.2.1;q 设备缺省的用户名为:adminq 密码为:12345q 选择成员及类型时,可以通过单击代表相应端口类型的字符,选择合适的配置。
q 查看及保存配置(特权模式下#)q showrunning-config 显示当前系统配置q showstartup-config 显示当前配置文件信息q show version 显示当前设备的版本信息q show system 显示系统配置q show interface [<1-64>] 显示端口信息q show vlan [<1-4094>] 显示vlan信息q show dynamic-mac AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF已知某一mac地址,查找交换机连接端口号q show logginghistory 显示历史记录q show history 显示之前的输入命令q ls显示文件系统q writefile 保存配置文件q show cpustatistic 显示CPU统计信息。
q 1、设置时间q clock set HH:MM:SS <1-31> <1-12> <2000-2100>q 例:Fengine#clock set 14:28:30 10 9 2009q 2、显示文件系统q dirq 例: Fengine#dirq size datetime nameq -------- ------------ --------q 11387 JAN-01-2000 00:01:16 sta rtcfgq 1 files, total space: 11387 bytesq 0 directorys,available space: 2011136 bytesq 3、清空交换机的配置文件erase startup-config用于清空flash上保存的配置文件,但是以前的配置在系统上仍然生效,因此如果希望系统恢复到出厂状态,除了需要清空flash 上的配置文件外,还需要重启设备例: Fengine(config)#erase startup-configThis will erase the configuration in the flash memory.Are you sure?(y/n) [y]Erasing configuration.......[OK]q 4、配置交换机系统的名字。
查看交换机OS版本Switch#show version查看交换机当前运行配置Switch#show running-config查看交换机所有端口状态Switch#show interface brief查看交换机某一端口状态Switch#show interface fastethernet 0/23查看交换机端口-MAC地址转发表Switch#show mac address-table查看交换机所有端口POE供电状态Switch#display_poe查看交换机单个端口POE供电状态Switch#configSwitch_config#interface fastethernet 0/2 Switch_config_f0/2#poe_show_interface关闭交换机单个端口POE功能Switch#configSwitch_config#interface fastethernet 0/2 Switch_config_f0/2#poe_mode disable关闭交换机所有端口POE功能Switch#configSwitch_config#poe_shutdown_all开启交换机单个端口POE功能Switch#configSwitch_config#interface fastethernet 0/2 Switch_config_f0/2#poe_mode enable开启交换机所有端口POE功能Switch#configSwitch_config#poe_no_shutdown_allShow version/查看交换机软硬件版本Show clock/查看交换机运行时间Show cpu statistic/产看交换机cpu负载率Show interface /查看交换机端口状态,双工模式,速率。
Show interface <端口号>/查看交换机某端口所在vlan,pvid值,限速等等。
1.烽火交换机最常用的基本配置命令用户名:admin 默认密码:12345Fire#configFire(config)#interface vlan 70 //创建vlan 332Fire(config-vlan-70)#ip address 配置交换机管理地址Fire(config-vlan-70)#exitFire(config)#ip route // 配置路由Fire(config)#interface vlan 338,440 //创建vlan338,440Fire(config-vlan)#exitFire(config)#interface ethernet 1 //进入1端口Fire(config-eth-1)#join vlan 338 untagged // 1端口加入到vlan332 非标记端口Fire(config-eth-1)#pvid 338 //1端口标记pvid 338Fire(config-eth-1)#exitFire(config)#interface ethernet 2Fire(config-eth-2)#join vlan 440 untagged // 2端口加入到vlan440非标记端口Fire(config-eth-2)#pvid 440 //2端口标记pvid 440Fire(config-eth-2)#exitFire(config)#interface ethernet 6Fire(config-eth-6)#join vlan 70,338,440 tag // 6端口加入到vlan70,338,440 标记端口Fire(config-eth-6)#exitFire(config)#exitFire#write file // 保存2.烽火交换机常用命令Fire#show interface 1 // 查看1端口状态Fire#show interface staistics 1 // 查看端口流量(realtime rate)Fire#show vlan all // 查看所有VLANFire#show vlan 338 // 查看VLAN信息Fire(config)#no vlan 338 // 删除vlan 332Fire(config-eth-9)#shutdown // 关闭9号端口Fire(config-eth-9)#no shutdown // 开启9号端口Fire(config-vlan-338)#description yewu // vlan描述Fire(config-eth-1)#description yewu // 端口描述Fire(config-eth-1)#rate-limit rx 1024 //限速收为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20MFire(config-eth-1)#rate-limit tx 1024 //限速发为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20M。
烽⽕交换机常⽤的基本配置命令配置案例最常⽤的基本配置命令⽤户名:admin默认密码:123453528#show interface 1 查看端⼝状态3528#show interface staistics 1 查看端⼝流量(realtime rate)3528#show vlan all 查看所以VLAN3528#show vlan 151 查看VLAN信息3528#config3528(config)#interface vlan 332 创建vlan 3323528(config)#no vlan 332 删除vlan 3323528(config)#interface ethernet 9 进⼊某个端⼝3528(config-eth-9)#join vlan 332 untagged 9端⼝加⼊到vlan332 ⾮标记端⼝3528(config-eth-9)#pvid 332 9端⼝标记pvid 3323528(config-eth-9)#rate-limit rx 1024 收为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20M 3528(config-eth-9)#rate-limit tx 1024 发为1M带宽(数值必须是64的整数倍)例:20480为20M 3528(config-eth-9)#description ...... 端⼝描述3528(config-eth-9)#shutdown 关闭9号端⼝no shutdown 开启9号端⼝3528(config-vlan-332)#description ...... vlan描述3528#write file 保存配置案例:城域⽹ v66(管理vlan) 4/业务1/ /业务2/ /拨号⽤户/(DSLAM) /固定IP⽤户/V100 V200 V300 V400(打标的原则:A.设备接设备tag,设备接⽤户untag;B.端⼝对端打标状态始终与本端⼝⼀致,即对端tag,则端⼝tag,对端untag,则端⼝untag.C.untag的端⼝⼀定要打相应的pvid值)1 在config模式下创建vlan,更改⽤户名和密码,更改主机名称S3500(config)#hostname HostA更改主机名称HostA (config)#S3500(config)#adduser aaa group administrators password 111增加⼀个名为“aaa”,密码为111管理员⽤户S3500(config)#interface vlan 100创建vlan100并进⼊S3500(config-vlan-100)# interface vlan 200创建vlan200并进⼊S3500(config-vlan-200)#quit退出vlan200S3500(config)# interface vlan 66,300,400创建vlan300和400,在config模式下创建vlan如果只带1个参数则表⽰创建这个vlan 并进⼊,如果跟2个参数,则代表创建连续的多个vlan,vlan号为第1个参数到第2个参数,使⽤no命令删除,命令⾏定义跟创建vlan⼀样2 在vlan配置模式下,绑定vlan的IP地址S3500(config-vlan-66)#ip address在vlan内绑定IP地址S3500(config-vlan-66)#quit退出vlan配置模式S3500(config)#3 配置⽹管使⽤的ACL配置了VLAN IP在以后属于这个VLAN的任意⼀个端⼝是不能ping通交换机的,必须要配置ACL并将ACL应⽤到端⼝以后才可以在此端⼝PING通交换机以及telnetS3500(config)# access-list 1创建access-list 1并进⼊(ACL)S3500(config-acl-1)# rule 1 arp any此处IP地址为绑定的IP地址S3500(config- acl-1)#rule 1 action traptocpu onlyS3500(config- acl-1)#quit退出S3500(config)#4 在端⼝配置模式下配置端⼝信息在举例中交换机,需要在端⼝上启⽤ACL,透传vlanS3500(config)#interface ethernet 1进⼊端⼝1S3500(config-eth-1)#join vlan 66,100,200,300 tag端⼝1加⼊vlan100,200,300,400,为打标端⼝,此命令格式为join vlan 1,3,5-7,不连续vlan之间⽤“,”号隔开,连续vlan间⽤“-”隔开(1,3,5-7表⽰加⼊1,3,5,6,7)后⾯跟tagged或者untagged,定义端⼝为打标端⼝(tagged),或者为不打标端⼝(untagged)。
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HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】
q 接入方式
q 部分有关管理的缺省设置
本机登陆用户名、密码:admin,12345或guest,12345 SNMP的只读集合:public
q Web页面配置
q 设备缺省的用户名为:admin
q 密码为:12345
q 选择成员及类型时,可以通过单击代表相应端口类型的字符,选择合适的配置。
q 查看及保存配置(特权模式下#)
q show running-config 显示当前系统配置
q show startup-config 显示当前配置文件信息
q show version 显示当前设备的版本信息
q show system 显示系统配置
q show interface [<1-64>] 显示端口信息
q show vlan [<1-4094>] 显示vlan信息
q show dynamic-mac AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
q show logging history 显示历史记录
q show history 显示之前的输入命令
q ls 显示文件系统
q write file 保存配置文件
q show cpu statistic 显示CPU统计信息。
q 1、设置时间
q clock set HH:MM:SS <1-31> <1-12> <2000-2100>
q 例:Fengine#clock set 14:28:30 10 9 2009
q 2、显示文件系统
q dir
q 例: Fengine#dir
q size date time name
q -------- ------ ------ --------
q 11387 JAN-01-2000 00:01:16 startcfg
q 1 files, total space: 11387 bytes
q 0 directorys,available space: 2011136 bytes
q 3、清空交换机的配置文件
erase startup-config
例: Fengine(config)#erase startup-config
This will erase the configuration in the flash memory.
Are you sure(y/n) [y]
Erasing configuration.......
q 4、配置交换机系统的名字。
hostname xxxx
no hostname
例: Fengine(config)#hostname HostA
HostA (config)#
q 5、让系统记录不同级别的信息
logging history [<0-7>]
no logging history
0->unusable //系统不稳定
1->immediately action //紧急处理动作
2->critical //紧急信息
3->error //错误信息《缺省》
4->warning //Warning信息
5->info //一般信息
6->verbose //详细信息
7->debug //debug信息
例:Fengine(config)# logging history 2
q 6、交换机网管用户的配置
username WORD group (administrators|operators|users|guests) password PASSWORD
no username USERNAME
例: Fengine(config)# username test group administrators password test
q 6、交换机网管用户的配置
username WORD group (administrators|operators|users|guests) password PASSWORD
no username USERNAME
例: Fengine(config)# username test group administrators password test
q interface vlan 创建一个或者多个vlan
interface vlan <1-4094> [<1-4094>]
<1-4094>:起始VLAN号[ <1-4094>]:终止VLAN号
如果只有一个参数,表明创建一个vlan,并且进入该vlan 的vlan配置模式;如果有两个参数,表明创建由两个参数指定的起止vlan号间的多个vlan。
例: Fengine(config)#interface vlan 5 7
%Creating Vlan 5,6,7
Fengine(config)#interface vlan 5
q member PORTLIST 将交换机的多个物理接口添加到vlan中来,并指定端口是vlan标记端口还是非标记端口
member PORTLIST (tagged|untagged)
tagged: vlan标记端口
例:Fengine(config-vlan-2)#member 1,2,5-7 untagged
q no member PORTLIST
例:Fengine(config-vlan-2)#no member 1-5
q 8、ip配置(系统配置模式下)
management vlan 配置管理vlan
gateway 配置王冠
ip address 配置ip地址
out-band ip change
out-band ip address 配置交换机带外网管接口的IP地址。
例: ip address .112/24
management vlan 1