新编实用英语综合教程3 unit(1-6) 课后答案---精品模板

Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 11、are going to apply for a patent on it2、ve you made the necessary preparations3、e model has yet to undergo / receive the final test, but the technical drawings are ready4、w long will it take to get the patentPut in Use : Practice 21、at findings have you got from the market research2、e mini-type of mobile phones are selling well in the market3、you think this new type of mobile phones will take the place of the older ones4、people's living conditions have been improved greatly in recent years5、their views on consumption are also changing rapidly6、So you believe the potential market for mobile phones will be quite largePut in Use : Practice 31、are you interested in2、something about them3、 model do you prefer4、the functions or the price5、show you6、What's your price on that / What’s the price Listen and JudgeTFFTTTTFListen and Respond1、In an automobile store2、To give it to his daughter as a birthday gift3、Only one4、About three months5、RMB 208 600 yuan6、In installmentsListen and Read1、Washing2、ten/103、Extremely4、Customers5、fresh smell6、Ingredients7、Larger8、Thicker9、Benefit10、less tired and less sleepyPassage I : Read and Think 1BDDCAPassage I : Read and Think 2 1、Because face—to-face selling can provide immediate feedback which helps salespeople to adapt.2、The purpose is to generate a lot of interest and book sales at no cost to the publisher。

Unit 11.她一家商店一家商店的看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。
She shoppe d around till she got what she wanted at a priceshe couldafford.2.除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。
He neverspeaks to me otherthan to ask for someth ing.3.你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。
You should always aim at doingyour job well.4.几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。
She has been tied to the housefor weekslookin g afterher invali d father.5.修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。
The routewas design ed to reliev e traffi c conges tion.6.社会是由形形色色的人组成的。
Societ y is made up of a wide variet y of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and stillothers (are) in betwee n.1. 儿子在家看D VD而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。
The son was watchi ng DVD at home whilethe parent s were workin g in the fields.你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。
You like sports, whileI prefer music.2.在配偶的收入基础上纳税者可以选择以下三种方式计算应付的税额。

Part One- Prepara on 1. Mr. And Miss So and So 1) Gentle 2) Dedicated 3) Considerate 4) Adventurous 5) C)alm 6 Aggressive 7) Cri cal 8) Energe c 9) Selfish 10) Ambi ous 11) Self-confident 12) Easygoing 13) Truthful 14) Outgoing 15) Frank 16) Sensi ve 17) Bossy 18) Pa ent 19) Talka ve 20) Persuasive 21) Sympathe c 22) Emo onal 2. Personality and Job Salesperson- shrewed, hard-working, boas ul, acute, tricky Teacher- pa ent, tolerant, talka ve, unselfish, loving, humorous, bossy
4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficul es. 5) Don’t let nega ve thoughts hold you back. 6)Everyone has experienced failures anddi sappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.
iv) Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view. v) Do not make nega ve comments about yourself. vi) Accept cri cism thoughfully. vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences. viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate. ix) Set aside me to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly. x) Prac ce being in social situa ons. 4) Conclusion: (para16) The be er we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full poten al. 2. Understanding Specific Informa on 1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6)T 7)F 8)F 9)T Vocabulary

Unit 1 Ex3. 1.scattered 2.convinced 3.generate 4.prompt 5.identify 6.flexible 7.feedback 8.presentation 9.Target 10.object Ex. 5 1. She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford. 她一家商店一家商店地看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。
2. He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. 除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。
3. You should always aim at doing your job well. 你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。
4. She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father. 几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。
5. The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. 修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。
6. Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. 社会是由形形色色的人组成的。
有些人很好,有些人很好,有些人很好,有些人很坏,有些人很坏,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之也有些人介乎两者之间Ex6. 1.While advertising must be paid for,another from of mass selling selling——————publicity publicity publicity——is “free”.——is “free”.另一种形式的大众推销宣传是免费的,然而广告是要付费的2.A marketing manager can choose from serveral promotion methods methods——————personal selling,mass selling,and sales promotion. personal selling,mass selling,and sales promotion. 一个营销经理有几种促销方法可供选择,私人促销,大众促销,促销及推广3.But they try to attract attention to the firm and its offerings whitout having to pay media costs. 但是他们努力吸引人们对公司以及其产品的关注,而不必支付媒体的费用4.For example,one video ————distributed to TV stations at distributed to TV stations at Halloween Halloween——————discussed a government recommendation that parents use discussed a government recommendation that parents use makeup rather than masks for young children. 比如说一个在万圣节期间送到电视台的录像片段讨论的是政府推荐父母给孩子们使用化妆品而不是玩具们使用化妆品而不是玩具5.Sales promotion refers to promotion activites ————other than other than advertising,publicity,and personal selling ————that stimulate interest,trial,or that stimulate interest,trial,or purchase by final customers or others in the channel. 销售推广的是除去广告宣传和个人推销或者其他环节中的兴趣Unit 3 Ex3. 1.denied 2.partly 3.had risked 4.removed5.failed 6.disaster 7.assumed 8.discourage 9.registered10.residents Ex. 5 1. The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank. 盗贼从这家银行偷走了一大笔现金。

综英3课后答案Unit 1 Fresh startVocabulary.1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1) I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student might possess.(2) My apparent confidence.(3) Some food to appease my hunger.(4) Going with the tide of the majority was no longer crucial to your success.(5) Foolish and glaring mistakes.2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1) distress; (2) clutched; (3) pose; (4) sneaked; (5) preoccupation;(6) shackles; (7) curse; (8) deliberation.3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1) assure; (2) discretion; (3) relaxation; (4) humiliation; (5) strategy;(6) embarrassment; (7) maneuverable; (8) immaturity.4. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1) lived up to; (2) headed for; (3) seek out; (4) has broken out;(5)grope for; (6) trying …on; (7) go out to; (8) tipped off.5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1) vague (indistinct); (2) inconspicuously (unobtrusively);(3) self-restraint (self-control); (4) clever (intelligent,sensible);(5) manner (behavior); (6) excited (agitated);(7) sneak; (8) mature (sophisticated).6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1) became popular; (2) respect;(3) keep up; (4) lead to;(5)understand; (6) found; (7) use; (8) startGrammer.bine each nominal clause in Column A with …1~ 4 CDBF 5~8 AEHG2. Rewrite the following sentences…(1) My decision to resign was wise.(2) Their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprised the diplomatic world.(3) My determination to pass the test helped me.(4) Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents.(5) My willingness to cooperate was appreciated.(6) His refusal to help surprised me.(7) The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at the meeting.(8) Who can have told you that puzzles me.3. Complete each sentence with what you think …1~ 4 DBCC 5~8 ABDB4. Combine the two sentences in each group…(1) I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classroom so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture.(2) He wrote glasses and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.(3) The stranger spoke very slowly so that I could understand what he said.(4) She locked the door so that she wouldn’t be disturbed.(5) John whispered so that others couldn’t hear him.(6) Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.(7) John has brought a bicycle so that he may save money on bus travel.(8) The lecturer showed some slides so that he might illustrate his point.5. Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.(1) Although/Though; (2) yet; (3) however/though;(4) however/nevertheless/though; (5) Although/Though;(6) Despite/In spite of ; (7) although/though; (8) however; (9) However; (10) Despite/In spite of.Translation.(1). It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.(2) He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.(3) Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.(4) He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.(5) We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.(6) After cheers and applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.(7) He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd.(8) I feel realities are all very harsh, so one can hardly live up to his ideals. Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1) comes (2)others (3)what (4)going (5)not(6) offer (7)relate (8)college (9)not (10)learnUnit 2 the company manVocabulary1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1) died from self-motivated overwork;(2) most likely; the presidency of the company; the highest position in the company;(3)with no specific skills wanted by employers;(4) trying to discover facts about his father; collecting memories of his father.(5) a person vulnerable to heart attacks.2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)survived; (2) grabs; (3) discreetly; (4) deceased, obituary;(5)conceivably; (6)board; (7) classics; (8) executives;3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1) widowed; (2) nerves; (3) precisionist; (4) competitiveness(5) execution; (6) presided; (7) marital; (8) accompanied4. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1) died of; (2) stay up; (3) cares for; (4) straightened out;(5) picked out; (6) given up; (7) grabbed at; (8) considered for5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1) exactly; (2) immediately; (3) slacker(idler, loafer) ; (4) outlive;(5)disconcerted(abashed); (6) departed; (7) underweight(slim);(8) successor6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1) disappointed; (2)wait; (3) required; (4)read; (5)meant;(6) entered cheerfully; (7) intensifies gradually; (8) became extinct;Grammar.1.Put the verbs in brackets…(1)have been playing/have played (2) has been putting/has put(3) have pulled; haven’t touched (4) have been waiting; have waited(5) have picked; have grown/have been growing; have never had(6) has been getting/has got; has been rising/has risen; has come(7) has been; has been looking; hasn’t found ; (8) has failed; has got2. Choose “a” or “b” to end each sentence.(1)a ; (2) b; (3) b; (4) b; (5) a; (6) a; (7) b; (8) a.3. Complete the following dialogue with the proper forms…A: ’ve been waqiting for; have you been doingB: ’ve been shopping; ’ve boughtA: met; was waiting;B: ’s; speaks;A: has he been learning;A: did you sayB: ’s been studying; wasB: Have you goneA: ’re sayingB: isn’t; ’ve been walkingTranslation.1.My immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours eachday all the year round.2.The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and hebelieves that they will help to cultivate students’tremendous interest in the external world.3.He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work everyMonday morning.4.Since you are leaving the company, you should straighten out the accounts withinthe week.5.he often stays up late night in order to finish his Ph.D. dissertation on time.6.Nothing can replace the profoundest love lodged in one’s heart of hearts.7.He is considered a natural for the post of the president, for he has been anexcellent vice-president for almost ten years.8.He is just too common to be picked out from the crowed.Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)hours (2)while (3)less (4)from (5)explain(6)by (7)late (8)differences (9)influence (10)takingUnit 3 Out of stepVocabulary.1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1) pleasant/comfortable; practically(2) very long; physical exercises(3) was made to realize this(4) decided not to have coffee and instead to go(5) held in mind2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1) negotiated; (2) debonair; (3) dodging; (4) notion;(5) compact; (6) contortion; (7) thrive; (8) undertaking3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1) disagreeable; (2) eccentricity; (3) acquainted; (4) ridicule;(5)triumphant; (6) deficiencies; (7) woefully; (8) contorted.4. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1) going about; (2) going through; (3) pops out; (4) pace off;(5) pulled up; (6) dug out; (7) stroll up to; (8) habituated to.5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1) bustling(exciting); (2) old (time-honored);(3) depressed( downhearted, low-spirited); (4) absurd (ridiculous);(5) indifferent (unconcerned); (6) infuriating (irrigating);(7) failure (defeat); (8) again.6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words(1) encountered (2) cause; (3) agreed to;(4) limited to;(5) idling about; (6)relied on; (7) tolerate; (8) deserted/abandoned.Grammar.1. Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past perfect progressive of the verbs in the brackets.(1) had been talking; (2) had been working; (3) had worked;(4) had been applying; (5) had broken; (6) had been standing;(7) had swallowed; (8) had been2. complete the following sentences according to the given situation.(1) had been empty; (2) had been working for the company;(3) had been waiting for me for half an hour; (4) had had lunch(5) had left; (6) has been living; (7) had repaired the engine; (8) had told3.put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.had seen; returned; didn’t have; didn’t have; had; done; was; didn’t have; did; left; had; was; decided; picked; went; slammed; felt; had reminded; has searched; found; remembered; were.4. Complete the following sentences with shall, should, will or would.(1) will; (2) shall; (3) Should; (4) would; (5) will;(6) shall; (7)should; (8) should; (9) would; (10) would.5. Fill in the blank with one of the words and phrases in the box.(1) nowadays; (2) ages ago; (3) lately, just; (4) soon, after a long time;(5) immediately, Eventually;(6) once; (7) recently; (8) for weeks.Translation.1.The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher learning in theworld.2.If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hadly make himself a successwith only what he has acquired in class.3.I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing themonograph by the end of this week.4.He feels that it is ludicrous to write on a contemporary theme in an ancient style.5.The Bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples liked to come to coo inthe 70s and the 80s of the last century.6.His daughter is very sedate for a girl about ten, for she likes reading more thanplaying.7.The couple strolled hand-in-hand along the country road when the sun in its firstsplendor steeped the earth.8.The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric romantic genius when alive. Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)more (2)around (3)free (4)leave (5)programs(6)ease (7)it (8)signed (9)environmental (10)handing(11)only (12)WithUnit 4 Fun, oh, boy, fun, you could die from it.Vocabulary.1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1) we would be morally too strict with ourselves to enjoy life;(2) that made all other questions less significant;(3) counting fun as the most important quality of life;(4) the best example of having fun.(5) by nothing more than simple exposure.2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1) overshadows; (2) traipse; (3) fetish; (4) flunked:(5) swilling; (6) flicked; (7)epitome; (8) licentiousness:3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1) insured; (2) undeserved; (3) generosity; (4) benefits:(5) regrettable; (6) mirthful; (7) blasphemy; (8) reverence4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1) turn into; (2) occurred to; (3) end up; (4) step up;(5) pay …back; (6) look forward to; (7) look for; (8) managed to5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1) excursion(jaunt); (2) failing;(3) irreverently(disrespectfully, contemptuously); (4) advertisements;(5) quintessence( embodiment); (6) grief (sadness, melancholy);(7) profane( revile); (8) examine (scrutinize)6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1) drew attention to; (2) represents ; (3) fully explain; (4) challenged by; (5) support;(6) bored; (7) be welled understood; (8) visitedGrammar.4. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases in the box. (1) such …that; (2) thus; (3) in that; (4) With;(5) so …that; (6) Owing to; (7) for; (8) Seeing that5. Complete the following letter with the appropriate forms of the verbs given. Should/would like; have, heard; would, suit; doesn’t apply; won’t get; saw; had/was, left/leaving; said; was going; promised; (had)found; have heard; don’t know; went; know; should/would be; would phone; have tried; doesn’t seem.Translation.1.It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrightsthroughout the ages.2.The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the lastcentury in America.3.It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studiesat Harvard.4.Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainmentcircles.5.They traipsed all the way to downtown area to watch the National Day fireworksdisplay.6.He does not deserve such a severe punishment as he committed neither seriouserrors nor gave crimes.7.Every time I met him, he would talk a whole of nonsense.8.Reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1) as (2)hands (3)go (4)up (5)industries(6)or (7)include (8)on (9)provided (10)aimUnit 5 The real truth about lies.Vocabulary.1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)very important/shocking/traumatic; (2) avoid hurting the others’ feelings;(3)modifying the truth;(4) a course of action which can easily lead to something unacceptable, wrong or disastrous; (5)under any circumstances;2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1) supportive; (2) perceived; (3) prevarication; (4) astounded;(5)undermine; (6) faltered; (7) fibs; (8) volunteered3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1) unethical; (2) feigned; (3) unsparing; (4) cynical;(5) confoundedly; (6) lubricated; (7) entangled; (8) Willful4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1) cover up; (2) blurted out; (3) set up; (4) find out;(5) wear down; (6) specialize in; (7) professes to; (8) complimented, on;5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1) evasion(equivocation); (2) chronic (repeated);(3) common ( prevalent, omnipresent); (4) slightly;(5) insult (reproach, criticize); (6) distort;(7) growth (multiplication); (8) strengthened (consolidated)6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)cancelled; (2)overcome; (3)follow; (4)fell into;(5)make it more acceptable; (6)feel unhappy about;(7)removed from consideration; (8)reserve for future use.Grammar.2. Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate…1~5 CCBAD 6~10 BBBAA3. rewrite the sentences below using the words and phrases from the box.(1) He can’t have told us everything.(2) Something must have gone wrong.(3) She can’t be only thirty years old.(4) They may not know yet.(5) The road could/may have been closed.(6) The police must know that.(7) There may/could have been a traffic jam.(8) The letter could/may arrive today.(9) That will/must be my mother.(10) There should be time to do some shopping.Translation.1. Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.2. Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.3. Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous.4. Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status of second-class citizens.5. On the impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.6. You should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.7. Being over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves a tangled web in mind.8. He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble. Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1) service (2)rather (3)off (4)are(5)advantage (6)much (7)relations (8)if(9)as (10)moral (11)either (12)truthUnit 6 How to write a rotten poem with almost no effort.Vocabulary.1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1) extremely intense; (2) the practical principal;(3) just like, following the example of ;(4) Probably, Quite likely;(5) made a start despite the difficulty.2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)epic; (2) squalid; (3)veritable; (4) pounded;(5)aroma; (6) evolved; (7) lyrics; (8) claimed3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1) imponderables; (2) poetic/poetical; (3) accidentally; (4) unsought;(5) cuddliest; (6) juicy; (7) disoriented; (8) versed4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1) conjures up; (20 dealt with; (3) seek out; (4) think of(5)ended/stared with; (6)break…up; (7)relates to; (8) came up with5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)unfamiliar(strange); (2) fellowship(brotherhood);(3)lower(degrade); (4)exceptional( excellent)(5) caress (hug,embrace); (6) unrealistic(impractical)(7) skilled (expert,proficient,successful); (8) product (compositio6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1) affects; (2) catching up with; (3) been involved with; (4) tell exactly(5) rejected; (6)make understood; (7)tried to get; (8) thought seriously about Grammar.1. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate verb forms.(1) shake; (2) to do, wait, to let; (3) standing; (4) finding;(5) take, make, drink; (6) leave; (7) being spoken; (8) be, lookplete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.1~4 CDBD 5~8 CAACTranslation.1.Sometimes, we have to make a choice because there is no middle ground.2.He often conjured up visions of the past when he was free from the pressures oflife.3.He often refreshed himself with a cup of strong black coffee when he felt fatigued.4.He thrust past a throng of drunken men and bargaining women and walked onthrough flaring streets.5.Experienced translators, though lacking in theory, can render one language intoanother by rule of thumb.6.It was generally believed that the major purpose of the foreign minister’s trip wasto break the ice with regards to the relations between the two countries.7.Reading good books and making friends with good people can elevate the mind.8.The flowers and the colorful lights lent a festival atmosphere to this ancient smalltown.Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)questions (2)will (3)ones (4)accounts(5)apply (6)as (7)need (8)at(9)wish (10)feel (11)music (12)caseUnit 7 The chaser.Vocabulary1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words(1) feeling very much worried and afraid;(2) everything I sell could be well deemed as extraordinary;(3) difficult to notice; which is more than enough;(4) have much more everlasting effects than only the momentary impulse; (5) with extreme happiness and enthusiasm2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)creaky; (2)peered; (3)acquaintance; (4)detachment;(5)raptures; (6)giddy; (7)overwhelmed; (8)obliged3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)obscurity; (2)acquainted; (3)perceptible; (4)apprehension;(5)indifferent; (6)rapt; (7)overwhelmingly; (8) disobliging4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)save up; (2)care about; (3)indulges in; (4)reached for;(5)peered about; (6)deals in; (7)was substituted; (8)better off.5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1) perceptible (perceivable, noticeable); (2) postmortem;(3)anxiously (fearfully); (4)temporary (transient);(5) grave(cheerless); (6) profoundly(rigorously, strongly);(7) apathetically(indifferently); (8) reason;6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)expect; (2)have; (3)accept; (4)imagine;(5)was; (6)work out;(7)became popular;(8)demandedGrammar.plete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the fourchoices given.1~4 CDAB 5~8 BCDCTranslation.1. To me, you are definitely more than an acquaintance.2. Many artisans deal in a variety of handicrafts in the region.3. They went into raptures over the unexpected success.4. Much to my surprise, he analyzed with detachment the dangerous situation that threatened all of them.5. She peered at the strange from behind the curtain.6. During the holidays, he indulged in the luxury of a bath of sunshine on the beach.7. When she learnt the news of his death, she was overwhelmed with grief.8. I’m not in favor of buying a house on the installment plan; instead, I maintain that everyone of us should save up for a rainy day.Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)if (2) no (3)through (4)with(5)does (6)that (7)want (8)Here(9)sung (10)and (11)but (12)upon(13)precious (14)norUnit 8 Knowledge and wisdomVocabulary.1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1) consider, give proper value to each; (2)certainly, brought a good andhelpful effect to mankind, in reality; (3) talk about some thing less important, destroy or ruin each other; (4) connect with; (5) accordingly2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1) pursue; (2) ceased; (3)attainable; (4)enmity;(5)populous; (6)surpassed; (7)impartial; (8)appallingly3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)beneficiaries; (2)undesirable; (3)horizontally; (4)descendants;(5)increasingly; (6)philosophical;(7)unduly;(8)standardization4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)required of; (2) sought to; (3) descended to; (4) put first;(5)contributed to;(6)engage in;(7)conferred, upon;(8)bound up with5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1) following(subsequent, succeeding); (2)enhance(advance);(3)impressive (sensational); (4) unawareness(ignorance, unconsiousness)(5)instill(indoctrinate); (6)confinement(restriction, restrain)(7)virtue; (8)fairness(indifference, neutrality)6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)contracted; (2)keep quiet; (3)investigate; (4)treat;(5)go; (6)lost consciousness;(7)tolerate; (8) get rid ofGrammar.4.Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions.(1)When, (2)lest, (3)Although, (4)not only …but also,(5)because, (6)Although, (7)While, (8)since5. complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.1~4 BACD 5~8 BABDTranslation.(1) The result of the experiment far surpassed their expectations.(2) We should take full account of the cost of the project and the difficulties we might encounter.(3) The fair weather contributed to the success of the scientific expedition.(4) Ronaldo, one of the football stars from Brazil, scored several spectacular goals in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.(5) Many honorary degrees from different colleges and universities in America were conferred upon Robert Frost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.(6) Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.(7) They tried to instill such new ideas into students’ minds.(8) You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees. Exercises for integrated skills.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)of (2)others (3)create (4)from(5)wisdom (6)benefit (7)without (8)All(9)made (10)avoid (11) one (12)turnUnit 11 On becoming a better student.Vocabulary.1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)view again at another time from a different perspective;(2)with immense pleasant surprise;(3) be provided with ready answers and ideas;(4)do pioneering work;(5)Don’t let the knowledge you have acquired be a hindrance to your learning of something new.2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the properform.(1)precedence; (2)stigma; (3)proportional; (4)strain;(5)pertinent; (6)injurious; (7)relevance; (8)therapy3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)substantial; (2)motivation; (3)committed; (4)restrictions;(5)subtle; (6)thrilling;(7)complacently; (8)unprecedented;4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)goes out of the way; (2) breaking through; (3)consists of; (4)hold on to; (5)object to;(6) live up to;(7)gave up;(8)based on5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)demonstrated(reveal, manifest); (2) flexible;(3)interesting(extraordinary, outstanding) (4)abandon (yield, renounce)(5)lead; (6) dissatisfaction(discontentment);(7)mild(gentle); (8)harry (pester, harass)6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)submitted; (2)take care of; (3)attentive in; (4)written in honor of;(5)accept; (6)so involved; (7)enthralled; (8)began considering;Grammar.1. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs given.(1) Being; (2)to spend, to make; (3)Hearing/To hear (4)To complete(5)to be; (6) to be; (7)to sit, to hear, howling(8) Teasing; (9)Playing;(10)Learning3.Rewrite the underlined parts of the following sentences with….(1)sitting at the back; (2)for you to do as you are told;(3) to have swum across the Channel;(4) to hear that he had already left the company;(5) to open the window; (6) to trifle with;(7) Being a qualified plumber, Paul had no difficulty in finding the leak.;(8)ever written;(9) Left to himself, he usually gets the job done quickly.(10) Hoping to find the will, she searched everywhere.4. Complete the following sentences with the –ing participle of verbs.(1) to his working, living. (2) having; (3) to stealing; (4) from stealing;(5)for playing; (6) for doing; (7) being talked; (8) on becoming, from putting, for making.5. Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs.(1) up, for; (2) out; (3) to; (4)out , of;(5)up, against (6) round to; (7) in, with; (8) on;Translation.1. He felt heavily weighted with such high expectations from his parents.2. He interpreted the incident in a favorable light.3. I detest him, for he often goes out of his way to backbite others.。

Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 1Unit 11.她一家商店一家商店的看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。
She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2.除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。
He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3.你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。
You should always aim at doing your job well.4.几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。
She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.5.修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。
The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6.社会是由形形色色的人组成的。
Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.Unit 251.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你如何解释?How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week?2.政府已经承诺改善落后地区人民的生活条件。
The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3.据最新报道,这次火车交通事故造成多名乘客死亡。

第一单元:社交礼仪1. 请写出三种在商务场合中常见的问候方式。
答案:常见的商务场合问候方式有: "How do you do?"、 "Nice to meet you."、"How are you?"。
2. 请列举三种在正式场合中常见的礼节。
3. 请解释什么是"文化冲突"。
第二单元:跨文化交际1. 请解释什么是"文化差异"。
2. 请列举三种不同国家或地区的传统节日。
3. 请举例说明文化差异可能导致的误解或冲突。
第三单元:商务沟通1. 请解释什么是"非语言沟通"。
2. 请列举三种常见的非语言沟通方式。
3. 请解释什么是"有效沟通"。
第四单元:演讲与辩论1. 请解释什么是"演讲"。

Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 11、are going to apply for a patent on it2、ve you made the necessary preparations3、e model has yet to undergo / receive the final test, but the technical drawings are ready4、w long will it take to get the patentPut in Use : Practice 21、at findings have you got from the market research2、e mini-type of mobile phones are selling well in the market3、you think this new type of mobile phones will take the place of the older ones4、people's living conditions have been improved greatly in recent years5、their views on consumption are also changing rapidly6、So you believe the potential market for mobile phones will be quite largePut in Use : Practice 31、are you interested in2、something about them3、 model do you prefer4、the functions or the price5、show you6、What's your price on that / What's the price Listen and JudgeTFFTTTTFListen and Respond1、In an automobile store2、To give it to his daughter as a birthday gift3、Only one4、About three months5、RMB 208 600 yuan6、In installmentsListen and Read1、Washing2、ten/103、Extremely4、Customers5、fresh smell6、Ingredients7、Larger8、Thicker9、Benefit10、less tired and less sleepyPassage I : Read and Think 1BDDCAPassage I : Read and Think 2 1、Because face-to-face selling can provide immediate feedback which helps salespeople to adapt.2、The purpose is to generate a lot of interest and book sales at no cost to the publisher.3、Because they want to get free publicity for their products.4、He believed that a consumer might not pay any attention to an ad—but might carefully read a long magazine story with the same information.5、Publicity is a very cheap (even free of charge) promotion method, and it might be more effective than paid advertising.Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Scattered2、Convinced3、Generated4、Prompted5、Identify6、Flexible7、Feedback8、Presentation9、Target10、objectivePassage I : Read and Complete 21、Direct2、Combine3、Establish4、Events5、Purchase6、Backgrounds7、Occupations8、Candidate9、Vital10、communicatePassage 1:Read and Translate1、She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2、He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3、You should always aim at doing your job well .4、She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.5、The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6、Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.Passage 1:Read and Simulate1、The son was watching DVD at home while the parents were working in the fields.You like sports, while I prefer music.2、The following are three ways a taxpayer may choose from to calculate the tax due on his /her spouse's salary.There are so many different CD versions to choose from and I have no idea which is the best.3、The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody.The researchers have concluded that drinking tea does good to the health of people without examining any other factors.4、In such an urgent situation, the focus of our investment should be on new machinery rather than building.I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.5、There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish.Because the bridge collapsed last month, you can't get across other than by swimming.Passage II : Read and Judge TFTTTTFFFTPassage II : Read and Translate 1、It has become a very common but very annoying practice to promotea new product on television.2、On Christmas Day, New Century Department Store gave away a small box of chocolate to every customer who shopped there.3、After waiting for a long time, we finally saw the President show up on the platform.4、Telephone booths placed one after another along the streets is the symbol of civilization and a beautiful view of the city as well.5、The spaceships manned by Chinese have witnessed two successful outer space missions.6、Even today, I still remember clearly what the old headmaster said at our graduation ceremony.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、made in 2、traditional product 3、famous brand4、Manufactured 5、special and tasty 6、a high reputation7、Health Food 8、the best seller 9、awards and medals10、the dried beefUnit 2Put in Use : Practice 11、Founded2、Employees3、Products4、Annual production / output5、Developing6、R&DPut in Use : Practice 21、We have been dealing in importing automobiles.2、We have three branches in China.3、It's in Toronto.4、They were about 180 million yuan.5、It's about ten percent.Listen and Complete1、19822、Stock|3、Shanghai4、Hong Kong5、Tokyo6、mobile telephones7、digital cameras8、Sales9、200 00010、$80 000 000Listen and DecideDAACBListen and Read1、the 21st century2、Tokyo, JAPAN3、President and CEO4、June 17, 19375、135.3 billion yen6、21 6717、Software8、Communications SystemsPassage I : Read and Think 1 BCACDPassage I : Read and Think 21、Maintain market alertness2、Employee equal opportunity3、Excellent working conditions4、Produce outstanding quality5、market standard6、distribution channels7、Haier innovation8、Slack season9、Flexible strategies10、Goal of complete customer satisfaction Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Advancement2、Conservative3、Reflected4、Significance5、Distinctive6、Innovating7、had established8、Recognized9、PositivelyPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Referred2、Marketing3、Release4、Originally5、Introduction6、Differed7、Reputation8、Revolutionized9、Innovative10、AvailablePassage I : Read and Translate1、How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week?2、The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3、According to the latest report, the train accident resulted in the death of several pasengers.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.4、He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union, but he didn't get in / succeed.5、Throughout one-year industrious work, the company has achieved all its goals this year.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you.My suggestion is that you should buy that multifunctional sofa because it may serve as a bed.2、This school began as a community college and has grown to one of the most famous universities in the state.Columbia began as a family owned hat distributorship in 1938, and has grown into one of the world's largest outerwear brands.3、Our mission is to be one of the leaders in performance running and one of the most admired.The commitment of our company is to introduce the products of our country to the customers throughout the world.4、Luxury is becoming a concept rooted in our modern drive to find personal meaning and satisfaction.In history, "value" is itself a human concept rooted in rational and moral principles.5、Our president encourages us to improve ourselves by reading an houra day in our fields.According to a new research, smokers can reduce their risk for heart disease by cutting down on smoking cigarettes.Passage II : Read and Judge FFTTFFTTTFPassage II : Read and Complete1、19182、19633、5 0004、Nine5、19656、one million dollars7、2008、19859、Twenty-Five10、thirty five thousand11、one billion12、eight hundred thousandPassage II : Read and Translate1、This method has proved to be very successful.2、We won't know the worth of health until we are ill.3、This kind of performance was very popular with college students.4、It is recognized that smoking is bad to one's health.5、The best way to learn something is to do it.6、They will compete with swimmers from across the world.7、We can't solve all the problems, but we certainly can ease their suffering.8、I had a lot of fun that evening and so did everyone else at the party. Applied Writing : Read and Complete1、Spring Inc2、New York City3、four / 44、150%5、men's casual sportswear6、ServicesApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、was established2、specialize in3、annual sales4、is growing steadily5、Branches6、With7、serve the needs8、further develop9、deal with10、doing businessUnit 3Put in Use : Practice 11、Certainly. Here's the catalogue for some of our popular items.2、Thanks. We'll look into it carefully.3、We have a steady supply for most of them.4、We usually quote on a CIF basis.5、You'll find our prices very attractive.Put in Use : Practice 21、Fine2、have / take3、If4、For5、Long6、For7、Changes8、OutListen and JudgeTTFTFFFListen and Respond1、In HK dollars.2、The seller will reduce the total payment by one percent.3、$405 per unit.4、Because that is the standard practice on the FOB basis.5、The buyer.6、No, not yet.Listen and Read1、November2、Delivery3、Able4、Type5、Demand6、Month7、January8、Customers9、Models10、CarryPassage I : Read and Think DACCAPassage I : Read and Complete 11、purchased goods online2、eBay3、ISP4、user account names Passwords5、Failed6、Danger7、CarefulPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Denied2、Partly3、had risked4、Removed5、Failed6、Disaster7、Assumed8、Discourage9、Registered10、ResidentsPassage I : Read and Complete 31、Need2、Through3、See4、With5、Process6、Whom7、Party8、Another9、Not10、AboutPassage I : Read and Translate1、The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.2、High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of heart disease.3、Think twice before you make any important decisions.4、A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.5、Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem. Passage I : Read and Simulate1、If there is a problem, we never point fingers at each other.They pointed fingers at one another for failing to prevent the disaster.2、It is highly unlikely that this problem will be solved in the near future. It was highly unlikely that she would do that kind of thing.3、This computer virus is spreading, and all online users are at risk.The economy is very depressed at the moment, which puts more jobs at risk.4、I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school.Always think twice before paying out large sums of money.5、Could it be that more people will ride bikes to work?Could it be that I was too close to the situation to see it clearly?Passage II : Read and Judge TFTTTFFFPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、40% of all Canadians have access to the Internet2、The Internet is a universal information system3、Access to "the web" is easy4、obtain information5、set up a website of your own6、expand your business7、settle payment by credit cardtApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 2June 26, 2003Bank of China, ShanghaiSmith and Sons Co., Ltd. Southampton, EnglandShanghai Zhongnan Import and Export Corporation, Shanghai, China One Hundred And Fifteen Thousand US Dollars (US$ 115 000.00) August 26, 2003Bank of China, Shanghaiat sight1、commercial invoice five (5) DEF—101 June 3, 20032、Packing list five (5) Cotton Grade A, 100 Tons (CIF Southampton)3、Clean "On Board", "Freight Prepaid" Bill of Lading4、Insurance certificateShanghai, ChinaSouthampton, EnglandProhibitedPermittedUnit 4Put in Use : Practice 11、hire more people2、who will train and supervise the new employees we hire3、Normally, it takes three weeks to train an employee before he canwork 4、on his ownT5、he training sessions are too long6、But the new employees don't know anything about the computer and it7、also takes time to train them to use the computer8、That way you can cut down the training timePut in Use : Practice 21、mainly on fire prevention and office safety2、and controlled by the automatic sprinkler system3、I'll show you around after the talk4、one at either end of the corridor on each floor5、You can dial the emergency number on the telephone set there Listen and DecodeTFTFTListen and Respond1、From next Monday on.2、About the office rules.3、One should be quite familiar with office routines and try to do everything well.4、Keeping things in order.5、Be careful not to throw things about.Listen and Read1、Introduce2、Information3、Enable4、Acquire5、Planned6、Trainees7、Leave8、Designed9、Combine10、QualifiedPassage I : Read and Think 1 DDCCAPassage I : Read and Think 2 TTFTFFPassage I : Read and Complete 11、Perspective2、Assigned3、Revealed4、Insight5、Unintended6、Contrast7、Startled8、Perform9、feel like10、serving asPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Employees2、is concerned with3、Operate4、Responsive5、calls for6、Employers7、turn out8、On the other hand9、no denying10、MeansPassage I : Read and Translate1、In cultural exchanges, misunderstanding is often unavoidable.2、In my few years of study in Britain, I had chances to meet students of all sorts of nationalities.3、In Western countries, it is a common way for students to send Christmas cards to teachers to show their respect.4、My teacher looked at me, with a puzzled expression on the face.5、We are all aware that competition in the market is very fierce.6、When some Chinese idioms are translated into English, their meanings may startle some readers of English.Passage I : Read and Simulate 1、He seems to know the way better than I do.His voice seemed to have disturbed her.2、His carelessness led to this accident.Hard work leads to success.3、I was assigned to a small room when I started my work in the college.Each of us was assigned to a holiday homework by the teacher.4、Don’t leave until I arrive.I won’t stop shouting until you let me go.5、My eyes were irritated by the smoke.The boss was irritated by the clerk’s rude behavior.6、When it came to his turn, he rose from his seat.When it comes to drawing a plan, leave it to me.7、Instead of improving, he is getting worse.They built a reservoir half way up the mountain instead of at the top.Passage II : Read and Judge CCABDPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、manage2、Pertaining3、Need4、Require5、Competitive6、Technology7、Necessary8、change or learnPassage II : Read and Translate1、We are sorry, but this vacancy has already been filled.2、We have now entered the information age and left behind the industrial age.3、The rapid change of the global economy calls for college students to master the latest technology.4、We must try our best to develop ourselves to meet the needs of the new situation.5、It should be admitted that really qualified college teachers are hard to find.6、Prevention of disaster and terrorism requires a new set of management skills.Applied Writing : Read and JudgeFTFTFApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、have a training program2、conduct the new sales representative training program3、seek his advice and past experience4、searching for an outside trainer5、enjoys a good reputation in Asia6、may review the materials with the consulting firm7、what sort of training content we expectUnit 5Put in Use : Practice 11、the headline of the advertisement for our computers2、the headline is more important than the body3、What do you think of this headline4、it's a little too plain5、Shall we discuss the body of the advertisement firstPut in Use : Practice 21、We mainly deal with outdoor advertising.2、The choice of an advertising place depends on how much you are prepared to pay.3、Yes, but it can make your product widely known.Listen and Complete1、Media World2、Night and Day Advertising company3、Copywriters4、people don't work long in advertising5、safer than in advertisingListen and Decide1、Five years ago.2、About three years ago.3、She works closely with the clients and advertisement writers and works out advertising strategies with them.4、Below 30.5、Yes, there are also a lot of older people in it.Listen and Read1、American citizen2、nearly $ 3703、Argue4、Services5、Purchasing6、larger quantities7、in turnPassage I : Read and Think 1CDCACPassage I : Read and Think 21、Female2、New York City3、Married4、the World's Fair5、Top 10 advertisinPassage I : Read and Complete 11、soared2、Milestone3、Commercial4、Nutrition5、Amused6、Charming7、Icon8、Presented9、Romantic10、SymbolizesPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Pleasuret2、Icon3、Industry4、Appearance5、Consumers6、Commercials7、Campaign8、Launch9、Extend10、AccomplishmentPassage I : Read and Translate1、Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.2、On Teachers' Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teacher had accomplished in the past year.3、The children were amused by the story about the cat.4、The continual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.5、Walking after supper promotes digestion.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、What people admire about Lei Feng is his selflessness.What we lack currently is credibility.2、Since the Bulls won their third championship, Michael Jordan has been synonymous with the NBA.Since his story was publicized, Kong Fansen has almost been synonymous with the outstanding Party member.3、His misery in life began when he first tried the drugs.His romantic life began when he first touched a painting brush.4、The film was so wonderful that I wanted to enjoy it again.We were so attracted by his description that we were planning to travel on Lijiang.5、Even today, a bunch of roses symbolizes love.Even today, war symbolizes destruction.Passage II : Read and JudgeFFFTTTFFPassage II : Read and Translate1、This kind of bed can be assembled easily with a screwdriver.2、She embodies all the best qualities of a doctor.3、Where are your so-called intimate friends when you are confronted with difficulties.4、The manufacturer-recommended retail price for the pens is 18 yuan a piece and the wholesale price is 12 yuan each.5、Although they are brothers, their personalities are quite distinct.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1DCDABApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、Non-Smoking M2、Reasonable rates3、No Job too BIG or too Small4、NANNY for downtown familyUnit 6Put in Use : Practice 11、I've been asked to come to investigate the damage to the load which this lorry was carrying2、It's your firm which is making the claim. Am I right3、I think these desks could be repainted4、We'll never be able to repair them5、They must have been under water for some time6、Your company should file a formal claim with this report and your policy within 14 daysPut in Use : Practice 21、That would save us a lot of trouble and time2、You cover WPA and War Risks, don't you3、do you cover risks other than WPA and War Risks4、then don't bother. I was merely enquiring5、Thus the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% of the invoice value should6、be borne by the buyersListen and Complete1、an insurance company2、personal insurance3、liability insurance4、profit loss insurance5、Profit loss6、property insurance Listen and Decide CBACDListen and Read1、any insurance2、the coverage3、Insure4、Most often5、rely on6、Sells7、Represent8、Offer9、Shopping10、languagePassage I : Read and Think BDACBDPassage I : Read and Match 5 7 1 8 4 2 9 3 6 11 10Passage I : Read and Complete 11、provided2、Leveled3、on a large scale4、results in5、Financial6、Damaged7、States8、resulted from9、guard against10、entered intoPassage I : Read and Complete 2ACCBD BCCBDPassage I : Read and Translate1、These companies entered into a new agreement.2、A company has been set up to produce mobile phones on a large scale.3、This accident resulted in the death of 2 passengers.4、We'd better insure the house against fire.5、Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、The best way to guard against tooth decay is through brushing teeth every day.The best way to guard against infection is through vaccination.2、The purpose of the book is to introduce the basic knowledge of engineering.The purpose of the competition is to provide university students with a stage to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.3、This is possible only when the wheels stop turning.This is possible only when the weather is fine.4、In terms of economy, nations can be divided into two groups: developed countries and developing countries.The pie can be divided into five pieces so that everyone gets piece.5、We should try our best to reduce the mistakes resulting from carelessness.They are assessing the loss resulting from the air crash.Passage II : Read and Judge 1 FFFTTTFTPassage II : Read and RewriteInsuranceAdoptClaimRequiredInformrefused / disclaimedCourtPassage II : Read and Translate1、He has been working hard to maintain his family.2、I want a specific answer to the question I asked you yesterday.3、He put his books on the shelf in order.4、Many cities in China have to rely on the Yangtze River for water supply.5、Are you eligible to join this club?6、We used to cook on coal, but we've now switched to gas.Applied Writing : Read and Simulate 2FTFTTTApplied Writing : Read and Complete1、ship consignments of cameras to Australia2、you can issue an all-risks policy for these shipments3、you can issue a special rate4、regular monthly shipments5、We look forward to hearing from you very soon。
实用英语综合教程答案 第三册 Book 3 Unit 3 Key

Book 3 Unit 3 KeyPart One Lead-in ListeningSection A Conversations1. favorite2. toys3. strict4. vase5. textSection B Passage1. big2. everybody3. time4. bed5. dinner6. glad7. happen8. neighbor9. evenings10. streetsPart Three Reading Task OneReading Comprehension:BADCDMatching1.E;2.B;3.O;4.C;5.A;6.H;7.M;8.I;9.F; 10.N; 11.L; 12.K; 13.G; 14.J; 15.DFill in the blanks with suitable words or phrasesnevertheless, integral, bound, take place, distinction, specific, imply, general, approximately, likely, remark, whereas, range, inclusive, are engaged inMultiple Choice1.D2.C3. D4. A5. B6. B7. A8.B9. B10. C Translation1.It is commonly believed that a rise in teenage smoking is the result of economicdevelopment.2.He has rightly interrupted his holiday in Spain to return to London.3.Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals.4.His remark set everybody laughing.5.It's an all inclusive price; there is nothing extra to pay.6.His interests ranged from chess to canoeing.7.The arms and legs are integral parts of a human body.8.The flavor of dishes may vary from place to place.9.The plane will be taking off in approximately five minutes.10.The trouble with Bill was that he never had a specific aim in life.Part Four Reading Task TwoAnswers to questions1.The digital age has had a good influence and a not-so-good influence on this generation of American teenagers.2.Three quarters of the teachers3.Many students think doing research now means just doing a quick search on Google, so they embrace these tools.4.Ms. Buchanan says digital research tools are helping students learn more, and learn faster.5.Many students are lacking in digital literacy and are able to quickly find information online.。

新编实用英语3(第二版)课后答案3Unit 3Passage 15 Translate the following sentences into English, using the phrases given in the brackets.1. The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.2. High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of heart attack.3. Think twice before you make any important decisions.4. A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.5. Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem.6 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences1. If there is a problem, we never point fingers at each other.They pointed fingers at one another for failing to prevent the disaster.2. It is highly unlikely that this problem will be solved in the near future.It was highly unlikely that she would do that kind of thing.3. This computer virus is spreading, and all online users are at risk.The economy is very depressed at the moment, which puts more jobs at risk. 4. I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school.Always think twice before paying out large sums of money.5. Could it be that more people will ride bikes to work?Could it be that I was too close to the situation to see it?Passage 29 Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.1. In the mountain areas, growing numbers of illiterate people now have access to education.2. You can’t sit on the fence forever; you’ll have to make a decision about it.3. As you can see, there is a lot of trade information available.4. She called up the manager and asked if she could get a discount.5. Success in this field requires intelligence, and talent, and, above all, hard work.Applied Writing5. Translate the following sentences into English.1. It is/has been six months since I saw her last.2. I just came back from a ten-day business trip.3. Fourteen hours later we were/arrived in Beijing.4. It took us about 2 days to read this book5. He lived there for about 11 years and then moved to New York.6. Three days after he graduated from a school in shanghai, he went to Europe.7. I had plenty of vacation time available, so I offered to go with her.8. It takes around 30 minutes to cover the distance between the city center and the airport.6. Write short paragraphs to describe the pictures with the information given below in Chinese beside the pictures.I left Denver on November 1, 2001 at 11:30 a.m. I got through check-in and security in less than 30 minutes.The flight was on time. I arrived in Los Angeles around 12:45 p.m. My bags came through without delay. After getting out of the airport, I taxied for over 30 minutes to the hotel. I was checked in by 2:30 p.m.Since the plane did not serve food, I had a salad at about 3:00 p.m. Mike Phillips drove up from La Jolla to join me for dinner. He arrived a little after 5:00. It was a real pleasure seeing him. We had dinner in the hotel. It was a very pleasant evening.。

Become popular with... 受。
欢迎Be at stake 有风险,成问题Be similar to... 与。
相似Catch up with... 赶上。
Go up sharply 急剧增长Have... On hand 随时备有。
Make a/the transaction 进行交易Over the wireless network 通过无线网络Steer clear of 绕开,避开Take...into consideration 考虑到,Throw... To the wind 全然不顾。
Be infamous for 因。
而臭名昭著的Find oneself doing sth 发现或意识到自己正在做某事Hold the same values 具有相同的价值观In one sitting 一次;一口气More than ever 更加,越发Practise a religion 皈依教门Rather then 而不是Stumble over 结结巴巴的说Value...as... 把...珍视为...Be part of... 成为。
的一部分Be synonymous with 与。
同义Come to life 被唯妙唯俏的描绘Complete with 具有From that moment on 从那一刻起Set one’s eyes on 看到Single out 使突出Unit31)Some experts argue_that one-on-one instruction helps children learn effectively.2) The public is entitled to know how much of their wallet is at risk in the banking world.3) We should secure shelter for wild animals that could be attacked and killed.4) The best way of reporting news is not just to quote the wordsof authority_figures.5) The web gives its users access to world-class communication tools and worldwide markets.6) As a developing country, China is shouldering the challengingtask of economic development and environment protection 7) The costs of retirement will_go up sharply as the number of the aged increases in the coming decades.8) Shall we proceed_ with the planned investment?9) Business plans often assume_that it is easy to gain a share of a large or fast-growing market.10) The safest_passwords_ are usually a combination of letters and numbers, which are at least 8 bits long.Unit41)Even if we are in a difficult time, we will not shrink from our responsibility.2) Africa is the most racially diverse region in the world.3) All creatures on the earth are interdependent on each other:they interact with one another in some ways.4) The parents’obligation to raise their kids does not go as far as depriving their children of social practice.5) With hard work any obstacle can be overcome.6) Zhang is a Chongqing native,and you may consult him about the local specialties.7) In the market-driven economy, the company aims at the maximization of utility and benefits.8) To study a phenomenon properly, researchers must first havea way to measure it.9) Another argument in favour of the author valued him asa great novelist.10) They wouldn’t behave so cruelly if they respected life Unit5Unit3When I first went to Japan, I soon discovered that our Americanmodel of a salesman going to a customer’s office, giving hissales speech and then expecting to close the sale just does not work in Japan. First of all in Japan, you generally 1 need an introduction to meet a prospective buyer. Often, an appointment is arranged 2 through a third person. Once you have an appointment to 3 see the man that you want to do business 4 with, the introduction and getting to know one another can be a timely 5 process. Your prospective customer has to get to know the person with 6 whom_he is going to do business. A certain period of time is required for each 7 party to learn more about one 8 another. In the beginning, business is 9 not the main item of conversation. It is more 10 about getting to know one another. This opens the door to a good basis of communication between the two parties.Unit4Training is the process of teaching newly recruited 1 employees the basic skills required to perform their jobs satisfactorily.Nowadays training 2 is concerned with_more than teaching technical skills such as training a mechanichow to 3 operate a machine. To compete in today’s ever changing market, a firm must be 4 responsive for customers’needs. This 5 calls for a workforce that is more than technically trained. More and more 6 employers are realizing the role of training opportunities in strengtheningemployee commitment and that the most devoted employees7 turn out to be those who enjoy continuing developmental opportunities to better themselves. 8 On the other hand, a large gap still exists in the training process —manycompanies offer little investment for staff training. There is9 no denying that further training and developmental opportunities for employees are not only a means of raising theirjob satisfaction but also a 10 means of enhancing an employer’s competitiveness.Unit5翻译Unit31)当进口产品时,我们必须考虑我们的支付能力。

新编实用英语综合教程3课后习题解Unit 1.Ex. 51. She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.她一家商店一家商店地看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。
2. He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。
3. Y ou should always aim at doing your job well.你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。
4. She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。
5. The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。
6. Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.社会是由形形色色的人组成的。
Unit 3Ex. 51. The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.盗贼从这家银行偷走了一大笔现金。
2. High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of hear disease.高血压使千百万人有患心脏病的危险。
3. Think twice before you make any important decisions.在做任何重要决定之前都要慎重考虑。
新编实用英语综合教程Unit 3 Road Signs and Commuting

Imitating Mini-Talks
1 Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about giving directions.
1) Asking How to Get to the Railway Station
Window on Key Words
B: Take Bus No. 16 or Bus No. 19, and yoduo'wlnltogwent downtown 商. 业区
UUnintit ||TThhrreeee
Acting out the Tasks
2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.
B: Yes. You'll see the railway station when you get there.
Avenue 2) Asking How to Get to West Avenue
A: Excuse me. Do you know where West Avenue is?
B: Well, you go down Market Road, pass the market, and turn
second room on the left.
4) Asking How to Get to the Meeting Room
A: Hello, Miss. I'm looking for the meeting room.
B: The meeting room is on the third floor. You can take the lift or just
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新编实用英语综合教程2u n i t3课后练习答案This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.新编实用英语综合教程2Unit 3课后习题答案P39-11 speak2. where is he3. might be with4. leave a message5. call me6. 667-34527. welcomeP39- 21. Hello , May I speak to Mr. Smith please, please , tell hime to call the director's office , the number is 864-35093. It would be best if he cold call this afternoon , at about 2 o'clock4. thanks a lotP39-31. Hello2. I am sorry , but he is not in at the moment , would you like to leave a message3. I 'll tell her as soon as he is back4. You're welcome .P40-31. a telephone message2. a memo3. phone4. at home5. personal6. skills7. a message8. expect9. who called10. what was the message11. friends and family12. questions13. when they called14. the person calling15. reach himP41-41- b 2- dP43-11. Because people stopped talking face to face to one another2. Because his friends was busy talking on the phone , completely forgetting his present3. Because they can be used anywhere and anytime4. Without seeing or talking to one another and with voice mail , we can conduct entire poeple lose their inimacy of interaction .5. People lose their intimacy of interaction6. He thinks it's great , but worries about its unintended consequences . P43-21. disconnected2. set back3. internet4. talking5. reaching6. answer7. contact8. goes up9. phone10. automatedP43-31. the communications revolution2. their cell phones3. electronic voice4. e-mail5. voice mail6. Directory assistance7. greatP44-41. burden2. advances3. lonely4. invisible5. insert6. attendents7. pets8. chain9. preferable10. deposit11. interrupted12. EvidentlyP44-51. Please dial home and tell them I am on the way to the company2. Since then there was never been any setback in production3. I saw him insert the key into the lock4. I suggest that you make a deposit at the bank5. Yesterday checked out from that hotel .P44- 61. The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview .The square of the village was filled with people waching the football match2. We used to grow beautiful rosesPeter used to go to the small town3. Why is it that this conclusion is wrongwhy is it that she can sing better than I4. As I knew him better , I discovered that my first impression of him wasright .We got wiser as we get older5. Why use wood when you can use plasticwhy ask me to do it when you can do it yourself6. Pretty soon you won't have the burden of cooking breakfast for himpretty soon you won't take the trouble to send her to go to school everymorning .P46-71-T 2- F 3-T 4-T 5- T 6- F 7-T 8- T 9-F 10- T 11. T 12- TP47-91. 不管有时是字母与数字混合使用,所有电话号码都是7位数字。
3. 打由话务员转接的电话,在通话时间用完之前话务员会提示你再投币。
4. 公司企业和专业服务机构的电话号码则列在特别的分类电话簿黄页中。
5. 例如:纽约市有一个区号,但俄勒冈州全州也只有一个区号。
6. 这样您不必多付钱就可以重播电话号码,或您可以让电话公司给您邮一张与花费相当的信用卡优惠卷。
P49-2To SamHour 3:15From Mary AdamsPhone 396-8067(v) Call backMessge call back to tell her the repair cost shen can get her car at Signed BenP49-3Mr. KathyMrs Ross wants to sign up for summer classed , call her at 426-1103 before 3Rose11p50 41. would accept2. would be solved3. would / might / should have been4. would not have overcome5. would have7. had been sent8. had taken9. showed10. (should ) know11. (should ) be obeyed12. (should ) be13. learned14. had made15. didn't seeP50-51. would buy → bought / shold buy / were to buy2. smoke → shouldn't smoke / should not smoke3. must → would / could / should→ shouldhave → hadpromoted → should be promoted7. did't → hadn't leftbuy → could have bought→ had taught→ workedP51-61. 我的想法是,在他们困难的时候要给他们以援助。
5.如果我们当时准备充分的话,我们就可能成功了P51-7The United States is divided into telephone dialing areas.Each area has an area code. It is a three-digit number. You use this number to dial long distance calls. For example, you want to call 555-2364 in South Carolina. But you live in Utah. You must dial 1 first and then the area code. It is 803. so you must dial 4.When you do not know an area code, you can use the area code map in the telephone book. The map divides the United States into time zones. Notice that when it is 1:00 in California, it is 4:00 in Michigan.。