-7 6581
Row Score 0.00 0.00 5.50 4.00 3.00 5.50 11.50 12.00 13.25 11.25 10.00 7.50 6.50 0.00 Total Score
12 8293 5504
5476 8013
11 7753 5186 2338 1393 983 803 664 693 662 846 1050 1376 2373 4992 7675 10 4388 4850 2224 1651 1372 1043 960 966 992 1080 1448 1751 2333 5131 4240 9 2172 3937 2023 1309 1344 1332 1402 1455 1455 1519 1444 1475 1947 3846 2277 8 7 6 915 1202 1194 1180 1376 1307 1405 1494 1437 1310 1398 1432 889 1071 780 599 463 450 357 492 336 439 469 609 771 1031 777 678 536 392 461 460 467 460 459 390 535 671 751
Adult head
Leg form
Child head
Tongji Automotive Design Research Institute
一. 准备模型
NCAP—New Car Assessment Program(新车评价规程)GTR-GLOBAL TECHNICAL REGULATION全球技术法规EC-European Community 欧共体EEC-European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体ECE-Economic Commission for Europe欧洲经济委员会European New Car Assessment Programme(欧洲新车安全评鉴协会) 使用柔性卷尺在车辆纵向垂直平面内围绕车辆前部结构,柔性卷尺的一端在车辆前部结构外表面上所形成的几何轨迹。
选择适当长度的卷尺来确定 1000 ㎜(WAD1000)包络线、1700 ㎜(WAD1700)包络线、2100 ㎜(WAD2100)包络线。
2一、BLERL-BONNET LEADING EDGE REFERENCE LINE发动机罩前缘基准线长 1000 ㎜的直尺与发动机罩前表面的接触点的几何轨迹。
几何轨迹是由当直尺平行于车辆的纵向垂直平面,且从垂直方向向后倾斜 50°以及直尺底端距地面为 600 ㎜时与发动机罩前缘接触点所构成(见图)。
对于发动机罩上表面倾斜 50°的车辆,直尺是连续接触或多点接触而不是一点接触,此时直尺应从垂直方向向后倾斜40°来确定基准线。
二、BRRL-BONNET REAR REFERENCE LINE发动机罩后面基准线当直径为 165 ㎜的球与前风窗玻璃保持接触,在车辆前部结构上横向滚动时,球与车辆前部结构的最后接触点所形成的几何轨迹(见图)。
3. 机盖在铰链安装位置处空间尽量大, 段,验证铰链刚
铰链与机盖内板连接可考虑采用凸焊 度、强度、疲劳
1. 在空间允许的情况下,雨刮螺柱及 通风盖板应隐藏在机盖下方;
2. 如果空间不允许,需要考虑加装可 溃缩式雨刮螺柱。
1.在概念及造型 阶段,结合车型 空间及机舱布置 需求确定雨刮布 置方案;
2009年5月-7月,完成炫丽CROSS、酷熊、 哈弗5以及哈弗M1共四款车型行人保护认 证试验。
2011年9月,无摸底试验,一次性完 成腾翼C30轿车行人保护认证工作。
当前车型的行人保护性能优化分析,包 括CHB011 、CHB021、CHB031、
从2008年至今,安全工程部共完成十一款车型行人保护优化工作,期间积累大量经验,需总 结分析及标准化,并融入开发流程。
盟将实施行人保 2015年2月之后
1)M1类,满载质量 < 2.5 T;
护法规(EC) No 法规针对车型扩
No 78/2009,强制要求安
关键词:车辆碰撞行人保护发展路线中图分类号:U491 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2017)07(c)-0214-02全球汽车工业的快速发展给交通安全带来了严峻的挑战。
1 车辆行人保护技术概述1.1 车辆行人保护的概念车辆行人保护是指车辆在发生碰撞之前或发生过程中对行人实施的保护,其可在碰撞前自动评估车辆是否与障碍物发生碰撞,在车辆正常运行时、碰撞前、碰撞时等不同的时间段针对车辆设备采取不同的措施,以将对行人的伤害降至最低,实现车辆的智能化、提升行人的安全。
1.2 国际相关法规为减少对行人的伤害,欧洲车辆安全促进委员会(EEVC)曾对欧盟国家中的道路交通事故进行了长达22年的调查、分析和研究,并在此基础上公布了相关的研究结果。
Euro NCAP (Euro new car assessment program)2002年加入到车辆评价体系中,欧盟行人保护法规2005年开始实施,其采用纯粹被动的措施来实现行人保护,即汽车前端的造型和缓冲设备,日本2004年也开始实施《行人者头部保护标准》,另外欧盟行人保护法规在2010年起实施第二阶段这一更高要求的法规,即主动保护系统。
行人保护与整车设计开发(第一部分)杨健目录问题行人交通事故有哪几种?机动车问题每年有多少人在行人交通事故中伤亡?男性多还是女性多?儿童多还是老年人多?主要伤害部位?交通事故中行人伤害的数据统计数据来源:美国NHTSA国家统计与分析中心发表的《Traffic Safety Facts 2007 Data 》交通事故中行人伤害的数据统计数据来源:美国NHTSA国家统计与分析中心发表的《Traffic Safety Facts 2007 Data 》问题在美国,因交通事故,平均多少分钟死亡一个行人? 在美国,因交通事故,平均多少分钟伤一个行人?目录11问题 汽车碰撞安全标准有几类? 行人保护有没有法规要求?2008-11-22Jay J. Yang12强制性安全法规体系与公众导向性安全评估体系FMVSS 201 内饰乘员头部保护 FMVSS 202 乘员头部约束系统 FMVSS 203 驾驶员转向控制系统碰撞保护 FMVSS 204 转向盘后向移动控制 FMVSS 207 汽车座椅安全标准 FMVSS 208 前部碰撞及乘员保护 FMVSS 209 座椅安全带安全标准 FMVSS 210 安全带安装固定点强度 FMVSS 213 儿童安全约束系统 FMVSS 214 侧面碰撞 FMVSS 216 汽车顶部抗压性能 FMVSS 301 燃油系统碰撞保护 PART 581 保险杠标准 ECE 12 防止转向机构的碰撞保护 ECE 14 安全带安装固定点强度 ECE 32 后部碰撞 ECE 33 前部碰撞 ECE 34 碰撞火险预防 ECE 42 前后保护装置碰撞 ECE 94 前部偏置碰撞 ECE 95 侧面碰撞 GB-11551 前部碰撞及乘员保护 GB-11557 驾驶员转向控制系统碰撞保护 GB-14167 安全带安装固定点强度 GB-17354 保险杠标准 GB-20071 侧面碰撞 GB-20072 追尾碰撞 NHTSA NCAP 安全评估系统 NCAP 前部碰撞(*****星级评估) LINCAP 侧面碰撞(*****星级评估) ROLLOVER 动态静态抗翻性能(*****星级评估) IIHS 安全评估系统 IIHS ODB IIHS MDB IIHS REAR Bumper 前部偏置碰撞(G/A/M/P 级别评估) 侧面碰撞( G/A/M/P 级别评估) 头枕及Whiplash( G/A/M/P 级别评估) 保险杠标准Euro-NCAP 安全评估系统 FRONTAL ODB SIDE MDB SIDE POLE PEDESTRIAN PROT. CHILD RESTRAINTS 前部偏置碰撞 侧面移动障碰撞(*****综合星级评估) 侧面柱碰 行人保护(****星级评估) 儿童保护(*****星级评估)C-NCAP 安全评估系统 FULL FRONTAL FRONTAL ODB SIDE MDB 前部正面碰撞 前部偏置碰撞(*****综合星级评估) 侧面移动障碰撞2008-11-22Jay J. Yang13欧洲行人保护法规的演变EEVC (European Enhanced Vehicle-Safety Committee) 1994, EEVC-WG10 发表了行人保护试验方法; 1996, EEVC-WG10 发表III/5021/96 EN欧洲指令草案; 1998, EEVC-WG17 对此草案进行了修订; 2003-12-23, 通过Directive 2003/102/EC,分两个阶段实施 第一阶段:2005-10-1, (适用于新认证车) 2012-12-1, (适用于全部车型) 第二阶段:2010-9 或 2011 (适用于新认证车) 2015-9 (适用于全部车型) 修订版欧洲第二阶段法规---GTR? 保加利亚、捷克、丹麦、德国、Estonia、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙、 法国、意大利、塞浦路斯、拉脱维亚、立陶宛,卢森堡、匈牙利、 马耳他、荷兰、奥地利、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、Slovenia,Slovakia, 芬兰、瑞典、英国2008-11-22Jay J. Yang14欧洲法规 Directive 2003/102/EC欧洲第一阶段 ACEA记录 40 KPH 大腿碰撞力≤ 5kN 大腿弯曲力矩≤ 300Nm欧洲第二阶段(原、修订) EEVC WP17儿童 2.5(3.5)Kg 40(35) KPH,50° 2/3HPC≤1000 1/3HPC ≤1000(1700) 成人4.8(4.5)Kg 40(35) KPH,65° 2/3HPC≤1000 1/3HPC ≤1000(1700)40 KPH 小腿弯曲角度≤ 21° 小腿剪切位移≤ 6mm 小腿剪切加速度≤ 200G儿童 3.5Kg 35 KPH,50° 2/3HPC≤1000 1/3HPC ≤200040 KPH 大腿碰撞力≤ 5(7.5)kN 大腿弯曲力矩≤300(510)Nm40 KPH 大腿碰撞力≤ 7.5kN 大腿弯曲力矩≤ 510Nm40 KPH 小腿弯曲角度≤ 15° (19°) 小腿剪切位移≤ 6mm 小腿剪切加速度≤ 150(170)G适用于GVW≤2.5吨M1类和N1类车2008-11-22 Jay J. Yang15Euro NCAPSide Impact, Euro MDB, 50 km/h Frontal 40% ODB, 64 km/hSide Pole Impact, 29 km/h (17 mph) RATING SYSTEMFrontal & Side Combined Min. Points/Test 33-40 points 5 stars 13 points 5 stars 25-32 points 4 stars 9 points 4 stars 17-24 points 3 stars 5 points 3 stars 9-16 points 2 stars 2 points 2 stars 1- 8 points 1 stars 0 points 0 stars Pedestrian Impact 28-36 points 4 stars 19-27 points 3 stars 10-18 points 2 stars Pedestrian Impact Tests, 40 km/h 1- 9 points 1 stars 0 points 0 stars2008-11-22Jay J. YangEuro NCAP (Assessment Protocol Scheme)162008-11-22Jay J. Yang17Euro NCAP中的行人保护星级评定Euro-NCAP 1997, 第一批(Audi A4(2),BMW 3(2),Ford Mondeo(2), Peugeot 406(2), etc.) 2002-1-1 新的星级评定方法生效,变得更严格 2009-2, 重新修订星级评定方法,将对行人保护与前、侧碰撞进行综合打分,评定星级19972007Pedestrian protection Child head impact Two of the six locations met proposed legislation: one above the oil filler cap, the other above a bonnet strengthener. Three points were better than average, one worse: at the bonnet/wing join. Upper leg impact None of the three tests met proposed legislation and all three tests were worse than average: on the bonnet leading edge at the centre-line of the car, in line with the towing eye mount, and in line with the headlight's inboard edge. Adult head impact None of the tests met proposed legislation. Four points were better than average, two were worse: above the bonnet hinge and over the wiper spindle. Leg impact None of the three tests met the proposed requirements. Two points were better than average – at the inboard edge of the headlight and at the car's centre-line. One was worse: in line with the towing eye bracket.Pedestrian protection The bumper scored maximum points for the protection offered to pedestrians' legs and the bonnet was rated as predominantly fair for its protection of children's heads. However, most of the the front edge of the bonnet was rated as poor as was the bonnet in the area where an adult's head might hit.2008-11-22Jay J. Yang18日本行人保护法规的演变2005-9(适用于新认证大部分乘用车) 2010-9(适用于大部分乘用车车型) 2007-9(适用于新认证商用车和一部分乘用车) 2012-9(适用于商用车和一部分乘用车车型) 2010-9(适用于新认证车-GTR) 2015-9(适用于全部车型-GTR )成人 4.5Kg 32 KPH, 65°/ 90°/ 50° 2/3HPC≤1000 1/3HPC ≤2000儿童 3.5Kg 32 KPH, 65°/ 60°/ 25° 2/3HPC≤1000 1/3HPC ≤2000适用于M1类及GVW≤2.5吨N1类车但不含平头车2008-11-22 Jay J. Yang19中国行人保护的发展2008-11-22Jay J. Yang20全球技术法规(GTR)2006-2, UNECE/CEE GRSP-WP29,提出了草案 2007-11,UNECE/CEE GRSP-WP29,计划确定最终版本 2008-3Æ2008-6Æ2008-12, 确定最终版本 适用于M1类及N1类车 (欧盟建议只减免GVW≥2.5吨N1类,美国尚未赞同, 平头车标准是否做相应调整?)澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、韩国、日本、印度、南非、瑞士、美国、挪威、 保加利亚、捷克、丹麦、德国、Estonia、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙、 法国、意大利、塞浦路斯、拉脱维亚、立陶宛,卢森堡、匈牙利、 马耳他、荷兰、奥地利、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、Slovenia,Slovakia, 芬兰、瑞典、英国2008-11-22Jay J. Yang21全球技术法规(GTR)柔性腿型冲击器(TRL-Flex)欧洲腿型冲击器(TRL)试验项目/技术要求日本欧州GTR 儿童头型问题Euro-NCAP是否是强制性法规?美国是否有生效的行人保护法规?欧洲的行人保护法规是哪年开始生效的?什么是GTR?日本有没有行人腿部保护法规?哪一年将开始普遍实施行人保护法规?小结¾碰撞安全标准分两大类:强制性安全法规和非强制性安全评估体系标准;强制性安全法规如:GB, FMVSS, ECE, EEVC Directive,等等;非强制性安全评估体系如:CNCAP, NCAP, Euro-NCAP, IIHS, RCAR;¾第一个行人保护标准起源于欧洲,并于2005年10月1日生效欧洲行人保护法规;¾欧洲行人保护法规分两个阶段实施;¾日本自2005年9月开始实施行人保护法规;¾Euro-NCAP自1997年开始对新车型进行行人保护试验并颁布星级评定;¾GTR是全球技术法规的英文缩写;¾GTR是在联合国主持下,由世界各参与国共同研究、协商并制定的;¾GTR为各参与国制定强制性法规提供技术规范;¾现阶段行人保护法规主要适用于GVW低于2.5吨的M1及N1类车;¾行人保护技术规范中包含儿童头部模型和成人头部模型;¾行人保护技术规范中包含腿部模型和大腿模型;¾GTR中所采纳的腿部模型为柔性腿部冲击器;目录整车状态(2) LBRL 线试验车准备及划线分区(1) BRL 线(3) BC 角(4) BLERL 线(5) BSRL 线试验车准备及划线分区(6) CRP 点(7) BT 面(8) WAL 线簇试验车准备及划线分区六分BLERL 线及BRL 线标注BLERL 线及BRL 线六分区试验车准备及划线分区BL (Bumper Lead )------------------------保险杠前凸距离,即BRL 到BLERL 的水平距离;BLEH (Bumper Lead Edge Height )---保险杠前凸沿高度,即BLERL 到地面的高度;目录确定腿型冲击器在BLERL 线及BRL 线的撞击点厂家可补充设定及标注腿型冲击器在BLERL 线及BRL 线的撞击点确定碰撞点及记录碰撞位置所选点必须离BC 角至少60mm; 两点之间至少132mm.此试验只成立于LBRL 离地距离小于500mm 的情况。
针对行人的保护,交通法规提出了如下规定:1. 人行横道优先:根据《道路交通安全法》,当行人走人行横道或者在没有行人信号的道路上过马路时,车辆应停车等待行人通过。
2. 渠化设施:交通法规要求根据道路的情况设置行人道、过街设施和人行天桥等渠化设施,为行人提供安全的通行环境。
3. 速度限制:在某些区域,交通法规还规定了机动车辆的速度限制,以保证行人的安全。
以下是交通法规对非机动车的保护规定:1. 骑行道设置:为了保护非机动车骑行安全,交通法规规定了骑行道的设置。
2. 系安全带:一些地区的交通法规要求骑自行车的人员系安全带。
3. 红灯停车:虽然非机动车不受交通信号的约束,但是交通法规明确规定,非机动车应在红灯时停车等待。
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(1 . Ge e l y Au t o mo b i l e R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e . Ha n g z h o u 3 1 1 2 2 8 Ch i n a ;
I SS N 1 67 4- 8 4 8 4
— — — —
汽 午安 伞与节能学 报,2 0 1 3 年 ,第 4卷
第 3期
1 1 / 1 3 26 6—27 2
CN l 1 - 5 9 0 4 / U
J Au t o mo t i n e r g y , 2 0 1 3 , Vo 1 . 4 No . 3
P r o g r a m f E u r o . N C A P ) . T h e e n e r g y . a b s o r b i n g d e v i c e s f o r f r 0 n l c r o s s m e m b e r s a n d l o w e r b r a c e d s t r u c t u r e s w e r e o p t i m i z e d u s i n g t h e C o m p u t e r - A i d e d E n g i n e e r i n g( C A E ) t e c h n i q u e . S o f t e n - h o l e w a s w i d e n e d t o 3 5 m m,
Ab s t r a c t : T h e f r o n t — e n d s t r u c t u r e o f a d e v e l o p i n g c a r w a s o p t i mi z e d f O a c h i e v e l h e l a r g e l o f F l e x i b l e
NCAP—New Car Assessment Program(新车评价规程)GTR-GLOBAL TECHNICAL REGULATION全球技术法规EC-European Community 欧共体EEC-European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体ECE-Economic Commission for Europe欧洲经济委员会European New Car Assessment Programme(欧洲新车安全评鉴协会) 使用柔性卷尺在车辆纵向垂直平面内围绕车辆前部结构,柔性卷尺的一端在车辆前部结构外表面上所形成的几何轨迹。
选择适当长度的卷尺来确定 1000 ㎜(WAD1000)包络线、1700 ㎜(WAD1700)包络线、2100 ㎜(WAD2100)包络线。
2一、BLERL-BONNET LEADING EDGE REFERENCE LINE发动机罩前缘基准线长 1000 ㎜的直尺与发动机罩前表面的接触点的几何轨迹。
几何轨迹是由当直尺平行于车辆的纵向垂直平面,且从垂直方向向后倾斜 50°以及直尺底端距地面为 600 ㎜时与发动机罩前缘接触点所构成(见图)。
对于发动机罩上表面倾斜 50°的车辆,直尺是连续接触或多点接触而不是一点接触,此时直尺应从垂直方向向后倾斜40°来确定基准线。
二、BRRL-BONNET REAR REFERENCE LINE发动机罩后面基准线当直径为 165 ㎜的球与前风窗玻璃保持接触,在车辆前部结构上横向滚动时,球与车辆前部结构的最后接触点所形成的几何轨迹(见图)。
欧盟行人保护法规实施计划( 欧盟行人保护法规实施计划(78/2009/EC) )
• 以下以 类车进行说明: 以下以M1类车进行说明: 类车进行说明
全部车型满足 阶段一法规
M1类:除驾驶座位,乘客座不超过 个 类 除驾驶座位,乘客座不超过8个 M1a类:载客,驾驶座后面有3或5个车门和侧窗,不超过3.5t 类 载客,驾驶座后面有 或 个车门和侧窗,不超过 个车门和侧窗 M1b类:载货,驾驶座后有固定折叠座椅,乘客超过 人,不超过 类 载货,驾驶座后有固定折叠座椅,乘客超过3人 不超过3.5t
阶段二法规对全 新车强制实施 1
• 要求(M1类车) 要求( 类车 类车)
项目 小腿 参数 膝盖动态位移 剪切位移 传感器加速度 冲击力 弯矩 HPC HPC 要求 21度 6mm 200g 7.5kN 510Nm 3.5kg,冲击速度35km/h。不大于1000 无要求
大腿 儿童头型 成人头型
要求 项目 小腿 参数 膝盖动态位移 剪切位移 传感器加速度 冲击力 弯矩 HPC 冲击力 弯矩 HPC 第一阶段 21度 6mm 200g 7.5kN 510Nm 3.5kg,冲击速度35km/h。2/3区域 不大于1000,其余不大于2000 5kN 300Nm 4.8kg,冲击速度35km/h,全部不 大于1000 第二阶段 15度 6mm 150g 5kN 300Nm 2..5kg,冲击速度40km/h, 全部不大于1000 / / 4.8kg,冲击速度40km/h, 全部不大于1000
儿童头型 大腿
•实施日期: 实施日期: 实施日期 2004年1月1日:新车型满足要求时,鼓励认证; 年 月 日 新车型满足要求时,鼓励认证; 2005年10月1日:新车型认证必须满足第一阶段(不含满足 70/156/EEC中8(2)章 年 月 日 新车型认证必须满足第一阶段( 中 章 节要求的车); 节要求的车); 2010年9月1日:新车型认证必须满足第二阶段(不含满足 70/156/EEC中8(2)章 年 月 日 新车型认证必须满足第二阶段( 中 章 节要求的车); 节要求的车); 2012年12月31日:新车型认证、新车销售必须满足第一阶段; 年 月 日 新车型认证、新车销售必须满足第一阶段; 2015年9月1日:新车型认证、新车销售必须满足第二阶段。 年 月 日 新车型认证、新车销售必须满足第二阶段。
行人保护试验及注意事项2010.6.18行人保护试验过程车辆参数准备车辆调整试验区划分试验点的选择试验准备试验试验数据处理车辆参数准备1.试验车辆的整车信息2.车辆整车整备质量、前后轴荷3.油箱容积4.轮胎胎压5.悬架参数(是否主动悬架)6.行驶状态的设计高度(通过车身上的参考点指明)7.部件更换方法说明8.头型试验HIC1000区域和HIC1700区域指示图车辆调整第1步检查轮胎胎压第2步将车辆调整至整车整备质量第3步在车辆驾驶员和副驾驶员位置配重第4步车辆悬架调整第5步车辆调整至正常行驶姿态试验区划分根据标准要求,在车辆上进行标记,所有标记在车辆处于正常行驶姿态时进行,车辆前部将划分出头型试验区域和腿型试验区域,其中,头型试验区域又分为儿童头型试验区域和成人头型试验区域:1. 儿童头型试验区域界限前:WAD1000线或发动机罩前缘基准线后:WAD1700线或发动机罩后面基准线侧:侧面基准线2. 成人头型试验区域界限前:WAD1700线后:WAD2100线或发动机罩后面基准线侧:侧面基准线3. 腿型试验区域界限两侧的保险杠角之间区域试验区划分时的注意事项1. WAD线的标记2. 当发动机罩侧面基准线与后面基准线不相交时腿型对保险杠试验试验点的选取:z拖车钩处z局部硬点,例如弯曲的管件、冷却系统部件或前雾灯z散热器的边缘或安装支架z号牌架中央位置头型试验试验点的选取:z发动机罩铰链z雨刮器转轴z雨刮器z翼子板边缘或发动机罩边缘z较高的舱壁z发动机罩前边缘z发动机罩前角点z离发动机罩距离较小的发动机罩下面的部件,例如悬架安装点、电池、进气部件或其它发动机附件z发动机罩骨架z发动机罩上表面存在支撑或离支撑最近的点试验准备1. 车辆准备遵循前面的车辆准备步骤,并准备好相关配件,检查车辆是否处于正常行驶姿态2. 碰撞器准备检查碰撞器是否存在异常,是否处于标定有效期内3. 试验设备准备检查设备是否处于标定有效期内,进行试验设备运行检查,布置好车辆与设备的相对位置试验1.照片记录;2. 用高速摄像机对试验过程进行记录;3. 采用适当措施避免冲击器的损坏;4. 保证试验环境要求;5. 保证速度精度,每次试验利用外部测速对速度进行记录;6. 保证碰撞点的位置精度;7. 保证冲击器飞行方向精度;8. 及时检查是否超过碰撞器CAC限值,超过时应及时标定;9. 及时更换试验中损坏的部件;试验头型试验高速摄像试验下腿型对保险杠试验高速摄像试验数据处理1.头型试验中,通过采集到的三个方向的加速度值计算合成加速度,并计算HIC值作为试验结果;2.下腿腿型试验中,以试验过程中的最大弯曲角、最大剪切位移和最大加速度值作为试验结果;3.上腿型试验中,以上、下两个位置测量的合力,及上、中、下三个位置测量到的最大弯矩值作为试验结果;4.腿型的CFC为180,头型的CFC为1000;5.采集的试验结果为碰撞过程中的最大值,冲击器发生的二次碰撞不应记录。
• 儿童头型前基准线:WAD1000mm线与发动机罩前基准线后退82.5mm 线叠合取其后。
• HIC区域划分:制造商划定HIC1700区域,其余为HIC1000区域 • 定点:间距不小于165mm,到侧边界线之间的距离不小于82.5mm • 儿童:WAD1700mm前、发动机罩后基准线前至少82.5mm,取其前 • 儿童:WAD1000mm后、发动机罩前基准线后至少82.5mm,取其后 • 成人:WAD2100mm前、发动机罩后基准线前至少82.5mm,取其前 • 成人:WAD1700mm后、发动机罩前基准线后至少82.5mm,取其后 • 区域限制:每个封闭区域应尽量满足9个测试点,但不强求
•保险杠角点所在车辆纵向垂直面往内侧偏移66mm,与UBRL、 LBRL所围起来的区域就是保险杠试验区域。
• 试验点分布在试验区内 • 点间距不小于132mm • 点到保险杠角点所在纵向垂直面的距离不低于66mm • 分中间、外侧三分之一共三块区域 • 每块区域至少三点 • 试验点需涵盖区域内所有结构
•45° :与基准地面夹角 •700mm :直尺长度 •横向剖面:直尺平行于车辆横向剖面
•前基准线 •后基准线 •测基准线
ECE R 127要求三次平均
ECE R 127要求三次平均
•前基准线 :50°/40°、600mm高、1000mm长 •后基准线 :小球直径165mm,保持与挡风玻璃接触 •侧基准线 :45°、 700mm长 •修正 :后基准线与侧基准线不相交时,用模板修正后基准线
欧盟ECE R127行人保护最新版
6. Modification of vehicle type and extension of approval ..................................................................
7. Conformity of production.................................................................................................................
E E /ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1− /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1
4 February 2015
Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions*
5. Specifications ...................................................................................................................................
2.试验方案20世纪80年代欧盟委员会成立命名为EEVS WG10的工作组,该工作组提出了一套试验提案:下腿部(包括膝关节)与保险杠碰撞上腿部与发动机罩前缘(BLE)的碰撞儿童和成人头部与发动机罩碰撞这些子系统撞击模拟器是针对事故数据中身体最容易受伤部位开发,下图显示了这些部位与车辆的接触点:站立的行人膝盖与保险杠接触上腿部与发动机罩前缘接触头部与发动机罩接触3.人头模型与发动机罩碰撞迄今为止,大部分致命伤害是导致头骨骨折或大脑损伤,头部对车辆的碰撞分为儿童头部和成人头部碰撞两个部分碰撞角度不同,儿童头部碰撞的角度为50º±2º,成人头部碰撞的角度为65º±2º(如下图示)。
2.试验方案20世纪80年代欧盟委员会成立命名为EEVS WG10的工作组,该工作组提出了一套试验提案:下腿部(包括膝关节)与保险杠碰撞上腿部与发动机罩前缘(BLE)的碰撞儿童和成人头部与发动机罩碰撞这些子系统撞击模拟器是针对事故数据中身体最容易受伤部位开发,下图显示了这些部位与车辆的接触点:站立的行人膝盖与保险杠接触上腿部与发动机罩前缘接触头部与发动机罩接触3.人头模型与发动机罩碰撞迄今为止,大部分致命伤害是导致头骨骨折或大脑损伤,头部对车辆的碰撞分为儿童头部和成人头部碰撞两个部分碰撞角度不同,儿童头部碰撞的角度为50º±2º,成人头部碰撞的角度为65º±2º(如下图示)。
经过4年的努力,欧盟在2003年11月颁布了行人保护法规“Directive 2003/102/EC”。
二、ECE R127行人保护法规介绍2.1试验内容:(1)成人头部撞击发动机盖试验,至少测试9个点;(2)儿童头部撞击发动机盖试验,至少测试9个点;(3)3次上腿部撞击保险杠试验(左、中、右);(4)3次下腿部撞击保险杠试验(左、中、右)。
GE.15-Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions forWheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or beUsed on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for ReciprocalRecognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions *(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995_________Addendum 126: Regulation No. 12701 series of amendments to the Regulation – Date of entry into force: 22 January 2015Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles withregard to their pedestrian safety performanceUNITED NATIONS* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions ofApproval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done atGeneva on 20 March 1958.E /ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1−E /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.14 February 2015E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.13Regulation No. 127Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to their pedestrian safety performanceContentsPage Regulation1.Scope ............................................................................................................................. ................. 4 2.Definitions ..................................................................................................................... ................... 4 3.Application forapproval .................................................................................................................. 14 4.Approval ....................................................................................................................... .................... 15 5.Specifications ................................................................................................................ ................... 16 6.Modification of vehicle type and extension ofapproval .................................................................. 17 7.Conformity ofproduction ................................................................................................................. 17 8.Penalties for non-conformity ofproduction ..................................................................................... 17 9.Production definitivelydiscontinued ................................................................................................ 17 10.Names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of the Type ApprovalAuthorities .................................................................................................... 18 11.Transitionalprovisions (18)Annexes1Part 1 - Model - Information document No ... rel ating to the type approval of a vehicle with regard to pedestrian protection (19Part 2 -Communication ..................................................................................................................21 2Arrangements of approvalmarks ..................................................................................................... 23 3General testconditions ..................................................................................................................... 24 4Test impactorspecifications ............................................................................................................. 25 5Testprocedures ............................................................................................................................. ... 32 6 Certification of the impactor (40E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.141. ScopeThis Regulation applies to motor vehicles of categories M1 and N1.1However, vehicles of category N1 where the driver’s position "R-point" iseither forward of the front axle or longitudinally rearwards of the front axletransverse centreline by a maximum of 1,100 mm, are exempted from therequirements of this Regulation.This Regulation does not apply to vehicles of category M1above 2,500 kg maximum mass and which are derived from N1 category vehicles, and where the driver’s position "R-point" is either forward of the front axle or longitudinally rearwards of the front axle transverse centreline by a maximum of 1,100 mm; for these vehicle categories Contracting Parties may continue to apply the requirements already in force for that purpose at the time of acceding to this Regulation.2. DefinitionsWhen performing measurements as described in this Part, the vehicle should be positioned in its normal ride attitude.If the vehicle is fitted with a badge, mascot or other structure, which would bend back or retract under an applied load of maximum 100 N, then this load shall be applied before and/or while these measurements are taken.Any vehicle component which could change shape or position, other than suspension components or active devices to protect pedestrians, shall be setto their stowed position.For the purposes of this Regulation:2.1. "Adult headform test area" is an area on the outer surfaces of the front structure. The area is bounded:(a In the front, by a wrap around distance (WAD of 1,700 or a line 82.5mm rearward of the bonnet leading edge reference line, whichever ismost rearward at a given lateral position;(b At the rear, by a WAD 2,100 or a line 82.5 mm forward of the bonnetrear reference line, whichever is most forward at a given lateralposition, and(c At each side, by a line 82.5 mm inside the side reference line.The distance of 82.5 mm is to be set with a flexible tape held tautly alongthe outer surface of the vehicle.2.2. "Assessment interval (AI" of the flexible lower legform impactor is definedand limited by the time of first contact of the flexible lower legform impactorwith the vehicle and the timing of the last zero crossing of all femur and tibiasegments after their first local maximum subsequent to any marginal value of15 Nm, within their particular common zero crossing phases. The AI is1As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3., documentECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.3, para. 2. -/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/wp29resolutions.htmlE/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1 identical for all bone segments and knee ligaments. In case of any bonesegment not having a zero crossing during the common zero crossing phases,the time history curves for all bone segments are shifted downwards until allbending moments are crossing zero. The downwards shift is to be applied forthe determination of the AI only.2.3. "A-pillar" means the foremost and outermost roof support extending from thechassis to the roof of the vehicle.2.4. "Approval of a vehicle type" means the full procedure whereby a ContractingParty to the Agreement certifies that a vehicle type meets the technicalrequirements of this Regulation.2.5. "Bonnet leading edge" means the edge of the front upper outer structure ofthe vehicle, including the bonnet and wings, the upper and side members ofthe headlight surrounds and any other attachments. The reference lineidentifying the position of the bonnet leading edge is defined by its heightabove the ground reference plane and by the horizontal distance separating itfrom the bumper (bumper lead.2.6. "Bonnet leading edge height" means, at any point on the bonnet leading edge,the vertical distance between the ground reference plane and the bonnetleading edge reference line at that point.2.7. "Bonnet leading edge reference line" means the geometric trace of the points of contact between a straight edge 1,000 mm long and the front surface of the bonnet, when the straight edge, held parallel to the vertical longitudinal planeof the car and inclined rearwards by 50° from the vertical and with the lower end 600 mm above the ground, is traversed across and in contact with the bonnet leading edge (see Figure 1.For vehicles having the bonnet top surface inclined at 50°, so that the straight edge makes a continuous contact or multiple contacts rather than a point contact, the reference line is determined with the straight edge inclined rearwards at an angle of 40° from the vertical.For vehicles of such shape that the bottom end of the straight edge makesfirst contact, then that contact is taken to be the bonnet leading edge reference line, at that lateral position.For vehicles of such shape that the top end of the straight edge makes first contact with the vehicle, then the geometric trace of 1,000 mm wrap around distance will be used as the bonnet leading edge reference line at that lateral position.The top edge of the bumper shall also be regarded as the bonnet leading edgefor the purposes of this Regulation, if it is contacted by the straight edge during this procedure.5Figure 1Bonnet leading edge reference line2.8. "Bonnet rear reference line" means the geometric trace of the most rearward points of contact between a 165 mm diameter sphere and the front structureof the vehicle when the sphere is traversed across the front structure of the vehicle while maintaining contact with the windscreen (see Figure 2. The wiper blades and arms are removed during this process.Where the bonnet rear reference line and the side reference line do not intersect, the bonnet rear reference line should be extended and/or modified using a semi-circular template, of radius 100 mm. The template should be made of a thin flexible sheet material that easily bends to a single curvaturein any direction. The template should, preferably, resist double or complex curvature where this could result in wrinkling. The recommended material is a foam backed thin plastic sheet to allow the template to "grip" the surface of the vehicle.The template should be marked up with four points "A" through "D", as shown in Figure 3, while the template is on a flat surface.The template should be placed on the vehicle with Corners "A" and "B" coincident with the side reference line. Ensuring these two corners remain coincident with the side reference line, the template should be slid progressively rearwards until the arc of the template makes first contact with the bonnet rear reference line. Throughout the process, the template should be curved to follow, as closely as possible, the outer contour of the vehicle's bonnet top, without wrinkling or folding of the template. If the contact between the template and bonnet rear reference line is tangential and the point of tangency lies outside the arc scribed by points "C" and "D", then the bonnet rear reference line is extended and/or modified to follow the circumferential arc of the template to meet the bonnet side reference line, as shown in Figure 4.If the template cannot make simultaneous contact with the bonnet sidereference line at points "A" and "B" and tangentially with the bonnet rear reference line, or the point at which the bonnet rear reference line and template touch lies within the arc scribed by points "C" and "D", then additional templates should be used where the radii are increased progressively in increments of 20 mm, until all the above criteria are met. 67 Figure 2Bonnet rear reference lineFigure 3TemplateCorner ‘A’ Corner ‘B’Corner ‘A’Corner ‘B’Figure 4Marking of intersection between bonnet rear and side reference lines2.9. "Bonnet top" is the area which is bounded by (a, (b and (c as follows:(a The bonnet leading edge reference line;(b The bonnet rear reference line;(c The side reference lines.2.10. "Bonnet top test area" is composed of the child headform test area and the adult headform test area as defined in paragraphs 2.1. and 2.15. respectively.2.11. "Bumper" means the front, lower, outer structure of a vehicle. It includes all structures that are intended to give protection to a vehicle when involved in alow speed frontal collision and also any attachments to this structure. The reference height and lateral limits of the bumper are identified by the cornersand the bumper reference lines.2.12. "Bumper lead" means for any longitudinal section of a vehicle, the horizontaldistance measured in any vehicle vertical longitudinal plane between the upper bumper reference line and the bonnet leading edge reference line.2.13. "Bumper test area" means the frontal surface of the bumper limited by two longitudinal vertical planes intersecting points 66 mm inside the defined corners of the bumper. This distance is to be set with a flexible tape held tautly along the outer surface of the vehicle.2.14. "Centre of the knee" of the lower legform impactor is defined as the point about which the knee effectively bends.2.15. "Child headform test area" is an area on the outer surfaces of the front structure. The area is bounded:(a In the front, by a WAD 1,000 or a line 82.5 mm rearward of the bonnet leading edge reference line, whichever is most rearward at a givenlateral position,(b At the rear, by a WAD 1,700 or a line 82.5 mm forward of the bonnetrear reference line, whichever is most forward at a given lateralposition, and(c At each side, by a line 82.5 mm inside the side reference line.The distance of 82.5 mm is to be set with a flexible tape held tautly along theouter surface of the vehicle.2.16. "Corner of bumper" means the vehicle's point of contact with a vertical plane which makes an angle of 60° with the vertical longitudinal plane of thevehicle and is tangential to the outer surface of the bumper (see Figure 5.8Figure 5Corner of bumper2.17. "Corner reference point" means the intersection of the bonnet leading edge reference line and of the bonnet side reference line (see Figure 6.Figure 6Determination of corner reference point; intersection of the bonnet leading edge reference line and the bonnet side reference line2.18. "Driver mass" means the nominal mass of a driver that shall be 75 kg (subdivided into 68 kg occupant mass at the seat and 7 kg luggage mass in accordance with ISO standard 2416–1992.2.19. "Femur" of the lower legform impactor is defined as all components or parts of components (including flesh, skin covering, damper, instrumentation and brackets, pulleys, etc. attached to the impactor for the purpose of launchingit above the level of the centre of the knee.2.20. "Front reference line for child headform" means the geometric trace as described on the vehicle front structure using a WAD1000 line. In the case of vehicles where the wrap around distance to the bonnet leading edge reference line, is more than 1,000 mm at any point, then the bonnet leading edge reference line will be used as the front reference line for child headform atthat point.910 2.21. "Front structure " means all outer structures of the vehicle except thewindscreen, the windscreen header, the A-pillars and structures rearward ofthese. It therefore includes, but is not limited to, the bumper, the bonnet,wings, scuttle, wiper spindles and lower windscreen frame.2.22. "Ground reference plane " means a horizontal plane, either real or imaginary,that passes through the lowest points of contact for all tyres of a vehicle whilethe vehicle is in its normal ride attitude. If the vehicle is resting on theground, then the ground level and the ground reference plane are one and thesame. If the vehicle is raised off the ground such as to allow extra clearancebelow the bumper, then the ground reference plane is above ground level.2.23."Head Injury Criterion (HIC" means the calculated result of accelerometertime histories using the following formula: HIC = HPC t t a dt t t t t =-⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥-⎰121252112.( Where:"a " is the resultant acceleration measured in units of gravity "g"(1 g = 9.81 m/s²;"t 1" and "t 2" are the two time instants (expressed in seconds during the impact, defining an interval between the beginning and the endof the recording period for which the value of HIC is amaximum (t 2 - t 1 ≤ 15 ms.2.24. "Lower bumper height " means the vertical distance between the ground reference plane and the lower bumper reference line, with the vehicle positioned in its normal ride attitude.2.25."Lower bumper reference line " means the lower limit to significant points of pedestrian contact with the bumper. It is defined as the geometric trace of the lowermost points of contact between a straight edge 700 mm long and the bumper, when the straight edge, held parallel to the vertical longitudinal plane of the vehicle and inclined forwards by 25° from the vertical, is traversed across the front of the vehicle, while maintaining contact with the ground and with the surface of the bumper (see Figure 8. Figure 72.26. "Mass in running order" means the nominal mass of a vehicle as determined by the s um of unladen vehicle mass and driver’s mass.2.27. "Measuring point"The measuring point may also be referred to as "test point" or "impact point".In all cases, the result of the test shall be attributed to this point, independentof where first contact occurs.2.27.1. "Measuring point" for the headform test means a point on the vehicle’s outer surface selected for assessment. The measuring point is where the headform’s profile contacts the vehicle’s outer surface cross section i n a vertical longitudinal plane through the center of gravity of the headform (seeFigure 8A.2.27.2. "Measuring point" for the lower legform to bumper test and the upper legform to bumper test is located in the vertical longitudinal plane throughthe central axis of the impactor (see Figure 8B.Figure 8AMeasuring point in the vertical longitudinal plane through the center of the headformimpactor (see paragraph 8BMeasuring point in the vertical longitudinal plane through the central axis of thelegform impactor (see paragraph due to the spatial geometry of the bonnet top, the first contact may not occur in the samevertical longitudinal or transverse plane which contains measuring point A.112.28. "Normal ride attitude" means the vehicle positioned on a flat horizontal surface with its mass in running order, with the tyres inflated to manufacturer recommended pressures, the front wheels in the straight-ahead position andwith a passenger mass placed on the front passenger seat. The front seats are placed at the nominal mid-track position. The suspension shall be set innormal running condition as specified by the manufacturer for a speed of40 km/h.2.29. "Passenger mass" means the nominal mass of a passenger that shall be 68 kg, with in addition a 7 kg provision for luggage which shall be located in the luggage compartment(s in accordance with ISO standard 2416–1992.2.30. "Primary reference marks" means holes, surfaces, marks and identification signs on the vehicle body. The type of reference mark used and the vertical(Z position of each mark relative to the ground shall be specified by thevehicle manufacturer according to the running conditions specified in paragraph 2.26. These marks shall be selected so as to be able to easily checkthe vehicle front and rear ride heights and vehicle attitude.If the primary reference marks are found to be within ±25 mm of the design position in the vertical (Z axis, then the design position shall be consideredto be the normal ride height. If this condition is met, either the vehicle shallbe adjusted to the design position, or all further measurements shall be adjusted, and tests performed, to simulate the vehicle being at the design position.2.31. "Side reference line" means the geometric trace of the highest points of contact between a straight edge 700 mm long and the sides of the vehicle, when the straight edge, held parallel to the transverse vertical plane of the vehicle and inclined inwards by 45°, is traversed down, and maintains contact with the sides of the front structure (see Figure 9.Figure 9Side reference line2.32. "Third of the bonnet leading edge" means the geometric trace between the corner reference points, measured with a flexible tape following the outer contour of the leading edge, divided in three equal parts.2.33. "Third of the bonnet top" means the geometric trace of the area between thebonnet side reference lines, measured with a flexible tape following the outercontour of the bonnet top on any transverse section, divided in three equalparts.122.34. "Third of the bumper" means the geometric trace between the corners of thebumper, measured with a flexible tape following the outer contour of thebumper, divided in three equal parts.2.35. "Tibia" of the lower legform impactor is defined as all components or parts ofcomponents (including flesh, skin covering, instrumentation and brackets,pulleys, etc. attached to the impactor for the purpose of launching it belowthe level of the centre of the knee. Note that the tibia as defined includesallowances for the mass, etc., of the foot.2.36. "Unladen vehicle mass" means the nominal mass of a complete vehicle asdetermined by the following criteria:2.36.1. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork and all factory fitted equipment, electricaland auxiliary equipment for normal operation of vehicle, including liquids,tools, fire extinguisher, standard spare parts, chocks and spare wheel, if fitted.2.36.2. The fuel tank shall be filled to at least 90 per cent of rated capacity and theother liquid containing systems (except those for used water to 100 per centof the capacity specified by the manufacturer2.37."Upper bumper reference line" means a line which identifies the upper limit to significant points of pedestrian contact with the bumper. It is defined as the geometric trace of the upper most points of contact between a straight edge700 mm long and the bumper, when the straight edge, held parallel to the vertical longitudinal plane and inclined rearwards by 20°, is traversed acrossthe front of the vehicle, while maintaining contact with the ground and withthe surface of the bumper (see Figure 10.Where necessary the straight edge shall be shortened to avoid any contactwith structures above the bumper.Figure 10Upper Bumper Reference Line (UBRL2.38. "Vehicle type with regard to the pedestrian protection requirements" means a category of vehicles which, forward of the A-pillars, do not differ in suchessential respects as:(a The structure,13(b The main dimensions,(c The materials of the outer surfaces of the vehicle,(d The component arrangement (external or internal,In so far as they may be considered to have a negative effect on the results ofthe impact tests prescribed in this Regulation.2.39. "Vehicles of category M1derived from N1" means those vehicles of M1 category which, forward of the A-pillars, have the same general structure and shape as a pre-existing N1 category vehicle.2.40. "Vehicles of category N1derived from M1" means those vehicles of N1 category which, forward of the A-pillars, have the same general structure and shape as a pre-existing M1 category vehicle.2.41. "Windscreen" means the frontal glazing of the vehicle situated between the A-pillars.2.42. "Wrap Around Distance (WAD" means the geometric trace described on the outer surface of the vehicle front structure by one end of a flexible tape, whenit is held in a vertical longitudinal plane of the vehicle and traversed acrossthe front structure. The tape is held taut throughout the operation with oneend held at the same level as the ground reference plane, vertically below the front face of the bumper and the other end held in contact with the front structure (see Figure 11. The vehicle is positioned in the normal ride attitude.This procedure shall be followed, using alternative tapes of appropriate lengths, to describe wrap around distances of 1,000 mm (WAD1000, of1,700 mm (WAD1700 and of 2,100 mm (WAD2100.Figure 11Wrap around distance measurement3. Application for approval3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the pedestrian protection requirements shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his authorized representative.3.2. It shall be accompanied by the documents mentioned below in triplicate andinclude the following particulars:3.2.1. The manufacturer shall submit to the Type Approval Authority the information document, established in accordance with the model set out inPart 1 of Annex 1, including a description of the vehicle type with regard to 14 the items mentioned in paragraph 2.38., together with dimensional drawings. The numbers and/or symbols identifying the vehicle type shall be specified.3.3. A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be submitted to the Technical Service conducting the approval tests.4. Approval4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraph5. below, approval of that vehicle shall be granted.4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved; its firsttwo digits (at present 01 corresponding to the 01 series of amendments shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number to another vehicle type.4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal or withdrawal of approval pursuant to thisRegulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement whichapply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model inAnnex 1, Part 2 and photographs and/or plans supplied by the applicant beingin a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm, or folded to that format, andon an appropriate scale.4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark conformingto the model described in Annex 2, consisting of:4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval;34.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more other Regulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.needs not be repeated; in such a case, the Regulation and approval numbersand the additional symbols shall be placed in vertical columns to the right of。
行人保护 正在进行时
们 与 北 京 南 京 宁波等 城 市 的事故 处 理 部 门展 开 合 作
而 没 有 涉 及 到行 人 保 护
在我 国 导 致
建 立 了 比较 完 善 的 交 通 事 故
行人保 护研 究
交 通 事 故 人 员 死 亡 的成 因 很 大
是 行人 交通 事故
部分 比例
案例 采 集 渠 道
类 事 故 中行 人 死 伤 机 理
共 同研 究
中 日 行人 保护
分 位 成 年 男 性 和 6 岁儿 童 行 人 多体 动 力 学 数
年 12 月份 )
旨在 通 过 采 集
整理 和 分 析 中 推动我 国道 路
项 目正 是 在 这 样
学模 型 模 拟 行 人
汽 车 模 型 根 据 国 内汽 车
然 后 对 不 同 种 类 行 人 案例
陈强 博 士 目前 正 在 参 与
中 日 行人 保
如 果 不 制定 适 合我 国 国
进行 了大量 统计研 究
、 、
分析 了事故 发生 条
护 共 同 研 究 项 目的研 究 该 课 题 是 在 国 家
发改委 的支持下
情 的行 人 保 护 标 准
就 很 难 改 变 交 通 事故
23 5
与 其 它 国 家相 比
中国 的
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适用下保险杠参考线LBR高度在 500mm以下的情况 • Legform to Bumper Test • Upper Legform to Bonnet Leading Edge Test • Headform to Bonnet Top 适用下保险杠参考线LBR高度在 500mm以上的情况 • Upper Legform to Bumper Test • Upper Legform to Bonnet Leading Edge Test • Headform to Bonnet Top
Issued by
Them Prod e
Remark 3D/2D
Front Pendulum impact Bumper – earlier impact of Fog Cover than
Upper Bumper Reference Line
上正面保护系统基准线 下正面保护系统基准线 正面保护系统角度 Bumper Reference Lines Corner of Bumper
Lower Bumper Reference Line
Legform to Bumper tests
Impact Angle
撞击角度 • 10度~48度 • BLE越高=> 角度越小 • 正面保护导程越大=> 角 度越大
Impact Velocity
撞击速度 •20~40km/h •BLE越高=> 速度越高 •正面保护导程越大=> 速度越低
Impact Energy
撞击动能 •200~700J •BLE越高=> 能量越高 •正面保护导程越大=> 能量越低
试验条件 • 儿童头模撞击器在发动机顶面前部区域进行9次测试;成人头模撞击器在发动机顶 面后部区域进行9次测试。 • 所选取的成人头模撞击器测试点之间间距应至少达到165毫米。各个测试点均应与 发动机罩侧参照线的间距应至少达到82.5毫米;各个测试点均应与发动机罩后参 照线的间距应至少达到82.5毫米。 • 所选取的儿童头模撞击器测试点之间间距应至少达到130毫米。各个测试点均应与 发动机罩侧参照线的间距应至少达到65毫米;各个测试点均应与发动机罩后参照 线的间距应至少达到65毫米;各个测试点与发动机罩前沿参照线的间距至少达到 130毫米 • 成人头模撞击器与发动机罩顶面的撞击测试接触位置位于1500毫米包络线和2100 毫米包络线或发动机罩后参照线之间。 • 儿童头模撞击器与发动机罩顶面的撞击测试接触位置位于1000毫米包络线和1500 毫米包络线之间。 • 撞击质量: – 儿童人头模撞击器130毫米,总质量应为2.5公斤 – 成人头模撞击器165毫米,总质量应为4.8公斤 • 撞击速度 :40km/h • 撞击角度:成人头部模型65度,儿童头部模型50度 评价指标 • 第一阶段:HPC<1000
WAD Wrap round distance Bonnet side reference line BLE Bonnet rear reference line
试验条件 • 至少18次头部模型与发动机罩的撞击测试,在发动机罩中间段以及两 侧各三分之一段上最易造成伤害的部位上各进行6次测试。 • “发动机罩顶面A区域”内进行12次测试,至少在“发动机罩顶面B 区域”内进行6次测试。 • 所选定的测试点之间的间距至少应达到165毫米;各个测试点与发动 机罩侧参照线间距至少达到82.5毫米;各个测试点与发动机罩后参照 线的间距至少达到82.5毫米;各个测试点与发动机罩前沿参照线的间 距至少达到165毫米,第一接触点位于1000毫米包络线和发动机罩后 参照线之间 • 撞击速度:35km/h • 撞击儿童/小个成年人头模重量:3.5kg • 撞击角度:与地面参考面50度 评价指标 • 第一阶段:A区域HPC<1000,B区域HPC<2000
70/156/EEC 关于成员国机动车及其挂车型式认证的相近法规 2003/102/EC 以及其修订指令70/156/EEC 就发生机动车辆碰撞事件之前或发生过程中对行人和其他弱势道路使用 者的保护 2005/66/EC 关于在机动车辆上使用正面保护系统以及修正指令70/156/EEC 2004/90/EC 有关执行欧洲议会和理事会指令2003/102/EC“在与机动车辆撞击前和撞 击中对行人和其它易受伤害的道路使用者的保护以及对指令70/156/EEC 的修正”的技术规定 2005/368/EC 关于执行与在机动车辆上使用正面保护系统相关的《欧洲议会与理事会 指令2005/66/EC》中所规定的测试用详尽技术要求
碰撞试验后,车辆应能满足下列要求: 1. 照明和信号装置应能继续正常工作并清晰可见。如果出厂时安装好 的照明装置失调,允许进行调整以符合规定要求,但只限于采用常 规的调整方法。如果灯丝折断,应允许更换灯泡。 2. 发动机罩、行李箱盖和车门应能正常开闭。车辆的侧门在碰撞的作 用下不得自行开启。 3. 车辆的燃料和冷却系统应无泄漏,不发生油、水路堵塞,其密封装 置与油、水箱盖亦应能正常工作。 4. 车辆的排气系统不应有妨碍其正常工作的损坏或错位。 5. 车辆的传动系统、悬架系统(包括轮胎)、转向和制动系统应保持 良好的调整状态并能正常工作。
Issued by
Them Prod e
Remark 3D/2D
Front Pedestrian protection Bumper – unfavorable location of corner
impact center point (overlaps with Headlamp)
Modify bumper skin
– Modify skin to push corner impact center inward
Issued by
V-ENS Aug. 31
Them Prod e
• • • bonnet leading edge reference line bonnet side refernce line corner reference point
‘Bumper lead' is the horizontal distance between the LBR and the BLE ‘Bonnet leading edge height' is the vertical distance between the ground and BLE, with the vehicle positioned in its normal ride attitude.
Modify Fog Cover skin
– need to avoid first impact situation of Cover – provide offset from Fascia about 1ent
Remark 3D/2D
Rear Euro Regulation Bumper – External Projection violation
Change skin R
– increase skin radius to minimum R5
• 特征 – 小腿与保险杠碰撞 – 大腿与保险杠前缘碰撞 – 小孩和大人头部与发动机舱 盖或玻璃碰撞
• • • • • • • • •
1987 EEVC WG 10 begins development of test procedures 1994 Publication of WG10 test procedures 1997 EEC WG17 reviews WG10 test procedures 1997 Euro NCAP begins testing based on WG10 1998 Publication of WG17 proposed legislation 2000 ACEA develops proposals for voluntary tests 2003 ACEA commitment adopted as European Directive 2003/102/EC 2004 Euro NCAP modifies testing to be more compatible with WG17 2004 Japan NCAP begins testing using own procedures 2004 Australia NCAP likely to introduce tests in future
碰撞器 1. 碰撞器应结构坚固;其撞击头材料为淬火钢。 2. 碰撞的有效质量应与试验车辆的“整车整备质 量”相等。 3. 碰撞器的A平面应保持垂直,而基准线则应保 持水平。 4. 碰撞发生时,碰撞器与车辆首先接触的应是 撞击头与车辆的保护装置,当车辆分别在“整 车整备质量”与“加载试验车质量”状态时,位 于“车角”间的保护装置均应能被通过碰撞器基 准线的水平面所截,基准高度为445mm。 5. 纵向碰撞试验 车辆正前方的两次碰撞和正后 方的两次碰撞。一次车辆质量为“整车整备质 量”时进行的,另一次质量为“加载试验车质量 ”时进行的,两次碰撞试验间距小于300mm, 车辆的碰撞速度应控制在40+0.25km/h 6. 对“车角”的碰撞试验 a)碰撞器的A平面应与车辆的纵向对称 面构成60°±5°夹角。 b)碰撞时最先接触的点应在碰撞器的中 垂面上(允差±25mm) C)碰撞速度应控制在2.50+0.1km/h。