
(How do you know )(2):能极大的激发你的好奇心,(arose your curiosity)(3):充分体味电视剧的魅力。
(enjoy the series fully grade)(4):广告的时间,给你时间去休息,去放松眼部,给你时间去喝水,去厕所,去打电话。
(more time to relax ,more time to dring water to WC and so on ) (1):花钱带动经济的发展。
(promoting the encnomic develepment)3.提高了商品的价格。
()4, 误导消费者,特别是儿童。
(1),那么请你先举出一个例子,广告怎么样误导未成年儿童了?(exampal)(2),就算误导未成年,那么也跟家长有关系,5,越来越多的人不愿看电视了,(1):那指的是越来越多的人都喜欢看电脑了吗?那么电脑上就没有广告了吗?说是因为广告的原因就是借口,(use as an excuse)(2):这世界还是存在喜欢看广告的人的,比如我,(like ads)6.有些广告是在撒谎,夸大了产品的作用,(1):请问对方,比如呢?你怎么知道他夸大了?适当的夸大其效果,更能引起消费者购买的欲望,才给了你使用这产品的可能才有了解决你问题的希望,(hope)(exampal)。

更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目!英语辩论赛辩题大全0. Campus Lifea. China abolish English as a compulsory subject inpostgraduate entrance examinations.b. China make military training compulsory for allcollege students.c. All major corporations operating in China shouldbe required to offer student internships.1. Culturea. THW require study of the traditional styleChinese writing.b. TH opposes the private ownership of artifactsdeemed to be national treasures.c. THBT Shanzhai culture is bad for China.2. Educationa. THW base teachers? pay on their students? performance.b. THW make community service compulsory for all college students.c. THBT Chinese compulsory education should be extended to 12 years3. Economya. TH supports a new international trading currency.b. THB that China should stop buying US debt.c. China should issue consumption vouchers to stimulate the economy.4. Global climate changea. Developed nations should accept global warming refugeesb. Those affected by global climate change should have the right to sue major carbon-emitting nations.c. China should cap its carbon emissions.5. East Asiaa. Immediate elections are in Thailand抯 best interest.b. ASEAN should expel Myanmarc. Direct negotiations between the US and North Korea are preferable to the Six-Party Talks.6. Family & Populationa. THBT women should be allowed to sell their eggsb. TH would require the father抯 consent for abortions.c. China should legalize marriage between homosexuals.7. Crime & Punishmenta. Criminals sentenced to life imprisonment without parole should be allowed to choose deathinstead.b. China should establish a national DNA database of all citizens for the purposes of criminalinvestigations.c. This house would make parents liable for their children抯crimes.8. Governing & Governmenta. THW make one-year military service a qualification for public servants.b. TH would require government officials to make full financial disclosure to the public.c. THW make all NPC representatives full-time, professional legislators.Octofinals: Medical servicea. China should ban hymen reconstruction surgeries.b. China should legalize physician-assisted suicide.c. The World Health Organization (WHO) should have theauthority to quarantine in times ofhealth crises.Quarterfinals: Judiciarya. China should apply capital punishment only to homicide cases.b. China should fully establish a jury-by-peers system.c. Judges should be elected.Semifinals: International IssuesSEMIFINAL #1a. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should admit Iran as a full member.b. The United Nations should take control of Jerusalem.c. NATO should fully withdraw from Afghanistan before 2019.SEMIFINAL #2a. The USA should stop promoting democracy as part of their foreign policy.b. Pre-emptive strikes on Somalia to curb piracy are justified.c. This house supports Spain抯criminal prosecution of members of the Bushadministration.FinalsThe PRC should ban the production, sale and consumption of all tobacco products.英语辩论赛常用语A征求他人观点或意见的用语I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。

Good morning/afternoon, respected judges, worthy opponents, and fellow debaters. Today, the proposition/opposition has brought forth a motion that states (提出辩题). We, as the first proposition/opposition, firmly believe that (就辩题立场进行阐述).
Firstly, let us consider (第一观点). It is evident that (列举相关事实或数据), thus supporting our stance.
Secondly, (第二观点). Through (举例或引用权威观点), we can see that (论述观点).
We expect the opposition to argue (预测对方可能提出的反驳观点), however, this can easily be refuted by (对可能反驳观点的反驳).
In summary, our stance is grounded in solid evidence and logical reasoning. We have effectively presented (总结发言内容).
As the first proposition/opposition, we firmly believe that (再次强调立场).

英语辩论赛辩论稿优秀7篇英语辩论赛辩论稿篇一Good evening,Ladies and gentlemen.According to the law, every single individual is born with the right to keep living. Since death is just a part of life, to suggest that it is a right is to grant that it is a freedom to decide when and where to give up this kind of right. In a manner of speaking, it is a man;s right to commit suicide.Again, we can find in the OXFord Advanced Learner;s English-Chinese dictionary the explanation of suicide----the act of killing oneself intentionally----which indicates that suicide is simply a libertarian movement for human freedom and the right of making choices. It is the law;s duty to protect human;s freedom and the right of making choices.While it is without doubt that suicide, in reality, is human;s right, there main argument remain:1,Maybe some people will say that the primary purpose of human being is to live, so suicide is inhumane and totally against the standard of ethic;2,Suicide is criminal offense because it involves the killing of a person;3,The people who commits suicide is irrespondsable to those who love him, even if it is a physical and mental realse to himself.However, an evidence to sustain the first argument is difficult to obtain.It is common sense to note that Modern medicine has its own limitation and can not cure all the existing diseases.In spite of the extraordinary progress made in Modern medicine, problems remain in terms of guaranteeing that all the pains due to illness can be reduced to a tolerant level. As a result of this, at least in the near future, there must be some illnesses which can not be treated, some pains which are uncontrollable, some people who are terminally ill. Maybe the primary purpose of an ordinary and healthy human being is to live, but what if the person we are talking about is a terminally ill patient whose remaining time is no more than a series of suffering . Neither the law nor medical ethics requires everything be done to keep a person alive. However, insistnece, against the patient;s wishes, that death be postponed by every means available is contrary to law and practice. It would also be cruel and inhumane. There comes a time when continued attempts to cure are not compassionate, wise or medically sound. That;s where only euthanasia can be of use. Voluntary euthanasia,which is another form of suicide, is human, because it brings mental and physical release to the patient and his family and helps to put an ultimate end to the torment of a termnally ill patient by hastening his death when he has no prospect of recovering. Extending an incurably sick patient;s life means the same as aggravating the pain . It is unnecessory to maintain life artificially beyond the point when people will never regain consciousness. Because effort should not be made to perpetuate what has become a meanless existence.Others may argue that suicide is criminal offense because it involves the killing of a person。

一辩:FIRST DEBA TER二辩:SECOND DEBATER对方辩友:my fellow debatersthe Proposition :正方the Opposition :反方first speaker of the Proposition:正方第一位发言人(以此类推)first speaker of the the Opposition:反方第一位发言人(以此类推)members of the opposing team:对方成员fellow有自己队友的意思对方辩友是fellow debatersOr you can call exactly like "the first debater of proposition" or "the second debater of oppposition" ...We don't confuse fellow debaters with members of the same side, because we call them "partners". By using the word "fellow", I think we can make a friendly atmosphere in which the debate can be carried out pleasantly, without aggressive arguement involved.开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.....后来的部分就和一般的议论问差不多了。

英语辩论赛话题(通用5篇)英语辩论赛话题篇一Group 1, For Side: Advertisements should be controlled.Group 1, Against Side: Advertisements should be encouraged.Group 2, For Side: Junior students should go in for beauty contests.Group 2, Against Side: Junior students should not take part in beauty contests.Group 3, For Side: Mobile phones are necessary for middle school students.Group 3, Against Side: Mobile phones are not necessary for middle school students.Group 4, For Side: Middle school students should go abroad to study.Group 4, Against Side: Middle school students should not go abroad to study.Group 5, For Side: Interest is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 5, Against Side: Progress is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 6, For Side: People and nature are in harmony.Group 6, Against Side: People and nature are not in harmony.Group 7, For Side: Mor shubaoc.c ome money means more happiness.Group 7, Against Side: More money means more sadness.Group 8, For Side: Internet alienates the relationship among people.Group 8, Against Side: Internet doesn't alienate the relationshipamong people.Group 9, For Side: Quality is more important for students.Group 9, Against Side: Scores are more important for students. Group 10, For Side: Students should wear their school uniforms. Group 10, Against Side: Students should be allowed to choosetheir own clothes.Group 11, For Side: Students should learn more from books and their teachers.Group 11, Against Side: Students should learn more from their experience and daily life.Group 12, For Side: Computers are good for studying.Group 12, Against Side: Computers are not good for studying.Group 13, For Side: Opportunity is more important for success. Group 13, Against Side: Hard work is more important for success. Group 14, For Side: It is good for students to attend after-school training classes.Group 14, Against Side: It is bad for students to attend after-school training classes.高中组Group 1, For Side: Olympic Games are purely commercial operations.Group 1, Against Side: Olympic Games are not purely commercial operations.Group 2, For Side: Government should control the rising price of houses.Group 2, Against Side: Government should not control the rising price of houses.Group 3, For Side: Reading and writing are more important thanlistening and speaking in the English study.Group 3, Against Side: Listening and speaking are more important than reading and writing in the English study.Group 4, For Side: It's more crucial for students to earn knowledge.Group 4, Against Side: It's more crucial for students to mould character.Group 5, For Side: Blogging has more advantages than disadvantages.Group 5, Against Side: Blogging has more disadvantages than advantages.Group 6, For Side: Money is the source of happiness.Group 6, Against Side: Money is the root of all evil.Group 7, For Side: Shopping online is good.Group 7, Against Side: Shopping online is not good.Group 8, For Side: Going to college is the best future for students.Group 8, Against Side: Going to college is not the best futurefor students.Group 9, For Side: Students should do as many mock tests as possible.Group 9, Against Side: Students should not do so many mock tests. Group 10, For Side: Modesty is never out of date.Group 10, Against Side: Modesty is out of date now.Group 11, For Side: Senior students should take part in after-school activities.Group 11, Against Side: Senior students should not take part in after-school activities.Group 12, For Side: Fighting against terrorism brings peace to the world.Group 12, Against Side: Fighting against terrorism causes more disasters to the world.Group 13, For Side: Paper reading will be replaced by E-reading. Group 13, Against Side: Paper reading will not be replaced by E-reading.Group 14, For Side: "Golden-Weeks" should be canceled.Group 14, Against Side: "Golden-Weeks" should not be canceled. Group 15, For Side: Pressure is a motivation for students.Group 15, Against Side: Pressure is a killer for students 决赛篇二1、 Is it a right and smart way for Americans to take up the Wall Street and even Washington D.C2、 Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture. Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?3、 What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work?英语辩论赛话题篇三Dressing well is important to one's Iife.着装在人们的生活中作用重大。

1. 主题选择
2. 报名参赛
3. 比赛规则
4. 评分标准
5. 总结

英语辩论赛稿子Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow debaters,Today, we stand at a critical juncture where we are tasked with discussing a pressing issue that affects us all. The topic at hand is one that demands careful consideration and thought-provoking arguments. On one side of the debate, we have presented the argument that... But on the other side, we firmly believe that...It is crucial for us to approach this debate with an open mind and a willingness to engage in respectful dialogue. While we may hold differing opinions, it is important to remember that we are all here to exchange ideas and learn from one another.As we delve deeper into the discussion, let us remember the significance of the topic we are debating. Our words have the power to shape perspectives, influence decisions, and drive change. Therefore, let us choose our words wisely and speak with conviction, backed by research and evidence.In conclusion, let us approach this debate with an open heart and an open mind. L et us listen to each other’s arguments with respect and engage in constructive dialogue. Together, let us strive to reach a deeper understanding of the issue at hand and work towards a shared goal of finding a solution that benefits all.Thank you.As we continue to delve into this debate, it is important to acknowledge the complexity of the issue at hand. The arguments presented by both sides are rooted in diverse perspectives, experiences, and values. It is through this diversity of viewpointsthat we can gain a deeper understanding of the topic and cultivate a more nuanced appreciation of its implications.In order to effectively navigate this debate, it is essential to critically evaluate the evidence, data, and anecdotes that are presented. We must be vigilant in examining the validity and reliability of the information at our disposal, ensuring that our arguments are grounded in facts rather than conjecture.Furthermore, we must also be mindful of the potential biases that may influence our own perspectives and shape our arguments. By approaching the debate with a sense of humility and self-awareness, we can better appreciate the multifaceted nature of the issue and engage in more meaningful dialogue with our peers.Ultimately, the goal of this debate is not simply to declare a winner or a loser, but rather to foster a culture of mutual respect, intellectual curiosity, and empathy. It is through our collective efforts to engage in constructive discourse that we can contributeto a more informed and enlightened society.As we continue to exchange ideas and challenge each other’s assumptions, let us remember the value of civility, empathy, and cooperation. By embracing these principles, we can move closer towards a shared understanding and, perhaps, even find common ground on which to build a brighter future for all.Thank you.。

以下是店铺为大家整理的英语辩论赛话题,欢迎阅读!英语辩论赛话题1Owning a private car should be encouraged:应该鼓励拥有私家车:I think everyone has the right to enjoy a better life. The private car gives us a much greater degree of comfort and mobility in our life. With a car of our own, we can avoid going to work by crowded buses or subways. Moreover, having a car also means that we can enjoy the weekends and holidays better. With a car we can go wherever we like, even to places where the regular buses and trains do not reach. Therefore, owning a private car should be encouraged by our society.每个人都有权利追求更高品质的生活。
Owniog a private car should not be encouraged:不应鼓励拥有私家车:Nowadays, the number of private cars is on the rise in our country, which has given rise to many serious problems. First of all, it is self-evident that the automobile contributes much to the air pollution.Secondly, private cars have a direct relationship with traffic jams (阻塞) in cities. Without an effective regulation on private cars , the traffic system will suffer more serious problems. Last but not the least , private cars consume( 消费) a lot of energy , which will be a threat to the sustainable( 可持续的) development of our country.如今,在我国,随着私家车数量的不断增加,各种问题层出不穷。

有趣的英语辩论题目19个1. Staying in China or going aboard for education becomes more and more popular for several years. Do you think which is better?2. “Piracy” means the publishing, reproducing of a book, CD, VCD, tape, etc. without permission. Are you in favor of piracy or against piracy?3. Should middle school students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not?4. Do you think cosmetic surgery have a positive or negative influence on our society?5. Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features?6. Can money buy happiness?7. Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships?8. Which is more important, economic development or environmental protection?9. Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture. Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?10. What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work?11. Does advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society?12. Are pets good or bad for mankind?13. Should we diet in order to keep fit?14. Should celebrities have greater protection from the media or not?15. Should the sale and consumption of alcohol be banned or not?16. Are beauty contests good or harmful to our society?17. Does criticism do more harm than good to people?18. Is it necessary to pass CET4 or CET6 in the university?19. Is puppy love good or bad for studying?英语辩论题目精选20个1. Is TV a malign influence on society?2. Talk about Poverty and Wisdom3. If u r on a deserted island what three things do u want to take?4. Talk about the meaning of Being Capable/Being Helpful/Kind5. What’s your understanding of team work?6. How to learn perfect English?7. We learn knowledge only from our teachers.8. We learn knowledge not only from our teachers.9. Do you prefer to buy sth. in big stores or small ones?10. Is career more important than family?11. Can people make true friends on the internet?12. Being single is very popular in China?13. Can you find out which qualities you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend?14. What would you see as advantages for you to wait for your marriage, if you’ve found the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend?15. Do you prefer to marry before you have a successfulcareer or after you have a successful career?16. Positive side: It's good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.Negative side: It's not good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.17. Is there true love on the internet?18. Should professionals be paid according to their performance?19. Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory?20. Should parents have the right to educate their children privately?英语辩论的技巧一、保持微笑每次站起来的时候要先微笑,过两秒再进行辩论。

26届外研社国才杯英语辩论赛辩题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The 26th National Talent Cup Was So Much Fun!Hi, my name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I just got back from the 26th Foreign Research Society National Talent Cup English Debate Competition and I'm so excited to tell you all about it!First of all, I was really nervous going into the competition. My school had never sent a team to the National Talent Cup before, so we didn't really know what to expect. But my debate coach, Ms. Roberts, kept telling us to just have fun and do our best. She said the experience was way more important than winning or losing.There were schools from all over the country at the competition. I met kids from big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, but also from small towns I'd never even heard of before. It was really cool making friends with people from so many different places. We taught each other words and phrases in our local dialects and traded stickers and keychains from our hometowns.The team we debated against was really good though. They said homework helps reinforce what kids learn in class, teaches discipline and time management skills, and lets parents stay involved in their child's education. I have to admit, they made some pretty good points!In the end, we didn't win our debate round. But Ms. Roberts reminded us that the most important thing was speaking confidently and clearly. She said we all did an amazing job and should be proud of ourselves just for making it to nationals.My favorite part of the whole experience was probably the cultural performances during the breaks though. There were singing, dancing, musical acts, and more from kids representing their hometowns. I saw ribbon dances, face changing shows, bamboo dances, and all sorts of other awesome acts I'd never seen before. The costumes were so bright and beautiful!I also tried so many delicious foods I'd never had before. The kids from Sichuan brought super spicy dried tofu and the Shanghai team shared their famous xiaolongbao with us. A girl from Inner Mongolia packed me a little bag of milk candy that was absolutely delicious. My favorite was probably the candied hawthorn berries from the Shaanxi team though. So yummy!Overall, the 26th Foreign Research Society National Talent Cup was one of the best experiences of my life so far. I got to travel outside my hometown for the first time, made tons of new friends, tried delicious foods, and learned so much about public speaking and debate. Even though we didn't win, I feel like I gained important skills that will help me out for the rest of my life.Ms. Roberts said she's already making plans for us to attend again next year and hopefully make it even further in the competition rounds. I can't wait! If you ever get the chance to participate in the National Talent Cup, you absolutely should. It's an amazing opportunity to have fun, learn new things, and make incredible memories. Thanks for reading about my experience!篇2The Best Pet EverHi, my name is Lilly and I'm 8 years old. Today I want to tell you all about why dogs are the best pets ever. I have a dog named Buddy and he's my very best friend in the whole wide world!First of all, dogs are so much fun to play with. Buddy loves to run and jump and chase after balls and frisbees. We play fetch inthe backyard all the time. He gets so excited when I throw the ball and he zooms after it at top speed. Then he proudly trots back with it in his mouth, tail wagging a million miles an hour. I throw it again and we repeat the game over and over until we're both panting and tired. It's the best exercise ever!Dogs also make really great snuggle buddies. At night, Buddy curls up at the foot of my bed and keeps my feet warm. Sometimes he'll hop up and snuggle right next to me. I bury my face in his soft fur and he always smells so good, like the outdoors. Having Buddy there makes me feel safe and happy. I give him a big hug and he licks my cheek which makes me giggle.Buddy is super smart too. My parents trained him to do all sorts of cool tricks. He can sit, stay, shake, roll over, and play dead. We're working on teaching him to close doors and bring us his leash. I think he's going to be a therapy dog when he grows up so he can cheer up people in hospitals and nursing homes with his silly tricks. He's already an expert snuggler!Another awesome thing about dogs is that they can be your protector. Sometimes I get scared of noises outside or worry there might be a burglar. But Buddy is always on guard, listening carefully. If he hears anything suspicious, his ears perk up and hestarts barking to let us know. He'd never let anything bad happen on his watch. Just knowing Buddy is looking out for me makes me feel brave.Dogs can also be really helpful friends. Like this one time, I got my kite stuck really high up in a tree. I tried throwing sticks to knock it down but I couldn't reach. Then Buddy came over and easily jumped up and grabbed the string in his mouth! With a few good tugs, he pulled it free. I was so proud of my clever pup. If he wasn't there, I probably would have lost my kite forever up in that tree.The biggest reason why dogs are the greatest pets, though, is because they are so loving and loyal. No matter what kind of day I've had at school, Buddy is always sooo happy to see me when I get home. He wiggles his whole body with excitement and showers me with doggy kisses. Dogs really are a kid's best friend.Buddy shows me unconditional love every single day. Even when I'm crabby or ignore him, he never stays mad at me. He just keeps wagging his tail and trying to cheer me up with snuggles and slobbery kisses. Dogs don't judge or hold grudges. They just want to make you happy!I love Buddy more than anything and he loves me back just as much. We're totally inseparable. I tell him all my secrets and problems and he's a great listener. He never interrupts or laughs at me. Dogs are like that - they keep your secrets safe and comfy.A pet like Buddy is better than a diary!That's why I really think dogs make the perfect pet, especially for kids like me. They are playful, cuddly, smart, protective, helpful, and most of all loyal and loving. I'm so lucky my parents let me have an awesome dog like Buddy. I can't imagine a happier life without a furry best friend!In conclusion, all kids should get to have the experience of having a dog as a pet. They make playtime way more fun and exciting. They keep you safe and secure. They teach you responsibility from a young age. And most importantly, dogs篇3My Big English Debate AdventureHi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I just had the coolest experience ever - I got to be part of the 26th Foreign Research Society National Talent Cup English Debate Competition! It was so much fun and I learned a ton. Let me tell you all about it!It all started a few months ago when my English teacher, Ms. Roberts, told our class about this big debate competition. She said students from all around the country would team up and debate really interesting topics...in English! I was a little nervous at first because my English isn't perfect, but Ms. Roberts said it would be a great way to practice.After school one day, a bunch of us who were interested stayed to learn more about it. We had to pick partners to work with and then choose which side of the debate topic we wanted to argue for or against. The topic for our level was "Schools should have longer break times for students." I partnered up with my friend Jack and we decided to argue FOR having longer break times. Jack and I both love recess so this was perfect for us!For the next few weeks, Jack and I worked super hard after school researching all the reasons why kids need more break time during the day. We read articles about how uninterrupted play helps kids' brains develop better and how running around makes it easier to focus in class. Ms. Roberts helped us put together our debate arguments and evidence. We even practiced delivering our speeches in front of the class.Finally, the big day of the regional debate competition arrived! Jack and I were so nervous but also really excited. Thecompetition was held at the local community college and there were so many students from other schools there. First, we had to deliver our prepared arguments one at a time. I went first and I was shaking a little, but I took some deep breaths and it went pretty well! Jack did an awesome job too.Then came the hardest part - the open cross-examination. This is where the other team asks you questions to try and poke holes in your arguments. And you have to ask them questions too without knowing what they'll say! The other team was really good but I think we defended our side strongly.After about an hour of intense debating back and forth, it was finally over. We weren't sure how we did compared to the other teams. But Jack and I were just proud of ourselves for working so hard and doing our best.A few weeks later, we found out that we actually won the regional competition! We were jumping for joy. This meant we'd get to compete against teams from across the whole country in the national finals in a few months. More preparation time!The national finals were held in the capital city and it was like a huge debate party. There were kids fromall over the country and we got to watch the older students debate some really complex and interesting topics like "Social media does moreharm than good" and "Governments should invest more in sustainable energy than fossil fuels." Just listening to them was extremely impressive andmade me want to work even harder on my English skills.When it was our turn to debate the break time topic, I was feeling a lot more confident after our regional win. We had practicedand prepared a ton. And being around so many bright, talented kids from different cultures was just really inspiring and motivating.The other team we went up against was also super good. But Jack and I stayed focused, communicated with each other really well, and gaveit everything we had. By that point, we didn't even really care if we won or not because the whole experience had beenso rewarding.At the award ceremony later that night, they announced the winner for our level...and it was us! We Had won the national championship! Jack and I jumped up cheering and hugging. All of our hardwork and perseverancepaid off. Earning that big trophy felt incredible.More than that though, being part of this debate competition made me love learning English so much more. Sure, it's hard sometimes and there's a lot of tricky vocabulary andgrammar rules to master. But being able to communicate effectively and articulate your thoughts is such an important skill. And it opens up somany opportunities to connect with new ideas and new people from all over the world.I'm already looking forward to next year's competition! Maybe I'll get to debate about something like "Schools should abolish homework" or "Children should have more say in important family decisions." Whatever it is, I know it will push me to be a better English speaker and learner. Wish me luck!篇4The Big Debate: Should Kids Have Homework?Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader. I love playing outside, reading comic books, and hanging out with my friends. But there's one thing I really don't like...homework! I think kids shouldn't have to do homework after school. Let me tell you why.First of all, we already spend so much time at school! We wake up super early, like 6am, and don't get home until 3 or 4pm. That's like 8 or 9 hours at school every day! When we get home, we're totally wiped out. The last thing we want is more schoolwork piled on top of our already long day. Kids need timeto recharge after being "on" at school all day. Homework just makes our days way too long and tiring.Secondly, we need time for other important stuff besides academics. Exercise is really important for growing kids, but it's hard to run around and play sports if we're stuck inside doing homework for hours. We should be running and jumping,not sitting at a desk! Kids also need downtime to just relax andde-stress. Too much homework means no free time for hobbies, hanging with friends, or just vegging out. That's no way for a kid to live!Another big problem with homework is that it causes way too much stress and anxiety, especially as we get older. My older sister is in middle school and she's up until midnight most nights wrestling with homework from all her classes. She's always cranky from lack of sleep and under so much pressure. School should challenge us, not make us miserable! Too much homework leads to overstressed, overtired, and overwhelmed kids. No thanks!I get that teachers want us to practice skills and prepare for tests. But piling on tons of homework isn't the only way to do that. We could have study hall periods during the school day instead. Or teachers could give us short assignments to do inclass. That way, we get the practice we need without having to take it all home with us.At home, we should have time to just be kids - playing, discovering, creating, and imagining. Those things are just as important for our development as academics. With no homework, we'd have time for after-school activities, sports, clubs, or just good old-fashioned playing outside. That's what childhood is all about!Maybe you're thinking - but Jamie, don't you sometimes have homework you actually enjoy? Projects you're excited about or books you want to read? Sure, sometimes. But for the most part, homework is a chore that takes away our free time. And nobody likes chores, right?I know homework won't be going away anytime soon. But I really wish there was a lot less of it, especially in elementary school. We're just kids! We should be using our free time to explore the world around us, not stuck behind a desk for hour after hour. Let kids be kids, I say. We'll be way happier, healthier, and maybe we'll even learn better without all that extra homework weighing us down.Well, that's my take on the big homework debate. I could go on and on, but I'd probably just get in trouble for turning thisessay in late. No more homework tonight - I'm outta here to the playground!篇5My Big English Debate AdventureHi there! My name is Lily and I'm in 5th grade. I just had the coolest experience and I can't wait to tell you all about it!A few months ago, my English teacher Ms. Roberts announced that our school was going to send a team to compete in the 26th Foreign Research Society National Talent Cup English Debate Competition. She said it was a really big deal and the best English student debaters from schools all across the country would be there. I had never done any debating before, but I loved English class and public speaking, so I decided to try out for the team.The tryouts were kind of nerve-wracking. We had to debate practice topics, like whether vegetables taste better than candy (they don't!) and if dogs make better pets than cats (obviously dogs!). But I guess I did a pretty good job because I made the team! There were four of us total - me, my best friend Jake, Eric from the other 5th grade class, and Sarah who's a year older than us.Then the real work began. We had debate practice every day after school for hours. Ms. Roberts taught us all about different debate formats, how to construct arguments, do research, deliver rebuttals, and stay poised under pressure. It was a lot of work but I was having a blast. My parents were so proud of me too.Finally, the big day arrived and it was time to head to the competition in Washington D.C.! The ride there felt like it took forever. When we got to the hotel, my mind was blown by how fancy it was. There were students from all over the place and I was just in awe of how cultured and wordly everyone seemed.The next morning, the debates started bright and early. I was ONE NERVOUS WRECK! My stomach felt like it was full of butterfly robots. But as soon as I stepped up to the podium, all my nerves melted away. I was in the zone. We debated all sorts of topics - the greatest inventions, the importance of arts education, climate change, you name it. Some of the other teams were really good and It was a huge challenge, but I loved every second.By the last day of the competition, I was exhausted but on a total adrenaline high at the same time. When they announced the winners, I couldn't believe my ears - our team came in 3rdplace!! I had worked so hard and it paid off. As we walked up on stage to receive our medals, I felt like a million bucks. My parents were cheering so loud. Afterwards, they took me, Jake, Eric, and Sarah out for a celebratory dinner. I'm pretty sure I ate my weight in pasta and ice cream that night!Now that I'm back at school, things are back to normal in a lot of ways. But I'm definitely looking at the world a little differently. I feel more confident, like I can take on any challenge. And my writing and public speaking skills are better than ever. Some of the other kids have been asking me about debate team tryouts for next year. You can bet I'll be there!This experience was so amazing and life-changing for me. If you ever get a chance to do something like the National Talent Cup or any English debate/speech competition, go for it! It's hard work but so rewarding. You might even surprise yourself with what you're capable of, just like I did. Thanks for reading about my big adventure - I'm already counting down the days until next year!篇6The 26th New Oriental National Talent Cup English Debate CompetitionWow, you guys! Did you hear about the 26th New Oriental National Talent Cup English Debate Competition? It's like the biggest and most awesome English debate contest for us kids in the whole country! I'm so excited because my English teacher said our class might get to participate this year. How cool would that be?For those of you who don't know, the National Talent Cup is a huge debate competition organized by New Oriental, one of the biggest education companies in China. But it's not just any boring old debate. It's all in English! Can you imagine? Hundreds of elementary and middle school students from all across China going head-to-head, debating different topics entirely in English. Just thinking about it makes my heart race!The best part is, the topics they debate are always really interesting and relevant to kids our age. Last year, one of the debate motions was "Parents should limit children's time spent playing video games." Another was "Schools should not have final exams." See what I mean? Things we actually care about and have strong opinions on!My English teacher, Ms. Wang, has been prepping our class non-stop over the past few weeks. She's been having us do mock debates during class and pointing out our strengths andweaknesses in English speaking, critical thinking, and rebuttals. It's a lot of work, but I've learned so much already. Like did you know the words "refute" and "refutation" are super useful in debates? They mean to prove something is wrong or false. Handy, right?The best students from each school get to form a team of three and compete at the city level first. If they make it past that round, they go on to represent their city at the provincial finals. And if they're really amazing, they might even get to go all the way to the national finals in Beijing! Just picturing myself on that big stage, spotlights shining down, defending my arguments...shivers. That would be a dream come true.Mama and Baba have been so supportive and encouraging. They promise to be my personal cheering squad no matter how far I advance. Though Baba did joke that if I make it to the national finals, he'll shave his head bald if I bring home the championship trophy. You better believe I'm going to hold him to that!Anyways, I still have a lot of practicing and preparing to do before the competition really gets going. But I'm going to give itmy all and make sure I leave no unturned. This could be my big chance to shine and show everyone what I've got. Debates, here I come!If any of you are competing too, I wish you the best of luck. Though not too much luck, because I want to win! Just kidding...or am I? You'll have to wait and see. Let the debates begin!。

七年级英语辩论赛论点论据构建题60题1. The school should make students wear school uniforms. Because it can show the unity of the school. When all students wear the same uniforms, it looks neat and tidy, and can also represent the good image of the school.答案:学校应该让学生穿校服。
2. School should start later in the morning. Evidence: Students need more sleep. At this age, they are growing fast. Enough sleep can help them be more energetic in class and improve their study efficiency.答案:学校早上应该晚些开始上课。
3. There should be more PE classes in school. Reason: It is good for students' health. Through physical exercise, students can become stronger and have better coordination ability, which is also helpful for their study pressure relief.答案:学校应该有更多体育课。

《英语辩论赛辩题精选大全》一、教育领域辩题1. 中小学是否应该取消英语考试?2. 全日制英语教学是否有利于提高学生的英语水平?3. 在线英语教育能否取代传统英语课堂?4. 英语四六级考试是否应该取消?5. 学前教育阶段是否应该引入英语课程?二、社会热点辩题1. 网络用语是否影响了英语学习的规范性?2. 外国人在中国是否应该使用中文?3. 英语全球化是否加剧了文化同质化?4. 英语普及是否导致汉语危机?5. 中英双语标识是否有助于提高国民英语水平?三、科技与生活辩题2. 英语在科技领域的地位是否不可替代?3. 英语作为国际通用语言,是否限制了其他语言的创新?4. 虚拟现实技术在英语教学中的应用是否具有前景?5. 英语在跨国企业沟通中的重要性是否日益凸显?四、文化与价值观辩题1. 英语电影是否应该配译中文对白?2. 英语名著翻译是否应该尊重原文还是迎合读者?3. 英语国家文化输出是否对其他国家产生负面影响?4. 英语在全球文化交流中的作用是否被过度夸大?5. 学习英语是否有助于了解西方文化?五、政策与法规辩题1. 我国是否应该实行英语义务教育?2. 英语能力是否应该成为公务员招聘的必备条件?3. 英语考试改革是否有利于选拔人才?4. 英语课程标准是否需要与时俱进?5. 我国英语教育政策是否需要调整?《英语辩论赛辩题精选大全》六、经济与就业辩题1. 英语能力对企业员工的职业发展影响有多大?2. 英语是否应该成为国际贸易的官方语言?3. 英语水平是否决定了非英语国家求职者的就业机会?4. 在全球经济一体化背景下,英语的重要性是否在增加?5. 英语沟通能力对企业拓展国际市场的作用是否被高估?七、环保与可持续发展辩题1. 英语在环保国际合作中的角色是否不可替代?2. 英语普及是否有助于提高全球环保意识?3. 英语在传播可持续发展理念中的作用是否重要?4. 英语媒体在环保议题上的报道是否具有偏见?5. 英语能力是否影响了发展中国家参与国际环保事务?八、健康与医疗辩题1. 英语在跨国医疗交流中的重要性是否被忽视?2. 英语能力是否影响了医护人员的学习和交流?3. 英语在医疗研究领域的作用是否过大?4. 英语医学文献的普及是否有助于提高全球医疗水平?5. 英语在推广国际公共卫生标准中的角色是否关键?九、艺术与娱乐辩题1. 英语流行歌曲是否影响了本土音乐的发展?2. 英语电影是否主导了全球电影市场?3. 英语在跨文化戏剧交流中的作用是否重要?4. 英语文学作品是否应该被翻译成其他语言?5. 英语在电子游戏全球化的进程中是否起到了关键作用?十、伦理与道德辩题1. 英语辩论中是否应该避免使用具有歧视性的语言?2. 英语媒体在报道国际事件时是否应遵循道德准则?3. 英语教育是否应该包含跨文化伦理教育?4. 英语在传播普世价值观中的作用是否积极?5. 英语辩论赛是否有助于培养参赛者的道德素养?《英语辩论赛辩题精选大全》十一、政治与国际关系辩题1. 英语作为国际政治沟通的主要语言,是否造成了语言霸权?2. 英语国家的政治观点是否在全球范围内占据了主导地位?3. 英语媒体在塑造国际形象方面是否具有偏向性?4. 英语在国际组织中是否应该被平等使用?5. 英语能力是否影响了发展中国家在国际政治舞台上的发言权?十二、历史与文化遗产辩题1. 英语是否在无形中抹去了非英语国家的文化遗产?2. 英语在历史研究中的普及是否有助于全球史观的建立?3. 英语翻译是否能够准确传达历史文献的原意?4. 英语在推广世界文化遗产中的作用是否积极?5. 英语教育是否忽视了本土历史文化的传承?十三、法律与权利辩题1. 英语是否应该成为国际法庭的工作语言?2. 英语法律文献的普及是否有利于全球法治的推进?3. 英语在跨国法律事务中的作用是否被过高估计?4. 英语能力是否影响了公民在国际法律诉讼中的权益?5. 英语法律教育是否有助于培养国际法律人才?十四、心理与行为辩题1. 英语学习是否有助于提高跨文化交际能力?2. 英语环境是否对非母语者的心理产生压力?3. 英语辩论是否能够锻炼人的逻辑思维和表达能力?4. 英语作为第二语言学习是否影响了个体的认知发展?5. 英语教育是否有助于培养全球公民意识?十五、性别与平等等辩题1. 英语辩论赛中,性别是否影响了参赛者的表现和评价?2. 英语教育是否在无形中强化了性别刻板印象?3. 英语媒体在报道性别议题时是否持有偏见?4. 英语在推动性别平等全球对话中的作用是否显著?5. 英语能力是否影响了女性在国际职场中的地位?。

正方:经济发展反方:环境保护正方一辩陈述:China is a developing country , and the economy power is far behind the developed countries. We know that environment protection need high-technology, High-tech personnel, and science research. They all need a lot of money, and money is created by economy.first priority to the development of economy,when our economy strength becomes strong,we can optimize the economic structure fundamentally to block the source of the environment problems.and we need the technology, capital and other supports to solving the environmental problems,we can not protect our environment without enough money. only in this way can environment protection be provided for human survival and development.So,I think we should give first priority to the development of economy.反方一辩陈述:we know the protect the environment is the essential requirement of economic development.but we know,The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions’environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.And nature land and raw materials to human is limited,so it placed us in a completely passive position.So, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past. That is, in the course of development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority.Please question.反方提问:First , I have to admit that economy is very important , but I want to ask opponent debaters a questions . what is priority?正方回答:Priority means , when two choices can’t be chosen at the same time , we have choose one out .反方提问:My fellow debaters ,please allow me to ask. The economy is the temporary matter, but the environment is of the ten thousand generation, which one is more important? When Economic develops slowly, people can also eat rice; how can we still survive if there is no environment.正方回答:Economy development first does not mean totally ignore the environmental protection, the environmental protection is just in the inferior position .Just like the present China, although the policy attach great importance to environmental protection, economic development receive priority in the general counties, there is only capital cities would likely take it seriously to environmental protection, everybody know it in our own heart.反方提问:Excuse me, If economic development receives priority then it is likely to cause the environmental costs to be larger than the economic efficiency, such economy develops or backs up?正方回答:This kind of situation is there truly, but not every moment. The situation in each industry is different; we cannot draw conclusions from one part. But according to your point, in this case the economic benefit is negative, then if we changed environment first, we can turn it into profit? I don't think so.正方提问:China has 16亿the people in the world ,but the average income is so low that ranks 109 in the world.And We know that the protection of the environment is mainly prevention, and we should combine prevention with treatment, and the prevention and control depends on the development of technology, then my fellow debaters, if there is no strong economic basis for science and technology development, then don’t mention the environmental protection supported by the science and technology.反方回答:Your question is a little abstract. Science and technology develops endlessly, so dose economic development, when will it be considered as “strong"? But environmental protection is imminent, which can't afford to delay.Environmental protection needs e conomy . But we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economicgrowth. If you drink polluted water, eat the toxic food, can we have a high quality of life? Economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection. The policy of “returning farmland to forests and grass” slow down the speed of economic development to protect the environment. Doses it show that the environmental protection is more important?正方总结:What we should know is that our country hasn’t been rich enough . Just as you say , now that our environment has been damaged so seriously , we should speed up to develop our economy and when we gain enough money , we can then solve it easily ,I am a supporter of environmental protection. Having a healthy ecological environment is the premise of the sustainable development. But, in terms of 2013 , we should calm down first . Impulse is the devil . What we should do now is to develop our economy step by step , and I believe we can solve environmental problems efficiently, However, we have to admit that we are living in a realistic society,While develop economy, we must give dual attention to the environmental protection, this is the concept of sustainable economic development.反方总结:We know however do we pay attention to the environment, we cannot guarantee there will be no pollution. As time goes on, it will still be a miserable situation. So we must place the environmental protection in the first place, each factory should be managed strictly, only in this way, can we prevent the environment from worsening fundamentally.Nowdays , our demands on materials are basically satisfied , so our central goal is life in good quality .The past development road is a management-after-pollution pattern, the result is the environment problems standing out, and some areas even reach the extent which threat survival,So we think environment protection should receive priority .。

英语辩论赛反方三辩模板范文Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and honorable opponents, Today, my team and I stand before you to refute the points made by the proposition and to deliver our final argument against the motion.Firstly, the proposition has argued that technology is detrimental to human relationships and social interactions. However, we believe that technology has actually enhanced human connections in numerous ways. For instance, social media platforms enable people to stay connected with friends and family regardless of geographical barriers. Video calling allows individuals to have face-to-face interactions with loved ones who are far away. Therefore, it is clear that technology has not eroded human relationships, but rather strengthened them.Additionally, the proposition has claimed that technology is a threat to privacy and security. While we acknowledgethat there are instances of privacy breaches and cyber attacks, it is essential to recognize the measures being taken to address these issues. Companies are investing in advanced encryption technologies to protect user data, and governments are implementing stricter privacy regulations. It is important to acknowledge that technology is evolving to provide better security measures and protect our privacy.Furthermore, the proposition has argued that technological advancements are leading to job loss and unemployment. However, history has shown that technological innovation has consistently created new job opportunities and industries. For instance, the rise of the internet has given birth to numerous digital professions, such as web development, digital marketing, and e-commerce. Therefore, it is evident that technological progress has not resulted in alack of employment opportunities, but rather a shift in the job market.In conclusion, it is clear that the motion that technology is doing more harm than good is unfounded. The benefits of technology in enhancing human relationships, improving security measures, and creating job opportunities cannot be ignored. Therefore, we urge you to reject the proposition's arguments and vote against the motion.Thank you.。

英语辩论稿(含五篇)第一篇:英语辩论稿Are interpersonal relationships more important than one’s practical ability to a successful career?介绍环节正方:Good morning, everyone we are the objective part.I am debater 1 I am debater 2。
.I am debater 3。
.I am debater4。
.反方:We are the negative part.I am debater 1。
I am debater 2。
.I am debater 3。
.I am debater4。
.立论环节(1.5min)正方立论Hello everybody!As is known to all , The 21st century is the century of talents’ ou tbreak.It is a highly competitive age.but if you want to obtaina successful career, it relays on not only the practical ability of outstanding individuals, but also good relationships.Therefore, our view is that relationship is more important than the practical ability for a successful career.In the enterprise, a top staff should know how to handle interpersonal relationships, and has harmonious relations with colleagues, if he have not good interpersonal relationships, I don’t think he will be able to impr ove his ability or achieve success.So that our sides insist on that relationships are more important for success.反方立论: Hello everyone!Today's opportunity to come to grips with so many friends and this undoubtedly superiorpersonal quality and ability is a promotion of opportunity.We think that an individual career success, personal ability is more important than relationships.We think: an individual career success, by strength, no strength, interpersonal and how? Strength by himself, interpersonal relations also rely on yourself.Interpersonal relationship just forone person to provide a ready a shortcutto success.Only oneself to have true ability really ability to overcome everything.To sum up, we think that an individual career success personal ability is more important than relationships.反方二辩提问(3min):Would I ask the second debater a question :Edison had said: "genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Isn't the personal ability so important?正方二辩回答:As the debate,ninety-nine percent perspiration plus one inspiration was a success, a person is required to pay 99 sweat, but the team of ten people only should spend 50 sweats and 50 inspirations to gain the success , Everybody can find which relationship is better meet the efficiency of modern society demands? It is clear that good relationships will be more than infinitely expand your horizons, so you do not have to take so many detours.反:Thanks for the second debater.And now, I want to ask the third debater a question:‘Each person is in his own successway’.Doesn’t it mean that personal ability more important.What do you think about it? 正方三辩回答:Also known as interpersonal relationships, is a basic concept of sociology, its meaning is between people, the process of interaction, through the thoughts, feelings, behavior of the mutual exchange and interaction generated.People as social animals, even with a more tenacious survival skills, from social interaction, and can not have more development, because he is a man in combat.We are a group of people in the struggle.So that our sides insist on that relationships are more important for success正方三辩提问(2min):Would I ask the debater 3 a question : if you think what a CEO needs most is a practical ability, so whywill he hear so much about interpersonal relationship lecture? 反方三辩回答:They attend the lecture interpersonal relationship is in order to increase the ability of individuals with their own personal ability of interpersonal relations to succeed in his career, rather than using interpersonal relationship.正方三辩辩提问:Would I ask the debater 2 a question: practical ability is IQ and interpersonal relationship is EQ, success come from 20% of IQ and 80% of EQ, what do you think of it? 反方二辩回答:Myfellowdebater,youmustbemisunderstandwhatisinterpersonalr elationship.Youshouldn’t putinterpersonalrelationshipequal toEQ.It’sobviouslywrong.Besides,myfellowdebater,haven’tyou heardofEdison’s sayings :99% perspiration plus 1% inspiration equal success ? I think my fellow debater did’t understand what is interpersonal relationship ? And,if interpersonal relationship is important, I think interpersonal relationship also belongs to a part of one’s practical ability, So our sides insist that one’s practical ability is more important.自由辩论(3min)正:According to a Harvard Business School Survey: people in the great achievements in their career, 26 percents rely on the ability to work, 5 percents on the family background, and interpersonal relationships accounted for 69 percents.How can you explain this?反:Isn’t good relatio nship the performance of individual capability? 正:We think it’s not true.Capacity can be trained compared with interpersonal relationships.That is to say: it is the difference between life and work, do you think so?反:So that ,what you learn is to do a good job in interpersonal relationships in the school, rather than a personal capacity?正:Of course not, we said that if you have not a goodrelationship you won’t get success.Your personal ability is important, but Interpersonal relationships are more important.反:Perhaps you think that if you have good interpersonal relations, you will be promoted.But if you have not the ability to work, nobody will support you.正:Ok, you have strong ability and do the job very good, but without good human relations, who will support you?And now many students have high IQ but low EQ.They often don’t know how to get along with others.My fellow debaters, please tell me, how many guys who has high IQ but low EQ have gained the success反:My fellow debater, I think you still misunderstand what’s the interpersonal relationship.You should look our debate topic better.Don’t my fellow debater know the internal cause is more important than external conditions? Personal ability is the internal cause.obviously, it is more useful to our s uccess, isn’t it?正:My fellow debaters are obviously evading our question.Swift horses cover a thousand miles in a single day.Yet if there are no talent scouts,can the swift horses develop their abilities? Aren’t they still in the old stables?反:This is a can not be judged facts.I think personal ability including interpersonal relationship, you how explanation?正:If the relationship between the practical ability and interpersonal relationship is that of including and included, our debate will have no meaning now, because the argument itself has become unequal.My fellow debaters , please explain the meaning of practical ability clearly.反:My fellow debater, We emphasize individual ability is broad not narrow.In our view, interpersonal relations can become part of personal ability.Excuse me my fellow debater, You think only relationshipscan leads to success?.正:Debater,we never deny the importance of personal ability, and we also admit the influence of personal ability to success, but we insist that interpersonal relationship is more important.Without ability we can live well, while we will be abandoned by the world, if we do not have interpersonal relationship.反:my fellow debater, Obviously misinterpret our view.We have not denied interpersonal relationships, but think one aspect of a man ability.But you overstating the ability of interpersonal relationship.总结陈词(1.5min)正方:Interpersonal relationship is a very good platform to improve one’s practical ability, people can learn more from this platform, in order to improve their ability.In modern society, people live in groups all over the world.If you do not have interpersonal relationship, others will not know your ability.Such as advertising, no matter how good the commodity is, if others do not know that, and don't use it, the commodity will be a waste product.For another example, if a CEO only have ability but can not deal with various kinds of business relationship, this company will close down.No matter how strong one’s practical ability is, he could not separate himself from the whole society and exists, and he must learn to work with others to be successful, as 80% of EQ lead to success.Practical ability would not make you starve to death in the society, but the relationship can make a better life for you.So that our sides insist on that relationships are more important for success.反方:We can see that now people pay much attention to interpersonal relationships, but we still think one’s practical ability is more important than interpersonal relationships to a successful career.Each person is in his own success way, or shallow point in the way of job and work, we willface more challenges, we may have a good interpersonal relationship, we may be introduced to find a good job by friend, but when we truly work, we have no our workmate admitted, we also have no ability to truly achieve the company's demand, so in the end ,we will face ousted, we also have no the so-called success.Your boss will not think much about your interpersonal relationships, he just thinks a lot about how much profit you can create for him.Only strong practical ability can make a successful career.So,we insist on our viewpoint: one’s practical ability is more important than interpersonal relationships to career success.第二篇:文档英语辩论稿Positive side: Internet does more good than harm Negative side: Internet does more harm than good一、陈述观点阶段正方一辩Respected chairman each leader comrades and friends from the opposite side Good morningIn todays information age the Internet is more and more strongly involved in our lives more and more close to everyone of us.We firmly believe that the Internet does more good than harm First of all the Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information.It makes the global sharing of information resources any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet.People from all works are storing maintaining and updating the information in internet every day.We can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that we are looking for.Secondly the Internet brings great convenience to our lives.Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking job seeking purchasing tickets for your favorite movies guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life and hotel reservations.Often these services are notavailable off-line and can cost you more.Thirdly the Internet has greatly improved work efficiency.Not only education and learning but also trade conference can be conducted online.The companies in different areas can hold online meetings through the internet to bargain important issues of business.Internet cuts out a series of complex processes saves a lot of manpower and material resources and improves our work efficiency greatly.Finally the internet can open our minds.Today we are in an information society internet is an encyclopedic world with extremely rich information.We can timely understand current events access to the latest knowledge and information through the internet.Just like an old saying: Xiucai knows everything under the Heaven though he needn’t to leave his home.Therefore we firmly believe that the internet does more good than harm Thank you 反方一辩Internet plays a very important role in modern life.It has revolutionized our lives in many ways as the affirmative side described.However it is the innovative change of the Internet era that Pandora’s box is opened at the same time.a virtual world Internet provides in which persons surfing on the Internet don’t know each other they just identify others’identification through online login account so that it is lack of basic trust relationship because all you know is only his/her e-mail or QQ number and you should not blindly believe in the Internet.While more and more people lose themselves in online games which is not only waste of money but also waste of time.some feel lost without the internet like a man without a soul a slave to the internet.others even have an addiction problem to the internet to the extent of medical treatment.In addition long-term online all day to autism and indulge in fantasy from reality leads to the state when they reallyface society and the crowd because of distance and imagine the problems are not normal shrinking communicating with people Moreover parents nowadays have been worried about what their kids read and see on-line because of pornography or violent scene being full of Internet and these teenage will go out in real life and function.Consequently Internet is gradually eroded their physical and mental health.Even worse some bad gangs make use of the Internet to steal others’ privacy information damage and control other people’s computer system to launch malicious attack suck as DoS Trojan horse and so on.All of the above statements prove that Internet has done more harm than good to society.二、自由辩论阶段正方1Our viewpoint is “Internet does more advantages than harm”.The spreading speed of traditional books newspapers and magazines is so slow.With the developing of the Internet people can get plenty of information from the networks quickly and conveniently and they feel the world become much smaller.For example we knew the exact news from Internet about the earthquake in WenChuan several minutes after its happening.And the popular word “earth village” can support our opinion too.反方1Excuse me I can’t agree with you.I think Internet do more harm than good.Although we can get information quickly on Internet.But it also brings new problems.For example many Publishing Company went bankrupt and Many people lost their jobs.At the same time the copyright status is very bad in China.There is a joke: a young man to Microsoft interview he answer the interviewer a question and he was driven out.because the interviewer asked him Do you know the price of Microsoft operate system in China The young man asked: 5 yuan.Is this good to you 正方2Although the Internet makes some industriesclosed down but it has also produced some new industries.The defenders only see the Internet makes some people lose jobs but do not see the Internet gives more people new jobs so the defenders point of view is one-sided.With the development of Internet the communication between people is more easily we can communicate with others through a lot of ways provided by the Internet such as QQ EMAIL chat room and so on.反方2Please note you confuse a basic concept the distance between people is to rely on people themselves to decide ever not the network.The network is changing people s way of communication.In the absence of the Internet era we still can narrow the distance between people therefore it cannot be said that the Internet has shortened the distance between people.On the contrary people put too much effort and emotion in the Internet reduced face-to-face communication with the family friends colleagues so that the distance between two hearts increased it makes people become distant.正方3In addition to the front view of our partners I think the Internet has created a new way of life.Chat online checking information online learning online or even work online people can complete many things remain indoors which is impossible previously.SOHO is now a very popular word it means Small Office and Home Office.This makes it reality for people to choose the way of life and work according to their own interest and hobbies without limitation of time and place.反方3I’m sorry I don’t agree with you.I feel the Internet can help us to do many thing at the same time people become more and more lazy more and more weaker even lost the joy of living.Please look me my weight is 130 pounds 2 years ago now I spend much time on Internet so I am overweight and become weak.正方4Mr.Yan I have to say your point of view is verycreative But I think the weight problems are not necessarily lined with the popularity of the network One of the biggest benefits of the Internet is accelerating the flow of information and spreading education to all corners of the globe.Now there are a lot of searching engines on the Internet such as Google and Baidu we can get whatever information we want within only several seconds.Just like an old saying: Xiucai knows everything under the Heaven though he needs not to leave his home.反方4The other debater please note you only see the benefits of the Internet and ignored the existence of a large number of bad information on the Internet the information has a very bad influence on people especially teenagers and even cause them to crime.According to statistics more than 80 of the minor crime is related to exposure of bad information in the network some minor to indulge in violence pornographic games the game scenes to life by the game of seduction and lead to crime.正方5I must remind the other side debaters.It is because of the high speed developing of networks that the adults pay more attention to the young criminals quickly and adopt efficient measures.Is it not the advantage of the Internet Let’s think about the invention and using of knife it has an analogy to the Internet.反方5Excuse me I oppose you change the focus.I think There is a More severe problem.Please note the remarks of Anti-social and Pseudo-science on Internet.not only young man but also adults are affected.It is very dangerous to all and to our country.Do you can talk the advantage of Internet standing here 正方6When we were young parents and teacher often told us: Pick up the good and throw away the bad.But now you are not only staring at the bad but also exaggerating it It’s wrong Very wrong I would also say Internet is just like a bridge of communicating betweenpeople.It’s a great way to meet up with people of similar interest and discuss common issues saving both money and time.反方6Please note we have already explained this will only increase the distance between people.In the real world interpersonal relations become weak.After all the Internet is only a small part of human life people are to be living in the real world the weak relationships people feel more and more lonely because friends only exist on the Internet in real life there is no real friends.正方7This is just a social problem not the wrong of Internet itself.So we dont need to discuss it.I want to describe another big advantage of the Internet.It is that the Internet makes the electronic commerce vigorous developed.Now more and more shops run online and more and more people like online shopping it brings great convenience to us.For example Ive just bought a pair of leather shoes from the Internet last week it is 30 cheaper than the same products in entity stores besides it also saves a large amount of shopping time for me.反方7The Internet is convenient But please note the Internet is unsafe.hacker computer virus Trojan network fishing and so on It will make the Internet become very terrible.we may have cheated lost money even lost privacy.A newspaper report: A company with millions of assets went backrupt because a young man used the leak of the network.And I believe you remember the movie star CHEN Guan Xi his personal photos were for all to see.The Internet is too unsafe.正方8Although there are secure problems on Internet but we can adopt many technique methods to solve them.Another benefit the Internet brings is entertainment.You can find many ways to amuse yourself.Watching online movies playing online games and talking in chat room can help you relax.Furthermore you can make friends with many fun and kind people all over the world.反方8Yes now the entertainment network is very developed leads to more problems.More and more young people indulging in online entertainment the network has great dependence even morbid.The Internet makes young people confuse the virtual world and the real world influences the young people moral standard of judgment.At the same time the network game had a bad influence to young peoples mental health learning life make them fat decreased performance decreased visual acuity even cant write with a pen.正方9Please pay attention once again what you talked about is not the wrong of Internet itself it is the problem of its users.And it is just the development of online entertainment that have enriched our life and made large contribution to the state GDP.反方9I’m sorry I also please you note.The violent and pornographic scene are often appear in the online games.It constantly hurt the soul of young people make them become depressed.We all know The young people are enthusiastic Dynamic and Positive they are main power of develop of country.thus It is not only the problem of family but also the problem of the society.So let’s far away from the Internet and make the children become well make the society become civilized.正方10I found a very interesting phenomenon.We have list many benefits internet bring to us but you refute all of these through the problems of people not the problems of internet itself.So we still firmly hold that the benefits of the internet are much greater than the negative impacts.反方10Excuse me you ignore the harm of the Internet.It is very dangerous三、总结陈词阶段反方四辩 Generally speaking the internet isa double-edged sword.Like a coin have two side the good side and the bad side yes it really improvement our life in some aspectbut isn’t all.The inter net brought a lot of bother with negative thing.And we don’t have the method for solve.Such as the network deceive divulge privacy too much bad information and so on.and the most important We can’t be 100 to eliminate those problems at least not yet.So the internet is not Perfect world We should not expect too much on the Internet.As we all know the birth of the Internet causes not used to enrich peoples lives but to service the military field so I think it is very suitable for the application in the military enterprises companies departments and other areas like that.Although it can be applied to the daily life of ordinary people it still has limitations.As the nuclear weapon action is huge but people must find a way to control it or just opened a Pandoras box the devil will be released.So the most important is how we using the Internet in our life rather than the Internet itself.if we know what we need clearly and how to take advantage of internet responsibly.I am sure it will affect our modern life in a positive way and make our life more wonderful and splendid.正方四辩 Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning We are so happy and lucky for we live inthe information age with rapidly developed technology.And the Internet is a sign of the times.We are sure that the Internet must do more good than harm First of all the Internethas brought us great benefits.As our partners have said the Internet can accelerate the information query narrow the world and make the communication of people more convenient.Despite of shopping online learning onlineand message delivery even the debate today we’ve collected a lot of information on Internet.The Internethas opened for us a convenient way enriched our life andacceleratedthe progress of our society.Secondly everything has two sides so does the Internet.As the defenders stated TheInternet has some drawbacks while it brings us convenience.But the harm of Internet strictly speaking is the wrong of people.Some people usethe benefits of Internet to commit a crime spread the bad information while other people use the net unhealthily indulging in Internet game wasting too much time in Internet.But all of these are not wrong for Internet itself but for the people who use it.And It is just like a knife initially created in order to solve some problems in life but someone use it to murder while the knife is not wrong in itself.Thirdly the good of Internet must be more thanitsharm.If not perhaps the Internet has died out in its development.If Internet does more harm than goodit must be disgusted by people.Could the number of people in our country using Internet will be more than one hundred million If Internetcan do more harm than good sosmart as the United States will it vote heavily in the construction of theInternet Finally the harm of the Internetcan be completely avoided.As long as we strengthen the network protection many security problems can be avoidedand if dont loss prevention and alert for some small profits in the Internetwe can reducethe chance of being deceived.At the same time we have to control the time of being online to keep health the relevant departments should also strengthen the management of the Internet control the spreading of harmful information so that the Internetruns in a healthy environment.As Lu Xun had said when the windows openIn not only the fresh air but also the flies and mosquitoes.Lets expand the good of Internet reduce its harm and make the Internet be our good teacher and friend Thank you第三篇:英语辩论稿一辩陈词自由辩:二辩:纸质书比电子书更有利于身体健康.There is no doubt about the rapid development of the e-book ,but we don’t think that paper-books will be replaced by e-books.Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to health issues.It is important to realize that e-books are easy to cause damage of our eyes and vision loss;And there are other health risks using e-books.When we read e-books rather than paper-books for a long time, paper-books are more healthier to the readers.反方二辩:看纸质书看久了也会对视力不好It is important to realize that paper-books are also easy to cause damage of our eyes and vision loss when we read for a long time.For example, Sushi(苏轼)is also a myopia man.一辩:纸质书给作者的版权保护更完整,更能保证收入,而且纸质书拥有的是所有权而电子书只是使用权Another problem is the copyright.Despite the current paper-book rampant piracy problem, it can protect the benefits of the author’s better than e-books.E-books raises the popularity of piracy.Although people may need to pay for their downloading some e-books, but in more cases ,the user only need click his mouse.And the writer usually get less payment for their books.The press often choose to publish real books and just provide a part of the book on the internet, thus we can be sure that paper-books give the press and their writers much more return than e-books.反方三辩:现在的盗版书猖獗,一样没有版权提问:电子书携带方便,传播方便,纸质书就做不到。

1. Should homework be banned in schools?Answer: No, homework serves as an important n of classroom learning. It helps students consolidate what they have learned and develop independent study skills. However, excessive homework should be avoided.2. Should students be allowed to use mobile phones in class?Answer: Yes, mobile phones can be nal tools if used appropriately. They provide access to a vast amount of n and can enhance learning experiences. However, they can also be distracting, so strict rules should be in place.3. Should schools enforce uniforms?Answer: Yes, school uniforms promote equality and a sense of identity. They also ce social pressure related to clothing choices. However, they can be expensive and may抑制 students' n.Answer: Yes, physical n is essential for students' overall development. It promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and discipline. However, the quality and intensity of PE classes should be monitored to ensure safety and effectiveness.5. Should public libraries be open 24 hours a day?...95. Should bottled water be banned in schools?Answer: Yes, bottled water contributes to environmental n and waste. Schools should provide clean drinking water facilities instead. However, some argue that bottled water is necessary for health reasons, and alternatives should be explored.96. Should schools offer nal n programs?Answer: Yes, nal n provides practical skills and prepares students for future careers. It helps bridge the gap een n and employment. However, it should not be ritized over academic n.97. Should homework be graded?98. Should schools have gender-neutral bathrooms?99. Should schools provide free lunches?Answer: Yes, providing free lunches ensures that all students have access to us food, cing hunger and improving academic performance. However, it may place a burden on the school's budget and could lead to increased waste.100. Should students be allowed to choose their elective courses?Answer: Yes, allowing students to choose their elective courses promotes interest and engagement in learning. It helps students explore their interests and develop their talents. However, a balance should be struck to ensure a well-rounded n.希望这份辩论题目及其答案能够为您的英语辩论赛准备提供有所帮助。

Our view is that the pressure of men is more than women in today's socie ty. The fact is that the men’s pressure is far greater than women, not only from a social point of view, from the working point of view, from the families point of view , the society has more demands on men, men are required to have good social communication, excellent work, to earn more money, to take care of their families. Therefore, in contemporary society, men suffer more psychological pressure than women.反方一辩:我方的观点是当今社会女人的压力比男人压力大,随着社会的发展,女人在社会中的角色发生了重大变化,原来的女人只需要在家相夫教子就行,但是那个年代早已一去不复返了。

Host: Good evening everyone,the theme of this debate is .let’s welcome Square player from group 5, and Opposition players from group 6.Now the competition is beginning, first the welcome the number 1 of square. 正方一辩:首先,我方认为大学生应该兼职,何谓兼职?兼职就是在不影响学习的情况下的工作,作为一个大学生,我们人生大部分时间都在读书,everybody,I’I’m Thank you for the host ,hello everybody,I’m xu meng ting ,the number 1 square . We think that college students should be have part-time . What is a part-time?Part-time is do some work to earn money in spare time。
Why we advocate 。
college student part-time .the one reason is: College students through the part-time can earn a living expenses, reduce the economic burden of home, and to make money can feel easy, cultivate good economic concept .the another reason is College students to the purpose of university also include adapt to society, and promote the university students' function to adapt to society. In general, part time job can help us to learn a lot of staff which we can't know just by books. Host : thank you for the speaking of the square .the next let we welcome the number 1 of opposition . 反方一辩:大家好我是反方一辩娄振刚,Hello!I am the leader of the opposition Lou Zhengang 诚如对方辩友所言兼职是有一定益处的,但我方坚决认为大学生兼职弊大于利。
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Fashing is necessary for yang people!材料:大学生应该学会塑造自己的良好形象,年轻就要有追求,就要有激情,大学生应当追求时尚,时尚不仅要指衣食住行,更要包括社会文化生活等的方方面面,不追求时尚就不会有创新,创新是一个民族进步和发展的灵魂.试问我们大学生能脱离创新进步而存在吗饮歌民族没有创新进步的时尚是多么可怕的啊这样的民族必定走上衰落!...——如何看待中国人的“洋节”情结父亲节,母亲节,光棍节,万圣节,感恩节,圣诞节,情人节等等,学校里掀起一波又一波“洋节”的热潮,大家都热衷于过“洋节”,对中国传统的节日却几乎没有兴趣。
=================================================英文辩论赛如何提问How can you convince me that ....Does it make any difference that you ...Have you ever considered the XXX problemI admit that you have a good knowlege in XXX, but you offered no solution to the problem we are discussing. What's your solutionNow that we just had a heated discussion, you still escaped our question about ... Even if what you said on XXX is right, but how do you explain(account for) ...It is universally acknowledged that ..., and you are just against that knowleged, how can you make it accepted by peopele辩论赛常用语英文版不管怎么样,我们依然坚持我们的观点。
Anyway, we still adhere to our point of view.对方辩友。
my fellow debaters请问你怎么证明我们的观点是不正确的呢Excuse me, how do you prove our view is not correct我们坚持这个观点,当然有我们的依据。
We insist on this view, of course, we have the basis.我认为这个话题告诉我们。
I think this topic tell us具体的说明请听我们队友的阐述Specific instructions please listen to our team-mate explained--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A 征求他人观点或意见的用语I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对……的意见。
Are you of the same opinion as I 你与我的看法一致吗I was wondering where you stood on the question of …我想知道你对……问题怎么看。
B 引入自己的新观点或看法的用语Another point is that …另一点是……Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是……I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…..C 就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。
Do you agree I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗我相信你是赞同的。
D 就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语As you said…像你所说的那样……But didn’t you say that…但是,难道你没说过……吗、If I understood you correctly, you said that…要是我理解正确的话,你说过…….E 如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点I’m not sure really.我不确定Do you think so你这样认为吗Well, it depends. 哦那可不一定I’m not so certain. 我不太确定Well, I’m not so sure about that. 我不太清楚I’m inclined to disagree with that. 我倾向于不赞成这一观点No, I don’t think so really. 不,我不认为如此F 如何强烈反对对方某一观点I disagree.I disagree with you entirely. 我不同意你所说的I’m afraid I don’t agree.I’m afraid you are wrong thereI wouldn’t accept that for one minute. 我不会接受这一分钟You can't really mean that.You can’t be serious. 你不会是认真的吧--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一辩:FIRST DEBATER二辩:SECOND DEBATER对方辩友,my fellow debaters开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... 陈述的时候一定要自信,把握好时间,如果到后来时间到,你却没陈述完的时候也要保持自信,微笑,不管他们,把话说完,所以陈述部分的最后几句一定要背熟练。
别忘了说thank you如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stating an opinion陈述观点I think..., In my opinion..., I believe…I'd like to point out that我想指出的是…Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说…In my experience…根据我的经验…I'd like to say this:…我会这样说…I suppose..., 我想I'd rather..., I'd prefer...,我宁愿....我更喜欢The way I see it..., 我的看法是As far as I'm concerned...,就我而言,…If it were up to me..., 如果由我决定的话I suspect that...,我怀疑I'm pretty sure that..., 我很肯定It is fairly certain that..., 它是相当肯定的是Asking for an opinion from the other party询问对方意见I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对……的意见。
Are you of the same opinion as me 你与我的看法一致吗I was wondering where you stood on the question of …我想知道你对……问题怎么看。
well…what do you think (aboutDo you agree (don't you agree)你同意吗(你是不是同意)What's your view on the matter就这件事你的看法呢 how do you see it你怎么看它let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见!do you think that…你认为…吗Coming up with a new point想出一个新观点Another point is that …另一点是……Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是……I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…...clarifying a point阐述观点a. what I said was…我刚才说的是…b. what I mean to say was…我的意思是说…c. let me repeat what I said.让我重复我刚才所说的。