TCA 蛋白沉淀方法
三氯乙酸(TCA)重淀蛋黑的本理之阳早格格创做TCA 与蛋黑量之间主要有以下几个圆里的效率:
①正在酸性条件下与蛋黑量产死没有溶性盐. ②动做蛋黑量变性剂使蛋黑量构象爆收改变, 表暴露较多的疏火性基团, 使之汇集重淀. ③随着蛋黑量分子量的删大, 其结构搀纯性与致稀性越大, TCA 大概渗进分子里里而使之较易被实足与消, 正在电泳前样品加热处理时大概使蛋黑量结构爆收酸火解而产死碎片, 而且随时间的延少那一效率愈加明隐. ④电泳图谱隐现,BSA , HSA 单体谱戴有较明隐的展宽局里, 那大概是由于TCA 的分离, 使SDS 与蛋黑量的分离量爆收偏偏好, 进而制成蛋黑量所戴电荷的没有均一性, 制成迁移率的纷歧致.咱们认为正在电泳时使用TCA 对付蛋黑量样品的浓缩或者除盐时, 对付于分子品量大的蛋黑量, 要慎重采用TCA. 对付小分子量蛋黑量的浓缩, 采与TCA 时也有二面需要注意: 一是用TCA 重淀后, 尽管用丙酮实足抽提TCA; 二是样品处理后要尽管举止电泳分解, 免得爆收汇集及断裂, 制成截止分解的禁绝确.。
TCA法的反应方程式如下:TCA + 蛋白质→ TCA-蛋白复合物二、步骤蛋白沉淀法的步骤通常包括以下几个步骤:1. 样品制备:将待分离的样品加入适量的缓冲液中,使其pH值在7左右。
2. 加入反应剂:将反应剂加入样品中,通常加入的量为样品体积的1/10至1/5。
3. 沉淀:将反应液在4℃下静置30分钟至1小时,使蛋白质充分沉淀至底部。
4. 洗涤:用冷乙醇或冷醚洗涤沉淀,去除残余的反应剂和其他杂质。
5. 脱水:将沉淀放入干燥器中,用低温低压的方式将水分脱除。
6. 重溶:用适量的缓冲液将沉淀重溶,得到目标蛋白质。
三、优缺点1. 优点:蛋白沉淀法操作简单,成本低廉,适用于大规模分离蛋白质。
2. 缺点:蛋白沉淀法的选择性不够高,可能会将多种蛋白质沉淀至底部。
其中,最常见的应用包括:1. 分离纯化蛋白质:蛋白沉淀法可以将目标蛋白质从复杂的混合物中分离出来,得到较为纯净的蛋白质样品。
2. 检测蛋白质含量:蛋白沉淀法可以用于检测样品中蛋白质的含量,并进行定量分析。
3. 蛋白质结构研究:蛋白沉淀法可以用于分离蛋白质的亚单位,从而研究蛋白质的结构和功能。
沉淀蛋白质的常用方法(TCA、乙醇、丙酮沉淀蛋白操作步骤)TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice with one volume of cold acetone (acetone keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of theacidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1NNaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration 1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to 0.02% final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TCA pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml acetone + 10μl HCl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2OAdd 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and mix (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit - PIERCEThe PAGEprep? Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 - PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and EnrichmentKit (pdf)Chloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex8) Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGEReference: Wessel, D. and Flugge, U. I. Anal. Biochem. (1984) 138, 141-143蛋白质浓缩——方法很全1130徐炉李2011-05-28 14:35楼主蛋白质浓缩——方法很全- 丁香园论坛-医学/药学/生命科学论坛蛋白质浓缩方法总结一个简便的方法你可以试试:找一透析袋,底部扎紧,袋口扎一去底的塑料或玻璃试管,将待浓缩的液体从管口灌入透析袋中,将整个装置挂在冰箱中,或者用电风扇吹,液体干后可再继续加入,直至样品浓缩至所需体积。
浓度定量后,可以进行后续的蛋白质分析,如SDS-凝胶电泳、Western blotting等。
沉淀蛋白质的常用方法(TCA、乙醇、丙酮沉淀蛋白操作步骤)2010-08-18 15:19TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxy cholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottle at 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottle at 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration1) Add 1 volume of protein solution to 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to 0.02% final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottle at 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TCA pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate anyacetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml acetone + 10μl H Cl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2OAdd 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and mix (prepa ration of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottle at 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prepTM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit - PIERCEThe PAGE prep? Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 - PAGE prepTM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit (pdf)Chloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex8) Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGEReference: Wessel, D. and Flugge, U. I. Anal. Biochem. (1984) 138, 141-143哈哈,我做过这个论文哈!1. 配胶缓冲液系统对电泳的影响?在SDS-PAGE不连续电泳中,制胶缓冲液使用的是Tris-HCL缓冲系统,浓缩胶是pH6.7,分离胶pH8.9;而电泳缓冲液使用的Tris-甘氨酸缓冲系统。
TCA 蛋白沉淀方法
100%(w/v)三氯乙酸得配制方法:500g三氯乙酸用227ml水来溶解,所得溶液即100%三氯乙酸溶液.避光,4度保存.(preparation of 100%TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA、Maintain in darkbottleat4oC、Becareful,use gloves!!!)、培养基上清直接电泳跑出来得条带经常很难瞧,可以TCA沉淀浓缩后跑电泳,一般表达量大于1mg/ml可以瞧到明显条带,这就是我用得TCA沉淀方法,效果很好:1、菌液10000g,离心5分钟,收集表达上清。
8、加入20-50ul Loading buffer,95度加热10nim,一般沉淀会自动溶解,如果不溶,用手指轻弹管壁或用20ul枪头轻轻吸打,注意整个操作尽量不要碰到管壁,因为管壁可能沾有残余TCA。
如果蓝色得Loadingbuffer 不变成黄色,说明残余TCA吸弃了干净,如果变黄,一般不影响电泳。
或者第5步与第6步改为丙酮洗:5、加入200ul冰冷得丙酮,用手指轻弹EP管,洗去管底与管壁残余得TCA.6、15000g,离心10-20分钟,倒掉上清,将EP管倒扣在吸水纸上轻轻控几下,除去残余在管口得液体.TCA—DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of proteinsolution,add 1/100vol、of 2%DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent)、2)Vortex andlet sit for 30min at 4oC、ﻫ3)Add1/10 ofTrichloroaceti cacid(TCA)100%vortex andlet sitON at 4oC (preparation of100% TC A:454mlH2O/kgTCA、Maintain indark bottleat4oC、Be careful,use gloves!!!)、4)Spin 15min4oC in microfugeat maximum speed(15000g)、Carefu llydischarge supernatant and retain the pellet: drytube by inversion ontissuepaper(pellet may bedifficult to see)、[OPTION: Washpellettwi ce with one volumeof cold acetone(acetone keep at–20oC)、Vor tex and repellet samples 5min atfull speed betweenwashes]、5)Dry samples under vaccum(speed vac) ordryair、For PAGE—SDS, resuspend samples in aminimal volumeof samplebuffer、(The presence of some TCAcan givea yellow colour as aconseque nceof the acidificationof the sample buffer; titratewith 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHClpH8、5toobtain the normal blue samplebuffer colour、)Normal TCAﻫTo eliminateTCA soluble interferences and protein concentr ation1) To a sample ofprotein solutionadd Trichloroacetic acid(TCA) 100% to get13%final concentration、Mix and keep 5min–20oCand then 15min 4oC;or longertime at4oC withoutthe –20oC stepforlower protein concentration、Suggestion: leave ON ifthe proteinconcentration isverylow、ﻫ(preparation of100%TCA:454ml H2O/kgTCA、Maintain in darkbottleat 4oC、Be careful,use gloves!!!)、2) Spin 15min 4oC inmicrofuge at maximumspeed (15000g)、Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tubeby inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult tosee)、ﻫ3)For PAGE—SDS,resuspendsamplesina minimal volumeof sample buffer、(Thepresence of some TCA can give ayellow colourasaconsequenceof theacidification ofthe sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHClpH8、5 to obtainthe normal blue samplebuffercolour、) ﻫAcetone PrecipitationﻫTo eliminate acetone soluble interferencesand proteinconcentration1) Add to1volume of protein solution 4 volumesof coldacetone、Mix andkeepatleast 20min –20oC、(Suggestion:leave ONifthe pro tein concentrationis very low)、ﻫ2) Spin15min4oC inmicrofugeat maximumspeed (15000g)、Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet:dry tube byinversionon tissuepaper (pelletmaybe difficult to see)、ﻫ3) Dry samplesunder vaccum(speed-vac)or dry air toeliminateanyacetone residue (smell tubes)、For PAGE—SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer、EthanolPrecipitationUseful methodto concentrateproteinsandremoval of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1)Add to 1 volume ofproteinsolution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol100%、Mix andkeep at least 10min、at –20oC、(Suggestion: leave ON)、2)Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge atmaximumspeed(15000g)、Carefully discharge supernatantandretain the pellet: dry tube by inversion ontissue paper(pellet maybe difficult to see)、3)Wash pellet with 90%cold ethanol(keepat–20oC)、Vortex andrepellet samples 5minat full speed、ﻫ4)Dry samples under vaccum (speedvac) or dryair toeliminate any ethanolresidue(smell tubes)、For PAGE-SDS, resuspendsamples in a minimal volume of sample buffer、ﻫTCA-DOC/AcetoneﻫUseful methodto concentrate proteins and removeacetone and TCA soluble interferences1、To one volume ofproteinsolution add2%Nadeoxycholate (DO C) to 0、02% final(for100μl sample, add 1 μl2% DOC)、2、Mix and keepat room temperature for atleast 15 min、3、100% trichloroacetic acid(TCA) toget 10% final concentration(pre paration of100%TCA:454ml H2O/kgTCA、Maintainindark bottl eat 4oC、Be careful, usegloves!!!)、ﻫ4、Mix andkeep at room temperature forat least 1hour、ﻫ5、Spinat 4oC for10 min, removesupernatan tandretain the pellet、Dry tube by inversion on tissuepaper、ﻫ6、Add200 μl of ice cold acetone toTCA pellet、ﻫ7、Mix and keeponice forat leas t15 min、8、Spin at 4oC for10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed、9、Remove supernatant as before(5), dry airpellet toeliminate anyacetone residue (smell tubes)、For PAGE—SDS,resuspendsamples inaminimal volume of samplebuffer、ﻫ10、(Thepresence ofsomeTCA can giveayellow colour as a consequence ofthe acidificationof the sample buffer; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8、5to obt ain the normal blue sample buffercolour、)Acidified Acetone/MethanolﻫUsefulmethod to remove acetone and methanolsoluble interferences like SDS before IEF1)Prepare acidified acetone: 120mlacetone + 10μl HCl (1mMfinalco ncentration)、2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equalvolumesof acidified acetone andmethanoland keep at—20oC、3)Toone volume of protein solution add 4volumes of coldprecipitation reag ent、Mixand keep ONat—20oC、4)Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge atmaximumspeed (15000g)、Carefull ydischarge supernatant and retain thepellet:dry tube by inversionon tis sue paper (pellet maybe difficultto see)、ﻫ5)Dry samplesunder vaccum(speed-vac)ordry air toeliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes)、TCA—Ethanol PrecipitationUseful methodto concentrate proteinsand removalof Guanidine Hydrochloride beforePAGE—SDS1)Dilute10—25μl samplesto100μl with H2OAdd100μl of20%trichloroaceticacid(TCA) and mix(preparation of 100%TCA:454mlH2O/kg TCA、Maintain indark bottleat4oC、Be careful, use gloves!!!)、ﻫ2)Leavein ice for 20min、Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge atmaximumspeed、ﻫ3)Carefully discharge s upernatantand retainthe pellet:dry tubeby inversion on tissue(pellet m4)Wash pelletwith 100μlice—cold ethanol,ay be difficult tosee)、ﻫdry and resuspend in sample buffer、5)In casethere are traces of GuHCl present,samples should beloadedimmediately after boiling for 7min at 95°C ﻫ6)(The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of thesample buffer ;titrate with1N NaOH or1M TrisHCl pH8、5 to obtain the normal bluesample buffer colour、)ﻫPAGE prepTM Protein Clean-up and EnrichmentKit — PIERCEThe PAGEprep?Kitenables removal ofmany chemicals tha tinterfere with SDS-PAGEanalysis:guanidine,ammonium sulfate, other mon salts, acidsandbases,detergents,dyes, DNA,RNA,and lipids、PIERCE:#26800- PAGEprepTMProteinClean—up and EnrichmentKit(pdf)ChloroformMethanol PrecipitationﻫUseful methodforRemovalof s altand detergents1)To sample of startingvolume100ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3)Vortex wellﻫ4)Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortexﻫ6)Add300ulH2O7)Vortexﻫ8)Spin 1 minute 14,0000g9)Remove top aqueouslayer (protein is betweenlayers)10) Add 400ul methanolﻫ11)Vortex12)Spin 2 minutes14,000 g13)Removeas muchMeOH aspossible without disturb14)Speed—Vactodrynessing pelletﻫ15)Bring upin2X sample bufferforPAGE。
5、加入5ul PBS溶解沉淀,280nm测定蛋白质浓度。
三氯乙酸(TCA)沉淀蛋白质主要基于以下几个方面的作用:在酸性条件下TCA 能与蛋白质形成不溶性盐;TCA作为蛋白质变性剂使蛋白质构象发生改变,暴露出较多的疏水性基团,使之聚集沉淀。
8.加入20-50ul Loading buffer,95度加热10nim,一般沉淀会自动溶解,如果不溶,用手指轻弹管壁或用20ul枪头轻轻吸打,注意整个操作尽量不要碰到管壁,因为管壁可能沾有残余TCA。
如果蓝色的Loading buffer不变成黄色,说明残余TCA吸弃了干净,如果变黄,一般不影响电泳。
TCA沉淀法定量DNA1. Dilute radioactive sample to a 100 ml volume2. Spot 5 ml of the sample onto the center of a 2.4 cm Whatman GF/C glass-fiber disc.3. Mix 5 ml of the sample with 100 ml Salmon sperm DNA (50 mg in 20 mM ED TA).4. Add 5 mL ice cold 10% Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Mix well and incubate on ice for 15 min.5. Filter the solution through a separate GF/C glass-fiber disc.6. Wash the filter 6 times with 5 mL ice-cold 10% TCA.7. Wash filter once with 5 mL 95% Ethanol.8. Dry both filter under a heat lamp.9. When dry, count each in a scintillation counter.10. The first filter measures total radioactivity. The second filter measures radioactiv ity incorporated into DNA fragments greater than 20 nucleotides in length.。
1. 细胞裂解,首先需要将含有底物的细胞或组织进行裂解,以释放细胞内的蛋白质和其他生物分子。
2. 底物富集,接下来,可以使用特定的抗体或亲和层析柱等手段来富集含有磷酸化底物的蛋白质。
3. TCA沉淀,将富集后的蛋白质溶液加入三氯乙酸(TCA),通过TCA的沉淀作用,蛋白质会沉淀下来,而底物的磷酸化状态也会得到保留。
4. 洗涤,沉淀后的蛋白质需要进行洗涤,以去除多余的TCA和其他杂质。
5. 蛋白质溶解,最后,沉淀的蛋白质可以通过加入适当的蛋白
沉淀蛋白质的常用方法TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice with one volume of cold acetone (acetone keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHClpH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences 1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to 0.02% final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TCA pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml aceton e + 10μl HCl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2OAdd 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and mix (pre paration of 100% TCA: 454mlH2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prepTM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit – PIERCEThe PAGEprep? Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 – PAGE prepTM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment KitChloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGEReference: Wessel, D. and Flugge, U. I. Anal. Biochem. (1984) 138, 141-143。
TCA 蛋白沉淀方法
(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).培养基上清直接电泳跑出来的条带经常很难看,可以TCA沉淀浓缩后跑电泳,一般表达量大于1mg/ml可以看到明显条带,这是我用的TCA沉淀方法,效果很好:1.菌液10000g,离心5分钟,收集表达上清。
8.加入20-50ul Loading buffer,95度加热10nim,一般沉淀会自动溶解,如果不溶,用手指轻弹管壁或用20ul枪头轻轻吸打,注意整个操作尽量不要碰到管壁,因为管壁可能沾有残余TCA。
如果蓝色的Loading buffer不变成黄色,说明残余TCA吸弃了干净,如果变黄,一般不影响电泳。
1. 酸性沉淀法:酸性沉淀法是通过在酸性条件下,由于蛋白质的等电点和溶剂中pH 的变化,蛋白质从溶液中聚集并沉淀出来的方法。
2. 盐沉淀法:盐沉淀法是利用高浓度盐溶液与蛋白质发生作用,使蛋白质产生相互作用并沉淀出来的方法。
3. 有机溶剂沉淀法:有机溶剂沉淀法是通过有机溶剂与蛋白质作用,改变蛋白质的水合作用,使其失去溶解性并沉淀出来的方法。
4. 高温沉淀法:高温沉淀法是通过加热溶液来使蛋白质失去溶解性并沉淀出来的方法。
沉淀蛋白质的常用方法(TCA、乙醇、丙酮沉淀蛋白操作步骤)TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use gloves).4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice with one volume of cold acetone (acetone keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use gloves).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration 1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to % final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use gloves).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TCA pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml acetone + 10μl HCl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDSO1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2Add 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic ac id (TCA) and mix (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml HO/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use2gloves).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit - PIERCEThe PAGEprep Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 - PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit (pdf)Chloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex8) Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGEReference: Wessel, D. and Flugge, U. I. Anal. Biochem. (1984) 138, 141-143蛋白质浓缩——方法很全1130徐炉李2011-05-28 14:35楼主蛋白质浓缩——方法很全 - 丁香园论坛-医学/药学/生命科学论坛蛋白质浓缩方法总结一个简便的方法你可以试试:找一透析袋,底部扎紧,袋口扎一去底的塑料或玻璃试管,将待浓缩的液体从管口灌入透析袋中,将整个装置挂在冰箱中,或者用电风扇吹,液体干后可再继续加入,直至样品浓缩至所需体积。
在实际应用中,TCA 沉淀法可以用于分离和富集目标蛋白质,并去除杂质和其他干扰物。
此外,TCA 沉淀法还可以用于蛋白质的定量。
TCA-丙酮沉淀法浓缩蛋白TCA-丙酮蛋白浓缩TCA protein precipitation protocolStock Solutions: 100% (w/v) Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)recipe: dissolve 500g TCA (as shipped) into 350 ml dH2O, store at RT.Precipitation Protocol:1. Add 1 volume of TCA stock to 4 volumes of protein sample.i.e. in 1.5ml tube with maximum vol., add 250μl TCA to 1.0ml sample.2. Incubate 10 min at 4°C.3. Spin tube in microcentrifuge at 14K rpm, 5 min.4. Remove supernatant, leaving protein pellet intact. Pellet should be formed from whitish,fluffy ppt.5. Wash pellet with 200μl cold acetone.6. Spin tune in microfuge at 14K rpm, 5min.7. Repeat steps 4-6 for a total of 2 acetone washes.8. Dry pellet by placing tube in 95°C he at block for 5-10 min to drive off acetone.9. For SDS-PAGE, add 2X or 4X sample buffer (with or without bME) and boil smaple for10 min in 95°C herat block before loading smaple onto polyacrylamide gel.TCA蛋白浓缩步骤:储存液:100%(W/V)三氯乙酸(TCA)配制:将500g TCA溶解到350ml dH2O中,室温储存。
在研磨样品时加入聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP )或交联聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮(PVPP )用来吸附样品中富含的酚、醌类物质。
在提取的过程中同时加入了TCA、B-巯基乙醇及DTT 3种药剂可以更好的抑制蛋白质的水解及去除干扰物质。
TCA protein precipitation protocolStock Solutions: 100% (w/v) Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) recipe: dissolve 500g TCA (as shipped) into 350 ml dH2O, store at RT. Precipitation Protocol:1.Add 1 volume of TCA stock to 4 volumes of protein sample.1. e. in 1.5ml tube with maximum vol., add 250讥TCA to 1.0ml sample.2.Incubate 10 min at 4°C.3.Spin tube in microcentrifuge at 14K rpm, 5 min.4.Remove supernatant, leaving protein pellet intact. Pellet should be formed from whitish,fluffy ppt.5.Wash pellet with 200^l cold acetone.6.Spin tune in microfuge at 14K rpm, 5min.7.Repeat steps 4-6 for a total of 2 acetone washes.8.Dry pellet by placing tube in 95°C heat block for 5-10 min to drive off acetone.9.For SDS-PAGE, add 2X or 4X sample buffer (with or without bME) and boil smaple for10 min in 95°C herat block before loading smaple onto polyacrylamide gel.2Trizol沉淀法与TCA丙酮沉淀法相比,Trizol沉淀蛋白质的方法可有效地除去色素、酚类等干扰电泳的化学物质,特别是对植物样品中高丰度蛋白Rubisco1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/ 加氧酶(Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase,通常简写为RuBisCO)。
本文将介绍TCA 沉淀蛋白的步骤及相关注意事项。
一、样品制备1.1 选择合适的样品:样品可以是细胞提取物、组织提取物或其他含有蛋白质的溶液。
1.2 样品浓度调整:为了获得较好的沉淀效果,样品的浓度应适中,通常在0.5-5 mg/mL之间。
1.3 样品处理:如果样品中含有酶活性,可以在样品制备过程中加入抑制剂(如PMSF)来保护蛋白质的完整性。
二、TCA沉淀2.1 加入TCA:将1 mL的样品加入10% TCA溶液中,比例通常是1:4(样品:TCA溶液)。
2.2 混匀:轻轻地旋转样品管或反复倒置,使样品和TCA溶液充分混合。
2.3 孵育:将混合液在4℃下孵育30分钟,促使蛋白质与TCA结合形成沉淀。
2.4 离心:使用高速离心机将样品离心10分钟,以沉淀蛋白质。
三、洗涤沉淀3.1 去除上清液:将上清液完全倒掉,避免上清液中的杂质污染沉淀。
3.2 加入冷醋酸酐溶液:向沉淀中加入5%冷醋酸酐溶液,使蛋白质沉淀更加纯净。
3.3 混匀:轻轻地旋转样品管或反复倒置,使沉淀和冷醋酸酐溶液充分混合。
3.4 离心:使用高速离心机将样品离心10分钟,以去除醋酸酐和杂质。
四、蛋白质溶解4.1 加入蛋白质溶解液:向蛋白质沉淀中加入适量的蛋白质溶解液,如SDS-PAGE样品缓冲液。
4.2 混匀:轻轻地旋转样品管或反复倒置,使蛋白质沉淀溶解。
4.3 离心:使用高速离心机将样品离心5分钟,以去除残留的杂质。
4.4 收集上清液:将上清液转移到新的离心管中,以便后续的实验使用。
五、存储和分析5.1 存储:将蛋白质溶液存储在-20℃的冷冻离心管中,避免蛋白质的降解和失活。
5.2 浓度测定:使用合适的蛋白质浓度测定方法(如Bradford法),确定蛋白质的浓度。
5.3 SDS-PAGE分析:将蛋白质溶液进行SDS-PAGE电泳,以确定蛋白质的分子量和纯度。
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(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).培养基上清直接电泳跑出来的条带经常很难看,可以TCA沉淀浓缩后跑电泳,一般表达量大于1mg/ml可以看到明显条带,这是我用的TCA沉淀方法,效果很好:1.菌液10000g,离心5分钟,收集表达上清。
8.加入20-50ul Loading buffer,95度加热10nim,一般沉淀会自动溶解,如果不溶,用手指轻弹管壁或用20ul枪头轻轻吸打,注意整个操作尽量不要碰到管壁,因为管壁可能沾有残余TCA。
如果蓝色的Loading buffer不变成黄色,说明残余TCA吸弃了干净,如果变黄,一般不影响电泳。
TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice with one volume of cold acetone (acetone keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to 0.02% final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration (preparation of 100% TCA: 454mlH2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TC A pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml acetone + 10μl HCl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDSO1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2Add 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and mix (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml HO/kg TCA.2Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves!!!).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit - PIERCEThe PAGEprep? Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 - PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit(pdf)Chloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex8) Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGE。