



3:19~8:Mice it was right after Cinderelly and the prince got merried ,mice mice moved to the big castle ,we had itall to ourselves ,and we were having the time of ourlives.Mice cinderelly’s back!Man oh dear ,they are back !Woman they are back!Both they are back!King oh!Cinderelly we are back.Prince welcome home !C I still can’t believe I’m going to live in a castle ,are you sure this isn’t just a dream?P you are a princess now ,princess cinderella !King y she won’t even know the first thing about being a princess ,she just got back from her honeymoon.it’s going to be your duty to prepare the girl .Man your majesty ,I am honored—King not you ninny ,prudence.Woman of course not you ,he want the job done right the first time .King the royal banquet will be cinderelly’s responsibility now .Woman the `````royal banquet ?King you will teach her everything she needs know. Woman but ,sire!she won’t know everything ```about planning a royal banquet.C I don’t know everything about planning a royal banquet .oh well,at least ,I can stay past midnight .P ha prefect !and I will be right by by your side . P I have to go ?now? father,I can’t just abandon my princess .not with the royal banquet only two days away. King ,nonsense ,we have important matters of state to attend to .important matters of state.P father –uhh she hasn’t have time to prepare ,she has never been a princess before.Man I dare say ,majesty ,heh ….you do like your banquet just so ,eh?King nonsense.Woman your majesty ,I can take care of the preparations as I always do .King just show her what do ,we have a princess now ,it is her duty to plan a banquet and the king’s duty to …endure it !C yes ,your majestyKing now ,off we go ! thank you.P I am sorry I have to rush off now.C don’t worry.i will be fine .P I know you’ll surprise us with an incredible feast C I just hope you are not too surprised.宫殿内Mices cinderelly!C jap cus mary .hello old friends.dog (snuffing)C BrunoFat mouse:look,look!Big chair! For princess Cinderelly!C:why,b ig castle, too.Thin:don’t worry, mice here to helpC:why thank you TapWe have got a big day ahead of us tomorrowC:uh,this way fellasMice:umm!Snoring女(敲门声)good morning.your highness(slurp)Your highness (snuffing)oh!(pah)C:ready for breakfast! How does a cheese omelette sound 女:the princess is missing .you! you,girl! Have seen the princess?C: good morning prudence女: Oh I thought you…but those awful clothes why I did’t recognizeyour highnessAllow me to introduce your ladies-in-waiting…Please to meet youC: you’re just in time for breakfastBreakfast? Ooh ! with toast and jam?女:your highness.a pricess never prepares her own meals . that is not how things are doneC: there are rules for breakfast?女:there of course there are rules.your highnessThat’s what the king expects me to teach youC:I am sure I can learn it in no time.。

凤凰传奇《舞动奇迹》专辑 歌词

凤凰传奇《舞动奇迹》专辑 歌词

凤凰传奇《舞动奇迹》专辑歌词1.最炫民族风迪斯科舞曲版词曲:张超演唱:凤凰传奇苍茫的天涯是我的爱绵绵的青山脚下花正开什么样的节奏是最呀最摇摆什么样的歌声才是最开怀弯弯的河水从天上来流向那万紫千红一片海火辣辣的歌谣是我们的期待一路边走边唱才是最自在我们要唱就要唱得最痛快你是我天边最美的云彩让我用心把你留下来(留下来)悠悠的唱着最炫的民族风让爱卷走所有的尘埃(我知道)你是我心中最美的云彩斟满美酒让你留下来(留下来)永远都唱着最炫的民族风是整片天空最美的姿态(留下来)(哟啦啦呵啦呗)(伊啦嗦啦呵啦呗呀)我听见你心中动人的天籁登上天外云霄的舞台苍茫的天涯是我的爱绵绵的青山脚下花正开什么样的节奏是最呀最摇摆什么样的歌声才是最开怀弯弯的河水从天上来流向那万紫千红一片海火辣辣的歌谣是我们的期待一路边走边唱才是最自在我们要唱就要唱得最痛快你是我天边最美的云彩让我用心把你留下来(留下来)悠悠的唱着最炫的民族风让爱卷走所有的尘埃(我知道)你是我心中最美的云彩斟满美酒让你留下来(留下来)永远都唱着最炫的民族风是整片天空最美的姿态你是我天边最美的云彩让我用心把你留下来(留下来)悠悠的唱着最炫的民族风让爱卷走所有的尘埃(我知道)你是我心中最美的云彩斟满美酒让你留下来(留下来)永远都唱着最炫的民族风是整片天空最美的姿态RAP:我听见你心中那动人的天籁就忽如一夜春风袭来满面桃花开我忍不住去采我忍不住去摘我敞开胸怀为你等待你是我天边最美的云彩让我用心把你留下来悠悠的唱着最炫的民族风让爱卷走所有的尘埃(我知道)你是我心中最美的云彩斟满美酒让你留下来(留下来)永远都唱着最炫的民族风是整片天空最美的姿态2.月亮之上+自由飞翔雷鬼舞曲版演唱:凤凰传奇我在仰望月亮之上有多少梦想在自由的飞翔昨天遗忘啊风干了忧伤我要和你重逢在那苍茫的路上生命已被牵引潮落潮涨有你的远方就是天堂谁在呼唤情深意长让我的渴望象白云在飘荡东边牧马西边放羊热辣辣的情歌就唱到了天亮在日月沧桑后你在谁身旁用温柔眼光让黑夜绚烂Yo Yo Come On Baby GoYo Yo 这这感觉就像一路的芳香还有婆娑轻波转了念的想那些是非因果一路的芳香让我不停捉摸Yo Yo Baby Come On是谁在唱歌温暖了寂寞白云悠悠蓝天依旧泪水在漂泊在那一片苍茫中一个人生活看见远方天国那璀璨的烟火Yo Yo Come On Baby GoYo Yo 这这感觉就像一路的芳香还有婆娑轻波转了念的想那些是非因果一路的芳香让我不停捉摸Yo Yo Baby Come On是谁听着歌遗忘了寂寞漫漫长夜一路芬芳岁月曾流过在那人潮人海中你也在沉默和我一起漂泊到天涯的交错在你的心上自由地飞翔灿烂的星光永恒地徜徉一路的方向照耀我心上辽远的边疆随我去远方Don`t Come back在你的心上自由地飞翔灿烂的星光永恒地徜徉一路的方向照耀我心上辽远的边疆随我去远方Yo Yo Baby Come On在你的心上自由地飞翔灿烂的星光永恒地徜徉一路的方向照耀我心上辽远的边疆随我去远方3.荷塘月色街舞舞曲版作词:张超作曲:张超演唱:凤凰传奇剪一段时光缓缓流淌流进了月色中微微荡漾弹一首小荷淡淡的香美丽的琴音就落在我身旁萤火虫点亮夜的星光谁为我添一件梦的衣裳推开那扇心窗远远地望谁采下那一朵昨日的忧伤我像只鱼儿在你的荷塘只为和你守候那皎白月光游过了四季荷花依然香等你宛在水中央萤火虫点亮夜的星光谁为我添一件梦的衣裳推开那扇心窗远远地望谁采下那一朵昨日的忧伤我像只鱼儿在你的荷塘只为和你守候那皎白月光游过了四季荷花依然香等你宛在水中央recite:那时年轻的你和你水中的模样依然不变的仰望漫天迷人的星光谁能走进你的心房采下一朵莲是那夜的芬芳还是你的发香荷塘呀荷塘你慢慢慢慢唱哟月光呀月光你慢慢慢慢听哟鱼儿呀鱼儿你慢慢慢慢游哟淡淡的淡淡的淡淡的月光我像只鱼儿在你的荷塘只为和你守候那皎白月光游过了四季荷花依然香等你宛在水中央我像只鱼儿在你的荷塘只为和你守候那皎白月光游过了四季荷花依然香等你宛在水中央等你宛在水中央4.光芒全新缩混版作词:郭永利作曲:郭永利演唱:凤凰传奇纯净天空上雄鹰在飞翔守望着那片圣洁的天堂雅鲁藏布江静静的流淌流进了梦乡一路去远方布达拉宫墙闪耀着光芒朝圣的方向心中的天堂喜马拉雅山高高的山岗开满了梦想洁白的梦想当月光照耀在千里雪域的苍茫雪莲花静静在心上开放当梦想绽放出耀眼万丈的光芒红太阳冉冉升起在东方纯净天空上雄鹰在飞翔守望着那片圣洁的天堂雅鲁藏布江静静的流淌流进了梦乡一路去远方布达拉宫墙闪耀着光芒朝圣的方向心中的天堂喜马拉雅山高高的山岗开满了梦想洁白的梦想Rap:美丽的天堂高高高原上我思念的家乡格桑花开放一路的芬芳圣洁的天堂高高高原上我思念的家乡雪莲花开放如意和吉祥当月光照耀在千里雪域的苍茫雪莲花静静在心上开放当梦想绽放出耀眼万丈的光芒红太阳冉冉升起在东方红太阳冉冉升起在东方红太阳冉冉升起在东方5.溜溜的情歌现代拉丁舞曲版作词:蒋开鲍作曲:徐志强演唱:凤凰传奇溜溜的情歌成就千古绝唱世间的人们把你向往打箭炉的月亮圆又亮雪域康定我的家乡跑马山上有那心爱的姑娘跑马山下垭拉河日夜歌唱美丽的康定人间天堂五色海子吆为你梳妆折多河在为你跳着锅庄木格措保佑你平安吉祥溜溜的情歌唱了千万遍溜溜的小船行了千万年溜溜的情人相约到百年溜溜的爱情流传到永远哦呀啦索rap:张家的大哥去了远方李家的大姐改变了往日的模样潇洒英俊的小伙哦美丽漂亮的姑娘哟歌声美心儿醉醉了胸膛醉了月亮醉了太阳打箭炉的月亮圆又亮雪域康定我的家乡跑马山上有那心爱的姑娘跑马山下垭拉河日夜歌唱美丽的康定人间天堂五色海子吆为你梳妆折多河在为你跳着锅庄木格措保佑你平安吉祥溜溜的情歌唱了千万遍溜溜的小船行了千万年溜溜的情人相约到百年溜溜的爱情流传到永远哦呀啦索溜溜的情歌唱了千万遍溜溜的小船行了千万年溜溜的情人相约到百年溜溜的爱情流传到永远哦呀啦索溜溜的情歌唱了千万遍溜溜的小船行了千万年溜溜的情人相约到百年溜溜的爱情流传到永远溜溜的情歌唱了千万遍溜溜的小船行了千万年溜溜的情人相约到百年溜溜的爱情流传到永远哦呀啦索溜溜的情歌唱了千万遍溜溜的小船行了千万年溜溜的情人相约到百年溜溜的爱情流传到永远哦呀啦索6.我从草原来全新缩混版作词:赵铁志作曲:郭永利演唱:凤凰传奇我立马千山外听风唱着天籁岁月已经更改心胸依然自在我放歌万里外明月与我同在远方为我等待心澎湃我寻梦梦就在未来为我盛开天空开始泛白脚步如此轻快我想爱爱就来不要寂寞尘埃心里花开不败才精彩风从草原来吹动我心怀吹来我的爱这花香的海我从草原来温暖你心怀不变我的情那天蓝的爱我立马千山外听风唱着天籁岁月已经更改心胸依然自在我放歌万里外明月与我同在远方为我等待心澎湃我寻梦梦就在未来为我盛开天空开始泛白脚步如此轻快我想爱爱就来不要寂寞尘埃心里花开不败才精彩风从草原来吹动我心怀吹来我的爱这花香的海我从草原来温暖你心怀不变我的情那天蓝的爱Rap:云白白出了毡房华盖草绿绿出了绵延如海花红红出了急风烈马酒醉醉出了一生所爱云白白出了毡房华盖草绿绿出了绵延如海花红红出了急风烈马酒醉醉出了一生所爱风从草原来吹动我心怀吹来我的爱这花香的海我从草原来温暖你心怀不变我的情那天蓝的爱风从草原来吹动我心怀吹来我的爱这花香的海我从草原来温暖你心怀不变我的情那天蓝的爱7.我们的歌谣萨尔萨舞曲版作词:KingStar-帅帅侠作曲:KingStar-帅帅侠演唱:凤凰传奇走过一条寂寞的街角期盼一张熟悉的微笑一首老情歌听湿了眼睛继续爱下去我会怎样如果不能完全的遗忘时间是否真能够疗伤面对这一身累积的痴狂托付给谁有没有罪回忆再美好也只是曾经守护是我们彼此的约定风轻轻的吹我们的歌谣是谁唱着哄你入睡你是我眼中抹不掉的泪为什么最后才想起后悔喊你的名字渐远的背影你走进梦的天际永不回我的爱就像风沙吹飞进眼里汇成了泪还要轻轻揉到天黑异乡清宵寒夜梦回我的爱就像沙中灰埋葬泪滑落的伤悲怎么也擦不断心碎一寸相思一寸香味如果不能完全的遗忘时间是否真能够疗伤面对这一身累积的痴狂托付给谁有没有罪回忆再美好也只是曾经守护是我们彼此的约定风轻轻的吹我们的歌谣是谁唱着哄你入睡你是我眼中抹不掉的泪为什么最后才想起后悔喊你的名字渐远的背影你走进梦的天际永不回我的爱就像风沙吹飞进眼里汇成了泪还要轻轻揉到天黑异乡清宵寒夜梦回我的爱就像沙中灰埋葬泪滑落的伤悲怎么也擦不断心碎一寸相思一寸香味我的爱就像沙中灰埋葬泪滑落的伤悲怎么也擦不断心碎一寸相思一寸香味我的爱就像沙中灰埋葬泪滑落的伤悲怎么也擦不断心碎一寸相思一寸香味8.策马奔腾桑巴舞曲版作词:陆新桥作曲:徐一鸣演唱:凤凰传奇梦不见皎皎的月光就像迷失眼睛陷入荒城吻不到浓浓的花香就像丢了灵魂寂寞丛生听不见哒哒马蹄声世界一片沉静不见归程如果再不把我唤醒又要等待来生天涯纵横我要策马奔腾向你怀中解开思念的谜千年的梦穿越茫茫云海蓝天依旧马琴响起心事瞬间消融我要策马奔腾无尽苍穹卷落一路风雨腾起彩虹漂泊在你心海幸福依旧清风一缕前世今生相逢RAP:豪饮几杯马奶酒难解千年的哀愁再唱几首情歌寂寞你才会懂快乐洒满了山坡是羊还是那云朵从此不再放手厮守茫茫的自由望不见暖暖的阳光你用万朵祥云为我壮行闻不到鲜鲜的草香苍茫岁月荒草也恨春风听不见悠悠的长调天地为谁辽阔你为谁等如果你肯与我相拥纵有万座山峰也要踏平我要策马奔腾向你怀中解开思念的谜千年的梦穿越茫茫云海蓝天依旧马琴响起心事瞬间消融我要策马奔腾无尽苍穹卷落一路风雨腾起彩虹漂泊在你心海幸福依旧清风一缕前世今生相逢RAP:豪饮几杯马奶酒难解千年的哀愁再唱几首情歌寂寞你才会懂快乐洒满了山坡是羊还是那云朵从此不再放手厮守茫茫的自由我要策马奔腾向你怀中解开思念的谜千年的梦穿越茫茫云海蓝天依旧马琴响起心事瞬间消融我要策马奔腾无尽苍穹卷落一路风雨腾起彩虹漂泊在你心海幸福依旧清风一缕前世今生相逢9.大声唱全新缩混版作词:蒋开鲍作曲:徐一鸣演唱:凤凰传奇彩云飘飘情在燃烧爱在跳跃落在怀抱一缕阳光把心照亮我的梦想为你披红妆你的眼眸让我心跳你的臂膀给我依靠一缕星光穿过天堂我的愿望住进你毡房姑娘大声唱我牵着白云牵着太阳我牵着星星牵着月亮牵着柔情牵着吉祥和你一起飞翔姑娘大声唱我牵着风儿牵着花香我牵着光芒牵着希望牵着情歌牵着梦想走进你的心房Rap:前方你的笑容在荡漾火光我的眼波在荡漾身旁你的歌声在荡漾胸膛我的心儿在荡漾前方你的笑容在荡漾火光我的眼波在荡漾身旁你的歌声在荡漾胸膛我的心儿在荡漾彩云飘飘情在燃烧爱在跳跃落在怀抱一缕阳光把心照亮我的梦想为你披红妆你的眼眸让我心跳你的臂膀给我依靠一缕星光穿过天堂我的愿望住进你毡房姑娘大声唱我牵着白云牵着太阳我牵着星星牵着月亮牵着柔情牵着吉祥和你一起飞翔姑娘大声唱我牵着风儿牵着花香我牵着光芒牵着希望牵着情歌牵着梦想走进你的心房姑娘大声唱我牵着白云牵着太阳牵着星星牵着月亮牵着柔情牵着吉祥和你一起飞翔姑娘大声唱我牵着风儿牵着花香我牵着光芒牵着希望牵着情歌牵着梦想走进你的心房Rap:前方你的笑容在荡漾火光我的眼波在荡漾身旁你的歌声在荡漾胸膛我的心儿在荡漾前方你的笑容在荡漾火光我的眼波在荡漾身旁你的歌声在荡漾胸膛我的心儿在荡漾10.Mrs.Leta 全新缩混版作词:张超作曲:张超演唱:凤凰传奇她拎着高跟画着红唇来到我的世界抗拒不了她的美丽在我身边撒野相信她的星座神话像个弥天谎言任她靠在我的肩膀爱无声蔓延你的爱不明白让我猜也不能猜给不了的爱为何走也走不开你的爱说明白说得那么的苍白我要的精彩到底在哪里存在跳乱了节奏拨乱我们的心动曾经的沧海恰着陌生的痛快跳乱了节奏好象痴人一场梦梦到凌晨的街口恰着狂乱的节拍你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恋人再会吧Mrs Haes ChiKiTaMrs Jack ChiKiTaMrs Parr ChiKiTaMrs Rice ChiKiTaMrs Kiss ChiKiTaMrs Gage ChiKiTaMrs Cole ChiKiTaMrs Dale ChiKiTa她拎着高跟画着红唇来到我的世界抗拒不了她的美丽在我身边撒野相信她的星座神话像个弥天谎言任她靠在我的肩膀爱无声蔓延你的爱不明白让我猜也不能猜给不了的爱为何走也走不开你的爱说明白说得那么的苍白我要的精彩到底在哪里存在跳乱了节奏拨乱我们的心动曾经的沧海恰着陌生的痛快跳乱了节奏好象痴人一场梦梦到凌晨的街口恰着狂乱的节拍你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恋人再会吧Mrs Haes ChiKiTaMrs Jack ChiKiTaMrs Parr ChiKiTaMrs Rice ChiKiTaMrs Kiss ChiKiTaMrs Gage ChiKiTaMrs Cole ChiKiTaMrs Dale ChiKiTa你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恋人再会吧你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恰恰恰恰恰你说嗨Mrs`Leta 恋人再会吧整理:酷我-雨街张振http:///sh_yujie。



《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》插曲new classic的中文歌词Ooohh, uhOh, OhOh, yeahEver tried to reach for something 总不顾一切追求梦想But it's someone else's dream? 但最后只是痴人说梦Every step that you take forward 你前进的每一步Takes you right back where you've been 都将带你回原点And then when you least expect it 当你整装待发And you tried about everything 尽一切的努力Somebody hears your opinion 终有人会听到了你的观点Somebody cares what you say 终有人会在乎你的意见You woke me up 你唤醒了我No longer tired 不知疲倦With you I feel inspired 有你,我深受鼓舞You helped me find my fire (uh) 你让我寻得心中的爱火You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释You're the new PYT 如新生尤物Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出From the driver's seat 一切自我掌控You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它Let me see you do that, oh 让我来见证吧Tryin' to do it right 尽力做好一切No rehearsal, it's your life 不用排练,这是你的人生When you're doing this crazy dance 当你演绎这段疯狂的舞蹈Cuz you're makin these crazy plans 就是在做这些疯狂的计划It's just a dance, not a test 这只是个舞蹈,并非测试You put in work to be the best (oh) 你只需竭尽全力It's a classic take on a brand new game 这个全新游戏中的经典Before the needle drops, they're gonna know your name弹指之间,你已被人熟知When it gets old don't lose the love 当我们日渐老去,请不要遗失掉爱You're cold I'll warm you up 我来温暖你的寒冷Your fire's hot enough, enough, enough, enough, enough让你的爱回温,足够、充分You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释You're the new PYT 如新生尤物Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出And trying everything just to touch your dream 所有的努力只为追逐梦想You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它Let me see you do that 让我来见证吧It's become so hard 这一切看起来那么艰难For me to be surprised 而我是如此惊奇You're bringin back the real me 你让我找回了自我No judgement in your eyes 你的眼中没有疑惑Cuz when I dance with you 当我与你起舞It's how I speak the truth 也是我向你表白的方式Just classic when we met 你我的相遇成就经典Now you made me new 我焕然一新You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释You're the new PYT 如新生尤物Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出From the driver's seat 一切自我掌控You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它Let me see you do that 让我来见证吧You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释You're the new PYT 如新生尤物Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出From the driver's seat 一切自我掌控You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它Let me see you do that 让我来见证吧You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释You're the new PYT 如新生尤物Stands for paying young and took the chance to believe in me代表着付出青春和全心全意相信我You look so classic, fantastic你散发着古典美,千娇百媚When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍Bring the beat back once more请再次击退它Let me see you do that, oh让我来见证吧。



灰姑娘之舞动奇迹观后感英文篇一:After watching "Cinderella: A Dance 奇迹", I was left with a feeling of awe and inspiration. The film tells the story of a young girl named Cinderella, who through her perseverance and determination, is able to overcome numerous obstacles and achieve her dream of becoming a dancer. The film is a beautiful representation of the power of determination and hard work. Cinderella is a girl from a poor family, but she never gives up on her dream of becoming a dancer. Despite the challenges she faces, she remains optimistic and persistent, working tirelessly to achieve her goal.The film also highlights the importance of supporting one another. Cinderella"s stepmother and stepsisters are determined to prevent her from achieving her dream, but the townspeople come together to support her. They provide her with resources and assistance, allowing her to continue her training and pursue her passion.Overall, "Cinderella: A Dance 奇迹" is a moving and inspiring film. It teaches us the importance of perseverance, determination, and supporting one another. By watching this film, I was able to gain a greater appreciation for the power of hard work and the importance of supporting one another. I hope that this film continues to inspire people to chase their dreams and never give up on their goals.。

She - Groove Coverage

She - Groove Coverage

She is so pretty all over the world
(She is the one) She is the one
(That you never forget) That you never forget
Groove Coverage,中文译为舞动精灵王族,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。自2006年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。该舞曲幕后团体、来自德国的二人电子舞曲组合成为了继黑眼豆豆后,又一支在华拥有巨大影响力的舞曲组合。
她说话则像Monica 和Marianne
She wins in everything that she might do
And she will respect you forever just you
She is the one that you never forget
She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky
Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met



电影《灰姑娘》片尾曲《strong》演唱:Sonna Rele中英文歌词:In a perfect storybook在完美的故事中The world is brave and good世界美妙又英勇A hero takes your hand英雄牵起你的手A sweet love will follow甜蜜在等候But life’s a different game但生活与此不同The sorrow and the pain充满哀愁和伤痛Only you can change your world tomorrow 只能靠自己消除明日之忧Let your smile light up the sky用你的微笑点亮天空Keep your spirit soaring high让你的心灵飞入苍穹Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心When "once upon a time"“曾经”的字眼In stories and in rhyme在故事里出现A moment you can shine and wear your own crown 预示着你即将加冕Be the one that rescues you自我拯救终将实现Through the clouds, you’ll see the blue穿过乌云就会看见蓝天Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心A bird all alone on the wind鸟儿在风中孤独飞翔Can still be strong and sing依然能坚强地歌唱Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me相信我们自己We are strong 我们的坚强之心。







( 背景音乐:1)旁白:Long ago, there lived a girl. The poor girl had to work day and night. She must sleep in the kitchen. She wearied dirty clothes. All of them called her cinders for Cinderella.Her mother had died and her father(旁白停顿,父亲出场并向观众致意,飞吻等) he had married again, but he was happy all the time, His new wife (旁白停顿,继母出场并向观众致意,摆酷,扭动前行等) sexy, but cruel‟; he had two daughters(旁白停顿,两个姐姐出场并向观众致意等). They are as bad as their mother.父亲出场后就座中间椅子上。



旁白:However, we‟ll show you a different play today.(换背景音乐2)She is so strong, and smart. Especially she is good at sport.Now, she is running for the 100 meter race.(灰姑娘冲刺)剧务给灰姑娘传球。

Now, she is playing basketball. (灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮)Now, she is practicing Chinese gongfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒(对手,被击打后退))This is her----Cinderella灰姑娘(怒,看旁白) :Do you finish?旁白: (结巴)O…Ok,con…continue, even she is perfect, she still can‟t escape the poor life, Why? That is-----(此时音乐关掉,无背景音乐)继母(怒): Hey! You! , wash clothes!灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes, Mom I do it right now.一姐将盆碗碰得乱响: you!, wash dishes. Quickly, Quickly,灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes, ok!此时二姐手持针线缝衣,刺手,尖叫:ah, my finger! I don‟t do this any more. ! You do it! (将衣服扔向灰姑娘)灰姑娘(悲腔):Oh,I am very tired everyday! Maybe I am the poorest girl in the world. Mom loves that dog than me.(举牌的同时父亲退场)第一幕布置三把椅子灰姑娘在帮后母按摩肩膀,一姐在写作业,二姐做针线。


rest of the cast acted very well, especially Jane Lynch, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Marcus Paulk, who plays Dustin, Joey’s friend. Dancing and singing was good as well. Selena’s dancing was amazing, even though she claims she was just learning and everyone else was a professional. Drew — who voiced Troy in the first High School Musical — was good as well. I’m usually not a person who likes to watch people dance, but Selena and Drew had scenes where their dancing was so unbelievable that I had to watch it.
Joey Parker
the classic Cinderella story never gets old. Yet another remake of the old fairytale has been made, this time starring Wizards of Waverly Place’s Selena Gomez and High School Musical’s Drew Seeley. Although the plot has been done thousands of times, this movie is still extremely entertaining. It may be a bit cheesy, but honestly, it’s a remake of Cinderella. I mean, come on, of course it’s cheesy. Everyone knows the classic fairytale. Selena’s character, Mary, is the Cinderella. She’s shy, not popular, and loves to dance. Her world turns upside down when teen heartthrob sensation singer, Joey Parker , transfers to the school and dances with Mary at a masquerade ball.

冰雪奇缘主要歌曲中英文歌词对照 (1)

冰雪奇缘主要歌曲中英文歌词对照 (1)

资料范本本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载冰雪奇缘主要歌曲中英文歌词对照 (1)地点:__________________时间:__________________说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容For the First Time in Forever好久没在生命里安娜:The window is open, so’s that door所有的门和窗打开了I didn’t know they did that anymore我真不知道他们这么做Who knew we owned a thousand salad plates?装沙拉的盘子有八千个For years I’ve roamed these empty halls空空的舞厅常走过Why have a ballroom with no balls?不举行舞会做什么Finally they’re opening up the gates他们终于把门打开了There’ll be actual real live people真实的嘉宾将会到来It’ll be totall y strange这感觉有点奇怪Wow, am I so ready for this change但我已准备好这转变了Cuz for the first time in forever因为好久没在生命里There’ll be music, there’ll be light音乐响起灯亮起For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里I’ll be dancing through the night夜里跳舞不停息Don’t know if I’m ela ted or gassy不知道我有多喜气洋溢But I’m somewhere in the zone但我一定在那里Cuz for the first time in forever因为好久没在生命里I won’t be alone我不再孤寂Tonight imagine me gown and all,想想今晚我的新晚装fetchingly draped against the wall妩媚地轻轻靠着墙A picture of sophisticated grace这张图画又高贵又大方I suddenly see him standing there,我突然看到他站在一旁a beautiful stranger, tall and fair高大陌生人美丽目光I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face 我想把所有巧克力吃光But then we laugh and talk all evening,当我们聊了整个晚上Which is totally bizarre有点奇异和反常Nothing like the life I’ve lead so far 我的人生此刻才开放For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里There’ll be magic, there’ll be fun感到乐趣与惊喜For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里I could be noticed by someone吸引到别人的注意And I know it’s totally crazy我知道我是有一些疯狂To dream I’d find romance梦想浪漫天地But for the first time in forever但好久没在我生命里At least I’ve got a chance我遇到好时机爱莎:Don’t let them in, don’t let them see 别让他们进来看见Be the good girl you always have to be做好女孩就像你的从前Conceal, don’t feel, put on a show躲藏收敛当你表演Make one wrong move and everyone will know一出错会让所有人发现But it’s only for today (It’s only for today)但是只有在今天(安娜:是只有在今天)This agony awaits (This agony awaits)跟痛苦说再见(安娜:跟痛苦说再见)Tell the guards to open up the gates (The gates)要守卫快将大门打开(安娜:打开)安娜:For the first time in forever (Don’t let them in, don’t let them see)好久没在我生命里(爱莎:别让他们进来看见)I’m getting what I’m dreaming of (Be the good girl you always have to be)我的梦想变成现实(爱莎:做好女孩就像你的从前)A chance to change my lonely world (Conceal)改变我的孤单世界(爱莎:躲藏)A chance to find true love (Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know)找真爱的时机(爱莎:躲藏别让他们看见)I know it all ends tomorrow,明天一切将会消失So it has to be today一定要今天开始Cuz for the first time in forever因为好久没在生命里For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里Nothing’s in my way!那么的顺利!For the First Time in Forever—Reprise好久没在生命里—重逢Anna:You don’t have to protect me, I’m not afraid!安娜:你用不着保护我,我一点儿都不害怕!Please don’t shut me out again,求你别又把我拒之门外Please don’t slam the door请别甩上门You don’t have to keep your distance anymore你不必和我继续保持距离Cuz for the first time in forever,因为好久没在生命里I finally understand我终于理解你For the first time in forever,好久没在我生命里We can fix this hand in hand一起来解决问题We can head down this mountain together我们可以一起从山上下去You don’t have live in fear不必活在恐惧里Cuz for the first time in forever,因为好久没在生命里I will be right here我陪伴着你Elsa:Anna, Please go back home, your life awaits爱莎:安娜,请回去吧,你有生活Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates (Anna:Yeah, but)快享受阳光大门都打开了(安娜:我会的,可是)I know我知道You mean well, but leave me be你没错但别管我Yes, I’m alone, but I’m alone and free我是孤单但有自由生活Just stay away and you’ll be safe from me快离开我你会安全得多Anna:Actually we’re not (Elsa:What do you mean you’re not?)安娜:其实你说错(爱尔莎:什么我说错)I get the feeling you don’t know (Elsa:What do I not know?) 我想你没听说过(爱尔莎:没听过什么?)Arendelle’s in deep, deep, dee p, deep snow阿伦戴尔被冰雪淹没Elsa:What?!爱尔莎:什么?!Anna:You’ve kind of set off an eternal winter.. everywhere安娜:貌似你把所有的地方都变成了……永恒的冬天Elsa:Everywhere?爱尔莎:所有地方?Anna:Well, it’s okay, you can just unfreeze it安娜:没事的只要你解冻就行Elsa:No, I can’t, I —I don’t know how!爱尔莎:我不知道怎么解冻!Anna:Sure you can! I know you can!安娜:你一定能!我知道你能!Anna:Cuz for the first time in forever, (Elsa:I'm such a fool, I can't be free)安娜:因为好久没在生命里(爱尔莎:我真太笨能去哪里)You don’t have to be afraid (Elsa:No escape from the storm inside of me)你不需要再恐惧(爱尔莎:逃不过漫天风暴在心里)We can work this out together (Elsa:I can’t control the curse)我们能一起地努力(爱尔莎:解除不了诅咒)We’ll reverse the storm you’ve made (Elsa:Anna, please! You’ll only make it worse!)扭转风暴的痕迹(爱尔莎:安娜请你别再错下去)Don’t panic (Elsa:There’s so much fear)别恐慌(爱尔莎:充满恐惧)We’ll make the sun shine bright (Elsa:You’re not safe here)阳光重临大地(爱尔莎:离开这里)We can face this thing together (Elsa:No!)一起面对不要放弃(爱莎:不!)We can change this winter weather一起改变寒冬天气And everything we’ll be (Elsa:I can’t!)一起来努力就可以(爱尔莎:不可以!)Do you want to build a snowman你想不想堆个雪人Anna:Elsa?安娜:爱尔莎(敲门)Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人Come on let’s go and play!快跟我一起来I never see you anymore,我很久没有见过你come out the door,门快打开it’s like you’ve gone away你到底在不在We used to be best buddies我们是最好姐妹and now we’re not,此情不再I wish you would tell me why原因你要说出来Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人It doesn’t have to be a snowman是不是雪人一样可爱Elsa:Go away,Anna.艾沙:走开安娜Okay, bye安娜:拜拜Anna:Do you want to build a snowman?安娜:你想不想堆个雪人Or ride our bike around the halls?我骑车更加厉害I think some company is overdue,我想有些感情已过去I started talking to, the pictures on the walls 我对着墙上照片将话说出来(Hang in there, Joan!)(坚持住贞德!)It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, 在每个大大房间孤单的等待just watching the hours tick by…我只看到时钟摆Anna:Elsa?安娜:爱尔莎?(敲门)Please I know you’re in there,我知道你还在people are asking where you’ve been别人问你在哪里They say ‘have courage, and I’m trying to,他们让我学勇敢姿态I’m right out here for you,我在为你等待just let me in让我进来We only have each other, it’s just you and me, 我们只剩下彼此互相关爱what are we gonna do?怎样面对未来Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人Love Is an Open Door 爱的门打开了Okay, can I just, say something crazy?我能不能说点,说点疯话?I love crazy!我爱听疯话!All my life has been a series of doors in my face我一生总有很多很多门挡着我And then suddenly I bump into you然后突然间我遇见了你I was thinking the same thing! cuz like我也是这么想的!因为I’ve been searching my whole life to find myown place我也用我的人生寻找我天地And maybe it’s the party talking or the chocolate fondue 派对中聊天吃巧克力都是毫无意义But with you (but with you)在一起(在一起)I’ve got my place (I see your face)我的位置(我看到你)And it’s nothing like I’ve ever known before这种感觉我从来没遇过Love is an open door爱的门打开了Love is an open door爱的门打开了Love is an open door爱的门打开了With you (with you)跟你(跟你)With you (with you)一起(一起)Love is an open door爱的门打开了I mean it’s crazy (what?!)我们很疯狂(怎么了?)We finish each other’s (sandwiches)我们吃彼此的(三明治)That’s what I was gonna say!你抢了我的词儿!I never met someone我从没见过谁Who thinks so much like me (Jinx! Jinx again!)想法跟我一致(碰巧!真碰巧!)Our mental synchronization我们心里合二为一Can have but one explanation原来只有一种解释You and I were just meant to be我和你注注定一起Say goodbye (say goodbye) to the pain of the past 跟昨天(跟昨天)的痛苦再见了We don’t have to feel it any more不用再感受它的沉默Love is an open door爱的门打开了Love is an open door爱的门打开了Life can be so much more生命还有更多With you (with you)跟你(跟你)With you (with you)一起(一起)Love is an open door爱的门打开了Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?我能说句疯话吗?你愿意嫁给我吗?Can I say something even crazier? Yes!我能说句比这更疯的话吗?我愿意!Let it go随它吧The snow glows white on the mountain tonight白雪发亮今夜铺满山上Not a footprint to be seen没有脚印的地方A kingdom of isolation孤立的王国很荒凉And it looks like I'm the queen我是这里的女皇The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风在呼啸像心里的风暴一样Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried 只有天知道我受过的伤Don't let them in, don't let them see别让他们进来看见Be the good girl you always have to be做好女孩就像你的从前Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know躲藏不让他们看见Well, now they know已被发现Let it go, let it go随它吧,随它吧Can't hold it back anymore回头已没有办法Let it go, let it go随它吧,随它吧Turn away and slam the door一转身不再牵挂I don't care what they're going to say我不管他们想说的话Let the storm rage on任风吹雨打The cold never bothered me anyway反正冰天雪地我也不怕It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small这一点点的距离让一切变精致And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all 曾经困扰我的恐惧会远离我回忆It's time to see what I can do现在开始让我看见To test the limits and break through是我的突破和极限No right, no wrong, no rules for me不分对错没有底限I'm free向前Let it go, let it go随它吧,随它吧I am one with the wind and sky跟风和天空对话Let it go, let it go随它吧,随它吧You'll never see me cry眼泪不再掉下Here I stand and here I'll stay这个家让我留下Let the storm rage on任风吹雨打My power flurries through the air into the ground我力量从空气中扩散到地上My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around 我灵魂盘旋在冰块各种不同形状And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast我思想结晶变成锋利的闪光I'm never going back, the past is in the past我永不回头看以往会被埋藏Let it go, let it go随它吧,随它吧And I'll rise like the break of dawn让我在曙光中升华Let it go, let it go随它吧,随它吧That perfect girl is gone让完美被蒸发Here I stand in the light of day这个家在阳光之下Let the storm rage on任风吹雨打The cold never bothered me anyway反正冰天雪地我也不怕In Summer在夏天Bees’ll buzz, kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz蜂儿飞,孩子们吹着蒲公英And I’ll be doing whate ver snow does in summer我正在享受着夏天雪人的权利A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand饮料在手里,我身体对空在烧砂里Prob‘ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer古铜色的皮肤在夏天得意I’ll finally see a summer breeze, blow away a winter storm 我看见夏天的微风,吹走冬天的暴风And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm! 还看到在温暖天气水变成什么样子And I can’t wait to see, what my buddies all think of me我真的等不及,好朋友在想念自己Just imagine how much cooler I’ll be in summer想象我在夏天会有变酷的权利Da da, da doo, ah bah bah bah bah bah booThe hot and the cold are both so intense热的和冷的是那么刺激Put’em together — it just makes sense!放在一起合情合理Ratdadat dad dada dooWinter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle冬天很美丽能依偎在家里But put me in summer and I’ll be a — happy snowman!但放我在夏天我会变成快乐孩子!When life gets rough, I like to hold on to my dream生活受苦我的梦想不会放弃Relaxing in the summer sun,在夏天阳光下让日子,just lettin’ off steam让烦恼消失Oh the sky would be blue,蓝的天太美丽,and you guys’ll be there too你们跟我在那里When I finally do what frozen things do in summer 当我终于享受雪人在夏天的权利Kristoff: I’m gonna’ tell him —克里斯托夫:他会融化的Anna: Don’t you dare!安娜:不准说!Olaf: In summer!雪宝:在夏天!。



【原文】00:08.35]everybody tells me【译文】00:08.35]每个人都告诉我【原文】[00:10.66]that it's so hard to make it【译文】[00:10.66] 哪一它是如此难的做到【原文】[00:13.83]it's so hard to break it【译文】[00:13.83] 它如此难到休息它【原文】[00:15.06]there's no way to fake it【译文】[00:15.06] 没有方法到假货它【原文】[00:16.76]everybody tells me【译文】每个人都告诉我的 [00:16.76]【原文】[00:17.25]that it's wrong what i'm feeling【译文】[00:17.25] 哪一它是错误的什么我是感觉【原文】[00:18.15]i shouldn't believe in【译文】[00:18.15] i 不应该相信【原文】[00:18.82]the dreams that i'm dreaming【译文】[00:18.82] 我正在做梦的梦【原文】[00:21.52]i hear it every day【译文】[00:21.52] i 听到它每天【原文】[00:22.72]i hear it all the time【译文】[00:22.72] i 始终听到它【原文】[00:23.97]i'm never gonna amount to much【译文】我从不正在多对数量去到的 [00:23.97]【原文】[00:25.65]but they're never gonna change my mind【译文】[00:25.65] 除了他们从不正在去至变化我的思想【原文】[00:27.83]tell me tell me tell me【译文】[00:27.83] 告诉我告诉我告诉我【原文】[00:29.73]something i don't know【译文】[00:29.73] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:30.45]something i don't know【译文】[00:30.45] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:32.90]something i don't know【译文】[00:32.90] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:34.74]tell me tell me tell me【译文】[00:34.74] 告诉我告诉我告诉我【原文】[00:36.34]something i don't know【译文】[00:36.34] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:37.42]something i don't know【译文】[00:37.42] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:39.59]something i don't know【译文】[00:39.59] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:41.28]haw many inches in a mile?【译文】在 1 里中的 [00:41.28] haw 多数寸?【原文】what it takes to make you smile?【译文】它拿使你成为微笑的?【原文】[00:44.15]get you not to treat me like a child baby【译文】[00:44.15] 不拿你对招待我喜欢一个孩子宝贝【原文】[00:48.24]tell me tell me tell me【译文】[00:48.24] 告诉我告诉我告诉我【原文】[00:49.42]something i don't know【译文】[00:49.42] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:50.14]something i don't know【译文】[00:50.14] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:52.09]something i don't know【译文】[00:52.09] 某事 i 不知道【原文】[00:53.43]tell me tell me【译文】[00:53.43] 告诉我告诉我【原文】[00:56.60]everybody tells me i don't know what i'm doing,【译文】每个人都告诉我 i 不知道我正在做的 [00:56.60],【原文】[01:04.32]this life i'm pursuing,【译文】[01:04.32] 这生活我正在追求,【原文】[01:06.03]the odds of me loosing.【译文】[01:06.03] 释放的我的机会。



电影《灰姑娘》片尾曲《strong》演唱:Sonna Rele中英文歌词:In a perfect storybook在完美的故事中The world is brave and good世界美妙又英勇A hero takes your hand英雄牵起你的手A sweet love will follow甜蜜在等候But life’s a different game但生活与此不同The sorrow and the pain充满哀愁和伤痛Only you can change your world tomorrow 只能靠自己消除明日之忧Let your smile light up the sky用你的微笑点亮天空Keep your spirit soaring high让你的心灵飞入苍穹Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心When "once upon a time"“曾经”的字眼In stories and in rhyme在故事里出现A moment you can shine and wear your own crown 预示着你即将加冕Be the one that rescues you自我拯救终将实现Through the clouds, you’ll see the blue穿过乌云就会看见蓝天Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心A bird all alone on the wind鸟儿在风中孤独飞翔Can still be strong and sing依然能坚强地歌唱Trust in your heart坚守信念And your sun shines forever and ever你的阳光闪烁永远Hold fast to kindness保持善良Your light shines forever and ever你的光芒永不褪变I believe in you and me 相信我们自己We are strong我们的坚强之心。



冰雪奇缘主题曲LetItGo中英文歌词The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I'm the queen;我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过Don't let them in, don't let them see;不让他们走进来,不让他们看到Be the good girl you always have to be;做一个好女孩,一直都要这样Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Can't hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门I don't care what they're going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了It's time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了I'm free;我自由了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行You'll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣Here I stand and here I'll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风I'm never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行And I'll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!。





灰姑娘 - 蒋欣



钢琴谱 Million To One-灰姑娘OST-Cinderella OST 五线谱_共7张

钢琴谱 Million To One-灰姑娘OST-Cinderella OST 五线谱_共7张
歌词下方是Million To One钢琴谱,大家可以学习。
Million To One歌词:
Here I go again I'm imagining a world outside unlike the one I'm in Daydreamin' again of when I'll get a chance There's a world that understands Where you don't hear the whispers in the room you're walkin' in Daydreamin' again all I need is a chance When I feel my fears staring at me I tell it just wait and see I know who I'm gonna be I know who I'm gonna be The world's half asleep It's gonna wake up and see If it's a million to one I'm gonna be that one and If it's a shot in the dark I'm gonna be the sun And I just can't afford to be wrong Even when I'm afraid You're gonna know my name You're gonna know my name I can barely sleep 'Cause my heart is always racing chasing pacing 'round the room Livin' carefully is something I don't wanna do When I feel my fears staring at me I tell it just wait and see I know who I'm gonna be I know who I'm gonna be The world's half asleep It's gonna wake up and see If it's a million to one I'm gonna be that one and If it's a shot in the dark I'm gonna be the sun And I just can't afford to be wrong Even when I'm afraid You're gonna know my name You're gonna know my name I can see her now and then Wanna know what I could be yeah I see her laughin' 'cause she knew all along in her ahead So when the light is hard to see She's telling me If it's a million to one I'm gonna be that one and If it's a shot in the dark I'm gonna be the sun







Verse 1:灰色的沙子在我的鞋子上我漫无目的的走着,因为我不想回到家里生活如此的不可预知我不知道我能在这个世界上找到什么Chorus 1:但是,我相信迷失在诗意中我们能够找到更大的自由从一开始,我感到我走在正确的道路上我要打破我的灰色生活Verse 2:我不会放弃,我绝不气馁我的天使在看着我,他给了我力量和动力我想成为世界上最好的我一直向前迈出坚实的脚步Chorus 2:从来没有一天我没有试着去实现自己的梦想生活可能有点儿困难,但它并不是不妥协我不会只是等待美好的机会Bridge:我要在我的生活中找到杰出的成功我不会去怕马上开始第一步不管到哪儿,我要去更远的地方跟踪属于我的梦想Chorus 3:从来没有一天我没有试着去实现自己的梦想生活可能有点儿困难,但它并不是不妥协我不会只是等待美好的机会Chorus 4:已经看不到回去的路我走在正确的道路上啊从一开始,我感到我走在正确的道路上我要打破我的灰色生活这首歌曲的主题非常清晰,它解释了关于希望、信念和人生的旅程。










冰雪奇缘主题曲英文版歌词欧阳家百(2021.03.07)冰雪奇缘主题曲英文版Let it goLet it goCan’t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorThe snow blows white on the mountain tonightNot a footprint to be seenA kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the Queen The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I triedDon’t let them in, don’t let them seeBe the good girlYou always had to beConceal, don’t feelDon’t let them knowWell, now they knowLet it goLet it goCan’t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I stand, and here I’ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anywayIt’s funny how some distanceMakes everything seem smallAnd the fears that once controlled meCan’t get to me at allUp here in the cold thin airI finally can breatheI know left a life behind but I’m to relieved to grieve Let it goLet it goCan’t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I’ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway Standing frozen in the life I’ve chosenYou won’t find me, the past is so behind me Buried in the snowLet it goLet it goCan’t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I’ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway。

钢琴谱A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart MakesDisney迪士尼伴你入睡

钢琴谱A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart MakesDisney迪士尼伴你入睡
歌词下方是A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes钢琴谱,大家可以学习。
A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes歌词:
A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep In dreams you will lose your heartache Whatever you wish for you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing The dream that you wish will come true A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep In dreams you will lose your heartache Whatever you wish for you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing The dream that you wish will come true
《A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes》是2015年迪士尼电影《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)的主题曲,由英国影 视演员Lily James演唱。
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《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》插曲new classic的中文歌词Ooohh, uh
Oh, Oh
Oh, yeah
Ever tried to reach for something 总不顾一切追求梦想
But it's someone else's dream? 但最后只是痴人说梦
Every step that you take forward 你前进的每一步
Takes you right back where you've been 都将带你回原点
And then when you least expect it 当你整装待发
And you tried about everything 尽一切的努力
Somebody hears your opinion 终有人会听到了你的观点
Somebody cares what you say 终有人会在乎你的意见
You woke me up 你唤醒了我
No longer tired 不知疲倦
With you I feel inspired 有你,我深受鼓舞
You helped me find my fire (uh) 你让我寻得心中的爱火
You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释
You're the new PYT 如新生尤物
Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出
From the driver's seat 一切自我掌控
You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚
When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍
Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它
Let me see you do that, oh 让我来见证吧
Tryin' to do it right 尽力做好一切
No rehearsal, it's your life 不用排练,这是你的人生
When you're doing this crazy dance 当你演绎这段疯狂的舞蹈
Cuz you're makin these crazy plans 就是在做这些疯狂的计划
It's just a dance, not a test 这只是个舞蹈,并非测试
You put in work to be the best (oh) 你只需竭尽全力
It's a classic take on a brand new game 这个全新游戏中的经典Before the needle drops, they're gonna know your name
When it gets old don't lose the love 当我们日渐老去,请不要遗失掉爱You're cold I'll warm you up 我来温暖你的寒冷
Your fire's hot enough, enough, enough, enough, enough
You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释
You're the new PYT 如新生尤物
Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出
And trying everything just to touch your dream 所有的努力只为追逐梦想You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚
When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍
Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它
Let me see you do that 让我来见证吧
It's become so hard 这一切看起来那么艰难
For me to be surprised 而我是如此惊奇
You're bringin back the real me 你让我找回了自我
No judgement in your eyes 你的眼中没有疑惑
Cuz when I dance with you 当我与你起舞
It's how I speak the truth 也是我向你表白的方式
Just classic when we met 你我的相遇成就经典
Now you made me new 我焕然一新
You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释
You're the new PYT 如新生尤物
Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出
From the driver's seat 一切自我掌控
You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚
When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍
Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它
Let me see you do that 让我来见证吧
You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释
You're the new PYT 如新生尤物
Stands for pay young taking on the world 代表青春的付出
From the driver's seat 一切自我掌控
You look so classic, fantastic 你散发着古典美,千娇百媚
When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍
Bring the beat back once more 请再次击退它
Let me see you do that 让我来见证吧
You're the new classic 你赋予经典新的阐释
You're the new PYT 如新生尤物
Stands for paying young and took the chance to believe in me
You look so classic, fantastic你散发着古典美,千娇百媚
When you own that floor 当你有那无形的阻碍
Bring the beat back once more请再次击退它
Let me see you do that, oh让我来见证吧。
