
英语专业 四级/六级真题解析2017英语专八真题答案SECTION A MINI-LECTURE1.signing2.primary3.literacy4.different but complementary5.settling/resolving6.many social contexts7.characteristics/features8.reaction9.distance10.emotion11.deliberate12.intimacy and immediacy13.continuum14.degrees of interactivity15.the usageSECTION B INTERVIEW1.What is international leaders’ assessment of the current battle against Ebola?答案:B. Disheartening.2.How many people are now working in the treatment unit in Liberia?答案:A. 200.3.According to Mary, what is the challenge in the battle against Ebola?答案:D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4.Why do health workers need case management protocol training?答案:B. They can open up more treatment units.5.What does this interview mainly talk about?答案:C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.6.What is Tom’s main role in his new position?答案:D.Creating things from changes in behavior, media, etc.7.According to Tom, what does innovation require of people?答案:B. Being brave and willing to take a risk8.What does Tom see as game-changing chances in the future?答案:B. Aiming at a consumer level.9.What does Tom do first to deal with the toughest part of his work?答案:D. Examining the future carefully.10.Which of the following might Tom work for?答案:A. A media agency.阅读答案11)A:细节题,问第四段前半部分提出什么事实?原文为:Life is rolling along at treacly pace; there is an unnerving stillness to the landscape. C选项在文章中无法得到,选项B(little known)和D选项(stunning)是段落后部分的,因此答案为A选项。

英语专八阅读理解试题附答案2017年英语专八阅读理解试题附答案No trace of wings in the air, but I have been over.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年英语专八阅读理解试题附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!Pageants are usually conceived on a fairly large scale, often under the auspices of some local or civic authority or at any rate in connection with local groups of some kind.This sometimes means that there is an allocation of funds available for the purpose of mounting the production, though unfortunately this will usually be found to be on the meager side and much ingenuity will have to be used to stretch it so that all performers can be adequately clothed.Most pageants have a historical flavour as they usually come about through the celebration of the anniversary of some event of historic importance, or the life or death of some local worthy.Research among archives and books in the public library will probably prove very useful and produce some workable ideas which will give the production an especially local flavour.From the first economy will have to be practiced because there are usually a great number of people to dress.Leading characters can be considered individually in the same way as when designing for a play; but the main body of the performers will need to be planned in groups and the massed effect must be always borne in mind.Many pageants take place in daylight in the open air.This is an entirely different problem from designing costumes which are going to be looked at under artificial lighting; for one thing, scenes viewed in the daylight are subject to many moredistractions.No longer is everything around cut out by the surrounding darkness, but instead it is very easy to be aware of disturbing movement in the audience of behind the performers.Very theatrically conceived clothes do not always look their best when seen in a daylight setting of trees, verdant lawns and old ivy-covered walls; the same goes for costumes being worn in front of the mellow colors of stately homes.The location needs to be studied and then a decision can be made as to what kinds of colors and textures will harmonize best with the surroundings and conditions and then to carry this out as far as possible on the funds available.If money is available to dress the performers without recourse to their own help in the provision of items, it is best to arrange for all the cutting and pinning together of the costumes to be done by one or two experienced people than to be given out to the groups and individuals for completion.When there is little or no money at all, the garments need to be reduced to the basic necessities.Cloaks and shawls become invaluable, sheets and large bath towels and bath sheets are admirable for draping.Unwanted curtains and bed spreads can be cut to make tunics, robes and skirts.These are particularly valuable if they are of heavy fabrics such as velvet or chenille.Colors should be massed together so that there are contrasting groups of dark and light, this will be found to help the visual result substantially.Crowds of people gathered together in a jumble of colors will be ground to look quite purposeless and will lack dramatic impact.The use of numbers of identical head-dresses, however simply made, are always effective when working with groups.If these are made of cardboard and painted boldly the cost can bealmost negligible.Helmets, hats and plumes will all make quite a show even if the costumes are only blandest or sheets cleverly draped.The same can be said of the use of banners, shields and poles with stiff pennants and garlands—anything which will help to have a unifying effect.Any kind of eye-catching device will always go with a flourish and add excitement to the scenes.1.The main idea of this passage is ___________[A]Pageants.[B]Costumes on the stage.[C]Costumes for pageants.[D] How to arrange a pageant.2.It can be inferred that the most important factor in costume design is ___________[A]money.[B]color.[C]harmony[D]texture3.Why will much ingenuity have to be required in costume design?[A]Because pageants take place in daylight in the open air.[B]Because different characters require different costumes.[C]Because the colors and textures must be in harmony with the setting.[D]Because an allocation of the funds available is usually rather small.4.Why do most pageants have a historical flavour?[A]Because most pageants take place for celebration.[B]Many pageants take place for amusement.[C]A lot of pageants take place for religion.[D]Because pageants usually take place for competition.答案:CBBD。

【星火英语版】2017年英语专业八级考试参考答案SECTION A MINI-LECTURE1. signing2. primary3. literacy4. different but complementary5. avoiding6. many other contexts7. characteristics/features8. reaction9. distance10. emotion11. deliberate12. intimacy and immediacy13. continuum14. types of language15. the usageSECTION B INTERVIEW1.What is international leaders’ assessment of the current battle against Ebola?答案:B. Disheartening.2.How many people are now working in the treatment unit in Liberia?答案:A. 200.3.According to Mary, what is the challenge in the battle against Ebola?答案:D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4.Why do health workers need case management protocol training?答案:B. They can open up more treatment units.5.What does this interview mainly talk about?答案:C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.6.What is Tom’s main role in his new position?答案:C. Using media information to inspire new ideas.7.According to Tom, what does innovation require of people?答案:B. Being brave and willing to take a risk8.What does Tom see as game-changing chances in the future?答案:B. Aiming at a consumer level.9.What does Tom do first to deal with the toughest part of his work?答案:D. Examining the future carefully.10.Which of the following might Tom work for?答案:A. A media agency.SECTION A MULTIPLECHOICE QUESTIONSPASSAGE ONE11.The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that .答案:[A]life there is quiet and slow12.“The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to .答案:[C]little knowledge of the beauty of the beach13.The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to .答案:[C]contrast greenery with isolation14.The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the of the seafood there.答案:[D]variety15.Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras.1 and 11?答案:[A]Publicity.PASSAGE TWO16. It can be inferred from Paras.1 and 2 that teachers used to .答案:[D]teach extended reading in a perfunctory way17. The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure” in Para.4 indicates that .答案:[C]we are born story-tellers18. Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as (Para.5). 答案:[B]collaborative19. In Par a.7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of reading because .答案:[C]it can attract students’ attention20. “Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected to fulfill all the following functions EXCEPT .答案:[C]stretching the imaginationPASSAGE THREE21. According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “military training” because they both cultivate youngsters’ .答案:[B]self discipline22. The author cites the example of his father in order to show .答案:[A]the importance of discipline23. According to the author, a national service program can bring the following benefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT .答案:[A]increase in income24. According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?答案:[B]Anger.SECTION B SHORTANSWER QUESTIONS说明:简答题答案不唯一,意思对即可。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年专八英语考试阅读试题及答案详解,希望能给大家带来帮助!The Young GenerationOld people are always saying that the young are not whatthey were. The same comment is made from generation togeneration and it is always true. It has never been truer than it istoday. The young are better educated. They have a lot moremoney to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up morequickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They thinkmore for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of theirelders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly arenothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from theone that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around abit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this isprecisely what the young are doing. They are question the assumptions of their elders anddisturbing their complacency. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery.Wouldn’t people work best if they were given c omplete freedom and responsibility? And whatabout clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convicthaircuts? If we ruin our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can bestbe solved through conventional politics or by violent means, who said that humandifference canbest be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generationso often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in theirpersonal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more materialpossessions? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that isimportant in life?These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the pastforty years or so hasn’t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their eldersfor guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old—if they are prepared to admitit—could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is thatenjoyment is not ‘sinful’. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surelynot wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely notwrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the present is onlyto be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constantthreat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised that they shouldso often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?1. Which of the following features in the young is NOT mentioned?[A] Better educated. [B] More money and freedom.[C] Independence. [D] Hard work.2. What so the young reject most?[A] Values. [B] The assumption of the elders.[C] Conformity. [C] Conventional ideas.3. Why do the young stress on the present?[A] They have grown up under the shadow of the bomb.[B] They dislike the past.[C] They think the present world is the best.[D] They are afraid of destruction.4. What can the old learn from the young generation?[A] Enjoyment is not sinful. [B] People should have more leisure time.[C] Men might enjoy life. [D] One should enjoy one’s work.答案详解:1. D. 艰苦工作。

2017年专业英语八级考试试题及答案(2)28. Which of the following best describes the attitude of other people on the train towards the couple?[A] They regarded the couple as an object of fun.[B] They expressed indifference towards the couple.[C] They were very curious about the couple.[D] They showed friendliness towards the couple.29. Which of the following contains a metaphor?[A] ... like a man waiting in a barber's shop.[B] ... his countenance radiant with benevolence.[C] ... sweeping over the horizon, a precipice.[D] ... as darkly brilliant as the surface of a pool of oil.30. We can infer from the last paragraph that in the dining-car[A] the waiters were snobbish. [B] the couple felt ill at ease.[C] the service was satisfactory. [D] the couple enjoyed their dinner.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGEThere are ten multiple-choice questions in this section.31. The northernmost part of Great Britain is[A] Northern Ireland. [B] Scotland. [C] England. [D] Wales.32. It is generally agreed that were the first Europeans to reach Australia's shores.[A] the French [B] the Germans [C] the British [D] the Dutch33. Which country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf?[A] Canada. [B] New Zealand.[C] Great Britain. [D] The United States of America.34. Who wrote the famous pamphlet, The Common Sense, before the American Revolution?[A] Thomas Jefferson. [B] Thomas Paine.[C] John Adams. [D] Benjamin Franklin.35. Virginia Woolf was an important female ______ in the 20th-century England.[A] poet [B] biographer [C] playwright [D] novelist36. ______ refers to a long narrative poem that records the adventures of a hero in a nation's history.[A] Ballad [B] Romance [C] Epic [D] Elegy37. Which of the following best explores American myth in the 20th century?[A] The Great Gatsby. [B] The Sun Also Rises.[C] The Sound and the Fury. [D] Beyond the Horizon.38. ______ is defined as the study of the relationship between language and mind.[A] Semantics [B] Pragmatics[C] Cognitive linguistics [D] Sociolinguistics39. A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of[A] absence of obstruction. [B] presence of obstruction.[C] manner of articulation. [D] place of articulation.40. The definition "the act of using, or promoting the use of, several languages, either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers" refers to[A] Pidgin. [B] Creole.[C] Multilingualism. [D] Bilingualism.PART IV PROOFREADING &ERROR CORRECTIONPART V TRANSLATIONPART V TRANSLATIONTranslate the underlined part of the following text into English.现代社会无论价值的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。

2017年专业英语八级考试真题及答案PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO interviews. At the end of each interview, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interviews and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now, listen to the first interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the first interview.1. A. Comprehensive. B. Disheartening. C. Encouraging. D. Optimistic.2. A. 200. B. 70. C. 10. D. 500.3. A. Lack of international funding.B. Inadequate training of medical personnel.C. Ineffectiveness of treatment efforts.D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4. A. They can start education programs for local people.B. They can open up more treatment units.C. They can provide proper treatment to patients.D. They can become professional.5. A. Provision of medical facilities.B. Assessment from international agencies.C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.D. Effective treatment of Ebola.Now, listen to the second interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the second interview.6. A. Interpreting the changes from different sources.B. Analyzing changes from the Internet for customers.C. Using media information to inspire new ideas.D. Creating things from changes in behavior, media, etc.7. A. Knowing previous success stories.B. Being brave and willing to take a risk.C. Being sensitive to business data.D. Being aware of what is interesting.8. A. Having people take a risk.B. Aiming at a consumer leek.C. Using messages to do things.D. Focusing on data-based ideas.9. A. Looking for opportunities.B. Considering a starting point.C. Establishing the focal point.D. Examining the future carefully.10.A. A media agency.B. An Internet company.C. A venture capital firm.D. A behavioral study center.PART II READING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are three passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE(1) It’s 7 pm on a balmy Saturday night in June, and I have just ordered my first beer in I Cervejaria, a restaurant in Zambujeira do Mar, one of the prettiest villages on Portugal’s south-west coast. The place is empty, but this doesn’t surprise me at all. I have spent two weeks in this area, driving along empty roads, playing with my son on empty beaches, and staying in B&Bs where we are the only guests.(2) No doubt the restaurant, run by two brothers for the past 28 years, is buzzingin July and August, when Portuguese holidaymakers descend on the Alentejo coast. But for the other 10 months of the year, the trickle of diners who come to feast on fantastically fresh seafood reflects the general pace of life in the Alentejo: sleepy, bordering on comatose.(3) One of the poorest, least-developed, least-populated regions in western Europe, the Alentejo has been dubbed both the Provence and the Tuscany of Portugal. Neither is accurate. Its scenery is not as pretty and, apart from in the capital Evora, its food isn’t as sophisticated. The charms of this land of wheat fields, cork oak forests, wildflower meadows and tiny white-washed villages, are more subtle than in France or Italy’s poster regions.(4) To travel here is to step back in time 40 or 50 years. Life rolls along ata treacly pace; there’s an unnerving stillness to the landscape. But that stillness ends abruptly at the Atlantic Ocean, where there is drama in spades. Protected by the South West Alentejo and Costa Vicentina national park, the 100 km of coastline from Porto Covo in the Alentejo to Burgau in the Algarve is the most stunning in Europe. And yet few people seem to know about it. Walkers come to admire the views from the Fisherman’s Way, surfers to ride the best waves in Europe, but day after day we had spectacular beaches to ourselves.(5) The lack of awareness is partly a matter of accessibility (these beaches are a good two hours’ drive from either Faro or Lisbon airports) and partly to do with a lack of beachside accommodation. There are some gorgeous, independent guesthouses in this area, but they are hidden in valleys or at the end of dirt tracks.(6) Our base was a beautiful 600-acre estate of uncultivated land covered in rock-rose, eucalyptus and wild flowers 13km inland from Zambujeira. Our one-bedroom home, Azenha, was once home to the miller who tended the now-restored watermill next to it. A kilometre away from the main house, pool and restaurant, it is gloriously isolated.(7) Stepping out of the house in the morning to greet our neighbours – wild horses on one side, donkeys on the other – with nothing but birdsong filling the air, I felt a sense of adventure you normally only get with wild camping.(8) “When people first arrive, they feel a little anxious wondering what they are going to do the whole time,” Sarah Gredley, the English owner of estate, told me. “But it doesn’t usually take them long to realise that the whole point of being here is to slow down, to enjoy nature.”(9) We followed her advice, walking down to the stream in search of terrapins and otters, or through clusters of cork oak trees. On some days, we tramped uphill to the windmill, now a romantic house for two, for panoramic views across the estate and beyond.(10) When we ventured out, we were always drawn back to the coast – the gentle sands and shallow bay of Farol beach. At the end of the day, we would head,sandy-footed, to the nearest restaurant, knowing that at every one there would be a cabinet full of fresh seafood to choose from – bass, salmon, lobster, prawns, crabs, goose barnacles, clams … We never ate the same thing twice.(11) A kilometre or so from I Cervejaria, on Zambujeira’s idyllic natural harbour is O Sacas, originally built to feed the fishermen but now popular with everyone. After scarfing platefuls of seafood on the terrace, we wandered down to the harbour where two fishermen, in wetsuits, were setting out by boat across the clear turquoise water to collect goose barnacles. Other than them, the place was deserted – just another empty beauty spot where I wondered for the hundredth time that week how this pristine stretch of coast has remained so undiscovered.11.The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that ______.A.life there is quiet and slowB.the place is little knownC.the place is least populatedD.there are stunning views12.“The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to ______.A.different holidaying preferencesB.difficulty of finding accommodationC.little knowledge of the beauty of the beachD.long distance from the airports13.The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to ______.A.describe the scenery outside the houseB.show appreciation of the surroundingsC.contrast greenery with isolationD.praise the region’s unique feature14.The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the ______of the seafood there.A.freshnessB.delicacyC.tasteD.variety15.Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras. 1 and 11?A.Publicity.ndscape.C.Seafood.D.Accommodation.PASSAGE TWO(1) I can still remember the faces when I suggested a method of dealing with what most teachers of English considered one of their pet horrors, extended reading. The room was full of tired teachers, and many were quite cynical about the offer to work together to create a new and dynamic approach to the place of stories in the classroom.(2) They had seen promises come and go and mere words weren't going to convince them, which was a shame as it was mere words that we were principally dealing with. Most teachers were unimpressed by the extended reading challenge from the Ministry, and their lack of enthusiasm for the rather dry list of suggested tales was passed on to their students and everyone was pleased when that part of the syllabus was over. It was simply a box ticking exercise. We needed to do something more. We neededa very different approach.(3) That was ten years ago. Now we have a different approach, and it works. Here’s how it happened (or, like most good stories, here are the main parts. You have to fill in some of yourself employing that underused classroom device, the imagination.) We started with three main precepts:(4) First, it is important to realize that all of us are storytellers, tellers of tales. We all have our own narratives – the real stories such as what happened to us this morning or last night, and the ones we have been told by others and we haven’t experienced personally. We could say that our entire lives are constructed as narratives. As a result we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure. Binary opposites – for example, the tension created between good and bad together with the resolution of that tension through the intervention of time, resourcefulness and virtue – is a concept understood by even the youngest children. Professor Kieran Egan, in his seminal book ‘Teaching as Storytelling’ warns us not to ignore this innate skill, for it is a remarkable tool for learning.(5) We need to understand that writing and reading are two sides of the same coin: an author has not completed the task if the book is not read: the creative circle is not complete without the reader, who will supply their own creative input to the process. Samuel Johnson said: A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it. In teaching terms, we often forget that reading itself can be a creative process, just as writing is, and we too often relegate it to a means of data collection. We frequently forget to make that distinction when presenting narratives or poetry, and often ask comprehension questions which relate to factual information – who said what and when, rather than speculating on ‘why’, for example, or examining the context of the action.(6) The third part of the reasoning that we adopted relates to the need to engage the students as readers in their own right, not as simply as language learners; learning the language is part of the process, not the reason for reading. What they read must become theirs and have its own special and secret life in their heads, a place where teachers can only go if invited.(7) We quickly found that one of the most important ways of making all the foregoing happen was to engage the creative talents of the class before they read a word of the text. The pre-reading activities become the most important part of the teaching process; the actual reading part can almost be seen as the cream on the cake, and the principle aim of pre-reading activities is to get students to want to read the text. We developed a series of activities which uses clues or fragments from the text yet to be read, and which rely on the student’s innate knowledge of narrative, so that they can to build their own stories before they read the key text. They have enough information to generate ideas but not so much that it becomes simply an exercise in guided writing; releasing a free imagination is the objective.(8) Moving from pre-reading to reading, we may introduce textual intervention activities. ‘Textual Intervention’ is a term used by Rob Pope to describe the process of questioning a text not simply as a guide to comprehension but as a way of exploring the context of the story at any one time, and examining points at which the narrative presents choices, points of divergence, or narrative crossroads. We don’t do this for all texts, however, as the shorter ones do not seem to gain much from this process and it simply breaks up the reading pleasure.(9) Follow-up activities are needed, at the least, to round off the activity, to bring some sense of closure but they also offer an opportunity to link the reading experience more directly to the requirements of the syllabus. Indeed, the story may have been chosen in the first place because the context supports one of the themes that teachers are required to examine as part of the syllabus – for example, ‘families’, ‘science and technology’, ‘communications’, ‘the environment’and all the other familiar themes. There are very few stories that can’t be explored without some part of the syllabus being supported. For many teachers this is an essential requirement if they are to engage in such extensive reading at all.(10) The whole process – pre-, while and post reading – could be just an hour’s activity, or it could last for more than one lesson. When we are designing the materials for exploring stories clearly it is isn’t possible for us to know how much time any teacher will have available, which is why we construct the activities into a series of independent units which we call kits. They are called kits because we expect teachers to build their own lessons out of the materials we provide, which implies that large amounts may be discarded. What we do ask, though, is that the pre-reading activities be included, if nothing else. That is essential for the process to engage the student as a creative reader..(11) One of the purposes of encouraging a creative reading approach in the language classroom is to do with the dynamics we perceive in the classroom. Strategictheorists tell us of the social trinity, whereby three elements are required to achieve a dynamic in any social situation. In the language classroom these might be seen as consisting of the student, the teacher and the language. Certainly from the perspective of the student – and usually from the perspective of the teacher – the relationship is an unequal one, with the language being perceived as placed closer to the teacher than the student. This will result in less dynamic between language and student than between language and teacher. However, if we replace ‘language’ with narrative and especially if that is approached as a creative process that draws the student in so that they feel they ‘own’ the relationship with the text, then this will shift the dynamic in the classroom so that the student, who has now become a reader, is much closer to the language – or narrative – than previously. This creates a much more effective dynamic of learning. However, some teachers feel threatened by this apparent loss of overall control and mastery. Indeed, the whole business of open ended creativity and a lack of boxes to tick for the correct answer is quite unsettling territory for some to find themselves in.16.It can be inferred from Paras. 1 and 2 that teachers used to ______.A.oppose strongly the teaching of extended readingB.be confused over how to teach extended readingC.be against adopting new methods of teachingD.teach extended reading in a perfunctory way17.The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure”in Para. 4 indicates that ______.A.we are good at telling storiesB.we all like telling storiesC.we are born story-tellersD.we all like listening to stories18.Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as ______(Para. 5).A.independentB.collaborativeC.contradictoryD.reciprocal19.In Para. 7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of readingbecause _____.A.it encourages students’ imaginationB.it lays a good foundation for readingC.it can attract students’ attentionD.it provides clues to the text to be read20.“Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected tofulfill all the following functions EXCEPT ______.A.exploring the contextB.interpreting ambiguitiesC.stretching the imaginationD.examining the structurePASSAGE THREE(1) Once again, seething, residual anger has burst forth in an American city. And the riots that overtook Los Angeles were a reminder of what knowledgeable observers have been saying for a quarter century: America will continue paying a high price in civil and ethnic unrest unless the nation commits itself to programs that help the urban poor lead productive and respectable lives.(2) Once again, a proven program is worth pondering: national service.(3) Somewhat akin to the military training that generations of American males received in the armed forces, a 1990s version would prepare thousands of unemployable and undereducated young adults for quality lives in our increasingly global and technology-driven economy. National service opportunities would be available to any who needed it and, make no mistake, the problems are now so structural, to intractable, that any solution will require massive federal intervention.(4) In his much quoted book, “The Truly Disadvantaged,” sociologist William Julius Wilson wrote that “only a major program of economic reform” will prevent the riot-prone urban underclass from being permanently locked out of American economic life. Today, we simply have no choice. The enemy within and among our separate ethnic selves is as daunting as any foreign foe.(5) Families who are rent apart by welfare dependency, job discrimination and intense feelings of alienation have produces minority teenagers with very little self-discipline and little faith that good grades and the American work ethic will pay off. A military-like environment for them with practical domestic objectives could produce startling results.(6) Military service has been the most successful career training program we’ve ever known, and American children born in the years since the all-volunteer Army was instituted make up a large proportion of this targeted group. But this opportunity may disappear forever if too many of our military bases are summarily closed and converted or sold to the private sector. The facilities, manpower, traditions, and capacity are already in place.(7) Don’t dismantle it: rechannel it.(8) Discipline is a cornerstone of any responsible citizen’s life. I was taught it by my father, who was a policeman. May of the rioters have never had any at all. As an athlete and former Army officer, I know that discipline can be learned. More importantly, it must be learned or it doesn’t take hold.(9) A precedent for this approach was the Civilian Conservation Corps that worked so well during the Great Depression. My father enlisted in the CCC as a young man with an elementary school education and he learned invaluable skills that served him well throughout his life. The key was that a job was waiting for him when he finished. The certainty of that first entry-level position is essential if severely alienated young minority men and women are to keep the faith.(10) We all know these are difficult times for the public sector, but here’s the chance to add energetic and able manpower to America’s workforce. They could be prepared for the world of work or college – an offer similar to that made to returning GI after Word War II. It would be a chance for 16- to 21-year-olds to live among other cultures, religions, races and in different geographical areas. And these young people could be taught to rally around common goals and friendships that evolve out of pride in one’s squad, platoon, company, battalion – or commander.(11) We saw such images during the Persian Gulf War and during the NACC Final Four basketball games. In military life and competitive sports, this camaraderie doesn’t just happen; it is taught and learned in an atmosphere of discipline and earned mutual respect for each other’s capabilities.(12) A national service program would also help overcome two damaging perceptions held by America’s disaffected youth: the society just doesn’t care about minority youngsters and that one’s personal best efforts will not be rewarded in our discriminatory job market. Harvard professor Robert Reich’s research has shown that urban social ills are so pervasive that the upper 20 percent of Americans – the “fortunate fifth” as he calls them – have decided quietly to “secede”from the bottom four-fifths and the lowest fifth in particular. We cannot accept such estrangement on a permanent basis. And what better way to answer skeptics from any group than by certifying the technical skills of graduates from a national service training program?(13) Now, we must act decisively to forestall future urban unrest. Republicans must put aside their aversion to funding programs aimed at certain cultural groups. Democrats must forget labels and recognize that a geographically isolated subgroup of Americans – their children in particular – need systematic and substantive assistance for at least another 20 years.(14) The ethnic taproots of minority Americans are deeply buried in a soil of faith and loyalty to traditional values. With its emphasis on discipline, teamwork, conflict resolution, personal responsibility and marketable skills development, national service can provide both the training and that vital first job that will reconnect these Americans to the rest of us. Let’s do it before the fire next time.21.According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “militarytraining” because they both cultivate youngsters’ ______.A.good gradesB.self disciplineC.mutual trustD.work ethic22.The author cites the example of his father in order to show ______.A.the importance of disciplineB.the importance of educationC.the necessity of having strong faithD.the effectiveness of the program23.According to the author, a national service program can bring the followingbenefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT ______.A.increase in incomeB. a sense of responsibilityC.confidence and hopeD.practical work skills24.According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?A.Discrimination.B.Anger.C.Riots.D.Aversion.SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSIn this section there are eight short answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each question in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE25.What does Para. 2 tell us about the restaurant business on the Alentejo coastthroughout the year?26.According to Para. 5, what are the two main reasons of the Alentejo’sinaccessibility?PASSAGE TWO27.What does “It was simply a box ticking exercise” mean in Para. 2?28.Paras. 4-6 propose three main precepts for the now approach. Please use ONEphrase to summarize each of the three precepts.29.What does the author suggest to shift the dynamic in the classroom (Para. 11)?PASSAGE THREE30.What is the purpose of the program proposed by the author (Paras. 1-3)?31.What does the word “it” in “Don’t dismantle it: rechannel it.” refer to(Para. 7)?32.What do Robert Reich’s findings imply (Para. 12)?PART III LANGUAGE USAGEThe passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proof-read the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one inthe blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” signand write the word you believe to be missing in theblank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.ExampleWhen∧art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) an__________it never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never__________them on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibit__________Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.PART IV TRANSLATIONTranslate the underlined part of the following text from Chinese into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.我小的时候特别盼望过年,往往是一过了腊月,就开始掰着指头数日子。

【星⽕英语版】2017年专⼋考试参考答案【星⽕英语版】2017年英语专业⼋级考试参考答案SECTION A MINI-LECTURE1. signing2. primary3. literacy4. different but complementary5. avoiding6. many other contexts7. characteristics/features8. reaction9. distance10. emotion11. deliberate12. intimacy and immediacy13. continuum14. types of language15. the usageSECTION B INTERVIEW1.What is international leaders’ assessment of the current battleagainst Ebola?答案:B. Disheartening.2.How many people are now working in the treatment unit in Liberia?答案:A. 200.3.According to Mary, what is the challenge in the battle against Ebola?答案:D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4.Why do health workers need case management protocol training?答案:B. They can open up more treatment units.5.What does this interview mainly talk about?答案:C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.6.What is Tom’s main role in his new position?答案:C. Using media information to inspire new ideas.7.According to Tom, what does innovation require of people?答案:B. Being brave and willing to take a risk8.What does T om see as game-changing chances in the future?答案:B. Aiming at a consumer level.9.What does T om do first to deal with the toughest part of his work?答案:D. Examining the future carefully.10.Which of the following might Tom work for?答案:A. A media agency.SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSPASSAGE ONE11. The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that .答案:[A] life there is quiet and slow12. “The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to .答案:[C]little knowledge of the beauty of the beach13. The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to .答案:[C]contrast greenery with isolation14. The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the of the seafood there.答案:[D]variety15. Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras.1 and 11?答案:[A]Publicity.PASSAGE TWO16. It can be inferred from Paras.1 and 2 that teachers used to .答案:[D]teach extended reading in a perfunctory way17. The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure” in Para.4 indicates that .答案:[C]we are born story-tellers18. Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as (Para.5).答案:[B]collaborative19. In Para.7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of reading because .答案:[C]it can attract students’ attention20. “Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected to fulfill all the following functions EXCEPT .答案:[C]stretching the imaginationPASSAGE THREE21. According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “military training” because they both cultivate youngsters’ .答案:[B]self discipline22. The author cites the example of his father in order to show .答案:[A]the importance of discipline23. According to the author, a national service program can bring the following benefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT .答案:[A]increase in income24. According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?答案:[B]Anger.SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS说明:简答题答案不唯⼀,意思对即可。

【星⽕英语版】2017年专业⼋级考试参考答案PartⅠ LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTURE1. signing2. primary3. literacy4. different but complementary5. avoiding6. many other contexts7. characteristics/features8. reaction9. distance10. emotion11. deliberate12. intimacy and immediacy13. continuum14. types of language15. the usageSECTION B INTERVIEW1. What is international leaders’ assessment of the current battle against Ebola?答案:B. Disheartening.2. How many people are now working in the treatment unit in Liberia?答案:A. 200.3. According to Mary, what is the challenge in the battle against Ebola?答案:D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4. Why do health workers need case management protocol training?答案:B. They can open up more treatment units.5. What does this interview mainly talk about?答案:C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.6. What is Tom’s main role in his new position?答案:C. Using media information to inspire new ideas.7. According to Tom, what does innovation require of people?答案:B. Being brave and willing to take a risk8. What does Tom see as game-changing chances in the future?答案:B. Aiming at a consumer level.9. What does Tom do first to deal with the toughest part of his work?答案:D. Examining the future carefully.10. Which of the following might Tom work for?答案:A. A media agency.PartⅡ READING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MULTIPLECHOICE QUESTIONSPASSAGE ONE11. The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that____________ .答案:[A] life there is quiet and slow12. “The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to _________.答案:[C]little knowledge of the beauty of the beach13. The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to _________.答案:[C]contrast greenery with isolation14. The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the of the seafood there.答案:[D]variety15. Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras.1 and 11?答案:[A]Publicity.PASSAGE TWO16. It can be inferred from Paras.1 and 2 that teachers used to _________.答案:[D]teach extended reading in a perfunctory way17. The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure” in Para.4 indicates that _________.答案:[C]we are born story-tellers18. Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as (Para.5).答案:[B]collaborative19. In Para.7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of reading because ________.答案:[C]it can attract students’ attention20. “Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected to fulfill all the following functions EXCEPT_________ .答案:[C]stretching the imaginationPASSAGE THREE21. According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “military training” because they both cultivate youngsters’__________ .答案:[B]self discipline22. The author cites the example of his father in order to show_________ .答案:[A]the importance of discipline23. According to the author, a national service program can bring the following benefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT __________.答案:[A]increase in income24. According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?答案:[B]Anger.SECTION B SHORTANSWER QUESTIONS即可。

2017年专业英语八级真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION 2. READING COMPREHENSION 3. LANGUAGE USAGE 4. TRANSLATION 5. WRITINGPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.听力原文:The Modes of Language Good morning, everyone! In our last lecture, I was talking about language as part of our semiotic system, and today I am going to move onto another topic. That is, the modes of language. As you may know, messages are transmitted in human language most frequently through two primary modes: speech and writing. Well, you know that there is also a third mode, which is not that frequently used as speech and writing. The third mode is called signing, which is used by deaf people. But in today’s lecture we will just focus on speech and writing, and specific features of these two modes. In linguistics, it is commonly noted that speech is primary and writing secondary. Linguists take this position because all languages are spoken, except those dead languages such as Latin, which is only existing in written form All children will naturally acquire the spoken version of a language if they are exposed to it They acquire the spoken form of their mother tongue during the formative period of language acquisition. However, to become literate, a child will need some kind of formal schooling in reading and writing. In many respects, we may call speech “primary” and writing “secondary”. It implies that writing has a second-class status when compared with speech. In fact, it is more accurate to view the two modes as having different but complementary roles. For instance, in most legal systems, while an oral contract is legally binding, a written contract is preferred. The reason is simple: unlike speech, writing provides a permanent record of the contract. Thus, if the terms of the contract are disputed, the written record of the contract can be consulted and interpreted. Disputes over an oral contract will involve one person’s recollection of the contract versus another person’s. While, writing may be the preferred mode for a contract, in many other contexts, speech will be more appropriate. Because the most common type of speech —face-to-face conversations —is highly interactive, this mode is well suited to many social contexts: such as casual conversations over lunch, business transactions in a grocery store, discussions between students and teachers in a classroom. And in these contexts, interactive dialogues have many advantages over writing. For instance, individuals engaged in conversation can ask for immediate clarification if there is aquestion about something said: in a letter to a friend, in contrast, such immediacy is lacking. When speaking to one another, speakers are face to face and can therefore see how individuals react to what is said. On the other hand, writing creates distance between writer and reader, preventing the writer from getting any immediate reaction from the reader. Speech is oral, thus making it possible to use intonation to emphasize words or phrases and express emotion. Of course, one might say that writing has punctuation: well, it can express only a small proportion of the features that intonation has. Because speech is created “on-line,” it is produced quickly and easily. This may result in many “ungrammatical”constructions, but rarely do these rough sentences cause miscommunications. You know, if there is a misunderstanding, it can be easily corrected. On the contrary, writing is much more deliberate. It requires planning, editing and thus taking much more time to produce on the part of the writer. Because of all of these characteristics of writing, if an individual desires a casual, intimate encounter with a friend, he or she is more likely to meet personally than write a letter. In this case, writing a letter to a friend might turn out to be too formal. Of course, in today’s world, the highly developed technology has made such encounters possible with “instant messaging”, over a computer or a smartphone. And if someone wishes to have such an encounter with a friend living many miles away, then this kind of on-line written “chat”can mimic a face-to-face conversation. But because such conversations are a hybrid of speech and writing, they still lack the intimacy and immediacy of a face-to-face conversation. While speech and writing are often viewed as discrete modes, it is important for us to note that there is a continuum between speech and writing. While speech is in general more interactive than writing, various kinds of spoken and written English display various degrees of interactivity. For instance, various linguistic markers of interactive discourse such as first and second person pronouns, contractions, and private verbs such as think and feel, occurred very frequently in telephone and face-to-face conversations but less frequently in spontaneous speeches, interviews, and broadcasts. In addition, some kinds of writing, such as academic prose and official documents, exhibited few markers of interactive discourse, but other kinds of written texts, particularly personal letters, ranked higher on the scale of interactivity than many of the spoken texts. In other words, how language is structured depends less on whether it is spoken or written but more on how it is being used. For example, a personal letter, even though it is written, will contain linguistic features marking interactivity because the writer of a letter wishes to interact with the receiver of the letter. On the other hand, in an interview, the goal is not to interact necessarily but to get information from the person being interviewed. Therefore, though interviews are spoken, they have fewer markers of interactivity and contain more features typically associated with written texts. OK, to sum up, we have been dealing with the modes of language in today’s lecture. The two most frequently used modes are speech and writing. As two different modes of language, speech and writing, have their own characteristics. Speech is a preferred mode in many social contexts while interactivity is needed. Of course, when a formal, stable record is preferred, writing should be an appropriate mode. Finally, I have also emphasized that there is a continuum between speech and writing. In the followinglecture, we will concentrate on the linguistic structure of language. Thank you.The Modes of LanguageThree modes of language speech writing 【T1】______【T1】______Speech and writing speech is considered【T2】______ because【T2】______—all languages are spoken—children acquire spoken language first—【T3】______ requires reading and writing【T3】______ speech and writing have【T4】______ roles【T4】______—legal contracts are written for- providing permanent records-【T5】______disputes over oral contracts【T5】______ speech is more appropriate in【T6】______【T6】______—face-to-face casual conversations —business transactions in stores—discussions in a classroom 【T7】______of speech and writing【T7】______—immediate clarification in speech—visible【T8】______in conversation【T8】______—sense of【T9】______in writing【T9】______—use of intonation to express【T10】______【T10】______—writing seen to be more【T11】______【T11】______—lack of【T12】______ in on-line written “chat”【T12】______ 【T13】______ between speech and writing【T13】______—linguistic markers of interactivity vary with【T14】______【T14】______—how language is structured depends more on【T15】______【T15】______ConclusionAs two different modes of language, speech and writing have their own characteristics.1.【T1】正确答案:signing解析:讲座开篇部分提到了语言的三种模式(mode),除口语(speech)和书面语(writing)外就是失聪人士用的“手语”(signing)。

PartⅠ LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE 1. signing 2. primary 3. literacy 4. different but complementary 5. avoiding 6. many other contexts 7. characteristics/features 8. reaction 9. distance 10. emotion 11. deliberate 12. intimacy and immediacy 13. continuum 14. types of language 15. the usage SECTION B INTERVIEW 1. What is international leaders’ assessment of the current battle against Ebola? 答案:B. Disheartening. 2.How many people are now working in the treatment unit in Liberia? 答案:A. 200. 3.According to Mary, what is the challenge in the battle against Ebola? 答案:D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground. 4.Why do health workers need case management protocol training? 答案:B. They can open up more treatment units. 5.What does this interview mainly talk about? 答案:C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts. 6.What is Tom’s main role in his new position? 答案:C. Using media information to inspire new ideas. 7.According to Tom, what does innovation require of people? 答案:B. Being brave and willing to take a risk 8.What does Tom see as game-changing chances in the future? 答案:B. Aiming at a consumer level. 9.What does Tom do first to deal with the toughest part of his work? 答案:D. Examining the future carefully. 10.Which of the following might Tom work for? 答案:A. A media agency. PartⅡ READING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS PASSAGE ONE 11. The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that . 答案:[A] life there is quiet and slow 12. “The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to . 答案:[C]little knowledge of the beauty of the beach 13. The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to. 答案:[C]contrast greenery with isolation 14. The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the of the seafood there. 答案:[D]variety 15. Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras.1 and 11? 答案:[A]Publicity. PASSAGE TWO 16. It can be inferred from Paras.1 and 2 that teachers used to . 答案:[D]teach extended reading in a perfunctory way 17. The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure” in Para.4 indicates that. 答案:[C]we are born story-tellers 18. Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as (Para.5). 答案:[B]collaborative 19. In Para.7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of reading because . 答案:[C]it can attract students’ attention 20. “Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para.8) is expected to fulfill all the following functions EXCEPT. 答案:[C]stretching the imagination PASSAGE THREE 21. According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “military training” because they both cultivate youngsters’ 答案:[B]self discipline 22. The author cites the example of his father in order to show . 答案:[A]the importance of discipline 23. According to the author, a national service program can bring the following benefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT. 答案:[A]increase in income 24. According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)? 答案:[B]Anger. SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (说明:简答题答案不,意思对即可。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的17年英语专八考试阅读题及答案,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!Exploration on the Origin of ContinentsThe origin of continental nuclei has long been a puzzle.Theories advanced so far have generally failed to explain the firststep in continent growth, or have been subject to seriousobjections. It is the purpose of this article to examine thepossible role of the impact of large meteorites or asteroids in theproduction of continental nuclei. Unfortunately, the geologicalevolution of the Earth’s surface has had an obliterating effect onthe original composition and structure of the continents to such an extent that further terrestrialinvestigations have small chance of arriving at an unambiguous answer to the question ofcontinental origin. Paradoxically, clues to the origin and early history of the surface features of theEarth may be found on the Moon and planets, rather than on the Earth, because some of thesebodies appear to have had a much less active geological history. As a result, relatively primitivesurface features are preserved for study and analysis. In the case of both the Moon and Mars, it isgenerally concluded from the appearance of their heavily cratered surfaces that they have beensubjected to bombardment by large meteoroids during their geological history. Likewise, it wouldappear a reasonable hypothesis that the Earth has also been subjected to meteoroidbombardment in the past, and that very large bodies struck the Earth early in its geologicalhistory.The large crater on the Moon listed by Baldwin has adiameter of 285 km. However, if weaccept the hypotheses of formation of some of the mare basins by impact, the maximum lunarimpact crater diameter is probably as large as 650km. Based on a lunar analogy, one might expectseveral impact craters of at least 500km diameter to have been formed on Earth. By applyingBaldwin’s equation, the depth of such a c rater should be about 20km. Baldwin admits that hisequation gives excessive depths for large craters so that the actual depth should be somewhatsmaller. Based on the measured depth of smaller lunar crater. Baldwin’s equation gives the depth ofthe zone of brecciation for such a crater as about 75km. The plasticity of the Earth’s mantle at thedepth makes it impossible to speak of “bracciation” in the usual sense. However, local stresses maybe temporarily sustained at that depth, as shown by the existence of deep-focus earthquakes.Thus, short-term effects might be expected to a depth of more than 50km in the mantle.Even without knowing the precise effects, there is little doubt that the formation of a 500-km crater would be a major geological event. Numerous authors have considered the geologicalimplications of such an event. Donn et al. have, for example, called on the impact of continent-sizebodies of sialic composition to from the original continents. Two major difficulties inherent in thisconcept are the lack of any known sialic meteorites, and the high probability that the energy ofimpact would result in a wide dissemination of sialic material, rather than its concentration at thepoint of impact.Gilvarry, on the other hand, called on meteoroid impact to explain the production of oceanbasins. The major difficulties with this model are that the morphology of most of the ocean basinsis not consistent with impact, and that the origin and growth ofcontinents is not adequatelyexplained.We agree with Donn at al. that the impact of large meteorites or asteroids may havecaused continent formation, but would rather think in terms of the localized addition of energy tothe system, rather than in terms of the addition of actual sialic material.1. A mare basin is[A] a formula for determining the relationship between the depth and width of craters.[B] a valley that is filled in when a spatial body has impact with the moon or the earth.[C] a planetoid (small planet) created when a meteorite, upon striking the moon, breaks off a partof the moon.[D] a dark spot on the moon, once supposed to be a sea, nowa plain.2. The writer does not believe that[A] an asteroid is larger than a meteorite.[B] material from space, upon hitting the earth, was eventually distributed.[C] the earth, at one time, had craters.[D] ocean were formerly craters.3. The article is primarily concerned with[A] the origin of continents.[B] the relationship between astral phenomena and the moon.[C] differences of opinion among authoritative geologists.[D] the relationship between asteroids and meteorites.4. Sialic material refers to[A] the broken rock resulting from the impact of a meteorite against the earth.[B] material that exists on planets other than the earth.[C] a composite of rock typical of continental areas of the earth.[D] material that is man-made to simulate materials that existed far back in geological history.答案详解:1. D. 是月球上的一个黑点,一度认识是海,现在知道是平原。

QUESTION BOOKLETTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2017) -GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 150 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION[25 MIN]SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO interviews. At the end of each interview, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interviews and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now, listen to the first interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the first interview.1. A. Comprehensive. B. Disheartening. C. Encouraging. D. Optimistic.2. A. 200. B. 70. C. 10. D. 500.试卷用后随即销毁。

2017英语专八真题答案及解析1.There are two ( ) and three ( )on the table. [单选题] *A.apple;bananaB.apples;bananaC.apples;bananas(正确答案)D.apple;bananas2.( )cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. [单选题] *A.NotB.Don't(正确答案)C.Doesn'tD.Won't3. Would you mind not ( ) here? [单选题] *A.smoking(正确答案)B. smokeC.smokedD. smokes4. How about ( ) with us to the Great [单选题] *eesing(正确答案)5. ---I' m sorry I can' t follow you. Would you mind saying it again? --( ). [单选题] *A.I' ve no idea.B.No,of course not.(正确答案)C.Yes, I would not.D.Yes, I would.6. -Would you like to go swimming with me tomorrow?( ) [单选题] *A.Never mind.B.Sorry, I will.C.It depends.(正确答案)D.It doesn't matter.7.He( ) walks to school,because he lives near school. [单选题] *A.sometimes(正确答案)B.neverC.doesn'tD.don't8.Among these coats, I like the green one ( ) [单选题] *A.manyB.most(正确答案)C.more9.Gent’sRoom [单选题] *A.A(正确答案)B.BC.CD.D10.-The weather is very good.Let’s go to the seaside.--( ). [单选题] *A.Have fun.B.Not reallyC.Sounds good(正确答案)D.Not at all11.Hurry up,or we’ll( ) class. [单选题] *A.be late for(正确答案)te forte withD.be late with12..I hope Tom will arrive( ) to attend the meeting. [单选题] *A.in timesB.on time(正确答案)C.at timesD.from time to time13. -What' s your plan for this afternoon? -( ). [单选题] *A.It' s his planB.I have no idea(正确答案)C.Good idea.D.Sorry, I can' t.14. --__________-It's $20. ( ). [单选题] *A.How are you?B.How much is it?(正确答案)C. What color is it?D. How long is it?15.–Hello, could I speak to Jim Smith?( ) [单选题] *A. Who are you?B.I have no time.C.Can I take a message?D.This is Jim speaking.(正确答案)16.She ( )So much ( )her mother. [单选题] *A.looks;like(正确答案)B.looks;forC.looks;afterD.looks forwards;to17.The bookstore is far away.You'd better( ) the subway. [单选题] *A.sitB.take(正确答案)C.missD.get18. Last week, my four-year-old sister, Sally,( ) to a children's party [单选题] *A.was invited(正确答案)B.invitedC.will inviteD.will be invited19.There ( ) forty students in my class. [单选题] *A.isB.are(正确答案)C.amD.was20.Mary ( )math. [单选题] *A.is good at(正确答案)B.do well inC.is good forD.is good with21. -What do you think of your school?( )( ) [单选题] *A.Very beautiful.(正确答案)B.Sorry.C. Very well.D.With pleasure.22. -May I take your order now?( ) [单选题] *A.No, my affairs are in order.B.No, I don't eat meat.C. Yes, I'd like a dish of chicken.(正确答案)D.Yes, we soldiers must obey orders.23.—Oh , I can’t find my suitcase[旅行箱] . Where can I find it?—You can find it at the( ). [单选题] *A.A(正确答案)B.BC.CD.D24.Jenny,what's your favorite( )-I like peaches best. [单选题] *A.fruit(正确答案)B.vegetablesC.drinkD.plants25. -Excuse me, is this your umbrella?-No, it' s not mine. It's ( ). [单选题] *A.heB. his(正确答案)C. himD.himself »ft26. Don't just believe the advertisement. That medicine is ( ) it says. [单选题] *A.as good asB. not as good as(正确答案)C. as well asD.not as well as27.Today we are going to learn ( ) lesson. [单选题] *A.nineB.the nineC.ninthD.the ninth(正确答案)28.-If it doesn' t rain, let' s go out for a walk this evening.( ) [单选题] *A.I'd love to, but I have to look after my baby.(正确答案)B.I don't want to go.C.It's nothing.D.It doesn't matter.29. Remember to send me a photo of us when you ( ) to me next time. [单选题] *A.are writingB.will writeC.has writtenD.write(正确答案)30.Can you say something about ( )? [单选题] *A.yourself(正确答案)B.youC.yourD.yours31.He was very tired,So he stopped( ) a rest. [单选题] *A.to have(正确答案)B.havingC.haveD.had32.Professor Black will give us ( ) on our grammar study. [单选题] *A.an adviceB.some advice(正确答案)C.some advicesD.a lot of advices33.Could you tell me something( ) yourself? [单选题] *A.forB.about(正确答案)C.asD.like34. What ( ) you do last night? [单选题] *A.doneB.did(正确答案)C.doD.does35.-I can't watch TV after school.一-I can't,( ) [单选题] *A.alsoB.tooC.either(正确答案)D.so36.Our teacher was very happy because ( )failed the exam. [单选题] *A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobody(正确答案)D.everybody37.It took me two weeks ( )reading the novels written by Guo Jingming. [单选题] *A.finishB.to finish(正确答案)C.finishesD.finishing38.---____________does Wang Han do?-He is a doctor. [单选题] *A.HowB.WhichC.WhereD.What(正确答案)39. Japanese ( ) in every country. [单选题] *A. is not spoken(正确答案)B. are spokenC. is speakingD. is not speaking40. -How many apples do you want? - ( ). [单选题] *A. 2 yuan a kilo. It' s on sale now.B.I' ll take 5 kilos.(正确答案)C.It' s fiveD.It' s too expensive41.-It' s hot today. Why not go for a swim?--.Let's go. ( ) [单选题] *A.Good idea.(正确答案)B.That' s right.C.Not at all.D. Well done42.. His new book ( ) next month. [单选题] *A.will be published(正确答案)B. is publishingC. is being publishedD.has been published43.-Can I get you a cup of coffee?( ) [单选题] *A.I don't take sugar, thank you.B.That’s very kind of you.(正确答案)C.You can, please.D.Thank you for the coffee.44. Do you often watch the evening news ( ) TV? [单选题] *A.on(正确答案)B.byC.inD.with45.-I think Ma Lin will win the next World Cup. --( ).I think Wang Hao will be the winner. [单选题] *A.I hope so.B.I don't think so.(正确答案)C.It's a pity.D.It doesn't matter.46.The news is( ) We are all( ) at it. [单选题] *A.exciting;excited(正确答案)B.excited;excitingC.exciting;excitingD.excited;excited47.I will ( )at the school gate. [单选题] *A.pick you up(正确答案)B.pick up youC.pick you outD.pick out you48.[阅读理解]Australia is the greatest island in the world.It is to the south of the equator(赤道). So when it is summer in our country, it is cold winter in Australia. Australia is big, but the population there is thin. The population is the same as that of Shanghai, a city of China. Australia is a young and diverse(多样性的) nation and Australian people come from many different countries.Australia has many sheep. After a short drive from town, you will see sheep around you. You can also find kangaroo has a “bag” below its chest. The mother kangaroo keeps its baby in the “bag”.Australia is considered to be a relaxed, informal society. When greeting others, students and young people say “Hello” or “Hi”. Sometimes they will say “How's it going?” or “Good day”.In more formal situations they usually shake hands the first time they meet.“Good morning”,“Good afternoon” or “Pleased to meet you” are formal greetings. English is Australia's national language.(1).单选题Australia has the same population as ( ). [单选题] *A.Shanghai(正确答案)B.ChinaC.BeijingD.Japan(2).单选题When Australia people meet for the first time, they will ( ). [单选题] *A.kiss each otherB.hug each otherC.nod head to othersD.shake hands(正确答案)(3).单选题When it is summer in Australia, it is ( ) in China. [单选题] *A.SpringB.autumnC.winter(正确答案)D.summer。

【星火英语版】2017年英语专业八级考试参考答案SECTION A MINI-LECTURE1. signing2. primary3. literacy4. different but complementary5. avoiding6. many other contexts7. characteristics/features8. reaction9. distance10. emotion11. deliberate12. intimacy and immediacy13. continuum14. types of language15. the usageSECTION B INTERVIEW1.What is international leaders’ assessment of the current battle against Ebola?答案:B. Disheartening.2.How many people are now working in the treatment unit in Liberia?答案:A. 200.3.According to Mary, what is the challenge in the battle against Ebola?答案:D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4.Why do health workers need case management protocol training?答案:B. They can open up more treatment units.5.What does this interview mainly talk about?答案:C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.6.What is Tom’s main role in his new position?答案:C. Using media information to inspire new ideas.7.According to Tom, what does innovation require of people?答案:B. Being brave and willing to take a risk8.What does Tom see as game-changing chances in the future?答案:B. Aiming at a consumer level.9.What does Tom do first to deal with the toughest part of his work?答案:D. Examining the future carefully.10.Which of the following might Tom work for?答案:A. A media agency.SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSPASSAGE ONE11. The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that .答案:[A] life there is quiet and slow12. “The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to .答案:[C]little knowledge of the beauty of the beach13. The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to .答案:[C]contrast greenery with isolation14. The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the of the seafood there.答案:[D]variety15. Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras.1 and 11?答案:[A]Publicity.PASSAGE TWO16. It can be inferred from Paras.1 and 2 that teachers used to .答案:[D]teach extended reading in a perfunctory way17. The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure” in Para.4 indicates that .答案:[C]we are born story-tellers18. Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as (Para.5).答案:[B]collaborative19. In Para.7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of reading because .答案:[C]it can attract students’ attention20. “Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected to fulfill all the following functions EXCEPT .答案:[C]stretching the imaginationPASSAGE THREE21. According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “military training” because they both cultivate youngsters’ .答案:[B]self discipline22. The author cites the example of his father in order to show .答案:[A]the importance of discipline23. According to the author, a national service program can bring the following benefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT .答案:[A]increase in income24. According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?答案:[B]Anger.SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS说明:简答题答案不唯一,意思对即可。

2017年专业英语八级考试真题及答案PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO interviews. At the end of each interview, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interviews and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now, listen to the first interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the first interview.1. A. Comprehensive. B. Disheartening. C. Encouraging. D. Optimistic.2. A. 200. B. 70. C. 10. D. 500.3. A. Lack of international funding.B. Inadequate training of medical personnel.C. Ineffectiveness of treatment efforts.D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4. A. They can start education programs for local people.B. They can open up more treatment units.C. They can provide proper treatment to patients.D. They can become professional.5. A. Provision of medical facilities.B. Assessment from international agencies.C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.D. Effective treatment of Ebola.Now, listen to the second interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the second interview.6. A. Interpreting the changes from different sources.B. Analyzing changes from the Internet for customers.C. Using media information to inspire new ideas.D. Creating things from changes in behavior, media, etc.7. A. Knowing previous success stories.B. Being brave and willing to take a risk.C. Being sensitive to business data.D. Being aware of what is interesting.8. A. Having people take a risk.B. Aiming at a consumer leek.C. Using messages to do things.D. Focusing on data-based ideas.9. A. Looking for opportunities.B. Considering a starting point.C. Establishing the focal point.D. Examining the future carefully.10.A. A media agency.B. An Internet company.C. A venture capital firm.D. A behavioral study center.PART II READING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are three passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE(1) It’s 7 pm on a balmy Saturday night in June, and I have just ordered my first beer in I Cervejaria, a restaurant in Zambujeira do Mar, one of the prettiest villages on Portugal’s south-west coast. The place is empty, but this doesn’t surprise me at all. I have spent two weeks in this area, driving along empty roads, playing with my son on empty beaches, and staying in B&Bs where we are the only guests.(2) No doubt the restaurant, run by two brothers for the past 28 years, is buzzingin July and August, when Portuguese holidaymakers descend on the Alentejo coast. But for the other 10 months of the year, the trickle of diners who come to feast on fantastically fresh seafood reflects the general pace of life in the Alentejo: sleepy, bordering on comatose.(3) One of the poorest, least-developed, least-populated regions in western Europe, the Alentejo has been dubbed both the Provence and the Tuscany of Portugal. Neither is accurate. Its scenery is not as pretty and, apart from in the capital Evora, its food isn’t as sophisticated. The charms of this land of wheat fields, cork oak forests, wildflower meadows and tiny white-washed villages, are more subtle than in France or Italy’s poster regions.(4) To travel here is to step back in time 40 or 50 years. Life rolls along ata treacly pace; there’s an unnerving stillness to the landscape. But that stillness ends abruptly at the Atlantic Ocean, where there is drama in spades. Protected by the South West Alentejo and Costa Vicentina national park, the 100 km of coastline from Porto Covo in the Alentejo to Burgau in the Algarve is the most stunning in Europe. And yet few people seem to know about it. Walkers come to admire the views from the Fisherman’s Way, surfers to ride the best waves in Europe, but day after day we had spectacular beaches to ourselves.(5) The lack of awareness is partly a matter of accessibility (these beaches are a good two hours’ drive from either Faro or Lisbon airports) and partly to do with a lack of beachside accommodation. There are some gorgeous, independent guesthouses in this area, but they are hidden in valleys or at the end of dirt tracks.(6) Our base was a beautiful 600-acre estate of uncultivated land covered in rock-rose, eucalyptus and wild flowers 13km inland from Zambujeira. Our one-bedroom home, Azenha, was once home to the miller who tended the now-restored watermill next to it. A kilometre away from the main house, pool and restaurant, it is gloriously isolated.(7) Stepping out of the house in the morning to greet our neighbours – wild horses on one side, donkeys on the other – with nothing but birdsong filling the air, I felt a sense of adventure you normally only get with wild camping.(8) “When people first arrive, they feel a little anxious wondering what they are going to do the whole time,” Sarah Gredley, the English owner of estate, told me. “But it doesn’t usually take them long to realise that the whole point of being here is to slow down, to enjoy nature.”(9) We followed her advice, walking down to the stream in search of terrapins and otters, or through clusters of cork oak trees. On some days, we tramped uphill to the windmill, now a romantic house for two, for panoramic views across the estate and beyond.(10) When we ventured out, we were always drawn back to the coast – the gentle sands and shallow bay of Farol beach. At the end of the day, we would head,sandy-footed, to the nearest restaurant, knowing that at every one there would be a cabinet full of fresh seafood to choose from – bass, salmon, lobster, prawns, crabs, goose barnacles, clams … We never ate the same thing twice.(11) A kilometre or so from I Cervejaria, on Zambujeira’s idyllic natural harbour is O Sacas, originally built to feed the fishermen but now popular with everyone. After scarfing platefuls of seafood on the terrace, we wandered down to the harbour where two fishermen, in wetsuits, were setting out by boat across the clear turquoise water to collect goose barnacles. Other than them, the place was deserted – just another empty beauty spot where I wondered for the hundredth time that week how this pristine stretch of coast has remained so undiscovered.11.The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that ______.A.life there is quiet and slowB.the place is little knownC.the place is least populatedD.there are stunning views12.“The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to ______.A.different holidaying preferencesB.difficulty of finding accommodationC.little knowledge of the beauty of the beachD.long distance from the airports13.The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to ______.A.describe the scenery outside the houseB.show appreciation of the surroundingsC.contrast greenery with isolationD.praise the region’s unique feature14.The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the ______of the seafood there.A.freshnessB.delicacyC.tasteD.variety15.Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras. 1 and 11?A.Publicity.ndscape.C.Seafood.D.Accommodation.PASSAGE TWO(1) I can still remember the faces when I suggested a method of dealing with what most teachers of English considered one of their pet horrors, extended reading. The room was full of tired teachers, and many were quite cynical about the offer to work together to create a new and dynamic approach to the place of stories in the classroom.(2) They had seen promises come and go and mere words weren't going to convince them, which was a shame as it was mere words that we were principally dealing with. Most teachers were unimpressed by the extended reading challenge from the Ministry, and their lack of enthusiasm for the rather dry list of suggested tales was passed on to their students and everyone was pleased when that part of the syllabus was over. It was simply a box ticking exercise. We needed to do something more. We neededa very different approach.(3) That was ten years ago. Now we have a different approach, and it works. Here’s how it happened (or, like most good stories, here are the main parts. You have to fill in some of yourself employing that underused classroom device, the imagination.) We started with three main precepts:(4) First, it is important to realize that all of us are storytellers, tellers of tales. We all have our own narratives – the real stories such as what happened to us this morning or last night, and the ones we have been told by others and we haven’t experienced personally. We could say that our entire lives are constructed as narratives. As a result we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure. Binary opposites – for example, the tension created between good and bad together with the resolution of that tension through the intervention of time, resourcefulness and virtue – is a concept understood by even the youngest children. Professor Kieran Egan, in his seminal book ‘Teaching as Storytelling’ warns us not to ignore this innate skill, for it is a remarkable tool for learning.(5) We need to understand that writing and reading are two sides of the same coin: an author has not completed the task if the book is not read: the creative circle is not complete without the reader, who will supply their own creative input to the process. Samuel Johnson said: A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it. In teaching terms, we often forget that reading itself can be a creative process, just as writing is, and we too often relegate it to a means of data collection. We frequently forget to make that distinction when presenting narratives or poetry, and often ask comprehension questions which relate to factual information – who said what and when, rather than speculating on ‘why’, for example, or examining the context of the action.(6) The third part of the reasoning that we adopted relates to the need to engage the students as readers in their own right, not as simply as language learners; learning the language is part of the process, not the reason for reading. What they read must become theirs and have its own special and secret life in their heads, a place where teachers can only go if invited.(7) We quickly found that one of the most important ways of making all the foregoing happen was to engage the creative talents of the class before they read a word of the text. The pre-reading activities become the most important part of the teaching process; the actual reading part can almost be seen as the cream on the cake, and the principle aim of pre-reading activities is to get students to want to read the text. We developed a series of activities which uses clues or fragments from the text yet to be read, and which rely on the student’s innate knowledge of narrative, so that they can to build their own stories before they read the key text. They have enough information to generate ideas but not so much that it becomes simply an exercise in guided writing; releasing a free imagination is the objective.(8) Moving from pre-reading to reading, we may introduce textual intervention activities. ‘Textual Intervention’ is a term used by Rob Pope to describe the process of questioning a text not simply as a guide to comprehension but as a way of exploring the context of the story at any one time, and examining points at which the narrative presents choices, points of divergence, or narrative crossroads. We don’t do this for all texts, however, as the shorter ones do not seem to gain much from this process and it simply breaks up the reading pleasure.(9) Follow-up activities are needed, at the least, to round off the activity, to bring some sense of closure but they also offer an opportunity to link the reading experience more directly to the requirements of the syllabus. Indeed, the story may have been chosen in the first place because the context supports one of the themes that teachers are required to examine as part of the syllabus – for example, ‘families’, ‘science and technology’, ‘communications’, ‘the environment’and all the other familiar themes. There are very few stories that can’t be explored without some part of the syllabus being supported. For many teachers this is an essential requirement if they are to engage in such extensive reading at all.(10) The whole process – pre-, while and post reading – could be just an hour’s activity, or it could last for more than one lesson. When we are designing the materials for exploring stories clearly it is isn’t possible for us to know how much time any teacher will have available, which is why we construct the activities into a series of independent units which we call kits. They are called kits because we expect teachers to build their own lessons out of the materials we provide, which implies that large amounts may be discarded. What we do ask, though, is that the pre-reading activities be included, if nothing else. That is essential for the process to engage the student as a creative reader..(11) One of the purposes of encouraging a creative reading approach in the language classroom is to do with the dynamics we perceive in the classroom. Strategictheorists tell us of the social trinity, whereby three elements are required to achieve a dynamic in any social situation. In the language classroom these might be seen as consisting of the student, the teacher and the language. Certainly from the perspective of the student – and usually from the perspective of the teacher – the relationship is an unequal one, with the language being perceived as placed closer to the teacher than the student. This will result in less dynamic between language and student than between language and teacher. However, if we replace ‘language’ with narrative and especially if that is approached as a creative process that draws the student in so that they feel they ‘own’ the relationship with the text, then this will shift the dynamic in the classroom so that the student, who has now become a reader, is much closer to the language – or narrative – than previously. This creates a much more effective dynamic of learning. However, some teachers feel threatened by this apparent loss of overall control and mastery. Indeed, the whole business of open ended creativity and a lack of boxes to tick for the correct answer is quite unsettling territory for some to find themselves in.16.It can be inferred from Paras. 1 and 2 that teachers used to ______.A.oppose strongly the teaching of extended readingB.be confused over how to teach extended readingC.be against adopting new methods of teachingD.teach extended reading in a perfunctory way17.The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure”in Para. 4 indicates that ______.A.we are good at telling storiesB.we all like telling storiesC.we are born story-tellersD.we all like listening to stories18.Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as ______(Para. 5).A.independentB.collaborativeC.contradictoryD.reciprocal19.In Para. 7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of readingbecause _____.A.it encourages students’ imaginationB.it lays a good foundation for readingC.it can attract students’ attentionD.it provides clues to the text to be read20.“Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected tofulfill all the following functions EXCEPT ______.A.exploring the contextB.interpreting ambiguitiesC.stretching the imaginationD.examining the structurePASSAGE THREE(1) Once again, seething, residual anger has burst forth in an American city. And the riots that overtook Los Angeles were a reminder of what knowledgeable observers have been saying for a quarter century: America will continue paying a high price in civil and ethnic unrest unless the nation commits itself to programs that help the urban poor lead productive and respectable lives.(2) Once again, a proven program is worth pondering: national service.(3) Somewhat akin to the military training that generations of American males received in the armed forces, a 1990s version would prepare thousands of unemployable and undereducated young adults for quality lives in our increasingly global and technology-driven economy. National service opportunities would be available to any who needed it and, make no mistake, the problems are now so structural, to intractable, that any solution will require massive federal intervention.(4) In his much quoted book, “The Truly Disadvantaged,” sociologist William Julius Wilson wrote that “only a major program of economic reform” will prevent the riot-prone urban underclass from being permanently locked out of American economic life. Today, we simply have no choice. The enemy within and among our separate ethnic selves is as daunting as any foreign foe.(5) Families who are rent apart by welfare dependency, job discrimination and intense feelings of alienation have produces minority teenagers with very little self-discipline and little faith that good grades and the American work ethic will pay off. A military-like environment for them with practical domestic objectives could produce startling results.(6) Military service has been the most successful career training program we’ve ever known, and American children born in the years since the all-volunteer Army was instituted make up a large proportion of this targeted group. But this opportunity may disappear forever if too many of our military bases are summarily closed and converted or sold to the private sector. The facilities, manpower, traditions, and capacity are already in place.(7) Don’t dismantle it: rechannel it.(8) Discipline is a cornerstone of any responsible citizen’s life. I was taught it by my father, who was a policeman. May of the rioters have never had any at all. As an athlete and former Army officer, I know that discipline can be learned. More importantly, it must be learned or it doesn’t take hold.(9) A precedent for this approach was the Civilian Conservation Corps that worked so well during the Great Depression. My father enlisted in the CCC as a young man with an elementary school education and he learned invaluable skills that served him well throughout his life. The key was that a job was waiting for him when he finished. The certainty of that first entry-level position is essential if severely alienated young minority men and women are to keep the faith.(10) We all know these are difficult times for the public sector, but here’s the chance to add energetic and able manpower to America’s workforce. They could be prepared for the world of work or college – an offer similar to that made to returning GI after Word War II. It would be a chance for 16- to 21-year-olds to live among other cultures, religions, races and in different geographical areas. And these young people could be taught to rally around common goals and friendships that evolve out of pride in one’s squad, platoon, company, battalion – or commander.(11) We saw such images during the Persian Gulf War and during the NACC Final Four basketball games. In military life and competitive sports, this camaraderie doesn’t just happen; it is taught and learned in an atmosphere of discipline and earned mutual respect for each other’s capabilities.(12) A national service program would also help overcome two damaging perceptions held by America’s disaffected youth: the society just doesn’t care about minority youngsters and that one’s personal best efforts will not be rewarded in our discriminatory job market. Harvard professor Robert Reich’s research has shown that urban social ills are so pervasive that the upper 20 percent of Americans – the “fortunate fifth” as he calls them – have decided quietly to “secede”from the bottom four-fifths and the lowest fifth in particular. We cannot accept such estrangement on a permanent basis. And what better way to answer skeptics from any group than by certifying the technical skills of graduates from a national service training program?(13) Now, we must act decisively to forestall future urban unrest. Republicans must put aside their aversion to funding programs aimed at certain cultural groups. Democrats must forget labels and recognize that a geographically isolated subgroup of Americans – their children in particular – need systematic and substantive assistance for at least another 20 years.(14) The ethnic taproots of minority Americans are deeply buried in a soil of faith and loyalty to traditional values. With its emphasis on discipline, teamwork, conflict resolution, personal responsibility and marketable skills development, national service can provide both the training and that vital first job that will reconnect these Americans to the rest of us. Let’s do it before the fire next time.21.According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “militarytraining” because they both cultivate youngsters’ ______.A.good gradesB.self disciplineC.mutual trustD.work ethic22.The author cites the example of his father in order to show ______.A.the importance of disciplineB.the importance of educationC.the necessity of having strong faithD.the effectiveness of the program23.According to the author, a national service program can bring the followingbenefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT ______.A.increase in incomeB. a sense of responsibilityC.confidence and hopeD.practical work skills24.According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?A.Discrimination.B.Anger.C.Riots.D.Aversion.SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSIn this section there are eight short answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each question in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE25.What does Para. 2 tell us about the restaurant business on the Alentejo coastthroughout the year?26.According to Para. 5, what are the two main reasons of the Alentejo’sinaccessibility?PASSAGE TWO27.What does “It was simply a box ticking exercise” mean in Para. 2?28.Paras. 4-6 propose three main precepts for the now approach. Please use ONEphrase to summarize each of the three precepts.29.What does the author suggest to shift the dynamic in the classroom (Para. 11)?PASSAGE THREE30.What is the purpose of the program proposed by the author (Paras. 1-3)?31.What does the word “it” in “Don’t dismantle it: rechannel it.” refer to(Para. 7)?32.What do Robert Reich’s findings imply (Para. 12)?PART III LANGUAGE USAGEThe passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proof-read the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one inthe blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” signand write the word you believe to be missing in theblank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.ExampleWhen∧art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) an__________it never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never__________them on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibit__________Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.PART IV TRANSLATIONTranslate the underlined part of the following text from Chinese into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.我小的时候特别盼望过年,往往是一过了腊月,就开始掰着指头数日子。

2017年英语专业八级考试人文知识练习试题及答案1.Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?A RomanB Anglo-SaxonsC JutesD Celts2.The Hundred Years’War between Britain and France was fought ____.A from 1327 to 1453B from 1337 to 1453C from 1347 to 1453D from 1357 to 14533.The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year ____A 1918B 1920C 1945D 19494.The English Civil War is also called ____A the Puritan RevolutionB the second Magna CartaC the Long ParliamentD the Anglican War5.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the ____ and the North Sea in the east,A eastB southC westD north6.The largest lake in Britain is ____.A. Loch LomondB the Lough NeaghC WindermereD Ullswater7.Where do the majority of people in Scotland live?A In the HighlandsB In the central LowlandsC In the UplandsD In the west of Scotland8.The two important crops in Britain are ____A barley and cornB wheat and riceC barley and oatsD wheat and barley9 Which is the largest city in Scotland?A CardiffB EdinburghC GlasgowD Manchester10 Which is the correct name to use to refer to Britain in a political way?A Great BritainB The British IslesC The United KingdomD England答案1.D 凯尔特在公元前700年到英国,罗马人在公元1到5世纪统治英国,5世纪中期盎格鲁撒克逊人侵占英国,因此凯尔特人是最早踏入英国的。
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QUESTION BOOKLETTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2017) -GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 150 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION[25 MIN]SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO interviews. At the end of each interview, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interviews and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now, listen to the first interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the first interview.1. A. Comprehensive. B. Disheartening. C. Encouraging.D. Optimistic.2. A. 200. B. 70. C. 10.D. 500. 试卷用后随即销毁。
3. A. Lack of international funding.B. Inadequate training of medical personnel.C. Ineffectiveness of treatment efforts.D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.4. A. They can start education programs for local people.B. They can open up more treatment units.C. They can provide proper treatment to patients.D. They can become professional.5. A. Provision of medical facilities.B. Assessment from international agencies.C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.D. Effective treatment of Ebola.Now, listen to the second interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the second interview.6. A. Interpreting the changes from different sources.B. Analyzing changes from the Internet for customers.C. Using media information to inspire new ideas.D. Creating things from changes in behavior, media, etc.7. A. Knowing previous success stories.B. Being brave and willing to take a risk.C. Being sensitive to business data.D. Being aware of what is interesting.8. A. Having people take a risk.B. Aiming at a consumer leek.C. Using messages to do things.D. Focusing on data-based ideas.9. A. Looking for opportunities.B. Considering a starting point.C. Establishing the focal point.D. Examining the future carefully.10.A. A media agency.B. An Internet company.C. A venture capital firm.D. A behavioral study center.PART II READING COMPREHENSION[45 MIN] SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are three passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE(1) It’s 7 pm on a balmy Saturday night in June, and I have just ordered my first beer in I Cervejaria, a restaurant in Zambujeira do Mar, one of the prettiest villages on Portugal’s south-west coast. The place is empty, but this doesn’t surprise me at all. I have spent two weeks in this area, driving along empty roads, playing with my son on empty beaches, and staying in B&Bs where we are the only guests.(2) No doubt the restaurant, run by two brothers for the past 28 years, is buzzing in July and August, when Portuguese holidaymakers descend on the Alentejo coast. But for the other 10 months of the year, the trickle of diners who come to feast on fantastically fresh seafood reflects the general pace of life in the Alentejo: sleepy, bordering on comatose.(3) One of the poorest, least-developed, least-populated regions in western Europe, the Alentejo has been dubbed both the Provence and the Tuscany of Portugal. Neither is accurate. Its scenery is not as pretty and, apart from in the capital Evora, its food isn’t as sophisticated. The charms of this land of w heat fields, cork oak forests, wildflower meadows and tiny white-washed villages, are more subtle than in France or Italy’s poster regions.(4) To travel here is to step back in time 40 or 50 years. Life rolls along at a treacly pace; there’s an unnerving stillness to the landscape. But thatstillness ends abruptly at the Atlantic Ocean, where there is drama in spades. Protected by the South West Alentejo and Costa Vicentina national park, the 100 km of coastline from Porto Covo in the Alentejo to Burgau in the Algarve is the most stunning in Europe. And yet few people seem to know about it. Walkers come to admire the views from the Fisherman’s Way, surfers to ride the best waves in Europe, but day after day we had spectacular beaches to ourselves.(5) The lack of awareness is partly a matter of accessibility (these beaches are a good two hours’ drive from either Faro or Lisbon airports) and partly to do with a lack of beachside accommodation. There are some gorgeous, independent guesthouses in this area, but they are hidden in valleys or at the end of dirt tracks.(6) Our base was a beautiful 600-acre estate of uncultivated land covered in rock-rose, eucalyptus and wild flowers 13km inland from Zambujeira. Our one-bedroom home, Azenha, was once home to the miller who tended the now-restored watermill next to it. A kilometre away from the main house, pool and restaurant, it is gloriously isolated.(7) Stepping out of the house in the morning to greet our neighbours – wild horses on one side, donkeys on the other – with nothing but birdsong filling the air, I felt a sense of adventure you normally only get with wild camping.(8) “When people first arrive, they feel a little anxious wondering what they are going to do the whole time,” Sarah Gredley, the English o wner of estate, told me. “But it doesn’t usually take them long to realise that the whole point of being here is to slow down, to enjoy nature.”(9) We followed her advice, walking down to the stream in search of terrapins and otters, or through clusters of cork oak trees. On some days, we tramped uphill to the windmill, now a romantic house for two, for panoramic views across the estate and beyond.(10) When we ventured out, we were always drawn back to the coast –the gentle sands and shallow bay of Farol beach. At the end of the day, we would head, sandy-footed, to the nearest restaurant, knowing that at every one there would be a cabinet full of fresh seafood to choose from –bass, salmon, lobster, prawns, crabs, goose barnacles, clams … We never ate the same thing twice.(11) A kilometre or so from I Cervejaria, on Zambujeira’s idyllic natural harbour is O Sacas, originally built to feed the fishermen but now popular with everyone. After scarfing platefuls of seafood on the terrace, we wandered downto the harbour where two fishermen, in wetsuits, were setting out by boat across the clear turquoise water to collect goose barnacles. Other than them, the place was deserted –just another empty beauty spot where I wondered for the hundredth time that week how this pristine stretch of coast has remained so undiscovered.11.The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that ______.A.life there is quiet and slowB.the place is little knownC.the place is least populatedD.there are stunning views12.“The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to ______.A.different holidaying preferencesB.difficulty of finding accommodationC.little knowledge of the beauty of the beachD.long distance from the airports13.The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to ______.A.describe the scenery outside the houseB.show appreciation of the surroundingsC.contrast greenery with isolationD.praise the region’s unique feature14.The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the______ of the seafood there.A.freshnessB.delicacyC.tasteD.variety15.Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras. 1 and 11?A.Publicity.ndscape.C.Seafood.D.Accommodation.PASSAGE TWO(1) I can still remember the faces when I suggested a method of dealing with what most teachers of English considered one of their pet horrors, extended reading. The room was full of tired teachers, and many were quite cynical about the offer to work together to create a new and dynamic approach to the place of stories in the classroom.(2) They had seen promises come and go and mere words weren't going to convince them, which was a shame as it was mere words that we were principally dealing with. Most teachers were unimpressed by the extended reading challenge from the Ministry, and their lack of enthusiasm for the rather dry list of suggested tales was passed on to their students and everyone was pleased when that part of the syllabus was over. It was simply a box ticking exercise. We needed to do something more. We needed a very different approach.(3) That was ten years ago. Now we have a different approach, and it works. Here’s how it happened (or, like most good stories, here are the main parts. You have to fill in some of yourself employing that underused classroom device, the imagination.) We started with three main precepts:(4) First, it is important to realize that all of us are storytellers, tellers of tales. We all have our own narratives –the real stories such as what happened to us this morning or last night, and the ones we have been told by others and we haven’t experienc ed personally. We could say that our entire lives are constructed as narratives. As a result we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure. Binary opposites –for example, the tension created between good and bad together with the resolution of that tension through the intervention of time, resourcefulness and virtue –is a concept understood by even the youngest children. Professor Kieran Egan, in his seminal book ‘Teaching as Storytelling’ warns us not to ignore this innate skill, for it is a remarkable tool for learning.(5) We need to understand that writing and reading are two sides of the same coin: an author has not completed the task if the book is not read: the creative circle is not complete without the reader, who will supply their own creative input to the process. Samuel Johnson said: A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it. In teaching terms, we often forget that reading itself can be a creative process, just as writing is, and we too often relegate it to a means of data collection.We frequently forget to make that distinction when presenting narratives or poetry, and often ask comprehension questions which relate to factual information – who said what and when, rather than speculating on ‘why’, for example, or examining the context of the action.(6) The third part of the reasoning that we adopted relates to the need to engage the students as readers in their own right, not as simply as language learners; learning the language is part of the process, not the reason for reading. What they read must become theirs and have its own special and secret life in their heads,a place where teachers can only go if invited.(7) We quickly found that one of the most important ways of making all the foregoing happen was to engage the creative talents of the class before they read a word of the text. The pre-reading activities become the most important part of the teaching process; the actual reading part can almost be seen as the cream on the cake, and the principle aim of pre-reading activities is to get students to want to read the text. We developed a series of activities which uses clues or fragments from the text yet to be read, and which rely on the student’s innate knowledge of narrative, so that they can to build their own stories before they read the key text. They have enough information to generate ideas but not so much that it becomes simply an exercise in guided writing; releasing a free imagination is the objective.(8) Moving from pre-reading to reading, we may introduce textual intervention activities. ‘Textual Intervention’ is a term used by Rob Pope to describe the process of questioning a text not simply as a guide to comprehension but as a way of exploring the context of the story at any one time, and examining points at which the narrative presents choices, points of divergence, or narrative crossroads. We don’t do this for all texts, however, as the shorter ones do not seem to gain much from this process and it simply breaks up the reading pleasure.(9) Follow-up activities are needed, at the least, to round off the activity, to bring some sense of closure but they also offer an opportunity to link the reading experience more directly to the requirements of the syllabus. Indeed, the story may have been chosen in the first place because the context supports one of the themes that teachers are required to examine as part of the syllabus –for example, ‘families’, ‘science and technology’, ‘communications’, ‘the environment’ and all the other familiar themes. There are ver y few stories that can’t be explored without some part of the syllabus being supported. For many teachers this is an essential requirement if they are to engage in such extensive reading at all.(10) The whole process – pre-, while and post reading – could be just an hour’s activity, or it could last for more than one lesson. When we are designing the materials for exploring stories clearly it is isn’t possible for us to know how much time any teacher will have available, which is why we construct the activities into a series of independent units which we call kits. They are called kits because we expect teachers to build their own lessons out of the materials we provide, which implies that large amounts may be discarded. What we do ask, though, is that the pre-reading activities be included, if nothing else. That is essential for the process to engage the student as a creative reader..(11) One of the purposes of encouraging a creative reading approach in the language classroom is to do with the dynamics we perceive in the classroom. Strategic theorists tell us of the social trinity, whereby three elements are required to achieve a dynamic in any social situation. In the language classroom these might be seen as consisting of the student, the teacher and the language. Certainly from the perspective of the student –and usually from the perspective of the teacher – the relationship is an unequal one, with the language being perceived as placed closer to the teacher than the student. This will result in less dynamic between language and student than between language and teacher. However, if we replace ‘language’ with narrative and especially if that is approached as a creative process that draws the student in so that they feel they ‘own’ the relationship with th e text, then this will shift the dynamic in the classroom so that the student, who has now become a reader, is much closer to the language – or narrative – than previously. This creates a much more effective dynamic of learning. However, some teachers feel threatened by this apparent loss of overall control and mastery. Indeed, the whole business of open ended creativity and a lack of boxes to tick for the correct answer is quite unsettling territory for some to find themselves in.16.It can be inferred from Paras. 1 and 2 that teachers used to ______.A.oppose strongly the teaching of extended readingB.be confused over how to teach extended readingC.be against adopting new methods of teachingD.teach extended reading in a perfunctory way17.The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure”in Para. 4 indicates that ______.A.we are good at telling storiesB.we all like telling storiesC.we are born story-tellersD.we all like listening to stories18.Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as ______(Para. 5).A.independentB.collaborativeC.contradictoryD.reciprocal19.In Para. 7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part ofreading because _____.A.it encourages students’ imaginationB.it lays a good foundation for readingC.it can attract students’ attentionD.it provides clues to the text to be read20.“Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected tofulfill all the following functions EXCEPT ______.A.exploring the contextB.interpreting ambiguitiesC.stretching the imaginationD.examining the structurePASSAGE THREE(1) Once again, seething, residual anger has burst forth in an American city. And the riots that overtook Los Angeles were a reminder of what knowledgeable observers have been saying for a quarter century: America will continue paying a high price in civil and ethnic unrest unless the nation commits itself to programs that help the urban poor lead productive and respectable lives.(2) Once again, a proven program is worth pondering: national service.(3) Somewhat akin to the military training that generations of American males received in the armed forces, a 1990s version would prepare thousands of unemployable and undereducated young adults for quality lives in our increasingly global and technology-driven economy. National service opportunities would be available to any who needed it and, make no mistake, the problems are now so structural, to intractable, that any solution will require massive federal intervention.(4) In his much quoted book, “The Truly Disadvantaged,”sociologist William Julius Wilson wrote that “only a major program of economic reform”will prevent the riot-prone urban underclass from being permanently locked out of American economic life. Today, we simply have no choice. The enemy within and among our separate ethnic selves is as daunting as any foreign foe.(5) Families who are rent apart by welfare dependency, job discrimination and intense feelings of alienation have produces minority teenagers with very little self-discipline and little faith that good grades and the American work ethic will pay off. A military-like environment for them with practical domestic objectives could produce startling results.(6) Military service has been the most successful career training program we’ve ever known, and American children born in the years since the all-volunteer Army was instituted make up a large proportion of this targeted group. But this opportunity may disappear forever if too many of our military bases are summarily closed and converted or sold to the private sector. The facilities, manpower, traditions, and capacity are already in place.(7) Don’t dismantle it: rechannel it.(8) Discipline is a cornerstone of any responsible citizen’s life. I was taught it by my father, who was a policeman. May of the rioters have never had any at all. As an athlete and former Army officer, I know that discipline can be learned. More importantly, it must be learned or it doesn’t take hold.(9) A precedent for this approach was the Civilian Conservation Corps that worked so well during the Great Depression. My father enlisted in the CCC as a young man with an elementary school education and he learned invaluable skills that served him well throughout his life. The key was that a job was waiting for him when he finished. The certainty of that first entry-level position is essential if severely alienated young minority men and women are to keep the faith.(10) We all know these are difficult times for the public sector, but here’s the chance to ad d energetic and able manpower to America’s workforce. They could be prepared for the world of work or college – an offer similar to that made to returning GI after Word War II. It would be a chance for 16- to 21-year-olds to live among other cultures, religions, races and in different geographical areas. And these young people could be taught to rally around common goals and friendships that evolve out of pride in one’s squad, platoon, company, battalion – orcommander.(11) We saw such images during the Persian Gulf War and during the NACC Final Four basketball games. In military life and competitive sports, this camaraderie doesn’t just happen; it is taught and learned in an atmosphere of discipline and earned mutual respect for each other’s capabilities.(12) A national service program would also help overcome two damaging perceptions held by America’s disaffected youth: the society just doesn’t care about minority youngsters and that one’s personal best efforts will not be rewarded in our discriminatory j ob market. Harvard professor Robert Reich’s research has shown that urban social ills are so pervasive that the upper 20 percent of Americans –the “fortunate fifth” as he calls them – have decided quietly to “secede” from the bottom four-fifths and the lowest fifth in particular. We cannot accept such estrangement on a permanent basis. And what better way to answer skeptics from any group than by certifying the technical skills of graduates froma national service training program?(13) Now, we must act decisively to forestall future urban unrest. Republicans must put aside their aversion to funding programs aimed at certain cultural groups. Democrats must forget labels and recognize that a geographically isolated subgroup of Americans – their children in particular – need systematic and substantive assistance for at least another 20 years.(14) The ethnic taproots of minority Americans are deeply buried in a soil of faith and loyalty to traditional values. With its emphasis on discipline, teamwork, conflict resolution, personal responsibility and marketable skills development, national service can provide both the training and that vital first job that will reconnect these Americans to the rest of us. Let’s do it before the fire next time.21.According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “militarytraining” because they both cultivate youngsters’ ______.A.good gradesB.self disciplineC.mutual trustD.work ethic22.The author cites the example of his father in order to show ______.A.the importance of disciplineB.the importance of educationC.the necessity of having strong faithD.the effectiveness of the program23.According to the author, a national service program can bring the followingbenefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT ______.A.increase in incomeB. a sense of responsibilityC.confidence and hopeD.practical work skills24.According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?A.Discrimination.B.Anger.C.Riots.D.Aversion.SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSIn this section there are eight short answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each question in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE25.What does Para. 2 tell us about the restaurant business on the Alentejo coastthroughout the year?26.According to Para. 5, what are the two main reasons of the Alentejo’sinaccessibility?PASSAGE TWO27.What does “It was simply a box ticking exercise” mean in Para. 2?28.Paras. 4-6 propose three main precepts for the now approach. Please use ONEphrase to summarize each of the three precepts.29.What does the author suggest to shift the dynamic in the classroom (Para. 11)? PASSAGE THREE30.What is the purpose of the program proposed by the author (Paras. 1-3)?31.What does the word “it” in “Don’t dismantle it: rechannel it.” ref er to(Para. 7)?32.What do Robert Reich’s findings imply (Para. 12)?PART III LANGUAGE USAGE[15 MIN]The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proof-read the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word,underline the wrong word and write the correct one in theblank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word,mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” signand write the word you believe to be missing in the blankprovided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word,cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.ExampleWhen∧art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) an__________it never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never__________ them on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibit__________ Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.PART IV TRANSLATION[20 MIN]Translate the underlined part of the following text from Chinese into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.我小的时候特别盼望过年,往往是一过了腊月,就开始掰着指头数日子。