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Since my mother moved to live with us in the city, she has been much heavier than before.

As time went by, her health got 1 . So I had to take her to see a 2 . My mother was told to lose weight by doing exercise every day. She had no choice but to follow 3 the doctor said. I told her that I would exercise with her every morning.

On the first morning, she got up very early 4 ran with me in our neighborhood. I tried to run slowly so that she could follow me. After 5 for some minutes, I told her the proper ways of exercise and the importance of eating healthy food. She listened to me carefully. It made me 6 that she told me everything very patiently when I was a kid. On the second morning, I praised her for keeping running with me.

But after two weeks, she wanted to 7 running because she thought the two-week exercise didn't work at all. To encourage her, I taught her how to use the facilities(设施)for exercise in our 8 . She began to exercise again.

With my help, it 9 her one month to develop a good habit of daily exercise. "Thank you, my dear daughter. Exercise brings health and happiness to me. I will 10 worry about my health. "Her words touched my heart deeply. I felt happy to make a big difference to my mother's life.

1. A. better B. stronger C. worse D. thinner

2. A. teacher B. waiter C. nurse D. doctor

3. A. that B. what C. which D. where

4. A. and B. but C. so D. or

5. A. swimming B. running C. playing D. eating

6. A. act B. expect C. forget D. remember

7. A. give up B. eat up C. set up D. put up

8. A. school B. hospital C. neighborhood D. cinema

9. A. cost B. spent C. took D. paid

10. A. never B. ever C. sometimes D. always


【解析】【分析】文章大意:妈妈搬到城里与我们住在一起,她变得比以前胖了很多,医生建议她每天锻炼。在我的坚持与鼓励下,用了一个月的时间养成了每天锻炼的好习惯。(1)句意:随着时间的推移,她的健康越来越差。A更好;B更强壮;C更差;D更瘦;根据后面So I had to take her to see a doctor去看医生,应该是变差了,故答案为C。

(2)句意:所以我不得不带她去看医生。A老师;B服务生;C护士;D医生;根据前面健康不好,后面So I had to take her to see 应该是去看医生,故答案为D。

(3)句意:她别无选择,只好照医生说的去做。A 那个;B什么;C哪个;D哪里;根据She had no choice but to follow…the doctor said根据题干,要用宾语,应该照医生说的做,



D或者;根据she got up very early …ran with me in our neighborhood前面说起得早,后面和





D记得;根据后面she told me everything very patiently when I was a kid我小时候她耐心地告



吃光;C建立;D张贴;根据后面because she thought the two-week exercise didn't work at


(8)句意:为了鼓励她,我教她如何使用我们附近的健身设施。A学校;B医院;C社区;D电影院;根据后面 use the facilities用设施锻炼,应该是在社区里,故答案为C。


语是物;B花费,主语是人;C 花费,主语是it;D付钱;根据前面it,可知是固定句型It takes sb.(some time) to do sth.某人花了…时间做某事,故答案为C。

(10)句意:我永远不会担心我的健康。A从不;B曾经;C有时;D总是;根据前面Exercise brings health and happiness to me锻炼给我带来健康和快乐,后面应该是从不担心






Last year I had a chance 1 London. When I got there, I found the railway station was big and dark. I didn't know the way to the hotel. 2 I asked a policeman nearby. I spoke slowly and 3 . To my surprise, he couldn't 4 me at all. I repeated my question several times and he understood finally. He answered, but I didn't know 5 . He was saying. My teacher never spoke English 6 that!' I'm a foreigner, 'I told him. Then he spoke 7 . I listened very carefully 8 I still couldn't understand him. The policeman and I looked at 9 and smiled and then he said, 'You'll soon learn English!' At last I knew that the English spoken by me was quite different 10 the English spoken by English people.

1. A. to visit B. visiting C. visited D. visit

2. A. And B. In order to C. That D. So

3. A. clear B. clearly C. cleanly D. clean

4. A. understands B. know C. understand D. catch

5. A. what B. that C. which D. where

6. A. as B. likes C. of D. like
