

1. A lthough Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders ___C___ will happen to her private life.尽管玛丽对自己的成功非常满意,她仍然好奇她将来的私人生活

A. how

B. who

C. what

D. that

2.A nd what we got to ____C___ is a disgrace.我们将要忍受的是耻辱.

A. come up with

B. catch up with

C. put up with

D. keep up with

3. A ir pollution ____A___ , this city is still a good place to live in.由于空气污染大量减少,该城市仍然是居住的好地方.

A. being greatly reduced

B. greatly being reduced

C. to greatly reduce

D. greatly to reduce

4. A lthough Jack made a foolish mistake, we __B__ at him. 虽然杰克犯了一个愚蠢的错误,但是我们也不应该嘲笑他。

A. ought to have laughed

B. oughtn't to have laughed

C. ought to laugh

D. should not to laugh

5. A fter seven months on the case, the police failed to __B_____ any real clues.经过七个月的案子调查,警察还是找不出任何真正的线索.

A. turn over

B. turn up

C. turn on

D. turn down


1. B eer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, ___D____ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.啤酒是最受男性欢迎的酒类,它总的消费量比女性喝啤酒的数量要高得多.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. whose


1. C ars are to Americans ___C__ bikes are to Chinese.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. whether

2. C hildren learn best by studying at their own __C____孩子根据自己的学习步骤,能学得最好。

A. rate

B. speed

C. pace

D. growth

3. C ambridge has announced plans to establish a business school _____B__ the master's degree in business administration.剑桥大学已经宣布创建商学院的计划,并提供工商管理硕士.

A. representing

B. offering

C. presenting

D. supplying


1. D etermined to ___A___ as if everything were normal, he responded with a kind of indifference.决心若无其事地继续,他淡漠地回答.

A. carry on

B. account for

C. bring up

D. get through

2. D ieters should try to reach and ___D____ a reasonable weight. 减肥者努力维持他们理想的体重。

A. contain

B. secure

C. reserve

D. maintain

3. D octors have recently ____B___ cancer-producing substance in cigarettes has been demonstrated. 医生们最近声明展示了香烟中的致癌物质

A. made clear that

B. made it clear that

C. made that clear

D. made which clear

4. D avid and Sheila are unable to have children, but they're hoping to____C___ a little boy.大卫和莎拉不能生孩子,不是他们希望领养一个小男孩.

A. cultivate

B. raise

C. adopt

D. acquire

5. D octors predicted that the baby would not ___D____ with such severe disabilities.医生预言有如此严重的残疾,这个婴儿活不下来.

A. retain

B. endure

C. maintain

D. survive


1. E ach pupil was expected to contribute some of ___B____ the classroom. 大家希望每个学生都能花点时间打扫教室。

A. his time to clean

B. his time to cleaning

C. their time to clean

D. their time cleaning

2. E ver since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago they ___C____ better health. 自从Smiths一家一年前搬到郊区,他们一直很健康地生活。

A. could have enjoyed

B. had enjoyed

C. have been enjoying

D. are enjoying


1. F or a successful business, friendly and ___C____ staff are essential. 对于一笔成功的买卖,友好和高效的员工是必不可少的。

A. sufficient

B. effective

C. efficient

D. respective

2. F ive minutes earlier, ____C___ we could have caught the last train. 早5分钟的话,我们就能赶上最后一班火车了。

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

3. F ranklin's ability to learn from observations and experience ___A____ greatly to his success in public life. 富兰克林的从观察和实践中学习的能力对他公众生活的成功起了很打的作用. A. contributed B. owed C. attached D. related


1. G reat changes ____A___ in our institute in the last few years.在过去几年里,我们的学院发生了巨大的变化.

A. have taken place

B. has taken place

C. took place

D. had taken place


1. H is ____C___ speech made everyone at present _______ greatly.

A. excited;exciting

B. excited;excited


D. exciting;exciting

2. H e ___C___ to arrange a loan through a finance company.通过一家金融公司,他成功地安排了贷款.

A. tried

B. succeeded

C. managed

D. endeavored

3. H e told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I ___C____ of hunger. 他告诉我他会给我保护,要是没有他的保护,我会饥饿而死。

A. would be died

B. would die

C. would have died

D. will die

4. H e studied hard in his youth, ____D___ contributed to his great success in later life. 他在年轻的时候学习很用功,这对他晚年的成功起了作用。

A. that

B. it

C. what

D. which

5. H e's determined to finish the job _____A__ long it takes. 不管用花多少时间,他都决定要完成这个工作。

A. no matter

B. however

C. wherever

D. whatever

6. H ardly ever ___C____ get a good job these days without a good education. 当今,没有受过良好的教育,人们就很难找到工作。

A. people might

B. people can

C. do people

D. have people

7. H is parents ____D___ him the opportunity to go to university. 他的父母拒绝给他提供上大学的机会。

A. ignored

B. neglected

C. refused

D. denied

8. Ha rry attempted a couple of jokes to ___B____the tension of the occasion.哈利试讲了几个笑话来缓解紧张气氛.

A. beat

B. relieve

C. smooth

D. refresh

9. H e's wearing a red shirt and ___C___ jeans.他穿着一件红衬衫和一条褪色的牛仔裤.

A. dimmed

B. paled

C. faded

D. fainted

10. H er sun-tanned face suggested that she ____C___ in excellent health. 她那被太阳晒黑的脸表明她很健康。

A. be

B. is

C. was

D. were


1.I would rather starve to death than ___A___ for food.

A .beg B. begging C. begged D. to beg

2. I f the whole program ____D__ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.如果提前计划整个项目,那么就可以节省大量的时间和金钱.

A. was not planned

B. were not planned

C. would not be planned

D. had not been planned

3. I sn't it about the time you ____A__ to do morning exercises?该是做早操的时候了吗? (虚拟语气It is time that 过去时)

A. began

B. begin

C. should begin

D. have begun

4. I am very grateful to you for what you've given me and ___D___ you have done for me.感谢你给我们的一切和你为我们所做的一切.

A. which

B. that

C. all what

D. all that=what

5. I t was not until she had arrived home ___B___ remembered her appointment with the doctor.直到她回家她才想起她和医生的约会.(强调句型)

A. when she

B. that she

C. and she

D. she

6. I ____D__ going to the doctor, but I wish I hadn't.我推迟了见医生,但是我希望我当时没有那么做.

A. pick out

B. make out

C. give off

D. put off

7. I won't be able to attend the meeting tonight because __C_今晚我不能参加会议,是由于今晚的那个时候我将要上课.

A. I must teach a class

B. I teach a class

C. I will be teaching a class

D. I will have been teaching a class

8. I f the building project ____C___ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.如果到这个月底将要完成的建筑工程耽搁的话,建筑公司将被罚款.

A. being completed

B. is completed

C. to be completed

D. completed

9. I don't know why she avoids ___C____ her opinion on the subject.我不知道她为什么拒绝发表对这个问题的看法.

A. to give

B. to be given

C. giving

D. being given

10. I f I had remembered ____A___ the window, the thief would not have got in.如果我记得关窗户,小偷就不会爬进来了.

A. to close

B. closing

C. to have closed

D. having closed

11. I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another


A. occasion

B. situation

C. condition

D. environment

12. I ____A___ an interesting news item in yesterday's Times. 我在昨天的时代周刊里偶然看到一则有趣的新闻。

A. came across

B. came up

C. came to

D. came over

13. I was stunned by the news, and my initial __B_____ was anger. 我被这个消息震住了,第一反应是生气。

A. impression

B. reaction

C. comment

D. other

14. I'm sorry, that swimsuit is completely __B_____ in your size. 对不起,这种尺码的游泳衣已经断货了。

A. out of work

B. out of stock

C. out of reach

D. out of practice

15. I n the strong storm, the ship was ____A___ off the coast of Africa. 这艘船在风暴中,在非洲海岸遇难了。

A. wrecked

B. spoiled

C. torn

D. injured

16. I t would make ___A____ for the parents to be involved in this discussion.对于父母来说参与到这次讨论将是很有意义的.

A. sense

B. idea

C. meaning

D. significance


1. J ean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ____C__ for her examination. 昨晚她没有时间去音乐会是因为她忙于准备考试.

A. to prepare

B. to be prepared

C. preparing

D. being prepared

2. J ack is good, kind, hard working and intelligent. ___B___ , I can't speak too highly of him.捷克友好,善良,努力而且聪明,总之,他太好了.

A. As a result

B. In a word

C. By the way

D. On the contrary

3. J ames plans to ____D___ offers from other companies before making a decision.詹姆斯计划在做决定前考察其它公司的出价.

A. explode

B. expand

C. expose

D. explore


1.K ate ___B___ as a top student in painting.

A. looks out

B. stands out

C. works out

D. finds out


1. L atin America has an ____B___ labor force and natural resources.拉美是个人力资源,自然资源丰富的地方。

A. wealthy

B. abundant

C. scattered

D. deposited


1. M any Americans worry about leisure and hurry from one activity to the next, ___B____ little time to stop and think.许多美国人担心太空闲,忙于从一项活动到另一个活动,留了很少的时间停下来思考.

A. leave

B. leaving

C. left

D. to leave

2. M r. Smith will move into his new house next Monday, ____B___ it will be completely finished. 下周一史密斯先生将搬到他的新房, 那个时候已经完全完工.

A. by that time

B. by which time

C. by then

D. by the time

3. M ost insurance agents would rather you____B___ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation. 很多保险公司,希望你在他们调查完这个事情之前,先不要提出索赔。

A. don't do

B. didn't do

C. would not do

D. do

4. M y dad offered to pay my plane fare, which was very ____D__ of him. 父亲付了我的机票钱,真是慷慨啊!

A. genuine

B. minimum

C. modest

D. generous

5. M y dad is very ___B__of me and has never liked any of my boyfriends. 父亲对我保护有加,他从来不喜欢我的男朋友。

A. hopeful

B. protective

C. modest

D. confident


1. N owhere else in the world ____C___ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland. 在世界任何其他地方都不能找到比瑞士更美的风光了。

A. you can find

B. is found

C. can you find

D. has been found

2. N either of the young men who had applied for a position in the university ___B____申请大学职位的两个年轻人都被拒绝了.

A. has been accepted

B. have been accepted

C. was accepted

D. were accepted

3. N ot __B____ , with youth unemployment so high, some school-leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs. 年轻人的失业率如此高,有资格证书的辍学学生不能找到工作,这并不奇怪..

A. obviously

B. surprisingly

C. particularly

D. normally


1. O nly after you finish your work __C___ TV.

A. you are allowed to watch

B. are you allowed watching

C.are you allowed to watch

D. can you be able to watch


1. P olice are ___C____ the disappearance of two children.警察正在调查两个孩子的失踪事件.

A. looking out

B. looking after

C. looking into

D. looking on


1.S he has always _A____ her father and felt highly honored for what he has been doing.

A. looked up to

B. looked down upon

C. looked around for

D. looked forward to

2. S omething must be done to prevent factory _D___poisonous gases so as to keep the city ____ .

A. sending out; from polluting

B. send out; polluting

C. from sending out; from polluting

D. sending out; from being polluted

3. S he's an only child, but they didn't really ___C____ her. 虽然她是他们唯一的孩子,但是他们并没有溺爱她。

A. hurt

B. damage

C. spoil

D. harm

4. S cientists say it may be five or ten years ____B___ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. 科学家们说要过5或10年,这种药才能在病人身上做测试

A. since

B. before

C. after

D. when

5. S he was ____D___ a very affectionate person. 她性格上是个充满感情的人。

A. at heart

B. in person

C. on purpose

D. by nature

6. S he must be looking forward to your return, ____C___ ?她一定在盼望你的回来,是吗?

A. mustn't she

B. wasn't she

C. isn't she

D. didn't she

7. Several problems have __B_____ recently over questions of pay. 最近老是有人提出有关薪水的问题。

A. risen

B. arisen

C. raised

D. arrived


1. T his watch needs _C___, for it loses five minutes per day.

A. to repair

B. be repaired

C. repairing

D. being repaired

2 T his great mind was ___C__ outer space.

A. on fire

B. on a fire

C. on fire for

D. on a fire for

3. T here is no point __B__ any further. It won’t help much.

A. to argue

B. in arguing

C. about arguing

D. /

4. T he letters PRC __A___ the People’s Republic of China.

A. stand for

B. stand with

C. stand on

D. stand of

5. T hey told the policeman the fact __A___ they had nothing to do with

the matter.

A. that

B. which

C. why

D. how

6. T he computer doesn't work well, so something ___C___wrong.这部电脑运行不好,因此肯定出毛病了.

A. can have gone

B. should have gone

C. must have gone

D. ought to have gone

7. T he concert usually takes place at the People's Square, with the audience ___B___ on the ground.音乐会通常在人民广场举行,观众们坐在地上.

A. seating

B. seated

C. be seating

D. to seat

8. T he morning paper ____A___ a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington D. C.早报刊登了一则关于在纽约和华盛顿的示威的新闻.

A. carried

B. extended

C. brought

D. took

9. T OEFL is a test for students ____C___ native language is not English. 托福考试是为那些母语非英语的学生进行的测试。

A. that

B. of whom

C. whose

D. which

10. T his article deals with the natural phenomenon which ___B___ most interesting to everyone. 人们对这篇介绍自然现象的文章非常感兴趣。

A. are

B. is

C. they are

D. it is

11. T he population of many Alaskan cities has _____C__ doubled in the past three years. 阿拉斯加的人口比过去的三年增加了两倍多。

A. larger than

B. as great as

C. more than

D. as many as

12. T he committee is due to ____A___ its report by the end of this year. 今年年底,委员会决定发表这个报告。

A. release

B. relieve

C. relate

D. retain

13. T o ___C____ their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month. 他们为了推销新的洗发水,这个月他们实行半价销售的方式。

A. progress

B. proceed

C. promote

D. propose

14.Th e license must be clearly ___B____ in the car windscreen.执照必须放在挡风玻璃明显位置上.A. spread B. displayed C. exposed D. located

16T he donated liver came from the UK, but the hospital is giving no further ____D___捐赠的肝脏来自英国,但是医院拒绝再透露具体的细节.

A. instance

B. character

C. items

D. details

17T hat was so serious a matter that I had no choice but ____D___ the police. 情况很严重,我没的选择只有叫警察过来

A. called in

B. calling in

C. call in

D. to call in

18T hese two areas are similar ____C___ they both have a high rainfall during this season. 这两个区域很相似是因为它们在这个季节里都有很高的降雨量。

A. to that

B. besides that

C. in that

D. except that

19T hey claim that ___B____ 1,000 factories closed down during economic crisis. 他们宣布,大概有1000家的工厂在经济危机期间倒闭。

A. sufficiently

B. approximately

C. considerably

D. properly

20T hat probably explains why public opinion is broadly ____D___ euthanasia (安乐死), or at least certain forms of it. 这可能解释了公众大部分都赞成安乐死的原因

A. in relation to

B. in contrast to

C. in excess of

D. in favor of

21Th e British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, ___A___ is often the case in other countries.英国人不熟悉不同的文化,这在其它国家也是如此.

A. as

B. what

C. so

D. that

22T he size of that island is about ___D____ that of this one.那个岛屿的大小大约是这个岛屿的三倍.

A. t hree times as much as

B. as three times much as

C. as three times greater as

D. three times as big as

23T his is a very difficult operation. It is essential that you ___C____ for emergency. 这个手术不容易做,所以你要对它发生的紧急情况作好准备,这是相当必要的。

A. are to be prepared

B. would prepared

C. be prepared

D. must be prepared

24 T he team will be anxious to _C__ a disappointing start to the season. 这个季度出师不利,队员们都焦急地想尽快弥补。

A. live up to

B. make out

C. make up for

D. live through


1. W ill you please make yourself ___A__ to us in English?

A. known

B. knows

C. knowing

D. know

2. w e desire that the tour leader ___A____ us immediately of any changes in plans. 如果计划有任何变动,我们希望队长能马上通知我们。

A. inform

B. informs

C. informed

D. has informed

3. W e are interested in the weather because it ___B____ us so directly--What we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. 我们对天气很感兴趣,因为它直接影响着我们的生活,如:我们穿什么,我们该做什么,甚至是我们感受到什么

A. benefits

B. affects

C. guides

D. effects


1.Y ou can drink __C___ water but not _____ water.

A. boiled; boiled

B. boiling; boiled

C. boiled; boiling

D. boiling; boiling

2.Y our letter ___B___ the days when we worked together on the farm 20 years ago.

A. called back

B. called up

C. called in

D. called for

3. Y oung children often can't ____B___between TV programs and commercials.小孩经常不能辨别电视和商业广告.

A. separate

B. distinguish

C. compare

D. contrast


1. ___C____ is no reason for dismissing him. 他迟到了几分钟,这不是解雇他的理由。

A. Because he was a few minutes late

B. Owing to a few minutes being late

C. The fact that he was a few minutes late

D. Being a few minutes late

2. ___A____ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master's degree.要成为大学的老师,至少需要拥有硕士学位.

A. To become

B. Become

C. One becomes

D. On becoming

3. ___B____ we have achieved is attributed to the guidance of our parents.我们所取得的任何成功要归功于父母亲的教导.

A. Whoever

B. Whatever

C. However

D. Whichever

4. ___C____ how little I had been able to accomplish, my fears of failure grew rapidly. 当我意识到自己无法完成的时候,失败感迅速而升。

A. Realizing

B. Having realized

C. When I realized

D. To realize

5. ___D__ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulated. 有证据表明语言习得能力必须受到鼓励和刺激。

A. It being

B. It is

C. There is

D. There being

6. __D____ all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it. 尽管他们尽全力去挽救这个学校,但是政府还是决定关闭它。

A. As for

B. Besides

C. Except

D. Despite

7. ___B____ my love of landscape, nothing could persuade me to spend another day in the Highlands. 尽管我对自然风光很喜欢,但是我还是不想在高地再呆一天。

A. But for

B. For all

C. Above

D. Except for

打印机耗材及备件 中英词汇

打印机耗材及备件中英词汇 很多同行朋友希望有一个本专业的中英文词典,我们见过几种版本,不是很专业就是不准确。现在想借《ABC工作室》这方寸之地,用耗材及备件分类的方式,精选出几百个最常用的词汇,排列于后,以帮助中外业内的生产技术、市场营销、物料采购、组织管理人员准确地去识别、区分、理解、诠释它们。本词汇只是抛砖引玉,希望不久的将来能有一本更好的中英文对照的打印机耗材备件中英文词典问世﹗ 喷墨打印Inkjet Printing 连续喷墨式 Continuous 按需微量式 Drop-On-Demand 压电式Piezodectric Ink-jet 微压电式 Micro Piezodectric Ink-jet (为精工—爱普生SEIKO —EPSON所拥有) 热泡式 Thermal Bubble jet (为 Canon、HP 共同拥有) 喷咀 Nozzle 电极板 Charging Plates 偏移极板 Deflection Plates 压电晶体 Piexoelectric Crystal 喷射出的墨滴 Ink is ejecated 墨滴形状 Droplet forms 蓄墨池 Ink reservoir 墨水腔 Ink Chamber 迅速加热 Rapid neating 气泡形成 Formation of Vapor bubble 喷墨墨水 Inkjet Inks 水性的 Water Base 染料 Dyed Base 颜料Pigmentl Base 溶剂性的 Solvent Base 醇类Alcolol 酮类Ketone 弱溶剂型墨水 Eco Solvent Inks 墨头清洗液Nozzle Washers 用于纺织品打印机的墨水 Inkjet Inks of Textile Printing 纳米级金属喷墨水 Nanometer Grade Metal Inkjet Inks UV光固化墨水 UV Curable Inks 墨水的特性 Ink’s Properties 表面张力Surface Tension (clyne/cm) 粘度 Viscosity (cps) 密度 Density (g/cm3) 电导率Conduetivity (ms/㎝) PH值 PH Value 墨水打印质量的物理参数Physical Paramenters of Inks for Print quality 色相 Color Hue


.小学英语单词分类大全(可直接打印) 一、学习用品( school things )pen /pen/ 钢笔 pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔 pencil-case /'penslkeis /铅笔盒ruler /'ru:l ?/ 尺子 book /buk/书 bag /b ? g/包 post card /p ?ust k ɑ:d/明信片newspaper /'nju:z,peip?/报纸schoolbag /sku:lb? g/书包eraser / i'reis ?/橡皮 crayon / 'krei ?n /蜡笔sharpener / ' ?ɑ:p?n? /卷笔刀story-book / 'st ?:ri] buk /故事书notebook / 'n ?utbuk / 笔记本Chinese book/ 't?ai'ni:z /语文书English book / 'i?gli? /英语书maths book/ m?θs /数学书magazine / ,m ? g?'zi:n /杂志newspaper / 'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸dictionary / 'dik??neri /词典 二、身体部位( body ) foot / fut /脚 head / hed /头 face / feis /脸 hair / h ??/头发 nose / n ?uz / 鼻子 mouth / mau θ / 嘴 eye / ai /眼睛 ear / i ?/耳朵 arm / ɑ:m /手臂 hand / h ? nd /手 finger / 'fi ?g? /手指 leg / leg /腿 tail / teil /尾巴三、颜色( colours ) red /red/红 blue /blu:/蓝 yellow /'jel ?u/ 黄 green /gri:n/绿 white /wait/白 black /bl ? k/ 黑 pink /pi ?k/ 粉红 purple /'p ?:pl/ 紫 orange /' ?:rind?/ 橙 brown /braun/棕 四、动物( animals ) cat /k ? t/ 猫 dog /d ?g/ 狗 pig /pig/猪 duck /d ?k/ 鸭 rabbit /'r ? bit/ 兔子 horse /h ?:s/ 马 elephant /'elif ?nt/ 大象 ant / ? nt/ 蚂蚁 fish /fi ?/ 鱼 bird /b ?:d/ 鸟 snake /sneik/蛇 mouse /maus/鼠kangaroo /,k ?? g?'ru:/ 袋鼠monkey /'m ??ki/ 猴子panda /'p ? nd?/ 熊猫 bear /b ??/ 熊 lion /'lai ?n/ 狮 tiger /'taig ?/ 老虎 fox /f?ks/ 狐狸 zebra /'zi:br ?/ 斑马 deer /di ?/ 鹿 giraffe /d ?i'rɑ:f/ 长颈鹿goose /gu:s/鹅 hen /hen/母鸡 .

古代汉语 词汇 很重要!

解釋括弧中詞的用法意義 制,(岩)险要邑也,虢叔死(焉)于是,(佗)同“他”邑唯命。 百姓皆以王為(愛)吝惜也,臣(固)知王(之)主谓之间不忍也。 賢者與民(並)一起耕而食,(饔飧)熟食,早饭饔飧而治。 後稷教民(稼穡)农业上种叫稼,收叫穑。这里泛指农事,樹(藝)种植五穀,五穀熟而民人育。 春日(載)开始陽,(有)动词词头鳴倉庚。 左並轡,右援(枹)鼓槌而鼓,馬(逸)狂奔不能止,師從之。 惟天為大,(惟)只有堯(則)效法之。 皇天之不純命兮,何百姓之震(愆)遭罪。 三之日(于)动词词头耜,四之日舉(趾)足。 人無故而鬼攻之不已,(是)(是)刺鬼。 其徒數十人,皆衣(褐)粗布衣服,(捆)编屨、織席以為食。 女執(懿)深的筐,(遵)循,沿着…走彼微(行)路,爰求柔桑。 天子巡狩,諸侯辟舍,納於(筦鍵)钥匙,(攝衽)撩起衣襟抱幾,視膳於堂下。夫子喟然歎曰:“吾(與)赞同點也。” 臣恐(見)被欺于王而負趙。 江國愈千里,山城(僅)百層。 我(決)迅速的样子起而飛,(槍)触,碰上榆枋,時(則)连词,连接状语“时”和谓语“不至”不至,而控於地而已矣。 於是焉河伯始旋其面目,(望洋)叠韵连绵词,仰视的样子向若而歎曰。 世以鮑焦無(從容)心胸宽大而死者,皆非也。 無(以)停下,則王乎? 君若以德(綏)安抚諸侯,誰敢不服? 滕君,則誠賢君也;(雖然)虽然这样,未聞道也。 (宦)三年矣,未知母之存否。今近焉,請以(遺)之。 自始合,苟有(險)险要的地方,这里指难走的路,餘必下推車。子豈(識)知道之?然子(病)伤势很重矣。 禹(疏)去掉阻塞使通畅九河,(瀹)疏导濟漯而(注)把水灌入,让水流入諸海。止子路宿,殺雞為黍而食之,(見)看出,显现出来其二子焉。


激光打印机常见行业术语诠释 激光机再生耗材是一项系统工程,由几十种类、100多个零部件组成,各部分名称、功能、产品标准,谁来生产?谁来供应?是世界关注的问题。本报请凡伟先生描述名词术语,为制定激光鼓粉盒组件标准时,可以参考。 所谓激光耗材再制造,就是分析这些零部件哪些能用,哪些不能用,要使再制造确保品质与新品一样,这一行业才能有生命力。 激光打印机再生耗材产业链的构成 美国SD公司广州办事处凡伟 鼓Drum:是个圆筒形物。在激光打印机中专指圆筒形的光导体,以区别于光导板、光导带,最简单的鼓是在鼓筒两端安上齿轮Gear、导电片Electrical Contract做成一个完整的单鼓。 光导鼓/感光鼓Photoreceptive Drum:它更强调是具有光导性能的鼓状物,把鼓定性了。光导材料种类很多,有硒(Se)鼓、硫化镉(CdS)鼓、硅(Si)鼓、有机光导鼓等。 有机光导鼓Organic Photoconductor Drum / OPC Drum:有机光导材料来源广泛,价格便宜,性能优越,又无污染,已经取代了过去的其它光导材料,成了OPC鼓的一统天下。 成像组件/暗盒/鼓粉组件Photorecepotor Cartridge / lmaging Unit:以光导鼓为核心,加上充电辊、显影辊、清洁刮板等零件,组成一个能把光电信号产生的静电潜像变成可见图像的装置。成像组件中消耗的只是色粉,其它零件只会疲劳或磨损,当色粉用完后,暗盒就得扔掉。 鼓组件Drum Cartridge / Drum Unit / Drum Kit:有时成像组件就是鼓组件,如HP、Canon系列。有时把显影部分拿开,只保留鼓芯、充电辊、清洁刮板,这部分才是鼓组件,如Epson、Lexmark系列。更有的是连显影辊也保留,仅仅没有粉仓/粉筒,这也叫鼓组件。这种鼓组件不因色粉用完而扔掉,只需更换显影组件,甚至更换粉筒即可继续用,如:Brother系列的部分鼓组件。 显影组件Developer Cartridge / TD Cartridge:显影组件中必须有显影辊,它能吸附色粉,并使它带电,进而将色粉转移到鼓表面。显影组件中绝不包含鼓芯、充电辊和清洁刮板,但粉筒有时是单置的。 粉组件Toner Unit / Toner Kit / Toner Cartridge:相对某些鼓组件来说,它可能就是个显影组件。但严格讲它没有显影辊,不能使色粉带电。它可能有齿轮、拨杆、下粉槽,能参与机器工作,控制下粉,没有这个粉组件机器就不动作。它形状要求很严,差一点都装不进去,或者即使装进去机器也“不认”,它是机器不可缺少的一部分,是整机厂的知识产权。 粉瓶/粉盒/粉Toner / Dry Ink / Dry Imager / Dry Toner:墨粉只是黑的色粉。把墨粉叫碳粉就有些牵强,因为很多墨粉并不是用碳黑做成的。若把彩色粉也叫碳粉就更不对,最好叫色粉或显影粉。墨粉的种类很多,有单组份的和双组份的,有正电性的和负电性的,单组份中又有磁性的和非磁性的,都因机型而异。通常标注Toner就表示一个装有色粉的容器,其形状随意,可以是塑料盒、塑料袋,只要能将粉倒入鼓组件或显影组件中就行了。 充电辊Primary Charging Roller / PCR:由金属芯轴,发泡导电橡胶,外包绝缘塑料套做成的胶辊。其轴两端嵌入导电座Conduct Saddle中,靠弹簧使充电辊紧紧地压在OPC鼓表面。在一定的电压下能使OPC鼓表面充电。充电辊表面如果被异物磨损划伤,就会使OPC鼓表面充电不均匀,甚至短路,打印质量下降,必须修复或更换。 显影辊Developer Roller:显影辊的作用是吸附色粉,使其带电,并传送到OPC鼓表面,产生可见图象。由于单组份色粉也有磁性粉和非磁性粉之分,显影辊也就有磁辊和导电辊之分。


怎样学习古代汉语词汇 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

怎样学习古代汉语词汇古汉语词汇是古汉语词的总和。词是造句时能够自由运用的最小单位。人们在交往中,遣词造句,既反映着外部世界,也表现着主观世界。外部世界的变化,引起主观世界的变化,这些变化必然在语言中表现出来。“语言的词汇对于各种变化是最敏感的,它几乎处在经常变化中”,所以古今汉语在词汇上的差别极大,是学习的难点,历来为人们所重视。 古汉语词汇的学习应从两方面入手。即整体驾驭与具体掌握。 一、整体驾驭 整体驾驭古汉语词汇,就是首先要抓住古汉语词汇的特点,这对具体掌握词义有指导作用,可以使词汇的学习扎实、深入,避免初学古汉语时经常出现的以今套古的毛病。 古汉语词汇特点可以从形、音、义三方面认识。特别值得注意的是单音节词占优势和一形多词、一词多形的情况。前者是古今汉语词汇的主要差异之一,后者表现了古汉语词汇形义关系的复杂性。 (一)单音节词占优势是古汉语词汇的主要特点之一,也是古今汉语词汇在词形上的主要差异。许多词,在现代汉语中是一个词,在古代汉语中却是两个词。例如: ①民可以乐成,不可与虑始。(《西门豹治邺》) ②滕君,则诚贤君也。虽然,未闻道也。(《许行》)

③东方未明,颠倒衣裳。(《诗经东方未明》) ④地方百里而可以王。(《孟子梁惠王上》) ⑤(吴普)年九十余,耳目聪明,齿牙完坚。(《华佗传》) ⑥先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顾臣于草庐之中。(诸葛亮《出师表》) ⑦两家子弟材智下,不能通知二父志。(《张中丞传后叙》) ⑧(张)巡就戮时,颜色不乱,阳阳如平常。(同⑦) 上述例句中例①的“可以”是能愿动词“可”与表对象的介词“以”(和第二分句的“与”相同),整句的意思是“老百姓可以与他们一起为成功而快乐,不能和他们一起考虑事业的创始。”例②的“虽”相当于现代的“虽然”,“然”是指示代词“这样”,整句的意思是“滕君倒确实是贤明的君主,即使如此,也没有听说过道。”例③的“衣”指“上衣”,“裳”指“下衣”,即裙子。诗句的意思是“东方的天光还没有发亮,就急急忙忙起身,在黑暗中把上衣下衣穿颠倒了”。例④的“地”是“地域”,“方”是“方圆”,整句的意思是“有纵横各一百里〔的小国,行仁政〕就可以统治天下。”例⑤的“聪”指“耳聪”,即“听力好”,“明”指“眼力好”,整句的意思是“吴普九十多岁了,耳不聋,眼不花,牙齿齐整牢固。”例⑥的“卑”指“地位低下”,“鄙”指“见识浅陋”,整句的意思是“先帝(指刘备)不因为我地位低下,见识浅陋,三次屈尊到草庐来看我”。例⑦的“通”意思是“透彻”,“知”是“了解”,整句的意思是“(许远、张巡)两家的孩子才能智力低下,不能透彻地了解他们


俄语打印机词汇 打印机Принтер 激光打印机лазерный принтер 激光彩色打印机лазерно-цветный принтер 喷墨式打印机струйный принтер 矩阵式打印机матричный принтер 复印机Копиры/копировальная машина/копировальная аппарата 配件комплектующие 摸拟式复印机аналоговые копиры 数字式复印机цифровые копиры 全彩色复印机полноцветные копиры 复印机,影印机дубликаторы 工程复印机инженерные дубликаторы 粉盒Картриджи 矩阵式粉盒матричные картриджи 喷墨墨盒струйные картриджи 影印机墨粉盒картриджи копиров 绘图仪墨盒картриджи плотеров 传真机墨盒картриджи факсов 电缆Кабели 办公用品Офисная техника/канцелярские принадлежность 打字机пишущая машина 耗材расходные материалы 碳粉тонер 墨水чернила 硒鼓:тонер-картридж (картридж для лазерных принтеров) 墨盒:чернила-картридж (картридж для струйных принтеров) 二手:б/у(бывший в употреблении) 保护罩защитное покрытие 标签:наклейка 装配的:сборочный 芯片:чип 充电辊:Ролики первичного заряда 出粉刀(刮板):дозирующее лезвие 清洁刀(刮板):чистящее лезвие 刮片возвратное лезвие 连续墨水供应系统:СНПЧ(системы непрерывной подачи чернил) 感光鼓ОРС барабан(ОРС---модуль формирования изображения) 加热辊термопл?нка 鼓壳корка селенового барабана 定影膜фиксажная пл?нка 海绵губка 拉环скоба(скобы) 润滑油смазка 弹簧пружина


打印机常见的术语(中英对照) MENU:菜单 TEXT/PHOTO/PICTURE:菜单中关于复印设置的选项,文本,照片,图片模式。Fusing Assembley:加热组件 Photo sensitive drum:感光鼓 Primary charging roller:主充电辊 Transfer charging roller :转印辊 Scanner motor:扫描马达 Scanner mirror:扫描镜 Cleaning:清洁 Formatter pca:控制板 Memory:内存 Main motor:主电机 Toner cartriage:碳粉盒 Sensor:传感器 Laser:激光 Scan:扫描 I/O:输入/输出 Interface:接口 Pick-up roller:搓纸轮 Heating element:热辊 Pressure roller压力辊 Delivery roller:传送辊 Paper jam:卡纸 Setting:设定 Fax:传真 Copy:复印 Print:打印 Demo page:演示页 Cleaning mode:清洁模式 Resume:恢复 Start:启动/开始 Pause:暂停 Cancel:取消 Signal:信号 Adjust program:调整程序 Initialize:初始化 鼓Drum:是个圆筒形物。在激光打印机中专指圆筒形的光导体,以区别于光导板、光导带,最简单的鼓是在鼓筒两端安上齿轮Gear、导电片Electrical Contract做成一个完整的单鼓。 光导鼓/感光鼓Photoreceptive Drum:它更强调是具有光导性能的鼓状物,把鼓定性了。光导材料种类很多,有硒(Se)鼓、硫化镉(CdS)鼓、硅(Si)鼓、有机光导鼓等。 有机光导鼓Organic Photoconductor Drum / OPC Drum:有机光导材料来


Pronunciation 发音specific具体的frustrate使…失望add继续pronounce发音v. Spoken口语的slowly慢的comma逗号challenge挑战solution解决later on随后Complete完整的secret秘密take notes做笔记term学习impress使印象深刻感动Look up寻找essay文章deal wit处理unless除非solve解决v. regard as 将..视为duty责任influence影响development发展go by消逝soldier军人be terrify of害怕insect昆虫 chew嚼gum口香糖comic漫画cause造成patient耐心的exactly恰恰Pay attention to对.留心waste浪费pierce刺穿license执照instead of代替design设计concentrate on专心做…present现在,礼物opportunity to do 有机会 member会员mess混乱reply回复obey服从in the way妨碍人的 achieve完成race与..比赛realistic实际的point要点,指着research研究tie领带what if如果..会怎样.. pimple痘energetic活力的confident自信的permission允许bother打扰not in the slightest根本不fairly相当的plenty of很多(+可数)get along with=get on with与..相处represent代表let…down 让…失望come up with想出aid救助cover sth with覆盖着…deep深的press按压orrect正确的burn烧伤knee膝盖pain痛苦offer提供treat对 待author作家picnic 野餐hair band发卡drop落下symphony交响乐appointment约会crucial关键的anxious忧虑的chase追逐creature生物extremely极其garbage垃圾mystery神秘的director主管导演escape逃跑fingers手指stone石头ant蚂蚁dishonest不诚实pretend to do假装做 use up用光run out of用光attempt试图gentle轻柔的prefer更喜欢remind sb of /to do 使某人记起heart心string线sink下沉latest最近的


喷墨打印Inkjet Printing 连续喷墨式Continuous 按需微量式 Drop-On-Demand 压电式Piezodectric Ink-jet 微压电式Micro Piezodectric Ink-jet (为精工—爱普生SEIKO —EPSON所拥有) 热泡式Thermal Bubble jet (为Canon、HP 共同拥有) 喷咀Nozzle 电极板Charging Plates 偏移极板 Deflection Plates 压电晶体 Piexoelec tric Crystal 喷射出的墨滴Ink is ejecated 墨滴形状Droplet forms 蓄墨池Ink reservoir 墨水腔Ink Chamber 迅速加热Rapid neating 气泡形成 Formation of Vapor bubble 喷墨墨水Inkjet Inks 水性的Water Base 染料Dyed Base 颜料Pigmentl Base 溶剂性的Solvent Base 醇类Alcolol 酮类Ketone 弱溶剂型墨水Eco Solvent Inks 墨头清洗液Nozzle Washers 用于纺织品打印机的墨水Inkjet Inks of Textile Printing 纳米级金属喷墨水 Nanometer Grade Metal Inkjet Inks UV光固化墨水UV Curable Inks 墨水的特性 Ink’s Properties 表面张力Surface Tension (clyne/cm) 粘度 Viscosity (cps) 密度 Density (g/cm3) 电导率Conduetivity (ms/㎝) PH值PH Value 墨水打印质量的物理参数Physical Paramenters of Inks for Print quality 色相Color Hue 稳定性Stable 耐久性Durable 色彩饱和度Color Saturation 打印质量Print Quality 介质 Media 高光相纸 Super glossy Photo Paper 布纹高光相纸Wove glossy Photo Paper 铸涂高光相纸 Waterproof glossy Photo Paper


商务英语词汇大全analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告 abroad adv.在国外,出国,广泛流传analyst n.分析家,化验员 absenee n.缺席,离开annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的 absent adj. 不在,不参与annual general meeting (AGM )股东年 会 absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工,旷职an ticipate v.期望 absorb v.吸收,减轻(困难等)作用或影响an ticipated adj.期待的 abstract n.摘要appeal n.吸引力 access n.接近(或进入)的机apply v.申请,请求;应用,运用 会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库applica nt n.申请人 的权利application n. 申请,施用,实施accommodatio n n. 设施,住宿appo in tee n. 被任命人 accountn. 会计账目appraisal n. 估量,估价 acco untancy n.会计工作appreciate v. 赏识,体谅,增值 acco untant n. 会计appropriate v.拨出(款项) accounts n. 往来账目approve v. 赞成,冋意,批准 account for 解释,说明aptitude n. 天资,才能 acco unt executive n. (广告公司)客户经理arbitrage n.套 accruals n. 增值,应计arbitrati on n. 仲裁 achieve v.获得或达到,实现,完成arrears n.欠账 acknowledge v.承认,告知已收到(某物),assemble v. 收集,集合 承认某人assembly line n. 装配线,流水作业线 acquire v. 获得,得到assess v.评定,估价 acquisition n.收购,被收购的公司或股份asset n.资产 acting adj.代理的curre nt asset n. 流动资产 activity n.业务类型fixed asset n. 固定资产 actual adj.实在的,实际的,确实的frozen asset n. 冻结资产 adapt v.修改,适应intan gible assets n. 无形资产 adjust v.整理,使适应liquid assets n. 速动资产 adm ini strati on 实施,经营,彳亍政tan gible assets n. 有形资产 administer v.管理,实施assist v.援助,协助,出席 adopt v.采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人audit n.查账,审计 advertise v.公布,做广告automate v.使某事物自动操作 ad n.做广告,登广告average n.平均,平均水准 advertisement n. 出公告,做广告aware ness n. 意识;警觉 advertis ing n.广告业backing n.财务支持,赞助 after-sales service n. 售后服务backha nder n.贿赂 agenda n.议事日程backlog n.积压(工作或订货) age nt n.代理人,经纪人bad debt死账(无法收回的欠款) allocate v.分配,配给balanee n.收支差额,余额 amalgamation n.合并,重组bala nee of payme nts n. 贸易支付差额ambition n.强烈的欲望,野心bala nee sheet n. 资产负债表 amortize v.摊还ban krupt adj. 破产的 analyze v.分析,研究ban kruptcy n. 破产


古代漢語題庫詞匯部分 一、填空 1.古今詞義的演變在詞義範圍上有__、__、__、__几種情況。 2.“池塘生春草,園柳變鳴禽”中“塘”的本義是__,這裏用的__義。 3.詞的本義是__;引申義是以__引申出來的,更正確地說,是以__發展出來的;假借義,假借的意義和本義是__的,用朱駿聲的話說,即所謂“本無其字,依聲托事”。 4.從其與本義的關係看,引申義可以分為兩類:一類叫__,一類叫__。 5.古漢語同源詞是指 ____ 。 二、選擇 1.“兵”的本義是__。 a 士兵; b 兵器; c 戰爭; d 軍事2.“讀其書未畢,齊軍萬弩齊發”中“書”的意義是__。 a 書籍; b 書信; c 書寫; d 文字 3.“孔子曰:‘求!無乃爾是過與?'”句中,“過”的意義是__。 a 錯誤 b 責備; c 過失; d 超過 4.“故中禦而從齊侯”中“從”的意義是__。 a 跟隨; b 聽從; c 追趕; d 隨從 三、解釋下列各組詞,並標出各項意義之間的引申關係 1.發 有時朝發白帝,暮到江陵。 暮見火舉而俱發。 雷乃發聲。 秦王發圖,圖窮而匕首見。 西門豹即發民鑿十二渠。 2.舉 後刺史蔣榮,舉臣秀才。 是我一舉解趙之圍而收弊于魏也。 吾不能舉全吳之地,十萬之眾,受制於人。 然則一羽之不舉,為不用力也。 獲諸侯之師,舉地千里。 3.理 有理人之制,而不要郡邑。 不以木為之者,文理有疏密。 王乃使玉人理其璞。

名實已明,而天下之理得矣。 4.書 秦昭王聞之,遺趙王書。 乃丹書帛曰:“陳勝王。” 頌其詩,讀其書,不知其人,可乎? 昔者倉頡作書,天雨粟,鬼夜哭。 5.封 封王子比干墓。 宿不敢封殖此樹。 籍吏民,封府庫,而待將軍。 當年萬里覓封侯,匹馬戍梁州。 6.報 投我以木瓜,報之以瓊琚。 然侍衛之臣不懈於內,忠志之士忘身於外者,蓋追先帝之殊遇,欲報之于陛下也。 為報傾城隨太守,親射虎,看孫郎。 我報路長嗟日暮。 7.誠 是故非誠賈不得食于賈。 今陛下矜憫愚誠。 今誠以吾眾詐自稱公子扶蘇、項燕,為天下唱。 今天下三分,益州疲弊,此誠危急存亡之秋也。 8.當 今人主之於言也,悅其辯而不求其當焉。 當食不歎。 當堯之時,天下猶未平。 匈奴使來,漢亦留之以相當。 9.信 與朋友交,而不信乎? 君臣相顧盡沾衣,東望都門信馬歸。 信非吾罪而棄逐兮,何日夜而忘之! 信誓旦旦,不思其反。 公不見信於人。 10.益 至於斟酌損益,進盡忠言,則攸之、褘、允之任也。 如水益深,如火益熱。 雖殺之無益。 雍水暴益,荊人弗知


打印耗材中英文术语对照一览表 复印机及激光打印机耗材 Copiers ﹠Laser Printers Consumables 墨粉 Toner 载体 Developer 桶装粉 Toner With Pail 铝箔袋 Aluminum foil bag 红/青/黄/黑 M / C / Y / B Magenta / Cyan / Yellow / Black 散粉 Bulk Toner 双组份 Double Compositions 单组份Single Composition 磁性粉 Magnetic Toner 非磁性粉 Non magtnetic Toner 正极性粉 Positve Toner 正极性载体Positve Developer 负极性粉 Negative Toner 负极性载体Negative Developer 导电性粉 Conductive Toner 非导电性粉 Non conductive Toner 瓶装粉 Bottle Toner 模拟复印机 Analog Copier 数码复印机 Digital Copier 激光打印机 Laser Printer 鼓盒、鼓组件、暗盒 Drum Cartridge / Drum Kit / Photograph Cartridge 粉盒 Toner Cartridge / Toner Unit / Toner Kit 空盒组件 Casing Ass’y/ Empty Cartnidge 显影器 Devehoper Cartridge / Development 粉仓Toner Hopper 废粉仓/ 废粉盒/废粉瓶 Waster Bin / Waster Box / Waster Bottle 鼓护罩、鼓保护盖 Drum Shutter 有机光导体 OPC Organic Photoconductor (单个的)鼓Drum 带齿轮的鼓 Drum With Gear 充电辊 PCR Primary Charge Roller 显影辊 Developer Roller 磁辊/磁显影辊 MR/ Mag Roller/Magnetic Developing Roller


打印机词汇表 发布时间——2007年4月12日来源——打印机网<转载> 编辑:——joy 4 x 6 Printing 4 x 6打印 打印普通照片大小的影像。许多HP打印机均支援此打印尺寸。有关此打印技术,请参阅「无边框打印」。 6-, 7-, or 8-Ink Printing 6-, 7-, 8-色打印 一种采用HP PhotoREt的革命性打印技术。多重叠色打印能印制出可作长时间保存、细致无微粒、逼真自然的高质素相片,亦能打印出真实的黑色、白色,以及渐变色。 A All-in-one (AIO) 多合一装置 一种能提供打印以外的多功能装置。部份多合一装置配备了送稿式扫描器,部份则提供平台式扫描器。 Anti-aliasing 消除锯齿现象 透过数学计算方法修饰萤光幕上文字边缘。Windows及Mac OS均采用此技术,以显示细致清晰文字。 Auditing 稽核 一种Windows NT的功能,容许系统管理员监察每位用户的打印活动。 Auto Answer 自动接收 一种普遍使用于传真机、传真数据机及备有传真功能多合一装置的设定。透过此设定,装置在指定次数的铃响后会自动接收传真。 Automatic Document Feeder 自动送纸器 于打印机或扫描器上,每次可以传送一张稿件的送纸匣或附件。 Automatic Paper Sensing 自动纸张感应 一种安装在打印机上的光学感应器,能辨别不同纸张本身的特征,并与不同的打印媒体作出比较。打印机则按所辨悉之媒体特性作出最佳化调整。 Automatic Two-sided Printing 自动双面打印


打印机术语完全手册(续)[推荐] 十五、打印方向 (1)单向打印 串行打印机每行打印结束后均使打印头返回到行首,早期的打印机采用这种方式,打印速度较慢。 (2)双向打印 目前生产的串行式打印机都采用双向逻辑选距方式。在这种方式下,不论本行打印结束时,打印头处在该行的哪一个位置,它都首先判断一下打印的信息首或尾谁离该位置最近。若离行尾近打印头直接移到行尾反向向行首逐字打印;若离行首近,则先移到行首,然后顺向打印。这种方式可以加快实际打印速度。 十六、走纸速度 走纸速度是指单位时间内走纸的距离。单位:mm/s;也有用每行需多少毫秒表示的,单位:ms/L。 十七、输入输出量 输入输出量或称吞吐量,指打印机输入数据与印字量之间的关系。通常单位为页/小时。 十八、图形打印方式 由计算机送给打印机的是汉字的点阵编码信息,用点阵编码打印的方式称为图形打印方式。这种方式打印汉字,每个汉字需要72个字节(24X24点阵),因而采用图形打印方式打印速度慢。 十九、文本打印方式 从计算机送往打印机的不再是汉字点阵信息,而是国家标准的内码,打印机再从汉字库中取出点阵信息进行汉字打印。每个汉字内码只占用两个字节,因而采用文本打印方式打印速

度快。 二十、高速打印方式 高速打印方式是用于草体(即Draft)结构打印。为适应高速打印适当降低厂打印质量。 二十一、高密打印方式 高密打印方式是用于书写体结构打印。降低打印速度,但打印质量高。 二十二、图形打印模式 图形打印模式是指横向以点密度所能打印点阵图形的方式。 (1)单密度打印模式:用点密度为60DPI的点阵图形打印。 (2)倍密度打印模式:用点密度为120DPI的点阵图形打印。 (3)三倍密度打印模式:用点密度为180DPI的点阵图形打印。 (4)六倍密度打印模式:用点密度为360DPI的点阵图形打印。 二十三、成行度 成行度在针式打印机中指同一根针打印一行偏离基准位置的最大距离。单位:mm。 二十四、成列度 成列度在针式打印机中指打印一点列偏离基准位置的最大距离。单位:mm。 二十五、走纸累积误差 走纸累积误差是指当针式打印机以规定行间距连续打印时,在规定的行数内,打印结果的任意点纵向偏离标准行位的最大距离。


1. A lthough Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders ___C___ will happen to her private life.尽管玛丽对自己的成功非常满意,她仍然好奇她将来的私人生活 A. how B. who C. what D. that 2.A nd what we got to ____C___ is a disgrace.我们将要忍受的是耻辱. A. come up with B. catch up with C. put up with D. keep up with 3. A ir pollution ____A___ , this city is still a good place to live in.由于空气污染大量减少,该城市仍然是居住的好地方. A. being greatly reduced B. greatly being reduced C. to greatly reduce D. greatly to reduce 4. A lthough Jack made a foolish mistake, we __B__ at him. 虽然杰克犯了一个愚蠢的错误,但是我们也不应该嘲笑他。 A. ought to have laughed B. oughtn't to have laughed C. ought to laugh D. should not to laugh 5. A fter seven months on the case, the police failed to __B_____ any real clues.经过七个月的案子调查,警察还是找不出任何真正的线索. A. turn over B. turn up C. turn on D. turn down B 1. B eer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, ___D____ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.啤酒是最受男性欢迎的酒类,它总的消费量比女性喝啤酒的数量要高得多. A. that B. what C. which D. whose C 1. C ars are to Americans ___C__ bikes are to Chinese. A. that B. which C. what D. whether 2. C hildren learn best by studying at their own __C____孩子根据自己的学习步骤,能学得最好。 A. rate B. speed C. pace D. growth 3. C ambridge has announced plans to establish a business school _____B__ the master's degree in business administration.剑桥大学已经宣布创建商学院的计划,并提供工商管理硕士. A. representing B. offering C. presenting D. supplying D 1. D etermined to ___A___ as if everything were normal, he responded with a kind of indifference.决心若无其事地继续,他淡漠地回答. A. carry on B. account for C. bring up D. get through 2. D ieters should try to reach and ___D____ a reasonable weight. 减肥者努力维持他们理想的体重。 A. contain B. secure C. reserve D. maintain 3. D octors have recently ____B___ cancer-producing substance in cigarettes has been demonstrated. 医生们最近声明展示了香烟中的致癌物质 A. made clear that B. made it clear that C. made that clear D. made which clear 4. D avid and Sheila are unable to have children, but they're hoping to____C___ a little boy.大卫和莎拉不能生孩子,不是他们希望领养一个小男孩. A. cultivate B. raise C. adopt D. acquire 5. D octors predicted that the baby would not ___D____ with such severe disabilities.医生预言有如此严重的残疾,这个婴儿活不下来.


计算机常用英语单词中英文对照查询[请按CTRL+F键] A Active-matrix主动距陈 Adapter cards适配卡 Advanced application高级应用 Analytical graph分析图表 Analyze分析 Animations动画 Application software 应用软件 Arithmetic operations算术运算 Audio-output device音频输出设备 Access time存取时间 access存取 accuracy准确性 ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件 Add-ons附软件 Address地址 Agents代理 Analog signals模拟信号 Applets程序 Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口Attachment附件 B Bar code条形码 Bar code reader条形码读卡器 Basic application基础程序 Binary coding schemes二进制译码方案 Binary system二进制系统 Bit比特 Browser浏览器 Bus line总线 Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元 Bandwidth带宽 Bluetooth蓝牙 Broadband宽带 Browser浏览器 Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务 Business-to-consumer企业对消费者 Bus总线

C Cables连线 Cell单元箱 Chain printer链式打印机 Character and recognition device字符标识识别设备 Chart图表 Chassis支架 Chip芯片 Clarity清晰度 Closed architecture封闭式体系结构 Column列 Combination key结合键 computer competency计算机能力 connectivity连接,结点 Continuous-speech recognition system连续语言识别系统 Control unit操纵单元 Cordless or wireless mouse无线鼠标 Cable modems有线调制解调器 carpal tunnel syndrome腕骨神经综合症 CD-ROM可记录光盘 CD-RW可重写光盘 CD-R可记录压缩光盘 Channel信道 Chat group谈话群组 chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) ]氯氟甲烷 Client客户端 Coaxial cable同轴电缆 cold site冷战 Commerce servers商业服务器 Communication channel信道 Communication systems信息系统 Compact disc rewritable Compact disc光盘 computer abuse amendments act of 19941994计算机滥用法案 computer crime计算机犯罪 computer ethics计算机道德 computer fraud and abuse act of 1986计算机欺诈和滥用法案 computer matching and privacy protection act of 1988计算机查找和隐私保护法案Computer network计算机网络 computer support specialist计算机支持专家 computer technician计算机技术人员
