新机电技术专业英语 教学课件 徐起贺 张庆良pata a lesson Eighteen


机电专业英语课件Lesson 1

机电专业英语课件Lesson 1


Section II Text
Early in the 1950s, two important engineering discoveries changed th e image of the electronic-computer field. These discoveries were the mag netic core memory and Transistor-Circuit Element. These technical disco veries quickly found their way into new models of digital computers. In the 1960s, efforts to design and develop the fastest possible compu ter with the greatest capacity reached a turning point with the LARC mac hine. The LARC had a base memory of 98000 words and multiplied in 1 0 μs. The trend during the 1970s was, to some extent, moving away from ve ry powerful, single-purpose computers and toward a larger range of appli cations for cheaper computer systems. Most continuous-process manufac turing, such as petroleum refining and electrical-power distribution syste ms then used computers of smaller capability for controlling and regulati ng their jobs.



1.2 机电一体化设备的构成与主要特点
动力单元主要是为执行机构提供能量。它是机电一体化产品的能量供应部分,其作用 就是按照系统控制要求向机器系统提供能量和动力,使系统正常运行。提供的能量类型包 括电能、气压能和液压能。以电能为例,除了要求可靠性好以外,机电一体化产品还要求 动力源的效率高,即用尽可能小的动力输入获得尽可能大的功率输出。
1.5 机电技术的发展趋势和展望
智能化是21世纪机电一体化技术发展的一个重要发展方向。人工智能在机电一体化 建设的研究日益得到重视,机器人与数控机床的智能化就是重要应用。这里所说的“智能 化”是对机器行为的描述,是在控制理论的基础上,吸收人工智能、运筹学、计算机科学、 模糊数学、心理学、生理学和混沌动力学等新思想、新方法,模拟人类智能,使它具有判 断推理、逻辑思维、自主决策等能力,以求得到更高的控制目标。
1.3 典型机电一体化产品简介
如图1.3.1所示,浙江亚龙公司YL-235A型光机电一体化实训装置包含了机电专业所 涉及的电机驱动、机械传动、气动、触摸屏控制、可编程控制器、传感器,变频调速等多 项基础知识和专业知识,模拟了当前先进技术在企业中的实际应用。它为学生提供了一个 典型的、可进行综合训练的工程环境,为学生构建了一个可充分发挥潜能和创造力的实践 平台。
信息处理技术包括信息的交换、存取、运算、判断和决策等,实现信息处理的主要工 具是计算机,因此计算机技术与信息处理技术密切相关。计算机技术包括计算机硬件技术 和软件技术、网络与通信技术、数据库技术等。在机电一体化产品中,计算机与信息处理 装置指挥整个产品的运行,信息处理是否正确、及时,直接影响产品工作的质量和效率。 因此,计算机应用及信息处理技术已成为促进机电一体化技术和产品发展的最活跃的因 素。人工智能、专家系统、神经网络技术等都属于计算机与信息处理技术。


A)What may be included when introducing a company to
the client?
B)Which company’s introduction or ads. ever impressed
you most? And why?
2) New words and phrases:
Unit 1 Establishing BusinessRelations (1)
Teaching objectives:
1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;
2)Master the key language points and grammatical
1) Tofinish exercise book of unit one
2) To preview writing
Unit 1 Establishing BusinessRelations (3)
Teaching objectives:
1) Improve students' writing abilities;
Teaching objectives:
1) Improve students' Listening&Speaking;
2) Listening strategy and methods;
3) Conduct a series oflistening, andspeaking relatedto the theme of the unit.
2) ask Ss to turn to page 2,to look at the Task 1 and

《新理念职业英语 机电英语》教学课件—Unit 9 CNC

《新理念职业英语 机电英语》教学课件—Unit 9 CNC
vt. 用杠杆撬动;把……作为杠杆 cam [kæm] n. 凸轮 spindle ['spɪndl] n. 轴;纺锤,锭子 precise [prɪ'saɪs] adj. 精确的;明确的;严格的 turret ['tʌrət] n. 炮塔;角楼;小塔
Phrases & Expressions
binary notation 二进制记数法 execution cycle 执行周期;完成周期 binary code 二进制代码 electronic pulses 电子脉冲 lead screw 导螺杆 drive motor 驱动马达,传动马达;驱动电动机 tool changer 工具变换器 open loop 开环 slide movement 滑动运动 stepper motors 步进电机 DC servomotors 直流伺服电机 AC servomotors 交流伺服电机 fluid servomotors 液伺服电机
the spindle and lead screw, causing the spindle rotation and slide or table movement.
In general, any CNC machine tools consists of the following units: computers, control systems,
Reading A
Task 2
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on your understanding of the passage.
( F ) 1. Computer numerical control (CNC) is the automation of machine tools by means of hand wheels. ( T ) 2. CNC machine tools are complex assemblies. ( F ) 3. The CNC machine computer works on binary principle using only one character 1. ( T ) 4. There are two types of control systems on CNC machines: the open loop and the closed loop. ( F ) 5. The majority of CNC machine tools aren’t equipped with automatic tool changers.



机电专业英语全书电子教案完整版教学设计第一章:机电专业英语概述1.1 课程简介1.2 学习目标1.3 教学内容1.3.1 专业英语的重要性和应用领域1.3.2 机电专业英语的基本词汇和语法1.4 教学方法1.4.1 课堂讲解1.4.2 案例分析1.4.3 互动讨论1.5 作业与评估1.5.1 课后作业1.5.2 课堂参与度评估第二章:机电专业英语词汇与短语2.1 学习目标2.2 教学内容2.2.1 机电专业常用词汇2.2.2 相关短语和表达方式2.3 教学方法2.3.1 词汇讲解2.3.2 实例演示2.3.3 小组活动2.4 作业与评估2.4.1 词汇练习2.4.2 小组活动报告第三章:机电专业英语阅读理解3.1 学习目标3.2 教学内容3.2.1 机电专业英语文章阅读3.2.2 提高阅读理解能力3.3 教学方法3.3.1 阅读技巧讲解3.3.2 文章讨论3.3.3 练习题解答3.4 作业与评估3.4.1 阅读练习3.4.2 阅读理解测试第四章:机电专业英语听力理解4.1 学习目标4.2 教学内容4.2.1 机电专业英语听力材料4.2.2 提高听力理解能力4.3 教学方法4.3.1 听力技巧讲解4.3.2 听力练习4.3.3 听力材料讨论4.4 作业与评估4.4.1 听力练习4.4.2 听力测试第五章:机电专业英语写作与口语表达5.1 学习目标5.2 教学内容5.2.1 机电专业英语写作技巧5.2.2 机电专业英语口语表达技巧5.3 教学方法5.3.1 写作技巧讲解5.3.2 口语表达练习5.3.3 角色扮演5.4 作业与评估5.4.1 写作练习5.4.2 口语表达评估第六章:机械工程领域的英语应用6.1 学习目标6.2 教学内容6.2.1 机械工程领域常用英语词汇和短语6.2.2 机械工程领域英语文献阅读和理解6.3 教学方法6.3.1 实例分析6.3.2 小组讨论6.3.3 英语报告6.4 作业与评估6.4.1 文献阅读6.4.2 小组项目第七章:电子工程领域的英语应用7.1 学习目标7.2 教学内容7.2.1 电子工程领域常用英语词汇和短语7.2.2 电子工程领域英语文献阅读和理解7.3 教学方法7.3.1 实例分析7.3.2 小组讨论7.3.3 英语报告7.4 作业与评估7.4.1 文献阅读7.4.2 小组项目第八章:机电设备说明书翻译8.1 学习目标8.2 教学内容8.2.1 机电设备说明书结构及内容8.2.2 翻译技巧与策略8.3 教学方法8.3.1 实例讲解8.3.2 翻译练习8.3.3 学生翻译展示与讨论8.4 作业与评估8.4.1 翻译练习8.4.2 翻译质量评估第九章:机电专业英语口译技巧9.1 学习目标9.2 教学内容9.2.1 机电专业英语口译基本概念9.2.2 口译技巧与实践9.3 教学方法9.3.1 理论讲解9.3.2 角色扮演与模拟口译9.3.3 反馈与改进9.4 作业与评估9.4.1 口译练习9.4.2 口译能力评估第十章:机电专业英语综合应用10.1 学习目标10.2 教学内容10.2.1 机电专业英语案例分析10.2.2 综合应用能力的培养10.3 教学方法10.3.1 案例研究10.3.2 小组合作项目10.3.3 学生展示与讨论10.4 作业与评估10.4.1 案例分析报告10.4.2 小组项目评估重点和难点解析一、机电专业英语概述重点环节:1.3.2 机电专业英语的基本词汇和语法补充和说明:此环节需重点关注机电专业英语的基本词汇和语法结构,因为这是理解后续专业知识的基础。

新机电英语教案 unit8(2)

新机电英语教案 unit8(2)

新机电英语Unit8教案2授课时间班周星期第节班周星期第节班周星期第节班周星期第节课次17 学时数 2授课形式(请打√)纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit 8 Task 3: reading & Grammar : Attribute Clauses教学目的 1.Ss get a general idea of after-sale services2.Ss learn and master attribute clauses教学重点1. attribute clauses2. new words related to after-sale services教学难点1.The usage of new words and expressions in the text2.Long sentences of the text使用的教具/多媒体/仪器/仪表/设备等Textbook; PPT;教学方法case-analysis, teacher & student interaction 参考资料New Electromechanical English教学基本内容及设计I. Revision(10’)A brief revision of what has learned in last periodAsk some students to present the dialoguesII. Reading :The History of Automobile(45’)Task 1 New words learning1. asset ['æset]----n. something such as money or property that a personor company own2. equate [ɪ'kweɪt] ----vi. to consider something to be the same assomething else3. negative ['neɡətɪv] ----adj. expressing disagreement or criticism4. discourage [dɪs'kʌrɪdʒ] ----vt. to try to prevent something fromhappening, especially because you do not approve of it or think it is harmful5. tweet [twi:t] ----n. a short message sent using the microbloggingservice Twitter6. monitor ['mɑnitər] ----vt & vi. to regularly check something or watchsomeone in order to find out what is happening7. feedback ['fidbæk] -----n. comments about how well or how badlysomeone is doing something, which are intended to help them do it better8. commitment [kə'mitmənt] ----n. a duty or responsibility that you haveaccepted9. dedication [dedi'keiʃ(ə)n] ----n. the large amount of time and effort thatsomeone spends on something10. clientele ['klaɪən'tɛl] -----n. the customers of a store, hotel, restaurant,etc. considered as a group11. standard ['stændərd] ----n. a level of quality or achievement,especially one that people generally consider normal or acceptableTask 2 Text learning1.ask the Ss to read the text by themselves and answer the followingquestions:1) What is the advantage of providing good customer services?2) What is the bad influence if companies cannot provide satisfactory services?3) How do companies get customers’ feedback?4) What are the usual ways for companies to provide services?2 .While reading:teacher explain the structure of the text and key words and expressionsIII. Grammar(25’)1. a. 关系词为“介词+关系代词”在定语从句中,除了常见的关系代词和关系副词之外,引导定语从句的还可以有“介词+关系代词”的形式。

《机电专业英语》 教学课件课件 Unit 15 Mechatronics

《机电专业英语》 教学课件课件 Unit 15 Mechatronics

Text & Translation
Mechatronics is an integrated comprehensive study of intelligent and high performance electromechanical system (mechanisms and processes),intelligent and motion control through the use of advanced microprocessors and DSPs,power electronics and ICs,design and optimization,modeling and simulation,analysis and virtual prototyping,etc. Integrated multidisciplinary features are approaching quickly,and mechatronics,which integrates electrical, mechanical,and computer engineering areas(Fig.15.1).
New Words & Expressions
benchmark [′bentʃma:k] n. 基准,标准 entreaty [in′tri:ti] n. 恳求,请求 evolutionary [i:və′lu:ʃnəri] adj. 发展的,演化的 DSP (digital signal processing) 数字信号处理 IC (integrated circuit) 集成电路 consensus [kən′sensəs] n. 一致 augment [ɔ:g′ment] v. 增加,扩大 unify [′ju:nifai] v. 成为一体,统一 cornerstone [′kɔ:nəstəun] n. 基石,基础


A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;
B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after their
3) Skimming
A)Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and
3)How to make a pany introduction to the client?
Teaching methods:
Task-based Approach;
municative Language Teaching;
Activity Teaching Approach;
Question-answer Teaching Approach、
A)What may be included when introducing a pany to
the client?
B)Which pany’s introduction or ads、ever impressed
you most? And why?
2) New words and phrases:
Unit 1 Establishing BusinessRelations (1)
Teaching objectives:
1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;
2)Master the key language points and grammatical

新机电英语课件 Unit 10

新机电英语课件 Unit 10

Speaking material:
polytechnic, mechanical engineering, consecutive, innovative, utilize, re-crystallization, anneal
Key sentences: 1. I’m from (Beijing Polytechnic). 2. I major in …. 3. I have received gold medal for the best performance in …. 4. What do you think the skills an engineer should have are? 5. What else courses do you have learned? 6. I take courses like … 7. I would appreciate if I had the opportunity to work for …
Tim : Thanks you. Peter: Rehearse (排练) the Interview and try to get a hold of the related questions that are generally asked during the job interview. Dress the part, that is, make sure that you dress and look perfectly for the job that you have applied for. Finally, create an impression, speak to everyone in the office with the same respect and comfort levels that you would show to the interviewer. Tim : Apart from the do’s, what about the don’ts? Peter: Well, do not over rehearse, be yourself. Do not act over-smart. Do not bring up personal issues. Tim : I appreciate your advices, which are fabulous. Peter: Hope that would be helpful and good luck!

新机电英语课件 Unit 4-2

新机电英语课件 Unit 4-2

Engine lathes Turret lathes Single-Spindle Automatic Screw Machines Copying lathe NC turning machine CNC turning machine
II. Read the sentences carefully and fill in the blanks automated be appointed precise distinguish universal feed perform
C 9. He _____ to recite the poem in the open air just now. A. heard B. was hearing C. was heard D. has heard 10. As soon as he heard the noise, he went A out to see what_____ A. was happening B. was happened C. has happened D. will happen
take up
take over
be capable of
1. People ________ the true from the false by observing its color and consistency of honey. 2. Now many new musicians ________ writing both words and music. 3. Wu Mart ________ Merry Mart in 2007. 4. Productivity is affected by the ______ speed of cutters. 5. The new machining center can ____________ a variety of operation.

新机电英语 教学课件 ppt nit 1 Unit 1-1

新机电英语 教学课件 ppt nit 1 Unit 1-1
introduction to…?
Dialogue sample 1: At an International Automotive Exhibition (1)
Peter: Have you ever been to last international automotive exhibition?
Mike: No. This is my fist time. How do you feel it? Peter: I see a variety of domestic and international
automobiles. They are fashionable and vintage, luxurious and economic, advanced and traditional. Mike: Look at Chery A3, how about it? It is said it is homemade but its engine is developed with foreign countries together.
Peter: Yeah, such as machinery equipment, machining technology, etc. The final products can either serve as a finished good for sale to customers or as intermediate goods used in the production process.
Mike wants to get some
information about domestic
Speaking ial:

新机电英语 Unit1课文讲解

新机电英语 Unit1课文讲解

课文讲解Unit 1
production processes of other industries. Some of the most important branches of mechanical engineering are machine tools ( including manufacturing systems) , printing and paper machines , power transmission engineering, equipment for air handling, refrigeration and air pollution control, vacuum and compressor technologies and food processing and packaging machines. These branches account for half of the total production value of the
课文讲解Unit 1
课文讲解Unit 1
Industial Process Machinery:工业制造机械 Equipment and technology (used in wide range of industries to operate and automate industrial process.) Industrial process technology工业生产技术 includes basic produces such as electric motors, 发动 机pumps, 泵valves阀 and compressors压缩机 and industrial control工业控制,as well as material handling equipment材料传送设备. Process control system 生产控制系统 are especially important to achieving the greatest productivity from industrial plant and equipment. 工厂和设备获得最高生产力






他们在工作屮会较多地接触到国外部分先进设备、产品和技术,这些设备、产品和技术的使用手册及说明书都是用英文编写的,其中包含许多专业术语和专业知识,所以仅懂普通英语是不够的, 这些都要求他们能够把专业知识和听说读写能力结合起来。












《新理念职业英语 机电英语》教学课件—Unit 6 Hydraulic

《新理念职业英语 机电英语》教学课件—Unit 6 Hydraulic

Speaking Reading B
Project Grammar Relaxing
Translate the words into Chinese according to the pictures. Task 1
1. 油泵 . 2. 电机 . 3. 油箱 . 4. 气缸 . 5. 液压阀.
propeller [prə'pelə(r)] n. 螺旋桨;推进器 turbine ['tɜːrbaɪn] n. 涡轮;涡轮机 cavitation [ kævə'teɪʃən] n. 气穴现象;空穴作用;成穴 actuator ['æktʃueɪtər] n. 促动器;制动器 pipeline ['paɪplaɪn] n. 管道;输油管;传递途径 accumulator [ə'kjuːmjəleɪtər] n. 蓄电池 medium ['miːdiəm] adj. 中间的,中等的
C.To solve the problem of gas turbine.
D.All the above.
D 4.How does the hydraulic system work?
A. Using hydraulic pump to convert mechanical energy into liquid pressure energy.
Reading A
Hydraulic Transmission
Hydraulic transmission used in modern machinery began in the early 20th century, as the earliest ship power equipment and the transmission mechanism between the propeller, to solve the problem of high power, high speed steam turbine as well as gas turbine and speed is limited by cavitation.



Topic Above 英 Next
Section II Translation
例如, 许多早期的机器人起源于机电一体化的发展。随 着机器人系统的智能化发展, 不仅机械系统、电子系 统,而且软件技术的发展也成为机电一体化的核心内 容。
Topic Above 英 Next
Section II ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱranslation
Lesson 8
What is mechatronics?
•Section I Words and Phrases 词 •Section II Text 英 and Translation 汉 •Section III Exercises 练
Next End
Section I Words and Phrases
Topic Above Next
Section II Text
Mechatronics in Japan originated in the u niversity departments of precision mechanics, a discipline that has been emphasized in Japan since World War Ⅱ1. After the war, building on the expertise in mechanisms developed for we apon research, they began to specialize in pre cision engineering and, later, in manufacturing engineering. With the invention of the micropr ocessor and its incorporation into precision me chanics, the techniques and machinery they d eveloped were assumed under the Japanese ef fort called "mechatronics".



机电专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件
[3] The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is, the harder it becomes. 钢的含碳量越高,冷速越快,钢就变得越硬。 [4] ...because the alloying elements make them tougher,stronger or harder than carbon stainless steels. 因为合金元素能提高钢的韧性,强度和硬度(与碳钢比较)。 有些合金元素能提高钢的耐腐蚀性,这种钢称为不锈钢。 句中的“make”和“cause”均为及物动词,它们的宾语分别为 “them”和“steel”。作为宾语“them”的补足语是形容比较 级“tougher,stronger or harder”,而宾语“steel”的补足 语是不定式短语“to resist corrosion”。“stainless steels” 作主语“such steel”的补充语。
机电专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件
2.Alloy steels (1) Special alloy steel,such as nickel, chromium steel. (2) High-speed steel also known as self-hardening steel.
机电专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件
书名:机电专业英语 ISBN: 978-7-111-34794-1 作者:周美蓉 出版社:机械工业出版社 本书配有电子课件
机电专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件
Part Ⅱ Machining Operation
Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 5 6 7 8 9


structures in the text;
3) Reading strategy and methods.
Teaching contents:
Reading A
Teaching focuses:
1)the main ideaof the reading A;
2)the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
Unit 2 Market Research (1)
Teaching objectives:
1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;
2)Master the key language points and grammatical
structures in the text;
Step 3 Sentence components
Ask Ss to do the exercises page20, while doing the problem found, after the explanation.
Step 4 Homework
To preview Unit2 Reading A
2) grasp parts of speech and sentence components
Teaching contents:
class shift and sentence components
Teaching focuses:
The use of class shift and sentence components
Teaching objectives:
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。