二外英语一口语考试朗读材料1. When I was young, I thought that reading was like a drug which I was allowed to take only a teaspoon at a time, but which, nevertheless, had the effect of carrying me away to an enchanted world. As time wentby and I took that drug again and again, I became addicted to it. Books became an intrinsic part of my life. They became my friends, my guides, my lovers. My most faithful lovers. I didn?t knowI would fall in love with books when I was young and started to read.I don?t evenrecall when I started to read and how. I just remember that mymother didn?t likeme to read. In spite of this, every time I had an opportunity Iwould sneak somewhere with a book and read one page, two pages, three,if I were lucky enough, always feeling my heart beating fast, always hoping that my mother wouldn?t find me. For her, books were nothing. For me, they were everything.2. According to the Small Business Administration, the number of family-owned companies — many of which are run by mothers anddaughters — is on the rise.In 1988, of the nearly 19 million companies in the United States, more than 13 million were sole proprietorships. Most of those were described as family-owned businesses with two or more relatedindividuals who were working together. While there are no hard numbersof how many mother-daughter companies exist, experts agree that more mothers and daughters are going into business together. “About 90 percent of American businesses are family-owned or -controlled,” saysa family business consultant. “People still prefer, whenever possible, to work with people they know.”3. Walter Anderson joined the ranks of the HA Society the same yearI did. I felt a special kinship to him as I heard his story — for reasons that will be obvious as Irelate it here. Walter grew up in a four-room railroad flat on the wrong side of the tracks in New York, in an atmosphere made volatile and violent by an illiterate, abusive, alcoholic father. “I lived with fear every day, nearly every minute of my childho od,” Walter remembers. “Often my father would beat me for things Imight do, not for things I had done. I felt safer on the street corner than in my own home.” Like me, my friend Walter credits his mother and reading as key influences in his life. His mom always tried to shield him from his father?s abuse.“I never doubted my mother?s love,” Walter says. “She encouraged me to read despite the fact that my father would beat me if he found me reading. Years later, after my father?s death, I asked her why she would do so when she knew myfather would beat me, and she said, …I believed that if you could learn to read, somehow you would find your way out. And you did.?”4. They?re known as “the boys”. They are Ben and Jerry, definitely America?s mostfamous providers of ice cream and certainly two of America?s most colorfulentrepreneurs. They?ve been friends since seventh grade and business partners since 1978, when they opened their first scoop shop, using techniques gathered from a $5 correspondence course on how to make ice cream. Their firm, Ben & Jerry?s Homemade, sold more than $76 million worth of super premium ice cream in 1990 and employs around 300 people, give or take a few, depending on the season. Ben and Jerry have strong personalities and strong opinions. They believe that work should be fun, or else it isn?t worth doing. They also believe inhelping the unfortunate, protecting the environment, and treating people fairly. They want their company to be a happy, humanitarian place where everybody feels good about coming to work and producing the best product.5. The United States is often described as a “melting pot” that absorbs immigrants from diverse lands and blends them into something we call Americans. They may be Latin, or Russian, or Italian when they arrive, but given enough time they, or at least their children, become just like the rest of us. That may have been true in the past, but it is less so today, according to a growing body of research. Modern technology ranging from jet aircraft to the Internet has made it possible for new immigrants to hang on to their past, and what we see isnot necessarily what we get. They are called “transnationals”, a new buzzword that has embroiled many experts in controversy. The experts can?t even seem to agree on its definition, much less whether it is a good thing.6. There is a warm and cheery feeling in the room for this, thefirst meeting of the year for the new kindergarten parents. Sharing stories about the little angels brings laughter, and when Ms. Jeffers reflects what a great step it is to send the little ones off to school for the first time, there is a bittersweet tear here and there. After a while, Ms. Jeffers takes a deep breath and says: “And now I?d like to talk about a policy here at our School that all of you heard about during your entrance interview but which is controversial for some —the school policy abouttelevision and media.” Suddenly the room is quiet and tense. It is as if an arctic wind had suddenly cut through the pleasant atmosphere that had moments ago filled the space. The sudden change in the room is apparent to Ms. Jeffers as well — though not unexpected. Nevertheless, she forges ahead with conviction, relating her own experience of the difference between children exposed to the media and those who are not. She also cites research findings critical of television watching and computer use by children and hands out articles and study results by respected authorities.7. After reading so many books that touch me deeply, each one in its special way, I understand now that my mother had a point when she triedto keep me away from books in my childhood. She wanted me to stay in my little town, to marry a rich and tiresome man, to keep up with the traditions. But the books carried me away; they gave me wings to fly, to discover new places. They made me dare to live another kind of life. They made me wish for more, and when I couldn?t have all I wished for, they were still there to comfort me, and to show me new options. Yes, my mother was right. Books are dangerous; books are subversive. Because of them I left a predictable future for an unforeseeable one. However, if I had to choose again, I would always choose the books instead of the lackluster life I could have had. After all, what joy would I find in my heart without my books, my mostfaithful lovers?8. Mothers and daughters should work together in some informalsetting before forming a business partnership. And that?s just what Kelly did before she joinedher mother?s 16-year-old antique store. “As a child, I always worked with mymother on projects,” says Kelly, the company?s 36-year-old marketing and publicrelations manager. “We?ve always had a good working relationship.” That oldsaying, “Mothers will always be mothers,” certainly applies here. Many daughterssay that one of the major drawbacks to successfully running a mother-daughter company can be the inability of the mother to respect the daughter?s professionalskills. Some mothers still treat their daughte rs as “Mommy?s little girl” — despitethe fact that they?re adult business owners. That thinking can cripple amother-daughter operation. “Did I have reservations about working with mymother? Sure I did,” “Mom still likes to exert a certain amount of control over me. That?s the biggest issue. My most difficult challenge is weaning myself from my mother. Her challenge is to look at her children more as trained professionals.”9. While working as a reporter, Walter enrolled in a local community college and graduated two years later — first in his class of six hundred students. MercyCollege awarded him a full scholarship to continue his education. He graduated from there, once again class valedictorian. After serving as editor and general manager of two daily newspapers, he moved to Parade magazine. He served asmanaging editor there before being promoted to editor of thelargest-circulation Sunday magazine in the world at the age of thirty-five. In the course of his journalistic success, Walter met and interviewed a lot of famous people from whom he learned some valuablelessons. “I thought for the longest time that I was the only human being who worried that others would find out that I was inferior, that I was vulnerable, that I deserved to be rejected. I now know that all sane human beings worry that others will find out that they are not quite good enough, that they can be hurt, that maybe they don?t belong.”10. Whether you work for a free-spirited company like Ben & Jerry?s or a moreconventional organization, you will discover that when all is said and done, what?s done is more important than what?s said. Action is the ultimate form ofcommunication. It speaks with an unmistakable voice. The diaper changing tables in both the men?s and women?s rooms at Ben & Jerry?s say more about thecompany?s commitment to family values than any statement in a policy manual possibly could. At the same time, when Ben tears his remaining hair and laments that the company is growing too fast, the employees give each other knowing looks and hustle to meet production targets. They?ve noticed that for a man whohates growth, Ben sure sells a lot of ice cream. Perhaps a certain amount of inconsistency between words and actions is unavoidable. Lifeis full of ambiguities, and most of us have mixed feelings about things from time to time. We don?t say what we really mean; in fact, we don?t always know what we reallymean. Under the circumstances, no wonder we sometimes have trouble figuring out all the surface and underlying messages that we send and receive.。
第一部分:自我介绍1. 请向大家介绍一下自己。
2. 讲一下你的教育背景和专业。
3. 你的兴趣爱好是什么?为什么喜欢这些?4. 你对大学生活有什么期待和计划?在自我介绍时,可以结合自己的实际情况进行回答。
第二部分:日常生活1. 你平常是如何度过一天的?2. 你喜欢做什么样的运动?为什么?3. 你最喜欢的电影是什么?为什么喜欢它?4. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么喜欢它?这部分的考试题目主要是关于日常生活的问题,考察学生的日常交流能力以及表达个人偏好和喜好的能力。
第三部分:演讲1. 请你谈一下你对时尚的理解。
2. 你认为音乐对人的重要性是什么?3. 请你分享一下你最喜欢的旅行地点。
4. 你的理想职业是什么?为什么喜欢它?演讲题目常常要求考生阐述自己的观点或经验,并且能够进行一定的逻辑和语言表达。
第四部分:小组讨论1. 请你谈一下如何保持健康的生活方式。
2. 互联网对社交交流的影响是正向的还是负向的?3. 请你们组织一场关于环保的活动。
4. 请你们讨论一下新的科技对我们生活的影响。
第五部分:回答问题1. 你认为大学生的主要责任是什么?2. 你觉得大学课程设置是否合理?3. 请你谈一下你对合作学习的看法。
高考外语必背64个口语对话题集合一、个人信息1. 自我介绍2. 家庭信息3. 兴趣爱好4. 个人成就二、学业与学校5. 学校介绍6. 最喜欢的学科7. 选择学校的原因8. 研究计划与目标三、社交和人际关系9. 朋友与交友10. 与同学的相处11. 组织活动与社交技巧12. 怎样成为一个好领导者四、旅行与文化13. 最喜欢的旅行地点14. 旅行的好处15. 介绍一个自己喜欢的文化16. 体验异国文化的经历五、工作与职业17. 理想的职业18. 实经历19. 如何在工作中取得成功20. 你的职业规划六、科技与媒体21. 我的电脑使用经验22. 手机的优点与缺点23. 网络安全问题24. 社交媒体的影响七、健康与生活方式25. 如何保持健康生活惯26. 健身与运动的重要性27. 有益于健康的饮食惯28. 健康与压力管理八、环境与社会议题29. 环保行动与个人责任30. 垃圾分类与回收31. 动物保护与关怀32. 社会公益活动九、时事与全球问题33. 大国关系34. 气候变化与环境问题35. 科技对社会的影响36. 全球教育与贫困问题十、经济与消费37. 理财与投资38. 网购与实体店购物39. 现代消费文化40. 节约与浪费的观念十一、个人观点和价值观41. 幸福的定义42. 家庭在人生中的重要性43. 人类与动物的关系44. 尊重与包容的重要性十二、教育和教学45. 好的教师与研究方法46. 视听教育与传统教育的比较47. 学生压力与心理健康48. 优质教育资源的分配十三、艺术与娱乐49. 艺术对生活的重要性50. 电影与电视节目51. 音乐对情绪的影响52. 运动与娱乐活动十四、科学与未来发展53. 未来的交通工具54. 空间探索与太空旅行55. 人工智能与机器人的发展56. 自然资源与可持续发展十五、社会问题与道德伦理57. 欺骗行为与诚实道德58. 沉迷网络与健康成长59. 科技对隐私的侵犯60. 人工智能伦理问题十六、历史与文学61. 最喜欢的历史人物62. 经典文学作品的价值63. 和庆祝活动64. 传统文化的保护与传承以上是高考外语必背64个口语对话题集合,希望对你的准备有所帮助。
1.what does the woman plan to do during the summer?a.to teach.b.to stay at home and rest.c.to go to china for a visit.2.what did the woman buy her husband for christmas?a.a book.b.a watch.c.a case for coin collection.3.what does the man intend to do?a.he intends to put something into the boxes.b.he intends to ask the woman to help him carry boxes.c.he intends to help the woman carry boxes.4.what does the woman mean?a.she doesn’t agree with the man.b.me man shouldn’t eat the fish.c.the fish is safe to eat.5.how much will the woman lend the man?a.$6 。
b. $4 。
c.$7.第二节(共15小题;每小题1 。
英语口语考试材料As an author of English oral exam materials, I understand the importance of providing comprehensive and effective resources for students preparing for their English speaking tests. In this document, I will provide a variety of materials and tips to help students improve their English oral skills and perform well in their exams.Firstly, it's essential for students to practice speaking English regularly. This can be done by engaging in conversations with classmates, friends, or family members. Additionally, students can practice speaking by recording themselves and listening back to identify areas for improvement. This regular practice will help students feel more confident and comfortable speaking English during their oral exams.In addition to regular practice, it's important for students to expand their vocabulary. One effective way to do this is by reading English books, newspapers, and magazines. By exposing themselves to a wide range of vocabulary, students can improve their speaking and comprehension skills. Additionally, students can make use of online resources, such as vocabulary lists and flashcards, to further expand their word bank.Furthermore, students should focus on improving their pronunciation and intonation. One way to do this is by listening to native English speakers and imitating their speech patterns. Watching English movies and TV shows can also help students pick up on natural intonation and pronunciation. Additionally, students can practice tongue twisters and speaking exercises to improve their articulation and fluency.Another important aspect of English oral exams is the ability to express opinions and ideas clearly. Students should practice discussing various topics and expressing their thoughts in a coherent manner. This can be done through participating in group discussions, debates, or presentations. By practicing structuring their thoughts and expressing themselves clearly, students can improve their ability to communicate effectively during their oral exams.Lastly, it's important for students to be familiar with common conversation topics and question types that may appear in their oral exams. This includes topics such as hobbies, travel, education, and current events. Students should practice discussing these topics and answering related questions to prepare themselves for the types of conversations they may encounter during their exams.In conclusion, preparing for an English oral exam requires regular practice, vocabulary expansion, pronunciation improvement, clear expression of ideas, and familiarity with common conversation topics. By utilizing the materials and tips provided in this document, students can enhance their English oral skills and perform well in their exams. With dedication and consistent effort, students can build the confidence and proficiency needed to excel in their English oral exams. Good luck!。
对话1A: Hi, how are you today? B: I’m great, thanks for asking. How about you? A: I’m good too. What did you do over the weekend? B: I went to the beach with my family. It was so much fun. What about you? A: I stayed at home and watched movies. It was relaxing.对话2A: Have you seen the new movie that just came out? B: Yes, I saw it last night. It was amazing. A: I heard the special effects were really good. B: They were, the movie was so exciting. You should go see it.对话3A: Do you like to travel? B: Yes, I love traveling. How about you? A: I enjoy traveling too. What’s your favorite place you’ve been to? B: I really liked Japan, the culture there is so interesting. A: That’s great. I w ant to visit Japan someday.对话4A: What do you like to do in your free time? B: I enjoy reading and playing sports. How about you? A: I like listening to music and hanging out with friends. B: Sounds fun. We should hang out together sometime.对话5A: How do you feel about the upcoming exams? B: I’m a bit nervous, but I’ve been studying hard. How about you? A: I’m nervous too, but I think we’ll do well if we keep studying. B: Let’s study together and help each other out.结论以上对话是一些常见的口语对话素材,可以帮助同学们在口语考试中更流利地表达自己的想法和感受。
高考英语口语考试训练材料 1 疑问句吴春华编一疑问句的构成一般疑问句:Are you a student? Did you have a good time in Japan? Will you go to the supermarket?Have you read this book before? Can you give me a hand?或“no”来回答。
一般疑问句一般用“yes”特殊疑问句:一般结构是:疑问词+ 一般疑问句问人物:Who will hold the party?问时间: When is the library open? What are the business hours? How long will the meeting last?问地点:Where can I buy some potatoes? What places will you plan to visit?问事件: What will you do in the bookstore this afternoon? What subject do you like best?问方式: How do you go there?问原因: Why do you prefer to travel by air?问价钱: How much is the shirt? How much will the trip cost?问数量: How many students will attend the lecture?但提问主语部分的特殊疑问句采用陈述句的词序。
如:Who is reading a book at the window? 谁在窗户下念书?提问修饰主语的定语时也采用这种结构。
如:Whose children came here yesterday? 谁的孩子昨天来这里了?高考英语口语考试训练材料 2 模拟试题一考前准备: 耳机, 麦克风, 测试录音设备(是否清晰)考试过程:一口语测试开场白Hello, Welcome to PETS 2 speaking test! My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you!二询问考生个人信息以下四个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。
高考口语练习素材一、自我介绍1. My name is [你的名字], and I am [年龄] years old. I come from [你的城市/国家]. I am a senior/high school student in [你的学校]. It's a great honor to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you.我叫[你的名字],今年[年龄]岁。
2. In my spare time, I enjoy [你的业余爱好], such as reading, playing basketball, and playing the piano. I believe these activities not only bring me joy but also cultivate my skills.在我的业余时间,我喜欢[你的业余爱好],比如阅读、打篮球和弹钢琴。
3. As for my academic performance, I have always been an excellent student in school. I have achieved good grades in all subjects and I am particularly interested in English and Mathematics.至于我的学业表现,在学校里我一直是一名优秀的学生。
4. In the future, I hope to [你的未来计划和目标]. I believe that with continuous efforts and perseverance, I can achieve my goals.将来,我希望能够[你的未来计划和目标]。
1. Greetings and Introductions- A: Hi, how are you?B: I'm fine, thanks. And you?- A: Good morning/afternoon/evening. How do you do?B: Good morning/afternoon/evening. Nice to meet you.- A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith?B: Yes, I am. And who are you?2. Making a Request- A: Can you lend me your pen, please?B: Sure, here you go.- A: Could you please help me carry this suitcase?B: Of course, I'd be happy to help.- A: Would you mind closing the window?B: Not at all, I'll do it right away.3. Offering Help- A: Do you need any assistance?B: Actually, yes. Could you show me the way to the nearest subway station?- A: Need a hand with your groceries?B: Thank you for offering, but I'm fine.- A: Can I help you with anything?B: Yes, please. Could you help me find a book on the first floor?4. Expressing Opinion- A: What do you think about the new movie?B: I thought it was fantastic. I really enjoyed it.- A: How do you feel about the idea of having a school trip?B: Personally, I think it's a great idea. It would be a fun and educational experience for everyone.- A: What's your take on the current environmental issues?B: I believe it's crucial for us to take immediate action to protect the environment. It's our responsibility.5. Asking for Permission- A: May I use your computer for a moment?B: Sorry, but I'm using it right now.- A: Is it okay if I borrow your phone charger?B: Sure, go ahead.- A: Can I take a day off from work next week?B: I'm afraid it's not possible. We have an important meeting scheduled.Conclusion通过练习这些口语交际用语,我们可以增强自己在日常交流中的表达能力。
高考英语口语考试模板Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. My name is [Your Name] and I'm a candidate for the English speaking exam. Today, I will introduce myself and then answer the questions given.First of all, let me introduce myself. I am a high school student from [Your City/Region], and I am very excited to be here today to take this English speaking exam. English has always been a subject that I am interested in, and I believe that improving my speaking skills will benefit me greatly in the future.Now, let's move on to the questions.Question 1: Can you tell me about a memorable trip you have taken?Answer: Sure. One of the most memorable trips I have taken was to [Destination]. I went there with my family and we had a great time exploring the local culture and attractions.Question 2: What is your favorite book and why?Answer: My favorite book is [Book Title] because it is not only well-written but also contains profound insights into human nature and life.Question 3: How do you think technology has changed the way we communicate?Answer: Technology has greatly changed the way wecommunicate by providing various means of communication such as social media, instant messaging, and video calls.That's all for my introduction and answers. Thank you for listening.。
高三英语口语练习题Introduction:The ability to effectively communicate in English is crucial in today's globalized world. As high school senior students, it is essential for us to develop strong speaking skills to confidently express ourselves and engage in conversations in English. To assist in this process, the following practice questions are designed to improve our English speaking abilities.1. Personal Experience:- What is the most memorable trip you have taken? Describe the destination, activities, and why it was memorable for you.- Have you ever faced a difficult situation? How did you handle it?2. Education and Career:- How do you envision your future career? What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?- What subjects or courses do you find most interesting in school? Why?3. Technology and Social Media:- How has technology impacted your life? Share both positive and negative effects.- Do you think social media is helpful or harmful? Discuss its influence on society and individuals.4. Environmental Awareness:- What are some sustainable practices that you incorporate in your daily life to protect the environment?- Discuss the importance of preserving natural resources and suggest strategies for promoting environmental consciousness.5. Literature and Entertainment:- What is your favorite book or movie? Describe the plot and characters, and explain why you enjoyed it.- Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? Discuss their respective advantages and disadvantages.6. Global Issues:- Share your perspective on climate change and its potential consequences. What can individuals and governments do to address this issue?- What are your thoughts on global inequality and poverty? Suggest ways to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.Conclusion:Practicing these English speaking questions will help enhance our communication skills and broaden our knowledge on various topics. Remember to speak clearly, express your opinions confidently, and actively listen to your conversation partner. With continuous practice and perseverance, we can become effective oral communicators in English.。
历年英语口语考试真题高中Studying for the high school English oral exam can be quite challenging. This is because it requires not only a good command of English vocabulary and grammar, but also the ability to express oneself fluently and confidently.准备高中英语口语考试可能会很具挑战性。
One of the best ways to prepare for the oral exam is to practice speaking English as much as possible. This can be done through regular conversations with friends or family members, or by participating in English speaking clubs or events.为了准备口语考试,最好的方法之一是尽可能多地练习讲英语。
Additionally, watching English movies or TV shows, and listening to English music or podcasts can also help improve one’s spoken English. These forms of media provide exposure to natural spokenEnglish and can help learners pick up on different accents and intonations.此外,观看英语电影或电视节目,听英语音乐或播客也有助于提高口语能力。
例如,一道可能的题目是:Describe a memorable trip you had.(描述一次难忘的旅行经历)考生可以按照以下结构展开思路:1. Introduce the trip(介绍这次旅行)- When and where did you go?(你是什么时候去的,去了哪里?)- Who did you go with?(你和谁一起去的?)2. Describe the experience during the trip(描述旅行经历)- What did you do during the trip?(旅行中你做了什么?)- How did you feel about the trip?(对这次旅行有什么感受?)- Are there any special memories or events from the trip?(这次旅行有特别的回忆或事件吗?)3. Explain why it was memorable(解释这次旅行为什么令你难忘)- What made this trip different from others?(这次旅行与其他旅行有何不同之处?)- How did this trip impact you?(这次旅行对你的影响是什么?)4. Conclusion(总结)- Summarize the main points mentioned above(总结以上提到的主要内容)- Express your feelings about the trip again(再次表达对这次旅行的感受)在描述过程中,考生需要使用适当的词汇和句型,展示自己较好的语法和词汇运用能力。
同学们可以通过以下方法来提高听力能力:1. 多听英语材料:可以通过听英语广播、英语电视节目和英语歌曲来提高听力能力。
2. 利用多媒体学习资源:可以使用英语学习网站或者手机应用程序来听力训练,不断提高自己的听力水平。
3. 听录音:可以找一些英语听力材料进行跟读,模仿发音和语调,提高自己的口语表达能力。
同学们可以通过以下方法来拓展自己的词汇量:1. 多读英语原版书籍:阅读是积累词汇的最佳途径之一。
2. 背单词:可以通过背单词卡片或者手机应用程序来记忆词汇,保持每天的单词学习量。
3. 学习词组和固定搭配:除了掌握单词的意思,同学们还可以学习一些常用的词组和固定搭配,提高自己的口语表达能力。
在模拟考试中,同学们需要注意以下几点:1. 注意语速和语调:要保持流畅的口语表达,注意语速和语调的合理运用。
2. 练习回答常见问题:可以事先准备一些常见的问题,进行反复练习,以便在考试中能够清晰、自然地回答问题。
3. 注意语法和发音:口语考试中不仅要注意词汇的使用,还需要注意语法和发音的准确性。
同学们可以通过以下方法来积极参加对话活动:1. 参加学校组织的英语角活动:学校通常会组织一些英语角活动,同学们可以积极参与,和其他同学进行英语对话。
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高考英语口语考试训练材料1疑问句吴春华编一疑问句的构成一般疑问句:Are you a student Did you have a good time in Japan Will you go to the supermarketHave you read this book before Can you give me a hand一般疑问句一般用“yes”或“no”来回答。
特殊疑问句:一般结构是:疑问词+ 一般疑问句问人物:Who will hold the party问时间: When is the library open What are the business hours How long will the meeting last问地点:Where can I buy some potatoes What places will you plan to visit问事件: What will you do in the bookstore this afternoon What subject do you like best问方式: How do you go there问原因: Why do you prefer to travel by air问价钱: How much is the shirt How much will the trip cost问数量: How many students will attend the lecture但提问主语部分的特殊疑问句采用陈述句的词序。
如:Who is reading a book at the window 谁在窗户下念书?提问修饰主语的定语时也采用这种结构。
如:Whose children came here yesterday 谁的孩子昨天来这里了?高考英语口语考试训练材料2 模拟试题一考前准备: 耳机, 麦克风, 测试录音设备(是否清晰)考试过程:一口语测试开场白Hello, Welcome to PETS 2 speaking test! My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you!二询问考生个人信息以下四个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。
1. What’s your name, please My name is …2. Where do you study I study in Kunming No. 10 Middle School.3. What projects do you study I study Chinese, Mathematics, English , Politics, History and Geography.4. What subject do you like best I like… best.三场景一: 安排旅行计划You are going to have a trip. And Li Ming wants to know something about it. Now you will watch some moving pictures. They show you went to a travel agency. After you watch the moving pictures, Li Ming will ask you 5 questions. Please answer the 5 questions about your trip.以下五个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。
旅行行程单1目的地:西藏---Where do you plan to go --- I plan to go to Tibet.2交通工具:飞机---How do you go there --- I go there by air / plane.3出发日期:5月2日---When do you set off --- I am leaving on May 2.4所需费用:2000元左右---How much will the trip cost --- The trip will cost me about 2000 yuan.5所需行李:衣服,药品,照相机等---What luggage do you need to take --- I need to take clothes, medicine, camera and other things 考生接着三个回答相关问题:1. What places have you been to already And where do you plan to go next, WhyI have already been to … And I plan to … because …2. How do you often go travelling By plane or by trainI often go travelling by train (because I can enjoy the view all the way).3. Do you think it is a good time to travel during the Spring FestivalYes, we have a lot of time to relax ourselves during travels.四场景二: 去邮局寄包裹Li Ming wants to mail a parcel. And you want to know something about it. Now, Now you will watch some moving pictures. They show Li Ming at the post office. After you watch the moving pictures, you will ask Li Ming 5 questions.以下五个问题由考生提问, 计算机回答。
包裹单1. 目的地---What place do you want to mail the parcel to ---I want to mail it to New York, America.2.包裹重量--- How much does it weigh / Can you tell me the weight of it ---It is about 1 kilogram.3.邮寄方式--- How do you want it mailed ---I want to mail it by air.4.包裹内容--- What are (contained) in the parcel ---There are some books and files.5.付费方式--- How do you pay for it ---I will pay for it by credit card.考生接着三个回答相关问题:1. What will you do if the parcel you mail is lost or damagedI will talk with the post office about it.2. What do you usually do at the post officeI often post letters or cards to my friends.3. Would you like to send letters or send emails, whyI prefer to send emails. They can sent out in a few seconds.模拟试题二考前准备: 耳机, 麦克风, 测试录音设备(是否清晰)考试过程:一口语测试开场白Hello, Welcome to PETS 2 speaking test! My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you!二询问考生个人信息以下四个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。
1. What’s your name, please My name is …2. Where do you study I study in Kunming Guanghua Private School.3. What projects do you study I study Chinese, Mathematics, English, Politics, History and Geography.4. What subject do you like best I like… best.三场景一: 去书店买书You are going to buy some English books. And Li Ming wants to know something about it. Now you will watch some moving pictures. They show you went to a bookstore. After you watch the moving pictures, Li Ming will ask you 5 questions. Please answer the 5 questions about what you saw there.以下五个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。
1 外文书店---Where do you usually go if you want to buy some English books ---I will go to the foreign bookstore.2 营业时间:平时:9:00-17:00,周末:9:00-20:00---What are the business hours---It is open from 9 a.m. to 17 p.m. during weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 20 p.m. on weekends.3 各个语种的外文图书---What books do they sell in the store ---They sell different kinds of foreign language books.4 和平路58号---Where is the foreign bookstore --- No, 58, He Ping road.5 5路公汽---How can I get there ---You can get there by taking bus No, 5.考生接着三个回答相关问题:1. What kind of shop do you prefer, a large supermarket or a small shop in your neighborhoodI prefer to go to a large supermarket (because I can buy more things).2. Do you like to buy things online, why or why notYes, I like it. Because things I buy are delivered very quickly.No, I don’t like it. Because the quality of things is not guaranteed.3. Can you tell me something about your favourite shopMy favourite shop is Wal-Mart which can offer us a wide range of goods.四场景二: 筹备生日聚会Li Ming is planning a party. And you want to know something about it. Now, Now you will watch some moving pictures. They show Li Ming has just finished some invitation cards. After you watch the moving pictures, you will ask Li Ming 5 questions.以下五个问题由考生提问, 计算机回答。