
第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语Specialty English3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程Civil Engineering5 地下工程Underground Engineering6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程Traffic Engineering12 港口工程Port Engineering13 安全性safety17木结构timber structure18 砌体结构masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程offshore engineering31 静力学statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁simply supported beam35 固定支座fixed bearing36弹性力学elasticity37 塑性力学plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics40 土力学soil mechanics41 水力学hydraulics42 流体力学fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力concentrated force45 压力pressure46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力uniform pressure48 体力body force49 重力gravity50 线荷载line load51 弯矩bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress54 应变stain55 正应力normal stress56 剪应力shearing stress57 主应力principal stress58 变形deformation59 内力internal force60 偏移量挠度deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳buckle63 轴力axial force64 允许应力allowable stress65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis66 梁beam67 壳shell68 板plate69 桥bridge70 桩pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力load-bearing capacity74 水位water Height75 位移displacement76 结构力学structural mechanics77 材料力学material mechanics78 经纬仪altometer79 水准仪level80 学科discipline81 子学科sub-discipline82 期刊journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷volume87 期number 88 专着monograph89 会议论文集Proceeding90 学位论文thesis, dissertation91 专利patent92 档案档案室archive93 国际学术会议conference94 导师advisor95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis96 博士研究生doctorate student97 研究生postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目title102 摘要abstract103 全文full-text104 参考文献reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词Subject107 关键字keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法analytical method112 数值方法numerical method113 计算computation114 说明书instruction115 规范Specification, Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical?engineering岩土工程?2.foundation?engineering基础工程3.soil,?earth土4.soil?mechanics土力学cyclic?loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelasticfoundation粘弹性地基?viscous?damping粘滞阻尼shearmodulus剪切模量?5.soil?dynamics土动力学6.stress?path应力路径?7.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二. 土的分类 1.residual soil残积土 groundwater level地下水位 2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table地下水位 3.clay minerals粘土矿物 4.secondary minerals次生矿物 ndslides滑坡 6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图 7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察 8.boulder 漂石 9.cobble卵石 10.gravel砂石 11.gravelly sand砾砂 12.coarse sand粗砂 13.medium sand中砂 14.fine sand细砂 15.silty sand粉土 16.clayey soil粘性土 17.clay粘土 18.silty clay粉质粘土 19.silt粉土 20.sandy silt砂质粉土 21.clayey silt粘质粉土 22.saturated soil饱和土 23.unsaturated soil非饱和土 24.fill (soil)填土 25.overconsolidated soil超固结土 26.normally consolidated soil正常固结土 27.underconsolidated soil欠固结土 28.zonal soil区域性土 29.soft clay软粘土 30.expansive (swelling) soil膨胀土 31.peat泥炭 32.loess黄土 33.frozen soil冻土 24.degree of saturation饱和度 25.dry unit weight干重度26.moist unit weight湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geote chnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四. 渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient水力梯度 12.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress有效应力4.total stress总应力5.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度6.low activity低活性7.sensitivity灵敏度8.triaxial test三轴试验9.foundation design基础设计 10.recompaction再压缩11.bearing capacity承载力 12.soil mass土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load集中荷载 15.a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体 16.homogeneous均质 17.isotropic各向同性 18.strip footing条基 19.square spread footing方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载 22.live load活载 23.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load长期荷载 25.reduced load折算荷载 26.settlement沉降 27.deformation变形 28.casing套管 29.dike=dyke堤(防) 30.clay fraction粘粒粒组 31.physical properties物理性质 32.subgrade路基 33.well-graded soil级配良好土 34.poorly-graded soil级配不良土 35.normal stresses正应力 36.shear stresses剪应力 37.principal plane主平面38.major (intermediate, minor) principal stress最大(中、最小)主应力 39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件 40.FEM=finite element method有限元法41.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法42.pore water pressure孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pression index压缩指数 47.swelling index回弹指数 48.geostatic stress自重应力 49.additional stress附加应力 50.total stress总应力 51.final settlement最终沉降 52.slip line滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水 1 excavation开挖(挖方) 2 dewatering (基坑)降水 3 failure of foundation基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution孔压分布8 dewatering method降低地下水位法9 well point system井点系统(轻型) 10 deep well point深井点 11 vacuum well point 真空井点 12 braced cuts支撑围护 13 braced excavation支撑开挖 14 braced sheeting支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation 1.pile foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩 diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩 bored pile钻孔桩 special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩 piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩 rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础 drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩 under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩 steel pipe pile钢管桩 steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩 prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩 2.caisson foundation沉井(箱) 3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙 4.friction pile摩擦桩 5.end-bearing pile端承桩 6.shaft竖井;桩身 7.wave equation analysis波动方程分析 8.pile caps承台(桩帽) 9.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力 teral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验 11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力 12.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验 13.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力 14.low pile cap低桩承台 15.high-rise pile cap高桩承台 16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力 17.silent piling静力压桩 18.uplift pile抗拔桩 19.anti-slide pile抗滑桩20.pile groups群桩 21.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应 23.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术24.final set最后贯入度 25.dynamic load test of pile桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验 27.pile head=butt桩头 28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头) 29.pile spacing桩距30.pile plan桩位布置图 31.arrangement of piles =pile layout桩的布置32.group action群桩作用 33.end bearing=tip resistance桩端阻 34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻35.pile cushion桩垫 36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩 37.pile pulling test拔桩试验 38.pile shoe桩靴 39.pile noise 打桩噪音 40.pile rig打桩机九. 固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结9.primary consolidation主固结10.secondary consolidation次固结11.degree of consolidation固结度 12.consolidation test固结试验 13.consolidation curve固结曲线 14.time factor Tv时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength 1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength残余强度3.long-term strength长期强度4.peak strength峰值强度5.shear strain rate剪切应变速率6.dilatation剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法 9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论 10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角 11.cohesion粘聚力 12.failure criterion破坏准则 13.vane strength十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model边界面模型6.Duncan-Chang model邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model刚塑性模型8.cap model盖帽模型9.work softening加工软化 10.work hardening加工硬化 11.Cambridge model剑桥模型 12.ideal elastoplastic model理想弹塑性模型 13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型 16.elastic modulus弹性模量 17.Winkler foundation model文克尔地基模型十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure冲剪破坏2.general shear failure整体剪切破化3.local shear failure局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil地基极限承载力 8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose休止角2.Bishop method毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall基础墙3.counter retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure 1.steel sheet pile钢板桩 2.reinforced concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩 3.steel piles 钢桩 4.wooden sheet pile木板桩 5.timber piles木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation 1.box foundation箱型基础 2.mat(raft) foundation片筏基础 3.strip foundation条形基础 4.spread footing扩展基础 pensated foundation补偿性基础 6.bearing stratum持力层 7.rigid foundation刚性基础 8.flexible foundation柔性基础9.embedded depth of foundation基础埋置深度 foundation pressure基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils动强度2.wave velocity method波速法3.material damping材料阻尼4.geometric damping几何阻尼5.damping ratio阻尼比6.initial liquefaction初始液化7.natural period of soil site地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils动剪切模量 9.dynamic ma二十. 地基基础抗震 1.earthquake engineering地震工程 2.soil dynamics土动力学 3.duration of earthquake地震持续时间 4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱 5.earthquake intensity地震烈度 6.earthquake magnitude震级 7.seismic predominant period地震卓越周期 8.maximum acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验 1.high pressure consolidation test高压固结试验 2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验 3.falling head permeability变水头试验4.constant head permeability常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)paction test击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test慢剪试验12.sieve analysis筛分析 13.geotechnical model test土工模型试验 14.centrifugalmodel test离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪 16.direct shear test直剪试验 17.direct simple shear test直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test三轴试验 19.dynamic simple shear动单剪 20.free(resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验二十二. 原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验 2.surface wave test (SWT)表面波试验 3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验 4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验 5.plate loading test静力荷载试验 teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验 7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验 8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验 9.screw plate test螺旋板载荷试验 10.pressuremeter test旁压试验 11.light sounding轻便触探试验 12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测 13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验 14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验 15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测 16.in-situ soil test原位试验。

1 Civil engineering 土木工程。
2 Slopes and fills 边坡和路堤3 waterfront 河流湖泊4 settlement 沉降5 stability 稳定性坚固,耐久性 5 hydraulic 水利的,液压的7 runoff 流量,流放8 behavior 性能性质9sanitize 使清洁,除掉有害物10 dump 垃圾堆11 waste 废弃物12 hazardous 危险的14 major 专业科目15 cultivable 可耕的,可培养的16 remedy 补救,修理17 roadway 路面道路18 hurricane 飓风19asphalt 沥青20 concrete 混凝土21 combustible 易燃的22 slurry 泥浆1 execution 施工,实施,执行2 specific 特殊的,专门的具体的3 dynamic 动力的,冲击的4characteristic 特有的,特性性能5 intensity 强度,密度6 sump 排水坑7 carbon 碳纤维8 novel 新的,异常的9 excavation 挖掘,开挖10landscape 风景,美化11 fill 填土12 ancillary 辅助的,附属的13 foundation 基础14 excavator 挖掘机15 proceed 继续进行,开始16 interlock 使连接,使结合17 construction 建造,施工18 Surveyor 测量员19 dewater 排水20 placement and curing 浇筑与养护21superstructure 上部结构22duration 持续时间23 destroy 破坏,毁坏24 initially 最初,开始1 jurisdiction 权限,管辖权2 bar 法庭律师的职业3 curriculum 课程学习计划4 statistic 统计学5 persuasive 有说服力的6 recruit 补充,招收7 science Orient 注重科学的8 specialize 专门研究。
土木工程专业英语(完整 大学)

Lesson 26PavementNew words1. pavement [ ☐♏♓❍☜⏹♦] n. 路面2. apron [ ♏♓☐❒☜⏹] n.围裙, 停机坪It is usually the area where aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, refueled or boarded.3. subgrade [ ♦✈♌♈❒♏♓♎] n. 路基4. profile [ ☐❒☜◆♐♋♓●] n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓5. rehabilitation [ ❒♓☎♒✆☜♌♓●♓♦♏♓☞☜⏹] n.复原,维修6. swelling [ ♦♦♏●♓☠] n. 膨胀,河水猛涨,涨水7. heaving [ ♒♓♓☠] n. 鼓起,隆起8. extant [♏♦♦✌⏹♦] adj.现存的, 未毁的9. overlay [ ☜◆☜●♏♓] n. 覆盖,10. unpaved ☯✈⏹☐♏♓♎] adj.没有铺石砖的, 没有铺柏油的11. liquefy [ ●♓♦♓♐♋♓] v.(使)溶解, (使)液化12. bituminous [♌♓♦◆❍♓⏹☜♦] adj.含沥青的13. hydrocarbon [ ♒♋♓♎❒☜◆♌☜⏹] n.烃, 碳氢化合物14. macadam [❍☜✌♎☜❍] n.碎石, 碎石路15. silicate [ ♦♓●♓♓♦] n. [化]硅酸盐16. kiln [ ♓●⏹ ♓●] n. (砖, 石灰等的)窑, 炉, 干燥炉vt.烧窑, 在干燥炉干燥17. clinker [ ●♓☠☜] n. (一种表面光洁如玻璃的)炼砖, 渣块18. nonbituminous [ ⏹⏹♌♓♦◆❍♓⏹☜♦]19. solidify [♦☜●♓♎♓♐♋♓] v.(使)凝固, (使)团结20. dowel [ ♎♋◆☜●] n. 木钉, 销子vt.用暗销接合Phrases and Expressions1. traveled way 车行道2. composite pavement 复合路面3. flexible pavement 柔性路面4. rigid pavement 刚性路面5. open-graded 开级配6. coarse-graded 粗级配7. fine-graded 细级配8. Asphalt Institute (A.I.) 沥青协会9. Present Serviceability Index (PSI) 现有性能指标10. macadam aggregate 碎石骨料11. cold-laid mixture 冷铺12. hot-laid mixture 热铺13. rock asphalt 岩沥青14. Appian Way 亚壁古道Text PavementBackgroundPavements serve structural, functional and safety purposes. 路面具有结构、功能和安全的目的。

第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语Specialty English3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程Civil Engineering5 地下工程Underground Engineering6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程Traffic Engineering12 港口工程Port Engineering13 安全性safety17木结构timber structure18 砌体结构masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程offshore engineering31 静力学statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁simply supported beam35 固定支座fixed bearing36弹性力学elasticity37 塑性力学plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics40 土力学soil mechanics41 水力学hydraulics42 流体力学fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力concentrated force45 压力pressure46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力uniform pressure48 体力body force49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load51 弯矩bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress54 应变stain55 正应力normal stress56 剪应力shearing stress57 主应力principal stress58 变形deformation59 内力internal force60 偏移量挠度deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳buckle63 轴力axial force64 允许应力allowable stress65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis66 梁beam67 壳shell68 板plate69 桥bridge70 桩pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力load-bearing capacity74 水位water Height75 位移displacement76 结构力学structural mechanics77 材料力学material mechanics78 经纬仪altometer79 水准仪level80 学科discipline81 子学科sub-discipline82 期刊journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷volume87 期number 88 专著monograph89 会议论文集Proceeding90 学位论文thesis, dissertation91 专利patent92 档案档案室archive93 国际学术会议conference94 导师advisor95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis96 博士研究生doctorate student97 研究生postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目title102 摘要abstract103 全文full-text104 参考文献reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词Subject107 关键字keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法analytical method112 数值方法numerical method113 计算computation114 说明书instruction第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2.foundation engineering基础工程3.soil, earth土4.soil mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic foundation粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量5.soil dynamics土动力学6.stress path应力路径7.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二. 土的分类 1.residual soil残积土groundwater level地下水位 2.groundwater 地下水groundwater table地下水位3.clay minerals粘土矿物 4.secondary minerals次生矿物ndslides滑坡6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察8.boulder漂石9.cobble卵石10.gravel砂石11.gravelly sand砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand中砂14.fine sand细砂15.silty sand粉土16.clayey soil粘性土17.clay粘土18.silty clay粉质粘土19.silt粉土20.sandy silt砂质粉土21.clayey silt粘质粉土22.saturated soil饱和土23.unsaturated soil非饱和土24.fill (soil)填土25.overconsolidated soil超固结土26.normally consolidated soil正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil欠固结土28.zonal soil区域性土29.soft clay软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil膨胀土31.peat泥炭32.loess黄土33.frozen soil冻土24.degree of saturation饱和度25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四. 渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress有效应力4.total stress总应力5.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度6.low activity低活性7.sensitivity灵敏度8.triaxial test三轴试验9.foundation design基础设计10.recompaction再压缩11.bearing capacity承载力12.soil mass土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体16.homogeneous均质17.isotropic各向同性18.strip footing条基19.square spread footing方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载22.live load活载23.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load长期荷载25.reduced load折算荷载26.settlement沉降27.deformation变形28.casing套管29.dike=dyke堤(防)30.clay fraction粘粒粒组31.physical properties物理性质32.subgrade路基33.well-graded soil级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses剪应力37.principal plane主平面38.major (intermediate, minor) principal stress最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method有限元法41.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法42.pore water pressure孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pression index压缩指数47.swelling index回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress附加应力50.total stress总应力51.final settlement最终沉降52.slip line滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水 1 excavation开挖(挖方) 2 dewatering(基坑)降水3 failure of foundation基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution孔压分布8 dewatering method降低地下水位法9 well point system井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point深井点11 vacuum well point真空井点12 braced cuts支撑围护13 braced excavation支撑开挖14 braced sheeting支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation 1.pile foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩bored pile钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile 机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩steel pipe pile钢管桩steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile端承桩6.shaft竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis波动方程分析8.pile caps承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力teral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling静力压桩18.uplift pile抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile抗滑桩20.pile groups群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术24.final set最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头)29.pile spacing桩距30.pile plan桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置32.group action群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻35.pile cushion桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test拔桩试验38.pile shoe桩靴39.pile noise打桩噪音40.pile rig打桩机九. 固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结9.primary consolidation主固结10.secondary consolidation次固结11.degree of consolidation固结度12.consolidation test固结试验13.consolidation curve固结曲线14.time factor Tv时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength 1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength残余强度3.long-term strength长期强度4.peak strength峰值强度5.shear strain rate剪切应变速率6.dilatation剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法8.total stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角11.cohesion粘聚力12.failure criterion破坏准则13.vane strength十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model边界面模型6.Duncan-Chang model邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model盖帽模型9.work softening加工软化10.work hardening加工硬化11.Cambridge model剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil 1.punching shear failure冲剪破坏2.general shear failure整体剪切破化 3.local shear failure局部剪切破坏 4.state of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure 被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose休止角2.Bishop method毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall基础墙3.counter retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure 1.steel sheet pile钢板桩 2.reinforced concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles钢桩4.wooden sheet pile木板桩5.timber piles 木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation 1.box foundation箱型基础 2.mat(raft) foundation片筏基础 3.strip foundation条形基础 4.spread footing扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础6.bearing stratum持力层7.rigid foundation刚性基础8.flexible foundation柔性基础9.embedded depth of foundation基础埋置深度 foundation pressure基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法3.material damping材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼5.damping ratio阻尼比6.initial liquefaction初始液化7.natural period of soil site地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils动剪切模量9.dynamic ma 二十. 地基基础抗震 1.earthquake engineering地震工程2.soil dynamics土动力学3.duration of earthquake地震持续时间 4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude震级7.seismic predominant period地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验 3.falling head permeability变水头试验4.constant head permeability常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)paction test击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test慢剪试验12.sieve analysis筛分析13.geotechnical model test土工模型试验14.centrifugalmodel test离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test直剪试验17.direct simple shear test直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验二十二. 原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验 2.surface wave test (SWT)表面波试验 3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验 5.plate loading test静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test原位试验。
土木工程 专业外语词汇大全中英翻译

土木工程专业外语词汇大全中英翻译1. 综合类大地工程geotechnical engineering1. 综合类反分析法back analysis method1. 综合类基础工程foundation engineering1. 综合类临界状态土力学critical state soil mechanics1. 综合类数值岩土力学numerical geomechanics1. 综合类土soil, earth1. 综合类土动力学soil dynamics1. 综合类土力学soil mechanics1. 综合类岩土工程geotechnical engineering1. 综合类应力路径stress path1. 综合类应力路径法stress path method2. 工程地质及勘察变质岩metamorphic rock2. 工程地质及勘察标准冻深standard frost penetration2. 工程地质及勘察冰川沉积glacial deposit2. 工程地质及勘察冰积层(台)glacial deposit2. 工程地质及勘察残积土eluvial soil, residual soil2. 工程地质及勘察层理beding2. 工程地质及勘察长石feldspar2. 工程地质及勘察沉积岩sedimentary rock2. 工程地质及勘察承压水confined water2. 工程地质及勘察次生矿物secondary mineral2. 工程地质及勘察地质年代geological age2. 工程地质及勘察地质图geological map2. 工程地质及勘察地下水groundwater2. 工程地质及勘察断层fault2. 工程地质及勘察断裂构造fracture structure2. 工程地质及勘察工程地质勘察engineering geological exploration 2. 工程地质及勘察海积层(台)marine deposit2. 工程地质及勘察海相沉积marine deposit2. 工程地质及勘察花岗岩granite2. 工程地质及勘察滑坡landslide2. 工程地质及勘察化石fossil2. 工程地质及勘察化学沉积岩chemical sedimentary rock2. 工程地质及勘察阶地terrace2. 工程地质及勘察节理joint2. 工程地质及勘察解理cleavage2. 工程地质及勘察喀斯特karst2. 工程地质及勘察矿物硬度hardness of minerals2. 工程地质及勘察砾岩conglomerate2. 工程地质及勘察流滑flow slide2. 工程地质及勘察陆相沉积continental sedimentation2. 工程地质及勘察泥石流mud flow, debris flow2. 工程地质及勘察年粘土矿物clay minerals2. 工程地质及勘察凝灰岩tuff2. 工程地质及勘察牛轭湖ox-bow lake2. 工程地质及勘察浅成岩hypabyssal rock2. 工程地质及勘察潜水ground water2. 工程地质及勘察侵入岩intrusive rock2. 工程地质及勘察取土器geotome2. 工程地质及勘察砂岩sandstone2. 工程地质及勘察砂嘴spit, sand spit2. 工程地质及勘察山岩压力rock pressure2. 工程地质及勘察深成岩plutionic rock2. 工程地质及勘察石灰岩limestone2. 工程地质及勘察石英quartz2. 工程地质及勘察松散堆积物rickle2. 工程地质及勘察围限地下水(台)confined ground water 2. 工程地质及勘察泻湖lagoon2. 工程地质及勘察岩爆rock burst2. 工程地质及勘察岩层产状attitude of rock2. 工程地质及勘察岩浆岩magmatic rock, igneous rock2. 工程地质及勘察岩脉dike, dgke2. 工程地质及勘察岩石风化程度degree of rock weathering 2. 工程地质及勘察岩石构造structure of rock2. 工程地质及勘察岩石结构texture of rock2. 工程地质及勘察岩体rock mass2. 工程地质及勘察页岩shale2. 工程地质及勘察原生矿物primary mineral2. 工程地质及勘察云母mica2. 工程地质及勘察造岩矿物rock-forming mineral2. 工程地质及勘察褶皱fold, folding2. 工程地质及勘察钻孔柱状图bore hole columnar section3. 土的分类饱和土saturated soil3. 土的分类超固结土overconsolidated soil3. 土的分类冲填土dredger fill3. 土的分类充重塑土3. 土的分类冻土frozen soil, tjaele3. 土的分类非饱和土unsaturated soil3. 土的分类分散性土dispersive soil3. 土的分类粉土silt, mo3. 土的分类粉质粘土silty clay3. 土的分类高岭石kaolinite3. 土的分类过压密土(台)overconsolidated soil3. 土的分类红粘土red clay, adamic earth3. 土的分类黄土loess, huangtu(China)3. 土的分类蒙脱石montmorillonite3. 土的分类泥炭peat, bog muck3. 土的分类年粘土clay3. 土的分类年粘性土cohesive soil, clayey soil3. 土的分类膨胀土expansive soil, swelling soil3. 土的分类欠固结粘土underconsolidated soil3. 土的分类区域性土zonal soil3. 土的分类人工填土fill, artificial soil3. 土的分类软粘土soft clay, mildclay, mickle3. 土的分类砂土sand3. 土的分类湿陷性黄土collapsible loess, slumping loess3. 土的分类素填土plain fill3. 土的分类塑性图plasticity chart3. 土的分类碎石土stone, break stone, broken stone, channery, chat, crushed stone, deritus 3. 土的分类未压密土(台)underconsolidated clay3. 土的分类无粘性土cohesionless soil, frictional soil, non-cohesive soil3. 土的分类岩石rock3. 土的分类伊利土illite3. 土的分类有机质土organic soil3. 土的分类淤泥muck, gyttja, mire, slush3. 土的分类淤泥质土mucky soil3. 土的分类原状土undisturbed soil3. 土的分类杂填土miscellaneous fill3. 土的分类正常固结土normally consolidated soil3. 土的分类正常压密土(台)normally consolidated soil3. 土的分类自重湿陷性黄土self weight collapse loess4. 土的物理性质阿太堡界限Atterberg limits4. 土的物理性质饱和度degree of saturation4. 土的物理性质饱和密度saturated density4. 土的物理性质饱和重度saturated unit weight4. 土的物理性质比重specific gravity4. 土的物理性质稠度consistency4. 土的物理性质不均匀系数coefficient of uniformity, uniformity coefficient4. 土的物理性质触变thixotropy4. 土的物理性质单粒结构single-grained structure4. 土的物理性质蜂窝结构honeycomb structure4. 土的物理性质干重度dry unit weight4. 土的物理性质干密度dry density4. 土的物理性质塑性指数plasticity index4. 土的物理性质含水量water content, moisture content4. 土的物理性质活性指数4. 土的物理性质级配gradation, grading4. 土的物理性质结合水bound water, combined water, held water4. 土的物理性质界限含水量Atterberg limits4. 土的物理性质颗粒级配particle size distribution of soils, mechanical composition of soil 4. 土的物理性质可塑性plasticity4. 土的物理性质孔隙比void ratio4. 土的物理性质孔隙率porosity4. 土的物理性质粒度granularity, grainness, grainage4. 土的物理性质粒组fraction, size fraction4. 土的物理性质毛细管水capillary water4. 土的物理性质密度density4. 土的物理性质密实度compactionness4. 土的物理性质年粘性土的灵敏度sensitivity of cohesive soil4. 土的物理性质平均粒径mean diameter, average grain diameter4. 土的物理性质曲率系数coefficient of curvature4. 土的物理性质三相图block diagram, skeletal diagram, three phase diagram4. 土的物理性质三相土tri-phase soil4. 土的物理性质湿陷起始应力initial collapse pressure4. 土的物理性质湿陷系数coefficient of collapsibility4. 土的物理性质缩限shrinkage limit4. 土的物理性质土的构造soil texture4. 土的物理性质土的结构soil structure4. 土的物理性质土粒相对密度specific density of solid particles4. 土的物理性质土中气air in soil4. 土的物理性质土中水water in soil4. 土的物理性质团粒aggregate, cumularpharolith4. 土的物理性质限定粒径constrained diameter4. 土的物理性质相对密度relative density, density index4. 土的物理性质相对压密度relative compaction, compacting factor, percent compaction, coefficient of compaction4. 土的物理性质絮状结构flocculent structure4. 土的物理性质压密系数coefficient of consolidation4. 土的物理性质压缩性compressibility4. 土的物理性质液限liquid limit4. 土的物理性质液性指数liquidity index4. 土的物理性质游离水(台)free water4. 土的物理性质有效粒径effective diameter, effective grain size, effective size4. 土的物理性质有效密度effective density4. 土的物理性质有效重度effective unit weight4. 土的物理性质重力密度unit weight4. 土的物理性质自由水free water, gravitational water, groundwater, phreatic water4. 土的物理性质组构fabric4. 土的物理性质最大干密度maximum dry density4. 土的物理性质最优含水量optimum water content5. 渗透性和渗流达西定律Darcy s law5. 渗透性和渗流管涌piping5. 渗透性和渗流浸润线phreatic line5. 渗透性和渗流临界水力梯度critical hydraulic gradient5. 渗透性和渗流流函数flow function5. 渗透性和渗流流土flowing soil5. 渗透性和渗流流网flow net5. 渗透性和渗流砂沸sand boiling5. 渗透性和渗流渗流seepage5. 渗透性和渗流渗流量seepage discharge5. 渗透性和渗流渗流速度seepage velocity5. 渗透性和渗流渗透力seepage force5. 渗透性和渗流渗透破坏seepage failure5. 渗透性和渗流渗透系数coefficient of permeability5. 渗透性和渗流渗透性permeability5. 渗透性和渗流势函数potential function5. 渗透性和渗流水力梯度hydraulic gradient6. 地基应力和变形变形deformation6. 地基应力和变形变形模量modulus of deformation6. 地基应力和变形泊松比Poisson s ratio6. 地基应力和变形布西涅斯克解Boussinnesq s solution6. 地基应力和变形残余变形residual deformation6. 地基应力和变形残余孔隙水压力residual pore water pressure6. 地基应力和变形超静孔隙水压力excess pore water pressure6. 地基应力和变形沉降settlement6. 地基应力和变形沉降比settlement ratio6. 地基应力和变形次固结沉降secondary consolidation settlement6. 地基应力和变形次固结系数coefficient of secondary consolidation6. 地基应力和变形地基沉降的弹性力学公式elastic formula for settlement calculation 6. 地基应力和变形分层总和法layerwise summation method6. 地基应力和变形负孔隙水压力negative pore water pressure6. 地基应力和变形附加应力superimposed stress6. 地基应力和变形割线模量secant modulus6. 地基应力和变形固结沉降consolidation settlement6. 地基应力和变形规范沉降计算法settlement calculation by specification6. 地基应力和变形回弹变形rebound deformation6. 地基应力和变形回弹模量modulus of resilience6. 地基应力和变形回弹系数coefficient of resilience6. 地基应力和变形回弹指数swelling index6. 地基应力和变形建筑物的地基变形允许值allowable settlement of building6. 地基应力和变形剪胀dilatation6. 地基应力和变形角点法corner-points method6. 地基应力和变形孔隙气压力pore air pressure6. 地基应力和变形孔隙水压力pore water pressure6. 地基应力和变形孔隙压力系数Apore pressure parameter A6. 地基应力和变形孔隙压力系数Bpore pressure parameter B6. 地基应力和变形明德林解Mindlin s solution6. 地基应力和变形纽马克感应图Newmark chart6. 地基应力和变形切线模量tangent modulus6. 地基应力和变形蠕变creep6. 地基应力和变形三向变形条件下的固结沉降three-dimensional consolidation settlement 6. 地基应力和变形瞬时沉降immediate settlement6. 地基应力和变形塑性变形plastic deformation6. 地基应力和变形谈弹性变形elastic deformation6. 地基应力和变形谈弹性模量elastic modulus6. 地基应力和变形谈弹性平衡状态state of elastic equilibrium6. 地基应力和变形体积变形模量volumetric deformation modulus6. 地基应力和变形先期固结压力preconsolidation pressure6. 地基应力和变形压缩层6. 地基应力和变形压缩模量modulus of compressibility6. 地基应力和变形压缩系数coefficient of compressibility6. 地基应力和变形压缩性compressibility6. 地基应力和变形压缩指数compression index6. 地基应力和变形有效应力effective stress6. 地基应力和变形自重应力self-weight stress6. 地基应力和变形总应力total stress approach of shear strength6. 地基应力和变形最终沉降final settlement7. 固结巴隆固结理论Barron s consolidation theory7. 固结比奥固结理论Biot s consolidation theory7. 固结超固结比over-consolidation ratio7. 固结超静孔隙水压力excess pore water pressure7. 固结次固结secondary consolidation7. 固结次压缩(台)secondary consolidatin7. 固结单向度压密(台)one-dimensional consolidation7. 固结多维固结multi-dimensional consolidation7. 固结固结consolidation7. 固结固结度degree of consolidation7. 固结固结理论theory of consolidation7. 固结固结曲线consolidation curve7. 固结固结速率rate of consolidation7. 固结固结系数coefficient of consolidation7. 固结固结压力consolidation pressure7. 固结回弹曲线rebound curve7. 固结井径比drain spacing ratio7. 固结井阻well resistance7. 固结曼代尔-克雷尔效应Mandel-Cryer effect7. 固结潜变(台)creep7. 固结砂井sand drain7. 固结砂井地基平均固结度average degree of consolidation of sand-drained ground7. 固结时间对数拟合法logrithm of time fitting method7. 固结时间因子time factor7. 固结太沙基固结理论Terzaghi s consolidation theory7. 固结太沙基-伦杜列克扩散方程Terzaghi-Rendulic diffusion equation7. 固结先期固结压力preconsolidation pressure7. 固结压密(台)consolidation7. 固结压密度(台)degree of consolidation7. 固结压缩曲线cpmpression curve7. 固结一维固结one dimensional consolidation7. 固结有效应力原理principle of effective stress7. 固结预压密压力(台)preconsolidation pressure7. 固结原始压缩曲线virgin compression curve7. 固结再压缩曲线recompression curve7. 固结主固结primary consolidation7. 固结主压密(台)primary consolidation7. 固结准固结压力pseudo-consolidation pressure7. 固结K0固结consolidation under K0 condition8. 抗剪强度安息角(台)angle of repose8. 抗剪强度不排水抗剪强度undrained shear strength8. 抗剪强度残余内摩擦角residual angle of internal friction8. 抗剪强度残余强度residual strength8. 抗剪强度长期强度long-term strength8. 抗剪强度单轴抗拉强度uniaxial tension test8. 抗剪强度动强度dynamic strength of soils8. 抗剪强度峰值强度peak strength8. 抗剪强度伏斯列夫参数Hvorslev parameter8. 抗剪强度剪切应变速率shear strain rate8. 抗剪强度抗剪强度shear strength8. 抗剪强度抗剪强度参数shear strength parameter8. 抗剪强度抗剪强度有效应力法effective stress approach of shear strength 8. 抗剪强度抗剪强度总应力法total stress approach of shear strength8. 抗剪强度库仑方程Coulomb s equation8. 抗剪强度摩尔包线Mohr s envelope8. 抗剪强度摩尔-库仑理论Mohr-Coulomb theory8. 抗剪强度内摩擦角angle of internal friction8. 抗剪强度年粘聚力cohesion8. 抗剪强度破裂角angle of rupture8. 抗剪强度破坏准则failure criterion8. 抗剪强度十字板抗剪强度vane strength8. 抗剪强度无侧限抗压强度unconfined compression strength8. 抗剪强度有效内摩擦角effective angle of internal friction8. 抗剪强度有效粘聚力effective cohesion intercept8. 抗剪强度有效应力破坏包线effective stress failure envelope8. 抗剪强度有效应力强度参数effective stress strength parameter8. 抗剪强度有效应力原理principle of effective stress8. 抗剪强度真内摩擦角true angle internal friction8. 抗剪强度真粘聚力true cohesion8. 抗剪强度总应力破坏包线total stress failure envelope8. 抗剪强度总应力强度参数total stress strength parameter9. 本构模型本构模型constitutive model9. 本构模型边界面模型boundary surface model9. 本构模型层向各向同性体模型cross anisotropic model9. 本构模型超弹性模型hyperelastic model9. 本构模型德鲁克-普拉格准则Drucker-Prager criterion9. 本构模型邓肯-张模型Duncan-Chang model9. 本构模型动剪切强度9. 本构模型非线性弹性模量nonlinear elastic model9. 本构模型盖帽模型cap model9. 本构模型刚塑性模型rigid plastic model9. 本构模型割线模量secant modulus9. 本构模型广义冯·米赛斯屈服准则extended von Mises yield criterion 9. 本构模型广义特雷斯卡屈服准则extended tresca yield criterion9. 本构模型加工软化work softening9. 本构模型加工硬化work hardening9. 本构模型加工硬化定律strain harding law9. 本构模型剑桥模型Cambridge model9. 本构模型柯西弹性模型Cauchy elastic model9. 本构模型拉特-邓肯模型Lade-Duncan model9. 本构模型拉特屈服准则Lade yield criterion9. 本构模型理想弹塑性模型ideal elastoplastic model9. 本构模型临界状态弹塑性模型critical state elastoplastic model9. 本构模型流变学模型rheological model9. 本构模型流动规则flow rule9. 本构模型摩尔-库仑屈服准则Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion9. 本构模型内蕴时间塑性模型endochronic plastic model9. 本构模型内蕴时间塑性理论endochronic theory9. 本构模型年粘弹性模型viscoelastic model9. 本构模型切线模量tangent modulus9. 本构模型清华弹塑性模型Tsinghua elastoplastic model9. 本构模型屈服面yield surface9. 本构模型沈珠江三重屈服面模型Shen Zhujiang three yield surface method 9. 本构模型双参数地基模型9. 本构模型双剪应力屈服模型twin shear stress yield criterion9. 本构模型双曲线模型hyperbolic model9. 本构模型松岗元-中井屈服准则Matsuoka-Nakai yield criterion9. 本构模型塑性形变理论9. 本构模型谈弹塑性模量矩阵elastoplastic modulus matrix9. 本构模型谈弹塑性模型elastoplastic modulus9. 本构模型谈弹塑性增量理论incremental elastoplastic theory9. 本构模型谈弹性半空间地基模型elastic half-space foundation model9. 本构模型谈弹性变形elastic deformation9. 本构模型谈弹性模量elastic modulus9. 本构模型谈弹性模型elastic model9. 本构模型魏汝龙-Khosla-Wu模型Wei Rulong-Khosla-Wu model9. 本构模型文克尔地基模型Winkler foundation model9. 本构模型修正剑桥模型modified cambridge model9. 本构模型准弹性模型hypoelastic model10. 地基承载力冲剪破坏punching shear failure10. 地基承载力次层(台)substratum10. 地基承载力地基subgrade, ground, foundation soil10. 地基承载力地基承载力bearing capacity of foundation soil10. 地基承载力地基极限承载力ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil10. 地基承载力地基允许承载力allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil10. 地基承载力地基稳定性stability of foundation soil10. 地基承载力汉森地基承载力公式Hansen s ultimate bearing capacity formula10. 地基承载力极限平衡状态state of limit equilibrium10. 地基承载力加州承载比(美国)California Bearing Ratio10. 地基承载力局部剪切破坏local shear failure10. 地基承载力临塑荷载critical edge pressure10. 地基承载力梅耶霍夫极限承载力公式Meyerhof s ultimate bearing capacity formula 10. 地基承载力普朗特承载力理论Prandel bearing capacity theory10. 地基承载力斯肯普顿极限承载力公式Skempton s ultimate bearing capacity formula 10. 地基承载力太沙基承载力理论Terzaghi bearing capacity theory10. 地基承载力魏锡克极限承载力公式V esic s ultimate bearing capacity formula10. 地基承载力整体剪切破坏general shear failure11. 土压力被动土压力passive earth pressure11. 土压力被动土压力系数coefficient of passive earth pressure11. 土压力极限平衡状态state of limit equilibrium11. 土压力静止土压力earth pressue at rest11. 土压力静止土压力系数coefficient of earth pressur at rest11. 土压力库仑土压力理论Coulomb s earth pressure theory11. 土压力库尔曼图解法Culmannn construction11. 土压力朗肯土压力理论Rankine s earth pressure theory11. 土压力朗肯状态Rankine state11. 土压力谈弹性平衡状态state of elastic equilibrium11. 土压力土压力earth pressure11. 土压力主动土压力active earth pressure11. 土压力主动土压力系数coefficient of active earth pressure12. 土坡稳定分析安息角(台)angle of repose12. 土坡稳定分析毕肖普法Bishop method12. 土坡稳定分析边坡稳定安全系数safety factor of slope12. 土坡稳定分析不平衡推理传递法unbalanced thrust transmission method12. 土坡稳定分析费伦纽斯条分法Fellenius method of slices12. 土坡稳定分析库尔曼法Culmann method12. 土坡稳定分析摩擦圆法friction circle method12. 土坡稳定分析摩根斯坦-普拉斯法Morgenstern-Price method12. 土坡稳定分析铅直边坡的临界高度critical height of vertical slope12. 土坡稳定分析瑞典圆弧滑动法Swedish circle method12. 土坡稳定分析斯宾赛法Spencer method12. 土坡稳定分析泰勒法Taylor method12. 土坡稳定分析条分法slice method12. 土坡稳定分析土坡slope12. 土坡稳定分析土坡稳定分析slope stability analysis12. 土坡稳定分析土坡稳定极限分析法limit analysis method of slope stability 12. 土坡稳定分析土坡稳定极限平衡法limit equilibrium method of slope stability 12. 土坡稳定分析休止角angle of repose12. 土坡稳定分析扬布普遍条分法Janbu general slice method12. 土坡稳定分析圆弧分析法circular arc analysis13. 土的动力性质比阻尼容量specific gravity capacity13. 土的动力性质波的弥散特性dispersion of waves13. 土的动力性质波速法wave velocity method13. 土的动力性质材料阻尼material damping13. 土的动力性质初始液化initial liquefaction13. 土的动力性质地基固有周期natural period of soil site13. 土的动力性质动剪切模量dynamic shear modulus of soils13. 土的动力性质动力布西涅斯克解dynamic solution of Boussinesq13. 土的动力性质动力放大因素dynamic magnification factor13. 土的动力性质动力性质dynamic properties of soils13. 土的动力性质动强度dynamic strength of soils13. 土的动力性质骨架波akeleton waves in soils13. 土的动力性质几何阻尼geometric damping13. 土的动力性质抗液化强度liquefaction stress13. 土的动力性质孔隙流体波fluid wave in soil13. 土的动力性质损耗角loss angle13. 土的动力性质往返活动性reciprocating activity13. 土的动力性质无量纲频率dimensionless frequency13. 土的动力性质液化liquefaction13. 土的动力性质液化势评价evaluation of liquefaction potential13. 土的动力性质液化应力比stress ratio of liquefaction13. 土的动力性质应力波stress waves in soils13. 土的动力性质振陷dynamic settlement13. 土的动力性质阻尼damping of soil13. 土的动力性质阻尼比damping ratio14. 挡土墙挡土墙retaining wall14. 挡土墙挡土墙排水设施14. 挡土墙挡土墙稳定性stability of retaining wall14. 挡土墙垛式挡土墙14. 挡土墙扶垛式挡土墙counterfort retaining wall14. 挡土墙后垛墙(台)counterfort retaining wall14. 挡土墙基础墙foundation wall14. 挡土墙加筋土挡墙reinforced earth bulkhead14. 挡土墙锚定板挡土墙anchored plate retaining wall14. 挡土墙锚定式板桩墙anchored sheet pile wall14. 挡土墙锚杆式挡土墙anchor rod retaining wall14. 挡土墙悬壁式板桩墙cantilever sheet pile wall14. 挡土墙悬壁式挡土墙cantilever sheet pile wall14. 挡土墙重力式挡土墙gravity retaining wall15. 板桩结构物板桩sheet pile15. 板桩结构物板桩结构sheet pile structure15. 板桩结构物钢板桩steel sheet pile15. 板桩结构物钢筋混凝土板桩reinforced concrete sheet pile15. 板桩结构物钢桩steel pile15. 板桩结构物灌注桩cast-in-place pile15. 板桩结构物拉杆tie rod15. 板桩结构物锚定式板桩墙anchored sheet pile wall15. 板桩结构物锚固技术anchoring15. 板桩结构物锚座Anchorage15. 板桩结构物木板桩wooden sheet pile15. 板桩结构物木桩timber piles15. 板桩结构物悬壁式板桩墙cantilever sheet pile wall16. 基坑开挖与降水板桩围护sheet pile-braced cuts16. 基坑开挖与降水电渗法electro-osmotic drainage16. 基坑开挖与降水管涌piping16. 基坑开挖与降水基底隆起heave of base16. 基坑开挖与降水基坑降水dewatering16. 基坑开挖与降水基坑失稳instability (failure) of foundation pit16. 基坑开挖与降水基坑围护bracing of foundation pit16. 基坑开挖与降水减压井relief well16. 基坑开挖与降水降低地下水位法dewatering method16. 基坑开挖与降水井点系统well point system16. 基坑开挖与降水喷射井点eductor well point16. 基坑开挖与降水铅直边坡的临界高度critical height of vertical slope 16. 基坑开挖与降水砂沸sand boiling16. 基坑开挖与降水深井点deep well point16. 基坑开挖与降水真空井点vacuum well point16. 基坑开挖与降水支撑围护braced cuts17. 浅基础杯形基础17. 浅基础补偿性基础compensated foundation17. 浅基础持力层bearing stratum17. 浅基础次层(台)substratum17. 浅基础单独基础individual footing17. 浅基础倒梁法inverted beam method17. 浅基础刚性角pressure distribution angle of masonary foundation 17. 浅基础刚性基础rigid foundation17. 浅基础高杯口基础17. 浅基础基础埋置深度embeded depth of foundation17. 浅基础基床系数coefficient of subgrade reaction17. 浅基础基底附加应力net foundation pressure17. 浅基础交叉条形基础cross strip footing17. 浅基础接触压力contact pressure17. 浅基础静定分析法(浅基础)static analysis (shallow foundation)17. 浅基础壳体基础shell foundation17. 浅基础扩展基础spread footing17. 浅基础片筏基础mat foundation17. 浅基础浅基础shallow foundation17. 浅基础墙下条形基础17. 浅基础热摩奇金法Zemochkin s method17. 浅基础柔性基础flexible foundation17. 浅基础上部结构-基础-土共同作用分析structure- foundation-soil interactionanalysis 17. 浅基础谈弹性地基梁(板)分析analysis of beams and slabs on elastic foundation 17. 浅基础条形基础strip footing17. 浅基础下卧层substratum17. 浅基础箱形基础box foundation17. 浅基础柱下条形基础18. 深基础贝诺托灌注桩Benoto cast-in-place pile18. 深基础波动方程分析Wave equation analysis18. 深基础场铸桩(台)cast-in-place pile18. 深基础沉管灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile18. 深基础沉井基础open-end caisson foundation18. 深基础沉箱基础box caisson foundation18. 深基础成孔灌注同步桩synchronous pile18. 深基础承台pile caps18. 深基础充盈系数fullness coefficient18. 深基础单桩承载力bearing capacity of single pile18. 深基础单桩横向极限承载力ultimate lateral resistance of single pile18. 深基础单桩竖向抗拔极限承载力vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile18. 深基础单桩竖向抗压容许承载力vertical ultimate carrying capacity of single pile18. 深基础单桩竖向抗压极限承载力vertical allowable load capacity of single pile18. 深基础低桩承台low pile cap18. 深基础地下连续墙diaphgram wall18. 深基础点承桩(台)end-bearing pile18. 深基础动力打桩公式dynamic pile driving formula18. 深基础端承桩end-bearing pile18. 深基础法兰基灌注桩Franki pile18. 深基础负摩擦力negative skin friction of pile18. 深基础钢筋混凝土预制桩precast reinforced concrete piles18. 深基础钢桩steel pile18. 深基础高桩承台high-rise pile cap18. 深基础灌注桩cast-in-place pile18. 深基础横向载荷桩laterally loaded vertical piles18. 深基础护壁泥浆slurry coat method18. 深基础回转钻孔灌注桩rotatory boring cast-in-place pile18. 深基础机挖异形灌注桩18. 深基础静力压桩silent piling18. 深基础抗拔桩uplift pile18. 深基础抗滑桩anti-slide pile18. 深基础摩擦桩friction pile18. 深基础木桩timber piles18. 深基础嵌岩灌注桩piles set into rock18. 深基础群桩pile groups18. 深基础群桩效率系数efficiency factor of pile groups18. 深基础群桩效应efficiency of pile groups18. 深基础群桩竖向极限承载力vertical ultimate load capacity of pile groups 18. 深基础深基础deep foundation18. 深基础竖直群桩横向极限承载力18. 深基础无桩靴夯扩灌注桩rammed bulb ile18. 深基础旋转挤压灌注桩18. 深基础桩piles18. 深基础桩基动测技术dynamic pile test18. 深基础钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation18. 深基础钻孔扩底灌注桩under-reamed bored pile18. 深基础钻孔压注桩starsol enbesol pile18. 深基础最后贯入度final set19. 地基处理表层压密法surface compaction19. 地基处理超载预压surcharge preloading19. 地基处理袋装砂井sand wick19. 地基处理地工织物geofabric, geotextile19. 地基处理地基处理ground treatment, foundation treatment19. 地基处理电动化学灌浆electrochemical grouting19. 地基处理电渗法electro-osmotic drainage19. 地基处理顶升纠偏法19. 地基处理定喷directional jet grouting19. 地基处理冻土地基处理frozen foundation improvement19. 地基处理短桩处理treatment with short pile19. 地基处理堆载预压法preloading19. 地基处理粉体喷射深层搅拌法powder deep mixing method19. 地基处理复合地基composite foundation19. 地基处理干振成孔灌注桩vibratory bored pile19. 地基处理高压喷射注浆法jet grounting19. 地基处理灌浆材料injection material19. 地基处理灌浆法grouting19. 地基处理硅化法silicification19. 地基处理夯实桩compacting pile19. 地基处理化学灌浆chemical grouting19. 地基处理换填法cushion19. 地基处理灰土桩lime soil pile19. 地基处理基础加压纠偏法19. 地基处理挤密灌浆compaction grouting19. 地基处理挤密桩compaction pile, compacted column19. 地基处理挤淤法displacement method19. 地基处理加筋法reinforcement method19. 地基处理加筋土reinforced earth19. 地基处理碱液法soda solution grouting19. 地基处理浆液深层搅拌法grout deep mixing method19. 地基处理降低地下水位法dewatering method19. 地基处理纠偏技术19. 地基处理坑式托换pit underpinning19. 地基处理冷热处理法freezing and heating19. 地基处理锚固技术anchoring19. 地基处理锚杆静压桩托换anchor pile underpinning19. 地基处理排水固结法consolidation19. 地基处理膨胀土地基处理expansive foundation treatment19. 地基处理劈裂灌浆fracture grouting19. 地基处理浅层处理shallow treatment19. 地基处理强夯法dynamic compaction19. 地基处理人工地基artificial foundation19. 地基处理容许灌浆压力allowable grouting pressure19. 地基处理褥垫pillow19. 地基处理软土地基soft clay ground19. 地基处理砂井sand drain19. 地基处理砂井地基平均固结度average degree of consolidation of sand-drained ground 19. 地基处理砂桩sand column19. 地基处理山区地基处理foundation treatment in mountain area19. 地基处理深层搅拌法deep mixing method19. 地基处理渗入性灌浆seep-in grouting19. 地基处理湿陷性黄土地基处理collapsible loess treatment19. 地基处理石灰系深层搅拌法lime deep mixing method19. 地基处理石灰桩lime column, limepile19. 地基处理树根桩root pile19. 地基处理水泥土水泥掺合比cement mixing ratio19. 地基处理水泥系深层搅拌法cement deep mixing method19. 地基处理水平旋喷horizontal jet grouting19. 地基处理塑料排水带plastic drain19. 地基处理碎石桩gravel pile, stone pillar19. 地基处理掏土纠偏法19. 地基处理天然地基natural foundation19. 地基处理土工聚合物Geopolymer19. 地基处理土工织物geofabric, geotextile19. 地基处理土桩earth pile19. 地基处理托换技术underpinning technique19. 地基处理外掺剂additive19. 地基处理旋喷jet grouting19. 地基处理药液灌浆chemical grouting19. 地基处理预浸水法presoaking19. 地基处理预压法preloading19. 地基处理真空预压vacuum preloading19. 地基处理振冲法vibroflotation method19. 地基处理振冲密实法vibro-compaction19. 地基处理振冲碎石桩vibro replacement stone column19. 地基处理振冲置换法vibro-replacement19. 地基处理振密、挤密法vibro-densification, compacting19. 地基处理置换率(复合地基)replacement ratio19. 地基处理重锤夯实法tamping19. 地基处理桩式托换pile underpinning19. 地基处理桩土应力比stress ratio20. 动力机器基础比阻尼容量specific gravity capacity20. 动力机器基础等效集总参数法constant strain rate consolidation test20. 动力机器基础地基固有周期natural period of soil site20. 动力机器基础动基床反力法dynamic subgrade reaction method20. 动力机器基础动力放大因素dynamic magnification factor20. 动力机器基础隔振isolation20. 动力机器基础基础振动foundation vibration20. 动力机器基础基础振动半空间理论elastic half-space theory of foundation vibr ation20. 动力机器基础基础振动容许振幅allowable amplitude of foundation vibration 20. 动力机器基础基础自振频率natural frequency of foundation20. 动力机器基础集总参数法lumped parameter method20. 动力机器基础吸收系数absorption coefficient20. 动力机器基础质量-弹簧-阻尼器系统mass-spring-dushpot system21. 地基基础抗震地基固有周期natural period of soil site21. 地基基础抗震地震earthquake, seism, temblor21. 地基基础抗震地震持续时间duration of earthquake21. 地基基础抗震地震等效均匀剪应力equivalent even shear stress of earthquake 21. 地基基础抗震地震反应谱earthquake response spectrum21. 地基基础抗震地震烈度earthquake intensity21. 地基基础抗震地震震级earthquake magnitude21. 地基基础抗震地震卓越周期seismic predominant period21. 地基基础抗震地震最大加速度maximum acceleration of earthquake21. 地基基础抗震动力放大因数dynamic magnification factor21. 地基基础抗震对数递减率logrithmic decrement21. 地基基础抗震刚性系数coefficient of rigidity21. 地基基础抗震吸收系数absorption coefficient22. 室内土工试验比重试验specific gravity test22. 室内土工试验变水头渗透试验falling head permeability test22. 室内土工试验不固结不排水试验unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test22. 室内土工试验常规固结试验routine consolidation test22. 室内土工试验常水头渗透试验constant head permeability test22. 室内土工试验单剪仪simple shear apparatus22. 室内土工试验单轴拉伸试验uniaxial tensile test22. 室内土工试验等速加荷固结试验constant loading rate consolidatin test22. 室内土工试验等梯度固结试验constant gradient consolidation test22. 室内土工试验等应变速率固结试验equivalent lumped parameter method22. 室内土工试验反复直剪强度试验repeated direct shear test22. 室内土工试验反压饱和法back pressure saturation method22. 室内土工试验高压固结试验high pressure consolidation test22. 室内土工试验各向不等压固结不排水试验consoidated anisotropically undrained test 22. 室内土工试验各向不等压固结排水试验consolidated anisotropically drained test 22. 室内土工试验共振柱试验resonant column test22. 室内土工试验固结不排水试验consolidated undrained triaxial test22. 室内土工试验固结快剪试验consolidated quick direct shear test22. 室内土工试验固结排水试验consolidated drained triaxial test22. 室内土工试验固结试验consolidation test22. 室内土工试验含水量试验water content test22. 室内土工试验环剪试验ring shear test22. 室内土工试验黄土湿陷试验loess collapsibility test22. 室内土工试验击实试验22. 室内土工试验界限含水量试验Atterberg limits test22. 室内土工试验卡萨格兰德法Casagrande s method22. 室内土工试验颗粒分析试验grain size analysis test22. 室内土工试验孔隙水压力消散试验pore pressure dissipation test22. 室内土工试验快剪试验quick direct shear test22. 室内土工试验快速固结试验fast consolidation test22. 室内土工试验离心模型试验centrifugal model test22. 室内土工试验连续加荷固结试验continual loading test22. 室内土工试验慢剪试验consolidated drained direct shear test22. 室内土工试验毛细管上升高度试验capillary rise test22. 室内土工试验密度试验density test22. 室内土工试验扭剪仪torsion shear apparatus22. 室内土工试验膨胀率试验swelling rate test22. 室内土工试验平面应变仪plane strain apparatus22. 室内土工试验三轴伸长试验triaxial extension test22. 室内土工试验三轴压缩试验triaxial compression test22. 室内土工试验砂的相对密实度试验sand relative density test22. 室内土工试验筛分析sieve analysis。

(完整)土木工程专业英语词汇(整理版)第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢—混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force 49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力 active earth pressure72 被动土压力 passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub—discipline82 期刊 journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷 volume87 期 number 88 专著 monograph89 会议论文集 Proceeding90 学位论文 thesis, dissertation91 专利 patent92 档案档案室 archive93 国际学术会议 conference94 导师 advisor95 学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96 博士研究生 doctorate student97 研究生 postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引(完整)土木工程专业英语词汇(整理版)99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范 Specification, Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2。

土木工程专业常用英语词汇第一节普通术语3. 房屋建造工程building engineering4. 土木工程civil engineering除房屋建造外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建造物、构筑物和相关配套设施等所举行的勘察、计划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
5. 马路工程highway engineering10. 建造物(构筑物)construction works房屋建造或土木工程中的单项工程实体。
11. 结构structure12. 基础foundation13. 地基foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground14. 木结构timber structure16. 钢结构steel structure17. 混凝土(砼)结构concrete structure18. 特种工程结构special engineering structure22. 马路highway24. 高速马路freeway27. 铁路(铁道)railway; railroad28. 标准轨距铁路standard gauge railway29. 宽轨距铁路broad gauge railway第四节桥、涵洞和隧道术语1. 桥bridge2. 简支梁桥simple supported girder bridge3. 延续梁桥continuous girder bridge5. 斜拉(斜张)桥cable stayed bridge6. 悬索(吊)桥suspension bridge7. 桁架桥trussed bridge9.刚构(刚架)桥rigid frame bridge10.拱桥arch bridge13.正交桥right bridge14.斜交桥skew bridge16.高架桥viaduct17.正(主)桥main span18.引桥approach span19.弯桥curved bridge21.马路铁路两用桥combined bridge; highway and railway transit bridge 25.桥跨结构(上部结构)bridge superstructure26.桥面系bridge floor system27.桥支座bridge bearing; bridge support28.桥下部结构bridge substructure29.索塔(桥塔)bridge tower30.桥台abutment31.桥墩pier32.涵洞culvert第六节结构构件和部件术语1.构件member2.部件component; assembly parts3.截面section4.梁beam; girder5.拱arch6.板slab; plate8.柱column10.桁架truss11.框架frame12.排架bent frame13.刚架(刚构)rigid frame14.简支梁simply supported beam15.悬臂梁cantilever beam16.两端固定梁beam fixed at both ends17.延续梁continuous beam19.桩pile20.板桩sheet pile34. 钢轨rail第七节地基和基础术语1. 扩展(扩大)基础spread foundation2. 刚性基础rigid foundation3. 自立基础single footing4. 联合基础combined footing5. 条形基础strip foundation6. 壳体基础shell foundation7. 箱形基础box foundation8. 筏形基础raft foundation9. 桩基础pile foundation10. 沉井基础open caisson foundation11. 管柱基础cylinder pile foundation ; cylinder caisson foundation12. 沉箱基础caisson foundation1. 可靠性reliability2. 安全性safety3. 适用性serviceability4. 耐久性durability5. 基本变量basic variable6. 设计基准期design reference period7. 可靠概率probability of survival8. 失效概率probability of failure9. 可靠指标reliability index12. 概率设计法probabilistic method13. 容许应力设计法permissible (allowable) stresses method14. 破坏强度设计法ultimate strength method15. 极限状态设计法limit states method16. 极限状态limit states17. 极限状态方程limit state equation18. 承载能力极限状态ultimate limit states19. 正常使用极限状态serviceability limit states20. 分项系数partial safety factor21. 设计情况design situation22. 持久情况persistent situation23. 短暂情况transient situation24. 偶尔情况accidental situation1. 作用action2. 荷载load3. 线分布力force per unit length4. 面分布力force per unit area5. 体分布力force per unit volume6. 力矩moment of force7. 永远作用permanent action8. 可变作用variable action9. 偶尔作用accidental action10.固定作用fixed adtion11.自由(可动)作用. Free action12. 静态作用static action13. 动态作用dynamic action14. 多次重复作用repeated action; cyclic action16. 自重self weight17. 施工荷载site load18. 土压力earth pressure19. 温度作用temperature action20. 地震作用earthquake action22.风荷载wind load23.风振wind vibration24. 雪荷载snow load27.桥(桥梁)荷载load on bridge28.桥(桥梁)恒荷载dead load on bridge29.桥(桥梁)活荷载live load on bridge30.马路车辆荷载标准Standard highway vehicle load31.中国铁路标准活载Standard Railway Live Load Specified by the People’sRepublic of China44.作用代表值representative value of an action45.作用标准值characteristic value of an action46.作用准永远值quasi-permanent value of an action47.作用组合值combination value of actions48.作用分项系数partial safety factor for action49.作用设计值design value of an action50.作用组合值系数coeffcient for combination value of actions 51.作用效应effects of actions52.作用效应系数coefficient of effects of actions53.轴向力normal force\axial force54.剪力shear force55.弯矩bending moment57.扭矩torque58.应力stress59.正应力normal stress60.剪应力shear stress; tangential stress61.主应力principal stress62.预应力prestress63.位移displacement64.挠度deflection65.变形deformation66.弹性变形elastic deformation67.塑性变形plastic deformation70.应变strain71.线应变linear strain72.剪应变shear strain; tangential strain73.主应变principal strain74.作用效应组合combination for action effects75.作用效应基本组合fundamental combination for action effects 77.短期效应组合combination for short-term action effects 78.持久效应组合combination for long-term action effects 79.设计限值limiting design value1.抗力resistance2.强度strength3.抗压强度compressive strength4.抗拉强度tensile strength5.抗剪强度shear strength6.抗弯强度flexural strength7.屈服强度yield strength8.疲劳强度fatigue strength9.极限应变ultimate strain10.弹性模量modulus of elasticity11.剪变模量shear modulus12.变形模量modulus of deformation13.泊松比Poisson ratio14.承载能力bearing capacity15.受压承载能力compressive capacity16.受拉承载能力tensile capacity17.受剪承载能力shear capacity18.受弯承载能力flexural capacity19.受扭承载能力torsional capacity20.疲劳承载能力fatigue capacity21.刚度stiffness; rigidity22.抗裂度crack resistance23.极限变形ultimate deformation24.稳定性stability26.脆性破坏brittle failure27.延性破坏ductile failure30.材料性能分项系数partial safety factor for property of material。

geotechnical engineering 综合类大地工程
back analysis method 综合类反分析法
foundation engineering 综合类基础工程
critical state soil mechanics 综合类临界状态土力学
numerical geomechanics 综合类数值岩土力学
soil, earth 综合类土
soil dynamics 综合类土动力学
soil mechanics 综合类土力学
geotechnical engineering 综合类岩土工程
stress path 综合类应力路径
stress path method 综合类应力路径法
metamorphic rock 工程地质及勘察变质岩
standard frost penetration 工程地质及勘察标准冻深
glacial deposit 工程地质及勘察冰川沉积
glacial deposit 工程地质及勘察冰积层(台)
eluvial soil, residual soil 工程地质及勘察残积土
beding 工程地质及勘察层理
feldspar 工程地质及勘察长石
sedimentary rock 工程地质及勘察沉积岩。

第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure 30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力 active earth pressure72 被动土压力 passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷 volume87 期 number 88 专著 monograph89 会议论文集 Proceeding90 学位论文 thesis, dissertation 91 专利 patent92 档案档案室 archive93 国际学术会议 conference94 导师 advisor95 学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96 博士研究生 doctorate student97 研究生 postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署 110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇engineering岩土工程engineering基础工程, earth土mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic foundation粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量dynamics土动力学path应力路径geotechanics 数值岩土力学二. 土的分类 soil残积土 groundwater level地下水位地下水 groundwater table地下水位 minerals粘土矿物minerals次生矿物滑坡hole columnar section钻孔柱状图 geologic investigation工程地质勘察漂石卵石砂石 sand砾砂 sand粗砂 sand中砂sand细砂 sand粉土 soil粘性土粘土 clay粉质粘土粉土 silt砂质粉土 silt粘质粉土 soil饱和土soil非饱和土(soil)填土soil超固结土consolidated soil正常固结土 soil欠固结土 soil区域性土 clay软粘土 (swelling) soil膨胀土泥炭黄土 soil冻土 of saturation饱和度 unit weight干重度unit weight湿重度=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四. 渗透性和渗流’s law 达西定律管涌 soil流土 boiling砂沸 net 流网渗透(流)渗流 pressure渗透压力渗透性force渗透力 gradient水力梯度 of permeability渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形soil软土 2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力 stress有效应力 stress总应力 vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度activity低活性灵敏度 test三轴试验 design基础设计再压缩 capacity承载力 mass土体stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)load集中荷载 semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体均质各向同性 footing条基 spread footing 方形独立基础soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)load =sustained load恒载持续荷载load活载–term transient load短期瞬时荷载transient load长期荷载 load折算荷载沉降变形套管 =dyke堤(防) fraction粘粒粒组 properties 物理性质路基 soil级配良好土 soil级配不良土stresses正应力 stresses剪应力 plane主平面(intermediate, minor) principal stress最大(中、最小)主应力 failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件=finite element method有限元法equilibrium method极限平衡法water pressure孔隙水压力pressure先期固结压力of compressibility压缩模量of compressibility压缩系数index压缩指数 index回弹指数 stress自重应力stress附加应力 stress总应力 settlement最终沉降line滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水 1 excavation开挖(挖方) 2 dewatering(基坑)降水 3 failure of foundation基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method降低地下水位法9 well point system井点系统(轻型) 10 deep well point深井点 11 vacuum well point真空井点 12 braced cuts 支撑围护 13 braced excavation支撑开挖 14 braced sheeting支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩bored pile钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩 rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础 drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩 under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩steel pipe pile钢管桩steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩foundation沉井(箱) wall地下连续墙截水墙 pile 摩擦桩 pile端承桩竖井;桩身 equation analysis 波动方程分析 caps承台(桩帽) capacity of single pile单桩承载力 pile load test单桩横向载荷试验lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力 load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验 allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力 pile cap低桩承台pile cap高桩承台 ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力 piling静力压桩pile抗拔桩 pile抗滑桩groups群桩 factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)of pile groups群桩效应 pile testing桩基动测技术 set最后贯入度 load test of pile桩动荷载试验integrity test桩的完整性试验head=butt桩头tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头) spacing桩距plan桩位布置图 of piles =pile layout桩的布置action群桩作用bearing=tip resistance桩端阻(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻cushion桩垫 driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩pulling test拔桩试验 shoe桩靴 noise打桩噪音rig打桩机九. 固结consolidation’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比soil超固结土pore water pressure超孔压力consolidation多维固结consolidation一维固结consolidation主固结consolidation次固结of consolidation固结度 test固结试验 curve固结曲线 factor Tv时间因子of consolidation固结系数pressure前期固结压力of effective stress有效应力原理under K0 condition K0固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength shear strength不排水抗剪强度strength残余强度 strength长期强度 strength峰值强度 strain rate剪切应变速率剪胀stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法 theory莫尔-库仑理论 of internal friction内摩擦角粘聚力criterion破坏准则strength十字板抗剪强度compression无侧限抗压强度stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive modelmodel弹性模型 elastic model非线性弹性模型model弹塑性模型 model粘弹性模型surface model边界面模型model邓肯-张模型plastic model刚塑性模型model盖帽模型 softening加工软化 hardening加工硬化 model剑桥模型 elastoplastic model理想弹塑性模型 yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则surface屈服面half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型modulus弹性模量 foundation model文克尔地基模型十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soilshear failure冲剪破坏 shear failure整体剪切破化shear failure局部剪切破坏 of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态edge pressure临塑荷载 of foundation soil地基稳定性bearing capacity of foundation soil地基极限承载力bearing capacity of foundation soil地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth pressureearth pressure主动土压力 earth pressure被动土压力 pressure at rest静止土压力’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysisof repose休止角 method毕肖普法 factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数 method of slices费纽伦斯条分法circle method瑞典圆弧滑动法 method条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wallof retaining wall挡土墙稳定性wall基础墙retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙retaining wall重力式挡土墙plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure sheet pile 钢板桩 concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩 piles 钢桩 sheet pile木板桩 piles木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation foundation箱型基础 (raft) foundation片筏基础 foundation条形基础footing扩展基础 foundation补偿性基础 stratum持力层 foundation刚性基础 foundation柔性基础depth of foundation基础埋置深度foundation pressure基底附加应力interaction analysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soilsstrength of soils动强度 velocity method波速法damping材料阻尼 damping几何阻尼 ratio阻尼比liquefaction初始液化 period of soil site地基固有周期shear modulus of soils动剪切模量 ma二十. 地基基础抗震 engineering地震工程 dynamics 土动力学of earthquake地震持续时间response spectrum地震反应谱 intensity地震烈度 magnitude 震级 predominant period地震卓越周期 acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验 pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验 under K0 condition K0固结试验 head permeability变水头试验head permeability常水头渗透试验triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)test击实试验quick direct shear test固结快剪试验direct shear test快剪试验drained direct shear test慢剪试验analysis筛分析 model test土工模型试验model test离心模型试验shear apparatus直剪仪 shear test直剪试验 simple shear test直接单剪试验triaxial test三轴试验simple shear动单剪(resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验二十二. 原位测试 penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验 wave test (SWT)表面波试验 penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验 cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验loading test静力荷载试验 load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验 load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验test 跨孔试验 plate test螺旋板载荷试验 test旁压试验 sounding轻便触探试验 settlement measurement 深层沉降观测shear test十字板剪切试验permeability test现场渗透试验 pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测 soil test原位试验。

土木工程专业英语全部Newly compiled on November 23, 2020Lesson 1Compression MembersNew Words1. achieve achievement2. eccentricity center, 中心; ec centric 偏心的;ec centricity 偏心,偏心距3. inevitable evitable 可避免的 avoidable; in evitable 不可避免的 unavoidable4. truss 桁架 triangular truss, roof truss, truss bridge5. bracing brace 支柱,支撑;bracing, 支撑,撑杆6. slender 细长,苗条;stout; slenderness7. buckle 压曲,屈曲;buckling load8. stocky stout9. convincingly convince, convincing, convincingly10. stub 树桩,短而粗的东西;stub column 短柱11. curvature 曲率;curve, curvature12. detractor detract draw or take away; divert; belittle,贬低,诽谤;13. convince14. argument dispute, debate, quarrel, reason, 论据(理由)15. crookedness crook 钩状物,v弯曲,crooked 弯曲的16. provision 规定,条款Phrases and Expressions1. compression member2. bending moment shear force, axial force3. call upon (on) 要求,请求,需要4. critical buckling load 临界屈曲荷载 critical 关键的,临界的5. cross-sectional area6. radius of gyration 回转半径 gyration7. slenderness ratio 长细比8. tangent modulus 切线模量9. stub column 短柱10. trial-and-error approach 试算法11. empirical formula 经验公式empirical 经验的12. residual stress 残余应力residual13. hot-rolled shape 热轧型钢 hot-rolled bar14. lower bound 下限upper bound 上限16. effective length 计算长度Definition (定义)Compression members are those structural elements that are subjected only to axial compressive forces: that is, the loads are applied along a longitudinal axis through the centroid of the member cross section, and the stress can be taken as f a=P/A, where f a is considered to be uniform over the entire cross section. 受压构件是仅受轴向压力作用的构件,即:荷载是沿纵轴加在其截面形心上的,其应力可表示为…,式中,假定f a在整个截面上均匀分布。

土木工程专业英语词汇1. 大地工程geotechnical engineering1. 反分析法back analysis method1. 基础工程foundation engineering1. 临界状态土力学critical state soil mechanics 1. 数值岩土力学numerical geomechanics1. 土soil, earth1. 土动力学soil dynamics1. 土力学soil mechanics1. 岩土工程geotechnical engineering1. 应力路径stress path1. 应力路径法stress path method2. 变质岩metamorphic rock2. 标准冻深standard frost penetration2. 冰川沉积glacial deposit2. 冰积层(台)glacial deposit2. 残积土eluvial soil, residual soil2. 层理beding2. 长石feldspar2. 沉积岩sedimentary rock2. 承压水confined water2. 次生矿物secondary mineral2. 地质年代geological age2. 地质图geological map2. 地下水groundwater2. 断层fault2. 断裂构造fracture structure2. 工程地质勘察engineering geological exploration 2. 海积层(台)marine deposit2. 海相沉积marine deposit2. 花岗岩granite2. 滑坡landslide2. 化石fossil2. 化学沉积岩chemical sedimentary rock2. 阶地terrace2. 节理joint2. 解理cleavage2. 喀斯特karst2. 矿物硬度hardness of minerals2. 砾岩conglomerate2. 流滑flow slide2. 陆相沉积continental sedimentation2. 泥石流mud flow, debris flow2. 年粘土矿物clay minerals2. 凝灰岩tuff2. 牛轭湖ox-bow lake2. 浅成岩hypabyssal rock2. 潜水ground water2. 侵入岩intrusive rock2. 取土器geotome2. 砂岩sandstone2. 砂嘴spit, sand spit2. 山岩压力rock pressure2. 深成岩plutionic rock2. 石灰岩limestone2. 石英quartz2. 松散堆积物rickle2. 围限地下水(台)confined ground water 2. 泻湖lagoon2. 岩爆rock burst2. 岩层产状attitude of rock2. 岩浆岩magmatic rock, igneous rock2. 岩脉dike, dgke2. 岩石风化程度degree of rock weathering 2. 岩石构造structure of rock2. 岩石结构texture of rock2. 岩体rock mass2. 页岩shale2. 原生矿物primary mineral2. 云母mica2. 造岩矿物rock-forming mineral2. 褶皱fold, folding2. 钻孔柱状图bore hole columnar section3. 饱和土saturated soil3. 超固结土overconsolidated soil3. 冲填土dredger fill3. 充重塑土3. 冻土frozen soil, tjaele3. 非饱和土unsaturated soil3. 分散性土dispersive soil3. 粉土silt, mo3. 粉质粘土silty clay3. 高岭石kaolinite3. 过压密土(台)overconsolidated soil 3. 红粘土red clay, adamic earth3. 黄土loess, huangtu(China)3. 蒙脱石montmorillonite3. 泥炭peat, bog muck3. 年粘土clay3. 年粘性土cohesive soil, clayey soil3. 膨胀土expansive soil, swelling soil3. 欠固结粘土underconsolidated soil3. 区域性土zonal soil3. 人工填土fill, artificial soil3. 软粘土soft clay, mildclay, mickle3. 砂土sand3. 湿陷性黄土collapsible loess, slumping loess3. 素填土plain fill3. 塑性图plasticity chart3. 碎石土stone, break stone, broken stone, channery, chat, crushed sto ne, deritus3. 未压密土(台)underconsolidated clay3. 无粘性土cohesionless soil, frictional soil, non-cohesive soil3. 岩石rock3. 伊利土illite3. 有机质土organic soil3. 淤泥muck, gyttja, mire, slush3. 淤泥质土mucky soil3. 原状土undisturbed soil3. 杂填土miscellaneous fill3. 正常固结土normally consolidated soil3. 正常压密土(台)normally consolidated soil3. 自重湿陷性黄土self weight collapse loess4. 阿太堡界限Atterberg limits4. 饱和度degree of saturation4. 饱和密度saturated density4. 饱和重度saturated unit weight4. 比重specific gravity4. 稠度consistency4. 不均匀系数coefficient of uniformity, uniformity coefficient 4. 触变thixotropy4. 单粒结构single-grained structure4. 蜂窝结构honeycomb structure4. 干重度dry unit weight4. 干密度dry density4. 塑性指数plasticity index4. 含水量water content, moisture content4. 活性指数4. 级配gradation, grading4. 结合水bound water, combined water, held water4. 界限含水量Atterberg limits4. 颗粒级配particle size distribution of soils, mechanical composition of soil4. 可塑性plasticity4. 孔隙比void ratio4. 孔隙率porosity4. 粒度granularity, grainness, grainage4. 粒组fraction, size fraction4. 毛细管水capillary water4. 密度density4. 密实度compactionness4. 年粘性土的灵敏度sensitivity of cohesive soil4. 平均粒径mean diameter, average grain diameter4. 曲率系数coefficient of curvature4. 三相图block diagram, skeletal diagram, three phase diagram 4. 三相土tri-phase soil4. 湿陷起始应力initial collapse pressure4. 湿陷系数coefficient of collapsibility4. 缩限shrinkage limit4. 土的构造soil texture4. 土的结构soil structure4. 土粒相对密度specific density of solid particles4. 土中气air in soil4. 土中水water in soil4. 团粒aggregate, cumularpharolith4. 限定粒径constrained diameter4. 相对密度relative density, density index4. 相对压密度relative compaction, compacting factor, percent compa ction, coefficient of compaction4. 絮状结构flocculent structure4. 压密系数coefficient of consolidation4. 压缩性compressibility4. 液限liquid limit4. 液性指数liquidity index4. 游离水(台)free water4. 有效粒径effective diameter, effective grain size, effective size4. 有效密度effective density4. 有效重度effective unit weight4. 重力密度unit weight4. 自由水free water, gravitational water, groundwater, phreatic wa ter4. 组构fabric4. 最大干密度maximum dry density4. 最优含水量optimum water content5. 达西定律Darcy s law5. 管涌piping5. 浸润线phreatic line5. 临界水力梯度critical hydraulic gradient 5. 流函数flow function5. 流土flowing soil5. 流网flow net5. 砂沸sand boiling5. 渗流seepage5. 渗流量seepage discharge5. 渗流速度seepage velocity5. 渗透力seepage force5. 渗透破坏seepage failure5. 渗透系数coefficient of permeability 5. 渗透性permeability5. 势函数potential function5. 水力梯度hydraulic gradient。

The engineers determine pipeline design, the economic and environmental impact of a project on regions it must traverse, the type of materials to be used-steel, concrete, plastic, or combination of various materials installation techniques, methods for testing pipeline strength, and controls for maintaining proper pressure and rate of flow of materials being transported.
结构工程是最重要的一个专业,它包括:将结构的不同部分进行 定位和布置,从而形成一个确定的形式以获得最好的利用;确定结 构必须抵抗的力,结构的自重,风和飓风,使施工材料产生的膨胀 和收缩的温度变化,以及地震力。
They also determine the combination appropriate materials: steel, concrete, plastic, stone, asphalt, brick, aluminum, or other construction materials.
Structural engineering is the most important specialization, it includes: positioning and arranging the various parts of the structure into a definite form to achieve best utilization; determining the forces that a structure must resist, its own weight, wind and hurricane forces, and temperature change that expand or contract construction materials, and earthquake.

The engineering marvels of the world, starting from the pyramids to today’s shell structure, are the results of the development in civil engineering.
他们还要确定合适的材料组合,包括钢材、混凝土、塑料、石头、 沥青、砖、铝及其它建筑材
Most structural engineer work for apartment or public construction and factory constructions.
除了仅仅作为住处之外,由土木工程师建造的住处提供了一个和 平而舒适的生活。
Since then, the term civil engineer has often been to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader.
从那时起,土木工程师这个词用来指建设公共设施的工程师,尽 管这一领域非常广阔。
The scope of civil engineering is broad, depending on the type of the project and the skills needed.
这些工程师要分析支撑结构和影响结构性能的土壤及岩石的性能。 They evaluate and work to minimize the potential settlement of buildings and other structures, which stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth. 他们评估并采取措施使建筑物和其他结构的重量对地面的压力引 起的潜在的沉降最小化。

specialized a. 专业的, 专门的jurisdiction n. 管辖权, 权限curriculum n. 课程, 学习计划probability n. 概率variable n. 变量persuasive a. 有说服力的geodetic n. 大地测量学hydraulics n. 水力学recruit v. 招聘, 征募新人demonstrate v. 展示, 演示topography n. 地形学subsoil n. 地基下层土gravity n. 重力, 地心引力geodetic surveying 大地测量soil mechanics 土力学feasibility study 可行性研究consultant n. 咨询师, 顾问coordinate v. 合作system engineer 系统工程师launching pads ( 火箭等的) 发射台schedule v. 订计划construction phase 施工阶段forefront n. 最前部, 最前线, 最活动的中心structural a. 结构的, 建筑的; 结构, 构造environmental a. 周围的, 环境的geotechnical a. 岩土的water resources 水资源transportation n. 交通, 运输urban planning 城市规划track n. 踪迹, 小径beat tracks 开辟路径prehistoric a. 史前的trail n. 足迹, 小路boggy a. 多沼泽的crude a. 粗糙的, 不精细的wares n. (复数) 货物, 商品sled n. 雪橇, 雪车( 以木质或金属长条代轮之交通工wagons n. 四轮运货马(或牛) 车sturdy a. 结实的, 坚固的radiate v. 向各方伸展, 辐射elaborate a. 精细的, 复杂的trench n. 沟, 沟渠excavate v. 挖掘mortar n. 砂浆, 胶泥tamp v. 捣固, 夯实settlement n. 新殖民地, 定居点, 居民点bay n. 海湾wharf n. 码头clearing n. 开辟出来的空地turnpike n. ( 泛指) 公路stagecoach n. 公共马车freight n. 货物, 货运haul v. 搬运, 拖运locomotive n. 机车, 火车头cross-country a. 越野的feeder n. 支线motor-vehicle 机动车, 汽车outlying a. 远离中心的, 地处郊区的apt a. 恰当的, 巧妙的simultaneous a. 同时的, 同时发生的mileage n. 里程, 英里数in time 过了一段时间以后well-traveled routes 经常行走的路线hard-packed dirt 压紧或夯实的土wearing course 磨( 耗) 损层toll-collections 征收路税,收取过路费all-weather roads 晴雨通车路, 全天( 年) 候道路tamp into place 夯实到位takeover 接管, 控制load-carrying ability 运载能力mass transportation 公共交通Notes①�what it isweareridingon�我们是在什么上面驾车行驶。

第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语Specialty English3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程Civil Engineering5 地下工程Underground Engineering6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程Traffic Engineering12 港口工程Port Engineering13 安全性safety17木结构timber structure18 砌体结构masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程offshore engineering31 静力学statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁simply supported beam35 固定支座fixed bearing36弹性力学elasticity37 塑性力学plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics40 土力学soil mechanics41 水力学hydraulics42 流体力学fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力concentrated force45 压力pressure46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力uniform pressure48 体力body force49 重力gravity50 线荷载line load51 弯矩bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress54 应变stain55 正应力normal stress56 剪应力shearing stress57 主应力principal stress58 变形deformation59 内力internal force60 偏移量挠度deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳buckle63 轴力axial force64 允许应力allowable stress65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis66 梁beam67 壳shell68 板plate69 桥bridge70 桩pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力load-bearing capacity74 水位water Height75 位移displacement76 结构力学structural mechanics77 材料力学material mechanics78 经纬仪altometer79 水准仪level80 学科discipline81 子学科sub-discipline82 期刊journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷volume87 期number 88 专著monograph89 会议论文集Proceeding90 学位论文thesis, dissertation91 专利patent92 档案档案室archive93 国际学术会议conference94 导师advisor95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis96 博士研究生doctorate student97 研究生postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目title102 摘要abstract103 全文full-text104 参考文献reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词Subject107 关键字keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法analytical method112 数值方法numerical method113 计算computation114 说明书instruction第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2.foundation engineering基础工程3.soil, earth土4.soil mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic foundation粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量5.soil dynamics土动力学6.stress path应力路径7.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二. 土的分类 1.residual soil残积土groundwater level地下水位 2.groundwater 地下水groundwater table地下水位 3.clay minerals粘土矿物 4.secondary minerals次生矿物 ndslides滑坡 6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察8.boulder漂石9.cobble卵石10.gravel砂石11.gravelly sand砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand中砂14.fine sand细砂15.silty sand粉土16.clayey soil粘性土17.clay粘土18.silty clay粉质粘土19.silt粉土20.sandy silt 砂质粉土21.clayey silt粘质粉土22.saturated soil饱和土23.unsaturated soil非饱和土24.fill (soil)填土25.overconsolidated soil超固结土26.normally consolidated soil正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil欠固结土28.zonal soil区域性土29.soft clay软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil膨胀土31.peat泥炭32.loess 黄土33.frozen soil冻土24.degree of saturation饱和度25.dry unit weight干重度26.moist unit weight湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四. 渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress有效应力4.total stress 总应力5.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度6.low activity低活性7.sensitivity灵敏度8.triaxial test三轴试验9.foundation design基础设计10.recompaction再压缩11.bearing capacity承载力12.soil mass土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体16.homogeneous均质17.isotropic各向同性18.strip footing条基19.square spread footing方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载22.live load 活载23.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load长期荷载25.reduced load折算荷载26.settlement沉降27.deformation变形28.casing套管29.dike=dyke堤(防)30.clay fraction粘粒粒组31.physical properties物理性质32.subgrade路基33.well-graded soil级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses剪应力37.principal plane主平面38.major (intermediate, minor) principal stress最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method有限元法41.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法42.pore water pressure孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pression index压缩指数47.swelling index回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress附加应力50.total stress总应力51.final settlement最终沉降52.slip line滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水 1 excavation开挖(挖方) 2 dewatering(基坑)降水3 failure of foundation基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution孔压分布8 dewatering method降低地下水位法9 well point system井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point深井点11 vacuum well point真空井点12 braced cuts支撑围护13 braced excavation支撑开挖14 braced sheeting支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation 1.pile foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩bored pile钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩steel pipe pile钢管桩steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱) 3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile端承桩6.shaft竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis波动方程分析8.pile caps承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力teral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling静力压桩18.uplift pile抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile抗滑桩20.pile groups群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术24.final set最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距30.pile plan桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout桩的布置32.group action群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻35.pile cushion桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test拔桩试验38.pile shoe桩靴39.pile noise打桩噪音40.pile rig打桩机九. 固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结9.primary consolidation主固结10.secondary consolidation次固结11.degree of consolidation固结度12.consolidation test固结试验13.consolidation curve固结曲线14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength 1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength残余强度3.long-term strength长期强度4.peak strength峰值强度5.shear strain rate剪切应变速率6.dilatation剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法8.total stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角11.cohesion粘聚力12.failure criterion破坏准则13.vane strength十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model边界面模型6.Duncan-Chang model邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model盖帽模型9.work softening加工软化10.work hardening加工硬化11.Cambridge model剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model文克尔地基模型十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil 1.punching shear failure冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化 3.local shear failure局部剪切破坏 4.state of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.R ankine’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose休止角2.Bishop method毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall基础墙3.counter retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure 1.steel sheet pile钢板桩 2.reinforced concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles钢桩4.wooden sheet pile木板桩5.timber piles木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation 1.box foundation箱型基础 2.mat(raft) foundation片筏基础 3.strip foundation条形基础 4.spread footing扩展基础 pensated foundation补偿性基础6.bearing stratum持力层7.rigid foundation刚性基础8.flexible foundation柔性基础9.embedded depth of foundation基础埋置深度 foundation pressure基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils动强度2.wave velocity method波速法3.material damping材料阻尼4.geometric damping几何阻尼5.damping ratio阻尼比6.initial liquefaction初始液化7.natural period of soil site地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十. 地基基础抗震 1.earthquake engineering地震工程2.soil dynamics土动力学3.duration of earthquake地震持续时间 4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级7.seismic predominant period地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验 1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验 2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验 3.falling head permeability变水头试验4.constant head permeability常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)paction test击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test慢剪试验12.sieve analysis筛分析13.geotechnical model test土工模型试验14.centrifugalmodel test离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test直剪试验17.direct simple shear test直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验二十二. 原位测试 1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验 2.surface wave test (SWT)表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验 4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验 teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test原位试验。

土木工程专业英语第一篇:土木工程专业英语水力学 hydraulics水泥 cement桁架 truss 沥青 bitumen混凝土concrete强度strength 非线性nonlinear桩pile刚性rigid隧道tunnel砾石 gravel柱子 column力 force位移 displacement线性的 linear砂浆 mortar弹性 elastic塑性plastic沉降 settlement 弯矩 moment扭矩 torque剪力 shear 正应力 normal stress路面 pavement钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete抗拉强度 tensile strength抗压强度compressive strength 土木工程civil engineering岩体力学rock mass mechanics粒径grain diameter 容许应力allowable stress土力学soil mechanics斜拉桥cable stayed bridge 悬索桥suspension bridge中性面 neutral plane水灰比 water-cement ratio 民用建筑civil architecture地质成因geologic origin临界截面choking section岩土工程 geotechnical engineering屈服点 yield point横截面(transverse)cross section 安全系数 safety factor抗剪强度 shear strength反复试验 trial and error预应力混凝土priestessed concrete先张法pretensioning concrete 后张法post-tensioning concrete 土质勘测soil investiagation在这两种应力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。

1.Civil engineering –土木工程学Civil engineering is a discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment, including buildings, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.2.Architecture –建筑学Architecture is the art and science of designing and building structures, such as buildings and bridges.3.Planning –规划Planning is the process of making a detailed plan or layout for a project, including determining what resources will be needed to complete the project.4.Surveying –测量Surveying is the process of measuring and mapping the surface of the Earth, including land, water bodies, and buildings.5.Structural engineering –结构工程Structural engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the design and analysis of structures, such as buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure.6.Geotechnical engineering –岩土工程Geotechnical engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the study of soil and rock mechanics, and the design and construction of structures that are built on or in the ground.7.Transportation engineering –交通运输工程Transportation engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that dealswith the design and construction of transportation infrastructure, such as roads, highways, and airports.8.Hydrology –水文学Hydrology is the study of water and its movement on the surface of the Earth, including precipitation, streams, rivers, and groundwater.9.Water resources engineering –水资源工程Water resources engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the study of water resources and the design and construction of structures that manage and distribute water, including dams, reservoirs, and water treatment plants.10.Environmental engineering –环境工程Environmental engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the study of environmental engineering principles and the design and construction of structures that protect the environment, such as water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants.11.Construction –建造Construction refers to the process of building structures from design plans and specifications.12.Industrial engineering –工业工程Industrial engineering is a discipline that deals with the optimization of complex processes, systems, and organizations, with the goal of improving efficiency, productivity, and safety.13.Quantity surveying –工程测量Quantity surveying is the process of determining the quantity, cost, and value of materials needed to complete a construction project.14.Building –建筑物Building refers to a structure that is built for a specific purpose, such as a house, office building, or factory.15.Foundation –基础Foundation refers to the part of a structure that is in direct contact with the ground and supports the weight of the structure.16.Reinforcement –钢筋加固Reinforcement refers to the process of adding materials, such as steel bars, to strengthen a structure.17.Retaining wall –挡土墙A retaining wall is a structure that is built to support soil and prevent it from sliding down a slope.18.Roadway –道路A roadway is a paved surface that is designed for vehicles and pedestrians to travel on.19.Bridge –桥梁A bridge is a structure that is built to span a physical obstacle, such as a river or gorge, and provide a safe means of transportation.20.Culvert –排水管A culvert is a structure that is built to allow water to pass under a roadway or other structure.21.Dam –水坝A dam is a structure that is built to control the flow of water and to provide water for human consumption, irrigation, and hydroelectric power.22.Pile –桩A pile is a foundation support structure that is driven into the ground to supporta structure.23.Slab –地板A slab is a flat, horizontal surface that is used as a flooring material or to supporta structure.24.Tunnel –隧道A tunnel is an underground structure that is built for transportation, utilities, or other purposes.25.Asphalt –沥青Asphalt is a sticky, black, and highly viscous liquid that is used as a binder for paving materials.以上就是土木工程类英文专业词汇的介绍,这些专业词汇对于在土木工程领域中工作或学习的人来说都是非常重要的。

① 顺译法:依照英语原文顺序依次译出 In the course of designing a structure, you have to take into consideration what kind of load the above mentioned structure will be subjected to, where on the structure the said load will do what is expected and whether the load on the structure is put into position all of a sudden or applied by degree. 结构设计时,你必须考虑到设计的结构受到什么样 的荷载,这一荷载在结构的什么位置起(预计 的)作用,以及这一荷载是突然施加,还是逐 渐加到结构指定位置的。
• 100 major words
• 土木工程专业常用英语词汇
第一节 一般术语
• 1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures 房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分 的总称。 2. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering 一般称建筑工程。 3. 土木工程 civil engineering 除房屋建筑外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建筑物、 构筑物和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施 工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 4. 公路工程 highway engineering 5. 铁路工程 railway engineering 6. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbor ) and waterway engineering 7. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works 房屋建筑或土木工程中的单项工程实体。 8. 地基 foundation soil • 9. 木结构 timber structure 10. 工业建筑 industrial building;民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture
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Lesson 1Compression MembersNew Words1. achieve achievement2. eccentricity center, 中心; ec centric 偏心的;ec centricity 偏心,偏心距3. inevitable evitable 可避免的avoidable; in evitable 不可避免的unavoidable4. truss 桁架triangular truss, roof truss, truss bridge5. bracing brace 支柱,支撑;bracing, 支撑,撑杆6. slender 细长,苗条;stout; slenderness7. buckle 压曲,屈曲;buckling load8. stocky stout9. convincingly convince, convincing, convincingly10. stub 树桩,短而粗的东西;stub column 短柱11. curvature 曲率;curve, curvature12. detractor detract draw or take away; divert; belittle,贬低,诽谤;13. convince14. argument dispute, debate, quarrel, reason, 论据(理由)15. crookedness crook 钩状物,v弯曲,crooked 弯曲的16. provision 规定,条款Phrases and Expressions1. compression member2. bending moment shear force, axial force3. call upon (on) 要求,请求,需要4. critical buckling load 临界屈曲荷载critical 关键的,临界的5. cross-sectional area6. radius of gyration 回转半径gyration7. slenderness ratio 长细比8. tangent modulus 切线模量9. stub column 短柱10. trial-and-error approach 试算法11. empirical formula 经验公式empirical 经验的12. residual stress 残余应力residual13. hot-rolled shape 热轧型钢hot-rolled bar14. lower bound 下限upper bound 上限16. effective length 计算长度Definition (定义)Compression members are those structural elements that are subjected only to axial compressive forces: that is, the loads are applied along a longitudinal axis through the centroid of the member cross section, and the stress can be taken as f a=P/A, where f a is considered to be uniform over the entire cross section. 受压构件是仅受轴向压力作用的构件,即:荷载是沿纵轴加在其截面形心上的,其应力可表示为…,式中,假定f a在整个截面上均匀分布。
This ideal state is never achieved in reality, however, and some eccentricity of the load is inevitable. 然而,现实中从来都不可能达到这种理想状态,因为荷载的一些偏心是不可避免的。
This will result in bending, but it can usually be regarded as secondary and can be neglected if the theoretical loading condition is closely approximated. 这将导致弯曲,但通常认为它是次要的,如果理论工况是足够近似的,就可将其忽略。
This cannot always be done if there is a computed bending moment, and situation of this type will be considered in Beam-Columns. 但这并非总是可行的,如有计算出的弯矩存在时,这种情形将在梁柱理论中加以考虑。
The most common type of compression member occurring in buildings and bridges is the column, a vertical member whose primary function is to support vertical loads. 在建筑物和桥梁中最常见的受压构件就是柱,其主要功能就是支承竖向荷载。
In many instances these members are also called upon to resist bending, and in these cases the member is a beam-column. Compression members can also be found in trusses and as components of bracing systems. 在许多情况下,它们也需要抵抗弯曲,在此情况下,将它们称为梁柱。
Column Theory (柱理论)Consider the long, slender compression member shown in Fig.1.1a. 考虑如图1.1.a所示的长柱If the axial load P is slowly applied, it will ultimately reach a value large enough to cause the member to become unstable and assume the shape indicated by the dashed line. 如果慢慢增加轴向荷载P,它最终将达到一个足够大的值使该柱变得不稳定(失稳),如图中虚线所示。
The member is said to have buckled, and the corresponding load is called th e critical buckling load. 这时认为构件已经屈曲,相应的荷载称为临界屈曲荷载。
If the member is more stocky, as the one in Fig.1.1b, a larger load will be required to bring the member to the point of instability. 如果该构件更粗短些,如图1.1b所示,则需要更大的荷载才能使其屈曲。
For extremely stocky members, failure may be by compressive yielding rather than buckling. 对特别粗短的构件,破坏可能是由受压屈服引起而非由屈曲引起。
For these stocky members and for more slender columns before they buckle, the compressive stress P/A is uniform over the cross section at any point along the length. 对这些短柱以及更细长的柱,在其屈曲前,在其长度方向上任意点处横截面上的压应力P/A都是均匀的。
As we shall see, the load at which buckling occurs is a function of slenderness, and for very slender members this load could be quite small. 我们将会看到,屈曲发生时的荷载是长细程度的函数,非常细长的构件的屈曲荷载将会很低。
If the member is so slender (a precise definition of slenderness will be given shortly) that the stress just before buckling is below the proportional limit—that is, the member is still elastic—the critical buckling load is given by 如果构件如此细长(随后将会给出细长程度的精确定义)以致即将屈曲时的应力低于比例极限—即,构件仍是弹性的,临界屈曲荷载如下式给出:22L EIP cr π= (1.1)where E is the modulus of elasticity of the material, I is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area with respect to the minor principal axis, and L is the length of the member between points of support. 式中E 为材料弹性模量,I 为关于截面副主轴的惯性矩,L 为支座间的距离。
For Eq1.1 to be valid, the member must be elastic, and its ends must be free to rotate but not translate laterally. This end condition is satisfied by hinges or pins. 要使方程1.1成立,构件必须是弹性的,且其两端必须能自由转动,但不能侧向移动。
This remarkable relationship was first formulated by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler and published in 1975. 此著名公式是瑞士数学家欧拉于1975年提出的。