托福小马过河学科词汇分类 词汇汇总word版

Timid a. 胆小的 Cowardly adv.胆怯地(cow饿的!) Trepidation n.害怕,颤抖=fear Tremulous a.胆小的 Trembling a.发抖的,胆小的 *Tremble a.发抖;担忧 发抖:quiver=vibrate *Tremor n.大地轻微震动 *Tremendous a.极大的;很棒的,极好的 (Fabulous a.寓言般的;极大的;极好的)
Fid 相信,信任
Confidence n.信心,自信 Confide v.吐露心事 Fidelity n.忠心,坚贞 Affidavit n.宣誓书 Confidant n.知心朋友(-ant表人) Confidential a.机密的 Diffident a.缺乏自信的,胆怯的 Perfidy n.不忠实,背叛(per-假的)
Adamant a. 坚定的 Ambition n.雄心壮志(音:俺必胜!) Conviction n.坚定信念(con一起+victory胜利) Confident a.自信的 Persistent a.坚持的(per全部+sist站立) Resolution n. 坚决;解决 Stoic a.坚忍的;n.禁欲主义者 Determined 坚决的 Uncompromising a.不让步的,坚定的
Adulation n. 谄媚 Compliment n.v. 恭维 Court v. 献殷勤(常考“球场”对应tennis) Cringe v. 畏缩;谄媚 Flatter v.谄媚 Toady n.谄媚者(音:投敌) Cajole v.哄骗,诱惑(jol笑) Fawn v.巴结奉承(音:奉~) Blandish v.谄媚,奉承(音:(送)白兰地)

word list 1 accomplishment acronymacuteadhere aggressionartistic awarenessbalancebrochure careless chimpanzee collective conductivity congestion convincecouncilcrevicecrossing curriculum/course debatedeficiency devotion dischargedisputediversedoctrineendlessenforce essentially expirefareflatforwardfoulglowgymhonestimproveinterest investigatejuvenile/rejuvenationloadlogmanagemaritimematobstructoverchargepartlypollenpredominantprevalentprotagonistradiationrehabilitaterenovatesapphire /emerald/ rubyscattersensualshellfishshuttle/ planesodiumsolo/alonespicestretch/extendstrivestylisticsurplussweepsyllabletemporarytendencytermtow /pulltrialunearthvarnishwipeword list 2abilityaccordadditiveaffectionalikealternatelybehaviorismbiologistbudgetcalendercoil /soilcolleaguecomposercompositiondairy/diary/dry/draindeadlinedeal…with…/due … to …deceivedistantdramaticerosionexplosiveforestallfumeigneousimmutableimpetusindicateindustyintelligenceinterpretintriguingjustifylegislativelegitimateliteracylocomotionlongitude/latitude/altitudelower1marked modulate monarch mottomutual overall overlook parallel paramount participant pendent planet plausible plot precipitate radiate remnant removal renaissance retirerodsalonscar shipwright sloth solitary specialize specimen spectator spillstatestemstring sturdy substantial towering versus worthwrapword list 3accentadmitalkaliasymmetricalauthoritybargainbonybriefbuddycatastropheclassiccoarsecommunicatecomparecompelcomprehendconcentrateconsentconsiderationcontrast/comparecoordinatecopious/lots ofcountcrusade/ten~cushion/matcustomdetectable/perceivedrawedificeemphasizeengineenvelop/wrapepisode/plotequationexternal/internalfadefellowshipfierceflintforefrontfreeze/frozongrindgroom/ preenheadinghordeinactiveinfestinterior/exteriorjog/runLatinmammalmelanin 黑色素nomadic/ranchnotorious/fumeparameterpathologyphenomenaplasterpolicyquenchrenewripenroost/inhabitat/homesalmonscriptsheerspiralstaffsteady/sturdystrata/layer of earthsuperiorsurrendersuspensiontherapy/curetile/roofunadornedunprecedentedutilizevigorous/energyword list 42adventureanalogy/similarapplyappraisal/valueartifactassureattire/clothbiochemicalcatalystcohesioncombustible/fire complaincounterpart/similar/copy datadecade/tendimensionaldiplomaticdisposaldocumentationductile/extendengageenrich/fertileepidemic/illevaporation/disappear expertiseexplorationexploreextensionfigurativeforage/grasshaunthomogeneoushurricaneimplyintoxicationlabellocate/sitelogicalmaintenancemanifest/proof materialmathematicsmaximummemomold/fungi/fungusneoclassicaloriginalornamentoutlineoysterpaddleperceptionperceptivepretentious 炫耀的,proceedpuncture 刺穿rebelrecallrelevance 相关的remainsresistant 反抗的ruralrusticsculptselectiveshrinksledding 滑雪的,雪橇spontaneousstickysuperficialsynthetic 综合的throwtradeundergraduatevanish 消失不见的venom 蛇的毒液venturevetovibrationvicinity 附近,周围地区word list 5ailmentassimilateaudioaxiscablechubbycommitteecommuteconsultconversecorrosivecourageouscousincredential 证书definedenotedetergent 清洁剂devicedominantestimateexcavation 挖掘facilitatefellowforemostfrenzyfrictionhardwareimprint 印记,牢记induceinertinfectionintenseintuitiveisolatedjellyjolt 颠簸,摇晃laboratorylamentleftover3lithosphere manufactureopposed 反对的overhaulovertimepackpayperfect photodissociation pigeonpoetryprincipleprofoundpromoteprompt 立即的,迅速的proposereactorrealizationrecessionreliableremarkablereplenish 补充responserevolutionscurrysensiblesimulatesluggishsoftsquashstucksubsequent substantiatesuburbsupremetracevaguevastvirusvisual watercourseword list 6agreeableallegiancealleviateangularannoyedarchitectascending/risebouncecabincarp/fishcelestial/skyceremonycolonialcomparablecomplementary/ replenishcongressionalcornerstonecrewcrowdepartmentdeservedesiredigressiondirectordisadvantagedistinguisheccentriceligiblefileflagellum 鞭子foldfoolishfungi/moldglacial/icegrab/catchgrasp/holdimprovise/immediatelyprepareinconspicuous/cannot seeinstitutejournallandmarklooselost-and—foundlushmentalmoistnationlismnomineenonsensenotationotherwisepalatephysicalpostcardpresidentquiltrancherrarerawreddishrefreshingrescueresignruptureschedulescholarsealsheath 护套shelterspacecraftsphericalstablesympathetictally 记账,标签tenementtissuevacant4versewastezealousword list 7accountingacidityactingAdapt/adept/adoption alarmalternate/alternatively angiosperm 被子植物gymnosperm 裸子植物aquiferarboreal 树木的aurora 极光availableawesomebaconbalconyblushbreakbucklecardiaccentennialchagrinclog/obstruct collaboratorcollide/conflictcometcontentconvergecostcostume/attirecurl/warpdesolatedetesteconomyemerald/sapphire/ruby emotionethnology exceedexpectexpressivefeministfinancialforerunnerhikehurryidentityimpendinginaccessibleindicativeinventory/warehousekeenlandmasslatent/lamentlayermanner/habitmethod/wayminimizemonumentalneutron/atom/protonorchidpatientpenmanship/writepermission/permitplowpreponderanceprimal 主要的,原始的projectpropelquotation “”ranchrashremodelrender lead to /providesacrificialscoresiliconsimplyspheretranscendtriangletypicalviral / virusword list 8administeralongamountannualapologizeastutebindblockbudcanalchampionchill/coldconstructconsumptioncreativitycuneiform 楔形文字currentdemocratdetectdeterminedisseminate/spreadEasterElegant/graceengagingenormous/bigenrollment/admissionextendextremefastenfilmfitnessflamboyant/ pretentiousfolkloregeneration5genetichatchincessantly instructionjuicelacklarva/lavaleasemagnificent melodie meteorologist musiciannormallynutritionomitorientationporeportraitprefer prerequisite prolificpunctual/puncture regardless relative representative reschedulerustsaturate/fill screenselection skyscrapesledslumber/sleep smoothlystereostrand 线summarizesuspect/skeptical swantend toleratetuitionunderscore/emphasisviablevolcanowarehouseword list 9accessaccreditadvancedadverseaffordannoyingappreciationassembly 装配,集合benefitcaptivity 囚禁,被关championshipchilledcluecolumncommemoratecomponentcosmos/cometcriticdehydratedespoil 掠夺,宠坏dictiondimelaborateengulfeternal 永恒的fairfairlyfeudal 封建的functiongradualheedhibernation/slumber 冬眠hollowhorizonilluminateimplementincenseinsistlaunchlinguistlongevitymanagenentmedalmedieval 中世纪meteorologymicroscopemocknourishmentnumerousobscure/dimphenomenonpitplumageporcelainportionpostponepresidencyproductivityproponentproteinrecognizesalamanderseep/ooze/penetrate 渗漏senatesessionshortageskipsliceslipstatusstrainstridesubway6surgeterminusterritory therebytopsoiltransit unpredictable word list 10 abortacidicadequateadornapproveatomic/neutron bacteria breathingbubblebulbcluster/ strand consumedebrisdestined distribute dolphindrill elementary engraving/carve entitle/accredit expansion exposurefarceflexiblefulfillgendergeniusgospelhamperhygieneideology inconvenient infraredinvasionjunctionlaureateliterarymammoth猛犸象mania/crazymanualmelodymoralmuggy 闷热的naivenarratenotionofferoutbreakoverloadpartialpopulate居住prevailingprohibitively 过高的,过分的,禁止的proofreadprotestquotarampant 猖獗的ratiorecitalrecklessrestorationrodentscholarshipscubasedimentarysewerage 污水showersilt 淤泥stripesupposesymptomtensiontreadmilltributary 支流,进贡国undertakingunparalleledverticalvigilance 警觉的vocalwane 衰退word list 11absorbacknowledgeambitiousamenityapplaudavalanchebaldbarrierbolstercargocarveceramic/porcelaincommitmentconcludeconfercrawldeceptiondestructivedictatedivisioneditorialelectrodeemitenactmenterectexcursionexhaustfavorfavoredferment7fertilefertilizerforecast/predictable genesis/healinginactivateinsultinvertebratelatterlistlessmaturemechanist merchandiseminorityorbitpackedparkingpavepersonalpreliminary psychology receptaclerehearserelieverresistrevoltrhythmribbonsegregate significantskepticalsolutionsopranotenorspunsterilesubtlesurveyswallowthorn/puncture thrivetrashtroupetwineutmostvacancyvalidvaporverbalvoyageyieldword list 12additionaddressadhesiveadvisablealchemistannounceauctioncellistcerealcheckchequecommitcomplacencecompresscomputeconstructioncorpsdepicteminentfantasyfascinatingfashionablefluglossygranitegraphiteguaranteehazardheraldhockeyhumididentifyillustrationincongruityinnerintrepidintricate/complexlocalityluster/glossymagnesiummodifymonotonous /tediousmotivatemythologynavigationooze/seeporganicoutfitoutspokenoverduepastelpersistpleasingportableprevailproclaimrefurbishreligionremindreportresonanceresumereunionsemestersewagesparksquid 鱿鱼stratigraphy8strip/ribbonstun /surprise stunt /skill suffragist technological tedium/monotonous threatenthwart/obstruct underlying/latent vary/change vegetative/plant wagon/cargo witherword list 13 addictiveagencyairbornealienanxious atmosphere attractive audiencebarkbeverageboldcarecommentcommoncomplycomprise/compose concealconduct/action contour等高线crabcrumpledepotdeserted diagnosedilate diversfication doteffectiveexpresslyfacilityfieldfinchfrigidfurnace 熔炉gasolinegeneralizegivenhayhemispherehieratic 僧吕的imitation/simulateimmatureimpressiveinheritanceinteractivelacelatitude/altitude/longitudelaylegislaturemarchmarvelmetricmetropolitanmodelingmonitormultiplymythicaloffspringpamphlet/brochurepausepetitionpetroleum/ gasolinepharmacypreserveprioritypuzzlerecognitionrecurringrefraction/reflectretreatrevealsanctuarysketchstanzasubstantivetargetunityunravel/clearveil/ concealword list 14abrasionabsenteeismacclaimastronomyboundarybrasscandidatecoincidecolonycomiccomprehensiveconcavecooperationcuriousdecodedemandingdesignatediversitydoggeddonationdormitorydraindrowsy/slumber/ hibernationedgeefficiency9elevationelongateemployeruptextinctfraction/partgalaxygracehithertoidleinanityingredientinsulininterfereinvitationinvitinginvolveitemkeyboardlettucemagneticmagnet/magnatemason/tilemeantimemerchantmetallicmilitarymodemonasterynarrativenourishoptimisticornithologyoverrightpalepenetrate/ooze/puncture /seepprominentproposalqualify realmrug/matsac液囊satiric/ironyseparateshedsmotherso-calledsoresuspendsustainswarm/group/herbsweatthroughtranslucent /opacityuntamedX—rayword list 15awakecode/decodecommercialcompliment/extolconcertconveydeadlydecline/dropdevise/differentiate/varydilutedismal/lamentdisplaydonate/givedubious/skepticaldurabledye/hueelmemotionalentranceenvironmentalexteriorextremityfaintformationgenre/typegravelhardyhempimposeincinerateincompatibleinevitablyinherentinhibit/habitat=homeintentionallyjusticekennellibrarianlodge/homemast 桅杆,柱mercymodestnavalneedynoxious/intoxicateopponentoptionalore/pore/lorepantspart—timepermitphotographypopularpositpreciseprovisionquantifyreceiverrechargerenditionreproduce10rubsacredscenesecretesedentaryseemsettlementshattersignificancesourstaplestartling/surprisingstellarsuccessivetantalizingtectonicstorportriggerword list 16absorptionaccomplishadjunct 附属物appointmentapproximatearchaeologyattribute 属性,把。
小马过河 托福 听力 场景分类训练(下)文本 单词

商业类speculate vt. & vi.思索; 猜测, 推测mechanism n.办法, 技巧, 途径assigned chapter 指定章节disperse vt. & vi.(使)散开, 驱散bottomry contract 船货押贷契约合同trail n.小径verbal agreement 口头约定livestock n.家畜, 牲畜salient adj. 显著的,重要的cholera epidemic 霍乱流行paramount adj. 至上的;首要的unhindered adj.不受妨碍的,不受阻碍的at the forefront of 位于最前列;成为领导力量state-of-the-art 艺术级的telecommute vi. 远距离工作pinpoint vt.准确找出或描述;准确定位solely adv. 唯一地;仅仅;独一无二地earthquake fault 地震断层contention n.论点,主张seismic gap 地震活动空白地带renovation n.翻新;修复;整修postulate vt.假定, 假设校园生活ground tilt 地倾斜cylindrical adj.圆柱形的;圆筒状的understaffed adj.人员不足的,人手不够的evacuate vt. & vi.撤离,疏散attendant n.服务人员, 侍者, 随从formula n.准则,原则extensive adj.广泛的; 大量的naphtha n.石脑油(一种石油馏分)first aid 急救combustion n.燃烧, 烧毁psychology n.心理学modification n.缓和,限制,减轻;更改,改变,修改base station 基地antifreeze n.防冻剂地球科学类inrushing 大批涌进的thermal instability 热不稳定性seismic wave 地震波;海震波;海啸波demolish vt.摧毁; 推翻; 拆毁compression wave 横波topographical map 地形图sheer wave 纵波prairie n.(尤指北美的)大草原molten lava 熔融的岩浆steppe n.干草原oceanographer n.海洋学家terrain n.地形,地面,地域,地带evaporate vt. & vi.(使某物)蒸发掉interven vi.干涉,干预;调解;干扰,阻碍feldspar n.长石intermediate adj.中间的;中级的orthoclase n.正长石smooth out 弄平;缓和, 调解microcline n.微斜长石trapped adj.捕集的,捕获的,收集的,截留的plagioclase n.斜长岩photosynthesis 光合作用hydrate n.水合物dig up 掘起, 找到molecule n.分子语言学类methane n.甲烷,沼气chunk n.厚厚的一块sketch out 概述, 草拟hiss vi.发嘶嘶声preliminary adj.初步的, 预备的, 开端的Atlantic adj.在大西洋里的;近大西洋的thesis n.论题, 命题, 论点disastrous adj.灾难性的,造成灾害的utterance n.发声,表达;语调;言论;意见offshore adj.近海的laborious adj.勤劳的;困难的, 费力的drill vt. & vi.钻(孔);打(眼) frontal section 额切面to date 至今, 直到今天, 到目前为止coordinate vt.使协调; 使调和crude adj.天然的; 简陋的, 粗糙的apparatus n.机构, 组织;器官人类学生物类mound n.土堆; 土丘nocturnal adj.夜间活动的pottery n.陶器, 陶器器皿scrub n.灌木丛ripen vt.&vi.成熟,使熟striped adj.有条纹的spawn vt.&vi.(鱼、蛙等)大量产(卵) chipmunk n.金花鼠grotto n.岩洞,洞穴;(人挖的)洞室melanin n.黑色素upright adj.直立的, 垂直的protoplasm n.原生质primate n.灵长目动物shove vt.&vi.推,猛推Homo erectu 直立人peculiarity n.特色,特征hominid n.原人,类人动物wasp n.胡蜂,黄蜂butcher vt.屠宰,残杀solitary n.单独的,独居的;惟一的predecessor n.前任,前辈chamber n.房间symmetry n.对称(性);匀称,整齐compartment n.隔间aesthetics n.美学,美术理论,审美学stinger n.尾针;讽刺者utilitarian adj.有效用的;实用的burrow n.地洞conceive vt.&vi.想出,构想,设想termite n.白蚁specification n.说明书;载明,详述,说明residue n.剩余,余渣entice vt.诱惑,怂恿substantially adv.本质上,实质上,大体上paleontologist n.古生物学者amphibian n.两栖动物grossly adv.非常;极其;大略angiosperm n.被子植物deform adj.变形的;畸形的walnut n.胡桃chronic adj.慢性的plaque n.空斑overdose n.过量用药lopsided adj.两侧不对称的天文类withered adj.枯萎的eel n.鳗vat n.大桶;大盆;瓮;缸jolt vt.&vi.使摇动;使震惊scuba n.水肺,便携式水下呼吸器distort vt.扭曲;歪曲,曲解treadmill n.跑步机,走步机inaudible adj.听不见的traction n.拖,拉,牵引joey n.幼兽stride n.大步peer vi.凝视着air tank n.氧气筒pouch n.育儿袋torso n.(人体的)躯干raptor n.猛禽inflatable adj.可充气的glide vt.&vi.滑行,滑翔sac n.(动植物组织中的)液囊pesticide n.杀虫剂bladder n.膀胱;囊,袋dart vt.投掷insulation n.隔离,隔绝;绝缘;隔音secrete vt.分泌ventilation n.空气流通captivity n.被俘,拘禁,囚禁photographic plate 感光片;照相软片arachnid n.蛛形纲动物coat vt.为某物涂抹clutch vt.抓住n.把握, 抓紧feeble adj.虚弱的, 衰弱的, 无力的eucalyptus n.桉树faint adj.微弱的, 模糊的, 暗淡的deplete of v.弄空emu n.鸸鹋历史类ostrich n.鸵鸟specimen n.标本;范例exemplify vt.示例,举例证明;是…的典型auk n.海雀exposition n.博览会,展览会人体生理心理类inaugural adj.就职的,就任的diesel engine 柴油机closed-circuit TV 闭路电视bar n.酒吧间, 柜台;条, 块untapped adj.未开发的,未利用的superstitious 迷信的placebo n.安慰剂duchess n.公爵夫人;女公爵substance n.物质;主旨estate n.土地,地区;庄园aspirin n.阿司匹林baron n.男爵,巨头,大王handout n.印刷品, 讲义Cubism n.立体派shyness n.害臊,羞怯make one's mark 出名, 成功timid adj.胆小的,羞怯的punch card 穿孔卡片doom vt.注定,判定feed into 插入,传回inhibited adj.拘谨的;压抑的;不自在的mainframe n.主机,中央处理机toss vt. & vi.扔; 投; 抛; 使颠簸grant n.补助金strenuously adv.奋发地;费力地;勤奋地workbench n.工作台insomnia n.失眠affluent adj.富裕的,富足的amino acid 氨基酸plainness n.朴素neurotransmitter n.神经传递素austere adj.朴素的,无装饰的;严格的induce vt.引诱,劝导;导致minimalist adj.极简抽象艺术的slumped vi.暴跌;沉重或突然地落下at a price 以相当高的价格downcast adj.情绪低落的;向下的frontier n.边境,边界;尖端subdued adj.不大兴奋、不甚感兴趣等的flock n.畜群; vi.群集mimicry n.模仿;模仿的技巧rugged adj.崎岖不平的,多岩石的full-blown adj.盛开的,张满的,成熟的agitate adj.不安的;激动的;颤抖的physiological adj.生理学的,生理的treacherous adj.危险的;凶险的;背叛的churn vt.搅拌;搅动,扰乱某物lawsuit 诉讼contagion n.传染,接触传染cut out 适合于;删掉;裁剪;停止perception n.感知;认识,观念tie in 结合成一体,(使)配合得当hormone n.荷尔蒙,激素portray vt.画像; 描述melatonin n.褪黑激素thrill vt. & vi.(使)兴奋, (使)激动disorders n.混乱,凌乱;骚乱, 动乱;失调fishing rod 钓鱼竿excessive adj过度的crackling n.轻微的爆裂声;噼啪声hypersomnia n.嗜睡prevail vi.盛行;说服;占优势hypersomniacs n.嗜睡症患者regulate vt.控制, 管理;调整; 调节insomniacs n.失眠症患者insensitive adj.感觉迟钝的;不友好的incapacitated vt.便无能力,使不适合elimination n.排除;除去,根除;淘汰optimal adj最佳的,最优的porch n.门廊machinery n.机器leaky adj.有漏洞的;有漏隙的;渗漏的narcolepsy n.嗜眠发作enormity n.巨大,极大;弥天大罪bust n.半身雕塑像replica n.复制品etch vt.&vi.用针和酸给金属板蚀刻bulk n.(巨大)物体, (大)块, (大)团portrayal n.画像,描述;描写,扮演;描摹philatelic adj.集邮的,集邮癖的drape vt.遮盖或装饰某人或某物blunt adj.率直的, 直言不讳的toga n.宽外袍,参议员的职位plump adj.(指动物、人)圆胖的; 丰满的customary adj.习惯上的,惯常的nominate vt.提名…为候选人; 任命attire n.服装,衣服transcontinental adj.横贯大陆的,大陆那边的periodical 期刊graphically adv.生动地;轮廓分明地periodical 突然出现juvenile delinquent 少年罪犯enlist vt. & vi.(使)入伍, (使)参军seduction n.诱惑;引诱,被引诱artillery n.炮兵部队subcommittee n.小组委员会blistering adj.酷热的fuss n.忙乱pitcher n.大水罐gore vt.(动物)用角撞伤, 用牙刺破notably adv.显而易见地;明显地triumph over 战胜…;克服…improvisation n.即兴创作,即兴演讲lineup n.人(或物)的列队eggbeater n.打蛋器proclaim vt.正式宣布pinwheel n.轮转焰火,纸风车set aside 留出;取消, 驳回choreography n.舞台舞蹈设计copper n.铜drift off (人)渐渐离开centennial n.一百周年(纪念) reenactment n.再制定,再扮演uproar n.吵闹,骚乱;helium n.氦mint n.铸币厂;薄荷unbeknownst adj.未知的,不为人知的round log 圆木propane burner 丙烷加热器upscale adj.高档的;销售给高收入者的thatcher n.茅屋匠ceiling beam 天花梁sturdy adj.强壮的,结实的kit n.成套用品;配套元件rafter n.椽precut vt.按规格裁切reed n.芦苇jigsaw puzzle 拼板玩具bundle n.捆,包,束synchronize vt. & vi.(使)同步;(使)同速进行shingle n.屋顶板;小圆石scarce adj.缺乏的, 罕见的slate n.石板瓦;板岩, 石板wristwatch n.手表clay tile roofing 陶瓦屋面stylistic adj.风格上的longevity n.长寿, 长命formalism n.(艺术,宗教等方面的)形式主义patronize vt.光顾, 惠顾pose vt. & vi.使摆姿势; 以…身份出现suburbanite n.郊区居民regionalism n.行政区域划分,地方(分权)主义clog vt. & vi.(使)阻碍sustain vt.长期保持; 使继续;维持commuter n.(远距离)上下班往返的人vantage point n.有利位置,优越地位,优势prominent adj.显著的; 突出的;stagecoach n.驿马车ingenious adj.灵巧的, 善于创造发明的temperament n.性格, 性情, 气质。


1.地理altitude海拔高度Antarctic南极的Antarctica南极洲Arctic北极的arid 干旱的Basin盆地canal运河Canyon峡谷cavern (cave)巨洞,洞窑channel海峡cleft 缝隙,劈开的cliff悬崖coastland沿海地区collide碰撞continent大陆continental drift大陆漂移continental island 大陆岛continental shelf 大陆架contour 轮廓,等高线copper铜coral island珊瑚岛core地核core地核cosmopolitan世界性的crack 裂缝crest山顶crevice (墙壁,岩石等的)裂缝crust地壳cycle天体的轨道dam水坝debris碎片delta三角洲demolish破坏,粉碎deposit 堆积物;沉淀物;沉积;矿床desert 沙漠diffuse传播,扩散disintegration分解dispose处理,处置distribute散布,分布diversity多样性dormant休眠的(火山)drill钻孔earthquake地震ebb衰落edge边缘,边界elevation抬升;高地;海拔eliminate排除endemic 风土的,地方的epicenter震中equator赤道erode侵蚀erosion腐蚀,侵蚀evaporation蒸发Expedition 探险extinct volcano死火山extract 开采,提炼fault plane 断层面fieldstone卵石flaw裂缝formation 形成frontier边境frost heaving冻涨现象gap缝隙geographer 地理学家geography地理geothermal 地热的gorge峽谷Grand Canyon大峡谷gulf(arm)海湾hemisphere 半球highland 高地hillside 山坡horizon地平线horizontal 水平的igneous rock火成岩incandescent 白炽的infertile贫瘠的insular 海岛的insulate隔离island 岛屿islet小岛latitude纬度ledge矿层,矿脉longitude 经度,经线lowland低地margin (湖,池等的)边缘marine航海的maritime海上的melt 融化meridian子午线mountainchain山脉mountainrange 山脉navigation航海oasis 绿洲offshore海面上的,远离岸的outskirt外边,郊区parallel 平行圈,纬线peninsula 半岛plain平原plateau (highland)高地precipice 悬崖range山脉,多山的地区region区域,地方salinity 盐度sea-floor spreading海床扩张sediment 沉淀物smelt 冶炼straits 海峡subsidiary辅助的,补充的subterrane表层下基岩subterranean地下的summit,top,crest,peak顶峰tectonics构造学temperate 温带的terrain 地形terrestrial 地球的,陆地的terrestrial magnetism地磁tide潮汐topography 地形,地形学tropical热带的tropic回归线volcanic island火山岛zone地域2地质active volcano活火山aluminum铝bonanza富矿带borehole地上凿洞cataclysm 灾难continental crust大陆地壳crater 火山口diamond钻石dormant volcano 休眠火山emerald翡翠erupt 喷出,爆发eruption爆发fault断层gem宝石geologic survey 地质调查Geologist地质学家geology地质学geomagnetism地磁学geonomy 地球学glacial冰川的;冰河时代的glacial epoch冰川期glacier冰川granite花岗岩iceberg 冰山inner core内核iron铁Jurassic period侏罗纪时期knot山脉的交结点landlocked area内陆lava火山岩浆layer (stratum,,pl:strata)地层lead铅limestone 石灰岩lithosphere岩石圈lodge小屋longitude经度lower reach下游magma岩浆magnitude 地震震级mantle地幔marble大理石metamorphic rock 变质岩mineral 矿物;矿石mountain slope山坡nickel镍nitrogenous氮的North Pole 北极Northern Hemisphere北半球ocean bottom海床oceanic crust海洋地壳orbit轨道ore矿石outburst爆发,突发outer core外核peak山顶petrify 石化pit深坑plate板块platinum 白金,铂quartz石英quartzite 石英岩ravine峡谷reclaim开垦,垦殖reef暗礁relic遗迹remains残余物remnant残余物remove移动Richter scale李氏震级ridge脊背rift (crack; split)裂缝;断裂riverbed河床ruby红宝石sedimentary rock沉积岩seism地震seismic地震的seismic focus 震源seismic intensity烈度seismic intensity scale 地震强度分级seismic map地震图seismic plane地震面seismic prospecting地震勘探seismic ray地震波射线seismic wave地震波seismogeography地震地理学seismogram地震图seismograph地震仪seismology地震学seismometerseismometry地震测量seismoscope 地震波示波仪silver银slope斜坡sodium钠South Pole南极Southern Hemisphere南半球speculate推测spring泉水squirt喷出Stone Age石器时代stratigraphy地层学subcontinent次大陆sulfur硫磺summit山顶swamp沼泽temperate温带的terrestrial heat 地热terrestrial magnetism地磁学thaw解冻time zone时区tin锡tremor颤动tributary支流Tropic of Cancer北回归线Tropic of Capricorn南回归线tropical rain forest热带雨林tunnel隧道,地道upper reach上游valley山谷vegetation植被vertical垂直的volcanic 火山的volcanic ash火山灰volcanic dust火山尘volcano 火山volcano eruption火山爆发watershed 分水岭zinc 锌3 动物学adaptation适应adder小毒蛇alga (复数algae)藻类alligator美洲鳄amphibian两栖动物amphibian两栖动物anatomy解剖学ancestry系谱,血统animal adaptation动物适应性animal cognition动物的认知能力animals communicate动物交往antenna触须(pl:antennae) anthropoid类人猿aquarium养鱼池aquatic 水生的,水栖的arachnid蜘蛛类的节肢动物armor甲artery动脉asymmetric不对称auk海雀baboon 狒狒bacteria细菌balance生态平衡bat 蝙蝠beak喙,鸟嘴beast兽beaver水獭biological vacuum生物演变真空期biologist生物学家bivalve 双壳类blood cell血液细胞brant黑雁breed n品种;v繁殖buffalo 美洲野牛burrow洞穴canary金丝雀carnivore食肉动物carnivorous食肉类的carrion crow 吃腐肉的乌鸦caterpillar 毛虫caviar 鱼子酱centipede蜈蚣chameleon 变色龙chemical composition化学成分chimpanzee黑猩猩chipmunk花栗鼠chirp唧唧喳喳叫cicada蝉circulatory system循环系统clam /蛤蜊claw爪子cobra 眼镜蛇cockroach 蟑螂cocoon (蚕)茧;(昆虫的)卵袋coelenterate腔肠动物cold-blooded 冷血cold-blooded animal冷血动物compound eye复眼coral珊瑚crab蟹crane鹤crayfish 淡水小龙虾,蝲蛄cricket蟋蟀crocodile鳄鱼crow 鸦Darwinism达尔文学说degenerationdie out灭绝digestion 消化digestive enzyme消化酶digestive system 消化系统dinosaur恐龙diving 潜水dolphin海豚domesticate驯养eagle 鹰earthworm蚯蚓echolocation声波定位ecologist生态学家ecology生态学ecosystem生态系统eel鳗鲡eland 大羚羊electric fish 发电鱼endangered species濒危物种Entomology昆虫学environment 环境evolution 进化excretory system排泄系统exposure 暴露extinction灭绝falcon猎鹰fang 毒牙fauna动物群feather羽毛,翎毛fertilize使…受精;施肥finch 雀(如燕雀、金翅雀等)flock羊群fluffy茸毛似的food chain 食物链form-changing animal变形动物fowl家禽frog青蛙fuzzy有茸毛的genetics 遗传学genus种类glue-like胶状golden eagle鹫gorilla大猩猩grasshopper蚂蚱greasy多脂的gregarious (social)群居的habitat 栖息地hair毛发hatch孵化hawk鹰herbivore食草动物herbivorous食草的herd兽群heredity遗传hibernation冬眠hide兽皮hive蜂巢homotherm恒温动物hopper单足跳者;跳虫〔如跳蚤、干酪蛆等)hormonal system内分泌系统hormone荷尔蒙,激素horn 角hornet 大黄蜂hump驼峰ingestion 摄食insect昆虫insecticide杀虫剂invertebrate无脊椎动物jaw 颚jellyfish水母larva幼虫;幼体(pl:lavae)lizard蜥蜴lobster龙虾mammal哺乳动物mandible下颚,下颚骨mantis螳螂marine biology海洋生物学mate交配metamorphosis变形microbe微生物migrate迁移migratory迁移的molecule 分子mollusk软体动物molt脱毛monogamous一雌一雄的;单配的moose驼鹿moth蛾子multiply繁殖mutation 变种natural selection自然选择nerve神经nest 筑巢pl.nestlenit幼虫,卵octopus 章鱼offspring (young)后代omnivorous杂食的order目organ器官Ornithology 鸟类学osprey鱼鹰ostrich鸵鸟otter水獭owl猫头鹰oyster牡蛎paleontologist古生物学家paleontology古生物学parasite寄生虫peck啄penguin企鹅perch(鸟)飞落;暂栖pest 害虫pesticide杀虫剂plankton 浮游生物poikilotherm冷血动物polyandrous一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的prairie dog草原土拨鼠,草原犬鼠prawn对虾predator食肉动物predatory食肉的prey被捕食的动物(v.捕食)primate灵长类动物pupa蛹raccoon浣熊rattlesnake响尾蛇raven大乌鸦regeneration再生reproduce繁殖reproductive system生殖系统reptile爬行动物respiration呼吸respiratory system呼吸系统rhinoceros犀牛robin知更鸟rodent啮齿动物ruminant反刍动物salamander 蝾螈scale鳞片scorpion蝎子scuba 水下呼吸器sea-urchin海胆secretion分泌;分泌物shell壳shrimp小虾skeleton骨骼,骷髅slothful懒惰的snail蜗牛solitary独居spawn卵;产卵species物种specimen标本speciology物种学spider蜘蛛spinal cord脊椎spine脊骨spineless无脊骨的spleen脾sponge海绵squid鱿鱼squirrel松鼠starfish海星sting针,刺,螫stork鹳stun使晕倒suborder亚目survival生存swarm蜂群symbiosis 共生现象symbiotic 共生的symmetry对称tadpole蝌蚪tentacle触须tissue 组织toad蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆toe趾trap诱捕turtle海龟tyrannosaurus暴龙unfertilized eggs未受精的卵variation 变异;变体venom毒液vertebrate脊椎动物vestige退化的器官victim牺牲者,受害者viper蝰蛇vitamin维生素vulture秃鹫warm-blooded animal温血动物wasp黄蜂whale鯨wild life野生wing翅膀worm虫Zoology动物学4考古学ancestor 祖先ancient civilization古代文明anthropologist人类学家antique古董antiquity古代,古老archaeologist考古学家Archaeology考古学archaic古老的artifact 人造物品ascend攀登,上升Bronze Age(青)铜器时代chronological按年代顺序排列的clan氏族;部落cranial颅骨的Cultural relics文物excavate (unearth)挖掘exhume掘出,挖出fossil化石hominid原始人类Iron Age铁器时代Mesolithic中石器时代的Neolithic Age新石器时代Paleoanthropology古人类学Paleolithic Age旧石器时代porcelain瓷器,瓷Prehistoric史前的primitive 原始的Rock painting岩画Ruin遗迹,废墟scoop铲子skull头骨tribe部落5美术与建筑Architect建筑学家architecture建筑学art gallery美术馆autograph真迹calligraphy书法Castle城堡cathedral大教堂framing装框imitating临摹impressionistic style印象派风格landscape painting山水画mosque清真寺oil painting油画panorama全景画paste裱糊pastel drawing彩粉画perspective透视画法portrait肖像画poster 招贴画pyramid金字塔repair person修理工sketch素描skyscraper摩天楼Sphinx狮身人面像the Statue of Liberty自由女神像the Triumphal Arch凯旋门6农业agricultural农业的agriculture农业aquaculture水产业arable可耕的barn谷仓conservatory温室cotton棉花cowshed牛棚cultivate 培养,耕作cultivation培养,教养eggplant茄子fertile肥沃的fodder饲料garlic大蒜granary谷仓graze放牧greenhouse温室,花房harvest收获hay干草haystack干草堆horticulture园艺husbandry管理hydroponics水耕法indigenous本土的irrigate灌溉livestock家畜manure 施肥于orchard 果园pasture牧地pigpen猪舍plantation耕地,种植园poultry家禽prolific多产的,丰富的ranch大农场seedbed苗床silt淤泥tractor拖拉机weed野草7气象学atmosphere大气层avalanche (snow slide)雪崩balmy温和的barometer气压计blast一阵blizzard暴风雪breeze微风chilly 寒冷的climate气候convection对流cumulonimbus积雨云current(气)流cyclone气旋damp (wet; moist; humid)潮湿的devastation破坏dew露disaster大灾难downpour倾盆大雨drizzle 细雨droplet小水珠drought旱灾dust storm尘暴evaporate蒸发fog (mist)雾forecast (predict)预报frigid寒冷的frost霜gale大风hail冰雹heat-wave热浪humidity湿度hurricane飓风lightening闪电meteorological气象学的meteorologist气象学家Meteorology气象学monsoon 季风precipitation降水sandstorm 沙暴shower阵雨smog烟雾stratosphere平流层tempest (storm)暴风雨tepid微温的thunder雷tornado龙卷风torrential rain暴雨tropical depression热带低气压troposphere对流层typhoon台风vapor蒸汽whirlwind旋风wind direction风向wind scale风级wind velocity风速8天文学ammonia氨asteroid小行星asteroid小行星astrology占星术astronaut宇航员astronomer天文学家astronomical天文的astronomical object天体Astronomy天文学astrophysics天文物理学Big Dipper北斗七星black hole黑洞celestial天上的celestial body天体celestial map天体图celestial sphere天球centrifugal force离心力centripetal force向心力chondrite球粒状陨石chromosphere太阳的色球层clockwise顺时针方向cluster星团comet彗星constellation星群,星座cosmic宇宙的cosmic radiation宇宙射线cosmic rays宇宙射线cosmology宇宙学cosmos (universe)宇宙counterclockwise逆时针方向eclipse (日/月)食emission发射,散发faint微弱的feeble微弱的galaxy星系gaseous bodies气态包gravitational force/吸引力Greenwich mean time格林威治时间heaven天空high–resolution高清晰度ignite点燃illusive object幻影物体image图像infinite无限的infrared ray红外线interferometer干扰仪intergalactic银河间的international date line国际日期变更线interplanetary行星间的interstellar恒星间的Jupiter木星leap year闰年light year光年luminosity光度Lunar月球的lunar calendar阴历Mars火星Martian火星的massive厚重的Mercury水星meteor流星meteor shower流星雨meteorite陨石meteoroid流星体Milky Way银河系molten溶化naked eye肉眼nebula星云Neptune海王星observatory天文台outer atmosphere大气层outer space外太空photosphere光球层planet行星planetarium天文馆planetoid /小行星Pluto冥王星Polestar北极星pseudoscience伪科学quasar类星体radiation辐射revolution公转revolve旋转rotation自转satellite人造卫星Saturn土星sky atlas天体图solar太阳的solar calendar阳历solar corona日冕solar eclipse日食solar radiation太阳辐射solar system太阳系space debris太空垃圾space shuttle航天飞机space suit太空服space telescope空间望远镜spacecraft太空船spin旋转star cluster星团stellar恒星的sunspot太阳黑子telescope望远镜time difference时差time zone时区universal宇宙的universe宇宙Uranus天王星Venus金星write dwarf白矮星9微生物amino acid氨基酸antibody抗体bacterium细菌biotical agency生物媒介calcium钙carbohydrate碳水化合物carbon dioxide二氧化碳cell细胞chromosome染色体disinfection消毒enzymes酵母fatigue (组织、器官等对刺激失去反应能力的)疲劳fermentation发酵fungus (fungi)真菌gene基因genetic engineering遗传工程glucose葡萄糖Immunology免疫学incubation孵蛋inflection传染(感染) malaria 疟疾,瘴气microbe微生物microorganism微生物microscopic精微的nucleus细胞核one-celled单细胞的oxidation氧化parasitic animal寄生动物parasitic diseases由寄生虫引起的病害parasitology寄生虫学pathogen病菌,病原体penicillin青霉素protozoa原生动物sanitation卫生schistosomiasis血吸虫病;裂体吸虫病starch淀粉sterilization灭菌toxin毒素vaccine疫苗virus病毒yeast酵母10文学与音乐accompaniment伴奏Aestheticism唯美主义allegory寓言Autobiography传记ballad民谣band music管乐cello大提琴chord和弦clarinet 单簧管classical music古典音乐Comparative literature比较文学concerto协奏曲conduct指挥descriptive prose描写性Diary日记duet二重唱Editorial社论Epilogue尾声essay随笔fairy tale童话fiction小说folk music民间音乐Futurism未来主义harmony和声harp竖琴Leading character主人公legend传说literary criticism文学评论Literary studies文学研究lullaby催眠曲model人物原型Modernism现代主义narrative prose叙述性plot情节;阴谋podium指挥台poetry诗歌Prelude序曲Prologue序言Prose散文proverb谚语Realism现实主义rock and roll摇滚乐Schools of literature文学流派serenade小夜曲11物理与化学acceleration加速度acceleration of gravity重力加速度Acoustics声学anode正极biochemistry生物化学calorie卡路里cathode负极chemical reaction化学反应combustion燃烧compound化合物conduction传导conservation of energy能量守恒Deceleration减速度decomposition分解dilution稀释direct current直流电distillation蒸馏electrode电极element化学元素expansion膨胀fluorescence荧光frequency频率gasify气化inorganic chemistry无机化学isotope同位素liquefy液化magnet磁铁magnetic force磁力Magnetism磁学Mechanics力学Newton’s laws of motions 牛顿运动定律Optics光学organic chemistry有机化学Physics物理学Power功率radioactivity放射性reagent试剂reduction还原reflection反射refraction折射resonance 共振sensitivity灵敏度solidify固化solution溶液test tube试管ultrasonic超生波ultraviolet ray紫外线uniform motion匀速运动vaporize汽化volt伏特voltage电压watt瓦特12植物学algae (pl. alga)海藻amber琥珀angiosperm被子植物annual一年生的annual plant一年生植物aquatic plant水生植物aroma香气bark树皮bean豆类植物blossom花botanic植物的botanical植物学的botanist植物学家botany植物学bough大树枝branch树枝broadleaf阔叶树bud芽bunch串,束bush灌木cactus仙人掌chlorophyll 叶绿素column花柱corn玉米crossbreed 杂交density密度desert plant沙漠植物dwell居住,栖息echinoderm棘皮类动物elm榆树eucalyptus桉树evergreen常绿树everlasting永久的fern蕨类植物field study(trip)野外实习flesh 果肉flexible柔韧性,易曲的foliage (leaf)叶fragrance香气fungus 菌类germinate发芽herb草herbicide 除草剂husk外壳jungle丛林kernel果仁larch 落叶松laurel月桂树lawn 草坪leaflet小叶liana藤蔓植物lichen 地衣,苔藓malnutrition营养不良marsh plant沼泽植物meadow 草地;牧场metabolism 新陈代谢morphology形态学moss苔藓nectar 花蜜nitrogen氮nourish 施肥于;滋养noxious有害的nutrition营养odor气味parasitic plant 寄生植物peculiarity特性peel (skin)果皮perennial 多年生的perennial plant多年生植物petal花瓣Photosynthesis光合作用pine松树pollen花粉pollinate对…授粉pollination授粉polygamous杂性的prairie大草原protein 蛋白质protoplasm原生质rain forest雨林ranch大农场raptor猛禽,肉食鸟redwood红木树root根部scent气味,嗅猎seed plant种子植物shoot (sprout)嫩芽;抽枝shrub (bush)灌木soybean大豆sprout 发芽spruce云杉stalk 柄stem茎stimulant刺激物toxic residue残毒tropical plant热带植物tundra plant 冻原植物twig小树枝vine藤walnut胡桃木wither (shrivel; fade)凋谢。

托福分类词汇表(共17类863个常用单词)一、 psychology 心理1. mental 心理的2. physical 身体的,物质的,物理的3. spiritual 心灵的4. conformity 从众5. majority 多数人6. minority 少数人7. threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断8. subject 受实验对象9. 心理学psychology10. 心理现象mental phenomenon11. 心理过程mental process12. 心理状态mental state13. 心理活动mental activity14. 意识consciousness15. 内部活动internal activity16. 普通心理学general psychology17. 实验心理学experimental psychology18. 行为科学behavioral science19. 心身关系mind-body relation20. 遗传heredity21. 活动理论activity theory22. 中央处理器模型central processor model23. 信息储存information storage24. 人工智能artificial intelligence, AI25. 计算机类比computer analogy26. 计算机模拟computer simulation27. 计算机模型computer model28. 测谎器lie detector29. 预期误差anticipation error30. 正误法method of right and wrong cases31. 反应response32. 访谈法interview method33. 问卷法questionnaire34. 表情法method of expression35. 提示法anticipation method36. 视觉vision37. 瞳孔pupil38. 可见光visible light39. 颜色匹配color matching40. 颜色对比color contrast41. 颜色混合color mixture42. 加色混合additive color mixture43. 色弱color weakness44. 红色弱red weakness45. 色盲color blindness 46. 红色盲red blindness47. 蓝黄色盲blue-yellow blindness48. 内耳inner ear49. 中耳middle ear50. 反映reflection二、geography 地理1. geography 地理2. geographer 地理学家3. hemisphere 半球4. meridian 子午线,经线5. parallel 平行圈,纬线6. latitude 经度7. longitude 精度8. elevation 海拔9. altitude 高度10. temperate latitudes 温带地区11. horizon 地平线12. equator 赤道13. tropics 热带地区14. Arctic 北极15. Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极16. expedition 探险17. time zone 时区18. topography 地形,地形学19. plain 平原20. plateau (highland) 高地21. lowland 低地22. basin 盆地23. cavern (cave) 洞穴24. terrain 地域25. subterranean( underground) 地底下26. coastland 沿海地区27. island 岛屿28. continental island 大陆岛29. volcanic island 火山岛30. coral island 珊瑚岛31. islet 小岛/ailit/32. peninsular 半岛33. continent 大陆34. continental shelf 大陆架35. ranges 山脉36. valley 峡谷37. canyon 峡谷38. channel (strait) 海峡39. remote-sensing 遥感的40. terrestrial 地球的,陆地的41. terrestrial heat (geothermal) 地热42. terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁43. continental drift 大陆漂移学说44. sea-floor spreading 海床扩展45. evaporation 蒸发46. salinity 含盐度47. ocean bottom 海床48. sediment 沉淀物,沉积物49. tropical 热带的50. temperate 温带的51. frigid 寒带的52. formation 形成53. frost heaving 冻胀现象54. fieldstone 卵石三、geology 地质学1. geologist 地质学家2. crust 地壳3. mantle 地幔4. core 地核5. continental crust 大陆地壳6. oceanic crust 海洋地壳7. layer (stratum, 复数strata) 地层8. plate 板块9. fault 断层10. fault plane 断层面11. fault zone 断层带12. rift (crack; split) 断裂13. disintegration (decomposition) 分解,崩溃14. erosion 腐蚀15. fossil 化石16. igneous rock 火成岩17. sedimentary rock 沉积岩18. metamorphic rock 变质岩19. quartz 石英/kwa:ts/20. limestone 石灰岩21. marble 大理石22. granite 花岗岩23. lithogenous 岩成的24. lithosphere 岩石圈25. magma 岩浆26. mineral 矿物27. ore 矿石28. deposit 矿床29. platinum 白金,铂30. silver 银31. copper 黄铜32. aluminum 铝33. tin 锡34. lead 铅35. zinc 锌36. nickel 镍37. mercury 汞,水银38. sodium 钠39. gem 宝石40. diamond 钻石41. emerald 绿宝石42. ruby 红宝石43. glacier 冰川44. glacial 冰川的45. glacial epoch ( age, period) 冰川期46. glacial drift 冰渍47. iceberg 冰山48. volcano 火山49. active volcano 活火山50. extinct volcano 死火山51. dormant volcano 休眠火山52. eruption 火山喷发53. crater 火山口54. lava 火山岩浆55. volcanic 火山的56. volcanic dust 火山尘57. volcanic ash 火山灰58. earthquake ( quake; tremor; seism) 地震59. seismic 地震的60. seismology 地震学61. magnitude 震级62. seismic wave 地震波63. cataclysm 灾变四、anthropologist 人类学家1. paleo anthropologist 古人类学家2. ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家3. psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家4. origin 起源5. originate 起源于6. ancestor 祖先7. hominid 人(科)8. homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的9. tribe 部落10. clan 氏族11. archeologist 考古学家12. excavation 挖掘13. excavate (unearth) 挖掘14. ruins 遗迹,废墟15. remains 遗迹,遗骸16. artifact 手工艺品17. relic 遗物,文物18. antique 古物,古董19. antiquity 古代,古老20. Stone Age 石器时代21. Bronze Age (青)铜器时代22. Iron Age 铁器时代23. Paleolithic 旧石器时代的24. Mesolithic 中石器时代的25. Neolithic 新石器时代的26. archaeology 考古学27. anthropology 人类学28. morphology 形态学29. skull 颅骨30. cranial 颅骨的五、ecology 生态学1. ecologist 生态学家2. ecosystem 生态系统3. balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡4. fauna 动物群5. flora 植物群6. rain forest 雨林7. food chain 食物链8. acid rain 酸雨9. greenhouse effect 温室效应10. infrared radiation 红外线辐射11. ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层12. ultraviolet radiation 紫外辐射13. pollution 污染14. pollution control 污染控制15. air pollution 空气污染16. water pollution 水污染17. noise pollution 噪音污染18. soil pollution 土壤污染19. pollution-free 无污染20. pollutant 污染物21. noxious (toxic) 有毒的22. fumes (有毒)废气23. waste 废物24. solid waste 固体垃圾25. sewage (wastewater) 污水26. sewage purification 污水净化27. sewage disposal 污水处理28. decibel (噪音)分贝六、meteorology 气象1. meteorology 气象2. meteorologist 气象学家3. forecast (predict) 预报4. climate 气候5. atmosphere 大气层6. troposphere 对流层7. current (气)流8. vapor 蒸汽9. evaporate 蒸发10. damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的11. humidity 湿度12. moisture 潮湿;水分13. saturate 饱和14. dew 露15. frost 霜16. fog (mist) 雾17. smog 烟雾18. droplet 小水珠19. condense 浓缩20. crystal 水晶体21. downpour (torrential rain) 大雨22. tempest (storm) 暴风雨23. drizzle 细雨24. shower 阵雨25. hail 冰雹26. blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪27. avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩28. precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水,沉淀物,猛冲29. breeze 微风30. gale 大风/geil/31. whirlwind 旋风32. typhoon 台风33. hurricane 飓风34. tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风35. funnel 漏斗,漏斗云36. disaster(calamity,catastro phe) 灾难37. devastation 破坏,荒废38. submerge 淹没39. drought 旱灾七、chemistry 化学1. chemical property 化学特性,化学性质2. chemical composition ( makeup ) 化学成分3. chemical agent 化学试剂4. chemical reaction 化学反应5. chemical change 化学变化6. chemical bond 化学键7. chemical apparatus 化学器械8. substance(matter;material) 物质9. element 元素10. periodic table 周期表11. hydrogen 氢12. oxygen 氧13. nitrogen 氮14. helium 氦15. carbon 碳16. calcium 钙17. silicon 硅18. sulfur 硫19. iodine 碘20. compound 化合物21. hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物22. derivative 衍生物23. alchemy 炼金术24. petroleum (oil) 石油25. petroleum products 石油产品26. crude oil 原油27. refine 提炼,精炼28. gasoline 汽油29. methane 甲烷30. solution 溶液31. dissolve 溶解32. solvent 溶剂33. solubility 可溶性34. cohesive 聚合力35. adhesive 粘合力36. atom 原子37. nucleus 原子核38. electron 电子39. neutron 中子40. proton 质子41. molecule 分子42. particle 粒子43. ion 离子44. particle accelerator 粒子加速器45. catalysis (复数catalyses )催化作用46. catalyst 催化剂47. artificial 人造的48. synthetic 合成的49. synthetic fiber 人造纤维50. polymer 聚合物51. polymerization 聚合作用52. plastic 塑料53. dye 染料54. cosmetics 化妆品八、physics 物理1. physics 物理2. mechanics 力学3. thermodynamics 热力学4. acoustics 声学5. electromagnetism 电磁学6. optics 光学7. dynamics 动力学8. force 力9. velocity 速度10. acceleration 加速度11. equilibrium 平衡12. statics 静力学13. motion 运动14. inertia 惯性15. gravitation 引力16. relativity 相对17. gravity 地心引力18. vibration 震动19. medium (media) 媒质20. frequency 频率21. wavelength 波长22. pitch 音高23. intensity 强度24. echo 回声25. resonance 回声,洪亮26. sonar 声纳27. ultrasonics 超声学28. electricity 电29. static electricity 静电30. magnetism 磁性,磁力31. magnet 磁体32. electromagnet 电磁33. magnetic field 磁场34. electric current 电流35. direct current (DC) 直流电36. alternating current (AC) 交流电37. electric circuit 电路38. electric charge 电荷39. electric voltage 电压40. electric shock 触电41. electric appliance 电器42. conductor 导体43. insulator 绝缘体44. semiconductor 半导体45. battery (cell) 电池46. dry battery 干电池47. storage battery 蓄电池48. electronics 电子学49. electronic 电子的50. electronic component (part) 电子零件51. integrated circuit 集成电路52. chip 集成电器片,集成块53. electron tube 电子管54. vacuum tube 真空管55. transistor 晶体管56. amplification ( 名词) 放大57. amplify (动词)放大58. amplifier 放大器,扬声器59. oscillation 震荡60. optical 光(学)的61. optical fiber 光学纤维62. lens 透镜,镜片63. convex 凸透镜64. concave 凹透镜65. microscope 显微镜66. telescope 望远镜67. magnifier 放大镜68. spectrum 光谱69. ultraviolet 紫外线70. X rays X 射线71. Gamma rays γ 射线72. infrared rays 红外线73. microwaves 微波74. dispersion 色散75. transparent 透明的76. translucent 半透明77. opaque 不透明的九、mathematics1. mathematics 数学2. mathematician 数学家3. arithmetic 算术4. calculation 计算5. calculator 计算器6. abacus 算盘7. numeral 数字8. sum 和9. total (sum total) 总和,总数10. aggregate 总计11. fraction 分数,小数12. decimal 十进位,(十进)小数13. digit 数字,数位14. percentage 百分比15. addition 加法16. plus 加上17. subtraction 减法18. minus 减去19. multiplication 乘法20. multiplication table 乘法表21. multiply 乘以22. times 乘以23. power 乘方24. square 平方25. division 除法26. divide 除以27. algebra 代数28. quantity 表示量的数(或符号)29. equation 方程式,等式30. formula 公式,惯例31. root 根32. geometry 几何33. geometric 几何的34. dimension 维35. parallel adj. 平行的n. 平行线36. quadrilateral 四边形37. square 正方形38. area 面积39. rectangle 长方形,矩形40. polygon 多边形41. cube 立方形42. volume 体积43. sphere 球形44. circle 圆形45. ellipse (oval) 椭圆形46. cone 圆锥形47. circumference 圆周48. diameter 直径49. radius 半径50. triangle 三角形51. angle 角52. degree ( 角) 度53. calculus 微积分54. differential calculus 微分学55. integral calculus 积分学56. function 函数57. probability 概率58. statistics 统计59. quantitative 量的,数量的60. qualitative 质的,质量的61. deduction (inference) 推论,演绎,扣除62. induction 归纳十、agriculture 农业1. agriculture (farming) 农业2. agricultural 农业的3. land (soil) 土壤;土地4. soil conservation 土壤保护5. soil erosion 泥土流失6. silt 粉砂,泥沙7. clay 黏土,湿土8. clod 土块9. agrarian 土地的,农业的10. pilot (experimental ) 试验性的11. harrow( rake) 耙,耙土12. ridge 田埂13. furrow 犁沟14. plot (patch )小块地15. ranch 农场,牧场16. plantation 种植园17. orchard 果园18. nursery 苗圃19. seedbed 苗床20. sickle 镰刀21. spade 铲,锹22. shovel ( 平头) 铲23. pick 稿24. tractor 拖拉机25. cultivate (till) 耕作26. sow(seed) 播种27. harvest 收割28. weed 除草29. irrigate 灌溉30. manure(fertilizer) 肥料31. spray 喷洒(农药)32. insecticide(pesticide) 杀虫剂33. pest 害虫34. rust 锈病35. grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒36. granary(grain store) 粮仓37. mill 碾,磨38. wheat 小麦39. corn 玉米40. rice 大米41. barley 大麦42. sorghum 高粱43. oats 燕麦44. rye 黑麦45. millet 粟,小米46. vegetable 蔬菜47. horticulture 园艺学48. hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法49. greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室50. cabbage 洋白菜51. lettuce 生菜52. mustard 芥菜53. spinach 菠菜54. broccoli 花椰菜55. cucumber 黄瓜56. eggplant 茄子57. pepper 辣椒58. pumpkin 南瓜59. tomato 西红柿60. beet 甜菜61. carrot 胡萝卜62. radish 小红萝卜63. pea 豌豆64. soybean 大豆65. celery 芹菜66. garlic 大蒜67. leek 韭菜68. onion 洋葱头69. potato 土豆70. peanut 花生71. sesame 芝麻72. cotton 棉花73. husbandry(animal,husbandry) 畜牧业74. pasture 牧场75. livestock 家畜76. fowl (poultry) 家禽77. cattle 牛,家畜78. buffalo 野牛79. dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛80. dairy farm 乳牛场81. hay (作饲料用)干草82. haystack 干草堆83. fodder (feed) 饲料84. trough 饲料槽85. barn(shed) 牲口槽86. stable 厩,马厩87. cowshed 牛棚88. pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈89. sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏90. roost (hen house) 鸡舍91. fish farm 养鱼场92. aquaculture 水产养殖十一、animal 动物1. Darvinism 达尔文学说2. natural selection 自然选择3. class 纲4. order 目5. family 科6. genus 属7. suborder 亚目8. species 种9. invertebrate 无脊椎动物10. vertebrate 脊椎动物11. aquatic( life) 水生动物12. reptile 爬行动物13. amphibian (amphibious animal) 两栖动物14. dinosaur 恐龙15. bird 鸟类16. extinction 灭绝17. mammal 哺乳动物18. primates 灵长目动物19. insect 昆虫20. antenna ( 复数antennae) 触须21. larva 幼虫,幼体22. camouflage 伪装23. pest 害虫24. worm 虫,蠕虫25. hibernate 冬眠26. lizard 蜥蜴27. chameleon 变色蜥蜴28. regeneration 再生29. turtle 龟30. beast 野兽31. domesticate 驯养32. predatory (carnivorous ) 食肉的33. predator 捕食者34. prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物35. scavenger 食腐动物36. migrate 迁移37. wing 翅膀,翼38. bill (鸟)嘴39. beak (鹰等的)嘴40. nest 筑巢41. dolphin 海豚42. whale 鲸鱼43. bat 蝙蝠44. gorilla 大猩猩45. chimpanzee 黑猩猩46. habitat 栖息地47. rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)48. primate 灵长动物49. plankton 浮游生物50. mollusk 软体动物51. coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)52. shrimp 小虾53. prawn 对虾54. lobster 对虾55. crab 螃蟹56. clam 蛤蜊57. sponge 海绵58. coral 珊瑚59. starfish 海星60. canary 金丝雀61. chirp ( 鸟,虫的叫声) 唧唧62. squeak (老鼠等)吱吱63. porpoise 海豚64. sloth 树懒65. slothful 懒惰的66. hygiene 卫生67. sanitation 卫生68. parasite 寄生虫69. moth 蛾70. caterpillar 毛虫71. hordes ( 昆虫等) 群72. swarms ( 昆虫等) 群73. flock (鸟,羊等)群74. community 动物的群落或人的部落75. herd 兽群76. bunch (花等)束,捧77. beaver 海狸78. monogamous 一夫一妻的,一雄一雌的79. polygamous 一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的80. polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的81. trapper 诱捕动物者82. rhinoceros 犀牛83. niche 小生态环境84. vestige 退化器官,遗迹85. oyster 牡蛎86. fertilizer 使… 受精87. larvae 幼虫88. tentacle 触角89. homotherm 恒温动物90. poikilotherm 变温动物91. metabolism 新陈代谢92. baboon 狒狒93. breed ( 名词) 品种,(动词)繁殖94. multiply (reproduce )繁殖95. hatch 孵96. spawn ( 鱼、虾、蛙等) 孵97. offspring (young) 解剖学98. anatomy 解剖学99. appetite 食欲100.creature 生物101.microbe 微生物102.herbivorous 食草的103.carnivorous 食肉的104.omnivorous 杂事的十二、plant 植物1. botany 植物学2. botanist 植物学家3. botanical (botanic) 植物的4. plant 植物5. aquatic plant 水生植物6. parasite plant 寄生植物7. root 根8. canopy 树冠层,顶棚9. foliage (leaf) 叶10. leaflet 小叶11. rosette ( 叶的) 丛生12. stem 茎13. stalk 杆14. leafstalk 叶柄15. shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝16. flower 花17. bud 花蕾18. petal 花瓣19. peel(skin) 果皮20. shell ( 硬) 果壳21. husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶22. trunk 树干23. branch 树枝24. bough 大或者粗的树枝25. twig 小树枝26. bark 树皮27. jungle 丛林28. lawn 草坪29. meadow 草地,牧场30. prairie 大草原31. shrub (bush) 灌木32. cluster 一簇(灌木)33. fern 蕨类植物34. herb 草35. photosynthesis 光合作用36. symbiosis 共生37. wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢38. pollen 花粉39. pollinate 传授花粉40. pollination 授粉41. cell 细胞42. tissue 组织43. organ 器官44. system 系统45. seeds 种子46. everlasting 永久的47. orchid 兰花48. pollinate 授粉49. crossbreed 杂交50. shrub 灌木51. sequoia 红杉52. root pressure 根压53. cohesion-tension 凝聚压力54. bore 腔,肠55. column 花柱56. symbiotic 共生的57. immunity 免疫58. organism 生物,有机物59. necrosis 坏死60. barren 贫瘠61. futile 无用的62. carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类63. glucose 葡萄糖64. starch 淀粉65. fat 脂肪66. protein 蛋白质67. vitamin 维他命68. calorie 卡路里(热量单位)69. malnourished 营养不良的70. nutrition 营养十三、politics 政治1. constitution 宪法2. legislation 立法3. Democrats 民主党4. Republicans 共和党5. Amendment 修正案6. Congress 美国国会7. Senate 参议院8. House of Representatives 众议院9. monarchy 君主制10. anarchism 无政府主义11. federal system 联邦制12. presidential system 总统制13. municipal 市的,市政的14. metropolitan 大都市的15. centralized 中央集权的16. ideology 意识形态17. maneuver 策略,演习18. tariff 关税19. immigrant 移民20. institutionalize 机构化21. election 选举22. vote 投票23. officeholding 任职24. veto 否决25. American Revolution 美国革命/ 独立战争26. Independence War 美国独立战争27. American Civil War 美国内战28. radical 激进的, 根本的29. overturning 颠覆性的30. independent 独立的31. breathtaking 激动人心的32. military 军事的33. colonize 拓殖,殖民34. per capita 人均35. treason 叛国36. conspiracy 阴谋37. imprisonment 监禁38. release 释放39. pardon 特赦40. accusation 谴责,指控41. welfare 福利42. patronage 资助,赞助43. unionization 联合,结合十四、education 教育1. educator 教育家2. higher education 高等教育3. moral character 道德品质4. domain 领域5. faculty 全体教员6. alumni 校友7. treasurer 生活委员,财务大臣8. elective system 选课制度9. curriculum 课程(总称)10. discipline 学科,管理11. learn by rote 死记硬背十五、music 音乐1. musical instrument 乐器2. orchestra 乐队3. string 弦乐4. wind 管乐5. shook rattle 摇拨浪鼓6. pound drum 击鼓7. footbeat 点脚,跺脚8. percussion 震荡,打击乐器9. note 音符10. score 乐谱11. movement 乐章12. fanatical 狂热的13. hillbilly music 乡村音乐14. folk music 民间音乐15. pop music 流行音乐16. classical music 古典音乐17. Jazz 爵士乐十六、 astronomy 天文1. astronomy 天文学2. astronomical 天文的3. astronomical observatory 天文台4. astronomer 天文学家5. astrophysics 天文物理学6. astrology 占星学7. pseudoscience 伪科学8. cosmos(universe) 宇宙9. cosmology 宇宙学10. infinite 无限的11. cosmic 宇宙的12. cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射13. cosmic rays 宇宙射线14. celestial 天的15. celestial body (heavenly body) 天体16. celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图17. celestial sphere 天球18. dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星19. quasar 类星体,类星射电源20. constellation 星座21. galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系22. cluster 星团23. solar system 太阳系24. solar corona 日冕25. solar eclipse 日食26. solar radiation 太阳辐射27. planet 行星28. planetoid (asteroid) 小行星29. revolve 旋转,绕转30. twinkle 闪烁31. naked eye 肉眼32. Mercury 水星33. Venus 金星34. Earth 地球35. Mars 火星36. Jupiter 木星37. Saturn 土星38. Uranus 天王星39. Neptune 海王星40. Pluto 冥王星41. orbit 轨道42. spin 旋转43. satellite 卫星44. lunar 月球的45. meteor 流星46. meteor shower 流星雨47. meteoroid 流星体48. meteorite 陨石49. comet 彗星50. space (outer space) 太空,外层空间51. spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船52. spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员53. space suit 宇航服,航天服54. space shuttle 航天飞机55. space telescope 空间望远镜56. astronaut 宇航员57. star 恒星58. stellar 恒星的59. intergalactic 星系间的60. interstellar 恒星间的61. interplanetary 行星间的62. asteroid 小行星63. nebula 星云64. space debris 太空垃圾65. ammonia 氨66. corona 日冕67. chromosphere 色球68. photosphere 色球层69. convection zone 对流层70. vacuum 真空71. infrared ray 红外线72. chondrite 球粒73. absolute magnitude 绝对量级74. radiation 辐射75. emission 发射,散发76. high-resolution 高清晰度77. interferometer 干扰仪十七、people 人物1. artist 艺术家2. choreographer 舞蹈编排家3. critic 批评家4. satirist 讽刺作家5. inventor 发明家6. biographer 自传作家7. sculptor 雕塑家8. feminist 女权主义者9. humanitarian 人道主义者10. imagist 意象派诗人11. philanthropist 慈善家12. proprietor 业主13. mortal 犯人14. precursor 先驱15. figurehead 名誉领袖16. disciple 学徒17. apprentice 学徒18. mechanic 机械工19. minimalist 简单抽象派艺术20. avant-garde 前卫派21. territory 领域22. genre 风格,体裁23. eccentric 古怪的24. odd 怪诞的,奇数的25. erratic 奇怪的26. weird 怪异的,不可思议的27. unique 独一无二的28. romantic 浪漫的29. innocent 天真的,无罪的30. lovelorn 相思病苦的31. emotional 情绪的,情感的32. sentimental 感伤的,多愁善感的33. cheerless 无精打采的,无生命力的34. patriarchal 家长的,族长的35. rigid 僵化的36. spare 简朴的37. clumsy 笨拙的38. nervous 紧张的39. zigzag 曲折的40. contemporary 当代的41. acclaimed 受欢迎的42. preeminent 杰出的43. outstanding 杰出的44. versatile ( 人) 多才多艺的,(物体)多功能的45. household 家庭的,家喻户晓的46. genuine 真正的47. authentic 逼真的48. symbolic 象征性的49. immortal 不朽的,神50. nostalgia 怀旧主义,思乡51. emotive 感人的52. prodigious 巨大的53. classic 经典的54. posthumous 死后的。

cub n.幼兽,不懂规矩的年轻人。
pub n.酒馆,客栈。
tub n.浴盆。
dub vt.{电影}配音,轻点,授予称号,打击;n.鼓声,笨蛋。
rub n.阻碍,伤痛处,摩擦;v.揉,搓,磨擦,磨光。
hub n.毂,木片,中心;n.网络集线器,网络中心。
bum n.游荡者,闹饮;a.无价值的;vi.过游民生活,免费得到,流浪;vt.乞讨。
mum n.{植}(=chrysanthemum)菊花,沉默;a.沉默的;vi.演哑剧,int.别说话!
rum n.浪姆酒(用甘蔗或糖蜜等酿制的一种甜酒);a.古怪的,奇特的。
hum v.嗡嗡叫,哼;n.嗡嗡声,吵杂声。
gum n.齿龈,树脂,橡胶,橡胶树,口香糖,香口胶,泡泡糖。
sum n.总数,和,金额,算术题。
cab n.出租车,出租马车,驾驶室;vi.乘出租马车。
lab n.实验室,研究室。
dab n.少量,轻拍,比目鱼,熟手;v.轻拍,轻擦,轻敷,涂。
jab v.猛刺;n.刺戳。
tab n.制表,标号,tab键,标签,制表符,小报,帐单;vt.在...饰以小垂片。
以上便是小马过河在线小编为大家整理的SAT词汇,希望对大家有所帮助,预祝大家取得优秀的SAT 成绩。

ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xi Six Quick Hints for Success on the TOEFL® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xiiiNatureLESSON 1Food Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 LESSON 2Disaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 LESSON 3Evolution and Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 LESSON 4PetroleumAlternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17ScienceLESSON 5Time Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 LESSON6Ancient Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 LESSON7Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 LESSON8Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Mind and BodyLESSON 9Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 LESSON10Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 LESSON11Illness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 LESSON12Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 LESSON13Ghosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 For more information about this title, click hereSocietyLESSON 14Anthropology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 LESSON15Social Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 LESSON16Expertise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 LESSON 17MilitaryOperations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 LESSON 18W ar andConquest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 LESSON19History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90MoneyLESSON 20Financial Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 LESSON 21Wealth and Social Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 LESSON 22Personal Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 LESSON23Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 LESSON 24International Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115Government and JusticeLESSON 25Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 LESSON 26A Reasonable Doubt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 LESSON 27ThePolice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 LESSON 28Investigating Crimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 LESSON 29GovernmentCorruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 LESSON 30Crimes atSea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 LESSON 31The W ar onDrugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151RelationshipsLESSON 32Family Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 LESSON 33Friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 viii ContentsLESSON 34Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 LESSON 35Negative Emotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170CultureLESSON 36Social Rebels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 LESSON 37Painting and Sculpture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 LESSON 38The Written Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 LESSON39Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 LESSON 40Risky Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199 Contents ixNatureLESSONFood CropsTarget Words1. abandon 6. intensify2. adversely 7. irrigation3. aggregate 8. obtain4. cultivation 9. photosynthesis5. fertilize 10. precipitation Definitions and Samples1. abandon v. T o leave;to give upT o save their lives,the sailors had to abandon the sinking ship. Parts of speechabandonment n2. adversely adv. In a harmful way;negativelyExcessive rainfall early in the spring can adversely affect the plant-ing of crops.Usage tipsAdversely is often followed by affect.Parts of speechadversity n, adverse adj3. aggregate adj. Gathered into or amounting to a wholeIt is impossib le to judge last year’s performance without knowing the aggregate sales numbers.Usage tipsAggregate is often followed by a term like sum, total,or numbers.Parts of speechaggregate v, aggregate n14Nature4. cultivation n.Preparing the land to grow crops;improvement foragricultural purposesWith the development of land cultivation,hunters and gathererswere able to settle in one place.Parts of speech cultivate v5. fertilize v.T o supply with nourishment for plants by adding helpfulsubstances to the soilThis farm fertilizes tomatoes more than any other crop.Parts of speech fertilizer n,fertilization n6. intensify v.T o increase in power;to act with increased strengthJacob’s long absence intensified his certainty that he should marry Rose.Parts of speech intensification n,intense adj7. irrigation n.The supplying of water to dry landIn dry areas of the country,you can see ditches all over the farm-land for irrigation.Parts of speech irrigate v8. obtain v.T o gain possession of;to getAfter a series of difficult interviews,he finally was able to obtainthe job.9. photosynthesis n.The process by which green plants make theirown food by combining water,salts,and carbon dioxide in the pres-ence of light.Oxygen is a by-product of the process of photosynthesis.Parts of speech photosynthesize v10. precipitation n.Water that falls to the Earth’s surfaceIn the Pacific Northwest,the high level of precipitation ensures rich, green plant life. 2LESSON DisasterTarget Words1.anticipate 6.flood2.catastrophic7.impact3.collide8.persevere4.eruption9.plunge5.famine10.unleashDefinitions and Samples1. anticipate v.T o expect;to sense something before it happensBy placing sensors in earthquake-prone areas,scientists can antici-pate some tremors in time to warn the public.Parts of speech anticipation n,anticipatory adj2. catastrophic adj.Extremely harmful;causing financial or physicalruinThe architect died in a catastrophic elevator accident.Parts of speech catastrophe n,catastrophically adv3. collide v.T o come together with great or violent forceAs usual,their holiday was ruined when their in-laws’views on poli-tics collided with their own.Parts of speech collision nCopyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.8Nature4. eruption n. A sudden,often violent,outburstThe eruption of Mount St.Helens in 1980 caused 57 deaths andimmeasurable change to the face of the mountain.Usage tips Eruption is often followed by an of phrase.Parts of speech erupt v5. famine n.Severe hunger;a drastic food shortageThe potato famine in Ireland in the mid-nineteenth century caused large numbers of Irish people to emigrate to America.6. flood n.An overflowing of water;an excessive amountThe constant rain and poor drainage system caused a flood in town.The political party sent out a flood of letters criticizing theiropponents.Parts of speech flood v7. impact n. A strong influenceThe speech about the importance of education made an impacton me.Usage tips Impact is usually followed by on or of.Parts of speech impact v8. persevere v.T o keep going,despite obstacles or discouragement;tomaintain a purposeThe hikers persevered despite the bad weather and the icy trail. Parts of speech persist v,persistent adj9. plunge v.T o go down suddenly;to decrease by a great amount in ashort timeHe jumped off the diving board and plunged into the pool.The value of the company’s stock plunged after its chief executivewas arrested.3LESSON Evolution and MigrationTarget Words1.adapt 6.inherent2.diverse7.migration3.evolve8.physical4.feature9.process5.generation10.surviveDefinitions and Samples1. adapt v.T o adjust to the circumstances;to make suitableDinosaurs could not adapt to the warmer temperatures.The teacher adapted the exercises for his more advanced students. Usage tips Adapt is often followed by to.Parts of speech adaptation n,adapter n,adaptable adj2. diverse n.Various;showing a lot of differences within a groupIndia is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world. Usage tips An -ly adverb (e.g.,linguistically often comes beforediverse.Parts of speech diversify v,diversity n,diversification n3. evolve v.T o develop;to come forthModern-day sharks evolved from their ancestor Eryops,which lived more than 200 million years ago.Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.Evolution and Migration13Usage tips Evolve is often followed by into or from.Parts of speech evolution n,evolutionist n4. feature n.Part,characteristicThe best feature of this car is its heated seats.Usage tips Feature is often followed by of.Parts of speech feature v5. generation n. A group of people born at about the same timeAs older managers retired,a new generation of leaders took control of the company.Usage tips Before generation,an adjective like new, next, earlier,or older is common.Generation is often followed by of.Parts of speech generational adj6. inherent adj.Naturally characteristic;always found within something,because it’s a basic part of that thingNo job can be interesting all the time.Boredom is inherent in anykind of work.Usage tips Inherent is often followed by in.Parts of speech inherently adv7. migration n.Movement from one place to another by a group of peo-ple or animalsThe migration of farm workers from one state to the next depends primarily on the harvest.Usage tips Migration is often followed by to or from.Parts of speech migrate v,migrant n,migratory adj8. physical adj.Related to the body;related to materials that can be seenor feltBecause of the shape of its throat,an ape does not have the physical ability to speak.14NatureThe mountains form a physical barrier between the west and theeast.Usage tips Physical usually comes before the noun it describes. Parts of speech physically adv9. process n. A series of steps leading to a resultT o get a good job,most people go through a long process of letter-writing and interviews.Usage tips Process is often followed by of plus the -ing form of averb.Parts of speech proceed v,process v10. survive v.T o continue living (despite some danger or illnessAfter getting lost in the mountains,Gordon survived by eating wild plants and catching fish.Usage tips Survive is often followed by a phrase with by.Parts of speech survivor n,survival nTOEFL Prep I Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each word in the left-hand column.Write the let-ter in the blank.1. physical(anot an integral part2. migration(bstay the same3. adapt(cdie4. inherent(dstaying in one place5. survive(ementalTOEFL Prep II Choose the word from the list that is closest in mea ning to the underlined pa rt of ea ch sentence.Write it in the blank.4LESSON Petroleum AlternativesTarget Words1.constraint 6.emission2.contamination7.extinction3.deplete8.reservoir4.dispose of9.shrink5.elementally10.stableDefinitions and Samples1. constraint n.Something that restricts thought or actionThe constraints of military life kept Eileen from seeing Private Mor-ris more than once a month.Parts of speech constrain v2. contamination n.Being made less clean by a germ or hazardous sub-stanceThe contamination in the river came from the factory located justupstream.Parts of speech contaminate v,contaminant n3. deplete v.T o greatly decrease the supply of a resource or materialThe prolonged war depleted the country’s national treasury.Parts of speech depletion nCopyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.18Nature4. dispose of v.T o throw away;to get rid of;to killShe disposed of her unwanted possessions before moving.The tyrant cruelly disposed of all his enemies.Usage tips Dispose of should be learned as a unit.In this meaning, dispose does not occur without of.Parts of speech disposal n,disposable adj5. elementally adv.In terms of elements;basicallyElementally,coal and diamonds are the same.Parts of speech element n,elemental adj6. emission n.Sending out from a small space into the general environ- ment;a substance discharged into the airThe Environmental Protection Agency regulates the emission of pollutants into the air.Usage tips Emission is usually followed by an of phrase.Parts of speech emit v7. extinction plete disappearance;the end of existenceHuman beings have caused the extinction of many other species. Usage tips Extinction implies an absolute end;an extinct thing cannot be brought back into existence.Parts of speech extinct adj8. reservoir n. A place where a liquid is collected and storedCult members threatened to poison the town’s water reservoir.Parts of speech reserve v9. shrink v.T o become reduced in size,amount,or valueIf you dry your clothing on the “high heat”setting,they may shrink. Parts of speech shrinkage n,shrinkable adj10. stable adj.Firm and dependable;showing little changeHe fell because the ladder wasn’t stable.Parts of speech stability n,stably advTOEFL Prep I Find the word that is closest in meaning to the op-posite of each word in the left-hand column.Write the letter in the blank.1. stable(akeep 2. contamination (bexpand 3. extinct (cunsteady 4. dispose of (dexisting 5. shrink(epurityTOEFL Prep II Circle the word that best completes each sentence.1.The (constraints / contamination of being in prison made her hate so-ciety even more.2.A recognition that the Earth is round was one of the (elemental /shrunken advances in thought during the time period.3.Mother T eresa,who helped the poorest of the poor,had a great (disposal / reservoir of love within her spirit.4.Automobiles are responsible for some (emissions / extinction of green-house gases.5.By the end of the storm,the hikers had (depleted / reserved even their emergency stores.TOEFL Success Read the passage to review the vocabulary youhave learned.Answer the question that follows.Human consumption of fossil fuels is expected to fully deplete the Earth’s crude oil reserves by the year 2060.As underground reservoirs of oil continue to shrink,we have no choice but to find alternatives.One promising source,with much cleaner emissions,is called bio-diesel.Bio-Petroleum Alternatives19Bonus Structure—One promising source signals the point of this paragraph.Science Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.5LESSON Time EfficiencyTarget Words1.adjust 6.maximize2.arbitrary7.parallel3.denominator8.proportion4.exponentially9.rate5.infinitesimal10.sequenceDefinitions and Samples1. adjust v.T o change;to get accustomed to somethingT ravelers are advised to adjust their watches before arriving in thenew time zone.Parts of speech adjustment n,adjustable adj2. arbitrary adj.Chosen simply by whim or chance,not for any specificreasonThe decision to build a school in Blackberry T ownship wasarbitrary,without any thought to future housing patterns.Parts of speech arbitrate v,arbitrator n,arbitrarily adv3. denominator n.The number written below the line in a fractionIn the fraction 1⁄2,the number 2 is the denominator.Usage tips The phrase lowest common denominator means “the mos t basic and unsophisticated things that most people share.”Parts of speech denominate v,denomination n,denominational adj Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.24Science4. exponentially adv.At a very fast rateIn T urkey,the value of the lira has decreased exponentially in thelast several decades.Usage tips Exponentially is taken from mathematics,where anexponent is a number indicating how many times something ismultiplied by itself.For example,43contains the exponent “3,”indicating 4 ×4 ×4.Parts of speech exponent n,exponential adj5. infinitesimal adj.Immeasurably smallThe number of contaminants in the water was infinitesimal,so the water was safe to drink.Parts of speech infinitesimally adv6. maximize v.T o increase or make as great as possibleA coach helps each athlete maximize his or her potential.Parts of speech maximum n,maximum adj7. parallel adj.Being an equal distance apart everywhereThe street where I live runs parallel to the main road through town. Usage tips Parallel is often followed by to.Parts of speech parallel n,parallel adv8. proportion n. A part in relation to the wholeThe average employee spends a large proportion of each workdayanswering e-mails.Usage tips Proportion is often followed by of.Parts of speech proportionate adj,proportionally adv9. rate n.The cost per unit of a good or service;the motion or change thathappens in a certain time.Postal rates in Japan are among the highest in the world.Time Efficiency25Some grasses grow at the rate of one inch per day.Parts of speech rate v,rating n10. sequence v.T o organize or arrange in successionVolunteers have been asked to sequence the files and organize theboxes.Parts of speech sequence n,sequentially advTOEFL Prep I Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word from the list.Change the form of the word if necessary. Use each word only once.adjust arbitrary denominator infinitesimal rate1.Students felt that the exam was unfair and the grading system wasrather __________.2.The __________ of increase in prices made it difficult for people to af-ford basic goods.3.Politicians promised great changes in the coming year,but any im-provement in people’s lives was __________.4.She quickly overcame her culture shock and found it easy to__________ to the new country.5.Y ou can add two fractions that have the same __________. TOEFL Prep II Find the word or phrase that is closest in mean-ing to the opposite of each word in the left-hand column.Write the letter in the blank.1. arbitrary(amix up2. maximize(bintersecting3. sequence(cminimize4. infinitesimal(dhuge5. parallel(eplanned out6LESSON Ancient LifeTarget Words1.accuracy 6.integrally2.adjacent7.overlappress8.retain4.feasibly9.seep5.gut10.structureDefinitions and Samples1. accuracy n.Precision;exactnessThe research department checks all our articles for accuracy of facts before we print them.Usage tips Accuracy is often followed by of.Parts of speech accurate adj,accurately adv2. adjacent adj.Next toEven though the villages are adjacent to each other,their residents speak different languages.Usage tips Adjacent is often followed by to.Parts of speech adjacency n3. compress v.T o press togetherT o make the foundation stronger,they compressed the soil beforepouring the concrete.Parts of speech compression n,compressed adjCopyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.28Science4. feasibly adv.Practically;in a way that can workScientists can’t feasibly bring energy from deep ocean currents towhere it is needed—on land.Parts of speech feasibility n,feasible adj5. gut v.T o empty or hollow outIn order to remodel the house,we must first gut it and throw away all the old fixtures.Usage ti ps Gut also means “the stomach of an animal”;this verb makes an image,that the inside of a building is like the inside of an animal.Parts of speech gut n,gutted adj6. integrally adv.In a whole or complete mannerWriting and spelling are taught integrally as part of the readingprogram.Parts of speech integrate v,integrity n,integral n,integral adj7. overlap v.T o lie over part of something;to have elements in commonOne of the two assistants will likely get fired,since most of their du-ties in the office overlap.Parts of speech overlap n8. retain v.T o keep or holdThe rain fell so heavily that the banks of the river could not retain all the water.Parts of speech retainer n,retention n9. seep v.T o pass slowly for a long time,as a liquid or gas mightAs the containers rusted,the toxic waste seeped into the ground.Usage tips Seep is often followed by into or through.7LESSON ComputersTarget Words1.circulate 6.implement2.corrode7.innovative3.derive8.installation4.detection9.maintenance5.expeditiously10.simulation Definitions and Samples1. circulate v.T o move throughout an area or group;to move along asomewhat circular routeThe gossip circulated quickly through the small town.Blood circulates more quickly during physical exercise.Usage tips Circulate is often followed by through.Parts of speech circulation n2. corrode v.T o be slowly weakened by chemical reactionsSitting in salt water,the old coins corroded and became very easy to break.Usage tips A familiar kind of corrosion produces rust,the reddish coating on iron or steel that has been exposed to air and water. Parts of speech corrosion nCopyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.Computers333. derive v.T o come from,usually through a long,slow processThe Cyrillic alphabet was derived from the Greek alphabet. Usage tips Derive is often followed by from.Parts of speech derivation n,derivative adj4. detection n.Discovering something that cannot easily be foundWith new medical technology,the detection of cancer is much easier nowadays.Usage tips Detection is often followed by an of phrase.Parts of speech detect v,detectable adj5. expeditiously adv.Quickly and efficientlyUsing carrier pigeons,the military commanders exchanged mes-sages expeditiously.Parts of speech expedite v,expedition n,expeditious adj6. implement v.T o make use of;to carry outNot until after the new software was installed could we implementthe new filing system.Parts of speech implement n,implementation n7. innovative adj.Ahead of the times;novelThe innovative use of props and lighting drew many favorablecomments.Parts of speech innovation n8. installation n.Setting something into position for use Installation of the new software takes only four minutes.Parts of speech install v9. maintenance n.The act of keeping something in good condition The only problem with living in such a big house is that it requires a lot of maintenance.Parts of speech maintain v8LESSON EnergyTarget Wordsbustion 6.permeateponent7.rotate3.convey8.solar4.discretely9.source5.nucleus10.triggerDefinitions and Samples1. combustion n.The process of burningWhen air quality is poor,combustion of materials in a fireplace isprohibited.Usage tips Combustion is often followed by of.Parts of speech combust v,combustible adj2. component n.One part of a system or wholeTheir home theater system has a number of separate components. Usage tips Component is often followed or preceded by of.3. convey v.T o transport from one place to another;to transmit or makeknownA messenger conveyed the prince’s letter to the commander of thearmy.Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.38ScienceThe worst part about being a doctor was when she had to conveybad news to a family.Parts of speech conveyance n,conveyor n4. discretely adv.Separately;distinctlyIn order to understand how the engine worked,each componentneeded to be studied discretely.Parts of speech discrete adj5. nucleus n. A central or essential part around which other parts aregathered;a coreThe nucleus of many European cities is the town square.Usage tips Nucleus is often followed by of.Parts of speech nuclear adj6. permeate v.T o spread or flow throughout;to pass through or penetrateThe smell of cooking permeated the entire apartment building. Parts of speech permeation n7. rotate v.T o turn around;to take turns in sequenceThe planet rotates on its axis once every 14 Earth days.The children rotate classroom responsibilities on a weekly basis. Parts of speech rotation n8. solar adj.Of,or relating to,the sunThe ancient society kept time with a solar calendar.9. source n.The point of origin or creationThe reporter was unable to identify the source of the informationfor his story.Parts of speech source vEnergy3910. trigger v.T o set off or initiateI was certain any mention of politics would trigger a big argument. Parts of speech trigger nTOEFL Prep I Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word from the list.Change the form of the word if necessary. Use each word only once.combustion convey permeate source trigger1.It is often difficult to __________ the meaning of a poem to a largeaudience.2.The __________ of the gossip was someone inside this office.3.Her bad mood that day __________ the atmosphere in the laboratory.4.The internal __________ engine revolutionized the way automobilesrun.5.A cigarette __________ the explosion.TOEFL Prep II Find the word or phrase that is closest in mean-ing to ea ch word in the left-ha nd column.Write the letter in the blank.1. rotate(aseparately, as an individual part2. solar(bspin on an axis3. component(csun4. discretely(dcenter5. nucleus(epartTOEFL Success Read the passage to review the vocabulary you have learned.Answer the questions that follow.Most of the electricity in the United States is produced in steam turbines.There are many discrete steps in this process.I n a steam turbine,Mind and Body9LESSON MemoryTarget Words1.acquisition 6.indisputable2.anomaly7.intervene3.consciously8.intuitively4.degrade9.recede5.gap10.retrieveDefinitions and Samples1. acquisition n.The act of taking possession of somethingOur recent acquisition of over 2,000 books makes ours the biggest library in the region.Usage tips Acquisition is often followed by of.Parts of speech acquire v2. anomaly n.Something unusualWhite tigers get their beautiful coloring from a genetic anomaly.3. consciously adv.With awareness of one’s actionsHe may have hurt her feelings,but he never would have done so consciously.Parts of speech consciousness n,conscious adj44Mind and Body4. degrade v.T o reduce in value or strengthThe roads in cold or wet areas of the United States degrade fasterthan those in warm,sunny regions.Parts of speech degradation n,degradable adj5. gap n.Opening;a big difference in amount or qualityThe small gap between the walls in the old house caused cold drafts to come in.6. indisputable adj.Beyond doubt;unquestionableThe members of the jury found her guilty because they found thefacts of the case indisputable.Parts of speech indisputably adv7. intervene v.T o come between。


McKie• • 2010 8 5VESTIBULUM LORMEW: So how do you like living in the renovated dorms?M: There aren’t much different than the old dorms, just some new pane and windows. The windows are nice so they shut off the noise really well. The street’s just outside, but I can barely hear the traffic.W: Um, they must be good windows, I bet they must have double panes and glass; they shut off a lot of noise that the single pane wouldn’t stop.M: Yeah, I wish I had something just the factor between me and my neighbor’s room. Sometimes he turns up the music so loud that I have trouble getting into sleep. Anyway I guess I’m better off than the people who’ll be moving into the new dorms. Did you see how thin the walls are that they putting up between those rooms?W: I haven’t seen them but I did read something about them in the campus newspaper. They are supposed to be better than the thick concrete wall you’ve got here.M: Better? How?W: Well, what they doing is separating each room with 2 thin layer of plasterboards and each one is nailed to a different frame. That way they vibrate independently.M: Oh, I see, so the sound from one room doesn’t just vibrate the wall and go directly into next room. There is a gap between 2 layers of wall.W: That’s right.M: Well, I’m still stuck with this neighbor and I am not sure what to do.W: You know heavy bear wall doesn’t help. You should hang something up like some fur rags or some decorated cross. That would act like a kind of a second wall and absorb some sound. I got some extras you can use, people hey.M: I’d appreciate it; anything to get a good night sleep.1 2 3W: Can I help you find something? Oh, hi, Rick!M: Oh, hi, Julie. When did you start working here? I thought you were waiting tables in Teresa’s café.W: Yeah, I quitted, because I had to work too many nights. I started here just a few days ago. It’s perfect! I work all afternoon shift. So my mornings are free for classes, and I can study at night. So what are you looking for?M: Well, I can’t seem to find the 8th book for English 626. I only found these seven. I’m probably looking right at itW: Um…English 626…English 626… Are you sure they are 8?M: Yeah, they are 8 titles on my syllabus. And look, the card on the shelf had eight listed. But I can only find seven of the books.W: You are right. Oh, here they are. They are on the wrong shelves over here by economics books.I’ll have to put these into the English books so they are not so hard to find.M: Thanks a lot. Can you point me the direction of the computer paper?W: Sure, it’s… 2 or 3 aisles over. Why don’t you follow me? It’s easier just to show you.1 2 3M: Janet! Nice to see you again. Ready to plan you schedule for next semester?W: Yeah, I’ve already looked at the list of classes. And I hope to take business law and intro tofinance this coming semester.M: That sounds good. And it is always best plans the courses in your major first and then fit out the requirements on the electives then.W: I like to take one other business course, but I am not sure which one?M: How are about an economics course?W: I took one this past semester and got a lot out of it.M: Oh, that’s right I remember you telling me about it. Well, let’s see what else you need? W: I need another English course and was thinking about taking a poetry class.M: Let me see, the prerequisite for all the poetry classes is the English composition.W: I took that my first semester.M: Well, modern American poetry fits in your scheduleW: With Doctor Turner?M: Um-huh…W: That’ll be great! I heard all about her from my roommate, the English major.M: This should up tobe a pretty good semester for you, what else do you need to take?W: I have to take one more math course but I have been putting it at all. I heard that calculus is really tough.M: It is! But you may want to take it and just take these four courses this semester.W: That’s not a bad idea! I just hope it doesn’t affect my grade point average!1 2 3W: Excuse me. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?M: No I guess not.M: Great! This is for a student council report; we want to find out what students think the campus food service the results would tell us what kind of changes to push for.M: I think everyone has pretty strong opinions about that.W: Yeah, that’s one thing I found out already. Ok, first how often do you eat in the cafeteria? M: Almost everyday, I’ve got a meal contract.W: And do you usually eat here at Anderson hall.M: Yeah, I live next door.W: And you mention that you have a meal contract, is that right?M: Uh-huh! For breakfast and dinner, Monday to Saturday.W: What’s your general impression of the food here?M: Well, people complain a lot, but basically I think it’s ok. The vegetables are usually overcooked, but I mean they had to feed hundreds of people here. You are not going to get something freshly prepared just for you.W: What if I just put down generally satisfactory, would like more fresh vegetables, ok?M: Sure.W: So you think the other things like soup and dessert’s okay?M: Yeah, that’s about right.W: Is there anything you like to change about the cafeteria?M: Yes, the hours. Sometimes it’s a real rush for me to get back here before 6:30.1 2 34 5W: Excuse me! I need to a copy of Steven Hakim’s Brief History of Time. And I don’t know where to look for it?M: Did you check the status on the library’s computer?W: I tried but I couldn’t figure out what to do.M: Well I can call it up right here. You wanted Hakim’s book right? It looks like it will be out for another 6 weeks.W: Oh no, I really need it for paper that due in 2 weeks. Is there anything you can do?M: Sure, we can try to get it from another library, just fill out this form and it should be here in 3 or 5 days. But it will cost 2 dollars.W: What a relief! That’s a really help!**********************************************************M: Good morning. Is this where we should come to add or drop a course?W: Yes, it is. Just write the name of the course you want to drop on this little form.M: Great! Now where do I write the Astronomy course that I want to add?W: Sorry it’s too late to add a course. You could only add courses two weeks since this semester. And Friday was the last day.M: But I’m senior. And if I dropped the class without adding in one, I wouldn’t have enough credits to graduate.W: So, what you have to do then is to get the professor’s approval and have him sign the special add form. Then bring it back to me, and I put it through.M: Okay. Thanks. I hope I’ll be able to find them.**********************************************************M: Hi, Lanyard, we missed you in psychology class yesterday.W: I have a terrible cough. So I stayed at home. Do you take notes?M: Well, no one can ever recite for my handwriting. Tina was there, too. And you are more likely to be able to read her notes.W: Do you know where she is today?M: I know she has class in the morning. But she always eats lunch in the cafeteria around noon.W: Good! I’ll try to catch her then.M: So you are going to be writing for the school newspaper?W: Yes, I’m excited about it. I’m thinking about journalism as a career.M: Well! Congratulations! How do they decide whom to hire?W: I have to send the writing sample. I used one of the essays I’ve written for the literature class, then the editor assigned me a topic to write a short article about it.M: What did you write about?W: Actually, it was a lot of fun. I wrote about the students’ play that has been performed this month.M: Oh, I saw that play. The director is a friend of mine. It really called in a stir around here. W: Yeah, I know. That’s what I wrote about --people’s reaction to it. It’s really interesting. M: Have you finished the article? Can I read it?W: Sure. I just made a couple of copies. So you can have one.M: Thanks. I wish I were a better writer. Working for the paper sounds like fun.W: Well, they’re looking to add one or two more photographers to the staff.M: You’re kidding! May be I’ll go over and apply.W: If you want, I’ll walk over with you to the newspaper office and introduce you to the photographic editor and some of the other photographers.M: That will be terrific! But can we go tomorrow? I have to go to math class now. And if we go tomorrow, then I’ll have time tonight to put together a portfolio of photographs to show them.W: Sure. And maybe you should call them and set up a time to meeting them tomorrow. M: Good idea. I’ll do that before I go to class.W: All right. See you tomorrow.1 23 4 5W: Hey, Kevin, I haven’t seen you since the beginning of the semester, how is it going? M: Well, I am a little overwhelmed. It’s strange. I always want to go to a big university like this but now I am here. I am not so sure. I mean the courses are interesting enough, but… W: What’s bothering you then?M: Well after going to a small high school and knowing everybody it’s a pretty shagged to be in huge lecture hall with hundreds of students. And not one professor even knows my name. W: I know you mean. I’ve so pretty lost myself last year but I know about something that might help. It’s called the mentor group.M: The what?W: The mentor group. It’s like a support group. I joined it last year when I was a first year student.M: So what is it?W: It’s basically professors and small group of students getting together informally to discuss all kinds of subjects. You have the chance to meet professors and other students.M: Hem, sounds worthwhile, but doesn’t it take up a lot of studying timeW: Not really, you can study all the time you know and this is like a little break.M: I guess you could meet professor whose course you might take later!W: Exactly, that’s what happened to me! I am taking the psychology course with Professor Green. I didn’t know how interesting psychology was, till I got to talk to him in the mentor group.M: You talk to him in the mentor group! Is it too late to join?W: I don’t think so; if I were you I go over to the dean’s office and sign up.M: I was going to the library to return a book but I can do it later I guess.1 2 3 xx4W: Here we are at registration again; I can’t believe how much tuition has gone up.M: I know. It’s ridiculous. You know my cousin Anne pays nothing to go her school in Kentucky.W: Nothing! Maybe I should transfer there.M: You can’t, only students from certain part of Kentucky can go. It’s only for students from the Appalachian Mountains area.W: So with no tuition how do they run the school?M: Well, they get a lot of donations.W: And that pays for everything?M: Well, they also get some money from the government and besides that all the students are required to work at the college. That’s why the college doesn’t need to hire a lot ofoutside-workers.W: Oh yeah, that will help cut the school expenses, so what kind of job do they do?M: My cousin helps to clean the dorms. I think her roommate washes dishes in the cafeteria. Things like that.W: That sounds great! Come to think of it. I heard of something in Georgia called hope scholarship.M: Hope scholarship? What’s that?W: I think they used state lottery money to give free tuition. But not everyone from Georgia qualifies. You need at least B average in high school.M: I should apply for that. I had really good grades in high school.W: No, you had to be from Georgia.M: Just my luck.1 2 xx3W: What’s the matter? I’ve never seen you look so tense?M: Oh, I am just frustrated. That’s all. I have been working on this lab report for my biology class for hours and the results keep coming out wrong.W: Did you use the right procedures?M: Yeah, that’s not the problem…it’s just the…well, it’s just, you know every time I do the statistics I get the different results. Did you ever take biology?W: No, I fill my science requirement with physics, I really don’t care for biology especially dissection. I must pass it down in high school. We had to cut open that.M: Ok, I get the picture, I am bit squish myself but biology requires the least math, which isn’t my best subject. I really don’t see why we even have to take science classes if we are not major in it. I am never going to use this in the real life.W: Well that’s not the point really, a college graduate suppose to be well-rounded it. You knowwith broad education. You can only specialize in grad school.M: Sure, if I ever get there. It just seems I run one biology lab report could stand in the wave of brilliant career in sociology.W: You don’t be silly; you will manage somehow. See how come you don’t have the result for one of your XXX to write down.M: Whoops! I must forgot to add it in. No wonder my figures were messed up!1 2 3 xx 4 5W: Hi, Mark, how is it going?M: Well, not so great.W: What's wrong?M: I’ve got a big problem with the poetry course that’s required for my major.W: Is it all sold up?M: No, no, there's plenty room, but there's prerequisite. I’ve got to take an introduction to poetry before I can take the special course in poets of the 1960's, and the introductory course is only offered in the evenings.W: You don't like evening classes?M: No, that's not the point. I work in the cafeteria every evening; I need the money to pay my tuition.W: Can you ask someone that work to switch hours with you? Maybe you could just switch a couple of evening since the course probably only needs two times a week?M: I wish I could, my boss just did me a favor by putting me on evenings. And he'll hit the ceiling if I ask to change again.W: Wait a minute, I have an idea, have you checked the course over at the community college? They might offer intro-to-poetry course during the day!M: Hey, that's a great idea! I am free this afternoon, I think I'll go over and check it out.W: Yeah, their courses are actually cheaper and you can transfer the credits over here!M: Thank for the advice, Linda. I'll let you know what happens.W: Sure, Mark, good luck! Oh, while you there, could you find out when the pool is open? M: No problem.1 2 3 45M: I'm really glad we got Cindy to be in our study group.W: That's for sure, his background in art should be a big help getting ready for this art history final.M: Now, what we'll have to do is to figure out where we’re going to meet.W: Why don't we just meet in the library?M: The six people in the group will probably make too much noise. How about my dorm room? W: There is not enough space, where would we all sit?M: Oh, I know, the snack bar in the student center! It is not too crowd in the evening, and we can push some tables together.W: That'll work! I'll let everyone know to be there at 7:00 tonight.M: Excuse me. I am looking for the textbook for a course called Psychology of Personality,but Ican't find it anywhere.W: Is that the book for Dr. Peterson's course?M: That's right, Psychology 3601.W: Yes, yes, I was afraid of that. It seems we didn't order enough books for that class. You are the 7th person today who’s come in looking for one.M: But classes begin on Monday.W: I wouldn't worry, Dr. Peterson was aware of the problem, and we got another shipment of books coming in before the end of the month.M: Can I reserve the copy?W: No problem. Just give me your name and phone number, we'll call you when the books arrive.M: I’ve got another parking ticket. I don't understand why?W: What color sticker do you have?M: It's gold; it's for this lot!W: Well, where did you park?M: Over there, next to that green truck.W: You are right in front of the loading dock; that's where they unload the kitchen supplies. M: So what?W: You are lucky you only got a ticket. Normally, security tows any cars that park there.Listen to a conversation between an advisor and a student.W: Come on in, Paul, and have a seat. How can I help you?M: Well, I need to choose my major, and I guess I am not sure what I want to do for a career. W:O h!M: My problem is that I love philosophy, but my dad doesn't want me to get a degree in the humanities. He said that I'll be better off financially with a career in something like business. W: Yes, people in the humanities often do make lower salaries.M: Yeah, and I don't want to be poor, so I’m doomed.W: Hem...I guess you know that a lot of famous philosophers work in other fields, too. In fact, some of them did ground-breaking work.M: Like Aristotle?W: Um, this is just one example. There were doctors, lawyers, historians, mathematicians. Lock for example, he was trained to medicine.M: Yeah, but you are talking about geniuses. I get to grades, but I'm not a genius.W: My point is, you could work in a higher paid field and pursue philosophy on the side. It's not too late for you to declare a double major.M: But what other fields what I choose?W: I can help you with that, there's a special test you can take to determine your talents. You can take it now and it only takes an hour, then we can match your talents to a variety of job descriptions and go for there.M: Ok, that sounds like a good plan!M: Ms. Preska, I am Tim Louis.W: Nice to meet you, Tim. The work study office called to let me know you will come in. You are interested in job here this coming semester.M: Yes, I was hoping the library might be able to use me.W: We always need some help from work study students. Can you tell me a little about yourself?M: Let’s see, I am a sophomore. I live off campus and I major in business.W: Fine, what about work experience?M: I have been the lifeguard for 3 summers at city pool. Here on campus I work last year in the cafeteria. This semester I am at the computer center 3 evenings a week but I prefer the afternoon job.W: We have the opening for someone to share books 4 afternoons a week, a total of 16 hours. Will that suit you?M: Perfectly, my courses in next semester all meet in the morning.W: The job is yours then. Please read through this information before your begin, your first day of work will be 2 weeks from today.M: Thank you very much, I’ll see you then.M: So where are you going to be this summer?W: I’ve got a part time job at the gallery in New York. And I will be taking a joining class at night.M: That's great. You can learn a lot working in an art gallery, and there's no place like New York for an inspiring artist. I lived there myself when I was first at the college.W: I know how lucky I am to have this job but to tell you the truth; I have my heart set on going out west this summer.M: Out west? You mean California.W: No, the southwest, the desert and everythingM: Why the desert?W: Well, you know, Georgia O'Keeffe is my favorite artist, and she did such good work out there.M: That' true. But O'Keeffe didn't start out in the southwest, you know. She lived in New York for years, and she did some very impressive painting there.W: I guess you mean the skyscraper series. It's funny I never really thought about where she paint them before.M: It was in New York and she got a lot out of living there. She didn't always enjoy it. But later on she said that being around so many artists that help her to develop her own artistic vision.W: That's a new way of looking at the city. Now I can only find affordable place to live.Listen to part of the conversation between two college studentsM: Could we stop for a few minutes before we go over chapter five? I'm gonna need extra emerge to get through that one.W: Why? The first four chapters went really fast.M: I know, but the professor said the test would go up to chapter five. And that's the one I understand least. My notes from that day are a mess, circles made of broken lines, the word "GESTALT" in big letters, complete confusion.W: Ok, well, let's start with the broken lines. There suppose to be an illustration of the principle of closure. The idea is that your brain doesn't take in information exactly the same way as your eyes see it. I mean it's not like your eyes are camera and your brain just see the photographs it takes. The point is that your brain perceives more than your eyes actually see. Imaging individual broken lines and the shape of the circle, your brain perceives them to be a circle, even though the shape isn't complete. Your brain fills in the empty spaces because what it sees is familiar to a complete pattern.M: Oh, I get it. Our brains’ close is based in the circle --- closure, so is closure the same thing as GESTALT?W: Well, closure is part of GESTALT. It's one of the five principles that try to explain how the brain organizes the information it perceives.M: Hem, do you think that the other four principles would be on the test?W: Probably seems they are all in chapter five. We'd better go over all of them.M: Yeah, I'm sure you are right. But let's go and get something to eat before we do the rest, ok? Otherwise, I don't think my brain will be able to perceive anything.W: Sure, let's go.VESTIBULUM LORMEThe origin of farming of prehistoric timesW: I read the prehistoric people had settled in villages in start farming when they could no longer survive just by hunting and gathering. The idea was that they pushed out of the best land as the population grew, most likely they had noticed that some seeds sprout when they drop them, so when the people had to move to less productive area, they settled in permanent villages there and started planting seeds to keep from starving.M: That was the thinking until two years ago when archaeologists found evidence that goes against that theory. The new idea is that farming developed in the richest land areas and the people who started it weren’t been threaten by starvation. Apparently successful hunters and gatherers are living in villages long before they started cultivating crops, this villages just wanted to have more stable foods supply.W: What? You mean that people settled in the villages where they were still hunting and gathering wild food to eat? How did the archaeologists come to that conclusion?M: Well, one way was a new more accurate method that dating a small piece or something like grain of corn or wheat, you know earlier archeologists couldn’t date something that small so they have to date say the charcoal around it to get the estimated age.W: So with the new technique to determine the age of the tiny sample, they found out the grain was older than they had thought?M: No, just the opposite. They found out it was much younger, so that meant the mastication of grain probably occurred long after people had begun to live in the villages.1 2 3 45how to determine the date of settlementNow let we discuss the proper way to dig for the assign in an archaeological site, let's turn on our attention to the kinds of objects we might excavate there and what they could tell us about colonial life here on the east coast of North America. One thing we hope to learn when we study the buttons or the broken dishes or other artifacts that got from the site is just how long ago people were living there. So one of the most useful finds obviously would be a coin. But even a object doesn't have a year stamp right on it can still have the archaeologists to determine just when the site was being used. For instance one object from 1600 and 1700 you likely find is the clay pipe. Smoking was common then but not cigarettes. Tobacco was generally smoked in long thin pipes---clay pipes manufactured in England. These imported clay pipes were so cheap that even the poor could afford to use them and then just threw them away. That's why they were so common throughout the colonies and why we find so many broken and discard pipes in archaeological digs. But the style of the clay pipe, the shape of the bowl, the link of skin, the diameter of the hole all involved over the years. So we can assign seriously precise date to a pipe just by looking at it and comparing it to the similar pipe we already know the age of. And that information will tell us how long ago settlers were living in that site and can help us date the other artifacts found there. Let me pause here and ask you now what you think some of the other common objects might be and what we might be able to learn from them.1 2 coin 3 4 5native peopleBefore we continue you should understand an important concept. That is the notion of a culture area. A culture area is not a colony of artist but the geographic area inhabited by different people with similar cultures. A culture area is relatively consistent in term of land features. For instance, the land is completely mountains or flats and the climate. There are similarities in the kind of plants and animals and settlers. I take what I call a bottom-up approach to study of the culture. That does not mean that I go to those sites or people are digging for artifact but rather it means that I think of culture as something it grows out of the daily needs of people’s life, like finding food or protecting themselves against weather. The routines and social order the people create in order to deal with these things form the culture. So Inuit peoples lived in what’s now Alaska, people whose surrounding are cold and not fit for agriculture and who depend on fishing. You can image how their routines differ from Anasazi people who lived in warm desert region. So if that’s clear to everyone, we can continue. So moving on. Anthropologists feel that in what is now United States and Canada there are 9 culture areas. We will examine all of them in the next few weeks but for now let’s start with our own area.1 talk23 4W: Can you give me an idea about what I missed in sociology class on Tuesday?M: Oh, it was really interesting. First you under over material on how infants normally shift to become more interested in people than objects, you know, at first babies just like to look at things, only later do they start to interact with people, and then we talked about play as part as socialization of children.W: Play? You mean like games or make believe?M: Yeah. All different kinds of play, apparently it is important for children to experiment the different roles like pretending their parent instead of a child, also through the play they learned to adapt to the norms as the rules of their social groups.W: Which of the readings did the professor refer to?M: A lot of them come from Erik Eriksson’s work on psychological development, he said that for children, play isn’t just important replication the way as adults, when children play, they can deal with problems and they can learn then they can even like fear and frustration, if children aren’t successful in play, they may even have the emotional problems later in life. W: Is the class talking about any other research?M: Yeah, we talked about research on animals behavior and how young animals play, too. The professor said there is evident that play is biologically base, this means that animal actually had instincts that lead them to play to explore and learn about the environment.W: So it’s play that let animals and human get exposed to different experiences.M: Exactly. And it actually shot them all kinds of skills, thinking skills, as well as physical skills that they need to survive.W: I have to go now, but let’s talk about this more before the next class.1 how234 why5sociology courseM: I really like my sociology class. It’s a seminar on methods in sociology.W: That doesn’t sound terribly exciting.M: I thought so too at first. But we being reading different research studies we find outabout the conclusions, their finding and we also discuss the details of that how they do the study. Some of the reading has been fascinating.W: For an example?M: Well, we just read the study that was done in an elementary school. A school where a lot of students were failing. When the researchers went into the school, they thought they would find out how teachers low expectations contributed to students doing so poor in school.W: I think I’ve heard of that. Then when students don’t perform well in school it’s calledself-fulfilling something.M: Right self-fulfilling prophecy. But in this school, there was one first grade teacher they call her Ms. A who had very positive affect on student. The researchers talk to the students after they become adults and examine the students’ school records. Students who had been in Ms. A‘s class were much more like to do well in the school and they were more likely to be successful as adults than students who had been in the other first grade classes in that school. W: What was the teacher’s secret? Did the researchers ever find out?M: She just didn’t give up on anyone no matter how long it took to reach him. She also communicated to the students how important education is. The adults in the study all mention this when they were interviewed some 20 years later。

生物学动物分类•Mammal /'mæml/ n. 哺乳动物•Amphibian /æm'fɪbɪən/ n. 两栖动物•Reptile /'rɛptaɪl/ n. 爬行动物•Vertebrate /ˈvɜrtəbrɪt/ n.脊椎动物•Invertebrate /ɪn'vɝtɪbret/ n. 无脊椎动物•Crustacean /krʌ'steʃən/ n. 甲壳类动物•Homoiotherm /həu'mɔiəθə:m/ n. 恒温动物•Mollusk /ˈmɒləsk/ n. 软体动物•Herbivore /ɝbəˌvɔr/ n. 食草的动物•Carnivore /'kɑrnɪvɔr/ n. 食肉动物灵长类•Primate /'praɪmet/ n. 灵长类动物•Ape /eɪp/ n.猿•Chimpanzee /,tʃɪmpæn'zi/ n. 黑猩猩•Baboon /bæ'buːn/ n. 狒狒•Anthropoid /'ænθrəpɒɪd/ n. 类人猿海藻类•Octopus /'ɑktəpəs/ n. 章鱼•Squid /skwɪd/ n. 鱿鱼•Cuttlefish /'kʌtlfɪʃ/ n. 墨鱼•Sea cucumber /'kjʊ,kʌmbɚ/ n. 海参•Beaver /'bivɚ/ n. 海狸•Porpoise /'pɔrpəs/ n. 海豚•Seal /sil/ n. 海豹•Walrus /'wɔlrəs/ n.海象•Lobster /'lɑbstɚ/ n. 龙虾•Oyster /'ɔɪstɚ/ n. 牡蛎•Clam /klæm/ n. 蛤蜊as happy as clam: 非常开心,非常快活。


托福写作必备词组150为了帮助大家学习托福写作,提高分数,下面小编给大家带来托福写作必备词组150,希望大家喜欢!托福写作必备词组1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology4.面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenges5.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that…6.社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development7.引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others…13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned, / Personally,14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on…15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons16.双方的论点 argument on both sides17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…18.对…必不可少be indispensable to …19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:20.…也不例外…be no exception21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on…22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement托福写作必备词组26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation27. 开阔眼界widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden30.考虑到诸多因素take many factors into account/ consideration31. 从另一个角度 from another perspective32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts33. 对…有益be beneficial / conducive to…34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society35.打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for…36.综合素质 comprehensive quality37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach39.致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to…40. 应当承认 Admittedly,41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty42. 满足需求satisfy/ meet the needs of…43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology托福写作必备词组51.对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitudes towards this issue52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latter opinion53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way55. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice56. …必然趋势an irresistible trend of…57.日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly fierce social competition58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest59.长远利益. interest in the long run60.…有其自身的优缺点… has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages61.扬长避短Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones62.取其精髓,取其糟粕Take the essence and discard the dregs.63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas/ emotions/ information65.跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast witht he latest development of …66.采取有效措施来… take ef fective measures to do sth.67.…的健康发展the healthy development of …68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.No garden without weeds.69.对…观点因人而异Views on …vary from person to person.70.重视attach great importance to…71.社会地位 social status72.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…73.扩大知识面expand one’s scope of knowledge74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally75.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…托福写作必备词组76. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal77. 可以取代“think”的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.80.与…比较compared with…/ in comparison with81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary.82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress86.毫无疑问Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of89.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society91.更多地强调put more emphasis on…92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society93.实现梦想realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:95. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place97. 再次Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,99. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,100.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.托福写作必备词组1. 何谓“关联词”“关联词”是指一些能够指明句与句之间逻辑关系的词。
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第一、动物学adaptation适应adder小毒蛇alga (复数 algae)藻类alligator美洲鳄amphibian两栖动物amphibian两栖动物anatomy解剖学ancestry系谱,血统animal adaptation动物适应性animal cognition动物的认知能力animals communicate动物交往antenna触须(复数 antennae) anthropoid类人猿aquarium养鱼池aquatic水生的, 水栖的arachnid蜘蛛类的节肢动物armor甲artery动脉asymmetric不对称auk海雀baboon狒狒bacteria细菌balance生态平衡bat蝙蝠beak喙,鸟嘴beast兽beaver水獭biological vacuum生物演变真空期biologist生物学家bivalve双壳类blood cell血液细胞brant黑雁breed(名词)品种;(动物)繁殖buffalo美洲野牛burrow洞穴canary金丝雀carnivore食肉动物carnivorous食肉类的carrion crow吃腐肉的乌鸦caterpillar毛虫caviar鱼子酱centipede蜈蚣chameleon变色龙chemical composition化学成分chimpanzee黑猩猩chipmunk花栗鼠chirp唧唧喳喳叫cicada蝉circulatory system循环系统clam蛤蜊claw爪子cobra眼镜蛇cockroach蟑螂cocoon (蚕)茧;(昆虫的)卵袋coelenterate腔肠动物cold-blooded冷血cold-blooded animal冷血动物compound eye复眼coral珊瑚crab蟹crane鹤crayfish淡水小龙虾,蝲蛄cricket蟋蟀crocodile鳄鱼crow鸦Darwinism达尔文学说degeneration退化die out灭绝digestion消化digestive enzyme消化酶digestive system消化系统dinosaur恐龙diving潜水dolphin海豚domesticate驯养eagle鹰earthworm蚯蚓echolocation声波定位ecologist生态学家ecology生态学ecosystem生态系统eel鳗鲡eland大羚羊electric fish /发电鱼endangered species濒危物种Entomology昆虫学environment环境evolution进化excretory system排泄系统exposure暴露extinction灭绝falcon猎鹰fang毒牙fauna动物群feather羽毛,翎毛fertilize使…受精;施肥finch雀(如燕雀、金翅雀等) flock羊群fluffy茸毛似的food chain食物链form-changing animal变形动物fowl家禽frog青蛙fuzzy有茸毛的genetics 遗传学genus种类glue-like胶状golden eagle鹫gorilla大猩猩grasshopper蚂蚱greasy多脂的gregarious (social)群居的habitat栖息地hair毛发hatch孵化hawk鹰herbivore食草动物herbivorous食草的herd兽群heredity遗传hibernation冬眠hide兽皮hive蜂巢homotherm恒温动物hopper单足跳者;跳虫〔如跳蚤、干酪蛆等)hormonal system内分泌系统hormone荷尔蒙,激素horn角hornet大黄蜂hump驼峰ingestion 摄食insect昆虫insecticide杀虫剂invertebrate无脊椎动物jaw颚jellyfish水母larva幼虫;幼体(复数 lavae)lizard蜥蜴lobster龙虾mammal哺乳动物mandible下颚, 下颚骨mantis螳螂marine biology海洋生物学mate交配metamorphosis变形microbe微生物migrate迁移migratory迁移的molecule分子mollusk软体动物molt脱毛monogamous一雌一雄的;单配的moose驼鹿moth蛾子multiply繁殖mutation变种natural selection自然选择nerve神经nest筑巢 nestlenit幼虫,卵octopus章鱼offspring (young)后代omnivorous杂食的order目organ器官Ornithology鸟类学osprey鱼鹰ostrich鸵鸟otter水獭owl猫头鹰oyster牡蛎paleontologist古生物学家paleontology古生物学parasite寄生虫peck啄penguin企鹅perch(鸟)飞落;暂栖pest害虫pesticide杀虫剂plankton浮游生物poikilotherm冷血动物polyandrous一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的prairie dog草原土拨鼠,草原犬鼠prawn对虾predator食肉动物predatory食肉的prey被捕食的动物(动词捕食)primate 灵长类动物pupa蛹raccoon 浣熊rattlesnake响尾蛇raven大乌鸦regeneration再生reproduce繁殖reproductive system生殖系统reptile爬行动物respiration呼吸respiratory system呼吸系统rhinoceros犀牛robin知更鸟rodent啮齿动物ruminant反刍动物salamander蝾螈scale鳞片scorpion蝎子scuba水下呼吸器sea-urchin海胆secretion分泌;分泌物shell壳shrimp小虾skeleton骨骼,骷髅slothful懒惰的snail蜗牛solitary独居spawn卵;产卵species物种specimen标本speciology物种学spider蜘蛛spinal cord脊椎spine脊骨spineless无脊骨的spleen脾sponge海绵squid鱿鱼squirrel松鼠starfish海星sting针, 刺, 螫stork鹳stun使晕倒suborder亚目survival生存swarm蜂群symbiosis共生现象symbiotic共生的symmetry对称tadpole蝌蚪tentacle触须tissue组织toad蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆toe趾trap诱捕turtle海龟tyrannosaurus暴龙unfertilized eggs未受精的卵variation变异;变体venom毒液vertebrate脊椎动物vestige退化的器官victim牺牲者,受害者viper蝰蛇vitamin维生素vulture秃鹫warm-blooded animal温血动物wasp黄蜂whale鯨wild life野生wing翅膀worm虫Zoology动物学二、微生物学Amino acid氨基酸Antibody抗体Bacterium 细菌(单数形式)bacteria复数Biotical agency 生物媒介Calcium钙Carbohydrate碳水化合物Carbon dioxide二氧化碳Cell 细胞 blood cell血细胞Chromosome染色体Disinfection消毒infection感染Enzyme酵母Fatigue疲劳(组织器官对刺激失去反应能力)Fermentation发酵Fungus真菌(单)fungi(复)Gene 基因genetic基因的genetics基因学Genetic engineering遗传工程Glucose葡萄糖Immunology免疫学Incubation孵蛋Infection传染,感染Malaria疟疾,瘴气Microbe微生物(细菌)Microorganism微生物(微小的生物)Microscopic泾渭的Nucleus细胞核One-celled单细胞的Oxidation氧化Parasite animal寄生动物Parasitic disease由寄生虫引起的病害Parasitology寄生虫学Pathogen病菌,病原体Penicillin青霉素,盘尼西林Protozoa原生动物(为最原始、最简单、最低等的单细胞动物)Sanitation卫生schistosomiasis 血吸虫病Starch淀粉Sterilization灭菌Toxin毒素Vaccine疫苗Virus病毒Yeast酵母三、植物学Algae海藻alga复数Amber琥珀Angiosperm被子植物,又称绿色开花植物Annual一年生的Annual plant一年生植物Aquatic plant水生植物Aroma香气Bark树皮Bean豆类植物Blossom花Botanic植物的Botanical植物学的Botanist植物学家botany植物学bough大树枝branch树枝broadleaf阔叶树bud芽bunch束,串bush灌木cactus仙人掌chlorophyll 叶绿素column花柱corn玉米crossbreed杂交density密度desert plant沙漠植物dwell居住,栖息echinoderm 棘皮类植物elm榆树eucalyptus桉树evergreen常青树everlasting永久的fern蕨类植物field study野外实习flesh果肉flexible柔韧的,易曲的,灵活的foliage叶=leaffragrance香气fungus菌类germinate发芽herb草herbicide除草剂husk外壳jungle丛林kernel果仁larch落叶松laurel月桂树lawn草坪leaflet小叶liana藤蔓植物lichen地衣,苔藓malnutrition营养不良Marsh plant沼泽植物Meadow草地,牧场Metabolism新陈代谢Morphology形态学Moss苔藓Nectar花蜜Nitrogen氮Nourish施肥于,滋养Noxious有害的Nutrition营养Odor气味Parasitic plant寄生植物Peculiarity特性Peel果皮Perennial多年生的Perennial plant多年生植物Petal花瓣Photosynthesis光合作用Pine松树Pollen花粉Pollinate对。