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Symbolic communication in the form of language underlies our unique ability to reason —or the conventional wisdom holds so. A new study published in Science, though, suggests our capacity to reason logically may not actually depend on language, at least not fully. The findings show babies still too young to speak can reason and make reasonable deductions.


段落语篇结构:旧观点(conventional)--》新观点(new study, though) -->结论(show)


关键句:Science, though, suggests our capacity to reason logically may not actually depend on language, at least not fully.


这就和:58 C: language is not a requirement for some basic reasoning (语言并非是一些基础推理的必要条件)一致的,考生如果选了干扰项,说明根本没看到这句话。

The authors—a team from several European institutions—studied infants (婴儿) aged 12 and 19 months, when language learning and speech production has just begun but before complex mastery has been achieved. The children had to inspect distinct objects repeatedly—such as a dinosaur and a flower. The items were initially hidden behind a black wall. In one set of experiments the animation (动漫) would show a cup scooping (舀出) up the dinosaur. Half of the time, the barrier would then be removed to reveal, as expected, the remaining flower. In the rest of the instances, though, the wall would disappear and a second dinosaur would be there.



59. The researchers draw the conclusion from the fact that_______.


The children deduced in these latter occurrences that something was not quite right, even though they were unable to express in words what was wrong. Eye-tracking—a commonly used technique to judge mental abilities in preverbal (语前的) children and apes—showed infants stared significantly longer at scenes where the unexpected object appeared behind the barrier, suggesting they were confused by the reveal. “Our results indicate that the acquisition of logical vocabulary might not be the source of the most fundamental logical building blocks in the mind,”says lead study author NicolóCesana-Arlotti. A major component of human logic, he notes, relates to thinking about alternative possibilities and eliminating inconsistent ones: Does the dinosaur sit behind the barrier or does the flower? In a formal logic this is called a disjunctive syllogism (析取三段论): A or B; not if A, therefore B.


抓住第一句的主题句的deduced that...,后半句是关键句。意为:某些地方不是那么对,即使他们不能用语言表达具体错误。这个59.A the infants were aware of illogical outcomes意思一致。其它选项都是针对具体细节进行推测,over and over again, sensitive,
