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I no longer run for the mail the way I used to.I remember, before the e-mail age, the sense of heightened expectation as the hour of mail delivery approached, wondering what slim, handwritten treasures would appear in my box.I once received a letter from a long-lost friend and was filled with such joy that I ran the mail carrier down and shook his hand, as if he had done a heroic deed in conveying the letter to me.

Once a day.Six days a week.That was the rhythm.Through snow, rain, heat, and darkness of night.I first learned to love the mail as a young boy.The first thing I ever received that was personally addressed to me was from my friend Duane.We had been the fastest of 9-year-old friends.Then he moved away, to Massachusetts.The parting was difficult, but boys didn't cry.

Within the week, however, there was a letter in my mailbox.It was from Duane, and it read, “I'm OK, but I miss you.” That first conveyance to me of a wr itten word from a great distance had all the import of the first Morse code message:“What hath God wrought.” It was at that moment that I became a letter writer, quickly discovering that the more letters I wrote, the more I received.

I wrote letters through elementary school, high school, college, and beyond.It got to the point where I could comfortably expect to receive a letter a day.The daily mail delivery was, for me, like a beacon (灯塔) at sea—something toward which my thoughts began to move upon waking.What quickened my blood,of course, was the element of surprise: From whom would the letter be today? And what would the news be?And then,seemingly in the blink of an eye, the earth shifted.E-mail had arrived.Despite being attracted by the new technology, I promised myself that I would never stop writing letters by hand.However, I had no control over the tendency of others, and slowly, coldly, and then with quickened pace, the letters disappeared from my mailbox, having been replaced with electronic “messages” (a totally differe nt beast—in contrast to letters, all e-mails look alike).

And so, like a shipwrecked man filling notes into bottles, tossing them into the waves, and hoping for the best, I continue to write longhand, licking envelopes, sticking stamps, and handing my outgoing mail to the carrier who regards me with a curious eye, as if he is looking at the last member of a species which is dying

out.But he must share the pathos(伤感力), for the moment he takes my letter he says, “Thanks for your business.”

Yes, it's clear that he feels sorry for me, a man continually spitting into the wind and not learning any lessons from it.But I feel bad for him as well, walk hard through the snow, only rarely bringing me a letter from a friend, and more likely delivering advertising mails or something useless.

But it gets sadder than this.Some months ago, while thinking about but not expecting the mail, I noticed the lateness of the hour and my still-empty mailbox.By 6 that evening there was still no sign of the carrier.The next morning I c alled the post office.“Oh,” the cheerful voice intoned.“It got dark, so the carrier went home.”

So much for the darkness of night.

“He'll bring your mail this afternoon,” the voice concluded.

That wasn't true.When the carrier finally did make his way down my street, I signaled to him, but he shrugged kindly and said, “Nothing for you today.”

I think that, at some level, I already knew that.


1.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the author?

A.When his friend Duane left, they cried for parting.

B.He would not write letters again because there are no carriers nowadays.

C.He once loved to write letters and even wished to receive a letter a day.

D.He was tired of the new technology.

答案C[考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“I wrote letters through elementary school,high school, college, and beyond. It got to the point where I could comfortably expect to receive a letter a day”可知选C。]

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The author was the last one to write letters.
