















































《玩具总动员3》Toy story 3 影视剧本讲解

《玩具总动员3》Toy story 3 影视剧本讲解

《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解1影视对白:Bart:Money, money,money.Hey!Woody:You got a date with justice,one-eyed Bart.Bart: Too bad, Sheriff. I'm a married man.Woody: One-eyed Betty!Jessie:I think you dropped something,mister.Bart: Jessie?Woody:Give it up. Bart! You've reached the end of the line!Bart: I always wanted to go out with a bang!Jessie: Oh, no!Woody:The orphans!Bart: Hate to l eave early. But our ride is here. It's me or the kinddies. Sheriff, take your pick.Jessie: Ride like the wind, Bullseys!Woody: Hold him steady!Jessie: Woody, hurry!Jessie: No!Buzz: Glad I could catch the train!Woody: Now let's catch some criminals.Buzz:To infinity and beyond!Woody: Reach for the sky.Bart: You cna't touch me, sheriff? I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.Woody: Well,I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.Buzz: Evil Dr. Pork Chop!Dr. Port: That's Mr. Evil Dr. Pork Chop to you.现学现用:1. Too bad. 口语化非常强的词汇。



《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解1影视对白:Bart:Money, money,money.Hey!Woody:You got a date with justice,one-eyed Bart.Bart: Too bad, Sheriff. I'm a married man.Woody: One-eyed Betty!Jessie:I think you dropped something,mister.Bart: Jessie?Woody:Give it up. Bart! You've reached the end of the line!Bart: I always wanted to go out with a bang!Jessie: Oh, no!Woody:The orphans!Bart: Hate to l eave early. But our ride is here. It's me or the kinddies. Sheriff, take your pick. Jessie: Ride like the wind, Bullseys!Woody: Hold him steady!Jessie: Woody, hurry!Jessie: No!Buzz: Glad I could catch the train!Woody: Now let's catch some criminals.Buzz:To infinity and beyond!Woody: Reach for the sky.Bart: You cna't touch me, sheriff? I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.Woody: Well,I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.Buzz: Evil Dr. Pork Chop!Dr. Port: That's Mr. Evil Dr. Pork Chop to you.现学现用:1. Too bad. 口语化非常强的词汇。



All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move!Now, empty that safe!Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato! Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over! Help! Baa! Help us!Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!Reach for the sky!Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.Doh! How'd you know it was me?Are you gonna come quietly?You can't touch me, Sheriff!I brought my attack dog with the built-in force fieldWell, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.-Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe!You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots.You saved the day again, Woody.You're my favorite deputy.# You've got a friend in me ## You've got a friend in me #Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle.# When the road looks rough ahead ## And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed # -Round 'em up, cowboy! -# Just remember what your old pal said ## Boy, you've got a friend in me #-Yee-haw! -# Yeah, you've got a friend in me # Hey, cowboy!# Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am #-# Big and stronger too #-Come on, Woody. -# Maybe ## But none of them will ever love you the way I do #-# It's me and you, boy #-# And as the years go by # -Whoa!-Whoa! -# Our friendship will never die #-Whoo! -# You're gonna see #-# It's our destiny #-# You've got a friend in me # -All right!-# Yeah, you've got a friend in me # -Score!-# You got a friend in me # -Wow! Cool!-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store!I asked you for it!-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...-One, two. Four.Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!-We can leave it up. Now go get Molly. -Yeah!-Your friends are gonna be here any minute. -Okay. It's party time, Woody.-Yee...haw!Howdy, little lady.Somebody's poisoned the water hole.-Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.-See you later, Woody.Pull my string! The birthday party's today? Okay, everybody, coast is clear!-Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.-Hey, Hamm.-Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.-No. S-Slink.-Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?Shh, shh, shh!-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.Hey. Hey, Etch. Draw!-Oh! Got me again.Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.Now, where is that... Oh.Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.I was close to being scared that time.I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.I think I'm just coming off as annoying.Owl Oh, hi, Bo. Hi.I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.Oh, hey, it was, uh, nothin'.What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?Oh, yeah!Remember, I'm just a couple of blocks away. -Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! -Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front.Hey, Woody, come on.-Ahem!-Oh, thanks, Mike.-Okay. Whoa, whoa. Step back.-For crying out loud. -Thank you.-Hello? Check. That better? Great. Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great.Okay. First item today:Uh... oh, yeah. Has everyone picked a moving buddy?-What? -Moving buddy? You can't be serious.I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.-Do we have to hold hands?You guys think this is a big joke.We've only got one week left before the move.I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy.If you don't have one, get one!All right, next. Uh, oh, yes.Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting...was, I think, a big success.And we wanna thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us.-Thank you, Mr. Spell. -You're welcome.Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here. Andy's birthday party has been moved to today.-Wait a minute here!What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not till next week!What's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?Well, obviously she wanted to have the party before the move.-I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.-Of course Woody ain't worried.He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten. Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me.Woody has never steered us wrong before. Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one?I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!Hey, listen, no one's getting replaced.This is Andy we're talking about.It doesn't matter how much we're played with.What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us.That's what we're made for, right?Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but... they're here!Birthday guests at three o'clock!-Stay calm, everyone!Hey!-Uh, meeting adjourned.Ho, boy! Will you take a look at all those presents?I can't see a thing.Yes, sir, we're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.-Any dinosaur-shaped ones?-Oh, for crying out loud. They're all in boxes, you idiot.They're getting bigger.-Wait, there's a nice little one over there. -Hi! -Spell: trash can. -We're doomed!All right! All right!If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?-Yes! Yes! We promise! -Okay! Save your batteries.Very good, Woody. That's using the old noodle.Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red!-You know what to do. -Yes, sir!All right, men. You heard him. Code Red! Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute!Let's move! Move, move, move, move!-Yeah!-Okay, come on, kids.Everyone in the living room. It's almost time for the presents.All right, gangway, gangway.And this is how we find out...what is in those presents.Okay, who's hungry?Here come the chips!I've got Cool Ranch and barbecue! Ow! What in the world... Oh!-I thought I told him to pick these up. Shouldn't they be there by now? What's taking them so long?Hey, these guys are professionals. They're the best.Come on! They're not lying down on the job. G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go! A good soldier never leaves a man behind.-Okay, everybody, come on.Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody. You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there.-Good. And.. Which present are you gonna open first?-Mine! -There they are.Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.-This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet, quiet! -Come in, Mother Bird.Andy's opening the first present now.Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!Hey, I can dream, can't I?The bow's coming off. He's ripping the wrapping paper.It's a.. It's.. It's a.. a lunch box.-We've got a lunch box here. -A lunch box?-Lunch box? -For lunch.Okay, second present. It appears to be...-Okay, it's bed sheets. -Who invited that kid? Oh! Only one left.-Okay, we're on the last present now. -Last present!It's a big one. It's a...-It's a board game! Repeat, Battleship! -Whew!-Hallelujah!-Yeah! All right! -Hey, watch it!Sorry there, old spud head.Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We're goin' home.So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin' to worry about.I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted ya for a second.Wait a minute. Oh!-What do we have here? -Wait! Turn that thing back on!Come in, Mother Bird! Come in, Mother Bird! Mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet.Andy's opening it. He's really excited about this one.-Mom, what is it? -It's a huge package.Oh, get outta the... One of the kids is in the way. I can't see.-It's a... -Wow!-It's a what? What is it?-Oh, no! -Oh, ya big lizard!-Now we'll never know what it is! -Way to go, Rex!-No, no! Turn him around! Turn him around! -He's puttin' 'em in backwa-Here, you're puttin' 'em in backwards!Plus is positive, minus is negative! Oh, let me! -Let's go to my room, guys!Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs! -There! -Juvenile intrusion!Repeat, resume your positions now! Andy's coming! Everybody, back to your places! Hurry!Get to your places! Get to your places!-Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?Out of my way! Here I come! Here I come! Hey, look, its lasers light up. Take that, Zurg! Quick, make a space. This is where the spaceship lands.And he does it like that. And he does a karate chop action!Come on down, guys! It's time for games!-What is it? -Can you see it?-What the heck is up there? -Woody, who's up there with ya?-Woody?-What are you doing under the bed? -Uh, nothin'. Uh, nothin'.I'm sure Andy was just a little excited, that's all.Too much cake and ice cream, I suppose. It's just a mistake!Well, that mistake is sitting in your spot, Woody.Have you been replaced? -What did I tell you earlier?No one is getting replacedNow, let's all be polite and give whatever it is up there...a nice, big Andy's-room welcome.-Buzz Lightyear to Star Command.Come in, Star Command.-Star Command, come in. Do you read me?Why don't they answer? My ship!Blast! This'll take weeks to repair.Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2. My ship has run off course en route to sector 12.I've crash-landed on a strange planet.The impact must've awoken me from hypersleep.Terrain seems a bit unstable.No readout yet if the air is breathable.And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.-Hello!Whoa! H-Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!-Did I frighten you? Didn't mean to.-Sorry. Howdy. My name is Woody.And this is Andy's room.That's all I wanted to say.And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up. This is my spot, see, the bed here.Local law enforcement. It's about time you got here.I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit.My ship has crash-landed here by mistake. Yes, it is a mistake because, you see, the bed here is my spot.I need to repair my turbo boosters.Do you people still use fossil fuel, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?-Well, let's see. We got double-A's.Watch yourself! Halt! Who goes there?Don't shoot! It's okay. Friends.-Do you know these life-forms? -Yes! They're Andy's toys.All right, everyone, you're clear to come up.I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!Bye, bye. Thank you!Now, thank you all for your kind welcome!-Say, what's that button do? -I'll show you. Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! -Oh!Hey, Woody's got something like that. His is a pull string.-Only it's... -Only it sounds like a car ran over it.Oh, yeah, but not like this. This is a quality sound system.Probably all copper wiring, huh?So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong?Well, no. Actually, I-I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four.As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps,I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion...from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance.Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really fromMattel.I'm actually from a smaller companythat was purchased in a leveraged buyout. You'd think they'd never seen a new toy before.Well, sure. Look at him.He's got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army knife.-Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful.You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off.Hey, a laser! How come you don't have a laser, Woody?It's not a laser! It's a.. It's a little light bulb that blinks.-What's with him? -Laser envy.All right, that's enough!-Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy. -Toy?T-O-Y. Toy!Excuse me, l-l think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger."The word I'm searching for I can't say because there's preschool toys present. Gettin' kinda tense, aren't ya?Uh, Mr. Lightyear, uh, now, I'm curious.What does a Space Ranger actually do?He's not a Space Ranger!-He doesn't fight evil or, or shoot lasers or fly! -Excuse me. -Ooh! -Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good! Oh, what? What? These are plastic. He can't fly!They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly.-No, you can't. -Yes, lean.-You can't. -Can.-Can't. Can't. Can't!-I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!-Okay, then, Mr. Light Beer, prove it. -All right, then, I will.Stand back, everyone!To infinity and beyond!-Can! -Whoa!-Oh, wow, you flew magnificently!-I found my movin' buddy. -Thank you. Th-Thank you all. Thank you.That wasn't flying! That was... falling with style.Man, the dolls must really go for you. Can you teach me that?Golly bob howdy! -Oh, shut up!You know, in a couple of days,everything will be just the way it was. They'll see.-They'll see.I'm still Andy's favorite toy.# I was on top of the world livin' high #-Whoa! -# It was right in my pocket ## I was livin' the life ## Things were just the way they should be ## When from out of the sky like a bomb ## Comes some little punk in a rocket ## Now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to mBuzz Lightyear to the rescue!# Strange ## Things are happening to me ## Strange ## Things #-# Strange # -Ha!-# Things are happening to me ## Ain't no doubt about it ## I had friends I had lots of friends ## Now all my friends are gone ## And I'm doin' the best I can #-# I had power # -# Power #-# I was respected # -# Respected ## But not anymore ## And I've lost the love of the one ## Whom I adore ## Let me tell you 'bout it Strange #-# Things are happenin' to me ## Strange ## Things ## Strange ## Things are happen in'# Ain't no doubt about it # # Strange ## Things ## Strange #-# Things #Finally!Hey, who's got my hat?Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!Ah-ha! Ah-ha, ha, ha! Gimme that!Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog, let me show you something.It looks as though I've been accepted into your culture.-Your chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me. -Wow!With permanent ink too!Well, I must get back to repairing my ship. Don't let it get to you, Woody.Uh... let what? I don't, uh- What do you mean? Who?I know Andy's excited about Buzz.But you know he'll always have a special place for you.-Yeah, like the attic. -All right, that's it!-Hmm. Unidirectional bonding strip.Mr. Lightyear wants more tape.Hmm?Listen, Light Snack, you stay away from Andy. He's mine, and no one is taking him away from me.-What are you talking about? Where's thatbonding strip?And another thing: Stop with this spaceman thing!-It's getting on my nerves!-Are you saying you wanna lodge a complaint with Star Command?Oh-ho, okay! Ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?-Don't even think about it, cowboy. -Oh, yeah, tough guy?The air isn't...toxic.How dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet!My eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets!You actually think you're the Buzz Lightyear? Oh, all this time I thought it was an act! Hey, guys, look! It's the real Buzz Lightyear! You're mocking me, aren't you?Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Buzz, look, an alien!-Where?Yes!-Whoa! -Uh-oh.-It's Sid! -Don't move!-I thought he was at summer camp.-They must've kicked him out early this year. -Oh, no, not Sid!-Incoming!-Who is it this time? -I...I can't...I can't tell. Hey, where's Lenny?-Right here, Woody. -Oh, no, I can't bear to watch one of these again.Oh, no, it's a Combat Carl.-What's going on?-Nothing that concerns you spacemen; just us toys.I'd better take a look anyway.-Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?That's why: Sid.-Hmm, sure is a hairy fellow.No, no, that's Scud, you idiot.-That is Sid.-You mean that happy child? -That ain't no happy child.He tortures toys, just for fun!Well, then we've got to do something.What are you doing? Get down from there!-I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson. -Yeah, sure. You go ahead.-Melt him with your scary laser.Be careful with that! It's extremely dangerous. He's lighting it! He's lighting it! Hit the dirt!-Lookout!-Yes! He's gone! He's history!-Whoo! -I could've stopped him.Buzz, I would love to see you try.Of course, I'd love to see you as a crater.-The sooner we move, the better.Yeah!To infinity and beyond!All this packing makes me hungry.-What would you say to dinner at, oh, Pizza Planet?-Pizza Planet? Oh, cool!Go wash your hands, and I'll get Molly ready. -Can I bring some toys? -You can bring one toy.-Just one? -One toy?-Hmm.-Will Andy pick me?"Don't count on it"?Mmm!Buzz! Oh, Buzz! Buzz Lightyear.Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness. We've got trouble!-Trouble? Where? -Down there. Just down there.A helpless toy, it's.. it's trapped, Buzz!Then we've no time to lose.-I don't see anything! -Oh, he's there! Just, just keep looking!-What kind of toy...Oh! Whoa, whoa! Oh!-Buzz!Buzz!I don't see him in the driveway.-I think he bounced into Sid's yard! -Oh! Buzz! Hey, everyone, R.C.'s trying to say something. What is it, boy?-He's saying that this was no accident. -What do you mean?-I mean Humpty-Dumpty was pushed... by Woody! -No!-What? -Wait a minute.You...You don't think I meant to knock Buzz out the window,do you? Potato Head?-That's Mr. Potato Head to you, you back-stabbing murderer!Now, it was an accident, guys. Come on. Now, you, you gotta believe me.We believe ya, Woody. Right, Rex?Well, yea.. N.. I don't like confrontations! Where is your honor, dirt bag? You are an absolute disgrace!You don't deserve to.. Hey!You couldn't handle Buzz cutting in on your playtime, could you, Woody?Didn't wanna face the fact that Buzz just might be Andy's new favorite toy.So you got rid of him. Well, what if Andy starts playing with me more, WoodyYou gonna knock me outta the window too? -I don't think we should give him the chance. -There he is, men.-Frag him! -Let's string him up by his pull string!-I got dibs on his hat! -Would you boys stop it! -Tackle him! -No, no, no! W-W-Wait! I can explain everything!Okay, Mom, be right down. I've gotta get Buzz.Retreat!Mom, do you know where Buzz is?-No, I haven't seen him. -Psst!Andy, I'm heading out the door!-But, Mom, I can't find him!-Honey, just grab some other toy. Now, come on!Oh, okay.I couldn't find my Buzz, know I left him right there.Honey, I'm sure he's around You'll find him.It's too short! We need more monkeys! There aren't any more! That's the whole barrel!Buzz, the monkeys aren't working!We're formulating another plan! Stay calm! Oh, where could he be?-Can I help pump the gas? -Sure! I'll even let you drive.-Yeah? -Yeah, when you're 16.-Yuk, yuk, yuk! Funny, Mom.Aw, great. How am I gonna convince those guys it was an accident?Buzz!Buzz! Ha! You're alive!This is great! Oh, I'm saved! I'm saved.Andy'll find you here; he'll take us back to the room; and then you can tell everyone thatthis was all just a big mistake.Huh? Right? Buddy?I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me,revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.-Oh. Well, that's good. -But we're not on my planet, are we?-No.Okay, come on!You want a piece of me?-Owww! -Buzz, Buzz, Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.-Aah-ouch! -Next stop.-Pizza Planet! Yeah!-Andy!Wh... Doesn't he realize that I'm not there?I'm lost!Oh, I'm a lost toy!Buzz Lightyear mission log.The local sheriff and I seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort.-You!-According to my nava-computer, the- -Shut up!-Just shut up, you idiot!-Sheriff, this is no time to panic.This is the perfect time to panic. I'm lost. Andy is gone.They're gonna move from their house in two days, and it's all your fault!My... My fault?If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...Oh, yeah? Well, if you...hadn't shown up in your stupid little cardboard spaceshipand taken away everything...that was important to me.. -Don't talk to me about importance!Because of you the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy!What? What are you talkin' about?Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg...has been secretly building a weapon...with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet!I alone have information that reveals this weapon's only weakness.And you, my friend, are responsible...for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!You... are... a... toy!You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're a.. You're an action figure! You are a child's plaything!You are a sad, strange little man; and you have my pity.-Farewell. -Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!-"Rendezvous with Star Command." -I Driver. Hey, gas dude! -You talkin' to me?-Yeah, man. Can you help me? -Pizza Planet? Andy!-Do you know where Cutting Boulevard is? -Oh. no!I can't show my face in that room without Buzz.-Buzz! Buzz, come back! -Go away!No! Buzz, you gotta come back! I...-I found a spaceship!It's a spaceship, Buzz!Come on, man, hurry up! Urn, like, the pizzas are getting cold here!Uh, Cutting Boulevard, huh? -Yeah, yeah. Which way?Now, you're sure this space freighter will return to its port of origin...once it jettisons its food supply? -Uh-huh. And when we get there, we'll be able to find a way to transport you home.-Well, then, let's climb aboard. -No, no, no, wait, Buzz! Buzz!-Let's get in the back. No one will see us there. -Negative.There are no restraining harnesses in the cargo area.-We'll be much safer in the cockpit. -Yeah, bu.. -Buzz! Buzz! That's two lefts and a right, huh? -Thanks for the directions, okay? -Yeah. And remember, kid..-Buzz!It's safer in the cockpit than the cargo bay. What an idiot.Next shuttle liftoff is scheduled for...T-minus 30 seconds and counting.You are clear to enter.Welcome to Pizza Planet.The white zone is for immediate pizza..-Sheriff!There you are.Now, the entrance is heavily guarded. We need a way to get inside.-Great idea, Woody.I like your thinkin'.You are clear to enter.-Welcome to Pizza Planet. -Now!Quickly, Sheriff! The air lock is closing. Jones, party of five, your shuttle is now boarding..Hey, Mom, can we have some tokens?Ow! Watch where you're going!Sorry.... nine, eight, seven, six,five, four, three,What a spaceport! Good work, Woody. Mom, can I play Black Hole? Please, please, please?-Andy! -Now, we need to find a ship that's headed for Sector 12.Wait a minute. No, no, no, Buzz! This way.-There's a special ship. I just saw it. -You mean it has hyperdrive?Hyperactive hyperdrive. -And Astro, uh, turf!-Where is it? I-I don't see the- -Come on. That's it.Spaceship!All right, Buzz, get ready. And..-And the universe explodes!-Okay, Buzz, when I say go, we're gonna jump in the basket.Buzz!-No! Hey, Mom, if I eat all my pizza,can I have some alien slime? -This cannot be happening to me.-A stranger. -From the outside.-Ooh! -Greetings. I am Buzz Lightyear.-I come in peace.Before your space journey, re-energize yourself...with a slice of pepperoni, now boarding at counter three.This is an intergalactic emergency.I need to commandeer your vessel to Sector12.Who's in charge here?The claw!-The claw is our master. -The claw chooses who will go and who will stay.-This is ludicrous. -Hey, bozo, you got a brain in there?-Take that!Oh, no! Sid!-Get down!-What's gotten into you? I wa..-You are the one that decided to climb into this...Shh! The claw, it moves.have been chosen!Farewell, my friends. I go on to a better place. Gotcha!A Buzz Lightyear? No way!-Yes!Buzz! No!-Hey!-He has been chosen!-He must go. -Hey!-What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it, you zealots!-Do not fight the claw.All right! Double prizes!Let's go home and... play.Sheriff, I can see your dwelling from here.-You're almost home. -Nirvana is coming. The mystic portal awaits.Will you be quiet? You guys don't get it, do you?Once we go into Sid's house, we won't be coming out.-Whoa, Scud! Hey, boy!-Sit! Good boy.-Hey, I got something for you, boy. -Freeze! -Ready, set, now!Hannah! Hey, Hannah!-What? -Did I get my package in the mail?-I don't know. -What do you mean you don't know?-I don't know!-Oh, no, Hannah! Look, Janie! -What? Hey!-She's sick! -No, she's not!-I'll have to perform one of my operations. -No!-No, not Sid's room. Not there. -Hey, give it back!Bid! Bid!-Oh, no, we have a sick patient here, Nurse. -Prepare the O. R., stat!Patient is... prepped.No one's ever attempted a double bypass... brain transplant before.Now for the tricky part. Pliers!I don't believe that man's ever been to medical school.Doctor, you've done it!Hannah!-Janie's all better now.Whatever she says, it's not true!We are gonna die. I'm outta here! Locked.-There's gotta be another way outta here. Uh, Buzz? W-Was that you?。



影视分析|《玩具总动员3》叙事模式分析叙事主题《玩具总动员3》距离上一部已经超过10年, 这样的时间跨度使通过第一部爱上伍迪和巴斯光年的观众都已成年。

所以皮克斯索性让安迪长大, 面临去大学带玩具的选择。

可以说该影片前一个小时是款待新朋友, 后半小时是回馈老朋友的。

剧情发展前一个多小时高潮迭起, 依旧看得到前两部的影子:胡迪与众玩具的矛盾激发到解决, 然后同心协力一致达成目的。

但后半个小时的出现, 让本片的主题, 上升到了一个更高的层次。

会长大的安迪, 会被抛弃的玩具, 一切都是会变的。

而时间不只是带给玩具们被冷落的命运, 更带走了太多我们儿时的情怀, 很容易让观众产生代入感的, 整部影片在轻松谐趣的气氛下却始终渗透出一种淡淡的哀伤。

“情”节的动人让一部影片丰富, 而“情”感的动人让一部影片饱满。

《玩具总动员3》都做到了, 这部以“情”动人的动画片从内容到情感都无可挑剔的。

角色设置与人物塑造《玩具总动员3》在角色文本设计上基本遵循迪斯尼的一贯做法:角色分组, 组组对应, 单个魅力, 集体行动。

在创作角色时, 角色并不单独出现在剧情中, 而是以群组的形式。

虽然角色对于观众的影响是单独的, 但对于故事、情节的推进都是以群组的方式, 如第一组胡迪、巴斯光年、翠丝、弹簧狗、芭比、红心等, 此组人物是全篇的主要团队, 故事的主要线索都在这个团队中。

第二组抱抱熊、大宝宝、肯尼、八爪鱼等, 此组主要负面角色, 大多为被捐赠或抛弃的玩具, 住在蝴蝶屋被抱抱熊统治者为主线服务。

第三组安迪、安迪妈妈、Molly、巴斯特, 此组作为交代故事起源发展的角色, 为主线服务。

第四组Bonnie、小奶油、刺猬先生、特蕾茜、布娃娃、豆豆、小丑, 此组所以作为阳光幼儿园的反面, 小女孩Bonnie一家充满了温馨。

是完美大结局不可缺少的一个角色, 为主线服务。

第五组Daisy, 抱抱熊、小丑、大娃娃的原主人, 对负面人物的交代, 为主线服务。



文苑雅香 >>12从翻译美学角度探究电影字幕互译技巧——以《哪吒》和《玩具总动员》为例金 晶 郑百慧武汉轻工大学外国语学院摘要:在翻译美学的视角下,通过对《哪吒》和《玩具总动员4》英译对比分析得出,二者作为优秀动画的输出,在字幕翻译上有一定的可取的之处,但是由于两部电影所处的文化背景不同,在翻译表达上有着一定的差别。

































《马达加斯加3》电影中英文字幕,看字幕学英语Lion Alex: OK. Wind her up, boys! It's Monte Carlo or bust.Penguin 1:Struts.Penguin 2:Check.Penguin 1:Flaps.Penguin 2:Check.Penguin 1: Diamonds and gold.Penguin 2: Check.Penguin 1:We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple weeks.Lion zebra giraffe hippo: Bye!Penguin 1- Or whenever the gold runs out.Lion zebra giraffe hippo - Buh-bye!- Good-bye.Lion Alex: All right! We'll be waiting for you!Penguin 1:Just kidding! We're never coming back!Lion Alex: Sorry! What was that?Penguin : Initiate warp drive.Lion Alex: Did they just say they were never coming back?Guys?Marty?Zebra Marty: Oh, goody, you're here ! Why don't you just chew on this? I'm hungry. Giraffe Melman :I'm just messing with you. I lost all feeling in this thing years ago. Lion Alex: Melman? Why do you look like that?Hippo Gloria: Look who's talking.Lion Alex: Gloria? Why are you guys so... elderly?Hippo Gloria: Now, when was the last time you looked in the mirror?Lion Alex: What? No!Zebra Marty: Wake up! Wake up, Ally-Al!Wake up!Lion Alex: Marty! Marty, it was horrible.Zebra Marty: That same nightmare again, huh?Lion Alex: We were stuck here in Africa, and we were all super-old and wrinkly... Well, I aged well, but the rest of you looked terrible!Zebra Marty: Relax, Alex. 'Cause I got a surprise for you!Lion Alex: Is it the penguins? Have they come to take us home?Zebra Marty: Nope. But it's the next best thing.Lion Alex: Another day bites the dust.Zebra Marty: Come on, now! Watch it. Watch yourself. Small divots!Sorry, little incline there. Back up this hill. A low-hanging branch, then just over this bluff and voil?Happy birthday, pal!Lion Alex: Whoa. Wow! New York City.Hippo Gloria: Surprise!Lion Alex: Gloria! You're the Statue of Liberty!Hippo Gloria: Bring me your huddled masses, baby!Lion Alex: And, Melman, you're the Brooklyn Bridge!Giraffe Melman: Actually, I'm the Triboro Bridge.Lion Alex: Wow! You guys made this?Zebra Marty: Yeah. From memory! From crazy, obsessive memory.Lion Alex: Hey! Fifth Avenue... with no traffic! There's Times Square, with its modern-day corporate lack of character. Nine Duane Reades on the same street!And the zoo. Wow, our home. Look! There's a little me. And little all of us-es! People: Alex! Alex! Alex!Lion Alex: Oh, no! You guys. You've both made and ruined my day.Hippo Gloria: Make a wish, sweetheart.Little animal 1: Your wish has come true!2: Oh, yay!My tummy is speaking to me!1: Oh, gross!2: I wouldn't eat that side of the cake if I were you.Hippo Gloria: Alex, what was your wish?Lion Alex: I wished we could go home. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love this. But it's not the real thing.Zebra Marty: That's because it's a mud model, Alex.It's not actually New York.I hope that was clear.Lion Alex: What are we doing? Here we are relying on the penguins to come back for us. But... we should just go to Monte Carlo and get them.Giraffe Melman: How do a lion, a zebra, a giraffe and a hippo walk into a casino in Monte Carlo?Zebra Marty: I don't know. Ask the rabbi!Giraffe Melman: Hey, I'm serious.Lion Alex:Come on! We can do it! We can do anything! It's us!Zebra Marty: We're us!Lion Alex:Yeah, that's right. We've gone halfway around the world! Compared with that, Monte Carlo's just a hop, skip and a swim away!Together: Yeah.Lion Alex: To home.Zebra: Home!Giraffe: Home.Hippo: Home.1: Cheeseburger.Lion Alex: Tell you what, bet those penguins will be glad to see us.Zebra Marty: Yeah, they're probably bored out of their minds!Penguin 1:You pillow fight like a bunch of little girls!Chimichanga! These pillows are filled with baby birds!Lion Alex: What?Giraffe Melman: There it is. The casino!Lion Alex: @#$%&%$#@Zebra Marty: What?Lion Alex: I said, "Perfect. That's where we'll find the penguins."Zebra Marty: $#@%^$$##@Hippo Gloria: What?Lion Alex: Sh. Come on, guys. Operation Penguin Extraction does not include levity. We can't draw attention to ourselves. We're invisible! I'm talking really, really quiet. Animal 1: Everybody dance now! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!Everybody dance now! Yeah!Lion Alex: OK. Phase One: We break into the casino, grab the penguins, and get them to take us back to New York in the Monkey-Powered Super Plane!Zebra Marty: Check.Lion Alex: Phase Two: We chew out the penguins for abandoning us in Africa. Zebra Marty: Check.Lion Alex: Phase Three: We apologize to the penguins for overly harsh chewing outing, but we've gotten our point across.Lion Alex: Phase Four: Back to New York City.Giraffe Melman:Yes!Hippo Gloria: I like it!Lion Alex: All right, we take these ventilation ducts to the crawlspace above the casino where we find the penguins. I just need to figure out which duct each of us should take.Music:Back with the bassThe jam is live in effectand I don't waste timeOn the mic with a dope rhymeJump to the rhythmJump, jump to the rhythm, jump...Zebra Marty: Oh, no! Take cover!Giraffe Melman: ok ok I got you. I got you honey.Lion Alex:now, they’re not gonna let animals on to th e casino floor, so expect some kind of disguise.Zebra Marty: Oh, look at that! That is one ugly mug-ugly lady! That is roach-killing uglyLion Alex: that’s not a lady. That’s the King of Versailles. And that’s not the King of Versailles. That’s the chimps. And the chimps are like smoke. And where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And by fire, I mean the penguins!Penguin 1:I say we let it ride. Then we’ll pick up the hippies and fly back to New York in style.Penguin 2: can we buy an Airbus A-380?Penguin 1: solid gold, baby.Penguin 2: sir! A solid gold plane wouldn’t be able to fly.Penguin 1:Kwalski, we’ll be rich! The rules of physics don’t apply to us. Let it ride.Penguin 2: right-o!Lion Alex: OK. In exactly 2minutes and 17 seconds, the lemurs will cut the power. Animal 1: now?Animal 2: noAnimal 1: OK?Animal 2: no.Animal 1: now?Animal 2: noLion Alex: I drop down, grab the penguins. You crank me up, and we are out of here. Zebra Marty: oh oh oh. Let me drop down! I’ll grab the penguins!Lion Alex: y ou don’t have figures, Marty.Animal 1: now? do it?Animal 2: no. no!Lion Alex: these are things a leader has to think of.Zebra Marty: Why should you be the leader? Why not me?Lion Alex:cause I’m the phase tracker!Animal 1: the king is letting it ride.Zebra Marty: How did I get phased out?Lion Alex: You are part of a phase. A phase isn’t something you own, it’s something you’re in.Penguin 1:that’s it.Zebra Marty: Who voted you Grand Phase Master anyway?Lion Alex: Me! I voted me! Cause I’m the lea der!Penguin 1: Black! that’s it,baby!。

玩具总动员3(word打印版英文台词 极富语感的学生阅读及课外活动材料!)

玩具总动员3(word打印版英文台词 极富语感的学生阅读及课外活动材料!)
Does the red light mean it's going?
Come on say "y Birthday" to Molly.
- Happy birthday. - Oh. Charming.
Look how tall you're getting.
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.
- Should we leave? - I thought we were going to the attic?
- Oh I hate all this uncertainty. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. Quiet!
No one's getting thrown out, ok?
To infinity and beyond.
- Reach for the sky. - You can't touch me, Sheriff.
I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.
Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force fields dogs.
- Molly, stay out of my room. - I wasn't in your room.
- Then who was messing with my stuff? - It wasn't me.
- Well, that went well. - He held me! He actually held me!
Spare parts, batteries ... anything you need for an orderlytransition.



齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报No.5,2020Genera.No.1762020年第5期(总第176期)Journal of Qiqihar Junior Teachers ’College与其他类型电影相比,美国动画电影字幕的中文翻译普遍存在语言通俗化、幽默化的改写倾向。













在动作电影《王牌特工2》中,译者将艾格西所说“careful ”改译为“你可悠着点”。





玩具总动员3Toy Story中英对照剧本钞票钞票钞票Money, money, money. Hey!今天你和正义有个约会独眼巴特You got a date with justice, oneEyed Bart.真糟糕警长我已经结婚了Too bad, Sheriff. I 'm a married man.独眼贝蒂OneEyed Betty!先生你的东西掉了I think you dropped something, mister.洁西束手就擒吧Jessie? Give it up, Bart!你的犯罪生涯到头了You've reached the end of the line!我总想和爆炸来场约会I always wanted to go out with a bang!不孩子们Oh, no! The orphans!真不想提前离场可我们的车来了Hate to leave early, but our ride is here.是追我还是救这些孩子呢警长选一个吧It's me or the kiddies, Sheriff. Take your pick. 再快一点大眼仔Ride like the wind, Bullseye!稳住Hold him steady!伍迪快点儿Woody, hurry!不No!真高兴我赶上火车了Glad I could catch the train!该去抓罪犯了Now let's catch some criminals.飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond!一飞冲天Reach for the sky.你抓不住我的警长You can't touch me, Sheriff!我的警卫狗有自带力场I brought my attack dog with a builtin force field.我的恐龙专吃力场狗Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats forcefield dogs.邪恶博士猪排Evil Dr. Pork Chop!要称呼我邪恶博士猪排先生That's Mr. Evil Dr. Pork Chop to you.{\fn微软雅黑\fs\b\c&HFFFF&\c&HD&}金刚猴阵巴斯用你的激光枪射我的胸章"Buzz, shoot your laser at my badge."不伍迪那会杀了你的来吧"Woody, no. It'll kill you.""Just do it!"你要进监狱了巴特小心"You're going to jail, Bart.""Watch out!"妈妈Mom!没事儿继续玩吧就当我不在No, no, no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I 'm not here.不茉莉Oh, no, Molly!没事妈妈来自外太空的英尺巨婴No, it's okay, Mom. It's a foot baby from outer space.她会摧毁一切快逃啊And she's on a rampage. Run for your lives!巴斯特出来红灯是在录像吧Buster, get out of there. Does the red light mean it's going? 来吧和茉莉说生日快乐Come on. Say "Happy birthday" to Molly.生日快乐真乖Happy birthday! Charming.生日快乐Happy birthday!你都长这么高了Look how tall you're getting. Yeah!我已经尽快赶来了巴斯注意后面"I came as fast as I could. Buzz, behind you!"知道了伍迪"Got it, Woody."巴斯光年前来救援Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!干的好巴斯"Good work, Buzz."好了快点所有人各就各位Okay, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position.等等我的那只眼睛不见了Wait! I can't find my other eye.谁的脚在我脸上是我的还给我All right, whose foot's in my face? It's mine. Give it back. 你救了我们感激不尽You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.巴斯不介意旁边吧Buzz! Mind if I squeeze in next to ya?不介意我为什么要介意我挤在你旁边Yes. No. I mean, why would I mind squeezing next to you?这儿太热了Is it hot in here?他们来了Here they come!队长你们拿到了吗Sarge, you got it?任务完成Mission accomplished.万岁Hooray!小心小心Careful. Careful!兄弟们我们要抓住这次机会大家准备好了吗All right, guys. We got one shot at this. Everyone ready?准备好了伍迪行动We're ready, Woody. Let's do it!好的巴斯打电话Okay, Buzz. Make the call.目标正在接近Target is on approach.就像我们演习的那样Just like we rehearsed it, guys.你好Hello?你好有人吗Hello? Anyone there?茉莉别进我房间Molly, stay out of my room!我没有I wasn't in your room.那是谁动了我的东西Then who was messing with my stuff?不是我It wasn't me.还真是顺利Well, that went well.他拿起我了他真的拿起我了He held me! He actually held me!太悲剧了This is just sad.骗谁呢他已经岁了Who we kiddin'? The kid 's years old.他再也不会和我们一起玩了We ain't ever gettin' played with.伙计们等等Guys, hey, hold up.我们要开个会所有的玩具都要参加We need a staff meeting. Everyone! A staff meeting!又开会Not again!别这样弹簧狗叫大家开会Come on. Slink, gather everyone up.伍迪我们都在这We are gathered, Woody.好了首先Okay. First of all,我们都知道"游戏演习"是一次大胆的尝试we all knew operation Playtime was a long shot.更像一次失败的行动More like a misfire.可我们常说我们的工作不是被玩而是为了But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with. It's about...为了陪着安迪我们知道Being there for Andy. We know.我们还以再试一次对吧But we can try again! Right?听我说伙计们我们收工了I 'm callin' it, guys. We're closing up shop.什么What?安迪马上就要上大学了那是我们最后的机会Andy's going to college any day now. That was our last shot.我们马上就要进阁楼了We're going into attic mode, folks.随时拿好你们的零件Keep your accessories with you at all times.备件电池任何合理过渡期需要的东西Spare parts, batteries, anything you need for an orderly transition.合理过渡你还不明白吗我们完了一切都结束了我们老了Orderly? Don't you get it? We're done! Finished! Over the hill!别这样伙计们我们都知道这一天迟早会来Hey, hey, hey, now. Come on, guys. We all knew this day was coming.是啊现在不就是吗Yeah, but now it's here.听着每个玩具都有这一天没人想看到Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see...队长你们在干吗Hey, Sarge! What are you doing?战争结束了我们要去其他地方继续战斗War's over, folks. Me and the boys are moving on.其他地方你是要擅离职守吗Moving on? You're going AWoL?我们完成了任务安迪长大了We done our duty. Andy's grown up.面对现实吧如果垃圾袋拿来了And let's face it, when the trash bags come out,那我们肯定是第一个进去的we army guys are the first to go.垃圾袋谁说垃圾袋了Trash bags? Who said anything about trash bags?很荣幸能和你们并肩作战祝你们好运It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck, folks.你们也会有这么一天的You're gonna need it.不等等No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait!我们要被丢掉了吗不没人会被丢掉We're getting thrown away? No. No one's getting thrown away.你怎么知道How do you know?我们要被抛弃了我们会没事的洁西We're being abandoned! We'll be fine, Jessie.那队长为什么要离开我们要离开吗So why did Sarge leave? Should we leave?我还以为我们要去阁楼呢我讨厌这种不安的感觉I thought we were goin' to the attic. I hate all this uncertainty!等一等安静Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on now. Wait a minute. Quiet!没有人会被丢掉好吗我们都还在这No one's getting thrown out, okay? We're all still here. 一路走来我们是失去过朋友I mean, yeah, we've lost friends along the way.企鹅威兹画板还有牧羊女Wheezy and Etch and... Bo Peep?对还有她Yeah. Even Bo.所有的好玩具都有新主人了All good toys who've gone on to new owners.可是每一次的后院拍卖会和大扫除安迪都留下了我们But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning, Andy held on to us!他肯定很在乎我们不然我们就不会在这了He must care about us, or we wouldn't be here. 你等着看安迪会让我们呆在阁楼里那儿安全又舒服You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm...我们会一直在一起没错And we'll all be together. Exactly!那有游戏有书还有There's games up there, and books, and...赛车跑道赛车跑道谢谢The racecar track! The racecar track. Thank you!还有旧电视没错旧电视And the old TV. There you go, the old TV.还有作圣诞装饰的那些伙计他们很有意思的And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They're fun, right?是的Yeah.也许有一天如果运气好的话安迪会有他自己的孩子And someday, if we're lucky, Andy may have kids of his own.他就又能和我们一起玩了And he'll play with us then, right?我们会一直在那等他We'll always be there for him.来吧伙计们把自己的零件都带好Come on, guys. Let's get our parts together, get ready,准备迎接新的旅程and go out on a high note.最好能找到我的另一只眼睛I 'd better find my other eye.这次你把它丢哪了Where'd you leave it this time?一个又黑又脏的地方Someplace dark. And dusty.来吧看看我们在网上值多少钱Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay.别担心安迪会照顾好我们的我保证Don't worry. Andy's gonna take care of us. I guarantee it!你保证吗You guarantee it, huh?我不知道巴斯我还能说什么呢I don't know, Buzz. What else could I say?不管发生什么最起码我们都会在一起Well, whatever happens, at least we'll all be together. 飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠For infinity and beyond.能把你的音响给我吗不行Can I have your stereo? No.为什么不行我要带走Why not? 'Cause I 'm taking it with me.能把你的电脑给我吗不行Can I have your computer? No.你的游戏机呢想都别想茉莉Your video games? Forget it, Molly.好吧安迪我们开始干活吧Okay. Andy, let's get to work here.所有你不会带去上大学的要么放进阁楼要么丢掉Anything you're not taking to college either goes in the attic, or it's trash.妈妈我星期五才走呢来吧今天就开始整理Mom, I 'm not leaving till Friday. Come on. It's garbage day.妈妈你瞧很简单Mom. Look, it's simple.滑板带去大学小联盟奖杯也许送上阁楼Skateboard, college. Little League trophy, probably attic.苹果核丢掉剩下的你来收拾Apple core, trash. You can do the rest.你怎么还留着这些玩具Why do you still have these toys?茉莉出去Molly, out of my room!三天后就是我的房间了Three more days and it's mine!茉莉你也有事要做Molly, you're not off the hook either.你的玩具太多了You have more toys than you know what to do with.你可以送走一些给其他孩子Some of them could make other kids really happy.哪些孩子What kids?幼儿园的孩子他们一直需要捐赠The children at the daycare. They're always asking for donations.什么是幼儿园What's daycare?妈妈没有可是Mom. No buts.你把要捐的玩具挑出来我顺路带给他们You choose the toys you want to donate, I 'll drop them off at Sunnyside.可怜的芭比Poor Barbie.我要巡洋舰I get the Corvette.安迪快点你要做决定了Andy, come on. You need to start making decisions.比如什么Like what?比如你要把这些玩具怎么办呢Like what are you gonna do with these toys?要不要把它们也捐出去呢Should we donate them to Sunnyside?不或者放在网上拍卖No. Maybe sell them online?妈妈没人想要这些旧玩具Mom, no one's gonna want those old toys.都只是废品They're junk.好吧你能留到星期五Fine. You have till Friday.所有不带去大学或送进阁楼的东西Anything that's not packed for college or in the attic都会被丢掉随你心意妈妈is getting thrown out. Whatever you say, Mom.怎么了我们要被丢掉了白痴What's happening? We're getting thrown out, you idiot.还问怎么了That's what's happening.要帮忙吗我自己能行You need a hand? I got it.过来Here.我走了你会想我吗So, you gonna miss me when I 'm gone?如果我说不我还能住你的房间吗不行If I say no, do I still get your room? Nope.那好吧我想你Then, yes, I 'll miss you.我喘不上来气了I can't breathe!真不敢相信安静什么声音This can't be happening! Quiet! What's that sound?安迪Andy!那些不是垃圾那些不是垃圾That's not trash. That's not trash!想想办法伍迪快想想办法Think, think, Woody. Think, think, think.巴斯特过来过来Buster! Come here, boy! Come here!好了小伙子到街上去Okay, boy. To the curb!不巴斯特不No, Buster! No!起来巴斯特Get up. Buster!我们在街上我就知道是这样We're on the curb! I knew it would come to this!伙计们使劲拉啊Pull, everyone! Pull!扯不破算了It won't rip! Forget it!天哪这是三层高密度聚乙烯It's tripleply, highdensity polyethylene!总能找到办法的There's gotta be a way out!安迪不要我们了有什么意义{\fn方正综艺简体}{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}[字面意思: 点尖端尖头]Andy doesn't want us. What's the point?尖端尖头Point. Point. Point!推快推Push! Push!我听见了垃圾车的声音I can hear the garbage truck!越来越近了It's getting closer.巴斯洁西Buzz! Jessie!安迪不要我们了就像扔垃圾一样Andy threw us out. Like we were garbage.废品他叫我们废品他怎么能这样Junk. He called us junk. How could he?这没道理This doesn't make any sense.我早该知道又是这样I should have seen this coming. It's Emily all over again.队长是对的没错伍迪错了Sarge was right. Yeah, and Woody was wrong.等一等没时间歇斯底里了Wait a minute. Wait, hold on. This is no time to be hysterical.现在正是歇斯底里的好时候It's the perfect time to be hysterical.我们应该歇斯底里吗不Should we be hysterical? No!好吧可现在不是时候Yes! Maybe! But not right now!伙计们有办法了Fellas, I know what to do.怎么回事What the heck?几年前我们就该这么做了等等洁西伍迪怎么办We should 've done this years ago. Jessie, wait. What about Woody?他没事巴斯安迪会带他去大学的He's fine, Buzz. Andy's taking him to college.现在我们得走了Now we need to go!你是对的来吧You're right. Come on.巴斯伍迪Buzz? Woody!怎么回事你们不知道这盒子是要捐给幼儿园的吗What's going on? Don't you know this box is being donated?伍迪一切尽在掌握我们有个计划It's under control, Woody. We have a plan.我们要去幼儿园We're going to daycare!幼儿园什么你们都疯了吗Daycare? What, have you all lost your marbles?你没看见吗安迪把我们扔了Well, didn't you see? Andy threw us away.不不是他要把你们放进阁楼的No, no, no, no. He was putting you in the attic.阁楼那我们怎么会在街上呢Attic? So how did we end up on the curb?那只是个误会安迪的妈妈以为你们是垃圾That was a mistake. Andy's mom thought you were trash.没错是安迪把我们放进了垃圾袋Yeah. After he put us in a trash bag.他还叫我们废品And called us junk!我知道看起来很糟可是伙计们你们一定要相信我Yeah, I know. It looks bad. But, guys, you gotta believe me.当然大学生Sure thing, college boy!安迪有自己的生活了伍迪我们也一样Andy's moving on, Woody. It's time we did the same. 离开这个盒子所有人马上Okay. Out of the box. Everyone, right now!来吧巴斯帮帮忙我们离开这儿Come on, Buzz. Give me a hand. We gotta get this thing outta here.伍迪等一下我们要弄清楚怎么样对大家最好Woody, wait. We need to figure out what's best for everyone.好极了我们再也回不来了Great. Great! It's gonna take us forever to get back here.没事的芭比你会没事的It's all right, Barbie. You'll be okay.茉莉不和我玩很多年了Well, Molly and I have been growing apart for years.但我还是不敢相信她把我丢掉了It's just... I can't believe she would throw me away!大家都一样好吧所有人听着Welcome to the club, toots. Okay, everyone, listen up.我们还能回到安迪身边不过我们得动作快点We can get back to Andy's, but we gotta movefast.在到家之前我们要藏在座位下面We'll hide under the seats till we get back home.伍迪别浪费精力了Get it through your vinyl noggin, Woody.安迪不要我们了Andy doesn't want us anymore.他要把你们放进阁楼He was putting you in the attic!他把我们留在了街上He left us on the curb!好了你们都冷静一下好了All right, calm down! Both of you! Okay, fine. Fine.那就去看看幼儿园什么样吧Just wait till you see what daycare's like.怎么了那儿什么样啊幼儿园是悲伤和寂寞的地方Why? What's it like? Daycare is a sad, lonely place充满了没有主人的旧玩具for washedup old toys who have no owners.你还真会安慰人等着瞧吧Quite the charmer, aren't ya? You'll see.到那儿你们就知道了到时候你们会哭着要回家As soon as we get to daycare, you'll be begging to go home.{\fn微软雅黑\fs\b\c&HFC&\c&HEEE&}阳光幼儿园你们能看见什么吗Can anyone see anything?有游乐场There's a playground! Wow!我们走运了大眼仔We hit the jackpot, Bullseye!还真是悲伤和寂寞啊So much for sad and lonely, huh?冷静我们要透过现象看本质Okay. Calm down, guys. Let's just keep this in perspective.本质这地方完美Perspective? This place is perfect.伍迪这儿很不错看见了吗门上有彩虹Woody, it's nice! See? The door has a rainbow on it.你好Hey there! Wow!好久不见Haven't seen you in ages.我带来了些旧玩具I just wanted to drop these old toys off.是邦尼吗都这么大了Is this Bonnie? Look how big you are.快打招呼宝贝嗨Say hi, sweetie. Hi.你的孩子怎么样了茉莉和安迪Hey, how are your kids? Molly and Andy?不再是孩子了安迪星期五就要上大学了Not kids anymore. Andy's going to college on Friday. 什么难以置信吧What? Can you believe it?你确定他们不要了吗这些他们都不玩了You sure they won't miss these? No, they never get played with.你看到小孩子了吗她要带我们去哪You see any kids? Where is she taking us?你瞧Look! Wow!什么怎么了What? What is it?不No, no, no.你怎么了What's the matter with you?我看不见I can't see!好了下课了快点Okay, everyone. Recess. Come on!我们现在该怎么办我们应该回安迪那So now what do we do? We go back to Andy's.谁看见出口了吗出口切我们等着被孩子们玩吧Anyone see an exit? Exit, shmexit. Let's get played with.小心这些玩具会嫉妒新来的玩具Careful. These toys might be jealous of new arrivals.我要看一眼I want to see! Hey!雷克斯到我了Rex! It's my turn!新玩具New toys!你好很高兴见到你Well, howdy! Glad to meet ya.巴斯光年为您服务Buzz Lightyear at your service.天呀Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.谢谢我可以吗Thank you. May I?利爪The claw!欢迎你们我就觉得听到了新声音Well, hello there. I thought I heard new voices.欢迎来到阳光幼儿园我是抱抱熊罗梭Welcome to Sunnyside, folks. I 'm Lotso'Huggin' Bear. 但请叫我罗梭But please call me Lotso.我是巴斯光年我们Buzz Lightyear. We come in...你首先应该了解的是我热爱拥抱First thing you gotta know about me, I 'm a hugger.看看你们大家你们今天一定过得不容易吧Look at you all. You've been through a lot today, haven't ya?非常可怕It's been horrible.你们现在安全了这里都是没人要的玩具Well, you're safe now. We're all castoffs here.被抛弃的被捐赠的在后院被拍卖转手We been dumped, donated, yardsaled, secondhanded或者就直接丢掉了可是等一等and just plain thrown out. But just you wait,你们会发现被捐赠是你们最好的归宿you'll find being donated was the best thing that ever happened to ya.罗梭先生他们每天都会玩玩具吗Mr. Lotso, do toys here get played with every day?一整天一星期五天All day long. Five days a week.可如果孩子们长大了呢But what happens when the kids grow up?我来告诉你Well, now, I 'll tell ya.等这些孩子们长大了就会有一批新孩子When the kids get old, new ones come in.当他们长大了又有新的孩子代替他们When they get old, new ones replace them.你永远不会被嫌弃不会被遗弃或者被忽视You'll never be outgrown or neglected, never abandoned or forgotten.没有主人就不会伤心No owners means no heartbreak.真是奇迹你还想让我们回安迪那吗It's a miracle. And you wanted us to stay at Andy's.因为我们是安迪的玩具Because we're Andy's toys!你们是被这个安迪捐了是吧So you got donated by this Andy, huh?这是他的损失警长他不能再伤害你了Well, it's his loss, Sheriff. He can't hurt you no more.不先把你们安顿一下肯Whoa, whoa, no, no, no... Now, let's get you all settled in.这家伙哪去了肯有新玩具来了Ken? Where is that boy? Ken? New toys!好的马上下来罗梭Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso.准备好和肯一起开始梦幻之旅了吗So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour?带新朋友们去看看他们的新家Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying.好了伙计们跟我来Folks, if you want to step right this way...我叫肯Hi, I 'm Ken.我是芭比我们见过吗Barbie. Have we ever met?见过我会记得的I would 've remembered.我喜欢你的长袜好酷的领巾Love your legwarmers. Nice ascot.快点肯孩子们要回来了Come on, Ken. Recess don't last forever.这就开始罗梭这边走Right on, Lotso. This way, everybody.今后的日子值得期待小家伙们总是很喜欢新玩具You got a lot to look forward to, folks. The little ones love new toys.真是好心的熊他闻起来像草莓What a nice bear. And he smells like strawberries.伙计们我要告诉大家这里有Folks, if I can share, here at Sunnyside, we've got,玩具需要的任何东西well, just about anything a toy could ask for.零件强力胶Spare parts, superglue,很多的新电池足以撑死一头饥饿的河马and enough fresh batteries to choke a Hungry Hungry Hippo.你以为自己已经老了Think you're gettin' old? Wow.不用担心Well, stop your worryin'.我们的休养所会让你立刻返老还童Our repair spa will keep you stuffed, puffed, and lightly buffed.这是我住的地方And this, well, this is where I live.肯的梦幻小屋这里有舞厅越野车It's Ken's Dream House. It has a disco, it's got a dune buggy.还有一间更衣室And a whole room just for trying on clothes.你什么都有You have everything!但还需要一位女主人Everything except someone to share it with.如果你们需要什么可以来找我我们到了You need anything at all, you just come talk to me. Here we are.谢谢大宝宝Well, thank you, Big Baby.来认识我们的新朋友Why don't you come meet our new friends?可怜的孩子我们一起被扔了我和他Poor baby. We were thrown out together, me and him.被同一个主人抛弃Abandoned by the same owner.不过在这我们不需要主人But we don't need owners at Sunnyside.我们是自己的主人我们自己掌握命运We own ourselves. We're masters of our own fate.自己控制我们的未来We control our own destiny.小心水坑Watch out for puddles.这就是你们的家了And here's where you folks'll be stayin'.毛毛虫屋The Caterpillar Room.看看这啊Look at this place. Wow!娘咧Holy moly guacamole.中奖了宝贝Jackpot, baby.可爱的小狗你们好Whoa, puppy! Hello.你们好你们好Hello. Hello.真漂亮It's so beautiful!怎么了小家伙What the... Hey, little guy.多久没有人找你们玩了How long 's it been since you all got played with?好多年了It's been years.你只用等几分钟铃一响Well, just you wait. In a few minutes, that bell's gonna ring,你们梦寐以求的游戏时间就到了and you'll get the playtime that you've been dreamin' of.游戏真正的游戏我都等不及了Play! Real play! I can't wait!请大家原谅我们要回去了Now, if you'll excuse us, we best be headin' back.欢迎来到阳光幼儿园Welcome to Sunnyside, folks.谢谢保重粉嘟嘟Thank you. Take care, pinky.罗梭先生再见谢谢你谢谢伙计Goodbye, Mr. Lotso. Thank you. Thank you, buddy boy.我们还能再见面吗今晚见Will I see you again? I 'll see you tonight在梦中不in my dreams. No.肯我们该走了Ken, let's get a move on.芭比跟我走吧住进我的梦幻小屋Barbie, come with me. Live in my dream house.我知道这很疯狂我知道我们才刚刚见面I know it's crazy. I know we just met.你不知道我在《特种部队》里的样子Heck, you don't know me from G.I. Joe,可每当我看着你我觉得我们but when I look at you, I feel like we were...天生一对Made for each other... ...made for each other.太好了Yay! Yes.肯我来了罗梭Ken? Coming, Lotso.我太激动了This is so exciting!听起来像上孩子们Sounds like kids to me.我们又能被孩子们玩了时间怎么不能过的再快一点I want to get played with. Why can't time go faster?外面有多少孩子How many you reckon are out there?他们的声音真好听They sound so sweet.听着这不错我承认Look, everyone, it's nice here, I admit.可我们要回家But we need to go home.伍迪我们要在这开始新生活了We can have a whole new life here, Woody.又有逗孩子们开心的机会了A chance to make kids happy again.你干吗不留下来是啊伍迪留下来吧Why don't you stay? Yeah, Woody. Stay with us.拜托伍迪你又能和孩子们玩了Come on, Woodster! You'll get played with.我做不到留下吧I can't. No. Stay here.你会成为其他孩子的开心果不行伙计们真的不行You can make a new kid happy. No, no. Guys, really. No!我已经有一个能让其开心的孩子了你们也有他就是安迪I have a kid. You have a kid. Andy!不管他想带我去大学或者放进阁楼里And if he wants us at college, or in the attic,我们的工作就是为了他待在那里well, then, our job is to be there for him.现在我要回家了Now, I 'm going home.想和我一起走的我热烈欢迎走吧巴斯Anyone who wants to join me is welcome. Come on, Buzz.巴斯Buzz?伍迪陪伴安迪成长的任务已经完成了Our mission with Andy is complete, Woody.什么What?现在重要的是我们大家在一起And what's important now is we stay together.如果不是安迪我们都不可能在一起We wouldn't even be together if it weren't for Andy!看看你的靴子巴斯还有你洁西Look under your boot, Buzz. You, too, Jessie.上面写着谁的名字Whose name is written there?也许安迪不在乎我们了Maybe Andy doesn't care about us anymore.他当然在乎他在乎你们大家Of course he does. He cares about all of you!他要把你们放进阁楼我看见了He was putting you in the attic. I saw.你们不能现在背叛他You can't just turn your back on him now!伍迪醒醒吧都结束了安迪长大了Woody, wake up! It's over! Andy is all grown up!好吧很好Okay, fine. Perfect.真不敢相信你们这么自私I can't believe how selfish you all are.缘分尽了是吗在一起经历了那么多之后So this is it? After all we've been through.大眼仔不你留在这Bullseye, no. You need to stay.大眼仔不我说了留下Bullseye, no, I said, "Stay!"听着Look,我不想你一个人留在阁楼里好吗回去吧I don't want you left alone in the attic, okay? Now, stay.邦尼Bonnie?我得走了I gotta go.邦尼你在吗Bonnie, you in here?很好很好不Come on. Come on. Oh, no, no.什么搞什么What... What the heck?现在好多了Now, that's better.邦尼风信子海扇壳Bonnie! Bluebells, cockleshells...你在这儿来吧宝贝该回家了There you are. Come on, honey. It's time to go home.不No, no, no, no!一飞冲天Reach for the sky!风信子海扇壳我们大家一起来Bluebells, cockleshells. Eenie, miny...你是我最信赖的助手You're my favorite deputy.邦尼来啦Bonnie! Coming!这下好了Great.一切都没事的大眼仔It's gonna be okay, Bullseye.安迪会带上伍迪一起去大学那正是他想要的Woody's going to college with Andy. It's what he's always wanted.他疯了大学里可容不下一个玩具He's crazy. College is no place for a toy.玩具是为了玩耍Toys are for playtime.说到玩耍孩子们在排队啦Speaking of playtime, they're lining up out there!有多少有好多How many? There must be dozens.我等不及了I can hardly wait!各就各位Places, everyone!终于有人会找我玩了At last! I 'm gonna get played with!雷克斯孩子们来吧Rex? Come to papa.有只蛇在我的靴子里'Here's a snake in my boot.加入你们可以但我要先唱首歌I'd like to join your posse, boys, but first I'm gonna sing a little song.一位警长A sheriff!让开刺猬罗宾先生Move over, Mr. Pricklepants.我们有位客人来点咖啡We have a guest. You want some coffee?喝一点对身体有益但别喝太多否则It's good for you. But don't drink too much, or you'll have to...马上回来Be right back!你好请问Hey, hello? Hi. Excuse me.能告诉我这是哪儿吗Can you tell me where I am?那家伙在问你问题The guy's just asking a question.抱歉我想扮演好角色Well, excuse me. I 'm trying to stay in character.我叫巴特这位是巴伦·范·嘘My name's Buttercup. You've met Baron von Shush.你好我是崔西Hello, I 'm Trixie.大伙听着我不知身处何方Guys, hey. Guys, look, I don't know where I am.我们要么在巴黎的咖啡店要么在新泽西的咖啡屋We're either in a cafe in Paris or a coffee shop in New Jersey.我可以肯定的是医生告诉我I 'm pretty sure I just came back from the doctor一个惊天的消息with lifechanging news.我们都是即兴表演放轻松好好享受就没事了We do a lot of improv here. Just stay loose, have fun, you'll be fine.不我谁肚子饿啦No, no, no, no. I... Who wants lunch?我有秘密配方哦特制软糖It has a secret ingredient. Jelly beans.有人在水塘里投毒Somebody's poisoned the water hole.投毒这么可恶的事谁干的Poison? Who would do such a mean thing?坏女巫小心她在施展魔法The scary witch! Look out! She's using her witchy powers!我知道藏哪儿"I know where to hide."她别想找到我们She'll never find us in here.怎么啦What's wrong?被发现了我们需要太空船来逃离女巫She found us! We need a spaceship to get away from the witch!你真在行你是科班出生的吗You're doing great! Are you classicallytrained?我只想知道怎么离开这儿Look, I just need to know how to get out of here!无路可逃There is no way out.开玩笑门就在那儿牛仔Just kidding. Door's right over there.你是新来的吧我叫多莉Well, cowboy, you just jumped right in, didn't ya? I 'm Dolly.伍迪伍迪Woody. Woody?要不考虑换个名字Really? You're gonna stick with that?这是个机会在新的家里'Cause now's your chance to change it, new room and all.例如我是洋宝宝所以我叫多莉That's coming from a doll named Dolly.这新来的是谁你真的是牛仔吗Who's the new guy? Are you a real cowboy?实际上他肯定不是小豆角Well, actually... 'Course he's not, pea brain.他连牛仔帽都没有我当然有帽子呢He don't even have a hat. I do too have... My hat! 我就说我找到飞船了Told ya. I found a spaceship!好戏开始Showtime.快进去绑好安全带Quick, get in. Fasten your seat belts.收好折叠餐桌坐稳有点颠簸Close your tray tables. Hold on. It might get a little bumpy.三二一发射Three, two, one, blastoff!。



100:01:08,650 --> 00:01:11,480钱钱钱嘿!Money, money, money! Hey!200:01:17,770 --> 00:01:22,260- 独眼巴特正义与你有个约会 - 太糟啦长官- You got a date with justice, One-Eyed Bart. - Too bad, Sheriff.300:01:22,270 --> 00:01:24,550我已经结婚了I'm a married man.400:01:25,680 --> 00:01:27,790独眼贝蒂!One-Eyed Betty!500:01:42,470 --> 00:01:44,690我想你好像掉下了什么东西先生I think you dropped something, Mister.600:01:44,690 --> 00:01:48,090- 洁西? - 投降吧巴特你已经无路可逃了- Jessie? - Give it up, Bart. You've reached the end of the line.700:01:48,090 --> 00:01:51,280我一直希望以爆炸作为结局I always wanted to go out with a bang.800:02:00,460 --> 00:02:02,630- 哦不要! - 孤儿们!- Oh no! - The orphans!900:02:03,460 --> 00:02:06,870还想陪你们玩会的但我们的专车到了Hate to leave early, but our ride is here.1000:02:11,260 --> 00:02:14,760追我还是救孩子长官你自己选吧It's me or the kiddies, Sheriff. Take your pick.1100:02:17,840 --> 00:02:20,720跑出风驰电掣的感觉吧红心!Ride like the wind, Bull's-eye!1200:02:25,580 --> 00:02:29,210抓紧了Hold 'em steady.1300:02:32,480 --> 00:02:35,110伍迪快点!Woody, hurry!1400:02:54,740 --> 00:02:57,050不...No...1500:03:04,870 --> 00:03:09,900- 真高兴我接住了火车 - 现在我们去抓罪犯吧- Glad I can catch the train. - Now let's catch some criminals.1600:03:09,900 --> 00:03:12,910飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond.1700:03:28,250 --> 00:03:32,020- 举起双手 - 你抓不到我的长官- Reach for the sky. - You can't touch me, Sheriff.1800:03:32,020 --> 00:03:35,610我的战犬可是内建磁力场的I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.1900:03:42,970 --> 00:03:47,290好啊我也带来了专吃磁力场狗狗的抱抱龙Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force fields dogs.2000:04:06,490 --> 00:04:08,790邪恶的猪排博士Evil Doctor Pork Chop.2100:04:10,520 --> 00:04:13,800这是邪恶的猪排博士送给你们的礼物That's Mr. Evil Doctor Pork Chop to you.2200:04:55,490 --> 00:04:58,780巴斯用你的激光枪射我的徽章伍迪不行我会把你射死的Buzz, shoot your laser on my badge. Woody, no, I'll kill you.2300:04:58,780 --> 00:05:01,130你只管射就是了Just do it.2400:05:03,520 --> 00:05:06,920你得去坐牢了巴特啊小心!You're going to jail, Bart. Ah, watch out!2500:05:08,980 --> 00:05:12,660- 妈妈! - 别停别停继续玩吧就当我不在- Mom! - No, no, no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I'm not here.2600:05:13,380 --> 00:05:15,550- 哦别这样茉莉! - 没事没关系的妈妈- Oh, no, Molly! - No, it's ok, Mom.2700:05:15,550 --> 00:05:18,270这是一个有50只脚的从太空来的娃娃It's a 50 feet baby from outer space.2800:05:18,370 --> 00:05:21,910她在横冲直撞! 大家快逃命吧!And she's on a rampage! Run for your lives!2900:05:22,970 --> 00:05:25,630红灯亮表示已经开始录了吗?Does the red light mean it's going?3000:05:25,630 --> 00:05:28,320来吧对茉莉说"生日快乐"Come on say "Happy Birthday" to Molly.3100:05:29,130 --> 00:05:32,050- 生日快乐 - 哦真可爱- Happy birthday. - Oh. Charming.3200:05:34,170 --> 00:05:36,690瞧瞧你都长这么高了Look how tall you're getting.3300:05:49,620 --> 00:05:52,220巴斯光年前来救援Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.3400:05:53,560 --> 00:05:55,470干得漂亮巴斯Good work, Buzz.3500:06:20,040 --> 00:06:25,410- 好了各就各位快点赶快就位 - 稍等我的另一只眼睛找不到了- Ok, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position. - Wait, I can't find my other eye.3600:06:25,410 --> 00:06:28,250- 哎谁把脚放到我脸上了? - 是我的还给我- All right, whose foot's in my face? - It's mine, give it back.3700:06:28,260 --> 00:06:30,880你救了我们我们这辈子都感激不尽You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.3800:06:31,170 --> 00:06:33,280巴斯你介意我挤在你旁边吗?Buzz, mind if I squeeze in next to you?3900:06:33,290 --> 00:06:37,880是的不我是说我怎么会介意挤... 挤在你... 旁边呢?Yes. No. I mean, why would I mind if I squeeze... squeeze in next to... you?4000:06:38,490 --> 00:06:41,310- 这里太热了吧? - 哦他们来了- Is it hot in here? - Oh, here they come.4100:06:44,320 --> 00:06:46,500- 警长你们搞到了? - 完成任务- Sarge, you got it? - Mission accomplished.4200:06:46,500 --> 00:06:48,400万岁!Hooray!4300:06:49,490 --> 00:06:51,780小心小心Careful. Careful.4400:06:54,010 --> 00:06:56,180好了大伙儿我们只有一次机会All right guys. We've got one shot at this.4500:06:56,180 --> 00:06:58,850- 大家准备了吗? - 我们准备好了伍迪开始干吧- Everybody ready? - We're ready, Woody. Let's do it.4600:06:58,850 --> 00:07:02,180好的巴斯打电话吧Ok Buzz, make the call.4700:07:13,530 --> 00:07:18,800- 目标正在靠近 - 就跟我们排练的情形一样伙计们- Target is on approach. - Just like we rehearsed it guys.4800:07:33,940 --> 00:07:39,220喂喂有人吗?Hello. Hello. Anyone there?4900:07:39,220 --> 00:07:43,380- 茉莉别进我的房间 - 我没去你房间- Molly, stay out of my room. - I wasn't in your room.5000:07:43,380 --> 00:07:48,200- 那是谁在乱搞我的东西? - 不是我- Then who was messing with my stuff? - It wasn't me.5100:07:52,850 --> 00:07:59,280- 哈进展还真顺利 - 他拿起我了! 他真的拿起我了!- Well, that went well. - He held me! He actually held me!5200:07:59,510 --> 00:08:03,510- 呃真悲哀 - 我们在骗谁啊? 这孩子已经17岁了- Uh, this is just sad. - Who we kidding? The kid's 17 years old.5300:08:03,510 --> 00:08:06,190我们不能再在一起玩了We ain't ever getting played with.5400:08:09,340 --> 00:08:14,030大伙儿嗨等一下我们得开个全体会议大家都过来开全体会议Guys, hey, hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone, a staff meeting.5500:08:14,030 --> 00:08:17,300- 哦别又开会 - 哦拜托弹簧狗把大家都召集来- Oh, not again. - Oh come on. Sling, gather everyone up.5600:08:17,300 --> 00:08:20,420呃我们都在啊伍迪Uh, we are together, Woody.5700:08:20,420 --> 00:08:26,400好的呃首先... 我们都知道"游戏时间"这个计划成功的希望很渺茫Ok. Uh, first off ... we all knew "Operation Playtime" was a long shot.5800:08:26,400 --> 00:08:31,260- 貌似失败了 - 但我们一直说我们的目的不是玩耍- More like a misfire. - But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with5900:08:31,260 --> 00:08:33,890- 而是为了... - 陪在安迪身边我们知道- it's about ... - Being there for Andy. We know.6000:08:33,890 --> 00:08:36,250但我们可以再试一次对吗?But we can try again, right?6100:08:37,120 --> 00:08:40,330- 哦还是算了各位我们就此打住吧 - 什么?- I'm calling it guys. We're closing up shop. - What?6200:08:40,330 --> 00:08:43,270现在安迪要去上大学了Andy's going to college anyday now.6300:08:43,270 --> 00:08:45,470刚才的行动就是我们最后的机会That was our last shot.6400:08:45,470 --> 00:08:49,020我们要转移到阁楼上了伙计们保证你们的附件佩戴齐全We're going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times.6500:08:49,020 --> 00:08:52,330备用零件电池... 把需要的所有东西都带上有序搬迁Spare parts, batteries ... anything you need for an orderly transition.6600:08:52,430 --> 00:08:56,110有序? 你还不明白吗? 我们玩完了! 结束了风光不再了Orderly? Don't you get it? We're done! Finished. Over the hill.6700:08:56,110 --> 00:08:58,960嘿嘿嘿拜托了各位我们都知道这一天迟早会来临Hey, hey, hey. Come on guys. We all knew this day was coming.6800:08:58,960 --> 00:09:03,940- 没错但现在这一天真的来了 - 听我说每个玩具都要经历这一天没人希望看到... - Yeah, but now it's here. - Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see ...6900:09:03,940 --> 00:09:06,520- 嗨警长! 你们在干什么? - 战争已经结束了伙计们- Hey Sarge! What are you doing? - War's over folks.7000:09:06,520 --> 00:09:09,630我和兄弟们要离开这里了Me and the boys are moving on.7100:09:09,630 --> 00:09:10,600- 离开? - 你们要擅自离开?- Moving on? - You're going AWOL?7200:09:10,630 --> 00:09:11,950我们已经完成了使命We've done our duty.7300:09:11,950 --> 00:09:14,210- 安迪已经长大了 - 让我们面对现实吧...- Andy is grown up. - Let's face it ...7400:09:14,220 --> 00:09:17,560等开始收垃圾的时候最先被丢进去的就是我们when the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go.7500:09:17,560 --> 00:09:20,130- 垃圾? - 谁说我们要变垃圾啊?- Trash bags? - Who said anything about trash bags?7600:09:20,130 --> 00:09:24,150很荣幸曾与你们并肩作战各位祝你们好运It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck folks.7700:09:25,550 --> 00:09:28,980- 你们会需要垃圾袋的 - 不不等等等等等等- You're gonna need it. - No, no, wait, wait, wait.7800:09:28,980 --> 00:09:32,010- 我们会被扔掉? - 不没有人会被扔掉- We're getting thrown away? - No. No one's getting thrown away.7900:09:32,010 --> 00:09:34,230- 你怎么知道? - 我们被抛弃了- How do you know? - We're being abandoned.8000:09:34,230 --> 00:09:36,340- 我们会没事的洁西 - 那警长为什么要离开?- We'll be fine, Jessie. - So why did Sarge leave?8100:09:36,340 --> 00:09:38,910- 我们也要离开吗? - 我以为我们要去阁楼的啊?- Should we leave? - I thought we were going to the attic?8200:09:38,920 --> 00:09:42,810- 哦我讨厌这种不确定的感觉 - 喔喔喔等一下安静!- Oh I hate all this uncertainty. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. Quiet!8300:09:42,810 --> 00:09:45,190没有人会被扔掉明白了吗?No one's getting thrown out, ok?8400:09:45,190 --> 00:09:50,460我们还会都在这儿我是说没错我们一路走来也曾失去过一些朋友...We're all still here. I mean, yeah, we've lost friends along the way ...8500:09:50,830 --> 00:09:53,850- 吱吱和画板还有... - 宝贝儿- Wheezy and Etch and... - Bo Peep.8600:09:55,600 --> 00:09:58,730没错甚至宝贝儿Yeah, even, even Bo.8700:09:58,730 --> 00:10:01,550这些好玩具都已经找到了新主人All good toys who've gone on to new owners.8800:10:01,550 --> 00:10:04,220但经过了那么多次旧货出售春季扫除...But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning...8900:10:04,220 --> 00:10:06,150安迪留下了我们Andy held onto us.9000:10:06,150 --> 00:10:09,380他一定很在乎我们否则我们早就不在这儿了He must care about us or we wouldn't be here.9100:10:09,380 --> 00:10:13,910你们等着瞧安迪会把我们收到阁楼里的那里既温暖又安全You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm.9200:10:13,920 --> 00:10:16,360- 而且我们全都会在一起 - 完全正确- And we'll all be together. - Exactly.9300:10:16,360 --> 00:10:19,050- 那里有游戏有图书还有... - 赛车道- There's games up there and books and ... - The racecar track.9400:10:19,050 --> 00:10:22,220- 赛车道谢谢 - 还有旧电视- The racecar track, thank you. - And the old TV.9500:10:22,220 --> 00:10:27,620你说得对还有旧电视还有圣诞节装饰用的那群伙计There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations.9600:10:27,630 --> 00:10:29,200是的他们很有趣对吧?Well, they're fun, right?9700:10:30,010 --> 00:10:34,190有朝一日如果我们幸运的话安迪会有自己的孩子And some day, if we're lucky, Andy may have kids of his own.9800:10:34,200 --> 00:10:36,050他又会跟我们一起玩了对吧?And he'll play with us then, right?9900:10:36,850 --> 00:10:40,010- 我们会在阁楼里等着他 - 来吧大伙儿...- We'll always be there for him. - Come on guys ...10000:10:40,010 --> 00:10:43,820让我们收拾好东西准备光荣引退吧let's get our parts together, get ready and go out on a high note.10100:10:43,820 --> 00:10:47,840- 我得找到我的另一只眼睛 - 这次你又把它丢在哪儿了?- I'd better find my other eye. - Where'd you leave it this time?10200:10:47,840 --> 00:10:51,660一个黑乎乎的布满灰尘的地方Some place dark and dusty.10300:10:51,660 --> 00:10:54,650来吧我们看看我们在易趣网上值多少钱Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay.10400:10:54,650 --> 00:10:58,420别担心安迪会照顾好我们的我保证Don't worry, Andy's going to take care of us. I guarantee it.10500:11:23,700 --> 00:11:27,220- 你保证能这样呃? - 我不知道巴斯- You guarantee it, huh? - I don't know, Buzz.10600:11:27,220 --> 00:11:30,550我还能怎么说?What else could I say?10700:11:30,550 --> 00:11:33,810好的不管发生什么事至少我们全都在一起Well, whatever happens, at least we'll all be together.10800:11:33,810 --> 00:11:36,250飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠For infinity and beyond.10900:11:37,060 --> 00:11:38,740- 能把你的立体声音响给我吗? - 不行- Can I have your stereo? - No.11000:11:38,750 --> 00:11:40,140为什么不行?Why not?11100:11:46,450 --> 00:11:48,350- 能把你的电脑给我吗? - 不行- Can I have your computer? - No.11200:11:48,350 --> 00:11:50,650- 那你的游戏机呢? - 想都别想茉莉- Your video games? - Forget it, Molly.11300:11:50,650 --> 00:11:54,110好了安迪我们开始干活吧你不带到学校去的东西...Ok Andy, let's get to work here. Anything you're not taking to college ...11400:11:54,110 --> 00:11:56,330要么放到阁楼上要么当垃圾扔掉either goes to the attic, or it's trash.11500:11:56,330 --> 00:11:59,390- 妈妈我礼拜五才走呢 - 快点今天是收垃圾的日子- Mom, I'm not leaving till Friday. - Come on, it's garbage day.11600:11:59,710 --> 00:12:03,200- 妈妈! - 看着这很简单的滑板: 带到大学- Mom! - Look, it's simple. Skateboard: college.11700:12:03,290 --> 00:12:05,420联赛小奖杯: 可能放到阁楼上Little League trophy: probably attic.11800:12:05,420 --> 00:12:07,490苹果核: 垃圾Apple core: trash.11900:12:07,490 --> 00:12:10,890- 剩下的你来收拾吧 - 你为什么还留着这些玩具?- You can do the rest. - Why do you still have these toys?12000:12:10,890 --> 00:12:15,470- 茉莉别呆在我房里! - 再过三天这儿就归我喽- Molly, out of my room! - Three more days and it's mine.12100:12:15,470 --> 00:12:19,350茉莉! 你也逃不掉你有很多玩具不知如何处置Molly! You're not off the hook either. You have more toys than you know what to do with.12200:12:19,350 --> 00:12:21,390有些玩具能让别的孩子很开心的Some of them can make other kids really happy.12300:12:21,390 --> 00:12:23,960- 什么孩子? - 幼儿园里的孩子- What kids? - The children at the daycare.12400:12:23,960 --> 00:12:25,900他们总是要大家捐赠They're always asking for donations.12500:12:25,960 --> 00:12:27,000- 什么是幼儿园? - 嘘嘘嘘- What's daycare? - Sh Sh Sh.12600:12:27,060 --> 00:12:30,980- 妈妈! - 别反对了你选择想捐赠的玩具我把它们送到阳光幼儿园去- Mom! - No buts. You choose the toys you want to donate, I'll drop them off at Sunnyside.12700:12:42,620 --> 00:12:45,200- 可怜的芭比 - 雪佛兰跑车归我了- Poor Barbie. - I get the Corvette.12800:12:45,200 --> 00:12:48,100安迪快点你得开始做决定了Andy, come on. You need to start making decisions.12900:12:48,100 --> 00:12:50,880- 什么决定? - 比如说你打算怎么处理这些玩具?- Like what? - Like, what are you going to do with these toys?13000:12:50,880 --> 00:12:52,770- 要不捐给阳光幼儿园行吗? - 不行!- Should we donate them to Sunnyside? - No!13100:12:52,880 --> 00:12:54,570那要不在网上出售?Maybe sell them online?13200:12:54,580 --> 00:12:56,820妈妈没人想要这些旧玩具Mom, no one's going to want those old toys.13300:12:56,820 --> 00:13:00,400- 他们都是些破烂 - 好吧你可以把它们留到礼拜五- They're junk. - Fine. You have till Friday.13400:13:00,400 --> 00:13:03,140没打包带去学校或者放到阁楼上的...Anything that's not packed for college or in the attic...13500:13:03,140 --> 00:13:06,490- 都会被扔掉 - 好吧好吧妈妈- is getting thrown out. - Whatever you say, Mom.13600:13:58,070 --> 00:14:01,540- 发生什么事了? - 我们要被扔掉了你这个白痴! 就是这么回事!- What's happening? - We're getting thrown out, you idiot! That's what's happening!13700:14:15,820 --> 00:14:18,130- 要帮忙吗? - 我自己能行- You need a hand? - I got it.13800:14:18,130 --> 00:14:21,350给你我走后你会想我吗?Here. So you gonna miss me when I'm gone?13900:14:21,350 --> 00:14:23,670如果我说"不" 我还能得到你的房间吗?If I say "no", will I still get your room?14000:14:23,670 --> 00:14:26,160- 不能 - 那就是吧我会想你的- No. - Then, yes, I'll miss you.14100:14:26,160 --> 00:14:28,900- 我喘不过气来了 - 怎么会发生这种事- I can't breathe. - This can't be happening.14200:14:28,900 --> 00:14:31,070安静! 那是什么声音?Quiet! What's that sound?14300:14:40,830 --> 00:14:43,070安迪!Andy!14400:14:44,950 --> 00:14:47,380那不是垃圾那不是垃圾!That's not trash. That's not trash!14500:14:47,380 --> 00:14:49,550想想办法伍迪想想办法想想办法Think, Woody. Think, think, think.14600:14:50,310 --> 00:14:52,460巴斯特过来宝贝过来Buster, come here boy. Come here.14700:14:58,990 --> 00:15:01,450好的宝贝到路边去驾!Ok boy, to the curb. Heeyah!14800:15:04,250 --> 00:15:07,890不巴斯特! 不要!No, Buster! No!14900:15:09,000 --> 00:15:11,010起来巴斯特Get up, Buster.15000:15:26,650 --> 00:15:29,100- 我们在路边了! - 哦我就知道会这样- We're on the curb! - Oh, I knew it come to this.15100:15:29,200 --> 00:15:31,550大家用力拉! 拉!Pull everyone! Pull!15200:15:40,960 --> 00:15:42,610拉不开!It won't rip!15300:15:42,610 --> 00:15:45,870哦天哪... 有三层塑料袋高密度聚乙烯的Oh for goodness ... It's triple-ply, high-density polyethylene.15400:15:45,870 --> 00:15:49,010- 一定有办法出去的 - 哦安迪不要我们了还有什么意义?- There's gotta be a way out. - Oh Andy doesn't want us. What's the point?15500:15:49,010 --> 00:15:50,860有意义有意义有意义!Point, point, point!15600:15:53,680 --> 00:15:57,370- 拉! 拉! - 我能听到垃圾车的声音!- Push! Push! - I can hear the garbage truck!15700:15:58,000 --> 00:16:00,790越来越近了It's getting closer.15800:16:36,860 --> 00:16:40,180巴斯! 洁西!Buzz! Jessie!15900:16:47,760 --> 00:16:49,570- 安迪把我们扔出去了 - 把我们当成垃圾一样- Andy threw us out. - Like we were garbage.16000:16:49,600 --> 00:16:51,670破烂他叫我们破烂Junk. He called us junk.16100:16:51,670 --> 00:16:53,930他怎么能这样?How could he?16200:16:53,940 --> 00:16:57,740- 这没道理啊 - 我应该预料到的- This doesn't make any sense. - I should have seen this coming.16300:16:57,740 --> 00:17:00,610- 这是艾米丽的翻版 - 警长是对的- It's Emily all over again. - The Sarge was right.16400:17:00,610 --> 00:17:04,460- 是的伍迪错了 - 等一下等等现在没时间歇斯底里- Yeah and Woody was wrong. - Wait a minute. Hold on. This is no time to be hysterical.16500:17:04,460 --> 00:17:07,840- 这正是该歇斯底里的时候 - 我们应该歇斯底里吗?- It's the perfect time to be hysterical. - Should we be hysterical?16600:17:07,840 --> 00:17:10,330- 不没错 - 也许现在不是时候- No. Yes. - Maybe, but not now.16700:17:11,530 --> 00:17:14,590耶呃! 伙计们我知道该怎么办了Yee haw! Fellas, I know what to do.16800:17:21,020 --> 00:17:23,320搞什么鬼?What the heck?16900:17:23,320 --> 00:17:26,910- 哦我们早就该这样做的 - 洁西等等伍迪怎么办?- Oh, we should have done this years ago. - Jessie wait. What about Woody?17000:17:26,910 --> 00:17:29,760他没事的巴斯安迪要带他去大学He's fine, Buzz. Andy's taking him to college.17100:17:29,760 --> 00:17:32,200现在我们得走了Now, we need to go.17200:17:32,800 --> 00:17:35,200你说的对来吧You're right. Come on.17300:17:35,200 --> 00:17:36,730- 巴斯? - 伍迪- Buzz? - Woody.17400:17:36,800 --> 00:17:40,230这是怎么回事? 难道你们不知道这个箱子是要捐赠的吗?What's going on? Don't you know this box is being donated?17500:17:40,230 --> 00:17:43,560- 一切尽在掌握中伍迪我们有一个计划 - 我们要去幼儿园- It's under control, Woody. We have a plan. - We're going to daycare.17600:17:43,560 --> 00:17:46,230幼儿园! 什么你们都疯了吗?Daycare! What, have you all lost your marbles?17700:17:46,230 --> 00:17:51,660- 嗯难道你没看到? 安迪抛弃了我们 - 不不不是的他是要把你们放进阁楼的- Well didn't you see? Andy threw us away. - No, no, no. He was putting you in the attic.17800:17:51,660 --> 00:17:54,490- 阁楼? 那我们怎么最后到了路边? - 那是个误会- Attic? So how did we end up on the curb? - That was a mistake.17900:17:54,490 --> 00:17:58,690- 安迪的妈妈把你们当垃圾了 - 没错是他先把我们装进垃圾袋的- Andy's mom thought you were trash. - Yeah, after he put us in a trash bag.18000:17:58,690 --> 00:18:03,430- 他还叫我们破烂! - 是的我知道这很令人伤心但伙计们你们得相信我- And called us junk! - Yeah, I know it looks bad. But guys, you gotta believe me.18100:18:03,430 --> 00:18:07,610- 当然大学生 - 安迪已经开始新的生活了伍迪- Sure thing, college boy. - Andy's moving on, Woody.18200:18:07,620 --> 00:18:10,080我们也该这样做了It's time we do the same.18300:18:10,080 --> 00:18:13,270好了所有人立刻从箱子里出来!Ok, out of the box. Everyone, right now!18400:18:13,570 --> 00:18:16,420- 来吧巴斯帮我一把我们得把这个弄下去 - 伍迪伍迪- Come on Buzz, give me a hand. We gotta get this thing. - Woody, Woody.18500:18:16,420 --> 00:18:18,500我们得搞清楚哪种选择对大家最好We need to figure out what's best for everyone.18600:18:24,550 --> 00:18:27,900哦完了完了我们永远也回不来了Oh great, great. It'll take us forever to get back here.18700:18:36,070 --> 00:18:39,060哦没关系的芭比你会没事的Oh it's all right, Barbie. You'll be ok.18800:18:39,340 --> 00:18:43,550茉莉已经冷落我很久了Molly and I have been growing apart for years.18900:18:43,550 --> 00:18:48,350只是... 我真不敢相信她会把我丢掉!It's just .. I can't believe she would throw me away!19000:18:48,360 --> 00:18:51,470- 我们是同命相怜小姑娘 - 好了大家听好了...- Welcome to the club, Toots. - Ok, everyone listen up...19100:18:51,470 --> 00:18:53,760我们有办法回到安迪家但我们得动作快一点We can get back to Andy's but we gotta move fast.19200:18:53,760 --> 00:18:57,690- 我们先躲在座位下面直到我们回到家 - 别犯傻了伍迪...- We'll hide under the seats till we get back home. - Get it through your vinyl noggin Woody...19300:18:57,690 --> 00:19:01,290- 安迪已经不想要我们了 - 他是要把你们放进阁楼的!- Andy doesn't want us anymore. - He was putting you in the attic!19400:19:01,290 --> 00:19:04,590- 他把我们丢在路边了! - 好了你们两个都安静一下!- He left us on the curb! - All right, calm down, both of you!19500:19:04,590 --> 00:19:08,790- 好好的好的你们就等着看看幼儿园是什么样子吧 - 为什么? 那是什么样子?- Ok. Fine, fine. Just wait until you see what daycare's like. - Why? What's it like?19600:19:08,790 --> 00:19:13,680幼儿园是一个悲伤孤独的地方专门收留没人要的废弃旧玩具Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed up old toys who have no owners.19700:19:17,320 --> 00:19:21,120- 你还什么都知道哈? - 哦等着看吧等你们一到幼儿园- Quite the charmer, aren't you? - Oh, you'll see, as soon as we get to daycare19800:19:21,120 --> 00:19:23,650你们会哭着闹着要回家you'll be begging to go home.19900:19:37,590 --> 00:19:40,820- 你们能看见什么吗? - 那儿有一个游乐场- Can anyone see anything? - There's a playground.20000:19:40,890 --> 00:19:41,320哇!Wow!20100:19:41,510 --> 00:19:45,580- 我们中头奖了红心 - 忧伤孤独从此拜拜是吧?- We hit the jackpot, Bull's-eye. - So much for sad and lonely, huh?20200:19:45,590 --> 00:19:48,980伙计们冷静点让我们正确地看待这件事Ok calm down guys. Let's keep this in perspective.20300:19:48,980 --> 00:19:51,500- 怎么个正确法? 这地方简直完美 - 伍迪这儿妙极了- Perspective? This place is perfect. - Woody, it's nice.20400:19:51,510 --> 00:19:55,200看见了吗? 门上还画着彩虹See? The door has a rainbow on it.20500:19:57,930 --> 00:20:01,500- 嘿我来了 - 哇真是好久不见- Hey, there. - Wow. I haven't seen you in ages.20600:20:01,500 --> 00:20:05,570- 我是来捐这些旧玩具的 - 是邦尼吗?- I just wanted to drop these old toys off. - Is this Bonnie?20700:20:05,570 --> 00:20:08,950- 都长这么大了呀 - 亲爱的快打招呼呀- Look how big you are. - Say hi, Sweetie.20800:20:08,950 --> 00:20:12,090- 嗨 - 你孩子们怎么样啊? 茉莉和安迪呢?- Hi. - Hey, how are your kids? Molly and Andy?20900:20:12,110 --> 00:20:15,810- 不是小孩子了安迪周五就上大学去了 - 真的吗?- Not kids anymore. Andy's going to college on Friday. - What?21000:20:15,810 --> 00:20:18,570- 难以置信吧? - 你确定他们不会想念这些玩具吗?- Can you believe it? - You sure they won't miss these?21100:20:18,570 --> 00:20:20,790不会的早就不玩这些东西了No, they never get played with.21200:20:22,940 --> 00:20:26,120- 你看见小孩子了吗? - 她要把我们带到哪儿去?- Do you see any kids? - Where's she taking us?21300:20:32,670 --> 00:20:33,500- 快看 - 哇- Look. - Wow.21400:20:33,520 --> 00:20:35,440啥? 有啥呀?What? What is it?21500:20:45,410 --> 00:20:48,060我看不到I can't see.21600:20:48,060 --> 00:20:51,160好了休息时间到来吧Ok, everyone recess. Come on.21700:20:55,350 --> 00:20:57,820- 现在我们怎么做呢? - 回安迪家去- So now what do we do? - We go back to Andy's.21800:20:57,820 --> 00:20:59,830- 有没有看见什么出口? - 什么出口不出口的- Anyone see an exit? - Exit, schmexit.21900:20:59,830 --> 00:21:03,490- 让我们和孩子们玩吧 - 说话小心不然其它玩具会嫉妒我们这些新人的- Let's get played with. - Careful. These toys might be jealous of new arrivals.22000:21:03,490 --> 00:21:06,470我要看看该轮到我看了I want to see. It's my turn.22100:21:11,470 --> 00:21:14,090新玩具!New toys!22200:21:19,630 --> 00:21:23,240- 你好很高兴认识你 - 巴斯光年乐意为您效劳- Howdy, glad to meet you. - Buzz Lightyear at your service.22300:21:28,090 --> 00:21:32,090哦谢谢可以吗? 哦哦Oh, thank you. May I? Oooh.22400:21:35,170 --> 00:21:37,510利爪The Claw.22500:21:44,670 --> 00:21:46,110嗯欢迎诸位Well, hello there.22600:21:46,110 --> 00:21:51,490我就说自己刚刚听到了一些新声音欢迎来到阳光幼儿园伙计们I thought I heard new voices. Welcome to Sunnyside, folks.22700:21:51,490 --> 00:21:55,930我是抱抱熊请叫我抱抱熊I'm Lotso, hugging bear. But please call me Lotso.22800:21:55,930 --> 00:21:58,180巴斯光年我们到此...Buzz Lightyear. We come in...22900:21:58,840 --> 00:22:02,060识人先识习抱抱熊喜欢抱人First thing you gotta know about me, I'm a hugger.23000:22:02,660 --> 00:22:05,970看看你们今天累坏了吧是不是?Look at you all. You been through a lot today, haven't you?23100:22:05,970 --> 00:22:09,080- 哦不堪回首啊 - 好了现在你们安全啦- Oh, it's been horrible. - Well, you're safe now.23200:22:09,080 --> 00:22:12,840我们都是弃儿被抛弃被捐赠...We're all cast-offs here. We've been dumped, donated...23300:22:12,840 --> 00:22:16,510宅前贱卖二手交易甚至赤裸裸地被丢弃yard sales, second-handed and just plain thrown out.23400:22:16,510 --> 00:22:21,550且莫伤心在这儿你们将意识到被捐赠其实是最好的归宿But just you wait, you'll find being donated was the best thing to ever happen to you.23500:22:21,550 --> 00:22:26,060抱抱熊先生这儿的玩具每天都有人玩吗?Mr. Lotso, do toys here get played with everyday?23600:22:26,060 --> 00:22:28,480周一到周五一天24小时All day long. Five days a week.23700:22:28,490 --> 00:22:32,270- 当孩子们长大了呢? - 问得好让我来告诉你- But what happens when the kids grow up? - Well now, I'll tell you.23800:22:32,280 --> 00:22:35,390一群孩子长大了又一群孩子进园来When the kids get old, new ones come in.23900:22:35,390 --> 00:22:38,400大孩子走了新宝宝来了周而复始When they get old, new ones replace them.24000:22:38,400 --> 00:22:42,510你们永远是适龄玩具永远不会被冷落被抛弃...You'll never be out-grown or neglected, never abandoned...24100:22:42,520 --> 00:22:46,360或是被遗忘没有常主就意味着不会心碎or forgotten. No owners means no heartbreak.24200:22:47,500 --> 00:22:49,830- 嘢哈! - 梦一样的生活!- Yee haw! - It's a miracle!24300:22:49,850 --> 00:22:52,630而你还叫我们留在安迪家And you wanted us to stay at Andy's.24400:22:52,630 --> 00:22:57,110- 因为我们是安迪的玩具! - 于是你们被这个安迪捐出去了对不?- Because we're Andy's toys! - So you got donated by this Andy, huh?24500:22:57,110 --> 00:23:00,530- 那是他的损失啊警长他再也不能伤害你了 - 哦不哦不- Well, it's his loss, Sheriff. He can't hurt you no more. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.24600:23:00,540 --> 00:23:04,730现在来给你们安新家肯尼呢? 那家伙到哪儿去了? 肯尼!Now let's get you all settled in. Ken? Where is that boy? Ken!24700:23:04,730 --> 00:23:08,850- 来新玩具了 - 棒极了抱抱我马上下来- New toys. - Far out. Down in a jiff, Lotso.24800:23:12,400 --> 00:23:14,790那么谁准备好了踏上肯尼的梦幻之旅?So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour?24900:23:14,880 --> 00:23:19,690- 带我们的新朋友参观一下他们的新家 - 啊伙计们请这边走...。




























Seeing oneself is not, the door of all goodness.(页眉可删)












【期刊名称】《《计算机光盘软件与应用:COMPUTER ARTS数码艺术》》【年(卷),期】2005(000)006

1.阐释学理论视角下的字幕译者主体性——以动画电影片《料理鼠王》的汉语字幕为个案研究 [J], 张瑞玲
2.翻译目的论观照下日本电影字幕版与配音版翻译对比分析——以日本动画电影《多啦A梦·大雄的恐龙》为例 [J], 李琼
3.翻译目的论观照下日本电影字幕版与配音版翻译对比分析——以日本动画电影《多啦A梦·大雄的恐龙》为例 [J], 李琼;
4.多模态话语分析视角下电影字幕翻译探究\r——以动画电影《狮子王》为例 [J], 徐嘉
——以《玩具总动员》系列电影为例 [J], 涂闽怡

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玩具总动员3中英字幕嘿! 钱!钱!钱!Money, money, money! Hey!{\r}独眼巴特 "正义"与你有个约会 - 太糟啦长官You got a date with justice, One-Eyed Bart. - Too bad, Sheriff.我已经结婚了I'm a married man.独眼贝蒂!One-Eyed Betty!我想你好像掉下了什么东西先生I think you dropped something, Mister.翠丝? - 投降吧巴特你已经无路可逃了Jessie? - Give it up, Bart. You've reached the end of the line.{\r} 我一直希望以爆炸作为结局I always wanted to go out with a bang.哦不要! - 孤儿们!Oh no! - The orphans!{\r}还想陪你们玩会的但我们的专车到了Hate to leave early, but our ride is here.追我还是救孩子长官你自己选吧It's me or the kiddies, Sheriff. Take your pick.跑出风驰电掣的感觉吧红心!Ride like the wind, Bull's-eye!抓紧了Hold 'em steady.伍迪快点! Woody, hurry!不No...真高兴我接住了火车 - 现在我们去抓罪犯吧Glad I can catch the train. - Now let's catchsome criminals.飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond.举起双手 - 你抓不到我的长官Reach for the sky. - You can't touch me, Sheriff.我的战犬可是内建磁力场的I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.好啊我也带来了专吃磁力场狗狗的抱抱龙Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force fields dogs.邪恶的猪排博士Evil Doctor Pork Chop.这是邪恶的猪排博士送给你们的礼物That's Mr. Evil Doctor Pork Chop to you.巴斯用你的激光枪射我的徽章伍迪不行我会把你射死的Buzz, shoot your laser on my badge. Woody, no, I'll kill you.你只管射就是了Just do it.你得去坐牢了巴特啊小心!You're going to jail, Bart. Ah, watch out!妈妈! - 别停别停继续玩吧就当我不在Mom! - No, no, no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I'm not here.哦别这样 Molly!- 没事没关系的妈妈Oh, no, Molly! - No, it's ok, Mom.这是一个有50 只脚的从太空来的娃娃It's a 50 feet baby from outer space.她在横冲直撞! 大家快逃命吧!And she's on a rampage! Run for your lives!红灯亮表示已经开始录了吗?Does the red light mean it's going?{\r}来吧对Molly 说"生日快乐"Come on say "Happy Birthday" to Molly.生日快乐 - 哦真可爱Happy birthday. - Oh. Charming.瞧瞧你都长这么高了Look how tall you're getting.巴斯光年前来救援Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.干得漂亮巴斯Good work, Buzz.好了各就各位快点赶快就位 - 稍等我的另一只眼睛找不到了Ok, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position. - Wait, I can't find myother eye.{\r}哎谁把脚放到我脸上了? - 是我的还给我-All right, whose foot's in my face? - It's mine, give it back.你救了我们我们这辈子都感激不尽You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.巴斯你介意我挤在你旁边吗?Buzz, mind if I squeeze in next to you?{\r}是的不我是说我怎么会介意挤... 挤在你... 旁边呢?Yes. No. I mean, why would I mind if I squeeze... squeeze in next to... you?{\r}这里太热了吧? - 哦他们来了Is it hot in here? - Oh, here they come.{\r}警长你们搞到了? - 完成任务Sarge, you got it? - Mission accomplished.{\r}万岁! Hooray!{\r}小心小心Careful. Careful.{\r}好了大伙儿我们只有一次机会All right guys. We've got one shot at this.大家准备了吗? - 我们准备好了伍迪开始干吧-Everybody ready? - We're ready, Woody. Let's do it.{\r}好的巴斯打电话吧Ok Buzz, make the call.{\r}目标正在靠近 - 就跟我们排练的情形一样伙计们Target is on approach. - Just like we rehearsed it guys.{\r}喂喂有人吗?Hello. Hello. Anyone there?{\r}别进我的房间 - 我没去你房间Molly, stay out of my room. - I wasn't in your room.那是谁在乱搞我的东西? - 不是我Then who was messing with my stuff? - It wasn't me哈进展还真顺利 - 他拿起我了! 他真的拿起我了!Well, that went well. - He held me! He actually held me!- 呃真悲哀 - 我们在骗谁啊? 这孩子已经17 岁了- Uh, this is just sad. - Who we kidding? The kid's 17 years old - 我们不能再在一起玩了- We ain't ever getting played with.大伙儿嗨等一下我们得开个全体会议大家都过来开全体会议Guys, hey, hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone, a staff meeting.哦别又开会 - 哦拜托弹簧狗把大家都召集来Oh, not again. - Oh come on. Sling, gather everyone up.呃我们都在啊伍迪Uh, we are together, Woody.好的呃首先... 我们都知道"游戏时间"这个计划成功的希望很渺茫Ok. Uh, first off ... we all knew "Operation Playtime" was a long shot.貌似失败了 - 但我们一直说我们的目的不是玩耍More like a misfire. - But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with而是为了... - 陪在安迪身边我们知道- it's about ... - Being there for Andy. We know.但我们可以再试一次对吗?But we can try again, right?哦还是算了各位我们就此打住吧 - 什么?I'm calling it guys. We're closing up shop. - What?现在安迪要去上大学了Andy's going to college anyday now.刚才的行动就是我们最后的机会That was our last shot.我们要转移到阁楼上了伙计们保证你们的附件佩戴齐全We're going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times.备用零件电池... 把需要的所有东西都带上有序搬迁Spare parts, batteries ... anything you need for an orderly transition.有序? 你还不明白吗? 我们玩完了! 结束了风光不再了Orderly? Don't you get it? We're done! Finished. Over the hill.嘿嘿嘿拜托了各位我们都知道这一天迟早会来临Hey, hey, hey. Come on guys. We all knew this day was coming.{\r} 没错但现在这一天真的来了 - 听我说每个玩具都要经历这一天没人希望看到... Yeah,but now it's here. - Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see ...{\r}嗨警长! 你们在干什么? - 战争已经结束了伙计们- Hey Sarge! What are you doing? -War's over folks.{\r}我和兄弟们要离开这里了离开? - 你们要擅自离开? Moving on? - You're going AWOL?我们已经完成了使命We've done our duty.安迪已经长大了 - 让我们面对现实吧.. - Andy isgrown up. - Let's face it ...等开始收垃圾的时候最先被丢进去的就是我们when the trashbags come out, we army guys are the first to go. 垃圾? - 谁说我们要变垃圾啊? Trash bags?- Who said anything about trash bags?很荣幸曾与你们并肩作战各位祝你们好运It has been an honor serving with you. Good luckfolks.你们会需要垃圾袋的 - 不不等等等等等等- You're gonna need it. - No, no, wait,wait, wait.我们会被扔掉? - 不没有人会被扔掉We're getting thrown away? - No. No one'sgetting thrown away 你怎么知道? - 我们被抛弃了- How do you know? - We're beingabandoned.我们会没事的翠丝 - 那警长为什么要离开? We'll be fine, Jessie. - So why didSarge leave?我们也要离开吗? - 我以为我们要去阁楼的啊? Should we leave? - I thoughtwe were going to the attic? 哦我讨厌这种不确定的感觉 - 喔喔喔等一下安静! Oh Ihate all this uncertainty. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute.Quiet!没有人会被扔掉明白了吗? No one's getting thrown out, ok?我们还会都在这儿我是说没错我们一路走来也曾失去过一些朋友... We're all still here. I mean, yeah,we'velost friends along theway ... 吱吱和画板还有... - 宝贝儿Wheezy and Etch and... - Bo Peep.没错甚至宝贝儿Yeah, even, even Bo.这些好玩具都已经找到了新主人All good toyswho've gone on to newowners.但经过了那么多次旧货出售春季扫除... But through every yard sale, every springcleaning..安迪留下了我们Andy held onto us.他一定很在乎我们否则我们早就不在这儿了Hemust care about us or we wouldn't be here.你们等着瞧安迪会把我们收到阁楼里的那里既温暖又安全You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm. 而且我们全都会在一起 - 完全正确And we'll all be together. - Exactly 那里有游戏有图书还有... - 赛车道There's games up there and books and ... - The racecar track.赛车道谢谢 - 还有旧电视Theracecar track, thank you. - And the old TV.你说得对还有旧电视还有圣诞节装饰用的那群伙计There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations 是的他们很有趣对吧? Well, they're fun, right?有朝一日如果我们幸运的话安迪会有自己的孩子And someday, if we're lucky, Andy may have kids of his own 他又会跟我们一起玩了对吧? And he'll playwith us then, right? 我们会在阁楼里等着他 - 来吧大伙儿.. - We'll always be there for him.- Come on guys ..让我们收拾好东西准备光荣引退吧let's get our parts together, getready andgo out on a high note 我得找到我的另一只眼睛 - 这次你又把它丢在哪儿了I'd better findmy other eye. - Where'd you leave it this time?一个黑乎乎的布满灰尘的地方Some place dark and dusty.来吧我们看看我们在易趣网上值多少钱Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay 别担心安迪会照顾好我们的我保证Don't worry, Andy's going to take care of us. I guarantee it 你保证能这样呃? - 我不知道巴斯You guarantee it, huh? - I don't know, Buzz.我还能怎么说? What else could I say?好的不管发生什么事至少我们全都在一起Well, whatever happens, at least we'llall be together.飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠他For infinity and beyond 能把你的立体声音响给我吗? - 不行 Can I haveyour stereo? - No. 他为什么不行?他 Why not?能把你的电脑给我吗? - 不行 Can I haveyour computer? - No 那你的游戏机呢? - 想都别想 Your video games?- Forget it, Molly好了安迪我们开始干活吧你不带到学校去的东西...Ok Andy, let's getto work here.Anything you're not taking to college ..要么放到阁楼上要么当垃圾扔掉either goes to the attic,or it's trash 妈妈我礼拜五才走呢 - 快点今天是收垃圾的日子-Mom, I'm not leaving tillFriday. - Come on, it's garbage day. 妈妈! - 看着这很简单的滑板: 带到大学Mom! -Look, it's simple. Skateboard: college 联赛小奖杯: 可能放到阁楼上Little League trophy:probably attic.苹果核: 垃圾Apple core: trash 剩下的你来收拾吧 - 你为什么还留着这些玩具? You can do the rest. - Why do you still have these toys? 别呆在我房里! - 再过三天这儿就归我喽- Molly, out of my room! - Three more days and it'smine 你也逃不掉你有很多玩具不知如何处置Molly! You're not off the hook either. You have more toys than you knowwhat to do with 有些玩具能让别的孩子很开心的Some of them can make other kids reallyhappy 什么孩子? - 幼儿园里的孩子What kids? - The children at the daycare.他们总是要大家捐赠They're always asking for donations. 什么是幼儿园? - 嘘嘘嘘What's daycare?- Sh Sh Sh 妈妈! - 别反对了你选择想捐赠的玩具我把它们送到阳光幼儿园去Mom! -No buts. You choose the toys you want to donate, I'll drop them off at Sunnyside 可怜的芭比 -雪佛兰跑车归我了 Poor Barbie. - I get the Corvette.安迪快点你得开始做决定了 Andy,come on. You need to start making decisions 什么决定? - 比如说你打算怎么处理这些玩具?Like what? - Like, what are you going to do with these toys?要不捐给阳光幼儿园行吗? -不行! Should we donate them to Sunnyside? - No! {\r}Dialogue: 0,0:12:52.68,0:12:54.37,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&} 那要不在网上出售?{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Maybe sell themonline?{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:12:54.38,0:12:56.62,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}妈妈没人想要这些旧玩具{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Mom, noone's going to want those old toys.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:12:56.62,0:13:00.20,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 他们都是些破烂 - 好吧你可以把它们留到礼拜五{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- They're junk. - Fine. You have tillFriday.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:13:00.20,0:13:02.94,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&} 没打包带去学校或者放到阁楼上的 ...{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarial black\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Anything that's not packed for college or in theattic...{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:13:02.94,0:13:06.29,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 都会被扔掉- 好吧好吧妈妈{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- isgetting thrown out. - Whatever you say, Mom.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:13:57.87,0:14:01.34,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 发生什么事了? - 我们要被扔掉了你这个白痴! 就是这么回事!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- What's happening? - We're getting thrownout, you idiot!That's what's happening!{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:15.62,0:14:17.93,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 要帮忙吗?- 我自己能行{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- You need ahand? - I got it.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:17.93,0:14:21.15,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}给你我走后你会想我吗?{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Here. So yougonna miss me when I'm gone?{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:21.15,0:14:23.47,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}如果我说"不"我还能得到你的房间吗 ?{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}If I say "no", will I still get your room?{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:23.47,0:14:25.96,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 不能 - 那就是吧我会想你的{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- No.- Then, yes, I'll miss you.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:25.96,0:14:28.70,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 我喘不过气来了 - 怎么会发生这种事 {\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarial black\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- I can't breathe. - This can't be happening.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:28.70,0:14:30.87,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}安静! 那是什么声音?{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Quiet!What's thatsound?{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:40.63,0:14:42.87,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&} 安迪!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Andy!{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:44.75,0:14:47.18,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&} 那不是垃圾那不是垃圾!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}That's nottrash. That's not trash!{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:47.18,0:14:49.35,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}想想办法伍迪想想办法想想办法 {\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Think, Woody. Think, think, think.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:50.11,0:14:52.26,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}巴斯特过来宝贝过来{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Buster, comehere boy. Come here.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:14:58.79,0:15:01.25,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&} 好的宝贝到路边去驾!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Ok boy, tothe curb. Heeyah!{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:04.05,0:15:07.69,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&} 不巴斯特!不要!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}No, Buster! No!{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:08.80,0:15:10.81,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}起来巴斯特{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Get up,Buster.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:26.45,0:15:28.90,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 我们在路边了 ! - 哦我就知道会这样 {\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- We're on the curb! - Oh, I knew it come tothis.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:29.00,0:15:31.35,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}大家用力拉!拉!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Pull everyone! Pull!{\r} Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.76,0:15:42.41,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&} 拉不开!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}It won'trip!{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:42.41,0:15:45.67,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}哦天哪... 有三层塑料袋高密度聚乙烯的 {\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarial black\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Oh for goodness ... It's triple-ply,high-densitypolyethylene.{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:45.67,0:15:48.81,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 一定有办法出去的 - 哦安迪不要我们了还有什么意义 ?{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}- There's gotta be a way out. - Oh Andy doesn't want us.What's the point?{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:48.81,0:15:50.66,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}有意义有意义有意义!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}Point, point,point!{\r}Dialogue: 0,0:15:53.48,0:15:57.17,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fn 黑体\fs24\shad1\3a&HBE&\4a&H64&\fscx67\fscy66\2c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFF8000&}- 拉! 拉! -我能听到垃圾车的声音!{\r}\N{\fscx85\fscy85}{\fnarialblack\fs14\4a&H64&\fscx90\fscy110}-。
