Linux 命令大全(英文版)Index of the Bash command line for Linux
-f : 链结时先将和 dist 同档名档案删除-d : 允许系统管理者硬链结自己目录-i : 在删除和 dist 同档名档案时先进 行询问-n : 在进行软连结时将 dist 视为般档案-s : 进行软链结(symbolic link)-v : 在连结的前显示其档名-b : 将 在链结时会被覆写或删除档案进行备份-S SUFFIX : 将备份档案都加上 SUFFIX 字尾-V METHOD : 指定备份方 式--help : 显示辅助介绍说明--version : 显示版本 范例 : 将档案 yy 产生个 symbolic link : zz ln -s yy zz
将 设定为只有该档案拥有者可以执行 :
chmod u+x 将目前目录下所有档案和子目录皆设为任何人可读取 : chmod -R a+r * 此外chmod也可以用数字来表示权限如 chmod 777 file 语法为:chmod abc file 其中a,b,c各为个数字分别表示User、Group、及Other权限 r=4w=2x=1 若要rwx属性则4+2+1=7; 若要rw-属性则4+2=6; 若要r-x属性则4+1=7 范例: chmod a=rwx file 和 chmod 777 file 效果相同 chmod ug=rwx,o=x file 和 chmod 771 file 效果相同
范例 : 将档案 file1.txt 拥有者设为 users 群体使用者 jessie : chown jessie:users file1.txt
将目前目录下所有档案和子目录拥有者皆设为 users 群体使用者 lamport : chmod -R lamport:users *
Linux命令大全完整版目录目录 (I)1. linux系统管理命令 (1)adduser (1)chfn(change finger information) (1)chsh(change shell) (1)date (2)exit (3)finger (4)free (5)fwhois (5)gitps(gnu interactive tools process status) (5)groupdel(group delete) (6)groupmod(group modify) (6)halt (7)id (7)kill (8)last (8)lastb (8)login (9)logname (9)logout (9)logrotate (9)newgrp (10)nice (10)procinfo(process information) (11)ps(process status) (11)pstree(process status tree) (14)renice (15)rlogin(remote login) (16)rsh(remote shell) (16)rwho (16)screen (17)shutdown (17)sliplogin (18)su(super user) (18)sudo (19)suspend (19)swatch(simple watcher) (20)tload (20)top (21)uname (21)useradd (22)userconf (22)userdel (23)usermod (23)vlock(virtual console lock) (24)w (24)who (25)whoami (25)whois (25)2. linux系统设置命令 (27)alias (27)apmd(advanced power management BIOS daemon) (27)aumix(audio mixer) (27)bind (29)chkconfig(check config) (29)clock (30)crontab (31)declare (31)depmod(depend module) (32)dircolors (32)dmesg (33)enable (33)eval (33)export (33)fbset(frame buffer setup) (34)grpconv(group convert to shadow password) (35)grpunconv(group unconvert from shadow password) (35)hwclock(hardware clock) (35)insmod(install module) (36)kbdconfig (36)lilo(linux loader) (37)liloconfig (38)lsmod(list modules) (38)minfo (38)mkkickstart (39)modinfo(module infomation) (39)modprobe(module probe) (39)mouseconfig (40)ntsysv (41)passwd(password) (41)pwconv (41)pwunconv (42)rdate(receive date) (42)resize (42)rpm(redhat package manager) (43)set (46)setconsole (47)setenv(set environment variable) (48)setup (48)sndconfig (48)SVGAText Mode (49)timeconfig (49)ulimit (50)unalias (50)unset (51)3. linux文档编辑命令 (52)col (52)colrm(column remove) (52)comm(common) (52)csplit(context split) (53)ed(editor) (53)egrep (54)ex (54)fgrep(fixed regexp) (54)fmt(fromat) (54)fold (55)grep (55)ispell(interactive spelling checking) (57)jed (58)joe (58)join (60)look (61)mtype (61)rgrep(recursive grep) (62)sed(stream editor) (63)sort (64)spell (65)tr(translate character) (65)uniq (65)wc(word count) (66)4. linux压缩备份命令 (67)ar (67)bunzip2 (68)bzip2 (68)bzip2recover (69)compress (69)cpio(copy in/out) (70)dump (72)gunzip(gnu unzip) (73)gzexe(gzip executable) (74)gzip(gnu zip) (74)lha (75)restore (76)tar(tape archive) (77)unarj (80)unzip (81)zip (82)zipinfo (83)5.linux文件管理命令 (85)diff(differential) (85)diffstat(differential status) (86)file (87)git(gnu interactive tools) (90)gitview(gnu interactie tools viewer) (91)ln(link) (91)locate (92)lsattr(list attribute) (92)mattrib (93)mc(midnight commander) (93)mcopy (94)mdel (94)mktemp (95)mmove (95)mread (95)mren (96)mshowfat (96)mtools (96)mtoolstest (96)mv (97)od(octal dump) (97)paste (98)patch (99)rcp(remote copy) (101)rhmask (101)rm(remove) (101)slocate(secure locate) (102)split (102)tee (103)tmpwatch(temporary watch) (103)touch (103)umask (104)which (105)cat (105)chattr(change attribute) (106)chgrp(change group) (106)chmod(change mode) (107)chown(change owner) (108)cksum(check sum) (109)cmp(compare) (109)cp(copy) (110)cut (111)indent (111)6.linux文件传输命令 (115)bye (115)ftp(file transfer protocol) (115)ftpcount (115)ftpshut(ftp shutdown) (115)ftpwho (116)ncftp(nc file transfer protocol) (116)tftp(trivial file transfer protocol) (116)uucico (116)uucp (117)uupick (118)uuto (119)7. linux磁盘管理命令 (120)cd(change directory) (120)df(disk free) (120)dirs (121)du(disk usage) (121)edquota(edit quota) (122)lndir(link directory) (123)ls(list) (123)mcd (125)mdeltree (125)mdu (126)mkdir(make directories) (126)mlabel (126)mmd (127)mmount (127)mrd (127)mzip (127)pwd(print working directory) (128)quota (128)quotacheck (128)quotaoff (129)quotaon (129)repquota(report quota) (130)rmdir(remove directory) (130)rmt(remote magnetic tape) (130)stat(status) (131)Tree (131)umount (132)8. linux磁盘维护命令 (133)badblocks (133)cfdisk (133)dd (134)e2fsck(ext2 file system check) (134)ext2ed(ext2 file system editor) (136)fdisk (137)fsck.ext2(file system check-second filesystem) (137)fsck(file system check) (138)fsck.minix(file system check-minix filesystem) (139)fsconf(file system configurator) (139)hdparm(hard disk parameters) (139)losetup(loop setup) (141)mbadblocks (141)mformat (141)mkbootdisk(make boot disk) (142)mkdosfs(make Dos file system) (143)mke2fs(make ext2 file system) (143)mkfs.ext2 (144)mkfs(make file system) (144)mkfs.minix (145)mkfs.msdos (145)mkinitrd(make initial ramdisk images) (145)mkisofs(make iso file system) (145)mkswap (147)mpartition (148)sfdisk (148)swapoff (149)swapon (149)symlinks(symbolic links) (149)sync (150)9. linux网络通讯命令 (151)dip (151)getty(get teletypewriter) (151)mingetty (152)ppp-off (152)smbd(samba daemon) (152)telnet (153)uulog (154)uustat (154)uux (155)cu(call up) (156)dnsconf(dns configurator) (157)efax (158)httpd(http daemon) (159)ifconfig (159)mesg (160)minicom (161)nc (161)netconf (162)netstat (162)ping (163)pppstats(point to point protocol status) (164)samba (164)setserial (165)shapecfg(shaper configuration) (165)smbd(samba daemon) (166)statserial(status ofserial port) (166)talk (166)Tcpdump (167)testparm(test parameter) (168)traceroute (168)tty(teletypewriter) (169)uuname (169)wall(write all) (170)write (170)ytalk (170)arpwatch(ARP watcher) (170)apachectl(Apache control interface) (171)smbclient(samba client) (171)pppsetup (172)10. linux电子邮件与新闻组命令 (173)archive (173)ctlinnd(control the internet news daemon) (173)elm (173)getlist (174)inncheck(inn check) (174)mail (175)mailconf (175)mailq(mail queue) (175)messages (176)metamail (176)mutt (177)nntpget (178)pine (178)slrn (180)11. linux其他命令 (181)reconfig (181)startx(start X Window) (181)xconfigurator (181)XF86Setup (182)xlsatoms (182)xlsclients (183)xlsfonts (183)yes (184)1. linux系统管理命令adduser功能说明:新增用户帐号。
Linux 系统命令及其使用详解(大全)(来源: 中国系统分析员)cat cdchmod chowncp cut名称:cat使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName说明:把档案串连接后传到基本输出(萤幕或加> fileName 到另一个档案)参数:-n 或--number 由 1 开始对所有输出的行数编号-b 或--number-nonblank 和-n 相似,只不过对于空白行不编号-s 或--squeeze-blank 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行,就代换为一行的空白行-v 或--show-nonprinting范例:cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 把textfile1 的档案内容加上行号后输入textfile2 这个档案里cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 把textfile1 和textfile2 的档案内容加上行号(空白行不加)之后将内容附加到textfile3名称:cd使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cd [dirName]说明:变换工作目录至dirName。
其中dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。
若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的home directory (也就是刚login 时所在的目录).另外,"~" 也表示为home directory 的意思,"." 则是表示目前所在的目录,".." 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
范例:跳到/usr/bin/:cd /usr/bin跳到自己的home directory:cd ~跳到目前目录的上上两层:cd ../..指令名称:chmod使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file...说明:Linux/Unix 的档案存取权限分为三级:档案拥有者,群组,其他。
Linux 命令及使用详解Hanent整理cat cdchmod chowncp cut名称:cat使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName说明:把档案串连接后传到基本输出(萤幕或加> fileName 到另一个档案)参数:-n 或--number 由 1 开始对所有输出的行数编号-b 或--number-nonblank 和-n 相似,只不过对于空白行不编号-s 或--squeeze-blank 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行,就代换为一行的空白行-v 或--show-nonprinting范例:cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 把textfile1 的档案内容加上行号后输入textfile2 这个档案里cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 把textfile1 和textfile2 的档案内容加上行号(空白行不加)之后将内容附加到textfile3名称:cd使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cd [dirName]说明:变换工作目录至dirName。
其中dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。
若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的home directory (也就是刚login 时所在的目录).另外,"~" 也表示为home directory 的意思,"." 则是表示目前所在的目录,".." 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
范例:跳到/usr/bin/:cd /usr/bin跳到自己的home directory:cd ~跳到目前目录的上上两层:cd ../..指令名称:chmod使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file...说明:Linux/Unix 的档案存取权限分为三级:档案拥有者,群组,其他。
Linux 系统命令及其使用详解(大全)(来源: 中国系统分析员)cat cdchmod chowncp cut名称:cat使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName说明:把档案串连接后传到基本输出(萤幕或加> fileName 到另一个档案)参数:-n 或--number 由 1 开始对所有输出的行数编号-b 或--number-nonblank 和-n 相似,只不过对于空白行不编号-s 或--squeeze-blank 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行,就代换为一行的空白行-v 或--show-nonprinting范例:cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 把textfile1 的档案内容加上行号后输入textfile2 这个档案里cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 把textfile1 和textfile2 的档案内容加上行号(空白行不加)之后将内容附加到textfile3名称:cd使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cd [dirName]说明:变换工作目录至dirName。
其中dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。
若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的home directory (也就是刚login 时所在的目录).另外,"~" 也表示为home directory 的意思,"." 则是表示目前所在的目录,".." 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
范例:跳到/usr/bin/:cd /usr/bin跳到自己的home directory:cd ~跳到目前目录的上上两层:cd ../..指令名称:chmod使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file...说明:Linux/Unix 的档案存取权限分为三级:档案拥有者,群组,其他。
Linux常⽤命令英⽂全称与中⽂解释(Linux⼊门)man: Manual 意思是⼿册,可以⽤这个命令查询其他命令的⽤法,例:man ls查看ls命令的⽤法和详解.(command --help或command -h也可以查看command命令的详解)ls: List files 列出当前⽬录下的⽂件(linux中⼀切皆⽂件)lsmod:List module,列出linux中加载的模块列表lscpu:List cpu,列出linux的cpu信息. CPU(Center Processing Unit)中央处理单元lsmem:List memory,列出linux的内存信息lsattr:List attribute,列出⽂件的属性信息pwd: Print working directory显⽰当前所在的⽬录(以绝对路径显⽰)cd: Change directory 切换⽬录,后⾯跟要进⼊的⽬的⽬录,⽬录路径可以⽤相对路径和绝对路径表⽰,后⾯不跟选项和参数时和cd ~命令可以⼀样回到当前登录⽤户的家⽬录。
cd -表⽰进⼊上次进⼊⽬录的位置,cd -连续使⽤即两个⽬录来回切换。
cd ..表⽰进⼊当前⽬录的上⼀级⽬录,例:当前⽬录为/root,使⽤cd ..命令后会回到/⽬录(/表⽰根⽬录,也是Linux⽬录结构的顶级⽬录)su:Switch user,切换⽤户(su - user1和su user1都能切换到user1,但尽量不要使⽤后者,因为后者只是shell层⾯上的切换,切换后⽤户的环境变量还是之前⽤户的)cat: Con cat enate 串联,在linux中主要查看⽂件的内容passwd:password的缩写,直接使⽤passwd命令,即命令后不跟选项和参数时表⽰更改当前登录⽤户的密码touch: 创建⽂件的命令,例:touch 1.txt为创建⼀个1.txt的普通⽂件,但touch命令后⾯跟的⽂件是当前存在的⽂件,那么会更新该⽂件的时间戳stat:stat us,命令后边跟⽂件,即可查看⽂件的时间戳等信息mkdir: mk=Make,dir=directory,意为创建⼀个⽬录(即⽂件夹)ln: Link 创建⼀个链接⽂件,⼀般使⽤-s参数,指创建⼀个软连接(相当于Windows⾥的快捷⽅式)mv: move,移动⽂件,也可以修改⽂件名。
Linux 系统命令及其使用详解(大全)(来源: 中国系统分析员)cat cdchmod chowncp cut名称:cat使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName说明:把档案串连接后传到基本输出(萤幕或加> fileName 到另一个档案)参数:-n 或--number 由 1 开始对所有输出的行数编号-b 或--number-nonblank 和-n 相似,只不过对于空白行不编号-s 或--squeeze-blank 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行,就代换为一行的空白行-v 或--show-nonprinting范例:cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 把textfile1 的档案内容加上行号后输入textfile2 这个档案里cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 把textfile1 和textfile2 的档案内容加上行号(空白行不加)之后将内容附加到textfile3名称:cd使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cd [dirName]说明:变换工作目录至dirName。
其中dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。
若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的home directory (也就是刚login 时所在的目录).另外,"~" 也表示为home directory 的意思,"." 则是表示目前所在的目录,".." 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
范例:跳到/usr/bin/:cd /usr/bin跳到自己的home directory:cd ~跳到目前目录的上上两层:cd ../..指令名称:chmod使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file...说明:Linux/Unix 的档案存取权限分为三级:档案拥有者,群组,其他。
-d: 不把记录写到/var/log/wtmp文件里(-n这个参数包含了-d)。
-i: 在重开机之前先把所有与网络相关的装置停止。
-m,--mode=模式:自行设定权限模式 (像chmod),而不是rwxr-xr-x。
-o,--owner=所有者:自行设定所有者 (只适用于超级用户)。
要挂载下列5个设备,其执行指令可能如下 (假设都是Linux的ext2系统,如果是Windows XX请将ext2改成vfat):
(1)install [选项]... 来源 目的地
(2)install [选项]... 来源... 目录
(3)install -d [选项]... 目录...
linux 学习手册linux命令大全
L i n u x学习手册--l i n u x命令大全一、Linux命令名称: cd使用权限: 所有使用者使用方式: cd [dirName]说明: 变换工作目录至dirName。
其中dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。
若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的home directory (也就是刚login 时所在的目录)。
另外,"~" 也表示为home directory 的意思,"." 则是表示目前所在的目录,".." 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
范例: 跳到/usr/bin/ :cd /usr/bin跳到自己的home directory :cd ..跳到目前目录的上上两层:cd ../指令名称: chmod使用权限: 所有使用者使用方式: chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file...说明: Linux/Unix 的档案存取权限分为三级: 档案拥有者﹑群组﹑其它。
利用chmod 可以藉以控制档案如何被他人所存取。
参数:mode : 权限设定字符串﹐格式如下: [ugoa...][[+-=][rwxX]...][,...],其中u 表示该档案的拥有者﹐g 表示与该档案的拥有者属于同一个群体(group)者﹐o 表示其它以外的人﹐a 表示这三者皆是。
+ 表示增加权限﹑- 表示取消权限﹑= 表示唯一设定权限。
r 表示可读取﹐w 表示可写入﹐x 表示可执行﹐X 表示只有当该档案是个子目录或者该档案已经被设定过为可执行。
-c : 若该档案权限确实已经更改﹐才显示其更改动作-f : 若该档案权限无法被更改也不要显示错误讯息-v : 显示权限变更的详细资料-R : 对目前目录下的所有档案与子目录进行相同的权限变更(即以递归的方式逐个变更) --help : 显示辅助说明--version : 显示版本范例:将档案file1.txt 设为所有人皆可读取:chmod ugo+r file1.txt将档案file1.txt 设为所有人皆可读取:chmod a+r file1.txt将档案file1.txt 与file2.txt 设为该档案拥有者,与其所属同一个群体者可写入﹐但其它以外的人则不可写入:chmod ug+w,o-w file1.txt file2.txt将 设定为只有该档案拥有者可以执行:chmod u+x ex1.py将目前目录下的所有档案与子目录皆设为任何人可读取:chmod -R a+r *此外chmod也可以用数字来表示权限如chmod 777 file语法为:chmod abc file其中a,b,c各为一个数字,分别表示User、Group、及Other的权限。
Linux常见缩写命令英⽂全称linux 命令参考Linux 命令⼤全:awk = "Aho Weiberger and Kernighan" 三个作者的姓的第⼀个字母,awk是⼀种编程语⾔,⽤于在linux/unix下对⽂本和数据进⾏处理。
bash = GNU Bourne-Again Shell ⼤多Linux的默认shellbc = Basic Calculator 基础计算器,是⼀种⽀持任意精度的交互执⾏的计算器语⾔。
bg = BackGround ⽤于将作业放到后台运⾏,使前台可以执⾏其他任务。
fg = ForeGround ⽤于将后台作业(在后台运⾏的或者在后台挂起的作业)放到前台终端运⾏。
cal = calendar ⽇历,后跟⽉份数、年份数可显⽰指定⽉⽇历rpm = RedHat Package Manager RedHat软件包管理⼯具tar = tape archive 可以把⼀⼤堆的⽂件和⽬录全部打包成⼀个⽂件chgrp = Change group 改变⽂件归属⽤户组chmod = Change mode ⽤来变更⽂件或⽬录的权限。
chown = Change owner 改变某个⽂件或⽬录的所有者和所属的组,该命令可以向某个⽤户授权,使该⽤户变成指定⽂件的所有者或者改变⽂件所属的组。
logname = login name 显⽰当前登录⽤户名passwd = PassWord ⽤于设置⽤户的认证信息,包括⽤户密码、密码过期时间等。
su = switch user ⽤于切换当前⽤户⾝份到其他⽤户⾝份,变更时须输⼊所要变更的⽤户帐号与密码。
sudo = super user do ⽤来以其他⾝份来执⾏命令,预设的⾝份为root。
w = who ⽤于显⽰已经登陆系统的⽤户列表,并显⽰⽤户正在执⾏的指令。
whoami = whoami ⽤于打印当前有效的⽤户名称,相当于执⾏id -un命令。
Linux常用命令英文全称与汉语解释Linux系统man: Manual 意思是手册,可以用这个命令查询其他命令的用法。
pwd:Print working directory 意思是显示工作目录。
su:Swith user 切换用户,切换到root用户cd:Change directory 切换目录ls:List files 列出目录下的文件ps:Process Status 进程状态mkdir:Make directory 建立目录rmdir:Remove directory 移动目录mkfs: Make file system 建立文件系统fsck:File system check 文件系统检查cat: Concatenate 串联concatenate files and print on the standard output把文件连接后输出到屏幕上uname: Unix name 系统名称df: Disk free 空余硬盘du: Disk usage 硬盘使用率lsmod: List modules 列表模块mv: Move file 移动文件rm: Remove file 删除文件cp: Copy file 复制文件ln: Link files 链接文件fg: Foreground 前景bg: Background 背景chown: Change owner 改变所有者chgrp: Change group 改变用户组chmod: Change mode 改变模式umount: Unmount卸载dd: 本来应根据其功能描述“Convert an copy”命名为“cc”,但“cc”已经被用以代表“C Complier”,所以命名为“dd”tar:Tape archive 解压文件ldd:List dynamic dependencies 列出动态相依insmod:Install module 安装模块rmmod:Remove module 删除模块lsmod:List module 列表模块sudo是superuser do的简写reboot:重启logout :退出注销binary :二进制device:设备手段etcetera:等等系统配置文件recursion:递归(-R)disrecursion:不递归)(-d)force:直接覆盖(-f)all:所有的(-a)list:列出所有信息(-l)if:提示是否覆盖(-I)普通文件(-):文本文件和二进制文件目录文件(d):文件夹连接文件(l):ln创建的文件特殊文件:设备文件(b,c)和管道文件(p)图形界面要注销就从菜单里选择或者快捷键ctrl+alt+backspace修改登录界面启动:vi /etc/inittab3 文本5 图像使用man或info 查看有关命令的帮助使用fdisk -l 显示分区情形;df -h显示磁盘使用情形使用du -sh /*查看某个(根目录所有文件夹)目录占有磁盘情形查看linux版本号:uname -a清屏:clear检查修复文件系统(非正常关机):fsck查找文件:find /etc -name 文件名(/etc为起始目录)列出某个目录的详细信息:ls -l /etc(/etc为目录)当前目录:cd . 上一层目录:cd ..查看目录路径:pwd创建目录:mkdir 1(1为文件名)删除空目录:rmdir 1 删除不为空的目录或文件:rm -r(-f)1查看用户信息:vi /etc/passwd隐式密码:vi /etc/shadow查看某个文件的内容:cat /etc/inittab移动文件:mv 1.c /root (移动1.c到root中)创建文件:vi 1.c复制文件到指定目录:cp /root/1.c/home/1.c(从root目录复制到home目录下)比较两个文件:diff 1.c 2.c 或cmp 1.c 2.c标准用户输入:cat (输入完后安ctrl d退出)显示重定向:ls -l > ls.txt(显示到ls.txt上;0>输入重定向;1>输出重定向;2>错误重定向)设置文件的读写权限:chmodu+w 1.c(增加文件拥有者对1.c写的权限)chmod g-r 1.c( 删除工作组对1.c读的权限)chmodo+x 1.c(增加其他用户对1.c的执行权限)chmod a-w 1.c(删除所有用户对1.c写的权限)列出文件索引好:ls -i构建软硬连接:in -s /home/lxt008 /008(将lxt008链接至008 即008是lxt008的快捷方式若无-s就是硬链接)查看DNS客户端配置:more /etc/resolv.conf查看ip地址:ifconfig(看以上两者的ip是否相符,若不相符使用下面的命令修改)更改网络配置:netconfig(修改好后,要使用service network restart重启网络后方能生效)查看默认路关:route -n修改默认网关:route add default gw和默认网关在同一网段方能联网)或使用ifconfig eth0 netmask 修改ip和子网掩码结束进程:ctrl+ c(或D)查看网络状况:netstat查看某个rpm包是否安装:rpm -qi a.rpm安装某个包:rpm -ivha.rpm打包:tar -cvf lxt008.tar /home/lxt008(将home目录下的路线图lxt008文件夹打包成lxt008.tar v是view简写f为file)解包:tar -xvf lxt008.tar /home(解压到home中)查看包的内容:tar -tvf lxt008.tar打包并压缩:tar -czvf 008.tar.gz /home/lxtoo8解压包:tar -xzvf 008.tar.gz /home注释掉:#创建shell脚本:vi first.sh显示字符串:echo "王林"等待从终端输入给变量:read f(f为变量)显示变量内容:echo ${f}查看环境变量:env不需要换行:-n查看运行的进程:ps杀掉某个线程:kill 1186(1186是线程号)将某个进程设为后台运行:find / -name passwd&(将find / -name passwd进程设为后台运行)管道:ls -l /dev | more (列出dev目录下的详细信息又要分页)vi编辑器中保存文件:w +文件名显示行号::set nu。
Linux命令大全完整版目录目录 (I)1. linux系统管理命令 (1)adduser (1)chfn(change finger information) (1)chsh(change shell) (1)date (2)exit (3)finger (4)free (5)fwhois (5)gitps(gnu interactive tools process status) (5)groupdel(group delete) (6)groupmod(group modify) (6)halt (7)id (7)kill (8)last (8)lastb (8)login (9)logname (9)logout (9)logrotate (9)newgrp (10)nice (10)procinfo(process information) (11)ps(process status) (11)pstree(process status tree) (14)reboot (15)rlogin(remote login) (16)rsh(remote shell) (16)rwho (16)screen (17)shutdown (17)sliplogin (18)su(super user) (18)sudo (19)suspend (19)swatch(simple watcher) (20)tload (20)top (21)uname (21)useradd (22)userconf (22)userdel (23)usermod (23)vlock(virtual console lock) (24)w (24)who (25)whoami (25)whois (25)2. linux系统设置命令 (27)alias (27)apmd(advanced power management BIOS daemon) (27)aumix(audio mixer) (27)bind (29)chkconfig(check config) (29)chroot(change root) (30)crontab (31)declare (31)depmod(depend module) (32)dircolors (32)dmesg (33)enable (33)eval (33)export (33)fbset(frame buffer setup) (34)grpconv(group convert to shadow password) (35)grpunconv(group unconvert from shadow password) (35)hwclock(hardware clock) (35)insmod(install module) (36)kbdconfig (36)lilo(linux loader) (37)liloconfig (38)lsmod(list modules) (38)minfo (38)mkkickstart (39)modinfo(module infomation) (39)modprobe(module probe) (39)mouseconfig (40)ntsysv (41)passwd(password) (41)pwconv (41)pwunconv (42)rdate(receive date) (42)resize (42)rmmod(remove module) (42)set (46)setconsole (47)setenv(set environment variable) (48)setup (48)sndconfig (48)SVGAText Mode (49)timeconfig (49)ulimit (50)unalias (50)unset (51)3. linux文档编辑命令 (52)col (52)colrm(column remove) (52)comm(common) (52)csplit(context split) (53)ed(editor) (53)egrep (54)ex (54)fgrep(fixed regexp) (54)fmt(fromat) (54)fold (55)grep (55)ispell(interactive spelling checking) (57)jed (58)joe (58)join (60)look (61)mtype (61)pico (62)sed(stream editor) (63)sort (64)spell (65)tr(translate character) (65)uniq (65)wc(word count) (66)4. linux压缩备份命令 (67)ar (67)bunzip2 (68)bzip2 (68)bzip2recover (69)compress (69)cpio(copy in/out) (70)dump (72)gunzip(gnu unzip) (73)gzexe(gzip executable) (74)gzip(gnu zip) (74)lha (75)restore (76)tar(tape archive) (77)unarj (80)unzip (81)zip (82)zipinfo (83)5.linux文件管理命令 (85)diff(differential) (85)diffstat(differential status) (86)file (87)find (87)gitview(gnu interactie tools viewer) (91)ln(link) (91)locate (92)lsattr(list attribute) (92)mattrib (93)mc(midnight commander) (93)mcopy (94)mdel (94)mktemp (95)mmove (95)mread (95)mren (96)mshowfat (96)mtools (96)mtoolstest (96)mv (97)od(octal dump) (97)paste (98)patch (99)rcp(remote copy) (101)rhmask (101)rm(remove) (101)slocate(secure locate) (102)split (102)tee (103)tmpwatch(temporary watch) (103)touch (103)umask (104)whereis (104)cat (105)chattr(change attribute) (106)chgrp(change group) (106)chmod(change mode) (107)chown(change owner) (108)cksum(check sum) (109)cmp(compare) (109)cp(copy) (110)cut (111)indent (111)6.linux文件传输命令 (115)bye (115)ftp(file transfer protocol) (115)ftpcount (115)ftpshut(ftp shutdown) (115)ftpwho (116)ncftp(nc file transfer protocol) (116)tftp(trivial file transfer protocol) (116)uucico (116)uucp (117)uupick (118)uuto (119)7. linux磁盘管理命令 (120)cd(change directory) (120)df(disk free) (120)dirs (121)du(disk usage) (121)edquota(edit quota) (122)eject (122)ls(list) (123)mcd (125)mdeltree (125)mdu (126)mkdir(make directories) (126)mlabel (126)mmd (127)mmount (127)mrd (127)mzip (127)pwd(print working directory) (128)quota (128)quotacheck (128)quotaoff (129)quotaon (129)repquota(report quota) (130)rmdir(remove directory) (130)rmt(remote magnetic tape) (130)stat(status) (131)Tree (131)umount (132)8. linux磁盘维护命令 (133)badblocks (133)cfdisk (133)dd (134)e2fsck(ext2 file system check) (134)ext2ed(ext2 file system editor) (136)fdisk (137)fsck.ext2(file system check-second filesystem) (137)fsck.minix(file system check-minix filesystem) (139)fsconf(file system configurator) (139)hdparm(hard disk parameters) (139)losetup(loop setup) (141)mbadblocks (141)mformat (141)mkbootdisk(make boot disk) (142)mkdosfs(make Dos file system) (143)mke2fs(make ext2 file system) (143)mkfs.ext2 (144)mkfs(make file system) (144)mkfs.minix (145)mkfs.msdos (145)mkinitrd(make initial ramdisk images) (145)mkisofs(make iso file system) (145)mkswap (147)mpartition (148)sfdisk (148)swapoff (149)swapon (149)symlinks(symbolic links) (149)sync (150)9. linux网络通讯命令 (151)dip (151)getty(get teletypewriter) (151)mingetty (152)ppp-off (152)smbd(samba daemon) (152)telnet (153)uulog (154)uustat (154)uux (155)cu(call up) (156)dnsconf(dns configurator) (157)efax (158)httpd(http daemon) (159)ifconfig (159)mesg (160)minicom (161)nc (161)netconf (162)netstat (162)ping (163)pppstats(point to point protocol status) (164)samba (164)setserial (165)shapecfg(shaper configuration) (165)smbd(samba daemon) (166)statserial(status ofserial port) (166)talk (166)Tcpdump (167)testparm(test parameter) (168)traceroute (168)tty(teletypewriter) (169)uuname (169)wall(write all) (170)write (170)ytalk (170)arpwatch(ARP watcher) (170)apachectl(Apache control interface) (171)smbclient(samba client) (171)pppsetup (172)10. linux电子邮件与新闻组命令 (173)archive (173)ctlinnd(control the internet news daemon) (173)elm (173)getlist (174)inncheck(inn check) (174)mail (175)mailconf (175)mailq(mail queue) (175)messages (176)metamail (176)mutt (177)nntpget (178)pine (178)slrn (180)11. linux其他命令 (181)reconfig (181)startx(start X Window) (181)xconfigurator (181)XF86Setup (182)xlsatoms (182)xlsclients (183)xlsfonts (183)yes (184)1. linux系统管理命令adduser功能说明:新增用户帐号。
linux命令⼤全Linux系统命令操作语法格式命令空格参数空格【⽂件或路径】需要处理的内容rm-rf/tmp/*ls -la/home结婚-没车没房⼥的就⾏结婚-有车有房⽩富美1.⼀般情况下,【参数】是可选的,⼀些情况下【⽂件或路径】也是可选的2.参数 > 同⼀个命令,跟上不同的参数执⾏不同的功能执⾏linux命令,添加参数的⽬的是让命令更加贴切实际⼯作的需要!linux命令,参数之间,普遍应该⽤⼀个或多个空格分割!创建⼀个⽬录 /oldboywindows下:⿏标右击 > 新建⽂件夹Linux下:make directory > mk dir > mkdir-------------------------------mkdir /oldboy-------------------------------cd /mkdir oldboy#递归创建a/b c/dmkdir -p a/b c/d#递归创建test/a,b,c,d四个⽬录mkdir -p test/{a,b,c,d}#递归创建⽂件夹a/b/c/d/emkdir -p a/b/c/d/e查看⽬录 /oldboy#显⽰/oldboy下的内容ls /oldboy改变当前的⽬录/位置cd /homecd ~cd -换来换去的,迷路了怎么办?我到底在哪个⽬录?打印当前⼯作⽬录#打印当前⼯作⽬录pwd创建⽂件或者修改⽂件时间戳(⽂件属性)创建⽂本修改⽂件的修改时间#修改⽂件的更改时间,很多⿊客就会在恶意修改⽂件之后再修改成之前的时间ls -lecho 'sb' >> xxx.pytouch -d "23:00"触摸touch xxx.pyvim所有的 Unix Like 系统都会内建 vi ⽂书编辑器,其他的⽂书编辑器则不⼀定会存在。
但是⽬前我们使⽤⽐较多的是 vim 编辑器。
版权信息 作者 未知 文章出处 天津 linux 热线 文档制作 拒绝正版 名称 cat 使用权限 所有使用者 使用方式 cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName 说明 把档案串连接后传到基本输出 萤幕或加 > fileName 到另一个档案 参数 -n 或 --number 由 1 开始对所有输出的行数编号 -b 或 --number-nonblank 和 -n 相似 只不过对于空白行不编号 -s 或 --squeeze-blank 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行 就代换为一行的空白行 -v 或 --show-nonprinting 范例 cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 把 textfile1 的档案内容加上行号后输入 textfile2 这个档案里 cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 把 textfile1 和 textfile2 的档案内容加上行号 空白 行不加 之后将内容附加到 textfile3 名称 : cd 使用权限 : 所有使用者 使用方式 : cd [dirName] 说明 : 变换工作目录至 dirName 其中 dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径 若目 录名称省略 则变换至使用者的 home directory (也就是刚 login 时所在的目录) 另外 "~" 也表示为 home directory 的意思 "." 则是表示目前所在的目录 ".." 则表示目 前目录位置的上一层目录 范例 : 跳到 /usr/bin/ : cd /usr/bin 跳到自己的 home directory : cd ~ 跳到目前目录的上上两层 : cd ../..
linux常⽤命令⼤全,常⽤的linux命令有哪些1、ls命令就是 list 的缩写,通过 ls 命令不仅可以查看 linux ⽂件夹包含的⽂件,⽽且可以查看⽂件权限(包括⽬录、⽂件夹、⽂件权限) 查看⽬录信息等等。
常⽤参数搭配:ls -a 列出⽬录所有⽂件,包含以.开始的隐藏⽂件ls -A 列出除.及..的其它⽂件ls -r 反序排列ls -t 以⽂件修改时间排序ls -S 以⽂件⼤⼩排序ls -h 以易读⼤⼩显⽰ls -l 除了⽂件名之外,还将⽂件的权限、所有者、⽂件⼤⼩等信息详细列出来实例:(1) 按易读⽅式按时间反序排序,并显⽰⽂件详细信息ls -lhrt(2) 按⼤⼩反序显⽰⽂件详细信息ls -lrS(3)列出当前⽬录中所有以"t"开头的⽬录的详细内容ls -l t*(4) 列出⽂件绝对路径(不包含隐藏⽂件)ls | sed "s:^:`pwd`/:"(5) 列出⽂件绝对路径(包含隐藏⽂件)find $pwd -maxdepth 1 | xargs ls -ld2、cd 命令cd(changeDirectory) 命令语法:cd [⽬录名]说明:切换当前⽬录⾄ dirName。
实例:(1)进⼊要⽬录cd /(2)进⼊ "home" ⽬录cd ~(3)进⼊上⼀次⼯作路径cd -(4)把上个命令的参数作为cd参数使⽤。
cd !$3、pwd 命令pwd 命令⽤于查看当前⼯作⽬录路径。
实例:(1)查看当前路径pwd(2)查看软链接的实际路径4、mkdir 命令mkdir 命令⽤于创建⽂件夹。
可⽤选项:-m: 对新建⽬录设置存取权限,也可以⽤ chmod 命令设置;-p: 可以是⼀个路径名称。
实例:(1)当前⼯作⽬录下创建名为 t的⽂件夹mkdir t(2)在 tmp ⽬录下创建路径为 test/t1/t 的⽬录,若不存在,则创建:mkdir -p /tmp/test/t1/t5、rm 命令删除⼀个⽬录中的⼀个或多个⽂件或⽬录,如果没有使⽤ -r 选项,则 rm 不会删除⽬录。
linux指令大全(完整篇)cat cdchmod chowncp cut名称:cat使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName说明:把档案串连接后传到基本输出(萤幕或加> fileName 到另一个档案)参数:-n 或--number 由1 开始对所有输出的行数编号-b 或--number-nonblank 和-n 相似,只不过对于空白行不编号-s 或--squeeze-blank 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行,就代换为一行的空白行-v 或--show-nonprinting范例:cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 把textfile1 的档案内容加上行号后输入textfile2 这个档案里cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 把textfile1 和textfile2 的档案内容加上行号(空白行不加)之后将内容附加到textfile3名称: cd使用权限: 所有使用者使用方式: cd [dirName]说明: 变换工作目录至dirName。
其中dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。
若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的home directory (也就是刚login 时所在的目录)。
另外,"~" 也表示为home directory 的意思,"." 则是表示目前所在的目录,".." 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
范例: 跳到/usr/bin/ :cd /usr/bin跳到自己的home directory :cd ~跳到目前目录的上上两层:cd ../..指令名称: chmod使用权限: 所有使用者使用方式: chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file...说明: Linux/Unix 的档案存取权限分为三级: 档案拥有者、群组、其他。
Linux命令大全完整版目录目录 (I)1. linux系统管理命令 (1)adduser (1)chfn(change finger information) (1)chsh(change shell) (1)date (2)exit (3)finger (4)free (5)fwhois (5)gitps(gnu interactive tools process status) (5)groupdel(group delete) (6)groupmod(group modify) (6)halt (7)id (7)kill (8)last (8)lastb (8)login (9)logname (9)logout (9)logrotate (9)newgrp (10)nice (10)procinfo(process information) (11)ps(process status) (11)pstree(process status tree) (14)reboot (15)rlogin(remote login) (16)rsh(remote shell) (16)rwho (16)screen (17)shutdown (17)sliplogin (18)su(super user) (18)sudo (19)suspend (19)swatch(simple watcher) (20)tload (20)top (21)uname (21)useradd (22)userconf (22)userdel (23)usermod (23)vlock(virtual console lock) (24)w (24)who (25)whoami (25)whois (25)2. linux系统设置命令 (27)alias (27)apmd(advanced power management BIOS daemon) (27)aumix(audio mixer) (27)bind (29)chkconfig(check config) (29)chroot(change root) (30)crontab (31)declare (31)depmod(depend module) (32)dircolors (32)dmesg (33)enable (33)eval (33)export (33)fbset(frame buffer setup) (34)grpconv(group convert to shadow password) (35)grpunconv(group unconvert from shadow password) (35)hwclock(hardware clock) (35)insmod(install module) (36)kbdconfig (36)lilo(linux loader) (37)liloconfig (38)lsmod(list modules) (38)minfo (38)mkkickstart (39)modinfo(module infomation) (39)modprobe(module probe) (39)mouseconfig (40)ntsysv (41)passwd(password) (41)pwconv (41)pwunconv (42)rdate(receive date) (42)resize (42)rmmod(remove module) (42)set (46)setconsole (47)setenv(set environment variable) (48)setup (48)sndconfig (48)SVGAText Mode (49)timeconfig (49)ulimit (50)unalias (50)unset (51)3. linux文档编辑命令 (52)col (52)colrm(column remove) (52)comm(common) (52)csplit(context split) (53)ed(editor) (53)egrep (54)ex (54)fgrep(fixed regexp) (54)fmt(fromat) (54)fold (55)grep (55)ispell(interactive spelling checking) (57)jed (58)joe (58)join (60)look (61)mtype (61)pico (62)sed(stream editor) (63)sort (64)spell (65)tr(translate character) (65)uniq (65)wc(word count) (66)4. linux压缩备份命令 (67)ar (67)bunzip2 (68)bzip2 (68)bzip2recover (69)compress (69)cpio(copy in/out) (70)dump (72)gunzip(gnu unzip) (73)gzexe(gzip executable) (74)gzip(gnu zip) (74)lha (75)restore (76)tar(tape archive) (77)unarj (80)unzip (81)zip (82)zipinfo (83)5.linux文件管理命令 (85)diff(differential) (85)diffstat(differential status) (86)file (87)find (87)gitview(gnu interactie tools viewer) (91)ln(link) (91)locate (92)lsattr(list attribute) (92)mattrib (93)mc(midnight commander) (93)mcopy (94)mdel (94)mktemp (95)mmove (95)mread (95)mren (96)mshowfat (96)mtools (96)mtoolstest (96)mv (97)od(octal dump) (97)paste (98)patch (99)rcp(remote copy) (101)rhmask (101)rm(remove) (101)slocate(secure locate) (102)split (102)tee (103)tmpwatch(temporary watch) (103)touch (103)umask (104)whereis (104)cat (105)chattr(change attribute) (106)chgrp(change group) (106)chmod(change mode) (107)chown(change owner) (108)cksum(check sum) (109)cmp(compare) (109)cp(copy) (110)cut (111)indent (111)6.linux文件传输命令 (115)bye (115)ftp(file transfer protocol) (115)ftpcount (115)ftpshut(ftp shutdown) (115)ftpwho (116)ncftp(nc file transfer protocol) (116)tftp(trivial file transfer protocol) (116)uucico (116)uucp (117)uupick (118)uuto (119)7. linux磁盘管理命令 (120)cd(change directory) (120)df(disk free) (120)dirs (121)du(disk usage) (121)edquota(edit quota) (122)eject (122)ls(list) (123)mcd (125)mdeltree (125)mdu (126)mkdir(make directories) (126)mlabel (126)mmd (127)mmount (127)mrd (127)mzip (127)pwd(print working directory) (128)quota (128)quotacheck (128)quotaoff (129)quotaon (129)repquota(report quota) (130)rmdir(remove directory) (130)rmt(remote magnetic tape) (130)stat(status) (131)Tree (131)umount (132)8. linux磁盘维护命令 (133)badblocks (133)cfdisk (133)dd (134)e2fsck(ext2 file system check) (134)ext2ed(ext2 file system editor) (136)fdisk (137)fsck.ext2(file system check-second filesystem) (137)fsck.minix(file system check-minix filesystem) (139)fsconf(file system configurator) (139)hdparm(hard disk parameters) (139)losetup(loop setup) (141)mbadblocks (141)mformat (141)mkbootdisk(make boot disk) (142)mkdosfs(make Dos file system) (143)mke2fs(make ext2 file system) (143)mkfs.ext2 (144)mkfs(make file system) (144)mkfs.minix (145)mkfs.msdos (145)mkinitrd(make initial ramdisk images) (145)mkisofs(make iso file system) (145)mkswap (147)mpartition (148)sfdisk (148)swapoff (149)swapon (149)symlinks(symbolic links) (149)sync (150)9. linux网络通讯命令 (151)dip (151)getty(get teletypewriter) (151)mingetty (152)ppp-off (152)smbd(samba daemon) (152)telnet (153)uulog (154)uustat (154)uux (155)cu(call up) (156)dnsconf(dns configurator) (157)efax (158)httpd(http daemon) (159)ifconfig (159)mesg (160)minicom (161)nc (161)netconf (162)netstat (162)ping (163)pppstats(point to point protocol status) (164)samba (164)setserial (165)shapecfg(shaper configuration) (165)smbd(samba daemon) (166)statserial(status ofserial port) (166)talk (166)Tcpdump (167)testparm(test parameter) (168)traceroute (168)tty(teletypewriter) (169)uuname (169)wall(write all) (170)write (170)ytalk (170)arpwatch(ARP watcher) (170)apachectl(Apache control interface) (171)smbclient(samba client) (171)pppsetup (172)10. linux电子邮件与新闻组命令 (173)archive (173)ctlinnd(control the internet news daemon) (173)elm (173)getlist (174)inncheck(inn check) (174)mail (175)mailconf (175)mailq(mail queue) (175)messages (176)metamail (176)mutt (177)nntpget (178)pine (178)slrn (180)11. linux其他命令 (181)reconfig (181)startx(start X Window) (181)xconfigurator (181)XF86Setup (182)xlsatoms (182)xlsclients (183)xlsfonts (183)yes (184)1. linux系统管理命令adduser功能说明:新增用户帐号。
su:Swith user 切换用户,切换到root用户cat: Concatenate 串联uname: Unix name 系统名称df: Disk free 空余硬盘du: Disk usage 硬盘使用率chown: Change owner 改变所有者chgrp: Change group 改变用户组ps:Process Status 进程状态tar:Tape archive 解压文件chmod: Change mode 改变模式umount: Unmount 卸载ldd:List dynamic dependencies 列出动态相依insmod:Install module 安装模块rmmod:Remove module 删除模块lsmod:List module 列表模块alias :Create your own name for a commandbash :GNU Bourne-Again Shell linux内核grep:global regular expression printhttpd :Start Apacheipcalc :Calculate IP information for a hostping :Send ICMP ECHO_Request to network hostsreboot: Restart your computersudo:Superuser do/bin = BINaries/dev = DEVices/etc = ETCetera/lib = LIBrary/proc = PROCesses/sbin = Superuser BINaries/tmp = TeMPorary/usr = Unix Shared Resources/var = VARiable ?FIFO = First In, First OutGRUB = GRand Unified BootloaderIFS = Internal Field SeperatorsLILO = LInux LOaderMySQL = My最初作者的名字SQL = Structured Query LanguagePHP = Personal Home Page Tools = PHP Hypertext PreprocessorPS = Prompt StringPerl = "Pratical Extraction and Report Language" = "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister" Python Monty Python's Flying CircusTcl = Tool Command LanguageTk = ToolKitVT = Video TerminalYaST = Yet Another Setup Toolapache = "a patchy" serverapt = Advanced Packaging Toolar = archiveras = assemblerbash = Bourne Again SHellbc = Basic (Better) Calculatorbg = BackGroundcal = CALendarcat = CATenatecd = Change Directorychgrp = CHange GRouPchmod = CHange MODechown = CHange OWNerchsh = CHange SHellcmp = comparecobra = Common Object Request Broker Architecture comm = commoncp = CoPycpio = CoPy In and Outcpp = C Pre Processorcups = Common Unix Printing Systemcvs = Current Version Systemdaemon = Disk And Execution MONitordc = Desk Calculatordd = Disk Dumpdf = Disk Freediff = DIFFerencedmesg = diagnostic messagedu = Disk Usageed = editoregrep = Extended GREPelf = Extensible Linking Formatelm = ELectronic Mailemacs = Editor MACroSeval = EVALuateex = EXtendedexec = EXECutefd = file descriptorsfg = ForeGroundfgrep = Fixed GREPfmt = formatfsck = File System ChecKfstab = FileSystem TABlefvwm = F*** Virtual Window Managergawk = GNU AWKgpg = GNU Privacy Guardgroff = GNU troffhal = Hardware Abstraction Layerjoe = Joe's Own Editorksh = Korn SHelllame = Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoderlex = LEXical analyserlisp = LISt Processing = Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses ln = LiNklpr = Line PRintls = listlsof = LiSt Open Filesm4 = Macro processor Version 4man = MANual pagesmawk = Mike Brennan's AWKmc = Midnight Commandermkfs = MaKe FileSystemmknod = MaKe NODemotd = Message of The Daymozilla = MOsaic GodZILLamtab = Mount TABlemv = MoVenano = Nano's ANOther editornawk = New AWKnl = Number of Linesnm = namesnohup = No HangUPnroff = New ROFFod = Octal Dumppasswd = PASSWorDpg = pagerpico = PIne's message COmposition editorpine = "Program for Internet News & Email" = "Pine is not Elm" ping = Packet InterNet Grouperpirntcap = PRINTer CAPabilitypopd = POP Directorypr = preprintf = PRINT Formattedps = Processes Statuspty = pseudo ttypushd = PUSH Directorypwd = Print Working Directoryrc = runcom = run command, shellrev = REVerserm = ReMovern = Read Newsroff = RunOFFrpm = RPM Package Manager = RedHat Package Manager rsh, rlogin, = Remoterxvt = ouR XVTsed = Stream EDitorseq = SEQuenceshar = SHell ARchiveslrn = S-Lang rnssh = Secure SHellssl = Secure Sockets Layerstty = Set TTYsu = Substitute Usersvn = SubVersioNtar = Tape ARchivetcsh = TENEX C shelltelnet = TEminaL over Networktermcap = terminal capabilityterminfo = terminal informationtr = traslatetroff = Typesetter new ROFFtsort = Topological SORTtty = TeleTypewritertwm = Tom's Window Managertz = TimeZoneudev = Userspace DEVulimit = User's LIMITumask = User's MASKuniq = UNIQuevi = VIsual = Very Inconvenientvim = Vi IMprovedwall = write allwc = Word Countwine = WINE Is Not an Emulatorxargs = eXtended ARGumentsxdm = X Display Managerxlfd = X Logical Font Descriptionxmms = X Multimedia Systemxrdb = X Resources DataBasexwd = X Window Dumpyacc = yet another compiler compiler。
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An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux.adduser Add a user to the systemaddgroup Add a group to the systemalias Create an alias ?apropos Search Help manual pages (man -k)apt-get Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu) aptitude Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu) aspell Spell Checkerawk Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/indexbbasename Strip directory and suffix from filenamesbash GNU Bourne-Again SHellbc Arbitrary precision calculator languagebg Send to backgroundbreak Exit from a loop ?builtin Run a shell builtinbzip2 Compress or decompress named file(s)ccal Display a calendarcase Conditionally perform a commandcat Display the contents of a filecd Change Directorycfdisk Partition table manipulator for Linuxchgrp Change group ownershipchmod Change access permissionschown Change file owner and groupchroot Run a command with a different root directorychkconfig System services (runlevel)cksum Print CRC checksum and byte countsclear Clear terminal screencmp Compare two filescomm Compare two sorted files line by linecommand Run a command - ignoring shell functions ?continue Resume the next iteration of a loop ?cp Copy one or more files to another locationcron Daemon to execute scheduled commandscrontab Schedule a command to run at a later timecsplit Split a file into context-determined piecescut Divide a file into several partsddate Display or change the date & timedc Desk Calculatordd Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot recordsddrescue Data recovery tooldeclare Declare variables and give them attributes ?df Display free disk spacediff Display the differences between two filesdiff3 Show differences among three filesdig DNS lookupdir Briefly list directory contentsdircolors Colour setup for `ls'dirname Convert a full pathname to just a pathdirs Display list of remembered directoriesdmesg Print kernel & driver messagesdu Estimate file space usageeecho Display message on screen ?egrep Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression eject Eject removable mediaenable Enable and disable builtin shell commands ?env Environment variablesethtool Ethernet card settingseval Evaluate several commands/argumentsexec Execute a commandexit Exit the shellexpect Automate arbitrary applications accessed over a terminal expand Convert tabs to spacesexport Set an environment variableexpr Evaluate expressionsffalse Do nothing, unsuccessfullyfdformat Low-level format a floppy diskfdisk Partition table manipulator for Linuxfg Send job to foregroundfgrep Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed stringfile Determine file typefind Search for files that meet a desired criteriafmt Reformat paragraph textfold Wrap text to fit a specified width.for Expand words, and execute commandsformat Format disks or tapesfree Display memory usagefsck File system consistency check and repairftp File Transfer Protocolfunction Define Function Macrosfuser Identify/kill the process that is accessing a fileggawk Find and Replace text within file(s)getopts Parse positional parametersgrep Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern groups Print group names a user is ingzip Compress or decompress named file(s)hhash Remember the full pathname of a name argumenthead Output the first part of file(s)help Display help for a built-in command ?history Command Historyhostname Print or set system nameiid Print user and group id'sif Conditionally perform a commandifconfig Configure a network interfaceifdown Stop a network interfaceifup Start a network interface upimport Capture an X server screen and save the image to file install Copy files and set attributesjjoin Join lines on a common fieldkkill Stop a process from runningkillall Kill processes by namelless Display output one screen at a timelet Perform arithmetic on shell variables ?ln Make links between fileslocal Create variables ?locate Find fileslogname Print current login namelogout Exit a login shell ?look Display lines beginning with a given stringlpc Line printer control programlpr Off line printlprint Print a filelprintd Abort a print joblprintq List the print queuelprm Remove jobs from the print queuels List information about file(s)lsof List open filesmmake Recompile a group of programsman Help manualmkdir Create new folder(s)mkfifo Make FIFOs (named pipes)mkisofs Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystemmknod Make block or character special filesmore Display output one screen at a timemount Mount a file systemmtools Manipulate MS-DOS filesmtr Network diagnostics (traceroute/ping)mv Move or rename files or directoriesmmv Mass Move and rename (files)nnetstat Networking informationnice Set the priority of a command or jobnl Number lines and write filesnohup Run a command immune to hangupsnotify-send Send desktop notificationsnslookup Query Internet name servers interactivelyoopen Open a file in its default applicationop Operator accessppasswd Modify a user passwordpaste Merge lines of filespathchk Check file name portabilityping Test a network connectionpkill Stop processes from runningpopd Restore the previous value of the current directory pr Prepare files for printingprintcap Printer capability databaseprintenv Print environment variablesprintf Format and print data ?ps Process statuspushd Save and then change the current directorypwd Print Working Directoryqquota Display disk usage and limitsquotacheck Scan a file system for disk usagequotactl Set disk quotasrram ram disk devicercp Copy files between two machinesread Read a line from standard input ?readarray Read from stdin into an array variable ?readonly Mark variables/functions as readonlyreboot Reboot the systemrename Rename filesrenice Alter priority of running processesremsync Synchronize remote files via emailreturn Exit a shell functionrev Reverse lines of a filerm Remove filesrmdir Remove folder(s)rsync Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)sscreen Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh scp Secure copy (remote file copy)sdiff Merge two files interactivelysed Stream Editorselect Accept keyboard inputseq Print numeric sequencesset Manipulate shell variables and functionssftp Secure File Transfer Programshift Shift positional parametersshopt Shell Optionsshutdown Shutdown or restart linuxsleep Delay for a specified timeslocate Find filessort Sort text filessource Run commands from a file `.'split Split a file into fixed-size piecesssh Secure Shell client (remote login program)strace Trace system calls and signalssu Substitute user identitysudo Execute a command as another usersum Print a checksum for a filesymlink Make a new name for a filesync Synchronize data on disk with memoryttail Output the last part of filestar Tape ARchivertee Redirect output to multiple filestest Evaluate a conditional expressiontime Measure Program running timetimes User and system timestouch Change file timestampstop List processes running on the systemtraceroute Trace Route to Hosttrap Run a command when a signal is set(bourne)tr Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characterstrue Do nothing, successfullytsort Topological sorttty Print filename of terminal on stdintype Describe a command ?uulimit Limit user resources ?umask Users file creation maskumount Unmount a deviceunalias Remove an alias ?uname Print system informationunexpand Convert spaces to tabsuniq Uniquify filesunits Convert units from one scale to anotherunset Remove variable or function namesunshar Unpack shell archive scriptsuntil Execute commands (until error)useradd Create new user accountusermod Modify user accountusers List users currently logged inuuencode Encode a binary fileuudecode Decode a file created by uuencodevv Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')vdir Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')vi Text Editorvmstat Report virtual memory statisticswwatch Execute/display a program periodicallywc Print byte, word, and line countswhereis Search the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program which Search the user's $path for a program filewhile Execute commandswho Print all usernames currently logged inwhoami Print the current user id and name (`id -un')Wget Retrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTPwrite Send a message to another userxxargs Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)yes Print a string until interrupted. Run a command script in the current shell### Comment / Remark。