广东不少童车企业在本刊记者 郁凡系列之二:拓展内销市场时,保持了生产工艺的高水准并将产品研发的先进理念、趋势引入国内,为国内童车产业的发展贡献了力量。
据介绍,2010年,欧美大部分地区市场上正广泛流行着座椅前后换向的婴儿推车,“reversible(可逆的、可翻转的)”“parent facing (面向父母)”“rear facing (面朝后)”等一度成为谷歌上的搜索热词。
进口婴儿推车什么牌子好?傲普uppababy、玛格罗兰maclaren、葛莱Graco、quinny 以及高端婴儿车品牌bugaboo和stokke等等都是不错的选择。
那么,进口婴儿推车什么牌子好呢?赶紧来了解一下吧!1、傲普UPPAbaby于美国诞生、美国成长的UPPAbaby被称作是婴儿推车中的劳斯莱斯,曾荣获Mother Baby 金奖,也被美国婴童用品行业权威网站评为十大最佳最佳婴儿车之一。
3、荷兰品牌Bugaboo bee公认的欧洲童车顶级品牌,荷兰皇室、英国皇室、NBA巨星和麦当娜、皮特以及姚明等都是Bugaboo童车的忠实拥趸。
多功能、模块化及可用于多种路面的Bugaboo Cameleon可带您和宝宝去任何地方,兼具时尚与实用性。
歐洲汽車用兒童保護裝置 Joie 家族用汽車用兒童保護裝置說明書说明书
! 重 要︰請仔 細 閱 讀 並 妥 善保 存 本 說明書,以便日後參 考。
本 說明書不使 用時,請存 放在 底 座 下 方的說明書 儲 存 槽內(如下圖)。 安裝和使 用本產品前,請先閱 讀說明書全 文。
警 告 緊 急 情 況 處 理 產 品 資 訊 產 品 組 件 及 各 部 位 名 稱
1 - 1 0
11 13 13 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 21 21
2 4 -4 0
1 2 3
6 5
8129 Nhomakorabea10
21 23 24
! 為了保 護 兒 童 更 安 全,請 必 須使 用側 向 保 護 塑 膠。
置物杯安裝如圖13所示 汽 車 用兒 童保護裝 置 安裝 完 成 如圖 1 4 所 示。
1. 請 根 據 兒 童 的 身高,將 頭 靠 調 整 到 合 適 高度。 2. 按 壓調 整 拉桿,同 時上下滑動 頭 靠 到 合 適 高度,頭 靠高度共有10 個 段位,調 整 如圖15所 示。
1. 按 壓 安 全 帶 調 整器,同 時 將肩帶 拉出至 適當長 度(圖21) 2. 將汽 車安 全 帶穿過 汽 車用兒 童保護裝 置(圖22),扣 合 安 全扣 (圖22.1)和安 全 帶 夾器(圖22. 2) 3 . 按 壓紅色 按 鈕,鬆開 安 全 扣 (圖23) 4. 將寶 寶 放 入 汽 車用兒 童保護裝 置內,再將寶 寶 兩臂 穿過 肩帶。 5. 扣合安全扣(圖24) 6. 安 全 帶 安裝 如圖25所 示。
产品覆盖数码电子、爱惜周边、连接技术等多个领域,提供Apple及Samsung 全系列周边配件产品,知足用户的多样化需求。
(加iPEARL爱贝尔 logo图片)品牌释义I—Insistent坚持P—Positive踊跃E—Elegant优雅A—Assure自信R—Responsible责任L—Lucky好运iPEARL爱贝尔标志包括的意义丰硕踊跃,蓝字白底简练风格充满科技感。
Stokke Xplory婴儿推车
Stokke Xplory思道阁,婴儿推车中的劳斯莱斯-----爱如宝——婴儿推车,儿童安全座椅专家国人在说到某些东西是顶级的产品的时候经常会说某种东西是什么品牌中的劳斯莱斯,Stokke就是婴儿推车中的劳斯莱斯。
在人群或狭窄的空间中,诸如商店,您会发现,由于Stokke Xplory的轻质设计和旋转前轮,它非常容易操纵,而Stokke Xplory独特的两轮功能使得您能够轻松上下交通工具和上下楼。
Stokke Xplory婴儿推车把孩子抬高,帮助宝宝避免智力上的伤害。
Stokke Xplory支持孩子座位两种方向的调节,从而提供更好的用户体验。
一、Stokke婴儿车概览品牌:stokke材质:铝合金标准整车尺寸:高81-130cm,长72-130cm,宽57cm放置婴儿篮尺寸:高81-115cm,长91-123cm,宽57cm折叠尺寸:高42cm,长99cm,宽57cm产地:挪威专柜价格:17500元爱如宝价格:11000元,直接欧洲发货,品质保证!二、产品介绍1、由挪威设计的Stokke Xplory推车,不但从父母的角度,更从坐在里面的孩子角度来设计,也是唯一一部能有上下调节功能的婴儿车。
爱贝尔童车制造有限公司企业策划书2020年11月4日目录前言 (2)一、童车市场背景 (2)二、婴儿童车项目产品生产发展战略 (3)(1)标准要求 (3)(2)产品原料市场分析 (3)三、营销计划 (5)(1)营销包装特色化 (5)(2)注重营销渠道的多样化 (5)(3)网络营销渠道灵活性 (5)四、产品前景分析与市场预测 (5)前言本策划基于swot分析法,分析了爱贝尔童车在市场中的的优势、劣势、机会、威胁。
我们来看看4000多位买家的评价吧:顾艺说:车子很好很拉风,设计很合理,安装很简便,值得购买的车车,感觉能用很久,一分价钱一分货,比国产的2 3百的真是好多了,谢谢卖家~!i未央说:质量确实是很好,轮子有够大的,配件也都很齐全,安装也方便,很大气,比我在商场看的一千多的好孩子的都不知道好多少了。
一起来看看买家们的评价吧:w***m (匿名)说:非常好的车车,也不算重,在网上看了很久才犹豫着买了,收到货后,出乎意料的好,卖家也非常耐心的给解答问题。
BimboRacer12VBaby Ferrari得到一部能坐进去的微缩版法拉利,是所有男孩子梦寐以求的。
这部外型酷似1950年款法拉利375MM Spider车型的玻璃纤维小车,来自于意大利的Bimbo Racer微缩玩具车公司,在1957年被美国加州旧金山的法拉利经销商少量进口到美国,作为车主收藏陈列于展厅。
在1956年推出的宣传海报中,Bimbo Racer一再强调,这是一部真正的车。
开起来超级拉风的Bimbo Racer还有着一个可爱的名字——BabyFerrari。
FEATU特别策划TU R ESChildren's Car为富爸爸们打造的玩具都说贫穷限制了我们的想象,在还不知道有这些玩具车之前,我并不认为我的想象遭到了限制。
Jaguar 不仅是孩子的孩子的大玩具D-Type 是捷豹最著名最著名的勒芒赛车,在1955年、1956和1957的勒芒2勒芒24小时耐力赛场上连续问鼎冠军。
而这部几乎与真与真车一样的微缩比例的童车在Bonhams 被拍卖时,标时,标出了30420英镑(折合约27万人民币)。
车身长度达到2650mm 50mm、宽度和高度分别为1070mm 和645mm D-的D-Type 童车,其全铝底盘上安放了一台4冲程底置凸底置凸轮轴的1100mL 汽油发动机,与之相连的是一个一个4挡自动变速器。
当然车灯也采用与真车一样车一样的光源,并且车身还喷有经典的英国绿,深绿色的色的皮质座椅内部则包裹着Corvette Sting RaySting Ra g Ray 童车雪佛兰Sting 曾Ray 曾是风靡一时的双座跑车,流线型的造型以及型以及超强的动力使得不少拥趸为之疯狂。
Slide the safety lock in demonstrated direction to release the safety lock and keep it at almost right position.本產品設計上,不論在前向或後向使用狀態,在轉換把手後,靠近推車者一方的方向輪會自動鎖上,令轉向輪永遠在前方。
This product is designed so that the swivels at the pushing side are always locked no matter which direction the handle is at. The swivels are always at the front side.在平坦路面使用,可使手推車更順暢推動及轉向容易。
Undo the snaps.將車篷上的鈕釦重新扣上。
Secure the snaps on top.解開背部透氣窗蓋布上左右兩邊的刺黏固定貼。
Release the air through cover by Velcro fasteners at the back of upper part pocket.1.上面口袋刺黏固定貼透過使用底座的靠背通風窗,幼兒會舒適地度過炎熱或悶熱的天氣。
Through the use of backrest ventilation window at the base, child keeps comfortable during in hot or muggy weather.打開靠背透氣窗 Open the air through system (backrest ventilation window)疊疊疊疊112115依箭咀方向解除安全鎖。
1. 理论学习实训开始前,我们学习了企业运营的基本知识,包括市场营销、财务管理、人力资源管理、生产管理等。
2. 实践操作(1)企业模拟在模拟企业中,我们担任不同岗位,如总经理、营销部经理、生产部经理、财务部经理等。
(2)业务运营在实训过程中,我们进行了以下业务运营:① 制定企业发展战略与经营计划,包括市场调研、产品研发、生产计划、营销策略等。
② 组织生产,确保产品质量和交货时间。
③ 开展市场营销活动,提升品牌知名度。
④ 进行财务管理,确保企业财务状况良好。
⑤ 人力资源管理,优化团队结构,提高员工素质。
三、实训成果1. 提升实践能力通过本次实训,我们深入了解了企业运营过程,掌握了市场营销、财务管理、人力资源管理等方面的知识,提高了自己的实践能力。
2. 培养团队协作精神在实训过程中,我们学会了与团队成员沟通、协作,共同完成企业运营任务,培养了团队协作精神。
3. 增强职业意识实训让我们认识到企业运营的复杂性和挑战性,增强了我们的职业意识,为今后步入职场奠定了基础。
四、实训心得1. 理论与实践相结合本次实训让我们深刻体会到,理论知识与实际操作相结合的重要性。
2. 团队协作的力量在实训过程中,我们认识到团队协作的力量。
3. 持续学习与改进企业运营是一个动态过程,我们需要不断学习新知识,改进工作方法,以适应市场变化。
儿童汽车安全座椅十大品牌之二:英国Britax宝得适英国Britax宝得适集团儿童安全用品公司是设计、制造和销售汽车儿童安全座椅、手推车和旅行用品的专业公司,自1960年开始生产设计儿童汽车安全座椅,企业内部产品质检超过欧盟儿童汽车安全座椅ECE R44/04标准2倍以上,每个安全座椅均在英国BSI国家标准局注册在案以跟踪其安全性能。
第一辆JANE的推车是Manuel Jane 先生为自己的孩子制造的,结果受到了朋友们以及专业人士的肯定,从此,JANE就开始致力于研究和生产更为安全舒适的童车产品。
BACIUZZI帕琦 高景观可平躺 可换向婴儿手推车
热爱生活,乐于分享的各类达人聚在这里,分享消费攻略,激发生活灵感,发现城市最IN 的角落。
十月天使保湿乳液套装 孕妇护肤品 ¥298.00 孕妇专用化妆品 保湿补水 包邮
帕玛氏palmer's雅儿妊娠纹修复乳 ¥158.00 去妊娠纹预防修复 孕妇护肤品 雅滋美特 孕妇护肤品套装 专用 孕 ¥348.00 妇化妆品 天然补水保湿 旗舰店 孕妇专用护肤品 天然化妆品保湿补 ¥298.20 水 孕妈必备用品 Babyfun第一胎心仪胎心监测仪家用 ¥268.00 贝缤纷顺丰包邮胎音仪F20藕合剂 胎心仪 康泰 家用胎心仪SonolineB 超声多 ¥356.00 普勒胎儿心率仪 胎音仪 包邮 babyfun贝缤纷 胎音仪 F20+维生素 ¥268.00 片 家用胎心仪 送耦合剂 包顺丰 1个 1件
送手机袋 十月妈咪防辐射孕妇装防 ¥499.00 辐射服银纤维吊带秋冬装衣服 防辐射衣 十月妈咪 防辐射孕妇装正品 可脱 卸银纤维防辐射肚兜家居围裙 婧麒 防辐射服 孕妇装银纤维防辐 射孕妇装正品 防辐射衣服秋冬装 孕妇装秋装时尚上衣 孕妇卫衣 秋 款长袖孕妇上衣 韩版纯棉 孕妇装秋装 连衣裙韩版时尚 欧根 纱蕾丝袖孕妇裙秋季孕妇长袖上衣 孕妇美装 孕妇装秋装上衣 2013时尚新款 孕 妇打底衫 孕妇上衣 甜美蕾丝3313 新款韩版孕妇装秋装时尚条纹孕妇 裙宽松长袖孕妇连衣裙 百伶妈妈 孕妇装秋装2013新款连衣 裙韩版时尚孕妇两件套装孕妇裙 孕妇装秋装新款孕妇裤子长裤 托腹 裤修身弹力孕妇拼皮裤 孕妇装秋装孕妇背带裤 时尚春秋季 孕妇裤子长裤 孕妇连体裤 孕妇秋裤 孕妇裤 孕妇装 秋装新款 孕妇 托 腹裤 长裤 PU皮拼接小脚裤 包邮 孕妇裤韩版孕妇装秋装时尚托腹孕 妇牛仔裤秋96172 韩版孕妇背带裤秋夏后开 秋冬孕妇 裤背带裤大码 孕妇裤长裤 免邮 ¥539.00 1件
爱贝尔童车广告语Introducing the LoveBell Children's Bike - Unleash Your Child's Adventure!Are you a parent who wants to give your child the best experience of the outdoors while ensuring their safety and well-being? Look no further! LoveBell Children's Bike is here to make your child's adventures even more exciting and memorable. With our top-of-the-line features and innovative design, your child will not only have fun but will also develop their physical and cognitive skills.Safety First, Always:At LoveBell, your child's safety is our top priority. Our children's bikes are equipped with the latest safety features to ensure a worry-free riding experience. The sturdy frame and high-quality materials are built to withstand the active movements of children, ensuring durability and stability. Additionally, all LoveBell children's bikes come with durable training wheels that provide extra support and balance for beginner riders.Comfort and Ease of Use:We understand that comfort is key for children to enjoy their riding experience. LoveBell children's bikes have adjustable seats and handlebars, allowing for a customized fit as your child grows. The ergonomic design of our bikes ensures a comfortable and natural riding position, minimizing strain on your child's body. Innovation and Quality:LoveBell is committed to providing innovative and high-quality products for children. Our children's bikes feature unique designs and vibrant colors that are visually appealing to children. We use non-toxic and eco-friendly materials to ensure the safety and well-being of your child. Our bikes also undergo rigorous quality control to meet international safety standards.Developing Skills Through Play:Riding a bike is not just a fun activity; it also helps in developing crucial skills in children. LoveBell children's bikes promote gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. As your child pedals and steers, they are strengthening their muscles and improving their balance and coordination. Riding a bike also promotes cognitive skills, as children learn to navigate their surroundings and make quick decisions.Adjustable Design for Growing Children:Children grow rapidly, and we understand the importance of having a bike that can adapt to their changing needs. LoveBell Children's Bikes come with adjustable seat heights and handlebars, allowing the bike to grow with your child. This feature ensures a comfortable and secure fit, ensuring years of use and enjoyment.Quality Family Time:LoveBell Children's Bike encourages family bonding and outdoor activities. Take your child on bike rides, explore new placestogether, and create unforgettable memories. Our bikes are perfect for family outings, picnics, and weekend adventures. Watching your child explore the world on their LoveBell bike will bring joy and pride to both parents and children.Gift Your Child an Adventure:Looking for the perfect gift that combines fun and learning? Look no further than LoveBell Children's Bike. Our bikes make great gifts for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions. Show your child how much you care by gifting them a LoveBell bike, and watch their face light up with excitement.Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed:At LoveBell, we strive for excellence and customer satisfaction. We are confident that our children's bikes will bring joy and happiness to your child's life. But, if for any reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee.Invest in Your Child’s Future:Invest in the LoveBell Children's Bike, and invest in your child's future. Our bikes are not just toys; they are tools for growth, development, and exploration. Help your child unleash their potential and embark on new adventures with LoveBell Children's Bike.Conclusion:LoveBell Children's Bike is more than just a means of transportation; it is a tool for exploration, development, and adventure. With our top-of-the-line safety features, innovative designs, and commitment to quality, we offer your child a ride like no other. Watch your child's face light up with joy as they hop on their LoveBell bike and embark on unforgettable outdoor adventures. Invest in your child's happiness and development with the LoveBell Children's Bike today.。
Cozy Light Ⅱ 使用说明书
Cozy Light ⅡInstruction Manual使用说明书ENInstruction manual使用前请详细阅读本说明书,然后正确使用本婴儿手推车。
若将本 制品转让予他人使用时,请将本说 明书也一并移交对方。
For safety of your children, read this instruction manual carefully and use the baby stroller accordingly. After reading, please keep this instruction manual for future reference.Please also attach this instruction manual in case the stroller is to be transferred to others to use.说明书简体中文List of components P1218.部品名称(详见20) BA B CC CAAB 3cm23.44.2 4.3123241最大承载重量:5kg Max loading : 5kg前Front后Rear4.14.54.4344EN6Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before use.Always apply the parking brake when you are stationary.Do not rely too much on the stoppers even when the stroller is parked empty. When a baby is in the stroller, you should always pay attention to the stroller to avoid any danger. In addition, both the left and right parking locks should be used at the same time to avoid accidental sliding or overturning.Keep all small parts away from children as they are choking hazard.To prevent the risk of suffocation, always keep the plastic bags out of the reach of children.Overloading, incorrect folding and the use of non-approved accessories such as buggy boards may damage or break this stroller.Always let the child wear the seat belt in the stroller to avoid any possible accident.The child being carried by the stroller must be tied with the seat belt that contains the crotch belt, waist belt and shoulder belt. The front guard cannot prevent the child from standing up from the cushion. Make sure the seat belt is not loose to prevent the child from suddenly falling out of the stroller.Pay attention to child even when seat belt is in use in case of any sudden movement of child causing it to fall off.Do not cross the shoulder belts with each other when securing the shoulder belts to the insert plastic. Otherwise excessive pressure may be caused to child’s neck.Do not use the seat cushion on which rift is found. Otherwise the seat cushion may not function as designed or the child may have chance to swallow the material inside the cushion.Never leave the child in a stroller without seat cushion. The child’s hands or feet may get jammed between the stroller frame.When a child is sitting in it, the caretaker is not allowed to leave.Make sure the open-fold lock is engaged completely before use. Otherwise the stroller may fold suddenly when using.●●●●●●●●●●●●●●Please read this instruction manual carefully and keep it for future reference. The safety of the child may be seriously endangered if the instructions are not followed.IMPORTANT : KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.( Incorrect operation may cause serious injury or death )WARNING●You are personally responsible for the safety of your child.The stroller is suitable for children from 1 month to 15kg ( approximately 3 years of age ).7●To prevent the stroller from accidental slippage, or falling off from the stroller by loosening of the front guard, do not hold the front guard or places like that when moving the stroller.Do not let the child operate the front guard. It may make the child fall off from the stroller.Never leave your child unattended.Do not allow your child to stand in or on the stroller, it may be dangerous.Do not lean on or hang loads on the handle. Putting any load on the handle will affect the stability of the stroller.Do not hang any object (except original Combi parts ) on the hood or handle to prevent the stroller from overturning.Never carry more than one child in the stroller. Do not allow a child to ride or sit on areas other than the seat.Excessive weight may cause a hazardous unstable condition ( Maximum load: 15kg. Basket maximum load: 5kg )Do not use the stroller on stairs.Do not let children operate the baby stroller to avoid accident.Be careful of those around you to avoid pinching their fingers when you are opening or folding the stroller or adjusting the seat angle.Keep your child hands away from moving/folding parts when folding or unfolding or adjusting the stroller.Do not apply a lifted seat to baby who cannot sit straight by itself, most reclined seat must be used.When pushing the stroller, please walk slowly to avoid any damage to the stroller swivel wheels or any tipping over happened.Don't let others touch when you open the stroller to avoid accidental injuries.In changing the handle direction, check and ensure that the baby's hands and feet are not on the side of armrest to avoid pinching.Do not reverse handle while pushing the stroller. Otherwise damage may be caused.Shoulder belt hole positions on the seat and the cushion must be aligned. If upper shoulder belt hole on the seat is used, upper shoulder belt hole on the cushion should be used; otherwise the child may be held tightly because the shoulder belt is not long enough.Do not adjust the seat angle while pushing the stroller because this is very dangerous.●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●IMPORTANT : KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.( Incorrect operation may cause serious injury or death )WARNINGENEN8( Incorrect operation may cause serious injury or death )WARNING: It may be dangerous to leave your child unattended.WARNING: Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before use.WARNING: When your baby is sitting in the stroller, please be sure to fasten the safety belt.WARNING: Do not use in a reclined angle less than 150°for a child under 6 month old.WARNING: Any loading attached to the handle affects the stability of the stroller.WARNING: Please always fasten the five-point seat belt to ensure the baby's safety .WARNING: Check that the pram body or seat unit attachment devices are correctly engaged before use.WARNING: This product is not suitable for running or skating.IMPORTANT : KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.WARNINGEN9( Incorrect operation may cause injury or component damage )●Make sure all snaps are secured before use. Otherwise accident or damage to stroller may cause.When adjusting the seat angle with a child in the stroller, loose the shoulder belt first, and then adjust the angle with the other hand holding the backrest. Please be careful not to change the seat angle suddenly.Adjust the length of seat belt properly after changing of the seat angle.Please do not touch the folding lever except when folding the stroller.When opening or folding up the stroller and reversing the handle, be careful and avoid the seat cushion, seat belt, blanket and toys, etc., pinched into the stroller body.If one gives excessive shock to the front wheels when getting over the step, stroller may fall down and cause damages. ( It is the same as changing handle direction to use the stroller.)When stepping over, such as a curb, please slow down even a slight difference level, pull downward the handle and step on the foot-step, and make sure to pass the front wheel to get over the step.Never lift the stroller or use it on escalators when your child is sitting or lying in the stroller.This stroller requires regular maintenance by the user.Before use, check that the product and all its components have not been damaged during transportation.Please do not use the stroller in whatever purposes other than seating a baby. Failure to comply may result in damage of the stroller.Do not pull or twist or forcibly press down the front guard hardly. Otherwise the stroller may be damaged.Do not use an adult sit on the stroller, or add loading on the stroller to avoid any damage to it.When used in summer, outdoor weather and road conditions will increase the temperature of the stroller, that using for a long time should be avoided.Avoid storing the stroller in places that under high temperature, near a heat source or inside a car. Exposure to high temperature may damage or deform the stroller.Check regularly that all screws, bolts and nuts are engaged tightly.Swivel wheel lever should be secured at the same side of the pushing person. Lever secured in wrong position may affect maneuvering or damage the product.For use on trains:This product is not designed to be used on trains, When user attempts to use the product at his / her own risk, please lock stoppers in case of sudden brake or turning. Otherwise stroller may fall off.●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●EN CAUTION10( Incorrect operation may cause injury or component damage )●Do not press on the folding lever while lift the stroller to avoid damage to the part.Make sure the basket is empty before folding up the stroller.Make sure the canopy is completely folded up before folding the stroller to avoid damage of the parts.Do not touch at the handle lock when folding or unfolding the stroller. Otherwise damage may be cause to the stroller.Do not lay down the stroller and do not put things on the canopy to avoid deformation.Do not get hold of an opened front guard to pull the baby stroller.Please do not put the stroller near fire.The stroller may slide or overturn accidentally even if the parking lock is engaged.Do not leave baby stroller at road side or slope even when it is not in use.Do not use the stroller on steep slopes, stairs, escalators, rough roads,beaches, mud, etc.When pushing the stroller, be careful of the road depression to prevent the front wheels from being trapped into the slot and overturning.In the event of damage or operational problems, stop using the stroller Immediately and contact the customer service center.If damage is identified, do not use the product and keep it out of reach of children.Never leave the stroller close to stairs or steps.Use the stroller on flat ground only. Never use any parts from other sources than the original producer. Do not refit the stroller.Do not use the most reclined angle if the baby's head touches at the head rest.Do not use the stroller in snowy, windy days or wet road to avoid the stroller or guardian from slipping.Do not use the stroller in lightning days to avoid thunder stroke.Do not modify or remodel the stroller.Do not attach other accessory like buggy board on the main body during a child being carried in stroller, otherwise accident or damage to stroller may cause.Do not use this stroller inside the bus.●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●CAUTION EN11( Incorrect operation may cause injury or component damage )●Lift front wheels and pay particular attention to gaps or ditch when crossing rail road.No continuous use for a long period:Continuous use for a long period of time may exhaust baby. No continuous use of more than 2 hours for a baby seated in a reclined seat and 1 hour in an upright seat.When feel jammed, please do not forcibly fold the stroller to prevent from any damage. You should re-open the stroller to check and operate again.Turn swivel wheels to inner side and lock up before folding the stroller. Improper position may cause stroller becoming imbalanced after folded.Do not put things too sharp or too large into the basket.Please regularly clean and check the stroller. Only use neutral detergent to clean the stroller body.Make sure no oil or lubricant is left on parts such as front gurad or armrest where baby may have chance to lick.●●●●●●ENENOpen the front guard (Figure 1.5)Press and hold the button at the end of the front guard as illustrated.Detach the front guard.12LIST OF COMPONENTSI NSTRUCTIONSUnfolding/Opening (Figure 1.1)Grip the safety lock as demonstrated direction and hold it in place. Slide tand pull the folding lever upwards simultaneously.. Slightly lift the stroller and open it.123Using the swivel wheels (Figure 1.2)12Lift the swivel wheel locks to fix the direction.Press down the swivel wheel lock to secure the swivel wheels. Be careful to secure the lock in correct position according to the handle position.NOTE: Press down the swivel wheel locks and the wheels can turn to every direction.12Using the leg support bar (Figure 1.3)Apply the leg support for better comfort when the child is asleep.To store the leg support barsRelease the snaps and push the bars back to the seat base.Lift the seat cushion and pull out the leg support bars from the seat base.Snap the seat cushion onto the leg support bars.WARNING : Make sure to snap the seat cushion onto the leg support bars while carrying the baby on stroller.NOTE : Check the brakes are fully engaged by gently attempting to push the stroller,when the brake of front wheel is fully engaged, the Green sticker can be seen from above.Parking brakes (Figure 1.4)To lock wheels, press the stoppers down which are located at wheels on both left and right sides.Try to push the stroller back and forth slightly to ensure that the stoppers are properly engaged.12WARNING : Always engage the stoppers when you leave the stroller. Front guard buttons Front guard cover Front guard Leg support bar Basket Foot rest Swivel wheel lock Headrest Seat cushion Armrest Canopy snap Reclining cord Seat reclining buckle Elastic Plastic hooks Safety lock Folding lever Top window Top window cover Ventilation window Shoulder belt Shoulder belt insert outlet belt insert outlet Waist belt Crotch belt Crotch buckle Shoulder and waist belt buckle Handle lock Open/Fold lock Rear stay Stopper 12EN Reversing handle (Figure 3.3)Lift and release the handle locks to change the handle direction until the locks are secured in places. 13Attach the front guard (Figure 1.6) To attach front guard, lift and plug into the projected part at the end of the armrest. Adjust the covering size of canopy Using in small covering size (Figure 2.1) Unfold the canopy from backward. Using in big covering size (Figure 2.2)Unfold the canopy further to the front.Top window (Figure 2.3)Open top window by releasing snaps.Fasten the snap to close top window.12Install and adjust the crotch belt (Figure 2.4)Attach shoulder belts to the shoulder belt hook of the left and right insert plastics. Pull out the crotch belt and put the insert plastics into the buckle until a "Click" sound is heard.Tightening Ⓐ Pull out the center belt to the end. Extending Ⓑ Follow the direction of arrow and pull out the belt to end. Ⓒ Follow the direction of arrow and pull the belt to the end.123The steps of adjusting shoulder and waist belts are the same. Adjusting the waist belt (Figure 2.5) Pull the belt in the direction as illustrated to adjust its length.NOTE: Always leave at least 3cm at the belt end.NOTE: To release harness, go in the steps reverse. Adjusting the backrest (Figure 3.1)Support the backrest with one hand before reclining the backrest. The headrest will be lifted automatically after the backrest is reclined.(Figure 3.2) Pull the reclining cords as illustrated to raise the seat back. NOTE: Raising the backrest may be difficult while a child is leaning on the backrest.The reclining belt sometimes is twisted, correct the twisted reclining belt by the following steps:Set the backrest down to the lowest.Hold the belt mounting part and turn to the direction of the twisted reclining belt.WARNING : Do not get hold of the front guard to lift the stroller.12Detaching the front guard cover (Figure 1.7)Press and hold on the front guard buttons and release the front guard.Detach the front guard cover from the front guard.1212WARNING : A void serious injury from falling or sliding out. Always use seat belt.NOTE: When changing the seat recline angle, always check the harness to ensure it is still optimally adjusted.14Folding the stroller (Figure 3.6)Slide to release the safety lock of direction as illustrated.Grip the folding lever and slightly lift up the handle, then press down the handle as illustration to fold the stroller.121234Basket (Figure 4.1)The basket can carry a maximum weight of 5kgs.You can attach and remove it using the belts and snaps according to step Detaching the seat cushion(Figure 4.2-4.6)123456Release front snaps and elastic bands underneath of the seat, and on both sides of seat. Remove the shoulder belts from the shoulder belt hooks. Detach the snap on the seat cushion from the leg support bar (if the leg support bar is in use) Pull out crotch belt from seat cushion.Release both elastic bands from backrest sides.Pull out shoulder and waist belts from seat cushion.Release the snaps of band on both cushion sides of the cushion and unwind from the connections of armrest sides for detachment.NOTE: To install seat,go in the steps reverse.WARNING : Make sure the seat cushion has been correctly attached before use.Attaching the waist belt(Figure 4.7)NOTE: Make sure to pull through all waist belt insert outlets(total 4 places)when attaching the waist belt.Remove two of insert plastics buckle from the waist belt.According to the direction of arrow instructions Pull the waist belt through the 4 slits on the base board with the reverse side(waist belt) facing up.Re-attach the insert plastic buckle and pull it out through relevant slots of seat cushion. 123Adjust shoulder harnesses heights (Figure 4.8)NOTE: The lowest shoulder harness insert outlet should be used for children under 6 months.Pull out shoulder harnesses from seat cushion and base seat.Set the correct slots of shoulder harnesses through on the base seat.Set correctly the harness shoulder heights and pull it out through relevant slots of seat cushion. 123WARNING : When folding the stroller, please ensure your child and other children are kept at a safe distance. Please ensure that they are not in contact with mounting parts and remove all items from the basket before folding the stroller. EN..Detaching the sun canopy (Figure 3.4)Pull out the canopy joint end gradually, pull up the canopy away from the holder. Attaching the sun canopy (Figure 3.5)Switch the handle to face rear. Refer to this page “Reversing the handle”.Recline the backrest to the lowest angle. Refer to this page “Adjusting the backrest”.Place the canopy facing the proper direction.Plug the canopy joint into the canopy holder.Lift up the backrest, and fasten the canopy snaps.1234515● Washing of the Body & Hip support, the shoulder belt, the waist belt .● Washing of the canopy, crotch belt and the basket.• Hand wash in warm water or machine-wash gently .• When using the washing machine, put the laundries into the washing net before washing. Otherwise a fray and damage may be caused.• Detach the seat cushion and wash according to the washing instructions.• It is recommended to wash and spin separately with other clothes.• Rinse thoroughly, wring out lightly, and then arrange the shape and dry in the shade.• Do not use drying machine or dry cleaning.• Do not soak into the water. Use sponge or brush wipe off the dirt with warm water.• After wipe off the dirt by detergent, use a cloth to wipe off the excess water and detergent.• Dry in shade area after wipe off water by dried cloth.Be careful not to injury of the plastics on canopy and the snaps from basket.Due to the characteristic of the product, the color may fade after numbers of washing.It is recommended to wash with neutral detergent which does not contain fluorescent brightener, bleach etc.Always keep clean due to the condition of storage, the mildew may be generated.Hints for maintenance • Never apply force on any mechanism or moving parts.• To prevent mildew forming, do not store this product a in wet or humid environment. • Protect the product from rain, snow and prolonged exposure to sunlight.• Clean the plastic and metal parts with a wet cloth. For stubborn stains, use a diluted mild detergent.• You may lubricate moving parts if the operation or movement of the stroller is not smooth. Do not apply excessive lubricant as it may stain with dust which may cause malfunction. Please do not apply any lubricating oil on handle lock (open/fold lock), safety belt buckle, front guard plug, safety lock, folding lever and swiveling lock that will cause malfunction.Cleaning and maintaining fabricsEN警告 (错误操作可能引致重大伤害或死亡)使用前请详细阅读本说明书并妥善保存作日后参考之用幼儿的安全是您的责任: 本产品适用于一个月初生儿至15kg(大约三岁)的幼儿使用手推车前请确保所有的锁定装置都已处于锁定状态。
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