



求助信◎万能句型靓丽首句篇①I'm writin g to you f or som e h e lp.我给你写信是为了寻求一些帮助②I a m sorry to b oth e r you,b ut I r ea lly n eed your h e lp with...很抱歉打找你了,但我真的需要你在…“方面帮助我。

③T h e r ea son why I writ e this l e tt e r is th a t I h a v e trou b l e wh e n I...我写这封信的原因是我在……的时候遇到了麻烦。

④I f in d it d i ff i c ult f or m e to...我觉得对我来说做……很难。

⑥I a m now c on f ront ed with th e f ollowin g d i ff i c ulti e s...我现在面临以下困难。

⑦S orry to b oth e r you,b ut I r ea lly ge t som e pro b l e ms r ece ntly.很抱歉打扰你了,但我最近真的有一些问题。

⑧Faced with so mu c h d i ff i c ulty,I h a v e to a sk you f or som e h e lp.面对这么大的困难,我不得不向你寻求一些帮助。

⑨I a m won de rin g i f you c oul d sp a r e som e tim e to...我想知道你是否可以抽出一点时间来……优美中句篇①C oul d you pl ea s e g iv e m e som e ad vi ce?你能给我一些建议吗?②I r ea lly d on't know wh a t to d o a n d e xp ec t you to g iv e m e your ad vi ce.我真不知道怎么办才好,希望你能给我一些建议。



有关英文求助信范文四篇有关英文求助信范文四篇英文求助信范文范文1Directions: You ant to study further for a Master s degree and you are preparing for the entrance exam. Since you have difficulty in English, you should rite a letter around 100 ords to ask for help from your good friend Fang.You do not need to rite the address.Dear Fang,I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of you, ith the hope that you ill be kind to help me.I have been longing to apply for the entrance examination for MA candidates for a long time because I ant to pursue advanced studies.Unfortunately I find myself far from the required standard, especially my very poor English. At this moment, the personal friendship leads me to approach you ith the request, hether you can manage to give me some constructive guidance.I promise to be a diligent student. If you agree, I ill e to your house once a eek at a time most convenient to you.Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.Your friend,*Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.多次承你帮忙,不胜感激!范文2Directions: Suppose you are a senior majored in physics and plan to study further abroad. Please rite a letter of about 100ords to professor Li and ask him to rite a reference for you to a U. S. university.You do not need to rite the address. Dear professor Li,I am a undergraduate from the Department of physics and I fortunately took a major course on hich you lectured. Your lessons impressed me deeply.As a senior, I face the choice beteen hunting for a job and continuing to study. I prefer to apply for a chance to pursue a Master s degree abroad.I have taken required English exams and got excellent scores. What s more, I have finished my personal statement, hich is attached to this letter. I m no riting to ask if you can rite a reference for me, hich ill greatly facilitate my admission into a U.S. university.Best ishes for your health.Your Student,BR *在请求别人写信时应写明自己的目的和打算,并为对方提供相关信息。





Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble with this assignment.I'm not sure how to approach it, and I was wondering if you could lend me a hand.段落二,描述具体问题。

Specifically, I'm struggling with the research part.I've been looking for relevant sources, but I can't seem to find anything that really nails it down. Any suggestions?段落三,请求帮助的具体方式。

If you have some free time, could you maybe show me how you would tackle this? Or maybe you know of some goodresources I could check out?段落四,表达感激之情。

I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out. I know you're busy, so even just a few pointers would be great. Thanks in advance!段落五,提及后续行动。

If you're able to help, I'll definitely set aside some time to go over it with you.。



高一英语作文求助信万能模板Dear [Friend's Name],。

Hope this message finds you well! I'm writing to you with a bit of a dilemma. Lately, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with schoolwork and extracurricular activities. It's like I'm constantly running around, trying to catch up with everything.You know how it is in high school, right? There's always so much to do and so little time. The homework piles up, and tests seem to be around every corner. I'm trying to balance it all, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.One thing I've been struggling with is time management.I feel like I'm constantly rushing from one thing to the next, without really taking a break. I know it's important to take some time for myself, but I just can't seem to find the right moment.Another challenge is prioritizing. With so many different responsibilities, it's hard to decide what's more important. Should I focus on my studies or spend more time on that volunteer project I'm involved in? It's a tough decision.I was wondering if you have any advice or tips on how to manage all these things better. You always seem so calm and collected, no matter what's going on. I'd really appreciate any insights you can offer.Thanks for taking the time to read.。



求助信英语作文带翻译Dear Sir/Madam,。

I am writing to seek your help and advice regarding an urgent matter that has been bothering me for quite some time now. I am a university student majoring in finance, and I am currently facing some financial difficulties that are affecting my studies and my overall wellbeing.To give you a brief background, my family is not well-off, and we are struggling to make ends meet. I have been working part-time to support myself and my education, but the pandemic has made it even more challenging to find a job that pays well and is safe.As a result, I have fallen behind on my tuition fees, and I am afraid that I may not be able to continue my studies if I cannot pay them soon. I have tried to apply for scholarships and financial aid, but the competition is fierce, and the chances of getting approved are slim.Therefore, I am reaching out to you for any help or advice you can offer. I am willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to overcome this obstacle and achieve my goals. I am open to any suggestions or opportunities that can help me improve my financial situation and succeed in my studies.Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I hope to hear from you soon.Sincerely,。








请你去机场接我叔叔并1.I'm writing to ask you to do me a favor. Would/ Could you please meet且把他送到酒店好吗?my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel?2.Sorry to bother you, but I'm really in urgent need of your help.2.很抱歉打扰你了,但我急需你的帮助。

3.Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask you for help.3.面对如此多的困难,我不得不向你求助。

4.However, I 4.但是,我在收集相关材料上遇到了麻烦。

我想have some trouble in collecting relevant materials. I was知道你是否能帮助我解决这个问题。

wondering if you could help me to solve the problem.5.Also, I would 5.而且,我也想让你给我们介绍一些学习语法的like you to introduce to us some good ways to learn好方法。

grammar.6. 6.我写这封信,希望你能给我一些帮助。

I'm writing you the letter, hoping you can give me some help.7.Would you be so kind as to spare some time to help me improve my你能抽出一些时间来帮助我修改一下我的这7. 篇文章好吗?article?8.但我记笔记有点困难,我不知道如何使用图书8.But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I have no idea how to 馆。




你知道英语求助信怎么写吗?下面,是小编为你整理的高一英语作文求助信,希望对你有帮助!高一英语作文求助信模板Dear ______ ,①I am writing to formally request to ______(请求的内容).②The reason for ______is that ______(给出原因). ③I ______ , so I ______(给出细节).④I would also like to request ______(提出进一步的要求). ⑤I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.⑥Thank you for your attention to these requests. ⑦If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at ______(电话号码). ⑧I look forward to a favorable reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming高一英语作文求助信篇1Dear Mr. Johnson,How are you doing these days? It’s almost two months since we met each other last time. I miss you a lot.Thank you so much for your help with my English study. Now I am faced with some new learning problems. I have some difficulty in comprehensive reading. My English teacher often says that only if we expand the reading quantity can we be admitted into a better university. But, I feel it difficult to understand English passages with the increase of vocabulary / for lack of vocabulary. Besides, I often feel nervous while reading English. All of the problems bring me great pressure. I am unable to remember words well and feel tired of learning English.I really hope that you can give me some good advice on how to memorize new words and practice reading English. I believe I can make great progress in English with your help.I would be grateful/thankful if you could give me some advice/help. (By the way, please come to China for a visit whenever it is convenient to you. I am looking forward to seeing you again.)Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li hua高一英语作文求助信篇2Dear Uncle,How are you?Next week an English speaking contest will be held in the city.A classmate of mine and I will take part in it on behalf of my school. I am excited but also mervous, because it is a good chance to improve my English. But I have no experience. Although I have been preparing for the contest, I am still not confident. As an expert in English, what would you advise me to prepare for the contest?I plan to pay a visit to you this Saturday morning. I wonder whether you will be free then. If not, could you tell me the time that is convenient for you? I am eager to get your instruction. I will appreciate any of your help.Your niece,Yang Mei。








请你去机场接我叔叔并1.I’mwritingtoaskyoutodomeafavor.Would/Couldyoupleasemeetmyuncleattheairportandtakehimtohishotel2.Sorrytobotheryou,butI’mreally inurgentneedofyourhelp.3.Facedwithsomuchdifficulty,Ihavetoaskyouforhelp.4.However,Ihavesometroubleincollectingrelevantmaterials.Iwaswonderingifyoucouldhelpmetosolvetheproblem.5.Also,Iwouldlikeyoutointroducetoussomegoodwaystolearngrammar.6.I’mwritingyoutheletter,hopingyoucangivemesomehelp.7.Wouldyoubesokindastosparesometimetohelpmeimprovemyarticle8.ButIhavesomedifficultieswithnote-takingandIhavenoideahowtousethelibrary.9.Thankyouinadvance!把他送到酒店好吗?2.很抱歉打扰你了,但我急需你的帮助。







英语作文求助信件模板英文回答:Dear [Recipient Name],。

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable assistance you have provided me throughout my academic journey. Your guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping my growth and development as a student and researcher.Specifically, I would like to thank you for the following exceptional contributions:[Contribution 1][Contribution 2][Contribution 3]Your expertise and insights have not only enriched my knowledge and understanding but have also instilled in me a passion for [field of study]. I am particularly gratefulfor your unwavering support during [project/research]. Your constructive criticism and encouragement were invaluable in helping me overcome challenges and produce high-quality work.Furthermore, your mentorship has extended beyond academic matters. You have consistently fostered a positive and supportive learning environment, where I felt comfortable asking questions, sharing ideas, and seeking guidance. Your unwavering belief in my abilities has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams with determination.In recognition of your exceptional contributions, I would like to request a letter of recommendation. I believe that your insights into my character, work ethic, and academic achievements would be invaluable to potential employers or graduate schools.Thank you again for everything you have done for me. Your dedication and compassion have made a profound impact on my life. I will always cherish the knowledge, skills, and values you have imparted upon me.With heartfelt gratitude,。



英语学习求助信英语作文高中范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dear Teacher,I really need your help with learning English! It's just so hard for me. I try my best, but I still struggle a lot. Everything about English seems confusing and difficult. I know English is super important, but I find myself getting frustrated and wanting to give up sometimes.The first big problem I have is with vocabulary. There are sooooo many words in English that I don't know! Whenever I'm reading something or listening to someone speak English, I come across tons of words that I've never heard before. I have to look them up in the dictionary constantly. And even when I learn new words, I have trouble remembering what they mean later on.Another issue is that English grammar seems really complicated and different from my native language. Things like verb tenses, plurals, subject-verb agreement, prepositions, and articles make my head spin! I mix them up and make mistakes allthe time. Why can't English just have simple, straightforward grammar rules like other languages?Then there's pronunciation. So many English words are pronounced completely differently from how they are spelled! I'll spend forever trying to sound out a new word, only to hear the teacher say it in a totally unexpected way. The sounds in English feel very unnatural for my mouth and tongue. I end up feeling self-conscious and afraid to speak out loud in class.Writing is also super challenging. Forming complete, grammatically correct sentences is hard enough. But then I have to worry about organizing paragraphs, developing ideas thoroughly, using transition words properly, and so on. My writing always ends up sounding choppy and childish compared to native speakers. I can never get my essays to flow smoothly.Don't even get me started on things like phrasal verbs, idioms, slang, regional accents, and cultural references! How is anyone supposed to master all those nuances of English? It truly seems impossible sometimes. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle and struggling to keep up with my classmates who grew up speaking English at home.I really admire kids who can effortlessly switch between multiple languages. I wish I could be like them! Instead, Englishremains this big, intimidating obstacle for me. I study hard and practice as much as I can, but I'm not progressing as quickly as I want. At this rate, I worry that I'll never become truly fluent and proficient.Please, please help me, Teacher! I need strategies for overcoming my weaknesses in English. What learning methods, tools, or resources would you recommend? How can I build up my vocabulary and grammar skills? How can I improve my listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities? I'll do whatever it takes to get better at English. I'm determined to work through this.English is just so vital for academic success and future job opportunities. I know I have to conquer this challenge sooner or later. With your guidance and support, I'm hopeful that I can finally start making major strides. Thank you so much for taking the time to assist a struggling student like me. I really appreciate any advice you can offer!Sincerely,[Your Name]篇2Dear Teacher,I really need your help with learning English! It's just so hard for me. All the grammar rules, vocabulary words, and pronunciations are super confusing. I feel like I'm never going to get it. But I know English is an important language to learn. Please help me!You see, my parents only speak our native language at home. We moved to this English-speaking country when I was little, so I've been learning English at school. But it's really different from our language. Like, in English you have to remember if a noun is plural or singular and add an "s" sometimes. And the verb has to match too! Why can't it just stay the same?And don't even get me started on the crazy spelling rules in English. Why does "though" have a "gh" that doesn't make any sound? And words like "colonel" that are totally not spelled how they sound. I memorize how to spell words for my tests, but then I forget them a week later. There are just too many weird exceptions to the rules.Speaking and listening is hard too. Some words sound so similar, like "ship" and "sheep." How am I supposed to know which one people are saying? And there are all these idioms and slang expressions that don't make any sense if you think literally.Like if someone says "hold your horses," does that mean they actually have horses? I get so confused trying to understand everything.In our language, you just say what you mean directly. But in English, you have to learn all these different ways to make requests politely. Like you can't just say "Give me that pencil." You have to say "Could you please pass me that pencil?" It's way too complicated!At home, my parents are always lecturing me: "You need to learn English to get a good job someday. All the best opportunities require strong English skills." I get it, I get it. But English is my worst subject in school. No matter how hard I try, I can't raise my grades.Writing is probably the most difficult part. Organizing paragraphs, using transition words, varying my sentence structure...by the time I revise my essays, they're covered in my teacher's red ink. I'll never master English composition at this rate. I'm starting to think I'll never be fluent.Please, please help me! I want to do well in English, but I'm feeling stuck. Could you give me some extra practice exercises or tutoring? I'll study twice as hard, I promise. Maybe we could meet once a week after school and you could go over conceptsI'm struggling with? Or recommend some books or apps at my level that could make English fun?I'll do anything to improve my English skills. I just need a little extra support and encouragement. With your help, I know I can get over this hurdle. English won't seem so impossible anymore. Please say you'll help me - pretty please with a cherry on top? I'm counting on you!Gratefully yours,[Your struggling student's name]篇3Dear Teacher,I am writing to you because I really need your help with learning English. English is so hard for me and I'm having a lot of trouble in my English class. I try my best, but it just doesn't seem to stick in my brain no matter what I do. I would be so grateful if you could give me some advice!The biggest problem I have is remembering all the vocabulary words. We have to learn like 20 new words every week and I can never keep them all straight. I make flashcards and study them over and over, but then when I have a test, I justgo blank. It's like my mind is a sieve and all the words just leak out before the test! Why is it so hard to make the words stick?Another issue is understanding what people are saying when they talk. In class, you'll be giving instructions or lecturing, and I'll understand maybe half of what you're saying at best. The words all seem to blend together into one big jumbled mess. And don't even get me started on listening exercises from the textbook - I might as well be listening to gibberish! How can I get better at separating the words when people talk?Then there's the whole reading thing. I have such a hard time with that too. When I look at a page covered in English words and sentences, I feel like I'm looking at hieroglyphics or something. I can slowly decode maybe one sentence after staring at it for five minutes, but then I've already forgotten what I just read by the time I get to the next sentence. It's so frustrating! Do you have any tips for becoming a faster, more fluent reader?And writing is a whole other beast that I haven't even tackled yet. Anytime I try to write a paragraph or essay, the words just won't come. My sentences are all awkward and don't make sense. I'm constantly having to stop and look up simple words in the dictionary. By the time I've slaved over writing three lines, I'velost my train of thought completely. How do native English speakers make writing look so effortless?I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm feeling really discouraged and could use some serious help. English is the hardest subject for me by far, no matter how much I study. I spend hours on it every night and yet I'm still struggling to put basic sentences together. I'm worried that I'm never going to get a grasp on this language.Could you please give me some advice or resources that could help make English click for me? I need all the tips and tricks I can get - memorization strategies, listening exercises, reading practices, writing prompts, you name it! I'll do whatever it takes because I really want to improve. I know English will be so important for my future.Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate any help or guidance you can offer an English learner in need!Sincerely,[Your Name]篇4Dear Teacher,I am writing to you because I really need help with learning English. It is very hard for me and I don't know what to do. I try my best but it seems like no matter what I do, I just can't get it.First of all, speaking English is super duper difficult. Whenever the teacher asks me a question in English class, my mind goes totally blank. I know the answer in Chinese, but the English words just won't come out of my mouth. It's like there is a block stopping me from speaking. And then I get all nervous and sweaty because everyone is staring at me. By the time I finally say something, it's too late and the teacher has already moved on. I really want to be able to speak up more in class but I'm too scared to try.Reading is also really hard. I look at the words on the page and they just look like a bunch of jumbled letters to me. I can kind of sound them out, but then I have no idea what the words mean when I put them together into sentences. The stories and articles we read in class go completely over my head. I just stare at the pages feeling totally lost and confused. Sometimes I try to use a dictionary to look up every single word, but that takes forever and makes the whole thing even more confusing. Howam I supposed to understand what I'm reading if I don't know what any of the words mean?Writing is definitely the most challenging part for me though. Whenever we have to write an essay or story in English class, I want to cry. My hand gets all sweaty holding the pencil and my mind goes completely blank staring at the blank page. I have no idea how to start or what to write about. Even if I manage to write a few sentences, I'm sure the grammar is all messed up. English grammar is insane with all the different tenses, apostrophes, plurals and pronouns. It seems like no matter what I do, I make mistake after mistake. And don't even get me started on trying to spell words correctly! By the end, my essay looks like it was written by a kindergartner. I get so frustrated that I just want to give up.I have tried lots of different methods to improve my English, but nothing seems to be working. I make flashcards of vocabulary words but then I forget them all in a couple days. I watch movies and listen to music in English but I can't understand 99% of what is being said. I read children's books but I still struggle so much with all the complicated words and idioms. It's just so discouraging because no matter how hard I try, I'm still struggling big time.The worst part is, everyone around me seems to be doing just fine with English except me. My classmates all speak, read and write so naturally like they were born knowing the language. Even the kid who used to eat crayons is somehow better at English than I am! I'm the only one who doesn't understand what's going on. It's really embarrassing and it makes me feel so stupid. I want to give up but I know English is a crucial skill I need to master.Please, can you give me some advice on how I can improve my English skills? I will try anything at this point - extra homework, private tutoring, language learning apps, you name it!I am determined to work as hard as I possibly can. I just need some guidance on effective methods that can help me finally make progress. English is so important but it has been an impossible mountain for me to climb so far. With your help, I'm hopeful that I can overcome my struggles and gain confidence in my English abilities.Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to hearing any tips or suggestions you may have. I really appreciate your help!Sincerely,[Your struggling student's name]篇5Dear Teacher,I need your help with learning English! It's so hard for me and I get really frustrated sometimes. English is my least favorite subject in school. I just don't understand why we have to learn it.I was born here and everyone around me speaks Chinese. When will I ever need to use English?My parents keep telling me how important it is to learn English well. They say it will help me get into a good university and get a good job later on. But I'm only in 5th grade! I don't even know what I want to be when I grow up yet. Learning English just feels like a waste of time for me right now.The writing is the hardest part. I can never remember how to spell words properly in English. The rules make no sense to me. Like why is "night" spelled with a "gh" instead of just an "f" sound? And why are there so many ways to spell the same sound like the long "a" sound can be spelled as "a", "ay", "ai", and more? Chinese is so much more logical.Speaking is also really difficult. I get so tongue-tied and flustered whenever I have to speak English in class. My face gets hot and I start sweating. I can never get the weird sounds andrhythm of English right. My English just ends up sounding broken and incorrect compared to my classmates who have had more practice or exposure to English.Listening is a struggle as well. People speak way too fast in English! All the words get bunched together and it's hard to distinguish where one word stops and the next begins. I have to strain so hard to comprehend anything that is being said. My brain can't process it quickly enough before new English words are being spoken.Reading is probably the "easiest" skill for me, but I still face issues. I have a really hard time making out words with a lot of consonants clustered together. My eyes just glaze over them. And don't get me started on words with silent letters - those are the worst! It's so confusing.I'm trying my best in English class, but I feel like I'm falling farther and farther behind. My grades are terrible and I'm getting discouraged. Some of my classmates seem to pick it up so naturally and efffortlessly. It's just not clicking for me at all. I have a hard time paying attention during our English lessons and my mind wanders.Please help me, teacher! I need some advice and tips to improve my English abilities. What should I be doing differently?How can I make English easier and more interesting to learn? I'm feeling stuck and I'm scared I might not pass English this year. I really want to get better so my parents will stop nagging me. English is just too complicated!Thank you so much for taking the time to read this long letter. I look forward to any suggestions or guidance you can provide. I appreciate you always being so patient and encouraging me, even when I'm struggling. Your support means a lot!Sincerely,Your English Student篇6Dear Teacher,My name is Tommy and I am a student in 5th grade. I really need your help because I am struggling with learning English. It is my second language and I find it very difficult. I will try my best to explain my problems in English.First of all, I have a hard time understanding when people speak English to me. The words seem to blend together and I can't separate them. For example, when my teacher says "Whatdid you have for breakfast this morning?" I hear "Whaddyouavfubreckmohnin?" and I get confused. I know I need to practice listening more, but I'm not sure the best way to do that.Another big problem I have is remembering new vocabulary words. We learn lots of new words in class every week, but I quickly forget most of them. My teacher tells me to make flashcards, but I find that really boring. I prefer to play games and do more fun activities to learn the words. Could you suggest any games that would help me remember the new words better?Grammar is also very challenging for me. I can never remember when to use "a" or "an" in front of words. And don't even get me started on verb tenses! I can never figure out if I should say "I go" or "I went" or "I will go." Why are there so many different versions of each verb? It's all very confusing. I need some tricks to help me learn the grammar rules.As for reading, I have a hard time with that too. I can read simple books okay, but anything above a second grade level is too hard. I get stuck on big words I don't know and then I lose understanding of what the whole story is about. Do you have any recommendations for fun, easy reading materials I could practice with?Writing is probably my biggest weakness. Whenever I try to write a story or paragraph, I make so many silly mistakes with capitals, periods, spelling, etc. I can never remember all the rules. And coming up with ideas for what to write about is hard too. I just stare at a blank page feeling stuck. I need step-by-step help for the whole writing process, from brainstorming to editing.Overall, I feel very frustrated and discouraged about learning English. I study hard and practice as much as I can, but I still struggle so much. I'm afraid I'm never going to be fluent. Could you please give me advice and tips to make English easier? I really want to improve, but I need your guidance. Thank you for your time and help!Sincerely,Tommy。



高中求助信英语作文Dear teacher,。

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your help with my high school studies. I have been struggling with understanding some of the concepts in math and physics. It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide me with some additional guidance or resources to help me improve in these subjects.Additionally, I have been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of homework and assignments that I have to complete.I find it difficult to manage my time effectively and often feel stressed about meeting deadlines. Any tips or strategies you could share to help me better organize my workload would be extremely helpful.Furthermore, I have been experiencing some difficulties in my relationships with my classmates. I sometimes feel left out or misunderstood, and it has been affecting myoverall experience at school. If you have any advice on how to navigate social situations and build stronger connections with my peers, I would be grateful for your insights.In conclusion, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my message and consider my concerns. Your support and guidance mean a lot to me, and I am confident that with your help, I can overcome these challenges and thrive in my high school journey.Sincerely,。



高考英语求助信(6篇)高考英语求助信 1Dear Tom,How is it going these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your school life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in China? Are you enjoying your life? I hope you are.Let me tell you a piece of good news: I’m going to take part in an English speech contest of middle school students in July in the ing summer vacation. So I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using proper English word to express my thoughts. Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation(语调). Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me some suggestions.In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest. I’m sure we will have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua高考英语求助信 2Dear teacher,My name is Li Xiang. I’m writing a letter to you to ask for some help. I have met with many difficulties in learning English. First,I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember. Besides,the texts are too long for me to recite. What’s more,grammar is also very difficult to learn.Faced with so many difficulties, I have to ask you for some you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them more easily? In the meanwhile,I beg you to teach the text more slowly so that most of the students can easily follow you. Also,I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar. I’m sure that I can make great progress in my English study with your help.Yours,Li Hua高考英语求助信 3Dear Jenny,How are you doing these days? It’s almost two months since we met each other last time. I miss you a lot.Thank you so much for your help with my English study. Now I am faced with some new learning problems./(I have difficulty in。



高一英语作文求助信万能模板High School Freshman English Essay Template: A General Appeal for Assistance.Dear [Recipient's Name],。

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek your assistance in [specific situation or area of need]. As a freshman in high school, I am facing some challenges that I believe your experience and wisdom could greatly help me overcome.Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am currently attending [Your School Name] as a freshman. Since starting high school, I have encountered [specific challenges or difficulties]. Whetherit is [example challenge 1], [example challenge 2], or [example challenge 3], these issues have been quite challenging for me to navigate.I understand that high school is a new and often overwhelming phase of life, and I am doing my best to adapt. However, I believe that with some additional guidance and support, I could be even more successful. This is where I am hoping you can provide assistance.Your experience in [related field or topic] could be invaluable to me. Whether it is through providing advice, sharing resources, or simply offering encouragement, I am confident that your support would make a significant difference in my academic and personal journey.I am particularly interested in [specific area of interest or need]. If you have any suggestions or resources that could help me further explore this area, I would be extremely grateful. Additionally, I am also looking forways to improve my [specific skill or ability] as I believe it is crucial for my future success.I appreciate your time and attention in reading this letter. I understand that you may be busy, and I am truly grateful for any time you can spare to assist me. Pleasefeel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you have any questions or if there is a more convenient way for us to communicate.Thank you again for considering my request. I am looking forward to the possibility of working with you and learning from your experiences.Sincerely,。



求助信英语范文(共10篇)I'm having some trouble with my math homework. Can you help me?英文回答,Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your math homework. What specifically are you having trouble with?中文回答,当然,我很乐意帮你解决数学作业的问题。

你具体有什么困难呢?I'm struggling with understanding how to solve for x in these equations. For example, in the equation 3x + 5 = 17, I'm not sure how to isolate x.英文回答,Ah, I see. So in the equation 3x + 5 = 17, the first step is to subtract 5 from both sides to get 3x = 12. Then, you divide both sides by 3 to solve for x, so x = 4.中文回答,啊,我明白了。

所以在方程3x + 5 = 17中,第一步是从两边减去5,得到3x = 12。

然后,你把两边都除以3来解出x,所以x = 4。

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.英文回答,希望这能帮到你!如果你还有其他问题,随时告诉我。




高一必修一英语作文求助信范文6篇高一必修一英语作文求助信范文6篇高中必修一的英语作文是整个高中阶段语法学问偏少的,你想知道有哪些英语作文吗?下面我给大家共享高一必修一英语作文求助信的内容,盼望能够关心大家,欢迎阅读!高一必修一英语作文求助信2高一必修一英语作文求助信3Dear Sirs,In reply to your advertisement in on Qinnan Daily of May 6, I respectfully offer my services for the position of secretary.I am twenty years old and going to graduate from vocational school.I am a business management major. Besides, Ive learned English for more than eight years and I am familiar with computer operation. In the last three years, Ive been one of the editors of our student newspaper, which makes me experienced in writing and editing. I do well in my study and my scores are outstanding in my class. From above-mention, I am sure that I will be qualified for secretary.I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely yours,Zhang Hong高一必修一英语作文求助信4Directions: You want to study further for a Master’s degree and you are preparing for the entrance exam. Since you have difficulty in English, you should write a letter around 100 words to ask for help from your good friend Fang.You do not need to write the address.Dear Fang,I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of you, with the hope that you will be kind to help me.I have been longing to apply for the entrance examination for MA candidates for a long time because I want to pursue advanced studies.Unfortunately I find myself far from the required standard, especially my very poor English. At this moment, the personal friendship leads me to approach you with the request, whether you can manage to give me some constructive guidance. I promise to be a diligent student. If you agree, I will come to your house once a week at a time most convenient to you.Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.Your friend, nbsp;高一必修一英语作文求助信5Dear Mr Margaret,Im glad to know that ten waitresses are needed in your hotel. Id like to be one of them. Im a Chinese girl of twenty. Im single and healthy. I started school when I was six. I studied in No. 1 Primary School. At the age of eleven,I went Shenzhen Middle school for learning. After graduation in 2022 I began to work on a construction site as an ordinaryworker,I became a postwoman when I was twenty.I had learned English for 6 years at school,and have kept on learning it since I left school. Now I can speak good English and type well. I enjoy singing and dancing. Last year I won the first prize in the competition for the spare time singers in the city.Could you let me have a position in your hotel?Looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,Li Hua高一必修一英语作文求助信6Dear Mr. Johnson,How are you doing these days? It’s almost two months since we met each other last time. I miss you a lot.Thank you so much for your help with my English study. Now I am faced with some new learning problems. I have some difficulty in comprehensive reading. My English teacher often says that only if we expand the reading quantity can we be admitted into a better university. But, I feel it difficult to understand English passages with the increase of vocabulary / for lack of vocabulary. Besides, I often feel nervous while reading English. All of the problems bring me great pressure. I am unable to remember words well and feel tired of learning English.I really hope that you can give me some good advice on how to memorize new words and practice reading English. I believe I can make great progress in English with your help.I would be grateful/thankful if you could give me some advice/help. (By the way, please come to China for a visit whenever it is convenient to you. I am looking forward to seeing you again.)Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li hua高一必修一英语作文文章到此就结束了,欢迎大家下载使用并丰富,共享给更多有需要的人。

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1.I’m writing to ask you to do me a favor. Would/ Could you please meetmy uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel?2.Sorry to bother you, but I’m really in urgent need of your help.3.Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask you for help.4.However, I have some trouble in collecting relevant materials. I waswondering if you could help me to solve the problem.5.Also, I would like you to introduce to us some good ways to learngrammar.6.I’m writing you the letter, hoping you can give me some help.7.Would you be so kind as to spare some time to help me improve myarticle?8.But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I have no idea how touse the library.9.Thank you in advance!10.You may e-mail or phone me. Here are my email address and phonenumber: lihua@; 12345678.疯狂背诵1.给航空公司写一封信寻找行李箱(2010重庆卷)假设你是李华,于2010年6月3日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(fright number BA793)回国后,发现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。


信件要点包括:1. 陈述写信原因;2. 简要描述该行李;3. 说明其重要性;4. 期待回复并表示感谢。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 信件格式已为你给出;3. 请在答题卡上作答。

②请求某人做某事③拉链④身份证request sb. to do sth.zipID card①There is a label on the handle ________ my name and address on it.①I had put all my important documents in it, ________(include) myID card, passport and so on.①Besides, it is ________ my father sent to me on my birthday.2.英语学习过程中遇到问题写信向老师求助假如你叫李华,在光明中学读书,在学习英语的过程中你遇到一些问题,想得到老师的帮助。


下面表格中只给了简单的提示,请你结合自己的实际情况给英语老师写一封求助信,内容如下:学习英语时遇到的问题1. 生词多,记忆有难度2. ……3 ……向英语老师提出的建议1. 降慢语速,以便所有的学生都能听懂2. 介绍一些学习英语的好方法3. ……字数:100左右。


3.学习遇到困难写信向学校辅导中心求助(2011全国卷)假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。

根据学校规定,你须书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:1. 本人简介; 2. 求助内容; 3. 约定时间; 4. 你的联系方式(Email:lihua@; Phone: 12345678)。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 结束语以为你写好。





①你好吗?②会议③帮我个忙④戴着眼镜How are you doing?conferencedo me a favourwear glasses①I've asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you've asked_______ before.①His _______ (fly) number is CA985.①And he will be _______ a blue jacket.5.准备英语演讲比赛时遇到问题求助朋友(2011山东卷)假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。

七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。




给外教Mr. Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。

t he i模拟练习7.请求父母培养自己的独立性假如你是李华,家境殷实。



要点:1. 国外许多名人把财富捐给慈善机构,而不是留给孩子;2. “授之以鱼”不如“授之以渔”,希望父母能给予自己机会,培养自己的独立性。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 开头和结尾已写好,不计入总字数;3. 不能出现真实的学校和姓名。

Dear Dad and Mom,________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely,Li Hua 8.希望Tom 能和自己一道去景区纠正英文翻译假定你是李华,上周末和同学到家乡附近的景区游玩,看到许多令人啼笑皆非的标志牌,比如:景区大门的“入口”被译成import ;景区“出口”被译成export 。

李华给在美国的笔友Tom 写信寻求帮助,主要内容如下:陈述家乡景区英语翻译的问题;希望今年暑假Tom 能再来中国,和你一道去景区纠正英文翻译。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,How time flies! It has been almost a year since your last visit.____________________________________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua9.初到英国遇到一些困难,写信向好朋友求助假设你是李华,初到英国遇到一些困难,因此写信给你的好朋友王平,诉说你遇到的困难:1. 语言方面的障碍;2. 饮食不习惯;3. 想家,孤独;4. 寻求帮助。



Dear Wang Ping,How time flies! It’s a long time since I saw you last. I missyou very much. Now, I’m working in UK. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours. Li Hua10.背包遗失在宾馆,给宾馆外籍经理写一封email ,请他帮忙寻找并寄回假设你是李津,在十一旅游期间入住北京友谊宾馆702房间,10月2日入住,10月6日退房。

你回家后发现一个中等大小的蓝色皮背包遗失在那里,内有几本学习参考书,一个白色ipad ,一张信用卡和少量现金。

请用英文给该宾馆外籍经理写一封email ,请他帮忙寻找并寄回。

信件要点包括:1. 陈述写信原因;2. 简要描述该背包;3. 说明其重要性;4. 期待回复。

注意:1.词数不少于100; 2. 可适当增加细节,使内容充实、行文连贯;3. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir,________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Yours sincerely,Li Jin11.请求外教对自己的演讲稿进行修改假如你是李华。
