医患关系 英文讲义
Physician—patient relationship
As we all know,there are many famous doctors in chinese history,like Hua Tuo 、Li shizhen and Zhang Zhong jing.In fact,the doctors are very respected at past.
It is said that a people who lived in He Nan named Fei Changfang came cross an old man in the street.The old man had a gourd,and cured for people free of charge.Fei respected the old man deeply.The old man invited Fei to go with him.Finally,Fei decided to be a doctor like the old man to help the poor.That gourd became the sign of tradional chinese medicine
what we can do?
First ,reestablish doctor—patient trust relationship 。Trust is the basis for constructing a good physician—patient relationship 。
Secondly ,strengthen the communication between doctors and patients 。Communication between doctors and patients is the important skill for learning sickness ,treatment and rehabilitation 。
As we all know,there are many famous doctors in chinese history,like Hua Tuo 、Li shizhen and Zhang Zhong jing.In fact,the doctors are very respected at past.
It is said that a people who lived in He Nan named Fei Changfang came cross an old man in the street.The old man had a gourd,and cured for people free of charge.Fei respected the old man deeply.The old man invited Fei to go with him.Finally,Fei decided to be a doctor like the old man to help the poor.That gourd became the sign of tradional chinese medicine
what we can do?
First ,reestablish doctor—patient trust relationship 。Trust is the basis for constructing a good physician—patient relationship 。
Secondly ,strengthen the communication between doctors and patients 。Communication between doctors and patients is the important skill for learning sickness ,treatment and rehabilitation 。
A 15-month-old boy:
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Seriously ill in ICU.
His parents:
doubted about the doctors recorded the whole course of diagnosis and treatment.
Never do these barbarous actions, e.g. despise your doctor, extort medicine, enforce special examination and treatment, abuse your doctor in the foulest languages, menace your doctor and assault your doctor
Choosing a Relationship Style
Different styles
The "traditional" doctor-patient relationship, the doctor leads and the patient follows Partnership, where both doctor and patient contribute to the decision-making process Some patients prefer to make decisions and use a doctor primarily as a consultant.
What makes such a terrible misunderstanding between doctors and patients?
A 15-month-old boy:
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Seriously ill in ICU.
His parents:
doubted about the doctors recorded the whole course of diagnosis and treatment.
Never do these barbarous actions, e.g. despise your doctor, extort medicine, enforce special examination and treatment, abuse your doctor in the foulest languages, menace your doctor and assault your doctor
Choosing a Relationship Style
Different styles
The "traditional" doctor-patient relationship, the doctor leads and the patient follows Partnership, where both doctor and patient contribute to the decision-making process Some patients prefer to make decisions and use a doctor primarily as a consultant.
What makes such a terrible misunderstanding between doctors and patients?
Where’s the trust?
8 mao could cure a disease which requires 100,000 yuan?
A 6-day-old baby
Congenital glant colon
Received the radical macrosigmoid operation
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱreason
What makes such a terrible misunderstanding between doctors and patients?
Who is chiefly responsible for this problem?
Doctors or patients
What can’t we forget?
Sharing Your Point of View With Your Doctor
Being honest about your viewpoint.
Let your doctor know what are you thinking about.
Heed reasonable warnings suggested by your doctor.
None of these relationship styles is right or wrong.
Let your doctor know which style you prefer.
Learning the
• You can get the information of your disease from websites, hotlines and community organizations
8 mao could cure a disease which requires 100,000 yuan?
A 6-day-old baby
Congenital glant colon
Received the radical macrosigmoid operation
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱreason
What makes such a terrible misunderstanding between doctors and patients?
Who is chiefly responsible for this problem?
Doctors or patients
What can’t we forget?
Sharing Your Point of View With Your Doctor
Being honest about your viewpoint.
Let your doctor know what are you thinking about.
Heed reasonable warnings suggested by your doctor.
None of these relationship styles is right or wrong.
Let your doctor know which style you prefer.
Learning the
• You can get the information of your disease from websites, hotlines and community organizations
医患关系 PPT课件
副作用大等,都会产生消极情绪和异常行为 反应,并容易引起医患冲突。 病人的文化水平、医学知识、沟通能力、心 理特点和对医务人员的偏见等也是影响医患 关系的重要因素。 与医师相比,护理人员常会作为病人“转移 了的攻击目标”,成为医患关系紧张的受害 者。
2、医患关系的人本主义模式及其优点 特点: (1)、医患双方是合作者,共同为病人的健康负责; (2)、医务人员除作为医疗专家外,还是决策师、健 康教育老师、情绪与社会性支持源; (3)、病人作为治疗的参与者,承担相应的权利与责 任,根据医务人员建议,选择治疗和检查方案; (4)、在人本主义模式中,医务人员是医学方面的专 家,而病人是关于自己疾病的“专家”,病人积极主 动地参与到自己的医疗活动中去,为治疗和康复创造 条件。
方法和原则; (2)、提高病人检查和治疗的遵从性; (3)、有助于疾病的早期诊断与治疗; (4)、使双方从医疗活动中产生心理上的收 益,医疗活动更加丰富多彩。
康复; 4、使医疗双方在治疗中心情舒畅,双方受益; 5、有助于病人接受医务人员的健康教育,建 立健康行为。
北京一女士胸透室中质疑医生:凭啥让我脱光上衣 2003年04月22日17:24 北京晚报 本报讯(记者张) 今天,温小姐再次来到朝阳第二医院,不是为看病,而是 因为她至今仍对日前照片子时医生让她将上身脱得一丝不挂耿耿于怀。 前天中午,温小姐因为发烧到朝阳第二医院看病,在发烧门诊测过体温之 后,又来到后楼放射科拍胸肺片。一位30来岁的男大夫的一句要求让温小 姐吓了一跳,“把上衣都脱了。”大夫见温小姐脱了牛仔外套后就不动了, 于是又强调了一遍,“全脱了。”温小姐便遵 医嘱,上身脱了个一丝不挂。 同来的朋友听说之后,十分气愤地向院方讨说法,得到的答复是:这是规 矩。 温小姐直至今日仍旧对大夫此举想不明白。“我这是头一次到医院照片子, 不知道是不是有这样的规矩,照片子难道就真需要把上衣脱的一丝不挂 吗?”觉得隐私受到侵犯的她已经开始向法律人士咨询,打算将此事付诸 法律。 温小姐对于照片子脱光上衣一事感觉特委屈,可医院也在为自己叫屈。朝 阳第二医院医务科的郭敏大夫解释说,这个规矩历来就有,医学院的教科 书中就是这样规定的,因为X光片是根据人体各组织的不同密度成像,患者 的衣物中有很多东西都会造成“伪影”,片子的精准会影响到大夫最终看 片诊断的精准,比如女患者胸衣的材质、饰物、钩扣和托架都可能在片子 上留下影像。记者随即又选了3家医院了解这一“规矩”,得到的答案和郭 敏大夫的相同。一位大夫对记者说:“原则上来讲,当然是人体以外的影 响越少越好。目前,男患者都是脱光上身照片子,可有的女患者还是感觉 尴尬。其实,这样做终究还是对患者负责,去掉的是衣服,同时也去掉了 影响医生判断的干扰因素。”
As a Government
It is precise because some medical insurance compensation system design problemsபைடு நூலகம் which leads to many patients with high
self-funded m
According to China’s economic government, it is reasonable to increase the number of diseases,
• It is well known that the medical level in major cities is higher than that in marginal cities, but it is recommended that patients look at the local hospitals first, screen them again, listen to the advice of local doctors, and then come to the big hospital to minimize unnecessary tossing. Also save some resources for those who are really sick.
As a Patient
• Registered doctors, orderly visits, relatively fair, not only to protect the interests of patients, but also reflect the workload of doctors, respect knowledge, respect the doctor's labor.
第四章 医患关系伦理——双语版_PPT课件
Factors influencing the doctorspatients relationship
病人为什么不信任医生? 医生为何要做防御性医疗? 病人、医生的德性因素在其中起到何种作用?而
Section One Doctor-patient relationship Section Two Doctor-patient communication Section Three Medical Disputes
Case 1: Clinical teaching ——is that patients’ obligation?
医学院医学伦理学研究所 wangyl@
The conception of Doctor-patient relationship
The origin of the doctor-patient relationship
医师执业,待患就诊——病人是医生的衣食父母 病人就诊,求医若渴——医生是病人的救命稻草
手术是成功了,但李雯却陷于极度痛苦之中,认为医院侵犯了 自己的隐私权,最后一纸诉状将市人民医院告到市南区法院,要求 医院赔礼道歉,并赔偿自己各项损失2万元。(根据下列材料编制: 《我流产,岂能供你作“展览”!》,中华网, /zh_cn/social/1007/20031029/11562611.html)
The rights and obligations of both parties of doctors and patients
Nowadays,the relationship between doctors and patients is becoming worse and worse.The bad relationship always lead to''medical trouble''and criminal behaviors.
Physician—patient relationship
As we all know,there are many famous doctors in chinese history,like Hua Tuo 、Li shizhen and Zhang Zhong jing.In fact,the doctors are very respected at past.
In june 2009,six medine trouble events had taken place in our country.About 20 doctors were killed or injuried.So that month was called ''black month'' by doctors.
False advertisementst
False propaganda
Current problems
ernment investment is insufficient ; 2.Relevant laws and Regulations construction lag; 3.Patients with medical expresses burden overweight,medical security system construction lags behind; 5.The unfair distribution of health resources;
This largely results from the busy work of a clinical doctor, who has to watch rounds, writing tons of paper work and handle the ins-and-outs.
As a consequence of the lack of interaction and communication, there is less and less understanding between doctors and patients, which is the contributory cause for the conflict to break out finally.
On October 12, 2010,a patient ,because of persistent chest pain for a month, got to the temple of heaven hospital in Beijing for treatment, after 15 minutes of observation time,the patient have the sudden death when leaving the hosipital.
Better Doctors
‘Nice’ Doctors
Better Doctors
On the afternoon of March 23 ,2012,a young man with a knife broke into the doctor's office of the first affiliated hospital of Harbin medical university,lead one killed and three wounded on the medical stuff.
As a consequence of the lack of interaction and communication, there is less and less understanding between doctors and patients, which is the contributory cause for the conflict to break out finally.
On October 12, 2010,a patient ,because of persistent chest pain for a month, got to the temple of heaven hospital in Beijing for treatment, after 15 minutes of observation time,the patient have the sudden death when leaving the hosipital.
Better Doctors
‘Nice’ Doctors
Better Doctors
On the afternoon of March 23 ,2012,a young man with a knife broke into the doctor's office of the first affiliated hospital of Harbin medical university,lead one killed and three wounded on the medical stuff.
Patients think the hospital charge higher fees, poor environment ,weak technical force and poor quality of service.
While medical workers point that the patient have high demand for services, high expectations for the doctor.
两秒钟后病人才跟我解释说,他的检查结果出来了,有 一项特别不好,因为太着急了所以在诊室门口守着我,见我 一溜烟儿往楼上跑,就跟上来了。
听完这个笑话,我当时整个人都不好了,既辛酸又难过, 既为医生,也为病人。
Misunderstanding between patients and doctors
The doctors and patients should trust each other. It needs a long time to build good relations between doctors and patients. As the large population in China, the improvement of doctor-patient relationship is a tough task with great challenges that we must face. Making great effort and we will have a good effect.
For the Doctor ...
Supporting Your Patients' Interests Being Flexible With Your Responses Describing Both Sides of the Issues
While medical workers point that the patient have high demand for services, high expectations for the doctor.
两秒钟后病人才跟我解释说,他的检查结果出来了,有 一项特别不好,因为太着急了所以在诊室门口守着我,见我 一溜烟儿往楼上跑,就跟上来了。
听完这个笑话,我当时整个人都不好了,既辛酸又难过, 既为医生,也为病人。
Misunderstanding between patients and doctors
The doctors and patients should trust each other. It needs a long time to build good relations between doctors and patients. As the large population in China, the improvement of doctor-patient relationship is a tough task with great challenges that we must face. Making great effort and we will have a good effect.
For the Doctor ...
Supporting Your Patients' Interests Being Flexible With Your Responses Describing Both Sides of the Issues
Actively tell your doctor how you feel in the process of the treatment.
Understand and
Respect Your Doctor's Work
Understand and respect your doctor's work, personality and power, do your best to establish harmonious patient-doctor relationship.
None of these relationship styles is right or wrong.
Let your doctor know which style you prefer.
Learning the
• You can get the information of your disease from websites, hotlines and community organizations
Sharing Your Point of View With Your Doctor
Being honest about your viewpoint.
Let your doctor know what are you thinking about. Heed reasonable warnings suggested by your doctor. When requesting a especial treatment, a friendly and firm request is likely to work best.
Understand and
Respect Your Doctor's Work
Understand and respect your doctor's work, personality and power, do your best to establish harmonious patient-doctor relationship.
None of these relationship styles is right or wrong.
Let your doctor know which style you prefer.
Learning the
• You can get the information of your disease from websites, hotlines and community organizations
Sharing Your Point of View With Your Doctor
Being honest about your viewpoint.
Let your doctor know what are you thinking about. Heed reasonable warnings suggested by your doctor. When requesting a especial treatment, a friendly and firm request is likely to work best.
医患关系英文ppt ppt课件_
What makes such a terrible misunderstanding between doctors and patients?
Who is chiefly responsible for this problem?
Doctors or patients
What can’t we forget?
None of these relationship styles is right or wrong.
Let your doctor know which style you prefer.
Learning the
• You can get the information of your disease from websites, hotlines and community organizations
For the Doctor ...
Effective Doctor Patient Communication
A 15-month-old boy:
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Seriously ill in ICU.
His parents:
doubted about the doctors recorded the whole course of diagnosis and treatment.
Sharing Your Point of View With Your Doctor
Being honest about your viewpoint.
Let your doctor know what are you thinking about.