
六年级湘少版英语上学期单词拼写专项强化练习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 按要求写单词。
(1)go(现在分词)_________________(2)sun(形容词)_________________(3)wind(形容词)_________________(4)duck(复数形式)_________________(5)hot(反义词)_________________(6)summer(对应词)_________________(7)snadwich(复数形式)_________________(8)cool(对应词)_________________(9)chess(复数形式)_________________(10)rain(形容词)_________________2. 把字母重组成单词补全句子。
① It''s ________ the library.② What a great ________!③ ________ is the post office?④ The shop is ________ to the door.⑤ Today is Tuesday. We have ________.3. 补全单词,并译成汉语。
1.fact_ _y____2.bus_n_ssman____3.scie_t_st____4.p_l_t____5.c_ _ch____4. 仿照例子写单词。
例:sing—singing1. ride—________2. dance—________3. write—________4. make—________5. swim—________6. run—________5. 写出下列单词的适当形式。
[1]candy(复数形式)____________[2]do(过去式)____________[3]have(第三人称单数形式)____________[4]look(ing形式)____________[5]long(比较级)____________6. 按要求写单词。

湘少版英语单词看中默英(三年级上册)二Unit l三你好四我五是六嗨七小姐八九Unit2十好的早上Unit5班级/全班这个再见家庭下午爸爸妈妈Unit3哥哥/弟弟什么姐姐/妹妹是你的Unit6名字谁我的他她Unit4爷爷/外公怎样爷爷/外公……岁的/老的奶奶/外婆是堂兄弟(姐妹)表兄弟(姐妹)你伯母;舅母;婶婶;姑姑;阿姨一伯父;舅舅;叔叔;姑父;姨夫Unit7鼻子它脸一个头发狗耳朵奶牛眼睛是的不Unit10不;不是/没有摸/接触鸭子头猫举起马手母鸡腿手臂Unit8颈/脖子书包身体文具盒脚那个Unit ll钢笔喜欢多么那个(特指)漂亮的/美丽的鸟尺子猴子铅笔好的书狮子Unit9老虎对不起熊猫知道大象嘴巴Unit12男人快乐的女人生日礼物Unit3为了颜色爱气球玩具红色/红色的卡片蓝色/蓝色的蛋糕黄色/黄色的图画/图片白色/白色的笔记本绿色/绿色的黑色/黑色的湘少版英语单词看中默英(三年级下册)Unit l Unit4高兴的看看见在/向再次恤衫好的他(她:它)们主格也但是现在太晚上大的晚上/夜间的短裤好的Unit2长裤给你连衣裙男孩大衣女孩衬衣婴儿和Unit5梨子时间钟表Unit8请晴朗的好的下雨的点钟冰淇淋十一冷的十二温暖的白天凉爽的热的Unit6多少......Unit9数数/计算天气十三像十四有风的十五多云的十六下雪的十七十八Unit10十九农民二十邮递员护士Unit7教师橘子医生香蕉司机柠檬市场Unit11教室男警察苹果学生女警察Unit4这些Unit12花去......child的复数乘/通过那些公共汽车蛋他(她:它)们宾格树轮船草飞机绵羊学校自行车Unit5火车面条(复数)小汽车饥饿的饺子湘少版英语单词看中默英(四年级上册)牛奶Unit l面包见面,碰到大米,米饭饼干Unit2圆Unit6正方形转弯线,直线右边,右边的点左边,左边的我们Unit3警察(复数)好玩的,有趣的向上强壮的向下小的老鼠Unit7谁的五十钱包六十包,手提包七十围巾八十钥匙九十有边的)帽子手机Unit10欢迎Unit8我们的穿着,戴着家套头毛衣来,来到跳舞的人客厅鞋子(复数)厨房她的浴室棕色,棕色的卧室灰色,灰色的袜子(复数)Unit11短裙在哪里在……下面Unit9桌子一百在……里面正确的在……上面错误的窗户四十六门五十四书桌,写字台家庭作业椅子二十墙三十房间四十Unit12小船能够云跳跃天空高的,高地山/山脉跑,跑步太阳快的,快地月亮远的,远地星星游泳飞,飞行Unit4写湘少版英语单词看中默英(四年级下册)忙碌的Unit l读新的画画(有帽檐的)帽子(用颜料)绘画/涂色在......后面跳舞在......旁边唱歌在......中间手表Unit5眼镜做饭睡觉Unit2玩耍:参加/体育运动/弹奏春天音乐夏天吃秋天喝冬天观看Unit3Unit6河流跳绳湖篮球足球帮助乒乓球想要/需要(人民币)元Unit7小刀今天蜡笔明天画笔/刷子音乐球(一节)课,(一堂/课玩具车星期一星期二Unit10星期三脚(foot的复数/星期四同/跟星期五手指星期六膝盖星期日Unit llUnit8票来自赶紧/匆忙从……,自……迟的/迟到的中国他的美国衬衣口袋澳大利亚加拿大法国Unit12英国一些(常用于否定句或者疑问句)国家钱如此/这么Unit9买多少一些茶西红柿咖啡土豆果汁水Unit4用/使用湘少版英语单词看中默英(五年级上册)请原谅/打扰了Unit l英语/英语的高的事物长的借圆的中文,中文的,中国的,中国人短的/矮的字典年轻的橡皮擦/黑板擦年老的记号笔胶水Unit2汉堡包Unit5可乐宠物食物兔子三明治篮子鱼/鱼肉可爱的鸡/鸡肉拿着/握着牛肉当然/的确Unit3Unit6午餐哪一个蔬菜雨衣汤厚的早餐薄的晚餐/正餐夹克雨伞收集衣服/衣物邮票旧的故事书小提琴Unit7起床Unit10上床睡觉标志时间表表示......的意思电脑说话课钓鱼;鱼;鱼肉体育摘美术吸烟数学吐痰Unit8Unit11父亲/母亲抱歉的/难过的整理(床铺等)嘈杂的/喧闹的熨烫制造/制作弄干净噪音一餐生气的给......浇水不快乐的植物自豪的洗兴奋的悲伤的Unit9害羞的爱好拍(照);(摄)影Unit12照片春节国际象棋房子前夜Unit3好吃的风筝团聚展示:给/看喜爱/享受纸得到/收到竹子小包切,削/剪爆竹/鞭炮系舞狮巨大的/强烈的Unit4乐趣在这里夫人/太太湘少版英语单词看中默英(五年级下册)把......带往Unit l图书馆故事丢/扔听/倾听废弃的/浪费的有趣的地板谈论/讨论道路上演/演出公园戏剧/演出好极了/太棒了Unit5写...记述/记述国际儿童节月Unit2年调查一月找到/发现二月信息三月学习/研究四月想/思考五月报告六月七月Unit8八月道路/路线九月笔直地十月沿着十一月十字路口十二月乘(车/船/飞机等/下车Unit6停车站母亲节上车最喜欢的医院巧克力机场玫瑰花火车站庆祝餐馆Unit9亲切的/和蔼的Unit7村庄在那里教邮局感兴趣的在......附近活跃的家乡友好的商店聪明的在那里严肃的电影院在......周围Unit10街道昨天购物中心is am;的过去式宾馆病的/有病的银行更好的最近过去的工作练习说Unit11第一Unit2运动总是/经常米平日赛跑常常/时常第二在..之后第三挥手第四返回第五有时第六从不第七第八Unit3第九查找/寻找第十发现/弄清世界Unit12电子邮件森林发送/寄博物馆问候笔记提问/询问Unit4问题中秋节附近的湘少版英语单词看中默英(六年级上册)中心Unit l月饼在期间类型假日/假期莲花学习种子豆子应该尝不应该浪费Unit5女士短上衣预报足够的晴朗的(一)滴;掉下轻柔的/微弱的新鲜的雨/下雨大量的/重的Unit9比Unit6黏土/泥土带来瓶子Unit10野餐感觉水果(身体)好的条/棒咳嗽花生头痛糖果发烧等/等待药罐/听休息只是/仅仅Unit7弱的Unit11慢的剧院人们打电话计划Unit8主意戏剧木头音乐会穿过大厅落下电影失去Unit12Unit3圣诞节照顾装饰健康的彩色的保持灯锻炼礼物慢跑穿上盛装身体圣诞老人感觉收到清洁的欢乐的吃问候高兴的湘少版英语单词看中默英(六年级下册)Unit4 Unit l植树节在一起空气骑(自行车/马等)地方(外)祖父/母Unit5 Unit2地球肉太空一块陆地高兴地它的Unit6移动Unit8容易的聚会踩大声地Unit9钢琴埃菲尔铁塔金门大桥Unit7旅行害怕的长城关大本钟累的风景名胜困难的聪明的焦虑小孩。

湘少版小学英语六年级上册单词默写表(汉译英)Unit 1在…..期间_____________________假日;假期_____________________学习_____________________练习_____________________说_____________________Unit 2总是;经常_____________________平日(除周末以外的日子)_____________________常常;时常_____________________在……之后_____________________挥手_____________________返回_____________________有时_____________________从不_____________________Unit 3查找;寻找_____________________发现;弄清(信息等)_____________________世界_____________________电子邮件;给……发电子邮件_____________________发送;寄_____________________问候_____________________Unit 4中秋节_____________________附近的_____________________中心_____________________月饼_____________________类型_____________________莲花_____________________种子_____________________豆子_____________________尝_____________________Unit 5预报_____________________晴朗的_____________________轻柔的;微弱的;灯_____________________雨;下雨_____________________大量的;重的_____________________Unit 6带来_____________________瓶子_____________________野餐_____________________水果_____________________条;棒_____________________花生_____________________糖果_____________________等;等待_____________________罐;听_____________________Unit 7弱的_____________________慢的_____________________Unit 8应该_____________________浪费_____________________女士短上衣_____________________足够的_____________________节约_____________________(一)滴_____________________新鲜的_____________________Unit 9比_____________________黏土;泥土_____________________Unit 10感觉_____________________(身体)好的_____________________咳嗽_____________________头痛_____________________发烧_____________________药_____________________休息_____________________只是;仅仅_____________________Unit 11剧院_____________________打电话_____________________计划_____________________主意_____________________戏剧_____________________音乐会_____________________大厅_____________________电影_____________________Unit 12圣诞节_____________________装饰_____________________彩色的_____________________灯_____________________礼物_____________________装扮;穿上盛装_____________________圣诞老人_____________________收到_____________________欢乐的_____________________问候_____________________湘少版小学英语六年级上册单词表(含音标)Unit 1during _____________________holiday _____________________learn _____________________practice _____________________speak _____________________Unit 2always _____________________weekday _____________________often _____________________after _____________________wave _____________________return _____________________sometimes _____________________never _____________________Unit 3search _____________________find out about _____________________world _____________________email _____________________send _____________________greeting _____________________Unit 4the Mid-Autumn Festival _____________________ nearby _____________________center (=centre)_____________________ mooncake _____________________type _____________________lotus _____________________seed _____________________bean _____________________taste _____________________Unit 5forecast _____________________clear _____________________light _____________________rain _____________________heavy _____________________Unit 6bring _____________________ bottle _____________________ picnic _____________________ fruit _____________________ bar _____________________ peanut _____________________ candy _____________________ wait _____________________ can _____________________Unit 7weak _____________________ slow _____________________Unit 8should _____________________ waste _____________________ blouse _____________________ enough _____________________ save _____________________fresh _____________________Unit 9than _____________________clay _____________________Unit 10feel _____________________well _____________________cough _____________________ headache _____________________fever _____________________medicine _____________________rest _____________________just _____________________Unit 11theater (=theatre) _____________________ call _____________________plan _____________________idea _____________________concert _____________________ hall _____________________film _____________________Unit 12Christmas _____________________ decorate _____________________ colourful _____________________ light _____________________ present _____________________ dress up _____________________ Santa Clause _____________________ receive _____________________ merry _____________________ greet _____________________湘少版小学英语六年级下册单词默写表(汉译英)unit1一起_____________________骑_____________________外祖父母_____________________unit2肉_____________________一块_____________________高兴地_____________________它的_____________________木头_____________________穿过_____________________落下_____________________失去_____________________unit3照顾_____________________健康的_____________________保持_____________________锻炼_____________________慢跑_____________________unit4植树节_____________________空气_____________________地方_____________________unit5地球_____________________太空_____________________陆地_____________________unit6移动_____________________容易的_____________________踩_____________________大声地_____________________钢琴_____________________unit7害怕的_____________________关_____________________劳累的_____________________困难的_____________________聪明的_____________________担心_____________________小孩_____________________unit8聚会_____________________unit9埃菲尔铁塔_____________________金门大桥_____________________旅行_____________________长城_____________________大本钟_____________________风景名胜_____________________湘少版小学英语六年级下册单词默写表(英译汉)unit1together _____________________ride_____________________grandparent_____________________unit2meat _____________________a piece of _____________________happily_____________________its_____________________wood _____________________cross _____________________drop_____________________lose _____________________unit3take care of_____________________healthy _____________________keep _____________________exercise _____________________jog_____________________unit4Tree Planting Day _____________________ air _____________________place _____________________unit5earth _____________________space _____________________land_____________________unit6move _____________________easy _____________________step on _____________________aloud _____________________piano _____________________unit7afraid _____________________close _____________________tired_____________________difficult _____________________clever _____________________worry _____________________kid _____________________unit8party_____________________unit9the Eiffel tower _____________________the Golden Gate Bridge _____________________ travel_____________________the Great Wall _____________________Big Ben _____________________places of interest _____________________。

小学六年级英语上册单词表 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 分课背单词Unit 1 How Do You Go There单词数:36单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum 单词数:35单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do 单词数:26单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal单词数:28 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 5 What Does She Do单词数:27单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 6 The Story of Rain单词数:42 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测新版小学英语六年级上册 分课背单词Unit1 You Should obey the rules. 单词数:41单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit2 I usually go to school by bus. 单词数:28单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit3 What's your hobby单词数:27单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit4 Will you come to my birthday party...单词数:33 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit5 December is the last month. 单词数:13单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit6 Winter is the white season. 单词数:22单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试广州版小学英语六年级上册分课背单词Module1 Plans Unit1 What Are We Going to... 单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module1 Plans Unit2 What Shall We Do 单词数:6单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module2 Cites Unit4 I Know This City! 单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module2 Cites Unit5 Where Would They Lik... 单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module3 An Invitation Unit7 Ben Wants to... 单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module3 an Invitation Unit8 Janet Is Goi... 单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module4 On the Telephone Unit10 May I Sp... 单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module4 On the Telephone Unit11 Who's Ca... 单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module5 The Past Unit 13 What Did You Do... 单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module5 The Past Unit14 What Was Judy's ...单词数:8单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module6 Festivals Unit16 Christmas Is Co... 单词数:15 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module6 Festivals Unit17 It's the Spring...单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试冀教版小学英语(三年级起始)第七册 分课背单词Unit 1 Li Ming Comes to Canada 单词数:19 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 School in Canada单词数:16 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 Winter in Canada单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 4 Christmas单词数:19 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试广东版开心学英语六年级上 分课背单词Unit 1 I wrote a long letter. 单词数:15单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 I usually look for cookies. 单词数:16单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 How often do you go hiking 单词数:14单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 5 It's a magic hat.单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 6 The turtle is faster.单词数:14 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 7 He's better than us.单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 9 The green fish is the biggest. 单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 10 I want the best!单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 11 Let's go to space!单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试重庆版小学英语六年级上 分课背单词Unit 1 单词数:21单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 2 单词数:23单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 单词数:32单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 4 单词数:35单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Supplement 1 单词数:24 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Supplement 2 单词数:28 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试湘少版六年级上册 分课背单词Unit 1 The children are playing in the p... 单词数:14 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. 单词数:14单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 Let's go to the Underwater World. 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 4 It's the Mid-Autumn Festival. 单词数:12单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 5 The children are playing noisily. 单词数:6单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 6 How tall are you单词数:8 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 7 These horns are too big.单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 8 My singing is louder than yours. 单词数:6单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 9 What is Dongdong going to do 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 10 Are you going to visit Anne 单词数:13单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 11 When are we going to swim 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 12 Christmas单词数:12单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 13 I'm as happy as a bird.单词数:4单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 14 A Fairy Tale单词数:8单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试牛津上海小学英语(全国版)六年级上册 分课背单词Module 1 Relationships Unit 1 Meet my f... 单词数:15 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 1 Relationships Unit 2 Good frie...单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 1 Relationships Unit 3 Let's go! 单词数:18单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 1 People...单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 2 My hom...单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 3 My str... 单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 4 Rules 单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 1 Shoppin...单词数:22单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 2 Favouri...单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 3 Good fo... 单词数:22单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 4 Food fr... 单词数:16单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours ...单词数:21 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 4 Garden City and itsneighbours ...单词数:24 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours ...单词数:14 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours ...单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 5 Change Unit 1 Growing up 单词数:15单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 5 Change Unit 2 The weather 单词数:20单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 5 Change Unit 3 Changes in单词数:18单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Shang...Module 5 Change Unit 4 How people chang... 单词数:8单词浏览单词特训单词测试北师大版小学英语六年级上册分课背单词Unit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit2 Charlie's chores 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit3 Redrock Bay Health Club 单词数:15 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit4 Choosing a gift 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit5 The broken computer 单词数:26 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit6 Review 单词数:10 单词浏览单词特训单词测试江苏牛津小学英语6A分课背单词Unit1 Public signs 单词数:34 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit2 Ben's birthday 单词数:35 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit3 It was there! 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit5 On the farm 单词数:21 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit6 Holidays 单词数:23 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit7 At Christmas 单词数:29 单词浏览单词特训单词测试深圳版小学英语第十一册分课背单词Unit 1 A healthy body 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit 2 The natural world单词数:35单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 3 Space单词数:23单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Culture Club 1 World records单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger 单词数:28单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 6 Famous stories单词数:42 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 7 International food单词数:34单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Culture Club 2 Festivals and food 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试冀教版小学英语(一年级起始)第十一册 分课背单词UNIT 1 TV and Radio 单词数:26 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试UNIT 2 Winter in Canada 单词数:24 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试UNIT 3 Christmas单词数:21 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试UNIT 4 Spring Festival 单词数:20 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试外研版小学英语(一年级起始)第十一册 分课背单词Module1 单词数:6 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module2 单词数:6 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module3 单词数:6 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module4 单词数:5 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module5 单词数:5 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module6 单词数:5 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module7 单词数:5 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Module8 单词数:5 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Module9 单词数:3 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Module10 单词数:4 单词浏览单词特训单词测试新起点小学英语六年级上册分课背单词Unit1 In China 单词数:18 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit2 Around the World 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit3 Animal World 单词数:21 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit5 Feelings 单词数:8 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit6 Famous People 单词数:18 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit7 The Future 单词数:17 单词浏览单词特训单词测试。

2024年湘少版六年级英语上学期期末整理复习同步练习题单班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 看图写单词。
1. a _______.2. h_______3.w________4.a________5.s_____2. 看图写动词短语。
________________ ______________________________ ________________________________3. 根据首字母填单词。
1. I f______ ill. I must see a doctor.2. The cat broke my cup. I am very a____.3. We find our dog. We are h______.4. My father is ill. I am s_____.5. Sarah is angry. The cat is a____.4. 根据提示写出所缺单词。
1、 Where are you going this __________ ? (o i n m r g n )2、 I’m going to the ____________. (b o k o r e s o t)3、 What are you going to ________ ? (y u b)4、 I’m going to buy a _________(m i c o c) book.5、 What are you ________ to do? (n i g o g)5. 根据英文解释及所给的首字母写出单词。
⑴a small bag with money in it(w_______)⑵a room for cooking(k_______)⑶the first day of the working week(M_______)⑷your uncle’s son or daughter(c_______)【填空题】6. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。

湘少版英语六年级上册单词默写表Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词在……期间___________假日;假期___________学习___________练习___________说___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思during___________holiday___________learn___________practise___________Unit 2Katie always gets up early.1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词总是;经常___________平日(除周末以外的日子)___________常常;时常___________在……之后___________挥手___________返回___________有时___________从不___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思always___________weekday___________often___________after___________wave__________ _return___________sometimes___________never___________Unit 3I like my computer.1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词查找;寻找___________发现;弄清(信息等)___________世界___________电子邮件;给……发电子邮件___________发送;寄___________问候___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思search___________find out about___________world___________email___________send___________greeting_________Unit4The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词中秋节___________附近的___________中心___________月饼___________类型___________莲花___________种子___________豆子___________尝___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思the Mid-Autumn Festival___________ nearby___________centre___________mooncake___________type___________lotus___________seed___________bean___________taste___________Unit 5It will be sunny and cool tomorrow. 1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词预报___________晴朗的___________轻柔的;微弱的___________雨;下雨___________大量的;重的___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思forecast___________clear___________light___________rain___________heavy___________Unit 6I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词带来___________瓶子___________野餐___________水果___________条;棒___________花生___________糖果___________等;等待___________罐;听___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思bring___________bottle___________picnic___________fruit___________peanut___________candy___________wait___________can___________Unit 7What can I do?1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词弱的___________慢的___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思weak___________slow___________Unit 8We shouldn't waste water.1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词应该___________浪费___________女式短上衣___________足够的___________节约___________(一)滴___________新鲜的___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思should___________waste___________blouse___________enough___________save_________ __drop___________fresh___________Unit 9This bird is bigger than the first one.1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词比___________黏土;泥土___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思than___________clay___________Unit 10I don't feel well today.1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词感觉___________(身体)好的___________咳嗽___________头痛___________发烧___________药___________休息___________只是;仅仅__________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思feel___________well___________cough___________headache___________fever___________ medicine___________rest___________just___________Unit 11Shall we go to the theatre?1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词剧院___________打电话___________计划___________戏剧___________音乐会___________大厅___________电影___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思theatre___________call___________plan___________idea___________play___________concert___________hall___________film ___________Unit 12It's Christmas again!1. 根据中文意思写出对应的英文单词圣诞节___________装饰___________彩色的___________灯___________礼物___________装扮;穿上盛装___________圣诞老人___________收到___________欢乐的___________问候___________2. 根据英文单词写出对应的中文意思Christmas___________decorate___________clolurful___________light___________present___________dress up___________Santa Claus___________receive___________merry___________greet___________。

湘少版六年级上册英语单词拼写专项复习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。
1. I want to tell you a _________ (真的) story.2. A car crashed into the bridge and fell into the river. The police are checking what ________(引起) the disaster.3. The animals ran in all _______ (方向) when they heard the big noise.4. White snow ________(覆盖)the land and everything looks white and clean.5. His car _________ (猛撞) into a tree, so he called 120 for help.6. In 1976, a terrible e__________ happened in Tangshan in China.7. Many people had to leave their homes because of the f_________.8. T________ always comes after lighting.9. Taking a short rest at noon is good for your body and m_________.10. Listen! We can hear the strong wind b________ outside.2. 写出下列单词的正确形式。
1.cold(比较级)---_______2.white(对应词)---_______3.third(基数词)---________4.pick(现在分词)---_______3. 按要求写单词。

小学六年级英语上册单词表 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 分课背单词Unit 1 How Do You Go There?单词数:36单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? 单词数:35单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do? 单词数:26单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal单词数:28 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 5 What Does She Do?单词数:27单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 6 The Story of Rain单词数:42 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测新版小学英语六年级上册 分课背单词Unit1 You Should obey the rules. 单词数:41单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit2 I usually go to school by bus. 单词数:28单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit3 What's your hobby?单词数:27单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit4 Will you come to my birthday party...单词数:33 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit5 December is the last month. 单词数:13单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit6 Winter is the white season. 单词数:22单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试广州版小学英语六年级上册分课背单词Module1 Plans Unit1 What Are We Going to... 单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module1 Plans Unit2 What Shall We Do? 单词数:6单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module2 Cites Unit4 I Know This City! 单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module2 Cites Unit5 Where Would They Lik... 单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module3 An Invitation Unit7 Ben Wants to... 单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module3 an Invitation Unit8 Janet Is Goi... 单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module4 On the Telephone Unit10 May I Sp... 单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module4 On the Telephone Unit11 Who's Ca... 单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module5 The Past Unit 13 What Did You Do... 单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module5 The Past Unit14 What Was Judy's ...单词数:8单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module6 Festivals Unit16 Christmas Is Co... 单词数:15 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module6 Festivals Unit17 It's the Spring...单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试冀教版小学英语(三年级起始)第七册 分课背单词Unit 1 Li Ming Comes to Canada 单词数:19 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 School in Canada单词数:16 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 Winter in Canada单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 4 Christmas单词数:19 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试广东版开心学英语六年级上 分课背单词Unit 1 I wrote a long letter. 单词数:15单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 I usually look for cookies. 单词数:16单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 How often do you go hiking? 单词数:14单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 5 It's a magic hat.单词数:12 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 6 The turtle is faster.单词数:14 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 7 He's better than us.单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 9 The green fish is the biggest. 单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 10 I want the best!单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 11 Let's go to space!单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试重庆版小学英语六年级上 分课背单词Unit 1 单词数:21单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 2 单词数:23单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 单词数:32单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 4 单词数:35单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Supplement 1 单词数:24 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Supplement 2 单词数:28 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试湘少版六年级上册 分课背单词Unit 1 The children are playing in the p... 单词数:14 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. 单词数:14单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 3 Let's go to the Underwater World. 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 4 It's the Mid-Autumn Festival. 单词数:12单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 5 The children are playing noisily. 单词数:6单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 6 How tall are you?单词数:8 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 7 These horns are too big.单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 8 My singing is louder than yours. 单词数:6单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 9 What is Dongdong going to do? 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 10 Are you going to visit Anne? 单词数:13单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 11 When are we going to swim? 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 12 Christmas单词数:12单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 13 I'm as happy as a bird.单词数:4单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 14 A Fairy Tale单词数:8单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试牛津上海小学英语(全国版)六年级上册 分课背单词Module 1 Relationships Unit 1 Meet my f... 单词数:15 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 1 Relationships Unit 2 Good frie...单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 1 Relationships Unit 3 Let's go! 单词数:18单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 1 People...单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 2 My hom...单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 3 My str... 单词数:18 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 4 Rules 单词数:9单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 1 Shoppin...单词数:22单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 2 Favouri...单词数:17单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 3 Good fo... 单词数:22单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 3 Food and drinks Unit 4 Food fr... 单词数:16单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours ...单词数:21 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 4 Garden City and itsneighbours ...单词数:24 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours ...单词数:14 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours ...单词数:13 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module 5 Change Unit 1 Growing up 单词数:15单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 5 Change Unit 2 The weather 单词数:20单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Module 5 Change Unit 3 Changes in单词数:18单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Shang...Module 5 Change Unit 4 How people chang... 单词数:8单词浏览单词特训单词测试北师大版小学英语六年级上册分课背单词Unit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit2 Charlie's chores 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit3 Redrock Bay Health Club 单词数:15 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit4 Choosing a gift 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit5 The broken computer 单词数:26 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit6 Review 单词数:10 单词浏览单词特训单词测试江苏牛津小学英语6A分课背单词Unit1 Public signs 单词数:34 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit2 Ben's birthday 单词数:35 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit3 It was there! 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit5 On the farm 单词数:21 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit6 Holidays 单词数:23 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit7 At Christmas 单词数:29 单词浏览单词特训单词测试深圳版小学英语第十一册分课背单词Unit 1 A healthy body 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit 2 The natural world单词数:35单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 3 Space单词数:23单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Culture Club 1 World records单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger 单词数:28单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试 Unit 6 Famous stories单词数:42 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Unit 7 International food单词数:34单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Culture Club 2 Festivals and food 单词数:7单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试冀教版小学英语(一年级起始)第十一册 分课背单词UNIT 1 TV and Radio 单词数:26 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试UNIT 2 Winter in Canada 单词数:24 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试UNIT 3 Christmas单词数:21 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试UNIT 4 Spring Festival 单词数:20 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试外研版小学英语(一年级起始)第十一册 分课背单词Module1 单词数:6 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module2 单词数:6 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module3 单词数:6 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module4 单词数:5 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module5 单词数:5 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module6 单词数:5 单词浏览 单词特训 单词测试Module7 单词数:5 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Module8 单词数:5 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Module9 单词数:3 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Module10 单词数:4 单词浏览单词特训单词测试新起点小学英语六年级上册分课背单词Unit1 In China 单词数:18 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit2 Around the World 单词数:20 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit3 Animal World 单词数:21 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit5 Feelings 单词数:8 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit6 Famous People 单词数:18 单词浏览单词特训单词测试Unit7 The Future 单词数:17 单词浏览单词特训单词测试。

湘少版六年级英语上册期末知识点复习及习题练Unit1What did you do during the holidays?假期你做什么了?单词:learn words and sentences学习单词和句子play games玩游戏learn writing学习写作practise listening练习听力句型:what did you do during the holidays?假期你做了什么?I read many books.我看了许多书。
如:work—worked play—played②以不发音的-e结尾的动词,动词词尾加-d。
如:live—lived taste—tasted③以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把y变为i,再加-ed。
如:study—studied cry—cried④以一个辅音字母结尾的,重读闭音节动词(即Vivi常说的辅元辅结构)双写词尾辅音字母,再加-ed.如:stop—stopped clap—clapped二、不规则变化动词没有变化规律,需要童鞋们好好识记。
如:go—went make—made get—got buy—bought learn—learnt do—did take—took have—had read—read speak—spoke teach—taught say—saidUnit2Katie always gets up early凯蒂总是很早起床词汇:(频度副词:always总是、often常常、sometimes有时、never从不)get up起床return home回家take a walk去散步do her homework做她的家庭作业have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早/中/晚餐play chess下象棋wave goodbye挥手再见read a newspaper读报纸be late for school上学迟到句型:Peter always gets up at7:00a.m。

2024年湘少版六年级上册英语单词拼写专项课间习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 看图写单词或词组。
1.________2._________3._________4.(十字路口)__________2. 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。
1. addr ss _________________2. ch psticks _________________3. kn fe _________________4. A stralia _________________5. ple sed_________________3. 短文填词。
My family lives in London. In the m ____1____,my father goes to work and we go t o school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother stays at h ____2____. Sh e does the h ____3____. She always has lunch at home, and visits her friends in the af ternoon. In the afternoon, we go home from s ____4____ by bus. My father gets home from work late. At night my two brothers and I always do our homework. We go to b ed at about ten. My father and my mother usually read newspapers. We can w ____5_ ___ TV at the weekend.1. m _______2.h _______3.h _______4.s _______5.w _______4. 想一想,用所给的字母组成单词。

湘少版六年级上学期英语单词拼写知识点专项练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 补全单词。
(1) dea __ 聋的(2) bli __d 失明的(3) an __ry 生气的;愤怒的(4) __rote write 的过去式,写(5) unive __ sity 大学2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. I ______ (have) a dream last night.2. She_____ (go) to a farm yesterday.3.He ______ (do)go to school last night.4.Peter came ______ (four) .5. ______ (do) Ken win the race yesterday?6. Who was_________( one) in the race?7. We’re going to ________(run ) in some races.8.What are you going to________ (do)?9.Joe ________ (win) the race yesterday.10.She ________ (clean) the house last night.3. 写出下列动词的过去式形式。
1. visit _______2. clean_______3. help _______4. watch _______5. go _______6. do_______7. have _______ 8. see _______9. eat _______ 10. want_______4. 给下列单词加上“ing”。
1.take ________________2.write _______________3.run _________________4.swim ________________5.play ________________6.do __________________7.read ________________ 8.sing ________________9.sleep _______________ 10.walk _______________5. 根据首字母填写单词。

湘少版2024年六年级英语上学期单词拼写全能专项练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 根据发音提示,补全单词。
/ei/[1]r________ny[2]p________nt[3]d________[4]Mond________[5]tod________[6]r________nbow2. 首字母填空。
1. It''s n________ to the library.2. I''m going to the b________ to buy some books this weekend.3. I usually go to the h________ to see a doctor.4. — Excuse me, w________ is the cinema?— Walk straight for three minutes.5. Go s________ for 5 minutes. You can see it.3. 按要求写出单词。
(1)did(否定形式)________ (2)watch (三单)________(3)family(复数).________ (4)have(过去式)________(5)write(过去式)________4. 组合单词,补全句子。
(注意单词的形式)1. He will make a beautiful ________ (a, k, e, c).2. ________(l, l, a) of the students are reading books.3. I ride my bike to school ________ (e, e, r, y, v) day.4. He gives me a ________ (s, e, r, u, s, p, i, r).5. I will make some ________ (o, o, k, i, c, e,s) for my sister.5. 看图写单词。

2024年湘少版六年级英语上册单词拼写课后专项练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。
1. Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the lake.2. Lily is much __________(health) than her sister.3. They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they ?4. Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your body ?5. Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isn’t he?2. 根据汉语提示写出单词。
1、The sun is ______(照耀).2、The apples are falling down the _____(楼梯).3、What a _____(脏乱).4、I miss _____(每个人)in China .5、The ______(气球)are flying away .3. 写出下列英语单词的原形。
[1]seeing__________ [2]looking__________[3]broken__________ [4]waiting__________[5]was__________ [6]photos__________4. 按要求写词。
(1)good (副词) _________________(2)interest (形容词) _________________(3)different (反义词) _________________(4)run (现在分词) _________________(5)watch (三单) _________________(6)bring (过去式) _________________(7)take (过去式) _________________(8)put (过去式) _________________5. 看图写单词。

湘少版六年级上册英语单词拼写专项提升练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 想一想,用所给的字母组成单词。
(1) __________ (2)__________ (3) __________ (4) __________ (5) __________ (6) __________ 2. 看图并阅读短文,将内容补充完整。
The Earth was and in the past,but now some parts are . We should stopthrowing into rivers.We should stop cutting so many trees and using bags.3. 按要求写单词。
(1)I''d ( 完全形式 ) _________________(2)shop (现在分词)_________________(3)buy (同音词)_________________(4)want(单三形式)_________________(5)their (同音词)_________________4. 写出复数。
I______ this______ watch______child ______ photo______ day______5. 根据所给音标,完成句子。
1.Your ________/''daɪət/is as healthy as mine.2.I usually have ________/''plentɪ/of fish.3.Do you ________/drɪŋk/a lot of water every day?4.I eat enough ________/ˈvedʒɪtəblz/every day.5.He would like to have some ________/fraɪd/chicken wings every day.6.I sometimes eat some ________/''nuːdlz/for supper.7.No ________/''drɪŋkɪŋ/ in the reading room.6. 把字母重组成单词补全句子。

在……期间 假日;假期 学习 练习 说
总是;经常 平日 常常;时常 在……之后 挥手 返回
查找;寻找 发现;弄清 世界 (信息等) 电子邮件; 发送;寄 发邮件 问候
中秋节 附近的 中心 月饼 类型 莲花
预报 晴朗的 轻柔的;微 雨,下雨 弱的 大量的;重 的
带来 瓶子 野餐 水果 条,棒 花生 糖果 等;等待
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
弱的 慢的
应该 浪费 女式短上衣 足够的 节约 (一)滴 新鲜的
比 黏土;泥土
感觉 (身体)好 咳嗽 的 头痛 发烧 药
剧院 打电话 计划 主意 戏剧 音乐会 大厅 电影
圣诞节 装饰 彩色的 灯 礼物 装扮;穿上 盛装 圣诞老人 收到

六年级英语湘少版上册单词拼写专项强化练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________1. 单词变换。
例:shop ship a big ship[1]take ______ ______ [2]very ______ ______[3]call ______ ______ [4]lake ______ ______[5]pear ______ ______2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Look, we ____________ (eat) apples.2. What ____________ your grandpa ____________ (do) yesterday evening?3. What ____________ Tom often ____________ (do)?4. Do you want ____________ (listen) to music?5. ____________ you like ____________ (run)? Yes, I do.3. 看图,写单词。
1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________4. 按要求写单词。
(1)slowly(形容词)________ (2)driver(动词)________(3)late(反义词)________ (4)who(所有格)________(5)she(宾格)________5. 按要求写出单词。
(1)did(否定形式)________ (2)watch (三单)________ (3)family(复数).________ (4)have(过去式)________ (5)write(过去式)________6. 根据首字母填单词。
1. I f______ ill. I must see a doctor.2. The cat broke my cup. I am very a____.3. We find our dog. We are h______.4. My father is ill. I am s_____.5. Sarah is angry. The cat is a____.7. 单词拼写。

六年级英语上学期单词拼写考试巩固练习湘少版班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________1. 写出下列英语单词的进行时形式。
[1]read__________ [2]talk__________[3]write__________ [4]speak__________[5]go__________ [6]help__________2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
[1]Amy ______(feel) happy today.[2]It’s hot here. We should ______(open) the windows.[3]My mother is ill. I’m ______(worry).[4]Don’t ______(is) afraid.[5]Look! A big dog ____________(run) after a little cat.3. 看图,写单词。
1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________4. 看图完成短语。
⑴ up ⑵ have⑶ to seven ⑷ to⑸ at5. 看图,写出下列单词。
[1] _____ [2] _____ [3] _____ [4] _____[5] _____6. 按要求写单词。
(1)swim(现在分词)________(2)watch(第三人称单数)________(3)ride(现在分词)________(4)write(现在分词)________(5)want(第三人称单数)________(6)get(现在分词)________(7)go(第三人称单数)________(8)have(第三人称单数)________(9)come(过去式)________(10)eat(现在分词)________7. 根据首字母或汉语提示,填词完成句子。

湘少版六年级英语上册单词拼写专项强化练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________1. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。
(1)is(过去式) _________________(2)our(同音词) _________________(3)one(序数词) _________________(4)big(比较级) _________________(5)him(主格) _________________(6)watch(第三人称单数形式) _________________2. 写出下列动词的过去式形式。
1. visit _______2. clean_______3. help _______4. watch _______5. go _______6. do_______7. have _______ 8. see _______9. eat _______ 10. want_______3. 根据图片填写短语或单词。
1.______________2.___________3._____________4. 按要求写单词。
1. my (主格 ) _________________2. day(复数形式) _________________3. there(同音词) _______________4. open(反义词) _______________5. inside(反义词)_____________________5. 根据提示写出所缺单词。
1、 Where are you going this __________ ? (o i n m r g n )2、 I’m going to the ____________. (b o k o r e s o t)3、 What are you going to ________ ? (y u b)4、 I’m going to buy a _________(m i c o c) book.5、 What are you ________ to do? (n i g o g)6. 看图写单词。

六年级英语上册单词拼写考试巩固练习湘少版班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________1. 按括号内要求写出单词。
1. well(比较级)________2. slower (反义词)__ ______3. have(过去式) ________4. magazine(复数)________5. walk(动词-ing形式)________2. 根据图意填入所缺的单词。
(每空一词)(1)---What’s the ? ---I feel sick. I have a .(2)Xiao Ming last weekend.(3)My father in Harbin.(4)My litter sister is he .(5)I climbed mountains yesterday. I many there.3. 按要求完成下列各题。
1.dance(现在分词形式) _________________2.live(第三人称单数形式) _________________3.story(复数形式) _________________4.go(第三人称单数形式) _________________5.read(现在分词形式)_________________6.hobby(复数形式)_________________7.do(第三人称单数形式)_________________8.work(第三人称单数形式)_________________9.teach(第三人称单数形式) _________________10.is(复数形式)_________________4. 看图写单词。
1.My mother is a ________.2.Lin Da goes to school by ________.3.I''m going to be an ________ .4.He likes ________ .5.She goes to work by ________ .5. 看图写单词。
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带来 瓶子 野餐 水果 条,棒 花生 糖果 等;等待
弱的 慢的
应该 浪费 女式短上衣 足够的 节约 (一)滴 新鲜的
比 黏土;泥土
感觉 (身体)好 咳嗽 的 头痛 发烧 药
剧院 打电话 计划 主意 戏剧 音乐会 大厅 电影
总是;经常 平日 常常;时常 在……之后 挥手 返回
查找;寻找 发现;弄清 世界 (信息等) 电子邮件; 发送;寄 发邮件 问候
中秋节 附近的 中心 月饼 类型 莲花
预报 晴朗的 轻柔的;微 雨,下雨 弱的 大量的;重 的
圣诞节 装饰 彩色的 灯 礼物 装扮;穿上 盛装 圣诞老人 收到