e- 1 -Easy-to-use, intuitive operationAll instrument controls may be performed from the front panel. The heat source is positioned away from the panel. This design helps to protect the operator.The main functions on the CTC series are designed with one-key-one-function logic. This means that there are no sub-menus or diffi cult to remember multiple keystrokes neces-sary to access primary functions.The easy-to-read, backlit display features dedicated icons, which help in identifying instrument conditions and oper-ational steps.CTC-140 heating/cooling blockThe model CTC-140 features Peltier elements. In 1834, JeanPeltier, a French physicist found that an ’’opposite thermo-couple effect’’ could be observed when an electric currentwas connected to a thermocouple. Heat would be absorbedat one of the junctions and discharged at the otherjunction. This effect is called the ’’PELTIER EFFECT’’.The practical Peltier element (electronic heating pump) con-sists of many elements of semiconductor material that is con-nected electrically in series and thermally in parallel. Thesethermoelectric elements and their electrical interconnectionsare mounted between two ceramic plates. The plates serveto mechanically hold the overall structure together and toelectrically insulate the individual elements from one another.employ the MVI, thus avoiding such stability problems. TheMVI circuitry continuously monitors the supply voltage andensures a constant energy fl ow to the heating elements.The CTC-140 A does not require the MVI circuitry becausethe Peltier elements are energized with a stabilized DC vol-tage.Set temperatureThe ’’Up’’ and ’’Down’’ arrow keys allow the user to set theexact temperature desired with a resolution of 0.1°C or °F.Instrument setupsThe CTC series stores the complete instrument setup, inclu-ding: engineering units, stability criteria, resolution, displaycontrast, slope (ramp) rate, auto step settings, and maximumtemperature.Re-calibration/adjustmentsThe CTC series has a very easy and straightforward proce-dure for re-calibration/adjustment. There is no need for ascrewdriver or PC software. The only thing you need is areliable reference thermometer.Place the probe in the calibrator and follow the instructionson the display. Third-party labs and calibration facilities willbe able to perform this function if a certifi cate from an inde-pendent source is necessary. Of course, AMETEK can pro-vide you with a traceable calibration certifi cate from our labswhen you require a higher level of confi dence.Fast heating and coolingThe CTC-320 A and the CTC-650 A contain an innovativeheating block profi le. This design heats up in the CTC-320 Ato maximum temperature in just 4 minutes and the CTC-650A in only 10 minutes. The fast performance of the heatingblock is due to the special profi le that minimizes mass andyet, still accepts an insertion tube with a 1-inch outer dia-meter. This design is a balanced compromise between tem-perature stability / homogeneity and rapid heating / cooling.Deep immersion depthThe model CTC-320 B and CTC-650 B models offer a deeperimmersion depth of 200 mm (7.9 in.). If you have liquid-fi lledsensors or other sensors that require a deeper immersiondepth, look for the B versions. While the units do not heat andcool as quickly as their shorter counterparts, they offer thecapability to accommodate longer sensors.MVI - Improved temperature stabilityMVI stands for ’’Mains power Variance Immunity’’.Unstable mains power supplies are a major contributor toon-site calibration inaccuracies. Traditional temperature cali-brators often become unstable in production environmentswhere large electrical motors, heating elements, and otherdevices are periodically cycled on and off. The cycling ofsupply power can cause the temperature regulator to performinconsistently leading to both inaccurate readings and un-stable temperatures.The CTC series calibrators CTC-320 A/B and CTC-650 A/B- 2 -an RS-232 serial interface and the AMECAL-TEMPERATURE software. This WINDOWS ®-based software allows the user to customize his or her calibration routines. The software is easy-to-use so you do not have to be a programmer to con figure your own calibration procedures.Stability indicatorThe bold checkmark (√) on the display indicates that the calibrator has reached the desired set temperature and is stable. The operator may change the stability criteria and establish a greater sense of security in the calibration results. A convenient countdown timer is activated fi ve minutes before the unit reaches stability.Automatic switch testOperators can save a lot of time using the automatic ther-moswitch test function to fi nd values for the ’’Open ’’ and ’’Close ’’ temperatures. Additionally, this feature displays the hysteresis (deadband) between the two points. The feature ensures a very high repeatability when testing thermo-switches. Simply press the »SWITCH TEST « key to activate the function.Auto steppingThis feature saves manpower. The operator may stay inthe control room, or another remote location, monitoring the output from the sensor-under-test while the CTC series cali-brator is placed in the process and automatically changes the temperature using a programmed step value and rate. Up to 9 different temperature steps may be programmed, including the hold time for each step.This feature is also ideal for burning-in new sensors prior to installation; this minimizes initial drift and allows for initialtesting. It is also useful for testing temperature data loggers.The software features prompts, menus, and help functions that guide you through the con fi guration process.The AMECAL-TEMPERATURE software supports automatic calibration for all JOFRA dry-block calibrators equipped with an RS-232 serial data interface including the JOFRA DTI-1000 digital thermometer. For semi-automatic cali-brations, the software also supports liquid baths, ice points, or other dry-block heating and cooling sources. Using the software ’s ’’SCENARIO ’’ function allows for combining instru-ments in virtually any con fi guration.The calibration data collected may be stored on a PC for laterrecall or analysis.Maximum temperatureFrom the setup menu, the user can select the maximum temperature limit for the calibrator. This function prevents damage to the sensor-under-test caused by the application of excessive temperatures. The feature also aids in reducing drift resulting from extended periods of exposures to high temperatures. This feature can be locked with an accesscode.- 3 -AMECAL-TEMPERATURE softwareListed are the minimum hardware requirements needed for running the AMECAL-TEMPERA TURE calibration software.• INTEL TM 486 processor(PENTIUM TM 200 MHz recommended)• 16 MB RAM (32 MB recommended)• 40 MB free disk space on hard disk prior to installation • Standard VGA (640 x 480, 16 colors) compatible screen (800 x 600, 256 colors recommended)• CD-ROM drive for installation of the program • 1 or 2 free RS-232 serial ports, depending on con fi gurationMains speci fi cationsVoltage CTC-140/320/650......115V(90-127) 230V(180-254)Voltage CTC-650 B...............115V(100-127) 230V(200-254)Frequency ..............................................................45 - 65 Hz Power consumption (max.) CTC-140 A.......................150 VA Power consumption (max.) CTC-320 A.....................1150 VA Power consumption (max.) CTC-320 B......................600 VA Power consumption (max.) CTC-650 A/B.................1150 VA Temperature rangeCTC-140 AMaximum..........................................................140°C (284°F)*********************°C (32°F)...........-30°C (-22°F)**********************°C (73°F)...............-17°C (1°F)**********************°C (104°F)...........-2°C (28°F)CTC-320 A/B..............................50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F)CTC-650 A/B .............................50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F)Resolution (user-selectable)Selectable ........................................................1° or 0.1°C/°F StabilityCTC-140 A.................................................+0.05°C (+0.09°F)CTC-320 A/B................................................+0.1°C (+0.18°F)CTC-650 A/B ...............................................+0.1°C (+0.18°F)Measured after the stability indicator has been on for 10 minutes. Measuring time is 30 minutes.Time to stability (approximate)All models .............................................................10 minutes AccuracyCTC-140 A.....................................................+0.5°C (+0.9°F)CTC-320 A/B.................................................+0.5°C (+0.9°F)CTC-650 A/B ...............................................+0.9°C (+1.62°F)Speci fi cation when using the internal reference. (Load 4 mm OD reference probe in the center of the insert).Immersion depthCTC-140 A (insulation included).................. 115 mm (4.5 in.)CTC-320 A/ CTC-650 B................................110 mm (4.3 in.)CTC-320 B/ CTC-650 B................................190 mm (7.5 in.)Heating timeCTC-140-17 to 23°C (1 to 73°F).............................................4 minutes 23 to 140°C (73 to 284°F).......................................9 minutes CTC-320 A50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F).....................................4 minutes CTC-650 A50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F).................................10 minutes CTC-320 B50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F)...................................20 minutes CTC-650 B50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F).................................37 minutesCooling timeCTC-140 A100 to 0°C (212 to 32°F).......................................10 minutes 0 to -15°C (32 to 5°F)............................................16 minutes 140 to 100°C (284 to 212°F)...................................2 minutes CTC-320 A320 to 100°C (608 to 212°F).................................16 minutes CTC-650 A650 to 100°C (1202 to 212°F)................................28 minutes CTC-320 B320 to 100°C (608 to 212°F).................................22 minutes CTC-650 B650 to 100°C (1202 to 212°F)................................62 minutes Switch input (dry contact)Test voltage ...............................................Maximum 5 VDC Test current ................................................Maximum 2.5 mA - 4 -Instrument dimensionsCTC-140 A, CTC-320 A, CTC-650 AL x W x H:..............241 x 139 x 325 mm (9.5 x 5.5 x 12.8 in.)CTC-320 B, CTC-650 BL x W x H:..............241 x 139 x 408 mm (9.5 x 5.5 x 16.1 in.)Instrument weightCTC-140 A..........................................................6.5 kg (14 lb)CTC-320 A............................................................5 kg (11 lb)CTC-650 A.........................................................6.4 kg (14 lb)CTC-320 B.........................................................6.7 kg (15 lb)CTC-650 B.......................................................10.4 kg (23 lb)Insert dimensionsCTC-140 ADiameter x length...........19 mm (0.75 in.) x 100 mm ( 3.9 in.)CTC-320 A, CTC-650 ADiameter x length.................26 mm (1 in.) x 120 mm (4.7 in.)CTC-320 B, CTC-650 BDiameter x length.................26 mm (1 in.) x 200 mm (7.9 in.)Weight of non-drilled insert (approximate)CTC-140 A.........................................................73 g (2.6 oz)CTC-320 A......................................................164 g (5.8 oz)CTC-650 A.....................................................506 g (17.8 oz)CTC-320 B......................................................277 g (9.8 oz)CTC-650 B.....................................................858 g (30.3 oz)Shipping (+ std. accessories + carrying case)Weight: CTC-140 A .......................................12.9 kg (28.4 lb)Weight: CTC-320 A.......................................12.2 kg (26.8 lb)Weight: CTC-650 A..........................................13.6 kg (30 lb)Weight: CTC-320 B.......................................13.9 kg (30.6 lb)Weight: CTC-650 B.......................................17.6 kg (38.7 lb)Size: LxWxH...........507 x 232 x 415 mm (20 x 9.1 x 16.3 in.)Shipping (+ std. accessories but no carrying case)Weight: CTC-140 A .........................................9.9 kg (21.8 lb)Weight: CTC-320 A.........................................9.2 kg (20.2 lb)Weight: CTC-650 A.......................................10.6 kg (23.3 lb)Size: (A) LxWxH...410 x 250 x 370 mm (16.1 x 9.8 x 14.6 in.)Weight: CTC-320 B..........................................10.9 kg (24 lb)Weight: CTC-650 B.......................................14.6 kg (32.1 lb)Size: (B) LxWxH..480 x 235 x 440 mm (18.9 x 9.3 x 17.3 in.)Shipping (carrying case only)Weight: ..............................................................5.0 kg (11 lb)Size: LxWxH...........507 x 232 x 415 mm (20 x 9.1 x 16.3 in.)MiscellaneousOptional: Serial data interface ...........RS-232C (9-pin Male)Operating temperature.......................0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)Storage temperature........................-20 to 50o C (-4 to 122o F)Humidity ............................................................0 to 90% RH Protection class ..............................................................IP-10CE Conformity..............................EN61326-1 : 1997/A1:1998EN61010-1 : 1993/A2:1995Automatic switch testFinds switching temp. .......................Open, close, hysteresis Slope rate, programmable ............................0.1 to 9.9 °C/°F Auto steppingProgrammable....................................................Up to 9 steps Dwell time on each step..................................Programmable Enhanced stabilityUnstable mains protection.................................MVI Circuitry Stability indication............................................Yes, in display Multi-information displayStability indicator..........................................Clear checkmark Countdown timer before stable...............................5 minutes Temperature.........................SET and READ simultaneously Alphanumeric messages...................................................Yes Calibration status icons.....................................................Yes Training mode (heating/cooling block disabled)Simulation of all functions.................................................Yes Simulating heating and cooling........Approx. 100° per minute Service facilitiesAdjustment of the unit from the keypad............................Yes Self explaining guide in display.........................................Yes Other information..............................Displays serial number,software revision level, and last calibration date Setup facilitiesStability criteria..............Extra time before ’’stable indication ’’is shownDisplay resolution..............................................0.1° or 1°C/°F Temperature units...................................................°C and °F Slope rate....................................................0.1 to 9.9°/minute Maximum temperature.......................Any value within range- 5 -Carrying caseThe optional protective carrying case ensures safe transportation and storage of the instrument and all associated equip-ment.Heat shieldAn external heat shield is available and may be placed on top of the cali-brator to reduce the hot air stream around the sensor-under-test. This is especially important for testing thermo-couples having head-mounted transmitters with cold-junction com-pensation.Standard delivery CTC-140/320/650• CTC dry-block calibrator (user speci fi ed)• Mains power cable (user speci fi ed)• Traceable certi fi cate - temperature performance • Insert (user speci fi ed)• 3 pcs. insulation plugs for:6, 10, 13 mm (1/4, 3/8, 1/2 in.) sensors (CTC-140 only)• Tool for insertion tubes• User ’s manual (multi-language)• Reference manual (English)• T est cables (1 x red, 1 x black)• Optional RS-232 cable• Optional calibration software, AMECAL-TEMPERA TUREInsulation tube and plates Improve your calibration uncertainty by insulating the sensor-under-test.Minimize the heat dissi-pation from the top of the block and through the sensor-under-test. This insulation is important for all dry-block calibrators without the dual-zoneheating block.Part no. Description 123198 CTC series, reference manual123199 CTC series, user manual 123408 Carrying case for version A123409 Carrying case for version B122832 Cleaning brush, 4 mm (3/Pkg) 60F174 Cleaning brush, 6 mm (3/Pkg) 122822 Cleaning brush, 8 mm (3/Pkg) 60F135 Mains cable, 115V , USA, Type B 60F139 Mains cable, 220V , Australia, Type F60F138 Mains cable, 220V , Italy, Type E 60F137 Mains cable, 220V , South Africa, Type D 60F141 Mains cable, 230V , Denmark, Type G60F140 Mains cable, 230V , Europe, Type A 60F143 Mains cable, 230V , Israel, Type I 60F142 Mains cable, 230V , Switzerland, Type H60F136 Mains cable, 240V , UK, Type C 105366 RS-232 cable 104203 Test cable set 104216 Heat shield 60F170 Tool for insertion tube123469 Insulation plug (CTC-140 A only) 3 pcs.for 6 mm (1/4 in.), 10 mm (3/8 in.), 13 mm (1/2 in.) 65-F100 Insulation tube 100 mm (4 in.) 105173 10 insulation plates105813AmeCal-Temperature, PC calibration software- 6 --140 A 320 A 650 A 320 B 650 B Probe diameter part no. part no. part no. part no. part no.3 mm 123428 123436 123444 N/A N/A4 mm 60F 451 100177 100196 60F 359 60F 4235 mm 123429 123437 123445 123452 1234606 mm 60F 453 100179 100198 60F 361 60F 4257 mm 123430 123438 122516 123453 123461 8 mm 105185 100182 100201 105190 105195 9 mm 105186 100183 100202 105191 105196 10 mm 105187 100185 105188 105192 105197 11 mm 123431 100188 100204 105193 105198 12 mm 123432 100186 100206 105194 105199 13 mm 123433 60F 339 105189 123454 12346214 mm N/A 100190 100208 123455 123463 15 mm N/A 100191 100209 123456 123464 16 mm N/A 123439 123446 123457 123465 18 mm N/A 123440 122517 123458 123466 20 mm N/A 123441 122518 123459 123467 Multi-hole type 1123479 123475 123476 N/A N/AInserts - predrilled - metric*Note: CTC-140 only: All multi-hole inserts are delivered with a matching insulation plug.140 A 320 A 650 A 320 B 650 B Probe diameterpart no. part no. part no. part no. part no.1/8 in. 60F 450 100176 100195 60F 358 60F 422 3/16 in. 60F 452 100178 100197 60F 360 60F 424 1/4 in. 60F 454 100180 100199 60F 362 60F 426 5/16 in. 60F 456 100181 100200 60F 364 60F 4283/8 in. 60F 458 100184 100203 60F 366 60F 430 7/16 in. 60F 460 100187 100205 60F 368 60F 432 1/2 in. 60F 462 100189 100207 60F 370 60F 434 9/16 in. 60F 464 60F 344 60F 408 60F 372 60F 436 5/8 in. 60F 466 100192 100210 60F 374 60F 438 11/16 in. N/A 60F 348 60F 412 60F 376 60F 4403/4 in. N/A 100193 100211 60F 378 60F 44213/16 in. N/A 60F 352 60F 416 105184 60F 4447/8 in. N/A 60F 354 60F 418 60F 377 60F 446 Multi-hole type 2 123480 123477 123478 N/A N/A Inserts - predrilled - imperial (inch)*Note: CTC-140 only: All multi-hole inserts are delivered with a matching insulation plug.General inserts descriptionInserts for CTC-140 A and CTC-320 A/B are made of alumi-num. Inserts for CTC-650 A/B are made of brass.All speci fi cations about hole sizes are referring to the outer diameter of the sensor-under-test.The correct clearance size is applied in all predrilled inserts Special drilled inserts on request.- 7 -140 A 320 A 650 A 320 B 650 B Inserts part no. part no. part no. part no. part no.5-pack, undrilled insertion tubes 60F448 10017510019460F35660F420Inserts - undrilledUndrilled inserts (CTC-140 A)Multi-hole type 2(CTC-140 A)1/8 in Multi-hole type 2(CTC-320 A/650 A)Multi-hole type 1(CTC-140 A)Multi-hole type 1(CTC-320 A/650 A)Undrilled inserts (CTC-320 A/B)(CTC-650 A/B)AMETEK is a leading global manufacturer of electrical and electromechanical products for niche markets. Listed on the New Y ork Stock Exchange (AME) since 1930, AMETEK ’s annual sales are approaching $1billion. Operations are in North America, Europe and Asia, with about one third of sales to markets outside the United States.ISO 9001ManufacturerModel CTC series dry-block temperature calibratorsOrder number Description Base model number - 1st thru 7th charactersCTC140A CTC-140, -17 to 140°C (-1 to 284°F)CTC320A CTC-320 A, 50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F)CTC650A CTC-650 A, 50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F)CTC320B CTC-320 B, 50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F). Deep immersion depth CTC650B CTC-650 B, 50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F). Deep immersion depth Power supply - 8th thru 10th characters 115 115VAC, 50/60Hz 230 230VAC, 50 Hz Mains power cable type - 11th characters A EUROPEAN, 230V , B USA/CANADA, 115V C UK, 240V D SOUTH AFRICA, 220V E IT AL Y, 220V F AUSTRALIA, 240V G DENMARK, 230V H SWITZERLAND, 220V I ISRAEL, 230V Insert type and size - 12th thru 14th characters 003 Metric, pre-drilled, 3 mm 004 Metric, pre-drilled, 4 mm 005 Metric, pre-drilled, 5 mm 006 Metric, pre-drilled, 6 mm 007 Metric, pre-drilled, 7 mm 008 Metric, pre-drilled, 8 mm 009 Metric, pre-drilled, 9 mm 010 Metric, pre-drilled, 10 mm 011 Metric, pre-drilled, 11 mm 012 Metric, pre-drilled, 12 mm 013 Metric, pre-drilled, 13 mm 014 Metric, pre-drilled, 14 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 015 Metric, pre-drilled, 15 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 016 Metric, pre-drilled, 16 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 018 Metric, pre-drilled, 18 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 020 Metric, pre-drilled, 20 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 125 Inch, pre-drilled, 1/8 in. 187 Inch, pre-drilled, 3/16 in. 250 Inch, pre-drilled, 1/4 in. 312 Inch, pre-drilled, 5/16 in. 375 Inch, pre-drilled, 3/8 in. 437 Inch, pre-drilled, 7/16 in. 500 Inch, pre-drilled, 1/2 in. 562 Inch, pre-drilled, 9/16 in. 625 Inch, pre-drilled, 5/8 in. 688 Inch, pre-drilled, 11/16 in. (Not available for CTC-140) 750 Inch, pre-drilled, 3/4 in. (Not available for CTC-140) 813 Inch, pre-drilled, 13/16 in. (Not available for CTC-140) 875 Inch, pre-drilled, 7/8 in. (Not available for CTC-140) M01 Multi-hole insert type 1 (Not available for B models) M02 Multi-hole insert type 2 (Not available for B models) Options - 15th thru 18th characters B RS-232 interface and AMECAL-TEMPERATURE PC-software C Carrying case F T raceable certi fi cate (standard for Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa) G NIST traceable certi fi cate (standard for Western Hemisphere) H Accredited certi fi cate X Placeholder character for unused option CTC650A 230 A M01 CFXX Sample order number (all 18 characters)JOFRA CTC-650 A series dry-block, 230VAC power with European power cord and insert: Pre-drilled multi-hole type 1 (1 x 3mm, 1 x 4mm., 1 x 5mm, 1 x 6mm, 1 x 9mm) including carrying case and traceable certi fi cate.AMETEK Test & Calibration Instruments。
GL-1800 型干式恒温器一、性能:控温范围:室温+5℃~100℃升温时间:≤25 分钟(从室温 20℃升至 100℃)控温精度:≤±0.5℃显示精度:0.1℃模块温度均匀性:≤±0.5℃最大加热功率:150W最高温度:105℃时间设置:最长 99h59min显示:数码管显示二、操作指南1、温度、时间设置(1)打开电源开关,显示屏将逐个显示“8”,仪器进入初始化,并伴随“嘀”的声音;(2)约 2 秒钟后,温度显示窗的数值 28.5 即为模块的即时温度(表示此时温度为28.5℃),时间显示窗的数值 00:35 即为上次设置的运行时间(表示恒温运行时间为 35 分钟);(3)按 TEMP 键立即放开,此时温度显示窗显示的值为上次运行的温度设置值,同时小数位闪烁。
闪烁的数值表示可以修改,此时按上下箭头进行修改小数位的数值,接着按TEMP 键来移动闪烁数值的位置(如百位、十位、个位),8 秒钟后系统自动确认为新的温度设置值;(4)按 TIME 键立即放开,此时时间显示窗显示的值为上次运行的时间设置值,同时最右位闪烁。
闪烁的数值表示可以修改,此时按上下箭头进行修改最右位的数值,接着按TIME 键来移动闪烁数值的位置,8 秒钟后系统自动确认为新的时间设置值;(提示:当时间设置为 00:00 时,表示时间运行值为∞,仪器持续恒温。
)3、运行、停止(5)温度、时间设置完成后,按 R/S 键立即放开,仪器开始运行,温度开始升高,同时并伴随“嘀”的声音;此时,温度显示窗显示的为即时温度值,升温过程中,小数点会有规律地闪烁。
计时结束,运行停止,蜂鸣器鸣叫报警,此时温度显示窗显示为模块即时温度,时间显示窗显示为“oUEr”,表示含义为 over,即运行结束。
(提示:运行过程中按 TEMP 或 TIME 可以查看设置的温度和时间,但不能在运行中修改参数。
干式恒温器温度如何校准 干式恒温器如何操作
• 介于干式炉和液体恒温槽之间的产品
• 新思想
两段控温技术 高分辩率数字控制器(型号:2400)-正在申请专利 25年温度控制的技术积累 高温警示-正在申请专利 无论电源是否打开,内部炉温超过50℃时,均有警告显示 垂直温场达到60mm(新突破)
9170 -45℃-140℃
9171 -30℃-155℃ 9172 35℃-425℃ 9173 50℃-700℃
203mm 203mm 203mm
• 且恒温插块可更换
提供空白恒温插块 可根据用户要求定制
• 开口直径达到32mm
实验室性能和现场应用仪器的完美结合 新思想,新技术,新突破 更深,更准,更稳 中文界面
• 用于校准温度传感器的非常稳定的恒温热源
基于干式炉原理,但性能远远超过干式炉的新一代产品 具有实验室用恒温槽的稳定性和均匀性 具有干式炉便携,快速,干净的特点
• 新技术
• 新突破
• 大屏幕显示的中文操作界面
满足中国用户的要求 随机提供中文操作指南
数字键℃/℉快速 Fra bibliotek换键功能键
• 显示准确度达到±0. 1℃ • 稳定性达到±0.005℃
实时定量显示稳定性 稳定性达到设定值时,具有声光报 警提示
干式温度校准炉安全操作及保养规程1. 前言干式温度校准炉是温度校准中常用的设备之一,但在使用过程中需要注意安全操作和定期保养,以确保设备的正常使用和生命周期。
2. 安全操作规程2.1 设备前的准备工作在使用干式温度校准炉前,需要对设备和使用环境做出以下准备工作:1.检查设备:检查设备是否有损坏,如是否有变形、裂纹、电气元件是否有松动等。
2.2 操作流程规范1.场所安排:备用电源、应急救援物资齐备,地面平整无害物,废气排放顺畅不可积聚,设备周围应有明显标识。
2.3 注意事项1.操作时应佩戴防护护眼镜、防护手套等安全装备。
3. 保养规程为保证干式温度校准炉的正常使用寿命,每年至少进行一次设备保养。
图2位置温度:位置号温度(ºC)1(中间的参考点)93295392496597697796表1当我们想设定温度是200ºC时,我们发现该区域的均匀性是±10ºC,数据和图如下所示:图3位置号温度(ºC) 1(中间的参考点)18621913199419251966189719681989190表22.温度补偿:从第一步开始,你可能会注意到烤箱仪表和温度计的读数是不一样的,所以,为了得到准确的数值,请做以下偏移:a.将setp1中测量到的实际温度与烤箱仪表上的读数进行比较。
TC SERIESPORTABLE & ACCURATE TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION MADE EASYLike most temperature calibrators you’ll find in this catalog, the TC Series generates true thermal references, not electronically-simulated ones. The TC Series’ lightweight, compact design makes them ideal for calibrating your temperature sensors on-site. All Tek Know calibrators come with interchangeable inserts that can be drilled with single or multiple immersion chambers to meet the specifications of your sensors.Programmable in either Celsius or Fahrenheit, the two-button operation allows for easy programming. And with the TC Series, obtaining true reference temperatures has never been easier. Simply place the sensor to be tested inside the well and set the temperature. The dual line display will show both the true and set temperature; once stabilization occurs, read the temperature and recalibrate the process or sensor. Tek Know calibrators may be used for calibration of thermocouples, thermistors and RTD sensors, or complete temperature loops.• T rue CalibrationProvides true temperature references, not simulated ones• C ompact DesignMakes it highly portable and ideal for field use• C ommunications PortRS-232 interface is standard, with FREE Windows TM -based software for semi-automatic calibration• Thermal Switch Test • E asy-To-Use 2-Button Operation • A ll Kits Include:Probe inserts, thermal switch leads, calibration certificate, instruction manual, industrial strength carrying case and SC200 SoftwareFREE SOFTWARE!SC200 Temperature Calibration SoftwareThe SC200 software package is a calibration tool which allows for fully-automatic or semi-automatic calibration, as well as a calibration management database. This software is useful in creating and maintaining the extensive documentation required by ISO and QS 9000. It contains databases for storing calibration programs, last calibration date, and company information; as well as true values and deviations, both in percentages and absolute values.The software can also be used to completely automate your calibration process. Used in conjunction with our SM300 Signal Master, you can eliminate the need to watch over your calibration while it runs. Just set it up and come back later to print out the certificate.• C ommunicationsCommunicates with SM300 and TC calibrators using RS232 serial ports. Drivers available for other instruments, including Beamex and Honeywell• S torageStores calibrations and calibration setups• D isplayShows on screen settling response at each calibration point. Up to 20 points• T hree modesCan be used in manual, semi- or fully-automatic modeTC150 This calibrator can generate both an ice point reference and a boiling point reference in one portable unit, making it theoptimal choice for food, dairy and biotechnology requirements.TC400 & TC650 For higher temperature applications, in particular calibration of J and K thermocouples up to 650°C (1192°F).TC600M This calibrator can maintain high accuracy and stability under the most severe conditions, and is therefore thepopular choice for offshore rigs and leading ship owners. As the TC600M was designed for the demanding needs of the marine industry, it is also ideal for field use in power utilities, petro chemical processing and the automotive industry.TC150 TC400 TC600M TC650TEMPERATURE RANGE -40°C* to 50°C (122°F) to 50°C (122°F) to 50°C (122°F) to150°C (302°F) 400°C (752°F) 600°C (1112°F) 650°C (1202°F)ACCURACY ±0.3°C ±0.3°C 1°C ±0.5°CSTABILITY ±0.03°C ±0.03°C 0.1°C ±0.05°CRESOLUTION 0.01° 0.01° 0.01° 0.01°COOLING TIME <20 min.AMBIENT TO MINIMUMHEATING TIMEAMBIENT TO MAXIMUM <15 min. <18 min. <18 min. <20 min.THERMAL SWITCH TEST Yes Yes Yes YesWELL DIMENSIONS 3/4” x 4.4” 1” x 6” 1” x 6” 1” x 6”OUTPUT RS232 RS232 RS232 RS232WEIGHT 15 lbs. 16 lbs. 16 lbs. 16 lbs.CALIBRATOR DIMENSIONS 8” x 5” x 11.5” 8” x 5” x 11.5” 8” x 5” x 11.5” 8” x 5” x 11.5”POWER 110V or 240 VAC 110V or 240 VAC 110V or 240 VAC 110V or 240 VAC INSERT FOR O.D. PROBE 1/8” & 3/16” 1/4” & 3/16” 3/16” 1/4” & 3/16”* below ambientSPECIFICATIONSTC SERIESIncluded in standard delivery: RS-232 interface, test cable for thermostats, 2-piece insertion tube, 1/8“ & 3/16 “, (1-1/8“ insert only for TC600M) calibration certificate, carrying case, 1 pc tool for changing insertion tubes, instruction manual, mains cableTC150Temperature Calibrator TC150, -40°C below ambient to 150°C (302°F) $ 5,350 TC400Temperature Calibrator TC400, Ambient to 400°C (752°F) 3,995 TC600M Temperature Calibrator TC600M, Ambient to 600°C (1112°F) 3,995 TC650Temperature Calibrator TC650, Ambient to 650°C (1202°F) 4,495 TC-INS-H-B Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, undrilled 140 TC-INS-H-18Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, 1/8” 175 TC-INS-H-316Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, 3/16” 175 TC-INS-H-14Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, 1/4” 175 TC-INS-H-38Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, 3/8” 175 TC-INS-H-12Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, 1/2” 175 TC-INS-H-1814Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, 1/8” + 1/4” 250 TC-INS-H-1414Insert for TC400/TC600M/TC650, 1/4” + 1/4” 250 TC-INS-L-B Insert for TC150, undrilled 130 TC-INS-L-18Insert for TC150, 1/8” 150 TC-INS-L-316Insert for TC150, 3/16” 150 TC-INS-L-14Insert for TC150, 1/4” 150 TC-INS-L-38Insert for TC150, 3/8” 150 TC-INS-L-12Insert for TC150, 1/2” 150 TC-INS-L-1814Insert for TC150, 1/8” + 1/4” 210 TC-INS-L-1414Insert for TC150, 1/4” + 1/4” 210TC-OIL Oil kit for TC150 cooling calibrators45TC SERIES, CONTINUED。
Additel 878 参考干式温度计ibration仪说明书
Reference Dry Well CalibratorsAdditel 878OVERVIEWWe are taking temperature calibration to the next level with the Additel 878 Reference Dry Well Calibrators. If you are looking for the best dry well on the market, then look no further! Additel’s commitment to continuous improvement, quality and time saving features are on full display in the ADT878 series. With three models to choose from, ranging from -40 to 700°C, you will find the perfect fit for your calibration needs. The Process Calibrator option adds an external reference input, a two-channel readout for UUT’s and a full complement of capabilities to help with everything from measuring temperature sensors, to calibrating thermocouples, self-calibrating the Reference Well and configuring HART transmitters. Each unit comes standard with a large touchscreen display, dual-zone control and Additel’s commitment to the best customer service in the industry. We are certain that you will be blown away by the outstanding performance of these game-changing Reference Dry Wells!Three models ranging from -40℃ to 700℃Reference level performance in accuracy, stability and uniformity Quick to temperatureTwo-channel readout measures RTDs and TCs, and provides task documentation Full HART communicatorOptional external temperature control Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capable Color touch screen display Quick-Push connectors (PC Option)Set point control by reference Self-calibration featureOptional TPW kit for built-in automatic realization (ADT878-160 only)Built-in automatic annealing feature (ADT878-700 only )FEATURESNon-PC version PC version Process Calibrator OptionEach model can be purchased with our Process Calibrator (PC) option. This option combines the many features found in a fully functional HART documenting process calibrator with the reference grade dry well. This option includes the ability to measure a reference PRT, with virtually any connection type, and two device under test channels which can measure, mA, voltage, switch, RTD or thermocouple. In addition to these measurement functions, this calibrator has full documenting capability of creating tasks, saving as found and as left results, as well as communication with HART-smart transmitters. The process calibrator option also has an on board full HART communicator which allows users to read, configure and calibrate HART transmitters. The snap shot feature allows you to capture all information displayed on the screen with the push of a button. This optional add-on allows for data logging of all channels on an auto step function. By utilizing the reference PRT, you can select to control to the dry well set point using the internal sensor or the external reference PRT.We believe using an external reference probe as your standard is the best way to perform your temperature calibration. But we also recognize this method is not always necessary or convenient and depending on the application, using the internal control sensor would be preferred. Traditionally, the internal control sensor has a wide accuracy which can largely be contributed to its long-term drift. We’ve built-in a self-calibration feature allowing you to run an automated calibration of the internal control sensor using your external reference. With literally a few selections the calibration will run automatically giving you a fresh, traceable calibration of the control sensor which will improve its accuracy as you will not have to account for its long term drift when used as the reference.Self-CalibrationProcess CalibratorOptional Electronics Traditionally, dry wells were simply a stable heat source. To enhance the usability of our Reference Dry Wells, we've added automation features enabling you to utilize these amazing devices as a highly stable heat source, triple point of water maintenance apparatus, and annealing furnace.Combined with the ADT878-TPW-KIT, the ADT878-160 Reference Dry Well can be used to automatically realize and maintain a triple point of water cell. Traditional methods take time and practice to realize the triple point of water. Additel has now simplified this process with an automatic TPW realization feature. Simply insert the cell and PRT into the Reference Dry Well and run the procedure. The automation in the firmware will alert when the cell is super cooled. Remove the cell and give it a shake and now you can maintain the triple point in the reference well. This is very useful to check the drift of your PRT. For more information, please see our ADT878-TPW-KIT data sheet.When you purchase our 700°C Reference Dry Well, you will find our automatic annealing feature used to anneal PRTs. We have preconfigured annealing procedures that set the temperature annealing time and cool down rate. This feature, also lets you create your own annealing procedures.Automation FeaturesFEATURESSPECIFICATIONSReference Dry Well SpecificationsInput Specifications (Process Calibrator [PC] Option) ArrayTC Measurement Specification and Calculation[1] Excluding cold junction compensation errors.Plug, TC to TC, TC to Banana, Ordering InformationModel:ADT878ADT878PCModel NumberTemperature Range (at 23℃):160: -40°C to 160°C 425: 33°C to 425°C 700: 33°C to 700°CInsert Model:A, B, C, D,E, FPower Option:110 V 220 VAccessoriesSpecificationHigh TempHigh TempHigh Temp* Updated insert information at Low TempLow Temp Low TempLow TempLow TempInsert Ordering Information878Low TempHigh TempLow TempHigh TempHigh TempLow Temp[1] Handle temperature outside this range will cause damage to the probe.* PRT Information from AM17XX-12-ADTAM17XX-BEND-ADTSecondary PRT InformationAM1710Secondary PRT Ordering InformationADT12。
3 . 1 温度偏差的计算
△T m = 一 △T m i = i 一
式中: △ 一 温度 上偏 差 , ℃;
△ i 一 温度 下偏 差 , o C;
各测 量 点在 3 0 mi n内的实测 最 高温 度值 , ℃;
l; c 3
故“ = ( t d )+ ( t 。 )+ M ( a t 。 ) ( 1 ) 不确 定 度 的来 源 针 对 电热鼓 风 干燥 箱 温 度 测 量 时 , 不确 定 度 的来 源
4 . 3 不 确定 度来 源及 分析
主要有 :
计量 与测试 技术 2 0 1 7丰 第4 4墓 第 ’ 2 期
电热鼓 风 干 燥箱 温 度 校 准
樊 蕾 程 绍 杨
( 中核 ( 天津 ) 机械有 限公 司, 天津 3 0 0 3 0 0 )
摘 要: 电热鼓风干燥箱 在工业上应用非 常广泛 , 本文主要介绍 了电热鼓风干燥箱温度校准仪器 、 校准方法 、 测试点的布置以及数据处理 。
文献标识码 : A 国 家标 准 学 科分 类代 码 : 4 6 0 . 4 0 3 0
关键i r q: , 电热鼓风干燥箱 ; 温度校准 ; 校准方法 ; 数据处理
中图分类号 : T M9 3 2 4 . 1 3 D O I : 1 0 . 1 5 9 8 8 / j . c n k i . 1 0 0 4—6 9 4 1 . 2 0 1 7 . 1 2 . 0 1 6
1 概 述
平行 于底 面 的校准 工作 面 , 具 体 布放位 置 如 图 1所示 。
电热鼓 风干 燥箱 又 名 烘 箱 , 顾 名 思 义 是 采 用 电加 热 的方式 进行 鼓 风循 环干燥 试 验 。电热鼓 风 干燥 箱专 为 干 燥 热敏 性 、 易 分解 和易 氧 化物 质而设计 , 能够 向 内部 充人 惰性气体 , 特别是一些成分复杂 的物 品也能进行 陕速干燥 。 2 温 度 校准
1. 将干式计量炉接通电源,并确保电源稳定。
2. 根据需要校准的温度,设置干式计量炉的温度值。
3. 在干式计量炉中放入待校准的物品,并确保物品放置稳定。
4. 等待干式计量炉到达预定温度点,并确保温度稳定。
5. 在干式计量炉中记录待校准物品的温度值。
6. 根据需要,可以进行多次校准,重复上述步骤。
7. 在使用完毕后,关闭干式计量炉的电源,并清洁设备。
1. 简介高温炉主要用于材料研究、陶瓷制造、金属加工和其他高温实验。
2. 温度校准的重要性准确的温度校准对高温炉的使用非常重要。
失去温度控制可能导致以下问题:- 实验结果偏差:如果高温炉的温度控制不准确,实验结果可能产生偏差,导致错误的结论和误导性的数据。
- 材料损坏:高温炉操作时,温度超过材料的极限可能导致材料的结构破坏和性能降低。
- 安全风险:控制不准确的高温炉可能导致温度过高,从而引发火灾或其他安全风险。
3. 温度校准的方法高温炉的温度校准可以通过以下几种方法进行:- 校准仪器:使用校准仪器如热电偶或电阻温度计进行温度校准。
- 校准曲线:根据已知温度下的标准样品和高温炉的读数绘制校准曲线。
- 外部校准:将高温炉与已经校准过的温度设备进行比较。
4. 温度校准步骤进行高温炉温度校准时,需要遵循以下步骤:- 准备设备和仪器:确保校准仪器和设备已准备好,并检查其状态和准确度。
- 准备标准样品:准备代表已知温度的标准样品,这些样品的温度应尽可能接近高温炉的工作温度。
- 运行校准程序:根据所选的温度校准方法和设备厂商的指导,运行校准程序。
- 分析和调整:根据校准结果和误差的分析调整高温炉的控制参数和温度设置。
beamex mc6使用说明书
MC6也是一台支持多种总线协议的通讯器,它支持HART、 FOUNDATION Fieldbus和Profibus PA仪表。
MC6还可以和 Beamex CMX校准管理软件通讯,彻底实现自动化无纸校准和文档管理。
二、高精度的多功能校验仪:压力、温度、电信号真正的多总线通讯器,支持HART、 Foundation Fieldbus 、 Profibus PA仪表5种操作模式:测量仪、校验仪、文档化过程校验仪、数据记录仪、现场总线通讯器先进功能和便捷操作的完美结合校准过程自动化,全面实现无纸化校准管理可内置3个压力模块和一个大气压模块,外部压力模块即插即用!三、无以伦比的精度MC6是当今市场上最高精度、最先进的现场校验仪之一。
最广泛使用的智能仪表协议是HART、 FOUNDATION Fieldbus和Profibus PA。
ESAMBER 炉温测试仪 R6P 操作指南ppt课件
2. 启动按钮:测温仪的操作按钮。
3. Power(电源)指示灯:
4. Status(状态)指示灯:
5. Data(数据)指示灯:
一.把测温板的热电偶连接至Esamber测温仪; 二.把测温仪放入隔热箱中,启动测温仪,盖好隔热箱; 三.测温板、测温仪连同隔热箱一起进炉测试;
出炉仪器温度较高,请 注意高温烫伤
六.打开Esamber Profiler测温仪软体,在顶部工具栏内点击 “下载数据图
ESA Profiler软件启动流程
9. 未来使用请务必遵守以上事项。
電波雷達 捕捉筆
M&S45短路探測儀的工作原理: 利用往短路回路中施加特定的電波雷達信號,再用電波捕捉筆進
Reflow Process Won't Be Unsearchable Any More
Reflow Arbiter
Reflow Explorer
Reflow Process Won't Be Unsearchable Any More
合作模式 报备制度
Reflow Process Won't Be Unsearchable Any More
合作模式 ----报备制度
* 该报备单请EMAIL到 corial.zhang@; olive.chen@ 并 CC: eb@
Reflow Process Won't Be Unsearchable Any More
硬件优势二: 拥有全球最高压32通道
9. 拥有全球最高通道数32通 道的测温仪; 9. USB2.0 提升数据传输速度; 9. 0.1℃/s 高精度解析率; 9. 单笔32000点记忆容量; 9. 280天超长待机时间; 9. 采样频率0.1-400秒可调.
Reflow Process Won't Be Unsearchable Any More
9. 为同一分类下 的数据做SPC统计 分析;
9计算CPK,PPK等 制程能力指标,并 对CPK低于1.33进 行报警提示.
Reflow Process Won't Be Unsearchable Any More
IPC Reflow检测标准的技术平台
产生标准转速信号,可以动态校准转速传感 器,静态校准轴向位移、胀差、热胀、偏心等 传感器及显示表。
位移(0 ~ 30mm)
2 四
百分表 其它电量校准仪表和设备
最小分度值:0.01mm,量程:0~ 10mm
用途 测量电流和电压,模拟输出电流。 提供24VDC电源。 同时以毫安和百分比显示。 25%步进输出4~20mA、0—10V。 现场绝缘测试 三位半LCD显示,V、A、mA、mV、Ω
± (0.01%RD+ 0.005%FS)
校准压力(真空、压力、差压)、流量仪表用校准仪表和设备 校验压力变送器、压力表、压力开关, 含过滤装 置,软管。 总重不超过 1.5kg
ConST132 手持液体压力泵
6位半显示,完成对工业用热电 偶S、B、R、K、N、J、E、T, 工业用铂电阻Pt100、Pt10、 校验软件可实现热电偶、热电阻的全自动检 Cu100、Cu50,玻璃液体温度计 定,最终打印出检定记录及证书,一次可检定 、双金属温度计、压力式温度 10支热电偶/热电阻。校验软件为中文界面,必 计,膨胀式温度计,工作用贵 须符合相关中国国家检定规程 金属热电偶,工作用廉金属热 电偶,工业铂、铜热电阻,工 作用玻璃液体温度计的数据采 集及数据处理。 419.527℃-1084.62℃;δ=1.0 ℃ 与热电阻标准设备配套使用。 (0℃~ 400℃) 玻璃保护管、防冻液、硅油、 刚玉管、抽油烟机、冷端恒温 箱及夹具
2024年第1期品牌与标准化Calibration Method and Uncertainty Evaluation of Dry Body FurnaceLI Pengcheng(Liaoning Institute of Measurement,Shenyang 110004,China)Abstract :The working temperature range of a dry furnace is generally between -80℃and 1300℃.Dry body furnaces have the advantages of no oil fumes,small size,convenient portability,and low energy consumption.They also heat up to a preset temperature faster than a constant temperature bath,making them widely used as standard heat sources for on-site calibration of temperature sensors.This article briefly introduces the principle of dry body furnaces,focuses on studying their calibration methods,and evaluates the uncertainty of their temperature deviation.Keywords :dry body furnace;uncertainty analysis;temperature deviation干体炉校准方法及不确定度评定李鹏程(辽宁省计量科学研究院,辽宁沈阳110004)【摘要】干体炉的工作温度范围一般在-80~1300℃。
1.数字温度指示调节仪的使用及常见故障维修 [J], 顾嵘
2.XMTE系列温度数字调节仪断电保护线路的设计 [J], 柳枫
3.数字温度调节仪替代动圈温度指示调节仪 [J], 张颂辉
4.XMTE型温度数字调节仪在合成触媒层温度调节中的应用 [J], 步苏里
5.SWT-840型数字温度调节仪的正确使用与维护 [J], 高华蓉
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150 mm (5.9 in)
30 mm (1.18 in)
25.3 mm (0.996 in)
24.4 mm (0.96 in)
16 分钟 23 °C 到 140 °C 23 分钟 23 °C 到 150 °C 25 分钟 –25 °C 到 150 °C
5 分钟 33 °C 到 350 °C
15 分钟 50 °C 到 660 °C
±0.2 °C(全温度范围)
33 °C时:±0.02 °C 200 °C时:±0.02 °C 350 °C时:±0.03 °C 33 °C时:±0.04 °C 200 °C时:±0.1°C 350 °C时:±0.2 °C 33 °C时:±0.01°C 200 °C时:±0.015 °C 350 °C时:±0.02 °C
Beamex®贝美克斯的智能参考探头是高质量的、极稳定的PRT 参 考探头,它的内置存储器保存了探头的温标系数。可提供两种型 号:300mm直型和90°直角弯型。
Beamex 贝美克斯提供了两大系列的干式炉:FB 系列现场级干 式温度校准炉和MB 系列计量级干式温度校准炉。FB 系列干式 炉具有重量轻,高精度的特点,针对工业现场应用。MB 系列干
±0.015 °C(全温度范围)
±0.06 °C
50 °C ~ 660 °C (122 °F ~ 1220 °F)
50 °C时:±0.35 °C 420 °C时:±0.35 °C 660 °C时:±0.5 °C
50 °C时:±0.03 °C 420 °C时:±0.05 °C 660 °C时:±0.05 °C
FB 系列干式炉可以迅速地达到各个温度,例如在15 分钟内降 到–25 °C,在15 分钟内升温到+660 °C。从而节省时间,提高 效率。
FB 系列干式炉是一个便携式仪器,同时也提供了出色的校准精 度。显示精度达到±0.2 °C,控制稳定性优于±0.01°C。双段控 温技术提供了高达 ±0.04 °C 的轴向均匀性和±0.01°C 的径向均 匀性。
Beamex 贝美克斯的经认证实验室可以为各种温度测量产品提供 校准服务。
和 Beamex®贝美克斯的MC 系列多功能校验仪结合,可以完美的 发挥干式炉的功能。
B eamex®贝美克斯MB 系列
– 具有液体恒温槽级别精度的便携式干式炉
Beamex®贝美克斯的MB 和FB 系列干式炉在单独使用时,也是 非常出色的产品。然而,它们不仅仅是一个常规的干式炉。当 你把它们和Beamex 贝美克斯的集成的校准系统相结合,它会 发挥完美功能。Beamex® 贝美克斯的CMX 校准管理软件可以 计划安排校准过程,保存校准数据。校准过程可以通过CMX 软 件下载到Beamex贝美克斯的MC 系列多功能校验仪。MC系列 校验仪可以和干式炉通讯,从而实现一个全自动化的温度校准 和数据管理。随后,校准结果可以上传到CMX 软件。可以节约 大量的时间,消除手工输入带来的错误,并且确保校准过程的 重复性。
相对于传统的干式炉,如果你需要更好的精度,通常需要一个 外部的参考传感器。MB 系列干式炉内置了一个温度测量功能, 精度达到±0.1°C,所以甚至不需要外部参考传感器,您就可以 获得更高的精度。通过独特的控温技术,MB 系列干式炉具有出 色的稳定性,达到±0.005 °C。这种稳定性通常只有液体恒温槽 才能达到,而不是干式炉。
–25 °C ~ 150 °C (–13 °F ~ 302 °F) ±0.2 °C(全温度范围)
±0.05 °C(全温度范围)
±0.006 °C(全温度范围) ±0.025 °C
33 °C ~ 350 °C (91 °F ~ 662 °F)
干式温度校准炉 温度校准的理想之选
• Beamex®现场级干式温度校准炉(FB 系列) • Beamex®计量级干式温度校准炉(MB 系列) • Beamex®智能参考探头 • 温度校准服务
Beamex 贝美克斯推出了更智能化,更高效和更高精度的温度校 准方案。它包括多种产品和服务,例如:针对现场和实验室应用 的一系列高质量的干式炉,智能参考探头,温度校准服务等。
内置的高精度高的精度,可以通过连接一个外部参考传 感器到外部传感器接口(适用于R 型)。这免去了单独外接参 考温度计需求。参考传感器的精度可以高达±0.006 °C。可以用 ITS-90 或者 CVD 温标系数去补偿任何传感器的误差。
温度范围:– 45 °C 到 +700 °C
大尺寸液晶显示屏,全尺寸数字键盘,多语言 (包括中文 菜单),菜单式接口使得MB 系列干式炉易于使用。图形化、 可视化状态指示使您可以随时了解干式炉是否稳定。当干式炉 温度超过+50 °C,过热警告灯会指示。甚至在关机断电时, 如果干式炉温度过高不可以触摸,告警灯依然会闪烁。
通过独特的双段控温技术和扩展的干式炉深度,MB 系列干式炉 具有出色的轴向均匀性,达到±0.02 °C。
Beamex®贝美克斯的干式炉可以和MC 系列校验仪通讯, 提供一个全自动的温度校准和文档记录系统。
关于 Beamex®贝美克斯集成的校准方案
Beamex®贝美克斯集成的校准方案通过对所有校准设备和校 准过程进行更迅速,更智能,更高效地管理,全面地提高了整 个校准系统的质量和效率。Beamex 贝美克斯的校验仪、测试 台、校准管理软件,以及相关的服务组成了一个高度集成,自 动化的校准系统。
Beamex FB系列技术指标
23 °C室温下温度范围 显示精度
负载影响(使用一支6.35mm 参考探头和3支6.35mm被检探头) 迟滞性 插入深度(井深) 插快直径 升温时间
降温时间 分辨率 显示 尺寸(高x宽x深) 重量 电源要求
计算机接口 校准 工作环境条件 满足所有技术指标的工作环境条件
• 高精度:具有液体恒温槽级别的精度 • 内置高精度参考探头输入(适用于R 型) • 插入深度达到200 mm • 温度范围: – 45 °C 到 +700 °C • 配有校准证书 • 和 Beamex® 贝美克斯的集成校准系统 (ICS)完美结合 • 保修期: 1 年
MB 系列型号
MB140 / MB140R MB155 / MB155R MB425 / MB425R MB700 / MB700R
Beamex® 贝美克斯FB 系列现场级干式炉是工业现场的理想之 选,仅重8 公斤。
Beamex®贝美克斯集成校准方案的 一部分
具有通讯接口和Beamex 贝美克斯的MC 系列过程校验仪通讯, 将校准和文档记录自动化,从而成为Beamex®贝美克斯集成校 准系统的一部分。结合MC5 多功能校验仪,实现传统温度变送 器、HART 温度变送器、现场总线温度变送器的回路校准
每一台Beamex®贝美克斯的MB 系列干式炉都配有可信赖的校 准证书。
Beamex®贝美克斯集成校准方案的 一部分
具有通讯接口和Beamex 贝美克斯的MC 系列过程校验仪通讯, 将校准和文档记录自动化,从而成为Beamex®贝美克斯集成校 准系统的一部分。结合MC5 多功能校验仪,实现传统温度变送 器、HART 温度变送器、现场总线温度变送器的回路校准。
径向均匀性是指在插块中不同孔之间的温度差异。参考传感器 和被检传感器位于同一个温度是非常重要的。MB系列干式炉提 供了高达±0.01°C 的径向均匀性。
FB 系列现场级干式温度校准炉的主要特点:
Beamex® 贝美克斯FB 系列现场级干式炉是工业现场温度校准 炉的理想之选、重量轻,便于携带、控温迅速、高精度。
15 分钟 23 °C 到 –25 °C 25 分钟 150 °C 到 –25 °C
32 分钟 350 °C 到 33 °C 14 分钟 350 °C 到 100 °C
FB 系列型号
FB150 / FB150R FB350 / FB350R FB660 / FB660R
–25 °C … +150 °C +33 °C … +350 °C +50 °C … +660 °C
R 系列包括了一个内部参考温度计,以及外部参考探头的接口。
集成的自动化的温度校准方案. 无缝连接!
MB 系列主要特点:
Beamex®贝美克斯计量级干式炉(MB)是高精度的干式温度 校准炉。它以轻便的干式炉,提供了液体恒温槽的精度。 使您可以将实验室级的精度带到现场使用。 独特的双段控温技术带来了出色的稳定性和一致性,插入深度 达到203mm,温度范围从– 45 °C 到+700 °C
内置高精度的参考输入(适用于R 型), 支持即插即用的智能探头
FB 系列干式炉具有内部的参考温度计(适用于R 型),可以连 接到贝美克斯的智能参考传感器。该传感器本身可以存储修正 数据,从而实现即插即用。
每一台Beamex®贝美克斯的FB 系列干式炉都配有可信赖的校准 证书。
大尺寸液晶显示屏,全数字键盘,多语言 (包括中文菜单), 菜单式接口使得MB 系列干式炉易于使用。图形化、可视化状 态指示使您可以随时了解干式炉是否稳定。当干式炉温度超过 +50 °C,过热警告灯会指示。甚至在关机断电时,如果干式炉 温度过高不可以触摸,告警灯依然会闪烁。