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还有一些没有上面绿框部分的是玻璃渣还没编辑好呢,刷上也不起作用4.一个电脑只能用一个99级,不能同时存两个-----------暗黑破坏神3PK网 --------------------UdieToo教程方案二1、打开。
1,Peashooter 豌豆射手豌豆射手可谓你的第一道防线,他们朝来犯的僵尸射击豌豆。
”费用:100恢复:快2,Sunflower 向日葵向日葵是你收集额外阳光必不可少的植物。
Look Solutions Cryo-Fog High Pressure 低雾生成器 高压气瓶配件
a Look Solutions product Compact low fog generator to be used with high pressure bottlesThe Cryo-Fog High Pressure is a powerful low fog generator with 2300 Watt.All build into a compact flightcase (67 x 51 x 30 cm), the Cryo-Fog High Pressure contents a low temperature fog machine, a fan as well as a cooling chamber with space next to the fog generator to held a 5 ltr can of fluid.Liquid CO2 is used to cool down the fog. Thus, the machine produces thick low fog which distributes equally.The machine is powerful enough to fill even big stages with low fog within a short time.The liquid CO2 is delivered from a high pressure bottle with siphon, which is connected to the machine via a tube (sup-plied with the machine).The bottles can be rented from companies which sell carbon dioxide.The intelligent technology ensures that the fogging process will not start before the cooling chamber has reached the right temperature. As a result, no …warm“ fog - which will go upwards - can escape from the machine.The Cryo-Fog High Pressure benefits from its compact size, the low weight, the powerful output, the low noise and easy operation.Features• Fine adjustments of the pumpDigital technology ensures fine adjustments of the pump. The output can be adjusted in steps of 1% from 0 - 99%. Thus, any desired effect can be produced.Also the fan can be adjusted separately from 0 - 99% if the machine is controlled via DMX. If controlled via analog or stand alone the fan runs on a pre-programmed level.• DMX 512 as standardThe Cryo-Fog High Pressure can be controlled via DMX 512. The machine needs three following channels on the desk. Thus, the pump, fan and cooling can be adjusted separa-tely. Therefore the fog output, distribution of the fog and the temperature respectively the height of the fog can be adjusted.The DMX start address can be adjusted and saved via the control panel. It will be saved even if the machine is discon-nected from the mains.If the Cryo-Fog High Pressure is controlled via DMX, the ma-chine can also be used as a normal fog generator.The machine can also be controlled with analogue (0 - 10V) via a desk or the XLR-remote (option). The fogging process starts automatically as soon as the cooling chamber is cold enough. The fan runs on a pre-programmed level.A stand-alone-mode is also possible. The pump level can be adjusted directly at the machine, the fan runs on the pre-programmed level. After pushing the start button shortly, the fogging process starts as soon as the cooling chamber is cold enough.• LED-DisplayThe control panel with LED-display and simple symbols al-lows easy operation.FluidThe Cryo-Fog High Pressure needs a special fluid.compact & powerfulmade in Germanyequal and thick low fogTechnical dataDimensionsAdvantages• Fog generator, fan and cooling chamber built into a compact flightcase• DMX 512 as standard, analogue (0 - 10 V) and stand-alone-mode• Output adjustable in steps of 1%• Pump, fan and cooling adjustable seperately when controlled via DMX, therefore high flexibility • Can be used as a normal fog machine if controlled via DMX• Fogging process starts only if the cooling chamber is cold enough • Powerful output • Continuous output • Made in GermanyAccessories• XLR-remote for analogue control。
材料准备:1. 一个塑料瓶:选择一个容量适中的塑料瓶,最好是有盖子的。
2. 一根棉线:选择一根吸水性好的棉线,长度要能够达到花盆底部。
3. 一把小锤子:用来在塑料瓶上打孔。
4. 一把剪刀:用来修剪棉线和塑料瓶。
制作步骤:1. 首先,将塑料瓶冲洗干净,并确保没有残留的液体或杂质。
2. 使用小锤子在塑料瓶的底部打一个小孔,孔的大小要适中,以便水能够缓慢地流出来。
3. 将棉线的一端通过塑料瓶的孔穿过去,确保线头在瓶内,线尾在瓶外。
4. 将塑料瓶的盖子打开,将线尾从盖子的中间穿过去,然后将盖子盖好。
5. 将塑料瓶倒置放在花盆中,确保棉线的另一端能够触及花盆底部。
6. 使用剪刀修剪棉线的长度,使其能够达到花盆底部,但不要太长,以免浇水过多。
7. 确保花盆周围没有其他物品,以免影响水分的流动。
8. 最后,将花盆放置在适当的位置,确保阳光和空气的充足。
使用方法:1. 在出门前,将花盆中的土壤浇透水,确保花草的根部充分吸水。
2. 将制作好的出门浇花神器放置在花盆中,确保棉线的一端触及花盆底部。
3. 出门后,神器会自动释放适量的水分到花盆中,保持花草的湿润。
4. 当回家后,检查花盆中的水分情况,如果需要,可以手动给花草浇水。
[CrateRules]CrateMaximum=255 箱子数值不超过255CrateMinimum=1 箱子数值不低于1CrateRadius=3.0 箱子里的属性提升可以给3单位长内的人CrateRegen=3 每3分钟随机产生箱子SilverCrate=HealBase 单人游戏中可以产生的箱子类型SoloCrateMoney=5000 单人游戏中钱箱的钱数UnitCrateType=none 产生单位的箱子可以产生任何没有CreatGoddie=no的单位WoodCrate=Money 木箱中的东西?WaterCrate=Money 水箱中的东西?HealCrateSound=HealCrate获取生命(+血)箱子的声音WoodCrateImg=CRA TE 木箱的形态CrateImg=CRATE 箱子的形态WaterCrateImg=WCRATE 水中箱子的形态FreeMCV=yes 能随机产生基地车地图触发箱子码(捡箱子)升级14 补血2 核弹12 坦克1 矿石15 钱0/6 隐身3 小爆4大爆5 毒爆16 开地图8 黑屏7 加强9/13 速度10 瞬间动11EligibleForDelayKill=yes 建筑是油桶DeathWeapon=BarrelExplosion 油桶武器Explosion=BRRLEXP2----------油桶动画Warhead=OilExplosionWHAnim=RING1 气波动画IvanWarhead=IvanWH 疯狂伊万炸弹弹头IvanDamage=450 疯狂伊万炸弹伤害IvanTimedDelay=450 疯狂伊万炸弹延迟时间CanDetonateTimeBomb=no 是否能手动引爆炸弹CanDetonateDeathBomb=no 是否能手动引爆装于自己部队上的炸弹NukeSilo=true填true或false。
Outdoor Water Solutions 小型后院风车型号说明书
Outdoor Water Solutions, Inc. Small Backyard Windmill™Installation ManualCustomer Service: 1-866-471-1614Website: Thank you for purchasing an Outdoor Water Solutions Backyard Windmill™. We designedthis traditional style windmill with the same great engineering as our full-size aerationwindmills.The following is the complete manual for the assembly of the OWS Backyard Windmill™,company contact information, and a copy of our 1-Year Workmanship and parts Warranty.CAUTION1. DO NOT climb the tower. The head can turn without warning and is very dangerous. DO NOT use thetower cross members as steps, as they cannot support your weight. The recommended method to service the windmill is to lay the tower on its side.2. DO NOT attempt to repair or service the windmill on a very windy day. It is too unpredictable anddangerous, and you could easily be injured. Even in low winds, be very careful when servicing. Be certain that the blade is securely tied before beginning any work.3. ALWAYS teach children about the dangers of the windmill and keep them away from it.4. Keep your distance from the windmill in thunder, strong winds, and lightning storms.IGNORING THESE SAFETY WARNINGSCAN RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATHPackage Contents:Ensure that all components are included prior to beginning assembly.Figure 1:157⁄8TOWER SETUP INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT NOTES:• Unless directed otherwise, do not completely tighten any bolts until your tower is fully assembled.• When connecting leg sections, always ensure that the lower leg section is behind the top leg section.• There are two different styles of tower leg. The legs with the holes punched in one side are for the topsection; these holes are used to install the decorative maintenance platform.1. Assemble each of the cross brace support “X” sections for the bottom sections for all four sides, as shown in Figure1. This includes the cross brace tensioning systems. The cross brace tensioning system consists of two (2) 6mmnuts, one (1) 8mm x 12mm bolts, one (1) eye bolt, one (1) 8mm flange nut, and one (1) L-bracket. The cross brace tensioning systems are to be installed on the 24” cross braces only. When installing the cross brace tensioning “L”bracket, try to position all of them at the same height on each of the eye bolts; this will simplify the squaring process later. Refer to Figure 3 for further detail on installing the cross brace tensioning systems on the 24” cross braces.2. Begin the tower at the very top. Take the four tower top legs and fasten them to the tower cone with the eight6mm x 12mm bolts, 6mm washers, and 6mm nuts, ensuring that the holes in the tower top legs are toward the top of the tower and are across from each other (see Figure 2). If this is not done, the entire top section will need to be taken apart and reassembled, in order to install the decorative maintenance platform. Completely tighten all of these bolts.TIP: From this point on, it will be simplest to assemble the tower while it is laying on its side. Assemble ona soft surface (e.g., lawn, cardboard, drop cloth, etc.) to prevent scratching.3. Install the lower section of each side using two 6mm x 20mm bolts, two legs, one middle section cross brace“X” (assembled in Step 1 above) and one 12” cross member. These parts should be attached to the top legs inthe order just described, from outside to inside. One nut can then be placed onto each of the two bolts — do not completely tighten yet. Repeat this process for all four sides. Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 3 for assemblyinstructions.TIP: Start with the side that is on the ground, then complete the vertical sides, then the top side. Whenworking on the sides that are not on the ground, the 21½” cross members can be installed temporarily,using eight 6mm x 20mm bolts and nuts, to provide support and stability (see Figure 1).4. Begin attaching the 21 1/2” cross members using the 6mm x 20mm bolts. Install the anchor brackets as part of thisstep. The anchor brackets should be installed first (see Figure 4), then the leg, then the 27 1/4” cross brace or the 24” cross brace with it’s attached L-bracket, then the 21 1/2” cross member.5. Insert the 6mm x 25mm bolt through the anchor bracket (see Figure 4) but do not tighten until the tower is erectedin its final position and the stakes are driven through the clamps.6. Square up the lower section by adjusting the cross brace tensioners in the lower section. When all cross bracesare tightened, turn the nut above the L-bracket so that it is tight to the L-bracket on each of the four sides.You have now completed assembling the tower of your Backyard Ornamental Windmill.WINDMILL HEAD INSTALLATIONIMPORTANT NOTES:• When installing the tail arm, it is very important to ensure that one end butts up against the fan supportshaft welded inside the head connection bracket and the other end is flush with the back of the tail finbracket. If this is not done, the windmill may not track the wind properly.• Ensure that all bolts are completely tightened throughout the head assembly.Figure 5:Tail Fin27” FanTail Fin Bracket (reverse side)Tail ArmBracketPivot TubeSupportShaftFigure 6:Figure 10:Pivot TubeWasher Plastic Tower 1. Install the tail fin onto the tail arm with the tail fin bracket and four6mm x 12mm bolts and nuts, and eight washers, as shown in Figure 6.IMPORTANT: Make sure that the end of the tail arm isflush with back of the bracket.2. Insert the other end of the tail arm into the head connection bracket, until it butts up against the welded fan support shaft. Once the tail arm is inserted completely, use one of the 6mm x 32mm bolts and nuts to clamp the tail arm into place, as shown in Figure 5. Tighten the bolt fully, to ensure that the tail arm cannot come out.IMPORTANT: Make sure that the end of the tail arm buttsup against the fan support.3. Insert the pivot tube into the head connection bracket, so that the pivot tube is between the three remaining holes in the head connection bracket, as shown in Figure 5. Insert three remaining 6mm x 32mm bolts through the holes and completely tighten the bolts.!!It can be a challenge to get the two set screws adequately tightened, especially in areas prone to higher winds. There -fore we are including a pushnut fastener to help secure the windmill head to the windmill shaft. We strongly recom-mend using this locking fastener as well as locking in the two set screws on the bearing collar to secure the windmill head.4. Slide rear bearing nest and bearing onto shaft. Lock bearing into place exactly 5/16” of an inch from the end of the shaft as measured to the front of the bearing. Securely tighten the 2 set screws on the rear of the bearing. They need to really bite into the shaft to keep the windmill head secure. Using pliers to turn the allen wrench will help. See Figure 7.5. Set the windmill head on top of the bearing and push the locking pushnut fastener down on the shaft to seat. It needs to slide all the way down to the bear-ing. It might help to use a hammer and flat headed screwdriver to push the washer onto the windmill shaft. See Figure 86. Now install the front bearing Hub to the windmill head and the back bearing nest. Tighten the three bolts andnuts securely and your good to go. See Figure 97. Insert the pivot tube through the pivot tube washer, then into the plastic tower, as shown in Figure 10.Figure 7:Figure 8:Figure 9:WINDMILL ANCHOR INSTALLATIONIMPORTANT NOTE:• Outdoor Water Solutions Windmills™ will not determine soil and wind conditions for any windmill installation. Therefore, these conditions must be determined by the customer. Anchoring of the windmill tower is very important. It is the customer’s responsibility to adequately anchor the tower. Outdoor Water Solutions, a basic anchoring kit with each unit. However, in certain circumstances — such as light soil conditions and high-to-extreme wind areas — it may be necessary to utilize other anchoring techniques. Concrete piling, concrete pads, or screw-in anchors are some examples. The customer is responsible to anchor the windmill adequately, or consult the appropriate people to do so.• Read through this entire procedure prior to beginning.1. Choose an area in your yard (approximately 3’ x 3’) that is level, or close to level.2. Stand the assembled windmill up on the location you have selected for installation.3. Drive the stakes into the ground through the anchor brackets. Make sure to leave the stake clamps at approximately the same height, to simplify the leveling process.4. Level the windmill as follows:a. Starting with the highest leg, drive the stake until it is ¼” above the stake clamp, as shown in Figure 11. Tighten the 6mm x 25mm bolt in the stake clamp, to secure the leg to the stake.b. Moving in a clockwise direction, move the stake clamp on the next leg to the top of the stake, leaving ¼” above the stake. Tighten the 6mm x 25mm bolt in the stake clamp, to secure the leg to the stake. Drive the stake into the ground until the leg is level with the last secured leg.c. Repeat ‘b.’ above, until the tower base is level.Congratulations! You have successfully installedYour Outdoor Water Solutions Small Backyard Windmill ™Please contact us at 1-866-471-1614 or 1-479-756-1614 to order parts or for assistance in any step along the way. We have also developed an aeration conversion kit that will convert your new Backyard Windmill™ into a functioning aeration windmill.Keep in mind that a Backyard Windmill™ is a great gift, and is available in a variety of colors, along with our galvanized steel options.If you are interested in more information, call today or visit us on the Web at: Figure 11The Outdoor Water Solutions One-Year Limited WarrantyWarranty covers all Outdoor Water Solutions Windmill™ products for a period of one year from Date of Purchase, against defects in workmanship or material. The conditions of the Warranty and the extent of the responsibilitiesof Outdoor Water Solutions, Inc.™ under this Warranty are as follows.1. Outdoor Water Solutions, Inc.™ will repair or replace any part or material deemed to be defective byOutdoor Water Solutions, Inc.™ due to quality and/or workmanship, within a one-year period from the initial purchase date;2. Product returned for Warranty must be returned to the address specified by the Manufacturer, freightprepaid, and any warranty product sent to the customer will be sent freight prepaid;3. Warranty does not apply to product which has been subject to abuse, neglect, accident, or incorrectinstallation;4. Warrantly does not apply to damage resulting from severe weather factors;* Private Insurance Coverage is recommended *5. If parts other than genuine Outdoor Water Solutions™ parts are utilized for repair or attached to an OutdoorWater Solutions Windmill™ system, warranty coverage may be void;6. Proof of Date of Purchase is required for warranty service. Since the customer is responsible for assembly,setup, and installation, please follow instructions carefully, to ensure the validity of warranty claims;7. If you have any warranty concerns, please contact Outdoor Water Solutions, Inc.™ at 1-866-471-1614 or1-479-756-1614.Safety Precautions1. Do Not attempt any service or repairs to the windmill with the blade turning, or in any high wind situations;2. Ensuring that the blade assembly is secured (even in low winds) when servicing or repairing the windmill isrequired. (A gust of wind can suddenly cause the windmill head to turn at any time and cause a potentially dangerous situation for the person trying to do the repair);3. Do Not allow children to play on or near the windmill;4. Avoid being near the windmill during thunderstorms.Return Materials Authorization• A return materials authorization (RMA) number must be obtained prior to returning any product for awarranty concern.• You can call the OWS warranty department at the following numbers: 1-866-471-1614 or 1-479-756-1614.• We request that all returns be accompanied by a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) to help us track allwarranty projects and to ensure that your job is handled in a timely manner and that all freight costs arecovered by OWS. Unauthorized return shipments could result in return of product and freight costs notbeing covered.Outdoor Water Solutions, Inc.™ recommends that, for future reference,you keep this Installation Manual, along with your proof ofpurchase and a photo of the windmill in a convenient location.Date of Purchase: ____________________________。
NO. 1Peashooter豌豆射手No. 25耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方一整行射击间隔:1.4秒价格:100阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击射出一发豌豆No. 26 No. 2Sunflower向日葵耐久:300生产间隔:24秒价格:50阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每24秒生产一个中型阳光(25阳光值)No. 3CherryBomb樱桃炸弹耐久:300攻击:1800No. 27范围:以自身为圆心爆炸半径约1.5格的圆准备时间:1秒价格:150阳光冷却时间:50秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:范围大杀伤力爆破No. 4Wall-nut坚果耐久:4000No. 28临界点:0损伤点1:int(MAXHP*2/3)损伤点2:int(MAXHP*1/3)价格:50阳光冷却时间:30秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:以高耐久阻挡僵尸前行注:int为取整(只取整数而非四舍五入)这里的损伤点不给出具体值是因为坚果的损伤点随最大HP变动修改坚果的最大血量后坚果的两个损伤点也随之按比例变动No. 29(这一点将在版块三的僵尸损伤点/临界点中详细说明)在这里,以正常游戏中4000耐久的标准血量坚果来计算,其DP1和DP2分别为2666和1333,之后凡标注int(MAXHP*n1/n2)的,请各位自行计算No. 5PotatoMine土豆地雷耐久:300攻击:1800破土时间:15秒(从安放到开始破土)准备时间:1秒价格:25阳光冷却时间:30秒No. 30可栽种于草地/花盆特性:单行小范围群体杀伤No. 6SnowPea雪花豌豆耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方一整行射击间隔:1.4秒价格:175阳光No. 31冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击发射一颗冰豌豆命中目标后附带冰减速效果持续10秒(被减速目标移动/攻击速度减半)No. 7Chomper咀嚼者耐久:300攻击:40范围:正前方约1.5格咀嚼时间:42秒(从咬进嘴里到完全吞下)价格:150阳光No. 32冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:吞下所有自己可以吞下的僵尸No. 8Repeater双发豌豆耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方一整行射击间隔:1.4秒价格:200阳光冷却时间:7.5秒No. 33可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击射出两发豌豆No. 9Puff-shroom烟雾蘑菇耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方约3格No. 34射击间隔:1.4秒价格:0阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击喷出一枚烟雾弹特性:白天会睡觉No. 10Sun-shroom阳光蘑菇耐久:300生产间隔:24秒No. 35成长时间:120秒(从种植到成长为成体)价格:25阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:幼体每24秒生产一次小型阳光(15阳光值)成长为成体后每24秒生产一次中型阳光(25阳光值)成长不重置产阳光时间特性:白天会睡觉注:关于成长不重置产阳光时间成体阳光蘑菇仍延续幼体的产阳光间隔和时间(比如幼体还有5秒产阳光此时成长长大后的成体不会重新读24秒再产阳光而是延续了幼体的数据5秒后即生产中型阳光)No. 11Fume-shroom烟雾喷菇No. 36耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方约4格射击间隔:1.4秒价格:75阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击喷出一道烟雾柱(穿透效果)特性:白天会睡觉No. 37 No. 12GraveBuster墓碑破坏者耐久:300吞噬时间:4.5秒(从安放到移除墓碑)价格:75阳光冷却时间:7.5秒只可种植于墓碑上特性:移除墓碑恢复可种植草地No. 38 No. 13Hypno-Shroom催眠蘑菇耐久:300价格:75阳光冷却时间:30秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:催眠吃下自己的一只僵尸使之为己方作战特性:白天会睡觉注:催眠效果为强制往右而非变换方向故不存在矿工吃了会掉头进屋的问题No. 14Ice-shroom冰蘑菇耐久:300攻击:20范围:全屏No. 39准备时间:1秒价格:75阳光冷却时间:50秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:自身炸裂对全屏僵尸造成20伤害冻结所有可冻结目标动作4秒之后持续冰减速15秒特性:白天会睡觉No. 15Doom-shroom末日蘑菇耐久:300攻击:1800No. 40范围:自身为圆心爆炸半径约3.5格的圆准备时间:1秒价格:125阳光冷却时间:50秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:爆炸后会在原地留下一个爆炸坑坑内无所栽种任何植物特性:白天会睡觉No. 16LilyPad睡莲No. 41耐久:300价格:25阳光冷却时间:7.5秒只可栽种于水面特性:栽种于水面之后可在睡莲上种植植物No. 17Squash倭瓜耐久:300No. 42攻击:1800范围:身后极小范围及正前方约1.5格价格:50阳光冷却时间:30秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:瞄准目标并砸下去伤害落点内的全部目标No. 18Threepeater三联装豌豆耐久:300攻击:20范围:自身行连同上下两行正前方三整行No. 43攻击间隔:1.4秒价格:325阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击同时在三行各发射一发豌豆No. 19TangleKlep缠绕海带耐久:300范围:自身左右的小范围价格:25阳光冷却时间:30秒No. 44只可种植于水面特性:将靠近自己的单体僵尸拉入水底No. 20Jalapeno墨西哥辣椒耐久:300攻击:1800范围:自身所在行准备时间:1秒价格:125阳光冷却时间:50秒No. 45可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:直线大杀伤力爆破No. 21Spikeweed棘草(地刺)耐久:300攻击:20范围:自身格攻击间隔:1秒价格:100阳光冷却时间:7.5秒No. 46只可种植于于草地特性:不会被僵尸啃食对于行走在自己身上的僵尸造成伤害特性:对车系僵尸有着特殊的杀伤效果注:所谓的地刺不会被僵尸啃食是指正常游戏情况下(修改器可实现)No. 22Torchwood火炬木耐久:300价格:175阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:过火将经过自身的普通豌豆变为火豌豆(火豌豆单发伤害40命中目标后小范围溅射溅射伤害13)特性:消冰将经过自身的冰豌豆变为普通豌豆移除冰属性特性:小范围开雾火炬木的开雾范围约上下左右各一格的十字区域No. 47 No. 23Tall-nut高坚果耐久:8000临界点:0损伤点1:int(MAXHP*2/3)(正常游戏中为5333)损伤点2:int(MAXHP*1/3)(正常游戏中为2666)价格:125阳光冷却时间:30秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:以高耐久阻挡僵尸前行特性:身材高大可以阻挡某些特殊僵尸跳过No. 48 No. 24Sea-shroom海蘑菇耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方约3格攻击间隔:1.4秒价格:0阳光冷却时间:30秒只可种植于水面NO. 49特性:每次攻击喷出一枚烟雾弹特性:白天会睡觉Plantern灯笼草耐久:300价格:25阳光冷却时间:30秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:大范围开雾灯笼草开雾范围以自身为中心水平方向7格竖直方向5格的矩形区域去除掉四个角Cactus仙人掌耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方一整行攻击间隔:1.4秒价格:125阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击发射一枚尖刺特性:优先攻击气球Blover三叶草耐久:300准备时间:0.5秒价格:100阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:可以吹走浓雾(驱雾时间24秒24秒后雾气重新向左蔓延)和气球僵尸特性:若被僵尸啃咬会跳过准备时间立即完成吹风SplitPea分裂豌豆耐久:300攻击:20射程:自身所在行攻击间隔:1.4秒价格:125阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:正面每次攻击发射一发豌豆背面每次攻击发射两发豌豆(正反攻击节奏同步)注:早期版本存在一个BUG当分裂豌豆攻击背面僵尸时正面若出现僵尸此时正面的头也会每次发射双发在后期发布的游戏版本中已修正Starfruit杨桃耐久:300攻击:20范围:正后正上正下前斜上和前斜下五个方向无距离限制攻击间隔:1.4秒价格:125阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击向自身五个角所延伸的方向同时发射各一枚五角星南瓜损伤点1:int(MAXHP*2/3)(正常游戏中为2666)损伤点2:int(MAXHP*1/3)(正常游戏中为1333)价格:125阳光冷却时间:30秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆(以及香蒲)特性:高耐久套在植物上以保护植物免受僵尸攻击南瓜的两个损伤状态Magnet-shroom磁体蘑菇耐久:300范围:自身为圆心磁力半径约3格的圆再吸收时间:15秒价格:100阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:在磁力范围内吸取单体僵尸的铁制饰物特性:白天会睡觉Cabbage-pult卷心菜投手耐久:300攻击:40射程:正前方一整行攻击间隔:2.9秒价格:100阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击投掷一颗卷心菜注:投掷无视屋面斜度(豌豆杨桃等直线射击则会被屋面斜坡阻挡)FlowerPot花盆耐久:300价格:25阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/屋面特性:栽种后可在花盆内种植植物Kernel-pult玉米投手耐久:300攻击:20(玉米粒)/40(黄油)射程:正前方一整行攻击间隔:2.9秒价格:100阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击投掷一颗玉米粒一定几率投掷黄油(黄油击中目标后定身停止目标所有动作定身持续4秒)CoffeeBean咖啡豆耐久:300吞服时间:1秒价格:75阳光冷却时间:7.5秒只可种植于睡眠中的蘑菇上特性:唤醒蘑菇类植物注:吞服下咖啡豆后植物有一个弹起并复原的动作(动作持续0.7秒)完成此动作植物才真正被唤醒Gralic大蒜耐久:400损伤点1:int(MAXHP*2/3)(正常游戏中为266)损伤点2:int(MAXHP*1/3)(正常游戏中为133)价格:50阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:强制使啃食过自己的僵尸改道至相邻的一行UmbrellaLeaf莴苣耐久:300价格:100阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:保护自身为中心3*3格内的植物不被蹦极跳僵尸偷取不被篮球攻击Marigold金盏花耐久:300生产间隔:24秒价格:50阳光冷却时间:30秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每24秒生产一个银币或金币注:金盏花是否生产钱币与栽种局和最后一flag(旗子)有关规律如下:A.本局栽种的金盏花在本局最后一flag之后仍能生产一段时间然后冻结生产(此时间段远大于强制刷怪时间故SurvivalEndless中不会看到停产现象而优先进入下一局)B.非本局栽种的金盏花在本局最后一flag之后立即冻结生产C.在本局最后一flag之后栽种的金盏花固定生产2-3个金币然后冻结生产所有的冻结生产都只表现在当前局(实为冻结了生产剩余时间)进入下一局后所有金盏花生产剩余时间解冻沿用之前的数据恢复生产每局lastflag过后的金盏花均遵从上述三条规律Melon-pult西瓜投手耐久:300攻击:80(西瓜弹)/26(溅射)射程:正前方一整行攻击间隔:2.9秒价格:300阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:每次攻击投掷一颗西瓜命中目标后碎裂对周围造成溅射伤害溅射范围约为1*3格的矩形GatlingPea加特林豌豆耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方一整行攻击间隔:1.4秒价格:250阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级Repeater双发豌豆特性:每次攻击射出四发豌豆注:所有的升级卡升级后将重置植物属性TwinSunflower双子向日葵耐久:300生产间隔:24秒价格:150阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级Sunflower向日葵特性:每24秒生产两个中型阳光Gloom-shroom忧郁蘑菇耐久:300攻击:20范围:自身为中心喷射范围约3*3格攻击间隔:1.9秒价格:150阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级Fume-shroom烟雾喷菇特性:每次攻击向全方位喷射四次烟雾(穿透效果)特性:白天会睡觉Cattail香蒲耐久:300攻击:20范围:覆盖全屏攻击间隔:1.4秒价格:225阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级LilyPad睡莲特性:每次攻击发射两枚尖刺(两次可分别瞄准不同目标)具有制导性特性:优先攻击离自身最近的目标最优先气球WinterMelon"冬"瓜冰西瓜耐久:300攻击:80(冰瓜弹)/26(溅射)射程:正前方一整行攻击间隔:2.9秒价格:200阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级Melon-pult西瓜投手特性:每次攻击投掷一颗冰西瓜命中目标后碎裂对周围造成溅射伤害溅射范围同西瓜投手附带冰减速效果持续10秒GlodMagnet吸金磁耐久:300范围:全屏吸金再吸取时间:6秒价格:50阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级Magnet-shroom磁体蘑菇特性:吸取全屏幕的钱币(包括银币/金币/钻石)每次最多吸取5个注:吸金磁并非蘑菇类故白天不用睡觉可直接由睡眠状态的磁体蘑菇升级无需再使用咖啡豆唤醒Spikerock尖刺石(地刺王)耐久:450临界点:1损伤点1:301损伤点2:151攻击:20攻击间隔:1秒价格:125阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级Spikeweed棘草(地刺)特性:不会被僵尸啃食对于行走在自己身上的僵尸进行攻击每次攻击戳刺两次特性:对车系僵尸有着特殊的杀伤效果特性:免疫敲击/碾压所附带的秒杀效果地刺王的两个损伤状态CobCannon玉米加农炮耐久:300攻击:1800范围:以炮弹落点为中心爆炸半径约为1.5格的圆攻击间隔:35秒(从释放准心到装填完毕)价格:500阳光冷却时间:50秒只可用于升级Kernel-pult玉米投手需要同行相邻的玉米投手两个特性:手动发射在选定区域内落下一枚玉米炮弹爆炸范围内大威力杀伤Imitater模仿者耐久:300变身时间:3.2秒价格:等同被模仿卡片价格冷却时间:等同被模仿卡片冷却时间特性:模仿植物变身完成后重置所有属性为所模仿植物无法模仿八张紫卡升级植物无法模仿自身胆小蘑菇耐久:300攻击:20射程:正前方一整行射击间隔:1.4秒价格:25阳光冷却时间:7.5秒可栽种于草地/睡莲/花盆特性:当以自身半径1.5格的圆内有僵尸时停止射击 白天睡觉。
夏季爆款水立方驱蚊手环驱蚊圈(送精油)10夏季热销卡通驱蚊贴 5双眼皮训练器15 (这个没有真假直说,)足贴10块钱韩国饰品来自星星的你全智贤银色五角星LOVE 弹簧戒指25韩国饰品复古铁塔珍珠多组合手链手镯50韩国饰品人气混搭女王范大牌十字珍珠关节戒指45韩国饰品尹恩惠14k玫瑰金钛钢磨砂情侣戒指55韩国饰品潮人装饰韩国三件套指环70韩国饰品宫廷风转运珠可活动手镯首饰65韩国饰品猫眼石球球吊坠手链50韩国饰品小马手镯60热销染发笔一套6色30正品代购粉色正品仙丝雷纱fibroin 蚕丝面膜美白补水紧致15正品代购银色正品仙丝雷纱fibroin 蚕丝面膜美白补水紧致15正品代购金色正品仙丝雷纱fibroin 蚕丝面膜美白补水紧致15正品代购黑色正品仙丝雷纱fibroin 蚕丝面膜美白补水紧致15正品代购盒装高端带手提袋Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜银色一盒十片50 正品代购盒装高端带手提袋Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜金色一盒十片50 正品代购盒装高端带手提袋Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜紫色一盒十片50 正品代购盒装高端带手提袋Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜蓝色一盒十片50 正品代购盒装高端带手提袋Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜玫红一盒十片50正品代购Fibroin注氧蚕丝眼膜10正品代购Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜银色10正品代购Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜金色10正品代购Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜紫色10正品代购Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜蓝色10正品代购Fibroin注氧蚕丝面膜玫红10正品代购holikaholika猪鼻子去黑头三步曲面膜8正品代购水晶果冻冰膜胶囊15粒30正品代购台湾EMMA美白身体乳180ml 35正品代购瑞士进口Baby Face美白体膜200g 50正品代购带勺子牛奶体膜效果超级好52正品代购DK牛奶体膜30正品代购正品带防伪白雪公主美白霜30正品代购雅氏香体露50毫升装24小时香体配方走珠香体液30正品代购泰国然禧Yanhee身体脸部美白防晒霜35正品代购韩国HERA赫拉防晒气垫BB霜C21亮白遮瑕N21自然色(送替换芯)50 正品代购韩国HERA赫拉黄金版气垫BB霜C21自然色(送替换芯)55 正品代购韩国IPRE亦博气垫BB霜C21自然色(送替换芯)55正品代购韩国HERA赫拉蕴含50%精华水分CC霜BB霜超人气美白保湿单品50正品代购泰国pasjel妊娠纹修复霜50正品代购泰国pasjel 祛斑祛痘霜35正品代购泰国pasjel 美白体膜35正品代购三证蚕丝面膜10正品代购LAMARS排毒膏面部排辐射铅汞等重金属美容院专用35正品代购法国正品Mori rosen顶级SPA 森淼淼瘦腿霜二维码防伪25正品代购法国正品Mori rosen顶级SPA森淼淼黄金瘦腿霜二维码防伪35正品代购法国Mori rosen黄金祛皱液体暖暖眼霜40正品代购法国Mori rosen森淼淼瘦身贴一盒5片50正品代购Andrea头发增长精华素精华20ml 30正品代购法国巴黎贝田瘦腿袜+瘦腿霜65正品代购然禧Y ANHEE丰胸霜40正品代购然禧Y ANHEE瘦身膏30正品代购然禧Y ANHEE祛痘膏40正品代购韩国MYMI瘦腿贴50正品代购泰国SnailMe泰国黑色蜗牛霜70正品代购康宝莱农场精灵屁桃君水杯子吸管杯50正品代购韩国正品Eye candy彩虹梳子美发气囊按摩梳35正品代购苹果三天瘦30正品代购分解脂肪唇膏35正品代购英国O'couse澳蔻斯沐浴露80正品代购蜗牛原液蚕丝面膜四色可选(盒装五片)35 一盒正品代购指甲油12色一盒20元(单买一个色2块钱一瓶)正品代购圣娜姿泥白身体乳液35正品代购自然之谜薰衣草纯露80正品代购自然之谜茉莉香薰手工皂50正品代购曼秀伦敦男士护肤套盒男士保湿活力三件套装50正品代购欧莱雅火山岩控油祛痘去黑头去油男士洁面乳30正品代购纯手工三棵树假睫毛10对一盒/ 15正品代购俄罗斯果酸30正品代购万色水母面膜60正品代购夏季冰丝丝袜35正品代购丰胸精油40正品代购然禧Yanhee Honey 天然蜂蜜可食用的面膜35正品代购hello Kitty凯蒂猫降温冰杯60正品代购hello Kitty凯蒂猫冰沙杯66正品代购超强修复肌肤魔法膏面霜懒人霜118ml 40正品代购宝岛魔皂美白保湿去痘泡洁面皂20(一块)正品代购DK 大眼双眼皮神器20正品代购碧丝芙纤纤玉手嫩白手膜25g 50正品代购番茄派我勒个去足膜40正品代购雷璐一次性染发彩色喷发剂(红色银色绚丽红黄色绿色)25 蜡笔小新毛绒大号玩具公仔(可脱衣换衣25公)40正品代购Dream Like DL美白防晒霜香水身体乳80正品代购泰国Beauty Buffet 矿物保湿喷雾70正品代购泰国beauty buffet牛奶辅酶Q10牛美白滋润身体乳(泰国直发) 80正品代购泰国手工糖55正品代购璞帝菲黄金眼膜80正品代购tonymoly 樱桃唇膜贴保湿去角质30正品代购Q10 超级好用可爱外包装沐浴露80正品代购日本第一颈膜蓝紫根去颈纹淡化黑色素颈膜30g 60正品代购DK ICE保湿美白遮瑕隔离冰防晒霜55正品代购伊思it's skin晶钻肌肤再生伊祛疤印蜗牛霜80正品代购超级好用的日本豆乳15正品代购迪奥眼镜明星同款防紫外线太阳眼镜45正品代购玛珂菲山羊奶面膜70正品代购曼秀雷敦男士冰爽活炭洁面乳控油保湿150ml 35正品代购韩国豹纹煮粥神器煮粥杯75正品代购法国Mori rosen黄金祛皱液体暖暖眼霜35正品代购法国Mori rosen森淼淼瘦身贴一盒5片(法国顶级SPA馆内部供应)45正品代购凯伦沃克金属箭头菁菁同款圆形墨镜(带高档盒子五件套)80正品代购泰国然禧Yanhee身体脸部美白防晒霜35正品代购VSMI水因子精纯原液补水保湿收毛孔70正品代购RC芮娜森黑钻全效补水保湿祛痘印淡斑美白面膜10正品代购韩国HERA赫拉蕴含50%精华水分CC霜BB霜超人气美白保湿单品50 正品代购伊木乃伊僵尸面膜15正品代购韩国正品3CE stylenanda立体高光棒30正品代购韩国VDL贝壳提亮液妆前乳55正品代购泰国PICO OK深层清洁纳米美白保湿祛痘洁面乳35正品代购DE菩古玛丽pucomary氨基酸保湿洁颜膏洁面乳30正品代购雅漾活泉水喷雾150ML 45正品代购草木之心龙井原生泥浆去黑头抹茶面膜45正品代购Icemoon毛孔克星油紧致美白毛孔神器45正品代购双眼皮神器双眼皮定型霜5ml 送毛刷+叉子40正品代购ibeauty纳米美容喷雾机补水神器70正品代购小蜜蜂柠檬草防蚊液118ml 香茅驱蚊液40正品代购软硅胶眉卡化妆神器经典三眉形8正品代购诺婷姿nude stocking 空气隐形喷雾丝袜160ml 55正品代购迪奥变色口红润唇膏3.5g+魅惑丰唇彩6ML套装两件套80正品代购泰国ele 防晒遮瑕cc打底霜白色塑料壳子高档包装80减肥专用保鲜膜10正品代购泰国Snail White蜗牛霜(snail系列配合使用超好)二维码防伪40 正品代购泰国Snail White蜗牛面膜(snail系列配合使用超好)二维码防伪20 正品代购泰国Snail White蜗牛喷雾(snail系列配合使用超好)二维码防伪60正品代购韩国爆水神器SUNFLOWER美白紧致50G 35正品代购芬兰one time瘦脸面膜80G 超级好30正品代购韩国出水DD霜柳岩张根硕推荐30G 25正品代购韩国IMAX偷天换日小黑瓶眼霜15ml 20正品代购泰国打底神器30G 30正品代购韩国小青猪猪皮胶原蛋白面膜35正品代购MAXr蜜丝佛陀睫毛膏(黑+紫条形码防伪码)30正品代购MAXr蜜丝佛陀遮瑕笔(条形码防伪)30正品代购韩国Nature Republic自然乐园补水晒修复芦荟胶300g 40正品代购瑞士冰镇蜗牛霜美白淡斑海量补水修复疤痕肌肤快速再生40正品代购盒装法国LEUCOTHEA月女神精华露40ML 30正品代购BOBI WATER波碧水3D娃娃浓密睫毛膏二维码防伪30正品代购盒装菩古玛丽pucomary 海洋之水补水柔肤爽肤水二维码防伪50 正品代购盒装菩古玛丽pucomary 海洋之水清润全能乳液二维码防伪50 正品代购DC Export 面膜袪粉刺黑头痘痘神器二维码防伪30正品代购DC Export 药物水膜胶原蛋白美白补水保湿二维码防伪40正品代购DMC冻膜盒装防伪第四代带盒带防伪清理脸部污垢50正品代购lamala Bee Venom天然野生蜂毒面霜55正品代购RC芮娜森黑钻全效补水保湿祛痘印淡斑美白面膜20正品代购variable Y睫毛增长液普通透明5ML 15正品代购variable Y睫毛增长液粉色浓缩版5ML 20正品代购variable Y睫毛增长液金色特强版5ML 25正品代购variable Y睫毛增长液银色特强版5ML 27正品代购variable Y万能膏20正品代购盒装张馨予推荐韩国too cool for school 鸡蛋洗面奶35正品代购盒装张馨予推荐韩国too cool for school鸡蛋摩丝面膜35正品代购泰国beauty buffet牛奶美白Q10洗面奶30正品代购盒装ELE睡眠排毒面膜50G 35正品代购盒装ELE二代紫色面膜50G 40正品超火爆雷朋眼镜(黄色/橘色/蓝色/水银/红色可选)55正品代购韩国电动粉扑(送电子)50正品代购带防伪二代静音BABYLISS卷发神器粉▲支持保修)200 正品代购英国Luli露莉电子烟共三款,香草、卡布奇诺、泡泡糖100正品代购正品澳洲薰衣草小熊不要礼盒和袋子-10 80美即MG面膜。
HD 276 窗户喷泉器技术数据说明书
TECHNICAL DATAWINDOW/ WATER CURTAIN NOZZLEMODEL CNSDESCRIPTIONWindow Curtain Nozzles are non-automatic, open, “outside” sprinklers intended for protection of windows, walls and roofs against exposure fires. The directional discharge produces a flat fan shapedspray pattern. Used to produce a water curtain, they are installed on manual or automatic deluge systems.Window Curtain Nozzles are available in Brass and Stainless Steel construction with different flow rate.INSTALLATIONThe spray nozzle must be handled with due care. For best results, the storage as well as any further shipment be made in original packing only.Nozzle which is visibly damaged should not be e T eflon tape or soft thread sealant on male thread of the nozzle. The nozzles must be tightened into the fitting.Excessive tightening torque may result into serious damage to nozzle arms and the deflector which may affect spray pattern of the nozzle and it’s performance.Spray nozzles are to be installed in accordance with the latest published standards of NFPA or similar organizations and also with the provisional governmental code, ordinance and standards whenever applicable.The use of these nozzles may be limited due to occupancy and hazard, refer to Authority having jurisdiction prior to installation.INSPECTIONS, TESTS &MAINTENANCEIt is recommended that window spray system be inspected regularly by authorised technical personnel. The nozzle must be checked for atmospheric effects, external and internal obstruction, blockage if any. Thenozzles should be cleaned or replaced if required. The system must be operated with optimum water flow at least twice in a year or as per the provisions of NFPAor local authority having jurisdication.The owner is solely responsible for maintaining the water spray system and the components therein so that it performs properly when required.DIMENSION in millimeter (Approximate)LTMODELABIn MM CNS1/2” BSPT44MODEL CNS in Stainless Steel Construction MAXIMUM WORKING 12.3 Bar (175 PSI)PRESSURE EFFECTIVE 1.4 TO 3.5 Bar WORKING PRESSURE (20 – 50 PSI) END CONNECTION ½” BSPT(NPT OPTIONAL)K- FACTOR K20, K30, K42, K58, K79FINISH Natural WEIGHT (Approx.)0.180 KgAPPROVAL UL Listed ORDERING Specify:INFORMATION a) Modelb) K factorc) FinishTOP VIEWSIDE VIEWPANELWINDOWS CURTAIN NOZZLE SPRAY CHARACTERISTICSAll Dimension in MMK20K42K79K30K58XVIEW - ' X 'SCALE: EACH SQUARE IS 1000 X 1000 MMSPRAY PATTERN - VERTICAL DOWNWARDSNOZZLE INSTALLATION - HORIZONTAL (SIDEWALL)LIMITED WARRANTYHD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. hereby referred to as HD FIRE warrants to the original purchaser of the fire protection products manufactured by HD FIRE and to any other person to whom such equipment is transferred, that such products will be free from defect in material and workmanship under normal use and care, for two (2) years from the date of shipment by HD FIRE. Products or Components supplied or used by HD FIRE, but manufactured by others, are warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty. No warranty is given for product or components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, unauthorized repair , alteration or un-maintained. HD FIRE shall not be responsible for system design errors or improper installation or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by buyer or buyer’s representatives.HD FIRE will repair or replace defective material free of charge, which is returned to our factory, transportation charge prepaid, provided after our inspection the material is found to have been defective at the time of initial shipment from our works. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential loss, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly from the use of the product including damages for injury to person, damages to property and penalties resulting from any products and components manufactured by HD FIRE. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or labour charges or expense in making repair or adjustment to the product. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or charges sustained in the adaptation or use of its engineering data & services. In no event shall HD Fire’s product liability exceed an amount equal to the sale price.The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties and representation whether expressed, implied, oral or written, including but not limited to, any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such other warranties and representations are hereby cancelled.NOTICE :The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest publication standards of NFPA or other similar organisations and also with the provision of government codes or ordinances wherever applicable.The information provided by us is to the best of our knowledge and belief, and consist of general guidelines only. Site handling and installation control is not in our scope. Hence we give no guarantee for result and take no liability for damages, loss or penalties whatsoever , resulting from our suggestion, information, recommendation or damages due to our product.Product development is a continuous programme of HD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. and hence the right to modify any specification without prior notice is reserved with the company.D-6/2, ROAD NO. 34, WAGLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THANE 400 604, INDIA.• TEL: + (91) 22 2158 2600 • FAX: +(91) 22 2158 2602•EMAIL:***************• WEB: HD FIRE PROTECT PVT . LTD.Protecting What Matters Most to You。
介绍/内容 历史/传统 可持续性 工程项目 设计 锐意创新
风格世界 前卫 现代 经典
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EcoSmart智能节 水技术
高效的Ec o S m a r t 智能节水技术意味着汉斯格雅的许多产品都将能帮助您节约水、 能源及减少二氧化碳的排放量。想了解您能最大限度节约多少水,请登录: w w w. h a n s g r o h e .c o m .c n/s a v i n g s - c a l c u l a t o r
process before then preparing it again so that it can be used a second time. This “grey” water can be used for flushing the toilet or for cleaning, or for watering the garden. When you choose to pair Pontos AquaCycle with Pontos Heatcycle, you receive the added benefit of heat being
C r o m a ®10 0
C r o m a ® 16 0
WORX WG583 无线吹雪洗尘捆绑装置说明书
P03P13P22Cordless Blower/Vac/Mulcher EN F ES2PRODUCT SAFETYWARNING: Some dust created by powersanding, sawing, grinding, drilling andother construction activities containschemicals known to the State of California tocause cancer, birth defects or otherreproductive harm. Some examples of thesechemicals are:• Lead from lead-based paints;• Crystalline silica from bricks and cementand other masonry products;• Arsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber.Your risk from these exposures varies,depending on how often you do this typeof work. To reduce your exposure to thesechemicals: work in a well ventilated area,and work with approved safety equipment,such as those dust masks that are speciallydesigned to filter out microscopic particles.WARNING: This product can expose youto chemicals including lead andDi(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) which areknown to the State of California to causecancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm. For more information go to www..IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSWARNING: Read all safety warnings andinstructions. Failure to follow thewarnings and instructions may result inelectric shock, fire and/or serious injury.FOR ALL APPLIANCES:1) Avoid Dangerous Environment - Don’t useappliances in damp or wet locations.2) Don’t Use In Rain.3) Keep Children Away - All visitors should be keptat a distance from work area.4) Dress Properly - Do not wear loose clothing orjewelry. T hey can be caught in moving parts.Use of rubber gloves and substantial footwearis recommended when working outdoors. Wearprotective hair covering to contain long hair.5) Use Safety Glasses - Always use face or dustmask if operation is dusty.6) Use Right Appliance - Do not use appliance forany job except that for which it is intended.7) Don’t Force Appliance - It will do the job betterand with less likelihood of a risk of injury atthe rate for which it was designed.8) Don’t Overreach - Keep proper footing andbalance at all times.9) Stay Alert - Watch what you are doing. Usecommon sense. Do not operate appliancewhen you are tired.10) Store Idle Appliances Indoors - When not in use,appliances should be stored indoors indry, and high or locked-up place - out of reach ofchildren.11) Maintain Appliance With Care - Followinstructions for lubricating and changingaccessories. Keep handles dry, clean, and freefrom oil and grease.12) Check Damaged Parts - Before further use of theappliance, a guard or other part that is damagedshould be carefully checked to determine that itwill operate properly and perform its intendedfunction. Check for alignment of moving parts,binding of moving parts, breakage of parts,mounting, and any other condition that mayaffect its operation. A guard or other part thatis damaged should be properly repaired orreplaced by an authorized service center unlessindicated elsewhere in this manual.FOR ALL BATTERY –OPERATED GARDENINGAPPLIANCES:1. Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switchis in the off-position before connecting to batterypack, picking up or carrying the appliance.Carrying the appliance with your finger on theswitch or energizing appliance that have theswitch on invites accidents.2. Disconnect the battery pack from the appliancebefore making any adjustments, changingaccessories, or storing appliance. Suchpreventive safety measures reduce the risk ofstarting the appliance accidentally.3. Recharge only with the charger specified by themanufacturer .A charger that is suitable for onetype of battery pack may create a risk of firewhen used with another battery pack.4. Use appliances only with specifically designatedbattery packs. Use of any other battery packsmay create a risk of injury and fire.5. When battery pack is not in use, keep it awayfrom other metal objects, like paper clips, coins,keys, nails, screws or other small metal objects,that can make a connection from one terminal toanother. Shorting the battery terminals togethermay cause burns or a fire.6. Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejectedfrom the battery; avoid contact. If contactaccidentally occurs, flush with water. If liquidcontacts eyes, additionally seek medical help.Liquid ejected from the battery may causeirritation or burns.7. Do not use a battery pack or appliance that isdamaged or modified. Damaged or modifiedbatteries may exhibit unpredictable behaviorresulting in fire, explosion or risk of injury.8. Do not expose a battery pack or appliance to3fire or excessive temperature. Exposure to fire or temperature above 130°C ( 265°F) may cause explosion.9. Follow all charging instructions and do notcharge the battery pack or appliance outside of the temperature range specified in the instructions. Charging improperly or attemperatures outside of the specified range may damage the battery and increase the risk of fire.10. Have servicing performed by a qualified repairperson using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the product is maintained.11. Do not modify or attempt to repair the applianceor the battery pack (as applicable) except as indicated in the instructions for use and care.ADDITIONAL SAFETY WARNINGSIMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSWhen using an electrical appliance, basicprecautions should always be followed, including the following:READ ALLINSTRUCTIONS BEFOREUSING THIS APPLIANCEWARNING – To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury: 1. To reduce the risk of electric shock – Do not use on wet surfaces. Do not expose to rain. Store indoors.2. Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when used by or near children.3. Use only as described in this manual. Use only manufacture’s recommended attachments.4. If appliance is not working as itshould, has been dropped, damaged,left outdoors, or dropped into water, return it to a service center.5. Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers, and all parts of body away form openings and moving parts.6. Do not charge the unit outdoors.7. Use only the charger supplied by the manufacturer to recharge.8. Do not incinerate the appliance even if it is severely damaged. T he batteries can explode in a fire.9. Do not put any object into openings. Do not use with any opening blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair, and anything that may reduce air flow.10.Do not handle plug or appliance with wet hands.11. Do not leave appliance when plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before servicing.12.Turn off all controls before unplugging.e extra care when cleaning on stairs.14.Do not use to pick up flammable or combustible liquids, such as gasoline, or use in areas where they may be present.15.Do not pick up anything that is burning or smoking, such as cigarettes, matches, or hot ashes.16.Do not use without dust bag and/or filters in place.SAFETY WARNINGS FOR BATTERY PACKa) Do not dismantle, open or shred batterypack.b) Do not expose battery pack to heat or fire.Avoid storage in direct sunlight.c) Do not short-circuit a battery pack. Do notstore battery packs haphazardly in a box or drawer where they may short-circuit each other or be short-circuited by other metal objects. When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys, nails, screws or other small metal objects, that can make a connection from one terminal to another. Shorting the battery4terminals together may cause burns or fire.d) Do not remove battery pack from itse)shock.f)g)ensure correct use.h)i)children.j)or battery has been swallowed.k) Always purchase the battery packfor the equipment.l) Keep battery pack clean and dry.n)instructions.o) Do not leave battery pack on prolongedcharge when not in use.p) After extended periods of storage, it maymaximum performance.q)when it is operated at normal roomtemperature (20 °C ± 5 °C).systems separate from each other.s)the equipment.when used with another battery pack.t)future reference.u) Use only the battery pack in thev) Remove the battery pack from theequipment when not in use.w) Dispose of properly.SAVE THESESYMBOL7COMPONENT LIST1.HANDLE2.ON/OFF SWITCH3.HIGH/LOW SPEED CONTROL BUTTON4.TUBE RELEASE BUTTON5.BLOWER TUBE6.BLOWER TUBE NOZZLE7.BATTERY PACKS*8.ANTI-STATIC STRIP9. UPPER VACUUM TUBE 10.LOWER VACUUM TUBE 11.WHEELS12.LEAF COLLECTION BAG 13.FAN HOUSING COVER 14.BATTERY PACK RELEASE BUTTON*(SEE FIG. C)15.BATTERY INDICATOR LIGHT (SEE FIG.D)*Not all the accessories illustrated ordescribed are included in standard delivery.Charging time (approx.)Battery pack:4.0 Ah (1 pc)4.0 Ah (2 pcs)1hr 2hr /Machine weight8.4 lbs (Blow)11.5 lbs (Vac)5.5 lbs (Blow)8.6 lbs (Vac)**Voltage measured without workload. Initial battery voltage reaches maximum of 20 volts. Nominal voltage is 18 volts.ACCESSORIESWG583WG583.9Battery pack 2 (WA3578)/Charger1 (WA3884)/Only use the appropriate accessories intended for this tool. Accessory information can be found on the product packaging, at a Worx dealer or on our website at .1Click!/Cliquez!/¡Clic!243D DE3FGIHM1 NCordless Blower/Vac/Mulcher EN14ENBATTERY STATUS (See Fig. D)• Before starting or after use, press the buttonbeside the power indicator light on the machine to check the battery capacity.• During operation, the battery capacity will beindicated automatically by the battery power indicator. T he indicator constantly senses and displays the battery condition as follows.• For the machine with 2 battery packs withdifferent power, the power indicator lightdisplays the battery condition with the lower one of the two batteries.Only one light is flashing twice per cycle.At least one battery is over discharged (please refer to the battery charge condi-tion), please recharge the two batteries at once before use again or storage.Only one light is flashing three times per cycle.At least one battery is hot, wait for them cool down before start again.Only one light is flashing four times per cycle.The machine is over load. Remove tool from blowing area and try again.STORAGEStore the Blower/Vacuum indoors, in a cool dry location, out of reach of children and animals.FOR BATTERY TOOLSThe ambient temperature range for the use and storage of tool and battery is 0o C-45o C(32o F - 113o F).The recommended ambient temperature range for the charging system during charging is 0o C-40o C(32o F - 104o F).CLEANING THE TOOLClean the tool regularly.Warning! Keep your product dry. Under no circumstances spray with water.- T o clean the tool, use only mild soap and adamp cloth.- Do not use any type of detergent, cleaneror solvent which may contain chemicals that could seriously damage the plastic.。
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