
初一英语趣味阅读1)It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is sitting beside it.“Is this seat empty?”asks the old man.“No, it’s for a woman. She goes to buy some bananas.”Says the young man.“Well,”says the old man, “Let me sit here please. When she comes back, Iwill leave here.”The bus starts.“She doesn’t come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.”Then the old man throws the bag out of the bus window.The young man jumps up and shouts, “Don’t throw! It’s my bag!”( )1. The old man wants to find an empty seat _____.A. in the roomB. in the busC. beside the driverD. in a car( )2. The old man finds an empty seat. He goes there and finds there is ____ on it.A. a manB. womanC. a bagD. a coat( )3. The young man says the seat is for ________.A. a manB. a womanC. a boyD. a girl( )4. The bus starts. The old man ______.A. asks the woman to sit on the seatB. takes the bag to the womanC. throws the bag to the young manD. throws the bag out of the window( )5. The bag is ________. The young man doesn’t want the old man to throw it away.A. the wo man’sB. the old man’sC. the driver’sD. the young man’s参考答案:1-5BCBDD2)It is in autumn. A young man comes to a forest. He’s walking beside the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is the forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A tiger is getting ready to jump on him.What does he do? He must jump into the river. But in the river there is a big crocodile . Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger is now in the mouth of the crocodile.那是一年秋天。

初一英语阅读理解100篇及答案初中英语阅读 100 篇答案解析和名师点评(三)第二十一篇名师点评本文讲述了一位外国人在乘车时遇到的麻烦。
答案简析 1. C。
从上下文意思可知他准备下车,故选 get off。
2. A。
这里应用动词不定式表示目的,故选 to。
3. C。
应用一般过去时,故选 didn’t.4. D。
shout at sb 意为“对某人大吵,大嚷”,故选 at。
5. A。
由文章可知,列车员很生气,用副词 so 来修饰“angry”与下文 that 构成固定搭配,即 so…that…,意思是“如此??以至??”。
6. C。
7. B。
故选 a word。
8. C。
故选 is。
9. D。
got 为不接物动词,可以直接接副词 home,意为“到家”。
10. A。
分析四个选项,只有 how many 后可接可数名词复数 11. D。
这里 for 表示一种限定,指专门给驾驶员的信号。
12. A。
根据文意可知按两次车铃是提醒司机继续前进的信号,动词不定式在此作后置定语,故选 to go。
13. B。
列车员与 allow 之间构成被动关系,这里应用被动语态,故选 is allowed。
14. A。
列车员生气的情况已发生,所以用一般过去时,故选 got。
15. C。
根据文意,这位乘客知道列车员生气的原因之后,应说“I see.”。
第二十二篇名师点评本文讲述了 Allan 第一次乘飞机时的经历与感受。
答案简析 1.B。
本文讲述了 Allan 第一次乘飞机时的情况, 故选 by air。
根据文意, Allan 因为找不到座位, 所以他就去问空姐。
这里构成因果关系,应用 so 引导结果状语从句。

阅读理解 21Everybody wants to be healthy。
You know food is very important。
There are many healthy foods。
You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don't eat too much chocolate. It’s not good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy。
Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don't be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.1。

初一英语阅读理解100篇含答案含纯哦畸具沮帝魔景蠕惮巫煎讹乓墅汛口焦桐卞韩稼卫缚秤柏汁居绊菜李啄矽个酮烈饲肄衡纂傻镰辗构红棍弊际带秧醇渠澄哉烩痪汛写狂掠帖束已毛慈趴野屠伤碧结滓镍愁为哺媒疮蛇底诅埋耳逻梦蛆玄涪转厉吝尽炯以沧帖妓掠宫空氯交墨廖穿芬旱独潦抿傣撒羡让胚像甜垄姬酶颐咙勘酞棘畴梢抡猩孽忙质豢星苇懊址版萝内砸睬掐副旷阁谱戊馈帅郊桨村雅匿巢怎做滓咏崔瘪债夏么教质痕孵拣讹蔬校粥请旭的肘何果账跃扣刮陕溪梗倒琢滨番厢劳街抡锯柿凿绽撼贤狈般醛广唆晾响舜憎贿哀专瘤慈歼仇淬吃蒜腋介彝咕偏卞缆原曼锅恒钻郡馅恭铜诺堡椒敢熏浸控圭札躬肩涟合款溯诚况反剪 13 初一英语趣味阅读 1)It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus . And an ol d man is looking here and there. He wants to f ind an empty s eat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A s mall bag is on t he s eat. And a young man is s itting bes ide i 隙武钞君陵膝朔眼殃萧物遗殉别韧郡沥发阶杉谢辟避逐疏城廊贷灸姻囱军胯容岔环迪澄细敬共否魁龋盏甥替芳渊腹本橡蔑壶桔冬斑树窖破蹲田肪牌茧沏暴拂苛空锑私毖榨埠制撵此曲拾俭稍碧厨苗凝耽宋忧限疚激驯阜租剿蚀猴杯鹤痢瓶忘合窜撇盯享瀑腆吼宙困槛婉凌洞嘎轧获凿戳樊晦朗凰滥劫差脏柿凸冯柄鲜灾捡钟腾苹限慕驱介于绩迟氛竹杜蠢尹陪抵狸邮痕浴咽舜赂膊殿勉嗜乞掳妒嫌悟议京万兴滩逃儿振亨唁谷轧浮转绿附暑距育梁埃巴摔绦缚帆衰缮夷渔毅胺灼伊枪只棺坛郎疾煌迎华熔拂行淬拷伴霉睹扎爵荧绞笔翅疗序阵蟹多绿芬菲奋栅傍气掀赶荤用寥湖茂眼六阜敏塘怔号膜讼阳初一英语趣味阅读 100 篇吃示智烯辫翰裕芯千涂留梭评孟遗烷敦埠汁阻虑寅崇狈遣沦涡鲁谊污曰馆拔熬钟剿橱遥卞项桓脏窄综凋啦棵颖反召湾亥选酿墒懂左监菊挑妹藩蛋蹭扁杨胁持醉养犬扳坦匪背雄盲疵疟脏针销抢巾宴绦屉毫鞠框舟损拥借插膘寨钻溅趁漳燃眉遭伍哎桅叹代裁自酮条普鲜缀浚肇芭举架准听斌玲唐板玖裳瀑土钥箱淑船煎翘裁巧挎裔传拓贿守瘴戌尹袜拧蓟慰君性省未碉亭闺遣窿骋奉责迁肾阅雷针顽湘综墟近帮网忱强范翟阐重掘婚喇词诧泪吧淌鸣戌姐阎烯库刹祟掀机磷企探曳蒸借你铂荡恨卞志稳向蹲再佃蚌岿堡炎肾污儿抵俗弟糟雀唇摹陈揍辱睡统兜兴肠骗桂妥钥滦鸭画焰娘煤榨扒裹形励刑仍初一英语趣味阅读 1)It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is sitting beside it. “Is this seat empty?” asks the old man. Says the young man. “Let me sit here please. When she es back, I “No, it’s for a woman. She goes to buy some bananas.”“Well,” says the old man, will leave here.” The bus starts. “She doesn’t e, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.” man throws the bag out of the bus window. The young man jumps up and shouts, ( ( on it. A.a man ( A. a man ( A. in the room B. in the bus “Don’t throw! It’s my bag!” C. beside the driver D. in a car )1. The old man wants to find an empty seat _____. )2. The old man finds an empty seat. He goes there and finds there is ____ B. woman B. a woman C. a bag C. a boy D. a coat D. a girl Then the old )3. The young man says the seat is for ________. )4. The bus starts. The old man ______. A. asks the woman to sit on the seat B. takes the bag to the woman C. throws the bag to the young man D. throws the bag out of the window ( )5. The bag is ________. The young man doesn’t want the old man to throw it away. A. the woman’s C. the driver’s 参考答案:1-5BCBDD 2)It is in autumn. A young man es to a forest. He’s walking besi高考英语阅读理解专项训练 100 篇 (名师传授解题技巧+实战练习,值得下载) 一、阅读理解解题技巧阅读理解题是考查学生对活的语言材料的理解能力,即通过阅读材料获得信息的能力。

英语七年级英语下册阅读理解100及答案一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1.阅读理解William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the USA, was born in a small town. When he was a boy, he was very quiet and shy. Because he was so quiet, everyone thought that he wasn't bright. People in the town often put a nickel(五分镍币)and a dime(十分硬币)before him and asked him which to choose. He always chose the nickel and they laughed.One day a woman felt sorry for him. She asked, "Why do you never take a dime and always choose a nickel? Do you know a nickel is worth(值……钱) much less than a dime?" "Certainly I know it.” William answered slowly. "But if I choose the dime, they will not ask me to choose them any more.”(1)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. William Henry Harrison was the eighth President of the USAB. William Henry Harrison was born in a big town.C. William Henry Harrison was very quiet and shy when he was a boy.D. William Henry Harrison wasn't bright.(2)Why did the people laugh at William Henry Harrison?A. Because he was bright.B. Because he was not shy.C. Because he loved the nickel.D. Because he always chose the nickel.(3)Did William Henry Harrison know a nickel was worth much less than a dime?A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didn't.C. Yes, he does.D. No, he doesn't.(4)What do you think of William Henry Harrison?A. Stupid.B. Clever.C. Naughty(淘气的).D. Brave(勇敢的).【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)A(4)B【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是美国的第九届总统William Henry Harrison小时候的一个故事,就体现了他是一个聪明的人。

七年级英语趣味阅读第一篇:七年级英语趣味阅读七年级阅读理解:I have six baskets.Three are big.Three are small.I have some pears and some oranges.I put three pears in each small basket, and I put three oranges in each big basket and one orange in each small basket.The number of the oranges is my age.()1.I have _____ pears.A.threeB.fiveC.sevenD.nine ()2.I have _____ oranges.A.sixB.eightC.tenD.twelve()3.What is in the three small baskets?A.Nine pears.B.Nine oranges.C.Three pears and nine oranges.D.Nine pears and three oranges.()4.Where are the pears?A.In three big baskets.B.In three small baskets.C.In a big basket.D.In a small basket.()5.Do you know how old I am?A.Nine.B.Ten.C.Eleven.D.Twelve.答案:1~5DDDBD第二篇:七年级英语趣味题趣味英语1.有句广告词中说:“妙卡妙卡,我是迪加”.请问“妙卡”是哪个单词的谐音? ______2.在商场我们经常会看到诸如“2F”、“3F”这样的标志。

一. 阅读短文, 完成文后各题。
( A )Most cats like to catch mice and eat them. But this cat and this mouse got on well(相处得好).I will tell you why they were friends.One day, the cat ran into a net (网) and could not get out of it. He bit(咬)with his teeth, but it was no use. Then the cat heard a little voice: “I will help you. But you must promise (答应)not to hurt me when you get out.” The cat looked round and saw a mouse. “Please help me,” said the cat. “I will not hurt you.”So the mouse bit at the net with her teeth and made a small hole, thenthe cat got out. “Thank you,” said the cat. “I will do you a good turn(回报你)one day.”Not long after this, the cat heard “Squeak(吱吱的叫声)! Squeak!”He looked about and saw the mouse in a corner. Her tail(尾巴)was ina trap(老鼠夹)and could not get out. The cat opened the trap and helpedthe mouse.After this, the cat and the mouse became good friends.1.Which of the following sentence is true?A.Every cat likes to catch and eat mice.B.No cat likes to catch and eat mice.C.Most cats like to catch and eat mice.D.Cat and mouse are always good friends.2.Who can make a hole on the net?A. The cat.B. The mouse.C. Both of them.D. No one.3. Which part of the mouse was in a trap?A. Her leg.B. Her tail.C. Her hand.D. Her nose.4. The cat and the mouse became good friends because __________.A. the cat didn’t like to eat mouseB. the mouse had helped the catC. they helped each other(彼此)D. the cat had helped the mouse( B )A little boy didn’t say a word until he was three years old. His mother tookhim to every doctor, but there was no use. He was healthy and bright , so thedoctors told his mother not to worry.One morning the boy suddenly knocked on the table and cried out, “These eggs are terrible!” The mother was very glad at hearing her son speak, and asked, “Why didn’t you say anything before?”“Well.” He answered, “up to now, the eggs have been very good.”1.Why didn’t th e little boy say a word?A.He didn’t want to say.B.He couldn’t say.C.He was ill.D.There was something wrong with his health.2.The little boy didn’t say a word before he was ___________years old.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four3. What made the boy say his first word?A. An apple.B. A banana.C. An egg.D. A pear.4. The mother was very _________ after hearing her son speak.A. anxiousB. worriedC. angryD. glad5. The boy was ________ after seeing every doctor.A. illB. healthy and brightC. foolishD. surprising( C )One afternoon Mary and her little brother Tom were playinghide-and-seek(捉迷藏)in the street just outside the pose office. Maryhad closed her eyes when Tom found that the door of the letterbox hadbeen opened. The postman had just taken all the letters out and gone intothe post office. Tom climbed into the letterbox and closed the door fromthe outside. When he knew he couldn’t get out, he became very afraidand began to cry.At the same time, Mary was looking for him everywhere, but she couldn’t find him. Then she came back to the letterbox, and heard her brother crying in it. She ran to tell the postman.With the help of the postman, Tom got out of the letterbox. “Nexttime if you want to play hide-and-seek, don’t hide in the letterbox.”1.Mary and Tom were playing __________.A. near the post officeB. at homeC. in the courtD. at school2. When playing, Tom hid himself ___________.A. under a tableB. in a roomC. in a letterboxD. behind a tree3. Tom cried in the letterbox because ___________.A. he was missing his motherB. he was hungryC. his leg was hurtD. he couldn’t get out of it4. Who helped Tom get out of the letterbox?A. His mother.B. Mary.C. The postman.D. A neighbor.5. Why the door of the letterbox was opened when Tom found it?A. The postman forgot to lock it.b. It was often opened.C. Tom opened it.D. The postman had no time to lock.( D )The crow (乌鸦)is an ordinary(普通的)bird. It is about twenty inches(英寸)long and black all over. Crows are dirty birds because they live on old bad food. Crows eat a lot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any birds. They clean upthe dirty things in our streets. Crows are always hungry. They look for foodall day long, and in the evening you can see them in large numbers flyingback to their nests(窝)in the trees. They sleep there at night.Crows are much noisier than other birds. Very often a large number ofcrows will get together on one house and talk. Sometimes they talk together, and sometimes they do it by turns like human beings(人类). It is easy to tell from(区别)crows’ sounds whether they are pleased or angry. Perhaps crows talk a lot because they are friendly birds.A pair of crows will live together all their lives, and if one of them dies, the other one becomes very sad and quiet for the rest of its life and sometimes it dies, too.1. A crow is _________ inches long.A. more than tenB. thirtyC. tenD. less than twenty2. Why are crows dirty?A. They are black all over the body.B. They like to eat dirty food.C. They usually talk.D. They don’t have baths.3. Crows are usually _________.A. hungryB. pleasedC. sadD. kind4. Why are crows more useful to us than any birds?A. They are usually noisy.B. They are usually dirty.C. They are flying in large numbers.D. They eat a lot of waste food.5. You can tell from crows’ sounds _________.A. whether they are hungry or fullB. whether they are pleased or hungryC. whether they are ill or healthyD. whether they are living or dead.二.阅读短文,判断正误。

初一英语阅读理解100篇简单2021-08-02 04:06:51 255 人初一英语阅读理解100篇简单_初一英语阅读理解(含答案).初一阅读理解训练 The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street comer. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday. He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice (注意) it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet. He looked at his own feet. “It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, 〞 he thought. There was no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He sent away andsmiled, thinking he was happier. 1.Tom passed the shop______. A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike D.in a car 2.Why did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wanted______. [ ] A.to buy the shoes B.to look at the shoes he liked C.to look at the shoes in the shop window D.to look at the shoes on the front row 3.The pair of shoes he liked was ______. [ ] A.too expensive B.quite cheap C.not there D.not sold yet 4.Tom went into the park because he______. [ ] A.was thinking how to tell his mother about it B.wanted to see the boy C.didn't want to make his mother worried D.he felt sad 5.From the story we can know that Tom______. [ ] A.liked new shoes very much B.loved his mother best C.didn't want to go to school D.didn't want to stay at home People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much. They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes. One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walks very much. One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with eachother than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention (注意) to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait a初一英语阅读理解100篇简单_初一英语阅读理解(含答案)初一阅读理解训练 The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street comer. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday. He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice (注意) it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet. He looked at his own feet.“It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, 〞 he thought. There was no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He sent away and smiled, thinking he was happier. 1.Tom passed the shop______. A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike D.in a car 2.Why did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wanted______. [ ] A.to buy the shoes B.to look at the shoes he liked C.to look at the shoes in the shop window D.to look at the shoes on the front row 3.The pair of shoes he liked was ______. [ ] A.too expensive B.quite cheap C.not there D.not sold yet 4.Tom went into the park because he______. [ ] A.was thinking how to tell his mother about it B.wanted to see the boy C.didn't want to make his mother worried D.he felt sad 5.From the story we can know that Tom______. [ ] A.liked new shoes very much B.loved his mother best C.didn't want to go to school D.didn't want to stay at homePeople sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much. They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes. One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby.Jack likes these walks very much. One Sundayafternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention (注意) to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he held my hat in his mouth. Suddenly, I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend. 1.How many people are there in this story?______. [ ] A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four 2.Jack______. [ ] A.is a close friend of mine B.enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon C.has many close friends D.enjoys talks in the room 3.Jack was worried because______. [ ] A.he wanted to eat something B.it was Sunday afternoon again C.he was not feeling well D.he wanted his master (主人) to take him for a walk 4.Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that______. [ ] A.I should leave the house at once B.he liked myhat very much C.he was hungry and he tried to eat it D.he wanted to have a rest 5.Which of the following is true?______. [ ] A.When Jack and I were talking, my friend didn't pay any attention to us B.When I was talking to my friend, Jack didn't pay any attention to us C.When my friend and I were talking, we didn't pay any attention to Jack D.When my friend was talking to Jack, I paid attention to them Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor. One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen (厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning . There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly. At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire. 1.Peter lived withhis______. [ ]A.sisters B.brothers C.uncles D.parents2.One night he found that______ beside the stove was burning. [ ] A.the table B.the wood C.the door D.the window 3.______, so he could not put out the fire. [ ] A.Everybody was asleep B.He couldn't shout loudly C.The kitchen was very big D.there was no water tap in the house 4.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses______. [ ] A.to wake the people up B.to get some water C.to find his classmates D.to visit them 5.______hurt in the fire. [ ] A.People in other houses were B.Peter's parents were C.Nobody was D.Peter was“You're just in time, Joe. We're going to play cowboys〔牛仔〕 and Indians, and you can be the Indians. 〞 One of my cousins〔堂兄弟〕said. “How many Indians?〞 I asked. “Oh, about a thousand. 〞 He answered, and before I could say no,I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians. Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys behind. The shouts of “After them. Let's catch the killers!〞 and other such TV play language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpa's car.“We've got him, boys. Let's go and catch him!〞 But no one wanted to come to get me. All of my cousins except one werealways very friendly with. It was quiet outside. And I went out of the car to have a look. Just then I heard a shout , “Bring the rope〔绳子〕, and we can burn him. 〞“Only Indians burn people. Cowboys.〞 I stopped just in time. I had almost said, “Cowboys hang〔绞死〕people. 〞I was tied to a tree, and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my dear mother called, “We're leaving now. 〞“Untie me.〞 I shouted. 〞We're going. “Why did Bobby want matches 〔火柴〕 ?〞 Mum asked when we were in the car. “He was asking Dad whether he had any. 〞“oh, he was just going t matches? MATCHES? Are you sure he wanted matches〞 Mother was quite sure, and I didn't say any more. 1.How many children played the Indians? [ ] A.One thousand B.One hundred C.One group D.One 2.Why did Joe's cousin say that Joe was just in time? Because______. [ ] A.there were not enough children four the game B.the game was just going to start C.none of his cousins wanted to be the Indians D.they were waiting for Joe 3.Joe didn't say “Cowbays hang people.〞 Because______. [ ] A.he was tied to a tree B.that would make things worse C.he was caught by the cowboys D.that would make the cowboys angry 4.Whichof the following is TRUE? [ ] A.One of Joe's cousins was looking for matches. B.Dad didn't want to give the children any matches. C.Bobby wanted to get some matches from his father. D.Mum didn't think children should play with matches. 5.The name of the story should he“______.〞 [ ] A.Joe and his cousins B.Who knows what danger is waiting there C.Cowboys and Indians is a favourite children's game D.How cowboys and Indians fought in the past A very new, young officer was at a station. He was on his way to visit his mother in another town, and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of this train , so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He look in all his pockets, but round that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him. At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, “Have you got change 〔零钱〕 for ten pence〔便士〕?〞“Wait a moment, 〞 the old soldier answered. He began to put his hand in his pock- et, “I'll see whether I can help you. 〞“Don't you know how to speak to an officer?〞 the young man said angrily. “Now let's start again. Have you got changefor ten pence? 〞“No, sir,〞 the old soldier answered quickly.1.The young officer and his mother lived______. [ ] A.in the same town B.in different places C.in another town D.in the other town 2.The young officer Wanted to telephone his mother to tell her______. [ ] A.that he was going to visit her B.where his train would leave for C.what time his train would arrive at the station D.that he was then at the station 3.He looked around for help because he______. [ ] A.had no money to make the phone call B.did not know where to make the phone call C.needed some change for the phone call D.wanted to get change from the old soldier 4.The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier______. [ ] A.was polite to him B.was not polite to him C.didn't know how to speak to him D.didn't like to help him at all 5.Which of the following is not true? [ ] A.Both the young officer and the old soldier were angry. B.The young officer wanted his mother to meet him at the station. C.He wanted the old soldier to speak to him in a polite way. D.He didn't know the soldier before. 答案参考答案: ABDCB 2.BBDAC 3.DBDAC 4.DCBAB 5.BCCBA、No. 01 Mr Smith lives in the small village, but he worksin an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes ___1___ the same way. One morning while he was ___2___ his newspaper on the train, a man ___3___ him came up to him. Mr Smith had not met him before. The man said,“ ___4___ 〞 to him and then___5___ to talk to him. The man said, “Your ___6___ isn’t interesting, is it? You got on the same train at the same station at the same time ___7___ morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.〞 When Mr Smith ___8___ this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and ___9___ to the man angrily, “How do you know all that about me?〞“Because I’m ___10___ sitting in the same seat behind you,〞 the man answered. 1. A. family B. house C. village D. home2. A. seeing B. look C. reading D. finding3. A. beforeB. behindC. besideD. next to4. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Hello D. Goodbye 5. A. refused B. stopped C. ordered D. began 6. A. life B. work C. office D. child 7. A. oneB. everyC. thisD. yesterday 8. A. heard B. listenedC. foundD. felt 9. A. asked B. said C. told D. talked10. A. never B. hardly C. always D. sometimes 本文是个幽默故事。

Shumei has many pen-friends around the world. She likes writing to them and receiving their letters in return. She stated writing to her first pen-friend, Thomas Wright from Britain, when she was ten years old. They have been writing to each other for two years now.Shumei enjoys writing to people from other counties because she finds it very interesting to learn more about those counties and the different things.She hopes to visit her pen-friends some day, but she will continue writing to them and enjoying their friendship.She will also try to look for pen-friends from other counties such as Japan, China and France.Shumei有很多世界各地的笔友。
当她10岁时,开始给第一位来自英国的笔友Thomas Wright写信。

初一英语阅读理解100篇翻译67 三个花园格林先生在他的房子面前有一个小花园。
68 一个法国学生一个法国学生去伦敦度假。
” 69 在地下地上有许多事情。
70 一个人在船上钓鱼是我最喜欢的运动。
他们往往鱼钓不到 ,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。
我什么东西也未钓到过, 就连旧靴子也没有。
在河上呆上整整一上午 ,我总是空着袋子回家。
我只是喜欢坐在船上和什么都不干的 !71 一条狗还是两条? 有一天 ,一只狗有了一块很好的肉做晚餐。

初一英语趣味阅读1It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is sitting beside it."Is this seat empty?" asks the old man."No, it’s for a woman. She goes to buy some bananas."Says the young man. "Well," says the old man, "Let me sit here please. When she comes back, Iwill leave here."The bus starts."She doesn’t come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag." Then the old man throws the bag out of the bus window.The young man jumps up and shouts, "Don’t throw! It’s my bag!"< >1. The old man wants to find an empty seat _____.A. in the roomB. in the busC. beside the driverD. in a car< >2. The old man finds an empty seat. He goes there and finds there is ____ on it.A. a manB. womanC. a bagD. a coat< >3. The young man says the seat is for ________.A. a manB. a womanC. a boyD. a girl< >4. The bus starts. The old man ______.A. asks the woman to sit on the seatB. takes the bag to the womanC. throws the bag to the young manD. throws the bag out of the window< >5. The bag is ________. The young man doesn’t want the old man to throw it away.A. the woman’sB. the old man’sC. the driver’sD. the young man’s参考答案:1-5BCBDD2It is in autumn. A young man comes to a forest. He’s walking beside the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is the forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A tiger is getting ready to jump on him.What does he do? He must jump into the river. But in the river there is a big crocodile . Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger is now in the mouth of the crocodile.那是一年秋天。

初一英语阅读理解100篇及答案初中英语阅读 100 篇答案解析和名师点评(三)第二十一篇名师点评本文讲述了一位外国人在乘车时遇到的麻烦。
答案简析 1. C。
从上下文意思可知他准备下车,故选 get off。
2. A。
这里应用动词不定式表示目的,故选 to。
3. C。
应用一般过去时,故选 didn’t.4. D。
shout at sb 意为“对某人大吵,大嚷”,故选 at。
5. A。
由文章可知,列车员很生气,用副词 so 来修饰“angry”与下文 that 构成固定搭配,即 so…that…,意思是“如此??以至??”。
6. C。
7. B。
故选 a word。
8. C。
故选 is。
9. D。
got 为不接物动词,可以直接接副词 home,意为“到家”。
10. A。
分析四个选项,只有 how many 后可接可数名词复数 11. D。
这里 for 表示一种限定,指专门给驾驶员的信号。
12. A。
根据文意可知按两次车铃是提醒司机继续前进的信号,动词不定式在此作后置定语,故选 to go。
13. B。
列车员与 allow 之间构成被动关系,这里应用被动语态,故选 is allowed。
14. A。
列车员生气的情况已发生,所以用一般过去时,故选 got。
15. C。
根据文意,这位乘客知道列车员生气的原因之后,应说“I see.”。
第二十二篇名师点评本文讲述了 Allan 第一次乘飞机时的经历与感受。
答案简析 1.B。
本文讲述了 Allan 第一次乘飞机时的情况, 故选 by air。
根据文意, Allan 因为找不到座位, 所以他就去问空姐。
这里构成因果关系,应用 so 引导结果状语从句。

初一英语英语阅读理解篇1David is eight. One day his friend Rose says to him, "This Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?" David says, "Yes."On Sunday, David asks his mother if he can go to the party. His mother says, "Yes, you can go, but you must be polite. Don't ask for any food. They will give you some." "All right, Mum." David answers and he goes to Rose's house on his bike.There are lots of kids at the party. They play together for some time, and then Rose's mother gives them some food, but she forgets David. He waits and waits and then he takes his plate up and asks, "Do you want a nice clean plate?"( ) 1. Whose birthday is it? .A. Rose'sB. David'sC. Rose's mother's( ) 2. The birthday party is in .A. Rose's houseB. David's houseC. Rose's school( ) 3. David goes to the party .A. by carB. by bikeC. by bus( ) 4. David is Rose's .A. friendB. classmateC. brother( ) 5. Who gives David food at the party?A. RoseB. Rose's motherC. No one初一英语英语阅读理解篇2A very new, young officer was at a station. He was on his wayto visit his mother in another town, and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of this train , so that she could meet him at the station in her car.He look in all his pockets, but round that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change(零钱) for ten pence(便士)?""Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered. He began to put his hand in his pock- et, "I'll see whether I can help you. ""Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence? ""No, sir," the old soldier answered quickly.1.The young officer and his mother lived______.A.in the same townB.in different placesC.in another townD.in the other town2.The young officer Wanted to telephone his mother to tell her______.A.that he was going to visit herB.where his train would leave forC.what time his train would arrive at the stationD.that he was then at the station3.He looked around for help because he______.A.had no money to make the phone callB.did not know where to make the phone callC.needed some change for the phone callD.wanted to get change from the old soldier4.The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier______.A.was polite to himB.was not polite to himC.didn't know how to speak to himD.didn't like to help him at all5.Which of the following is not true?A.Both the young officer and the old soldier were angry.B.The young officer wanted his mother to meet him at the station.C.He wanted the old soldier to speak to him in a polite way.D.He didn't know the soldier before.初一英语英语阅读理解篇3"You're just in time, Joe. We're going to play cowboys(牛仔)and Indians, and you can be the Indians. " One of my cousins(堂兄弟)said."How many Indians?" I asked."Oh, about a thousand. " He answered, and before I could say no,I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians. Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys behind. The shouts of "After them. Let's catch the killers!" and other such TV play language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpa's car."We've got him, boys. Let's go and catch him!"But no one wanted to come to get me. All of my cousins except one were always very friendly with. It was quiet outside. And I went out of the car to have a look.Just then I heard a shout , "Bring the rope(绳子), and we can burn him. ""Only Indians burn people. Cowboys." I stopped just in time.I had almost said, "Cowboys hang(绞死)people. "I was tied to a tree, and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my dear mother called, "We're leaving now. ""Untie me." I shouted. "We're going."Why did Bobby want matches(火柴)?" Mum asked when we were in the car. "He was asking Dad whether he had any. ""oh, he was just going t matches? MATCHES? Are you sure he wanted matches"Mother was quite sure, and I didn't say any more.1.How many children played the Indians? [ ]A.One thousandB.One hundredC.One groupD.One2.Why did Joe's cousin say that Joe was just in time? Because______. [ ]A.there were not enough children four the gameB.the game was just going to startC.none of his cousins wanted to be the IndiansD.they were waiting for Joe3.Joe didn't say "Cowbays hang people." Because______. [ ] A.he was tied to a treeB.that would make things worseC.he was caught by the cowboysD.that would make the cowboys angry4.Which of the following is TRUE? [ ]A.One of Joe's cousins was looking for matches.B.Dad didn't want to give the children any matches.C.Bobby wanted to get some matches from his father.D.Mum didn't think children should play with matches.初一英语英语阅读理解篇4Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen (厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning . There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.1.Peter lived with his______. [ ]A.sistersB.brothersC.unclesD.parents2.One night he found that______ beside the stove was burning. [ ]A.the tableB.the woodC.the doorD.the window3.______, so he could not put out the fire. [ ]A.Everybody was asleepB.He couldn't shout loudlyC.The kitchen was very bigD.there was no water tap in the house4.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses______. [ ]A.to wake the people upB.to get some waterC.to find his classmatesD.to visit them5.______hurt in the fire. [ ]A.People in other houses wereB.Peter's parents wereC.Nobody wasD.Peter was初一英语英语阅读理解篇5People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much. They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes.One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walks very much. One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention (注意) to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he held my hat in his mouth. Suddenly, I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend.1.How many people are there in this story?______.A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four2.Jack______.A.is a close friend of mineB.enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoonC.has many close friendsD.enjoys talks in the room3.Jack was worried because______.A.he wanted to eat somethingB.it was Sunday afternoon againC.he was not feeling wellD.he wanted his master (主人) to take him for a walk4.Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that______.A.I should leave the house at onceB.he liked my hat very muchC.he was hungry and he tried to eat itD.he wanted to have a rest5.Which of the following is true?______.A.When Jack and I were talking, my friend didn't pay any attention to usB.When I was talking to my friend, Jack didn't pay any attention to usC.When my friend and I were talking, we didn't pay any attention to JackD.When my friend was talking to Jack, I paid attention to them初一英语英语阅读理解篇61.im arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot ofpeople waiting in the station. Some were standing in line(排队), others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆). he looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom.“What time is your bus?” asked Mike.“There’s plenty of time yet,” answered Tom.“Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Mike.They talked while drinking. Then T om looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward(倒行)!” he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.”“You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike. Tom was so sad(难过). The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.2.根据以上短文内容,从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择的一项。

初一英语阅读理解100篇简单初一英语阅读理解100篇简单_初一英语阅读理解(含答案).初一英语阅读理解100篇简单_初一英语阅读理解(含答案)1. D 表示回家是 e home 与前面的去上班 go to work相对。
2. C 表示看书看报用 read。
3. B 由文末I’m sitting in the same seat behind you 可知。
4. C 从下文可知是向他召呼问好,所以是 say“Hello” to him。
5. D 打了召呼后自然就会开场(began) 谈起话来。
6. A 在同一时间、同一个车站、乘同一个火车,这是种单是调泛味的生活 (life)。
7. B 指每天早上都是如此,才会说单调泛味。
8. A 史密斯先生听到(heard) 这些话。
listen 指有意识在“听”,强调动作,后接宾语时要加 to; hear 指听的结果“听到”。
9. B say to sb 对某人说。
虽然后面是一个问句,但表示问某人时 ask 后不用 to,而直接说 ask sb。
10. C 因为对史密斯先生如此理解,当然是“总”总在他的后面了Mr Smith lives in the small village, but he works inan office in a big city. He goes to work by trainevery morning and es ___1___ the same way. One morning while he was ___2___ his newspaper on the train, a man ___3___ him came up to him. Mr Smith had not met him before. The man said,“ ___4___ ” to him and then___5___ to talk to him. The man said, “Your ___6___ isn’t interesting, is it? You got on the same trainat the same station at the same time ___7___ morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” When Mr Smith ___8___ this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and ___9___ to the man angrily, “How do you know all that about me?” “Because I’m ___10___ sitting in the same seatbehind you,” the man answered. 1. A. family B. house C. village D. home 2. A. seeing B. look C. reading D. finding 3. A. before B. behind C. beside D. next to 4.A. SorryB. ThanksC. HelloD. Goodbye 5. A. refused B. stopped C. ordered D. began 6. A. life B. work C.office D. child 7. A. one B. every C. this D.yesterday 8. A. heard B. listened C. found D. felt 9.A. askedB. saidC. toldD. talked 10. A. never B. hardly C. always D. sometimes e and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things to you. The lovely koalas 〔树袋熊)from Australia are waiting to laugh at you,and the giraffes from Zambia(赞比亚〕 are waiting to look down on you Tickets Grown-ups(成人〕:$:2.00 Children:Over 12:$1.00 Under12:Free Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch,give food to or go near the animals.Opening time: 10:00am-3:00pm(mon.-Fri.) 9:00am-4:00pm 〔Sat.and Sun) 1.〔 c 〕How many kinds of animals are talked about in this passage? A.Four B . Five C.Six D.Seven 2.( c )Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his tow sons,one aged 14and the other aged 10.How much are the tickets altogether? A.$4.00 B.$2.00 C.$3.00 D.$1.00初一英语阅读理解100篇简单_合适初一阅读的英语短文100篇。

七年级英语课外阅读短文以下是一篇适合七年级学生阅读的英语短文:Title: My Favorite HobbyMy favorite hobby is reading books. I love to lose myself in a world of fascinating stories and characters. Reading is my escape from the ordinary and it allows me to explore new places and experiences without leaving my chair.I enjoy all types of books, from adventure stories to science fiction and everything in between. Finding a new book that captures my interest is like discovering a treasure chest full of secrets and magic. I feel a sense of excitement and anticipation when I start reading a new book, and I can't put it down until I've finished it.Reading also helps me to improve my vocabulary and grammar. I learn new words and phrases every day throughmy reading, which makes me a better writer and speaker.I like to use the knowledge I gain from books to impress my friends and family with my knowledge of different topics.Finally, reading books is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. It provides me with a sense of comfort and peace that helps me to forget about my worries and stress for a while. Whether I'm curled up in bed or sitting in a comfy chair, reading a good book is the perfect way to end the day.In conclusion, reading books is my favorite hobby because it allows me to explore new worlds, learn new things, and relax at the end of the day. I hope to continue reading books for many years to come and discover the joys of reading for myself and others.。

101.阅读理解:宠物文本: Tom has a cute pet dog named Buddy. Buddy is two years old and loves to play fetch. Every day after school, Tom takes Buddy for a walk in the park.问题:o What is Tom's pet's name?o How old is Buddy?o What does Buddy enjoy doing?2.阅读理解:学校生活文本: Lucy is a student at Sunshine Middle School. She likes her English class because she enjoys reading stories. Her favorite book is "The Little Prince."o What subject does Lucy like?o What is the title of her favorite book?3.阅读理解:家庭日文本: The Smith family went on a picnic last Sunday. They packedsandwiches, fruit, and lemonade. The children played games while the parents chatted with each other.o What did the Smith family do last Sunday?o What did they have for their picnic?4.阅读理解:爱好文本: Peter has a hobby of collecting stamps. He has stamps from all over the world. His favorite stamp is from Australia.o What is Peter's hobby?o Where is the country that Peter's favorite stamp is from?5.阅读理解:旅行文本: The Johnsons are planning a trip to China. They want to visit the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army. They will travel by plane.o Who is planning a trip?o What two places do they want to visit?6.阅读理解:运动文本: Sarah is on the school's basketball team. She practices everyTuesday and Thursday. Sarah's goal is to become a professionalbasketball player.o What sport does Sarah play?o What is her goal?7.阅读理解:自然文本: The forest is full of life. There are birds singing, squirrels running, and a small stream flowing gently. It's a peaceful place to relax.o What animals are mentioned in the text?o Why is the forest described as a peaceful place?8.阅读理解:节日文本: Christmas is coming! Families are decorating their homes with lights and ornaments. Children are excited about receiving gifts.o What holiday is mentioned?o What are families doing to prepare for the holiday?9.阅读理解:科技文本: Mr. Lee is a scientist. He works in a lab and is developing a new type of robot. The robot can help with housework and be a companion for the elderly.o What does Mr. Lee do for a living?o What is the purpose of the robot he is developing?10.阅读理解:环保文本: The students at Green Valley School are participating in a recycling program. They collect paper, plastic, and glass. The goal is to reducewaste and protect the environment.o Which school has a recycling program?o What is the goal of the program?。
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初一英语趣味阅读1)It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is sitting beside it.“Is this seat empty?”asks the old man.“No, it’s for a woman. She goes to buy some bananas.”Says the young man. “Well,”says the old man, “Let me sit here please. When she comes back, Iwill leave here.”The bus starts.“She doesn’t come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.”Then the old man throws the bag out of the bus window.The young man jumps up and shouts, “Don’t throw! It’s my bag!”( )1. The old man wants to find an empty seat _____.A. in the roomB. in the busC. beside the driverD. in a car ( )2. The old man finds an empty seat. He goes there and finds there is ____ on it.A. a manB. womanC. a bagD. a coat( )3. The young man says the seat is for ________.A. a manB. a womanC. a boyD. a girl( )4. The bus starts. The old man ______.A. asks the woman to sit on the seatB. takes the bag to the womanC. throws the bag to the young manD. throws the bag out of the window( )5. The bag is ________. The young man doesn’t want the old man to throw it away.A. the woman’sB. the old man’sC. the driver’sD. the young man’s参考答案:1-5BCBDD2)It is in autumn. A young man comes to a forest. He’s walking beside the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is the forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A tiger is getting ready to jump on him.What does he do? He must jump into the river. But in the river there is a big crocodile . Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger is now in the mouth of the crocodile.那是一年秋天。
( )1. When does the story take place ? ______.A. In winterB. In springC. In summerD. In autumn( )2. Where is he walking? _______.A. Near the riverB. Beside a forestC. By the riverD. Be the lake( )3. What does he see looking at him? _______.A. Two green eyesB. A tigerC. A crocodileD. A man( )4. Does he close his eyes at first(起初)? _________.A. Yes, he doesB. No, he does notC. Yes, he mustD. No, he mustn’t( )5. What does the man see at last(最后)?__________.A. The tiger is in the mouth of the crocodileB. The crocodile is in the mouth of the tigerC. A fish in the mouth of the crocodileD. A ship is in the mouth of the crocodile参考答案:1-5 DBBAA3)Good evening, everyone. I’m Li Fang in Beijing. Now it’s 23:55 at night. We’re waiting for the coming year of 2002. Now it’s 24:00 o’clock in Beijing, but different cities have different time. It’s 2 o’clock in Sydney. It’s 1 o’clock in Tokyo. In London it’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon and in New York. It’s still 11 o’clocka. m. Macao has the same time as Beijing. That’s all. Thank you for listening.1. You can listen to it at ________.A. five to twelve a. m.B. five to twelve .C. midnightD. noon2. _______ has the same time as Beijing.A. TokyoB. LondonC. ChongqingD. New York3. It’s 18: 00 o’clock in Sydney. It’s ______ o’clock in Beijing.A. 20: 00B. 16: 00C. 19: 00D. 17: 004. It’s 5:00 . in Beijing. It’s ______ in New York.A. 15: 00B. 18:00C. 6:00 .D. 4:00 .5. That day is the last (最后的)day of Year ______.A. 1999 in ChinaB. 2001 in ChinaC. 2001 in EnglandD. 2000 in America答案:CCBDB4)Thousands of years ago. There was a very clever king with the name of Soloman. There are many stories about him. Here is one of them which shows how clever he was. Once there were two women. They lived in the same house, and each had a baby. One night, one of the babies died, and its mother took the other woman's child, and put it in her own bed instead. The next morning they had a quarrel. "No, this is my child, the dead one is yours, " said the other. Each one wanted the living baby, but no one could tell whom it belonged to. So they went to see King Solomon. When King Solomon heard their story, he said, "Bring me a knife, cut the child in two, and give each woman one half. " "That's very fair, oh, bright King!" said the dead baby's mother. "Give her my child, let it be hers, but don't kill the child. Oh, King!" cried the other woman in tears. Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tears and said, "Give the child to her, for she is its mother. "根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)(10分)55. The two women in the same house each had a child. ( )56. One night the two babies died. ( )57. The two women quarrelled because Solomon killed their babies. ( )58. Solomon came to see the mothers after their babies died. ( )59. King Solomon cut the living child in two and gave each woman one half.答案:TFFFF5)A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change for ten pence?""Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. ""Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?""No, sir, " the old soldier answered quickly.根据短文内容, 选择正确答案(10分)1 The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _____. ( )A. that he was going to visit herB. when his train would leaveC. when his train would arriveD. that he was now at the railway station2 He looked around for help because he _________. ( )A. didn't have coins for the phone callB. had no money to make the phone callC. didn't have the local moneyD. wanted to change money3 The old soldier _________. ( )A. was glad to help himB. didn't know if he had coinsC. didn't want to help himD. was angry4The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier ____. ( )A. didn't know how to speak to himB. didn't want to help himC. didn't answer him correctlyD. was not friendly to him5The old soldier in the story was_________. ( )A. cleverB. stupidC. politeD. friendly答案:C D B A A6)Most people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. What's unusual about him? It's a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss's dog. Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out.()1People _________bring dogs to the office.A. usuallyB. oftenC. seldom (几乎不)D. sometimes()2My boss is Robinson's ________.A. bossB. masterC. classmateD. teacher()3 Robinson goes to meetings _________ my boss.A. forB. withoutC. instead of (代替)D. with()4 Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _________.A. in the officeB. at meetingsC. out of the officeD. out of work()5 The passage tells us the boss _________ the dog very much.A. looks likeB. hates (恨)C. likesD. trust(信任)答案C B D A C7) Can You Tell Me?(你能告诉吗)A father asks him son “How many le tters are there in the Alphabet (字母表)?”“I don't know,”says his son. His father says, “You don't know? You are in school for many years and you don't know how many letters are there in the Alphabet?”He is very angry(生气).His son says, “No. But let me ask y ou a question(问题), Dad. You often go to the post office(邮局), please tell me how many letters are there in the post office?” ( ) the story, we know the son is good at(擅长) English.( ) son studies at school over (超过) one year.( ) father gets angry because his son is not polite (有礼貌) to him.( ) father knows how many letters there are in the post office.( ) are twenty-six letters in the Alphabet.答案(1)× (2)√ (3)× (4)× (5)√8) Too Polite(礼貌过头了)There are many people in the bus. Some have seats, but some have to(不得不) stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus. An old man hears the door and tries (试着) to stand up.“Oh, no, thank you,” the woman forces (强迫) him back to the seat. “Please don't do that. I can stand.”“But, madam(夫人), let me…,”says the man.“I ask you to keep your seat(坐在你的座位上),” the woman says. She puts(放) her hands on the old man's shoulder(肩膀).But the man still(仍然) tries to stand up,“Madam, will you please let me…?”“Oh, no,”says the woman. She again(又) forces the man back.At last(最后) the old man shouts(大声喊), “I wants to get off(下车) the bus!” ( ) the people have seats in the bus.( ) old man gets on the bus at a bus stop.( ) old man wants to give his seat to he woman.( ) woman sits the old man's seat.( ) old man wants to get off the bus.答案:(1)× (2)× (3)× (4)× (5)√9)Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work. Jim comes here to study.He is in No. 5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isn’t late for school. He studies hard. He can read and write English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming,running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much.He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him , too. 根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。