文学英语毕业论文题目参考范题文学英语题目参考范题(一)国别文学研究和地域文学研究(如:英国文学、美国文学、澳大利亚文学、加拿大文学、新西兰文学/西方文学、大洋洲文学等)(二)文学流派研究(如:浪漫主义、现实主义、自然主义、超现实主义、存在主义、黑色幽默、意识流、女性主义文学等)(三)作家研究和文本分析(如:阿瑟•米勒研究、海明威研究、狄更斯研究、论莎士比亚的“威尼斯商人”等)(四)中外比较文学研究(如:尤金•奥尼尔和曹禺戏剧作品之比较)参考选题:1、一个值得同情的复仇者---评希思力夫被扭曲的心路历程2、小议《红字》中红字的寓意3、评析《红字》女主人公海思特4、 the symbolic meanings in the scarlet letter5、hawthorne and the scarlet letter6、《红字》中的女性悲剧7、“罪”与“罚”的对立统一---浅析《红字》的主要人物8、试论马克•叶温短篇小说的幽默特色9、惠特曼的死亡哲学10、一个复杂的人---《呼啸山庄》男主人公希克后性格分析11、论《呼啸山庄》---原始古朴与文明更理性的交错色彩12、《呼啸山庄》的现代主义解读13、《呼啸山庄》的女性意识/主义解读14、自我认同与回归---再读《呼啸山庄》15、looking for the ideal love—an analysis of wuthering heights16、on the theme of wuthering heights17、on the narrative techniques of wuthering heights18、一人分饰两角---论《了不起的盖茨比》中“二元主角”手法的运用19、t.s.艾略特“非个性化诗歌理论”浅析20、是母亲,还情人---论《儿子与情人》中莫雷尔太太的任务性格21、d. h. lawrence and sons and lovers22、《儿子与情人》的人物形象分析23、《儿子与情人》的象征意义浅析24、善恶交织的心灵挣扎---透过小说《威廉•威尔逊》和《黑猫》看艾伦•坡的善恶观25、五颜六色的语言世界---论英汉语言中的颜色与颜色词26、恐怖与美丽---浅议爱德加•艾伦•坡的恐怖小说27、论《美国丽人》一片中任务的两面性28、《简•爱》中的女权思想评析29、浅析《简•爱》的女主人公形象(女性主义解读)30、谈简•爱的叛逆性格文学英语毕业论文题目收集整理论文31、the theme of jane eyre32、looking for the ideal love---an analysis of jane eyre33、the growth of new woman---thoughts on jane eyre34、死亡,人生永恒的主题---《因为我不能停步等待死神》与《死之念》之比较35、论海明威小说中的死亡主题36、the charm of lady chatterley37、奏响生命的新乐意---浅析艾立丝•沃克的《紫颜色》38、安诺波佩---南太平洋上美国社会的幻灯片39、站在传统和现代之间---《荆棘鸟》和《穆斯林的葬礼》的比较赏析40、domby and son --- the portrait of a capitalist41、“女权主义”运动与英语语言中的“性别歧视视”现象42、从《苔丝》看哈代小说的悲剧意识43、论《黑暗的心脏》的复调特点(the polyphoniccharacteristic in heart of darkness)44、《老人与海》象征主义探究(the inquiry of the symbolism in the old man and the sea)45、an analysis on hemingway’s spirit of tough guy in the old man and the sea46、on the writing style and techniques in the old man and the sea47、《老人与海》的主题分析48、从《变形记》透视家庭环境对塑造儿童健康心理的影响(the family influence on molding children’s healthy psychology through the metamorphosis)49、《鲁滨逊漂流记》殖民文化解读(research on the colonial culture of robinson crusoe)50、challenge and conventionality in a passage to india51、an outstanding representative of transcendentalism---ralph waldo emerson and his nature52、the mysterious writer---john fowles and his the french lieutenant’s woman53、《傲慢与偏见》的人物性格分析文学英语毕业论文题目收集整理论文54、the art of irony in pride and prejudice55、looking for the ideal love ---an analysis of pride and prejudice56、on the theme of oliver twist57、on the narrative techniques of oliver twist58、on the theme of a tale of two cities59、an analysis of child charact ers in dicken’s novels60、an analysis of heathcliff’s revenge61、the functions of the description of the natural environment in tess d’urbervilles62、mark twain’s language style63、on the theme/characters of huckleberry finn。
从纳博科夫研究到进化论文学批评——布赖恩博伊德的学术轨迹梳理与评述崔永光【摘要】新西兰知名学者布赖恩·博伊德的学术轨迹经历了从20世纪70年代开始对纳博科夫传记和作品的研究,到90年代进化论文学批评的转向.博伊德的研究领域具有文学性、跨学科的特点,涵盖了文学、哲学、生物学、心理学、电影、艺术、绘画等多个领域.博伊德既是一名纳博科夫研究的优秀读者、传记作家,又是进化论文学批评的重要推动者.他撰写的著作观点犀利、旁征博引、意义重大,为国内外学者开展学术研究提供了重要的文献参考.同时,他对文学文本的细读树立了读者反应批评的典范,他对跨学科研究的倡导和实践推动着当前中西学界的进化论文学批评前沿理论的成熟与未来发展.【期刊名称】《湖南广播电视大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(000)003【总页数】5页(P47-51)【关键词】布赖恩·博伊德;纳博科夫;进化论文学批评;学术轨迹【作者】崔永光【作者单位】大连海洋大学,辽宁大连 116023【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I721世界上伟大的作家从来就不缺少优秀的读者。
[1]P3新西兰知名学者布赖恩·博伊德(Brian Boyd)便是一位研究纳博科夫和莎士比亚的优秀读者和权威专家,还是一位进化论文学批评的倡导者。
providing additional explanations or background information in the form of footnotes or endnotes to aid comprehension
The embodiment of cultural differences in English translation
A Study on Language Structure in English Translation
The Differences in Language Structures between English and Chinese
Word order
English tens to use subject verb object order, while Chinese often uses subject verb order
It requires the translator to have a good understanding of both languages and their corresponding cultural backgrounds, as well as excellent language skills and translation techniques
Literary works
cultural differences are particularly evident in the translation of literary works, where the original cultural context and style are often lost in translation
翻译专业论文题目Title: "The Translation of Advertising Slogans: Challenges and Strategies"Abstract:Advertising slogans play a significant role in promoting products and shaping brand images worldwide. When it comes to translating advertising slogans across different languages and cultures, many challenges arise. This paper aims to examine the difficulties faced by translators in the translation of advertising slogans and propose strategies to overcome them. Through a comprehensive literature review and an analysis of existing translation techniques, this paper explores the linguistic, cultural, and marketing aspects that need to be considered during the translation process. The findings suggest that translators should strive to preserve the original message, adapt to cultural differences, and employ creative translation techniques to convey the intended meaning effectively. The implications of this research are valuable for both translators and advertisers in achieving successful global marketing campaigns. Introduction:The globalization of markets has increased the demand for the translation of advertising slogans into different languages. However, translating advertising slogans poses numerous challenges due to linguistic and cultural differences. Many advertising slogans rely on wordplay, puns, and cultural references, which often cannot be directly translated. This paper aims to shed light on the difficulties faced by translators in this field and offer strategies to enhance the quality and effectiveness of translated advertising slogans.Literature Review:The literature review explores the theories and techniques related to the translation of advertising slogans. Several studies have highlighted the need for cultural adaptation, creativity, and linguistic considerations in this process. Cultural adaptation involves modifying slogans to cater to the target culture's tastes and preferences. Creativity in translation refers to finding alternative solutions to replicate the intended message while accounting for linguistic and cultural differences. Linguistic considerations include the use of rhetorical devices, idiomatic expressions, and persuasive techniques.Methodology:This paper adopts a qualitative approach to analyze existing literature on the translation of advertising slogans. A review of relevant academic journals, books, and online resources provides insights into the challenges faced by translators. The data collected will be analyzed thematically, focusing on linguistic and cultural challenges and the strategies employed by translators in overcoming these obstacles.Discussion:The findings suggest that translators should prioritize preserving the core message of the original slogan while adapting it to the target culture. Cultural adaptation is essential to ensure that the translated slogan resonates with the target audience. Translators must also consider the linguistic features of both the source and target languages, such as rhyme, alliteration, and puns, to maintain the persuasive and memorable qualities of the original slogan.Additionally, employing creative translation techniques, such as transcreation and cultural substitution, can be effective in conveying the intended meaning of the slogan.Conclusion:The translation of advertising slogans presents significant challenges, requiring translators to navigate linguistic and cultural differences while maintaining the intended impact. This paper offers strategies to enhance the quality and effectiveness of translated slogans, emphasizing the importance of cultural adaptation, linguistic considerations, and creative translation techniques. By considering these factors, translators and advertisers can work together to create successful global marketing campaigns. Further research is needed to explore specific case studies and evaluate the effectiveness of different translation strategies in various linguistic and cultural contexts.。
英语专业翻译类毕业论文选题题目参考翻译类选题1.study on translation of trade marks and culture商标翻译与文化研究2.the social and cultural factors in translation practice影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.on the translation of english idioms论英语习语的翻译4.study on features and translation of english idioms英语习语翻译特点研究5.the comparison and translation of chinese and english idioms中英习语翻译与比较6.study on loyalty in english-chinese translation中英互译的忠实性研究7.cultural equivalence in translation翻译中的文化对等性研究8.literature translation and the important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.on the du fu’s poems translation论杜甫的翻译10.the analysis of techniques for learning a foreign language through translation通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译cultural differences and translation in chinese and english color words翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.an cultural perspective on untranslatability中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.cultural connotation and translation in chinese and english animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.on degree of translator's subjectivity in translation修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.a probe of the effect of rhetorical devices in english advertisement16.error analysis of the english translation of the information about scenic spots in wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.semantic--transliteration-the most favorable method for translating foreign words into chinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.a tentative study on the cohesion and coherence in sun zhili’s chinese translation of pride and prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.chinese translation of attributive clauses in english for science and technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.film titles and their translation——a cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.translating expressions on public signs from chinese into english汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译cultural differences and translation23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化the translation principle of brand names and brand culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究on translation of english film names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译beauty in sense, sound and form--on translation of english trademarks into chinese26.中文商标英译探on the translation of trademarks from chinese into english。
TraductologieTranslation StudiesTHÈSES DE MAÎTRISE COMPLÉTÉES DEPUIS 1980 M.A. THESIS COMPLETED SINCE 1980Nom de l’étudiant Student name Titre de la thèseTitle of thesisSuperviseurSupervisorAnnéeYearBogic, Anna “Rehabilitating Howard M. Parshley: A Socio-historicalStudy of the English Translation of Beauvoir’s ‘Ledeuxième sexe’ with Latour and Bourdieu” 127 p. Luise von Flotow /Clara Foz2009Thompson, Jenna « Dubbing the Multilingual Moment : TranslatingEnglish-language American Television Shows withFrench into French » 192p.Luise von Flotow 2009Aubert, Melanie “Last Days of the Victim: A case Study in TranslatingArgentine Crime Fiction”.Marc Charron 2009Bilgen, Baris “Investigating Terminology Management for ConferenceInterpreters”. 135 p. Elizabeth Marshman/Annie Brisset2009Godbout, Marielle “Translation in Canada: Occupation or Profession?”172 p.Annie Brisset 2009Léonard, Bradley “How the Apes Saved Civilization: Antropofagia,Paradox and the Colonization of La planète des singes”.88 p.Luise von Flotow 2009McBride, Cheryl “Translation Memory Systems : An Analysis ofTranslation Attitudes and Opinions”Lynne Bowker / Elizabeth Marshman2009Calixte, Brigite Du soleil de l’Algérie à l’ombre de la censure franquiste:traduction et retraduction de l’Étranger d’Albert Camus.149 p.Clara Foz 2008Montoya, Liliana Translation as a Metaphor in the Transcultural Writing ofTwo Latino Canadian Authors, Carmen Rodriguez andSergio Kokis.Salah Basalamah 2008Montoya Arango, Paula Andrea Le traducteur médiateur interculturel en Colombie auXIX e siècle: Rafael Pombo (1833-1912)Clara Foz 2008Possamai, Daniela The Twists and Turns of a Timeless Puppet : Violenceand the Translation and Adaptation of Carlo Collodi’s“Le avvventure di Pinocchio”. 133 p.Luise von Flotow 2008Sadek, Gaafar Le traducteur et le prophète : sous les perspectivescroisées de la tradition et de la traductologie. 132 p.Salah Basalamah 2008Totikaev, Isabelle « Tous les points de vue du monde dans un seul journal ».169 p.Clara Foz 2008Alnwick, Marie « Translating the Buffyverse: Examining French FanResponse to (Buffy contre les vampires) ». 174 p.Luisevon Flotow2007Aye,Bernice Kwakyewa “Cross-language Communication in West Africa: AnOverview”. 200 p.Annie BrissetAline Francoeur2007Dubé, Jean-Sylvain “ La localisation: examen du concept et analyse sousl’angle du produit localisé”.Aline Francoeur 2007Fifer, Matthew Thomas « The Fuzzy Factor : An Empirical Investigation ofFuzzy Matching in the Context of Translation MemorySystems”. 174 p.Lynne Bowker 2007Ham, Linda “Reason in the Rhyme: The Translation of Sound andRhythm in Children’s Books”. 140 p.Luisevon Flotow2007Khris, Smaïl « Pourquoi donc redoubler? Vers une approche théoriquedu redoublage ». 159 p.Luisevon Flotow2007Ayotte, Nathalie Francine “ Le traitement lexicographique du vocabulaire politique.Trois études de cas: nationalisme, nationaliste et nation”.Aline Francoeur 2006127p.Curties, Hazel “ The Bilingual Canadian Dictionary: What? How? Why?143 p.Roda P. Roberts 2006Desjardins, Renée “Translating the Epidemic of Fear-based Rhetoric inCanadian Press: A Case Study and Framework”. 106 p.Salah Basalamah 2006Gomez Palou, Marta “Translation into a Non-native Dialect: A Corpus-basedInvestigation”. 114 p.Lynne Bowker 2006Hübsh,Jean-Frédéric Yukio “Musical Theatre in Translation: A Semiotic Analysis ofJacques Brel’s (L’Homme de la Mancha)”. 110 p.Annie Brisset 2006Prieto, Jorge Enrique “Documentary Translation: The Voicing-Over in Englishand French of Jorge Esma Bazan’s “Yucatan/AlimentoPara las Animas”. 82 p.Clara FozLuise von Flotow2006Wallis, Julian “Interactive Translation vs Pre-translation in the Contextof Translation Memory Systems: Investigating the Effectsof Translation Method on Productivity, Quality andTranslator Satisfaction”. 143 p.Lynne Bowker 2006BOUAGADA, Habib “Orientalism in Translation: The One Thousand and Onenight in 18th Century France and 19th Century England”.118 p.Annie Brisset 2005BURLINGHAM, Bronwyn « Lexicographic Traditions and Prefatory Discourse of17th Century Dictionaries: Monolingual English,Monolingual French, and Bilingual French-EnglishWorks ». 138 p.Aline Francoeur 2005CIRCÉ, Karine “Traduction automatique, mémoire de traduction outraduction humaine? Proposition d’une approche pourdéterminer la meilleure méthode à adopter, selon letexte ». 133 p.Lynne Bowker 2005FITZBACK, Annie « Traduction et résistance Americana : Traduire desauteurs Américains dans l’Italie Fasciste ». 123 p.Annie Brisset 2005HOUDIN, Guy « Le rythme et l’individuation du sujet traduisant ».121 p.Annie Brisset 2005Kweon, Sangmi « SARS- Related Terms: commented BilingualTerminology Files ». 55 p.Lynne Bowker 2005LOCK, Sharon « Canadian Musique: Translation in ContemporaryCanadian Music ». 92 p.Luise von Flotow 2005MELVIN, Catherine “Cross-Cultural Representations: The Construction of“America” After September 11th in English Canadian,Quebec and French Print Media”. 101 p.Annie Brisset 2005ARNOLD, Cathryn “Towards and Evaluation Methodology for MachineTranslation Output”. 228 p.Lynne Bowker 2004CORDOBA SIERRANO, Maria Sierra “Réflexions traductologiques autour de la place du textetraduit dans le cadre des traits multilingues: l’ALÉNA, uncas d’espèce ». 169 p.Clara Foz 2004EGHOETZ, Melissa « Designing and Implementing a Small Scale ControlledLanguage for Multilingual Machine Translation ». 150 p.Lynne Bowker 2004FRASER, Kelli Ann “Translating History: Prime Minister MacKenzie King’sSpeeches during the Conscription Crisis”. 133 p.Annie Brisset 2004KAYAHARA, Matthew “Travestis politiques “The Gay Value of MichelTremblay’s Dramatic Work in Translation”.149 p.Luise von Flotow 2004LoRiggio, Vanni “Traduire Le Roman Graphique The Watchmen encontexte franco-américain: retraduction et commentaire”.56 p. Luise von FlotowAnnie Brisset2004MCDONOUGH, Julie “Muggles, and Quidditch, and Squibs, Oh My! A Study Luise von Flotow 2004Laura of Names and Onomastic Wordplay in Translation, with aFocus on the Harry Potter Series”. 117 p.MODREA, Andreea L. “Ideology, Subversion and the Translator’s Voice: AComparative Analysis of the French & EnglishTranslation of Guillermo Cabrera Infante’s”. 206 p.Clara Foz 2004ZEGHICHE, Sabrina “Pratiques langagières et traductives en milieupostcolonial”. 174 p.Annie Brisset 2004GOW, Francie « Metrics for Evaluating Translation Memory Software ».118 p.Lynne Bowker 2003HUYSSEN, Carmen Rebecca “Translating Nature: A Corpus-Based Study”. 126 p. Annie Brisset &Luise von Flotow2003RIVARD, Isabelle « Pierre Daviault (1899-1964), traducteur, auteur,historien, pédagogue et défenseur de la languefrançaise ». 112 p.Jean Delisle 2003DUTIROU, Laure « Pour une traduction raisonnée de l’espagnol vers lefrançais : quelques propositions ». 135 p.Clara Foz 2002MARSHMAN, Elizabeth « The Cause Relation in Biopharmaceutical Corpora:English and French Patterns for Knowledge Extraction”.139 p.Ingrid Meyer 2002DANG, Thanh-Tram “Droit, littérature et traduction: rencontre surle terrain de la fiction”. 103 p.Annie Brisset 2001MORGAN, Tricia « A Comparative Study of Hypernymic Patterns forKnowledge Extraction ». 111 p.Ingrid Meyer 2001PAOLETTI, Elisa “A Nineteenth-Century Adventure Revisited. TheAccount of the Young Charles Darwin on Board H.M.S.Beagle. A Comparative Analysis of Chapters III to XVIIof Charles Darwin’s Voyage of the Beagle and FourTranslations into Spanish”. 137 p.Clara Foz 2001TSHIBEMBA, Lili “Règles générales de rédaction d’un manuel d’initiation àla traduction ». 102 p.Jean Delisle 2001GERALD, Jennifer Amy « Spinning a Tale : English Translations and Adaptationsof a « La Belle au bois dormant » from the Enlightmentto the Magic Kingdon »2000HUG, Christine “Discourse and Translation: Comparative DescriptiveAnalysis of William Goldman’s “The Princess Bride”and its French Translation”. 127 p.Annie Brisset 2000SHERWOOD, Bianca “Features of Natural Translation in a Language TestingEnvironment”.Brian Harris 2000FORGET, Nadine “Les dictionnaires électroniques dans l’optique de latraduction”. 120 p.Ingrid Meyer 1999MEEK, Sherry Lynn “A Translation Analysis of Ingeborg Bachmann’s“Simultan”: Narration, Focalization and Intertextuality inthe Stream of Consciousness Narrative”. 114 p.Luise von Flotow 1999BALL, Matthew Bruce “Dictionaries and Ideology: The Treatment of Gays,Lesbians and Bisexuals in Lexicographic Works”. 228 p.Roda P. Roberts 1998CAIRNS, Jill Kyla “Sociocultural Persuasion in Advertising: Considerationsfor Translators”. 92 p.Annie Brisset 1998DAVIDSON, Laura Marion “Knowledge Extraction Technology for Terminology”.125 p.Ingrid Meyer 1998DONVEZ, Brigitte “Traduction et traductibilité chez Jacques Derrida”. 111p.Annie Brisset &Théodore Geraets1998GUILBAULT, Isabelle « Les dictionnaires dans les systèmes de traductionautomatique ». 146 p.Roda P. Roberts 1998MARTIN-RUTLEDGE, Virginia « Use of Examples in the Bilingual Dictionary: AnEmpirical Study ». 138 p.Roda P. Roberts 1998NINA, Armand “La traduction du cliché dans les textes pragmatiques”.118 p.Jean Delisle 1998HAMILTON, Sandra « Canadianisms and Their Treatment in Dictionaries ».191 p.Roda P. Roberts 1997JESSEN, Annette “The Presence and Treatment of Terms in GeneralDictionaries”. 239 p.Roda P. Roberts 1997MCHAFFIE, Bruce “The Application of Neural Networks to NaturalLanguage Translation”. 91 p.Brian Harris &Mario Merchand1997OCCÉLUS, Nathalie “La traduction de la Bible à l’époque de la réforme ». 189p.Jean Delisle 1997CHANG, Leslie-Ann « The CPS Dictionary: A Prescriptive TerminologicalWork?”. 155 p.Roda P. Roberts 1996DUNNETTE, Jane “Dario Fo’s Mistero Buffo and Its QuebecoisTransfiguration”. 272 p.Annie Brisset 1996GIN, Pascal “Traduire J. L. Austin: le texte et son projet. Élémentspour une réflexion métatextuelle ». 146 p.Annie Brisset &Vance Mendenhall1996KELLY, Krista « The Internet As An Information Source forTranslators ». 127 p.Ingrid Meyer 1996KHOURY, Marielle “Dictionnaires arabes bilingues: présentation historique etétude comparative”. 197 p.Roda P. Roberts 1996 LANGLOIS, Lucie « Bitexte, bi-concordance et collocation ». 163 p. Roda P. Roberts 1996 LEBLANC, Matthieu « Problématique entourant la confection d’un manuel detraduction administrative ». 137 p.Jean Delisle 1996PICARD, Cécile « Sur la traduction des sociolectes dans le théâtreaméricain ». 123 p.Annie Brisset 196ST-JEAN, Ewa « Translation and Visual Communication: Case Study ofa Hospital Leaflet.Annie Brisset 1996 TOOPE, Michael “Examples in the Bilingual Dictionary”. 243 p. Roda P. Roberts 1996 ULICKI, Alanna “Linguistics and Cultural Transfer in Michel Tremblay’sLes belles-soeurs”. 156 p.Barbara Folkart 1996DE CHAMPLAIN, Jean “Rédaction sous influence l’écriture journalistique auQuébec”. 130 p.Annie Brisset 1995MACKINTOSH, Kristen « An Empirical Study of Dictionary Use in Version ».241 p.Ingrid Meyer 1995MORIN, René “Sur l’intégration du correcticiel à la didactique du thèmefrançais ». 113 p.Ingrid Meyer 1995CHARRON, Marc « Le Rapport Durham en traduction : paradigmesdiscursifs ». 142 p.Annie Brisset 1994LOZÈS-LAWANI, Christiane « La traduction naturelle chez des enfants de laRépublique du Bénin ». 178 p.Brian Harris 1994YUEN, Adrienne L. « Gallicisms: An Analysis Leading Towards A PrototypeGallicisms Checker ». 192 p.Roda P. Roberts 1994 GERMAN, Helen “Discourse in Eugene Nida’s Translation Theory”. 146 p. Roda P. Roberts 1993MILLER, David “Towards Knowldege-Base Systems for Translators”.200 p. Douglas Skuce &Brian Harris1993RYAN, Christiane “Législation linguistique au Québec: rôle de la traductionet de la terminologie dans la francisation des entreprises(1968-1988) ». 148 p.Jean Delisle 1993BOWKER, Lynne « Guidelines for Handling Multidimensionality in aTerminological Knowledge Base ». 207 p. Ingrid Meyer & Douglas Skuce1992De BIE WALLER,Myriam“La linguistique différentielle de Jean Darbelnet”. 163 p. Roda P. Roberts 1992MORGHÈSE, François « Avec armes et bagages : le passage d’une culture à uneautre par la traduction ». 263 p.Roda P. Roberts 1992 CARD, Carole « From Student to Professional: Transition from Roda P. Roberts 1991University to the Workplace ». 169 p.MILNE, Isabel “A History of Translation in Alberta”. 278 p. Jean Delisle 1991VAN SCHERRENBURG, Daniel “The Arrangement of Information in the GeneralBilingual Dictionary Entry”. 136 p.Roda P. Roberts 1990CALOREN, Claire “La traduction, la critique et la création littéraires: PhilipStratford et Samuel Beckett”. 147 p.Roda P. Roberts 1989LOEWEN, Victor « ORDINOTRAD: A Machine Translation System Basedon Case Grammar ». 313 p. Brian Harris & S.Szpakowicz1989SHARPE, Geraldine “Bilingualism in the Administration of Justice in NewBrunswick from 1963 to 1989”. 151 p.Roda P. Roberts 1989CHAN, Lucienne “La traduction littérale dans l’histoire de la traduction”.128 p.Louis G. Kelly 1987DUBOIS, Lise « Le cours préparatoire à l’apprentissage de la traductionprofessionnelle en milieu minoritaire : principes etobjectifs ». 179 p.Roda P. Roberts 1987ARIS, Ghassan « De Bagdad à Tolède : Aperçu historique destraducteurs, de leur méthodes, et de leur rôle dans latransmission des patrimoines culturels grec et arabe àl’Occident ». 200 p.Jean Delisle 1985DE DIAZ, Carlota « Teaching Translation in the Venezuelian Context:General Observations, Theoretical Considerations andExercises ». 207 p.Roda P. Roberts 1983PRISO, Thérèse “Saint-Jérome, notre contemporain”. 121 p. Louis G. Kelly 1983 BLAIS, Johanne « André Gide et la traduction ». 142 p. Roda P. Roberts 1982BOIVIN, Monique « C. Juan Boscáan : Traductor, Traidor, Romancista / Elconcepto de « romanzado » las traducciones espaňolasdel siglo 16 ». 97 p. Louis G. Kelly &Niegel Dennis1982CHUNGONG, MartinPukwareke“Three Interpretations”. 46 p. 1982MARCHAND, Louise “Les langues de spécialité dans l’optique de la traductionautomatique”. 174 p. Brian Harris &Benoit Thouin1982TAILLEFER, André « Les traductions françaises des confessions of AnEnglish Opium-Eater de Thomas de Quincey :considérations historiques, linguistiques etpsycholinguistiques ». 152 p.Roda P. Roberts 1982LAHAIE, Michel « L’oblidé, ou un système de traduction automatique detextes spécialisés ». 93 p. Brian Harris &Benoît Thouin1981Brisset, Annie « Structures de signifiance et traduction : réflexions surun poème de W.H. Auden ». 230 p. Brian Harris &Pierre V. Rutten1980。
翻译论文题目Title: An Investigation into the Impact of Social Media Use on Mental HealthAbstract:This paper aims to explore the relationship between social media use and mental health. With the rapid development and widespread adoption of social media platforms, it is important to examine how these platforms affect individuals' emotional and psychological well-being. The paper begins by providing an overview of the current body of literature on social media use and mental health, highlighting the various effects that have been observed. The potential benefits and drawbacks of social media are discussed, and the paper examines how factors such as online social comparisons, cyberbullying, and addictive behaviors can contribute to negative mental health outcomes. Additionally, the paper considers the role of social media in shaping individuals' self-esteem, body image, and overall psychological functioning. The factors that influence the impact of social media on mental health are also investigated, including gender, age, and cultural differences. The paper concludes by suggesting possible interventions and strategies to mitigate the negative effects of social media on mental health, highlighting the need for further research in this area. Introduction:Social media has become an integral part of many people's daily lives, with millions of users actively engaging in various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. While social media has the potential to enhance social connections and facilitate communication, concerns have been raised regarding its impact onmental health. This paper seeks to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health, examining the various factors that contribute to positive or negative outcomes. Literature Review:Numerous studies have explored the effects of social media use on mental health. Some research suggests that excessive social media use can lead to negative mental health outcomes, such as increased anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Online social comparisons have been identified as a significant factor, with individuals often comparing themselves unfavorably to others on social media platforms. Cyberbullying is another issue of concern, as it can have detrimental effects on victims' mental well-being. Moreover, addictive behaviors related to social media use, such as excessive scrolling and constant checking of notifications, can contribute to negative mental health outcomes.Impact on Self-esteem and Body Image:The paper also investigates the impact of social media on individuals' self-esteem and body image. Research suggests that exposure to highly curated and idealized images on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with one's own appearance. The constant pressure to meet unrealistic beauty standards portrayed on these platforms can significantly impact individuals' self-esteem and body image.Factors Influencing the Impact:Several factors can influence the impact of social media on mental health. Gender differences have been observed, with females generally reporting more negative effects on mental health thanmales. Age is another significant factor, with adolescents and young adults being particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of social media use. Cultural differences also play a role, with studies highlighting varying perceptions and responses to social media across different cultural contexts.Conclusion:Given the widespread usage of social media and its potential impact on mental health, it is crucial to further investigate this relationship. Efforts should be made to raise awareness about the potential risks associated with excessive social media use and develop interventions to mitigate these negative effects. Strategies such as promoting digital literacy, fostering healthy online behaviors, and encouraging offline social connections can help individuals maintain positive mental well-being in the digital age. Further research is needed to deepen our understanding of the complexities surrounding social media use and mental health, and to develop evidence-based interventions to promote psychological well-being in the digital era.。
英语翻译论文题目Title: Significance and Challenges of English Translation in Academic Research: A Comprehensive AnalysisAbstract:This paper aims to examine the significance and challenges of English translation in academic research. English has become the dominant language in the field of academia, and translation plays a vital role in bridging the language barrier and facilitating knowledge exchange between researchers from different linguistic backgrounds. However, several challenges arise in the process due to the complexity of translation, cultural differences, and linguistic nuances. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the significance and challenges of English translation in academic research, providing insights into effective translation strategies and highlighting the importance of professional translators in maintaining the integrity of research work in cross-cultural contexts.Introduction:English has become the lingua franca of academic research, as it is the primary medium for global scholarly communication. Consequently, researchers from non-English-speaking countries often face the challenge of communicating their findings effectively in English. This necessitates the use of translation services to ensure that their research is disseminated to a wider audience.Significance of English Translation in Academic Research: Translation plays a crucial role in facilitating knowledgedissemination and promoting international collaborations in academic research. By translating research papers, presentations, and abstracts into English, non-English-speaking researchers can effectively communicate their findings to a broader audience, enhancing the visibility and impact of their work. English translation also allows researchers to access a vast amount of existing literature in their field, enabling them to incorporate relevant research into their own work and contributing to the advancement of knowledge.Challenges of English Translation in Academic Research: Despite its significance, English translation in academic research poses challenges due to various factors. Firstly, the complexity of translation requires a deep understanding of both the source language and the target language, as well as knowledge of the specific subject matter. Secondly, cultural differences can complicate the translation process, as certain concepts and expressions may not have direct equivalents in English. Additionally, linguistic nuances, such as idiomatic expressions and wordplay, can be difficult to accurately convey in the target language, potentially leading to misinterpretation or loss of meaning.Effective Translation Strategies:To overcome the challenges of English translation in academic research, several strategies can be adopted. Firstly, collaboration between subject-matter experts and professional translators is essential to ensure accurate translation that preserves the meaning and intent of the original research. Additionally, utilizing translation technologies, such as machine translation andtranslation memory tools, can aid in enhancing efficiency and consistency in the translation process. Furthermore, continuous professional development and training for translators are crucial to stay updated with the latest research terminology and maintain the quality of translations.Conclusion:English translation plays a vital role in academic research by enabling effective communication and knowledge exchange across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Although challenges exist, employing effective translation strategies and collaborating with professional translators can overcome these hurdles and ensure the accuracy and integrity of research work. As the global scientific community continues to grow, the significance of English translation in academic research will only increase, necessitating ongoing efforts to enhance translation practices and support the global dissemination of research findings.。
专业英语,英语二专业,文学翻译等各方向供参考的论文题目一、文学1. Domby and Son:The Portrait of a Capitalist2.The Road to Freedom: An Analysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn3.The Struggle between Divine Nature and Human Nature: A Review of Love inThe Thorn Birds4.Reality in Illusion: A Study of The Lord of the Rings5.On Paul’s Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers6.The Image of an Empire-Builder: A Perspective for Reading Robinson Crusoe7.Byron's Optimism and Edgar Allen Poe's Pessimism: A Comparative Study ofShe Walks in Beauty and To Helen8.The Importance of Property to Women: An Analysis of the Marriage Patterns inEmma9. A Rebellious Pagan Goddess: An Analysis of Eustacia as a New Woman in TheReturn of the Native10.On the Tragic Consciousness in A Farewell to Arms11.Puritanism in Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography12. Struggle between Nature and Man: An Eco-Literary Reading of Moby Dick13. A Study of Christianity in Uncle Tom's Cabin14.Love, Equality and Tolerance: On the Nature of Love in Jane Eyre and Tess ofthe D'Urbervilles15.Catherine Earnshaw: An Irreproachable Woman in Wuthering Heights16.Individual’s Integration into Society: An Analysis of Hester in The ScarletLetter17.On the Stream-of-Consciousness Techniques Used in Ulysses18.Moral Lessons in Vanity Fair19.On the Religious Color of Characterization in Uncle T om's Cabin20.Thoreau's Walden: A Book of Inward Exploration21.The Significance of the Death of Martin Eden22.Beautiful Women: Analysis of Female Characters in The Merchant of Venice23.The Conflict between Reality and Ideals in Jude the Obscure24.The Pursuit of Beauty in Keats's Poetry25.The Influence of Edgar Allan Poe's Life on his Writings26.Social Satire in Vanity Fair27.Hemingway as a Novelist of the Lost Generation: ReadingA Fare Well to Arms28.Three Female Characters in Sons and Lovers: A Feminist Analysis of Sons andLovers29.Mirror of the Age: The Rising Bourgeois in Robinson Crusoe30. A Study of Interpersonal Relationships in Sons and Lovers31.The Biblical Allusions and Symbols in The Grapes of Wrath32. A Journey of Outward and Inward Exploration: A Brief Analysis of Walden33.Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities34.The Voice of Protest: The Social Significance of Oliver Twist35.Resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities36. A Book that Rocked the World: On the Anti-Slavery Impact of Uncle Tom'sCabin37.On the Racial and Cultural Conflicts in Heart of Darkness38.Rebecca: A Speculator or A Path-breaker?39.The Distorted Love in Sons and Lovers40.The Impact of Puritanism on Hawthorne: A Psychological Study of The ScarletLetter41.The Power of Love: On Heathcliff's Revenge in Wuthering Heights42.On the Characterization and Writing Techniques in Rebecca43.The Depressed Other:A Brief Analysis of the Image of Bertha Mason in JaneEyre44.Who is the Murderer?: An Analysis of Heathcliff's Tragedy45.Nature's Favorite Son: On William Wordsworth’s Nature Poetry46.Female Resistance with Different Results: A Comparative Study between BeckySharp and Jane Eyre47.Destroyed but not Defeated: On the Theme of The Old Man and the Sea48.On Hamlet’s Delay of Revenge49.Nature across National Boundaries: A Comparative Studyof Tao Yuan-Minand William Wordsworth50.Jane Eyre’s Struggle for Self-Realization as a Feminist Woman51.On the Characterization of Tom in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer52.Love Stories in William Cather’s O Pioneers53.The Ideal Beauty in Poetry: An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and“Annabel Lee”54.Heroism in Hemingway’s Short Stories55.“Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty”: On the Aesthetic Feature of John Keat’s Poetry56.The Light of the Dark:On the Detective Stories of Conan Doyle57.The Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter58.On the Symbolism of D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow59. A Challenge to Traditional Morality and Convention: On Jane Eyre as a FeministFiction60.On the Image of Satan in Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained61. On the Autobiographical Aspects of Jane Eyre62.The Awakening of Female Consciousness: Jane Eyre as a Feminist Novel63.Light of Hope: On Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” and His Other Poems64.Sin and Redemption: On Hawthorne’s Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter65. An Analysis of the Character Shylock in The Merchant ofVenice66.To Love or To Be Loved?: Analysis of Major Characters in Wuthering Heights67.Gothic Features of Wuthering Heights68.The Analysis of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea69.The Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea70.Local Color in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer71.The Pessimist Who Brought Laughter to The World: On Mark Twain’s DryHumor72.Humor and Realism in Mark Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of CaverasCounty”73.Bertha Mason and the Colonialist Discourse in Jane Eyre74.“The Iceberg Principle”: On Hemingway’s Art istic Techniques in The Old Manand the Sea75.The Awakening of Women Consciousness in Gone with the Wind76.On the Theme of Death in Emily Dickinson’s Poems77.The Negative Influence of Society on Oliver Twist78.On Satire in Catch—2279.“The Smile in T ears”: An Analysis of the Artistic Features of O. Henry’s ShortStories80. 解读布莱克诗篇《老虎》的象征意义81. 简析《秋颂》的美学价值82. 由《云雀颂》看雪莱的诗歌创作观83. 解读《麦克白》的创作意义84. 《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽用法85. 一个值得同情的复仇者--评希思克利夫被扭曲的心路历程86. 试论马克·吐温短篇小说的幽默特色87.“罪”与“罚”的对立统一--浅谈《红字》的主要人物88. 是母亲,还是情人--论《儿子与情人》中莫雷尔太太的人物性格89. 恐怖与美丽--浅谈爱德加·艾伦·坡的恐怖小说90. 死亡:人生永恒的主题--《因为我不能停步等待死神》与《死之念》之比较91. 永远打不败的人类意志——简评《老人与海》92. 奏响生命的新乐章--浅析艾丽丝·沃克的《紫颜色》二、翻译1. On How to Handle the Fuzzy Message in Translating2. On the Characteristic and Translation of CommercialCorrespondence3. The Translation of English Film Titles4. A Comparison of Semantic Meaning between Chinese andEnglish Words in Translation5. Translation of the English News Headline6. Methods of Translating Long English Sentences7. The Application of Semiotic Approach in Translation8. On the Translation of Commercials and Brand Names9. On English- Chinese Translation of Negative Sentences10. Chinese-English Translation of Long Sentences11. How to Get Poetic Flavor in Translation12. Chinese- English Translation of Brand Names13. Culture and Translation of Trade Marks14. Comparison of the Appropriateness of Poem Translation15. The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice16. On Translation Methods of Numerals in Chinese andEnglish17. On the Translation of Du Fu’s Poems18. Loyalty in Translation19. Cultural Equivalence in Translation20. Onomatopoeia and its Translation21. On the Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure inEnglish-Chinese (or Chinese-English) Translation22. Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set Phrases23. A Brief Comparison between Literal Translation andFree Translation24. Learning a Foreign Language through Translation25. Arts in Verse Translation26. On English- Chinese Translation of the Passive Voice inExpository Writing27. The Solution to Problems in Idiom Translation Causedby Cultural Differences28. Importance of Meaning Group in Translation29. On the English Translation of Newly emerged Words and Expressions in Chinese 改革开放以来涌现的汉语新词汇的英译30. 翻译与语境31. 翻译中的对等问题32. 翻译中的衔接与连贯33. 翻译中的文化信息传递34. 语篇体裁与翻译策略35. 翻译中的语序转换36. 英汉句法对比和翻译37. 谈合同(或其他各种类型文本)的翻译38. 商业广告英语及其翻译39. 商号、商标、公司名称等的翻译40.谈英语幽默的翻译41.地方名胜古迹汉译英42.中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响43.会话含义的推导与翻译44.词汇的文化内涵与翻译45.语境在翻译中的作用46.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题47.英语比喻性词语的文化内涵及翻译48.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译49.浅谈新闻标题的翻译50. 浅谈如何综合选用直译和意译51. 中国特色新词的英译52. 弘扬中国文化,让世界了解中国--汉英翻译中“求同存异”原则三、语言学1. Opinions of Pun and its Effects on English Language2. The Beautifying Functions of English Euphemisms3. A Survey on Loan Words of English4. The Pragmatic Functions of Intonation for Language Acquisition5. The Change of English Word Meaning: Factors and Types6. Latin’s Influence on the Englis h Vocabulary in the History Perspective7. The Recognition of Componential Analysis and Its Application8. Study on Complimenting9. The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English10. On the Merit and Application of Computer-assisted Instruction11. Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication12. Ambiguity and Puns in English13. English Personal Pronouns: a Preliminary Textual Analysis14. Thematic Network and Text Types15. On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing16. The Construction and Interpretation of Cohesion in Texts17. A Brief Study on English Antonyms18. Discourse Analysis of Dialogues in Films19. The Variation of Maxims and the Humor of Advertisements20. 英语禁忌语动态分析与外语教学Dynamic Analysis of T aboo English for EFL Learner21. 长句的平衡——英汉句式比较研究The Balance of Long Sentences ------ A Comparative Research on the Sentence Structure between English and Chinese.22. 网络交际中的语码转换及语言伦理Code-switching in Internet Communication and Language Ethics23. Code Switching Between Chinese and English in Spoken Communication24. 商务交往中英语口头表达的原则-------信与雅Sincerity and elegance: Oral Communication in Business25. 交流中的手势Hand Gesture In Communication26. 从现代汉语中的英语外来词看中国文化对西方文化的吸收与处理27. "女权主义"运动与英语语言中“性别歧视”现象28. Choosing a Code on the Chinese Campus 校园交际中的语码选择29. On the Language, Style and Rhetoric Features of Commercial Advertising English 论商务广告英语语言、文体及修辞特征30. Unity and Contradiction of Cooperative Principle andPoliteness Principle and Their Application in Business Letters 合作原则和礼貌原则的对立统一及其在商务信函中的应用31. Styles of Writing and Language Features of Business English商务英语的语言特点及文体风格32. Comments on Chinese and English Poetic Metaphors漫谈中英诗学中的隐喻33. The New Approach of Chinese Trademark Internationalization: The Combination of Trademark’s design, sound and meaning中国商标国际化新方法----商标形、音、义的结合34. Speech Function of Headlines in English Advertising——The Analysis of"Question" and "Answer"英文广告标题的言语功能——“提问”与“应答”分析35. A Study on the Serial Verbal Construction 连动句研究36. Forms and Categories of Cyber-English Abbreviations网上英语的缩略形式及类别划分37. Phonological Variations Triggered by Morphological Processes in English英语中由构词所引起的词内语音结构的变化38. A Linguistic Study on the Style of English Economic and Trade Contracts经贸英语合同文体的语言研究39. Some Tentative Studies on the Causes Behind the Changes of Polysemy inEnglish 英语词汇一词多义变化现象的内部原因40. 英语语言中的性别歧视SEXISM IN ENGLISH41. 违反合作原则之英语幽默English Humor as a Violation of Cooperative Principle42. 运用“发散思维”来扩大词汇量43. 现代英语词汇迅速发展的原因探究44. 网络英语的词汇类型及其特点45. 广告英语的词汇特点46. 英语中的歧义现象47. 论大学英语教学中交际能力的培养48. 从历史文化的发展看英语词或短语的语义演变49. 英诗中常用的修辞探悉50. 英语谚语的修辞手法51. 英语中的缩略语研究52. 英语词汇中的外来词53. 英语新词新意探究54. 如何正确把握英语定语从句(或其他各种从句或语法形式)在句子中的确切含义55. 试谈“颜色词”在英语中的使用56. 英语中的性别语言现象探索57. 试析跨文化交际中的语用差异58. 语义模糊与交际59. 英语中主动形式表被动意义现象分析60. 汉英数量词的文化差异61. 英语广告标题的修辞特点62. 浅谈英汉词语的文化内涵63. 论英汉词义的不对应性四、跨文化1. Gender Differences in Cross-Culture Communication2. The Comparative Analysis of Time Orientations between Chinese and AmericanCultures3. The Similarities and Differences between American and Chinese Body Language4. Differences on Communication Style between Chinese and Western Culture5. A Contrastive Analysis of Politeness Characteristics between Chinese &EnglishCultures6. Cultural Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Euphemism7. The Differences Between Chinese and English Nonverbal Communication8. Culture Differences in Everyday Conversation between Chinese and English9. Culture Differences in Advertising Creativity Between US and China10. English Idioms —the Reflection of Culture11. On Address Forms in Cross-Cultural Communication—About the PolitenessNorms and Pragmatic Failures12. The Difference of Taboos Between Chinese and English Cultures13. Exploration of Family Relationship between China and American through theFilm Guasha14. A Comparative Study of the Cultural Connotation between Chinese and EnglishAdvertisements15. A Cognitive Approach to Metaphors in English and Chinese16. Cultural Conflict in Business Negotiation between China and Western Countries17. Comparison between Chinese Collectivism and AmericanIndividualismin Oral Speaking18. A Comparison of Intercultural Usages between Chinese and Western CourtesyLanguages19. The Discrepancy of Chinese and Western Culture in Advertisement20. On the Cultural Implications of Body Language21. Contrasts of Body Language between China and English-Speaking Countries fromthe Perspective of Culture22. Comparison of Food Culture between China and West from Table Manners23. Family Education Differences between China and Western Countries24. Color Words, Colorful World—The Symbolic Meaning of Color Words25. On Development of Euphemism and its Social Value in InterculturalCommunication26. Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language27. Deep-structure Transfer in Cross-cultural Communication28. Exotic Cultures Influence on English Vocabulary29. Religious Cultural Factors Affecting the Differences of Meanings of Words30.Colorful Language —the Differences in the Symbolic Meaning of Colors in theChinese and Western Culture/doc/00a22569a98271fe910ef9af.htmlparison of the Chinese and English Form of Addresses32.Similarities and Dissimilarities of Euphemisms in Chinese and English33.A Study on Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese五、教学法1. On Classroom Activities and the Training of Oral Communicative Competence ofJunior Middle School Students2. Communicative Competence and Task-based Teaching Approach3. On Developing English Reading Skills4.Interaction in Oral English Teaching5.The Application of Schemata in the Teaching of Reading Comprehension6. The Application of Cooperative Learning Theory to English Reading Teaching inSenior High School7. The Change of English Teacher's Role in Middle School8.A Conceptual Discussion on Classroom Team Work Strategy9.On Sino—Western Cultural Differences and the Structure of Chinese Collegestudents' Chinglish10.The Conversion and Development of English Teaching Methods in China/doc/00a22569a98271fe910ef9af.html ing Questions in English Reading Teaching12.Tentative Approaches to the Teaching of English Reading Comprehension in HighSchool13.Task-based Language Teaching Methodology and its Application in Reading14.The Application of Performance in English Learning and Adjustment of theEnglish Teacher's Role15.Cultural Factors in Foreign Language Teaching16.English Songs—An Effective and Supplementary Medium of English Teaching17.The Non-intelligence Factors in English Learning18.On Art of Teacher Talk/doc/00a22569a98271fe910ef9af.html ing Task-based Method and Internet Resource to Improve Teaching ofClassroom Reading20.The Application of Schema Theory in Reading Comprehension21. Body Language in English Teaching22. Creating Learning Environments23.The Activities Applied to Improve the English Teaching Class24.Culture Lead-in in English Teaching25.Psychological Factors in English Teaching in Middle Schools26.On Communicative Ways in Grammar Teaching27.Cooperative Learning in the Secondary School28.A Balanced Activities Approach in Communicative Foreign Language Teaching29.Cross-culture Communication and English Teaching in Middle School30.The English Teaching Based on Multimedia31.Psychological Factors in English Teaching at Middle School32.Grammar Teaching Within a Communicative Framework33.Cultural Awareness in English Teaching34.The Social Psychological Factors of Foreign Language Learning35.Cognitive Approach in Oral English Teaching36.Self-access Learning’s Effects on the Application of th e Balanced ActivitiesApproach37. The Roles of International Communicative Activities in College EnglishLanguage Teaching38. The Instructive Meaning of Inter-language Pragmatics for foreign Language Teaching39. The Interference of Native Language in English Writing or Translation40. 不同学习阶段英语听力和口语的互动关系及训练方法The Interactive Relations between Listening and Speaking at Different Levels and Corresponding Training Methods41. The Input and Strategy in Listening Comprehension英语听力中的输入和策略因素42. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Major Factors Af fecting EFL Students’ Reading Ability对影响EFL学生阅读能力的主要因素的综合分析43. MOTIVATION TYPES OF CHINESE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN ENGLISH LEARNING中国大学生英语学习动机类型44. 通过扩大知识面提高英语阅读能力45. 通过英语阅读提高英语写作能力46. 试论英语自主学习能力的培养47. 英语教学中的语言焦虑及解决策略48. 普通话对英语语音的迁移作用49. 口语教学中教师的角色50. 英语词汇教学方法探讨51. 英语阅读课堂教学模式探讨52. 英语课堂的合作学习策略研究53. 教师教学行为对学生英语学习的影响54. 计算机辅助英语教学中的教学法原则55. 论Internet对我国外语教学的影响56. 试论英语教学的情景创设57. 重视语篇结构分析,提高英语阅读课的教学质量58. 外语教学的和谐气氛与有效交际59. 在英语教学中如何培养学生的创新意识和能力60. 完善教学艺术,激发学生学习英语的兴趣61. 兴趣活动交际--浅谈交际教学法在中学英语口语教学中的运用62. 论中学英语教学中的动机因素。
1.国际商务合同翻译技巧The Translation Techniques in the International Business Contracts2.论语境在翻译中的重要性Study on the Importance of Context in Translation3.商务英语中的模糊性翻译Thesis on the V ague Translation in the Business English4.广告英语特征及其翻译技巧Thesis on the Features and Translation Techniques of Advertising English5.文化与翻译-浅析文化负载词汇的翻译方法Culture & Translation-on the Translation of Culture Bound Expressions6.从文化角度看习语翻译A Cultural Insight into the Translation of Idioms7.浅谈英语书名汉译On English Book Title Translation8.谈商务英语及其翻译中的委婉表达方式Euphemistic Expressions in Business English and Their Translation9.从西湖景点的翻译看旅游英语的翻译策略Looks at the Traveling English Translation Strategy from the West Lake Scenic Spot Translation10.论英汉翻译中汉语方言的正迁移Positive Transfer of Chinese Dialect on English-Chinese Translation11.论英汉影视翻译中不同文化意象的处理On the Disposition of Different Cultural Images in Film Translation12.论网络交际英语的特征及其翻译A Study of Internet Communication English Features and Translation13.浅谈暗喻在英语广告及翻译中的应用The Application of Metaphor in English Advertisement and its Translation14.从关联理论角度论暗含连词在英汉翻译中的处理Chinese-English Translation of Implicit Conjunctions from the Perspective of Relevance Theory15.论英汉翻译中的望文生义Misinterpreting Words Literally in English and Chinese Translation16.论翻译中信息走失与文化补偿的原则及策略On principles and Strategies of Translation Loss and Cultural Compensation17.论英汉翻译中信息转换的补偿措施The Compensation of Information Conversion in English and Chinese Translation 18.论圣经中习语的不同翻译方法Different Translation Methods for Idioms in the Bible19.外贸英语句子的特点对翻译的影响Influence of Features of Trade English Sentence on Translation20.英汉姓名的文化内涵及其翻译方法Thesis on the Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Names and ItsTranslation Methods21.浅谈英语谚语翻译Thesis on the Translation of English Proverb22.浅析文化语境对翻译的影响Study on Influence of Cultural Context on Translation23.从庞德英译汉诗《长干行》看其意象派风格Ezra Pound's Imagist Style in Translating a Chinese Poem As Seen from The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter24.中国高校名称的翻译The Translation of the Names of Universities in China25.语境对英汉翻译措辞的影响The Influence of contexts on the Diction of English-Chinese Translation26.从好了歌评两种不同的翻译风格Thesis on the different translation style from the A Dream of Red Mansions27.中西社会风俗差异及其翻译On the Discrepancies of Translation between Western and Chinese Social Custom 28.中文电影片名的英文翻译分析The Analysis of English Translation about Chinese Film’s Title29.从编译理论看新闻翻译中的译者主体性On the Function of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation of News from Compiler Theory30.谈汉语流行词的中英文翻译Chinese Popular Neologisms and Their Translation31.《浮生六记》中特定文化词语的翻译On Translation of Culture-Specific Concepts in Six Chapters of a Floating Life 32.汉英方位词的文化对比与翻译—从“东西南北”与“east,west,south,north”谈起Cultural Contrast and Translation of Chinese and English Location Words-with Special Reference to “Dong, Xi, Nan, Bei”and “East, West, South, North”33.中文公共标识的英语翻译On Translating Chinese Public Signs into English34.英汉商标翻译原则Brand Translation Principle in English-Chinese35.英汉口译技巧Oral Interpretation Skills from English into Chinese36.论韦利的论语英译On Waley’s Translation of the Analects37.中英文化差异对翻译的影响Effects of Cultural Differences on Translation38.影视字幕翻译刍议On Translation of Subtitles of English-Language Films39.On Formal Correspondence of C/E Translation in Terms of Hypotaxis &.Parataxis从形合和意合看汉英翻译中的形式对应40.How to Decode and Translate the Ambiguous Structures歧义结构的解码与翻译41.Pragmatics and Advertisement Translation, with Special Emphasis on E/CCultural Differences英汉文化差异与广告的语用翻译42.Context and Business Discourse in English and Chinese43.On the Peculiar ways of Expression in Dicken’s Novels试论狄更斯小说独特的艺术手法44.Female Images in the Sun Also Rises 论《太阳又升起了》小说中女性形象45.Standarization of English: The Necessity and Feasility in an Age of Globaliztion全球化时代英语标准化的必要性和可能性46.On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese 再谈汉英公示语翻译----以2010年亚运会主办城市广州为例47.Brief Appreciation on “Venice Merchant”48.The Mannered Language of English49.On the Properties of Idiomatic Expressions in English50.The Differences and Samilarities Between Structural Ambiguity in English andChinese51.Time Conception in Different Cultures52.On American Religion53.On Title Translation of English Film and Disc54.The Characteristics and the Rhetorical Roles of English ReduplicativesNeiterativesparisons of Multiplicity in Chinese and English and Its Translation56.A Study of Hmorous Utterances Form the Perspective57.The Current State and Prospects for English Teaching58.The usage of “And”59.A Survey on Culture and Social Life in USA60.Inheretance and Development of National Language and Culture61.Implicitness and Explicitness in Translation62.谈英语谚语的翻译63.谈英语幽默的翻译64.地方名胜古迹汉译英65.翻译中常见错误分析66.中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响67.会话含义的推导与翻译68.词汇的文化内涵与翻译69.语境在翻译中的作用70.商标词翻译71.广告语言的翻译72.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题73.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响74.英汉谚语的理解和翻译75.浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译76.中西文化差异与翻译障碍77.英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译78.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译79.浅谈新闻标题的翻译80.从历届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛看翻译人员所应具备的素质81.论品牌名称翻译的原则和方法82.影视作品字幕翻译的技巧83.归化与异化——《飘》不同译本的比较研究84.旅游景点翻译存在的问题与处理方法85.英语新闻的特点与翻译技巧86.中国特色时事词汇及其英译87.中国饮食文化翻译存在的问题与策略88.英汉委婉语的比较研究与翻译策略89.英汉产品说明书的特点与翻译技巧90.浅谈如何融翻译教学于英语教学91.《傲慢与偏见》不同译本比较研究初探92.文学作品中文化负载词的翻译技巧93.口译技巧、言外知识与语言基本技能三位一体的口译学习法94.论笔记中符号与缩略词对连续传译质量的作用95.论交替传译中笔记对“达”的影响96.论笔译教学与口译教学的结合97.网络英语的特点和翻译方法98.城市标识用语英译错误及翻译策略99.论商务文本的特点和翻译策略100.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice101.On Translation Methods of Numeral in Chinese and English102.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms and their Tranlations103.Cultural Equivalence in Translation104.On the Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure in E/C Translationparative Study of Two Basic Translation Methods—Literal Translation and Free Translation106.Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation107.On Translating the Passive V oice in English for Science and Technology 108. A Comparative Study of Two English V ersion of The XXX109.Review on the Translation of Movie Titles110.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-phrase111.Application of Contrastive Analysis in Long Sentences112.Rhetorical Functions of Onomatopoeia(拟声词) and Its TranslationOn the Influence of Bible Culture on the Translation between English and ChineseThe Proper Use of Foreignization and DomesticationCulture Gaps and UntranslatabilityThe Proper Use of Literal Translation and Free TranslationA Touch to Translation Theory and SkillThe Translation of Trademarks and Advertising Claims and Their Cultural Connotation English Allusion and Its TranslationCognition and Translation of MetaphorTranslation and Translating: The Theory and PracticeCulturally Loaded English Idioms and Their TranslationsOn Translator's Obtrusion in TranslationThe Translation Studies of MetaphorDomestication and Foreignization in TranslationC-E Translation in Cultural ContextMachine Translation and Human Translation: in Competition or in Complementation Translation of Commercial LinesEnglish Idioms and Literal Translation and Free TranslationAn Overview of Translation in China: Theory and PracticeAnalysis of Descriptive Translation StudiesThe Translation of English Sentences of Passive V oiceThe V ague Strategy and Pragmatic Analysis of EuphemismsOn Translation of Vocabulary with Chinese CharacteristicsUnequivalence of Business English TranslationThe Study of the W ord Connotation in TranslationOn the Unequivalence of TranslationOn Some UntranslatabilityAn Analysis of Descriptive Translation StudiesHow to Deal with the Ellipsis in TranslationTranslation of Idioms and Cultural DifferencesCulture Connotation of Color W ords and Their TranslationThe Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English AllusionOn Translation of AdvertisementsHow to Select and Use the Literal Translation and Liberal Translation CorrectlyStudy on Multiplication of Translation StandardsCriticism and Humor in Charles Dickens' W orksChinese-English Translation in Cultural ContrastThe Factors Effecting Context in TranslationOn the Writing Devices Employed in " I Have a Dream " by Martin Luther KingOn the Translation of XieHouY u in EnglishHow to Name and Translate the Trademarks of Products for Entering the International Markets An Analysis on the Phenomenon of Chinglish in TranslationOn Literal and Liberal TranslationThe Relationship between English Idioms and Its CultureCulture Difference In Idioms in TranslationTwo Principles of Pragmatic Translation in the Fictional ConversationStudy on Literal Translation and Free TranslationThe Features of Translation of English for Science and Technology Domestication and Foreignization Translation in IntercultureBasic Knowledge and Two Important Skills of TranslationA Study on the Order of Translation from English to ChineseON Cultural Factors in TranslationOn Dynamic Equivalence in English –Chinese TranslationA comparison of the color words in Chinese and EnglishThe Translation of Proper Nouns between English and ChineseCulture Factors and Translation in English and Chinese IdiomsCultural Gaps and losses and Compensation in TranslationThe Translation of English IdiomsThe Discussion on Literal Translation and Free TranslationTranslation for Business EnglishInfluence of Cultural Difference on English and Chinese IdiomsThree Difficulties of Poem TranslationTrademark Translation in Different CulturesLiteral translation and free translationCultural Differences and Idioms TranslationOn the Problems Existing in the Translation of Film Titles and Countermeasures On the trademark translation between Chinese and EnglishSubjectivity of Translators in TranslationTranslating the Lengthy English Sentences into ChineseCultural Differences in Translations between Chinese and EnglishOn English TaboosOn Precedence of Semantic EquivalenceThe Cultural Connotation of Numerals and the Translation of Numeral Idioms Translation of Trademark W ordsStrategies Adopted in Translating Chinese Advertisements into English OnesA Study of Animal Metaphor in English and ChineseOn Skills of Advertisement TranslationOvercoming Limitation of Language and Culture off Met in TranslationThe Comparison and Translation Between English and Chinese IdiomsThe Comparison and Translation Between English and Chinese IdiomsThe translation of public signsCultural Equivalence Adopted in TranslationThe Social and Cultural Factors in Translation PracticeA Study on Cultural Differences in Idiom TranslationHow to Be an Aspirant InterpreterThe Research of Metonymic Translation in the Domains of Cognitive Linguistic Theory The Translation of Movie TitlesOn The Translation of English MetaphorA Tentative Study of Three Chinese V ersions of ―A Psalm of Life‖Domestication and Foreignization in Idiom TranslationCultural Differences of W ords Connotation and Their TranslationChina English and Chinese EnglishThe Treatment of Punctuation Marks in E-C Translation & Its Aesthetic EffectivenessThe cultural Differences on Advertisement TranslationForeign zing Translation of IdiomsOn Brand Name TranslationAbout Amplification in English-Chinese TranslationDiscussion about Domestication and Foreignization of TranslationUse Literal Translation and Free Translation ProperlySlang--Its Qualities, Use and FunctionAnalysis of Chinese and English ProverbsA Brief Exploration on the Trademark TranslationAdvertising TranslationThe Comparison between Metaphorical Meaning of Color W ords in English and Chinese Culture-loaded W ords and Their TranslationThe Translation of AdvertisementsTranslation in advertising EnglishFour-character Structure in English-Chinese TranslationThe comparison and appreciation of the translation of the Recruiting at Shi Hao Vill age The Translation of Common Expressions in Business EnglishFeatures and Translation of offer in Business letterOn the Translation of English Proverbs—Strategies to Preserve the National Characteristics On the Translation of Chinese Dish NamesPreconditions and Three Main Methods in Foreign Brand Name TranslationOn English Color W ords and Their Translation into ChineseThe Influence of Cultural Factors on Advertisement TranslationContext and English-Chinese TranslationOn the Current Situation in Movie Name Translationand the StrategiesTranslation of Cultural W ordsY an Fu and His Criteria of TranslationTranslation of Brand Names in AdvertisementThe Influence of the Cultural Difference between English and Chinese on Translation Cultural Context in TranslationTranslation EquivalenceOn the Approaches to English translation of Chinese Movie SubtitlesOn the Translation of ArticlesCultural Differences in Idiom translationIdioms and Their TranslationsOn Some Characteristics of Onscreen Language TranslationThe Connotation of Animal Idioms and Their Translation Between Chinese and English Translation of English IdiomsEnglish Background Information Approached in Light of English Chinese Translation The Advertising English TranslationOn Translating Chinese Dish Names into EnglishSemantic Change Approached in TranslationThe Constitution and Translating T echnologies of the Technical NeologismThe Characteristics of Advertising English and Strategy of TranslationLiteral Translation and Free TranslationBrand Name Translation in Intercultural CommunicationUntranslatability—— A Cultural ApproachOn Translating English Movie Titles into ChineseContext and TranslationOn Beauty Presentation of Chinese Poetry TranslationCulture and Movie TranslationLiteral Translation and Free TranslationTranslation on the Titles of Egnlish MoviesCulture Approach to Translate Chinese Idioms into EgnlishA Theory of the Translation for Merchandise Brand's NameOn Language and Culture of Tourist Material TranslationThe Theory of Three Beauties in Comparison of Three V ersions of 再别康桥On English Advertising TranslationOn the Improvement of Ability of Egnlish Listening, Speaking,Reading and Writing How to Translate InstructionsOn Fuzzy Phenomenon in Advertising English and Translation StrategiesNumeral Culture and Numeral TranslationThe T endency of Translation MethodsOn the Proper Use of Literal Translation and Free TranslationOn the Translation of Book Title between Egnlish and ChineseThe Study of Advertisements' TranslationOn the Translation of Egnlish IdiomsOn the Features of Egnlish News Headline and Its TranslationThe Role of Emotion in English T eachingMistranslation of Brand Names from Chinese to EgnlishDissimilation and Domestication of Egnlish Literary Book Title TranslationHow to Understand and Choose the Meaning of Original English ArticlesApproaches in the Chinese Film Titles TranslationElements Affecting English Idioms TranslationForeignization of Domestication -- Translation of MetaphorsOn Metaphor and Its Translation--from the V iewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics Characteristics of Advertising EnglishThe Changes of Enghlish Lexical MeaningChinese Popular Neologisms and Their TranslationOn Idiom TranslationConversion of Parts of Speech in English-Chinese TranslationA Study of Cultural Influence on Translation from the Translators' AnglesOn Dynamic Equivalence in Film Subtitle TranslationOn Translation of English for Science and TechnologyOn Literal and Free Translation of Advertising LanguageBrand Name Translation in Cross-Cultural CommunicationCultural Influence On the Translation of Chinese PoetryOn the Functional Equivalence in TranslationOn Translation of English Long SentenceOn the Translation of English PreposionAn Ideological Study of LinShu's Translation of Robinson CrusoeSome Tips about Translation in International CommerceA Brief Approach to Cultural Distinction and the Effects on Idiom TranslationThe Transaltion of English Idioms Involving coloursOn the Translation of TrademarksOn the Translation of Film TitlesOn the Translation of Approximators from the perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory On the Translation of Public SignsOn Mistranslation of W ords of English for Science and T echnologyApplication and Translation of Puns in English AdvertisementsOn Translating the Theme Song of the 29th Olympic GamesThe Metaphorical Meaning of Color W ords in TranslationOn Translation of English IdiomsOn the Animals in Culture between the W est and ChinaA Comparative Study in the Two English V ersions of HongLoumeng by Y ang and Hawkes About Transformation of Parts of Speech in translation。
英语翻译论文题目英语翻译论文题目写英语翻译的论文需要写哪些内容呢?选什么样的题目合适?下面是应届毕业生小编为大家收集的关于英语翻译论文题目,欢迎大家阅读!1、谈英语谚语的翻译2、谈英语幽默的翻译3、英语汉译技巧初探4、地方名胜古迹汉译英5、翻译中常见错误分析6、中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响7、会话含义的推导与翻译8、词汇的文化内涵与翻译9、语境在翻译中的作用10、翻译技巧探索11、商标词翻译12、广告语言的翻译13、论英汉互译中的语义等值问题14、英汉文化差异对翻译的影响15、英汉谚语的理解和翻译16、浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译17、中西文化差异与翻译障碍18、英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译19、英语意义否定表现法及其汉译20、浅谈新闻标题的`翻译21、互文性理论下的电影片名翻译22、从唐诗《春望》英译比较看译者主体性23、功能对等理论在英文电影字幕翻译中的应用-以《肖申克的救赎》为个案24、语篇翻译中的衔接与连贯25、从关联理论视角看汉语习语的英译26、从目的论角度看新闻标题英汉翻译27、目的论关照下的汉语标语翻译28、影视翻译的特点及技巧-阿甘正传个案研究29、The Characteristics of Athletic English and Its Translation 体育英语的特点及翻译30、Chinese Reduplicated Words and their Translation into English 汉语叠词及其英译31、Non-Correspondence in English-Chinese Translation of Color Words中英文翻译中颜色词的非对应32、On the Cultural Signification of Animal Idioms and Translation 动物俚语文化含义与翻译33、Foreignizing and Domesticating Translations in Cross-cultural Vision跨文化视野中的异化和归化翻译34、The Loss of Affective Mean ing in Translation ―from the Perspective of Cultural Differences 从文化差异的角度看翻译中情感意义的丢失35、On the Explicitness and Implicitness of Conjunctions in English-Chinese Translation Process 论连词再英汉翻译中的显性和隐性存在36、Approaching Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from a Functional Perspective 从功能翻译角度看归化与异化37、Conversion of Part of Speech in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉中词类的转换38、The Transfer of Culture Image and of English and Chinese Idioms in Translating 论英汉习语翻译中的文化意象的转化VI 旅游英语方向的选题39、科技汉英翻译中的修辞现象述评 ( An Overview of Rhetoricin Scientific English Translation )40、科技英汉翻译中的虚实互化现象微探( Research on the Change from Abstractness to Concreteness in Scientific Translation )41、翻译方法个案研究?如?“从海明威的短篇小说《一个干净、明亮的地方》看简洁句的翻译”?42、两个译本比较研究 ?或某个译本翻译评论?43、某个著名翻译家翻译方法或翻译风格研究44、英汉习语翻译方法研究45、广告翻译策略研究46、Culture Differences and Translation of English &Chinese Idioms47、浅析应用文体之翻译48、烹饪英语翻译探微49、科技英语翻译方法例析50、中式菜谱的英译51、汉语颜色词的英译52、福克勒小说的英译53、英语俚语的汉译54、论英语委婉语的差异和翻译对策55、实用文体翻译中的语言、文化透视?结合语言学、跨文化交际等相关内容分析影响实用文体翻译的因素?56、关于对外交流翻译中不足的反思?如?电影名的误译?旅游翻译的误译及其他。
下面小编给大家带来翻译方向论文题目选题参考2022,希望能帮助到大家!毕业论文答辩致谢词大学毕业论文评语翻译硕士论文题目选题参考1、《中国古代足球》古汉语专名与古诗词的英译处理2、英文合同汉译中规范性的实现策略3、以目标语读者为导向的广告翻译策略研究4、盐城旅游文本中特色词汇的翻译问题5、从接受美学视角探究文学作品中模糊语言翻译6、法律文献中专业术语英译的探讨7、扬州旅游文本里文化因素的翻译8、网络辅助下英语缩略语的翻译策略研究9、有道词典在翻译中的应用10、英语散文120篇汉译项目报告11、徐州景点导游词翻译中文化负载词的处理12、徐州特产食品说明书汉英翻译研究13、从文本功能的角度探究报刊时政新闻的汉译14、英语长句的英译汉翻译策略实证研究---以<基于语料库的英语教学>为例15、《物华名胜》中复合式翻译方法的运用16、《苏斯儿童绘本汉译过程中儿童语言的处理》17、目的论指导下企业介绍的英译研究18、新闻发布会口译项目报告19、目的论视角下看中国高校宣传片的字幕翻译策略20、《杨澜访谈录》同声传译项目报告21、VOA经济报道口译过程中顺句驱动法运用的实践报告22、预测在英语财经新闻口译活动中运用的实践报告23、中国饮食文化词的口译技巧—《舌尖上的中国》口译实践报告24、影响英汉交替传译中笔记有效信息筛选障碍的项目报告——以VOA时事新闻口译实践为例25、视译停顿形成因素及解决方法报告26、外事口译中译者主体性的把握27、学生译员汉英交传训练中停顿现象研究28、商务合同英汉互译技巧29、英文品牌汉译30、知识对于翻译的重要性31、中英文化差异及其对英汉互译的消极影响32、英语广告中修辞手法的应用及其翻译33、<<红楼梦>>金陵判词两种译文的比较及评析34、从红楼梦诗词翻译看翻译中的文化补偿35、关于李后主“虞美人”的3种英译本的鉴赏36、跨文化交际与商标翻译37、中式菜肴的命名与翻译38、浅谈英语电影片名的翻译39、英文电影片名的翻译策略40、英文化妆品广告之美学翻译41、数字在中西文化中的内涵差异及数字习语翻译初探42、浅析原语文本在目标语文本中文体的适应性43、英语习用语翻译中的等效性研究44、论语境在英汉翻译中的作用45、浅析英语动画片翻译的基本原则46、中英服饰广告的翻译47、论英汉翻译中语篇连贯的重要性48、论译者的风格与译风49、经济英语中的隐喻及其翻译50、从翻译的美学角度浅析旅游资料的中英译51、翻译中的文化因素52、影视字幕翻译的原则53、影响长句翻译的因素54、例析英译汉中形象语言的处理英语专业毕业论文翻译方向题目1、图里规范理论视角下的《四洲志》翻译研究2、翻译伦理视域下杨曙辉和杨韵琴《喻世明言》英译本研究3、《围城》英译研究4、余华小说《兄弟》中的文化专有词英译研究5、汉语形容词重叠式及其基式英译对比研究6、英汉交流虚构运动事件中路径和方式表征的对比研究7、汉语情态动词“能”字结构的翻译8、英汉运动事件表征方式对比研究9、顺应论视角下视觉动词的汉英互译研究10、语用顺应论视阈下汉语听觉动词的英译研究11、基于交往能力理论的翻译主体间性实证研究12、目的论视角下的电气英语翻译13、从符号视角看翻译中视觉非语言符号的信息处理14、功能对等理论视角下政府公文英译策略研究15、女性主义视角下影视字幕翻译策略研究16、操纵论视角下政治文本的汉英翻译研究17、从功能对等原则看中国上古神话中神话意象的翻译18、从德国功能派翻译理论视角分析领导人演讲口译19、文化翻译理论指导下《黄帝内经》英译策略研究20、四字格中医术语动词的英译对比研究21、《红楼梦》服饰文化翻译研究探析22、英文传记汉译实践报告23、生态翻译视角下:《尘埃落定》英译本的研究24、奈达的功能对等理论在Harry Potter and The Chamber ofSecrets两个译本中的体现25、描写性翻译理论框架下《西敏寺》译文的风格分析26、目的论视角下张爱玲《金锁记》自译本的比较研究27、从功能理论视角看戴译本《边城》中文化负载词的翻译策略与方法28、英译诗歌韵律的定量对比分析29、功能对等理论视角下鲁迅小说《药》《孔乙己》《风波》两个英译本的对比研究30、奈达功能对等视角下对《瓦尔登湖》两个中译本的对比研究31、语义翻译/交际翻译视角下文化特色语的翻译32、从关联理论看《了不起的盖茨比》的两个汉译本33、目的论视角下的《三体》英译研究34、性别与翻译:从女性主义翻译观对比分析《飘》的两译本35、目的论指导下的《舌尖上的中国》菜名英译策略36、功能对等理论视角下的美国情景喜剧字幕翻译37、功能对等理论视阈下的商标翻译研究翻译理论与实践论文题目1、德国功能翻译理论的宏观性及其对教学的启示2、翻译美学的文化考量3、解构视角下翻译中的二元对立分析4、传教士翻译与晚清文化社会现代性5、跨文化传播视域下的翻译功能研究6、英语专业本科翻译教学主体交往体系建构研究7、许渊冲唐诗英译研究8、论英汉翻译写作学的建构9、文章学视野下的林译研究10、口译研究的生态学途径11、郭建中翻译思想与实践研究12、跨文化语用学视角下的外宣翻译策略研究13、文学文本中的视觉翻译14、外宣翻译研究体系建构探索15、异化翻译思想探究16、翻译的修辞学研究17、新月派文学观念研究18、文章学视野下的林纾翻译研究19、翻译批评原则的诠释学研究20、蒯因的翻译不确定性及其对英汉互译的启示21、近代中国留学生教育翻泽研究(1895~1937)22、叙事学视域下的外宣翻译研究23、修辞劝说视角下的外宣翻译研究24、中国传统翻译理论观照下的林少华文学翻译研究25、易学“象”视角下的译学研究26、对比语言学元语言系统的演变研究27、俄语本科翻译教材研究28、情境翻译与翻译情境29、西班牙语委婉语的多元翻译30、从《哥儿》林译本的句子结构调整看奈达功能对等翻译理论31、功能对等理论与信达雅翻译论的比较研究32、《翻译理论与实践》(第二章)翻译报告33、从中国文化语境视角出发解读西方女性主义翻译34、证券翻译理论与实践35、叶维廉汉诗英译研究。
论文写作参考题目翻译研究方向选题1.The Great Translator Yan Fu (伟大的翻译家严复)2.Gu Hongming: A Pioneer of Translating the Chinese Classics into English (汉英翻译的先驱——辜鸿铭)3.On the Principles of Equivalence in Literary Translation (论文学翻译中的等值原则)4. A Brief Comment on E. A. Nida’s Concept of Translation (浅谈奈达的翻译观)5.Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability (文化差异与不可译性)6.Translating and the Background Information (翻译与背景知识)7. A Preliminary Study of Explanatory Translating (解释性翻译初探)8.Translating the English Articles into Chinese (英语冠词汉译)9.Translating the English Plural Nouns into Chinese (英语复数名词汉译)10.Translating the Lengthy English Sentences into Chinese (英语长句汉译)11.On Translating English Book Titles into Chinese (谈英语书名汉译)12.A Brief Comment on the Several Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre (简评《简●爱》的几种汉译本)13.Views on the Chinese Version of Jude the Obscure: An Outstanding Example of ArtisticRecreation (艺术再创造的范例——《无名的裘德》汉译本)14.Views on the Chinese Version of Emma(关于汉译本《爱玛》的几点看法)15.Translating the Style of Literary Works ——A Preliminary Study of Wu Ningkun’s Versionof The Great Gatsby (文学作品的风格翻译——巫宁坤译《了不起的盖茨比》初探) 16.A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of The Merchant of Venice (《威尼斯商人两种汉译本比较》)17.A Reading of Fang Zhong’s Translation of The Canterbury Tales (读方重译《坎特伯雷故事集》)18.On the English Versions of Some of Du Fu’s Poems (评杜甫诗歌英译)19.Translating the Titles of Chinese Classic Poetry (中国古典诗歌标题英译)mon Errors in Translation: An Analysis (常见翻译错误分析)21.English Idioms and The Translation (英语习语的翻译)22.How to Deal with Ellipsis in Translating (翻译中如何处理省略用法)23.The Importance of Comprehension in Translating (理解对于翻译的重要性)24.The Importance of Knowledge in Translating (知识对于翻译的重要性)翻译研究参考书目选录陈富康《中国译学理论史稿》,上海外语教育出版社,1997。
TraductologieTranslation StudiesTHÈSES DE DOCTORAT COMPLÉTÉES DEPUIS 2001 DOCTORAL THESIS COMPLETED SINCE 2001Nom de l’étudiant Student name Titre de la thèseTitle of thesisSuperviseurSupervisorAnnéeYearGopenko, Anna Traduire le sublimeLes débats de l’Église orthodoxe russe sur la langueliturgique. 268 p. Annie Brisset /John Jillions2009McDonough, Julie Framed! Translations and Paratexts of Works on QuebecNationalism, Independence Movements and the 1980/1995Referenda. With special focus on Mordecai Richler’s OhCanada! Oh Quebec! and Pierre Vallières’ Nègres blancsd’Amérique. 404 p. Luise von Flotow /Clara Foz2009Tyulenev, Sergey “The Role of Translation in the Westernization of Russia inthe Eighteenth Century”. 317 p. Annie Brisset /Michael Heim2009Cordoba Serrano, Maria Sierra Cartographie socio-traductionnelle des transferts littérairesQuébec-Espagne (1975-2004)Clara Foz /DominiqueBourque2008Fraser, Ryan “Sound Translation: Poetic and Cinematic Practices”. Walter Moser 2007Lehmann, Florence « Traductions/transpositions : représentationsinstitutionnelles des premiers peuples du Canada ». 265 p.Annie Brisset 2007 Abbughazzi, Aysha “Translation and Public Opinion: The Press in Jordan”. AnnieBrisset 2006Mihalache, Iulia « Le modèle occidental et ses traductions dans une sociétépostcommuniste: le cas de la Roumanie »Vol. 1, 194 p.Annie Brisset 2005Payas Puigarnau, G. “The Role of Translation in the Building of NationalIdentities: The Case of Colonial Mexico (1521-1821)”.306 p. + appendix 33p.Clara Foz 2005Williams, Donna «Recurrent Features of Translation in Canada : A Corpus-Based Study ». 327 p.Roda P. Roberts 2005Clifford, Andrew “A preliminary Investigation into Discursive Models ofInterpreting as a means of Enhancing Construct Validity inInterpreter Certification”. 296 p.Roda P. Roberts 2003Healy, Michel Marie “The Cachet of the (Invisible) Translator:Luise von Flotow 2003Englishwomen Translating Science (1650-1850)”.312 p.Annie Brisset 2001 Williams, Malcolm “An Argumentation-Centred Approach to TranslationQuality Assessment”. 443 p.。
13、a process-oriented way of categorizing translator’s electronic tools。
1.Miscellaneous observations on a topic are not enough to make an accomplished academic essay. An essay should have an argument. It should answer a question or a few related questions (see 2 below). It should try to prove something—develop a single “thesis” or a short set of closely related points—by reasoning and evidence, especially including apt examples and confirming citations from any particular text or sources your argument involves. Gathering such evidence normally entails some rereading of the text or sources with a question or provisional thesis in mind.2.When—as is usually the case—an assigned topic does not provide you with a thesis ready-made, your first effort should be to formulate as exactly as possible the question(s) you will seek to answer in your essay. Next, develop by thinking, reading, and jotting a provisional thesis or hypothesis. Don’t become prematurely committed to this first answer. Pursue it, but test it—even to the point of consciously asking yourself what might be said against it—and be ready to revise or qualify it as your work progresses. (Sometimes a suggestive possible title one discovers early can serve in the same way.)3.There are many ways in which any particular argumentmay be well presented, but an essay’s organization—how it begins, develops, and ends—should be designed to present your argument clearly and persuasively. (The order in which you discovered the parts of your argument is seldom an effective order for presenting it to a reader.)4.Successful methods of composing an essay are various, but some practices of good writers are almost invariable:▪They start writing early, even before they think they are “ready” to write, because they use writing not simply to transcribe what they have already discovered but as a means of exploration and discovery.▪They don’t try to write an essay from beginning to end, but rather write what seems readiest to be written, even if they’re not sure whether or how it will fit in.▪Despite writing so freely, they keep the essay’s overall purpose and organization in mind, amending them as drafting proceeds. Something like an“outline” constantly and consciously evolves, although it may never take any written form beyond scattered, sketchy reminders to oneself.▪They revise extensively. Rather than writing a single draft and then merely editing its sentences one by one, they attend to the whole essay and draft and redraft—rearranging the sequence of its larger parts, adding and deleting sections to take account of what they discover in the course of composition. Such revision often involves putting the essay aside for a few days, allowing the mind to work indirectly or subconsciously in the meantime and making it possible to see the work-in-progress more objectively when they return to it.▪Once they have a fairly complete and well-organized draft, they revise sentences, with special attention to transitions—that is, checking to be sure that a reader will be able to follow the sequences of ideas within sentences, from sentence to sentence, and from paragraph to paragraph. Two other important considerations in revising sentences are diction (exactness and aptness of words) and economy (the fewest words without loss of clear expression and full thought). Lastly, they proofread the final copy.注:本文为多伦多大学写作中心的写作建议,仅作为学习参考用,版权为多伦多大学写作中心所有。
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Translation Studies
Nom de l’étudiant Student name Titre de la thèse
Title of thesis
Gopenko, Anna Traduire le sublime
Les débats de l’Église orthodoxe russe sur la langue
liturgique. 268 p. Annie Brisset /
John Jillions
McDonough, Julie Framed! Translations and Paratexts of Works on Quebec
Nationalism, Independence Movements and the 1980/1995
Referenda. With special focus on Mordecai Richler’s Oh
Canada! Oh Quebec! and Pierre Vallières’ Nègres blancs
d’Amérique. 404 p. Luise von Flotow /
Clara Foz
Tyulenev, Sergey “The Role of Translation in the Westernization of Russia in
the Eighteenth Century”. 317 p. Annie Brisset /
Michael Heim
Cordoba Serrano, Maria Sierra Cartographie socio-traductionnelle des transferts littéraires
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Clara Foz /
Fraser, Ryan “Sound Translation: Poetic and Cinematic Practices”. Walter Moser 2007
Lehmann, Florence « Traductions/transpositions : représentations
institutionnelles des premiers peuples du Canada ». 265 p.
Annie Brisset 2007 Abbughazzi, Aysha “Translation and Public Opinion: The Press in Jordan”. Annie
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Mihalache, Iulia « Le modèle occidental et ses traductions dans une société
postcommuniste: le cas de la Roumanie »
Vol. 1, 194 p.
Annie Brisset 2005
Payas Puigarnau, G. “The Role of Translation in the Building of National
Identities: The Case of Colonial Mexico (1521-1821)”.
306 p. + appendix 33p.
Clara Foz 2005
Williams, Donna «Recurrent Features of Translation in Canada : A Corpus-
Based Study ». 327 p.
Roda P. Roberts 2005
Clifford, Andrew “A preliminary Investigation into Discursive Models of
Interpreting as a means of Enhancing Construct Validity in
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Roda P. Roberts 2003
Healy, Michel Marie “The Cachet of the (Invisible) Translator:
Luise von Flotow 2003
Englishwomen Translating Science (1650-1850)”.
312 p.
Annie Brisset 2001 Williams, Malcolm “An Argumentation-Centred Approach to Translation
Quality Assessment”. 443 p.。