OracleDatabase12c 介绍

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第1章 Oracle 12C概述

1.1.3 数据类型
整数数据类型 浮点数数据类型 精确小数类型 二进制数据类型 日期/时间数据类型 字符串数据类型
1.1.4 主键
主键(PRIMARY KEY)又称主码,用于唯一地标识表中的每一条 记录。可以定义表中的一列或多列为主键,主键列上不能有两行 相同的值,也不能为空值。
1.2 数据库技术构成
数据库(DataBase,DB)是一个长期存储在计算机内的、有组织 的、有共享的、统一管理的数据集合。它是一个按数据结构来存 储和管理数据的计算机软件系统。即数据库包含两层含义:保管 数据的“仓库”,以及数据管理的方法和技术。
数据库的特点包括:实现数据共享,减少数据冗余;采用特定的 数据类型;具有较高的数据独立性;具有统一的数据控制功能。
1979年,RSI首次向客户发布了产品,即第2版。 1983年,发布的第3个版本中加入了SQL语言,而且性能也有所提升,其
他功能也得到增强。同年,RSI更名为Oracle Corporation,也就是今天 的Oracle公司。 …. …. …. 2013年6月26日,Oracle Database 12c版本正式发布,12c里面的c是 cloud,也就是代表云计算的意思。
1.4 Oracle工具
1.4.1 SQL Plus 1.4.2 Oracle SQL Developer
1.4.1 SQL Plus
客户端工具。在SQL Plus中,可以运行SQL Plus命令与sql语句。 SQL Plus是目前最常用的工具,具有很强的功能,主要功能包含如
下: ⑴ 数据库的维护,如启动,关闭等,这一般在服务器上操作。 ⑵ 执行SQL语句。 ⑶ 执行SQL脚本。 ⑷ 数据的导出为报表。 ⑸ 应用程序开发、测试SQL。 ⑹ 生成新的SQL脚本。 ⑺ 供应用程序调用,如安装程序中进行脚本的安装。 ⑻ 用户管理及权限维护等。
oracle 12c 参数

oracle 12c 参数Oracle 12c参数Oracle是一款非常强大的数据库管理软件,可以为企业提供高效稳定的数据管理支持。
Oracle数据库的运行需要众多参数的配合,针对每个参数的设置可以使得Oracle 的运行更加稳定、高效。
在Oracle 12c中,有大量的数据库参数需要进行设置,本文将介绍一些关键的参数设置方法。
可以使用下面的命令来查询SGA参数的值:SQL> show parameter sga可以通过编辑初始化文件ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initoradb.ora或使用ALTER SYSTEM语句在SGA参数或组件级别上设置SGA参数。
设置SGA最重要的是备份与恢复,为此可以将SGA的大小保存在PFILE 或SPFILE中,以便在备份与还原过程中使用。
2、PGA参数设置Oracle数据库中的PGA(Process Global Area)是实现Oracle“进程内内存”概念的关键,它由每个进程的私有内存组成。
可以使用下面的命令来查询PGA参数的值:SQL> show parameter pga可以通过编辑初始化文件ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initoradb.ora或者使用ALTER SESSION 语句在针对性的设置PGA参数。
Oracle 12c ADG特性

地址:北京市海淀区中关村软件园孵化器2号楼A座一层 邮编:100193 电话:(86.10) 8278-6000 传真:(86.10) 8282-6401
地址:上海市黄浦区天津路155号名人商业大厦12层 邮编:200001 电话:(86.21) 2302-3000 传真:(86.21) 6340-6055
Oracle Database 12c十二大新特性

作为甲骨文全球大会OpenWorld 2012中的重要产品发布,新版Oracle Database 12c汇集了参会者最多的目光,Larry Ellison也在开幕演讲中重点介绍了12c 的一些新特性。
对于Oracle DBA来说,虽然数据库12c正式发布的日期还要等到明年年初,但依旧希望能够提前了解它的一些新功能、新特性。
在OpenWorld 2012的技术讲座环节,Oracle技术大师Tom Kyte集中介绍了Oracle Database 12c的十二大新特性,而Oracle ACE总监杨廷琨也对此进行了总结,希望让国内DBA一睹为快。
2.改善Defaults:包括序列作为默认值;自增列;当明确插入NULL时指定默认值;METADATA-ONLY default值指的是增加一个新列时指定的默认值,和11g 中的区别在于,11g的default值要求NOT NULL列。
3.放宽多种数据类型长度限制:增加了VARCHAR2、NVARCHAR2和RAW类型的长度到32K,要求兼容性设置为12.0.0.0以上,且设置了初始化参数MAX_SQL_STRING_SIZE为EXTENDED,这个功能不支持CLUSTER表和索引组织表;最后这个功能并不是真正改变了VARCHAR2的限制,而是通过OUT OF LINE的CLOB 实现。
4.TOP N的语句实现:在SELECT语句中使用“FETCH next N rows”或者“OFFSET”,可以指定前N条或前百分之多少的记录。
6.分区改进:Oracle Database 12c中对分区功能做了较多的调整,Oracle ACE总监杨廷琨花了较大的篇幅对分区提升进行了解读,其中共分成6个部分:INTERVAL-REFERENCE分区:把11g的interval分区和reference分区结合,这样主表自动增加一个分区后,所有的子表、孙子表、重孙子表、重重重...孙子表都可以自动随着外接列新数据增加,自动创建新的分区。
Oracle Database 12c RAC for AIX 7.1

Oracle Database 12c RAC for AIX 7.1一、安装说明服务器:IBM Power 750(两台)共享存储:华为DS6800OS:AIX 7.1.3ORACLE:网络(hosts文件解析):二、环境检查查看内存:# lsattr-E -l sys0 -a realmem系统架构:# getconf HARDWARE_BITMODE(或# bootinfo -K或# getconf KERNAL_BITMODE//输出64才可以查看Swap空间:# lsps -a,使用chps -s增加目录大小:# df -g(默认的不太大,最好扩展一下smitty chfs)检查软件包:# lslpp -l bos.adt.base bos.adt.lib bos.adt.libm bos.perf.libperfstatbos.perf.perfstat bos.perf.proctools rsct.basic.rte pat.clients.rte xlC.aix61.rte. xlC.rte.最后两个有版本要求)相关补丁:# instfix -i -k "IV16737IV21116 IV21235 IV28925 IV34869 IV35057 IV39136 IV41415 IV45072 IV45073"由于系统版本7.1.3,安装系统时已包括相关补丁集,安装过程中会有相关WARNING,忽略即可安装12c必须的其它软件包:ssh——建立信任关系、安装过程scp都需要的sshbash——如没有此包,安装GRID时会报INS-06001 Failed toperform operation due to internal driver errorunzip——AIX默认不支持.zip解压1.安装ssh相关包,一般系统盘中就有,smitty installp或mkdir dvdmount -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /mnt/dvdcd /mnt/dvd/usr/sys/inst.immagesinstallp -ac -Y -d . openssh.base openssl.base①在/etc/security/login.cfg文件中,将usw下auth_type的默认值std_auth改为pam_auth②/etc/pam.conf中添加sshd auth required pam_aixsshd account required pam_aixsshd password required pam_aixsshd session required pam_aix③将/etc/ssh/sshd_config中#LoginGraceTime 2m改为 LoginGraceTime 0④重启sshstopsrc -s sshdstartsrc-s sshd2.bash需要网上下载(ftp:///gnu/bash/ 据说版本没有限制)后,上传到服务器,使用root用户执行:# rpm -ivh bash-4.2-1.aix6.ppc.rpm在/etc/security/login.cfg的usw:下添加/usr/bin/bash(此操作不知道是不是有效)3. 同样下载unzip_aix.Z文件,上传到服务器,解压uncompress unzip_aix(这里使用刻盘上传时会把.Z改为.z,解压前要改回来,否则报错)chmod 751 unzip将文件cp到/usr/bin# cp -v /u01/unzip_aix /usr/bin/unzip三、系统参数查看异步io:# ioo-a |grep aio_maxreqs(此版本为131070,不用修改)虚拟内存参数:# vmo –aF 与下面值不一致时,修改为下面值(调整后重启生效):vmo -p -o minperm%=3vmo -p -o maxperm%=90vmo -p -omaxclient%=90vmo -p -olru_file_repage=0vmo -p -ostrict_maxclient=1vmo -p -o strict_maxperm=0系统分配的块大小(建议值128-1024):chdev-l sys0 -a ncargs=1024用户允许的最大进程数:chdev–l sys0 –a maxuproc=16384网络参数:no -a | more查看兼容性:lsattr –E –l sys0 –a pre520tune1.如返回结果是pre520tuneenable Pre-520 tuning compatibity mode True,在/etc/添加如下:if [ -f /usr/sbin/no ] ; then/usr/sbin/no -o udp_sendspace=65536/usr/sbin/no -o udp_recvspace=655360/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_sendspace=65536/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_recvspace=65536/usr/sbin/no -o rfc1323=1/usr/sbin/no -o sb_max=4194304/usr/sbin/no -o ipqmaxlen=512fi2.如返回结果是pre520tunedisable Pre-520 tuning compatibity mode True,执行下面命令no -r -o ipqmaxlen=512 //此参数要求重启系统生效no -p -o rfc1323=1no -p -o sb_max=4194304no -p -o tcp_recvspace=65536no -p -o tcp_sendspace=65536no -p -o udp_recvspace=655360no -p -o udp_sendspace=65536其它网络参数:no -p -o tcp_ephemeral_low=9000-o tcp_ephemeral_high=65535no -p -o udp_ephemeral_low=9000-o udp_ephemeral_high=65535关闭NTPmv -v /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.bakstopsrc -s xntpd修改用户限制,将/etc/security/limits文件中部分内容如下:default:fsize = -1core = -1cpu = -1data = -1rss = -1stack = -1nofiles = -1四、添加IP解析、创建用户等信息在/etc/hosts添加解析地址(使用hosts解析IP) nc180p001192.168.10.2 nc180p002192.168.10.3 nc180p001-vip192.168.10.4 nc180p002-vip10.10.10.1 nc180p001-pri10.10.10.2 nc180p002-pri192.168.10.5 racscan创建组mkgroup -'A' id='1000' adms='root' oinstallmkgroup -'A' id=' 1001' adms='root' dbamkgroup -'A' id='1002' adms='root' opermkgroup -'A' id='1003' adms='root' asmadminmkgroup -'A' id='1004' adms='root' asmopermkgroup -'A' id='1005' adms='root' asmdba创建用户mkuser id='1000' pgrp='oinstall'groups='dba,asmdba,oper,asmadmin,asmdba’home='/home/grid' –s /usr/bin/bash gridmkuser id='1001' pgrp='oinstall'groups='dba,oper,asmadmin,asmdba,asmoper' home='/home/oracle' –s /usr/bin/bash oracle修改密码echo oracle | passwd --stdin oracleecho oracle | passwd --stdin grid添加用户能力lsuser -a capabilities gridchusercapabilities=CAP_NUMA_ATTACH,CAP_BYPASS_RAC_VMM,CAP_PROPAGATE grid lsuser -a capabilities oraclechusercapabilities=CAP_NUMA_ATTACH,CAP_BYPASS_RAC_VMM,CAP_PROPAGATE oracle信任关系(可选)1.生成密钥对(两个节点,两个用户oracle,grid)ssh-keygen -t rsassh-keygen -t dsa2.配置信任关系(一个节点)cat .ssh/>>.ssh/authorized_keyscat .ssh/>>.ssh/authorized_keysssh nc180p002 cat .ssh/>>.ssh/authorized_keysssh nc180p002 cat .ssh/>>.ssh/authorized_keysscp .ssh/authorized_keysnc180p002:~/.ssh3.验证信任关系(两个节点,两个用户)ssh nc180p002 datessh nc180p002-pri datessh nc180p001 datessh nc180p001-pri date创建目录设置权限mkdir -p /u01/app/11.2.0/gridmkdir -p /u01/app/oraclechown -R grid:oinstall /u01chown oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oraclechmod -R 775 /u01/共享存储生成PV:chdev -l hdiskn -a pv=yes设置共享文件系统的权限供grid和oracle用户使用1.改变用于数据库存储的PV的属主chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk[2-12]2.改变用于数据库存储的PV的权限chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk[2-12]3.检测和设置保持策略lsattr -E -l hdisk[2-12] | grep reserve_设置保持策略:chdev -l hdisk[2-12] -areserve_policy=no_reserve (如果是reserve_policy)chdev -l hdisk[2-12] -areserve_lock=no (如果是reserve_lock)添加环境变量节点1上Oracle用户,在~/.bash_profile文件umask 022export EDITOR=viexport ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracleexport ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/db_1export ORACLE_SID=ora11g1exportPATH=.:${PATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin exportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 #此变量最好安装完再加上节点2上Oracle用户,在~/. bash_profile文件添加:umask 022export EDITOR=viexport ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracleexport ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/db_1export ORACLE_SID=ora11g2export PATH=.:${PATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin exportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8#此变量最好安装完再加上节点1上Grid用户,在~/. bash_profile文件添加:umask 022export EDITOR=viexport ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/gridexport GRID_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/gridexport ORACLE_SID=+ASM1exportPATH=.:${PATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/bin::/usr/local/binexportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}节点2上Grid用户,在~/. bash_profile文件添加umask 022export EDITOR=viexport ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/gridexport GRID_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/gridexport ORACLE_SID=+ASM2export PATH=.:${PATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/binexportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}五、安装GI1.解压grid两个安装包cd /u01unzip aix.ppc64_12c_grid_1of2.zipunzip aix.ppc64_12c_grid_2of2.zip2.解压目录属主改为grid用户cd /u01chmod -R grid:oinstsall grid/3.进入解压目录执行使用root用户,将此文件传到第二个节点同样使用root 执行cd /u01/grid./rootpre.sh4.grid用户进入解压目录验证su - gridcd /u01/grid./runcluvfy.shstage -pre crsinst -n nc180p001,nc180p002 -fixup -verbose5.开始安装:$ ./runInstaller输入Y,回车继续进入图形界面。

Trouble-free Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c with Real Application TestingKurt EngeleiterPrincipal Product ManagerSafe Harbor StatementThe following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.Program Agenda▪Oracle Database Upgrades▪Validating Upgrades with Real Application Testing ▪Two Upgrade Use Cases:‒Consolidation into Multi-Tenant‒Database In-Memory▪Customer StoriesOracle Database UpgradesWhy Upgrade to Database 12c? •Database Consolidation to Multitenant–Ease management–Standardize on most recent version–Simplify future upgrades•Database In-Memory–Real time analytics•Migration to a new environment–Hardware / Software•Take advantage of other new database featuresValidating Upgradeswith Real Application TestingDatabase Upgrade Testing - Why•Every customer has a unique environment–Hardware configuration–Application use of the database•Upgrade testing in your environment provides validation ofperformance and correctness–Validates your unique hardware and software stack–Assures most important databases / applications perform to meet SLAsReal Application Testing provides real-workload testing solution that is comprehensive & easy-to-use for system change assessmentResponse Time TestingLoadTestingComprehensiveTestingSolutionSQL Performance Analyzer DatabaseReplayRealApplicationTestingReal Application Testing – Two Complementary SolutionsSQL Performance Analyzer •Helps users predict the impact of system changes on SQL workload response time•Low overhead capture of SQL workload to SQL Tuning Set (STS) on production system•Build different SQL trials (experiments) of SQL statements performance by test execution •Analyzes performance differences•Offers fine-grained performance analysis on individual SQL•Integrated with STS, SQL Plan Baselines, & SQL Tuning Advisor to form an end-to-end solutionAnalysis ReportCompareSQL PerformanceSQL plans + stats SQL plans + stats Pre-change Trial Post-change TrialSQL WorkloadSTSSPA Report1 2 345Database Replay •Database load and performance testing with real production workloads–Production workload characteristicssuch as timing, transactiondependency, think time, etc., fullymaintained•Identify and remediate application scalability and concurrency problems in multitenant and non-CDB databases •Allows scheduling, scaleup, subsetting, of multiple workloads•Concurrent database replay available for and above, MOS Note: 1453789.1Database Upgrade Testing Best Practices•Always use SPA first–Unit test before load test•Capture and replay a manageable amount of time – e.g. 1 to 2 hours •Key metric for Database Replay is DB Time•Capture SQL Tuning Sets during capture and replay for additional validation•Use Enterprise Manager 12c with the latest DB Plugin–Implements best practices–Wizards guide you through the capture and replay process–Long term repository for storing and analyzing test results*Check MOS Note 560977.1 for recommended patch bundlesDB Time Definition•Total time in database calls by foreground sessions •Includes–CPU time –IO time–Active wait (non-idle wait) time•Basic unit for Oracle performance analysisCPUI/O WaitDB TimeDatabase Consolidation Into MultitenantDatabase Workload Compatibility: Challenges•Applications have different workload profiles –CPU–Memory –Storage –Network •Will my Multitenant database handle peak workloads and co-exist? •Is there enough headroom? •How do I minimize risk? •Use Real Application Testing to assess Multitenantworkload compatibility and conduct capacity planning ✓✗✓ ✓Using SPA in Multitenant EnvironmentCRM DW ERP HCMValidate SQL performance forconsolidated database:•Capture SQL workload foreach database in STS•Execute SPA for all workloadstogether in consolidatedenvironment•Identify errors & SQLregressions•Review response time•RemediateERP STSCRM STSHCM STSDWSTSSALESHRERPCRMMultitenant Load Testing: Use Consolidated DB Replay•Capture workload on different databases that needs to co-exists concurrently •Works for schema consolidation and Pluggable Databases•Use scaleup, subsetting, scheduling of multiple workloads•Use for schema and CDB consolidation •Identify and remediate inter-application scalability and concurrency problems •Available for and above, MOS Note: 1453789.1TestCapture Process ReplayAnalysis & ReportingProductionReplay DriverClientsStorage StorageMultitenant Load Testing: Use Consolidated Database ReplayWindows DB 10.2 Capture 1Capture 2Capture 3Production SystemsCRM- DB1 HCM-DB2 DW-DB3DirectoriesAIXDB HP-UX DB 11gMay: Month-end Close June15: Daily PeakJune 18: DW - ETL…CDB – DB12cReplay on CDBCapture 1Capture 2Capture 3Test SystemConsolidated Replay DirectoryDirectoriesHow to Test For Consolidation•If consolidating a few databases–Use SPA–Use Consolidated Replay•If consolidating a large number of databases–Identify databases with similar workload profiles–Categorize them into small, medium and large–Scale up each category with workload scheduling and Consolidated ReplayUse Case Example•Move to new platform and consolidate to multitenant databaseCapture SQL Tuning Sets on each databaseCapture Workload on each database with Database ReplayUpgrade Database to12cConfigure PDBsRun SPA TestRun Database ReplayTarget1 Node, 4 CPU, 16 GB MemoryProduction2 Nodes with 2 CPUs, 8 GB MemoryCapture Production WorkloadDatabase 1 Database 2•Capture SQL for each database into SQL Tuning Sets for SPA test •Capture workloads for Database ReplayOn Test System•Install Database 12c with Multitenant configuration•Restore production backups into individual PDBs and run upgrade scripts•Run SPA–Convert captured production STS into trial 1–Execute SPA trial 2 on each PDB–Evaluate results–Remediate any regressions before database replayConsolidated Database SPA - Execution Plans Unchanged•For consolidation into multitenant,most SQL should have unchangedexecution plan•For OLTP workload- ‘Buffer Gets’ isbest metric•Most SQL also have unchangedperformanceTest System – Consolidated Replay •Execute Consolidated Replay on test system–Remap captured TNS connections to individuals PDBs –Run Consolidated Replay–Evaluate resultsConsolidated Database Replay Result•Replay ‘user calls’ identical tocapture – same amount ofdatabase work was done•DB Time slightly reduced•Conclusion: Upgraded andconsolidated databaseperformance matches sourceStress Test with Workload Scheduling•Consolidated Database Replay also includes workload scheduling •Workload peaks can be aligned to maximize stress on replay systemUpgrading to Database In-MemoryOracle Database In-MemoryBoth row and column in-memory formatsSimultaneously active and transactionally consistentensuring access to freshest dataEliminates manual tuning and expensive analytic indexesUnique Dual-Format ArchitectureColumn FormatMemoryRow Format MemoryAnalyticsOLTPSales Sales Up-to-date analyticsOptimizing Transaction and Query Performance Row Format Databases versus Column Format DatabasesRow ▪Transactions run faster on row format –Insert or query a sales order–Fast processing few rows, many columnsColumn▪Analytics run faster on column format–Report on sales totals by state–Fast accessing few columns, many rows ORDERSALESSALESSTATEOracle 12c: Stores Data in Both Formats SimultaneouslySimple Implementation1.Upgrade to database (or higher)2.Configure Memory Capacity‒inmemory_size = XXX GB3.Configure tables or partitions to be in memory ‒alter table | partition … inmemory;4.Drop analytic indexes to speed up OLTPUse Case Example•Upgrade to database and Database In-MemoryRun In-MemoryAdvisorCapture SQLTuning SetCapture Workload withDatabase ReplayUpgrade Database to12cConfigureDatabase In-Memory UsingAdvisor OutputRun SPA TestRunDatabaseReplayProduction TestUpgrade and Testing Steps•Run Database In-Memory Advisor in existing database 11.2 environment•Capture SQL Tuning Set•Capture workload with Database Replay•In test environment–Upgrade database and implement Database In-Memory Advisor recommendations–Run SPA trial–Run Database Replay–Evaluate resultsRun Oracle Database In-Memory Advisor•New In-Memory Advisor •Analyzes existing DB workloadvia AWR & ASH repositories•Provides list of objects that would benefit most from being populated into IM column store•Works on database versions 11.2 and aboveObject TypeObjectEstimated In-Memory Size EstimatedAnalyticPerformance Improve mentTable SALES.ORDERS 2.19 GB 9.3X TableSALES.LINEITEM1.03 GB5.2XPartition SALES.PRODUCTS.201404 415 MB 4.3X Sub-partitionSALES.PRODUCTS.20140330200 MB2.7XCapture Production Workload•Capture SQL into a SQL Tuning Set •Capture workload for Database ReplayConfigure In-Memory on Test System•Restore production database•Upgrade to database 12.1.02 or higher•Set init.ora parameter inmemory_size to size In-Memory column store•Restart database•Execute SQL script from In-Memory Advisor to configure objects In-MemoryValidate In-Memory ConfigurationEnterprise Manger 12c In-Memory Central Object map – displaysrelative sizes of objectsIn-MemoryObject Table – Listsdetails of segmentsloaded In-MemorySPA – Look for Expected Plan Changes•Convert production STS to trial 1•Execute trial SPA trial 2•Produce comparison report•Best metric for analytic queryworkload is ‘Elapsed Time’•Analytic SQL have changedexecution plan with plan line‘Table Access In Memory Full’•SQL are benefitting from In-MemoryIdentify Plan Change Improvements Real Time SQL MonitoringExecute Database Replay•Validate concurrency and loadimprovement for consolidatedworkload•Database Replay trial results:•User calls identical – same workloadwas executed•DB Time substantially reduced•SuccessDatabase In-Memory DB Time ImprovementDatabase Database + In-MemoryCustomer Case StudiesSumitomo Heavy Industries,Ltd. Database Upgrade ProjectUsing RAT & GG VeridataCustomer ProfileCompany Name: Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.Head Office: ThinkPark Tower, 1-1 Osaki 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-6025, JapanFounded: November 20, 1888Incorporated: November 1, 1934Capital: JPY 30,871,650,000 (as of March 31, 2014) Employees: Consolidated: 17,941 (as of March 31, 2014)Annual Revenue: Consolidated: JPY 615,270,000,000(for the 2013 Fiscal Year)Challenge & SolutionDatabase Upgrade 9i /10g -> 11gR2Solution•Perform application test with completely the same workload using Oracle Real Application Testing •Automate the Performance management using Diagnostics Pack & Tuning Pack•Guarantee data consistency after testing on new environment using Oracle GoldenGate Veridata •Use Oracle GoldenGate for minimizing downtime and fallback plan (under proposing)Challenge •Aim to reduce costs to around $2.5 M to 30-50% •Upgrading in parallel in a short period of time about 30DB •The data migration in a short period of time large-scale DB and Mission-Critical DB environment, to minimize business downtime •Standardizing method for migrating and upgrading multiple databases efficiently •Performing and automating application test by DBA for minimize costSolution ArchitectureArchitecture•1st step: Measure the SQL Elapsed timeCheck the workload consistency by using Veridata•2nd step: Check whether the new database has been created successfully by using Veridata•3rd step: Compare the whole throughput and workload between the production and the new production by using RATPerformanceTest Performance and Consistency TestProduction (9i) Test (9i)Test (11g)Veridata Server New Production(11g)1st Step3rd StepDatabaseConfiguration Test2nd StepVeridata ServerSumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.30DBs Upgrade, reduce the verification Cost to take advantage of support toolsCustomer ProfileName: Sumitomo Heavy Industires, Ltd.( Tokyo (Japan)Industry: manufacturing IndustryEmployees: 17,961Oracle Products•Oracle Real Application Testing (RAT)•Oracle Diagnostics Pack /Oracle Tuning Pack (Diag/Tuning) •Oracle GoldenGate Veridata(Veridata)•Oracle GoldenGate (GG) CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE“I heard that Other Oracle Customer has efficiently implementedDB upgrade, to take advantage of tools(RAT, GG etc).Therefore ,We accept the Challenge!!”Engineer / Takayuki Okoshi INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT DEPT.Sumitomo Heavy Industries Business Associates, Ltd.CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES• Upgrading in parallel in a short period of time about 30DB •Aim to reduce costs to around $2.5 M to 30-50% •Establishing an upgrade method utilizing a tool for efficient operation while ensuring the quality• The data migration in a short period of time large-scale DB environment, to minimize business downtime• Adopt the DB performance improvement technique method RESULTS•RAT realized the accurate verification and efficient online processing performance•Diag/Tuning realized the performance improvement technique method•Veridata realized the data validation of the old and new environment accurate and efficiently to a large extent•To maintain business continuity, used GG to data migrate on the Critical DBs.。

Oracle 12c 操作手册是一本详细介绍如何使用和操作 Oracle 12c 数据库的指南。
该手册首先介绍了 Oracle 12c 的基础知识,包括数据库体系结构、数据类型、SQL 语言等方面的内容。
此外,手册还介绍了Oracle 12c 的高级功能,如存储过程、触发器、分区等。
同时,手册还提供了大量的示例和练习,帮助读者更好地理解和掌握 Oracle 12c 的操作技巧。
总之,Oracle 12c 操作手册是一本非常实用的工具书,对于需要进行 Oracle 数据库管理和开发的用户来说具有重要的参考价值。
通过阅读该手册,用户可以更好地了解Oracle 12c 的功能和特点,提高数据库的管理和开发效率。
ocp 083题库解析

ocp 083题库解析Oracle 083题库是Oracle Database 12c OCP(Oracle认证专家)考试的一部分,共有100道题目,分为两部分:基础知识(50题)和实验操作(50题)。
以下是Oracle 083题库的详细解析:一、基础知识部分1. Oracle Database 12c的体系结构,包括内存结构、磁盘结构、数据库实例等。
2. SQL语言基础,包括DML、DDL、DCL等操作,以及SQL查询、子查询、连接等。
3. PL/SQL语言基础,包括程序结构、控制结构、异常处理等。
4. Oracle Database 12c的存储过程、函数、包等。
5. Oracle Database 12c的权限与角色管理。
6. Oracle Database 12c的高可用性技术,包括RAC、Flashback技术等。
7. Oracle Database 12c的性能优化技术,包括执行计划、索引、分区等。
8. Oracle Database 12c的备份与恢复技术。
9. Oracle Database 12c的自动存储管理(ASM)。
10. Oracle Database 12c的JDBC驱动程序和连接池技术。
二、实验操作部分1. 数据库的安装与配置。
2. 数据库的启动与关闭。
3. 数据库的备份与恢复。
4. SQL语句的执行计划分析。
5. PL/SQL程序的调试与优化。
6. 存储过程、函数和包的创建与优化。
7. 权限与角色的管理。
8. RAC环境的配置与测试。
9. Flashback技术的配置与测试。
10. ASM的配置与管理。
通过Oracle 083题库的考试,考生可以证明自己具备Oracle Database 12c的熟练技能和专业知识,为从事Oracle数据库相关的工作打下坚实的基础。
Oracle Recovery Manager 12c数据保护在12cR1的介绍说明书

Oracle Recovery Manager 12c Data Protection in 12c R1Sridhar RanganathanSr. Principal Product Manager, Oracle Database High Availability Rao S. KasinadhuniSenior Oracle DBA, Vice President J.P. Morgan, AM Infrastructure October 29, 2015Presented withProgram AgendaRecovery Manager New Features in Oracle 12cJ.P .Morgan – Cross Platform Migration: Real World Use Case New Backup Solutions using RMAN Flashback Technologies in Oracle 12c Oracle Secure Backup 12.1 Maximum Availability Architecture1 2 3 4 5 6RMAN in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 18 Years of Innovation (Introduced in Oracle 8 Circa 1997)Import 12cRMAN Backups RMAN RestoreSource Database Clone Database 12c 12c: Over the Network Recovery for Data Guard12c 12c: Over the Network Recovery for Data Guard12c 12cRMAN Backup - CDBFor Source databases 10.2 and aboveScripts Updated using new RMAN 12c Features Phase 3: TransportLast read-only L1 andtransferExport & Import metadataPhase 2: Roll-Forward (Reduce Downtime) Perform L1 and transferwhile source is in r/wRepeat this until cut-offperiodPhase 1: PrepareInstall Target SystemPerform L0 and transferNewRMAN 12c: Enhancements for Cross Platform Migration •Support for BACKUPSET format–Unused block compression, smaller transport size, multi-section•New keywords in RMAN 12c–FOR TRANSPORT at source platform–TO PLATFORM (conversion at source to a specific platform)–FROM PLATFORM (conversion at destination from a specific platform)–ALLOW INCONSISTENT to create inconsistent backups of tablespace (during incremental backups) •No longer require CONVERT TABLESPACE or CONVERT DATAFILE procedure•Can include tablespace metadata if that tablespace is read-only (final step) •XTTS with incremental backups reduces downtime up to 8X•Backups from 10g, 11g can be restored to a 12c destinationcSource Platform Destination Platform1. Level 0 Full Backup2. Restore L0 Backup 6. Final Recovery L1Real World Cross Platform Migration Using Oracle 12c RMANRao S. KasinadhuniSenior Oracle DBA, Vice PresidentJ.P. Morgan, AM InfrastructureOctober 29, 2015Source Environment •Colorado Data Center •10+ Oracle Databases •11gR1 and 11gR2 •HP-UX RISC Platform •Stand-alone (non-RAC) •Database Sizes range from 12 TB to 30 TBDestination Environment•Atlanta Data Center•Oracle Enterprise Linux6.x Platform•Oracle•Oracle RACChallenges & Solution•Challenges–Migration across datacenters (~800 miles)–Migration across platforms–Migration across versions•Solution–Use Staging Servers atDestination–Use Active Data Guardbetween Data Centers–Use Cross-Platformmigration (MOS 1389592.1 )Databases Migration ProjectCross Platform MigrationTopology through Big PictureStep 1: Synchronize Data Between Data Centers•Build Staging Server at the Destination Data center (Atlanta)–Same OS HP-UX but Different Processor Architecture •Staging Host: IA-64 based with HP-UX•Create Physical Standby on Staging Host –Performed RMAN Hot backup from source database–Shipped the storage media to the destination–Restore Media on the staging host•Keep Synchronizing Physical Standby using Active Data GuardStaging using Active Data GuardStep 2: Cross-Platform Transport•Destination Servers: Linux / X86 Blade•One time Level 0 Backup–Take Initial Level 0 backup from Staging Server (which is a Standby Server)–Use NFS mount point for backups–Restore Backups at Destination RAC Server •Repeated Incremental Level 1 Backups–Keep taking Incremental (L1) Backups on Staging–Keep Restoring Incremental (L1) Backups at DestinationData Migration Between Staging & Destination ServerStep 3: Cutting Over to Destination Database •Ensure Physical standby (Staging) Synchronized to Last Archive log•Shutdown Source (Production) database •Final Incremental Backup (L1)–Physical standby is already in read-only mode –Take final incremental L1 backup–Restore the last L1 at Destination•Meta Data Plug-in–Export Meta Data from the Stage Server–Import Meta data into Destination database •Open Destination databaseFinal Plug-In Procedure on the Cut-Off DayObservation, Best Practices & Future Plans•Very smooth & efficient migration completed using Oracle supplied Cross-Platform Scripts (MOS 1389592.1)•Performed multiple incremental backups to keep the destination server data as close to production•Use Multi-Section Incremental Backups•Use NFS (SAN based) mounted file system for cross-platform migration between staging & destination servers–Avoids additional steps required to copy backups between servrs•Future Plans–Implement backup & recovery procedures using RMAN 12c capabilities–Identify and Migrate other HP-UX databases to future Oracle version using 12c enhancementsProgram AgendaRecovery Manager New Features in 12cJ.P .Morgan – Cross Platform Migration: Real World Use Case New Backup Solutions using RMAN Flashback Technologies in 12c Oracle Secure Backup 12.1 Maximum Availability Architecture1 2 3 4 5 6Stores validated, compressed DB changes on diskFast restores to any point-in-time using deltasBuilt on Exadata scaling and resilienceEnterprise Manager end-to-end control Replicates to RemoteRecovery ApplianceInstant Offsite StorageCost Effective On-demand Scalability End-to-End Security RMAN EncryptionRMAN Compression 3-Way Protection 24x7 Data AvailabilityOracle Database BackupCloud ServiceOracle DBaaS / Exadata Cloud ServiceOn-Premises Databases10.2 and abovePlatform as a ServiceProgram AgendaRecovery Manager New Features in 12c & 12c R2J.P .Morgan – Cross Platform Migration: Real World Use Case New Backup Solutions using RMAN Flashback Technologies in 12c Oracle Secure Backup 12.1 Maximum Availability Architecture1 2 3 4 5 6Flashback Database for Continuous Data ProtectionCDB/PDBs @ t1 (test_grp)FLASHBACK to test_grp In Oracle Database 12c Release 1, Flashback Database capabilities arePDBs @ t2Program AgendaRecovery Manager New Features in 12cJ.P .Morgan – Cross Platform Migration: Real World Use Case New Backup Solutions using RMAN Flashback Technologies Technologies in 12c Oracle Secure Backup 12.1 Maximum Availability Architecture1 2 3 4 5 6Clients – Unix / Linux/ Windows / NASMedia ManagerDisk Storage Tape LibraryProgram AgendaRecovery Manager New Features in 12cJ.P .Morgan – Cross Platform Migration: Real World Use Case New Backup Solutions using RMAN Flashback Technologies in 12c Oracle Secure Backup 12.1 Maximum Availability Architecture1 2 3 4 5 6TechnologyProtectionAgainst Type ofFailureDowntimeRecovery Time Objective ,RTOData Loss ExposureRecovery Point Objective , RPOOracle Secure Backup Physical Hours/Days Days/Hours(from last backup)Recovery Manager (RMAN)Physical Hours/Days Hours(from last backup)Flashback Technologies Logical Minutes/Hours Minutes/Hours(from point-in-time) (Active) Data Guard Site Failure / DR Seconds/Minutes Zero/SecondsEdition-based Redefinition,Online Redefinition, Data Guard, GoldenGate–Minimal downtime maintenance, upgrades, migrationsActive Data Guard–Data Protection, DR–Query OffloadGoldenGate–Active-active replication –HeterogeneousActive ReplicaRMAN, Oracle Secure Backup, Zero Data Loss Recovery ApplianceEnterprise Manager Cloud Control–Site Guard, Coordinated Site FailoverApplication Continuity–Application HAGlobal Data Services–Service Failover / Load BalancingRAC–Scalability –Server HAASM–Local storage protectionProduction SiteFlashback–Human error correctionOracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA)Reference•/goto/rman•/goto/flashback•/goto/ha•/goto/maa•Master RMAN Note (Doc ID 1116484.1)Social–/maa–Follow us @OracleMAA******************************Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.31。

Oracle Audit Vault和数据库防火墙
Oracle Audit Vault是Oracle自己的产品,可与每个Oracle数据库版本一起使用。
Oracle Advanced Security
Oracle Label Security
Oracle Multitenant
Oracle Advanced Compression
Oracle OLAP
Oracle Partitioning
Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node

Oracle Database 12c 版本介绍Oracle Database 12 c有三种版本,提供多种企业版选件来满足客户对各种领域(性能和可用性、安全性和合规性、数据仓储和分析、非结构化数据和可管理性)的特定需求。
Oracle Database 12 c 标准版1企业级的性能和安全性Oracle Database 12 c 标准版1经过了优化,适用于部署在小型企业、各类业务部门和分散的分支机构环境中。
Oracle Database 12c 标准版1可以在包括Windows Linux和Unix在内的所有Oracle支持的操作系统上使用。
概述快速安装和配置,具有内置的自动化管理适用于所有类型的数据和所有应用公认的性能、可靠性、安全性和可扩展性使用通用代码库,可无缝升级到Oracle Database12c 标准版或OracleDatabase 12 c 企业版优势以极低的每用户180美元起步(最少5个用户)以企业级性能、安全性、可用性和可扩展性支持所有业务应用可运行于Windows Linux和Unix操作系统通过自动化的自我管理功能轻松管理借助Oracle Application Express 、Oracle SQL Developer 和Oracle面向Windows的数据访问组件简化应用开发Oracle Database 12 c 标准版经济实惠、功能全面的数据库Oracle Database 12 c 标准版是面向中型企业的一个经济实惠、功能全面的数据管理解决方案。
支持使用一个可插拔数据库实现入门级云计算和整合跨平台恢复内置的Oracle真正应用集群支持更高水平的系统正常运行时间简化的安装和配置适用于所有类型的数据和所有应用向上兼容Oracle Database 12 c 企业版,从而保护您的初期投资优势每用户350美元(最少5个用户),您可以只购买目前需要的许可,然后使用Oracle真正应用集成随需扩展,从而节省成本提高服务质量,实现企业级性能、安全性和可用性可运行于Windows Linux和Unix操作系统通过自动化的自我管理功能轻松管理借助Oracle Application Express 、Oracle SQL Developer 和Oracle面向Windows的数据访问组件简化应用开发Oracle Database 12 c 企业版插入云端全球首屈一指的数据库推出最新版本Oracle Database 12 c 现已推出,可在各种平台上使用。

1) oracle 11g在DBA管理上有很多完善,⼤⼤提升了DBA对数据库的管控能⼒,提供的很多⾃动特性,增强了调优,备份恢复,错误诊断等的功能,⼤⼤减轻DBA的低端管理⼯作;相对来说,这个版本的升级⽐较平滑⼀些;
2) 合并和扩展oracle的功能以实现⽹格计算的优势,将数据中⼼从分散的系统资源孤岛转换为包含服务器和存储的共享池。
2) oracle12c增加了CDB和PDB的概念。
CDB全称为Container Database,数据库容器;
PDB全称为Pluggable Database,即可插拔数据库。
在Oracle 12C之前,实例与数据库是⼀对⼀或多对⼀关系(RAC):即⼀个实例只能与⼀个数据库相关联,数据库可以被多个实例所加载。
当进⼊oracle 12C后,实例与数据库可以是⼀对多的关系。
10) pdb的拔出和插⼊。

Oracle12c容器讲解Oracle 12c⼀个重要新特性是插接式数据库。
插接式数据库由⼀个使⽤ CDB(Container Database)选项创建的容器数据库和⼀个或多个 PDB(Pluggable Database)组成,CDB 作为容器容纳 PDB,⽽ PDB 彼此隔离,就像⼀个独⽴的数据库般在 CDB 中存在。
PDB 是⼀组 Schema 的集合,在 CDB 中作为⼀个独⽴的组件容器⽽存在。
从这个意义上说,PDB 也是⼀种容器(Container),⽽ CDB 中可以存在多种不同类型的容器。
CDB 的组成① ROOTRoot 是⼀个系统提供的容器,⽤于存储公⽤⽤户,公⽤⽤户可以连接到其他容器,可以查看系统级元数据,这个 Root 容器被命名为CDB$ROOT.② Seed PDB种⼦ PDB 是⼀个系统级模版,CDB 可以⽤这个模版创建其他 PDB,种⼦ PDB 的名称是 PDB$SEED,其中的对象不能被修改。
这其中最为主要的是 SYSTEM 和 SYSAUX 表空间⽂件,这是⼀个种⼦数据库,已经内置了字典对象,如果使⽤模板⽅式建库,PDB 则由此克隆创建出来。
容器 CDB$ROOT 和 PDB$SEED 对于⼀个插接式数据库来说是必须的基本组件,这两者构成了插接式数据库的基础⽀撑。
其关系如下图所⽰:③ PDBPDB 是⽤户基于特定需求建⽴的对象容器,在创建 CDB 时,可以不同时创建 PDB,PDB 随后可以根据⽤户的需求创⽴。
插接式数据库的主要特性:可以通过现有数据库快速配置和部署新的环境;通过 unplug 和 plug 可以快速进⾏数据库迁移和整合;集中的部署可以加快升级迁移的过程,缩减维护成本;⽅便的整合和拆分⽅式便于集中部署或在压⼒过⼤时迅速拆分部署;分离管理员的职责,强化安全管理;在 CDB 的模式下,由于 PDB 具有独⽴的 SYSTEM 和 SYSAUX 表空间,其元数据和系统元数据⾃然分离,⽤户数据的字典信息也就⽆需再记录到系统的元数据中,这对于核⼼的元数据是⼀种更好的隔离和保护,下图描述了在 CDB、PDB 模式下⽤户数据和元数据的分离关系,其中数据字典元数据也就是 Root Container:各个容器都有⼀个标识(CON_ID),其中CDB实例的ID为0,CDB$ROOT 的ID为1,PDB$SEED的ID为2,pdb从3开始分配。
Oracle Database 12c on Windows 平台支持新特性说明书

Program AgendaWindows Platform Support Oracle Database 12c Release 2Cloud123Windows Platform SupportWindows Server 2016 and Windows 10 Supported Editions•Windows Server 2016 editions–Datacenter, Essentials, and Standard Edition •Windows 10 editions–Education, Enterprise, and ProDatabase Certification on 32-bit WindowsOS11.2 DB and client112.1 client2 Windows 7Yes Yes Windows Server 2008Yes Yes Windows Server 2008 R2Yes Yes Windows 811.2.0.4Yes Windows Windows Server 201211.2.0.4 Yes Windows 10No12.1.0.2#1RAC 11.2 and higher does not support for 32-bit Windows#2For 12.1 and higher, only DB Client supports 32-bit WindowsNote: Oracle Database Client 12.2 and higher will only support Windows x64.Database Certification on 64-bit WindowsOS11.212.1 12.2 Windows 71Yes Yes Yes Windows Server 2008Yes Yes No Windows Server 2008 R2 Yes Yes No Windows 8111.2.0.4Yes Yes Windows 8.1111.2.0.4 Yes Windows Server 201211.2.0.412.1.0.2Yes Windows Server 2012 R211.2.0.412.1.0.2Yes Windows 101No12.1.0.2Yes Windows Server 2016No No Yes2 Note: 32-bit Oracle Client is supported on Windows x64#1RAC and some server features not supported on Windows clients#2To be certified shortly post-releaseDatabase Certification on Windows Hyper-VGuest OS11.212.112.2 Windows Server 2008 R211.2.0.4 (SI only) (SI only) No Windows Server 201211.2.0.4 (SI and RAC)12.1.0.x (SI only) 12.2 (SI and RAC) Windows Server 2012 R211.2.0.4 (SI and RAC) (SI and RAC)12.2 (SI and RAC) (Generation 1)Windows Server 2012 R2No12.1.0.2 (SI and RAC)12.2 (SI and RAC) (Generation 2)•Host OS: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 and 2012 R2 are certified •Host OS: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016 will be certifiedOracle Database 12c Release 2 SecuritySecurity•Oracle Home User•Windows Native Authentication •Kerberos and ASM enhancementsOracle Home User Support•Run Windows Services for Oracle using a standard Windows account •Specify a standard (not an administrator) Windows User Account as Oracle Home User during install and upgradeMicrosoft Windows User Types Overview Built-inAccountLocalSystem (Full Administrator Privileges)LocalService(Minimumprivileges)User AccountAdministrator(Local orDomain user)Standard User(Local orDomain User)ManagedService Acct(Domain User)•Account needs to be associated withspecific computer system (s)•No password management needed onlocal hosts•No need to provide passwords duringWindows service configurationVirtual Account(for WindowsService)New Windows User Account Types Supported•Virtual Account–Introduced by Microsoft in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2–Each Windows Service has it’s own virtual account name–No password management–Can work in a workgroup or domain–Ability to access the network with a computer identity in a domain environment •Group Managed Service Account (gMSA)–Introduced by Microsoft in Windows Server 2012–Single Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) can be used on multiple hosts –No password management needed on local hosts–No need to provide passwords during Windows service configurationOracle Database Server InstallOracle Home User•Different from Oracle Installation User who must have OS administration privileges•Services for the Oracle Home run with this user name•Can be Windows Built-in Account or Virtual Account or a standard Windows User Account•Can not be changed post install•Have similarities with ‘oracle’ user on Linux, though you can not log in as the Oracle Home User on Windows and perform administration tasks (e.g. Create DB, Install, Upgrade)Virtual Account Support•New default for Single Instance Oracle Database Server install•Only supported for Single Instance Oracle Database Server install •No need to manage user name or password for Oracle Home User •Database files are owned by the virtual account for the Oracle Database Windows Service (e.g. NT Service\OracleServiceORCL) •Note: DB Client, built-in account option, uses LocalService and Service SIDs for client side Windows services, and is very similar to how Virtual Account worksGroup Managed Service Account support•Supported for all Oracle Database installs (DB Client, Single Instance Oracle Database, RAC and Grid Infrastructure)•Works like any other domain user but no need to create Oracle wallet and/or provide password for any database operationOracle RAC Database InstallOracle Grid Infrastructure InstallDatabase Client Install•For Built-in Accountoption, WindowsServices run underLocalService (notLocalSystem) forDatabase ClientInstallWindows Account option for Oracle Home User Needs to bepre-created?Password neededduring DBoperations?DBServer(SI)DBClientDBServer(RAC)GridInfra-structureVirtual Account N N Y N N N Built-in Account (internally, useLocalSystem)N N Y N Y YBuilt-in Account (internally, useLocalService)#2N N N Y N N Local User Account#2N Y Y#1Y N N Managed Services Account Y N Y Y N N Group Managed Services Account Y N Y Y Y Y Domain Account Y Y Y Y Y Y#1 –Windows OS authentication can not be used across systems#2 –Windows Services can not access any secure shared network resource using its own Windows identity`Oracle Database Services on WindowsOracle ListenerServiceDatabasesOracle DatabaseServiceORACLE BASEORACLE HOMEOther FilesWindows ServicesFile System ACLs•Services run as a Windows User (e.g. domain1\frank)•Each service also has a unique Service SID (e.g. Database sid orcl has service SID: NTAUTHORITY\OracleServiceORCL)•Either user name or Service SID can be used to grant privileges or set ACLs for file system access•Oracle sets appropriate ACLs for Oracle Home and Oracle Base•For customer specific files/directories in non-standard locations, ACLs may need to be changed to make them accessible to Oracle ServicesPlease check Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows for more information.Database Creation•Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is used to create or modify Oracle Database as a part of install or as post install action •Administrator, invoking the tools, needs to be an OS Administrator and should have appropriate database privileges•Use the icon Database Configuration Assistant(the icon is set up to “run as administrator”) to invoke DBCA•As Windows Service creation requires both user id and password, DBCA will ask for the password of Oracle Home User (if needed) in order to create the Windows Service•For Single Instance DB, password is needed for Windows Local User and Domain User•For RAC, the customer has the option to store password in wallet; if not stored, the password needs to be input for Windows Domain UserDatabase 1 (12c)Database 1 (11.2)Oracle Database UpgradeORACLE_BASEORADATAORACLE_HOME (11.2)Database 2 (11.2)ORACLE_BASEORADATAORACLE_HOME (11.2)Database 2 (11.2)ORACLE_HOME (12c)Oracle Home and Database Upgrade•Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) is used for database upgrade across Oracle Homes as a part of install or as post install action •Administrator, invoking the tools, needs to be an OS Administrator and should have appropriate database privileges•Use the icon Database Upgrade Assistant (the icon is set up to “run as administrator”)•Requirement to enter Oracle Home User and Password is similar to Database creation•When a database is upgraded, it will ask for password of Oracle HomeUser (if needed)Administration Tools•All GUI tools (e.g. DBCA, NETCA) enhanced to support Oracle Home User and ask for password if needed•All command line tools (e.g. ORADIM, LSNRCTL, CMCTL) enhanced to accept Oracle Home User name and password through stdin for service creation•Silent Install and Cloning enhanced to support Oracle Home User •CRSCTL can be used to create wallet for storing password of Oracle Home User (RAC environment)•Enterprise Manager support of Oracle Home User for provisioning, patching, and service creationManagement of Oracle Home User•As it is a standard Windows user, Windows tools can be used to manage the Windows account (e.g. add privileges, change password)•For changing password of the Oracle Home User account–Use Windows tools to change the password–Windows also requires all Windows Services to be updated to use the new password –For all Windows Services used by Oracle, you can use the icon Update Password for Oracle Home User to:•update password for all Windows services used by Oracle on a computer (Single Instance Database or Client)•change password in Oracle wallet and update password for all Windows services used by Oracle ina cluster (for RAC)You can also use the tool Oracle Home User Control (orahomeuserctl) in command line (run as administrator)Recommendations for Oracle Home User•For DB server (SI)–Use Virtual Account to avoid password management (12.2)–For 12.1, specify a Windows user account during install•For RAC DB and Grid Infrastructure install–Use a domain user or group managed service account–For a group managed service account (12.2), you do not need to provide the password for any database operation•If you want to separate out administration domains (e.g. Production and Test databases) of different Oracle Homes for security reasons:–Use Virtual Account and specify distinct Oracle Base directory for each administration domain –Use distinct Oracle Home User account (and Oracle Base directory) for each administration domain •For DB client install, use Built-in Account optionSecurity•Oracle Home User•Windows Native Authentication •Kerberos and ASM enhancementsWindows Native Authentication (NTS)•Enabled by default and can work across Windows systems•Windows user logon credentials used for database authentication •Windows Explorer or Oracle Administration Assistant can be used to manage user authentication and role authorization•Works for Pluggable Databases•New client-side parameter in sqlnet.ora:–"no_ntlm“, which may be set to true for security reasons. (Only works for domain users) –Examples: CONNECT / AS SYSDBA or CONNECT /Windows Native AuthenticationSYSDBA and SYSOPER Privileges•ORA_DBA–SYSDBA privileges for all Oracle Databases on the system •ORA_OPER–SYSOPER privileges for all Oracle Databases on the system •ORA_<HomeName>_DBA (12cR1)–SYSDBA privileges for Oracle Databases on a specific Oracle Home •ORA_<HomeName>_OPER (12cR1)–SYSOPER privileges for Oracle Databases on a specific Oracle HomeAll the groups are on the server systemWindows Native AuthenticationSeparation of Privileges•ORA_<HomeName>_ SYSBACKUP (12cR1)–Backup privileges (SYSBACKUP) for databases of a specific Oracle Home •ORA_<HomeName>_SYSDG (12cR1)–Data Guard Privileges (SYSDG) for databases of a specific Oracle Home•ORA_<HomeName>_ SYSKM (12cR1)–Encryption Key Management privileges (SYSKM) for databases of a specific Oracle HomeAll the groups are on the server systemWindows Native Authentication•ORA_ASMADMIN (12cR1)–SYSASM administration privileges on the computer•ORA_ASMDBA (12cR1)–SYSDBA privileges for ASM Instance on the computer•ORA_ASMOPER (12cR1)–SYSOPER privileges for ASM Instance on the computer•ORA_DBA and ORA_OPER group members no longer get privileges for ASM instance Administrative Privileges for ASM InstanceAll the groups are on the server systemSecurity•Oracle Home User•Windows Native Authentication •Kerberos and ASM enhancementsKerberos and ASM Enhancements•Kerberos–Security enhancements that were introduced in the MIT Kerberos Release 1.8 distribution–In sqlnet.ora, setSQLNET.KERBEROS5_CC_NAME = MSLSA: (instead of OSMSFT:)•ASM file access control–Restrict access of database files to the owner of the database homeOracle Database 12c Release 2 Scalability and PerformanceLarge Pages•Improve performance with large pages support–2 MB Page size (instead of 4 KB)•If Oracle Home User is a standard Windows account, administrator must grant the "Lock pages in memory" privilege to Oracle Home User or Service SID of Oracle Database Service (NTAUTHORITY\OracleService<sid>)Large Pages•Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_HOMENAME–Create ORA_LPENABLE or ORA_SID_LPENABLE–Set the value to 1 for regular mode and 2 for mixed mode–Mixed mode is the new option to allow use of large pages but fall back to small pages if OS is not able to allocate large pages–ORA_SID_LPMAXTIME is the optional time parameter for mixed mode•If a server has been running for some time and memory is fragmented, OS may fail to allocate large pages–Mixed mode can be used to ensure that DB comes up in such casesMultiple Processor Groups•Support max of 10 processor groups with up to 64 CPUs in each group in ( supports 4 processor groups)•ORACLE_AFFINITY enhanced to enable affinity of Oracle threads to CPUs in multiple processor groups–processorgroup is an optional parameter designating Windows CPU group •On systems with 64+ logical CPUs, Windows divides all available CPUs into 4 groups (0,1,2,3) with each group containing no more than 64 logical CPUs•Details in Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft WindowsDNFS Client and Resilient File System•Database 12c DNFS client–Standard NFS path formats allow user to utilize standard URN notation for NFS in oranfstab config file and while working with oradnfs utility•e.g.“nfs://server/share/file”•Windows Resilient File System supportOracle Database 12c Release 2 Ease of Management and DevelopmentOracle Database Instance Manager Available as Microsoft Management Console Snap-InORADIM as an MMC Snap-In•ORADIM performs DB create, edit, delete, start, and shutdown operations •All ORADIM operations available in snap-in•Benefits–Centralized instance management for all Oracle Database Homes–Familiar Windows GUI management tool•Found in path ORACLE_HOME\MMC Snap-Ins\oradim or click on ORADIM shortcut in Oracle Home.NET DevelopmentODAC•DB Client 12.2–Application Continuity–Sharding•ODAC 12.2–Connection pool tagging– Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)–Oracle Multitenant improvements–Oracle Edition-Based Redefinition improvements–Offline Schema Compare in Visual StudioCloud Windows and .NETOracle Compute Cloud ServiceDeploy .NET applications to Oracle IaaS on Windows •Windows 2012 R2and Windows 2008 R2VMs available from Oracle Cloud Marketplace to–Free during promotional period–Deploy to Oracle Compute•Deploy and configure IIS, .NET, and apps to Oracle Compute–How To White Paper: Deploying Microsoft Web ApplicationServer on Oracle Compute Cloud ServiceDevelopment & Test Easy On-Ramp to Oracle Database Cloud Services Dedicated Exadata Full-Instance Enterprise ExadataExpressHighest Availability, Scalability, Performance SMB, Departmental ApplicationsEnterprise ApplicationsThe Best Cloud Database for Windows Developers •Popular language drivers–•Multiple interfaces–Full Oracle Net (SQL*Net)–REST API, JSON storage •Updated tools–Oracle Developer Tools for VS –SQL Developer, Data Modeler –Powerful new command-lineDATABASE12cR2Oracle APEXOracle SQLDeveloperOracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service Connect from On-premises•Use and ODT 12.1 for Oracle Public Cloud or higher –ODT for VS 2015 and VS 2013–Managed and unmanaged •How to connect:–Developing .NET Applications for Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service–Uses Oracle Net Services with Oracle Wallet to secure connectionOracle Database Cloud Service (non-Exadata Express) Connect from On-premises•Use and ODT 12.1 for Oracle Public Cloud or higher–ODT for VS 2015 and VS 2013–Managed and unmanaged •How to connect:–Developing .NET Applications for Oracle Database as a Service–Secure Shell (SSH) required to secure connection•Use SSH client to create tunnel, such as PuTTY•PuTTY can also generate private and public SSH key pairQ&A。

oracle12c创建实例摘要:1.Oracle 12c 简介2.创建Oracle 12c 实例的准备工作3.使用SQL*Plus 创建Oracle 12c 实例4.验证Oracle 12c 实例是否成功创建正文:Oracle 12c 是甲骨文公司(Oracle)推出的一款数据库管理系统,它具有许多强大的功能,可以帮助用户高效地管理和维护数据。
在开始创建Oracle 12c 实例之前,需要确保系统满足相关要求,例如安装了Oracle 12c 数据库软件、配置好环境变量等。
要创建Oracle 12c 实例,可以使用SQL*Plus 工具。
SQL*Plus 是Oracle 数据库管理系统的一个命令行界面,通过它可以直接与数据库进行交互。
以下是创建Oracle 12c 实例的具体步骤:1.打开SQL*Plus 命令行界面。
在Windows 系统上,可以通过按下`Win + R` 键,然后输入`sqlplus` 并按回车键;在Linux 系统上,可以在终端中输入`sqlplus` 并按回车键。
2.输入`/` 进入SQL*Plus 命令行模式。
3.输入`connect` 加上相应的用户名和密码,例如`connectscott/tiger`,回车后进入Oracle 数据库。
4.在SQL*Plus 命令行界面,输入`create instance` 命令,然后按回车键。
5.在`create instance` 命令后加上实例名,例如`create instance myinstance`,然后按回车键。
例如,如果要创建一个备用实例,可以输入`create instance mystandby as standby`。
7.输入`/` 返回SQL*Plus 命令行模式。

oracle12c创建实例【原创实用版】目录1.Oracle 12c 简介2.创建 Oracle 12c 实例的步骤3.创建实例过程中的注意事项4.完成创建后的操作正文一、Oracle 12c 简介Oracle 12c 是 Oracle 公司的一款关系型数据库管理系统,以其高效、稳定、安全著称,广泛应用于各行各业。
本文将介绍如何在 Oracle 12c 中创建实例。
二、创建 Oracle 12c 实例的步骤1.安装 Oracle 12c 数据库软件首先,需要在计算机上安装 Oracle 12c 数据库软件。
2.创建数据库实例安装完成后,需要使用 Oracle 12c 的命令行工具创建数据库实例。
具体操作如下:```$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 $ export ORACLE_SID=orcl$ export NLS_DATE_FORMAT="yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss"$ sqlplus / as sysdba$ create database instance orcl```以上命令将创建一个名为“orcl”的数据库实例。
4.创建数据库设置完数据库选项后,可以使用以下命令创建数据库:```$ createdb orcl```三、创建实例过程中的注意事项在创建 Oracle 12c 实例过程中,需要注意以下几点:1.确保计算机上已安装 Oracle 12c 数据库软件,并配置好环境变量。
2.在创建数据库实例时,需要使用 sysdba 身份登录。

2013年6⽉26⽇,Oracle Database 12c版本正式发布,⾸先发布的版本号是12.,率先提供下载的平台有Linux和Solaris:
像之前10g, 11g⾥的g是代表grid,⽽12c⾥⾯的c是cloud,也就是代表云计算的意思.
觉得12 c中最⼤的不同就是整个数据库的架构跟以前很不⼀样了.以前是⼀个instance对应⼀个database,然后database下⾯⼜有不同的schema,⽽shcema和⽤户也是⼀⼀对应的关系.
⽽12 c中⼀个instance 下⾯有多个独⽴的database了.
看起来貌似跟SQL Server蛮像了啊,sql server就是⼀instance对应蛮多个database.不过创建⽤户的时候还是不同的.sql server创建的登陆⽤户叫login,然后login会映射到不同database下⾯的user,其中不同database下⾯的user有对所属的database有不同的操作权限.
⽽Oracle中创建⽤户还跟以前类似.⾥⾯的database之间可以完成独⽴,不像sql server中那么有关联. oracle中不同的database要互相访问还得通过db link访问.所以其实针对普通⽤户的⼀般操作来说跟以前是⼀样的,⾯对的还是只有⼀个database,只不过从DBA的⾓度来讲才很不⼀样,要维护多个database了.。
Oracle 12c数据库基础教程-Oracle 12c数据库简介

同一方案中的对象可以存储在不同的表空间中; 表空间可以存储不同方案中的对象。
系统表空间(System Tablespace)
用户表空间(USERS Tablespace)
物理结构由构成数据库的操作系统文件 所决定。每个Oracle数据库都由3种类型 的文件组成,即数据文件、日志文件和 控制文件。这些数据库文件为数据库信 息提供真正的物理存储。
每个Oracle数据库有一个控制文件,记录数据 库的物理结构。控制文件包含数据库名、数据 库数据文件和日志文件的名字、位置和数据库 建立日期等信息。 数据库的控制文件用于标识数据库和日志文件 ,当开始数据库操作时它们必须被打开。当数 据库的物理组成更改时,Oracle自动更改该数 据库的控制文件。数据恢复时,也要使用控制 文件。 当数据库打开时,Oracle数据库服务器必须可 以写控制文件。没有控制文件,数据库将无法 装载,恢复数据库也很困难。
数据库组件将SYSAUX表空间作为存储数据的默 认位置,因此当数据库创建或升级时,SYSAUX表 空间会自动创建。使用SYSAUX表空间可以减少默 认创建表空间的数量,在进行普通的数据库操作 时,Oracle数据库服务器不允许删除SYSAUX表空 间,也不能对其进行改名操作。
虚拟的表,它在物理上并不存在。视图可以把表或其他视图的数据按照一定的条件组合起 来,所以也可以把它看成是一个存储的查询。视图并不包含数据,它只是从基表中读 取数据。例如,在图1.4所示的表Employee中,只读取姓名和年龄,就是一个视图
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无需更改应用 隔离和多租户 快速供应和克隆 安全且高度可用 更低的 IT 成本 将多个作为一个管理 更高的资源利用率 高性能且可扩展
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1 2
如分区 30 天没有变化, 则对分区执行列压缩
如分区 30 天没有变化, 对分区执行 列压缩
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1 2
RAC 集群
数据库共享 ASM 实例
ASM 实例
节点 1 节点 1 作 为节点 4 2 的 ASM 客 户端运行 ASM 存储集群池
节点 2 节点 2 作 为节点 3 的 ASM 客 户端运行
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Oracle Database 12c 概述
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Oracle Database 12c
5 年多的开发 500 多种新特性 2500 多人年的开发 测试了 3000 多个系统 每天 100 多万次特性测试 120 多万小时的压力测试
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
用户从应用里选择产品,并从网 络付款台购买
用户事务到达应用基础架构,然 后通过应用层,最终创建数据库 事务。
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
无需更改应用 隔离和多租户 快速供应和克隆 安全且高度可用 更低的 IT 成本 将多个作为一个管理 更高的资源利用率 高性能且可扩展
RAC、Data Guard、每天执行增量备份
Data Guard、每天执行增量备份
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供应新数据库所用时间 25 20 15 10
使用写入时复制文件系统克隆 PDB
– 主动 -主动 – 异构
基于版本的重新定义、 在线重新定义、Data Guard、GoldenGate
– 最短停机的维护、升级、迁移
35 版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
RMAN, Oracle Secure Backup – 备份到磁带/云
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CDB 实例 1 CDB 实例 3 CDB 实例 2
每个 CDB 实例 仅一个 SGA
节点 1 节点 3 节点 2
多租户容器数据库 (CDB)
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7月1日 正式发布
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101100101001 001001101010 101011100101 010100100101
智能 量表
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用户收到订单已成功提交的确认 消息。
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Flex ASM 简介
Oracle 12.1:消除一对一映射
据中心之内和之间)以及管理功能 扩展到 一组复制的数据库
• 考虑网络延迟、复制延迟和服务布置策略
• 实现更高可用性、更高的可管理性和最大
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– 数据定期写入磁盘 – 通过视图或存储过程获取信息
y lic Po
– 在保证可访问性的同时为表或分区选择不同的压缩率
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最旧数据 最新数据
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Active Data Guard 报表增强
Data Guard 远程同步 Data Guard 快速同步 全球数据服务 应用连续性 GoldenGate 集成式捕获 利用 Data Guard 进行滚动升级 Flex ASM
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
热图 智能压缩 自动化分层 网络压缩 数据库中归档
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版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
更高效:所需硬件资源少 6 倍
OLTP 基准测试对比 50 个可插拔数据库仅需 3GB 内 存,而 50 个独立数据库则需 20GB 可插拔数据库最多可扩展到 250 个,而独立数据库实例最多为 50
(空闲) (活动)
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Data Guard 远程同步
远程同步 实例
远程同步 实例
(活动) (空闲)
布里奇波特 纽约
伦敦 读取
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
托管数据库的基础架构恰好在事 务提交到数据库前发生故障。
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
如需重放事务,“应用连续性” 会将所有执行中的事务提交给集 无论事务已经提交还是需要重 群中正常运行的节点并执行提 放, jdbc 驱动程序都将利用“事 交。以上所有活动均对应用透明 务防护”检测故障并检查集群中 可用的节点。
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
第 1 步:就地升级数据库
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
第 2 步:插入升级后的数据库
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
版权所有 © 2013,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
Data Guard 远程同步
兼具可用性和性能 备用 主用
同步 异步
备用 主用
远程同步 实例
(活动) (空闲)
远程同步 实例