assembly point
We have first aid kit in the office and workshop
Thank you!
Walking in the safe access
No smoking is allowed except in designated area
No photographs without approval
No shorts or skirts is allowed in workshop
Do not touch any equipment
Use your phone only in the safe access
Do not walk or stay under the crane load
points as follow
当前位置 Your Location
Please wear personal protective equipment as required
2020年 入厂安全须知安全管理规程(来访人员)-中英版
XX有限公司入厂安全须知安全管理规程(来访人员)(1.0版)制订:审批:2020-1-1发布2020-1-1实施尊敬的来宾:Distinguished guests:欢迎您来到常州XXXX股份有限公司参观、学习、工作,以下的安全须知是您必须要注意的,这样会使您在这里更加安全、顺利和愉快:Welcome to Changzhou XXXXCo., Ltd. visit, study, work, the following safety precautions that you must pay attention to, This will make you more secure here, smooth and enjoyable:一、您的一切来访活动必须经门卫登记后由本公司总经办接待人员统一安排,并负责陪同接待。
All visitors of your activities must be registered by the guard by the reception staff of the Company General Manager's Office arranged, and is responsible for accompanying reception.二、在您的来访过程中,一旦出现紧急情况请您拨打公司内线紧急电话:******,请在电话中告知您的姓名、地点以及紧急状况的信息已方便我们为您服务。
In the course of your visit, once an emergency call the company you inside an emergency call: 851 156 ***, please tell the phone your name, location and emergencyinformation is to help us to serve you.三、车辆进入厂内请遵守厂内交通规则,进出门卫处限速5km/h,厂区道路限速20km/h 厂内禁止鸣号。
外来参观人员安全告知safety notice for visitors (RELIA)
外来人员安全告知书Safety Notice for Visitors 各位来宾,欢迎大家光临瑞莱生物科技(江苏)有限公司参观访问。
Dear guests, welcome to ReLIA Biotechnologies (Jiangsu) Inc. before you enter, please read and comply with the following notice.1术语:Items1.1我公司:是指瑞莱生物科技(江苏)有限公司。
The Company: ReLIA Biotechnologies (Jiangsu) Inc.1.2外来参观人员:是指我公司以外来我公司指导工作,上级主管部门检查工作,友好单位参观等人员External Visitors:superior leaders or other visitorsoutside the company.1.3外来施工人员:是指与我公司已经签订有关工程施工合同、施工安全协议或接受工程委托单位派来我公司工作的人员。
External Construction Units: people who are designatedby contractors.1.4外来公司商业务人员:是指与我公司有商务往来的单位,来我公司进行商务谈判、供货、提货、进公司办理业务等需要进入公司区的所有人员。
External Business Personnel: people who have businessrelationship with our company, or deliver products.1.5生产区域:是指我公司生产大楼以内的所有生产工作的区域。
Production Area: all the production zones within ourbuilding.2危险危害因素和重大危险源:Hazardous and Harmful Factors、 Major Hazard Installations2.1我公司生产现场存在的主要危险有害因素有:高温、火灾,中毒,触电,物体打击,高处坠落,机械伤害,噪声,划割刺伤、乙醇等化学品等其它伤害。
访客健康安全守则致,来访宾客:进入本公司前您必须了解并遵守以下访客健康安全守则!Dear all visitors,You must read and comply with the following H&S rules before entering the factory.1、所有来访人员入厂时必须提供有效证件进行登记,当出现紧急情况时,我们可以及时联络和跟进;All visitors must sign in upon arrival.This is to enable us to contact all persons and follow up in emergency.2、听到火警铃响时请快速从离你最近的安全出口离开工作现场到篮球场集合;Please make your nearest way to the basketball court when hearing the fire alarm.3、为了安全,如无本厂人员陪同请勿单独在厂内行走,如你有饮酒请勿进入本厂生产区域;For your safety,please do not visit the factory without our authorized companies.Please don’t enter the production area after drinking alcohol.4、在生产现场参观时,请您站在黄线以外并且遵守生产现场安全守则;Please do not cross yellow line when touring the shop floor.And remember to abide by the safe rules.5、未经允许,请勿触动本公司或车间的产品、设备、设施等;Please do not touch any products,equipments or facilities in workshop without permission.6、在未经工厂允许的情况下,请勿照相或录像;Taking photograph or video is not permitted without the authorization of the operation manager.7、以下为安全管制区域,需经允许后进入;The following areas are safety controlled areas;you need to be authorized before entering;a)配电室Switch Roomb)维修室Repair Roomc)生产部黄色警戒线内Areas within the yellow line on shop floord)车间化学品中转区Temporary chemical storage area on shop floor8、除了指定吸烟地点外,其他区域禁止吸烟,汽车内同样禁止吸烟;Smoking is prohibited except for designated areas.Smoking in vehicles is also prohibited.9、车辆进出公司均需要接受保安人员的检查。
最新访客安全须知访客须知Visitor General欢迎您的到访,请您仔细阅读本须知,并在访客登记本上签字。
Welcome to , please read this instruction carefully and sign your name on the register.1、请出示您的有效证件,办理访客登记手续。
Please show your valid ID, andregister.2、请您任何时候都佩戴访客证。
Please wear visitor card all time,which can identify that you have signed in.3、我公司全厂禁烟,吸烟请至指定吸烟区.Smoking isprohibited in the whole company except the smoking area.4、请您在被访人员的陪同下进入车间。
Please accompanied by business contactinto the workshop.5、未经公司事先同意,请您不要自行做出任何性质的巡视、勘察,任何产品信息都属于MAGNA,未经允许,不得外泄。
All visitors must stay with your contact and remain in the designated areas. Please do not walk around or dofield survey, unless you are authorized. All products and process methods and all information and knowledge belongs to MAGNA.Unless authorized by MAGNA, you are prohibited to disclose.NO PHOTO and NO CAMARA all over the company. All visitors must wear PPE when you enter our workshop.6、如果您在本公司发生意外,请您尽快通知本公司的联络人并到急救室急救。
(精选)EHS访客须知VISITOR INFORMATION SHEETNo. EHS-GZLF-F-017 Edition: 01SIGN IN AND ACCESS, All visitors must sign IN on arrival and OUT on departure from the site, this is to enable us toaccount for all persons in the event of an emergency evacuation., The allocated visitor badge is to be worn in a visible manner atall time., Please return this visitor badge and this paper to the guard when leaving., Vehicle speed on site is restricted to a maximum of 15KM/H; cars are to be parked in the visitorspaces available as directed by security.EVACUATION PROCEDURE, On the continuous sounding of the evacuation alarm, immediately leave the building by the nearestExit., Follow the instruction of your host and proceed to evacuation muster points., Report to the visitors muster point for site, report to the warden to have your name checked off thevisitors register. Follow all instruction of the warden at all time., The internal emergency call number is 672.HEALTH AND SAFETYWhile on site ensure that no action or inaction on your part result in an injury to yourself or others., Any uncontrolled hazards sighted must be reported to your host , All accidents or incidents must be reported., Our evacuation procedure and site map is located on the other side of this page., The instruction of your host or escort must be followed at all times whilst on site., If you are unsure of any procedures or potential hazards ask your host for assistance.PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, Such as safety boots, safety belt, glove, mask, noise earplug, protective goggles will be provided ifnecessary for areas being visited.SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS, Fire safety area are:PM Warehouse RM Warehouse LPG room Substation Finished productWarehouse, The major site hazards to be aware of are:Forklifts Noise Moving & Rotating Wet/slippery floors Ammonia gas & machinery liquidCleaning chemicals Confined spaces Frozen Area Oil Storage Fire ProtectingAreaFOOD SAFETY, You are required to wash your hands thoroughly before entering processing areas., Do not touch processed product or machinery, No chewing or eating in production areasSICKNESS POLICY REQUIREMENTS, Anyone suffering from any contagious diseases are not permitted to enter factory areas or environsand your host must be informed.CLOTHING, Correct clothing including hairnets, white coats, and white gumboots, must be worn at all times inprocessing areas., All hair must be completely contained in a disposable hairnet., The wearing of any jewellery and watches is not permitted in any of our processing areas.SITE LAYOUTGENERALSMOKING, This is a smoke free site., Smoking is only permitted in the designated areas, your host can tell you where these are., Smoking is not permitted in any other areas, including vehicles on site.CONFIDENTIALITY, The removal of confidential information, taking of photographs or videos is not permitted without the authorizationof the operation manager.REMOVAL OF COMPANY PROPERTY, Nothing may be removed from these premises without the correct written authorization and documentation., All vehicles entering or leaving the site are subject to security inspection.访客须知No. EHS-GZLF-F-017 Edition: 01来访登记, 所有的来访人员在入厂和离厂时,都必须提供有效证件进行登记,当出现紧急情况的时候,我们可以及时联系到您。
NO.日期:Date 年 月 日 访客姓名Visitors Name 证件号或车牌号Identification number orlicense plate number 所在单位Your company 被访者单位/姓名Respondents department/name 随行人数The quantity of Accompanying persons 来访事由Visiting reason 进厂时间Enter time被访者签名Respondents signature 出厂时间Leave time 保安员签名Security Guardsignature使用说明:访客填写 → 保安核实访客身份 → 登记入厂时间 → 访客条交访客带给被访人签名 → 保安核对被访人签名 → 检查出门物品 →登记出厂时间 → 放行Instructions for use: Visitors fill → Visitors to verify the identity of the security → Register the enter time →Respondents signature → Security check the Respondents signature → Check out items->Register the leave time → Release来访人员填写并阅读Visitorstofillinand re a d 保安填写The security guard to fill out 访客须知:1、未经本公司经理级以上管理人员的许可,不准拍照;2、禁止穿拖鞋、穿背心及衣冠不整之人进入生产区域;3、生产现场是有危险的,为了您的安全,请不要久留或闲逛;4、遵守本厂安全防护规定,做好自身安全防护工作,若因此而发生的安全事故由您自己负全责。
• Safety Walk
• Traffic Management
• Others
• 交通管理 - 请在指定地点停车 - 厂区道路最高限速15公里/小时 - 厂内禁止鸣号 - 装卸货物时必须关闭发动机,提起刹车 • 未经特别许可, - 禁止进入车间/仓库等区域 - 严禁拍照 - 除规定的区域外,禁止吸烟
• Emergency Response
Visitor Safety Protocol
- Please assemble at the main entry immediately whenever you hear alarm.
• Personal Protective Equioes are required in work site. - Work hat is required,and earplug when you need. - Skirt and open-toe or high heeled shoes are only allowed at the safety path in the workshop. - Please walk on yellow safety path. - Please ensure no vehicle nearby. - Never walk or stand under any overhead crane. - Please keep yourself away from and do not touch equipment/materials. - Please watch your steps and do not run.
访客安全须知Visitor safety rules
Visitor safety rulesWelcome you to visit our plant!To ensure your safety when stay in our plant. Please pay special attention to the safety rules on the paper.1.Walk safely:•To enter the working site, all should be accompanied and guided by our coordinator.•When cross the road following the pedestrian crossing lane, watch out for moving vehicles such as forklift, trucks etc.•Any moving machine, button, switches and chemicals must not be touched. 2.Safety signs:Watch out for all kinds of safety signs and warning signs to be alert and careful.There are a lot of caution signs on our machine and beside the entrance of our working area, such as “ware safety shoes “, wear ear plug”3.About Fire Safety:No smoking in any non-smoking area, except in designated area.Before you enter production area, please wear safety shoes and do not carry mobile phone, lighter, match& camera. You can place the mobile at our reception area before production area tour4.PPE :When entering working area, you should wear relevant PPE all the time.5.About Emergency handling:In the event of emergency, for example when you hear firefighting alarm, you should follow the instruction of our coordinator, evacuate from the nearest exit to the assembly point immediately, you can see the layout to find assembly area.6.All injuries, illnesses, and serious near hits must be reported immediately.7.Our plant layout is on the back of the paper.Above are our safety rules, for your safety and health, please follow all the safety regulations of our company. If you have any question, you can ask your coordinator or me. Thanks for your attention, and wish you all have a nice and safe visit.。
访客安全须知中英文访客安全须知中英文这是一家集事业企划、零部件研发与设计This is an automotive parts enterprise which integrates enterprise planning, 工艺认证技术为一体的汽车零部件企业spare parts research and design, and Process Certification technology.这也是一家拥有新寮工厂This is also a two division factory with Xin Liao factory龙山工厂两个分工厂and Longshan factory,为东风本田、广汽本田which provides enterprises with key parts品牌系列轿车供应关键零部件的企业for WDHAC and GHAC automobile brand series cars.“安全第一,预防为主;Safety first, precaution crucial;以人为本,健康至上;People-oriented, health principal;落实责任,全员参与;Implementing responsibility, full participation;遵纪守法,持续提高”Abiding by the law, and continuously improving.是公司的职业健康It is the occupational health安全生产方针。
and safety production policy因工厂各区域存在不同的危险因素Because there are different risk factors in different areas ofthe factory,为加强公司综合管理in order to strengthen the comprehensive management of the company保障人资安全and ensure the safety of personnel,请您悉知安全事项please be aware of the safety matters,.并遵照规定执行and comply with the regulations.感谢您的支持与配合!Thank you for your cooperation!当您进入厂区时When you enter the factory,请主动向接待人员说明情况please take the initiative to explain the situation to the receptionist,出示您的证件show your certificate,并按照接待人员的要求进行登记and register according to the requirements of the receptionist.领取入厂证件Receipt your admission certificate佩戴于胸前and wear it on your chest.因厂区禁止拍照Please stick the camera with the lens请用镜头贴贴住摄像头because it is not allowed to use in the factory领取访客安全须知并仔细阅读。
1.进入车间参观时请根据领队安排好的路线统一活动;1. Please follow the plant tour leader during the whole touring process according to the arranged route;2.进入公司内请正确佩戴贵宾证,“贵宾证”佩戴在左胸或前胸处外衣上,“贵宾证”请正面佩戴;2. Please wear the VIP Card correctly after entering the company, which should be worn on the left or the middle of coat front;3.进入车间前请正确佩戴安全防护眼镜和耳塞,请不要穿着短裤(包括七分裤或九分裤)、裙子、凉鞋(拖鞋)进入车间;3. Please correctly wear safety glasses and ear plug; People wearing shorts (including seven-tenths trousers, nine-tenths trousers), skirts, sandals (slippers) are forbidden to enter the workshop;4.如您需要吸烟,请到公司吸烟专区,我们的吸烟专区位于:一号门、三号门、四号门;4. If you want to smoke, you can go to our company smoking area, which locates in: Door No.1, Door No.3, and Door No.4;5.进入车间参观时请留意身边行驶的车辆,行人请靠道路边缘行走;5. Please watch out the vehicles passing you and walk on the edge of the road during your tour in workshop;6.也许您想用相片记录我们工厂的点滴,但请预先提出申请;6. If you want to take some photos of our plant, please apply first;7.参观时请不要靠近设备,防止意外事故的发生;7. Please don’t get close to the equipment during the tour in case of the accident;8.如遇紧急情况,请跟着现场安保人员进行有序撤离,不要奔跑,以免造成拥挤8. If there is any emergency, please follow the on-site security personnel and evacuate orderly, no running, to avoid crowding.。
2、初次来访者须进行Firmenich的安全培训,了解并遵守Firmenich 的相关安全制度及规章制度。
3、来访人员在厂区内停留期间必须佩戴临时出入证,未经Firmenich 人员陪同,不得进入生产区或未经许可地点。
访客须知Notice for Visitors1、所有访客进入办公区域必须有科在保安和行政前台处登记相关信息。
Please register at the reception counter and be accompanied by responsible person while entering office building. And register the SN of laptop you want to take in and declare critical belongings. All the declared will be re-checked while leaving. Non-declared can only be taken out with written permissions.2、访客进入办公区需要佩带访客卡,离开大楼时及时归还大楼前台。
You are required to wear Visitor Pass while entering office area and return it to reception counter on the first floor before leaving.3、访客进入办公区必须由负责接待的受访员工全程陪同。
You’re expected to be accompanied by responsible person while in office area.4、访客进入大楼需要遵守相关安全规定。
Please keep quiet at office area and keep voice at minimum while using cell phone.5、未经许可不得进入限制进入的工作区。
访客管理制度 - 中英文
1.0 Purpose目的In order to strength the visitor’s management.为加强来访人员管理,特制订本制度。
2.0 Responsibilities 职责This regulation applies to all employees and all visitors.本规定适用于全体员工和所有来访客户的管理接待。
3.0 Instruction description 具体描述1. Visiting time来访时间规定If there are no special situation, the visiting time should be set from 8:30-17:00 at workdays, unless get the department managers’ confirmation.如无特殊情况,来访时间应定于工作日上班时间(8:30-17:00),否则需征得各部门经理同意。
2. General Visitors一般访客管理流程a. Admin will help prepare the visitor registration and EHS should prepare the safety notice, allthese documents should be ready on the table of company hall.行政负责访客登记表的准备,安环部负责公司访客安全告知,以上文件需提前放在公司大厅的接待处。
b. All the interviewees should arrange the visitors in advance including reception in the lobby,arrange sign of the documents and etc.所有被访人员需提前做好安排,如提前至大厅等待,负责来访人员的登记以及其他相关事宜。
尊敬的来宾:Distinguished guests:欢迎您来到常州XXXX股份有限公司参观、学习、工作,以下的安全须知是您必须要注意的,这样会使您在这里更加安全、顺利和愉快:Welcome to Changzhou XXXXCo., Ltd. visit, study, work, the following safety precautions that you must pay attention to, This will make you more secure here, smooth and enjoyable:一、您的一切来访活动必须经门卫登记后由本公司总经办接待人员统一安排,并负责陪同接待。
All visitors of your activities must be registered by the guard by the reception staff of the Company General Manager's Office arranged, and is responsible for accompanying reception.二、在您的来访过程中,一旦出现紧急情况请您拨打公司内线紧急电话:851156***,请在电话中告知您的姓名、地点以及紧急状况的信息已方便我们为您服务。
In the course of your visit, once an emergency call the company you inside an emergency call: 851 156 ***, please tell the phone your name, location and emergency information is to help us to serve you.三、车辆进入厂内请遵守厂内交通规则,进出门卫处限速5km/h,厂区道路限速20km/h厂内禁止鸣号。
1. 携带必要的证件,如身份证、驾驶证、工作证等,以便在需
2. 遵守企业的规定和制度,如穿着要求、访问时间等。
3. 在进入企业前,接受安全检查。
1. 保持警觉,特别是在人流密集的地方。
2. 在前往不同区域的过程中,需经过防火门或者安全门。
3. 在需要获得特殊许可的区域内工作时,需要获得特殊的许可,如燃气、电力、机器等。
4. 在需要使用企业的工具或设备时,必须遵循操作规定和注意
5. 遵守企业的清洁标准,以保证卫生和健康。
1. 及时归还企业搭乘的交通工具或使用的设施设备,并维护好设备的附属配件。
2. 离开时,一定要检查自己的物品,确保携带的物品完整,并及时报告遗失的物品。
3. 汽车行驶时,保持安全驾驶,守法交通规则。
访客安全须知中英文这是一家集事业企划、零部件研发与设计This is an automotive parts enterprise which integrates enterprise planning, 工艺认证技术为一体的汽车零部件企业spare parts research and design, and Process Certification technology. 这也是一家拥有新寮工厂This is also a two division factory with Xin Liao factory 龙山工厂两个分工厂and Longshan factory, 为东风本田、广汽本田which provides enterprises with key parts 品牌系列轿车供应关键零部件的企业for WDHAC and GHAC automobile brand series cars.“安全第一,预防为主;Safety first, precaution crucial; 以人为本,健康至上;People-oriented, health principal; 落实责任,全员参与;Implementing responsibility, full participation; 遵纪守法,持续提高”Abiding by the law, and continuously improving. 是公司的职业健康It is the occupational health 安全生产方针。
and safety production policy因工厂各区域存在不同的危险因素Because there are different risk factors in different areas of the factory, 为加强公司综合管理in order to strengthen the comprehensive management of the company 保障人资安全and ensure the safety of personnel, 请您悉知安全事项please be aware of the safety matters,. 并遵照规定执行and comply with the regulations. 感谢您的支持与配合!Thank you for your cooperation!当您进入厂区时When you enter the factory,请主动向接待人员说明情况please take the initiative to explain the situation to the receptionist,出示您的证件show your certificate, 并按照接待人员的要求进行登记and register according to the requirements of the receptionist. 领取入厂证件Receipt your admission certificate 佩戴于胸前and wear it on your chest. 因厂区禁止拍照Please stick the camera with the lens 请用镜头贴贴住摄像头because it isnot allowed to use in the factory 领取访客安全须知并仔细阅读。
In production areas, outside vehicles are forbidden to enter.
Safety requirements for visitor
All signs and directions on site must be strictly observed including speed limits and safety notices.
请在指定通道内行走,不得触摸设备、 按钮、开关和化学危险品。
Keep to walkways and don’t touch moving machinery, buttons, switches and hazardous chemicals.
Safety Guide for Visitor
requirements for visitor 为保障您和他人在厂区参观、工作 期间的安全,请仔细阅读并遵守 XXX有限公司如下的安全要求:
To protect you and others working in the factory visit and the security, please read and comply with the safety requirements of XXX Co., Ltd.
Safety requirements for visitor
未经批准,不许进入受限制的危险区域。 在生产区域,禁止外来车辆入内。
Without approval,not allowed to enter the restricted or dangerous area.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Notice for Visitors
Please register at the reception counter and be accompanied by responsible person while entering office building. And register the SN of laptop you want to take in and declare critical belongings. All the declared will be re-checked while leaving. Non-declared can only be taken out with written permissions.
You are required to wear Visitor Pass while entering office area and return it to reception counter on the first floor before leaving.
You’re expected to be accompanied by responsible person while in office area.
Please keep quiet at office area and keep voice at minimum while using cell phone.
Please do not enter restricted working area without prior permission. 6、未经许可不得擅自对工作区域进行拍照或录影。
Please do not take photos or videos at working area without prior permission.
Please turn your mobile mute while entering call centre area.
Smoking is prohibited in the whole office building.。