
外文核心期刊指南-(文科)哲学核心期刊1. The Hastings center report2. Ethics3. Philosophy of science4. The British journal for the philosophy of science5. Political theory6. Journal of moral education7. Philosophical psychology8. Philosophy of the social sciences9. Philosophy: the journal of the British Institute of Philosophical Studies10. The Monist11. The British journal of aesthetics12. The Journal of philosophy13. Philosophy and literature14. South African journal of philosophy15. Philosophy east and west16. Social theory and practice17. International journal of philosophical studies18. Asian philosophy19. The Humanist20. Journal of Chinese philosophy21. Journal of the history of philosophy社会学核心期刊1. The American journal of sociology2. American sociological review3. American journal of public health4. Social forces5. Journal of marriage and the family6. Journal of social history7. Sociological quarterly8. Journal of personality and social psychology9. Ethnic and racial studies10. Journal of experimental social psychology11. Industrial & labor relations review12. Journal for the scientific study of religion13. Family planning perspectives14. The British journal of sociology15. Addiction16. Social problems17. Gender & society18. Population and development review19. The Sociological review20. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in society21. Journal of communication22. International journal of urban and regional research23. Law & society review24. The International migration review: IMR25. Europe-Asia studies26. The American behavioral scientist27. The British journal of criminology28. Population studies29. Journal of the American Planning Association30. Ethics31. Social science quarterly32. Work and occupations33. Journal of cross-cultural psychology34. British journal of sociology of education35. Family relations36. Symbolic interaction37. Acta sociologica38. Comparative studies in society and history39. Sociological perspectives40. Journal of family issues41. The Journal of social psychology42. Society43. Journal of contemporary ethnography44. Science & society45. Research on aging46. International social science journal47. Urban studies48. Social work research49. Journal of social work education50. Modern China51. Social science research52. Social science history政治学核心期刊1. The American political science review2. Public administration review3. Academy of management journal4. Administrative science quarterly5. International security6. The Academy of management review7. New republic8. International organization9. World politics10. Foreign affairs11. American journal of political science12. Nation13. Political theory14. The Journal of conflict resolution15. The Journal of politics16. International studies quarterly17. Comparative political studies18. Political geography19. Political studies20. Journal of Common Market studies21. Foreign policy22. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science23. Asian survey24. The China quarterly25. The Washington quarterly26. Ethics27. Europe-Asia studies28. Politics & society29. Political science quarterly30. Ethnic and racial studies31. Political communication32. Feminist studies33. Parliamentary affairs34. Policy review35. The Journal of Asian Studies36. Third world quarterly37. PS, political science & politics38. Latin American perspectives39. Communist and post-communist studies40. Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs41. Modern China42. World policy journal43. Orbis44. Le Nouvel observateur45. Telos46. Policy sciences法学核心期刊1. Michigan law review2. University of Pennsylvania law review3. The Journal of taxation4. American journal of law & medicine5. Journal of criminal law and criminology6. Law & society review8. The Journal of research in crime and delinquency9. Harvard journal of law & public policy10. The British journal of criminology11. Ecology law quarterly12. Criminal justice and behavior13. The Washington quarterly14. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics15. Issues in law & medicine16. Ocean development and international law17. American business law journal经济学核心期刊1. The American economic review2. The Economist3. Econometrica4. The Quarterly journal of economics5. Journal of economic literature6. The Journal of finance7. Harvard business review8. The Academy of management review9. Journal of financial economics10. Journal of marketing11. The Economic journal12. The Journal of economic perspectives13. JMR, journal of marketing research14. The Review of economics and statistics15. Health care financing review16. Brookings papers on economic activity17. Journal of monetary economics18. Sloan management review19. Industrial & labor relations review20. The Journal of human resources21. Journal of business & economic statistics22. American journal of agricultural economics23. Journal of environmental economics and management24. Fortune25. The World bank economic review26. Journal of international economics27. International economic review28. Economic geography29. Journal of applied econometrics30. Journal of international business studies31. BusinessWeek32. Forbes34. Economica35. Land economics36. Economic inquiry37. Business insurance38. Oxford economic papers39. National tax journal40. Journal of advertsing research41. Cambridge journal of economics42. Journal of public policy & marketing43. Journal of international money and finance44. Journal of economic dynamics & control45. Applied economics46. Journal of retailing47. Journal of comparative economics48. British journal of industrial relations49. Journal of regional science50. The World economy (51. Journal of economic issues52. The Journal of risk and insurance53. The Journal of taxation54. Futures55. Euromoney56. Journal of portfolio management57. Journal of world trade58. The Journal of economic education59. Auditing60. Journal of world business61. International journal of service industry management62. The Banker63. Challenge64. Survey of current business65. Federal Reserve bulletin66. IMF staff papers67. Creative review68. OECD economic outlook教育学核心期刊1. Review of educational research2. Child development3. Journal of educational psychology4. Reading research quarterly5. Phi Delta Kappan6. Journal of research in science teaching7. Educational leadership (lib1.)8. Journal of learning disabilities9. Science education10. Educational psychology11. Harvard educational review12. The Journal of special education13. The Journal of higher education14. The Chronicle of higher education15. Remedial and special education16. Teaching and teacher education17. American journal of education18. Topics in early childhood special education19. Journal of educational measurement20. Teachers college record21. The Elementary school journal22. British journal of sociology of education23. The Journal of educational research24. Educational technology research and development: ETR & D25. Journal of adolescent & adult literacy26. Contemporary educational psychology27. British journal of educational studies (edu.28. Oxford review of education29. Research in higher education30. Comparative education review31. The British journal of educational psychology32. Journal of moral education33. Journal of teacher education34. Journal of curriculum studies35. Educational administration quarterly36. Roeper review37. Studies in higher education38. Comparative education39. Educational review40. Urban education41. Educational research42. The Journal of experimental education43. Adults learning44. Educational studies45. Theory into practice46. The Educational forum47. Change48. Adult education quarterly49. History of education quarterly50. International journal of lifelong education51. Techniques52. European journal of education53. Journal of education for teaching54. European journal of teacher education55. History of education56. Childhood education57. The Presidency58. Adult learning59. Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik60. Paedagogische rundschau61. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft 图书馆学情报学核心期刊1. College & research libraries2. Online3. Journal of academic librarianship4. Database5. Library journal6. Information today7. Library trends8. Journal of information technology9. Computer networks and ISDN systems10. Government information quarterly11. Byte12. American libraries13. E Media professional14. Libri15. Information technology and libraries16. School library journal17. Computers in libraries语言学核心期刊1. Language2. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research3. TESOL quarterly4. Linguistic inquiry5. The Modern language journal6. Reading research quarterly7. Journal of linguistics8. Journal of language and social psychology9. Human communication research10. Language learning11. ELT journal12. Pragmatics & cognition13. Language learning journal14. Journal of adolescent & adult literacy15. Style16. Вопросыяэыкоэнания17. Written communication18. Language testing19. Reading in a foreign language20. IRAL, International review of applied linguistics in language teaching21. Zielsprache Deutsch文学核心期刊1. American literature2. The Antioch review3. Chicago review4. College literature5. Comparative literature6. Contemporary literature7. Essays in criticism8. Europe9. The Explicator10. The Kenyon review11. Medium aevum12. Nineteeth-century literature13. The North American review14. Papers on language and literature15. Review of contemporary fiction16. The Sewanee review17. Studies in American fiction18. Studies in English literature, 1500-190019. Studies in short fiction20. Studies in the novel21. Twentieth Century literature22. The Virginia quarterly review23. World literature today24. Comparative literature studies艺术核心期刊1. African arts2. The Art bulletin3. Art history4. Art journal历史核心期刊1. The American historical review2. Comparative studies in society and history3. Latin American research review4. Journal of social history5. Journal of African history6. The Journal of modern history7. The Journal of interdisciplinary history8. Isis9. Social science history10. The Journal of Asian studies11. History of science12. Historia mathematica 13. Journal of family history14. Labor history15. Annals of science16. Art history17. History and theory18. Journal of urban history19. Modern China20. Annales historiques de la revolution Francaise21. Annales22. Diplomatic history23. Australian historical studies24. History of education quarterly25. East European quarterly26. History today27. Journal of contemporary history28. Church history29. Pacific historical review30. The Catholic historical review31. American quarterly32. American heritage33. World archaeology34. The Journal of American history人文地理学核心期刊1. Urban studies2. American journal of agricultural economics3. Regional studies4. Journal of the American Planning Association5. Annals of the Association of American Geographers6. Progress in human geography7. Population and development review8. Economic geography9. International journal of urban and regional research10. Geographische Rundschau11. Political geography12. The International migration review13. Journal of environmental economics and management14. Land economics15. The Professional geographer16. Europe-Asia studies17. The Geographical journal18. Journal of regional science19. Urban geography20. Geography21. Urban affairs review22. Journal of environmental management23. Ethnic and racial studies24. Society & natural resources25. Environmental management26. Journal of environmental planning and management27. Journal of geography in higher education28. Growth and change29. The Journal of geography30. European planning studies31. Applied geography32. The Annals of regional science33. Geoforum34. Natural resources forum35. L'Espace geographique36. Journal of water resources planning and management37. Environment38. Geographical review39. The Canadian geographer. Geographe canadien。

中国科学院文献情报中心 - 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)来源期刊 2007-2008年度
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北京大学图书馆 - 中文核心期刊目录(2008年,第五版)

原名Bullelin ofthe Geological Society ofChina(《中国地质学会志》),为英文季刊。

1 Academy of management journal 管理学会志美国72 Academy of management review 管理学会评论美国103 Accounting organization and society 会计、组织与社会荷兰824 American economic review 美国经济评论美国15 American journal of agricultural economics 美国农业经济学杂志美国386 Applied economics 应用经济学英国957 Auditing 审计美国1378 British journal of industrial relations 英国劳资关系杂志英国1079 Brookings papers on economic activity 布鲁金斯经济活动论文集美国2310 Business history 商业史英国12811 Business insurance 商业保险美国7612 Business lawyer 商业律师美国8913 Business week 商业周刊美国5614 California management review 加利福尼亚管理评论美国4315 Cambridge journal of economics 剑桥经济学杂志英国8616 Canadian journal of economics 加拿大经济学杂志加拿大12117 Challenge 挑战美国14718 Development & change 发展与变化英国9619 Ecological economics 生态经济学荷兰7020 Econometric theory 计量经济理论英国10921 Econometrica 计量经济学英国322 Economic & political weekly 经济与政治周刊印度7523 Economic development and cultural change 经济发展与文化变革美国8724 Economic geography 经济地理学英国5125 Economic history review 经济史评论美国6726 Economic inquiry 经济探究美国7427 Economic journal,the 经济学杂志英国1428 Economic record 经济记录澳洲14029 Economica 经济学英国6830 Economics letters 经济学快报瑞士6631 Economy and society 经济与社会英国3232 Euromoney 欧洲货币英国12933 European economic review 欧洲经济评论荷兰4034 Explorations in economic history 经济史研究美国8335 Federal reserve bulletin 联邦储备通报美国14936 Financial management 财务管理美国6237 Forbes 福布斯美国6138 Fortune 幸福(或翻译:财富)美国4539 Futures: the magazine commodities & options 期货美国12740 Games and economic behavior 对策与经济行为美国9341 Harvard business review 哈佛商业评论美国942 Health care financing review 卫生保健资金筹措评论美国2243 Health economics 卫生经济学英国4244 History of political economy 政治经济学史美国14145 Human resource management 人力资源管理美国3746 Industrial & labor relations review 劳资关系评论美国2947 Industrial marketing management 工业销售管理美国10248 Industrial relations 劳资关系美国5249 Insurance: mathematics & economics 保险:数学与经济学荷兰13650 International economic review 国际经济评论美国4951 International journal of forecasting 国际预测杂志荷兰11652 International journal of game theory 国际对策论杂志德国11953 International journal of industrial organization 国际产业组织杂志荷兰11754 International journal of service industry management 国际服务行业管理杂志英国14255 International monetary fund staff papers 国际货币基金组织文集美国9756 Journal of accounting & economics 会计学与经济学杂志荷兰11357 Journal of accounting research 会计研究杂志美国8458 Journal of advertising research 广告研究杂志美国8159 Journal of agricultural economics 农业经济学杂志英国12360 Journal of applied econometrics 应用计量经济学杂志英国5461 Journal of banking and finance 银行业与金融杂志荷兰9062 Journal of business 商业杂志美国2763 Journal of business & economic statistics 商业与经济统计学杂志美国3464 Journal of business ethics 商业伦理学杂志荷兰7765 Journal of business research 商业研究杂志美国10866 Journal of business venturing 商业风险杂志美国12267 Journal of common market studies 共同市场研究杂志英国7168 Journal of comparative economics 比较经济学杂志美国10569 Journal of consumer research 消费者研究杂志美国1970 Journal of development economics 发展经济学杂志荷兰5971 Journal of econometrics 经济计量学杂志瑞士2072 Journal of economic behavior & organization 经济行为与组织杂志荷兰9873 Journal of economic dynamics & control 经济动力学与控制杂志荷兰9474 Journal of economic education 经济教育杂志美国13575 Journal of economic history 经济史杂志6076 Journal of economic issues 经济问题杂志美国12077 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志美国678 Journal of economic perspectives 经济展望杂志美国1579 Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志美国2180 Journal of environmental economics & management 环境经济学与环境管理杂志美国4481 Journal of finance 金融杂志美国882 Journal of financial & quantitative analysis 财务分析与定量分析杂志美国7283 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志瑞士1184 Journal of financial intermediation 金融媒介杂志美国12585 Journal of health economics 卫生经济学杂志荷兰2886 Journal of human resources 人力资源杂志美国3187 Journal of industrial economics 工业经济学杂志英国7988 Journal of institutional & theoretical economics 制度与经济理论杂志德国13989 Journal of international business studies 国际商业研究杂志美国5590 Journal of international economics 国际经济学杂志荷兰4791 Journal of international money & finance 国际货币与金融杂志英国9292 Journal of labor economics 劳动经济学杂志美国5893 Journal of law & economics 法律与经济学杂志美国2694 Journal of law,economics & organization 法律、经济学与组织学杂志美国4895 Journal of marketing 市场营销杂志美国1296 Journal of marketing research 市场营销研究杂志美国1797 Journal of mathematical economics 数学经济学杂志瑞士11898 Journal of monetary economics 货币经济学杂志荷兰2499 Journal of money, credit & banking 货币,信贷和银行业务杂志美国50100 Journal of operational research society 英国运筹学杂志英国39101 Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志美国 4102 Journal of portfolio management 有价证券管理杂志美国133103 Journal of product innovation management 产品革新管理杂志美国53104 Journal of productivity analysis 生产率分析杂志荷兰106105 Journal of public economics 公共经济学杂志瑞士36106 Journal of public policy & marketing 公共政策与营销杂志107 Journal of real estate finance & economics 不动产、金融和经济学杂志荷兰132 108 Journal of regional science 区域学杂志美国110109 Journal of regulatory economics 管制经济学杂志美国144110 Journal of retailing 零售杂志美国99111 Journal of risk & insurance 风险与保险杂志美国124112 Journal of risk & uncertainty 风险与不确定性杂志美国103113 Journal of rural studies 农村研究杂志英国101114 Journal of taxation 税务杂志美国126115 Journal of transport economics & policy 运输经济与政策杂志英国104116 Journal of urban economics 城市经济学杂志美国63117 Journal of world business 世界商业杂志美国138118 Journal of world trade 世界贸易杂志134119 Land economics 土地经济学美国69120 Long range planning 长远规划荷兰115121 Marketing science 营销学美国64122 Monthly labor review 劳动评论月刊美国65123 National tax journal 全国税务杂志美国80124 Oxford bulletin of economics & statistics 牛津经济学与统计学通报英国57125 Oxford economics papers 牛津经济论文集英国78126 Public choice 公共选择荷兰85127 Quarterly journal of economics,the 经济学季刊美国5128 Rand journal of economics 兰德经济学杂志美国35129 Regional science & urban economics 区域科学和都市经济学荷兰111130 Review of economic studies 经济研究评论英国16131 Risk analysis 风险分析美国30132 Risk management review 风险管理评论美国145133 Scandinavian journal of economics 斯堪的纳维亚经济学杂志英国112 134 Scottish journal of political economy 苏格兰政治经济学杂志英国130 135 Sloan management review 斯隆管理评论美国25136 Southern economic journal 南部经济学杂志美国73137 Strategic management journal 战略管理杂志英国13138 Survey of current business 当代商业综览美国148139 Banker, the 银行家英国143140 Economist, the 经济学家英国2141 Journal of development studies, the 发展研究杂志英国100142 OECD observer, the 经济合作与发展组织观察家法国146143 Review of economics & statistics, the 经济学与统计学评论美国18144 Review of financial studies, the 金融研究评论美国41145 World economy, the 世界经济英国114146 Transnational corporation 跨国公司瑞士150147 Weltwirtschaftliches archiv/ review of world economy世界经济文献德国131 148 Work, employment and society 工作、受雇与社会英国88149 World bank economic review 世界银行经济评论美国46150 World development 世界发展荷兰33。

中外文核心期刊汇总 中文期刊 1.《水利学报》 2.《水科学进展》 3.《中国农村水利水电》 4.《环境科学》 5.《环境科学学报》 6.《环境工程》 7.《湖泊科学》 8.《生态学报》 9.《应用生态学报》 10.《净水技术》 11.《给排水》 12.《中国给排水》 13.《中国环境科学》 外文期刊 1.《water research》 2.《water resource & research》 3.《environment science & technology》 4.《journal of hydrology》 5.《environment pollution》 6.《water science and engineering》 7.《environment science pollution research》 8.《science of total environment》 9.《ecological engineering》 10.《journal of hazardous materials》 11.《desalination》 12.《science》 13.《nature》 14.《scientific report》 15.《biogeosciences》
2.《Water Resource & Research》
3.《Environment Science & Technology》
4.《Journal of Hydrology》
5.《Environment Pollution》
6.《Water Science and Engineering》
7.《Environment Science Pollution Research》

中国科技信息研究所每年4月或10月分两次给当年经过多项学术指标综合评定而被收录的期刊颁发收录证书,中国科技信息所每年年底(11月或12月)都会在北京向媒体召开 "中国科技论文统计结果发布会"。

教师或教学期刊(教育学相关期刊数据库)ERIC - Education Resources Information Center教育资源信息中心链接/介绍:美国教育部资助的网站系列和世界上最大的教育资源数据库,其中包括各种文档以及教育研究与实践方面的论文摘要,这些摘要超过了一百万篇,收录980多种教育及和教育相关的期刊文献的题录和文摘。
Education Full Text教育全文链接:/academic/education-full-text。
(SSCI)1、Journal of Teacher Education 《教师教育杂志》Journal of Teacher Education(JTE)2019年影响因子为3.60,在所有期刊中排名15。
JTE创刊于1950年,作为美国教师教育学院协会(American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education,AACTE)的旗舰杂志,JTE一直稳坐教师教育类期刊的头把交椅。
2、Teaching and Teacher Education 《教学与教师教育》Teaching and Teacher Education(TATE)2019年影响因子为2.686,排名38。

刊名:Law and Society Review中图刊号:336B0152 ISSN:0023-9216 期数:4 出版状态:正常出版出版者:Law and Society Association, 出版地:美国译名简介:《法律与社会评论》刊载研究社会与法律的关系,包括法律、法律制度在社会、心理、政治、经济和文化等方面应用的文章、评论和札记。
刊名:American Journal of International Law.中图刊号:340B0001 ISSN:0002-9300 期数:4 出版状态:正常出版出版者:American Society of International Law, 出版地:美国译名简介:《美国国际法杂志》刊载有关国际法、国际间的条约和协定及案例裁决等方面的文章、评论、资料、书评和札记。
刊名:Harvard Law Review.中图刊号:340B0003 ISSN:0017-811X 期数:8 出版状态:正常出版出版者:Harvard Law Review Association, 出版地:美国译名简介:《哈佛法律评论》刊载法律研究论文、札记、案例分析和书刊名:Yale Law Journal.中图刊号:340B0004 ISSN:0044-0094 期数:8 出版状态:正常出版出版者:Yale Journal Co. Inc., 出版地:美国译名简介:《耶鲁法律杂志》刊载法学研究论文、评论和札记。
刊名:Business Lawyer.中图刊号:340B0008 ISSN:0007-6899 期数:4 出版状态:正常出版出版者:American Bar Association, 出版地:美国译名简介:《商业律师》刊载商业法和金融法,包括会计、仲裁、合同、雇佣、税务、专利、股票和投资等法律问题的论文、评论和文摘。

外文核心期刊简介1、《科学计量学》(双月刊)(Scientometrics. 1978, Amstendam : Elsevier Scientific Pub..co.)本刊是由匈牙利出版的一份权威性的国际期刊,主要刊载科学计量学领域的研究论文、短讯和评论。
2、《情报处理与管理》(双月刊)http://www.elsevien.nl(Information Processing & management 。
1975~ Oxford: Pergamon Press.)本刊是图书馆学情报学领域一份重要的国际科学期刊,研究情报学的产生、组织、存储、检索、传递及利用,涉及情报科学、计算机科学、认知科学等相关学科。
继承:《Information Storage and Retrieval》《情报存储与检索》吸收:Information Technology《情报技术》E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl3、《情报学杂志》(双月刊)(Journal of Information, 1979~, Amsterdam : Published for the Insititute of InformationScientists by the Worth-Holland Pub. Co.)本刊内容涉及有关情报学各方面的理论与实践,包括知识与知识交流、情报源,情报管理,情报传播、情报技术的创新与转让等,涉及数字、语言和经济学等学科知识,编委会由世界各地的专家学者组成。

一、SCI期刊1、介绍:美国《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, 简称SCI)于1957年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, 简称ISI)在美国费城创办。
2、SCI对稿件内容和学术水平的要求 1) 主要收录数学、物理、化学等学术理论价值高并具有创新的论文; 2) 国家自然科学基金资助项目、科技攻关项目、"八六三"高技术项目等; 3) 论文已达到国际先进水平。
3、SCI收录的中文期刊收录库刊名 ISSN《力学学报》(英文版) 0567-7718《物理学报》(中文版) 1000-3290《中国化学》(英文版) 1001-604X《科学通报》(英文版) 1001-6538《中国科学A辑》(英文版) 1006-9283《中国科学B辑》(英文版) 1006-9291《中国科学C辑》(英文版) 1006-9305《中国科学D辑》(英文版) 1006-9313《中国科学E辑》(英文版) 1006-9321《中国科学G辑》(英文版) 1672-1799《化学学报》(中文版) 0567-7351《力学学报》(英文版) 0567-7718《金属学报》 0412-1961《物理学报》(中文版) 1000-3290《物理化学学报》(中文版)) 1000-6818《应用数学和力学》(英文版) 0253-4827《中国化学快报》(英文版) 1001-8417《分析化学》(中文版) 0253-3820《中国化学工程学报》(英文版) 1004-9541《化学物理学报》(中文版) 1003-7713《中国化学》(英文版) 1001-604X《电子学报》(英文版) 1022-4653《中国物理(物理学报一海外版)(英)》 1009-1963《科学通报》(英文版) 1001-6538《中南工业大学学报》(英文版) 1005-9784《材料科学技术学报》(英文版) 1005-0302《北京科技大学学报》(英文版) 1005-8850《武汉工业大学学报(材料科学版)》(英文版) 1000-2413 《化学进展》(中文版) 1005-281X《中国科学A辑》(英文版) 1006-9283《中国科学B辑》(英文版) 1006-9291《中国科学C辑》(英文版) 1006-9305《中国科学D辑》(英文版) 1006-9313《中国科学E辑》(英文版) 1006-9321《中国科学F辑》(英文版) 1009-2757《中国科学G辑》(英文版) 1672-1799二、EI期刊1、介绍:美国《工程索引》(Eingineering Index, 简称Ei), 在1884年由美国工程信息公司(Engineering Information Inc.)创办,是一个主要收录工程技术期刊文献和会议文献的大型检索系统,被称做国际六大著名检索系统。

国外科学技术核心期刊1.The New England journal of medicinencet3.JAMA4.The Journal of experimental medicine5.Nature medicine6.BMJ (International edition)7.The American journal of medicine8.Journal of medical ethics9.The Hastings Center report 10.Social science & medicine 11.Medical journal of Australia 12.CMAJ 13.Bulletin of the history of medicine 14.BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 15.The Journal of medicine and philosophy 16.Annual review of medicine 17.Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift 18.Medical history 19.Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences Presse medicale 21.South African medical journal 22.Statistics in medicine 23.Medical hypotheses 24.Mayo Clinic proceedings 25.Journal of internal medicine 26.Medicine 27.Medical care research and review 28.Southern medical journal 29.Postgraduate medical journal 30.Journal of the National Medical Association 31.Academic medicine 32.The Journal of family practice 33.The American journal of the medical sciences 34.Medical education 35.Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 36.New Zealand medical journal 37.British medical bulletin 38.Clinical and experimental medicine 39.The Israel Medical Association journal 40.Medical decision making 41.American journal of public health 42.The American journal of clinical nutrition 43.American journal of epidemiology 44.The Journal of nutrition 45.The Milbank quarterly 46.The British journal of nutrition 47.Health affairs 48.Annual review of public health 49.Environmental toxicology and chemistry 50.Medical care 51.Annual review of nutrition 52.Journal of health economics 53.Health services research 54.Public health reports 55.Food and chemical toxicology 56.International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders 57.Journal of the American Dietetic Association 58.The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 59.European journal of clinical nutrition 60.Journal of adolescent health 61.Health policy 62.Health physics 63.American journal of industrial medicine64.Epidemiology 65.Inquiry (U.S.) 66.International journal of epidemiology 67.Bulletin of the World Health Organization 68.Journal of the American College of Nutrition 69.Molecular human reproduction 70.Nutrition 71.Nutrition research 72.International journal of health services 73.Occupational and environmental medicine 74.Journal of clinical epidemiology 75.Patient education and counseling 76.Obesity research 77.Journal of public health 78.The Annals of occupational hygiene 79.European journal of public health 80.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 81.International journal of food sciences and nutrition 82.Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 83.American journal of preventive medicine 84.Appetite 85.Epidemiology and infection 86.Health policy and planning 87.Journal of epidemiology and community health 88.The Journal of school health 89.Health education & behavior 90.Preventive medicine 91.Environmental research 92.Human reproduction update 93.Annals of nutrition & metabolism 94.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 95.Public health 96.Radiation protection dosimetry 97.International archives of occupational and environmental health 98.Industrial health 99.Environmental health perspectives 100.Archives of environmental health 101.The Journal of immunology 102.Annual review of immunology 103.Journal of clinical microbiology 104.Journal of cognitive neuroscience 105.Annals of internal medicine 106.Immunity 107.Vaccine 108.The American journal of pathology 109.Archives of internal medicine 110.Psychophysiology 111.AIDS 112.International journal of radiation oncology,biology,physics 113.Trends in immunology 114.Biomaterials 115.European journal of immunology 116.The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 117.Journal of psychosomatic research 118.Journal of immunological methods 119.Carcinogenesis 120.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 121.American journal of medical genetics. Part A 122.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics123.American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics 124.The Journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 125.Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 126.Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 127.Journal of biomechanics 128.Current opinion in immunology 129.Brain research. Molecular brain research 130.Gene therapy 131.Clinical and experimental immunology 132.Advances in immunology 133.Human gene therapy 134.Journal of neuroimmunology 135.Journal of leukocyte biology 136.Immunology 137.The Journal of parasitology 138.Clinical microbiology reviews 139.Human immunology boratory investigation 141.The Journal of pathology 142.Clinical and experimental allergy 143.The American journal of surgical pathology 144.International immunology 145.Immunological reviews 146.Human pathology 147.Annals of biomedical engineering 148.Medical physics 149.Journal of medical virology 150.Journal of biomechanical engineering 151.AIDS research and human retroviruses 152.Physics in medicine & biology 153.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 154.Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes 155.Brain research. Cognitive brain research 156.Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine 157.Journal of medical genetics 158.International archives of allergy and immunology 159.American journal of clinical pathology 160.American journal of physiology. Renal physiology 161.Neurobiology of aging 162.Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 163.Trends in molecular medicine 164.Journal of clinical pathology 165.American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 166.Calcified tissue international 167.Alternatives to laboratory animals 168.European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases 169.Cellular immunology 170.Scandinavian journal of immunology 171.Clinical immunology 172.Critical reviews in biomedical engineering 173.Journal of medical microbiology 174.Modern pathology 175Clinical and diagnosticlaboratory immunology 176.Journal of molecular medicine 177.The Journal of gene medicine 178.The journal of clinical investigation 179.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 180.Critical care medicine 181.The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 182.Clinical chemistry 183.Allergy 184.Journal of rehabilitation research and development 185.Intensive care medicine 186.The Medical clinics of North America 187.Journal of palliative care 188.The American journal of family therapy 189.Critical reviews in neurobiology 190.American family physician 191.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 192.Nursing research 193.Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics 194.Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 195.Transfusion 196.European journal of clinical investigation 197.Clinical science 198.Journal of advanced nursing 199.Clinical therapeutics 200.Journal of music therapy 201.The American journal of nursing 202.Physical therapy 203.Palliative medicine 204.Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease 205.Postgraduate medicine 206.Research in nursing & health 207.QJM 208.The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 209.Disability and rehabilitation 210.Human movement science 211.Clinical nutrition 212.The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy 213.Wiener klinische wochenschrift 214.Nursing outlook 215.The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis 216.Nuclear medicine communications 217.Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences 218.Injury 219.The American journal of occupational therapy 220.The Journal of nursing administration 221.Alternative therapies in health and medicine puterized medical imaging and graphics 223.The Journal of rehabilitation 224.International journal of nursing studies 225.Journal of clinical nursing 226.Drugs & aging 227.ANS, Advances in nursing science 228.V ox sanguinis 229.Journal of midwifery & women's health 230.Journal of investigative medicine 231.OTJR 232.The Journal of clinical ethics 233.International journal of clinical practice 234.Infection and immunity 235.The Journal of infectiousdiseases 236.The Journal of investigative dermatology 237.Clinical infectious diseases 238.Emerging infectious diseases 239.British journal of dermatology 240.Archives of dermatology 241.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 242.Sexually transmitted diseases 243.Infection control and hospital epidemiology 244.Journal of clinical epidemiology 245.The Journal of hospital infection 246.Sexually transmitted infections 247.Experimental dermatology 248.Dermatology 249.Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases 250.Infectious disease clinics of North America 251.Trends in parasitology 252.Molecular and biochemical parasitology 253.Acta dermato-venereologica 254.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 255.Chest 256.The European respiratory journal 257.American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 258.Pediatric pulmonology 259.International journal of tuberculosis and lung disease 260.Respiratory medicine 261.Thorax 262.Circulation 263.Blood 264.Endocrinology 265.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 266.The American journal of cardiology 267.Circulation research 268.Journal of the American College of Cardiology 269.Endocrine reviews 270.Diabetes 271.Stroke 272.British journal of haematology 273.Chest 274.Diabetes care 275.Hypertension 276.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 277.Thrombosis and haemostasis 278.European heart journal 279.Diabetologia 280.The American heart journal 281.Molecular endocrinology 282.Leukemia 283.Cardiovascular research 284.Atherosclerosis 285.Journal of hypertension 286.The Journal of endocrinology 287.Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 288.Metabolism, clinical and experimental 289.Molecular and cellular endocrinology 290.Thrombosis research 291.Heart 292.Clinical endocrinology 293.American journal of hypertension 294.Current opinion in lipidology 295.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 296.Experimental hematology 297.Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 298.European journal of endocrinology299.Haematologica 300.General and comparative endocrinology 301.Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 302.Neuroendocrinology 303.Leukemia & lymphoma 304.Gastroenterology 305.Hepatology 306.Gut 307.The American journal of gastroenterology 308.Journal of hepatology 309.Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 310.Digestive diseases and sciences 311.The International journal of eating disorders 312.Hepato-gastroenterology 313.Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 314.Gastrointestinal endoscopy 315.European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology 316.Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 317.Seminars in liver disease 318.Neurogastroenterology and motility 319.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 320.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 321.Human reproduction 322.Pediatrics (U.S.) 323.The Journal of pediatrics 324.Fertility and sterility 325.Obstetrics and gynecology 326.Gynecologic oncology 327.Pediatric research 328.Acta p?diatrica 329.Archives of disease in childhood 330.The Pediatric infectious disease journal 331.The Gerontologist 332.Prenatal diagnosis 333.Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 334.Journal of women's health 335.The American journal of geriatric psychiatry 336.BJOG 337.Birth 338.Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 339.Age and ageing 340.Geriatrics 341.European journal of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology 342.European journal of pediatrics 343.Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics 344.Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 345.Mechanisms of ageing and development 346.Placenta 347.Developmental medicine and child neurology 348.Transplantation 349.The Annals of thoracic surgery 350.Anesthesiology 351.Annals of surgery 352.Anesthesia and analgesia 353.Spine 354.Bone marrow transplantation 355.Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 356.Surgery 357.Transplantation proceedings 358.Clinical orthopaedics and related research 359.British journal of surgery 360.Plastic andreconstructive surgery 361.Journal of vascular surgery 362.Thorax 363.The American journal of surgery 364.British journal of anaesthesia 365.Archives of surgery 366.Anaesthesia 367.The Journal of trauma 368.Journal of endovascular therapy 369.Diseases of the colon & rectum 370.Journal of orthopaedic research 371.The Journal of surgical research 372.Journal of neurotrauma 373.Journal of pediatric surgery 374.World journal of surgery 375.Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume 376.Surgical endoscopy 377.Canadian journal of anaesthesia 378.Annals of surgical oncology 379.The Journal of heart and lung transplantation 380.The Surgical clinics of North America 381.Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 382.Journal of the American College of Surgeons 383.Pacing and clinical electrophysiology sers in surgery and medicine 385.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery 386.The American surgeon 387.Dermatologic surgery 388.Surgical neurology 389.The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy 390.Journal of surgical oncology 391.Arthritis and rheumatism 392.Journal of bone and mineral research 393.Journal of bone and joint surgery. American V olume 394.The Journal of rheumatology 395.Bone 396.Rheumatology 397.The Journal of urology 398.Kidney international 399.Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 400.Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation 401.Urology 402.American journal of kidney diseases 403.The Prostate 404.Nephron 405.BJU international 406.European urology 407.Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension 408.Cancer research 409.Oncogene 410.Journal of the National Cancer Institute 411.CA 412.Cancer 413.Journal of clinical oncology 414.International journal of cancer 415.The British journal of cancer 416.Anticancer research 417.Clinical cancer research 418..European journal of cancer 419.Cancer letters 420.Psycho-oncology 421.Genes, chromosomes & cancer 422.Annals of oncology 423.Seminars in oncology 424.International journal of oncology 425.Cancer nursing 426.Cancergenetics and cytogenetics 427.Cancer science 428.Molecular cancer research 429.Cancer gene therapy 430.Seminars in cancer biology 431.Histopathology 432.Breast cancer research and treatment 433.The Journal of neuroscience 434.The American journal of psychiatry 435.Archives of general psychiatry 436.Neuron 437.Brain research 438.Neurology 439.The British journal of psychiatry 440.Annual review of neuroscience 441.Neuroscience 442.Neuroscience letters 443.Trends in neurosciences 444.Journal of clinical psychiatry 445.Journal of comparative neurology 446.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 447.Neuropsychologia 448.Psychological medicine 449.Schizophrenia bulletin 450.Psychosomatic medicine 451.Nature neuroscience 452.Annals of neurology 453.Brain 454.Journal of neurosurgery 455.NeuroReport 456.Schizophrenia research 457.Psychiatric services 458.Neuropsychology 459.Hearing research 460.The Laryngoscope 461.Journal of speech, language, and hearing research 462.Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery 463.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology 464.The Journal of laryngology and otology 465.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery 466.Acta oto-laryngologica 467.International Journal of Audiology 468.European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology 469.American journal of rhinology 470.Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 471.Vision research 472.Ophthalmology 473.Archives of ophthalmology 474.American journal of ophthalmology 475.British journal of ophthalmology 476.Experimental eye research 477.Journal of cataract and refractive surgery 478.Progress in retinal and eye research 479.Optometry and vision science 480.Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging 481.Ophthalmologica 482.Clinical & experimental ophthalmology 483.Journal of periodontology 484.Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 485.Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontology 486.The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 487.Journal of dental research 488.Critical reviews in oralbiology and medicine 489.Journal of clinical periodontology 490.Journal of the American Dental Association 491.Caries research 492.American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 493.Journal of oral pathology & medicine 494.Journal of periodontal research 495.The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 496.British dental journal 497.Journal of endodontics 498.Clinical oral implants research 499.Radiology 500.The Journal of nuclear medicine 501.AJR, American journal of roentgenology 502.Magnetic resonance in medicine 503.Medicine and science in sports and exercise 504.AJNR, American journal of neuroradiology 505.The American journal of sports medicine 506.The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 507.Radiation research 508.IEEE transactions on medical imaging 509.European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 510.Human brain mapping 511.Aviation space and environmental medicine 512.Radiotherapy and oncology 513.The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 514.Journal of medicinal chemistry 515.British journal of pharmacology 516.Pharmacological reviews 517.European journal of pharmacology 518.Biochemical pharmacology 519.Molecular pharmacology 520.Psychopharmacology 521.Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 522.Trends in pharmacological sciences 523.Neuropharmacology 524.Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior 525.Pharmacology & therapeutics 526.Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 527.Pharmaceutical research 528.International journal of pharmaceutics 529.Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 530.Drug discovery today 531.Drugs 532.Journal of controlled release 533.Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 534.Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 535.Chemical research in toxicology 536.Toxicology and applied pharmacology 537.Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 538.Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 539.Drug metabolism and disposition 540.British journal of clinical pharmacology 541.Journal of clinicalpsychopharmacology 542.Planta medica 543.Clinica chimica acta 544.Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 545.International immunopharmacology 546.Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology 547.Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 548.Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 549.Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 550.Journal of antibiotics 551.Journal of ethnopharmacology。

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国际语言学核心期刊排序总表国际语言学核心期刊排序总表序号刊名中文译名国别1 Language 语言美2 Brain and language 大脑与语言美3 Journal of memory and language 记忆与语言杂志美4 Journal of speech,language,and hearing research 言语、语言与听觉研究杂志美5 Cognition 认知荷兰6 Journal of pragmatics 实用语言学杂志荷兰7 Speech communication 语言交流荷兰8 Journal of child language 儿童语言杂志英9 Linguistics 语言学德10 TESOL quarterly 从事非母语英语教学教师季刊美11 Linguistic inquiry 语言学研究美12 Lingua(Amsterdam, Netherlands) 语言学荷兰13 Journal of psycholinguistic research 心理语言学研究杂志美14 Modern language journal 现代语言杂志美15 Applied linguistics 应用语言学英16 Language in society 社会语言英17 Reading research quarterly 阅读研究季刊美16 International journal of the 国际语言社会学杂志德18 Sociology of language19 Discourse processes 交流过程美20 Journal of phonetics 语言学杂志英21 Applied psycholinguistics 应用心理语言学英22 Cognitive science 认知科学美23 Discourse & society 舆论与社会英24 Language and speech 语言与口语英25 Reading and writing 读与写荷兰24 Computational linguistics 计算语言学美(Association for Computational Linguistics)28 Anthropological linguistics 人类语言学美29 Journal of multilingual and Multicultural development多种语言及多种文化发展杂志英30 Language & communication 语言与交流英31 Journal of linguistics 语言学杂志英32 Language sciences 语言科学荷兰33 Studies in the linguistic sciences 语言科学研究美34 Multilingua 多种语言杂志德35 Journal of quantitative linguistics 定量语言学杂志荷兰36 Word(New York,N.Y.: 1945) 语词美37 Natural language & linguistic theory 自然语言与语言理论荷兰38 Deutsch als Framdsprache 外国人学德语德36 Journal of language and social psychology 语言与社会心理学杂志英40 Language and cognitive pro9cesses 语言与认知过程英41 Le Francais dans le monde 法语世界` 法42 Levende talen 语言教学荷兰43 Pycckκий ЯзьΙк B ШкОЛе中学俄语俄罗斯44 Phonetica 语言学瑞士45 Studies in language 语言研究荷兰46 Literary & Linguistic computing 文学与语言计算英47 Diachronica 历时语言学荷兰48 Histoire,epistemologie,language 历史、认识论、语言法49 Human communication research 人类交流研究美50 Language and education 语言与教育英45 International journal of Americanlinguistics 国际美国语言学杂志美52 Linguistics and philosophy 语言学与哲学荷兰53 Journal of French language studies 法语研究杂志法54 European journal of disorders communication 欧洲交流障碍杂志英55 Historiographia linguistica 编史语言学荷兰56 First language 第一语言英57 Meta 译者杂志加拿大58 Journal of communication disorders 语言交流障碍杂志美59 Text(Hague,Netherlands) 话语德60 Journal of English linguistics 英语语言学杂志美61 Journal of neurolinguistics 神经语言学杂志荷兰62 Lebende Sprachen 生动的语言德63 Semiotica 符号语言学德64 Rivista Italiana di dialettologia 意大利方言学杂志意大利65 Child language teaching and therapy 儿童语言教学与治疗英66 Second language research 第二语言研究英67 International journal of lexicography 国际词汇学杂志英68 Studies in second language acquisition 第二语言的掌握研究美69 Metaphor and symbol 隐喻与象征美70 Language learning 语言学习美71 Praxis des Neusprachlichen Unterrichts 新语言教学实践德72 International journal of applied linguistics 国际应用语言学杂志挪威73 Lingue e stile 语言与文体意大利74 Pragmatics 语言符号学比利时75 Jezyki obce w szkole 学校外语波兰76 Russian linguistics 俄罗斯语言学荷兰77 English world-wide 世界英语荷兰78 Muttersprache 本国语言德79 Language variation and change 语言的演变英80 Language awareness 语言知识英81 Language international 国际语言荷兰82 Memory and cognition 记忆与认知美83 Language problems & language planning 语言问题与语言规划荷兰84 Language and literature 语言与文学英( San Antonio , Tex. )85 Machine translation 机器翻译荷兰86 The Canadian modern language review 加拿大现代语言评论加拿大87 Journal of literacy research 读写能力研究杂志美88 ELT journal 英语教学杂志英89 Pragmatics & cognition 语言实用学与认知荷兰90 Le Langage et l’homme 语言与人类比利时91 Functions of language 语言的功能荷兰92 Language, speech & hearing 学校语言、言语与听力服务美services in schools93 Language learning journal 语言学习杂志英92 Cahiers de l’instirte de 卢万语言学会手册荷兰d Linguistique e Louvain95 Journal of adolescent 青少年与成人读写杂志美& adult literacy96 Faits de langues 语言事实法97 Lingvisticae investigations 语言学研究荷兰98 Journal of East Asian linguistics 东亚语言学杂志荷兰99 Revue Quebecoise de linguistique 魁北克语言学杂志加拿大97 Research on language and social 语言学英interaction102 The French review 法语评论美103 Nesprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis 现代语言学的科学与实践报告德104 Estudios de linguistica 语言学研究西班牙105 Le Francais moderne 当代法语法106 Linguistische Berichte 语言学报告德107 Babel 巴伯尔荷兰107 Journal of Indo-European studies Monograph. 印欧研究杂志.专论美109 Folia linguistice 语言学报荷兰110 Deutsche Sprache 德语德111 Style 文体美112 Festschrift fur Deutsche Phiologie 德国语言学杂志德113 Theoretical linguistics 理论语言学德114 Virittaajaa 正音芬兰115 Translator(Manchester,England) 译员英116 Stylistyka 修辞波兰117 Terminology 术语荷兰118 System(Sweden) 体制英119 BoЛросы ЯЯзыкознаниЯ语言学问题俄罗斯120 Written communication 书面交流英121 Festschrift fur Roma nische Philologie 罗曼语言学杂志德文章来源:西南财经大学科研所本文网址:/doc/872832245.html,/richardlwb/archive /2006/04/13/282992.html国内期刊1:外语教学与研究2:外国语:上海外国语大学学报3:当代语言学4:外语界5:中国语文6:现代外语7:中国翻译8:世界汉语教学9:语言教学与研究10:外语电化教学11:方言12:外语与外语教学13:语言科学14:中国外语15:外语学刊16:外语教学17:语文文字应用18:解放军外国语学院学报19:暨南大学华文学院学报20:外语研究21:汉语学习22:民族语文这就是南京大学2010cssci 语言学的核心期刊及排名,看看这个结果,就知道中国的语言学研究又多么没落与无奈:只要是跟外语、教学有关的都是好东西,基础研究靠边儿站,这不是教人往浮躁里去吗?长此以往,“劣币驱逐良币”,语言研究何去何从?有志于语言学的还是早点着手改悔吧,转行吧,朋友!。

一A、外语类核心期刊:1. 中国翻译中国外文局编译研究中心;中国翻译工作者协会2. 中国科技翻译中国科学院科技翻译工作者协会3. 上海翻译上海市科技翻译学会;上海大学外国语学院4. 外语教学与研究北京外国语大学5. 外国语上海外国语大学6. 外语与外语教学大连外国语学院7. 现代外语广州外语外贸大学8. 外语界上海外国语大学9. 外语学刊黑龙江大学10. 外语教学西安外国语大学11. 解放军外国语学院学报解放军外国语学院12. 外国文学评论中国社会科学院外国文学研究所13. 外国文学研究华中师范大学;华中师范大学文学院14. 外国文学北京外国语大学15. 国外文学北京大学16. 当代外国文学南京大学外国文学研究所;译林出版社17. 世界文学中国社会科学院外国文学研究所18. 山东外语教学山东师范大学19. 俄罗斯文艺北京师范大学20. 中国俄语教学北京外国语大学21. 外语研究中国人民解放军国际关系学院22. 天津外国语大学学报天津外国语大学一B、重点大学学报:1. 北京大学学报.哲学社会科学版2. 中国人民大学学报3. 北京师范大学学报.社会科学版4. 复旦学报.社会科学版5. 南京大学学报.哲学、人文科学、社会科学6. 南开学报.哲学社会科学版7. 浙江大学学报.人文社会科学版8. 华东师范大学学报.哲学社会科学版9. 清华大学学报.哲学社会科学版二、著名大学学报:1. 吉林大学社会科学学报2. 厦门大学学报.哲学社会科学版8. 东北师大学报.哲学社会科学版9. 河南大学学报.社会科学版10. 上海交通大学学报.哲学社会科学版11. 西南大学学报.社会科学版12. 陕西师范大学学报.哲学社会科学版13. 山东大学学报.哲学社会科学版14. 中国社会科学院研究生院学报15. 暨南学报.哲学社会科学版16. 四川外语学院学报17. 华中科技大学学报.社会科学版18. 福建师范大学学报.哲学社会科学版19. 苏州大学学报.哲学社会科学版20. 西安外国语学院学报21. 上海大学学报.社会科学版22. 天津大学学报.社会科学版23. 天津师范大学学报.社会科学版24. 西北师大学报.社会科学版25. 兰州大学学报.社会科学版26. 武汉大学学报.哲学社会科学版27. 武汉大学学报.人文科学版28. 河南师范大学学报.哲学社会科学版29. 上海师范大学学报.哲学社会科学版30. 深圳大学学报.人文社会科学版31. 华南师范大学学报.社会科学版32. 安徽大学学报.哲学社会科学版33. 首都师范大学学报.社会科学版34. 湘潭大学学报.哲学社会科学版35. 烟台大学学报.哲学社会科学版36. 湖北大学学报.哲学社会科学版37. 东南大学学报.哲学社会科学版38. 同济大学学报.社会科学版39. 山西大学学报.哲学社会科学版40. 河北大学学报.哲学社会科学版41. 重庆大学学报社会科学版42. 山西师大学报.社会科学版43. 河北师范大学学报.哲学社会科学版48. 广西师范大学学报.哲学社会科学版49. 南昌大学学报.人文社会科学版50. 东北大学学报. 社会科学版51. 郑州大学学报.哲学社会科学版52. 西北大学学报.哲学社会科学版53. 安徽师范大学学报.人文社会科学版54. 山东师范大学学报.人文社会科学版55. 北京第二外国语学院学报56. 北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)57. 外语教学理论与实践华东师范大学外语学院58. 译林59. 中国比较文学上海外国语大学;中国比较文学学会60. 名作欣赏北岳文艺出版社61. 文学评论中国社科院文学研究所62. 文艺理论研究华东师大中文系中国文艺理论学会63. 文艺理论与批评中国艺术研究院64. 文艺研究中国艺术研究院65. 外国文学动态中国社会科学院外国文学研究所66. 当代语言学中国社会科学院语言研究所67. 语言教学与研究北京语言大学三、知名大学学报+高教研究类期刊:1. 杭州师范学院学报.社会科学版(改名为:杭州师范大学学报.社会科学版)2. 江苏大学学报.社会科学版3. 武汉理工大学学报.社会科学版4. 内蒙古大学学报.人文社会科学版(改名为:内蒙古大学学报.哲学社会科学版)5. 中国地质大学学报.社会科学版6. 扬州大学学报. 人文社会科学版7. 徐州师范大学学报. 哲学社会科学版8. 上海财经大学学报.哲学社会科学版9. 南京农业大学学报.社会科学版10. 福州大学学报.哲学社会科学版11. 北京交通大学学报.社会科学版12. 宁夏大学学报.人文社会科学版18. 大连理工大学学报.社会科学版19. 吉首大学学报.社会科学版20. 东岳论丛山东社会科学院21. 北方论丛哈尔滨师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)22. 修辞学习复旦大学23. 中国外语高等教育出版社24. 比较教育研究北京师范大学25. 教师教育研究北京师范大学;华东师范大学;高等学校师资培训交流北京中心26. 外国教育研究东北师范大学27. 中国高等教育中国教育报刊社28. 中国高教研究中国高等教育学会四、普通学术期刊:1. 中南大学学报(社会科学版)2. 中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)3. 宁波大学学报(人文科学版)4. 燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)5. 广州大学学报(社会科学版)6. 广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)7. 贵州大学学报(社会科学版)8. 辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)9. 中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)10. 聊城大学学报(社会科学版)11. 温州大学学报(社会科学版)12. 河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)13. 齐鲁学刊(曲阜师范大学)14. 海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)15. 济南大学学报(社会科学版)16. 浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)17. 吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)18. 江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)19. 辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)20. 内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)21. 青岛大学师范学院学报22. 沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)23. 长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)27. 安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)28. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)29. 山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)30. 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)31. 湖南科技大学学报.社会科学版32. 北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)33. 华南农业大学学报(社科版)34. 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)35. 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)36. 北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)37. 西北工业大学学报(社会科学版)38. 哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)39. 合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)40. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版)41. 南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)42. 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版)外语学院国家级核心期刊及一级杂志明细表。

法学类外文核心期刊(中英文)法学类外文核心期刊1 Harvard law review 哈佛法学评论0017-811X2 The Yale law journal 耶鲁法学杂志0044-00943 Columbia law review 哥伦比亚法律评论0010-19584 Michigan law review 密歇根法律评论0026-22345 The University of Chicago law review 芝加哥大学法律评论6 Stanford law review 斯坦福法律评论0038-97657 University of Pennsylvania law review 宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论0041-99078 Virginia law review 弗吉尼亚法律评论9 The Georgetown law journal 乔治敦法律评论10 California law review 加利福尼亚法律评论0008-122111 Cornell law review 康奈尔法律评论0010-884712 The Journal of legal studies 法律研究杂志13 Texas law review 德克萨斯法律评论0040-441114 New York University law review(1950) 纽约大学法律评论0028-788115 UCLA law review 洛杉矶加州大学法律评论16 Criminology 犯罪学0011-138417 Law and human behavior 法律和人类行为0147-730718 Vanderbilt law review 范德比尔特法律评论0042-253319 The Journal of law &economics 法学与经济学杂志20 The American journal of international law 美国国际法杂志0002-930021 The Journal of taxation 税务杂志22 Northwestern University of law review 西北大学法律评论0029-357123 Southern California law review 南加利福尼亚法律评论24 Duke law journal 杜克法律杂志25 Boston University law review 波士顿大学法律评论26 American Journal of Law & Medicine 美国法律与医学杂志0098-8588 27 Minnesota law review明尼苏达法律评论 0026-553528Journal of criminal law and criminology(Baltimore,MD:1975) 刑法与犯罪学杂志29 Fordham law review福特哈姆法律评论 0015-704X30 The George Washington law review 乔治华盛顿法律评论31 Law & society review 法律与社会评论0023-9216 32 Journal of medical ethics医学伦理学杂志0306-6800 33 The Journal of law, economics & organization 法学、经济学与组织学杂志8756-6222 34 Harvard journal on legislation哈佛立法杂志 0017-808X35 Indiana law journal(Indianapolis, Ind :1926)印第安纳法律杂志36 The Journal of research in crime and delinquency 犯罪与少年犯罪研究杂志37 Harvard journal of law &public policy 哈佛法律和公共政策杂志 0193-487238 The British journal of criminology 英国犯罪学杂志39 Medicine,science, and the law 医学、科学与法律40 The Business lawyer商务律师0007-6899 41 International journal of law and psychiatry 国际法律与精神病学杂志 0160-2527 42 Ecology law quarterly 生态法季刊0046-112143 University of Illinois law review 伊利诺斯大学法律评论 44 The journal of clinical ethics 临床伦理学杂志 45 Iowa law review 依阿华法律评论46 Washington law review(Seattle, Wash :1967) 华盛顿法律评论47 Harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review 哈佛公民权利—公民自由法律评论 0017-8039 48 Criminal justice and behavior 刑事审判与犯罪行为49 Wisconsin law review 威斯康星法律评论 0043-650X50 Administrative law review 行政管理法评论51 Judicature司法0022-580052 Crime and delinquency 犯罪与少年犯罪53 Criminal law review(London,England) 刑法评论54 Law & social inquiry 法律与社会调查0897-654655 Psychology,public policy, and law 心理学、公共政策与法律56 The American criminal law review 美国刑法评论57 University of Pittsburgh law review 匹兹堡大学法律评论0041-991558 The Washington quarterly 华盛顿季刊0163-660X59 The Journal of forensic psychiatry 法庭精神病学杂志0958-518460 The Journal of law ,medicine & ethics 法律、医学与伦理学杂志61 Journal of legal education 法律教育杂志62 Behavioral sciences & the law 行为科学与法律0735-393663 The American journal of comparative law 美国比较法杂志0002-919X64 Family law quarterly 家庭法季刊65 Harvard international law journal 哈佛国际法杂志0017-806366 Food and drug law journal 食品与药物法杂志67 Common Market law review 共同市场法律评论68 International review of law and economics 国际法律与经济学评论69 Journal of criminal justice 刑事审判杂志70 Journal of maritime law and commerce 海事法与商业杂志0022-241071 Louisiana law review 路易斯安那法律评论0024-685972 The American bankruptcy law journal 美国破产法杂志0027-904873 Federal probation 联邦缓刑制74 The Columbia journal of transnational law 哥伦比亚跨国法律杂志0010-193175 Buffalo law review 布法罗法律评论76 The Banking law society 银行法杂志77 Journal of law and society法律与社会杂志0263-323X78 Columbia journal of law and social problem 哥伦比亚大学法律与社会问题杂志 79 Denver University law review 丹佛大学法律评论 0883-940980 Law library journal 法学图书馆杂志81 Law and philosophy法律与哲学0167-5249 82 Journal of legal medicine(Chicago,III) 法医杂志0194-7648 83 Law andcontemporary problems 法律与当代问题 0023-918684 Social & legal studies 社会与法律研究85 Issues in law & medicine法学和医学问题8756-816086 The Australian & New Zealand journal of criminology 澳大利亚和新西兰犯罪学杂志87 International journal of the sociology of law 国际法律社会学杂志 0194-659588 Ocean development and intenational law 海洋开发与国际法89 The American journal of legal history 美国法律史杂志90 Cornell international law journal 康奈尔国际法杂志91 American business law journal美国商法杂志 0002-776692 Stanford journal of international law 斯坦福国际法杂志93 Psychology, crime & law心理学、犯罪与法律 1068-316X94 The Tort & insurance law journal 民事侵权与保险法杂志95 Crime, law and social change犯罪、法律和社会变革 0925-499496 University of Louisville journal of family law路易斯维尔大学家庭法杂志97University of Pennsylvania journal of international economic law 宾夕法尼亚大学国际国际经济法杂志 98 Copyright world 版权界99 Journal of international banking law 国际银行法杂志100 California lawyer 加利福尼亚律师101 Securities regulation law journal 证券管理法律杂志102 Houston law review 休斯敦法律评论103 Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA 美国版权学会杂志104 Kentucky law journal(Lexington,Ky.) 肯塔基法律杂志105 Annual review of banking law 银行法评论年刊106 Indiana law review 印第安那法律评论107 University of Kansas law review 堪萨斯大学法律评论0083-4025 108 North Carolina law review 北卡罗来纳法律评论109 South Carolina law review 南卡罗来纳法律评论110 Labor law journal 劳动法杂志0023-6586 111 New England law review 新英格兰法律评论112 American journal of family law 美国家庭法杂志0891-6330 113 The Australian law journal 澳大利亚法律杂志114 Southern illinois University law journal 南伊利诺斯大学法律杂志0145-3432 115 Chinese law and government 中国法律和政府0009-4609 116 Russian politics and law 俄罗斯政治与法律。

法学类外文核心期刊(中英文)法学类外文核心期刊1Harvard law review哈佛法学评论0017-811X 2The Yale law journal耶鲁法学杂志0044-0094 3Columbia law review哥伦比亚法律评论0010-1958 4Michigan law review密歇根法律评论0026-2234 5The University of Chicago law review芝加哥大学法律评论6Stanford law review斯坦福法律评论0038-9765 7University of Pennsylvania law review宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论0041-9907 8Virginia law review弗吉尼亚法律评论9The Georgetown law journal乔治敦法律评论10California law review加利福尼亚法律评论0008-122111Cornell law review康奈尔法律评论0010-8847 12The Journal of legal studies法律研究杂志13Texas law review德克萨斯法律评论0040-4411 14New York University law review(1950)纽约大学法律评论0028-7881 15UCLA law review洛杉矶加州大学法律评论16Criminology犯罪学0011-1384 17Law and human behavior 法律和人类行为0147-7307 18Vanderbilt law review范德比尔特法律评论0042-2533 19The Journal of law &economics法学与经济学杂志20The American journal of international law美国国际法杂志0002-9300 21The Journal of taxation税务杂志22Northwestern University of law review西北大学法律评论0029-3571 23Southern California law review南加利福尼亚法律评论24Duke law journal杜克法律杂志25Boston University law review波士顿大学法律评论26American Journal of Law & Medicine美国法律与医学杂志0098-8588 27Minnesota law review明尼苏达法律评论0026-5535Journal of criminal law and刑法与犯罪学杂志28criminology(Baltimore,MD:1975)29Fordham law review福特哈姆法律评论0015-704X 30The George Washington law review乔治华盛顿法律评论31Law & society review法律与社会评论0023-921632Journal of medical ethics医学伦理学杂志0306-6800 33The Journal of law, economics & organization法学、经济学与组织学杂志8756-6222 34Harvard journal on legislation哈佛立法杂志0017-808X 35Indiana law journal(Indianapolis, Ind :1926)印第安纳法律杂志36The Journal of research in crime and delinquency犯罪与少年犯罪研究杂志37Harvard journal of law &public policy哈佛法律和公共政策杂志0193-4872 38The British journal of criminology英国犯罪学杂志39Medicine,science, and the law医学、科学与法律40The Business lawyer商务律师0007-6899 41International journal of law and psychiatry国际法律与精神病学杂志0160-2527 42Ecology law quarterly生态法季刊0046-112143University of Illinois law review伊利诺斯大学法律评论44The journal of clinical ethics临床伦理学杂志45Iowa law review依阿华法律评论46Washington law review(Seattle, Wash :1967)华盛顿法律评论哈佛公民权利—公民自由法0017-8039 47Harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review律评论48Criminal justice and behavior刑事审判与犯罪行为49Wisconsin law review威斯康星法律评论0043-650X 50Administrative law review行政管理法评论51Judicature司法0022-5800 52Crime and delinquency犯罪与少年犯罪53Criminal law review(London,England)刑法评论54Law & social inquiry法律与社会调查0897-6546 55Psychology,public policy, and law心理学、公共政策与法律56The American criminal law review美国刑法评论57University of Pittsburgh law review匹兹堡大学法律评论0041-9915 58The Washington quarterly华盛顿季刊0163-660X 59The Journal of forensic psychiatry法庭精神病学杂志0958-5184 60The Journal of law ,medicine & ethics法律、医学与伦理学杂志61Journal of legal education法律教育杂志62Behavioral sciences & the law行为科学与法律0735-3936 63The American journal of comparative law美国比较法杂志0002-919X64Family law quarterly家庭法季刊65Harvard international law journal哈佛国际法杂志0017-8063 66Food and drug law journal食品与药物法杂志67Common Market law review共同市场法律评论68International review of law and economics国际法律与经济学评论69Journal of criminal justice刑事审判杂志70Journal of maritime law and commerce海事法与商业杂志0022-2410 71Louisiana law review路易斯安那法律评论0024-6859 72The American bankruptcy law journal美国破产法杂志0027-9048 73Federal probation联邦缓刑制74The Columbia journal of transnational law哥伦比亚跨国法律杂志0010-193175Buffalo law review布法罗法律评论76The Banking law society银行法杂志77Journal of law and society法律与社会杂志0263-323X哥伦比亚大学法律与社会问78Columbia journal of law and social problem题杂志79Denver University law review丹佛大学法律评论0883-9409 80Law library journal法学图书馆杂志81Law and philosophy法律与哲学0167-5249 82Journal of legal medicine(Chicago,III)法医杂志0194-7648 83Law and contemporary problems法律与当代问题0023-9186 84Social & legal studies社会与法律研究85Issues in law & medicine法学和医学问题8756-816086The Australian & New Zealand journal of criminology 澳大利亚和新西兰犯罪学杂志87International journal of the sociology of law国际法律社会学杂志0194-6595 88Ocean development and intenational law?海洋开发与国际法89The American journal of legal history美国法律史杂志90Cornell international law journal康奈尔国际法杂志91American business law journal美国商法杂志0002-7766 92Stanford journal of international law斯坦福国际法杂志93Psychology, crime & law心理学、犯罪与法律1068-316X 94The T ort & insurance law journal民事侵权与保险法杂志95Crime, law and social change犯罪、法律和社会变革0925-4994 96University of Louisville journal of family law路易斯维尔大学家庭法杂志97University of Pennsylvania journal of international economic law 宾夕法尼亚大学国际国际经济法杂志98Copyright world版权界99Journal of international banking law国际银行法杂志100California lawyer加利福尼亚律师101Securities regulation law journal证券管理法律杂志102Houston law review休斯敦法律评论103Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA美国版权学会杂志104Kentucky law journal(Lexington,Ky.)肯塔基法律杂志105Annual review of banking law银行法评论年刊106Indiana law review印第安那法律评论107University of Kansas law review堪萨斯大学法律评论0083-4025 108North Carolina law review北卡罗来纳法律评论109South Carolina law review南卡罗来纳法律评论110Labor law journal劳动法杂志0023-6586 111New England law review新英格兰法律评论112American journal of family law美国家庭法杂志0891-6330 113The Australian law journal澳大利亚法律杂志114Southern illinois University law journal南伊利诺斯大学法律杂志0145-3432 115Chinese law and government中国法律和政府0009-4609116Russian politics and law俄罗斯政治与法律。
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英文核心期刊序刊名中译名国别排名号1Academy of management journal管理学会志美国72Academy of management review管理学会评论美国103Accounting organization and society会计、组织与社会荷兰824American economic review美国经济评论美国15American journal of agricultural economics美国农业经济学杂志美国386Applied economics应用经济学英国957Auditing审计美国1378British journal of industrial relations英国劳资关系杂志英国1079Brookings papers on economic activity布鲁金斯经济活动论文集美国2310Business history商业史英国12811Business insurance商业保险美国7612Business lawyer商业律师美国8913Business week商业周刊美国5614California management review加利福尼亚管理评论美国4315Cambridge journal of economics剑桥经济学杂志英国8616Canadian journal of economics加拿大经济学杂志加拿大12117Challenge挑战美国14718Development & change发展与变化英国9619Ecological economics生态经济学荷兰7020Econometric theory计量经济理论英国10921Econometrica计量经济学英国322Economic & political weekly经济与政治周刊印度75 23Economic development and cultural change经济发展与文化变革美国87 24Economic geography经济地理学英国51 25Economic history review经济史评论美国67 26Economic inquiry 经济探究美国74 27Economic journal, the经济学杂志英国14 28Economic record经济记录澳大利亚140 29Economica经济学英国68 30Economics letters经济学快报瑞士66 31Economy and society经济与社会英国32 32Euromoney欧洲货币英国129 33European economic review欧洲经济评论荷兰40 34Explorations in economic history经济史研究美国83 35Federal reserve bulletin 联邦储备通报美国149 36Financial management财务管理美国62 37Forbes福布斯美国61 38Fortune幸福(或翻译:财富)美国45 39Futures: the magazine commodities & options 期货美国127 40Games and economic behavior对策与经济行为美国93 41Harvard business review哈佛商业评论美国9 42Health care financing review卫生保健资金筹措评论美国22 43Health economics卫生经济学英国42 44History of political economy 政治经济学史美国14145Human resource management人力资源管理美国37 46Industrial & labor relations review劳资关系评论美国29 47Industrial marketing management工业销售管理美国102 48Industrial relations劳资关系美国52 49Insurance: mathematics & economics 保险:数学与经济学荷兰136 50International economic review国际经济评论美国49 51International journal of forecasting国际预测杂志荷兰116 52International journal of game theory国际对策论杂志德国11953International journal of industrialorganization国际产业组织杂志荷兰11754International journal of service industrymanagement国际服务行业管理杂志英国14255International monetary fund staff papers国际货币基金组织文集美国97 56Journal of accounting & economics会计学与经济学杂志荷兰113 57Journal of accounting research会计研究杂志美国84 58Journal of advertising research广告研究杂志美国81 59Journal of agricultural economics农业经济学杂志英国123 60Journal of applied econometrics应用计量经济学杂志英国54 61Journal of banking and finance银行业与金融杂志荷兰90 62Journal of business商业杂志美国27 63Journal of business & economic statistics商业与经济统计学杂志美国34 64Journal of business ethics 商业伦理学杂志荷兰77 65Journal of business research商业研究杂志美国108 66Journal of business venturing商业风险杂志美国12267Journal of common market studies共同市场研究杂志英国71 68Journal of comparative economics比较经济学杂志美国105 69Journal of consumer research消费者研究杂志美国19 70Journal of development economics发展经济学杂志荷兰59 71Journal of econometrics经济计量学杂志瑞士20 72Journal of economic behavior & organization经济行为与组织杂志荷兰98 73Journal of economic dynamics & control经济动力学与控制杂志荷兰94 74Journal of economic education经济教育杂志美国135 75Journal of economic history经济史杂志60 76Journal of economic issues经济问题杂志美国120 77Journal of economic literature经济文献杂志美国6 78Journal of economic perspectives经济展望杂志美国15 79Journal of economic theory经济理论杂志美国2180Journal of environmental economics &management环境经济学与环境管理杂志美国4481Journal of finance金融杂志美国8 82Journal of financial & quantitative analysis财务分析与定量分析杂志美国72 83Journal of financial economics金融经济学杂志瑞士11 84Journal of financial intermediation金融媒介杂志美国125 85Journal of health economics卫生经济学杂志荷兰28 86Journal of human resources人力资源杂志美国31 87Journal of industrial economics工业经济学杂志英国7988Journal of institutional & theoreticaleconomics制度与经济理论杂志德国13989Journal of international business studies 国际商业研究杂志美国55 90Journal of international economics国际经济学杂志荷兰47 91Journal of international money & finance国际货币与金融杂志英国92 92Journal of labor economics劳动经济学杂志美国58 93Journal of law & economics法律与经济学杂志美国26 94Journal of law, economics & organization法律、经济学与组织学杂志美国48 95Journal of marketing 市场营销杂志美国12 96Journal of marketing research市场营销研究杂志美国17 97Journal of mathematical economics数学经济学杂志瑞士118 98Journal of monetary economics货币经济学杂志荷兰24 99Journal of money, credit & banking货币,信贷和银行业务杂志美国50 100Journal of operational research society 英国运筹学杂志英国39 101Journal of political economy政治经济学杂志美国4 102Journal of portfolio management 有价证券管理杂志美国133 103Journal of product innovation management产品革新管理杂志美国53 104Journal of productivity analysis生产率分析杂志荷兰106 105Journal of public economics公共经济学杂志瑞士36 106Journal of public policy & marketing 公共政策与营销杂志107Journal of real estate finance & economics不动产、金融和经济学杂志荷兰132 108Journal of regional science区域学杂志美国110 109Journal of regulatory economics管制经济学杂志美国144 110Journal of retailing零售杂志美国99 111Journal of risk & insurance风险与保险杂志美国124112Journal of risk & uncertainty风险与不确定性杂志美国103 113Journal of rural studies农村研究杂志英国101 114Journal of taxation 税务杂志美国126 115Journal of transport economics & policy 运输经济与政策杂志英国104 116Journal of urban economics城市经济学杂志美国63 117Journal of world business世界商业杂志美国138 118Journal of world trade世界贸易杂志134 119Land economics土地经济学美国69 120Long range planning长远规划荷兰115 121Marketing science 营销学美国64 122Monthly labor review劳动评论月刊美国65 123National tax journal全国税务杂志美国80 124Oxford bulletin of economics & statistics牛津经济学与统计学通报英国57 125Oxford economics papers牛津经济论文集英国78 126Public choice公共选择荷兰85 127Quarterly journal of economics, the经济学季刊美国5 128Rand journal of economics兰德经济学杂志美国35 129Regional science & urban economics区域科学和都市经济学荷兰111 130Review of economic studies经济研究评论英国16 131Risk analysis 风险分析美国30 132Risk management review 风险管理评论美国145 133Scandinavian journal of economics斯堪的纳维亚经济学杂志英国112 134Scottish journal of political economy苏格兰政治经济学杂志英国130135Sloan management review斯隆管理评论美国25 136Southern economic journal南部经济学杂志美国73 137Strategic management journal战略管理杂志英国13 138Survey of current business 当代商业综览美国148 139Banker, the银行家英国143 140Economist, the经济学家英国2 141Journal of development studies, the 发展研究杂志英国100 142OECD observer, the经济合作与发展组织观察家法国146 143Review of economics & statistics, the经济学与统计学评论美国18 144Review of financial studies, the金融研究评论美国41 145World economy, the世界经济英国114 146Transnational corporation 跨国公司瑞士150147Weltwirtschaftliches archiv/ review of worldeconomy世界经济文献德国131148Work, employment and society 工作、受雇与社会英国88 149World bank economic review世界银行经济评论美国46 150World development世界发展荷兰33。