Unit 2 Listening and Speaking课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册

a tiger at “11 o’clock” position
a man at “12 o’clock” position
many dead bodies under the clock
words: stop illegal hunting immediately
death of all its living members
• A: I'm concerned about the blue whales. What do you know about them?
• B: Well, I know that they're being hunted and their number is getting dramatically smaller, so they're in danger of extinction. Blue whales need large and clear water habitats, so it's difficult for them to adapt to the changes.
With what you’ve found out, make a short speech about any one of them.
You can organize the information in this way: I’m concerned about… (an animal) They are… (problems) Some measures are being taken to help them. (measures)
教案Unit 2 Listening and Speaking 教学设计人教版(2019)必修第二册


Activity 5:Read the text carefully and find the same and different areas of the four countries of the UK.
A:Four countries? I must have been asleep in that part of our history class! So the first country was England, and the others were _a_d_d_e_d_t_o_ that? B:Yes, right. First England, then Wales, then Scotland. The last country was Ireland, but later the southern half didn't want to be _j_o_in_e_d__to_ the United Kingdom. A:Oh, I remember now! The southern part ___b_r_o_k_e_a_w_a_y__ from Northern Ireland,right? B:Yes, you got it well remembered! But _k_e_ep__y_o_u_r_e_y_e_s_o_p_e_n_ in history class next time!
Part 1 (Para. 1) Part 2 (Para. 2)
Part 3 (Para. 3)
Part 4 (Para. 4-5)

Video Time
Born in 551BC, Confucius, Kongzi, has made the greatest contribution to Chinese culture of any one in history. Although he was raised in a poor family, he visited famous scholars and learned a lot.
Xiao Kong: Oh, yes. I was born here. In fact, I believe I am a descendant of Confucius himself.
William: No way, you're pulling my leg, right? So how do you know you're related to Confucius? Didn't he live over 2,500 years ago?
B. Respect for the elderly

人教必修2 Unit 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS5.学习活动设计教师活动(教学环节中呈现的学习情境、提出驱动性问题、学习任务类型等)学生活动(学生在真实问题情境中开展学习活动,与教的环节对应)评价活动(从知识获得、能力提升、学习态度、学习方法、价值观念培育等方面设计过程性评价的内容、程序与工具等;基于学生行为表现证据判断学习目标的达成度)Activity 1 :opening page introductionStep 1 Opening page & unit quote1.Share a video adapted from the Video Time of P48 and some pictures about London and ask Qs(Do you know these buildings? Which country do they belong to?)2.Introduces the unit quote Students watch the video and talksomething about London they know. Andthen discuss the meaning of the unit quote.students canlearnsomethingabout Londonand get ageneral idea ofthe unit topicand theme toactivate andshare existingknowledge.设计意图:这是本单元第一课时,在听说活动之前通过让学生谈论伦敦,对单元主题和主题语境有一个大致的了解,并激活学生已有知识。
Activity 2 : lead inStep 2 Lead in 1. Look at a short videofrom “Hello, China” (100集向世界介绍中国文化) Confucius and Chinese philosophy – Confucius (Kong zi) and answer the following two questions:1) what do you know about Confucius? 2) What did his philosophy known as Confucianism emphasize? 2. Look at some photos of Qufu P38. What can you say about these places? Temple of Confucius, Kong Family Mansion , Cemetery of Confucius1. students talk about Confucius and his philosophy after watching the video.2. From details about the three Kong provided by the teacher, students learn these: in memory of Confucius, people built Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius Forest, collectively known as the Three Confucius, to commemorate Confucius.The video and pictures can help activate student s’ original knowledge about Confucius and provide students’ background so they learn that Confucius’s ideas have had a profound impact on China and the world.设计意图:通过“你好,中国”中关于孔子的短视频的引入,激活学生对孔子的了解并提供相关学习的背景,从而了解孔子的思想对中国和世界产生了深远的影响,为下面的听力活动做好铺垫。

Unit2 Listening and Talking 名师教学设计课时内容Talk about the important of kindness主题语境:人与自我主题群:做人与做事子主题:优秀的品格、正确的人生态度、公民义务与社会责任语篇类型:录音、文本、图片文本分析:[What]本节课为听说课,通过听力语篇获取歌曲Chain of love”的背景故事,感受小小善举的重大意义。
课时目标1.能够听懂录音中歌曲“Chain of love”的背景故事信息。
重点难点重点:获取歌曲“Chain of love”的背景故事信息。
教学过程Step I学习理解活动一:感知与注意(Discuss and Listen)1.Before listening,ask students to discuss the questions in groups.Q1:Do you think we can trust the kindness of strangers when we need help?Q2 Do you believe a small act of kindness can make a big difference?Suggested answers:(略)2.Listen to a radio show and answer these questions.What is the name of the radio show?What does“paying it forward” mean?What does the guest want the listeners to do?Suggested answers :The name of the radio show is “Rush hour show”.“Paying it forward” means when you receive kindness from someone,you go out and show kindness to another person.The guest wants the audience to join the chain kindness and “pay it forward”.【设计意图】在听力之前,设置两个问题让学生讨论,引发学生对善举的思考,激起学生的思维意识。
Unit 2 Listening and Speaking示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】

Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 子主题1:优秀人物的美德与人生抉择Period 1 Listening and Speaking附件:WorksheetUnit 2 Listening and SpeakingActivity 1 (教材P14 活动1)Look at the pictures and discuss the following questions in groups.●What is happening in the pictures?●What do you think the boy will do next?●What is a moral dilemma?●What is the moral dilemma to this boy?●Have you ever faced a moral dilemma or heard of someone who did?Activity 2Students think about the main elements of a moral dilemma story.●What are the main elements of a moral dilemma story?Activity 3Listen to the conversation and take notes about this moral dilemma.Who? When? What?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________Activity 4Listen again and write down Lin’s choices and possible results.Activity 5Retell the moral dilemma that Lin Qiaozhi faced and her final choice.Here is the outine.A girl named Lin Qiaozhi is taking ...She has two choices.If she ..., ... but ...If she ..., ... but ...Finally, ...Use the following Evaluation Form to evaluate your classmates’ retelling.Evaluation FormActivity 6Listen and summarize the two speakers’ attitudes towards Lin’s choice.Activity 71. What’s your attitude towards her choice in this moral dilemma? Try to use different ways of talking to help express your attitude.2. How will you deal with moral dilemmas in the future?。

Unit2 Listening and Speaking and Reading and Thinking知识-清单破I.核心单词(A)写作词汇——写词形1.__________ adj.复杂的;难懂的;(语法)复合的2.__________ vt.&ⅵ.记起;回想起3.__________ vi.参加;参与(活动)vt.吸引(注意力、兴趣)4.__________ n.(有别于周围的)地区;地带;区域5.__________ n.思乡病;乡愁6.__________ adj.有道理的;合情理的7.__________ n.公司;商行;事务所adj.结实的;牢固的;坚定的8.__________ n.洞察力;眼光9.__________ n.离开;启程;出发10. __________ n.环境;背景;(小说等的)情节背景11.__________ v.理解;领会;抓紧12.__________ adj.巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧(般)的13.__________ vt.表现ⅵ.&vt.表现得体;有礼貌14.__________ adj.成熟的15.__________ v.否认;否定;拒绝16.__________vt.获得;贏得;取得;增加n.好处;增加17.__________ n.腰带;地带18.__________ n.倡议;新方案19.__________ adv.真诚地;诚实地20.__________ n.预算21.__________ adj.合乎逻辑的;合情合理的22. __________ n.结果;效果(B)阅读词汇——明词义1. tutor n. ________2. cite vt. ________3. messenger n. ________4. overwhelming adj. ________5. tremendous adj. ________6. boom vi. &n. ________7. perspective n. ________8.envoy n. ________9. angle n. ________10. outlook n. ________(C)拓展词汇——灵活用1._________ vt.&ⅵ.(使)具备资格;(使)合格→_________n.(通过考试或学习课程取得的)资格;学历2._________n.追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负→_________adj.有野心的;有雄心的→_________adv.野心勃勃地;雄心勃勃地3._________vt.&ⅵ.(使)适应;改编→_________n.适应;改编本4._________n.安慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸_________vt.安慰;抚慰→_________adj.使人舒服的;舒适的→_________adv.舒适地;惬意地5._________vi.参加;参与→_________n.参加;参与→_________n.参与者6._________v.出席;描述;展示;提出→_________adj.现存的n.礼物→_________n.报告;陈述;出示;拿出7._________vt.包含;需要;涉及;影响;(使)参加→_________adj.参与的;有关联的→_________n.参与;加入;插手8. _________v.编辑;剪辑→_________n.(报纸、杂志)一份;(广播、电视节目)一期、一辑;版次→_________n.(书籍的)编辑,校订者9._________v.成为……的动机;激发;激励→_________adj.积极的;主动的→_________n.动力;积极性;动机→_________n.激励因素;激发因素;激励者10. _________ v.建议;劝告→_________ n.建议;劝告→_________n.顾问11 ._________v.期待;预料→_________ n.期望;预期;期待→_________ adj.出乎意料的12. _________v.申请;应用;适用;涂,敷→_________n.申请表;应用;适用;涂抹;敷用→_________n.申请人13. ________vi.使接触;使体验;显露;使暴露于(险境)_________n.接触;体验;暴露;揭露14. ________adj.昂贵的→________n.费用;花费;开销15. _________vt.包围;环绕→_________adj.周围的;附近的→_________n.[pl.]环境;周围的事物16. _________vt.使沮丧;使忧愁→_________adj.沮丧的;意志消沉的→_________adj.令人沮丧的→_________n.沮丧;消沉;抑郁17. _________adj.强壮的;强烈的;强劲的→_________n.力气;长处;强项→_________vi.&vt.加强;增强;巩固18. _________adj.乐观的→_________n.乐观;乐观主义→_________n.乐观主义者19._________vi.竞争;参加比赛→_________n.能力;胜任;本领→_________adj.有能力的;称职的20. _________vi.合作;协作;配合→_________adj.合作的;协作的;同心协力的→_________n.合作;协作;配合II.重点短语1._________________ 参加;参与2._________________大声点说;明确表态3._________________舒服自在;不拘束4._________________(使)从事;参与5._________________参与;卷入;与……有关联6.culture shock_________________7. _________________舒适区;舒适范围8.cost an arm and a leg_________________9. _________________支持;站在……的一边10. _________________据我所知11. _________________就我而言;依我看来12.in summary_________________13._________________一般来说14. _________________“一带一路”倡议15. _________________除……之外也;既……又样好16.have no idea_________________17. _________________热衷于,喜爱18. _________________(做)某事的途径/方法19.to begin with_________________20.to sum up_________________21. _________________与……相比22. _________________例如23. _________________难以描述;难以形容24. _________________以做某事而结束25. _________________从做某事中获得安慰III.经典结构1. “我非常兴奋,但也很紧张。

Unit2 Working the land单元总体教案1.重点难点1. In many ways, he is one of them, and he struggled for the past five decades to help them.In a way; in one way; in some ways 在某种程度上2.However, he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life.care v. 在乎,在意,喜欢,有兴趣spend sth. … on … 在某方面花费spend … (in) doing sth. 花费…做某事3.Wishing for nothing, however, costs nothing.wishing for nothing 动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数。
4.It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers.refer to 与…有关,关系到某人、某事;提到,涉及;参考5.Instead, organic farmers insist on changing crops every two or three years.insist on 坚持要求;insist后面可以跟从句,其中谓语动词常用should + 动词原形构成6.Dr. Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could fees more people.with the hope of 带着某种希望7.He used to walk to his fields twice a day, but now he prefers to ride his motorcycle.used to 过去常常(现在已经不是如此)be used to doing 意思是―习惯于‖prefer to do (rather than do) 相比之下更喜欢做某事8.But whatever they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a natural fertilizer for the next year’s crop.whatever引导让步状语从句,表示―无论怎样‖,相当于no matter what.Eg: Whatever you do, don’t give up.2.功能句型建议(Suggestion & advice)I would rather …I don’t like … because …I’d prefer … because …It’s a great pity that …Should we/I …?It’s better to …If I have a choice I’d choose … because … You need to …May I suggest …? Let me suggest … because …Perhaps we should suggest … because … But what/how about …?3. 重点单词及短语单词① hunger n. 饥饿,食欲;v. 渴望得到某事物,某人hunger for/after sth./sb.② struggle vi.Struggle with sb. 与某人争斗,搏斗struggle (against/with sb./sth.)struggle against/with sb./sth. (for sth.) 争斗,拼搏,奋斗,努力③ expand vi. (使某事物)变大,增强,伸展,张开expand on sth. 阐述或详述expansion n. 扩大,扩展,膨胀④ equip vt.equip sb./sth. (with sth.) 配备,装备equipment n. 设备,装备⑤ export vt. 输出;n. 出口业,出口品import vt. 进口⑥ circulate vi. vt. 使某物循环,流通,传播;vt. 发侧知告知某人circulation n. 循环,流传,传播⑦ confuse vt. 把某人弄糊涂,使为难,打乱confusion n. 混乱,混淆⑧ reduce vt. 缩减,减小,降低reduction n. 减少,缩小⑨ supply vt. 供给,供应,满足;n. 供应,供给之物⑩ exchange vt. 交换,交易;n. 交换,更换,互访,交流exhange sth. with sth.exchangeable adj. 可交换的,可退换的,可兑换的短语rid … of清除,摆脱be satisfied with = be contented 感到满足,满意的would rather do sth. 宁可做某事refer to 与…有关,关系到某人,某事,提到,参考search for 寻找,搜寻thanks to 多亏,由于rather than 而不,宁愿…而不分课时教案Period 1 Warming up and Pre-reading.Step 1. Lead-in.Poem By Li ShenFarmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day.Then let one student recite the poem in Chinese.Step 2. Warming up by questioningHello, everyone. We shall read about man who works the land today. Have you ever grown any plants? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?(For reference: Mr. Li, I worked with my father in the rice field last year. We grow hybrid rice and use animal wastes to make the soil rich.)Has anyone of you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there?(For reference: I went to Chuankou the day before yesterday. It is a small mountain village 75 li north of Beijing. I went there to visit my uncle’s family. I like that small beautiful village very much. )Who are from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming?Step 3. Pre-reading and talkingQuestioning and answeringRice is main food in South China. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?(For reference: Then the south people would have to change their eating habit. They could turn to potatoes, wheat flour, cow and sheep cheese, cabbage, onions and garlic for food. They are the bases of the traditional food in North China. )If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do?(For reference: I would try to end hunger by popularizing the advanced farming techniques. Modern techniques could be introduced to increase the rice output, and expand the area of fields.) Giving background information about Professor Yuan LongpingHave you ever heard of a man called Professor Yuan Longping? Would anyone of you tell the class something about him?(For reference: Professor Y uan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist. Professor Yuan's breakthrough scientific achievement led to the world's first successful and widely grown hybrid rice varieties, revolutionizing rice cultivation in China and tripling production over a generation. His approach to rice breeding then spread internationally throughout Asia and to Africa and the Americas, providing food for tens of millions and leading to his becoming known as the "Father of Hybrid Rice."Step 4. ReadingReading aloud to the recordingComprehension—understanding what you are reading—is important. To read in thought groups is an easy, yet effective, way of improving reading comprehension. Now turn to page 9 and read aloud to the recording of the text A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE. Pay attention to the thought groups in the sentences while listening and reading aloud.A brief introduction:Yuan Longping is known as China’s ―father of hybrid rice‖. It’s said that in China, we eat depending on ―Two Ping‖ ---- Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, & Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice.Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute. He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute.In the 1960s, when China was suffering from serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield ( or output). Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice.Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, & was honored by UNESCO & FAO(联合国教科文组织). Although he is 74 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture. Step 5 课后反思:Period 2 ReadingStep 1. Lead-in. Listen to the tape carefully then answer these questions.1)When and who did become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?2)What did Yuan Longping invent?Step2. Read the passage once again,then find out these sentences true or false.1)Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist.2)Dr Yuan’s kind of rice is the most suitable for China’s farmland.3)Dr Yuan would rather work than relax.4)Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake.5)Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.Step3. Find out the topic sentences of each paragraphPara. 1: He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. Para.2:He has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice..Para.3:He cares little about spending the money on himself and would rather keep time for his hobbies.Para.4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams.Step4. Write down Y uan Longping’s personal informationIn pairs, read the text, find information to complete the following form.Facts about Yuan Longping Facts abou t Yuan’s super hybridriceage capacityeducation applicationmajor contributionhobby overseasideal futureStep 5 课后反思:Period 3 using languageStep 1. Language points:1. Struggle for…为争取……而斗争Struggle against…为反对……而斗争Struggle wi th… 与……争斗1)The swimmer struggled against the tide.2)We had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties.3)The slaves struggled for the freedom2. 使做…成为… make +it +adj./n. +to do好天气使游泳成为可能The fine weather makes it possible( for us )to swim.他将每早跑步做为一个规则He makes it a rule to run every morning.其他可用这种结构的词:feel, find, think, consider…3.搜查,搜索search (sb. / sth.) for …He searched all the rooms for the missing person.They searched the man all over for money.4.由于,多亏thanks to 相当于because of5.是从前两倍那么多twice as large as before相当于once larger than before6.对……感到满意be satisfied with…相当于be pleased withadj. satisfactory/satisfyingn. satisfaction7.在乎,在意care about比较care forMy aunt cared for me when my parents were away last week.Dr Yuan never cares about money and fame.8. Indeed, his sunburn face and arms and his slim, strong body are like those of millions of other Chinese farmers.e.g: The streets in Beijing are wider than those in my hometown.The number of students in our school is larger than that in their school.9. Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.e.g: He came to what is called America.10. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one -third more of the crop in the same fields.e.g: That made it possible for life to begin to develop.The development of science makes it possible for us to know more about the universe.11. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice (that could feed more people).e.g: He went to the U.S with the hope of finding a better job there.Step 2. Closing down by having a dictationTo end the period you will take a dictation. It is about Yuan Longping, ―Father of Super hybrid rice‖.Yuan Longping, China's Most Famous "Farmer"Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then, 50 percent of China's total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country's grain output. Furrows grown on his sunburnt face, aslim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in China, who would rather be called ―a farmer‖. Indeed, like many Chinese farmers, Yuan in his 70s and has devoted most of his life growing rice in paddy fields, but unlike those farmers, he reaps the seed from experimental fields only for hybridizing rice.Step 3 课后反思:Period 4 Listening, Speaking and WritingLearning Aims:To help students read the passage Organic Farming.To help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Warming up by listening and reading aloudLanguage is created to be listened to and spoken first. So open your book to page 13 and read it aloud while listening to the recording. Watch your pauses between the thought groups.Step 2. Guided reading1. Reading and translatingRead the text sentence by sentence, and put it into Chinese. Who will be the first to try. I will only have four of you to do this task.2. Reading and underliningNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.Collocations from textgain a meaning, refer to…, make the soil fertile, natural waste from animals, put…in the field, make the soil rich, become healthy, develop a healthy soil, reduce diseases, grow strong and healthy, keep…free from…, leave…in the ground, as a result, get exhausted, kill bacteria and pests, insist on…, change crops, be followed by…, put…back into …, need a deeper level of soil, prefer doing sth., plant…between crops, prevent…from…, carry away…, make sure that3. Doing exercisesNow you are going to do exercises No. 1, 2 and 3 on page 14 following the article.4. ListeningFor listening turn to page 14 and then 15 for the listening exercises 1, 2 and 3. Are you ready? 5. Reading, speaking and writingWhen trying to argue people into or out of doing something we may use the following expressions:I would rather…I don’t like…because…I’d prefer…because It’s a great pity that…Should I / we…?It’s better to…This is good value because…If I have a choice I’d choose…becauseWhat is the advantage of…?You need to…In pairs you are to make up a dialogue to argue each other into or out adopting organic farming. I will argue with your monitor, Liang Bochao. Get started.Step 3. Guided writing1. Writing a posterWriting a poster which includes all the information about the uses of computer so that you will encourage more farmers to buy and use. You are asked to base your poster on the overall pattern of the article you learned Organic Farming. Limit your poster to between 200 and 250 words.2. Writing a speechWrite a speech for Professor Yuan Longping. He is to attend an international conference on modern agriculture. You may also make use of the library and network resources for the task. Step 4. Further applying1. Finding informationRead online to find as much information as possible about Professor Yuan Longping and his research group. Share your findings with you partner next time you are here.2. Writing a reportGo back home to interview your parents or your grandparents about China’s agriculture, its past and present situations. Write a report in English in about 500 words as a weekly project.3. Acting a text playTurn either one of the two articles into a text play. Rehearse it and play it in front of the class. The play shall last at least 10 minutes.Step 5. Closing down1.Closing down by filling a formTo end the period, please fill in the form below.What is organic farming?definitioncharacteristicspotentials2. Closing down by imagingImagine and write about what the agriculture will be like 50 years from now in the future. Use your imagination to compete for ―wild thinking prize‖.Step 6 课后反思:Period 5 Grammar and Useful Structures Learning AimsTo help students learn about The –ing form as the Subject & Object.To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures.Teaching ProceduresStep 1. Warming upWarming up reading aloud the text A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLELanguage is learned in context. So let’s first r eview the text learned yesterday by reading it aloud. Try to force out your English slowly and clearly.Step 2. Discovering useful words and expressionsIn pairs do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 . You must finish them in 5 minutes.Step 3. Learning about grammar1. Read and identifyRead the text about Yuan Longping again, paying attention to the sentences which use the –ing form as the subject and object.In the sentence ―Wishing for things, however, cost nothing. ―the –ing is used as subject.It can be also used as object of the sentence. For example: Yuan Longping likes playing his violin.2. Consolidating by do exercisesTo consolidate your understanding you will be given 10 minutes to go over exercises 1,2,3,4 and 5 on pages 12 and 13. You may just writ e on your text book. I mean the student’s book you are working by.Step 4. Ready used materials for The v–ing form as the Subject & Object)语法学习——动名词1. 动名词作主语1)名词直接放在句首作主语。
2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit 4--Listening and Speaking公开课教案

2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit 4 History and TraditionsListening and Speaking公开课教案Teaching aims:1.Enable students to get familiar with the vocabulary of“Confucius,Temple ofConfucius,Confucius’ descendants,Confucius’ educational thoughts”.2.Guide students to understand some English idioms and their related culturalallusions.3.Help students to talk about Confucius’ ideas on education and introduce thehistory and importance of a historic site.Teaching key and difficult points:1.To help students to get familiar with the vocabulary of“Confucius,Temple ofConfucius,Confucius’ descendants,Confucius’ educational thoughts”.2.To enable students to understand English idioms and the related cultural allusions.3.To lead students to talk about Confucius’ educational thoughts.Teaching procedures:StepⅠLead-inLook at the Opening Page and have a discussion.1.How do you understand the quote“A people without the knowledge of their pasthistory, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”by Marcus Garvey?2.Why is it important to protect historic buildings and cultural traditions? Suggested answers:1.In this quote, Garvey is emphasizing the importance of knowledge about thehistory of your country and people.He uses“people”in the countable form to refer to all the persons who live in a particular place or belong to a particular country,race,or other groups. In Garvey’s case, race is especially important.A tree is a good metaphor for a group of people.For example, we talk about“family trees”,which detail our relatives across time.A tree without roots would easily fall down and die.The roots also feed the tree.The roots of a tree cannot usually be seen, but they often spread deep and wide. In this way, apeople’s history also has deep roots that spread far and wide.If people do not know about their history, they will not learn from the past and will not be able to develop and progress well into the future.2. It is important to protect historic buildings and cultural traditions because theyare a record of our shared history and tell us a lot about who we are as a country and people.StepⅠListeningActivity 1 Warming upLook at some photos of Qufu.What can you say about these places?Temple of ConfuciusKong FamilyMansion Cemetery of Confucius Suggested answers:Activity 1 1.Temple of Confucius:The most famous and largest temple honoring the greatsage.It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.It covers 16,000 square meters and has 460 rooms.The main part consists of nine courtyards with several gates.Dacheng Hall stands at the centre and is the principal place for offering sacrifices to Confucius.2.Kong Family Mansion:Located to the east of the Temple of Confucius,this was thehistorical home of the descendants of Confucius from where they managed sites and ceremonies in Qufu.Today it is a museum.3.Cemetery of Confucius:This is where Confucius and his descendants areburied.There are more than 10,000 of them,buried here over 2,000 years.The cemetery has had many renovations and extensions in its history.Activity 2 PredictionPredict what the listening text is about by looking at Activity 2 on page 38. Suggested answer:The listening text is probably about the introduction of a great educator—Confucius. Activity 3First listeningListen to a conversation between a British tourist and a Chinese student in Qufu,and then write down what they say about Confucius.(红色为学生作答)Name Fact/Opinion about ConfuciusWilliam 1.Confucius is one of his favorite philosophers.2.He was a wise man.3.He lived over 2,500 years ago.Xiao Kong 1.Confucius has over 3 million descendants.2.He was a great educator and had many ideas about education.3.He was one of the greatest minds in history.Activity 4Second listening1.Listen again and decide whether these statements are true(T),false(F),or notmentioned (NM).(1)Confucius said that learning without understanding leads to confusion.()(2)Xiao Kong is doing a research project on Confucius philosophy.()(3)As one of Confucius’ descendants,Xiao Kong’s name is recorded in the familytree.()(4)Dacheng Hall is the tallest building in Qufu.()2.Answer the question:Why do you think William said his hometown was similar toQufu?A.There are famous halls in his hometown.B.There are no tall buildings in his hometown.C.Both places have a famous person who was born there.D.His hometown doesn’t allow other buildings to be more noticeable than thehistoric buildings.Suggested answers:1.(1)F(2)F(3)NM(4)T2.DActivity 5Third listeningWrite down the English idioms that are used in the conversation.Explain their meanings and think about some Chinese equivalents.(红色为学生作答部分)English idiom Meaning Chinese equivalentAchilles’ heel something that is someone’s weakness弱点;要害pull one’s leg to joke with someone戏弄fish out of water someone who feels uncomfortable becausethey are in an unfamiliar place如芒在背StepⅠSpeakingActivity 1Draw a mind map to sort out the information about Confucius in this class and list some examples about his ideas on education.Suggested answer:Activity 2Think about a historic site that you have visited,work in groups and give an introduction to its history and importance.Suggested answer:I visited the Mogao Caves with my family recently.They are famous for their amazingpaintings and statues.They were constructed over many dynasties and are an important record of tradition and belief in China during that time.StepⅣHomework1.Share what you have learned in this class with your friends.2.Find more well-known English idioms and proverbs.。
Unit2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Speaking

Listen again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Listen for attitudes When you listen, you should pay attention not only to the words but also to HOW the speaker is talking. If people strongly disagree with something, they might exaggerate their intonation. If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly, they may be excited or angry. If they speak slowly or stop often, they may be confused or not sure about what they are saying.
【教材原句】If people strongly disagree with something, they might exaggerate their intonation. 如果人们强烈反对某事,他们可能会夸大他们的语调。
disagree with 不同意,与……有分歧;不一致;不适应
【归纳拓展】 disagree with sb. on/about/over sth. 与某人在某方面有分歧 disagree with sb. (食物或天气)使某人身体不适 in disagreement with 与……不符合;与……不一致 agree with 同意;适应;一致 in agreement with 与……意见一致

人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling AroundListening and SpeakingTeaching Plans教材分析:《人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling Around Listening and Speaking》是高一英语教材中的一节课,主要内容为旅行相关信息的听力和口语训练。
教学目标:1. 学会关注对话中的关键信息,了解对话大意。
2. 分析对话及所运用的表达用语,学习关于行前准备的常用表达方式。
3. 运用所学知识讨论并制定旅行计划。
教学策略:1. 创设情景:通过创造旅行准备的实际情境,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 合作学习:鼓励学生进行交流和合作,提高口语表达能力。
3. 多媒体辅助:使用多媒体工具呈现听力材料和相关图片,增加学生的视听体验。
教学方法:1. 情境导入法:通过问题或图片引入话题,激活学生的相关知识和经验。
2. 听力训练法:通过听力材料进行听力训练,培养学生获取关键信息的能力。
3. 对话练习法:设计针对旅行准备话题的对话练习,提高学生的口语表达能力。
4. 小组讨论法:组织学生在小组内进行讨论,共同制定旅行计划,培养合作和团队意识。
在教学过程中,可以采用以下步骤进行教学:1. 导入:通过问题或图片引入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 听力训练:播放听力材料,明确学生任务,引导学生使用找关键词的听力策略迅速获取文章细节信息。
3. 分析对话及表达用语:引导学生分析对话内容并掌握常用的行前准备表达方式。
高中英语 Unit4 Listening,speaking and writing课件 新人教版必修2

I would rather not tell you what I think of man
Suppose you are Dodo’s friend and you have found a way to solve the dodo’s problems. Now write a letter to the dodo to tell him how you will help him.
Step 1 : Collect your ideas for the letter and write down as notes. Step 2: Begin your letter like this: Dear Dodo, I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. …
1. Listen to the tape and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.P30 1 key: 1. C 2. D 3.B 4. C 2. Which is the best for describing what happened? P30 2 key: 2. This story is about why the dodo disppeared.
Sample letter to the Dodo
Dear Dodo, I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I want to help you. Here are my ideas. First, I would like to come and attack them for you so that they will leave you alone. I want to build a trap and catch them and put them in a cage. Then they will not feel like killing any dodos again. Second, I wish I could take you away to another island where you will be happy and peaceful. I wish I were with you now. Good luck till I come. Yours sincerely, Xiao Xing
新人教版Book2Unit1 listening and speaking(定稿版)

Module2 Unit1 Cultural HeritageListening and Speaking一、主题语境:人与社会——文化遗产二、课程类型(课型):Listening and Speaking三、内容分析:本单元的话题内容是“文化遗产”,它属于“人与社会”这一主题语境下的“历史、社会与文化”。
3)利用教材新闻材料模仿朗读,能够正确发好辅音连缀词汇(gr, cr, pr etc.)。
人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 4 Section Ⅱ Listening and Speaking

Section ⅡListening and Speaking & Reading andThinking——Language PointsⅠ.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1.The behavior of men as individuals(个人) is different from their behavior in a group.2.Can you show me any evidence(证据) for your statement?3.Bad weather kept the ship in port(港口) for three more days.4.We'll keep battling(斗争) away and hope that the goals start to come.5.My sister works in a military(军用的) hospital.6.He might easily have been seen by someone who lived nearby.7.We should talk about the team,not about defence and attack.8.It is perfectly legal to charge extra for these services.9.Will found himself immediately surrounded by screaming fans.10.The map shows the exact location of the city.Ⅱ.拓展单词根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1.defence n.防御;保卫→defend vt.保护;保卫;为……辩护2.evident adj.明显的;明白的→evidence n.证据;证明3.achieve vt.完成;成就;取得→achievement n.成就;成绩;达到4.surround vt.围绕;包围→surrounding adj.周围的→surroundings n.周围的事物;环境5.locate v.确定……的地点→location n.地方;地点;位置[寻规律、巧记忆]1根据提示补全下列短语1.know about 知道;了解2.join...to... 把……和……连接或联结起来3.break away (from sb./sth.) 脱离;背叛;逃脱4.result in 导致5.refer to...as 提及……作为……6.belong to 属于7.as well as 同(一样也);和;还8.be surrounded by 被……包围9.take over 接管;接替10.leave behind 忘带;留下;丢在后面11.make changes to 对……进行更改12.all the way 一路上;一直;完全13.keep your eyes open (for) 留心;留意Ⅳ.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1.She took over his work after his departure.2.South America is joined to North America by a canal.3.I belong to a football club and play football every Saturday.4.Tom as well as his parents went to Hong Kong to spend the summer holiday.5.Nowadays many farmers want to break away from the land and make a living in cities.6.If that sounds like good news,keep your eyes open for your chance for change.[寻规律、巧记忆]2背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实join...to...把……和……连接或联结起来(教材P40)In the 16th century,the nearby country of Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England.tonight.我相信大家都愿意和我一起感谢咱们今晚的发言人。

Words to know
Confucius n. 孔子 mansion n. 公馆;宅第 cemetery n. 墓地;公墓
philosophy n. 哲学 descendant n. 后裔;后代;子孙 individual adj. 单独的;个别的
Exercise 5 P 87
1. maps 2. right now 3. my weakness 4. wise man 5 descendent 6. related to 7. well recorded 8. joke with 9. study group 10. great educator 11. relationship 12 leads 13 taller than 14 coincidence 15 great minds 16 a cup of tea 17 fixed 18 as well
• Shakespeare has had a hand in every form of popular culture.
Works of Shakespear
《哈姆雷特》Hamlet 《奥瑟罗》Othello 《李尔王》King Lear 《麦克白》Macbeth
《仲夏夜之梦》 A Midsummer Night's Dream 《皆大欢喜》As you like it 《第十二夜》Twelfth Night 《威尼斯商人》The merchant of Venic
生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题; 默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭, 或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难, 通过斗争把它们扫清, 这两种行为,哪一种更高贵? 死了;睡着了;什么都完了; 要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛, 以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从 此消失, 那正是我们求之不得的结局。 死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;

another moral dilemma
You are taking an entrance examination for a famous medical university.
During the exam, the girl next to you fainted.
dilemma n.进退两难的窘境 A situation which makes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance
If you are having an important exam and your best friend sits behind you. He wants the answers to get a good grades or he would be punished.
1. Jane is eager to share the magazine article with Luke. 2. Luke doubts that young people face moral dilemmas all the time.
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Unit2 Listening and speaking名师教学设计第四课时Listening and speaking (Using language)1. Teaching Analysis 教情分析1.1 Teaching objectives-教学目标1.1.1 Language target语言目标1.1.1.1 Key words & expressions重点词汇和短语1. For applying: chemical, organic, production, discovery, focus, reduce, comment, For comprehending:grain, confuse, bacteria, pest, soil, nutrition, mineral, root, skim, underline summary, For recognizing: fertile, fertilizer, soybean, root, producer, industrial1.1.1.2 Useful expressions: For applying: build up, lead to, focus on, turn to,keep…free from/of1. For comprehending:long term use of, in addition, as well as, , keep in mind1.1.1.3 Sentence structures: For applying:①With these discoveries, some farmer and many customers are beginning to turn to organic farming.P13②They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease. P133. For comprehending:①Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizer has become very common in farming.P13..②Recently, however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these. fertilizers can cause damage to the land and, even more dangerous, to people's health. P13③What are some of the problems caused by chemical fertilizers? P13④First, they damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and peseta as well as the harmful ones. P13⑤Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. P13⑥To grow good food and avoid damaging the environment or people' health... Function :Social communication(社会交往)——Advice/ persuasion①I’d rather …②If I have a choice I’ll choose…③It’s better ….④What is the advantage of`…?⑤You need to…⑥The advantages are…⑦I’d prefer…because…⑧This is good value because…⑨I don’t like…because…⑩It’s a great pity that…⑾You’ll taste the difference when…1.1.2 Ability goals能力目标1.1.2.1 Enable Ss to master the main idea of the reading passage. Enable Ss to listen and get the main idea of the listening text. Enable Ss to use some listening strategies. Ss to talk about the advantages of organic food and use the expression of persuasion.1.1.3 Emotion goals情感目标1.1.3.1 Enable Ss to know about the difference between chemical farming and organic farming, the advantages of organic farming and make correct choices while buying food. Enable Ss to advise people to do buy organic food..1.2 Important & difficult teaching points-教学重难点1.2.1 Important teaching points-教学重点1.2.1.1 Make Ss master the main idea of the text1.2.1.2 Enable Ss to use some listening strategies to get the main idea and some specific information of the listening text1.2.2 Difficult teaching points-教学难点1.2.2.1 How to use what they have read and listened to persuade people to buy organic food.2. Student analysis学情分析2.1 Fundamental state基本情况通过前几节课的学习,学生知道了农业先驱袁隆平的研究和贡献,很多人吃饭的问题解决了。
2.3 Class data本班实际由于本班的理科班,学生的课后作业负担较重,参加生活实践的机会不多。
3. Teaching methods教法建议Question and answer method问答法,task-based teaching method任务型教学法,communicative approach交际法,situational teaching approach情景教学法4. Teaching Aids教学辅助Blackboard and chalk, computer, projector5.Teaching procedures-教学进程5.1 Step I Lead- in & Warming up5.1.1 Ask Ss talk about people’s major concern about safetyT: Today, we will learn something about organic farming and chemical farming. Before that , I have a question for you: What is our major concern nowadays?Ss: …T: You see, as our living condition improves, we are more and more concerned about what we eat. In fact more and more people become worried about the quality of the food they eat.T: Why so?Ss: …T: Yes, because more and more farmers use chemical fertilizer instead of natural waste from animals. And they use poison to kill insects to protect their plants. So people now all want to eat green food which does no harm to their health. And we call the way of farming that farmer use to produce green food organic farming.5.2 Step II Reading5.2.1 Skimming: Ask students to read through the using language reading passage T: Now read through the reading passage and find the main idea of the passage. Ss; …Suggested answer:Chemical fertilizers can cause many problems, so organic farming is becoming more popular.5.2.2 Scanning :Ask students to reading the passage again to find the answers to the following questions:T: Good. Now please read the passage again and find the answers to the questions:1. What is the organic farming?2. What is the advantage of using natural fertilizer?3. What is the disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers?4. What’s the main idea of paragraph 3?5. What is the main reason for using organic faming method ?Ss: …Suggested answer:anic farming refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemicalfertilizers.2. Make the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile, reduce diseases in crops and help them grow strong and healthy. Besides, keep the air, soil and water as well as the food supply free from chemical.3. There are three disadvantages. Firstly, leaving chemicals in the ground for a long time is not good for the soil or the water supply. Secondly, farmers often grow the same crop year after year. As a result, the soil gets exhausted. Thirdly, chemical fertilizers kill both helpful and harmful bacteria and pests.4. Organic farming is becoming more popular with some farmers and many customers after these discoveries came out.5. To grow good food and avoid damaging the environment or people’s health.5.2.3. Post-reading Summary of the passageT: After reading a passage, it’s important for us to summarize it. How should we write a summary?Ss:…T: Now please write a summary of this passage , try following the procedures:Step 1. Skim the passage to find its main idea. Write it down if your own words Step 2.Find and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. Rewrite each topic sentence, using your own words.Step 3. Write your summary. First state the main idea of the passage and them the topic sentence covered by each paragraph.Ss: …Step 4. Swap summaries with your partner and give each other comments..5.3 Step III Important words and sentences5.3.1.Guide Ss to deal with the language pointsT: Now please find and underline the important words, phrases and sentences. You may ask each for help if you have any problems.Ss: …T: Ok, now look at the screen and make sure you understand them all.1. Words : chemical, organic, production, discovery, focus, reduce, comment2 .Useful expressions: build up, lead to, focus on, keep…free from/of, in addition, as well as, turn to3. Sentence structures:1. Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizer has become very common in farming. P132.With these discoveries, some farmer and many customers are beginning to turn to organic farming.P133. They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease. P13(Teachers may help Ss with some other key points)5.4 Step IV Listening5.4.1 Guide Ss to listen to the tape for the first time and try to get the main idea.T: We are going to listen to a conversation based on what has just been learnt about organic farming. While listening, try to grasp the key words and get the main idea.Suggested answer:The possible bad effects of chemical fertilizers on the fruit and vegetables that we eat today.5.4.2 Listening for specific information -信息捕捉5.4.2.1 Ask Ss to do listeningT: Listen to the tape for the second time and finish Ex1. As you listen t the dialogue, keep in mind what you have just read about chemical fertilizers. What is the main topic of the conversation? Ready, let’s go.Ss: …Suggested answer:The possible bad effects of chemical fertilizers on the fruit and vegetables that we eat today. Ask Ss to listen again to get complete comprehension.T: Read Ex 3 first, and then I will play the tape once more. After listening, decide whether the sentences are true or false.Ss: …Suggested answer:TFTFT5. 5 Step V. Speaking---Practise persuasion5.5.1 Ask Ss to read the passage on P15 aloud, paying attention to the pauseswhen reading long sentencesT: Now, in groups read the short passage and pay attention to pronunciation and intonation,Ss: …T: Summarize the main idea of it.Ss: …Suggested answer:Organic farming• No use of chemical fertilizers• Away from industrial areas• Away from dirty water supply• No air pol lution5.5.2 Guide Ss to make a conversation ,talking about the Green food.T: Why should people buy organic food?Ss: …T: Now, have a conversation in pairs, one of you is the farmer, while the other is the customer. The farmer is persuading the c ustomer to buy your “green food”(Teachers may introduce the useful expressions on the screen. You may also walk around to give help to the Ss in need. Four minutes later, ask several pairs of students to present their dialogue.)5.5.3 Present the conversation in pairs.T: It is show time. Which group would like to come to the front of the class and act it out?Group 1: …Group 2: …Group 3: …(Depending on the time, the teacher may ask two – four groups to show it and ask other Ss to make comments on it.)Sample dialogue:F=farmer C=customerF: Good morning! Would you like some organic carrots this morning?C: Hmm…They’re a little expensive! What is the advantage of…?,F: The advantage of these vegetables is that they are green food so they’re saf e to eat and good for your family.C: But what’s the advantage of having green food? I know all vegetables are good for you and those down the road look green too. And I can buy them at half the price there.F: Well, let me explain, I’d rather feed my fami ly on green food than othervegetables because they are grown without chemical fertilizers.C: But the price is too high. I’d prefer to buy good food if I can afford it.F: This if good value for money because you’ll have healthier children. They won’ t ha ve to go to the doctor so often and you won’t have to take time off work. In the long run you’ll be benefit.C: Certainly Id like to buy what is safe and healthy. Perhaps I’ll try some of your vegetables and if they are as good as you say, I’ll be back ne xt week!5. Step V Talking and sharing -讨论与分享(含自我总结与评价)5. 1 Guide Ss to do self-evaluation:What have I learnt in this period?What am I still confused about?What should do to make them clear?6. Homework课后作业1. Finish Guidance on learning2. Wri te a poster about “green food”.。